#this whole story is filled with platonic logince so...
miguel-manbemel · 3 years
Roman’s Brightest Idea
It’s been ages since I wrote a story. But today I had an idea for a story full of angst, and then while I was writing it, I couldn’t help filling it with platonic logince, so here you have this short story and I hope you enjoy it.
Roman was writing in his room, with his finest golden fountain pen. It had all started, as usual, from a little spark, but Roman saw from the beginning that this spark had potential and he decided to develop it into an idea for a story, and finally he stamped his seal on the last page, then put all the papers in a red velvet folder.
“I did it! This time I did it! This is the best work I’ve ever made in my life! This is my brightest creation!”
Roman started bopping and giggling, like he always did when he finished a work he was proud of, which tended to be the majority of works he finished. It was like, for a minute or so, he returned to his five year old self, who reacted the same way when he finished his first ever fairy tale.
“I can’t wait to show it to Thomas! He’s gonna love it!”
And so, Roman grabbed the red folder and sank out to the outer world, looking for Thomas. He found him in the bathroom, having a shower. It was noon and he had just woken up.
“Hi, Thomas!” Roman yelled
“Jeez!” Thomas screamed, startled “Oh, goodness gracious, Roman, don’t do that, you scared the heck out of me!”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself, I’m overexcited!”
“Oh, is that so?” Thomas said while he turned the shower off, then grabbed a towel and got out.
“Yes, because, you see, I’ve got great news, I’ve got a new idea for a story that you…”
“Yes, that’s great and all, but could you talk to me about that later? It’s getting late and I’m still naked, and I still haven’t got my breakfast, then I gotta go to the office fast, I’ve got a meeting today.”
“But this story…” Roman said, his smile had left his face.
“Later, Roman, I promise. I’ve got a long day ahead of me, please try to cooperate with me, okay?”
With that, Thomas put his bathrobe on and headed to the bedroom to get dressed. Roman was left behind in the bathroom.
“Okay, Thomas, if you’re busy I won’t bother you now… I’ll try later.”
Roman sank down and returned to his room. He looked at the red velvet folder.
“Perhaps it’s not that good?” Roman pondered. “Maybe I need to give it some more time before I bother Thomas? He seemed pretty busy… But no, Roman, you gotta trust yourself a little bit. It was a real masterpiece and when Thomas sees it, he’ll agree too!”
Roman waited a few hours.
“I’m tired of waiting. Perhaps Thomas has finished his meeting already. Yep, I think it’s the time to show him my work. Let’s go.”
Roman sank down and he raised up… standing in the middle of the table right on Thomas’ meeting. Nobody seemed to see him except Thomas, who showed a face of horror.
“Whoops…” Roman said. “I guess it wasn’t over yet…”
“Are you okay, Thomas?” one of his team members said “You look concerned.”
“I… I have a little pain on my tummy, that’s all. I didn’t want to say anything to let him finish his exposition, but truth is I could use a little recess to use the bathroom, if it’s okay with you.”
“No, it’s totally fine, I think we all need a break, this meeting has gotten longer than expected.”
“Then it will be 15 minutes. See ya later guys.”
All the meeting members went out of the room.
“I’m sorry, Thomas, I thought…”
“Don’t ever do that again, Roman!” Thomas said with a voice of anger
“But I’ve been waiting all day and I wanted to show you this idea. I warrant you that it’s the best work you could…”
“It’s not the time for that, Roman! You can’t just pop up whenever you want without permission!”
“But this is…”
“Nothing warrants you the right to do that, Roman! If you continue like this, I’m gonna start to think that you’re not so different from Remus after all!”
“Wha…?” Roman face went ajar, his eyes immediately filled with tears.
“Now, go away, and don’t bother me for the rest of the day until I tell you you can come, is that clear? I wanna hear it from you.”
“It’s… it’s clear, Thomas…” a little sob interrupted the sentence but he managed to pronounce it with all the dignity he had left in him. “I won’t bother you anymore.”
“Good, now go. I have to go to the bathroom so that the others don’t suspect. Look what you’ve made me do, now the meeting’s gonna last forever. Go now!”
Roman sank down, then returned to his room. Now the tears were falling down his cheeks. He looked at the red velvet folder. He opened it in an explosion of anger, grabbed the pages and tore them to pieces while he yelled like a wounded beast, then he threw the pieces of paper to the floor and started crying on the table, sobbing so loudly that he caught Logan’s attention from his own room. Logan was repelled by feelings of that kind but still, he couldn’t help but worry about his friend and decided to check on him.
“Roman? What’s wrong, are you okay?”
“What… what do you want?” Roman said mid sobbing “Don’t you see it’s not the moment to bother me, Teach? Leave me alone!”
“I would, Roman, but logic tells me that if I did, that only would be bad for you. I may not be an expert of feelings, and I don’t know a lot of things in that field, but I know that you are my friend. You know you can count on me for anything you want, and I’d be glad to help you if I can.”
Roman looked at Logan, his eyes all red and his makeup all ruined. His face showed then a grimace of hurt as he opened his arms, inviting him to hold him in a hug. Logan hesitated for a second as he didn’t like that sort of affection, but Roman’s devastated face made him realize Roman needed it, so he just went next to Roman and held him tight. Logan could feel Roman’s tears soaking his shirt and the humid warmth of Roman’s breath after each sob muffled on his chest right on his necktie. It was an unpleasant sensation for him, more for the emotional charge that it had that communicated to him how broken Roman was, something he didn’t like to see at all, something that would have hurt him if, he thought, he had feelings like the others. He didn’t know why he had the need to do so, but Logan started petting Roman’s hair while Roman went on crying a river on him.
After a few minutes like this, Roman’s crying slowly started weakening and he finally calmed down. Still, he stood hugged to Roman for a few minutes more in silence, Logan still petting his hair. It was finally Logan who broke the silence.
“Are you okay now, Roman?”
Roman just nodded in silence, still reluctant to let go off Logan.
“Take all the time you need, then tell me what happened.”
Roman still stood hugged to Logan for five minutes. Then he finally let go.
“Thank you, Logan… oh, I’m so sorry, your shirt and necktie are soaking wet.”
“That’s not important, but it tells me that you have lost a lot of hydration, so here…” Logan invoked a bottle of water and gave it to Roman “drink some water, you need it and it will make you feel better.”
Roman started drinking. He really was thirsty as he finished the whole 24 ounces of water in no time.
“Want some more?”
“No, it’s fine. Thank you, Logan.”
“Now tell me calmly and slowly everything that happened, Roman.”
Roman proceeded to tell him how the day was for him. Logan listened to the whole story without interrupting him, focusing all his attention on Roman.
“...and then you arrived” said Roman, finishing the story.
“I see…” Logan said pensively “I can understand Thomas’ reaction to some extent, but I’m sure he didn’t mean to be so nasty to you, Roman. I’d say that you startled him so bad he acted out of instinct, in fear. It was just bad luck and bad timing, that’s all.
“I’m not so sure… Thomas hates me, especially after my appearance in the meeting.”
“I strongly disagree, I don’t think Thomas hates you, Roman. I’m sure under other circumstances, he would have loved to see your story. Thomas has always loved those worlds of fiction you invented for him. Even if I never fully understood them, I knew they made him happy and that was enough for me to approve your labor. You just caught him busy and stressed out, that’s all. And we all say things when we’re angry we regret later.”
“Have you ever been angry in your life, Logan? I thought…”
“Who hasn’t been angry at some point in his life, Roman? No matter if it’s for something that happened to us or something that happened to others or in the world, everyone experiences anger from time to time, it’s as natural as breathing. But anger always calms down and allows us to judge things more calmly. I’m sure Thomas will have that time to ponder what happened and he’ll come to you.”
“Do you think so?” Roman said, then he noticed the floor all full of pieces of papers “Oh, look at what I’ve done… my story idea is all ruined. Now Thomas will never see it…”
“Can’t you rewrite it all again?”
“No, I don’t think so. Once I put an idea into paper, it’s like waking up from a dream, I forget most of it. I could try to rebuild it from the pieces, but it would never be the same.”
“I can help you pick up the papers and maybe from the little pieces…”
“I don’t know, it would take forever and Thomas cannot stay that long without a story idea.”
Thomas rises up in Roman’s room.
“There you are, Roman!” Thomas said.
“Thomas? What… what are you doing here?”
“I’m so sorry, Roman. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I treated you all day during and after the meeting. I hope you can forgive me.”
“It’s okay, Thomas. It was my fault for appearing so suddenly. I thought you had finished the meeting but I was wrong. I apologize too.”
“Well, now I’m totally free for you and I can see that bright creation of yours, if you still want me to.”
“If I still want you to? Nothing would have made me happier, Thomas. Unfortunately, it’s too late…”
“Why, where is it?”
“You’re standing over it.”
Thomas looked at his feet, saw all the pieces of paper and understood.
“Oh, Roman, I’m so sorry… But maybe we can fix it.”
“We could try, but it would take forever and it would never look the same as it was when I first created it. I don’t know if it’s worth the time to try.”
“Yes, it probably would never look the same… but it could look even better than before. Let’s pick up the pieces and get everything we can from them. You are Creativity, you’re not gonna get scared by a little hard work, do you?”
“Of course I won’t. I’ll do my best to reconstruct the idea if you want me to, Thomas.”
“And we’ll recruit the help from everyone, that way we’ll finish it faster, and maybe everyone could give their contributions. It can be a fun task for the rest of the day, okay?”
“Okay, Thomas. I’ll do my best.”
Thomas gave Roman a short but very tight hug that pleased Roman, then called the others. It took a few hours, but everyone together managed to pick up all the pieces, reorder everything they could and, filling the gaps with everyone’s ideas, they managed to create a story that would eventually become one of Thomas’ most viewed and acclaimed videos ever, something Roman would always be proud of, especially because he had the chance to create it with the help of all his friends and that made that his most cherished creation of all.
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canvas-the-florist · 3 years
Two Halves Make a Whole
Ship(s): Romantic Logince, Background Platonic Moxiety, Platonic Dukeceit, Creativitwins (they’re all friends okay I make the rules)
Warnings: Swearing, blood mention and mutilation of meat, alcohol mention, NSFW mention (not that much just like… saying someone had sex in a sentence), food mention, possible second hand embarrassment
Summary: The thing about idioms is that Logan has a hard time understanding them metaphorically, and tends to stick with the more logical reasons. Which can be confusing to the others when he starts calling Roman his “other half”. (Thank you to @hteragram-x for letting me use their post as inspiration <3)
Word Count: ~2.7k
   They had just finished up recording a video. Something about accepting trauma and accepting that you’re allowed to move on from it. Thomas went up to his room for a nap while Patton walked over to sit by Virgil on the stairs. Roman wrapped his arm around Logan’s shoulders with a big smile. “You did so well, Pocket Protector! Not as well as me but I’m sure you’ll catch up soon!”
   Logan rolled his eyes and moved out from under Roman’s arm and crossed his. “Thanks. You were… adequate as well. Despite messing up a three sentence line five times.”
   Roman let out a loud scoff attracting the attention of Patton and Virgil. Patton covered up a laugh with a cough that wasn’t very convincing. “It was a very difficult line, Logan! How dare you accuse Creativity of messing up!”
   “Did Princey mess up another line?” Virgil asked from his place on the stairs. Patton punched his arm, muttering that it was rude. “I’m just asking a question, Pops. I’m not intending to be mean.”
   “Virgil!” Roman was red in the face with embarrassment and turned back to Logan who had a small smile. Roman’s face softened slightly over his little giggle before remembering he was supposed to be upset. “Logan you sicked Virgil on me!”
   “I do not believe that Virgil is sick. If he is, we should attend to that immediately.”
   “That was an expression, Alan Boring.” Roman corrected. “Do you want me to add a vocab card?”
   “Yes, thank you.” Roman gave a thumbs up and sunk out. Logan walked over to the remaining sides. “Well, my other half is working on that I believe we should cover what to do to keep Thomas healthy during the editing process for the video.”
   Virgil fell down a step causing Patton to fall to the ground completely. Virgil coughed and moved back up while Logan just looked confused. “Your other half?”
   “Yes?” Logan pulled out a vocab card. “There is a theory that the brain is composed of two parts, logic and creativity. Two halves making a whole person. While this is not factual I thought the idiom would work with Roman and myself. Is that not correct?”
   “Logan-” Virgil started but Patton cut him off.
   “That’s really sweet that you’re picking up nicknames like Roman and I! I’m sure that Roman would appreciate it. Too bad he wasn’t here to see or understand your quip.”
   At this point Roman showed up with about three index cards in his hands. He walked over to the others staring at his cards as he moved. “Okay so I made the card but then I got distracted and doodled on these ones but I think they turned out okay. So, I want Patton’s validation on- Wait are you guys talking about the schedule without me? Rude.”
   “My apologies, Roman, we haven't covered anything important yet as I had to explain a joke but I would like your contributions to this conversation as well.” Logan gave a smile and Roman tightened his grip on the cards. “Are you going to hand me the card, Roman?”
   “Oh yeah, here you go.” Roman had a crush and didn’t want to do shit about it.
   The talk took awhile. Especially after Janus and Remus joined which was just chaos disguised as two sides. But that wasn’t the only chaos afoot! A few hours after the meeting and a lot hours past when Thomas should have been asleep, Virgil walked to Patton’s room, knocking on the door softly. Worried that he was too quiet he was about to knock again when the door swung open. Virgil quickly backed up to avoid accidentally punching Thomas’s morality.
   “Uh, hey Patton. Can we talk?” He asked, now fidgeting with his hands.
   Patton gave a concerned look but nodded and moved out of the way to let Virgil in. He closed the door and turned to Virgil with a comforting smile. “You seem nervous, kiddo. Why don’t you hold one of those plushies? That usually helps me.”
   He grabbed a bean filled one that looked like a tiny elephant without a mouth and beads for eyes. Virgil tossed it in between his hands for a few moments while Patton sat down across from him. “I’m just going to get into it before I talk myself out of it. Why didn’t you tell Logan about him using a pet name for Roman?”
   Patton blinked before smiling. “Oh, I wasn’t expecting that. Well, that’s an easy one Virgil! I think that this will be good for Logan. Using nicknames is something that an emotional side would do. This might be his way of opening up.”
   “Are… Are you sure? This seems more like… Deceit’s thing.”
   “Well, his name is Janus, Virgil and we don’t see eye to eye but I think that Logan becoming honest with his emotions is a good thing. You don’t agree and you can tell him if you want. I won’t take that from you. Just consider it.”
   Virgil held the elephant up to his face and sighed. He pulled up his legs so he was able to rest his chin on his knees. “I guess it would be embarrassing to know you’ve been using a word with romantic connotations without knowing it…” He made direct eye contact with Patton who was listening to what Virgil had to say. “You think this is going to be good for him?” He nodded and Virgil dropped his legs back to the ground. “Okay, we won’t tell him. I’ll tell him if he asks but if you think this is the right thing to do, I trust you.”
   “Thank you, Virgil.”
   Janus, Roman, Logan, and Patton were having a picnic in the imagination. Virgil and Remus decided not to go for separate reasons. Virgil mumbled something unintelligible and hissed at Janus before sinking out quickly while Remus was busy painting over a copy of Vincient Van Gogh’s “Two Rats” with what seemed to be blended pork rinds and blood. Janus had a cup of wine, Patton had a capri-sun, Roman had a lemonade, and Logan just had water. They were having a… civil conversation on whether 100 lions or 100 pokemon would win in a fight.
   “Bitch you know that pokemon would win!” Roman yelled pointing at Janus dramatically, who was nursing his wine. “They have magic powers! Lions are just animals!”
   Janus took a sip and let out a laugh. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Pokemon are over glorified rats at most.”
   “Why do they have to fight at all?” Patton asked, pretending not to enjoy Janus and Roman having a conversation that wouldn’t end in tears. He was genuinely upset about the fighting even if it meant two of his friends were finally interacting. “Couldn’t they just be friends?”
   “Do I have to be the one to point out that pokemon don’t exist?”
   Roman stuck out his tongue and picked up his glass again. “It’s the principle of the thing.”
   “Very well, if my other half says so. The lions would win.” Logan reached for an orange slice calmly as Janus raised an eyebrow. Roman was so offended by Logan’s side of the story that he didn’t even notice Patton trying not to choke on his drink.
   “Oh so you’re on the Lying King’s side?”
   “Lions hunt in a group and as I understand pokemon they fight one at a time in a turn based system. For a fight the lions would have a higher advantage.” Logan put the slice in his mouth while Roman narrowed his eyes.
   “What about legendaries?!”
   The fight continued for thirty minutes and Patton decided that the picnic was over. Janus came back to the dark side and hung up his cape in his room. He turned to Remus. “How did the painting go?”
   “Oh just wonderful, the entrails made a smiley face! Look!” Remus held up the canvas too close to Janus’s face. He took a step back and looked it over. If it wasn’t covered in guts it did look rather intriguing and interesting to look at. Janus clapped his hands together.
   “It looks amazing, Remus. Better than the original!” Janus wasn’t lying (for once) because it was just a shitty thing to do when someone is asking for feedback on art.
   “Thanks Jan! How’d the orgy with the light sides and my brother go?”
   Janus shrugged. “Just detestable. The sandwiches lacked but I did find out some information. Were you aware that your brother and Logic are dating?”
   Remus put his hands to his cheeks with an over dramatic gasp. “You’re telling me that little Roman is boning the nerd?! This is the best thing that’s happened since radiation poisoning!”
   “Yeah, I agree. So, want to watch Into the Woods?”
   “Is that even a question dipshit?!”
   Roman, Remus, and Logan were going over the storyboards for the next Sanders Sides. Creativities and Logic. It was going well, and Roman was feeling confident that it was going to be fun, even if they definitely weren’t getting it out on time. Logan got up and stretched.
“We’ve been working for two hours and 37 minutes we should take a break. I will bring us snacks. Do you want anything?”
   “No thanks I brought my own.”
   “Okay, strawberries for my other half and an empty glass for Remus.”
   “Thanks Logan!” Roman hadn’t taken his eyes off the notes, scanning for any discrepancies or something that could be done better while Remus looked over his shoulder taking a bite of deodorant. They stayed in silence for a second before Roman felt Remus staring at him and finally looked up. “What?”
   “So how long have you and Logie-Poo been having sex?”
   “I… what? We’re not- Why would you assume that???” Roman’s face went red and looked incredulously at his brother.
   “Jan-Jan told me that you and Logan have been ‘dating’ two weeks ago. And he just called you ‘his other half’ like a gay person. Are you not…” Remus made a lewd gesture with his hands.
   “No! We’re not… Wait… his other half? Did, did Logan really call me that?”
��  “Wow! You’re really oblivious!”
   “Umm, shut up!” Roman’s face turned red as he hid it in his hands, completely flustered and unsure how to react to the situation. Had Logan been hitting on him for two weeks? Had it been longer than that? Remus laughed at him and hit his back. Roman rolled his eyes and sat back up. “What should I even do about this? I’m kind of tempted just to hide this in the back of my head for five years or some sort of grand gesture… Those are romantic, right?”
   “Or you could just make out with him! Well, consensually.” Roman punched him and Remus just kept giggling. “He HAS been calling you a disgustingly cute pet name for a LONG ASS time, dude… Haha ass…” Remus seemed to space out after that so Roman sunk out and appeared again in the living room. And Logan just so happened to be reading a book on the couch. Roman blushed again and cleared his throat.
   “Logan I need to talk to you.”
   He raised an eyebrow, closing his book after putting in a bookmark. Roman’s fist clenched around his sash to calm his nerves. “You wouldn’t NEED to talk to me for any reason so I’m going to assume you mean that you have some information to convey to me?”
   “I… umm, yeah.” Roman took a deep breath, closing his eyes. “Why… Why have you been calling me your ‘Other Half’?” He leaned his head back and tried to calm down. He’s had a crush on Logan for a while and there was a sliver of a chance it might be reciprocated. Roman kind of felt like crying.
   “Oh, that?” Logan took a deep breath in and smiled, not that Roman could see. “Well, there’s an incorrect theory about the right and left hemispheres of the brain being logic and creativity. Therefore, you would be my other half.”
   Roman didn’t look at Logan, trying not to feel too disappointed. “That makes sense. Thanks for telling me, Logan. I’ll see you later…” His hand dropped to his side and he got ready to sink out, focusing only on his breathing. He made eye contact with Logan to see genuine confusion on his face. Roman gave a smile and began sinking out-
   “Roman wait!” He stopped. Logan had stood up and ran up to him. “Is that not what you wanted? I’m going to be direct because this is confusing to me but… Roman do you reciprocate romantic feelings for me? Because I really want to date you!”
   He didn’t respond immediately. Roman searched Logan’s face and he seemed to be meaning this. The passion on his face almost made Roman melt. He nodded slightly and decided for the first and only time to take Remus’s advice. Roman leaned towards Logan, grabbing his tie, and kissed him.
  The sides were hanging out in the kitchen while they were all working together to make a fam-ILY dinner. Virgil was tapping his foot nervously while vaguely listening to whatever Remus was ranting about. Patton and Janus were putting together the ingredients for a vegetable pie (excluding carrots of course) while Logan was making orange juice. Roman sat on the counter bantering with Janus. He laughed loudly and boldly, wiping a tear from his eye when his snake friend made a particularly bad pun.
   “Roman, my other half, would you please pass over the raspberries?” Logan asked easily. Virgil grumbled nervously, looking over at Patton, who was in a flour-based food fight with Remus. He sighed loudly and walked over Logan, finally cracking.
   He breathed in, ringing his hands. “Logan you’ve been calling Roman a pet name this entire time! The left brain right brain thing isn’t why people say my other half! I’m sorry for not telling you but Patton said to!”
   Roman and Logan looked at each other before looking back at Virgil. Roman quietly handed the raspberries to Logan before giving a soft smile. “Didn’t you know? Logan and I have been together, Storm cloud. It’s been a pet name this entire time.” Janus snickered to himself while putting the pie in but decided not to say anything.
   “You have?” Virgil asked.
   Logan nodded. “Yes, Virgil. Roman and I are indeed in a romantic relationship. Now, we’re going to set the table. Grab the plates?”
   Virgil stayed speechless, frozen in the kitchen until he got hit on his shoulder with flour. Roman got out the forks and walked to the table while Logan continued stirring the orange juice concentrate. After the pie finished, Patton helped serve everyone. Virgil stayed silent, with his forehead leaning on the table in shame. Eventually he started joining the conversation, ignoring his own embarrassment.
   When everyone finished up dinner. Logan volunteered to wash the dishes and Roman was the slowest to put away the food, leaving the two of them alone in the kitchen. Roman gave Logan a hug from the back.
   “Your adorable, Logan.”
   “It’s ‘you’re’, Roman.” He corrected calmly, cleaning off a plate.
   “What? How did you- never mind. You ARE adorable, Logan. Even when you’re acting like a smartass.” Logan chuckled and twisted back to face Roman. He wrapped his arms around Roman to make it a full hug. “This is nice. I’m glad we’re dating.”
   “Even when I’m a smart ass, like you said.”
   “Even then.”
Taglist: @bullet-tothefeels @logan-sanders-enthusiast @local-art-cryptid @lizzy-lineart @jasmine-loves @justanonymous @enby-wizard @openthedoorplease @crossiantgay @meowthefluffy @as-the-stars-foretold @sablesides @thedukeofdeodorant-main
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wastelandcrown · 4 years
one indescribable instant
Summary: Roman's companionship forces Logan to think about the idea of romance. He starts to enjoy the idea of romance more and more, but he can't stop thinking about whether or not love at first sight is real. Warnings: None (If you need me to add a warning, please tell me!) Notes: The fluffiest thing I've probably ever written. Title is referencing a song from the show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Also not beta-d, we die like Roman Pairings: Platonic Logince, Intrulogical, Background Royality Word Count: 1620
Roman often describes fairy tale romances to Logan in ways that don’t make sense. These types of love-at-first-sight romances seem entirely improbable to Logan, but he imagines it would feel fairly nice the way Roman describes it. 
‘It’s as if beautiful music soars behind you, filling you with such intense joy and passion that you can barely describe feelings soaring through your heart! And, of course, you have the person! You look upon them once and realize you’ll never need another person for the rest of your days!’
Logically, this makes no sense. Love at first sight, the way Roman describes it, doesn’t exist. You also need many people in your life. Is this partner a doctor of all medical sciences? A grocer? An accountant you may hire? It is impossible to fulfill everything one person may need. However, that doesn’t mean it sounds entirely terrible. 
He’s never been a hopeless romantic, never even much of a romantic. The only thing that changed that was meeting Roman. Despite their fighting and differences, they became closer than anything within a matter of months. They were introduced through Patton, Logan’s childhood friend and Roman’s boyfriend, and Patton often joked about how Logan would end up replacing him some day. They both hated this joke, mostly because it was wildly inaccurate. Roman was so head over heels in love with Patton that he was scandalized at the idea of loving anyone else, and Logan is not romantically attracted to Roman at all. Sure, they spend a lot of time together, but Logan has never even been to his apartment! The effect Roman has on Logan is purely platonic, and highly emotional. He has made Logan rethink and reanalyze his feelings on most things, and he doesn’t often change his opinion, but he was swayed so heavily on one subject. Just one. 
Love. Many a night, Roman has spent time curled up with him on his couch. Nothing playing on the TV, just sitting and pining. Fanciful ideas of romance and true love, wild journeys, ideas for romantic dates. A favourite of theirs is the prince and the gardener. Roman pictures himself as a prince, longing for Patton, the gardener for his palace. Logan imagines he works alongside Patton, befriending the prince, and eventually falling for one of his royal allies. He likes to add to the fantasies with little facts about their chosen era or scenario, which Roman always gasps at with the fervour that comes along with a new idea. Somehow they always make their way back to a royal ball. 
‘And I’m there, everyone wants to dance with me, but I’m looking for my two special guests, and when I find you, Logan, I’ll introduce you to some royals because you want to talk about nerd things.’
‘I think I’d have my eye on one already, maybe a Count, or a Duke,’
‘Oh my god no, not a duke! My brother always pictures himself as a duke when we do this!’
This is the first time Logan has heard of him having a brother, but it’s not much of a surprise. 
He doesn’t ask, but Roman tells anyway. His name is Remus, and because of their wildly different personalities, they made a mutual agreement not to talk about each other as brothers. Logan has heard some of his stories, however, because he’s been calling Remus his “roommate” and telling some quite wild stories about their adventures. He doesn’t really believe most of them, except for the time Remus filled their apartment with street cats. Patton, who has been over at his apartment and is allergic to cats, regaled the terrible story about wanting to pet the cats but being unable due to aforementioned allergies. Despite the cats, Patton seems to like Remus well enough. 
‘So Roman told you! That’s great! What do I think about him? Well, he’s certainly different! But-I mean-It’s not bad different! Well...He’s-I think you have to meet him to really understand what I mean!’
Logan spends a week confused, and not wanting to push Roman’s buttons. Then he decides he has to push the buttons because he can’t bear not knowing. 
Luckily, Roman calls him.
“Logan! You won’t believe my day today!” Roman starts with a comfortingly familiar dramatism.
He chuckles softly, smiling to himself, “I’m sure I will believe it, however perhaps you would prefer to tell me in person.”
“You read my mind! I’ll be right over!” He can nearly see the bouncy and excited look Roman has on, he knows him too well. 
“Actually, I was wondering if I could come to your apartment?”
Roman pauses for a moment, “Sure, I’ll have to force Remus to get presentable though.”
Logan hears a loud “Hey!” then Roman signs off. He can be at Roman’s in twenty minutes on an average day. Today he stops at the bakery they like to get some pastries, just in case Roman needs a little longer to get everything presentable. 
When Roman swings open the door he immediately takes Logan in for a big hug. 
“We’re making milestones today! You’re coming to my house and meeting my brother, what a huge achievement!” He seems genuinely excited, so Logan only lovingly rolls his eyes.
With one large swoop of his arms, Roman has taken the box of pastries and put his other arm around his friend’s shoulders. He gives him a squeeze and pulls him into the house. It’s a little messy, but it has its charms. The living room has a lot of strange, and occasionally graphic, decor. The couches are brown and worn in, they look soft. Their kitchen and dining room are fairly bare, kept clean for cooking and eating. Roman shows him his room, which is as wildly colourful and eccentric as he imagined it would be. They’re in the hallway when the second bedroom door opens and Remus steps out.
“Presentable enough for you, your highness? Remus snarks at his brother.
Logan feels something in his chest move and then swing violently in a direction he never expected. Remus’ skin is pale, near white, stark and clean against the eggshell walls. His hair is messy and wet, evident that he just showered. His eyes are sharp and a little wild, a dark brown colour that Logan near instantly commits to memory. There are natural bags and discolouration all the way around his eyes, his teeth are strangely sharp when he grins at Roman, he’s got a quite terrible mustache that makes him look a little like a cartoonish villain. He’s in a tank top with the sides near cut out, black jeans, and socks with phallic objects. Just like Roman, he’s nearly a foot taller than him. Logan forgets how to breathe.
“Could do without the penis socks, but yes! This is who I needed you presentable for!”
Remus looks at him then, curiously. His gaze moves up and down slowly, a shiver runs down Logan’s spine. 
“This is Logan?” Remus slyly smirks, “RoRo you didn’t tell me he was hot!”
The music Roman told him about swells in his mind. His entire body feels light and airy. It’s not exactly joy and passion but Logan is suddenly overcome with the urge to devote his life to this beautiful near-stranger. He can feel his cheeks go pink when Remus says he’s hot, and in all honesty he does not care. Embarrassment is the least of what he’s thinking about. 
“Remus! He is my best friend and our guest! You cannot say that!” Roman looks over at Logan, opens his lips to apologize, then notices his nervous posture and blush. 
Logan decides to speak, but makes the mistake of looking at Remus first, his words come out as mush, “I-No-No it’s-uh-It's quite alright. I didn’t mind.”
Roman blinks at Logan wildly. He’d never seen Logan be such a mess when speaking. He’s usually measured and clean! It dawns on him in an instant what’s going through Logan’s mind.
“Well! Nice to see you Remus!” Roman starts pushing Logan harshly towards his room, “Logan brought pastries! Eat up! Bye!” 
When Roman slams the door he hears Remus call out, “I’m gonna order pizza for us in like thirty fucking minutes so you better be done girls talk by then or I’m getting anchovies and olives!”
Logan is being stared at like his head has cracked wide open, but his mind is in the figurative clouds. 
“I know what you mean now.” Logan mutters, putting a hand over his cheek gently and pressing his back against the door to sigh gently.
“Logan what are you talking about!?” Roman whisper-shouts, but part of him already knows.
“The music. The feelings.” Logan continues, not even speaking to Roman, “Not needing another person for as long as you live.”
The joy floods him in an instant, “I felt it.”
Roman pulls him over to sit on his bed. Logan flops backwards into the red sheets and throws his arms over his face. He tries to conceal the smile on his lips, but he can’t. He can’t believe he ever doubted Roman on this. This. This magnificent feeling. Love at first sight hit him like a truck in one indescribable instant. 
“You look happy,” Roman says softly, Logan nods slowly.
He mutters against his sleeve, “I apologize for doubting you.”
“I mean realistically, it’s not exactly love. More like a huge crush.” Roman flops down next to him. 
And while yes, he knows that it’s probably just infatuation, he loves how he’s feeling. He doesn’t typically feel things this abrupt, the strong. He finds the whole situation a bit funny, but if the night goes well he might end up with a date. 
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lefaystrent · 5 years
LeFay’s Masterlist
Here’s a list of all of my Sanders Sides stories. There’s a lot down there. Lots of pairings, lots of genres. Don’t get lost.
20biteen??? – Patton’s really confused and Logan’s just trying to make a sandwich.
A demon? In my attic? More likely than you think --  “Well that’s what happens when your dad asks you to clean the attic and it’s filled with a bunch of junk from his wiccan days,” Virgil explained, though from the demon’s pinched expression the explanation left a lot to be desired.
A Dire Situation -  Logan tries not to make a single move or sound. His whole body coils tight with tension, knowing that the animal can strike at any moment. (additional parts can be found here)
A Storm Rolled into Town -  It’s not like Virgil meant to become famous anyway. It just sorta happened. And now he’s shopping in some small-town mom-and-pop store on a weekday morning. Despite wearing the hood of his jacket up and perhaps looking the more conspicuous for it, he can sense that someone somewhere in this store is watching him.
Ashes –Three months ago, Roman returned home to find the house that he shared with his younger brothers up in flames.
Baby you’re a Firework - “Patton is MY best friend!” you screamed, and then you looked to me with those eyes. How else was I supposed to react other than to tell you that we would be together forever? Logicality
Beneath the Boughs –The feeling of tender fingertips tracing from his jaw to his temple made him want to run through fields, but he wouldn’t move an inch away from this spot for anything in the world. Royality
Curiosity – Deceit’s mission to annoy Logan somehow involves sharing a bed with him and refusing to leave. Logan doesn’t really mind. Loceit
Death of a Bachelor - Virgil invites a bunch of billionaires to his fake wedding with his roommate, Logan. He doesn’t expect one of them to actually agree to go. 
Dino – Patton visits his local library one day and meets the librarian Logan, a man who loves dinosaurs.
Down by the Pier – Patton lives by the ocean. He likes to go sit out on the pier because the view is sweet but the company is even sweeter. Moxiety
Every Friday Night – “There’s a cat? In the sink?” Virgil said. platonic LAMP
Existentialism – Patton is a demon and really bad at it.
Five Times – There were five times that Virgil’s path crossed with Logan Sanders. Each time memorable, each time helping to shape Virgil into the kind of person he wants to be. platonic Analogical
Flutter and Fall – Virgil doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but he wonders if you can fall in love with a moment. Prinxiety
Happy Birthday, Virgil – Logan tends to take things literally.
Heartbeat – Roman’s out on the hunt for prey. He gets more than he bargained for.
Heartbeat AU – More info on the story.
Hello Mr. Spider -  He’s heard the screams of people whenever they lay eyes on him. They take one look at him, this monstrous being with too many limbs and eyes, and they quiver in fear and tears. He doesn’t blame them. He hides himself away, hoping to never hear those horrified screams. Moxiety
Hello Again -  Humans trespassed into the church occasionally. Some during the day, most of them at night. Never did humans come two nights in a row. Moxiety (Sequel to “Hello Mr. Spider”)
Hold On -  He felt someone grip the sleeve of his shirt. Logan looked to his side where Deceit stood, holding onto him. platonic Loceit
How to be a Good Person - “There’s an unconscious man in my flowerbed. What should I do with him?” Dee should be used to getting phone calls from his brother needing help. brotherly Moceit
I got to pet the dog -  Patton gets distracted easily. Virgil doesn’t have the heart to tell him he’s supposed to be working.
I met God last night - Predictably, Patton looked up to stare at Virgil. He set aside his scrapbook, clasped his hands together, and said, “Okay, I’m listening.” platonic Moxiety
I wanna intimi(date) you — Virgil teaches Patton to be more intimidating. It doesn’t go very well.
In a magical kingdom far away… —  The evil Lord Of Logic descends on the land, forcing all it touches to obey the laws of physics.
It’s hot – Virgil won’t take off the jacket.
Love Isn’t Blind – Patton notices a lot more than what people think he does.
Never Too Old – Patton worked as a manager at a toy store in the mall. Lately, the employees were noticing a reoccurring customer. Well, if you could call him a customer. He never actually bought anything. platonic Moxiety
Picture That –  “What are you doing?” Patton says between a flurry of giggles. He lifts the book he’d been reading to half hide his face. Roman dances around him snapping pictures as if Patton is a model. Royality
Piggyback – It’s late, and Patton’s falling asleep on the couch. Virgil’s not used to being the responsible one. Moxiety
Potatoes – Virgil has worries for days, but there’s only one thing that truly scares him. Moxiety
Rewrite – So here Roman is, lying by the sidewalk, very much not okay. Not because the local squirrels ostracized him, and not because he’d tripped or some such unfortunate mishap. No, he just has a lot on his mind. Prinxiety
Ribbit – Two lab partners and one dead frog do not make for the most romantic atmosphere but Roman tries. Logince
Roamin’ Nights -  Not that anyone’s looking right now, but Virgil’s glad that it’s dark in the kitchen, lest the color in his cheeks show. Roman’s not usually this affectionate with Virgil. Makes him wonder if he even realizes that this is Virgil he’s basically trying to use as a pillow. Prinxiety
Round and round we go – Logan stood there long after the commotion began outside, the one where everyone realized what had happened and were running to help and call an ambulance.
Sacrificial rituals and other fun activities – Virgil was a mage—one of the best. He’d seen a lot of things, but a handsome man chained up in the middle of a field? Even he had to take a moment. Prinxiety
Shark Attack! -  “I could be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure sharks don’t attack their victims with hugs.” platonic Moxiety
Sicky Icky – Most people assumed Roman would eat up all the attention he could get even when sick. They’d expect loud dramatics and Roman acting like he was dying every minute of it. That’s not how he was at all. Logince
Side-by-side – Virgil’s tired. Moxiety
So help me, I’m not moving from this spot – Virgil has the day off from work and chooses to spend it in true Virgil style. Queer platonic LAMP
Soft Prinxiety – Literally just a softy prinxiety scene. Prinxiety
Some Days – Some days are better than others, and some aren’t. These are Virgil’s days in the mindscape.
Someday I’ll find my way home -  Love cut deep and left scars on the heart. The heart never quite beat the same way again afterward. Analogical
Supposed to be – People get locked into a certain kind of perspective and decide what kind of person you’re supposed to be. Patton is frustrated.
Take Over the World - There’s not much else to do in the Mindscape for Deceit and the Duke.
That one time Deceit played hero in the mindscape – Deceit goes to the common rooms to find that everyone…is acting too much like themselves.
The Hug Booth -  In Patton’s free time, he had a booth set up somewhere on campus and he’d go sit there. The booth advertised ‘free hugs’.
The Ties that Bind – Everyone has a soulmate. Even the ones who probably shouldn’t. Logicality
This is the police! – “This is the police! Open up! Tell me something about yourself, don’t be afraid.” Prinxiety
Ties - Roman and Patton try to persuade Logan to wear a bow tie. Logan is uncooperative. romantic LAMP
Trances – The sides go into trance-like states sometimes.
Trouble in Tiny Town -  Logan is six inches tall. And somehow the human is the one cowering in fear.
Useless gays are useless – Patton is shirtless and Roman and Virgil are very, very gay. Roman/Patton/Virgil
Stil Gay -  Roman and Virgil are still thirsty gays, and Patton is a tall drink of water. One night of tv watching with his roommates leads to none of them paying attention to the tv. Roman/Patton/Virgil (Sequel to “Useless gays are useless”)
Wake up call -  There’s a muffled siren blaring from outside somewhere. He can feel the time slipping between his fingers.
We are family~ - “Patton,” Logan called. He stood in the doorway, stern-faced for a moment before slumping forward with a pout. “I require physical affection.” platonic LAMP
Analogince - What started as a list of headcanons became a story of how three men fell together. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Dog Days – In the midst of grieving for his beloved pet, comfort comes to Thomas in a curiously small form. platonic LAMP/Thomas, borrower!sides 
If you have nightmares, we’ll dance on the bed - Fae thrived on chaos and the fear that came with it. Well, most of them anyway. Virgil never really shared that sentiment. (Or alternatively, the story of how Virgil loves humans so much that he makes stupid decisions because of it, like save princes from attempted assassinations.)
Kid!Logan AU – Logan somehow finds himself back in time, waking up in his eleven-year old body.
Reverse Kid!Logan AU –  Roman just wanted a normal babysitting job. Now he’s caught up in debunking why he sees five-year-old Logan Sanders as if he were a grown man. part one , part two
Lifeline – Long ago, when his sides first started showing up, Thomas had pondered long and hard about reality versus imagination. But this? It became more apparent that Patton was carding his hand through Thomas’s hair. It was as if any of his friends were doing it, so tangible it was. Tangible in a way that shouldn’t be possible. platonic LAMP/Thomas
Nursing Home AU -  Patton had seen Virgil during the hiring process, and his personality didn’t seem like a … good fit. Too closed-off and kinda gruff, and probably not a good bedside manner, right? Plus there was that criminal record to consider… But he’s hired anyway, and Virgil joins the staff.
Psychic Therapist Virgil – Virgil’s not your run-of-the-mill therapist. part one, part two
Roses – The humans steer clear from the forest, warning their children with every generation, “Do not stray into those woods. They will devour you.” But it’s modern times now, fairy tales aren’t real, and Virgil and his friends have just moved into town and want to investigate the ‘haunted’ forest.
Variants – Patton was surprised by the mutant breaking into the jewelry store one night. And by break in, he meant that they seeped into shadows and appeared on the other side of the windows without breaking anything at all.
Weclome to the Neighborhood –Virgil’s really bad at peopling, or so his new neighbors find out. Prinxiety
Witch Way -  Virgil just wants to live a quiet life with his familiar, Logan. But we can’t always get what we want.
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rubyredsparks · 5 years
Blossoming Souls  Ch. 14
Relationship(s): Romantic Logince, Moxiety; Platonic every other relationship
“Tags” for the whole story: morally grey!deceit, Deceit, Remus, Thomas as a character, Romance, Minor violence, someone’s potty mouth, Foul language, Minor homophobia (it’s not that bad), Miscommunication (this one is though), Friendship
Chapter Summary: Thomas reflects on his life since Roman had turned ten.
Thomas’ mind was in a haze. Whatever medicine the healers gave him must be working double time because he could barely remember what day it was.
He blinked, darkness still swarming him. He blinked again and realized that the drapes had been drawn shut and it was not the end of the world that he thought it was.
He sat up unsteadily, having to lean heavily on his arm as it threatened to buckle under his weight. His vision swam, blurring out sights in front of him more than necessary.
This was getting troublesome. The poisoning hadn’t been his fault; he knew that, but he couldn’t help feeling the intricate pinpricks of guilt in his mind that he was sitting here useless as his son and trusted advisor handled day to day court and the traditional tourney and festival.
Ah, the festival. It had always been Roman and… Roman and Remus’ favourite part of the annual year. The festival of Sanders.
Victor Sanders, the founder of their little kingdom. The seafaring pirate that had conquered a magnificent kingdom and returned to his lover once he was done and handed it all to his lover, who became the best monarch of all of Eiehde.
King Victor and Monarch Taylor of Eiehde, the legendary first rulers of Eiehde, so remembered in history that they had a festival in their name.
Thomas sighed, remembering all the times he and… and his husband had taken their baby twins to the festival. Remus had immediately taken to the fighting part of the festival, eyes lighting up everytime one of the competitors won or lost a joust.
He had charmingly declared that he was going to learn how to use a sword and become one of the best sword fighters in all of Eiehde. That his life long goal was to be a pirate.
Thomas and his husband had been amused, of course, agreeing to allow him sword lessons at the age of ten. The eagerness and bright look in Remus’ eyes was a memory that he was never going to forget.
Roman had hated the tourney part of the festival, preferring the performances that the actors regaling the boy of how Victor had conquered land after land only to hand them all for his lover.
His own starry-eyed face at seeing the magic of the stage was another memory that Thomas was never going to forget.
The festival and tourney, always two fold. One to commemorate the greatest monarchs to ever live and the other to soothe the greatest swordsman that ever fought in battle.
He had always loved telling the story to his twins.
Thomas’ shoulders fell, remembering the last time he had ever saw those expressions. Unbidden tears accumulating behind eyelids as he clenched them shut to stop their fall.
His heart ached. His son was gone, his baby. His lover, his husband was lost forever. And today was their anniversary.
How cruel that a day that used to fill him and his family with immense joy only left a scarred heart after thirteen years.
He never wanted to remember this day. This festival and tourney. The fact that Roman’s eyes never held that same starry-eyed wonder ever again. That he took to weapons and fighting even though he never wanted to in the first place.
That Thomas couldn’t do anything to prevent it from happening.
But it had been thirteen years, and as much as Thomas never wanted to, life moved on and so must he.
The festival had been postponed for five years after their disappearance, never death, even still that everything pointed to death, Thomas would never admit it a proper amount of time to mourn and Thomas had to think of his kingdom and his people again.
To push aside his aches and scarred heart and give the people what they want. And a giant festival and tourney to relieve some stress was something that would be good for everyone.
And Roman, only fifteen, had declared to him, with steely eyes, that he was going to be the best knight in the kingdom, that he wasn’t ever going to let anything happen to their people again, never going to let another pirate ruin their lives.
Thomas could still remember the panic and chaos of that day. Fire consuming everything. Pirates taking all they could. It was all he could do with his navy to defend his people.
Thomas couldn’t remember the last time Roman had looked so determined, and thirteen years later, his son had done it. He had become the most recognized knight in all of Eiehde.
But of course, that hadn’t been enough for Roman. He wanted to push himself more, wanted to be the best in the whole world.
Thomas could remember many a night looking out his window and seeing Roman hack at straw dummies as if his life depended on it.
It had been a difficult thirteen years to say the least. Thomas swallowed, feeling the heaviness of the years settle on his skin. Thirteen years without his husband, without his baby boy, with only himself and Virgil, a man ten years his senior, to run the kingdom.
Thomas sighed, levering himself out of bed. He could feel pins and needles in his legs at how little they were used the past two days. He staggered over to one of the windows, the one by the right side of his bed, opening one of the drapes and letting sunlight stream into his room.
Immediately, he felt calmer with some mediocrum of light in his room. He did it again, pulling open the drapes of the windows on the other side of his bed and letting the window open a crack for fresh air. of On wobbly feet, he managed to hobble over to his desk, settling down heavily onto the chair.
The poison must have been worse than he realized, feeling light headed from the few feet he walked. Sweat glistened on his forehead, and he swiped away some droplets that dripped down near his eyes.
The sun was higher than he realized as well, and the tournament must have already started because he could hear roars of applause and, if he strained himself, the clangs of swords battering against each other.
Thomas smiled ruefully, settling back completely against his chair. He faced away from the window, staring back at his mess of a desk.
Roman must be having the time of his life now. He knew his son, he knew that Roman must be planning something for his Intended at the tourney or even at the festival as well.
Logan must really be something special because Thomas knew that Roman hasn’t stepped foot in the festival in over thirteen years. And it made something in his heart clench to realize that his son, his only baby boy left, was getting married in less than two weeks.
Ten days, Thomas had been counting.
He was letting his son get married for the sake of his country. Because ever since an insurgence of pirates had sprung to life five years ago, his navy, the pride and backbone of the kingdom, was suffering under the onslaught of pirate attacks.
He had hopes that this alliance, this engagement would be the answer to his problems. No one knew, no one but him and Virgil but the kingdom had been teetering closer and closer to collapse.
His and his son’s support of the arts for the people, by the people had been wonderful, a piece of moral that led to the kingdom’s beautiful pieces of work. But there had been too many commissions, too many supplies that didn’t come cheap.
Thomas didn’t regret, not at all. And he didn’t believe that the money was wasted either unlike some senators of his council. The artworks were amazing and worth every cent.
But the cents were also running out since he had to balance managing the people and their salaries. Not to mention the constant reconstruction because of pirate pillages that his navy was unable to prevent.
Meaning that money was tight in the kingdom, and he didn’t want to starve his people through another kingdom again. Once was one too much.
So he allied his kingdom with his old friend, it was the most logical solution. The sane solution, the humane solution.
Marrying his son off to a stranger was considered humane. He hadn’t even wanted to do it, but his council was insistent. The numbers mattered. And with a heavy heart, he did, signing away his soul with the black ink that would follow him the rest of his life.
Thomas clenched his jaw, hands tightening to fists at his side. He hit his fist on the desk, papers bouncing up. He hated this. His son was too young, his future son in law was definitely too young. Eighteen, Logan was just on the cusp of adulthood.
He kicked his table, swearing at the pain that blossomed. That was going to bruise later. He stood up abruptly, chair squeaking as it slid back against the floor. His head pounded at the sudden change in position, body protesting as he forced it to walk.
Distant cheers could be heard, and Thomas made his way to his half opened drape, pulling the two back fully open. More sunlight burst through his room, warming it up immediately.
From this point, Thomas could clearly see the tourney going on in its full glory. Unbidden, a smile crept up on him, widening as memories of his tiny boys watching the older knights fight and win, Remus’ eyes holding a spark in them as he watched the battles.
A knight fell down, yielding as they were held at sword point. The winning knight took off his helmet, Roman’s long hair flipping out of his face. Thomas could see his son, raising a fist in victory, a tight smile on his face.
Thomas tilted his head, eyes squinting. There was something tied to the arm of his son, something dark blue. He leaned closer to get a better look, focussing on the piece of fabric.
Roman had never taken a token ever since he started participating in the tournament, never in his eight years of competing. To start now… it must be Logan’s. The colour was the same as the young prince’s eyes.
Thomas was so focused on the situation presented in front of him that he nearly missed a tiny click from behind him. Hinges creaking open.
He froze. That hadn’t been the door opening, it would’ve been louder, squeakier. His window opened, hinges echoing louder. He patted his body as casually as he could, unable to find any weapon on himself.
He couldn’t warn the guards. The intruder might have a crossbow or some sort of weapon they could throw that could kill him. Slowly, so as not to alert the intruder, Thomas turned around, taking in a deep breath to prepare himself.
Green. That was the first thing he noticed, green and black. The clothes of his intruder was well fit, but loose. Then he saw the dark tan, reminiscent of Roman’s. Then Thomas saw the face of his intruder.
Thomas’ eyes widened, mouth flapping open up and down as his brain tried to process what he was seeing. “Remus?” he managed to say.
His baby boy- no, the man he didn’t know, didn’t want to know smiled, mouth curving into a malicious smile that Thomas didn’t remember his son ever having. But he still held the same spark in those familiar eyes.
“Hi Daddy, did you miss me?
A/N: Talk about a plot twist!
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anxiously-shipping · 4 years
Description: The dead body of Ali Blacksky is found in his English country mansion, broken and bloody. The detectives get called in. It's obviously a murder. For ex world-famous detective Logan Croft and his brand new assistance, Roman Milton, this is just another day in the figurative office. But murder gets messy. Murder gets especially messy when Roman has a crush on the best suspect and Logan gets himself an admirer among the staff. And when new bodies begin to pop up. Yeah, that can complicate things too...
Triggers: Dead bodies, injuries, police, murder, previous case mentions, PTSD
Ships: Eventual prinxiety, eventual logicality, pre-existing demus/dukeciet
Back on the train in the early hours of the morning. By early hours in the morning, I mean the usual time logan wakes up and two hours before Roman's' alarm. And that was even counting the time they woke up.
Let's just say, it took Roman five minutes to wake up, two to get out of bed, forty minutes to get dressed in his tired state, they both had a shower -Logan only took up ten minutes, Roman took up fifteen- and they brushed their teeth at the same time, talking up two minutes. They waited for half an hour for the train and they only left the station at 5:05. In the morning.
Roman did not look good. His hair was still wet and it hung in front of his face, damp and dripping, clamping up together no matter how many times he brushed it. His eyes were drooping, he kept collapsing onto the table and he wasn't even listening to Hamilton. Dressed in a pale yellow v-neck, blue jeans and a red letterman jacket, Roman's' outfit wasn't nearly as formal as he expected it to be.
Logan, on the other hand, looked fine. His hair was brushed and tamed, swept across his head, he was attentive and alert and he was dressed in formal greeting clothes. He'd usually wear his uniform for first inspection but that had a lot of bad memories tied to it. So he just wore a dark polo, with a navy tie, and black trousers.
Logan raised an eyebrow at Roman as the younger started making a high-pitched noise. "Are you okay?"
"Could you elaborate?" Sighed the detective.
Roman looked Logan dead in the eye as he said, "You woke me up at, like, the middle of the night, of course I'm not okay."
"Okay, now you're sounding quite petulant."
"It's too early for you to use fancy words, specs, shush..."
Logan was quiet for a bit and then said, "How old are you, Roman?"
"As young as I was, then," Logan nodded, keeping his eyes as Roman looked up curiously.
"What d'you mean?"
Logan replied, "I mean, you're as young as I was when I solved my first case. Be careful you don't get sucked into this like I did." He finally looked up and locked eyes with Roman. "It's not worth it."
Roman hesitated, biting his bottom lip. "Why... Why did you quit?" Logan stiffened and Roman continued to talk about it. "Your career was going so well, you were becoming the most famous detective in the whole world and then you walked into the police station, go up to Archie and then say you quit. Why?"
The older kept his eyes firmly on his phone, hands beginning to shake. "I don't like to talk about it."
"It's just, there isn't a single interview about it alone, nothing in the papers. Every news channel was talking about the great Logan Croft quitting and going elsewhere and there was no explanation." Roman continued, seeming not to have heard Logan. "Like, you had the world at your feet and-"
"I don't like to talk about it!" Snapped Logan loudly into the empty carriage, making Roman jolt back, eyes wide. Logan took in a deep breath. "I... I'm sorry. My last case wasn't as... seamless as they usually were."
Roman bowed his head. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pressed it..."
Logan sighed slowly. "Let's talk about something else." He pondered for a moment, leaving the empty carriage awkwardly silent. An idea formed in his head and he smiled. "So, Roman," he began, "You seem like a nice, young, slightly too romantic man."
"Uh, thank you?"
"And there must be some fools who are into that."
"I feel insulted while you're trying to compliment me, and I'm not entirely sure how to respond."
"What I'm trying to say," Logan huffed, "Is do you have any romantic partner in your life? Any lucky girl?"
Roman stared at him and then burst out laughing. "Oh my god!" He cackled. "And you're being serious!"
Instantly, Logan grew defensive. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You thought- You thought I was straight!" Roman burst, clutching his sides.
Logan's' confusion melted away. "Oh... You're not?"
"I am- the gayest bitch- you - will ever meet!" Roman struggled to say between bouts of laughter, looking on the verge of tears. "Jesus, you- you should- you are- holy christ, that was funny."
"It was an honest mistake!" Flushed Logan, crossing his arms.
Roman rubbed his eye with the palm of his hand. "Jesus, nerd, you are great."
Logan failed to hide a small smile and he instead turned to stare out of the window to the slowly lightening sky. Maybe this wasn't too bad...
"Why aren't we going straight to the scene of the crime?" Groaned Roman as Logan walked stubbornly towards a village market.
"Because we need to get outside opinions of the suspects before anything else," Logan answered. "Honestly, I struggle to understand how you solved the Portsmouth kidnappings sometimes..."
Roman gasped, offended, but took the time to shut up so Logan could observe the village.
Well, 'village' was an overstatement. It was shaped like a horseshoe, just one individual row of houses, shops and school all on one lane. The houses had a Tudor or Georgian style to them, painted beams along the walls and several older buildings had thatched roofs. In fact, Logan would say it was more of a hamlet than a village. The market was happening on a huge stretch of land in the centre of the horse-shoe shaped hamlet. Stalls were set up, children were screaming happily and Logan felt a sense of security wash over him in this place. It was all just so calming and safe, there wasn't any danger at all.
Then people noticed him. Groups stood still as Logan and Roman approached them, conversations dwindling. Logan hesitated and walked up to a currently empty stall.
The woman who stood behind was portly, with rosy cheeks and short, stubby pigtails. "Hello, you two seem new," She commented before her face paled in realisation. "You're here for the Blacksky murder, aren't you?"
Logan nodded his head sharply. "I am." He pulled out a small recording, turning it on and holding it up to the woman. "What can you tell me about Ali Blacksky?"
"W-Well, he was an interesting character, to say the least," She stammered. It was obvious she didn't want to disrespect to dead and Logan wasn't the most comforting person to be around, because of the reasons for his fame.
So, Roman stepped forwards. He smiled calmingly at the woman. "It's okay, we won't repeat any of this to anyone," He gently worked the recorder out of Logan's' grasp, holding it a little lower to give the woman more room. "What did you mean by interesting?"
"Well, he had sudden mood switches. One moment, he's laughing and then he's yelling at you the next. It put his poor brother through a lot of emotional things, the poor boy never deserved a man like that to be related to him-"
Logan interrupted. "It sounds like you favour the brother over Ali."
"Of course, I do," The woman narrowed her eyes and leaned in close. "Ali was not a good person. His little brother is a sweetheart, I've had Virgil visit me plenty. Ask anyone else, they'll tell you that Ali was a bad, bad man."
Roman tilted his head. "Is there anything else you can tell us?"
She nodded. "Yeah. Rumour was going around a few weeks ago, that Ali was gonna fire two of the people who worked for him. I'm not sure who they were, but it definitely upset the village."
"Why did it upset the village?" Logan pressed, feeling the rush that had once been so familiar to him but now felt foreign in his veins.
"Because all his workers were so nice to us," The woman mused. "Far nicer than him, anyway. Now, you're keeping me from serving customers, so if you could move onto the next person?"
Roman glanced behind them to see a shy-looking family and he pulled Logan away, saving and switching off the recorder. He started to walk around the large market, looking about for more people. "Curious interview. Are they always like that?"
Logan shrugged. "They vary. Those reactions are common. People don't want to get pulled into things and they always have a bias. Other reactions are sobbing and blabbering, collected but nervus, shy but useful and closed off."
"Seems reasonable," Roman replied, sticking his hands in his jean pockets. "Who next?"
The detective swung his eyes across the hamlet and smiled when he saw the next station. "The church."
"The..." Roman hesitated. "The church? You know that I'm gay, right? What if they're the homophobic type of church?"
"Unless you announce it, no one's gonna think you're gay, Roman," Logan pointed out as he started to walk over to a slightly shabby, classic church. "Besides, the woman at the stall wore a Christian cross around her neck but we've passed several Hindus in this hamlet."
"So?" Frowned Roman. "What does any of that have to do with a church?"
Logan sighed loudly. "So, what it means is that either the practising Hindus go out of town for prayer or this isn't a church and it's just a repurposed, multi-religion building."
Roman blinked slowly. "Oh, that makes so much more sense. And if we've already seen groups of people publically showing their faith, we can assume that they do practise their religions somewhere. This church is our best bet to get a rough image of this community and see what the prominent faiths are. We can then ask whoever is in charge if Ali Blacksky ever came to pray and then we'll be able to think more like him!"
"Exactly." Logan turned back to Roman with a subtle smile. "We'll make a nearly decent detective out of you yet."
"Well, I am-" He paused and pulled back in offence. "Hey, what do you mean by 'nearly decent'?!"
"I mean exactly what I said."
You could practically hear the pain Roman's' ego was in and Logan tried hard not to laugh.
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dr-gloom · 5 years
The Makings of Greatness: Chapter 17
Fandom: Sanders’ Sides
Pairing: platonic logince, platonic moxiety, platonic anxeit, familial ThVi
Tags/Warnings (for this chapter):
Prologue  Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7  Ch 8  Ch 9  Ch 10  Ch 11  Ch 12  Ch 13  Ch 14  Ch 15  Ch 16  Ch 17
Thomas Shae looks around the busy spaceport like a tourist seeing aliens for the first time. It’s not as if his knowledge of the galaxy was so lacking that he was getting some kind of culture shock; it was more along the lines of the sheer number of people present that was freaking him out. He gripped his brown leather jacket tightly, looking around one more time to see if he could spot Virgil from where he was standing. Someone put their hand on his shoulder and he stiffens, ready to tell them off when he’s spun around. He barely has a moment to register that this is Virgil, his baby boy is home, before Virgil is pulling him into a hug that he doesn’t hesitate to return. When they pull apart, Morph pops up from inside Virgil’s pocket and floats in front of Thomas’ face, chittering happily and rubbing against him before flying off. Thomas laughs lightly in bewilderment.
“Virgil, what was that… thing?”
Virgil smiles and wraps an arm around his dad, guiding him towards the ship. “Dad, have we got a story to tell you.”
Morph turns himself into a pair of scissors, snipping the large red ribbon in front of the front door. In front of said front door is Thomas, Patton, Roman, and Morph, surrounded by dozens of supportive friends, neighbors, and customers of all species. Cameras flash as Thomas poses in front of the new Mind Palace Inn, smiling brightly, the joy in his chest nearly suffocating.
The new Mind Palace Inn has a base similar to the old Inn, with added floors and extensions to give Thomas and Virgil more space while also making more space for potential customers. There isn’t a single out-of-place patch anywhere on the roofs, the whole building looking elegant yet modest in a light cream color with bronze metal accents.
The celebration commemorating the opening of the Inn lasts well into the night, Patton running around serving everyone like a pro, balancing eight cake plates with no trouble at all. Thomas had readily accepted Morph and Patton into their small family, and he was more than grateful when Patton expressed a desire to help run the Inn. He said that without a planet to protect, he needed to find a new purpose to fill his days, “So why not help Virge’s dad!” Roman and Logan have started to get along, choosing to focus on light-hearted company rather than delving into the messy impressions they gave each other on the expedition. So far, their longest streak of hanging out without fighting has been two days.
And Virgil….
The front door of the Inn bursts open, the dark silhouette of two robot cops looming in the doorway. A few stifled gasps break the sudden silence; it isn’t hard to tell that everyone’s worried Virgil is back to his old ways. The two officers wheel into the Inn, Thomas getting ready for a rather disappointing discussion, but it never comes. The cops move aside to reveal Virgil in the doorway, hair out of his face and wearing a pristine white uniform with gold accents.
Roman leans in to whisper to Logan, “You know, I rocked that design nearly a decade before him,” to which Logan just rolls his eyes.
The entire Inn erupts in cheers. Virgil shakes the hand of one of the cops while the other solutes him, then they both leave and Thomas is running over to pull his son into a bone-crushing hug.
With Mrs. Dunwiddie taking up… well, every instrument, the real party began. The Shaes danced with their friends and neighbors late into the night, only calling it quits when nearly everyone was gone. Even Roman somehow talked Logan into a dance before the night was over, though Virgil is pretty sure Logan might be a little drunk.
Once the party was officially declared over and the only remaining people were the ones sleeping over that night, Thomas pulled Virgil aside and pulled him into another hug. This one felt more, somehow, with Thomas’ hands on the back of Virgil’s head and between his shoulder blades. Virgil was more than drowsy, not used to staying up so late and definitely not used to throwing parties, but he’s pretty sure he heard his dad right.
“I’m so, so proud of you, Virgil.”
Virgil hugs his dad back with a soft sigh. “Couldn’t have done it without you.”
Taglist: @the5thcoy @dailysandersidesaudoodles @hungry-red-panda @neonb-fly @chemically-imbalanced-romance@punsterterry @dead4sevenyears @metaphoricalpluto2@tanyatoloni1334
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tea-docx · 6 years
models and actors
Words: 1503
AU: Human!College!Au
Pairings: Moxiety, Logince, familiar Analogical, platonic Royality, past Loceit
Artist: @panic-at-theeverywhere
TW: sympathetic deceit
Note: this is my entry for the Sander Sides Bang, I hope you like it even though it’s probably the shortest out of all
“So you need a model? How about me?” Roman suggested as Patton told him about his new assignment. The two were sat in a café near their college. Patton is a photography major and just got the instructions for his new assignment. Roman has been Patton’s best friend for as long as they could remember and the two were very proud of their friendship. “I need a new model, sorry Ro… I guess my professor is starting to get tired of seeing your face every time I hand in my assignments.” Patton sighed. “Tired? Of my beautiful face? How dare he?” Roman cleared his throat to compose himself.
 “Anyway, how about Virgil Berry? Didn’t you say that you’d love to have him as a model one day?” Roman said and Patton’s face lit up. “Roman, you’re a genius! You mind if I leave and try to find him? I want to ask him as soon as possible!” Patton asked the elder with so much hope and excitement in his face that he just couldn’t tell him to stay. “Go and find your one true love. I will stay here and continue writing my script.” Roman smiled teasingly and got out his laptop from his bag, ideas already flowing through his mind. “He’s not my- you know what? Doesn’t matter. See you later, Ro!”
And with that, Patton left the café.
Virgil and Logan didn’t know why they were put into a room together. They were siblings, lived with each other almost all their life. So why would they need to live in the same dorm room in college as well? Logan was a science major while Virgil was an art major with a music minor and it just didn’t fit. The first few weeks were filled with awkward tension and small talk since the two haven’t really been close ever since preschool. But the more time passed, the more the two become comfortable with each other and became somewhat inseparable. So when Virgil found out about Logan’s ex-boyfriend, let’s just say it took a lot of time to calm Virgil down to let Logan explain the whole story. Dee and Logan dated for roughly four months. It was a nice relationship, even with Dee remaining to make sarcastic or snarky comments every chance he got. One day, however, Dee sat Logan down and explained the internal struggle he’s been dealing with for a while and they both, after doing research, came to the conclusion that Dee was aro/ace. They broke up after that but still remained good friends. While Virgil still wanted to get to know that guy, he just stayed silent for the sake of his brother, especially since the whole ordeal happened almost two years ago. How the elder hid that from him, Virgil had no idea. However, he was all ears when Logan told him about his crush on Roman Prince. The male was an acting major and Logan first saw him at their annual school festival a year and a half ago. Roman was the lead in their production of Cinderella (that definitely hadn’t been Roman’s suggestion, not at all) and Logan was just fascinated by the other. When the new semester started, Logan was delighted to see Roman in two of his courses. Roman actually showed up late to one of them and just quickly sat down next to Logan, the dark-haired male trying his hardest not to smile like an idiot. The two eventually started talking and Roman ended up sitting next to Logan in their other shared course as well.
Patton has seen Virgil around the campus a couple of times and helped the younger carry a few boxes that his professor told him to bring somewhere. He thought of the purple haired male as absolutely breathtaking, sweet and a bit mysterious. Patton hoped that he would find Virgil somewhere on the campus because he honestly had no idea where the other one lived. The light-haired male seemed to have luck as he spotted the younger, sipping on a cup of coffee, sitting on a bench. “Virgil, hey!” He shouted and walked over. “Hey, Patton?” Virgil said, unsure of how to react to the male running over to him with a bright smile. “How are you?” Patton asked him and sat down. “Pretty good I guess. I just finished a painting for class two weeks ahead of the deadline, so I can relax a little now.” The purple-haired smiled timidly at the elder. “How about you, Patton?” Patton grinned at him. “I’m glad that you’re feeling good. And wow, two weeks ahead of your deadline, that’s amazing! As for your question, I’m feeling pretty great!” The elder looked away and continued talking. “Virgil? I want to ask you something.” He said, not looking at the other. “Okay? What’s up?” “Would you… would you be the model for my new photography assignment?” Patton turned to look at him, a hopeful look in his eyes. “Me? Don’t you usually take Roman Prince as your model?” Virgil asked bewildered, not having expected the proposition. “Yeah… But I’ve wanted to ask you to model for me for a while now and also my professor got tired of seeing Roman’s face, so yeah…” The light-haired male turned to look away, the hope fading ever so slightly. “But why me?” Virgil asked with a small voice and Patton jumped up. “Why you? Why not? Virgil, you are breathtakingly beautiful and just have this mysterious aura, you’re perfect for this!” He exclaimed loudly and Virgil turned away, hiding the blush that was forming on his face. “That.. wow. Alright, I’ll do it.” “YAY! Do you have time right now? The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can-” Patton stopped mid-sentence and blushed slightly. “The sooner you can what?” Virgil asked him and got up from the bench. “I’ll tell you when we're done with the shoot, okay?” Patton held out his pinky finger to the other. “Okay.” The younger replied and linked his pinky finger with him.
Logan ended up texting Roman out of boredom, Virgil had left a while ago and he didn't have anything to do. He regretted it immediately, though when Roman texted him back not even a minute later, he smiled brightly. Before he could even reply, Roman called him. Logan didn't know what to do, should he answer the call? He decided that yes, it was only normal to do so. “Salutations, Roman.” “Greetings, Logan. Say, you don't happen to be doing anything right now?” The dark haired male was surprised by the amount of energy he could hear in Romans voice. “Uhm… No, I’m free. Why are you asking?” “I need someone to practice my lines with. You would only have to watch and tell me if I said something wrong. Please?” Roman talked so fast that Logan was having a hard time understanding what he was saying. “Sure? I mean yeah, I’d gladly help you practice, Roman!” Logan said with an enthusiasm he didn't know he had. “Amazing! Is my dorm okay for you or do you wanna go somewhere else?” Roman asked him and it sounded like he was doing some sort of cleaning in the back. “Uhm, I think your dorm will be adequate. Do you want coffee? The café would be right on the way..” The younger trailed off, already putting on his shoes. “A vanilla cappuccino would be amazing right now. I’ll text you the details, see you in a few.” With that, Roman hung up and Logan left his shared dorm. On his way to the café, he texted Virgil, telling his brother where he was going and when he estimated to be back. Virgil texted him that he was with Patton and that he wouldn't be back until later that day as well and that was the end of their conversation. At the café, Logan ordered a vanilla cappuccino, an Americano, and two cupcakes. The dark haired male still didn't want to believe it. He was going to be practicing lines with Roman, alone with Roman, in Roman’s dorm room. It just felt unreal. But it was happening and it was happening in a few minutes. ‘I really am, as Virgil would say, whipped for that guy.’ Logan thought to himself as he made his way to the dorm complex Roman’s dorm was in.
Patton and Virgil were on their way to a nearby park, Patton excitedly talking about a puppy he’d seen there a few days before and Virgil fondly listening and nodding along. When they had reached the park, Patton looked for a good spot and soon they were standing in front of a few colorful bushes. “This is going to be perfect.” The older exclaimed and smiled at the younger. “You’re only saying this to make me feel better about this.” Virgil exclaimed solemnly. “I’m saying this because not only is this the perfect setting, but I also have the perfect model.” Patton grinned.
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rubyredsparks · 5 years
Blossoming Souls Ch. 7
Relationship(s): Romantic Logince, Moxiety; Platonic every other relationship
“Tags” for the whole story: morally grey!deceit, Deceit, Remus, Thomas as a character, Romance, Minor violence, someone’s potty mouth, Foul language, Minor homophobia (it’s not that bad), Miscommunication (this one is though), Friendship
Chapter Summary: The aftermath of Logan exposing Roman's lies. Who knew Remy was so well educated? Patton meets a purple clad stranger and falls in love.
Logan was angry.
No, no he wasn’t just angry. He was seething.
How dare-? How dare Prince Roman take him for the fool? How dare that vapid Prince think he was stupid enough to not realize that he was a Prince?
Did he seem that stupid? Unobservant?
He was Prince Logan of Aowhea, nine doctorates under his belt, a tenth on its way soon. He wasn’t stupid.
A little lost on social interaction, but that had nothing to do with this dishonourable action from the Crown Prince no less!
Logan would’ve thought that Prince Roman would have more decorum than that.
He clenched his hands, feeling his chest heaving in anger at the deceit that the Prince pulled over him.
He needed, he needed- What? What did he need?
He needed to quiet the storm in his mind. He needed to read, to write, something to quiet the maelstrom of thoughts whirling in his mind right now.
Logan scrambled away from the door, staggering forward in the room. The familiar smell of books calmed him somewhat, ink and paper overwhelming his senses in all the right ways.
The giant bookshelves towered over him, sunlight soaking in the multitude of book covers and loose leaves in between pages.
He breathed in deeply, a nostalgic familiarity surrounding him.
Logan could feel his heartbeat slow, the anger and betrayal he felt lowering to a simmer.
He needed something to do before his anger got the better of him.
Walking forward, he trailed his fingers over all of the spines, some of them worn with age and love. A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips, he pulled down one of the books, a leather-brown cover embossed in gold.
Opening it made the spine crackle with age, yellow pages wearing away. The poems immediately caught his eye, and he stumbled backward, falling into a plush, leather chair, eyes voraciously soaking up each and every word.
He didn’t even realize that he was finished with the book until he turned a page and met with a yellow blankness.
“That one is one of my favourites too,” a voice said.
Logan blinked and was met with a shock of blonde hair, thermos in hand. Remy was leant against one of the tables, sipping his drink as he gazed down at Logan.
The Prince scowled, standing up abruptly with his fingers tapping against the cover of the leather book. “I suppose you’re here to also lie about your name, or apologize in your Prince’s stead.”
“Psh, nah, gurl, that Royal Prat had it coming for him. And my name really is Remy, sweetcheeks.” Remy smirked, winking as Logan turned red.
“That is no way to address someone of higher status than you.” Logan chided, tucking the book under his arm. He walked toward the bookshelf again, trailing his fingers over the familiar, yet unfamiliar, books.
“Does it seem like I care, gurl?”
“I am a man.” Logan said confusedly.
“Doesn’t stop me from calling you gurl.”
“Please don’t,” a squirming discomfort rising up in him. “I am uncomfortable with that.”
“I-” Remy blinked, sunglasses sliding down to reveal surprised green eyes. “Alright.”
“Thank you.” Logan said softly. He returned the book to its proper place, pulling out another book by a similar author. He sat down to read it again, feeling Remy’s intense stare boring into him.
“Did you need something, Remy?” he asked, still reading.
“Is this your first time reading those books?”
Logan startled, “How did you know?”
“Your eyes widened upon the very first page, and you stumbled back in that chair without breaking eye contact with the book.”
“I suppose I wasn’t very subtle about it. Yes, this is my first time reading these books. Aowhea doesn’t focus much on the fiction part of the world, more the realistic.”
Remy hummed noncommittally. “What do you think of the poems?” Remy asked, setting his drink down.
Logan looked up to see sincerity in those eyes. He pursed his lips, closing the book softly after marking his place. “I think… that the author is lonely, expressing his words rhythmically. Longing for love, companionship, someone to meet him where he’s at.”
“Why do you say he?”
“What do you mean?”
Remy nodded at the bookshelf, “That author. Why do you think that the author of those poems is a he? Is there something about the poems that feel masculine?”
“Gender is a spectrum and open to interpretation,” Logan started. “If the author is a male, female or in between, that isn’t any of my business.”
Remy pursed his lips at that noncommittal answer, “Okay. Which one was your favourite?”
“I don’t know.”
“You can’t just not know.”
“I can and I don’t. All the poems have their own sense of beauty, asking me to pick a favourite is like asking me which of my body parts I prefer the most.”
“My personal favourite,” Remy said, “is the one titled ‘Longing’. There’s something about the piece that makes it more than just longing, like hoping or dreaming for a new perspective.”
“Perhaps,” Logan tilted his head to concede, “I’d have to read it again to see what you mean.”
“Remy!” a bellow came from outside the library doors.
“Ah, that’s my cue.”
The doors burst open, and Remy grabbed his cup, bringing it up to salute Logan and slipped away behind one of the bookshelves.
Logan blinked when a man well-dressed in purple and black stomped forward. “Ah, pardon me, your Highness, I don’t suppose you’ve seen an idiot blond here, have you?”
“I- I don’t know?” Logan said, voice cracking with unsurety.
“I suppose that was too specific,” the other muttered. “No matter, I’ll find him sometime soon. Good day, your Highness.”
He tipped his head in farewell, and Logan waved a hand in bewilderment.
Logan stared down at the book in his hands. This castle is much more lively than at home.
The doors burst open again. “Remy!!”
“You can’t catch me, Virgey!” Remy cackled.
Much, much more lively.
Patton was slightly lost. Literally, he meant. Though, he supposed he was lost figuratively as well.
He had meant to go to the training grounds after he had dropped off Logan and his luggage, but then he had gotten sidetracked helping a few of the servants carrying loads in. And then he had gotten even more sidetracked looking for Logan.
The castle in Eiehde was vastly different from the one in Aowhea. Eiedhe’s castle seemed quaint compared to this one. The walls were bricks piled high, stone carved out in a way that was fortifying and beautiful all at once.
Intricate carvings in all the stones, words and pictures in all of the walls. Not to mention the mosaics that became of the windows. Rows and rows of coloured glass artfully pieced together to create scenes that would make anyone cry.
The draperies that usually lined the windows were tied tight to the side, letting beautiful streams of sun to shine down the hallways. The hallways seemed to be double the size of his home country's.
The places and people seemed to be big and extravagant, reflecting the monarch in flattery. Dozens of little machines, artworks and canvases from unremarkable names to household idols ranged across the halls.
But the halls were confusing and wide and long and winding. Patton had been here for over two weeks and he still wasn’t sure where the training grounds really were. He was sure that he was supposed to turn left at the Griffin’s head. Or was it a right?
“Um, excuse me?” he tapped one of the servant’s shoulders softly, grabbing their attention. They stopped, humming at him and tapping their foot impatiently. Their clothes were tight and wrapped around him, leather pants clinging to their legs.
Patton couldn’t quite tell their gender and just went with gender neutral instead.
They were just about taller than him by a few inches, eyes brown and narrowed at him. They were carrying a platter filled with cups and vials, some of them sloshing when they had turned to Patton.
“Well, um, can you- uh, tell me...?” he stammered, unable to finish.
"What need?" They grumbled in a thick accent, streaks of grey covered their head. Though there were a few prominent in their bangs, scowl set to reveal a golden tooth and yellowing teeth.
Their face was wrapped in cloth, shielding most of their face besides the eyes and mouth, nose covered. Head wrapped in the cloth enough to hold their hair up but still revealed tufts of hair.
Patton was frozen. There was something about this unfamiliar environment, the hustle and bustle about it, that made his senses overload. Usually he was great in situations like these, battle instincts and adrenaline working seamlessly together as he took control of the situation.
But people were never his strong suit. He learned to smile, to appease, to nod his head. But he never learned to listen, to talk, to not be awkward.
He was a people person, but he wasn’t a people person, if that made any sense.
He had always tried his best, trying to love, comfort and appease other people. But people never liked him. In his orphanage days, kids were very cruel.
So he learned to smile and bear it. He saw in Aowhea how people were greedy and hated each other. He experienced it to a certain extent.
He never wanted anyone else to experience that.
Maybe that was why he joined the royal guard. Climbed up in ranks until he reached personal guard of the Prince. Learned to fight, to grit his teeth and bare it, to kill.
To protect.
He had never killed a person. There was never that much trouble in the kingdom to send him out for that. And he never would if he could do anything about it. But morals and life would always conflict.
He could only pray to the Lady that he will never kill.
The person he stopped burst into a tirade of annoyed lecturing, arms flailing and eyes dark with anger. It didn’t help Patton that they were speaking the kingdom’s own language instead of the common tongue.
His shoulders were tense, old instincts making him want to lash out. A smile was biting to be unleashed, so that he could at least get the angry person away from him.
“What’s wrong now?” A man just a bit shorter than him strode to his side, his kind brown eyes flashing in his direction before focussing on the other.
There was rapid fire of words batted between the newcomer and the person Patton had stopped on his way.
What limited knowledge he had of Eiehde’s language was practically nonexistent s the two talked.
The newcomer sent the other on their way with a fixed merry smile and a wave. His shoulders fell, and he grumbled under his breath.
“Um, sir, maybe you can help me?” Patton asked tentatively, smile hesitant.
“Hmm? Of course,” the man turned to give his full attention to him, and Patton’s breath caught in his throat.
The stranger was breathtaking.
Clothed in purple and black, his long-sleeved tunic was strangely tattered and sewed together that did not take away the appeal at all. His trousers were brown and another sweater tied around his waist.
His eyes were twinkling brown, mischievous and hiding as if he knew something Patton didn’t.
There were freckles everywhere, and it was like the man was kissed by the sun herself to have those beautiful kisses on his face.
“Are you alright?”
By the Lady, his accent was so cute! It was lilting slightly, deep yet bright at the same time. Slow and gravelly, as if he was trying to pronounce his words correctly.
“You are one of Aowhea's, yes?”
“Wha-? Er, yes, yes, that’s me! Patton, I am!” Patton rushed to reassure the man. “Do you speak the common tongue? We can talk in that if it’s easier for you.”
The man’s shoulders relaxed slightly, nodding his assent. “Thank you. I know enough of Aowhean to get by, but not enough for a full conversation. I’m Royal Advisor to the King, Virgil.”
“It’s gay,” Patton said, tongue twisting on the words ‘good’ and ‘okay’, and he cursed his ineptitude around handsome men. “I mean I’m gay- good! It’s good! You’re… good.”
“Good,” the man smiled in amusement. “Did you need something? I apologize for Chadworth’s brashness. But the welcoming dinner for your Prince is tonight, and everyone is harried to finish preparations.”
“Good Lady, that’s tonight?” Patton said, “But there was a welcoming committee the day we arrived.”
“Ah, but the official ceremony is tonight. For the senators and governors and everyone to welcome the Prince intended.”
“I do hope Logan was prepared for this,” Patton muttered under his breath. He knew that the Prince didn’t bring any formal party clothing. There had been no warning of there being any party.
“Hmm? Oh, nothing.”
“Alright then, I must be on my way. Preparations and all,” the man gave him a small salute and started to turn and leave.
“Wait!” Patton lurched forward and grabbed his sleeve.
The man flinched, hunching his shoulders, and Patton caught a glimpse of his brown eyes flickering in fear. “Yes?”
Patton cautiously let go, hands removing themselves slowly. “Will you please show me to the training grounds?”
The man’s smile this time was much more guarded, but Patton didn’t care. His next words made his smile widen and his day brighter. “Of course."
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rubyredsparks · 5 years
Blossoming Souls Ch. 12
Relationship(s): Romantic Logince, Moxiety; Platonic every other relationship
“Tags” for the whole story: morally grey!deceit, Deceit, Remus, Thomas as a character, Romance, Minor violence, someone’s potty mouth, Foul language, Minor homophobia (it’s not that bad), Miscommunication (this one is though), Friendship
Chapter Summary: The aftermath of the poisoning.
Roman knew the night had been going too easy. Too safe. Of course, something like this had to happen. Had to happen while he was in the middle of courting and bonding with his Intended.
And it was a horrible thought because this was his Father. His Father who cared for him. Who raised him alone when-- when Papa and Remus disappeared.
Not dead. Never dead. If he admitted they were dead, then he accepted that they were gone. And they can’t be gone. They just-- can’t.
And, yes, he may have been blinded slightly by his own quickening heartbeat and flushed cheeks. And maybe he had revealed too much to Prin- to Logan. But they were intended for each other after all.
The tourney this weekend was supposed to be his something grand! To prove himself to the Prince. To prove that he would take care of and protect him. And to show that he was worthy of Logan’s hand.
And yes, it was a bit outdated. But tradition was tradition.
Something small, something grand, something precious for his hand.
He had been having fun. Prince Logan had amazed him, taking the first step in their courting. And Roman had wanted to show something grand during the tourney, to show that he accepted the proposal, to remind everyone that Prince was his.
But then something worse came crashing down. Yanked the carpet from right beneath his feet. Gave him the worse sense of vertigo ever.
He couldn’t believe that his Father, someone that he thought would be untouchable, someone invincible, poisoned.
He might lose the only other person he had left.
Roman felt like crying. His stomach was sick, filled with lead and gravel and his mouth tasted like bile.
His legs burned as he stormed through the hallways of the castle, no doubt bumping into several guards and servants. He could hear voices, but they were muffled, distorted, in his ears.
Each step forward felt like lead in his boots and nails in his soul. He had no idea where Logan was, no idea if the Prince had followed him or not.
Since he heard the news, Roman only had tunnel vision. Get to his Father, see that he was well, then kill the bastard that tried to assassinate his family.
He slammed the door open, a rush of medical healers steering clear as he stomped toward his Father. Virgil was standing next to the bedpost, face pale and gaunt, expression sunken, and eyebags dark.
His Father was resting on his bed, sweating and pale, a washcloth resting on his forehead. He had been changed into more comfortable clothing, and he didn’t look so bad. But appearances could be deceiving.
“Virgil. What happened. How is he,” Roman asked, unable to help the biting tone. Virgil, for his sake, didn’t comment on the tone.
“Stable, better than he was before.” Virgil scrubbed a hand down his face tiredly. “He threw up multiple times, expelling a lot of bile. Healer Brian says that that was good. That he was expelling the poison along with it. I’ll let the Head Healer speak more.”
Virgil waved a hand at a healer, a mousy young man with unruly brown hair squeaked and stepped forward. “Y-yes. Lord Advisor Virgil was correct in that regard. His Majesty did the right thing in spitting the poison out. Otherwise, we might’ve been too late.”
Roman felt immense relief and dread at that news. Relief that his Father was going to be alright. Dread that he might had died within seconds if he hadn’t recognized something was amiss.
“His Majesty has to be kept under bed rest for at least three days.” The Healer continued to speak, consulting a clipboard as well as glancing between the Prince and the Advisor. “Other healers and myself will need to monitor him for the first two, and if His Majesty continues to improve, he should be up and about by the fourth.
“We’ve pumped his stomach, so all the poison should be out there by now. If not, the medicine should flush out any leftover toxins. There is also medicine that should stabilize and help his immune system fight the remaining side effects of the poison. So if he’s delirious, it’s the medicine at work. Other than that, His Majesty is going to be alright.”
Alright. Alright. His Father was going to be alright. He wasn’t dying, on the verge of death, or anything. He was going to be fine.
Roman could feel his knees nearly buckle in relief at that statement, and he could see Virgil let out a sigh of relief from the corner of his eye.
All eyes fell on the rapidly waking king in his bed. He thrashed slightly, moaning in pain. His eyes fluttered open, glazed and unfocused.
“What-- ugh- what happened?” The King croaked. “I feel like an elephant fell on top of my chest.”
“All normal reactions,” Healer Brian rushed to reassure when Virgil and Roman whirled worried eyes on him, Roman returning back to where Virgil stood.
“What do you remember, Majesty?” Virgil asked cautiously.
“You and the guard from Aowhea-- what was his name?--”
“Patton, your Majesty,” Virgil mumbled, ducking his head when Roman tried to meet his eyes.
“Ah, well you and Patton were flirting, and he mentioned some puns, and then scallops?”
“Well at least his memory hasn’t been affected," the Healer noted, scribbling down on his clipboard.
“Oh, I was poisoned!” Thomas tried to sit up, arm trying to lever himself up before he collapsed. Virgil and Roman rushed to either side to help him.
“Was a suspect apprehended?” the King asked once he was propped up in a seated position.
“No, your Majesty,” Virgil stepped up to answer. “No one caught sight of anything.”
“If I may, your Majesty,” Patton brought attention to himself, “I may have something.”
He and Virgil glanced a look at each other, until the King nodded. “Proceed.”
Patton looked uneasily at the healers, and Thomas caught sight of his gaze. “There’s no need to be worried, Patton. My healers can be trusted to be discreet.”
“If you’re sure,” Patton said. “The servant that brought you your food. I didn’t get a good look at him besides a look of green from his clothes and silver from his hair.”
“How’d you know it was a man? What if it was a girl?” Virgil asked.
If Patton looked like he was offended by the question, he didn’t show it. “From the stocky build of the person, to the height, it looked mostly like a man from a glance. Though I suppose, it could’ve been a woman or otherwise as well.”
“Let’s say that they’re genderneutal and be done with it.”
“As you will, Majesty. After you had spat the food out, I looked around, and there was this person who was watching you intently, as if they wanted to make sure that you swallowed what was given before vanishing in a second.”
“That could’ve been anyone though,” Virgil argued. “How do you know that it’s the assassin.”
Patton shook his head, “You didn’t see those eyes. They were wild, unhinged.”
“Well, that’s not much to go on,” Roman mused, thoughts running rampant in his head. “If the assassin’s profile was crazy looking eyes, who’s to say that they can’t pretend to have regular eyes if we manage to single them out.”
“Then we have nothing, no conclusive data or evidence. Only that the suspect worked in the kitchens and has possible crazy eyes,” Virgil concluded.
“Then there’s nothing we can do except wait for the next possible attack. Most likely at the tourney this weekend.” Thomas said thoughtfully.
“You want to continue with the tourney?” Virgil asked, bewildered. “You’ve literally just been poisoned.”
“Healer Brian says that I’ll be fine,” Thomas waved him off. “Besides the tourney is tradition. If we cancel it because of a small poisoning, the people will be terribly disappointed.”
“Small? Small?!” Virgil screeched, arms flapping in anger and disbelief. “In what way is a poisoning small, your Majesty, you almost died.”
“But I survived,” the King said.
Roman could see the resemblance in Father and son now. No wonder Virgil always said he had his hands full with the both of them.
“I’ll make sure you won’t the next time something like this happens!”
“Death threats to the king is treason, Virgil,” King Thomas said mildly.
Virgil fell silent, only the occasional death threat falling from his lips in a whisper. He scowled, “If you want the tourney to go on, then what day did you want it to be?”
“The same day it was before I got poisoned.”
“But that- that’s in two days!” Virgil exclaimed. “The healers said that you wouldn’t be allowed out of bed during then. And you can’t survey the tourney from your bed!”
“That’s why I won’t be,” the King said patiently. “Roman will.”
Both Roman and Virgil shouted the exclamation. Heads swiveling to stare at each other then the King in bewilderment and outrage respectively.
“You heard what I said,” King Thomas said to them calmly. “I think this will be a great opportunity for Roman to prepare for the crown.”
“But Father-!”
“Your Majesty-!”
“No exceptions.” The King cut them off before there were anymore loud protests. “My decision is final.”
“Yes, Father.”
“Yes, your Majesty.”
“I can still compete, right Father?” Roman piped up.
King Thomas’ eyes softened. “Of course, Roman. You’ll just need to judge a few of the competitions. The melee, the longbow, you know the ones. You can compete in the sword fights with the knights. However, you’ll be in charge of this event. Overseeing it, making sure that it runs smoothly, all that. With no complaints.”
Roman still looked put out but nodded his head in agreement.
“Virgil, you’ll be in charge of Roman. Make sure he stays on task and don’t let him sneak off.”
The Royal Advisor gave a rueful smirk, saluting with a roll of his eyes.
“What’s that supposed to mean, Father!”
“Just making sure the tourney goes off well. It’s tradition, you know.”
Roman let out a grievous sigh as if it pained him to say the words. “I suppose I’ll make do with the Edge-visor working with me.”
Virgil flicked Roman’s forehead. “I’m in charge of you, brat.”
“Ow! Virgil~! Why’re you so mean to meeee?!” Roman wailed, hanging off of Virgil’s shoulders.
“I’ll make sure His Highness doesn’t blow anything up,” Virgil assured the King looking between the two of them in amusement.
Roman puffed up, unlatching from Virgil. “I’ll do my best, Father. You can count on me.”
King Thomas gave the two a congenial smile. “I’m sure you will. I’m going to fall asleep now.” And the King slumped back into bed, eyes shut and snoring.
Healer Brian rushed to the King’s side, checking his pulse and waving for a helper to come to him. “We’ll take it from here, your Highness, Lord Advisor. The medicine we gave him probably made him more tired than usual, especially after all that talking.”
Virgil nodded, “Nothing that was spoken in this room will be made known to the public. If anyone asks, tell them that the King has gotten a bad bout of food poisoning. It’s the closest thing to the truth. And we don’t need the people panicking because of unwarranted duress.”
“Yes, Lord Advisor,” sang the chorus of servants and healers in the room.
“Roman, we’ll have to make an official statement tomorrow morning,” Virgil continued. “We’ll put the public’s mind at ease and tell them about the tourney still going on. Hopefully that’ll appease them enough not to worry about the King.”
“Got it, Virge.”
“Now get out of my face, I know you wanna see Prince Logan as well. I’ll handle this. You can tell him, but only if you’re sure. I want to see you up and awake by the time the sun’s risen.”
Roman nodded eagerly before running out the door. Elation that his Father wasn’t going to die running through his veins.
Logan. That was right, he needed to get back to Logan. After beating a hasty retreat when he learned his Father was poisoned, he sort of left the visiting Prince there, hadn’t he?
That was not a point in his favour.
He needed to start planning his something grand at the tourney quick. Otherwise this courtship was going to be in ruins.
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