#top notch creepy shit
meredithbeckham · 5 months
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a softer world, aos.
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
My brain is unwilling to let go of Twin AU prompts. Sorry for the long post lmao.
Jazz and Jason are getting pretty serious in their relationship, and honestly, they’ve both been hesitant to introduce their family members to one another despite constantly talking about them. They’ve been dating since she started her doctoral studies at Gotham U and she’s about to defend her dissertation, so it really is about time. He saved her in her first week as the Red Hood and he immediately felt at home with her (something, something liminal), she runs into him the next day at a coffee shop and thanks him for taking the time to help her. 
Identities are obviously blown. Jason knows that her brother works in ‘politics’ and her younger sister is a travel blogger, and that the three of them don’t talk to her mad scientist parents anymore. Jazz knows that he came back from the dead, his adoptive family had a slew of issues in addition to their hero-complexes and that he would be prepared to kill for any one of his siblings. Their communication skills are top notch. 
But then came the issue of actually meeting the family. Like Jazz knows all of the drama between the siblings but could not pick them out of a line up, or more importantly, know who to talk to if an emergency situation came up. Jason agrees, that yeah, it would probably be for the best if he could at least identify her little brother and sister if they had to like, meet at hospital or something. 
So that was the plan. Invite just siblings over to their shared apartment, no parents and no fuss. (She even called Danny ahead of time to tell him not to portal straight into the apartment, he needed to walk in the door like a normal person. They could share Ghost King secrets later.) 
Tim arrives first, he’d been working a case nearby and Jazz & Jason live pretty close to a nice coffeeshop, so he stopped along the way. He’d done some creeping to figure out that she drinks Chai so he brought one for her. Creepy and yet, endearing. 
Ellie comes in second from the window, launching into a story about how annoying it was to find the place with all the gloom, didn’t this city have any respect for the dead? Tim doesn’t get it but Jason is laughing along so Tim files it away for later. 
Dick comes in with a shit ton of Pizza he panic ordered, a fruit bouquet and two bottles of wine from Bruce’s cellar. Duke came along with him, a large tupperware of Alfred’s cookies. 
Then Steph, Babs and Cass show up, immediately treating Jazz like family while also being hella suspicious about the whole thing. She notices them looking at her hands and Jazz explains that no, they weren’t doing this because Jason proposed. Steph and Cass are annoyed at Jason but tell Jazz she could do better if she wanted. Babs is happy they aren’t rushing into anything (she’s the only one besides Tim that knows how long they’ve been dating- this is just to throw out a red herring for the others)
Everyone is getting along and having a great time, Ellie being a natural entertainer along side Dick, everyone trying to tell embarrassing stories about Jason. Loud noises are coming from the hallway when they realize that neither Damian nor Danny had arrived. 
Rushing out the door, the boys are alternating putting each other into choke holds and arguing about not being clones. Danny keeps phasing out of Damian’s grip and Damian keeps pulling out more knives. The hallway looks like it had been blown up and the two are continuing to yell at one another about going to a family dinner. Jason and Jazz just stare at them from the doorway, and wouldn’t you know it, they look like fucking twins. 
Jazz grabs Danny, Jason grabs Damian, and everyone is fucking confused. Both sides of the family can confirm growing up with the twins, that neither are a clone. Ellie helpfully supplies that she’s the clone and that opens a whole other bag of chaos. 
Eventually they get everyone to sit down for dinner and the night gets weirder from there. 
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hanaruri-tunes · 11 months
Some quick Leviathan x reader. No trigger warning cause honestly it's pretty vanilla.
Imagine Leviathan making cosplays for you à la "dress up darling."
He measures you thinking how lucky he is that he's allowed to get so close to you AND he's the only one who knows your measurements. He preciously keeps that sheet of paper where he wrote them down although he would never admit it to you because he's too scared that you'll think he's a creepy piece of shit.
Aside from the regular cosplays you ask him to make, he secretly makes some erotic outfits with those measurements "as practice", dreaming that one day you'll wear those. Not like it's possible anyway since you guys would never have the kind of relationship where you'll gladly dress yourself up like a slut for him... right?
As soon as you catch him red handed you immediately ask him if you can try them on. He freezes for a solid 20 seconds. Can you?? He would literally pay you to do it and yet he can have that for free?? You put them on and oh- you look gorgeous. You're wearing the kind of costume that can be borrowed in love hotels except the quality here is top notch.
Before Levi can understand what he's saying, he has already asked you if he can take pictures of you like this. You agree and not only do you agree, you also pose for him. Though he's still too shy, ashamed in asking you for a certain pose in particular so you just try to pose in as many ways as you can think of. Eventually, as you can clearly see the outline of his dick through his sweatpants, you ask him him if there isn't anything else he'd like you to do for him.
You caress his forearm then you go up to his arm, gently swaying him as he wishes he could rip all of his clothes off right now to feel your direct touch on his skin. Your hand finally makes his way up to his torso, playing with the area around his nipples. You make soft, hopeful eyes at him. Hoping that he'll break.
"Hm? You don't want anything else? Only pictures are fine with you?"
He gulps then shuts his eyes tightly, unable to make this request while looking at you in the eyes.
"P-Please suck me off..."
You chuckle, then immediately go down on him. You tease him through his sweatpants first, then through his underwear, caresssing him with your hand. And once it's out, you shamelessly take it all in. While he sits there on his seat, he can't help but throw his head back. Gasping, squirming and whimpering like a little bitch.
He tries to take pictures of you as you're sucking him off but it comes out all blurred as his hands keep shaking. Eventually he drops the phone, unable to stop his urge to thrust his hips into your beautiful little mouth. He gets up, gripping you by the leash and collar he made just for you, pushing himself further in. Back and forth, until the warm liquid makes its way into your throat, flowing boldly.
You keep drinking him as he whines at every swallowing sensation as your throat tightens up around him. He starts on mumbling and blabbering nonsense. All the stuff he couldn't say to you earlier because he was still playing polite.
"Y-You're so beautiful, even when you're in such a slutty outfit you're so cute and pretty and aghh please accept me pleasepleaseplease I'll do anything for you to keep wearing these in front of me hngh-"
He pulls out, realizing that he may have messed up big time. He apologizes profusely, feeling extremely awkward because of the "post-nut clarity" he's been suddenly hit with. He feels stupid and filthy for doing that to you but you reassure him. Telling him you'll look forward to more outfits.
He breathes a sigh of relief before looking at you up and down, his dick rising again. He clears his throat.
"So... c-can I fuck you?"
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chaoticace2005 · 5 months
Thing a bit more about HB 207 and the whole thing with Fizz feeling like he has to earn Ozzie makes even more sense if you consider his background in the circus. Blitzø’s dad seems to give affection and attention based on who was being the most “value” in.
Fizz was the “son he wished he could have” because of how good of a performer he was and how much money he brought in. Fizz likely saw and internalized the way Blitzø was treated as well, with attention ultimately being a commodity that had to be earned We have never seen or really heard anything about Fizz’s own family- so at the moment going with the assumption that Buckzo (and later Mammon) was (were) the closest thing he had to a parent, and a parent who only ever gave him any kind of praise or attention when he was winning or doing “good” would explain a lot. And the thing with these kind of people that use others for their gain is that often times it’s never enough- there is always more. Fizz likely constantly to better himself, to reach for more, because if he doesn’t then he’ll be tossed away.
Then he meets Ozzie- who not just gives him love and affection openly but is also someone he likely perceives as being “higher class” than him given the hierarchy in hell. And Fizz works for him, making an even greater power dynamic. Right there, with the combo of him being someone of power and offering affection he likely doesn’t often receive (because as we see most of his fans are creepy and after Blitzø we don’t know if he has any other friends) makes it so Fizz feels like this has so be something he earns. Because all other relationships he’s had like this have worked that way. As a business transaction as sorts. He has to play the role of the top-notch performer, because if he doesn’t he’ll be replaced or thrown away.
And just… ow
I feel like this can resonate with so many people in so many different ways. For many relationships they feel transactional or conditional in a way- where you have to prove you’re worthy of them, and ultimately that puts pressure and stress on you.
Fizz and Ozzie’s relationship is adorable and they are clearly in love, but there still is some things they need to discuss and communicate. Their relationship isn’t perfect (as is the same with most relationships, both in reality and the media) and I’ll be really interested in seeing if they discuss this going forward. Fizz is finally seeking to communicate more with Ozzie, and with them being open about their relationship and him leaving Mammon (and acknowledging that Mammon is a PIECE OF SHIT) it definitely feels like a step in the right direction.
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miraculousmaker · 4 days
Yes I know I’m very behind, shush.
Punched in the eye straight away, thanks.
She totally wants the computer to read them.
They think the cases might not be random, but don’t really take notice and can’t see a pattern. Web is trying to kill me in specificity.
O this girl is Annabel, isn’t she?
Someone’s trying to resign
Anyway, resignation never goes well. Just remembering Jon saying ‘they were found dead X time later’
Soundmixing is top-notch as always
Accidentally becomes manager bc of someone else dying, being unready for it.
“I should… chill. It was… ‘all good’.”
At first i thought the pot was gonna be homophobic, but it’s just a dude’s screaming face, so whatever.
Big bear rug. Is it gonna come alive haha
I wonder if Clayton was just bringing the reporter in for some reason.
Not really reacting to all these voulunteers is strange. Ignore speling
they’re all bringing pieces of creepy art, essentially. O yeah, this is strange. Maybe a Leightner situation but for objects?
desire to collect and crowd an area, to suffocate with objects and bodies and hoarding
“That’s when the gunshots started” HUH?
Secret person rescuing individuals from desires?
The hollow little laugh when it ended.
O shit she’s def Annabel, huh?
“I’m sure it wasn’t anyone important” FUCK YOU GUYS THAT WAS SO UNNEEDED.
Our poor boy is just trying to reach out. So sad. Scottish dude is so paranoid already, they’re not trying to kill you, i promise.
Ooo the girls are fighting.
Not only did you try to kill someone, but you failed. Haha, loser.
This is so damn gay
Ok things are moving around now, i can dig it.
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discet · 1 year
I think the core was a good villain in concept, but felt underdeveloped. And yeah, I believe the main reason for Darcy’s existence is because the writers wanted Marcy out of the plot, and chose the cruelest way possible to do so(because fuck Marcy I guess)
Yeah no, the Core had a whole mess of potential! It was this creepy alien force lurking in the shadows behind the throne! It had the loyalty of a really compelling antagonist in Andrias! It's design for both its giant robot body and Darcy was really cool! 
The fandom content ever since season 2 and especially after the season 3a hiatus was top notch. A lot of it would have to be toned down to be used in canon, but they all explored really interesting themes and how they could impact Anne Marcy and Sasha.
And its all just sort of left on the table. [Salt below read at your own risk. ]
And it turns out that the compiled intelligence of the most brilliant minds of a dimension spanning empire has the motivations of just like, an everyday jackass. It wants an army so it can do conquests, cause I guess war is fun? No seeming end goal other than violence? 
It’s not for the Glory of Amphibia cause its leaving that whole planet to rot. It’s not to live in luxury cause it guts the palace of all its art and finery in favor of extremely utilitarian tech.
And war for the sake of war would make sense if it was just this totally alien unfeeling hivemind. But apparently it misses the taste of bakegoods enough that it made itself extremely vulnerable by hooking itself into a teenage girl.
Like, a pure evil villain isn’t by default a bad thing, but from a series that brought us such interesting, nuanced, and compelling antagonists like Andrias and Sasha, the core feels like an afterthought. A thing to pun as much of the blame on as possible and defeat. Its existance was not even known to the protagonists until literally just before the finale.
And it wasn’t even like a ‘Ah yes! It was me all along!’ It literally just let Andrias handle everything for a thousand years, then immediately shit the bed once it was back in charge. 
And yeah, the fact that it benches Marcy and just ends her entire character arc is extremely frustrating. Again, lots of cool struggling from the inside plotlines you can do if the possession and they are just not explored. Marcy gets super traumatized twice once through a literal stab in the back and then by what looks like a horrifying possession and then does nothing for the season. Gets to do some cool anime stuff in the final fight but ultimately is not allowed to get any kind of victory over Andrias, her possession, or the core itself. 
And at the end she is just normal. All of that horror and betrayal and Marcy just takes it in stride cause its the end of the show and we don’t got time for her to feel anything other than okay about everything. Anne got two episodes about her coming to terms with Hop Pop’s betrayal with the box, and several more episodes/subplots focused around her wrestling with coming to forgive Sasha. Marcy gets a tense little ‘bye Andrias.’ as she’s leaving and that’s it. Marcy was a device for other characters arcs and the plot first and her own character second. And BOY am I salty about it. 
Salty to the tune of about 350k words of fic. 
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the-sage-libriomancer · 5 months
Random media i love and want to recommend:
Saving Me (animated tv show) - A Canadian show about a brilliant 61 y/o inventor who, upon realizing that he's driven away everyone he ever loved, projects himself into the mind of his 12 y/o self to help save his (their?) relationships before they crash and burn. This show gives me super intense Gravity Falls vibes, in the sense that it's basically just what would happen if Ford Pines went back in time to help his child self. It also has a lot of interesting plot pieces that slowly connect over the course of the series. Currently has two seasons.
Daybreaking Romance (manhwa) - A Korean manhwa following three different college couples and their romantic escapades. This is very slice of life but also features comedic misunderstandings of epic proportions and grounded examinations of people, not to mention plenty of nice lighthearted emotional turmoil. Also two of the main characters (Saebyeok and Yeomyoung) are the most autistic twins you'll ever meet. Check it out if you like simping boyfriends, aesthetically pleasing artwork, and misunderstandings that drive you up the wall in a good way (if you're a Miraculous Ladybug fan you'll probably like this one lol). Unfortunately there's no official English translation so you'll have to read it online.
Mision: Yozakura Family (manga) - a recent(ish) Japanese manga about a high schooler who accidentally gets married to the head of a family of spies and is adopted into the family business. Now I've complained about this series in the past, but I'm still recommending it because it's funny and sweet, all of the characters are easy to love, and the main couple are incredibly shippable. Plus its myth arc is shaping up to be incredibly interesting!
The Goes Wrong Show (tv series) - a British comedy series with the premise "what if an amateur theater group tried to put on shows and they went disastrously wrong?" It's the most hysterical, side-splitting show I've ever seen - I'm not kidding when I say every episode makes me choke with laughter. The craftsmanship is also top notch. You will not BELIEVE what sort of things these actors will go through for the sake of the bit. There are two series (seasons) plus a handful of holiday specials and a wholeass movie. Also, the entire series is free on YouTube!
Small Kingdoms (book by Charlaine Harris) - a short story collection, all featuring the same character: Anne DeWhitt, an assassin trainer turned high school principal. The writing is clean and concise, in a way that grips you right from the first sentence and doesn't let go; I also really love the characters, who are delightfully practical and also super endearing. Definitely recommended if you like thrillers, good writing, and short reads.
Eerie Tales From The School of Screams (graphic novel) - a recent horror anthology comic. It's middle grade fiction, but hoooo boy it's the sort of book kids will come back to as adults and be like "holy shit, this was for kids???" You might recognize the author and artist (Graham Annable) because he's done a bunch of comics/comic strips and also worked on movies like Boxtrolls and Coraline. This one has a bunch of body horror and creepy art so genuinely don't read it if you're not interested in horror horror ^^'
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darasideblog · 1 month
Offloading thoughts on the whole Goshawk season of the White Vault because I need to put to word what didn't land for me with this season and I don't want to annoy my friends babbling about shit
It. Is. So. Slow.
And yet there's no tension whatsoever. Despite that the production value and voice actors are absolutely top notch as always. I have zero critique on that front, everyone's great.
I don't have any reason to root for these characters. At the start of the season I knew one thing about Iffy.
She's a nature photographer.
At the end of the season I know a whole two things about Iffy.
She's a nature photographer. And probably Casner's daughter.
Which is just dropped right at the end in such a abrupt way that I half expected to hear the 'dun dun' music that the Black Tapes used whenever they'd drop a revelation without really setting it up.
I don't mind the change of format, the found footage format worked great for season 1-3, but pretty obviously had gotten forced by season 5.
But if I the listener am no longer privy to the characters' inner thoughts, they need to externalize those thoughts. Within half of the first season you have a good grip on who the Svalbard team is, what they have left behind and want to get back to, which just makes it all the more heartbreaking when they get killed (or transformed). The season 3 expedition is a odd half and half in that the academics are pretty much just there, but Simon, Dragana, Maheer and Raimy get enough presence and dialogue between them for me to care about them.
There's none of that in Goshawk. I can honestly barely keep the sisters apart in my head because there's nothing beyond 'one has a injured leg' to really keep them separate. They don't talk about themselves, and neither do Iffy. Which makes sense for the first half, running from kidnappers in a blizzard doesn't leave room for much chit chat. But once they find shelter there should have been some room to get to know them. Even your shittiest action movie will let one soldier have a line about how much he misses his wife and baby at home, so you'll at least feel a little bit sorry for him when he inevitably gets shot or blown up.
Which really is the second major issue I think there is with this season: the narrative is split between two stories, in every episode.
The whole family stuff is... interesting, in that world building kind of way, but it adds absolutely nothing to the overall horror and survival story. It isn't really helped either that the stakes feels so hilariously low. Dís and her entire family is all acting like the sky is falling, and they're all about to die to various accidents because their protection is disappearing, when Ardna throws herself in front of a car to save a friend, and... walks away with what amounts to a bump on her head that just requires a couple of days in the hospital and off home she goes.
You could pretty much cut out half if not two thirds of the family side of the story, put it in the latter half of the season as a cut away, and ramp up the stakes to build some proper "Oh shit, something is up with this system that's been in place for centuries" feeling. Artifact showed there's plenty of creepy feelings to get when the guardians starts to mess with things, even while you're in the safety of civilization. But aside from the very last bits with one randomly showing up at Dís place and whispering to her, there's nothing really supernatural going on here either. Just a mother concerned for her daughter, which is all well and good but it's not a supernatural horror story.
So one story line feels like it's not really getting any room to establish its cast and do the whole supernatural horror thing, nor actually drop any 'oh, something is suspicious about our saviour' hints in regards to Jason, and the other is honestly taking up too much space with too little substance to it.
Honestly, I was hesitant about this season anyway, since I left season 5 feeling a little sour at how it felt like it just wanted to get rid of this particular story beat and start over, without really giving much payoff to the whole five season story line (and the miniseries' events), but I wanted to give Goshawk a fair shot.
And now I'm not sure if I'll even bother with the next season. Which sucks, I started listening to it shortly before season 2 dropped, and have eagerly awaited each season since then.
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thealmightyemprex · 1 month
Watched X Men 97 episode 3
Thoughts are
1.I love Morph they are such a lil shit (Affectionate )
2.Hey @ariel-seagull-wings you were right about it being Goblin Queen
3.So does Morph has a thing for Wolvie....If so I ship it
4.Cal Dodds performance in this episode is top notch
5.The modulation on Sinisters voice is creepy,but Im mixed on it
6.Man this series likes beating Scott with a baseball bat,dont it ?
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@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1 @piterelizabethdevries @countesspetofi
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r6shippingdelivery · 7 months
I am so mentally unwell after the season finale of Wheel of Time adfsjklsk
I got so emotional with two scenes I wasn't expecting to: Mat blowing the horn, and Ishamael's death 😭 Also, as someone that when I read the books was an Egwene stan first and a person second, all her scenes were a freaking treat omg. And she faced a Forsaken and held on her own? Absolute legend, we stan!
Moghedien's introduction was top notch and holy shit, this show makes me care so much for the villains, I actually love that. Moggy is perfect, creepy-cute and her weaves look like spider-webs! And the whole messy of Lanfear, Ishy and Lews being besties on their first life, I'm eating it all up like a starving beast.
Now what the hell do you mean I'll have to wait one to two years for season three?? 😭😭
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Recommend me a horror movie, but make it as old as possible or as a horror-comedy (I'll take anything)
Ohhh horror movies my beloved <3 *watches half of them behind fingers*
About older ones, I wouldn't go before 70's or even 80's. Psycho (1964) yes, but it's more of a classic than "best horror ever". So:
The Exorcist (1973) - girls gets possessed by a demon and priests are trying to exorcise her. It has some chilly scenes, they still ring in my mind (like backwards spider climb down stairs :<); simple movie yet very very effective and scary. I read somewhere that when it came out in cinema almost 50 years ago some people were running out of cinema crying and screaming mid movie. So yep, defo worth checking imo.
Halloween (1978), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) and Friday the 13th (1980) - these are all classic slasher movies; it's when you have a serial killer/slasher chasing down people for whatever reason. There are countless spin-offs and remakes of all 3 series but those are original movies. It's more adrenaline pumping and intriguing than scary imo, but are definitely worth the watch. At least one of them.
The Blair Witch Project (1999) - i think this is first found footage horror movie. Basically group of friends goes to woods to search for evidence of Witch from Blair; all while filming their experience. I suggest you see a trailer before deciding bc found footage horror is either hit or miss to people; subjective taste really. Whole movie has creepy and uncanny atmosphere, which is only amplified by ambiguity because there's no clear cut explanation to some things in a movie; watchers are left in the dark as to what really is happening. Also ending is top notch, one of most iconic endings in horror movies imo.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - now, this is another slasher but it's way way more bizarre and macabre than slasher i've mentioned before. Basically a deranged cannibal family which lures in hitchhikers. Very sinister and unique despite sounding like cliche. It's the little details and atmosphere of total sense of wrongness and deranged-ness in the movie that makes it special. Also, ending scene sequence is A+.
The Ring (2002) (American version) and Ringu (1998) (Japanese) - okay, it's not that old but you've probably heard of this movie. You watch the tape, get a phone call telling you you'll die in 7 days. Now, to me not only is this movie scary af, but also depressing since your life is put on countdown and you're reflecting on all things you wish you could have done different and that you've missed. Basically reminds us of fleeting nature of human's life and how easily it can snap. Also, American/European/Australian horrors are one thing (Australian ones are rly good! Babadook and Lake Mungo are defo worth the check), Asian horror is whole different thing altogether - I watched a Thai horror movie when i was 14 and it still sends chills down my spine when i remember it; probably scariest shit i've seen al my life (Shutter 2004 -Thai version); watch at your own risk rly, and i don't say that lightly :<
As for comedy horror, rec either "Scary movies" since it's a parody of horror genre or movies that suck so damn much that they're funny af. In latter case i rec sharknado (tornado + sharks - yea ik), or piranha 3D - my fave scene is when girl went skinny dipping, baby piranhas got stuck in her, ya know. Then she had sex with some guy and in the middle of it piranha bit his dick off.... yes, that's an actual scene.
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petersthree · 2 years
🔥 fave & least fave stranger things season and why?
Oooh this is so hard I love it.
Favorite: Season 4 (and not just because of recency bias lmao). I love that we delved into more of the lore of the Upside Down and also got more answers, and I liked a large majority of the storylines. A lot of season 4 was obviously a set-up for season 5, which I honestly don’t mind, because I’m really excited to see where certain storylines go! I think there were a lot of great callbacks this season, and seeing just how much these kids have grown and how much these characters love each other was just really nice to see, and reminded me a lot of what I loved about season 1 - except that now we also have the benefit of having watched these characters grow over the course of 4 seasons.
While I do have criticisms from this season, I loved watching it and I had a lot of fun (and tears lmao) the entire time, I think characters like Max and Lucas were given a lot of time to fully shine (and Lucas especially is so heavily underrated so I really loved this, even if I have some crit!), you get to see the town actually more involved and see what people are thinking about the seasons of crazy shit that’s been going on in their town. Like I mentioned before a lot of what I loved about this season are things I loved about season 1 (ironically enough bc my second favorite season isn’t even season 1 but season 2 lmaooo) but it feels even more satisfying for me because we know these characters really really well at this point.
Least favorite: Season 3, hands down. This isn’t like, a bad season by any means - again I did very much have fun when watching, and I think now with season 4 being out it’s rectified a lot of things I didn’t love about this season. But when I had watched, I’m sorry to these kiddos, love them sm, couldn’t care less about their romances (except for Lumax and even then that was more season 4 when I got invested). The Russian subplot is a biiiit overly fantastical even for this show and I felt like out of all the seasons it contributes the least to the overall plot of the Upside Down? As well as the…everything about Billy, I well and truly hated the idea of them trying to redeem him, and it very very much ruined Karen Wheeler for me, because her trying to get with a high schooler? And on top of that a high schooler who is?? Her daughter’s age?? That’s gross lmao I don’t care how much they tried to play that off as not creepy, even if she didn’t go through with it.
That being said there were some top notch moments in this season and the way season 4 wrote Max’s feelings re: Billy and his death made me feel a LOT better about that storyline. And of course for the romances that’s just. Not my thing lmao but I like it in terms of, the kids are balancing friendships vs their first serious relationships and don’t know how to do that. Like again I still really liked this season and the aesthetics of it are beautiful it’s just also the one I had the most issues with. Kudos for that being the only season to not have a Stoncy love triangle though lmao
Send me 🔥 + a topic and I’ll tell you my honest opinion about it
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thelovelydiane · 1 year
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Why yes, I am a fighting game buff. How could you tell?
For my first review I wanted something absolutely spectacular, something to really announce myself as a connoisseur of pornography. Then I saw Fight Angel and realized I needed to review this instead. Fight Angel Special Edition - not to be confused with Fight Angel Complete which adds a few more customisation options, is sure to be an EVO event soon enough. Any day now. Released on Steam in August of 2019 and as far as I can tell nowhere else - Fight Angel is a 2D fighting game with 3D graphics that you stick on when Rumble Roses simply isn't enough. The first thing you notice when booting up Fight Angel is that the UI is HORRIBLE. In the settings to turn the music down you must hit left, because of course you do, but when you do so you're brought back to the menu on the left so you must go back in for each notch you want to bring it down. The horrible UX carries over to the character editor of course. The editor is one of the biggest drawing points, being able to make the girl of your dreams and have her kick the shit out of people. You can't navigate the character creator with a controller, the "eyelash style" option does literally nothing, menus just go the wrong way sometimes, it's almost impressive what a mess it is. The options themselves are about as in-depth as you'd expect at least. The anime style is fine. There are… really off-putting models in the backgrounds of the stages though. Some are children too? which. Buddy you should NOT be here.
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My character's name was COOLGALÍN by the way. Leave her alone, she has Alexandria's Genesis.
I played the arcade mode and (a portion) of the story mode in easy - my reasoning was quite sound - oh my fucking god I'm really playing a porn fighting game. The game's mediocre at best. No character really feels unique, there's not a whole lot that's interesting going on. At least you can look at boobs though. …If you download a patch, of course. This game doesn't come with nudity pre-packaged (despite a warning for nudity when you open the steam page). When you try to unequip a characters bra in the menu you're given a message telling you you're not allowed to do that, and the clothes tearing only goes as far as the underwear. So yeah, the game's quite tame.
The arcade mode doesn't offer much. The final boss - the Akuma or Sagat - is Una. I don't have a picture of her on-hand and I'm not installing this stupid game again. When you fight her there's a creepy ambient track playing to show how fucked up and creepy she is, really get the atmosphere going. Sadly, the normal shitty midi keeps looking in the background, I guess they hardcoded the midi into the fights or something. It's also an excruciatingly short loop. Your reward for beating the arcade mode is you get to see the character you beat it with dance. It's not good.
This might come as a shock, but the story mode leaves something to be desired. It sucks and not in a fun way. Rather than a cheesy over the top story, what I expected, it's the most boring and milquetoast thing I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through. Yulia, our protagonist, entered the FIGHT ANGEL TOURNAMENT, and not much else happens. As far as I got at least, my patience was wearing thin at this point so I stopped. The plot consists of conversations between characters in their default poses. The main menu theme is playing. Text unceremoniously appears beneath them. There is nothing else.
This game sucks, dude. There's no love put in anywhere, not for fighting games, not for porn games, probably not for living either. If, for some reason, you do genuinely want a fighting game to jack off to then I'm sure there's some Street Fighter nude mods you could download. They're bound to be more fun and sexier than whatever the fuck this is.
I guess I need a way to rate these games - let's go with these three categories for now. GAMEPLAY: 3/10, it's a bad fighting game. WRITING: 1/10, genuinely would be better if it was non-existent. HOTNESS: 2/10, you can't jerk off to this. There aren't even boobs without a patch.
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okpow · 2 years
Top 20 Best GI Joe ARAH 80s + 90s Action Figures of All Time Ranked
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(above: because toy collecting is a sports)
People love lists and so does Google and what is better than a list of THE GREATEST GI JOY A REAL AMERICAN HERO TOYS OF ALL TIME? Not much. Considering it’s possibly the greatest toy line of all time. To clarify - this is a list of the top 20 great figures, not necessarily characters. I will also try to avoid cliches like Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes and Roadblock and Duke since obviously these are cool figures but way too mainstream. We want hipster shit and there are literally hundreds of Cobra and GI Joe figures to choose from that were made between 1982-1994. With that said...
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#20 - Hit & Run
The coolest of the “hey it’s a green camo army man” figures, and boy were there a lot of them, Hit & Run COMES WITH AN M-16 LOOKING THING AND A DUFFEL BAG WITH A WORKING GRAPPLING HOOK. Sold.
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#19 - Range Viper
The first of the Vipers on this list is not the last. Range Viper is a unique figure that features some sort of brain helmet and was creatively a big swing by Hasbro that resulted in a grand slam. Creepy and menacing and awesome - you don’t fuck with Cobra’s wilderness troopers.
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#18 - Undertow
Maybe the coolest water-themed figure in the entire GI Joe line - this Viper-adjacent bad ass came with a fuckin’ barracuda. Great color scheme and some serious ‘underwater ninja assassin’ vibes to this one.
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#17 - Raptor
An odd choice from the beloved 1987 class of figures, Raptor is just so damn unique. A former accountant turned evil Cobra falconer, what’s not to love. HE THINKS HE’S A BIRD.
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#16 - Zartan
Zartan doesn’t even look like a GI Joe figure but in a good way - he’s a master of disguise and leader of the Dreadnoks. This figure changed color in heat and comes with a creepy removable face mask because of the whole MASTER OF DISGUISE THING. 
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#15 - Alley Viper
This Florida Gator themed total bad ass is Cobra’s urban assault trooper. Sort of the anti-Range Viper. He comes with a gun and a giant shield and is universally beloved. The best figure of 1989.
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#14 - Desert Scorpion
More Cobras because Cobras are obviously cooler than the actual GI Joe good guys. I’m not sure if Desert Scorpion existed before Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion but one definitely had an influence on the other. PLUS HE COMES WITH A PET SCORPION.
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#13 - Beach Head
One of the most popular Joe characters and perhaps the main character of the 80s GI Joe cartoon, Beach Head looks bad ass, is from Alabama, and talks a bunch of shit in a southern drawl. 
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#12 - Sgt. Slaughter
This is a pro wrestling blog so of course this post is going to feature fuckin’ Sgt. Slaughter BUT IN GI JOE FORM. There were a few different variations of Sarge produced, the version above with USA across his stomach is my favorite. He was also noticably taller than most other Joe figures and once sold his sold to the Iron Shiek only to then be bitch-slapped and legdropped by Real American Hulk Hogan. So there’s that.
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#11 - William The Fridge Perry
Another real-life-person-turned-action-figure, IT’S THE FRIDGE. He scored a touchdown in the Super Bowl. Awesome figure - he comes with a sledge hammer type thing with a football on the end. 
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#10 - Gnagahyde
Holy shit what a cool figure. Gnagahyde is an evil poacher who comes with a warthog named Clyde and has a knife that fits in his boot. Plus he has a sweet cheetah vest because he’s a poacher and a jerk.
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#9 - Python Patrol Crimson Guard
A repaint of the already cool Crimson Guard (who was red, hence the name Crimson, anyway) except with an even better, very unique, color scheme. THE BEST OF THE PYTHON PATROL REPAINTS.
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#8 - Night Force Shockwave
Perhaps the most beloved figure from post 1987, 1988′s Shockwave (original not pictured) is cool in his own right. He’s a SWAT team something or other, I dunno but he’s awesome. The 1989 repaint for the Night Force Toys R Us exclusive toy line took it up a notch and gave us an all timer with dark menacing realistic camo fatigues.
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#7 - Viper ‘86
The prototype for all future GI Joe Vipers. Cobra henchmen. Yes please.
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#6 - Firefly
Firefly is sort of the Boba Fett of GI Joe - a minor character who becomes insanely popular BECAUSE HE’S JUST SO BAD ASS. This figure could very well be #1 but it’s not but that’s okay. He’s a saboteur who works alone and gets paid by Cobra in his Swiss bank account or something. 
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#5 - Chuckles
A controversial choice but I don’t care - Chuckles comes with a working gun shoulder holster AKA the coolest accessory of any GI Joe figure. He wears a Hawaiian shirt. He’s an international playboy spy or something. IN THIS HOUSE WE DO NOT TALK SHIT ABOUT CHUCKLES.
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#4 - Tunnel Rat
There are several versions of Tunnel Rat to choose from but I’ll go with the original. His gimmick - a Vietnam style soldier who goes underground and uh kills Charlie in tunnels - is so bad ass and Hasbro did an awesome job with the aesthetic of this figure. POSSIBLY THE GREATEST JOE OF ALL.
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#3 - Croc Master
More 1987. Some purists might have a problem with this but they can go kick rocks or suck an egg or something. Croc Master is responsible for CROCODILES AT THE COBRA PALACE and is a former burgler alarm salesman turned.... uh ..... crocodile wrestler. The figure kicks all kinds of ass and comes with a croc and a whip so there’s that.
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#2 - BAT
BAT is a near-consensus #1 on most people’s lists but this is my list and he’s #2 with a bullet baby. HE’S A COBRA ROBOT and the black and yellow aesthetic is just flawless. Plus he comes with a bunch of interchangeable devices for his hand. He would be number 1 but he’s not because....
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The original Outback figure is cool BUT THEN THEY DROPPED TIGER FORCE OUTBACK IN THE UK AND NOT IN AMERICA and the world ended. He’s a grizzled survivalist hermit dude with a tiger face on his t shirt, a big gun, a flashlight on his leg and packs full of survival stuff. THE GOAT GI JOE FIGURE AND A HIPSTER CHOICE FOR BEST FIGURE EVER. Just look at him. Life goals.
Don’t like my list of the greatest GI Joes ever? Go make your own I don’t even give a care you can’t come over and play with my figures anyway. Some images courtesy of Home Elevator of Houston and Austin. They also have a Dallas branch called Elevating Systems Home Elevators and Stairlifts.
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midoriyas-wifey · 2 years
do you think todoroki knows he comes across as flat and apathetic (or even crude) most of the time or do you think that’d be news to him like: 👁👄👁 🧍huh?
more specifically im thinking about todoroki who’s pining for you and his feelings are so overwhelming he feels like he’s going insane just being in the same class as you. he’s close to bursting into flames any time you interact, and yet he looks as chilly as his icy side. todoroki is convinced you can hear his heart beat like some ‘Telltale Heart’ shit but uhhhh you’re none the wiser 😃 unless you’re a top notch body language expert
his one tell i think would be staring. no smiling, no frowning, just 👁_👁 24/7. i’ve said it before but he also doesn’t break eye contact if you catch him staring; he’ll stop looking on his own time. up to you if it’s creepy or not.
so there’s no doubt he’s typically hard to read, but does he know that?
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
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that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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