#toby’s jojo thoughts
adhd-diego-brando · 1 year
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Jojobread cookies!
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Asks Compilation 11/12
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I never considered that Aradia could be feeling sincere gratitude towards Equius - that's a good point, and might partially explain her flushed feelings for him. Similarly, I never thought about how difficult and impractical a relationship would be for Equius, given he has this kind of strength paired with this kind of dexterity.
Anyway, I half-agree with your thesis. I can imagine a hypothetical kismesissitude between an older, more mature Equius and Aradia, and I think that relationship could potentially be healthy, for the reasons you describe.
But the one we're getting is doomed from the start - Equius's mind-control shenanigans have pretty much torpedoed the whole thing. I don't think he can have a healthy relationship until he figures out why that was wrong.
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I'll give you a freebie right now - most of the Jojo villains would fit right in with the Felt!
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Yeah, it's not like romantic rivalry is a new idea. Really, the more I think about it, the more I think Hussie's riffing on real relationship tropes with all the quadrants.
Hell, I could probably list some fictional characters that work pretty well as Moirails - and I'm not just talking about The Locked Tomb!
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[ sent when you posted your troll ranking! - C ]
She's the best, she's the worst, and she's destined for great terrible things.
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Sorry Eridan - someone had to nab last place!
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He does have a great design. The cape and scarf work well together - I can see how he'd be easy and fun to cosplay.
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We have two opposing views here, and they both make good arguments. Aristocrats do tend to be egotistical by nature - but Alternia would expect him to act that way, even if it wasn't his natural tendency.
I personally don't think Eridan ever intended to exterminate the land-dwellers, but I'm not sure he ever realized that himself.
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Don't forget Insane Clown Hussie, which is when your webcomic author keeps putting more harlequins in their story.
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Toby, what are you doing back in my ask box? Get outta here, you scamp!
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It's funny, I never considered that many people are reading through the liveblog/chrono/ tag. I'm almost never on my blog's page; I see it through the dashboard!
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Happy belated birthdays, Jade, Dave, and, Rose!
Odd. It really looks like John's birthday should be December 2nd. Maybe something went wrong with his meteor.
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The Newtonverse is a corruption of Homestuck, but Homestuck is already a parody of a million other things. It's one layer too deep, and feels 'wrong' as a result.
Unless Cool and New Webcomic is a similar style of parody, in which case, who knows? Maybe the Newtonverse is simply real, and trying to break into our reality.
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Yeah, that makes sense. She certainly looks like a classic eldritch monster.
I can't see the commentary - I assume because some of it contains spoilers. For comments that don't spoil anything, feel free to send them along.
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It's always very tempting to check out other livebloggers so I can compare and contrast. I won't, though - quite aside from any worries about spoilers, I just don't want to influence my own opinions!
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This has always been a blind spot with me, and it always will be. Try as I might, I will never recognize the difference between Rouge and Rouge.
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I knew the comic had about 8000 pages, but it's good to know it clocks in at 8128.
It annoys me more than it should that it's not 2^13, or 8192. It would have been a nice round number to finish on!
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Thank you, and welcome!
Eridan's beliefs don't really make sense - but it makes sense that they don't. It's bigotry, after all.
He knows trolls like Kanaya, and can clearly see that there's nothing inferior about her - but he can't let go of what he's been taught, so he just doesn't address it, and continues on as normal.
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This comic is damn long, so it's a fun reference to make.
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I'd probably pick one. No special reason - I just sort of vibe with the number, and it's the closest to something kooky like zero, or a negative number.
I would have picked the cueball, but I don't think I want Scratch as a rival...
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Ok, that's fair, actually.
I love how she's trying to 'cull' them.
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It's a good bit. I wonder if this means Hussie's trollsona is a green-blood, like Kanaya?
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Read it!
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It's not intended to! The others all link to the post where the work was recommended to me, but Con Air wasn't recommended - it's just a movie slightly relevant to Homestuck. I have it up there for completeness, and it's underlined for consistency.
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penroseparticle · 2 years
Playlist: It's three am and you can't sleep because of an agressively cuddly orange cat.
These are the songs playing in your orange cat's head instead of actual thoughts. When it's not playing Banana Phone on loop at least.
Holding Out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler
The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats
Friday by Rebecca Black
Que Tiro Foi Esse by Jojo Maronttinni
867-5309 by Tommy Tutone
Push It by Salt-N-Pepa
Loco in Acupulco (I'm trying not to repeat songs but like. Come on)
Walk The Dinosaur by Was (Not Was)
Rain on Me by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande
Party Hard by Andrew W.K.
Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves
Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
Essential by Kenmor
Greek Tragedy by The Wombats
Two Trucks by Lemon Demon
Megalovania by Toby Fox
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper (Milo is Girls)
Baby by Justin Bieber
Honorable mention goes to of course Banana Phone by Raffi, Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday, Cotton Eye Joe by Rednex, and Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone.
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slytherindisaster · 2 years
Just some ramblings because I have some ocs I need to work on and I don't want to forget about it. Also a few questions I did forgot about and I'm bad at communicating so this is my way of handling this.
The Sapiehas
Their birth years and overall existence don't make much sense because I fucked up when I decided on Gabriel's birth year making him like 10 years olden than the rest of HPHL mcs so let's just pretend that it makes sense in the end ok.
CJ — 3 years younger than Gabriel, Hufflepuff, because his father died when CJ was barely 14 he grew up idolising him and resenting Gabriel for always rebelling against his rules. CJ ends up following Joseph's footsteps and becomes an auror and also just like his father developing a problem with alcohol. He would either have a wife he does not care for or just stay single apart from some meaningless relationships. He dies from alcohol poisoning at age 34.
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Margaret — 2 years younger than CJ, Ravenclaw, INFP, lesbian. The fact that her brothers never stopped fighting broke her heart. If I could find her some love interest it would be fun because she deserves it but I'm also tempted to leave her to be a spinster and also the coolest aunt to Gabriel's kids. Or maybe both. Either way she wouldn't have any kids on her own.
Jojo & Elisabeth — because of my dumbass decision to make Winnie's birth year 1905 that would make Jojo & Elisabeth's birth years 1901 & 1904 respectively. Also @beloved-bucky I know we've been talking about them and how they would make cool fantastic beasts ocs but as I said I'm shit at communicating so it got dropped. Since I shamelessly already took Winnie my question is – would you like to take one (or both) for yourself? I know I can be shitty when it comes to collaboration so I thought it might be easier to just split and develop them separately? If you want? Or just drop all the ideas about them at once and maybe then try to make sense out of it?
Mallory & The Rosiers
They're all just a bunch of random ideas plastered on a faceclaim rather than fleshed out characters but I'm working on it. Also @cursebreakerfarrier are we content with Toby and Winnie having two kids or do we want more?
Mallory Brokenshire — born 1931 to Winnie & Toby, 2 years younger than Jem, slytherin, INTJ, owns a potion shop on Diagon Alley. Again because I'm a dumbass and can't do math she would be only 20 when her daughter is born but I could totally see Tilly just hanging out at the potion shop for half of her childhood. I'm more concerned about how on earth would she have a potion shop by that age but maybe grandpa Gabriel could help with that.
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Sterling Rosier — around 4 years older than Mallory, Pukwudgie house alumni, freshly finished with his Healer training when he comes to England to reconnect with his family there. He and Mallory meet in her shop when he has to run errands for the hospital. Then he ends up coming there for stuff he doesn't really needs and less than a year later they're already engaged. He is a sweetheart tho so I might kill him prematurely >:)
Leland Rosier — Sterling's brother, I'm not sure atm what's their age difference but I'm tempted to make them twins. Basically everything about him is tbd
Victor Rosier — Sterling's father, probably born sometime around 1901 but I'm not sure yet, his family moved to USA when he was 5 or so and he is a Thunderbird alumni. He works as an Auror and he used to be Tina's partner before she was dismissed. I will probably open him for ships if anyone's interested but keep in mind that he has to have at least two sons.
Evangeline* Rosier — a pretty big timeskip here because she would be a golden era oc. Either Harry or Ginny's year. She would be Evan & Felix's sister and she would be a Hufflepuff. Idk much about her for now, I might give her a ship with canon character but I'm not sure yet. She's the best tho.
*her name will probably change tho
The Parkers
Tilly Brokenshire-Rosier — not much going on here tbh, she's Mallory and Sterling's daughter, Lizzie's mother, a gryffindor and a professional Chaser, although her career is cut short when she gets pregnant and then her husband and step-son dissappear in mysterious circumstances and well everything goes to shit.
Anthony Parker — he's a cool guy who doesn't have much luck in life, his wife left him with a little kid and he has trouble with keeping his shit together, I'm not sure how he meets Tilly yet but they're the sweetest and she instantly loves Jacob and they're so happy together. Until they're not. He is a Hufflepuff and a magizoologist who specialises in winged horses.
Jacob Parker — so, yeah, he's Lizzie's half-brother and he is around six years older because I saw this post and I really like that logic, he is a big wip still but I might kill him or Lizzie in the second wizarding war bc I'm a bitch
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madsdefencesquad · 3 years
Forehead touch anon here!!!!
Ya girl is back! And has some thoughts… I adored this episode!! Twas wonderful and a mood lifter and then the promo happened. Yeah that’s all I’m gonna say about that, cause I want to see next weeks episode before I call Kev a little shit for doing little shit things.
ANYWAY ONTO THE GOOD STUFF!! When I say Beth had me crying right as the episode started, it’s true. And our cute little Annie girl supporting her mama during that interview? Love that!!
Randall and Beth just being Randall and Beth??? Yeah that’s good stuff right there. Deja bringing the box of lucky charms to the table? She gets it dude she gets it.
Good-Bad-Worst??? I couldn’t stop laughing. “Sup Rebecca how’s the Alzheimer’s?” God I love Mads. Speaking of which, Mads, Bec, and Kate dress shopping??? ABSOLUTE GOD TIER SCENE RIGHT THERE. MAMA PEARSON HAS ANOTHER DAUGHTER TO DOTE ON AND WE KNOW SHE WILL WITH MADS. SHE’S MADE IT VERY WELL KNOWN THAT MADS IS A PEARSON AND I LOVE IT.
I know there was so much more that happened, but I’m also still reeling from that promo that I had some issues collecting my thoughts clearly. Anyway, love youuuuuuuuuu and I hope you’ve had a lovely week/month/day/year 🥰🥰🥰🥰
MY GORL IS BACK!!!! Hiiiiiiiiiiii my fave, I love you and your summaries as always. They give me all the sunshine-y feelzzz
I truly did enjoy this episode too. The soundtrack was gorgeous, the chosen music (that Joni Mitchell song AND K-CI FT. JOJO ARE YOU FRACKING KIDDING MEEEEE) and just the storylines were just gorgeous and cut deep.
I adored Kate and Rebecca's scenes this ep the most and I fully agree that Rebecca consoling Mads and speaking only facts about how crazy we are about Madison...QUEEN TIER MAMA PEARSON!!
I also really liked the interaction between Toby and his dad and Gregory's appearance is a balm. He's so deadpan, I crack up every time.
Funniest line in the entire series just goes to Madison though with her "SUP REBECCA! HOW'S THE ALZHEIMERS?!" We can only aspire to ever reach her level, but we'll just never reach it.
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tsundere-selfship · 3 years
I saw the post with your cat Jojo and she is so cute 😭😭😭😭 she has such expressive eyes. Now, I have to ask, do you have any fun scenarios you imagine with your f/o interacting with her?
Oh hello!! Thank you so much for sending this ask, it made me really happy. Just for you, I have made a collection of my favorite Jojos that I use as reaction images.
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And funny enough, I haven't thought too much of it before! I know that Jojo really likes it when Forsyth pets him! I would immediately show Fors the day I took Jojo home and I imagine they would be great friends!! Forsyth was scared of kittens as a small child so them getting along now would be kinda funny-
Sometimes Jojo will straight up sit on my laptop while I'm watching Marble Hornets, so I assume that means he'd like Jay as well? Jay really loves animals and would probably try to carry Jojo everywhere he can, if I'm being honest!
Also this is dumb and barely relevant but Jojo fuckin LOVES my Toby pillow for whatever reason
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Other facts about Jojo, included just for you guys:
Jojo's full name is actually Johannes
His birthday is April 28th!
He really loves to eat boiled eggs for some reason
When he was an even smaller kitten he would get too close to my altar and singe his whiskers by leaning into a candle. This happened quite a few times.
He pushes the buttons on my Alexa for no reason
His middle name is Screamface, taken from a character from Miracle Workers: Dark Ages
He learned how to climb ladders when he was four weeks old and climbs every ladder he sees since
He loves water!! He's jumped into a pool before
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Once again thank you for sending this ask, I am just overjoyed rn-
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threadrunner · 3 years
i havent interacted w jojo content for a good year now but after u mentioned the joseph joestar when u were young amv i went to look for it and i... haven’t been the same
i was like “i hope this is the one tobi meant” and after watching it i was most certain that it was
god same i really havent thought about jojo in more than brief instances for about a year now but i wont forget that amv ever
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star-villager · 4 years
Ezra: Month 1 of Animal Crossing New Horizons!
Hello all! I’m here to tell my journey of the first month of New Horizons on Cillia Island!
There’ll be lots of pictures! I hope you enjoy! Future updates will probably be daily because this is... long at first... but I promise it slows down!
This post covers 32 days (skipping a few). It is indented to be a fun, long, read! I’ll say it’s a 10-15 minute read just to be on the longer side!
-Ezra; Island Resident Representative; Local Island Decorator; Mayor of Cillia (if it had a mayor hehe!)
Thursday, March 19th, 4pm -7GMT. The virus is present, but just starting. I have been home for not even 24 hours of my job that was supposed to keep me out of town all March. I make a phone call to a local Gamestop, asking if they’re still open, and how the midnight release of Animal Crossing is going to work. The worker tells me I can go pick it up right then, because they’re going to be closing early and had JUST gotten a phone call from corporate that they could give it out early - you can assume what I did /immediately/ after lol.
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Starting was incredibly easy! I’ve had my dead name as my New Leaf Mayor forever, and I loved that city name so Ezra and Cillia it was! And we began! My starting villagers were Cherry and Roald with Cherry Trees (fitting!), and I said I wasn’t gonna restart no matter what... so here we go!
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I picked a town that had a West Beach River Mouth as well as a South River Mouth - which matched my town in New Leaf! (The south exit, and the flow of the river - but the west exit would be where my original upper waterfall was so the shape was the same). Picked northern hemisphere (where I am). And placed my house right in a river bend (with the initial plan to section me off into my own island within an island!). Cherry and Roald’s homes were placed along the west-running river right at the top, with not much effort or forethought. Not that it was a bad thing! I knew they wouldn’t be permanent villagers, but wanted to give them some beautiful scenery while they were here.
I can definitely tell that I’m still acting and thinking like a mayor even thought I’m only an island rep. ... this doesn’t change bwahaha!
Day 1 March 19th, was all setup and prep for our REAL day 1! Blathers already was about to have a decent encyclopedia, and I was getting nook miles left and right - already expecting a house instead of a tent the next day. I wasn’t too surprised, I’ve done this song and dance before, and I’m just here to have a great time in my island paradise! Getting Blathers was definitely my highest priority!
Day 2 March 20th, was... difficult... giving 15 things to Blathers one at a time and finding 30 iron for the Nooklings was excruciating lol - but getting fossils and a pole vault to absolutely DECIMATE the weed ecosystem filled me with a glee that I’m sure you can understand. I managed to upgrade my house, get Blathers and Nooks Cranny all in one day *whew*. Now, time to have some fun!
I build my first QR code which was a cool outfit I called PRIDE Coat! It is a black coat with drawstrings and pockets on the front - a lil’ trans flag on the left arm, a bi flag on the right arm, and my (pretty decent!) attempt at a rainbow of paint (in the gay flag colors) falling down my back! And I made an Iwatobi Swim Club Beanie to match the one I wear every day!!
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I then played with my Passport a bit to have my title be “Future Fish” which is Free! Eternal Summer (the second season’s) Ending Song!!!! Which I thought was SUPER cute and VERY me. (It’s my second fave anime. I plan on making a Reigisa outfit in the future!!).
Already by the end of Day 2 I had my hair customization options, the tool wheel, and the DIY that I needed to buy. Everything Nook was offering I managed to get my grubby little day 2 hands on! So you KNOW my hair went to pink pigtails IMMEDIATELY. And took /many/ photos. But since my outfits are all the same just imagine the ones you just saw but with pink instead of blonde!
With that it was time to get my 3 villagers that would accompany Cherry and Roald (This correlates to getting the iron for Nooklings!) I wanted to grab the first 3 villagers that I saw just to try some new friends this go around - as I had already planned on making my New Leaf family my permies! So my first three were Ketchup (nice!), Hornsby (Aww!!), and... GALA!?!?
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Well how convenient! That was one permie immediately out of the way!! Welcome back, Gala!!! So excited to have you on the island!
Then I caught an Oarfish and saw *GASP* WISP!!!! To which, I immediately ran up to him and demanded he bring my girlfriend, Cece the Squirrel, to the island. He, instead, got spooked, had me collect his spirit, and offered me items. *sigh* Ok - can’t get Cece that way - so I decided to sleep!
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How naive I was...
Day 3 March 21st, was both good and bad! I had access to Nooklings, but that was about it. Blathers was getting a crowded amount of critters outside his roped off building, but it would be all worth it, tomorrow. But!! I found my first spider island! Which I sold off to Nooklings and happily went to sleep!
Day 4 March 22nd, had SO MUCH to offer! Blathers, Daisy Mae, Harvy, WHEW. Pretty sure I had a visit from Gulliver either today or yesterday, too! Nothing could POSSIBLY ruin this day!!
Oh how wrong.
How so terribly wrong I was.
Animal Crossing New Horizons is an incredible game that lets you invite so many villagers to your island!
All of them. But 14.  
14 Villagers from New Leaf are not available. The Sanrio Characters. And the Amiibo Characters.
No Felyne. No Ganon, Epona, Medli, or W. Link. No Viche or Inkwell. No Rilla, Chai, Morty, or Etoille.
No Toby.
No Chelsea.
No Cece.
To say that I was devastated would be an understatement. I was absolutely crushed. Not only were 3 of my permies out, but the one villager I couldn’t live without, wasn’t allowed in the game. She didn’t even get a poster.
So I did what any crushed lover would do, and made a memoir to her.
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And it started raining. Poetic. (I was only cheered up slightly when I got to catch a Coelacanth!) I didn’t do this until much later (April 4th) but for the sake of not talking about her too much, I would open New Leaf and wrote her a goodbye love letter, which, honestly, makes me tear up whenever I read it.
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And I went to sleep.
I have nothing for Day 5 other than scanning all my amiibo cards for the POSTERS which are UNDOUBTEDLY my FAVORITE new feature in the game!!
Day 6, March 24th, GALA MOVED IN! I was so excited, and it was definitely needed. My best friend also came over and we goofed off and we met each other’s villagers! Then I went to an island tour and got A PANSY HYBRID ISLAND!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I went crazy. Absolutely destroyed that ecosystem. I went full feral. MINE. ALL MINE!!!
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And I caught my first Sturgeon!! Which was awesome because I only had the rare fish left in my March collection! Trying to get a Golden Trout, I made many many fish bait, and got the 200 clam achievement! Which was exciting because that unlocked “Mermaid” for titles!! I doubt I’ll change from Future Fish, but Mermaid would be a second pick!
For Day 7 I went to a good friend’s village and desperately tried to make Chiyuki Fujito’s blue dress from Runway de Waratte... it didn’t work... but I like the attempt! (Will send pics in messenger if you’re curious!).
Day 8, March 26th, was the day ISABELLE WAS HERE!!! Welcome to your island paradise, QUEEN. I definitely dressed for the part ;)
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This, of course, opened up tunes and flag options! Flag was incredibly easy. It’s going to stay my picture of Cece until she’s added back into the game (which will probably be never, so...)
The tunes was much harder for me. But since I couldn’t think of anything else I made it “SO. NO. CHI. NO. SA. DA. ME.” from the first Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Opening (which is, ironically, what is playing as I type this... SO NO CHI NO SA DA ME <- was written in time with the music playing. Incredible.) It’s definitely not going to be that forever, but for now it makes me giggle!
Nothing for Day 9 except for a SICK tarantula island :) love those furry babes! I also built my campsite! Tomorrow was going to be big!! Who on Earth was going to move in!?
Day 10, March 28th, now, I have what I like to call “chaotic luck”. I’ll catch the bus, but my gosh did I almost miss it. I was absolutely positive I failed that test, and I did, but the question I messed up doesn’t count and I passed! Cece isn’t in the game but do you know who’s at my campsite??
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Can you even imagine my face??? Can you IMAGINE the jaw drop??  I moved him next to me IMMEDIATELY.
Day 12, March 30th, I saw kicks for the first time!!! Love that funky newsie skunk!
Day 13, March 31st, I saw Flick for the first time!!! Went on a mad tarantula hunt and made BANK. Fun story, I thought both Flick and C.J. were girls, so when I learned Flick was a boy I was really upset because I thought a canon gay ship was now straight, but WHOOPS they’re BOTH boys! 😎 Nice.
I also saw Celeste for the first time!!! Gosh how I missed her!! I actually sat and got all 200 stars in one night, just because of how much I like wishing on falling stars!!!
Day 14, April 1st, The Nightmare Begins. Love him or Hate him, Zipper was here. I won’t go on about the eggs. Everyone talks about the eggs. They sucked, fishing was a nightmare, not a big fan. I would end up not getting all the sakura DIYs which was very upsetting (but I’ll just get them next year). In INCREDIBLE news I got a golden trout!!! Which was the last thing I needed in my March encyclopedia - and it was on to April hunting! Every night thing I could get, I did! So I decided to set up my last 4 houses, and focus on getting K.K. Slider finally to my island!
The first house sold naturally to Pecan! NICE! I love squirrels so much! She was very welcome!
Day 15, April 2nd, in the interest in getting new villagers, I went on a tour and there she was: MERENGUE! She’s, truthfully, not a favorite of mine. She’s SO cute, but not someone I wanted permanently. However, she’s my other best friend’s FAVORITE and she doesn’t have a switch. So, there was NO WAY I wasn’t taking Merengue onto my island. I haven’t sent my friend pics, yet, but I hope I can soon!! She’s gonna be so happy!
Today was the first day I met C.J. which... stunning. Absolutely jaw dropping. I’m SMITTEN with a TAKEN BEAVER. He calls me fashionista. Asks about my anglersona. Takes selfies of/with me. He’s truly the ideal. I’d invite him back any day!
Over the next 3 days, Freya and Bruce move in as my last 2 villagers giving us a grand starting total of: Cherry, Roald, Ketchup, Hornsby, Gala, Raymond, Pecan, Merengue, Freya, and Bruce! Not bad not bad!
Day 19, April 6th, THE BEST GIRL IS HEEERE. LABEL CAME TO MY TOWN FOR THE FIRST TIME. I might have cried, honestly. I cannot believe someone that incredible would want to come to my island. She asked for me to give her an official look. Are you kidding me? Easy breezy. For my perfect outfit she rewarded me a Label Hat. Oh? DESIGNER? I was awestruck. The design was IMPECCABLE. The flavor was IMMACULATE.
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One of my villagers also happened to gift me a Pink SPRITE COSTUME??? I, honestly, have never been more in love with an outfit in my entire life??? A pink Peter Pan outfit??? LEGENDARY.
Day 20, April 7th, I don’t quite remember what day K.K. Slider visited the island when I hit my 3 star rating - so we’ll say it was today lol. That meant ISLAND EDITING, but I didn’t know what to do, yet, so I didn’t worry too much about it!
Label’s hat came in MORE COLORS in the store today. YOU BET I bought all of them. The talent. But this meant that I had a pink hat to match my pink sprite costume and you bet I was LIVING my best life. I had also finished the Anklyosaurus which is my FAVORITE dinosaur so I was LIVING it up.
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Later, Ketchup would approach me and ask to move. I was happy for her to explore new lands and bid her farewell, and gave her a sweet goodbye. With that, it was hunting time, and I found the perfect villager that would set everything in motion.
Day 22, April 9th, Label VISITS AGAIN!!!!!! Unfortunately, she asked for a sporty look, which I couldn’t pull off perfectly :/ So no new item from her... but my OUTFIT WAS FIRE AND WE WERE MAD CUTE TOGETHER.
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Day 23, April 10th, the villager has moved in, the cryptid gyroid herself, COCO!!!
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And her moving in gave me a BRILLIANT idea. I’d like to keep it under wraps for now, but I’m so, so, SO happy she’s here!
Day 24, April 11th, The Fishing Tourney. The Summer tourney will be significantly easier for me, now that I know you can double your points by fishing with someone else, but it took me HOURS to collect all the clams and get to 300 points. It wasn’t really worth it, but I love fish so much so I wasn’t going to miss a SINGLE thing. I got that gold trophy and I’m SO proud of myself.
Also my fishing outfit could slay for MILES
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Straight Fire.
Day 25, April 12th, With a golden trophy in hand and the last day of eggies, I was feeling really confident. I had the means and the idea to change cliffs + water for a couple days and just... made what my brain came up with! I’ll keep this vague for now, because I’m really excited about the final results! Just know that everyday I edit a little bit more and come up with more ideas!
Day 26, April 13th, Happy Homestuck, Neil Bangs out the Tunes, and Thomas Sanders goes to the Wedding Day!! And it did NOT disappoint. Label for A 3RD TIME!!! She must like me as much as I like her >w<!! Today she gave out her cap!!! It’s, honestly, not my thing, I’d rather stick with the brim hats, but I do think they’re cute!! So I would buy them all the next day! The Able Sister’s haul on Day 27 was oh my gosh amazing!!! They had the cap, of course, but they also had THE OTHER SPRITE COSTUMES!! Which I bought all of them. And now I wear, near exclusively, this outfit in 5 different colors bwahaha!
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Day 30, April 17th, I got my first golden item!!! The slingshot! Nice! Over the past few days, I’ve just been designing, moving houses, and building ramps! Learning new myth debunks, stuff like that!
I was also blessed with 3 encounters :OOOO I didn’t know this was even POSSIBLE!?
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Day 31, April 18th, Disaster Strikes. I’ve been moving so many homes that I didn’t consider that a villager couldn’t move in because you were already doing a home thing for the day. So when I went to invite camper Gonzo to my town he declined!? I was devastated. He was SO cute and I thought he could move into Bruce’s house to keep the peace of personalities! I think he’s someone in the future who I’ll ask for a poster of or ask for an amiibo card of! I know I’m going to check the campsite first before moving any buildings from here on out! D’:
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And that brings us to today,
Day 32, April 19th, one month from the day I started. I’ve been having the TIME of my life! There’s definitely been some ups and downs, but I have a goal in mind and it’s keeping me so focused! I organized an entire flower field today!! Due to a turnip mishap, I happen to be 2 days ahead of everyone, but I have been good about time traveling other than that. This means that I am fortunate enough to get my Nooklings upgrade 2 days early and they’ll be open tomorrow!!! I’m... I’m so excited!!! I NEED more flower seeds!!!!!!!
The future looks incredibly bright on Cillia island, and I cannot wait to hear about everyone else’s month!!
Thank you for your time. Please enjoy these random favorite photos of mine!
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nickname: jojo
Journey sighs at this. Steve, Toby and Jim use to call her that when they were younger because they couldn't pronounce her name correctly. "I thought I would out live that name."
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jcamilov06 · 5 years
my thoughts are much the same !!! like we HAD that lead and i cant believe we blew it like that but also im SUPER mad at the officiating like what on gds green earth WAS that truly the refs hate philadelphia and joel embiid specfically there is NO other explanation ! also i hate jokic SO much like what kind of unbelievable flop was that at the end there and why does jojo let dudes take uncontested 3's over him and how come tobi shot amazingly until the 4th i have so many questions im mad
YESS TF??? home advantage really showed tonight with the officiating -.- I liked the team’s performance up to those last seconds so idk really :/
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adhd-diego-brando · 1 year
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Diego and silver bullet in the style of rainbow bright, inspired by this tweet from @goatpaste!
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Eodel ✦ 35 ✦ Wood Elf ✦ Narnian ✦ FC: TOBY REGBO
Eodel was born a year before the last two decades of the Hundred Year Winter. Youngest of two and only son. He could remember snatches of a relatively happy childhood that was composed of a wood elf family. His mother always smelling of sweet poultices. His father's rough hands always holding a piece of wood and a tool. His sister always wearing a smile full of secrets and stories. Snatches of memories that he clung to because he was sure that the rest was of horror.
He was 12 years old then. He was sure he was 12. The blood on the snow. Pairs of dead eyes. Fear finding home in his bones and a meal of his insides, never to leave. The weight and feel of corpses ever engraved to his skin added upon by the ingrained familiarity of how slow they decompose during the cold. The agony of waiting with only madness as a friend close to the side. Fear screaming that he flee and flee far because nowhere was ever going to be safe. A plethora of questions that would never be answered. Eodel had known of these and more, intimately by the age of 12. He'd known of isolation for years since then.
He did find home and a family sometime down the years. From a skulk of Foxes, den of Snakes, and a myriad more, until he ends up under the care of a Great Black Bear and her sleuth. It was a slow return to a semblance of acceptable normalcy, but it was achieved.
He would call it an amusing turn of events that he even found himself where he was now. An archery instructor to the military with a room in Cair Paravel and amid people he proudly could call as friends and family.
Eodel is familiar to being alone and all of its companions. Their eccentricities making home in him as a breathing truth. However, do not doubt that he is one of the most positive people one can meet. He's ever willing to make someone smile and uplift their spirits even to the point of making a fool of himself. Wonder and amazement lay just beneath his skin and he's very easy to amuse. He loves stories and all its parts, whether it be listening to them, making them up, or telling them.
He's one to always reach out in friendship as long as you're willing to meet halfway. He'll do everything in his power to maintain and strengthen such friendship, and would want nothing more but your happiness.
Until he's not.
Then run.
Dagmar Thorne: Beloved. A bond that was founded almost a decade ago by a simple want to see the nuances of her smiles and how every expression sparked her eyes. Who would have thought that this friendship grew to something so unexpected? This woman that accepted his presence, stepped in his entryway of friendship, then sneaked past the walls that barred said friendship into the darkness of his being. This woman that faced his roaring, raging monsters and without asking for understanding, opened her arms and soothed their screams. She who stayed and became one of his greatest blessings.
And here he is, courting her for three years and counting.
Outside this specific distinction, relationships are generally divided into a broad two. The others, and the "Will survive, kill, and die for them". The latter being divided into more nuanced fields. Under the latter broad field are the following:    Susan and Lucy Pevensie, Dante and Petra Thorne ,  Aaren Darkwater   &  Gregory
As for the reasons of why they're there and their nuanced fields, that would be for you to figure out.
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At the Last Minute With Starbucks Toonami Summary! Music Video! Clones! Balls! And Death!
Dragonball Super focuses on Goku and his groceries and his inevitable death at this hands of a hitman named Hit. Piccolo is the grill master. Do Not interrupt him. 
Boku no Hero Academia continues with a field trip gone wrong. The class has been attacked by actual villains and is forced to defend themselves. Mineta has balls. 
FLCL Progressive: Hidomi watches some videos on a laptop for a "test" and then is hit by a car. These things happen. Unfortunately, she is going to be fine.
Pop Team Epic continues the team popping with the seductions of blankie. PipiP is Popchin the idol's manager. She's a very cool rebel idol. Whose clones take over the world~ 
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is deeply cruel but not in the way we thought. Instead of Polly, Iggy, a good dog, dies. ;-; Polly attends to his feet and stand firm. 
Hunter x Hunter focuses on Meruem, the ant who likes to play too much board games. He is now playing a game against a reigning champ. She is blind and sniffly.
 Black Clover focues on the worst Black Bulls member, Gauche. He's obsessed with his kid sister and buys her too many toys. She declares her love for Asta. Gauche: >:U
Shierho353 is there. Sasuke vs Danzo continues, as Tobi looks on. Space Dandy is that annoying part of a romantic comedy where shit gets real and feeling have been caught but no one knows whether or not the misunderstanding will be resolved in time. It isn't. 
Cowboy Bebop continues with Ed playing a game of chess against an old geezer who once did something very significant, but now can't remember that he had lunch. She loses. 
Lupin the Third; The Clone Wars continues to be in reruns so people went to bed. Zenigata tries to help a widowed woman. Lupin tries to rob her. Ruses upon ruses usual. But who was Gold?
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He really stuck that landing.
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Neither can I
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nagareboshi22 · 6 years
I had a lot of dreams last night, i only remember snippets of each of them. In one dream, i became the mother of 3 boys, all of them under the age of 10, the youngest being like 3y.o. whose name was Tobies, but i called him Tobi for short and he was really attatched to me. In the same dream my little house caught on fire and my kids were in there, and i fought tooth an nail to put out the fire and succeeded, they were all fine.
In other dream I dreamt about puppies, but i get the feeling they were somehow realted to my dogs JoJo and Caesar.
In another dream i was in a world similar to BHNA, but quirks were only 50% of the population and they weren't called quirks but something else. I was another person, a 17 y.o. boy, i lived a dorm house with 5 roomates of all ages, and i was friends with other hero students from other dorms, they came to chill a lot. But one specific friend, who looked like someone i used to know in real life, had been mossing for a couple of days and i found her sitting in an attic (cant remember whose attic lmao). Apparently sometimes people's powers would mutate or become unstable, so then they would have to decide to either work through it and hope it doesnt get worse or drink what we called the Cure. My friend was fretting over that and she opened up to me about some stuff, i can only remember her saying she knew morse code because of her dad, and i told her that she was super smart she could do whatever she wanted, but she mad and said "Ukui is also smart. Being smart isn't special, I want to stand out from everyone." Then I told her she just take the Cure then, and she just looked at me funny before she said "You don't know what the Cure really does huh?" And i admitted i didnt so she explained the cure is a tea you drink, and if drank at an early rate, it could get rid of the mutated part of your power, but if you waited too long like she did, it could possibly take away all of her power because it's mutated beyond recognition, and she basically was afraid to be "quirkless" because she wanted to be a hero.
In another dream it was basically an episode of Miraculous Ladybug in which Chloe didn't want to give up the items the akuma took over, so Marinette had to trick her into giving it back by being Marinette and going along with Chloe's antics until she found the chance to turn back into Ladybug and take the items away from Chloe.
In other dream (the longest dream)I had to go to a mechanic, but there was this hand devise that tells you what your car needs simply by putting in you car's code. It told me i needed something hut the price was out of my budget so I had to leave, on my way back home i witnissed a car crash, nothing too bad, but omg the roads were in chaos no one was driving within their lanes, and I managed to get by. A couple minutes later i see a girl my age frantically running down the street and something compelled me to slow down and lower my window and ask her if she needed a ride, because she looked like she was running late i wouldnt mind at all. She took up my offer and I told her where to. Apparently she wanted to go to Russia to see this performing group. It occured to me in that moment, a moment of lucidity, how the heck did she plan to run to russia lmao. Anyways, apparently we were in France so not as impossible but still impossible. For whatever reason I had to go home for something and she came along. She snooped around my house in child like innocence, taking note that I had a lot of rooms, and I remember passing one of the rooms and thinking to myself "that used to be a closet, I guess they remodeled it into a room for Ukui." So i guess my previous dream leaked into this one. Suddenly, my house was being broke into by that Russian group the girl wanted to see, and it turned out they found out we were trying to find them, and they thought I was the police and they hated the police because they were actually a Russian mafia, their acrobatic group was just a cover for them. They basically kidnapped me and the girl and we were talen to this school with people of all ages. It was like an army, so many child soldiers were marching in perfect lines in either to stances: both hands behind your back or one hand behind your back and the other saluting. I took the latter stance and was force to get into formation. I passed a line of 7 y.o.s on stand by, all of which saluted to me and i saluted back because i was afraid of them, because they didnt look normal. They had wide grins full of sharp teeth bruh. Anyways, all the lines went onto a field where there was a circle of like 30 chairs. Each formation line had an adult btw, i was suddenly now like 19 y.o., and one of the adults explained that were going to be playing musical chairs. And i remember looking on incredulously because theres only 30 chairs and hundreds of kids, but when two kids ran forward to claim a chair, so did I because I didnt want to find out what would happen if I didnt get a chair. However, when I sat down, my line marched backwards and thw guy waa still talking so I was like "oh shit it wasnt start time yet" so I tried to run back to my line, but I only took five steps before I realized it was a ploy, other groups were moving too, they were coming up with strategies, so i tried running back to my chair, but the adult was all "lol nope you lost your seat already". And so I turned back around and realized that the adults purpose put 30 chairs because they want to filter out the weak ones. The inly wait to get a chair back is to kill each other. So many of the kids had sharp teeth, so the best way to attack was literally lunging at your opponent and tearing their throat open and/or eating them. I didn't have sharp teeth, and I didn't have weapons, so I had to dodge so many kids and throw them off my if they managed to geab me. My mind was racing, trying to figure out how im going to survive this, when i noticed that the adults were just standing around like nothing, and I remember thinking as I pulled off a snapping kid, "They didn't say any rules against killing the adults," before chucking the little canable child at one of the adult's faces. And that's when I woke up.
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kintsugi-sheep · 3 years
2020.12.06: The Toya Rant One
Alright, so what went on this week?
I’m not tech savvy, so I can only say that the bits for my new computer set up have arrived. After I get the monitor, I should get to work on the site for the myth story.
I don’t feel apprehensive. That’s good, just surprising. Until recently I’ve felt this lingering dread regardless of what I did. As it stands, I don’t care very much the degrees to which I succeed or fail. Either way, I feel like with the right amount of time and attention, I can just get what I need to get done, done.
The writing by prompts has actually gone well. The only day I chose not to do anything was yesterday, and that was because the prompt I chose to handle didn’t really resonate with me afterwards. Short writing is a bit more fun than I had anticipated. I never know when people will respond especially well to something and I can’t tell which prompt will become the subject of attention until hours after I choose it.
I feel pretty good. It’s like working out for my writing muscles.
Speaking of writing, I spent a lot of the past week looking over Hunter x Hunter. I’m honestly skeptical that Togashi will ever finish the story he’s written, but I do love what he’s done. I just got into Daniel Greene on Youtube, who praises the Malazan for its worldbuilding. I haven’t read the book, so I can’t compare the two, but I feel like Togashi had it down perfectly.
The thing that Ging Freeccs says. “Enjoy the little detours to the fullest. That’s where you’ll find the things more important than the things you think you want.” It’s something that resonates with me. This drive that I have is very new to me, only a few months old, born from getting rejected in a way that made me reflect on who I was and who I wanted to be. And while I love this more intense focus I have on looking ahead of me, I don’t want to forget that there’s more to life that what I’m chasing after. That there’s more to experience that’s currently outside the realm of my consideration and knowledge that can shape me into a more well-rounded person.
Speaking of mangaka that should probably just be writers, I started reading JoJolion this week. I haven’t read Stone Ocean or Steel Ball Run yet, but I was compelled by a realization that I had while brainstorming for my story. Both Togashi and Araki have the ability to create fights that would be just as intense and exciting if you read them in a book as if you read them in a manga. This skill with creating powers is something that I’d love to study and employ. Mostly because I don’t know how well wuxia fantasy or battle fantasy perform in the medium of novels.
While I’m on about manga I like and writing, I want to bring up the whole Toya thing in Hero Academia. I imagine by the time anyone finds this and chooses to read it, it’ll have been years since this was relevant, so I don’t feel compelled to give a spoiler warning.
When I was young and reading Naruto as it was coming out, a friend of mine swore that Tobi was going to be Obito. I figured not. We say Obito get crushed by a boulder. Kakashi took his eye too, so of course he’d be dead. My friend was clearly being ridiculous. Cut to a few years later and the chapter wherein Tobi’s identity is revealed begins with a flashback of Obito’s childhood.
That’s strike one.
Some time later, I’m hearing One Piece theories that Sabo is alive. Impossible. The deaths in One Piece are few and far between, but the ones that do occur are clean, quick, and obscured in some way or another; save Ace’s death. Plus, it was a flashback. And a flashback death was bound to be legit. Cut to the Dressrosa Arc, Sabo’s alive.
That’s strike two.
Now, we get to Toya. Hero Academia may be another battle fantasy manga, but it does ground itself more closely to the real world than either of the prior examples. Surely, these claims that Dabi is Toya would be proven false. Endeavor had a shrine and everything. Not to mention the hair color scheme of the Todoroki family. Cut to some time later, Dabi pours some stuff on his head to get the dye out of his hair, and it’s Toya.
That was strike three. And what broke me.
I was frustrated at myself more than anything, dismissing the simple idea by virtue of it being too simple. Still, two things about this incident stick out to me.
The first was a comment on Viz beneath the chapter. A reader made the point that while we in the audience came to this conclusion through months of attention and speculation, the remainder of the Todoroki family had no idea. Regardless of our own expectations, they needed to know.
Second was a clip I saw of George R. R. Martin a few days ago. In it he says that people online have already guessed a plot point in his next book, but that he’s not going to change it. He makes the argument that if you chose to change something at the last minute like that—because some people online figured it out before you wanted them to—then you’d be doing a disservice to all the foreshadowing and writing you’d done leading up to that point.
To go back to JoJolion for a minute, I may have never read the manga from the begin before now, but I’ve been on the JoJo wiki for years now. I know the gist of what’s going to happen, but seeing it play out before my eyes, as you would expect, holds a deeper value than just getting the bullet points. It takes a really special story for me to worry about spoilers.
This was more impersonal than I thought it’d be.
Well, I hope to not stop now. I’ve found a pretty nice groove in writing and I’m getting a bit excited to learn what I can do with this new Huion tablet I bought.
For tonight, I’m gonna post this, go lose some matches on MTG Arena, and then probably write more shorts.
I’m happy to have found a track to ride on.
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arcanenrok · 7 years
Original Content
I think the reason why it is hard to get noticed using original content is because people are afraid of interacting with fandoms they aren't in
For example, my mutual @absolutely-nothing-to-see-here posts a lot about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. It took me a while to get the courage to start hitting the like button on those posts, and I am still far from having the courage to reblog any of them.
Reason being that I don't know much about JJBA to have a full understanding about what the posts are referencing or the significance of them, I feel like it's not my place. Another reason in extension is that because, for example, in ship art, you don't know a lot about the characters, so you are paranoid that you might reblog something that would be considered problematic (like imagine a non homestuck reblogged Dave/Rose or Gam/Rezi because they thought it looked cute and the next morning they get a thousand anons telling them to kill themselves because they ignorantly shipped incest or something most considered abusive) and be none the wiser.
So people in fandom get used to the idea that they don't reblog content outside of their fandom because it's what they know. So when an artist publishes original content, it essentially is a fandom that no one, save their close followers, are a part of, and consequently doesn't get reblogged and doesn't gain influence.
So I'd think that original content is hard to popularize unless you're an artist with a well established fanbase first piggybacking off of other fandoms (see: Toby Fox and is involvement in Homestuck and his success with Undertale)
tl;dr, people only reblog stuff they are familiar with.
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