#trump meltdown
worldofwardcraft · 1 year
Getting down to his last one.
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June 12, 2023
Even at the best of times, Donald Trump has never been what you might call a stable individual. More than a few mental health experts have commented concerning his obvious psychopathologies, including grandiose delusions, malignant narcissism and sociopathic tendencies. But Trump's descent into full-blown madness truly began when he lost the 2020 presidential election and was unable to overturn his defeat through lawsuits, lies, threats, fake electors and even a violent coup.
Incapable of accepting that loss, Trump retreated into a fantasy world in which mass voter fraud stole his victory, the FBI spied on his campaign, and all investigations into his business and personal activities were meritless and politically motivated.
How nuts was he? According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told a grand jury last year that if somebody had told Trump right after the election that Trump ballots had been stolen by aliens, Trump would’ve believed it.
But it was Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's 34-count criminal indictment for falsifying business records that accelerated his psychosis and sent him over the edge in an all-caps rage.
Then came the announcement he would be indicted in Miami on federal charges related to his theft of secret government documents. Following a previously unsuccessful attempt by his lawyers to get DOJ Special Prosecutor Jack Smith to call off what he calls "the boxes hoax," Trump went absolutely bonkers.
Reports are the Marxist Special Prosecutor, DOJ, & FBI, want to indict me on the BOXES HOAX, despite all the wrongdoing they have done for SEVEN YEARS, including SPYING ON MY CAMPAIGN.
He followed up by freaking out over Biden having "1,850 boxes in Delaware that he won't allow anyone to see." For the record, these are unclassified senatorial materials that Biden donated to the University of Delaware in 2012.
Now, with the unsealing of indictments for espionage and obstruction last Friday, Trump is fully in the grip of paranoia, ranting that AG Merrick Garland, US attorneys Lisa Monaco and Matt Colangelo, "Deranged" Jack Smith, Smith's wife and President Biden are all "Trump Haters" and "There is no way they can treat me fairly." Revealing that this is a man who's thoroughly terrified. And totally losing it.
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violetfaust · 2 years
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Trump made this tweet, in part, because he can't get the names of the people who tipped off the FBI about his stealing documents and keeping them at his resort--so he can retaliate against those people.
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geezerwench · 1 year
Trump finally SNAPS, has complete MELTDOWN over January 6 report
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trmpt · 2 years
Of course he does.
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soldier-poet-king · 3 months
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thespar665 · 1 year
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Calls me a snowflake while he has a meltdown over one sentence.
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
Yeah, Trump is blaming Melania for GOP difficulties in the midterm elections. 
According to multiple reports, Donald Trump is in the midst of an hours-long meltdown, given the number of candidates he endorsed who have lost, and the fact that a GOP sweep would have positioned him well to announce a 2024 run for the White House. “Trump is livid” and ”screaming at everyone,” an adviser to the ex-president told CNN’s Jim Acosta Wednesday morning, with the adviser adding that his boss only had himself to blame for backing “bad candidates.”
Likewise, Maggie Haberman tweeted that Trump “is indeed furious this morning, particularly about Mehmet Oz,” who lost to John Fetterman in Pennsylvania, despite conservatives claiming Fetterman is brain-dead. According to Haberman, the 45th president “is blaming everyone who advised him to back Oz” and, hilariously, that blame apparently extends to Melania Trump, whose recommendation to back Oz Trump has reportedly described “as not her best decision.” (You know, up there with the one she made, as a young Eastern European model, to marry a gasbag real estate developer and move into the penthouse where he’d clearly told the decorator, “I want it to be like gold threw up in here.”) Oh, to be a fly on the ketchup-stained walls of Mar-a-Lago tonight!
Haberman also noted on Wednesday that “there are people pushing Trump to reschedule his [2024] announcement next week,” in light of the poor showing by his candidates of choice, though that might be unlikely to happen given that it “would be acknowledging he’s wounded by yesterday.” Trump, of course, will never admit that he screwed up and that the only one he has to blame here is himself.
I can’t wait for what his niece, psychologist Mary Trump, has to say about this latest narcissistic outburst by Uncle Donald.
Let’s hope he doesn’t delay his announcement to run in 2024. The GOP civil war between Trump and DeSantis can’t start too soon.
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testure-1988 · 2 years
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dragonoclock · 2 years
the nuggie meltdown
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worldofwardcraft · 1 year
The unraveling of Mr. Trump.
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December 29, 2022
When Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a Special Counsel to prosecute him, Donald Trump responded with a barrage of unhinged rants and over-the-top attacks. There then followed the House January 6 Committee referring him to the Justice Department on four (count 'em) federal felonies and the state of New York preparing to dismantle his corrupt business empire. Add in the ongoing investigations of his criminal behavior in Georgia and New York, plus the defamation lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll, and it's no wonder Trump is completely coming apart at the seams.
According to The Washington Post, ever since his announcement he was running again for president was met with a reaction that was, to be generous, lackluster, he has been "increasingly isolated" in his Mar-a-Lago hidey-hole. The Post went on to report that Trump is surrounded by just a couple of "sycophants," one of whom regularly phones around to ask his allies to call Trump to "boost his spirits with positive affirmations."
But the occasional pep talk from a pal can only go so far in alleviating Trump's psychological deterioration. Which is why his downward mental spiral was on full display over the weekend in a series of splenetic tantrums posted on his failing Twitter knock-off, Truth Social. Mostly, he continued to display his unceasing fury that the 2020 election was "rigged" and "stolen" from him. But he also has other manias. Here he is on Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists that are trying to destroy our Country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation that is illegally coercing & paying Social and LameStream Media to push for a mentally disable Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant, and USA LOVING Donald J. Trump, and, of course, The Department of Injustice, which appointed a Special "Prosecutor" who, together with his wife and family, HATES "Trump" more than any other person on earth. LOVE TO ALL!
He followed this message of goodwill toward men with an outburst of demented harangues on Christmas Day about how criminals are pouring in on the southern border, how great everything was when he was president (but "today, we are a nation in decline, a failing nation!") and how awful the House select committee is.
Like some mad King Lear raging on a wind-blown heath, Trump now spends much of his non-golfing time crafting these psychotic ravings. Which prompted Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe to suggest that if Trump were to be indicted, his lawyers should have him "plead insanity." Sounds like good advice.
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 days
The New Republic: Panicking Trump Hilariously Melts Down as Hush-Money Jury Convenes
Well, tRump is up to his usual stuff: attacking the judge & the Biden Witch Hunt...
Funnily enough, the Rump also blasted his once fixer, his defense's strategy & - totally out of left field - mocking actor Robert De Niro!
Furthermore, the Republikkkan Don seems to have misunderstood his case's closing arguments...
What else is new, right?
I mean the fool's already been fined $10,000 dollars for his 10 Gag Order violations - & looks to be racking up more penalties...
Anyway, the case is now in the hands of the jury.
We'll know their determination soon enough...
PS: There's more interesting stories below the 1st one⬇️!! Read on if you wish...
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angelx1992 · 2 years
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geezerwench · 2 years
“They can’t say. They just have a feeling. And in fact, Trump uses that too in this enormously revealing letter, where he says lots of people ‘feel’ that there was fraud,” he (Jamie Raskin) added.
“I’m sorry. Your feelings, Mr. Snowflake, cannot dictate the course of the future of the republic. No, your feelings cannot dictate our elections.”
What was that the MAGAs said? I believe the MAGAs said, “Fuck your feelings.” For being such self-proclaimed “alpha males,” the Fuck Your Feelings Party sure is having a lot of fEeLiNgS.
Now trump isn't saying they have evidence of election fraud, he says he FEELS there was election fraud.
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wilwheaton · 4 months
I’ve read a ton of Tay takes over the last couple of days and many — like the Washington Post political-horse-race analysis that pretends there’s no cultural context — missed as badly as a Carson Wentz third-down pass. Philly’s own Amanda Marcotte, writing in Salon, was much closer to the truth when she said convincing young men that the popularity of Swift, or even the NFL itself, is “fake” breeds the brand of cynicism that creates a cult around Donald Trump. “By telling adherents that everything around them is fake, rigged, or otherwise more sinister than what it seems,” Marcotte wrote, “the leaders convince their disciples to distrust everyone and everything — except, of course the beloved MAGA figureheads.” But why is Taylor Swift the ideal vessel for this? You don’t need a Ph.D. in the fast-disappearing field of sociology to see how it’s not just her success but her sisters-are-doing-it-for-themselves message that terrifies Dude-Bro Nation. Her sermon for America’s female majority is — in the words of her master chronicler, Taffy Brodesser-Akner — that their relationship to those dude-bros is “only the smallest parts of a woman’s life, no matter what the movies tell you. The ways that our trust and loyalty are weaponized against us is also the dominion of femaledom.” In a nation where Taylor Swift is queen, a last-throes army of Scooter Brauns is lashing out.
America’s white male meltdown starts with Taylor Swift and ends with Justin Mohn
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liberalsarecool · 8 months
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Vanity. MAGA will die for bronzer. Millions of MAGA will not even mention the bronzer out of shame. Rather than try to stay alive, they would rather die than admit Trump wears bronzer and the bronzer affected MAGA Covid policy/rhetoric. Not science. Not doctors. Bronzer.
Your strongman wears bronzer. Ok. But if a politician on the Left [godforbid a woman] made policy decisions based on their make-up, MAGA would have a meltdown.
But sure, these people should be taken seriously, and their opinions should be valued.
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prideprejudce · 11 months
There was only 1 billionaire on the submersible. The Pakistani guy with his son are millionaires who have much less money than most American celebrities for example. But people just lying and saying they’re billionaires so they can get excited they died. Touch grass ma’am
are you telling me that your ‘gotcha!’ is the fact that the one guy from Pakistan might have been a millionaire and not a billionaire? even though he likely paid 500k (250k each) for two tickets to the bottom of the ocean? when Pakistan is currently going through an economic meltdown that is so bad that the citizens are fleeing to Europe by the dozens and risking their lives because inflation is at an all time high and there’s literally no jobs anymore?
And this millionaire/billionaire buys a half a million dollar trip down to the bottom of the ocean so he can gawk at the grave sight of poor people who lost their lives over a hundred years ago? that’s the hill you want to die on? that sounds like a fair trade of money to you? that’s your trump card argument? hello??? is there any sign of intelligent life out there???
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