#trascendal meditation
nuriaverde · 3 months
La creatividad, según David Lynch
Muchas sabéis lo que me interesa reflexionar en torno a la creatividad. Ayer, hablando con mi amiga Lucía del programa en el que trabajo en TVE “Objetivo Igualdad” nos centramos en la cara B, la parte oscura de la mente de las personas creativas: las obsesiones por pequeñeces, los neuroticismos, el drama, las anticipaciones negativas de la mente, la ansiedad. También lo hablaba con mi amiga Soco,…
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vanycat · 10 months
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Another oc's from "Wrong Fairy Tale", a story that I'm making for fun with Martiverse with human characters inspired by our Flight Rising dragons sdjfhsdhkf
Rivier is the Grand Sorcerer of the Royal Palace, and mentor to Brickblood. He's a very skilled mage, but waaay too chill and of carefree spirit, he usually don't takes things seriously even if they are meant to be taken seriously. He likes to nap (or as he calls it, "transcend in a deep meditative state for a couple of hours") and give unsolicited advices. Still, he's good at heart and would come to your rescue with incredible power, if asked... and after his trascendant meditative nap <.<
He color his hair with fluroescent slug slime, for the ✨ magic ✨ and only wears flippy-floppies. Whatever potion you need, he'll be able to prepare it.
His Raven, Nothing, have an enchanted eye engraved in its chest, so Rivier can see whatever the Raven sees and the Raven can speak with his voice when Rivier is far away. It's... basically a videocall raven.
Oc Rivier inspired by Marti's Flight Rising dragon, here you can find the dragon
Rivier © Martiverse  Art © Me
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amazingchirping · 3 months
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yomarcopacheco · 1 year
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Meditación no es solo estar sin hacer físicamente nada, meditación es acallar la mente, abatirla y retro curvar tu conciencia dentro del silencio absoluto que siempre ha estado allí debajo de esos 40 000 pensamientos promedio que tienes al día! Cuando se abole en proceso de observación y lo observado ese es el estado supremo el Nirvikalpa Samadhi que es el estado esencial que es la naturaleza nuclear de absolutamente todo…
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sublimeredviolin · 9 months
Corrections and Universal truths, facts
1) Nobody is what seems to be.
2) Death does not forget or to forgive anyone.
3) Men are more prone to dementia than women.
4) There is a difference between being tough and to run your mouth like a primitive creature.
5) Is not what people say, but what they dont say.
6) They are avantages and disavantages of Entrepreneurship, Employment, Corporations and you Must know them all! Keep in mind, the Ugly side of it, less glamorous or enjoyable, as Media tries to portrait it: With others the Untold.
7) Real dominance has nothing to do with violence.
8) As excelent recommandation, are only a list of a few books to READ when business is applied: " Limping on Water " by Phil Beuth; " The Intelligent Investor " by Benjamin Graham; " Dream Big" by Cristiane Correa; " A few Lessons for Investors and Managers " by Peter Beveli etc.
9) They are only 10 Philosophical concepts you should know from The concept of Solipsism; the Categorical Imperative; Determinism/Indeterminism to Cogito Ergo Sum; Existential Crisis; Plato's Theory of Ideas...
10) Today, human beings have an average life span of 31.99 years, the oldest confirmed is 122 years of age; at birth humans are expected to live on average 49.42 years; they can live 3 minutes without air.
11) The hearts of women and men often operates differently. The heart does not fatique.
12) Mind, energy, intelligence are rare.
13) Mahaishi Mahesh Yogi introduced the Trascendal Meditation program to the West, anyone can have a personal view that containts their own opinions and interpretations. I was 'tempted' to give a try since TM works and is proven beyond doubt: is a great business with superb marketing between $2 to $3 billion dollars and it seems to me to take many forms over the years. I am not a 'fan' to die for books, seminars, the field of the collective Consciousness etc. may be as older they get, others have their fears of mortality like a 'cure' for modern life.
14) Women dont prefer taking risks because of their bigger angular cingulate cortex and have more intricately hard-wired brains than men.
15) Gender equality at the workplace could add $4.3 trillion to the U.S. economy by 2025.
16) Men are competitive by nature.
17) Men can actually multitask.
18) Men lie often from 6 to 10 lies a day, while a woman lies between 3 to 5 lies a day.
19) Faithful men have higher IQ than the unfaithful ones.
20) Men's metabolism is fast due to their lean muscle tissue.
21) Men also go through PMS such as fatique, irritability, stomach cramps etc.
22) Women have stronger immune systems.
23) The female brain is more intricate and detailed.
24) The two highest IQ scores in recorded history belong to women.
25) Women cheat cause of low self-esteem, anger, retribution, opportunity, boredom, revenge, numbing difficult feelings etc.
26) Men cheat when they feel disappointed, broken, enraged etc. and could be a lot of reasons why it's Unfair to label only men as cheaters, because it's not just men but every human being has a strong desire for self-gratification. Ignorant women to take notes: Men, at birth are wired in a certain way and attracted psysically, emmotional, spiritual, intelectual by a certain woman and they want all these things. Are men who cheat cause of lack of maturity, when they feel inadequate, due to selfishness ,lack of appreciation, ignored, bullied, nagged, they need their ego. stroked, boredom, chemestry is gone, desire to feel young again etc. From an Evolutionary perspective, men are Not designed to be monogamous.
27) Many Women dont want the truth. They just want to hear, what they want to hear. So, to stay in La-La land.
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criaturassolaress · 1 year
Over it shines the sleeping Kundalini, fine as the fibre of the lotus-stalk. She is the worldbewilderer, gently covering the mouth of Brahma-dvara by Her own. Like the spiral of the conch-shell, Her shining snake-like form goes three and a half times round Siva, and Her lustre is as that of a strong flash of young strong lightning. 
Her sweet murmur is like the indistinct hum of swarms of love-mad bees. She produces melodious poetry and Bandha and all other compositions in prose or verse in sequence or otherwise in Samskrta, Prakrta and other languages.
 It is she who maintains all beings of the world by means of inspiration and expiration, and shines in the cavity of the root (Mula) Lotus like a chain of brilliant lights.
Devi Kundalini is Srsti-rupa meaning she is of the form of Creation itself. She is SrstiStithi-layatmika meaning She is Creation, Existence and Dissolution. She is VisvAtitA meaning She is beyond the universe; She is Immanent and trascends the universe. She is Jnana-Rupa meaning She is of the form of Consciousness. She is Urddhva-VAhini meaning She goes upwards from Muladhara to Sahasrara Chakras.
 She is Ista-DevaSvarUpini, meaning that She is meditated upon as The Particular Devata. "She is a damsel of sixteen in the full bloom of Her first youth, with very large and beautifully formed breasts, decked with all the varied kinds of jewels, lustrous as the full moon, red in color, with restless eyes." Kundalini is always meditated upon as red (RaktA) in color. She is SyAma, a woman who is warm in winter and cool in summer and lustrous like the molten gold. 
Before she pierces the Chakras, She, the Brahman Itself, is resplendent like million of moons rising at the same time and has four arms and three eyes. Her hands make the Vara and Abhaya Mudras (Granting Boons and Fear-Not Pose of hands), and hold a book and a Vina--musical instrument. She sits on a lion and as She passes to Her own abode (Muladhara Chakra) the Awe-inspiring One assumes different forms. 
Verse 10 and 11, Sat-Chakra-Nirupana -Kundalini Chakras
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angelsalcedo · 2 years
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Había una vez un hombre que quería trascender su sufrimiento y ser más espiritual, de modo que se fue a un templo budista para encontrar a un maestro que le ayudase. Se acercó a él y le dijo: «Maestro, si medito cuatro horas al día, ¿cuánto tiempo tardaré en alcanzar la iluminación?» El maestro le miró y le respondió: «Si meditas cuatro horas al día, tal vez lo consigas dentro de diez años». El hombre, pensando que podía hacer más, le dijo: «Maestro, y si medito ocho horas al día, ¿cuánto tiempo tardaré en alcanzar la iluminación?». El maestro le miró y le respondió: «Si meditas ocho horas al día, tal vez lo lograrás dentro de veinte años». «Pero ¿por qué tardaré más tiempo si medito más?», preguntó el hombre. El maestro contestó: «No estás aquí para sacrificar tu alegría, ni tu vida. Estás aquí para vivir, para ser feliz y para amar. Si puedes alcanzar tu máximo nivel en dos horas de meditación, pero utilizas ocho, sólo conseguirás agotarte, apartarte del verdadero sentido de la meditación y no disfrutar de tu vida. Haz tu máximo esfuerzo, y tal vez aprenderás que incluso por fuera de un templo e independientemente del tiempo que medites, puedes vivir, amar y ser feliz». (en Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClpR3cLt7F1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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royalduties · 6 years
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I am open to receive the best outcome and path for the growth and transcendence of my higher self 🙏🏼 #morningmeditation #meditation #open #path #growth #trascendence #higherself
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lupecolores · 5 years
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Piensa en quién quieres ser 💭 . Eres alguien que se ha hecho a si mismo. Estás donde estás y eres lo que eres a causa de los pensamientos que has permitido que ocupen tu mente. Te has convertido y eres ahora mismo el resultado de todos esos pensamientos 😲 . Continúas con ese trabajo de autoconstrucción con cada pensamiento que tienes en cada minuto 🌻 . Lo más inteligente que puedes hacer es pensar en aquellas cosas que se ajusten al tipo de persona que te gustaría ser, decir afirmaciones en positivo por ejemplo "Soy valiente, Soy Hermos@, Me acepto tal cuál soy, etc" y olvidar o sólo observar aquellos viejos patrones de pensamiento que aveces nos oscurecen la mente 🥰 • Think about who you want to be 💭 . You are someone who has made himself. You are where you are and you are what you are because of the thoughts you have allowed to occupy your mind. You have become and are now the result of all those thoughts 😲 . You continue with this work of self-construction with every thought you have in every minute 🌻 . The smartest thing you can do is to think about those things that suit the type of person you would like to be, say positive affirmations such as "I'm brave, I'm beautiful, I accept myself, etc." and forget or just observe those old thought patterns that sometimes darken our minds 🥰 • #meditacion #meditation #observa #observe #pensamientos #selflove #amorpropio #desarrollopersonal #autoconocimiento #selfknowledge #yoga #mind #mente #sanacion #afirmaciones #autoconstruccion #evolucion #trascender #expandir (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByEZnHdjl0y/?igshid=18h6dmlg8olwt
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peacefullymindful · 4 years
Happy Vesak moon!! This full moon is the same that saw Buddah born, trascend material world and get iluminated. This moon is powerful, it’s a great opportunity to meditate on the Noble Eightfold Path and let compassion take our heart and daily actions.
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lenmiscate · 5 years
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Movement is time-space, be still and trascend time . . . . . . . #Light #one #infinite #eternal #consciousness #unborn #life #one #soul #void #awareness #Iam #I #stillness #presence #now #space #timeless #formless #uncreated #unmanifested #isness #lenmiscate #advaita #meditation #awakening #soul #peace #energy #spirituality https://www.instagram.com/p/B0CCybuniCU/?igshid=1v58uc0xkeo2b
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amazingchirping · 3 months
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cartofolo · 6 years
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Segreto e simbolo
In esoterismo si parla del segreto iniziatico. Il segreto è ciò che non si può rivelare.   Certamente un concetto esoterico può essere semplificato e trasformato nel simbolismo di un racconto, in una leggenda o in un semplice detto col sapore di una poesia. Però racconto, leggenda, detto o poesia necessariamente nascondono il vero significato di quello che vogliono indicare. Quindi si ritorna al lavoro individuale che deve trasformare il simbolo in comprensione.
Bisogna considerare che forma e simbolo sono la costante di ogni rapporto con il mondo che ci circonda, in quanto essi vivono in noi come unico mezzo per interpretare la realtà. Questi, però, sono sempre il limite di un'idea la quale ha dei contenuti non del tutto circoscrivibili in quello schema formale e simbolico; al contrario, spesso il simbolo è in grado di suscitare, in chi l'osserva, reazioni tali da andare ben oltre ciò che questo voleva rappresentare. La psicoanalisi lo definisce idolo-motore per indicare il duplice aspetto formale e dinamico. Una semplice sfera, che rappresentasse il nostro globo terrestre, potrebbe scatenare reazioni emotive e meditative inimmaginabili. Un triangolo equilatero ha dato spazio a interi volumi di dissertazioni filosofiche e mistiche.
C.G.Jung ha chiamato "archetipi" alcuni grandi simboli comuni a tutti gli uomini (il sole, la luna, l'acqua ecc.) e li ha considerati come "una possibilità formale di riprodurre delle idee simili o almeno analoghe". Il simbolo archetipo collega, così, l'universale all'individuale; il mondo della non-forma comunica al mondo della forma il suo messaggio che può essere colto solo da chi ne scopre la chiave nascosta. Essa è in ogni uomo, ma velata e sepolta da un'abitudine cristallizzata a concepire tutto solo nel limite che dà la forma. "Io credo solo in ciò che vedo", "Ciò che non cade sotto i miei sensi non esiste", sono frasi che indicano lo squallido autolimite che l'uomo si pone nel nome di una razionalità fasulla e ottusa. E cosi la Chiave rimane sepolta in attesa che un'illuminazione coscienziale o spirituale la faccia affiorare alla mente.
Sempre Jung afferma che il simbolo è un'immagine adeguata ad indicare il meglio possibile la natura oscuramente intuita dello spirito. Dunque ogni simbolo è in grado di collegare, in maniera cosciente, la mente allo spirito, l'uomo al divino, e a scatenare quelle forze sottili che producono la vera comprensione.
Lo sapevano bene, questo, gli alchimisti che hanno fondato tutta la loro dottrina proprio sui simboli e sulle allegorie. Essi volevano trasformare il piombo in oro e rendevano allo spirito, nella sublimazione, ciò che lo spirito aveva donato alla materia. Questa è la potenza della forma che trascende il suo significato, ed è questo il cammino di ogni uomo che, nel suo limite, può comprendere ciò che è illimitato.
Attenzione però a non commettere l'errore di voler analizzare razionalmente una qualsiasi figura simbolica, perché così c'è il rischio di cadere nel limite della forma e rimanere in quella; sarebbe come se si volesse pelare una cipolla, strato dopo strato, per trovare la cipolla stessa. Il vero significato della forma non è nell'osservazione razionale, ma nell'uso intimo e meditativo, nell'illuminazione coscienziale che questa può donare e nella carica psico-energetica che il simbolo offre a chi la sappia trovare.
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arq-loyola · 3 years
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Meditación🧘 Escuchamos mucho esta palabra. La vemos publicada en Cursos, Talleres y Seminarios. Es parte ya conocida y aceptada de la vida cotidiana. Entonces, ¿porqué no se puede explicar fácilmente? Su raíz etimólogica, podría traducirse como "tomar las medidas adecuadas, cuidar, abstraerse". Desde la misma definición podemos apreciar su profundidad. No se trata de ser o hacer. Se trata de observar-me. La Meditación es una acción individual, al igual que el camino espiritual. Es buscar la manera de acceder a mi profundo, reduciendo los canales sensoriales. Y cada uno encontrará cómo escuchar su alma. No hay fórmulas. Claro, hay métodos probados durante siglos, que facilitan la comprensión del camino, como el Zen, el Budismo, la Oración y muchos más. Pero hay algo que no puede evitarse: MEDITAR nos sumerge en el silencio de nuestra propia alma. Allí donde no hay excusas, ni otros para señalar. Todo lo que percibimos dentro, es tan propio que nos aturde. Meditar es el camino de la iluminación. Iluminarse es para mí, tener el coraje de limpiar mis manchas. Buscar mis "zónas erróneas" (Wayne Dyer), llevando luz. Leí hace años, una frase que nunca olvidé: "mientras más me acerco a la luz, más veo mis manchas". MEDITAR es eso. Caminar hacia la luz. Es trascender los sentidos y las emociones, para conquistar la libertad del alma. Te invito a MEDITAR. A conocer tu lado espiritual. Es inmenso. La mayoría no deja de sorprenderse, al percibir la luz propia que llevamos dentro. No nos enseñaron a sentirnos únicos, inmensos, partículas mismas del Universo. De todos modos, aquí estamos, buscando despertar, reconocernos y trascender. . . #arquitectodealmas #constelaciones #meditacion #amor #felicidad #instagram #gracias #salud #mindfulness #nature #amistad #vida #hoy #imagine #arte #imagination #yo #yoga #youtube #you #mantra #meditation #meditate #buddha #que #miedo #mate #te #argentina (en Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLHSAk2A6jb/?igshid=f57qs8mcjsg3
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loreakblaus · 4 years
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Meditation, creativity, peace (David Lynch, 2012)
«La búsqueda de la dicha (bliss), amor, energía, paz dinamica, armonía y coherencia.»
«El deseo de tener una idea y atraparla. Trascender es ir más allá.»
«La negatividad es como la oscuridad, que es a su vez la ausencia de luz. Cuando sale el sol, sin pretenderlo, elimina la oscuridad.»
«El intelecto solo nos lleva hasta cierto punto, hay que intuir. Para el artista, la intuición es la herramienta número uno. La intuición es más que emoción.»
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Troll Romance Analysis
Hi there, welcome to my analysis on Troll Romance! This is a remake of my previous Romance analysis. I felt it was getting old and that I can write it much better than before. Long post incoming.
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Troll society and sexuality
Troll emotions
Troll relationships
Troll romance and its social role
The Romance Quadrants
Matespritship: The flused quadrant
Kismesissitude: the caliginous quadrant
Moirallegiance: the pale quadrant
Auspistism: the ashen quadrant
Examples from Homestuck
Examples out of the comic
Please note that this analysis has quotes and examples from the comic and thus spoilers. Read under the cut only if you are ready for them.
Troll society and sexuality
Let us start by leaving something clear: Trolls are a violent race.
I’m not saying that they are incapable of feeling joy and attachement. They understand feelings different. Trolls live in a society built for galaxy conquist and massive repoblation.
Also note that even when they hold sexual activity, it does not have the social relevance ours has. This is because it is the Mother Grub who carries the duty of hatching the next generation of trolls. Sexual encounter is a social obligation every sexual troll couple has. They are to give genetic material to the Mother Grub, getting killed if they deny the fluids.
A consequence of this birth system is that genders have no differences. Unlike humans who reduced their ideas to gender roles beause of birth. Trolls are all bisexual by default. Some develop preferences for certain gender, but that is personal. I will leave you with the words of Karkat reacting to homosexuality, see how alien it is for them:
This does not mean Trolls can’t have specific sexualities or genders! And this is canon. Go on into the  LGTBA+ side of trolls, and it is pretty much the same as with humans. Everyone is different and valid.
Troll emotions
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Now that we are quoting Karkat, he explains that a troll understands their feelings as hate and pity. Everything else is a hue between that.
Here, Karkat is analyzing how the chemistry of troll relationships stays interesting. He talks about a balance that the troll must have. That way their relationships can be succesfull and fulfilling.
Troll relationships
The word Trolls have for Friend is the same they have for Enemy, and they consider it a social desease. Or at least their goverment does. Some migth know each other and become comrades, pals, buddies. Occasionally, their relationships will develop feelings from deep into the pity humors. Happiness, Peace, Regard. Or could get violent and salty, all the way into the hate hues. Anger, Jealousy, Worry.
These feelings are called romantic, and they can either save or ruin their lives. Remember social obligations? These emotions are so complicated for trolls, that they have to organize them in a Quadrant system. Even give them a specific role that serves a social purpose too!
Troll romance and its social role
There are two kinds of romantic relationships in Troll society: concupiscent and conciliatory. The concupiscent relationships are for troll fluid production due sexual activity. Conciliatory relationships mean to help them balance their social status and emotions.
As we talked before, the need to seek a concupiscent partner comes with more urgece than typical reproductive instincts. It is a social obligation:
When the IMPERIAL DRONE comes knocking, you had better be able to supply genetic material to each of his FILIAL PAILS. If you have nothing to offer, he will kill you without hesitation.
You either give genetic fluids or die. So trolls better fill those quadrants, and then they can start filling buckets.
The conciliatory relationships, on the other hand, have nothing to do with reproduction. They're explained as “human platonic feelings” to us. Their main function is the mainteniance of the social structure of trolls. The race with violent tendencies we keep calling out.
Most trolls are very agressive. Getting out of crontrol will not help them fullfil their role in society assigned by blood. In the worst case scenario, if they don’t have a proper conciliatory partner, they could fail to have balanced feelings. Their emotions get so out of control, that they could fail in their entire romantic experience. Filling no quadrants, nor buckets. And then dying.
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Let us put a very strong example at this point of the analysis: Eridan Ampora. Flirty boy, geeky, wears a cape, highblood. Most of the time he rummaged for a conscupiscent partner, even asked Feferi. His conciliatory relationship failed in consequence, even when it could have worked out. As a result, his emotions went out of control. He did not know wich feelings he had to listen to, and as a result he betrayed his teammates. He kept doing what he had always done, even after Alternia was destroyed: trying hard to not get killed.
The Romance Quadrants
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The two kinds of relationships we just talked about can develop in both hate and pity humors. Romantically, they are called black feelings and red feelings, respectively.
A Red Cocupiscent relationship represents the Flushed Quadrant. The romance is called Matespritship, and it is considered the equal of human romance. Altough it isn’t completely.
A Black Concupiscent relationship represents the Caliginous Quadrant. The romance is called Kismesissitude, and most humans fail to understand it. Wich is justifyed. 
A Red Conciliatory relationship represents the Pale Quadrant. The romance is called Moirallegiance, and it is similar to what a human calls ‘soulmate’. 
A Black Conciliatory relationship represents the Ashen Quadrant. The roamnce is called Auspistism, and it is not meant for couples but for trios.
Of course, we are going deep on each of the quadrants! But hold your horses. Before explaining them all, I have to describe troll infidelity and vacilation. At this point you must be baffled at how complicated and confusing is Troll Romance. Do not worry, Trolls hardly get it too! 
Vacilating is going from Flushed to Caliginous romance and the other way around. This happens on relationships were the feelings of both partners are very conflcited, and can’t stand in one quadrant. So they have to jump to the other one and viceversa. Now I must warn you, that infidelities on troll society don’t stay back and are as weird as everything else. They consist in a system of flushed/caliginous infidelities. And are constantly shifting in a romantic quadrangle. What is that? You were thinking of a love triangle? Oh, no. Not at all, my sweet little human worm. Here I present you the Troll Vacillating Quadrangle! You will now observe for some minutes the following image taken from the wiki and meditate about it.
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In this chain of infidelity you need at least four trolls. They are going to be vacillating their relationships in a neverending cycle. And for now, that is all that there is to say on the matter. Until Andrew Hussie provides us with one of those Troll literature pieces of rom-com that Karkat likes so much. I bet they are interesting.
Matespritship: The flused quadrant
Troll romance gets very close to Human romance here, but not quite there. You see, think of human romance as a trascendance of Troll Quadrants. Involving many Troll romances at the same time. Wich is more than weird for Trolls, who have enough with having specific feelings for someone.
A Matespritship takes place when two trolls pity each other. Not balancing their feelings, but rather creating feelings on each other! Something they have not felt with other troll, something different. An attachement that makes their body warm and makes them want to stay with their partner forever. And be happy together.
In this relationship, trolls also conceid their partner someone to fill a bucket with. That way neither of them has to die by the metallic hands of an Imperial Drone. Yay.
Notice how they do not share their emotions between them. They only provoke feelings on each other!
Kismesissitude: the caliginous quadrant
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What is hate? Is it despising something so much that you don’t want to see it, ever? Or could it be respecting certain aspects of it, but you still despise the object. Wich makes you feel deeply conflicted? Ok, forget the philosophy. Kismesissitudes are not about hate. You don’t want your partner dead, because:
1. This is a concupiscent relationship and you are supposed to fill a bucket with them. 2. That would not be interesting. 3. You actually like some aspects of your partner.
So yeah, this is the most dramatic Troll romance of all. Caliginous relationships go further than a simple rivalry. Besides of the despise that the couple feels, the relationship is something they want. As it's based around mutual respect.
Much like human rivalry, a kismesissitude can be about seeing who is the best. It is about respecting your partner, but their personality is infuriating for you. You actually think they are kind of ok too.
So remember this and never pull it out of your thinkpan: a Kismesissitude is not about killing, hurting or purely hating your partner. You don’t have relationships with someone you hate, that is not healthy. Kismesissitudes are about how interesting the relationship can get. About how great your partner can be, but oh boy, you have to be better. How can you keep pushing each other into having fun with your negative feelings for each other. But not actually letting them on the way on your opinions of each other. You know those cliche couples that don’t like each other but end up together anyways? Yeah, that’s kind of caliginous.
A Caliginous relationship is about frustration. Wich originates in crossed feelings for the partner. That’s a proper kismesissitude. And yes, they can work together, and carry on normal conversations. Just prepare for the kismessis flirts.
I will quote Karkat once more. He explained it all to John, when the human boy was naively talking about how he finds Terezi’s personality frustrating and annoying. Feelings developed while he followed her instructions through fixing the Alpha timeline. An John was starting to realize how he hates beign bossed around without explanation.
JOHN: i still think about the idea of black romance sometimes, and try to imagine how that really works… or “feels”… i don’t know. JOHN: do you understand it? DAVE: yeah ive spent enough time talkin about it where i think i “get it” but DAVE: ive never had cause or any real inclination to put it into practice or anything JOHN: mainly the idea of hating somebody, and translating that into attraction, or some kind of romancey feeling… it feels so alien to me. JOHN: and you’re right, i have a really hard time even hating anyone in the first place! DAVE: word JOHN: i mean, i get ANNOYED by people, sure. DAVE: like who DAVE: me? JOHN: no, not really. JOHN: well, sometimes, but not much. i always tended to exaggerate my grievances with you, for the sake of laughs. DAVE: heheh JOHN: a better example is, more recently, when i was doing my retcon mission… JOHN: i was getting REALLY annoyed with terezi and her mind games. DAVE: yuuup JOHN: it definitely never crossed the line to “hate” though, because we were working together to try and fix a dire situation, and even though she’s weird and insane, she’s otherwise a pretty good friend. JOHN: but all her needling and japes at totally inappropriate times, when there was so much on the line… JOHN: argh, it was SO FRUSTRATING. […] KARKAT: JOHN, ALL YOU’RE DOING HERE IS DESCRIBING THE SUBTLE FEELINGS WHICH PLANT THE SEED FOR HAVING A CALIGINOUS CRUSH ON SOMEONE. JOHN: what?? KARKAT: YOU HEARD ME. KARKAT: YOU ARE NAIVELY ADMITTING TO STRUGGLING WITH SOME BLACK FEELINGS FOR TEREZI. […] JOHN: but i don’t HATE her, and i’m sure i never will! JOHN: i’m just saying i find her, like, somewhat annoying, and REALLY aggravating a lot of the time, but that’s it KARKAT: BUT THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THE FEELING IS! KARKAT: IT DOESN’T START OUT AS FULL BLOWN ANTIPATHY, AND IT RARELY EVEN REACHES SUCH AN EXTREME LEVEL OF HOSTILITY EVEN OVER LONG TERM BLACK RELATIONSHIPS. KARKAT: THERE ARE PEAKS TO IT, BUT OTHERWISE A GENERAL EBB AND FLOW TO THE DARK FEELINGS, JUST LIKE WITH FLUSHED RELATIONSHIPS. JOHN: ok, but… JOHN: i don’t know if i’m expressing myself clearly. JOHN: i felt aggravated by her a lot, but that doesn’t fully describe… JOHN: like, there were those “negative” feelings, but also… JOHN: but… KARKAT: YEAH, THAT’S IT, RIGHT THERE!!! KARKAT: THE “BUT” IS ALWAYS PART OF IT. KARKAT: WHAT YOU’RE *TRYING* TO SAY IS, YOU HAD FRUSTRATED, NEGATIVE EMOTIONS TOWARD HER, BUT THEY DON’T COMPREHENSIVELY ACCOUNT FOR YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARD HER. KARKAT: MEANING, THERE ARE SOME THINGS ABOUT HER YOU ACTUALLY LIKE, BUT THE NEGATIVE FEELINGS MAKE IT HARD FOR YOU TO PUT YOUR FINGER ON THEM, OR EVEN WANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE THEM. KARKAT: THAT IS ABSOLUTELY STANDARD. WHAT GOOD WOULD IT BE HAVING A KISMESIS WHO DIDN’T POSSESS QUALITIES YOU ACTUALLY ADMIRED ON SOME LEVEL? KARKAT: THAT WOULD BE BORING, AND IT WOULDN’T EVEN WORK. THERE’D BE NO TENSION, NO PUSH AND PULL IN THE TURBULENT EMOTIONAL LANDSCAPE. THE SUBTLE POSITIVES ADD FUEL TO THE NEGATIVE FEELINGS, OFTEN GIVING THEM A REASON TO EXIST AT ALL. THEY INFLAME THE AGGRAVATING FACTORS, REMINDING YOU DEEP DOWN HOW MUCH YOU WOULD LIKE AND ADMIRE THIS PERSON IF IT WASN’T FOR ALL THEIR INFURIATING FLAWS, AND THE INCREDIBLE SENSE OF FRUSTRATION THAT CAUSES ALONG WITH ALL THE ASSOCIATED HOT-HEADED FEELINGS, THAT’S THE ESSENCE OF BLACK ROMANCE. KARKAT: AND THE POSITIVE QUALITIES YOU SEE DEEP DOWN IN A KISMESIS ALSO SERVE AS THE BASIS FOR RED FEELINGS TOWARD THAT PERSON, ASSUMING THE RELATIONSHIP EVER STARTS TO VACILLATE. KARKAT: IT’S ALL PRETTY STRAIGHTFORWARD, REALLY. JOHN: no… this is messed up! DAVE: i dunno john it all sounds pretty logical to me DAVE: karkat knows his shit when it comes to quadrants JOHN: argh! JOHN: it can’t be true though… JOHN: it feels so fucked up! JOHN: what if you’re right though… erg! no… JOHN: no, no, no, no… KARKAT: THAT’S PART OF IT TOO!! KARKAT: THE “NO NO NO” IS ALL PART OF THE FEELING. THAT’S HOW IT *ALWAYS* GOES. KARKAT: THIS SENSE OF SELF INCRIMINATION WHEN IT’S DAWNING ON YOU THAT YOU HAVE THESE CONFLICTING FEELINGS TOWARD SOMEONE WHO BUGS YOU SO MUCH. KARKAT: OH MY GOD, THIS WHOLE REACTION IS SO FUCKING TEXTBOOK. IT’S HILARIOUS, REALLY. JOHN: it’s fucked up though!!! KARKAT: IT’S SUPPOSED TO FEEL FUCKED UP! JOHN: aw, man. :(
Don’t you just love the drama of feeling fucked up about someone!
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Moirallegiance: the pale quadrant
The moirallegience has a very important and specific social purpose. A moirail is some one who complements you. We talked about soulmates, but it is not quite that. Moirallegience is about finding someone who is the opposite of you and accepting them as the self you lack. You respect your partner, because they are capable of things you are not.
For trolls this is really necessary. We said before trolls are violent? Well some more than others, and these ones need a rather pacific troll that can emulate for them that personality trait they don’t have.
Say that I am very impatient, but my pale partner is very good at beign patient, and they help me emulate that patience. This is the complement moirals search, a good balance of emotions.
Auspistism: the ashen quadrant
Imagine a vacilating relationship, or a particulary dangerous kismessissitude. If a troll gets concerned about their well beign and whoever surrounds them and decides to meddle in, then we said they become ashed for the couple.
This is what feeling ashen for someone is. Wanting to help out to keep a balance, for the greater good.
The auspisticer troll begins to mediate between a problematic couple and pacifies the situation. Making it less dangerous. Breaking a chain of infidelity. Helping the couple get to terms with their emotions. An auspistice will have to do a good job or everything could go horribly wrong, though. That is the very specific role for the ashen quadrant in troll society.
Examples from Homestuck
At some point Karkat ♥ Terezi
Meenah ♥ (Vriska)
We could include Rose ♥Kanaya
Vriska ♠ Eridan
Terezi ♠ Gamzee
John ♠ Terezi
 Vacilating relationships: 
 Nepeta ♦ Equius. It is very evident how both of them discussed their emotions and end up agreeing in something. Whenever they would take a decission they tried to first confirm it with their partner. They both provided a nice emulation of feelings on each other. And it was good. 
Karkat ♦ Gamzee. Karkat has always been a concerned troll, while Gamzee is a carefree kid. When Gamzee did not get something Karkat would explain and make him care a little bit more. When Karkat was getting over the top with anger Gamzee would calm him down, reassuring him that it was all ok and he had nothing to worry about. It was also good, but Gamzee ended up neglecting the relationship. 
There is Vriska ♦ Terezi? They did not had the best comunication, honestly Vriska neglected a lot her talks with Terezi about feelings. I do not really want to got there.
Actually, there is no good example of a meddly in the comic. Maybe Spades Slick ♣ Doc Scratch ♣ Sn8wman
There was almost Eridan ♣ Kanaya ♣ Vriska but Vriska didn’t want to.
And I think Eridan ♣ Terezi ♣ Sollux but Sollux didn’t want to.
Examples out of the comic 
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 Matespritships? You could take whatever couple you would like, honestly. They are too similar. 
 You know Dexter and Mandark? Just pay attention for a second to these kids behaviour. They did everything to get the other one frustrated, but when the situation called it they even worked together. They had so much fun. That is caliginous flirt and there is no other way around it. 
 Ok, you ready for some Beastboy ♦ Raven? Because I am so invested. They have shared so many feelings and they do have emulated emotions on each other! I just love it when they talk about their differences and agree that they are both good in their own ways. It’s so cute.
Want to know how Steven went all  ♣ for Pearl and Amethyst in order for them to fuse? And even after that they kept having these tensions but workaround them so graciously. All thanks to Steven being a silly and cute auspisticer.
 If you need even more examples, please refer to this post. See how well these three teenagers will explain you how Troll romance works. Ah, yes. It was all canon. 
 Alrigth, I believe that will be all. I hope this helped you somehow! Thanks for reading!
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