#dead by daylight toxicity
trash-gobby · 1 year
Since I did a really bad job of explaining myself last time I asked about something, I'm gonna try and be as clear as possible.
First I want to preface that I'm not baiting with any of my posts. They may be dumb obvious questions on occasion, but they are genuine. I wouldn't go out of my way to call out a specific person by name or be super rude about them because I don't think that's worth my energy no matter how awful they are.
If I make a joke post I will preface that in the tags as well so people who aren't sure will know that I'm not being serious, since parsing tone from text is not easy.
With that out of the way. I'm gonna move on to my question and scenario that lead to me asking about this.
So my question is: why do some people playing survivor literally decide they are gonna actively lead the killer to the team? Like why do they turn it into a 2 v. 3 scenario where they are not accidentally, but purposely throwing the game and taking us down with them?
Here is the scenario that made me ask this if your looking for clarification.
My friends and I were in a three-person SWF (gonna refer to these friends as Zarina and Mikaela for simplicity since they were playing those characters in game) just playing the game like normal. We aren't toxic, we don't purposely go out of the way to do anything negative to either the killer or the other player we're working with.
So we've had a couple of really normal and successful games against a bunch of different killers. We even got to meme with a killer and some randos before one of our friends since they joined both as Ash Williams so we both switched. We basically reacted the Spiderman pointing meme a bunch and got completely stomped by the killer who was also playing seriously while memeing.
After that we got into the three person game and loaded into a match against a Huntress. She was fine, not great but not bad either. Our non-SWF teammate was a Claudette who looked pretty competent.
So we're playing the first part of the match normally, getting gens done, chased, basic stuff. Then it all went to shit.
I'm on one side of the map with huntress chasing me when suddenly she breaks off. Fine, that happens when your in chase for a bit and then I hear over the call a little bit later that the Claudette has been downed is hooked. Fine, again, I can go for the save now since I'd just about 80% done with a gen.
I finished the gen since I had a little time and the Huntress wasn't camping or anything and it was Claudette's first hook. So I head in her direction (again she's pretty close so there is no way she's going to second phase). Then she makes an attempt to get off the hook. This was the first sign something wasn't right but I didn't think much of it. Got her off hook and then the Huntress was coming back our way.
She runs off I run off and Huntress chases me which is fine since I want to practice being chased cause loops are still kind of hard for me.
Then she breaks off again, and I hear over the call that the Claudette is repeatedly fast vaulting over a pallet that she dropped near Mikaela on the map (which for those uninformed makes a loud ass noise for the killer from their perspective in the game).
Basically Claudette decided to lead the Huntress to my friend who was doing a gen, who had literally done nothing to her negative in the match. She gets my friend Mikaela hooked, and they have the perk Kindred so they see that Claudette has run off to the corner of the map to use Self-Care.
Dick move to do this once right? That's not the end of it. My other friend Zarina saves Mikaela and we get back on track... Until.
I'm working on a gen when Mikaela shows up to help. We are nearly done the gen so I give them a heal since Zarina is being chased and the gen is 90% complete. Then I see out of the corner of my eye that Claudette is back and is medium vaulting on a jungle gym next to us, basically bringing Huntress back to both of us who are not doing anything wrong. We are literally working on a gen and she HAS NOT done anything the entire game at this point (keep in mind that gens have been getting done in the background of this by my friends when I wasn't with them.)
So obviously, we commit to the gen and get it done as fast as possible so we can get the heck out of dodge before this Claudette gets us killed.
Huntress shows up and chases all of us, like a normal person would. She downs the Claudette and also at some point hooks Mikaela again. She slugged Claudette so Mikaela and I basically just leave her there because we're worried she's gonna keep bringing the killer to us.
We work on gens and Zarina, who is a way nicer person then this Claudette deserves at this point, decides to heal her because they feel bad for just leaving her on the floor. Keep in mind that she also has been purposefully missing healing skill-checks near us earlier in the game, which also alert the killer if they are nearby, and running off to Self-Care or hide when the killer is nearby).
So Claudette is up and proceeds to bring the killer to Mikaela AGAIN (and I must preface again that Mikaela has done nothing wrong and has only been playing the game normally. Claudette should be mad at me if anyone, since I took two seconds longer then she wanted unhooking her to get the gen done earlier in the match). We're I'm working on the final gen and Mikaela gets downed and hooked for the final time because of this Claudette.
THEN, and only THEN does she come out of whatever bush she was hiding in and helps me finish the last gen, heals me, and goes to the exit gate with me.
Zarina, Claudette and myself escape from what would have been a much shorter game that would have had a four-person escape if SOMEONE hadn't decided to bring the killer directly to us for literally no reason.
We her perks are Left Behind, Self-Care (obviously) and two other self-serving perks, and she was most likely going to do this to all of us so she can get hatch.
Why do people play like this? Like wtf. We hadn't been toxic to her or the killer, so I just don't get what players like this get out of the game.
Let me know if there are any points y'all want clarified for this story and my question. I hope it's clearer then my last post 😅
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mara-xx217 · 2 months
A Match Made in Hell- (A DBD Commission) Jed Olsen (Ghostface)/Reader
This was a paid commission! I hope you enjoy~
How could he think that you wouldn't learn this fact? How could you not think that he would learn the same about you? Really, you are a match made in hell...
Warnings: Serial Killings, Murder, Stalking, Arson, Murder, Super Toxic Relationship, Choking, Implied NSFW
You came across the find of the century. There was another on the turf of your home city serial killer. No matter what the police say and your newspaper prints, you know that it was someone else. A new face but someone that wasn’t new to the game. You had gotten a peek of a crime scene that the police had only just arrived at. Blood was everywhere but it wasn’t haphazard or sloppy, almost as if the killer had tried to make art out of their kill. You managed to snag a handful of photos before the police shoved you out of the way, calling you a ‘vulture’ as they threatened to arrest you should you obstruct them further. As much as you wished that you had gotten some better pictures, this was more than enough to prove without a shadow of a doubt that there was another murderer in Roseville. 
“You… do realize that we can’t publish any of this, right?” The chief editor of the Roseville Gazette had a sickly pale green hue to his face as stared at the photographs you presented to him. Several of the other editors had to turn away, some shaking their heads and others leaving the room entirely as they claimed they had ‘other things’ to do. The giddy rush of your find was quickly soured as the chief editor flipped the photographs around, so that they faced the desk underneath them. 
“W-Wha-? Are you being serious?! Do you have any idea of what this means? Doesn’t the public deserve to know just how dangerous the streets are-?!” The sudden wave of a hand has you silenced. Of everyone in the room nearly everyone seemed almost scared that you had brought such information inside of their building. What are they? Cowards or something?! There was only one person that didn’t seem perturbed by what you had shown them. Only one, and unsurprising to you, they were the one person that has irked you from the moment they set foot into your place of work.
“Just-! Get this shit off my desk and burn them for God’s sake! Jesus Christ-!” The chief editor sat back in his chair, looking exhausted. 
“And get out of my office while you’re at it!”
You snorted as you picked up the photographs. You didn’t spare a moment before you stomped out, yanking the door open with enough force that it bounced off the wall behind it. As you took a step out of the chief editor’s office, your eyes locked onto the new guy’s, the one that you didn’t like for… whatever reason. For a fraction of a second, you saw… something. Whatever it was, it was over before you even had the chance to internalize it but in your core, you knew exactly what you saw. 
A challenge… 
What kind of challenge was it…? One between reporters? Or was it-? 
It kept you up all night. There was a gnawing in the back of your head like a nagging question. It made the hairs on your body stand on end but it also made excitement pool in your gut. Could it be…? What would be the odds of such a thing? Low, almost improbable… But likely not impossible, right? You remember the interviews that the new guy had with two people that were killed by the new serial murderer- what was his name? Jed?- and remembered that they both were stalked and received phone calls and photographs of themselves from within their homes days before they were found killed in their homes. One was stabbed to death in the shower, ‘Psycho’ style and the other looked like they were surprised as they were cooking breakfast, their house nearly catching on fire from the unmonitored stovetop that was still on.
 You got up after the clock struck two a.m. and glossed back over all the articles that the Roseville Gazette had published over the past few months. Indeed, all of them were written as though the same killer had perpetuated all the recent hot topic murders in the city. You frowned at the fact that all the articles that you had written were nowhere to be found. Actually… the more that you read, the more that you realized that all the articles on the new murders were written by the same reporter. You quirked a brow. Oh? 
Now this is interesting… 
As you looked over more and more articles, the hairs on the back of your neck began to rise. A thrill ran down your spine and pooled in your gut. You just knew that something was going to happen. What, you didn’t know, but whatever it would be, it would be exciting. You sat back in your chair and waited, exhaling sharply through your nose as you stared at your cell phone that was resting on the table in front of you. You knew this guy’s type very well.
He’ll call you, without a doubt. 
Unsurprisingly, your phone began to ring. This asshole is probably watching you as you sit at your kitchen table… If he wasn’t watching you through a crack in your blinds, then he was likely inside of your house. As excited as you were, you couldn’t help but to feel a wave of apprehension washing over you at the thought of this creep being in your house. What was he? A dirty pervert? You scoffed to yourself and picked up your phone, answering it with your name. 
“....” There was soft breathing on the other end of the phone. You felt your eyes nearly roll out of your skull as you listened, leaning back further and propping your feet up on your table. 
“Sweetie, if this call isn’t going to contain some ‘Black Christmas’ level of obscene caller shenanigans then I’m not interested.” You quirked a brow as you heard a snort then a short bark of laughter. 
“Well, well! I’ve never had that kind of reaction before!” The man on the other side sounded totally unfamiliar to you. His voice was deep and smooth, almost a purr as he was no doubt staring at you lounging in your dining room.
“Hmph, perhpas… I think that you’re just the rest.” You could hear the squeak of leather on the other side of the line. 
“Oh? Like what?” You sighed heavily as you inspected your fingernails.
“Disappointing.” There was a pause on the other end of the line, as though the new Ripper of Roseville was genuinely surprised. Everything about you screamed that you were bored: your posture, your voice, your sheer nonchalance in the face of someone that you knew was stalking you and who was incredibly dangerous and no doubt homicidal. It was…
“Hmm…~ I want to play a game.” The man’s voice was as smooth as it was at the beginning of the call. He was judging your reaction, wondering if what he was seeing was real or if you were going to be another disappointment for him. 
“A game? No, I don’t think so-”
“C’mon… What’s the harm in a little game?”
“If it’s not ‘what are you wearing’ then I’m not interested.” Again, the squeak of leather hit your ears. To say that your own pulse wasn’t quickening and that heat wasn’t pooling in between your thighs would be an outright lie. Many men have tried to play a dangerous game but they always pussied out just as it was getting good.
You just knew that this one would be different. 
“I like how you think.” The man’s breathing was slightly laboured, as though he was out of breath. 
“Are you already jerking off, you little pervert?” You let one of your legs slip off your dining room table, revealing the nice lace panties that you had worn to bed. It wasn’t like you were expecting such a thing to happen. No! Not at all… Not at all… 
“Aw, you aren’t wearing the red ones? What a shame…” Your heart skipped a beat. An electric pulse shoots through your body as you hold your breath. 
So he can see you… 
“Those are my favourites… Red really suits you-” From your cracked bedroom door, something was thrown out of the darkness. You yelped and jumped, nearly falling backwards in your chair from surprise. A pile of what sounded like paper was thrown, whipping all over the floor of your living room. No, wait- Not paper.
“-just like blood.” His laughter made your heart pound in your ears. You shot up from your chair and snatched a kitchen knife from the knife block in your kitchen. As you stormed towards your bedroom, the photographs caught your eye. T-That’s-!!! 
Unsurprisingly, there was no one in your bedroom when you kicked your door open. No one was in the bathroom, in your closet or underneath your bed… Son of a bitch-! Your breaths come out in short bursts as you throw your bedroom door back open, it bouncing off the wall behind it and likely creating a dent. Your eyes were trained on the pictures strewn across the floor. You already knew what was on them but you were still hoping that you weren’t that sloppy-
The knife flew out of your hand and clattered to the floor across your home. How could you be so fucking careless?! That- That fucking asshole-! He-! H-He had fucking-! Your fingers trembled in rage as you quickly collected all the photographs. None of the photos had your face in them but they were damning. If this asshole is using them as blackmail, then he knows- One of the pictures especially caught your eye, one that did show your face. Your breathing hitched and caught in the back of your throat as you looked at yourself, masturbating beside- b-beside- a-and covered in- i-in-
These weren’t the only photos of you, you were certain of that. You were about to burn them but… Shit, you’ve got a serious problem. As damning of evidence this was, you just… couldn’t destroy them. You felt a sick, twisted sense of pride as you looked over them more and more. Wow, he had actually captured you wonderfully… You aren’t sure what you were feeling at the moment. Anger? Definitely. Rage? Absolutely. Flattered? Y-Yeah… Turned on? W-Well…
You dragged your feet on deciding whether or not you wanted to go back to work or if you were going straight over to that asshole’s house and killing him for getting involved in your business. Actually, there are many different reasons why you wanted to kill Jed Olsen: for stealing your promotion at the Roseville Gazette, for being a creep, for being an all around piece of shit, for trespassing on your turf-
“Hey-” You didn’t immediately look up from your work to answer him. You continued typing for some time, slowly tearing your eyes away from your work as you looked up at him with a scowl. 
“What?” God, you hated how much more attractive you’ve found Jed after learning the truth about him. His face was smug and confident, punchable and kissable-
“Now, is that any way to talk to a partner?” You felt your ears heat up as he leaned against your desk. He licked his lips as he looked you over. 
“You’re going to get some coffee with me.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“What’s the magic word, jerkwa-” The words were choked in your throat as Jed grabbed you by the throat. Your eyes went wide, not wide like his other victims, but still showing your surprise plainly. He felt your pulse throb beneath his fingers and he pressed into it with enough force to make your face turn red. 
“Coffee. You. Me. Got it?” Jed’s thumb pressed against your lower lip, calloused from working with his hands for the majority of his life. Your tongue reflexively flicked out, gently trailing against his thumb. You don’t think he was expecting this, as his grip relaxed for a fraction of a second before it became so tight that you felt something pop in your throat. 
“You fucking slut-” The look on his face was dark and there was no warmth in his smile. He forced you to lean up as he leaned down, meeting you halfway. 
“What do you say we burn this shithole to the ground and get the fuck out of this town, hmm?” There was a dark violence in his eyes that you were intimately familiar with. You had often seen them staring back at you in the mirror whenever you were washing the blood off your body after a successful hunt-
“G-Go w-where?~ H-Huuuh-?~” You were getting light headed from lack of oxygen but you were still acutely aware of what was happening around you. Your coworkers were going about their daily routines, totally unaware that you were talking to another coworker that was actively strangling you as the two of you talked about killing them all. They were so stupid it pissed you off. 
It’s just natural selection at this point if they are killed- 
“Anywhere… Just me and you…” A soft wheeze escaped from between your lips as your airway was crushed in Jed’s palm. There was a crossroads that was forming before you: say ‘yes’ and your life is over as you know it or say ‘no’ and your life is over as you know it. 
Fuck, how can you pass up the opportunity to go out with a ‘bang’? 
Your body was still sore from when Jed had dragged you to the supply closet at work. Fuck, how did no one hear the two of you?! He was not gentle with you and even though you were able to hold your screams of pain and pleasure at bay, the sound of your body being repeatedly banged against the closet wall as Jed fucked your brains out. Ah- You keep calling him ‘Jed’, even though you’ve known for a while that it was merely an alias for him. Danny… It’s something that you could get used to saying. Or maybe you should say screaming his name… 
It was so spur of the moment for you… for you both. Spontaneity was something you and Danny both were known for but pure impulsiveness? Well, maybe you both had been lying to yourselves. It’s much easier to do stupid, dangerous things when you have an equally dangerous and stupid person encouraging you to go further and further, until you both had two canisters filled with gasoline each and you both had broken into the Roseville Gazette and doused the whole place. One small spark would be enough to engulf the entire building…
What a shame your ex-chief editor was locked in the supply closet… 
The Roseville Gazette went up in flames within seconds. The heat of the flames exploded outwards, engulfing both you and Danny within its harsh light. The two of you were dressed in your murderous best: black and masked as you both heard your ex-chief editor screaming from within the hot inferno. Your entire body was trembling with excitement as the fire continued to rage hotter and hotter. It could spread to other buildings if things keep up… God, you fucking hoped that it did. You fucking hate this place and you guess that Danny did too, because he was just as turned on as you were as the screams of agony died down from within the destroyed Roseville Gazette. 
“Ha… Ha… F-Fuck-” You pulled off your mask and your face was flushed. You’ve never committed arson before… It felt pretty damn good, even if the smell of gasoline stuck to your clothing and skin. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Danny pull his own mask off, your eyes going wide as you felt him grab a fistful of your hair and yank your head backwards. As he pulled you into a passionate kiss. 
It was all tongue and teeth… You moaned as you felt your teeth bounce off of his, nipping at his lower lip and at the tongue that forced its way into your open mouth. Danny’s kiss was wet and overpowering but you wouldn’t let him win easily. You bit him hard enough to draw blood but instead of instantly pulling away, he moaned and kissed you even deeper. 
It left you breathless, even after he began to pull away. Even though you knew that the two of you shouldn’t be sticking around for much longer, you wanted to watch the Gazette continue to burn. This had to be the stupidest thing that you have ever done in your entire life, and you are including going to work for a newspaper that was in your active killing grounds. You always got hot and bothered when you reported on your own murders and you guessed that Danny was the same way with his own. He had grabbed you by the neck and was dragging you back towards the car that he had used to drive you both around for the night. You knew exactly what he had in mind, which was the only reason why you weren’t fighting him every step of the way. He’s the only man that’s ever made you sore after doing the deed…
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather, @horny-3
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sharksnshakes · 1 year
Wesker Tormenting A New Survivor! HCs
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It's too bad that nobody taught you, the new survivor, not to make a fool of Albert Wesker. It looks like he'll have to teach you himself.
A/N; every day y'all become more and more psychic. bc this was sitting in my drafts and @vasani was like 'yo can u take a crack at wesker???' so this is me, here, taking a crack at wesker. can't get over the fact that RE's most fearsome villain is named albert
Wordcount; 700ish
TW; dbd typical violence, death, mentions of mental and physical violence, suggestive themes, toxic behavior, narcissistic behavior, cursing, albert wesker is The Worst
Wesker thinks he's above everyone and everything, so let's make that clear right off the bat. Mans legitimately thinks he's unparalleled, please someone tell him to humble himself??
That being said, Wesker's not the type to single out specific survivors. UNLESS, of course, the brand new survivor calls him a bitch to his face. Then, all bets are off...
What ticks him off the most is when he's made a fool of, especially by someone he sees as below him. Especially when you, a mere survivor (and a new one at that!) manage to somehow beat him at his own game, distracting him while the rest of your team escapes.
When you make it through the gates, he's 1) stunned and 2) furious. How had he been so shortsighted? How had you managed to actually outsmart him?
He swears to never let it happen again--and what better way to do that then by teaching you a lesson?
Trials with Wesker are immediately 1000000x worse than any other killers. The ambiance totally changes:
The air feels thick, unbreathable; there's a sense of complete and total dread that sucks the breath right out of your lungs. Tree branches sag, heavy with the promise of a bloody trial to follow.
Takes out the rest of your team as soon as he can in favor of focusing on you, like, they're Mori'd within three minutes.
You don't exist to him until any potential interruptions (your teammates) are eliminated, and will be straight-up ignored until they're out of the picture. Will Mori your teammates right in front of you in increasingly violent ways, staring at you and only you while he does the deed.
Aggressive, but in a weirdly calm way. He's cold and precise, very calculating, but won't hesitate to lash out in a moment of fury. Though logic guides most of Wesker's actions against you, emotion takes over more often than not...
Ex; Wesker would Mori you with his hands, but he thinks you're too far below him to deserve it, so you'll get Uroboros instead.
Not only does this scare you shitless, but it prolongs that feeling of helplessness he's trying so desperately to instill in you.
Also, he was literally the head of an elite tactical force, so not only is Wesker ruthless, but he's incredibly methodical. Knows how to wear down an opponent in every way and will do it to the point of overkill--he wants to watch the hope drain from your eyes on repeat. Nobody makes Wesker feel like a fool. Again, he's trying to teach you a lesson.
Studies you in and out of matches (everything from healing your teammates to fixing gens).
Not dumb enough to get close to the campfire, but when you're swapping stories with other survivors, you often get the feeling someone's watching you just out of sight.
I hate to say it, but Wesker's one of the killers you have, like, zero fighting chance against. Will actively laugh at you if you try to fight back, then slam to you against the nearest wall with Uroboros... ouch.
He's kind of a paradox tbh, because he doesn't want to give you attention (everyone's below him, remember?) but wants to knock you down a peg, effectively, painfully, over and over and over again. The only way to do that is to study you, so mans is suffering from INTENSE cognitive dissonance. Please send him to therapy.
Unlike other killers, he won't really get attached to you over time?? He is, however, royally pissed off when other killers mention how they Mori'd you, and will be twice as intense in the next trial he has with you. Mans is lowkey territorial.
TLDR; when Wesker targets you, he will target every aspect of you. He'll tear you down physically, psychologically, emotionally, and he'll do it to the extreme. He feels a need to regain his stolen honor, and, just like a bully on the playground, he thinks the best way to redeem himself is to push others around. And if anyone threatens that--whether they're a killer or a survivor--he'll take them out, too.
To say the least.
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phonkscribes · 1 year
I imagine Wesker not to be a good person, especially towards an experiment or some other piece of work he has to temper to his liking. Although, he’s the sort who puts his whole back into his projects, not caring if it’s taxing or moral even. In his hands you’re merely a tool needing refinement, and he will work arduously until you are made in the image of his perfection.
He's going to be handsy, and rough most of the time. One of the things he does the most is grip you by the jaw to angle your head to look into your eyes, to make sure they haven't dilated and are responsive to light while experimenting on you.
If you perform well, he might even reward you, and if you behave he'll be gentler. Wesker might ease up on his grip but he won't let go of you completely, a hand resting against your throat or arm to ensure you that if he wanted to, he could hurt you at any given moment.
He would compliment you the more he develops you, ghosting his touch against your skin with careful grace as you display what new attribute you've gained.
If your teeth had sharpened, or developed a longer tongue, he would fix your mouth to show him. His thumb gently pressing into your cheek as he peers into your gaping maw, the subtle hints of pride rising behind his gaze.
If you'd developed the ability to split your appendages or grow new ones, he would dare to hold them and feel up and down to probe and poke them.
"Excellent, just excellent...", he'd muse, grinning at your progress.
Of course, he may be acting sweet now, but do not think for a second that he won't turn to hurt you in the name of science. He will apologize after doing what he's done, but only after watching you heal and seeing to your quick recovery from his testing. You're important to him, even if he sees you as a stepping stool for his grand schemes.
If it's anyone else trying to run tests on you, he will grow impatient with them. He'd chastise them for not treating you properly, and especially if they hurt you by mistake. How dare they? Do they not know what you are, who you are? He will not have some low life defile what is his.
He would sooner usher them out of his lab or reprimand them there himself.
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ulysaturn · 1 year
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"Eat with me, first."
some fanart of What Do You Want from Me? by ohatotem on ao3!!
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haxnmor · 2 months
When I play survivor I tend to get negative/toxic replies for being stealthy and not being able to hold chase.
I would understand this if it wasn't for the fact that I go for saves and heal people quietly and do everything in a match except for hold chase. Even taking a hit for others when I can. Yet because I'm better at avoiding the killer I tend to get disliked.
There was even a time where I was on the map "The Game" and a nea was getting tunneled so I tried following to take chase away. That nea died because of noed but came to chat and blamed me for "wasting time" and that "it's pallet city". They used all the pallets btw which screwed everyone else end game.
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randomfandomdreaming · 10 months
Wesker: [gets a lobby with three Neas and a Meg]
Wesker: [only runs around hitting people]
One of the Neas: [decides to be toxic]
Wesker: So, you have chosen death.
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enarien · 16 days
a question for DBD community
why does everyone turn into a brainless bot when you use Weaving spiders?
i never tried that perk so i wanted to see what's it about and 6 games in a row i had people running into basement just to jump into lockers and alert the killer, get killed on purpose (didn't even give as the bot for disconnecting, no of course they killed themselves on the hook) and just refused to do gens, went afk and all that while i was doing invocation
Bond and Kindred are great perks to show you just how much of a toxic players your team mates are ♥♥♥
well i had enough of dbd for today
the question is real though. why can't people just... play?
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teeniegreeniebeanie · 5 months
Can someone tell me what in tarnation was going through devs heads when they added Chucky to dbd
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kibbygutzzzz · 3 months
alright dbdblr who are we shipping alan with i vote james
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mara-xx217 · 1 year
Would it be too much to ask for a one shot where the reader is a survivor who actively fights back against the killers and Vittorio and them get into an argument but also the ✨ tension ✨
Who does this guy think he is...?!
Warnings: Toxic Relationship, Things get Physical, Possessiveness, Canon Typical Blood and Death
You didn't know what the new guy's problem was. You were one of the first survivors that he met, one of the first that he met in a trial, no less, so perhaps that is why he is so anal about protecting you, especially against them.
The Knight and his Guards were new as well, but they didn't have the learning curve that new survivors had. They were natural killers- killers in the real world, before they were taken, as you would learn from the new survivor, Vittorio. You weren't afraid of them, no more than you were afraid of the other killers, no matter how much that eccentric Italian would beg you to hide away from them and to save yourself.
You don't have many strengths and you don't have many means to fight back, but that wouldn't stop you from fighting back against them. Even if you die, even if you are tortured, you won't let them win. You won't forsake your fellow survivors, even if the cycle will repeat over and over again....
Vittorio wouldn't stop getting in your way. The other survivors know they can't change your mind- many have tried- and instead they make the best of the distractions that you provide. Vittorio, on the other hand, will put himself in danger to the point that it endangers others. It angers you to no end and it has lead to numerous moments of friction between all the survivors.
When you reawaken in the little destroyed Italian village, you knew that this was going to be a rough trial. You weren't scared of the Knight or of what Vittorio might do to get in your way, but you were afraid for your other friends in the trial. They don't deserve to be caught in the middle of the stupid, pointless drama that nobleman asshole keeps starting with you-
You begin to push yourself even harder. You get the Knight's attention and like always, he charges at you. Tunnel vision has him ignoring survivors that are well within his line of sight. It makes him sloppy but dangerous. If he gets ahold of you, it's over... You vault a window at the last possible moment, heart beating out of your chest as you hear the sound of the killer's sword embedding itself in the wooden window frame. He shouts in anger as he watches you run in the opposite direction.
Keep going! They're on the last gen-!
It was exhausting. There was so much to take into account: possible loops, where the other survivors were, where the killer is when you lose sight of him. Where Vittorio is so you can avoid him... He caught sight of you just as the exit gates were powered and you had to run from not only the killer but from him as well.
Why can't he just leave you the fuck alone?! You grit your teeth as you run out of breath. The toll of the bell tells you that your job is nearly done. They only need to escape- You mentally prepare yourself to continue the chase with the Knight. It's almost over... You can do this. Just like you always have done. Psyching yourself up, you take in a breath, preparing to scream at the top of your lungs, only-
You choke on your scream as a hand clamps over your mouth. It was clammy, sticky with sweat and covered in grime. You instinctively clamp down on the wrist, more than prepared for a fight. You elbow them in the ribs, surprised you didn't bust your elbow on a hard metal plate. Your assailant has the wind knocked from their lungs as they release you, sucking in a deep breath of air as they recoil from the strike.
"W-Wait-!" You grimace as you turn to face him.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" You hiss between clenched teeth. You didn't have time for this shit! None of you did. Not even Vittorio! He rubbed his sternum, panting and clearly uncomfortable, if not confused, with your hostility and questioning.
"What...? What do you mean? You are going to get yourself killed! They are- These people-" You closed your eyes to prevent yourself from rolling them.
What does he think you are? A helpless child? You've been dealing with this for a hell of a lot longer than he has! Who does he think he is?! Your knight in shining armour?!
"I know exactly what I'm dealing with. Do you? Look, Vittorio, right? You are getting in the way of what I do best: I distract and everyone else gets the gates open. Stop trying to be a hero! You're putting everyone in danger from the way you-" He began to shake his head. In fact, his entire body began to tremble as he took a step forward towards you.
You cringed as he took hold of your shoulders. You could feel the tension in his muscles, on the precipice of snapping into action, as he squeezed your arms tightly.
"You don't- You can't-" You bristled.
"Can't what?! You don't have any right to tell me what I can or can't do!" You separate his hands from your shoulders and you push him away. Vittorio looks stunned, as though he genuinely couldn't fathom why you would be so stubborn and put yourself in so much danger. You didn't care if he didn't understand. He needs to get out of your way-
"Just get the hell out of here before he finds us both! There's not a lot of time-" Again, he rushes forward and grabs ahold of you- your forearm this time- and begins to pull you forward.
"Come! We must- You'll die!" You tried to pull your arm free but his grip was much firmer this time, to the point of being painful.
"Yeah-?! Let go! What the fuck-?! LET GO OF ME!" Your voice raised an octave as you dug your heels into the ground. You pulled on your arm again and this time Vittorio pulled you so hard you cried out in pain.
"Stop being a foolish woman and come with me! NOW! You haven't the slightest idea of the forces you are playing with!" You were taken aback by his tone and his wording.
'Foolish woman..?' 'No idea the forces I'm playing with?!'
You grabbed your wrist with your other hand and tried, again to wrestle it free. God, why the fuck is he so strong?! A small part of you began to panic as he pulled you away.
"S-Sto- I said STOP! STOP IT! LET ME GO-!!" Your voice cracked and echoed across the village as you tried to push him away.
You pushed him with just enough force to send him off balance. But it wasn't enough. Vittorio used it against you and ended up tackling you to the ground. You landed on your stomach with a grunt. He had you pinned and all you could do was thrash as you struggled to breathe.
"You are hysterical! Come with me, now, foolish girl!" One of your flailing arms were pinned behind your back roughly. Panic was quickly blinding you.
Do you call for help? Is there anyone here to help you? Tears welled in your eyes as you plead for him to get off of you and to let you go.
"We both can go now! W-We can leave! Let me leave! Please!!"
Vittorio wouldn't let you go.
He kept calling you hysterical, a silly little girl that was in over her head. Likely other things under his breath in Italian that you couldn't understand. You couldn't get away. You couldn't breathe- Somewhere in the middle of it all, you managed to suck in a deep breath and you screamed.
You didn't know what happened at first. Warm wetness hitting your back left you confused to the point you didn't immediately react. W-What was that-? Vittorio's tight grip on your arm and shoulder subsided as he strained and wheezed. His weight on your back began to lift and you then realized what just happened.
N-No... Wait...
You scramble away, making the mistake of looking over you shoulder as you ran. You nearly tripped over your own feet as you saw the Knight pin Vittorio in place as his guards took turns in tormenting him as the life was bleed from him.
What were you supposed to feel? You only felt nauseous and dizzy as you stumbled out of the exit gate, falling to your knees as you left the collapsing realm.
Why did he do that...? Sweat beaded on your brow as you struggled to comprehend what just happened.
Why does he think he has a right over your actions? Who does he think he is?! As you calmed down, anger began to replace your shock. There was still a bit of guilt, misplaced or not, over how Vittorio was killed. But it would have never happened if he didn't interfere and fucking pin you down like that....
That was fucked up... You dreaded returning to the survivors' camp. You didn't want to see him, you didn't want excuses or an explanation. You didn't even want to share what had happened with the other survivors. You just wished it didn't happen at all...
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were-fag · 9 days
got back into playing dead by daylight and im having fun its satisfying an animal part of my brain. why is there an etiquette though
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haxnmor · 2 months
So just so people are aware back when I first started my channel I primarily did dbd as a killer. Recently though I play survivor because I like the challenge and my blood pumping. Even with the occasional tunnel either just from Jerk killers or TTV haters. I still do my best, especially in the current ptb.
Side note I do, run cursed build challenges so if you got a suggestion and I haven't done it yet leave a comment here or on my YT/TT.
Aside from those challenges I run a medic like build.
Autodidact, self care and bite the bullet. Then either a boon or a challenge perk.
Well today I was made fun of for running self care. Yes I'm aware it's slow but it comes in handy when it's needed. Like when someone is holding chase and 2 gens are left. I can heal myself and the two remaining survivors can focus on gens.
Well regardless I got made fun of by my teammates for running that and left behind (my challenge perk because the challenge was to escape only through hatch). Point being is watch out cause even if they're on your team dbd players can just be toxic.
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chorus-the-mutate · 25 days
We need more Jonah Vasquez × Doctor toxic yaoi content. Bonus points if it just devolves into a CIA centric spy thriller.
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stardust-ghoul · 1 month
screw you, you're not coming to my birthday party
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