#this was actually the first bs one i drew
bodhisatta · 2 years
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Jian Yi
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felkithecreator · 3 months
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I drew mer-legend, now here's Faerule in a bottle!! :D
I struggled with the lighting of this drawing so so much - ultimately the only reason it turned out as good as it did is thanks to my friends who were willing to play along with my bullshit in the middle of the night and help me actually make it look good. So much bs went into making this. So much bs. (As in, I was the one bs-ing.)
But hey it looks good so shhh
I'm still taking suggestions for what other mythical creatures I should draw the boys as (because I still only have ideas for a couple of them, not all), so if you have a thing where you're like "Oh I've aways imagined Wind as like, a phantom or something idk," and you're willing to share, I'd greatly appreciate!! (The only characters I have ideas for rn are Twi, Time, and ofc the Ravio sketch I posted a couple days ago.)
Oh also!! The little cheek thingies and antennae I took from @grooviestsadpapaya 's sketch of triple threat because I love it so much, and also that's what kick-started my inspiration to draw this one in the first place.
But please take my Faerule I love Faerule so much now I'm gonna go do my hw due in like two hours
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 months
OOOHHHH, OKAY HERE MY REQUEST FOR YANDERE MILE MORALES SCENARIO! I imagine him being the type of guy to break into the reader's locker and leave a CD(the song is probably cheesy like Radiohead-creep) while leaving a sticky note like “I really, really, like you. And I wanna get to know you more, can you meet at [insert abandoned building here] ❣️”~secret admirer (*cough* it's Miles *cough*) This freaks the reader out, cuz they've been dealing with this bs for 3 months and the authorities can't do shit, can I request the reader confronting their “secret admirer”? 🥺
N/A: I hope you heard me evilly laugh when I first read this. Boutta spill all of my delusions on this. Also i've never written worse luck than the reader had in this one.
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Be Mine? Yes or No.
It's about ten minutes before first period begins and you've already spent five of them rereading the 20th love letter you've received over the course of a few months. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck rise as you continue to find more and more things to worry about in this letter. You'd think that this person would stop pestering you, but they really weren't. At all whatsoever. The same little sweet names they'd compliment you with. The same main idea they had in the previous note continuing into the next one. This has been happening over and over.
And it was so, so sweet when this fiasco first started. When you first opened your locker and it was placed so nicely in the center as if someone carefully placed it there. It was definitely spritzed with some kind of cologne, because no scent from someone just rubs off onto a letter like that. The beautiful envelope it was put in, the paper on the inside. The neat handwriting that was clearly practiced just to put some love onto the paper for you to hopefully absorb. And it worked the first three times, but it just kept getting weirder from there.
The way they wrote to you was extremely genuine, something that was hard to find in relationships nowadays. It really made you want to meet this person. They mixed in casual sweet names in Spanish into the writing in a way that wasn't hard for you to understand at all. They definitely had a crush on you. But then they began mentioning you in ways that seemed to make you borderline uncomfortable. Mentioning your beautiful hair, your eyes, your lips, the way you spoke, how you smelled. How they'd watch you and your friends in the park. Slipping in a few mentions of you walking to and from a corner store nobody in your school but you knew about.
They would write about how they could help you with specific classes that they knew you were struggling with. What foods they theorized you don't like(they were right), your type of man and how they fit that exact description, if not, more. How he knows he's the one you'd want and need. How the two of you are meant to be, he'd love you the way you need to be loved and he cant wait to actually meet you. How he'd bring you to the address of your favorite breakfast spot that no one should know about and he'd buy you that plate you always wanted to get that you couldn't afford. How he'd spoil you and-
All of this tension he built up on his own, which was all fueled by his own delusions, drew you to the conclusion that this nigga needed to be put in his place. You wanted a boyfriend. Not a fucking perverted stalker. Whoever this was, he was taking it too far, and was ultimately scaring you. It took you fifteen of these letters for you to realize that he wasn't actually slipping the letter into the locker between the cracks, but he was putting in the real code of your lock to properly unlock it. How he found it out, you have no idea. You didn't know what this guy was capable of and didn't know if he'd hurt you if you said no. But it had to be done somehow or he'd take shit too far and kidnap you or some crazy shit like that.
None of the school officials would help you because they're pieces of shit. Your friends tell you to bag him like dumbasses, and what the fuck are your parents gonna do? Yell at the dean and stand by your locker all day to wait for the guy?? You were all alone in this. So the most reasonable thing you came up with is to bluntly write to him to meet you after school at the park you and your friends go to often since he knows the spot already.
And quite literally the day after, you sat at the bench at the park after school, and he showed up.
You remember being so damn scared. What if he was big and burly and angry? What if he was one of the popular boys and would record the entire interaction? What if he follows you back home? What does he plan to do once you try to tell him off? You shouldn't have done this. The setting sun wasn't comforting you. The abandoned playground that usually was bustling with squealing kids was just making you more nervous. It was silent and cold today, but your mind just wouldn't shut up. Suddenly, the school uniform you wore wasn't as comfortable and you clutched your backpack closer to your body.
The wind blew gently on your bare knees and you heard someone call out your name. You flinched and felt your heart drop and turned to see the source of the voice, hoping for the worst. There was a boy sitting on a bench right next to yours. He was staring at you. It made you feel....unsettled and something else you couldn't put your finger on. To calm yourself, you listed his characteristics in his head. He was....reasonably attractive. Light brown eyes. Sculpted face. A light Spanish accent to his voice exactly how you'd imagine. Neat braids on his head. But something about his aura messed with you. He wasn't as good as he portrayed himself to be. You didn't want to speak and watched him stand from his spot to sit next to you on your bench. You clutched your bag to your chest as you watched him try to calmly approach you without making you too nervous.
With nervous eyes on him, he sits down next to you, letting a small smile grace his lips. "Hey, ma...how you doin'?" He sounded like he was trying to lure a scared dog into his arms. But it was awkward because he was trying to act normal with his dream girl and it was an actual human being and not a dog. "....fine." You respond. He scratches his nape and averted his eyes for a quick second. He really wanted to know why you wanted to talk to him. You gave no context within your letter, and it was a blessing, nonetheless. You actually responded to him. He predicted that he wouldn't get one for another good three weeks to two months almost. But this must be serious. He prepared himself for all possible scenarios that this could end up being.
"So....why'd you want to meet all of a sudden? It's getting late and I don't want you going home in the dark, you know?" You nod and take a deep breath, scared as fuck for how this could end. "Yeah.....so....I just wanted to tell you that I just- I don't want to be with you." It felt like you had to pull the words out of your throat for him to hear. You saw his face drop and decided to explain before he did anything else. "Like....I don't know you. I just realized that. You know so much about me and about my friends and the places I go to. I don't know a damn thing- Are you stalking me??" You turn to face him and stare into his wide eyes. He almost seemed as if he was caught doing some weird shit. And it was weird.
The silence started to make you angry when you realized he probably has been following you all this time. He shakes his head and sits up. "No...no, I haven't been stalking you at all, ma, I promise. I never want to make you uncomfortable, ever. Where are you getting that?" Oh, so now he's gaslighting you. If you brought all of his envelopes to this meeting, you would've dumped all of the evidence on his lap. You roll your eyes, grab your bag, and stand to leave. He stands at the same time as you when he sees you're trying to leave and stands in your way. "Wait, wait, wait, that's it? You not gon' give me a chance?" "A chance? Nigga, you lost your chance when you started being weird and fucking acting like you wasn't being weird this entire time!"
It was hard to get mad at you or reason with you. You were too pretty to get mad at even when you were nearly yelling in his face. And he had no logical reason to behave the way he was behaving, either. So, he might lose you unless he does something risky. And to risk your trust and love is something he doesn't want on the line.
You watch him watch you leave and he picks up his bag as well. The street lights turn on once it gets dark enough and Miles interrupts you walking away. "I'm not letting you walk home in the dark, Y/n." You flinch at his voice and growl a groan in fuming anger. An older lady passes the both of you and praises the mystery boy for being such a good gentleman and how 'there needs to be more of you out on these streets'. You almost slapped the fuck out of her for even hyping him up. He gives her a beautiful smile and tells her to get home safe, while walking you in the direction of your home.
He turns back to you and almost laughs at the face you're making. "I wonder how your mom would feel about you going home in the dark." "Mind yo fucking business." He happily leaves it there, continuing to walk with you down the street. Maybe this way, he can have more than one excuse to continue walking you home from now on. "Ion even know yo name." You mutter under your breath and Miles smiles at you. "My name is Miles. Great to finally meet you in person, Mami." You scoff and gladly let him scroll on his phone. You tried to speed ahead of him in hopes he'd stay at his slower pace, but he always caught up to you. You inwardly groan, knowing he'd probably make it to your door before you get rid of him.
"Glad to know the name of the person who's been stalking me. Now I can report you officially." You smirk at him and he gives one right back. "Just a name won't cut it, ma." "I got photos." "Where?" He hands you your phone back and you snatch it, realizing he was scrolling on your phone the whole time AND deleted your photo evidence. Before you can shove him into the street for a car to run him over, your mom bursts the door open and eyes the boy next to you. "Girl, you finally brought someone home with you." You didn't even realize you were on your street, better yet, your house. And your mom liked him already??
Your face dropped as you approached the front door. "No, no, no, it's not like that-" "What's your name, sweetie?" Miles steps up to the door and holds out his hand for her to shake, a beaming smile on his face. "My name is Miles Morales, ma'am." She shakes his hand before scrunching her eyebrows. " 'Morales'? You know Rio??" "That's my mamá, right there." Horrifying, how quickly a new relationship between the two bloomed right before your eyes as they continued to converse.
How are you going to get out of this? Your stalker is making great friends with your mom, no one can help because he deleted the evidence, and you would soon find out the next morning at school that your locker was clean of envelopes as well. Nothing was working in your favor and you realized that there was no way to escape. He included himself into your life so easily, when you wanted him out, out, out. You hated this shit, but he seemed to love it, sending you a look of appreciation as you both stepped into your abode.
Miles was so grateful for having you as a part of his life. The stars aligned and allowed you both a chance at beauty and growth. He wouldn't let this opportunity waste away like he had done many times in the past. You were his chance at redemption for all of the things he had done and the things that he planned to do later on. You were finally his.
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akutasoda · 9 months
hii!! It’s me!!! I just witnessed a bird get stuck in a glass cage with an opening..walk out..then walk back in- 😭
anyway! Reader who is literally the most pessimistic (idk if that’s the right word-) person ever and is like ‘ew. Love. No thanks.’ But then will stare at Bsd men with the biggest heart eyes? And if they get caught their just like..‘I got distracted’ with the most longing voice ever?
-🌀Anon !!
you're seeing things!
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synopsis - you always thought love was overrated but now you think you're just in denial
includes - dazai, akutagawa, nikolai, ayatsuji
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, pining, unresolved feelings, wc - 819
a/n: hiii anon hope your well!
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osamu dazai ★↷
↪ you and dazai were quite the opposite people. for know personality's atleast. he often spent time flirting with women and the idea of love repulsed you. but despite that you got along very well.
↪it actually lead to dazai occasionally teasing you about your dramatic adversions to love but with some deep rooted curiosity about why the idea sounded so bad to you. perhaps something to do with not feeling worthy or simply not seeking that relationship with someone.
↪and yet it still came as a shock to you when you would catch yourself zoning out while looking at dazai with the biggest lovestruck smile on your face. you would shake yourself out of your trance to continue doing whatever while thinking what had gotten over you.
↪but you found yourself doing it more often much to your dismay and shock. which eventually lead to dazai catching you , he let it slip a few times figuring you were just thinking about something and completely blanked the real world. but after a few times he eventually asked you about what you were doing just to be caught of guard when you sighed and said that you had gotten distracted with the most longing voice he had ever heard.
↪oh boy he couldn't wait to tease you about this when you eventually found yourself figuring out what had gotten over you and realising what this meant.
ryunosuke akutagawa ★↷
↪quite the surprise came when it was discovered that you and akutagawa had built quite the close bond. but there was something about you two that just naturally drew you together.
↪perhaps it was like seeing the same attitude in different fonts. he had a hatred for a few things and quite the angry temper and you had a hatred for the idea of falling in love. but either way you both seemed to click and one time he admitted that you weren't that bad to be around.
↪however the idea of love that repulsed you deeply seemed to be creeping up on you. sometimes your gaze would drift to him whenever he was around or you simply would stare at him with awe struck eyes that felt like if they were in a cartoon hearts would be flying off them.
↪every time you caught yourself doing this you couldn't help but quickly snap out of it trying to figure out what was happening. and akutagawa became quite aware of your gaze often seeing you out of the corner of his eye staring at him. now he was quite blunt so everytime he asked you what was wrong, and every time was met with the same answer of you got distracted.
↪was it just him or did every time you say that siund more longing than the last? unfortunately neither of you seemed to bs good at figuring out feelings, but one of you better soon or someone else would intervene.
nikolai gogol ★↷
↪hanging around nikolai was always a wild ride. and to be frank, you always seemed to make his behaviour worse. you were quite the duo it has to be said. and he found your attitude toward love quite interesting and found your reactions to the subject entertaining.
↪often would tease you about if when you two were out and about and he saw some random couple. sometimes you did want to punch him.
↪but after hanging around the clown for so long and forming quite the close bond, eventually started catching yourself staring longing at him. the idea seemed outlandish at first, surely it was just unlucky that every time you zone out it's staring at him (and thinking of him).
↪he had caught you multiple times and had teased you about it each time but didn't miss the hints of longing in your voice. and the heartfilled look that he would catch upon your face.
↪how interesting to him that this whole persona was quite the two edged sword.
yukito ayatsuji ★↷
↪being a coworker a personal close friend of tsujimura, often meant you would accomplany her in her monitoring of ayatsuji. that was until you realised that the two of you had quite similar interests and naturally got along.
↪so you simply had became a genuine friend of his, much to tsujimura's shock. he found your little persona of finding love disgusting quite entertaining whenever the subject was brought up and he couldn't help but want to try and understand it from your perspective. and he could see it.
↪however whenever you two hung around each other he would sometimes catch you staring at him with, quite frankly, the biggest heart eyes he could ever imagine. now, he let it slip a few times before asking you about it.
↪you answer came short and sweet, that you were distracted. he could tell that there was something going on but he respected how you would handle it and never pryed any further.
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Something I don't like about a lot of Vox takes I see is that they tend to portray Vox as someone who's unpleasant to work with and has weird ideas about what partnership means when really... he's not? He's not and he doesn't. It's just that two of the most prominent interactions we've seen him have are with Valentino(who is a fucking NIGHTMARE to work with) and Alastor(a man he has undisclosed, deeply emotional history with). But everyone seems to discount his OTHER important relationship: Velvette. Which by all accounts, is INCREDIBLY normal.
Like, yeah, their first interaction opens with her yelling at him, but that's less about Vox himself and more about Valentino. As they keep talking throughout the first bit of the episode, she starts calming down, and they just seem to genuinely get along? She has every right to look upset during Stayed Gone because Vox is being really weird and she's nOT THE ONE WHO ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED HIM TO DO THIS SHIT(staring directly at Val rn), but even then during the meeting after Stayed Gone she does actually. Participate. Unlike s o m e people. Despite being on her phone the whole time(which is literally her job-), she actually pays attention and contributes real ideas! Which tbh she didn't have to do at ALL like she did not have to put up w/ Vox's bs in RKtVS the way she did. There's also their phone call during the overlord meeting which, while I definitely think Vel was playing it up to annoy Carmilla, still sounded like a conversation between two ppl who genuinely like and respect eachother!
No matter what you think their relationship is(romantic, platonic, etc...), Vox and Velvette seem to get along REALLY well(outside of Alastor-related incidents). Like, better than either of them do with literally anybody else in the show. Vox & Val do LIKE eachother, but I find whatever the fuck is going on beneath the after the battles & masterless cattles to be DEEPLY upsetting to think about for too long(ex; any of my other posts abt their relationship), and the only other interactions we've seen either Vox or Vel have are Stayed Gone & Respectless, which are literally just song battles. Both of their only interactions outside of the Vees have been song battles. Aw fuck I'm getting off topic... BACK TO THEIR RELATIONSHIP AS COLLEAGUES- okay uh basically, I don't think they would get along this well if Vox was a terrible person to work with(note I said WORK WITH. Hate that I need to specify this but I don't think Vox is a good person overall, just a good business partner). I think Velvette is generally a good bench mark for both Vox & Valentino's relationships with other characters because she's their equal, their friend, and isn't in a weird toxic relationship with either of them. Their interactions with her provide a window into how they just generally interact with people. And based off of their interactions, Vox seems to be actually pretty decent to work with when he isn't being Actively Provoked for shits and giggles or trying to sooth the tantrum of a man child. Also when he views you as an equal and doesn't own your soul that helps too.
Edit: Hiiiiiiii just here to say that now, in the light of day, I don't really agree with everything I've said in this post? I wrote it at midnight while like half asleep so my ability to consider the fact that. We barely know anything about either Vox or Velvette at this point in time. Was kind of impaired I think. Cuz we really don't. I do stand by everything I said about their relationship to EACHOTHER, and I stand by the idea that we should take that dynamic into consideration for character analysis more often, but everything else I'm a little iffy on and I just woke up like an hour ago so my brains still a little fuzzy & I can't explain exactly WHY I'm iffy on it, but just know that I think the conclusion I drew is a bit of a leap in logic at the very least and I recognize that now lol
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 5 months
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Oh he getting uglier and uglier by the day what’s happening he use to be cute but now he looks bad with this haircute and the facial hair oh this means obx4 is being filmed for sure because he only gets worse when he filming that show like he gets worse and worse for each season maybe that’s the point all the bs getting to his character, it makes sense honestly I can see it!
He will never be fine and I need y’all to wake up bc aint no way y’all lying to yourself this much bc u like his psychopath character, he gonna be the new Timothy who was the new Noah I’m afraid I can’t take yet another one!! Truly in his worst era and that’s saying something bc he was horrendous in s3 too wonder what happened to him at one point he was cute and okay looking and now he turning into just not it at all!
Streets saying he’s a method actor so for s5 he’s gonna be walking around like a corpse looking dead because his character will be six feet under love to see it but on a genuinely real level what’s happening to him why he decomposing in front of our eyes something is off fr
Forgot the drew freaks existed for a good minute since I ain’t seen his ass nowhere since obx ended and now it’s all back because they live on this app and on tktk like the true loser freaks they are but what’s worse is they out here making me defend rudy like he ain’t mid himself he just happens to be the 2nd hottest guy on that show sharing it with Nick out of the yt men he’s hottest but the bar was non existent so can’t even give him that win bc it’s not a win if there’s no competition but how dare they make me defend Rudy just he he’s not ugly like drew or below mid like drew but above mid
why they acting like he’s Jacob when he ain’t even Jacob foot in terms of good looks and talent is never coming near his pinky yt psychopath character stans are so weird yet so fascinating to me because they genuinely believe these men are hot bc they like their psychopath characters, I remember Kylo ren stans were ready to die on actual hill saying Adam Driver was hot I just can’t with them never laughed so hard in my life at first I thought they was joking but nope they was dead serious too whenever I remember I laugh so hard my stomach feels like it’s about to fall out, what’s not surprising nor shocking to anyone was they were all divorced hag yt woman and white unloved teens with issues! What a niche type of yt woman/teens who like them these ugly men and why do they all look almost exactly the same somebody needs to study that, there just has to be a study on it why they are always hag pushing 40 white woman or teen girls liking them all because they like their weirdo character a little bit to much and they also like and think real life serial killers are hot and have fan accounts and meme accounts for them sickos for real! may they get help for this illness
I get liking Jacob and thinking his character Nate was hot because the man is hot even tho his character is garbage but liking and thinking drew or Adam driver is hot bc y’all like their weirdo character yeah that’s to far way to far off the sanity 🏊‍♀️! let’s be serious about this
Adam driver attractive hot 😂 funniest shit I have ever heard in my life drew by s5 really gonna look like him to
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
hi! i have a question/compliment about how you do characters if thats ok. you are able to draw thing like their hair and clothes very consistently in your comics, how do you do it? (also its amazing btw) is there a specific thing you do to make them look very similar or is it just practice? also i love your silly comics, they always make me smile!
here is a horse wearing a hat for your time
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ok bein fr oo thats a very good question!!! the very simple answer is yeah, it is just practice lol -- but that's not a helpful tip so I'll elaborate!
Drawing a character consistently is down to 2 main things, imo. the first one is the most obvious: identifying the key features and shapes of the character. think big, don't get bogged down in getting all the tiny bits perfect -- most people won't notice if the little details change lol.
+ if it's a character I draw a lot, I'm usually drawing them from memory, not reference! and I think that rlly helps w making a character (at least seemingly) consistent, bc I will only be drawing the most memorable aspects of their design -- which is what YOU identify them as easiest!
BUT I will also reference my own art sometimes!! actually knowing how you drew them last time definitely helps lol!! REFERENCE YOURSELF!!!!
good exercises to improve character consistency: drawing in their simplest form w no detail (/drawing them timed), drawing them from memory and (obviously) just drawing them a lot!
the second thing is basically a more general version of the first -- it's having a consistent Way of drawing things. i don't mean "your art style needs to never change!!" cause consistent artstyles are bs. you just need a consistent perception/ way of looking at things and a bit of muscle memory!
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like here's a character in 3 different "styles" but you can still easily tell it's the same character (and probably the same artist lol) bc the way my brain thinks abt each aspect of the character doesn't change! the rendering changes but the shapes (ie the hair, the jawline, the lines of the facial hair) remain the same bc thats Just How I Draw lol! makes him look consistent
the bad news is this is something you just achieve with practice. BUT doing those above exercises should speed things up for stylisation too!! but yeah its all abt identifying key features and having a consistent way of looking at things!
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loving-n0t-heyting · 3 months
I watched reservoir dogs. The first tarantino i had ever seen
It felt more like a stageplay script than a movie script. The single, mostly visually unremarkable setting for most of the action; the protag-less ensemble cast; the way it mostly relies very much on actor performance plus character devt and very little on scenery or camerawork. I gather it has in fact been adapted as a play several times? If you had shown me it without added context i would have assumed it was the other way around
Wow that sure was a lot more homoeroticism than i was expecting
I truly struggle to inhabit the criminal honour culture morality all the characters presuppose when talking to one another. If you put this high a premium on honesty and plain dealing then why are you conducting armed robberies as yr profession?? Why does gur eng pbc fgneg ncbybtvfvat ng gur irel raq sbe orvat n eng pbc jura fheryl riragf bs gur ynfg 1.5ue qrzbafgengr gung gur grnz ur jnf vasvygengvat qrfreirq vg nf pyrneyl nf nalguvat pbhyq? Inscrutable
Mr pink is ofc entirely correct thst tipping is a bs institution and none of the others in the conversation do a good job of actually explaining why individually unilaterally choosing to forego tipping is not a useful corrective
Why is steve buscemi so attractive? If you described his appearance and speech in theory or drew me a caricature i would not predict it, and yet!
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aethes-bookshelf · 7 months
into you, I fall || alucard (castlevania)/reader
Back to my roots, baby! A lone Alucard smut fic amongst all my bg3 bs. I started this one a good while ago and finally got around to finishing it.
I gotta say, I love writing non-penetrative sex (acts?). Gives me more wiggle room when it comes to what the characters can do.
Pairing: alucard (castlevania)/reader
Warnings: pwp, smut, (kinda sorta) bondage, established realtionship, implied past sa
Wordcount: 2.1k
Summary: Alucard isn't sure he's ready to let you tie him up after what happened with the twins, but he wants to try anyway.
You come up with an alternative.
‘Okay,’ you said, checking the tightness of the ribbon for the fifth time in a row, ‘are you sure you still want to do this?’
Alucard nodded. His hands, bound, were resting comfortably on his stomach. For now.
‘Alright, then.’ You took his hands into yours and slowly lifted them above his head, making sure not to break eye contact. ‘Now, I’m not going to tie you to the bed. Not yet, anyway. So it’s up to you to keep your hands right where I put them, okay, hun?’
‘I know, love. You’ve told me all this before.’
‘Just making sure.’ You left a quick kiss on his bottom lip. ‘What’s the color?’
Alucard’s brow furrowed. He did trust you, he really did. And, to be fair, it was his idea in the first place — to try and do this with you. You’d let him tie you up a few times before, when he’d grown comfortable enough with the idea; he got curious, seeing your reactions. You always had that extra spark in your eyes when he tied you up, even before he actually touched you properly. Even if he was just in the process of tying you up.
Still, he couldn’t help the nervousness. Despite the fact you made sure to use the softest ribbon you could find in the castle and that you chose an entirely different position for his hands than… back then, just the sensation of being bound reminded him of things he’d rather forget. He was fully aware that he wasn’t even fully, properly bound — his hands were almost free, after all; all it would take for him to free himself would be a good tug. Still, the knot in his stomach tightened each time the ribbon rubbed against his skin.
Was this a good idea at all?
‘Yellow,’ he said, voice wavering.
‘Okay, I hear you,’ you replied. You sat back on your legs and spread his over them; you gently kneaded the tense muscles of his thighs. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘It’s just… Being tied up… brings back memories.’
You nodded. ‘Okay,’ you said, tone soft. ‘Remember, we don’t have to do this. I am perfectly fine with the sex life we already have, hun. You don’t have to do this.’
‘I-I know.’ He swallowed thickly.
‘Still,’ you continued, ‘this is an exercise, right? To see what you’re comfortable with at this point. You said so yourself.’ You drew tiny circles on the skin of his legs with your thumbs. He relaxed slightly under your touch. ‘So, what do you say we still try, but… change it up a bit?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘We could take away the ribbon, if you’re too uncomfortable with it on.’ Your hands stilled. ‘It’s not fun for me if you’re not enjoying yourself.’
‘But… what would be the point then?’ His eyebrows furrowed. ‘How would we even do this?’
‘Simple,’ you said, caressing the knot on the delicate ribbon. ‘You just keep your hands where I tell you to without being bound. You’ll still have to trust me, but you won’t have any added stressors on top of that.’
Alucard hummed. ‘I suppose that would keep the point of this… “exercise”,’ he said. His legs fully relaxed, no longer squeezing your hips.
You slowly grabbed the knot and untied it, keeping your eyes on his face. When the ribbon was finally off and discarded to the floor, you slipped your fingers inbetween his.
‘What’s the color?’ you asked again.
Alucard took a deep breath and closed his eyes. ‘...Green,’ he said after a moment.
‘Alright.’ You squeezed his hands and let go. ‘Keep your hands right where they are right now, okay? And remember, if you find that you’re too uncomfortable to continue, you say the word and we stop immediately.’
‘I know, love.’ He chuckled. ‘You don’t have to say it everytime we try something new.’
‘Yes, I do,’ you replied. ‘I like making sure you know you’re safe with me.’
‘I know that without you having to remind me.’ His eyes went soft; the sort of warm that made your face flush.
Judging by the flush of his cheeks, you must’ve looked equally soft, too.
‘I love you, you know?’
‘I know,’ he said, eyes flickering to your lips. ‘I love you too.’
You didn’t say anything; you just smiled. Even though it was clear that he wanted to kiss you, he stayed put, just like you asked him to. A few moments passed, with you caressing his thighs with gentle hands. You made sure to keep the eye contact going, knowing what it did to him.
When his face was fully flushed and his bare cock was half-hard against his thigh, the anticipation must’ve finally gotten to your poor Alucard. ‘Love…’ he cooed as he shifted his hips in your hold.
‘We’re going slow tonight. Nothing crazy.’
‘Does that mean you have to tease me like this?’
You chuckled, hands finally leaving his thighs to slide up his hips to his waist. Your grip on him was sure; he stilled under your touch. ‘It means exactly that, sweetheart.’
You watched his throat bob as he swallowed. His breathing was slowly picking up. You squeezed at his waist and his cock twitched. He clenched his hands into fists, but they didn’t budge from where you placed them on his pillow.
‘Good boy, Alucard.’ You started exploring his chest and stomach with your hands, using just the slightest amount of pressure. He whimpered quietly when the pads of your fingers ghosted against his nipples.
‘I’m by no means complaining,’ Alucard said, voice breaking a bit when you properly pinched his nipples, ‘but why the praise?’
‘I know you’re frustrated,’ you rolled his nipples in your fingers and watched his chest rise off of the bed, ‘I know you want me to touch you properly.’
‘Of ‘course I do, I always—’
‘Ah! Wasn’t finished yet, hun.’ You let go of him and he promptly fell back on the mattress with a huff.
Alucard opened his mouth — most likely to complain — but decided against it. You probably wouldn’t touch him for even longer if he interrupted you again.
‘As I was saying,’ you continued, hands back on his chest, squeezing the fat and muscle there, ‘You want me to touch you — you probably want to touch me, too, judging by this.’ You slid your hand down his stomach and rubbed your palm against his cock, now fully hard.
He didn’t dare say anything; just clenched his teeth to stop the hiss of pleasure at the sudden contact. The muscles in his stomach clenched with the effort of it.
‘And despite all that, you still do as I say,’ you finished, hand leaving his cock. He tried to follow you with his hips, but stopped when you pushed back against them. ‘So… good boy, Alucard,’ you cooed again and leaned down to kiss his neck.
You lightly nipped at the skin under the curve of his jaw and soothed the sting with your tongue. With each drag of your teeth, tongue and lips his breathing picked up, until he was panting in your hold, until his head was thrown back, baring his neck to you completely. That was when you decided to grind your hips into his. The groan he let out sent a shiver down your spine. 
You moved away from his neck just enough to sneak a glance at his face. He was flushed all the way down to his neck; his eyes were closed, eyebrows pinched in pleasure.
‘Oh, baby,’ you said, hands moving to his nipples again. He choked back a desperate little noise when you gave them a tug. ‘Don’t tell me you’re wrecked already? We didn’t even get to the best part yet.’
He didn’t answer, he just opened his eyes. The look he gave you was delicious; his eyes were beginning to glass over with tears of frustration. ‘Love, please…’
‘“Please” what, lovely?’ It was ridiculous just how giddy you were at the prospect of him begging.
His hands fisted the sheets above his head. ‘Please, touch me before I go insane.’ His cock twitched faintly where it was pressed into your stomach. ‘Please, love, I need you to touch me.’
You were going to touch him, you really were. But it wasn’t your fault he sounded so good like this. You promised you’d be gentle, but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to be at least a little bit mean.
‘Oh, but I’m already touching you, aren’t I?’ It was the lowest of blows, the easiest possible way to get him to keep talking. But you didn’t care, as long as it got him to keep begging in that sweet, choked up tone.
He bucked his hips once, twice, grinding against your stomach. ‘You’re evil, you know that, right?’
‘I’m nothing of the sort.’ You chuckled, grinding back into him. You lived for the way his breath hitched. ‘I’m simply your lover, intent on giving you what you want. But in order to do that, I need to know… specifics,’ you paused for a moment and then moved against him again, just to watch his head loll back, ‘no?’
He nearly sobbed when you stopped. He was so hard it was getting painful. ‘Please,’ he whispered.
You smiled. ‘“Please”, what?’
‘Please keep going. Keep moving, anything.’ His hands were clenching the sheets so hard he was close to ripping them. ‘Make me cum. I wanna cum.’
‘There you go,’ you said as you started to move your hips at a slow, steady pace. Alucard’s loud moan ripped through the room at the relief of the friction. ‘Do you think you can cum like this, lovely?’
‘Yes,’ he gasped out. ‘Yes, just please don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop now.’
‘Don’t you worry, sweetheart.’ You leaned over him, dragging your hands up his stomach, past his chest and to his hands. You gently pried the sheets out from between his fingers; you held his hands in yours, fingers interlocking. ‘I’m not gonna stop until I feel you spill against me.’
He held your hands tight, almost too tight. Every movement of your body against his forced a moan from him. Each one picking up in pitch, until he was openly whining against you, head buried in your neck.
His cock started twitching against you as he arched his back into your chest.
‘Are you close, sweetheart?’ you asked, giving his hands a gentle squeeze.
He nodded, golden hair a mess around his head. A mixture of ‘yes’ and ‘please’, and ‘don’t stop’ spilled from him.
‘Kiss me?’ he managed to ask between moans.
You leaned down and kissed him deeply. You ground your hips into his one, two, three more times before hot cum painted your skin. Alucard groaned into the kiss, hips twitching underneath you.
You stopped slowly, letting him ride it out with a few more gentle movements. When you finally stilled against him, he squeezed your hands in his and kissed you again. This time, it was gentle, almost chaste.
‘I love you.’
‘I love you too,’ you said, resting your forehead against his. You laid there for a long moment, until the stickiness of your skin couldn’t be ignored anymore. ‘Let’s get cleaned up, yeah?’
He huffed in protest as you moved to get up, but he let your hands go. ‘What about you?’
‘Hm?’ You looked at him from over your shoulder. ‘What about me?’
‘You didn’t finish.’
‘Ah, that.’ You dipped a towel in the water you left by the bed. It was hot when you began; it cooled down enough to be pleasantly warm now. ‘Don’t worry about that, lovely. Tonight was about you.’
Alucard hummed. He relaxed into the bed when you put the warm towel to his skin. ‘Are you sure? I don’t mind getting you off, too. Hardly a chore,’ he was teasing now. A good sign, as far as you saw it; that meant he wasn’t stressed or afraid.
‘Oh, I know you “don’t mind” getting me off, you damn horndog.’ You whipped him gently with the towel. ‘But I like getting you off, too. Sometimes, getting to see you lose it a bit is enough.’
‘Ah, so you are evil, in the end.’ Alucard reached for your free hand and held it to his chest. ‘And I’m the horndog, huh?’
‘Don’t act like you’re not the same when it comes to me, lovely.’ You finished cleaning him up, folded the towel and brought its clean side to your skin.
‘True enough, I suppose,’ he said. His eyes never left your face. ‘Now that we’re both clean, you better come up here, to me. I want to hold you.’
‘And how could I say “no” to that?’ You dropped the towel back into the water and climbed back into bed. You settled into Alucard’s arms and sighed happily against his chest. ‘I love you.’
He kissed the top of your head and nuzzled into your hair. ‘I love you too.’
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(CW: Mentions of rape)
Source: @welovelookism on twitter | Original post
Image transcriptions:
"My favourite character was Jiho tbh. I drew Jiho as the 'dark side of PTJ', so I expressed my inferiority, sadness, shame and all the thoughts that I couldn't speak up to others through Jiho. Basically my inner self. I originally had Jiho's own story ahead and his backstory, but the main story had so many big turns. Which is why Jiho's role kinda disappeared. He was the antithesis of Daniel Park. I can't really write them out because he is dead. Anyways, he had a definite role and clear situations in the story, but as I was writing the story I started to have another storyline and ending in my mind, making Jiho a little uncertain. I might be the saddest one to feel about Jiho's death. To conclude, he wasn't the type of guy to die in that way, he shouldn't have died like that. Readers were asking if Jiho is going to resurrect… but no, he is not going to. But 'this' guy is going to resurrect. He is going to resurrect in the most bs way possible. There is a character that is going to resurrect in Lookism. Jiho got a lot of hate when he made an appearence. I always felt sad about it but at the same time I liked it because I knew I wrote this character well. Jiho is like an inner self of everybody at least to a certain extent."
"Juvenile prison arc was the arc where I was so greedy about it. Tbh, there were a lot of things that weren't available for the Lookism age limit. Readers only saw 60% of what I wrote. It is actually very dark and full of speechless stuff, I knew Naver would ask me to edit it. But I just drew. I even drew the panels that I knew that would not be available to readers with all I got… because I was hoping if Naver would allow them. But they rejected them as I expected. Jiho actually got raped by Darius. I drew it to show that it is a very terrifying thing, but there were a lot of changes in the end. From removed dialogues to panels… a lot of edited panels. The Darius dialogue 'I will come back later' before Jiho's one when he fought got edited too. When Jiho said 'I made sure I washed motherfucker'. Darius's lone was originally 'I will come back after I wish'. That is why Jiho went for a revenge match against him, where Jiho's mindset of actually killing someone was fully completed. Jiho says 'I made sure I washed motherfucker' after seeing his lowest point of himself and his misery. It didn't really manage to connect with Darius's previous dialogue. The dialogue 'I made sure I washed motherfucker' is for Jiho to say to Darius, but I put a meaning of where Jiho washed his old self away. But I think not a lot of reader noticed it."
Although the translation seems a bit messy, there's a lot to unpack here. This is a very interesting piece from PTJ's writing.
The parallel between Jiho and Daniel has always been there. It's more obvious some times than others. Both of them suffered a lot at the hands of others and both of them were offered "a light" (a positive situation to make things better), but the main difference is: Daniel managed to hold onto it, Jiho didn't.
Daniel's insecurities are, most of the time, internalized. The one time he lashed out at his mother, it stuck with him and made him value her more than anything in the world. It's easy to like and relate to him, because he's the palatable side of trauma-related issues.
Jiho isn't. He always takes the worst decisions possible, he lashes out at his parents and friends, he acts selfishly many times. Even after attempting to murder one of his closest friends, he's desperately thinking of a way out for himself, not the guy in a coma. His arcs are frustrating to read through at first, because his worldview is so distorted and his actions are hard to digest.
And at the same time, it's clear Jiho really hates himself. From start to finish. But he spirals and never stops; even at his last appearance, he can't acknowledge that Daniel took better decisions (and ultimately is "a better person" in the world's eyes) and boils it down to him "being luckier".
So, he's easy to hate. Even if you relate to some of his attitudes, you might end up disliking Jiho, because deep inside you know those are wrong.
However, there's a deeper reason for that.
(Other than us being conditioned into empathizing with people who match Daniel's profile of mental illness and trauma and casting those like Jiho aside.)
And the reason is: people don't like seeing the ugly side of themselves on the screen. They don't like the senseless aggression, lashing out or other behavioural problems that are common in humans. Being unnatractive, being physically weak, being paranoid, taking bad decisions at every corner, misreading kindness, fucking up even the purest of relationships, those are all very human "flaws" that might not be easy to fix. Jiho checks all of those items.
That's the same reason so many people hate on Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Both of these characters are traumatized and abused, but the audience frequently turns to the "pathetic" or "insufferable" aspects of their personalities.
Anyways, this was a short analysis I needed to do after seeing this post. Good night 💜
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gyubby99 · 11 months
@disneyanddisneyships MORE MAL LORE?!?!?!?!?
So as far as we know this is what she looked like in her past life
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So- as we all know.. again
Full name: Mallory Carrington
Age of death: 20 (2010's)
Nationality: 🇯🇵🇺🇸
So.. we're only going to talk about her life. Cast aside the hell part.
No specific year of birth but probably in the early 1990's
Just some background for her parents.. and then leading up to Mal!
No picrews of them yet 😔 (i promise I'll make them)
Her mom was originally named 'Tsubaki', but she had to move to the US wherein people were oddly unaccepting of foreign people like her and she badly needed a job to fend for herself and her family (she came from a non-priveleged family) so she changed her name to "Carmellia" and that's when she got a job as a waitress at a restaurant that pays well, and that's when she met Mal's dad. His name was James Carrington.
He was.. ok. Carmellia was fresh out of college and he was.. barely getting through life in his mid-20's. He works as a pharmacy cashier, lives alone and everything. Seems like a simple guy.
So, they met when Carmellia was getting some remedy for a cold. He was stunned because he thinks she's the most beautiful woman that's ever graced this country so.. they make a little small talk, and the third time she came there, he asked for her number.
Carmellia was new to love and she didn't know how to handle it so she gave him her number. They called, they got to know each other, James visited her often in the restaurant, they dated, and for a while it was perfect.
No tf it's not. He was an alcoholic. An addict. Always put Carmellia on the spot when she didn't want to. Drew unwated attention on her.. physically hurt her when he got too drunk.. I guess in his head he thought he finally found someone who tolerates his bs. Cause lemme tell you this guy is one of those guys most likely to say "Everyone always leaves me" like they're the problem.
Carmellia stayed for a while, because as much as he kept abusing her like that, he kept coming around and she felt stuck, and it became a cycle.
And hoo boy when they got married, She almost couldn't see her family because of him. James thought he had free reign over her now.
Then he starts hitting her with the "You really think I'd ever love a foreigner like you?"
Carmellia never knew what to do.. she had nothing to go on for.. she almost wanted to pull a Carolyn Brennan until one day she just started feeling sick. She threw up frequently, had cravings, so she went to the doctor, and they suggested she took a pregnancy test.
Then she saw it. Two lines. Positive.
And when she saw that, she finally had a choice. She ran away from her and James' home, went back to ger country to live with her parents. James tried his best to find her, but everytime he reached out she never responded.
Until a month after Carmellia gave birth, he finally found her. She tried telling him off, but it was no use. She let him stay with her for a month, and he swore he would change.
So a month later. Carmellia gave birth (yay) and it was a baby girl. She wanted to pick out a name, and she wanted it to be like her old Japanese name. So she decided she would name her "Hotaru" which meant firefly, because in their culture fireflies are a beloved. A metaphor for love and passion for poetry, or something along the lines of that.
James opposed, and said that it wouldn't be accepted in his country (why is that his concern lmao) and said that he has a hard time pronouncing it (cry harder bitch) and so he decided to name her "Mallory".
At first Carmellia hesitated, and said it would mean a lot for her, but James said it was for the best. And so they went with "Mallory", which meant "unfortune". Now Carmellia is very serious on name studying, and questioned James on this, but James just said "does it actually matter? Why do you make everything a big deal?"
So she just dismissed the thought of her husband calling his own daughter a misfortune. Bad luck.
And soooo few months after Mallory was born, James just kept stressing Carmellia out more, going back to his old ways once again. So carmellia dumped divorce papers onto his face one day and he was livid. He said he didn't do anything wrong and told her that she was just like the others leaving him.
Carmellia had enough of it. And at the end James ended up signing it, and unfortunately Mallory was left under his care. He convinced them she was deranged and that he never actually abused her physically so that he wouldn't get a restraining order.
Still, they had an agreement that she would have her daughter for two or three months, then the rest was with him. And so every summer vacation or christmas vacation she's with her mom. Growing up she learned to be fluent in her mom's language, even taking summer classes for it when she can.
Now.. James as a dad.. is pretty.. eh. He pays more attention on other things that his siblings and relatives had to take care of her more. He still takes care of her somehow.. but he does the bare minimum. His relatives basically RAISED her. But Mallory was clueless about it, and she loved both of her parents equally.
So, growing up, Mallory really liked to sing. And so both her parents sent her to do choir classes. She had a long way to go, and people never really seemed to like her because she was mixed which is weird because they were kids and who even taught them that. Anywho, she never had any friends.. just acquaintances. Even in school.
Well.. not until she met someone by the name of Lillian Carlton. Her and Lilly hit it off immediately and they became the best of friends. Even James and Deborah became sorta friends. Lilly helped with her bullies a lot, and Mallory learned to defend herself and her friend.
So, Mallory.. onto her crushes.. she never really had one. She wasn't big on that. Everyone was mean to her. She likes nice people, and none of them were.
So, I guess Lilly WAS her first crush. At first she was a bit confused because she thought of Lilly like a girl would of a boy she had a crush on.
Confused bb gorl.
She had a crush on the nice girl with cute glasses. But that went away in time.. but ever since she did have that silly lil crush
They remained friends. They were two peas in a pod. They even got their first period at the same time and joked about being in sync all the time. They bonded over music. Fought over who's the hottest one direction member between Zayn and Niall. The most 2000's-2010's teenagers that have ever teenager'ed
So, with her first crush AND bestfriend, she got out of grade school. And here's where the real torture began.
Seventh grade.
She was becoming more open-minded about certain stuff. More curious also.
That's also the age where she would come home to her father drunk off his ass.
One time he went all out on her..
He was like, "you were the reason your mother left! You're why I'm like this. All hell broke loose the moment you were born. You bring nothing but unfortune to my life."
Mallory figured he was just drunk, so her AT THE TENDER AGE OF TWELVE, Took care of her drunk dad, and it ultimately lead to him dying because of all his vices. She was 13 when he did. But those words stuck on her head for a long time.. until it became voices.
So, her uncle and aunt had to take James' place.
Lilly was always there for her, though. When she heard about James passing away, she ran to comfort Mallory. She had no clue of everything that's happened in her life. She trusted Lilly, but she was just scared.
So under her uncle's care.. we all know how that ended up. She was molested at 13. When she turned 15, she ran away from home, something her dad's side of the family never really cared about. So they just pronounced her dead.
But her mom.. she wanted to look for her. She fled Japan and looked for her in every possible place she could think of. She asked Lilly.. Deborah and Charles.. she wanted her baby to be alive.. to be okay.. but she just couldn't find her. Despite her in-laws saying she was dead, she had a feeling she wasn't. There was no body found. She still put up posters, asked random people... anything. Anything for her daughter. Her little firefly.
Carmellia, after a while.. broke down. She went absolutely insane. She went to delusion.. she believed her daughter was still there.. that Mallory was out there.. needing her help.
But Mallory.. where was she? She hid herself from the world. From whoever could recognize her. she was, and have always been a great liar.
No one found her. No one could. She was keeping the bad luck away from everyone. Then she started to get angry.. if she was going to change everyone's life for the worse then so be it. She killed a man at the age of seventeen. Some mafia took her in, taught her things.. basically grooming her in the process.. she had nothing else to live for. She began referring to herself as "Mal."
Not until Lilly came across her somewhere. She tried convincing her, but Mal only lashed out on her for trying to help. She said she didn't need it, and told Lilly to have a family with Jace.. to never ever end up like her. A mess. A monster. She will just change everyone's life for the worst anyway..
So, they drifted apart.. and Carmellia's insanity ended up killing her. It ended up on the news, but Mal only felt spite. Because she thinks her mom never cared when she went missing. Her mom probably thought she was bad luck, just like what her father said.
And she started to really own up to the meaning of her full name. She figured if she was going to make one's life a living hell, then the person must deserve it. So she went to clubs, sold drugs, lured men and rapists to their deaths. Fifty seven of them. Until she got caught, but never got arrested as she got into an accident in the process. She was dead on arrival.
And the rest was history.
So.. she was never bad luck. People are just.. terrible people. James never changed. He never tried. And Carmellia wanted to protect her child in the way that she can. And she felt like she failed to do that.
And in all of that, Mallory never knew.
Mal never knew.
Haha anyways
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nopenototdaysatan · 2 months
1, 10, and 11!
Hi Bre!
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
I - really like how there are so very many hcs and interactions seen in fandom. Downfall duo, triple threat , etc. seeing everyone's different ideas on how the chain interact has been so much fun.
2 - I like how often there are monthly or weekly or seasonal events. I keep seeing new stuff for creators to interact with and it makes me so excited to join in now.
3 - I just find it fun how people pull in hcs from the actual games and manga. It's really fun to see how other fans of the games see these characters
10. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
You. I have spent years feeling only minor motivation to draw. As soon as I saw your wish for Ravioli last October I desperately wanted to draw again. And now I can and have with my new drawing tablet thing. Though the fact I never drew the ravioli wings overlapping that I wanted to last october is bs. I'm gonna have to fix that.
(@turdofanerd gets an honorary mention for being my first mutual in the fandom. We haven't interacted as much in fandom things but doing little tag games and reblogging each other has been fun.)
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Obviously my favorite thing I've written is my ravioli series Never Had the Chance. It is my favorite and I love it very much. Plus the actually finishing a multi chapter piece feels like a huge win against my ADHD.
On the other hand though: chibi Ravio rick rolling Legend is my current favorite of things I've drawn. It's cute and I'm happy with the colors.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
ok the last post i reblogged sent me on a minedai spiral and i wrote a massive textpost i didn't actually finish and watched like 30 mins of cutscenes including the whole finale rooftop stuff [yakuza 3 spoilers to follow] and god WHAT THE FUCK I'm actually crying like multiple consecutive tears over fucking. MINE YOSHITAKA. not that he's not worth it but i Did Not Care That Much when i first saw that scene but after spiralling over his emotions i am apparently DEVASTATED. cannot stress enough that i do not cry very often at all. this is a rare event. but it's just so fucking sad. when you know what's happening and what's going to happen and how mine feels the atmosphere is so fucking miserable and mournful. god. fuck. the way he looks at kiryu when he's like what are you going to do to daigo you bastard. THE GUILT THE HESITATION. HE'S NOT WELL. the love of his LIFE got hurt under his protection and he is NOT HANDLING IT WELL HE'S HANDLING IT SO FUCKING BADLY that he's decided to kill him because he's basically dead and he can't stand waiting for the other shoe to drop. he's losing his mind over this he's actually losing his entire purpose and ideology and he's fucking. gay as hell. and the way he says "oh yeah you know how it was growing up as an orphan. no one trusted or loved me. i had nothing" when, frankly, kiryu DIDNT have it that bad. but he did lose those people, one of whom's death has a striking resemblance to mine's in a minute. idek how i wanna unpack that rn. like he just assumes it's universal and it's not. but if they grew up in the same circumstances who's to say kiryu wouldn't have ended up like him? and when he collapses after the fight and his secretary calls him and he tries to open up to her about the shallow but meaningful (to lonely ass mine) relationship they have and she starts talking about stock exchange bs and he's like kiryu do you ever feel like your world is falling apart around you. he's been worried sick he's been agonizing he almost killed his dead beloved chairman. and the way daigo uses the same gun mine used to shoot at kiryu and was gonna use to kill him to save mine and kiryu. how his first lines are that he's not ready to die yet. how mine cowers and falls to his knees when daigo wakes up. fuckkk dude. and how mine starts all rational and explanatory and calm in tone and when kiryu starts pressing him he starts freaking the fuck out and when daigo wakes up he finally has a mournful tone. him saying he doesn't deserve to live but not admitting he betrayed daigo. he never even told him he loved him, as far as we know. (god the fact that it still manages to be devastating even with richardson's CHOICE acting and daigo's coma trickshot is insane.) and how he tells kiryu he hates those who always try to help others even when that's the trait that drew him to daigo, and when he lets kiryu help him (read: beat a moral into him) he wishes he'd met him sooner, as if the belief that there wasn't only one person who could care about him would have saved him has set in, as if he realizes now that he never accepted help and that's why he was wrong about those do-gooders, and that perhaps he was wrong about them and himself, that it wasn't because they were lying to him or because he was unlikable, but that he did not let them in. because that's literally what's happening. AND I FUCKING. FORGOT DAIGO ASKS KIRYU IF MINE WAS THE TRAITOR AFTER HE WATCHES HIM FUCKING KILL HIMSELF AND KIRYU SAYS NO HE WOULD NEVER BETRAY YOU. HE LIES TO COVER HIS ASS BECAUSE HE UNDERSTANDS HOW BROKEN HE WAS ABOUT THIS AND CANT BEAR TO RUIN HIS IMAGE IN THE EYES OF THE ONE PERSON MINE REALLY CARED ABOUT, REALLY LOVED. FUCKS SAKE.
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arcanarix · 15 days
all talk, no game. || DREW X MAY / SHUUKURA
cw // it's been a long time since i thought of these two. literally my first real fandom ship--contestshipping! brings back so many wonderful childhood memories. <3
ao3 || ffn
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Drew has never admitted to being a perfect creature (yes he has), so yes, he has a few drawbacks and vices here and there. For one, even he has had a rocky beginning to his coordinating career. Soledad never fails to remind him of that, just to keep him a little humble.
For the sake of another example, he's not great with crowds in spite of how well he composes himself on stage. His stage persona versus his true persona are completely removed from each other. He hates crowds--absolutely detests them.
Oh yeah, another vice--he's bad at conversation. He may act like he's this cool drink of water, but that's just socialite conditioning from having a brilliantly privileged background. That's all essentially a requirement, along with ballroom dancing lessons and vocal lessons and all that other upper-upper class BS. Without that to cushion his otherwise full-on awkwardness, he's just like any other troubled teenager.
Harley does love to troll him about that, too.
"Say, when are you going to stop dicking around and do something about your feelings for our precious gingerbread cookie?" Harley confronts him, each and every damn day at this point. he's lost the record, not that he keeps track. It’s become so normalized it's not necessary. It’s the first question before "how many ribbons do you have" or "how have you been?"
Gingerbread cookie? Drew has forgone commenting on Harley's quirky nicknames for them a long time ago. for soledad lately it's been 'pinky pie.' or 'my little ponyta.' For him? Eh . . . a little less flattering. He’s been fond of calling him anDICK. AnDICK Gayden. Because he's the pinnacle of maturity.
He's also one to talk, considering his own orientation Harley's loud and proud about, which Drew commends him for actually. It's never been a secret of course, given his entire brand . . .
"Who says I have feelings for her?" Drew counters, although everyone knows what reaction he's going to be met with after asking that--
"--literally everyone," Soledad cuts in, sliding into their table with her own tray of a bountiful breakfast. "Good morning, guys. I see you started breakfast without me or may."
"You guys take forever, snickerdoodle," Harley sighs, "Besides, you're not missing out on much. Drew's just about to admit that he radiates small dick energy hence my favorite nickname for him--!"
"--Harley," Soledad groans, "you don't need to tell us the origin of that name, thanks. it's not even that creative."
Harley gasps theatrically. "Hey!"
"Is May up yet? The Pokemon Contest starts . . ." Drew glances at the clock. "Oh, never mind. We have plenty of time. It gives us time to prep and perfect our routines a bit more. I guess I didn't realize how early it was. Especially for someone who likes to sleep in like May.”
"Do you want me to go get her, if you're getting antsy?" Soledad teases.
Drew fails to conceal that brilliant rosy blush on his face. He hates how easily he's read by everyone in this room--which right now is just them and Nurse Joy and her blissey.
"No, she deserves rest. She's been working hard, you know."
"Awwww, look at Andick all fawning over her and giving her credit where credit is due,'' Harley gushes while wraggling those caterpie eyebrows of his.
"Shut up!"
"But he does bring up a good icebreaker, Drew," Soledad admits as she bites down on her bagel, filled to the brim with cream cheese. how she keeps her figure so slim in spite of her dietary choices, the world may never know. "I know we poke and prod all the time, but watching you trip over her is starting to get . . . well, old. Do something about it. We're here to support you, you know."
"Well I appreciate that, but I don't think there's any rush. As much as I love and respect her, I doubt she's even noticed," Drew laments, "and I've been dropping tons of hints."
"The roses? That's not enough!" Soledad swears this is all hopeless but she's trying for him. "Drop stronger hints."
"What's stronger than friggin' red roses? A kiss on the hand or forehead?"
"That's . . . a bit bold, but you can try. I doubt she'd shy away."
"I don't know soledad. Many girls may flock to me but I don't know how to talk to girls. at all."
"We know," Harley and Soledad say in unison.
"Believe us, we know, we watch you interact with May," Harley goes on, "And she's the easiest person to talk to in the world, honestly."
"Awww, now look who's getting all sentimental about may," Soledad teases with a grin.
"Shut up," Harley huffs, "I'm just saying that she’s come to mean a lot to me."
“We all share that sentiment about her. I never had many girl friends, so it’s nice to have one.”
“But back to the main and the only interesting topic of discussion, how the hell is Drew going to make the move?”
“He did claim he was going to make the bold move and kiss her.”
“On the HAND, Soledad.”
“But what if May finds that weird? All Drew ever is is mean to her most of the time–!”
“--He’s living up to the classic ‘he’s mean to you because he likes you’ bullshit. Which, by the way Drew, what in Mew made you believe that’s the best approach–?” 
“I–!” Drew’s about to defend himself, because where in Mew’s name does he deserve all of this slander and roasting. They continue for much longer and he’ll become a cooked staraptor. 
“Okay, okay, look. I get it! I get it alright.” He tosses his hands up in the air nin defeat. “I’m all talk, no game. It’s just I don’t want to compromise anything between May and I. She’s become more than my rival in many obvious ways. I just never expected my feelings for her to be this strong after all of this time. We’re roaming through the Unova region, and at each contest I enter, I hope to see her. She’s a bright, bubbly person. A big ball of sunshine. She illuminates my entire life. She’s skilled, even if I won’t admit that to her face literally ever. I might subtly point it out though. It’s just, we’re friends now, and I don’t want her to get the idea I became her friend just because I had feelings for her because that’s not true and–!” 
Harley raises an eyebrow with a little smirk playing on his lips. Soledad seems to be making an expression that tells him to slow down and maybe cease all talking unless he wants to make a fool of himself. 
May’s standing there, with her classic dumbfounded, puppy-like expression. She’s just rolled out of bed, and she’s ditched the bandana today to let her natural glossy hair flow. She’s got her tray of breakfast gripped in her hands. 
“--she’s standing right behind me, isn’t she?” Drew finishes. 
“I didn’t realize it was May Appreciation Day,” she chuckles as she joins them at the booth, sliding in next to Drew. “Just because I’m here doesn’t mean you should stop singing praises to me, though.”
Oh Drew does concur.
“I think I should stop, otherwise it’ll inflate your already oversized head. You don’t want to get as egotistical as me, hm?” 
“It was so much more than just him singing praises to you, May,” Soledad chimes in with an amused twinkle in her eyes. 
“Yeah, if you were here just moments earlier–!” Drew mimes slicing his throat with his finger, and Harley shrugs. 
“--anyway, we should finish up and get ready to head to the Contest Hall. Can’t leave our fans waiting~” Harley sings. 
“You have fans?” Drew deadpans, to which May quips, “All of us do, Drew.”
They finish their breakfast together, and just as Drew tosses his leftovers away Harley approaches him and whispers in his ear. 
“You really are all talk and no game. Otherwise, you’d have fessed up like a man back there.”
Harley returns to the booth, and Drew stands there before placing his empty tray on top of the trash bin. He hates that he’s been roasted yet again by Harley, but he has a point. 
From his spot, he watches as May and Soledad exchange a conversation he can’t make out, focusing on the way her eyes crinkle a little when she smiles that big and wide. Even if she’s not a morning lark, she still has that bucket of pep to offer when she blesses anyone with her presence.
Drew stuffs his hands into his pockets, debating whether to leave first and have them meet him at the Contest Hall. He . . . is due for some self reflection and accountability. 
He steals another glance of her when he hears her adorable giggle, this time at something Harley says, it looks like. 
One day, he’s definitely going to tell her. 
Just maybe not today.
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hiraeth-doux · 1 month
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slow dance on broken glass (7/?)
summary: This was the second non-apocalypse jump she had allowed herself, which felt refreshing, for a change. There was no volcano outside, no tornado, no army waiting to sweep in and kill everyone in sight. The Earth was not gearing up to crack open and swallow this town whole, either.
Perhaps, that was the issue, Sylvie thought as she drew in another shaky breath. It was too peaceful, too quiet. She was not used to being able to sleep through the night, and maybe that was exactly why she rarely did.
He Who Remains is dead. Sylvie can go and live her life now, the way she's always wanted. Or can she? And is the story actually over?
Or - what if Loki cared more about Sylvie after the events of Season 1 and not the TVA? (Just an idea!)
author's note: here i am, back on my BS back with a new chapter!
It had started with the Tesseract.
Or so the TVA thought.
They were wrong, of course, like they were wrong about so many things.
The truth was, even Loki didn’t know anymore how his story had truly begun. However, looking back at his life—and it had been a good life, for the most part, if he was honest with himself—he couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t felt the chasm between himself and the rest of the world. 
(All right, if he absolutely, gun-to-his-head/sword-to-his-throat, had to pick his first memory of it all, it would probably be that very first time he had turned one of Thor’s toys into a frog. Completely by accident too—Loki hadn’t even had a proper grasp on his magic then. A lot of it had been happening mostly by accident then. Accidents that still amused him when they’d pissed off his brother. 
The frog thing, of course, had earned him a delighted laugh from his mother and a tight-lipped look of disapproval from his father. That reaction had stung, although back then, he hadn’t understood why.
It also seemed to have been the theme of his entire life ever since.)
Read Chapter 7 on AO3
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Sorry to jump on again but in the link you posted, it said something like MW had higher viewer numbers than IWTV or something and even those numbers dropped off, sorry I can't remember exact words, I literally hope they keep making iwtv. The cast is incredible :((
Yeah, that is what AMC let’s say… celebrated, too.
However, IWTV and the Immortal Universe were driving factors for the high start of MW imho (which, for some reason AMC does not care to acknowledge)… while critics were unfortunately quite on track it seems.
IWTV was the first one they launched, and with barely any promotion (imho) and AMC was happy with the numbers. And the critic reviews were fantastic. That drew people in! Going by fandom engagement and overall response… I think it might very well be the other way round next time…
AND - IWTV was massively bombed by 1-star reviews in the beginning for the color and setting (and other adaptional) changes. That has changed, too / is still changing, I see posts all the time of people who are just watching now and are amazed by it.
Also… I could be wrong but it feels to me as if the Immortal_AMC account is doing more IWTV stuff again?! Anyone else have that feeling?! (Joint media accounts are still BS imho, but….)
So don’t panic. I think we can be happy Rolin Jones is our showrunner. I don’t know what his deal with them was but he doesn’t sound like he is stopping planning ahead… and he set this up with them.
And who knows, maybe MW will find its footing, too. I actually would have a few ideas, lol 😂
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