#thrawn X nuso esva
gia-batmm-crickle22 · 8 months
(Four Husbands AU) Nuso Esva, to Thrawn: If anyone but me hurts you, I'd hunt them down to the ends of the earth so that they could face justice Eli, to Thrawn: If you asked, I would turn kill every person in this room without a second thought Samakro, throughly disturbed: You guys know normal couples don't say these things to each other, right?
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casp1an-sea · 29 days
These are just my opinions your welcome to have different ones
Han and Leia waiting to get married makes total sense! At the end of return of the Jedi the only time they’ve spent as a couple is when their relationship started in ESB and its continuation in ROJ most of which they were in battle. Yes Leia has been thinking about him for about a year now but she hasn’t been able to get closer to him in that time, and for Han it’s like not time has passed at all. Plus there’s still a fucking War going on that they very much are invoked in. Marriage is not on their minds, especially Leia’s. (Plus all the traumatic shit they have to process)
This is a message to both legends and canon LUKE IS GAY come on now 🥲
Mara was cool until she married Luke then the writers kind of screwed up her character
Han’s backstory WTF (it’s so sad but so good)
Can we get more Han and Lando buddy cop adventures?
Okay but those stormtroopers from Choices of One feel like The Bad Batch’s emo cousins
I think it’s rly funny that C-3PO gets given to Han
I love Anakin so much why did he have to die???? Also please Leia why did you insist on that name. Don’t get me wrong I love it but the pressure you put on this poor child. Han why’d you give in you idiot?
I feel so bad for Han in courtship of Princess Leia. Should I?
Okay but let’s be clear Leia definitely cheated on Han with Isolder. Idc what she thinks that was, it was cheating.
I see a common theme of Leia being rly untrustworthy of Han until they get married. To like an unhealthy degree. What is this guys? I promise he’s not a bad dude.
remember that time where Luke made a submarine out of a dead creatures stomach skin? Yep I do.
lando’s mining facilities getting destroyed is such a funny gag
Did you notice Isolder’s daughter marries Han and Leia’s son? It’s like poetry it rhymes.
I love paradise snare but to me the hutt gambit was a dumbstruck fire
HUGE PET PEVE I HAVE WITH TATOINE GHOST! (Still love the book though) Forgiving and forgetting is not always the answer. Han does not need to forgive the republic. LEIA DOES NOT NEED TO FORGIVE VADER. Nor would Han push her to do so and he certainly would not condone the slaughter of tuskins because “he was a boy with a dead mother”. Well wouldn’t you know Han you’re a boy with a dead mother and you didn’t commit genocide. You have even less reason to forgive Vader than the twins. I block this out it was a bad writing choice.
HAN HAD A CHILD WITH BRIA???? I know when, but WHERE ARE THEY?! google was no help
“Must be nice to have a grandmother” LMAO HAN YOU OKAY BUDDY?
Is it bad of me to say I prefer the og force witches/dathomirians/dathomir/nightsisters to the canon ones?
LUUKE SKYWALKER? They’re so goated for that. OKAY BUT DID DAVE FILLONI READ THE REBEL FORCE SERIES? BRAINWASHED abducted children with no memory of their lives and family, solely devoted ASSASSINS to an ECCENTRIC IMPERIAL WITH A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX who wants favor with the emperor. And these assassins are called X-1, X-2, X-3, X-4, X-5, X-6, and X-7. This is why it should have been tech.
I thought Chewie’s death was impactful and I didn’t hate it
I like it better that Han and Leia didn’t divorce
I like that Han is a male wife and I love how close his children are to him. It makes sense that Leia would be the working one.
not them have a floor to ceiling length tapestry of Leia in a their house. That would scare the shit out of me at night.
I like that Leia is a senator and not a general. Okay hear me out. Leia is trained in diplomacy as much as she is in combat. She was a senator before she was a rebel. And she has always been very much involved in matters of state and would want to feel like she was actively doing something to keep the republic in check. The rebellion was not just a war to her it was making the Galaxy a better place that doesn’t end when the war for her so the natural next step would be a government position. Granted she still acts as a general if need be and goes far beyond her job description countless times.
Can someone fo a demo of the song C-3Po wrote about Han?
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vibratingskull · 2 months
Hewo! Can you do thrawn x female reader where he accidentally raising his voice/yelling,and then he immediately feel bad and things eventually get patched up
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Thrawn loosing his temper? Damn, that sh*t must be serious!
You hold on Thrawn’s stare. You hold your position, sure of yourself and your plan. 
Thrawn on the other hand... Doesn’t appear as convinced. 
“I can do it!” You insist, “If you give me the command of a special squad, hide the navette behind an asteroid that you will propulse with a tractor beam, I can come alongside his mothership, take down his crew and liquidate that fucker!” 
“I refuse.” He simply responds. 
The tone is controlled, calm, almost disinterested. 
“Grand Admiral! You know me and what I am capable of! You saw me in training, you saw my scores, you know my records and all my succeeded missions! I.can.do.it!” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Thrawn! I ca-” 
“I said no!”  
You start at the sudden shout. 
Did he... Did he just raise his voice at you? 
You were so surprised and shocked you took a step back, with a loss for words. Thrawn had never raised his voice at you before. 
No matter how angry he could get, he never raised his voice against you once! 
You gulp, so taken aback you have no idea what to do. Thrawn looks straight at you, gaze clear and decided, brows frowned and back straight. He raised on his feet when he shouted, slamming his two hands on his desk. You shudder under his gaze, not knowing what to say. 
“I... I just...” You feel your lips trembling and your voice cracks. 
Thrawn blinks and seems to snap out of his anger when he realizes how distraught you are. He skirts his desk and comes to embrace you, regretting his words. 
“Ch’acah...” He calls soflty, “Ch’acah forgive me. I did not intent to startle you.” He tries to soothe you, hugging you in his warm arms, pressing you against his broad chest, “But Nuso Esva is a trickster and a devious warrior. I do not doubt your capacities for a second, but he is too treacherous too reckon with a simple squad.”  
You tremble in his arms, slowly calming down from your shock state, hugging him back tentatively with shaking hands. 
“I just--wanted to be useful to you...” You manage to let out. 
“You are Ch’acah, more than you will ever know. But this man is too dangerous for you to take down alone. Your plan would work on any other target but this one, and I cannot bear to lose you.” 
You sigh back a sob, digging your nails in his white uniform. 
“If I let you die without trying to stop you, I could never recover from that. Please my love, understand that I am trying to save your life, not to disparage you in any way... Calm down my love.”  
His thumb comes to caress your cheek tenderly, pressing his palm against your jaw. He gently takes your chin to tilt your head to meatt his gaze. 
“Look at me Ch’acah. I am sorry for raising my voice, but I simply could not let you walk toward your death without putting an end to it. Will you forgive me?”  
His tone is calm and even before recoverng to its usual sterness, but his eyes... His eyes were begging, regretting the shock he instilled in you... 
You sniff a good time and smile to him. 
“Of course, Thrawn.” 
He looks at you intently before letting a sigh out and relaxing his shoulders. 
“Thank you, Ch’acah.” 
You push a strand of hair behind your ear to put up a front and look back to him. 
“Will you at least let me participate in the strategizing?” You ask, hopeful. 
You may not be able to take Nuso Esva down with a quick assassination mission as you do so well but you can still be useful in other ways. 
“Of course, my love. I take all your ideas seriously and await impatiently your opinion on my next plan.” He promises, a small comforting smile on his lips. “We will take him together.” 
This smile... 
Is only for you to see... 
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar@thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo @germie2037
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skywalkerthrawn · 3 years
hi i wrote a nuso esva x thrawn fic 🟡〰🟡
u can read it Here
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 7 months
Wdym this isn't how their relationship works? 😂😭 Nuso Esva is the BIGGEST red flag ever lololol
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 9 months
Charlie didn't know that was their birth father. All Nuso Esva told them is to keep an eye on him, that's all.
Thrawn doesn't know that… but perhaps he will. Someday…
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 8 months
(Four Husbands AU) Thrawn, looking at Nuso Esva: Loving him was red. Samakro: Yeah, Red flag.
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 9 months
Thrawn Next Generation (all ships I have next gen with) Sexualities and Pronouns Headcanons (Updated)
Thranuso (Thrawn X Nuso Esva):
>Charul'exsam/Charlie - Non-binary Bisexual (They/Them) Switch
Thrangali (Thrawn X Uingali):
>Mitth'ora'xven/Thorax - Genderqueer Pansexual (He/They) Top
Thramakro (Thrawn X Samakro):
>Ufsa'kur'id/Sakurido - Demi-girl Lesbian (She/They) Top
Thranto (Thrawn X Eli Vanto):
>Mitth'sol'arvanto/Solar - Cis Bisexual (He/Him) Switch
>Mitth'inazu'mavanto/Inazuma - Trans Polysexual (He/They) Bottom
>Mitth'err'anvanto/Therran - Intersex Gay (He/They) Bottom
>Mitth'com'etvanto/Comet - Demi-boy Gay (He/They) Bottom
>Mitth'ezr'avanto/(Th)Ezra - Genderqueer Bisexual (He/They) Switch
>Mitth'ornel'lavanto/Thornella - Cis Lesbian (She/Her) Top
> Mitth'eodo'revanto/Theodore - Genderfluid Gay (He/They) Bottom
>Mitth'east'onvanto/Easton - Cis Gay (He/Him) Bottom
>Mitth'ryo'tevanto/Ryote - Agender Pansexual (They/Them) Switch
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 9 months
Idk about you guys, but this song matches them and their relationship XD I'll try to make Thangali next :3
Art here:
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 9 months
Yeah… I don't think any of Thrawn's kids are ready to go on missions yet lololol I mean, Charlie is, despite being youngest, but Sakurido and Thorax aren't XD
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 9 months
I'm just publishing it now because Charlie is a Star Wars OC, and Gabigail is a new OC I'm placing in for Charlie's love interest. Gabigail is NOT Gabby, I'm gonna differentiate them, I promise, but for now, I'm gonna use this. And Also, this is Charlie's old design
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 7 months
Finally redesigned some parts of Charlie
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They're only currently 14 (24, if you count Thrawn's exile)
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 6 months
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Trying to draw Thresva/Thranuso again and I still can't get the skin right ;-; Ehh, oh well, have some Thrawn X Nuso Esva ^^ Bugberry :3
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 6 months
This took foreverrrr but I'm glad I finally got it out :D Just a small skit of the first words of the Marchraki Children, minus Krix since Krix was adopted at an older age ^^;
I really love what I did for Thrawn's tho XD
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 9 months
I was supposed to make an animation- I made this instead 🥲
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 9 months
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Thrawn X Nuso Esva's kid, Charlie has Thrawn's fashion sense…
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