hunnipear · 17 days
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They had a sleepover :) Punk frontman Blitzø & his ride-or-die bitch from @trashcangimmick's Stolitz band AU. If you like rat boys and class warfare and polyamory and gentle kisses, go read Trust Me Honey, You Don't Want Me!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
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youweremovingyourfeet · 5 months
5 things that make me happy!!
Tumblr tag game: List 5 things that make you happy and tag 10 people to do the same.
Tagged by the wonderful @introvertia hope your holiday season is happy and peaceful ❤️🥰
1❤️ My cats, Edmund and Sir Charles
2🧡 My sister
3💚 Working on a new sewing project (currently a grey wool coat)
4💙 Watching a new piece of media I can get obsessed with (still waiting on s2 of IWTV)
5💜 My partner, who stands by me through everything
Tagging a bunch more ppl below to list 5 things that make them happy! 🥰🥰🥰 No pressure though!!
@sirsparklepants @ub-sessed @trashcangimmick @missroserose @pointeful @ramenyul @usstrashbarge @swarmofbeesssss @ezra-starkiller @mischiefmetalandmagic
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steviespanties · 10 months
Do you have any omega!steve fic recs?? I can't find any 😭
Hey anon, what do you mean you can't find any? There's a whole tag you can filter for on ao3 😭😂
My personal favs aren't up to date with newer stuff, but here's ones from my bookmarks in no particular order:
Here I Go Again by HeckInAHandbasket
I Just Like You (Don't Even Wanna Fuck) by abaddxns
Nomenclature and Drop (The Game) by MarquesGillette
Woke Up Thirsty by trashcangimmick
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ickypuppi3 · 2 months
trashcangimmicks tell me i’m lovely has actually done something to my head all i can think about is chubby steve it’s in my brain now it’s never leaving
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A/B/O Harringrove Fic Rec p1
Okay since I’m pushing my a/b/o agenda lately and saw people are interested in it I wanted to recommend some of the fics I liked. / Most (probably all ngl) of this contain Omega and bottom Billy. Read at your own risk. Also, this is absolutely not in any order.
Ps: Okay this is part 1. Part 2 is gonna be multi chaptered ones. Also a couple of more one shots. Cause apparently there's soooooo much i wanna share.
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i’m used to feeling that fire by cursedtobechaos on ao3   Words:10553  
Billy’s not used to feeling like prey. Especially not prey for Steve fucking Harrington, the same alpha he beat the absolute crap out of not too long ago.
"You are not fucking me in the showers,"  Steve in fact, fucked him in the showers(kinda). Alpha Steve came to school when he’s in his rut and Billy gives him a hand (or mouth, and more)
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Upside Down, You're Turning Me by @ImNeitherornor on ao3 Words:7885  
“Let me get this straight. You want me to go into the middle of the fucking woods in below zero temperatures to find someone who is probably high as a kite and just having the time of his damned life?”  
Sex pollen fic we all need.
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None Brighter Than Your Eyes by Doodsxd on ao3   Words:9991  
Sex Ed course came once again, and, for the first time, Billy listened.
He listened, because it started to match and make sense with what Max’s little troup told him over and over again.
Apparently, it was biology which dictated that omega jewelry wasn’t just a futility or decoration, or even a signal that the omega was taken. It wasn’t a trade, sex for jewelry, like Neil had taught him all his life. No: scientists had found back in the sixties that omega jewelry has a soothing effect, especially during heat, as a reminder of love and affection; something tangible and available at all times, even when no one is.
This is so fucking poetic and pretty. You MUST read!
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Misunderstanding by prettyboiiharringrove on ao3  Words:1503  
Harringrove Halloween Countdown // October 11 — Billy has always been a grumpy asshole, so the kids typically let most of his behavior slide, for Steve's sake, but as the clues get weirder it's obvious something is up with him, and they have to fix it before Steve finds out.
This is a mpreg story. The sauna scene with a little twist. I cry while reading this I’m not kidding. Also, you can read this whole series if you guys wanna read more mpreg billy.
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A Start by ImNeitherNor on ao3   Words:5574  
The quarry was always Steve’s go to when he needed a place to breathe, an area where the smells weren’t in his face and he could think straight. It was strange how one person’s heat could trigger another. Steve, a slightly cowed alpha after Hargrove rolled in, was done with the overpowering scents and the looks that were being thrown around.  
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Hold Me Tight Or Don't by BTSBlossom on ao3     Words:4808    
Billy has some news for Steve, he just doesn't know how to tell him. At least he knows he's got Ms. Byers on his side. She'll be there for Billy if Steve isn't.
This is more about the pregnancy than a/b/o, Joyce being a good mom to Billy UwU also tw: talking about abortion
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sandman by Rebldomakr on ao3   Words:2226  
Steve’s not a fighter. He sucks at it, actually. He’s a little soft, but he isn’t totally weak or awfully tiny. He’s a good Alpha in many of the ways that count! Just because he isn’t running around sleeping with anyone willing, picking fights, and beating people to death doesn’t mean he’s a bad Alpha. And though Billy might do all that, but he isn't a bad Omega.
some short cute porn lol (steve has a breeding kink what a surprise lmao)
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Silk by Rebldomakr on ao3   Words:3393  
In Indiana, Omega suppressants are banned. Billy runs out after a while.
tw: neil hargrove
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Moaning Lisa Smile by trashcangimmick   Words: 3,735  
Billy maybe kind of hides the fact that he’s an Omega because he’s too queer, and too pretty, and would rather not deal with a bunch of idiot Alphas trying to screw the gay out of him. But Steve’s not an Alpha. Steve is also very pretty.
beta steve/omega billy, wet and messy, SEX BEHIND THE CAMARO FUCK YEAH also in the shower fşldkfkd
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+ one Alpha/Alpha
with them indiana boys (on them indiana nights) by ToAStranger   Words: 4,842  
The thing is, when Billy first saw Steve Harrington, he knew.  
He grew up knowing.  It was hard not to, with all of those hormones and instincts running through his fucking veins.  He knew, one day, he’d run across someone that smelled so right, so fucking perfect that he’d want nothing more than to bury his face against their scent gland and breathe in until the smell becomes a taste becomes a sensation becomes--
Well.  The thing is, he’s always known.
"But you're my omega."
Steve falters, shaking his head, teeth catching on his lower lip and despite it all, Billy wants to kiss him again.
"No." Steve says. "Billy, I'm an alpha. Always have been. I'm-- I'm sorry. I thought you knew."
Tagging:(according to my post about a/b/o fic rec you guys seemed interested) @shprka @disdaidal @wixterirox @madsexcellency @andromedaspark @stedilly @billyhargrovesupsidedownshadow @ariamariastark1 @eddiebillysteve
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missroserose · 6 months
album game!
Massive thanks to @klove0511, @spice-and-lemonade, and @zombiejunk for tagging me (it's like y'all know I'm really into music or something). Apologies for the delay in responding, rewrites on the WinJess novel are eating my face but I feel like I've made enough progress today to take a quick break.
The Game: post your ten favorite albums of all time and tag ten people. My usual disclaimer to this sort of thing applies—there's no way I'll ever be able to pick ten all-time favorites, but here are some of them:
Poe - Haunted
Nickel Creek - Why Should the Fire Die?
Garbage - Garbage
Alanis Morrisette - Jagged Little Pill
Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice - Jesus Christ Superstar
Lady Gaga - The Fame/Monster
Bitter:Sweet - The Mating Game
The Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense (Live)
In This Moment - Ritual
Florence & The Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
UGH at first I was like "will I be able to think of ten?" and now of course I'm like "but...there's at least twenty more I need to put on here..."
Also, this really made me reflect on how my listening habits have changed in the Spotify era. I think the newest album on here is from 2015? and most are from the 80s and 90s, a couple from the 2000s. I actually listen to a fair amount of current stuff too, but I mostly hear it through Spotify recommendations and occasional bangers people play at the pole or yoga studios, so there's much less impetus to seek out and listen to a whole album. I've noticed a lot of current artists releasing their work almost entirely as singles or EPs, probably for that reason—or they release regular albums but only one or two tracks on each one really stand out (Poets of the Fall, I'm looking at you).
No pressure, but if you'd like to play: @blahblahblahcollapse, @introvertia, @trashcangimmick, @sirsparklepants, @skybound2, @ihni, @degenderates, @sugaraddictarchangels, @spnyuri, @keziahrainalso, @soulless-puppy
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bigdumbbambieyes · 1 year
aspartaeme, jill_ian, beautyinchains, trashcangimmick, brawlite/toastranger, thecopperkid, and kate_button on ao3 have been my favorite authors over the years. i love fics that explore queer themes and dynamics of harringrove and they all do it so well. i just reread their entire fic catalogs over and over tbh
oh, i wish i could tag every one of them in this ask!! thank you for sharing and spreading the love to these writers, anon! 🤍🤍
i’m inviting people to give shout-outs to their favourite fic writers, send me an ask (anon or not)!
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ihni · 5 years
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“Billy adopts a kitten and is trying to be subtle about it” for @trashcangimmick who kindly donated to RAICES for this thing <3
Thank you for that, and I hope you like it!
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stevebillyrecs · 4 years
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Buckle (When You Think of Me) by trashcangimmick ( @trashcangimmick )
E | 4.2k words
Billy doesn’t really ask. He just kind of does stuff. Steve is apparently filthy enough to be cool with it.
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prettyboyporter · 4 years
happy birthday!!
THANKS bb!!!!!!!!!!! *big hug*
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hunnipear · 2 months
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I.M.P. Frontman Blitzø design for @trashcangimmick's incredible Stolitz Punk AU. Go read Trust Me Honey, You Don't Want Me while blasting the Dead Kennedys. <3
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kerasines · 4 years
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2, 42, 49
2. An embarrassing story.
in high school, i tripped in front of a movie theater full of people and a bunch of them laughed at me
42. My favorite Halloween costume.
i did an earth wind & fire group costume, but dressed up as the elements. i was earth
Something great I’ve already accomplished
i’d say getting a job in my field of study!
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causticsunshine · 4 years
For the kiss drawing prompt, R3?
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💋💕 kiss meme asks! 💋💕
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bestiesandagents · 7 years
i am having an emotional crisis over 80's mark sheppard and i want all the drowley high school au please send help
High school aus aren’t generally my thing, but I gave it my best shot. Hope you enjoy! @trashcangimmick
Rating: TeenWarnings: NoneShips: DrowleyCharacters: Dean Winchester, CrowleyWord Count: 795
Dean had changed schools so many times that it hardly phasedhim anymore. It was always the same – the nerds, the jocks, the bullies, andthen there was Dean somewhere in the middle. He could be a jock, but the onlysport that he was really into was wrestling, and that didn’t fit the jock mold.He definitely wasn’t a nerd, but his little brother was, so he generally endedup defending them, anyway. He got in trouble for fighting as much of thebullies, but it was different – at his last school, someone had once called himthe bullies’ bully because he never stood for any of their crap, and he made itknown. And it looked like things at this school were going the same way.
Dean looked over at the guy sitting beside him in thedetention room – Crowley, his name was. That was about all Dean knew about him,other than the fact that he was an asshole who knew how to take a hit. Dean hadgotten a few good swings in before the teachers had pulled them off each other,but he had shaken it off. Dean didn’t want to admit it, but he was impressed.
“Dean, right?” Crowley asked, a few seconds after theteacher proved just how much he didn’t care about his job and left the room toget some coffee.
Dean just grunted as he turned to face forward. Impressiveor not, Crowley wasn’t the type of guy he wanted to be friendly with.
“Oh, you’re one of those.”
He resisted for a couple seconds, but he had to ask. “One ofwhat?” he demanded, his gaze snapping back to him.
“One of those people who thinks you’re good to talk tosomeone like me. And yet you go around starting fights, proving you’re just asbad.”
“You deserved it,” Dean muttered, turning forward again.
“Did I? And you know that because you know me so well?”
He didn’t say anything, and Crowley snorted. “You, on the other hand, are an openbook. Let me guess – something bad happened to someone close to you, and nowyou take it out on anyone you think ‘deserves it.’”
“What the hell are you? A shrink?”
“Does that mean I’m right?”
He was silent for over a minute before he sighed. “My momwas murdered when I was a kid.” He wasn’t entirely sure why he was admittingit, he just felt a need to say it.
“My condolences.”
He snorted. “Like you give a damn.”
Crowley hesitated. “My mother abandoned me when I was eight.I wish she had been killed – at least then, it wouldn’t have been her choice.”
Dean’s jaw fell open slightly as he looked back over to him.Holy shit. He couldn’t even imagine what that must feel like. “I’m sorry,” hesaid sincerely. “Your dad?”
He shrugged. “Never knew him. I was in the foster systemuntil I turned eighteen – finally out on my own. What about you?”
“My mom’s death took a toll on my dad, but we manage. Wehave to move around a lot because of his job – I’m not even sure how manyschools I’ve attended.”
“And do you always start a fight on your first day?”
Dean grinned. “Not always, but I find it’s a good way tomake an impression.”
“On what? My face?”
They both laughed.
Crowley’s eyes slid over to the door. “What do you say wemake a break for it?”
Dean raised his eyebrows. “Won’t things be even worse for uswhen Mr. – whatever comes back and sees we’re not here?”
“Not at all. It’d be his fault for leaving the room – he’dlose his job if he reported it. Trust me, I’ve gotten away with it plenty, andhe still hasn’t learned – it’s like he wants us to sneak out.”
He looked between Crowley and the door with a grin. “Alright.Lead the way.”
They didn’t run into any problems getting out of the school,and in a matter of minutes they were pulling out of the parking lot in theImpala that Dean’s father had given him – Crowley apparently walked to and fromschool.
“Where to?” Dean asked.
“There’s a bar just up the street from my place that doesn’tcard, if you’re interested.”
Dean looked at him sideways, wondering if he was meaningthat how it sounded. Judging by his flirtatious smirk, he was. “Five secondsinto meeting you, I punched you in the face, and now you’re asking me on adate?”
“Hey, you said you wanted to make an impression. Impressionmade. Turn right here.”
He hesitated for just a second before he smiled and turned.Maybe things at this school would turn out differently, after all.
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babysitterpng · 4 years
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blm donation requests for rainbowrandoms, @hargrovebuckley, and @trashcangimmick. thank you guys so much for donating!
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