#toxic players
mavkaworld · 11 days
Holy shit I just played a quick match with a lil girl player who got chaired multiple times and then after the game he went all nasty and said the game was terrible and asked where I got the C ranked badge 💀 I'm genuinely confused because I saved him twice and even body blocked after I was already hit. I wish I took a picture of the stats but I wasnt thinking. The hunter was just picking on each person (aka if he was going after you he would keep going until he got you, I was after right after him.) I was the only C rank there, the other was a B and he played well too.
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cosmermaid · 2 years
Oh wow you got around the in-game censor and named your ship a racial slur. How clever of you, you’re so smart.
Say, did you notice that captained ships leave logbooks floating in the water at outposts every time they log out? No? Not that clever then, huh? I guess you can’t do much about me sending that screengrab to Rare.
Sorry the captaincy update didn’t last that long for you. (Not that sorry though.)
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dixonsgirl93 · 25 days
I still think about the time I was soloing in Valorant with a bunch of toxic males in my team just being little shits cause I’m a woman.
I was bot fragging and getting dragged in the mud for it. These little men inspired me to play better. I ended up second of the board and clutched the match in a 1v4.
When I tell you these boys were SILENT. You could hear crickets and tumbleweeds.
So me, being the provocative little shit I am, said. “Oh? Nothing to say now?”
Then they of course exploded with comments and insults but I was cackling my ass off.
I’ll never forget it.
I love hurting the fragile male ego.
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rosiegames · 1 month
Stop 🥊leaving👊games🥊early👊
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gabbiadicarta · 11 months
una delle cose che più odio è sentirmi dire "mutali, non serve discutere" dopo essere entrata in game e aver trovato gente toxic che mi insulta per ogni cosa, a partire dalle skill, fino ad arrivare a vere e proprie molestie sessuali.
no, non sto zitta se mi ritrovo a sentire cose come "succhiami il cazzo", "se vinco il game mi esci le tette su snap", *suoni vari di orgasmi*, "fai schifo, disinstalla il gioco e vai ad aprire le gambe".
e mi dispiace dirlo, ma se sei in partita, senti delle persone comportarsi così nei confronti di altre e reagisci con "ignorali", "mutali", "cosa ci litighi a fare" o addirittura stai zitto e non reagisci, sei parte del problema.
una molestia rimane tale anche se praticata online e su un videogioco. non reagire, non segnalare, non parlare, comporta una maggiore diffusione di essa.
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k1ll3rk1tty · 4 months
Playing Sea of Thieves, and I keep getting placed with fucking piece of shit team-killing FUCKTARDS who think they're SO FUCKING FUNNY blowing up their own ship and teammates. I am trying to have fun, but some FUCKING DICKHEAD piece of shit wants to be a fucking nuisance, thus ruining the game for everyone who isn't them.
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nemobeatrice · 2 years
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Avoid BattlePants#1272508 and OverEatinAss#1473 when playing Overwatch 2. We were playing unranked open queue, and they were being rude and toxic toward our teammates.
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nuketown-2point0 · 1 year
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Today I learned it’s ok to like drugs but keep your distance with some,
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tomaiki · 1 year
You know, when OW2 came out I started playing it again. The condition was, however, was that I wasn't going to take it too seriously. It's just a game. I'll play competitive, and treat it like competitive, but I'm not going to act like or talk like a pro. I wanna play Junkerqueen? I'm gonna play Junkerqueen. I don't tolerate this toxic behavior of shit talking character choices or craming analytics into my brain
I just want a community to play chill comp games with buddies. Where we can try weird mash ups like... idk ... Doomfist, Torbjorne, Tracer, Kiriko, ans Baptist and see if we could win. Or just have people go as characters they think will work and trusting their judgment. Taking the losses as brightly as we do with the wins. Is thay really too much to ask?
Is anyone else interested in a group where we just play the game to /play the game/? Would anyone be interested in forming a discord community like that? Because I'm thinking of making a discord server like that.
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dbdviolators · 7 months
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peachy-lemon83 · 2 years
You know what I’ve learned from playing Valorant?
I really don’t give a shit what random people on the internet think about me. Bc like y’all can’t say anything I don’t already think about myself.
I suck at this game?
fuck yeah I do, I get carried almost every game and die first a good 80% of the time
Im useless/a burden?
Been thinking that almost my whole life
Im ugly?
Kind of weird to comment since you can’t see me but like I think that every time I look in a mirror
A more rude term for scared? (Bc I refuse to use that word bc women are fucking great, back off)
I have anxiety and am terrified of everything, I am very well aware of that, I have to deal with it
I’m broken?
In a million different ways
I have a playlist of sad songs that lasts almost 12hrs, hell yeah somethings wrong with me
This is a contest that no one else can win bc I have to fucking live with myself, and I know every single little thing that I’ve done wrong, and I know every thing that’s was just a little too mean, I know all the times I push my venting on people
No one can hate me more than I hate myself.
Y’all need to come up with something more original to actually hurt me. It’s a waste of both of our times but hey if you wanna take the energy to do that then go for ig
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pixelizedpieces · 2 years
I will never understand the absolute creachers that play Valorant competitive im a bronze two and and duo of silver 3's rolled into my lobby and started being the most toxic and annoying players imaginable after i, a raze main, was forced to pick kay/o because my main got insta locked, and started bottom scoring (5/16), despite the fact that one of them was only 9/18. They even kept complaining in all chat about how their team was "throwing". seriously makes me think about just insta muting everyone in my lobby's from now on
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dddemigirl · 2 years
I was playing my first game of the new Fortnite season earlier today. I tried to get a teammate’s reboot card but couldn’t figure out how to get to it because it was in the mine and I was in the storm so I didn’t have much time. He got on the mic saying that was a dick move to steal his stuff he dropped but not get his card. He was talking about how he’d never seen someone do that and to never play with him again. Yikes. Blocked.
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not-your-lifeline · 1 year
Why are some survivors still salty and insulting me when they got 4 man escape lol
I never camp/tunnel I can bet my kneecaps on it. (As you can see from my past dbd posts, I often spare survivors)
Did you get basement Bubba(which I never play) in the previous match or something? Why are you mad at me for it? You won, what more do you want from me?
Whiny, entitled survivors are real bruh
Is it really that hard to just type GG and move onto the next game? I'll never understand how your brain works.
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trash-gobby · 1 year
Since I did a really bad job of explaining myself last time I asked about something, I'm gonna try and be as clear as possible.
First I want to preface that I'm not baiting with any of my posts. They may be dumb obvious questions on occasion, but they are genuine. I wouldn't go out of my way to call out a specific person by name or be super rude about them because I don't think that's worth my energy no matter how awful they are.
If I make a joke post I will preface that in the tags as well so people who aren't sure will know that I'm not being serious, since parsing tone from text is not easy.
With that out of the way. I'm gonna move on to my question and scenario that lead to me asking about this.
So my question is: why do some people playing survivor literally decide they are gonna actively lead the killer to the team? Like why do they turn it into a 2 v. 3 scenario where they are not accidentally, but purposely throwing the game and taking us down with them?
Here is the scenario that made me ask this if your looking for clarification.
My friends and I were in a three-person SWF (gonna refer to these friends as Zarina and Mikaela for simplicity since they were playing those characters in game) just playing the game like normal. We aren't toxic, we don't purposely go out of the way to do anything negative to either the killer or the other player we're working with.
So we've had a couple of really normal and successful games against a bunch of different killers. We even got to meme with a killer and some randos before one of our friends since they joined both as Ash Williams so we both switched. We basically reacted the Spiderman pointing meme a bunch and got completely stomped by the killer who was also playing seriously while memeing.
After that we got into the three person game and loaded into a match against a Huntress. She was fine, not great but not bad either. Our non-SWF teammate was a Claudette who looked pretty competent.
So we're playing the first part of the match normally, getting gens done, chased, basic stuff. Then it all went to shit.
I'm on one side of the map with huntress chasing me when suddenly she breaks off. Fine, that happens when your in chase for a bit and then I hear over the call a little bit later that the Claudette has been downed is hooked. Fine, again, I can go for the save now since I'd just about 80% done with a gen.
I finished the gen since I had a little time and the Huntress wasn't camping or anything and it was Claudette's first hook. So I head in her direction (again she's pretty close so there is no way she's going to second phase). Then she makes an attempt to get off the hook. This was the first sign something wasn't right but I didn't think much of it. Got her off hook and then the Huntress was coming back our way.
She runs off I run off and Huntress chases me which is fine since I want to practice being chased cause loops are still kind of hard for me.
Then she breaks off again, and I hear over the call that the Claudette is repeatedly fast vaulting over a pallet that she dropped near Mikaela on the map (which for those uninformed makes a loud ass noise for the killer from their perspective in the game).
Basically Claudette decided to lead the Huntress to my friend who was doing a gen, who had literally done nothing to her negative in the match. She gets my friend Mikaela hooked, and they have the perk Kindred so they see that Claudette has run off to the corner of the map to use Self-Care.
Dick move to do this once right? That's not the end of it. My other friend Zarina saves Mikaela and we get back on track... Until.
I'm working on a gen when Mikaela shows up to help. We are nearly done the gen so I give them a heal since Zarina is being chased and the gen is 90% complete. Then I see out of the corner of my eye that Claudette is back and is medium vaulting on a jungle gym next to us, basically bringing Huntress back to both of us who are not doing anything wrong. We are literally working on a gen and she HAS NOT done anything the entire game at this point (keep in mind that gens have been getting done in the background of this by my friends when I wasn't with them.)
So obviously, we commit to the gen and get it done as fast as possible so we can get the heck out of dodge before this Claudette gets us killed.
Huntress shows up and chases all of us, like a normal person would. She downs the Claudette and also at some point hooks Mikaela again. She slugged Claudette so Mikaela and I basically just leave her there because we're worried she's gonna keep bringing the killer to us.
We work on gens and Zarina, who is a way nicer person then this Claudette deserves at this point, decides to heal her because they feel bad for just leaving her on the floor. Keep in mind that she also has been purposefully missing healing skill-checks near us earlier in the game, which also alert the killer if they are nearby, and running off to Self-Care or hide when the killer is nearby).
So Claudette is up and proceeds to bring the killer to Mikaela AGAIN (and I must preface again that Mikaela has done nothing wrong and has only been playing the game normally. Claudette should be mad at me if anyone, since I took two seconds longer then she wanted unhooking her to get the gen done earlier in the match). We're I'm working on the final gen and Mikaela gets downed and hooked for the final time because of this Claudette.
THEN, and only THEN does she come out of whatever bush she was hiding in and helps me finish the last gen, heals me, and goes to the exit gate with me.
Zarina, Claudette and myself escape from what would have been a much shorter game that would have had a four-person escape if SOMEONE hadn't decided to bring the killer directly to us for literally no reason.
We her perks are Left Behind, Self-Care (obviously) and two other self-serving perks, and she was most likely going to do this to all of us so she can get hatch.
Why do people play like this? Like wtf. We hadn't been toxic to her or the killer, so I just don't get what players like this get out of the game.
Let me know if there are any points y'all want clarified for this story and my question. I hope it's clearer then my last post 😅
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