#this starts with yesterday's spree and goes into todays!
dtupdates-archive · 5 months
♡—DREAM was active on DreamFanartAcc (pt. 1)! He liked:
ykw Idc if dreams manager likes this they deserve to see this masterpiece too hahahahaa (pls like im crawling back to twt to post this)
wooo the christmas vibes are extremely nearrrrrrrr (silly commission I've made on IG xd)
#dreamfanart ✨🎄cat beanie!❄️
Tryna..defrost my ability to draw
☼.⋆。𖤓 °˖ you gotta step into the daylight and let it go, just let it go
the brightest stars
Happy festival! I was busy eating haha :D
i blacked out drawing this idk what happened
warm up sketch
art blocked? draw a droncert pic, easy
droncert time was the best
rendering practice
DREAM TEAM ((tiny edition))
angry (cutely)
cat beanie ornament
…. Is this thing on?
in bloom
Haha can you believe twitchcon was almost a month ago
* **** *****
There you go ✌️😍
. @DreamFanartAcc I don't have any new art but hope you have a goid Christmas, whether you're mystery girl or Dream, thank you for making so many people happy this year ❤️
Happy one year of having a face! 🥹🫶
your minecraft phase is about to come back SOON™
they don't deserve you, you deserve the world
Dropped everything I was doing to draw him in the kraken suit
C!puffy baby c!dre
Pre dsmp and post dsmp. More artstyle tests
I shrunk my friends!!
A lil helping hand 🫶
merry christmas everyone 🎅🎄☃️
Please please please 🙏
merry christmas :•)
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pinkyjulien · 4 months
Yesterday's modding session got me pretty frustrated, I wasted so much time and was feeling overall pretty shit. Woke up feeling a bit violent, so to calm my nerves and get some serotonin I decided to check some old posts of mine over my old blog @pinkydude
This blog got flagged last year, I was always upset about this, especially cause I always suspected the fandom to be the cause by mass-reporting it
Well, today I got confirmation that this was indeed the case, so from the bottom of my heart
Fuck you
And especially Fuck You to all the passive homophobic pieces of SHIT that couldn't handle a fictional character's queerness, y'all are fucking pathetic HGFHH
NOW For more context; one thing I loved to do back in the day was to share some of Pawel's streams, pics and videos in majority.
A lot of people didn't liked his streams mainly because of "the favoritism"; the Sasko Sunday streams became an habit for a lot of us, watching him for literal years, he recognized our names and we had "inside jokes" in streams with the community there. You can see why some people felt jealous and became nasty about it.
There's a lot to be said about people feeling "left out" of something they don't even willingly participate in, the streams were always public and anyone could join at anytime they'd want to, but I disgress.
His streams were always really interactive; we would ask questions about the story, the characters, and Pawel would reply and give us insight, BTS infos, hints and other cool crumbs!
Pawel eventualy had to stop most of his interaction with the community because he was being HARASSED by SOME PEOPLE on Twitter openly tagging him about his "favoritism" and even sending letters to HQ complaining about it.
Back to my old flagged blog; We can't search up tags on flagged blogs, it becomes really hard to look up for anything there, we can't access the archives either Friendo gave me this tip months ago; if you have a pinned post, simply add tags to it and you'll be able to click them, like a lite "search box"
So that's what I did this morning, in bed, on my lil phone, adding "pawel sasko" to my pinned to go through my old stream posts!
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And imagine my surprise while scrolling down past the majority of my posts being flagged for...... sexual content??
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Now I recognized these posts simply by the comments and reblog on them, they are nothing sexual. Y'know what they are?
Posts about Mitch! Of course, who else, it always goes back to him doesn't it? All the drama, all the bullshit this fandom ever gave me alwaaays goes back to him.
So anyway, I couldn't see these posts on Mobile, but I can actually see them on desktop, so let's see what The Fandom TM wanted to take down sooo bad
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My post about Mitch's database being fixed Nothing surprising here, I'm the reason Mitch's database got fixed and people didn't NOT like that at all!
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Of course this one would get reported too We're starting to get a better picture of who went on a reporting rampage.
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Pawel comfirming that they left hints of Mitch being gay on purpose in game? Of course it'd get flagged too
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Pawel reacting to my stuff in general? Boom
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They even went as far as to report my FIRST ever post about Pawel, when I talked on his streams for the first time back in 2021.
We all know who could've been so butthurt about all this that they went on a flagging spree ghfhg fucking PATHETHIC oh my god
Anyway, y'all have a nice day ✌😩
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sandyhookhistory · 2 years
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“Three Boats & A Bird” 80 Years Ago, Today - (Sunday) November 1st, 1942, Across the Atlantic: It’s a new month, and the start of a new killing spree for the Kriegsmarine, both under – and above – the sea. 100 miles south west of Port-Gentil, French Equatorial Africa (present day Gabon), the American Liberty Ship “SS George Thatcher” (No Photo Available; a sister Liberty is shown for reference in Pic 1) is on her maiden voyage… and her last. U-126 (Type IXC) puts a pair of torpedoes into her, igniting her cargo of gasoline. She goes up like a volcano, and with her rudder stuck and engines still running, steams in circles. She finally goes under – 18 dead, 48 survivors. Meanwhile, U-174 (IXC) who scored yesterday, strikes again. 370 miles northeast of Fortaleza, Brazil, she sinks the British steamer “SS Elmdale.” (No Photo Available). 6 dead, 36 survivors. 80 miles northeast of Durban, South Africa, U-178 (IXD2) scores big – a British troop transport. The “SS Mendoza” (Pic 2) has no less than 406 crew and military passengers onboard when she takes a single torpedo. A second torpedo finishes her off, but miraculously there are only 26 dead; 380 survivors are rescued safely. Rounding out the carnage, we go to the Mediterranean, where U-565 (VIIC, Pic 3) is running on the surface. She is jumped by an American-built Lockheed Hudson twin-engine patrol bomber, being flown by 233 Squadron of the British Royal Air Force (RAF), based out of Gibraltar (a 233 Sqdn. Hudson is warming up on Gibraltar in Pic 4; a Hudson in British markings is seen in flight, Pic 5). The Hudson goes screaming in for the attack, but to U-565, this ain’t her first rodeo with the RAF – British planes have tried twice before to sink her, and failed. Making a run for it, she crash dives. However, the bombs fall close and damage the sub, forcing her back up. With no choice but to stand her ground and fight, U-565 throws up a hailstorm of anti-aircraft fire. Three passes later, the Hudson, full of holes, limps home. A second 233 Sqdn Hudson appears – and the Germans promptly shoot her out of the sky. The aircraft plunges headlong into the sea. U-565 lives to fight again. Just another day… (at Fort Hancock, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkcVJKiNyOU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leerongrong · 4 years
College Student!Haechan
part of the NCT DREAM living the Y/N life collection.
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lemme introduce you to some new things donghyuck
full name: lee donghyuck
age: 19 [international]
height: 174cm
donghyuck is an adorable prankster who’s known far-and-wide throughout his life
the boy started out as a class clown, making jokes at teachers and other students in kindergarten
it got him into loads of trouble, and he didn’t really have friends because the other kids called him mean and scary when he tries to joke around with them
hyuck didn’t care tho
he loves the attention from both his peers and parents even if it meant getting scolded every night
he didn’t change when he went to elementary school, still going around pulling pranks on other people, so far as to pulling at a girl’s pigtails and being sent into detention
although his persona did change when high school rolled around
he’s no longer donghyuck, the adorkable class clown he’s now donghyuck, a rebel that hates schoolwork, teachers, and gets thrown into detention more often than he should
never does his homework, smack talks at teachers and destroys school property
people started to wonder why he hasn’t been thrown out of school yet
the only reason he’s still passing his grades is because of mark, a senior who talks and acts friendly around hyuck as if he’s just any normal student
at first hyuck thought the guy befriended him because he wanted something from him
maybe his lunch or his money
but hyuck’s blown away when mark tells him that he just wanted them to be friends
mark tells him about seeing him roam around the halls with no one to talk to,, his hands in his pockets and staying out on the outskirts and how he feels a pang in his heart
he knows the feeling of being alone with no one to talk to just because people won’t spend time trying to get to know the person underneath
he felt it himself after he moved to seoul, all the kids rejecting him from their friend circles because he looked and talked differently
and mark felt the need to befriend him
the two start hanging out alot after that
playing online games together, hanging out in arcades together, walking around school together
sometimes hyuck gives mark headaches because the boy doesn’t want to do any of his workload,, even once trying to pay mark to do his homework
and mark’s pleasantly surprised when he finds out that hyuck is nowhere near stupid
the boy could rank number one in his year if he actually put some work in
hyuck tells him it’s because school just isn’t his passion
“i want to be a singer someday. i won’t be stuck doing algebra and i’ll be going on tours and performing instead.”
hyuck’s 20 now and a changed man
he’s gotten himself into a prestigious college for the performing arts, one step closer to making his dream come true
and while he would never admit it, he’s grateful for mark. if it weren’t for him, he’s end up as a dead beat high school dropout
speaking of mark
mark went to a different college for arts, almost a town away from his
and today he’s going to come by from all the nagging hyucks’s been giving him about not meeting each other often
they’re going to meet at a cafe
and hyuck’s waiting for mark who’s 20 minutes late because of traffic
“hyung! if you didn’t want to see me you could have said so.”
“traffic’s a bitch.”
he’s starting to get bored sitting at the corner alone with nothing but his phone to keep him company, mark not even replying to his messages
until something gets his attention
its you
you’re a solo singer that started out as an actress
relatively young and have debuted for a few years now, known for your amazing vocals and catchy songs
and there you are
on the screen of a flat screen tv hanging just above him, singing and dancing in your newly released mv
hyuck’s staring at the screen and he’s listening very carefully to your song
even going onto his phone and searching for your music after the mv finishes and another show starts playing on the tv
he doesn’t even realize mark running in looking like a train wreck
out of breath and very disheveled with a very clear coffee stain on his shirt
and when he does, haechan shoves his phone into mark’s face, the latter squinting at the bright screen
“who’s this?”
“that’s y/n? she’s a solo singer, i told you about her remember?”
hyuck’s a little confused because?? if mark had told him about you there’s no way he would’ve forgotten
boy goes on a streaming spree right after coming home
can’t be reached by anyone for a whole 24/7, burrowing in his room with the air con on full and his phone blasting your mv one after the other
he’s hooked
goes on an impulsive buying spree for your light stick and multiple albums
pretty much spending his life’s money
droning on and on again and again to mark about you
he goes on non stop about how mark should’ve told him about you sooner, said boy rolling his eyes because, “you’re the one who forgot.”
he burst into tears when mark gave him a fan sign ticket as a reward for acing all his classes mark is THAT friend yall
hugging the life out of the older one and covering mark’s face with spit when he kisses him all over we all need a mark in our lives tbh
he still can not believe he’s going to meet you
d-day arrives
hyuck set up 5 alarms last night so he wouldn’t accidentally over sleep and miss meeting you
all his life, he’s never been a fan of working out but here he is, 8 hours before a fan sign doing pull ups and push ups because he wants to look good
he isn’t ashamed to admit that he shaved twice
nor is he ashamed that he’s using a face mask he literally just bought yesterday because they’re supposed to make him look shining, shimmering and splendid
he’s rushing out of his dorm to where the fan sign is held and he literally stops breathing when he sees you in person surrounded by security and scary looking managers
he’s reminding himself to breath because he doesn’t want to pass out in front of you while all his brain is thinking is, ‘how does she even look better in person?’
‘she looks like an angel.’
‘she’s breathtaking.’
hyuck’s convinced he’s in love
and he only watches you and stares at everything you do
he turns red when you turn to him and wave from afar
‘did that just really happen?’
‘did i just get noticed?’
‘am i in heaven?’
when its finally his turn, he turns into stone all of his planned speeches disappearing into thin air
donghyuck.exe.has stopped functioning
he gives you his gift and he knows you see him trembling and you laugh, holding his hand to stop his shaking
‘did i just hear wedding bells ringing?’
‘i’m never going to wash my hands’
he’s having his own internal crisis
you’re there staring at him for a bit, making sure you smile at him and engage in eye contact
while inside you’re a little blown away because you’ve seen your fair shares of handsome men, your own fans being the most handsome in your eyes but you’ve never seen anyone as handsome as donghyuck is and you’re wondering why he hasn’t been snatched by idol companies
both of you smile and talk to each other
and hyuck’s freaking out a little because this is his time is running out and this is the only chance to tell you the words he thought about for 3 days he even forced mark into his mini lyric writing session
“i wanted to thank you for always making me smile.”
and you’re smiling so much wider by now, the sweet words from your fans never failing to take your breath away
“are you kidding me? donghyuck you’re like the sun, so warm and you bright up my day. you’re my full sun.”
the boy practically melted then and there and had to be escorted out by your security team
the next time he meets mark all he can ramble on and on about is your fansign
“mark, she called me her sun..”
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princessjungeun · 4 years
One Last Chance: Mina x Reader
Request: Hi! your stories are awesome! Is it okay I can request Mina x female reader college life, where Mina is the most popular rich girl, and her friends place a bet that Mina has to go out with you and make you fell in love with her but turns out the time you guys were together Mina eventually fells in love and tries to call off the bet, and you heard the whole thing, heartbroken you avoided her and Mina did anything that she could to bring you back, fluffy ending (: pleas and thank you!
Hi my loves. This is the long Mina scenario I was asking about earlier. This is really REALLY long but you all promised you wouldn’t mind so here it is 🙃
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You transferred to Sungkyunkwan University at the beginning of this semester. Originally you attended MIT for Software Engineering, hacking is your specialty. When a professor recommended you for a study abroad, you couldn’t pass it up. You knew Korean well due to growing up in a heavily Korean influenced neighborhood as a child.
Coming to Korea wasn’t that bad because you were able to meet a few other people over social media before you arrived. You met your roommate months before you flew in so you already had one best friend.
Upon your arrival you already drew up quite a bit of attention. Somehow people found out you were from MIT which they couldn’t believe. Your roommate made sure to make you aware of who to avoid and who was friendly. Pretty much everyone was nice but she told you to watch for one group of girls.
Which is why when you were approached by none other than Mina Myoui aka the richest bitch in the whole school you were beyond confused. The raven haired girl asked “Hey. You’re Y/N right?” You had never seen Mina up close, she was ten times more beautiful than you thought.
“Wait do you speak Korean? I’m sorry. Are you Y/N?” She switched to English when you didn’t respond right away. You quickly tried to answer without sounding stupid “I-Uh um yes I am Y/N and I speak Korean yeah sorry I...I uh. I’m sorry...yeah.” You mentally face palmed yourself for not being able to say one simple sentence to her.
She sat down and said “you’re new and from what I know your only friend is Kahei. So meet me at the cafe down the street at 6, I’ll be waiting.” Before you could respond she got up and walked back to her group of friends who seemed to be laughing. You noticed two of the girls from her group. Im Nayeon was in one of your engineering classes while Minatozaki Sana was in a psych class you took to fill an empty slot.
When you got back to your dorm Kahei was on her bed reading a book. She asked “where’d you go?” You responded “the quad to start a project. But something really weird happened.” Kahei sat up on her bed and patted the spot next to her, “come on talk to me I wanna know.”
“That really rich and pretty girl....Mila? She’s friends with Im Nayeon and Minatozaki Sana...she came up to me and told me to meet her at the cafe down the street at 6.” Kahei’s eyes widened and she loudly said “MINA MYOUI ASKED YOU ON A DATE?” You shrugged then nodded. Kahei made you resite every thing that happened leading up to her asking you out for coffee. In the end she said “hmmmm...I don’t trust it. It sounds fake.” You responded “I do admit it’s a little suspicious that the most rich and popular girl in school asked me, the poor foreigner to a date...”
Kahei told you “well even if it is fake you’re gonna go to find out.” You looked at your sweatpants and t shirt you were currently wearing. You hair was in a messy bun and your thick glasses sat lopsided on your face. “Do rich people like girls who look like me?” You asked uncertainly. Kahei responded “only one way to find out!”
When you went to the cafe Kahei decided to tag along but sit at a different table with her girlfriend Haseul.
Mina arrived shortly after you, “oh i honestly didn’t think you’d show up.” She was surprised to see you actually came. You looked at you hands in your lap “I mean I think it’s rude to blow someone off...” Mina sat down across from you “you look really pretty.” You could tell that it was a genuine complement by the way she smiled softly when she said it. I guess rich people do like girls like me you thought to yourself.
For the next hour she asked you about everything there was she should know about you. Kahei told you to make sure not to disclose every detail about yourself because she still didn’t trust Mina. However by the end of the night you were convinced she was genuine.
Weeks passed and you continued to meet up with Mina, you knew Kahei and Haseul warned you about catching feelings too quickly but you couldn’t help it. Mina seemed so sweet and genuine despite her rich bitch demeanor.
You sat in the library working on a project with your classmate Yuqi. “I know we just met like this week but I don’t trust her either, I’m with Kahei on this one.” You don’t know why you decided to spill all of your business to Yuqi but something about her seemed trustworthy. You rolled your eyes “You all are delusional.”
Deep down you believed Kahei and Haseul and now Yuqi but you didn’t want to admit it. Mostly because you caught feelings for Mina. Badly. Yuqi didn’t pull her eyes away from her laptop “I-I’m just saying something here isn’t adding up. This isn’t right.”
“I’m just gonna- give me a minute.” Yuqi furiously typed away on her laptop, occasionally smiling and laughing to herself. After about two minutes passed she flipped her screen around in front of you was a KakaoTalk page. Mina Myoui’s to be specific.
“Yuqi! WHAT DID YOU DO?!” You whisper yelled to the younger girl who sat with a smile on her face. She simply answered “I hacked into her account. See?” You responded “I’m not reading her messages. That’s an invasion of privacy.” Yuqi responded “Ok well if you won’t I will, she has no relevance to me so it can’t hurt the nonexistent relationship between us.”
She scrolled and scrolled her facial expressions changing from surprised to one you couldn’t quite read. “Y-Y/N....um...I don’t know if you should read this yourself or not.” You felt a pit in your stomach form knowing whatever she had in front of her wasnt good news.
Yuqi slid her laptop to you and you read the messages shared between Mina and her friend group:
Sana: you have three days left in this bet Myoui
Chaeyoung: Sana’s right, you need to figure out how to get Y/N to confess to you
Nayeon: yeah if you don’t you can kiss that Maldives trip bye bye and we can say hello to that shopping spree :)
Mina: I dont want this anymore guys
Sana: are you chickening out?
Chaeyoung: shes chickening out
Mina: it’s not that
Nayeon: so what is it
Mina: nevermind
Jeongyeon: i might be in this friend group but this is wrong on every level
Tzuyu: I’m with Jeongyeon unnie
Dahyun: Me too
Momo: what bet? who is Y/N? I WANT A SHOPPING SPREE!
Jihyo: No you dont
Momo: no i do not
Jihyo: but I’m with Jeongyeon and the kids.
You couldn’t believe what you were reading. There was no way in hell Mina could have done this to you. Absolutely no way. Wanting to find some sort of happy ending you scrolled to a different chat with only this Jeongyeon girl. These newer messages brought on a new wave of emotions.
Jeongyeon: why are you trying to call it off now. You were all excited about it and now you want nothing to do with it.
Mina: I don’t know, It just feels wrong now
Jeongyeon: I know you Mina there’s something else
Mina: Theres nothing else
Jeongyeon: dont you dare lie to me
Mina: fine.
Mina: i like her. A lot. And i want to be with her.
Jeongyeon: then make your move
Mina: but if she finds out it was started with a bet....
Jeongyeon: well then come clean and apologize and pray she stays around. But honestly if i was her i wouldnt give you a second chance
Mina: thats not very reassuring
Jeongyeon: i’m disappointed in you, that’s the best you’re getting for now
Mina: ok, thank you unnie
Mina: i’m doing it tomorrow i’ll tell you how it goes
Jeongyeon: mhm
You looked to see when that last message was sent and it read yesterday’s date. So she was planning to confess or come clean today. Immediately you stood up and put your belongings in your bag before leaving Yuqi alone in the library.
You walked across campus to the dance studio where you found Mina dancing with another girl. “Myoui.” You pushed your glasses up to prevent them from sliding down. Mina turned and saw you “Y/N hey I thought we were going to meet la-”
You cut her off “I love you Mina Myoui, with all my heart I do! Is that what yo want to hear? Can you go to the Maldives now? You won. Congratulations bitch.” Mina looked at the other girl who stood in the room, she looked really confused and got uncomfortable and sprinted out, almost falling on her own feet.
“What are you talking about? I won? Maldives?” Mina questioned you. You snapped back “I didn’t stutter did I?” She replied “how did you- Who told you?” You responded “It’s not who told me or how I found out. You placed a stupid bet on me and toyed with my heart as if you were interested and I fell for your bullshit. Stay the fuck away from me. And if I catch you even thinking about talking to Kahei...you’ll wish you didn’t.” You turned around and walked out not giving Mina a chance to talk.
Weeks passed and the semester was coming to a close in 6 weeks. You hadn’t heard a thing from Mina or any of her friends. Sana and Nayeon stayed away from you when they had class with you. Kahei, Haseul, and Yuqi introduced you to their friends instead to make up for the relationship you once had.
Out of all of the girls you met through Kahei and Yuqi, Jinsoul and Miyeon were closest with you. Miyeon walked into your room “Hey. We’re going to a party and you’re coming. All you’ve done is moped around, worked on projects, or went to the boxing gym. It’s been too long you need to go out.” You groaned “don’t you have work today?” Miyeon responded “ok we meant you and Jinsoul but she’s finishing an assignment so she sent me to tell you.” You rolled over on your face knowing there was no getting out of this.  “Ugh fine.” You giving into your friends wishes.
Miyeon left and outfit for you before leaving your dorm to head to work. You looked over your reflection in the mirror. Miyeon definitely tried something with this outfit because you never wore these types of clothes.
You were finishing up your hair when Jinsoul unlocked your door, ready to go. “Woah...You look so good!” She jumped up and down and clapped her hands excitedly. You quickly but in your shoes and grabbed your phone before she yanked you out of the door.
This house party was definitely run by someone rich because this house was really nice. You linked arms with Jinsoul and held her hand so you wouldn’t lose her in the crowd of people. The two of you found your friend groups and stayed together with them for most of the night.
You noticed some of Mina’s friends were there as well but you didn’t see Mina. Jinsoul danced against you as you held her close laughing at her antics. Throughout the night you noticed she was watching one girl in particular, Kim Jungeun. She was in your guys’ friend group but because there’s a total of 19 girls in the group, the two of you weren’t exactly close with everyone. You know she went by Kim Lip, only allowing a few people to call her Jungeun.
“Ooo I see Lip is alone, now’s your chance go go!” You pushed Jinsoul towards the girl. Your best friend responded “no what about you I see Mina’s friends here, what if she arrives?” You pushed her further “i’ll be fine I can handle myself, just keep your phone on!” She nodded and let her hand slip out of yours, running towards Kim Lip.
You danced on a few girls and a few random dudes before getting tired of the environment. Knowing you couldn’t leave Jinsoul, you decided to walk upstairs to see if there was anything to explore. You accidentally walked in on a couple before you realized you should knock on doors before opening them.
You found a door that was open so you walked in, ready to punch of someone came at you unexpectedly. The room was large, like really large, pictures hanging on the walls, stuffed animals lining whoever’s bed it was.
However the most eye catching thing was the gigantic window that overlooked the city. You slid it open and saw there was enough room on the roof for you to safely sit. Taking in deep breaths of cool air you hugged your knees to your chest.
A knock on the shingles is what snapped you out of your trance. You expected Jinsoul but instead you saw Mina. The Japanese girl softly asked “Do you mind?” You responded coldly “no.” She smiled and walked out sitting next to you, “Id hope not, you are sitting on my roof.” You asked “so this is your place? This isn’t the same one I visited those times though.” Mina responded “rich people unnecessarily buy multiple houses.” An awkward silence fell over the two of you.
She looked at you but you stared straight ahead waiting for her to talk. Eventually you grew impatient, “I’m pretty sure you didn’t come out here to look at me, so whatever you have to say just go ahead.” She sighed then said “I’m sorry. I truly am. My friends were being stupid one day and betted me to go ask you out. Originally my intentions weren’t true and I only wanted to win. But after getting to know you...I kind of fell for you and I didn’t know what to do. I’m sorry.”
You could tell she was being genuine by the tone in her voice. You hesitated then said “I loved you Mina.” She quickly responded “I love you too.” You were quick to ruin the moment “I said loveD. Past tense. I-I don’t know if i can trust you anymore.
Mina reached for your hand and you allowed her to hold it. “Please Y/N. Give me one last chance and if I mess it up you’ll never have to even think about me. I’ll make sure my friends don’t think about doing anything. Please just one more chance. Please.” Something about seeing her like this made your heart melt and butterflies erupted in your stomach.
You gave in “Fine. One last chance. That’s it.” She smiled and finally you looked at her. Her adorable gummy smile that you once loved so much was back. She placed a hand behind your neck, with her eyes she asked you for permission. You nodded and she kissed you softly. In that moment you remembered every reason why you loved Mina before.
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flowerfan2 · 3 years
To The Lovers
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Patrick/David, 1900 words, A03
Summary:  Patrick’s hopes for a romantic reunion when David returns from Elm Valley don’t go exactly as planned.  S05e04 coda.
Patrick taps his fingers on his phone and tries to make himself wait a little bit longer before texting David.  He doesn’t want David to know how weird the past twenty-four hours have been for him.
It’s not as if he doesn’t have anyone else he could hang out with.  It’s just that he’d rather be with David.
After work yesterday he tried to keep busy getting ready for his move, but packing his clothes into two suitcases didn’t take long, and most of his stuff was already in boxes in the back of his car or Ray’s basement.  He didn’t bring a lot with him when he took off for Schitt’s Creek, and the most important part of what he found isn’t something that needs to be packed.
Finally he caves, and sends a text to David.  He composes it carefully, for full effect.  
I got some furniture for the new place.  He attaches a photo of a futon with a mustard yellow and bright orange patterned cover.
It doesn’t take long for David to respond.
I thought we agreed I was responsible for the creative side of things?  And where did you find that hideous monstrosity?
Jocelyn’s neighbor had a yard sale.  I got a dining set, too. He attaches another photo.  He’s particularly proud of this one, he spent a long time searching online to find an image of chairs this rickety.
I am 80% sure that you’re kidding, but on the off chance that you’re not, I just googled the town’s policy on disposing of large items and I can schedule a pickup for Thursday.  Any other unfortunate purchases I should add to the list?
Patrick bites his lip.  It’s not even noon, but he can’t bring himself to care.  He just wants to see David. Why don’t you come over and find out?
Patrick expected a little more enthusiasm, but texting is weird that way. It’s probably nothing.  David just drove back from Elm Valley this morning, maybe he’s not in the mood to hang out. Yeah.  You can help me organize my new step-in closet.
While ordinarily I would jump at the chance, I’m not sure I’m up for it.
The flutter in Patrick’s stomach is growing.  What’s wrong?
I wouldn’t be very good company.  I drank a rather unfortunate amount last night.
Patrick lets out a long breath and forces himself to unclench his jaw.  It’s nothing to get worried about.  David hasn’t thrown him over for someone he met at karaoke the night before.  Patrick just needs to reset his expectations.
Okay, I totally get it.  But if you change your mind and want to escape your family and spend the afternoon in a quiet, drama-free and practically empty apartment, let me know.
David’s almost instantaneous reply makes him the tiniest bit giddy.  I changed my mind.
An hour later, after Patrick runs a few quick errands, he picks David up at the motel and drives him back to the new apartment.  David looks cozy in his thick black sweatshirt and boots, although the way he grimaces at every loud noise indicates just how unhappy he is with the state of the world.
David walks into the apartment and stops in his tracks, spinning around to look at Patrick.  “You have furniture,” he says, waving his hands.
“Yup.”  Patrick hadn’t wanted to wait to get some essentials, primarily a bed and a sofa.
“And it’s not awful.”
“Glad you approve.  You actually picked out the sofa.”
David walks around it.  “I did?”
Patrick laughs.  “More or less.  About a month ago, when we were watching one of those home shows, you said you liked it.  It’s not exactly the same, but-”
David sits down on the couch, running his fingers over the textured gray fabric.  “How did you remember that?”
Patrick shrugs.  “I just did.”
“We need a throw, maybe a brighter color block to work off the neutral of the sofa.  And a narrow coffee table, and at least one more chair.”
“And I thought maybe an area rug by the bed?”  Patrick sits down next to David.  “It’s going to be nice, right?”
David frowns at Patrick, as if Patrick couldn’t possibly be questioning David’s ability to turn this bland space into an aesthetically pleasing environment.  “Of course it’s going to be nice.”
Patrick is glad one of them is sure about it.  He wants David to like this place, especially after the whole mix-up about whether they were going to move in together.  He had actually been thinking they might christen it today, so to speak, but given David’s hangover, that’s probably not going to happen.  Instead, it’s time to put plan B into action.
“How are you feeling?  I’ve got ibuprofen, and apple juice.”
David’s face does that surprised/embarrassed thing, where his dimples sort of pop in and out as if they’re afraid to commit either way.  “I love apple juice.”
“I know.”  Patrick gets up and moves to the kitchen to unpack the groceries.  He pours David a glass of juice and brings it over, together with the bottle of ibuprofen.
David dutifully takes the pills and drinks down the juice.
“Why don’t you get into bed?”  Patrick asks.  “Close your eyes for a while.”
David bites his lip.  “That’s not very sociable.”
“I’ll come with you.  I’ll bring my laptop and go over some work.”
“You sure?”
In response, Patrick stands up and holds out his hand.  David smiles at him, lips pressed together, and follows him to the bed.
“This headboard is nice,” David says, looking it over.  “But we should really paint the wall.  A soft green to go with the gray.  Fern, or willow.”
“Is willow green?”
David glares at him.  “Some willows are green.”
David sits on the bed and takes off his boots, and then pulls off his black sweatshirt.  He’s got a plain white t-shirt underneath, and Patrick can’t hide the smile that crosses his face when he sees it – it’s one of his own, just a pedestrian Hanes from a three-pack he bought at a department store.
Patrick climbs up on the bed and slings his arms around David.  “I missed you.”
David freezes just for a moment, as if he’s afraid he’s being teased.  “Really?” he asks softly.
“Yeah.  Silly, right?”  
Patrick feels exposed, but David just looks right into his eyes and shakes his head, giving him a softly twisted smile.  “No.  It’s not silly.”  They share a besotted moment, and then David sighs.   “The whole trip was ridiculous.  I didn’t even get to see the cherry blossoms.”
“You told me,” Patrick says.  He’s got a string of texts a mile long from David, all about how Stevie kidnapped him just so she could see Emir again.  “I checked, and they should still be blooming next weekend, if you want to go.  We could get Stevie to work the store for a few hours.”
“You’d come with me?”  David asks, pulling back to look at him.
“Of course.  Looking at the cherry blossoms by yourself would be creepy.”  Patrick smirks at David, who rolls his eyes, and then offers his face to Patrick for a kiss.  Patrick holds David’s jaw with his hands as he kisses him, rubbing his thumb over his stubble.  But they’ve hardly even gotten into it when David groans and flops back on the bed.
“I’m sorry, I feel like crap,” David says, throwing his arm over his eyes.  “Did I mention I had fourteen polar bear shots?”
“You did.  And apparently there was quite a bit of karaoke.  Stevie was impressed.”
“Ugh, she was not.  She didn’t even stay when I offered to sing to her and her loverboy.”
“Huh, how strange.”
David moves his arm off of his face and squints at Patrick.  “I don’t suppose your recent shopping spree included blackout curtains?”  David sounds truly miserable, and Patrick’s heart goes out to him.
“No, I’m afraid not.  I figured I needed your input on textiles.”  Patrick lies down next to David and gently sets his hand on his stomach, rubbing gently.
“Ugh,” David moans.  “This is awful.  I’m never drinking again.”
“I know, baby,” Patrick soothes.  “Just sleep for a while, you’ll feel better.”  He sits up and tugs at the duvet until it’s covering them both, and then lies down next to David, tentatively holding out his arm.  “Come here?”
“Mmm, yes.”  David nestles up against him, his face pressed into the space between Patrick’s neck and shoulder, arm around Patrick’s waist and knee curled up over his thigh.  Instant octopus.
Patrick pets David’s head, and tentatively massages his temples.  “That feels good,” David breathes out. “Keep going.” David doesn’t seem in the least concerned about how Patrick is messing up his hair, just melting against his body and sighing in relief.  
Apparently a hungover David is a cuddly David.  Patrick doesn’t mind in the least.  He likes taking care of David.  He’s not sure many people have bothered to look out for him.  And as Patrick sits there watching David’s face relax and his eyelashes flutter against his cheeks, he tries not to think too hard about concepts like in sickness and in health.
When David drifts off to sleep, Patrick realizes the flaw in his plan to get some work done, since he neglected to bring his laptop to bed.  He digs his phone out of his pocket, careful not to jostle David, and pages through emails one-handed for a few minutes.  But David is a warm, inviting weight next to him, and suddenly a mid-afternoon nap sounds like the perfect thing.
He slides down next to his boyfriend, wishing he had thought to take off his sweater, and snuggles in close. His body molds itself to David’s, and David sighs in his sleep, shifting to let Patrick rest his head on David’s shoulder.  
They haven’t spent that many nights together, all told, but it doesn’t seem to matter.  Even from the beginning, Patrick has felt safe in David’s arms.  It’s like nothing he’s ever experienced before; they fit together perfectly.  It feels right. Patrick brushes his lips across David’s collarbone and closes his eyes.
He blinks into awareness, coming slowly out of a dream about kissing David under the cherry blossoms. David is still conked out.  Patrick shifts, freeing his arm which has fallen asleep, trapped underneath David’s head.  David snuffles and flops over, tucking himself against Patrick’s side.
In a little while Patrick will get up and start thinking about dinner, but for now he’s more than content to snuggle with David in his new bed, in his new life, one that is more perfect than he could ever have imagined.  Later he’ll give David the little brown envelope that’s sitting on his kitchen counter.  It’s just a key, but he hopes David will understand that it’s more than that.  Patrick thinks he will.  
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thexworkersreunited · 4 years
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Been on a bit of a drawing spree yesterday and today of these dudes guys, I was in charge of designing these dudes. Here is some info about them all.
Let's start off with sammy, Sammy lawrence WAS killed, but Margaret redesigned him and brought him back from the ink abyss he was in. None of the other studio workers know she did this. So she secretly goes to see and check on him, to keep his sanity from falling back into "worshipping a god" hes technically a secret from the whole studio and all the workers. Sooner or later in the future she tells ruth(owned sketchy) and abbi (owned by sea) but not now. Only she has knowledge that sammy is alive, their relationship is neutral, sammy still doesnt like the company but coming around to thinking of her as a friend. He will sometimes write songs while hes bored as well.
Second Norman(aka the projectionist), he helps around I'm the studio testing out animations to see if their smooth enough, so he will test out your guys animations for you to see if you missed a frame or if its smooth enough! Although his appearance and height might startle you, hes a pretty chill guy, just dont move his prized possessions around or you will get him mad, I guess you can say hes somewhat of an organized freak.
Third and last of all, Shawn Flynn! I love him so much, my representation would be him looking like a lost one, though he has a very perky personality hes really nice! He works in the toy department and makes merch for the company! Hes a really fun guy to hang around :) though he may resemble a lost one, hes still very sweet!
Most of these stories might get edited in the future, but take this for now!
Also that's my oc Margaret, Full body, And a little additional comic of the two of them goofing around, her trying to keep sammy company. I also tried to pose practice with the projectionist and sammy, really happy with the outcome :)
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mrswagangel · 4 years
Not Sorry
This is a @soulbounty fan fiction. The story universe and all characters except Brian belong to @whatthehaxx​. Check out their art blog: @haxxydraws!
Beatboxxx was having the time of her life. Her hips swayed to the club music. The beat was so loud it felt like it was clutching her heart and compelling her body to dance. She could feel Suxxubus grinding on her front and someone she most likely didn’t know grazing her back, but Beatboxxx didn’t care as long as they didn’t get in the way of her dancing. She had so much emotion and frustration to let loose with no time but now to release them.
Beatboxxx had a job to complete tonight. Yesterday she flirted her way across some intel of where she and Clwn could find their next target. Brian Cyan sold his soul 10 years ago to make his wife and kid “go away” in order to marry into wealth. It was time for him to pay his debt, but he managed to slip away. Beatboxxx found out he had a bit of a gambling addiction landing him to a gamblers club meeting at midnight a few blocks from where she was dancing.
There was nothing to do until the meeting, so there was nothing standing in her way of accepting Suxxubus’ invite to the club... as long as she met up with Clwn on time.
She started to run low on energy and thought it was a great time to get another drink, so Beatboxxx pulled Suxxubus towards the bar. The person who was dancing too close behind Beatboxxx grabbed her arm. She tried bruising some pink strands attached to her forehead via sweat from her face with a hand still on her arm. She finally looked and knew for a fact she didn’t know this person.
“You’re not leaving without me, are you?” The man asked. “I thought we were having so much fun.”
“I need a drink!” Beatboxxx yelled over the music.
“I can’t let a pretty girl like you get away! Let me buy you and your friend a drink!”
“No, thanks,” Beatboxxx said while removing his hand from her arm and immediately grabbing Suxxubus again. “My boyfriend is waiting at the bar for me!”
She quickly lost him in the crowd and made it to the bar.
“Let me get the fruitiest drink you got and a vodka cranberry!” Beatboxxx yelled at the bartender.
“Men!” Suxxubus complained.
“I know, right!” Like I let you grind on me a bit while I dance! That should be enough!”
“This is why I don’t let them even talk to me!” Suxxubus pointed out.
“That and you’re in no way attracted to them!” Beatboxxx tried to get out while laughing.
The bartender gave them their drinks and Suxxubus paid while Beatboxxx checked her phone.
“Shit!” Suxxubus looked over Beatboxxx’s shoulder at her phone screen to see 3 missed calls and 4 texts from Clwn. “It’s 2:22! I missed the job and Clwn is pissed.”
“Well at least you don’t need to watch the time anymore!”
“I’m gonna go,” Beatboxxx said after she drowned her drink. “Clwn might go on a murder spree and I gotta make sure he collected the soul. Sometimes he just kills the target and leaves the soul when he’s in one of his moods.”
“Alright! See ya, girly!”
Suxxubus turned toward the bar looking down for someone to hang with for the night as Beatboxxx grabbed her bag and left.
Beatboxxx found the gamblers club riddled with ambulances and cops. All the members looked confused and terrified letting Beatboxxx know Clwn used his reality warping on them. He at least didn’t go on a murder spree here. The lifeless body being hauled had no soul, so Clwn has the soul or already delivered it. All his text said was that he “handled” it.
There was nothing else for Beatboxxx to see, so she made her way to one more pitstop before heading home.
                                                            : : :
Just as Beatboxxx suspected Bootsman was hanging by his harness from the living room ceiling. Because Bootsman had no arms, Clown put him in a jacket that he sew weights inside the sleeves to keep the harness in place.
Bootsman stopped angrily squirming once he noticed Beatboxxx looking at him. She heard a faint whine echo in her head she probably wouldn’t have heard if she wasn’t focused on the gachapon imp.
Beatboxxx put down the pig she caught and roasted with her electrokinesis before helping Bootsman.
Clown had a tendency of fucking with Bootsman when he was upset with Beatboxxx. She’s the one who wanted him as a pet and yet he was the one who took care of Bootsman the most (not that Clwn would let Bootsman know this). Beatboxxx just never thought about the responsibilities or consequences that came with her decisions and actions. Beatboxxx could buy and show off all her gachapon imp merchandise, but couldn’t feed or walk Bootsman half of the time unless she knew Clwn was royally pissed with her (hence the roasted pig).
Once Beatboxxx got Bootsman down, he beelined to Clwn’s door to kick it repeatedly. It raddled with each kick. Beatboxxx ignored this in favor of ripping the pig apart with her bare hands for her and Bootsman to share.
After Beatboxxx finished dividing up the pig, she called Bootsman to come eat. He left Clwn’s bedroom door to fill his stomach. He stopped in front of Beatboxxx who now sat at the kitchen island with pig parts all over the surface. She picked up one piece while Bootsman almost split himself in half vertically revealing sharp teeth. Beatboxxx dropped the pork and Bootsman closed himself over it. Beatboxxx ate and occasionally dropped a piece in Bootsman’s awaiting mouth whenever he split himself.
Beatboxxx made no attempt to clean off the counter after they finished eating. Instead she gagged at the smell left on her clothes and hands from carrying and splitting the pork. 
She stripped on the way to the bathroom leaving a clothes trail in her wake. After she finished washing up and removed her make-up, she sat on the living room couch scrolling through Instagram. Suxxubus already posted pictures and videos of them, so she shared those on her story adding stickers and such. Bootsman surprisingly jumped on the couch to snuggle her side waiting for scratches. Really Beatboxxx was avoiding Clwn. His last text just said the words “Fuck you” with no emoji.
Beatboxxx knew she probably shouldn’t have gone to the club or at least kept a better track of time, but the last thing she wanted to do was tell Clwn that or anyone for that matter. Clwn was just always right and he was never nice about it either. It didn’t help that Bootsman kicked Clwn’s door as soon as she let him down. There’s no way Bootsman could’ve got down on his own meaning Clwn had to know Beatboxxx was back. If she goes straight to her room, there will be a bigger fight in the morning.
She looked back at Clwn’s texts:
   12:16am Where are you? You should’ve been here 15 minutes ago. 😡
   12:30am Forget it. I handed it. 😒
   1:30am I made turkey wings for dinner... you know, whatever you get back 😑
   2:13am Fuck you
Actually Beatboxxx couldn’t do this. She got up and headed to her room. As soon as she opened her door, Clwn opened his which was directly across from Beatboxxx’s. Beatboxxx reluctantly let go of her door knob and faced Clwn. Bootsman, sensing the tension, ran past Beatboxxx into her room and kicked the door closed behind him.
“Look. I-”
“You should’ve been there. We had a plan,” Clwn interrupted. “Do you think I like this job?”
“Yes?” Clwn didn’t move. The poncho didn’t reveal any hand movement and his mask stayed as the cynical clown face. Beatboxxx, however, did notice the slight leak of black matter from under his mask. “I mean you can legally— or at least legal-ish— kill. You love killing!”
“I prefer picking my own targets and not having to create sneaky plans, so humans don’t see me,” Clwn retorted.
“I swear I was keeping track of time.”
“No, you were too busy with Suxxubus to do your damn job!”
Beatboxxx covered her mouth to giggle.
“Are you seriously jealous? Is that why you cursed at me over text? Because I wouldn’t eat a romantic, homemade dinner with you?”
“No,” Clwn said while holding himself back from telling her off. “I want you to do your job PROPERLY for once.”
“It got done, didn’t it?”
“No. Thanks. To you.” Some of Clwn dripped on the floor from behind his mask. Beatboxxx couldn’t say she wasn’t a bit scared. Usually Clwn could hold his form together. Not now clearly.
“I was the one who found out where he would be!”
“You also need to follow through! You can plan all you want, but, if you don’t do the damn deed, what’s the fucking point?!”
The two just glared at each other. Beatboxxx clenched her fists causing nail dents in her palms while Clwn dripped a small puddle of black matter over his poncho and onto the floor.
He was right. He was always right and it pissed off Beatboxxx to no end. She just had to be patterned up with him of the all Soul Bounty demons.
“Fine,” she exhaled. “I’ll handle the next job by myself. Will that make us even?”
All the matter on the floor creeped up Clwn’s legs disappearing under his poncho only to reappear briefly at his neck to go back under his mask.
“That’s what I like to hear.” One of Clwn’s detached hands came from under his poncho to re-open his door. As she turned around to retreat into his room, he warned, “Don’t let this happen again.” The hand followed him into the room to close it behind him.
“Don’t let it happen again,” Beatboxx mocked as she finally went into her own room. Beatboxxx found Bootsman comfy in his bed. Clwn got him a dog bed as a joke. Although Bootsman was initially upset about it, all it took was a soft blanket for him to reluctantly sleep in it.
Beatboxxx decided to call it a night if you could call 3:45am bedtime. She crawled into her bed and layed down, not looking forward to handling the next mission. Clwn was usually the strategist, but she knew he wouldn’t offer any insight. She supposed she got herself into this one. She would figure it out somehow.
Just as Beatboxxx closed her eyes she heard her door open. This confirmed her suspicion. Clwn was seeking her attention today. He was more mad about her not showing up for dinner than he was about the job.
Nevertheless, she allowed him to get into bed with her. Once he settled, she rolled over to cuddle him. Beatboxxx was the only one of them that had arms, so Clwn reluctantly let her be the big spoon. It had nothing to do with the fact he was 1 foot shorter than her with his heels.
The 2 of them— 3 if you count Bootsman— had a lot to work on relationship-wise, but, for now, they were all tired.
“You smell like a pig.”
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oscarswildetiger · 4 years
I’m just taking a break from an unfuck your habit cleaning spree to complain.
I signed up for Noom shortly after my 30th birthday because I felt like absolute crap about myself.  I didn’t want to do any trend diets, I haven’t done that for years, and the whole 30 was a lot more dedication than I really wanted as well. Noom promised something different and well so far it has been. I’m not going to get into Noom too much, but I just wanted to lay the basis that is what I’ve been doing and since when (Last week of November to mid Jan)  According to the scale today I’ve lost a total of 21 lbs, but I’m so frustrated. The scale goes up and down. Noom has you weigh yourself every day, and I think the point of that is to see exactly how your weight fluxates, in the beginning I was shedding lbs pretty evenly, then the scale would tick up, I would go 3 days without pooping, then I’d poop and it would be back down. Then my digestive schedule evened out and I would see still a cycle of upticks then downward, then a few days at the same, then up, then down, you get the picture. Yesterday morning I weighed 6 lbs more than I did this morning. I think the scale will say I’ve gained 3 tomorrow, so it’s a victory but also one that feels rather fleeting. 
I’ve been exercising a lot more, running on treadmill, I even started derby! But thats a post for another time (though we’ll touch back on this a bit more shortly) my clothes fit better, I’m feeling better, but I’m just fucking annoyed. 
My job is so boring that I realize I spent a lot of time eating snacks there because I had so much downtime. Now that I’m not eating so many snacks I’m frustrated at how slow the clock goes between the time I get to work and the time I get to lunch and then again the time that means I can go home. So I sit at work trying to keep myself busy and I’m just annoyed at all the things that I COULD be doing at home and that I can’t do because I’m stuck HERE at a job that doesn’t give me enough work to fill 7.5 hours worth of my day. It feels like a punishment having to wake up, drive 45 minutes to a place where I have to sit in a quiet room and can’t do anything that makes me feel productive. Not to mention my coworker (whom I don’t even like, and I know doesn’t care for me) tells me REALLY personal health information that I would never want to know about anyone, and that no one outside her doctor, husband, and maybe best friend should ever know about (Kidney stones, UTIs, and Yeast Infections OH MY!) I know more about my coworkers scheduled cervix exams than anyone outside an OBGYN’s office should know. Honestly is this a form of sexual harassment? Your coworker oversharing information about their genitals that you never asked or showed any interest in? It’s a form of something thats for sure, and it’s sure as hell not appropriate.  Then I come home and either go for a run first or just go straight to spend time making dinner, this is mostly okay, I enjoy cooking and baking so trying new things is nice, sometimes it’s annoying when it doesn’t come together but c’est la vie.  But then I’m done cooking and eating and then I’m not sure what to do. I’m tired at this point but I’ve eaten enough food and I’ve been on my feet enough. Counting calories (and types of calories) often leaves little to no room for any alcohol. I used to love a glass of wine with dinner and then usually another glass or two after the fact, and maybe a snack.  But now I’m realizing that these things helped me relax and unwind, just like eating snacks throughout the day, eating and drinking after dinner was like part of a ritual, and now I’m stuck without that. Sometimes I drink an herbal tea or a hot chocolate, but its just less satisfying. I came home today early from work because I have a hectic weekend schedule and need to do this deep cleaning that I am currently procrastinating on. I’ve already gotten so much done and I’m glad I took the time off, but like, I also want to make a cocktail and have a pizza right now like it’s no ones business and I simply cannot do that right now. 1. I do have derby practice tonight so I couldn’t drink right now or eat something heavy if I wanted to, and 2. I don’ have that kind of stuff in the house so I’m not going out to sabotage myself. I also know if I chowed down on a whole pizza (a feat that would be a piece of cake a few months ago) I’d feel like ultimate garbage and probably give up cleaning entirely and just lay down and zone out to netflix. This thought is comforting because I know I’m getting more shit done and not eating something that I’ll regret later.  Roller Derby gives me a lot of anxiety, I was never the best player but I was excited to be back, but I’m scared to go tonight because I’m feeling frustrated and just want to stay home. My thoughts are telling me that I’m going to suck at laps and that I’m going to make an idiot out of myself tonight because I’m already feeling like a big useless baby anyway from not having anything to do at work all week, but I know I will be self defeated if I don’t go. I’m hoping that by going I’m able to get some of this frustration out (it’s contact tonight so time to hit people!) and I can transfer the negative energy that I’m feeling into some positive endorphin fueled brain matter.  I don’t really have a point for any of this, other than my frustrations are at an all time high this week and I have no way to get it out of my system because my previous habits weren’t entirely healthy and I’m not sure how to channel them in a healthy way so now it’s effecting me in all aspects of life and I’m not feeling very healthy at all. It’s just a vicious cycle I’m in right now and I’m fucking fed up.
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godlydolans · 5 years
Blind Hope (3)
"Whoa! What happened?!" You enter your place, eyes full of tears and cheeks wet from all those that fell. You don't notice that you aren't alone in the flat until you hear your room mate and good friend, Anna's voice. "What's wrong, Y/N?!"
She gets up from the couch, the bowl of popcorn she was munching on, forgotten at the coffee table as she walks to you. You let the door close behind you, shrugging at her question because that is all you have energy for.
Anna doesn't say anything about your lack of speech, instead she places both hands on your shoulders and guides you to the couch. Once you slump on it, she rushes to the kitchen and fills a glass with water, coming back to your side in no time. As you drink the whole thing, she sits beside you with her hand rubbing your shoulder in reassurance. You are glad that she doesn't ask anything and lets you cry some more, only wrapping her arms around you as you weep. Ever since you left the twins' house, you have felt nothing but guilt for the way you spoke to Ethan.
It was the first time in months that you saw each other and he was trying to be a good friend by trying to help you with your wounded hand, you on the other hand couldn't have been a bigger bitch to him. The thought alone makes a broken sob fall from your lips and you bury your face in your palm, wanting to disappear for a few hours.
Or days.
Months would be nice too.
"Did you see Ethan?" Anna finally asks, her hand now placed on your head, fingers running through your hair. "Babe?"
You take a shaky breath and nod your head, never lifting your head from your hands.
"Did you talk?"
You laugh bitterly at that question your head lifting from your hands and you wipe your cheeks with the back of your sleeve. "More like screamed."
Anna's eyes widen a bit. "You fought?!"
You simply nod, eyes fixed on the damned finger that is still throbbing even though the bleeding has stopped. You are yet to tend to this cut that he indirectly gave you but you can't care less about it at the moment.
Anna's gaze also lands on your finger and she frowns. She wordlessly gets up again and goes to grab the first aid box that is always kept in one of the kitchen cabinets because both you and Anna are very prone to cuts from the knives on the rare occasions you decide to cook instead of ordering takeout.
"It's pretty deep." She points out, sitting beside you and taking your hand in hers. The moment is so similar to the one you just shared with Ethan not too long ago and the memory causes you to close your eyes as the pain hits you again. "How did this happen, Y/N?"
So you take a deep breath to steady yourself and launch into the story telling mode. You tell her everything that happened at their house and she listens attentively like she always does. When it's all done, you shed a few more tears and that frustrates you because you had promised yourself that you wouldn't cry over Ethan.
Gritting your teeth, you bring your balled fist down on the couch with force, "Why am I crying?! I hate crying!"
"Why are you crying?" Anna asks, her tone serious and you know she is scavenging for a truthful answer.
"Because I hurt him." It's as simple as that. You are hurt because you hurt him.
"Isn't that what he does too? All the time? He hurts you all the freaking time, Y/N." Anna reasons with you, her eyes flashing with anger at the mention of Ethan. She absolutely despises him solely because you hurt because of him.
"Yeah, but he doesn't do it intentionally!" You defend him like it's second nature to you. No matter how much you say you hate him, you can't bare it when someone talks ill of him. "I did it intentionally, I knew my words were hurting him and I still said them."
Anna smiles and shakes her head once. "And now you're defending him."
No matter how much you want to deny that, you can't lie. You can rarely ever hide anything from Anna anyway. "Don't know what I'm doing, really."
"Why didn't you just grow a pair and tell him that you lo-"
"He has a girlfriend, Anna!"
"Yeah! He has a girlfriend and he still basically confessed that he has feelings for you!" Anna exclaims, her hands thrown in the air before she brings them down on her thighs. "This silly behaviour of yours is really fucking stupid on a magnanimous level! Both of you have obvious feelings for one another but neither one can admit it to the other. What are you guys even waiting for?!"
It is pretty evident that Anna and even Grayson have had enough of your and Ethan's obliviousness when it comes to your guys' feelings. Grayson just doesn't make it so blatantly obvious like Anna just has. She absolutely hates it when you come home crying or when you shut yourself inside your room, not wanting to socialise with anyone because you're in your pathetic feels again. She keeps telling you that all this heartbreak and pain can be avoided if you just tell Ethan that you have feelings for him.
You always tell her that you can't do that because there is no way in heaven and hell combined that Ethan feels the same for you and you'd rather not face the pain that comes with rejection. But recent events are making you question his feelings for you. Everything he said today sounded a lot like he was trying to tell you something that he couldn't put in direct words. But you are not going to assume anything anymore. He either tells you that he likes you or he never talks to you again. There will be no in between anymore.
There is a moment of silence where Anna bandages your fingers for you while you close your eyes and lean your head back on the couch. You don’t want to think at all. You don’t want to think about Ethan and what he could be doing right now. Could he possibly be thinking about you too? What about Grayson? You were supposed to make him soup.
All these conflicting emotions paired with your crying have tired you out and you don’t remember when you fall asleep.
“You broke up with her?” Grayson doesn’t mean to sound so giddy with happiness but he can’t help the excitement that is so evident in his tone when he asks his elder brother about his current relationship status.
Ethan just shrugs his shoulders, eyes trained on the ceiling of his brother's room as his hand plays with his hair. The only thing in his mind is the girl that just walked out on him, he doesn’t know what he should do to get her to come back to him.
“Why?” Grayson asks.
“I don’t know why I was with her in the first place.” Is the vague reply Ethan gives.
“What do you mean?”
“Just shut up, Grayson.” Ethan whispers, hoping his brother will stay mum with all these questions because he is not ready to answer them any time soon. Ethan doesn’t know what he means or what he feels or whom he feels for. He is completely lost because the only person that can bring him out of this lost state isn’t talking to him.
He has always had trouble expressing his feelings and sometimes even coming to terms with what all he is feeling. Ethan always had you by his side at times like these, but this time you were the root cause of his problem and you have decided to stop talking to him.
"What can I do to get her back, Gray?" He asks Grayson, feeling utterly defeated and ready to accept it in front of the whole damn world if it means he can have you back.
Grayson sighs, sad to see the state his brother is in and reaches over to pat his shoulder. "Just call her and tell her you love her. Simple." He really wishes it was that simple for Ethan, but it sadly isn't.
As Grayson had expected, Ethan scoffs and moves his gaze from the ceiling, fixing his gaze on his twin. "Have you lost it? I don't love Y/N."
"Ethan-" Grayson starts with a very agitated tone. He is not patient enough to make his stupid brother realise that he is in love with his best friend. Neither does he have the energy to debate with a very stubborn Ethan. "How fucking stupid can you be, honestly?! Why else are you almost going to cry because she is mad at you? Why do you care that much for her?"
Ethan just stares at Grayson as if he's lost his mind and needs to be transferred to a mental asylum as soon as possible. He'd always suspected his younger twin was a little cuckoo in the head, but this was just confirming the theory all the more.
"Because she is my best friend and I love her, Grayson. That doesn't mean that I'm-"
Grayson abruptly stands up now, towering over Ethan, "I can't argue with you, bro. You'll come to your senses on your own, I just hope that happens soon or you might be too late."
"What do you think about this?" Anna grabs a black top by the hanger and holds it to her body, cocking her head to the side as she asks your opinion.
"It's cute." You nod for head as a sign of approval, "It will go will with those new jeans you bought."
Today is a Sunday and you have been in the mall with Anna for easily an hour now. Both of you already have shopping bags from three other shops and you now are sorting through different clothes in Zara for the most fashionable pieces. This is strangely therapeutic too. You're thankful for that.
It's been three days since you spoke to either of the twins and you've spent all those days with Anna and sometimes some of your other girl friends. Having an all girls time has been good. You were at the bowling alley day before yesterday and that was a fun night. Yesterday you watched some documentary on the Russian Royal family with Anna and that was really interesting too.
All in all, you are fine. Things are okay. As okay as they can be.
It isn't long before you and Anna are leaving Zara with a forth bag added to your increasing pile and you spot a Sephora few feet away from you.
Anna looked at you with gleaming eyes, silently asking you if you wanna go in and you simply smile back. "It's gonna be our last shopping spree of 2018. Let's go ham!"
It's in the middle of swatching and playing with new eyeshadows that Anna asks you about your plans for New Year's Eve.
Her question makes you pause and think about your pretty non existent plans for New Year's. You usually spent it with the twins whenever they decided to celebrate in LA and not in Jersey with their family. Hell, you've even celebrated one New Year's Eve at their parents' house with them. This year though, you don't think you'll be with them.
"I'm...I'm free." You look at Anna and she easily catches the sadness that has loomed back into your eyes. She offers you a smile and she may not have meant to be too obvious, but you can tell it leans towards sympathetic. You hate these pitiful looks that you get from people these days. You are too fed up of playing the sad, depressed girl who is always crying over a guy. Oh, just get a grip, Y/N!
"Do you have something in mind?"
It is the last day of the year and usually Ethan would have been getting ready to go to a party or throwing one at his own place, but tonight he's in no mood to celebrate the end of this year.
He's just laying down on the couch with his eyes fixed on his phone screen. There is a beautiful view of the pool and the setting sun right ahead of him, but he doesn't even lift his gaze up from his phone once.
Ethan has been going through his photo gallery for a while now and he doesn't even remember why he decided to do it in the first place. Maybe the goal was to delete all the pictures he has of him and Emma now that they aren't together anymore, or maybe he just misses a certain someone too much to the point where seeing their face alone makes him feel somewhat better. Even though he's seeing you through the screen of his phone.
It's still better than not seeing you at all.
He found one where you were sleeping, your hair covering most of your face and you were frowning cutely. He was trying to get a video of you while he played with the ends of your curled hair, but had ended up accidentally clicking a picture instead. It had turned out really good and he had decided to save it without your knowledge.
Then there was one where you were munching on a rather large slice of pizza and Ethan had taken out his phone discretely to click a picture, but you had seen his sneaky ass and had lifted a middle finger while the other hand still held the pizza to your mouth. Ethan smiles at the picture. You look so beautiful and the sun hits your face almost perfectly.
And the one he is currently looking at might just be the most beautiful thing he has seen in a long while. He had taken you to a very fancy restaurant for your birthday against all your protests of not spending so much money on a dinner. You were both immaculately dressed, Ethan wearing a black suit while you had a beautiful burgundy dress on. You looked drop dead gorgeous that night and he remembers how his heart had skipped a few beats when he had laid eyes on you, something that was not a usual occurrence for Ethan.
You had had a great time at the restaurant. Your meals were delicious and he remembers you had even fed him some of your food when he's asked-more like demamded- to try it. An old couple sitting next to you had even complimented you. 'You two make a beautiful young couple, darlings.' They had said. Ethan had laughed then, immediately correcting their mistake and he hasn't noticed the blush that had coated your cheeks at the couple's words. He only realises now how he had missed so many other signs that you may have thrown his way.
After he had paid, you two had left the restaurant with joined hands swinging back and forth, both of you wearing beaming smiles on your faces. Ethan had taken a picture right outside the restaurant. His one arm had come to wrap around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest while his other hand held his phone to take a selfie. You had placed your palm on his chest, tucked cosily into his side you had your eyes fixed on Ethan, not caring about the camera trained on you. You couldn't look away when he looked so radiant with pure joy, his eyes sparkling under the lights from the board of the restaurant in the background.
"Say cheese?" Ethan had said jokingly and you had laughed, causing him to look down at you and he'd found you smiling up at him. That smile had really derailed his train of thoughts and it had taken him a moment to remind himself to breath. That is when the picture was taken.
Two best friends completely lost in each other's eyes, smiling at each other like they couldn't be happier to be together. Now that he has been looking at this picture for a few minutes, zooming in on your face every few seconds, he can't help but notice how you two really do look like a couple. Like those love sick couple, the definition of young love, those that he often makes fun of when you force him to watch a romance movie with you, to your great displeasure, leading to a long argument about love and whatnot.
He only does it because he loves to rile you up and watch you get so agitated with him. It all usually ends with him getting a few pillows smacked to the face but he loves it none the less.
He loves you none the less.
How could he have been so stupid? How did he not realise earlier that he loves you and that you love him back?
"Are you done gawking at that picture or do you need a few more hours?" Ethan turns at Grayson's voice who stands behind the couch with his hands in the pockets of his sweats. He is looking down at his brother with a cocky smile and Ethan feels like Grayson will go 'I told you so' any minute now. But instead, Grayson says, "I know where she is, do you wanna go?"
Ethan's heart speeds up at the question. Seeing her means he confesses his feelings for her. What will happen then? What if she doesn't forgive him for his stupidity?
"Ethan?" Grayson calls him when he doesn't answer. One look at the picture that is now his lock screen, Ethan knows what he wants to do.
"Let's go."
The cold breeze feels good on your face, doing a great job at clearing your head and making it a little easier to breath in this congested place. The party has only started an hour ago and it's already in full swing, the house of your friend is packed with people you know and some that you've never met in your life. After almost an hour of walking around socialising with people, you felt like it would be an excellent idea to step out onto the balcony which has been looking inviting to you for a long time.
Grabbing a glass of water, you do exactly that after you catch Anna's eye among a group of people huddled into a corner and nod your head in the direction of the balcony, letting her know that you'll be there. The balcony is thankfully devoid of humans, no foul smell of smoke in the air because it's too cold for anyone to come out here. You stand with your arms resting on the metal railing. The black dress that you chose to wear tonight only goes till your mid thigh and you thank yourself for grabbing your coat before leaving home. Your legs are covered with the black thigh high boots you borrowed from Anna for tonight and your outfit aptly represents your mood.
Being surrounded by all these people who are here with their loved ones makes you feel empty inside because you have neither of the twins with you. The two people who mean the absolute world to you are not here with you like they always have been.
And it's all your fault.
The one long hour you spent here among people you hardly know has made you realise what you should have done a long time ago. You should know better than anyone else that people don't get to choose who they fall for. It isn't up to anyone, it just happens on its own. You didn't mean to fall for Ethan but you did anyway. Ethan didn't fall for you because he doesn't feel the same way for you. Sure that hurts, but you can't put all the blame on him. It's not his fault that he doesn't feel the love that you feel for him because he can't control something like love.
How could you be so stupid? You literally got mad at Ethan and stopped talking to him for something he couldn't even control. You can't force him to love you back. You can't lose Ethan over something pointless as this. He is too special to you, your friendship is something you value more than anything else. You can't lose him or Grayson and you didn't realise that you were doing just that by being a stubborn little idiot.
But now you do and you will fix this mess that you have created.
Fishing out your phone from your clutch, you waste on time in going to Ethan's contact and starting to type the first words of your little apology note.
"Please bro, drive a little faster. I need to get to her before midnight." Ethan's leg bounces in its place as he anxiously looks out of the window. Los Angeles is lit up and everyone is celebrating in one way or another. That also means the roads are jam packed. They just started moving after being stuck in traffic for a good fifteen minutes and Ethan is getting restless by the second.
"We're gonna reach in five minutes. Don't worry." Grayson reassures his brother.
Ethan just nods once, not looking away from all the buildings they are passing. He has been practising what he will say to you once he sees you. There is so much he needs to say, so much he needs to apologise for. That is when he hears the ding of his phone. Opening it, he sees a message from you and immediately opens it.
Hey. I wanted to apologise for my behaviour these past few months. I love you and I miss you. Just know that our friendship means a lot to me and I just want to see you happy, no matter who you're happy with. Hope we can look past everything and get back to how we used to be. Happy New Year, E.
As soon as he's done reading your message, Grayson stops the car in front of a house and Ethan all but bolts out of it. He rings the doorbell and doesn't even bother to look who opened the door. He just rushes in, eyes searching for you in this huge crowd. He spots Anna in a corner and she immediately points to the balcony without him even saying anything. Everyone around him has already started the countdown as the clock nears 12 o'clock.
Ethan pushes against people to reach the balcony, now seeing a girl wearing all black standing with her back facing him. He can tell it's you.
"2!" Everyone yells around him as he slides the glass doors open, causing you to turn to see who stepped out. Your eyes widen when they land on him, being caught completely off guard because you didn't expect to see him here.
He takes two strides with his long legs, closing the gap between you for good. His palms hold your cheeks and he plants his warm lips on yours before you can even close your eyes. The loud voices of people wishing each other a happy New Year is nothing but a background sound. You don't even take notice of all the fireworks that are lighting up the sky around you. All you can concentrate on, is Ethan.
His lips feel so soft and heavenly against yours. He kisses you so sweetly like he is pouring out every emotion, every unspoken word, every apology into this kiss. Words are never required with you, you understand him even when he doesn't speak. His hand trails down to your waist, pulling you closer than you already are. The other one cupping the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss. Your fists around the collar of his black shirt tightens as your breathing picks up along with your heart beat.
Hearts beating loudly and cheeks pink from not just the cold, you two pull away slowly. His eyes have this amazing spark to them as he gazes down at you. Your cheeks are burning as you break the intense eye contact, not being able to believe that this just happened.
"I, uh.." He trails off, suddenly forgetting everything he had rehearsed in the car. "I love you, Y/N. I'm in love with you."
Tears gather in your eyes at the words you've died to hear from him for so long, "I love you too! So much." Ethan's happiness knows no bounds as he pulls you in for another kiss.
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: 💀💀💀 Jimmy: it's your turn to bust in & save me, you know Jimmy: cashing in that chip Janis: 🤔 what lesson you in and what teach you got first Jimmy: 🥖🧀🍷 Jimmy: bit of a clue Janis: you having a really boujee lunch without me Janis: rude Janis: especially after you ripped the piss for my 🍱 Jimmy: you & emojis! Jimmy: 🐸🐌 Jimmy: we getting anywhere? Janis: I know what lesson you in Janis: if I burst in there she might actually 💀 Janis: not starting the crime spree there Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: she might not even hear you Jimmy: but don't tell your brother I'm making deaf jokes Janis: 😂 Janis: definitely will Janis: bitch about you in sign Janis: is it true she falls asleep during lessons or what? Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: 🤞 today's one of 'em Janis: 'least you won't have to do any work Jimmy: soon as she's out so am I Jimmy: meet me Janis: do my best Janis: not got a geriatric teacher sadly Jimmy: you only walk out when you're 💔 then? Jimmy: hang on, I'll get Pete on the line to do his worst Janis: umm firstly, he would NEVER Janis: secondly, shut up Jimmy: it ain't my fault you put such flattering #content of me on the 'gram Jimmy: & got him all 😍😍😍 Janis: 😏 you went out like that Janis: know you wanted everyone to see, slag Jimmy: you know me so well Jimmy: 💕 Janis: unfortunately Janis: 💕 Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: blasting that classic FM for you right now, don't worry Janis: might wake her up Janis: #childhoodbops Jimmy: how did she just hear me laugh Jimmy: she ain't heard nowt else Janis: saw the post too Janis: everyone 👀 you today, babe Jimmy: my new boy status star is fading, babe Jimmy: gotta keep my #appeal 🥇 Jimmy: so tah for the boost Janis: that was the deal Janis: or was it my #appeal Jimmy: all yours babe Jimmy: your appeal & my protection was basically the deal Janis: Blame your leg on someone else then Janis: or I'm 👎 and can't have that Jimmy: that was my own fault Jimmy: & that's not what I need you for Jimmy: Mia & co aren't coming to kneecap me Jimmy: 🐍 only Janis: 😂 Janis: doesn't she take french? Jimmy: do you wanna say hello? Janis: *bonjour Janis: but non Janis: maybe I will come and 👀 her Jimmy: I get it, you're over me Jimmy: bit rude but Jimmy: if I can't keep up, I can't keep up Janis: like she can Janis: one hair flip away from a heart attack Janis: jus' sayin', don't be taking her up on practicing oral thank you Jimmy: stop making me laugh Jimmy: she's looking at me right now like she wants to do target practice though 👍 Jimmy: 🥇 without being in the room, girl Janis: 💕 so real Jimmy: you coming to see me then? Janis: hmm Janis: tempting Janis: maybe Jimmy: go on Jimmy: I miss you Janis: I miss you too Janis: this lesson is so dry Jimmy: she's got us playing bingo so she'll 🥇 when she goes out later Jimmy: 💕👵 Jimmy: practice makes perfect, Ms Janis: love that for her Janis: reckon she'll believe it if I come tell her you're needed for something? Jimmy: I don't care if she does or not Jimmy: I need you for something Janis: yeah? Jimmy: yeah Janis: hang on then Janis: lemme convince this bitch Imma die if I don't go to the bathroom rn Jimmy: easy Janis: tbf easier for me Janis: want me to bleed all over your classroom babe or what Jimmy: just don't start a pregnancy rumor Jimmy: my dad would actually kill me Janis: eurgh Janis: don't Janis: everyone expects it anyway it's fucking rude Jimmy: this once I promise not to give the fans what they want Janis: 💕 Janis: good 🍀 getting past my watertight contraception boy Jimmy: challenge not accepted Jimmy: again only this once Janis: 👍 answer Jimmy: change the subject or get here faster 'cause not a turn on Jimmy: & I really wanna give you what you want & Mia what she don't Jimmy: 💕 Janis: I have to come in? Janis: 😳 Jimmy: was that not the plan? Jimmy: you asked me if she took french Janis: you think this is actually about Mia? Jimmy: it's about us Jimmy: but she's here, they all are Janis: poor boy Janis: have to sit up the front like a 🤓 to stay safe, yeah? Jimmy: you wish Jimmy: I'm at the back Jimmy: you only need one foot in the door Janis: I'm convinced you can stop Janis: also en route Jimmy: you know how hard it is for me to stop once I've got going Janis: shh Janis: we'll see won't we Jimmy: they'll see Jimmy: you'll feel it Janis: Boy Janis: exactly how much of a show do you wanna give here Janis: be careful Jimmy: if you wanna back out Jimmy: just turn around Jimmy: but I weren't gonna fuck you in front of 'em all Jimmy: I don't reckon the teacher's that blind yet Janis: shut up Janis: when have I ever Jimmy: first time for owt Jimmy: & it sounded like you were gonna Janis: nah Janis: what, like I'm scared of them Jimmy: I know you ain't Jimmy: been proven loads Janis: and I defs ain't scared of your teacher so Jimmy: come on then Janis: Bitch I'm walking Janis: was in the science block Jimmy: what kind of athlete Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: one that had a proper run yesterday Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: if you wanna get your head down, Ms will probably spoon you for a bit Janis: your type not mine Janis: but go off Janis: it's room 26, right? Jimmy: your type is dickheads & she is Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 😂 sure Janis: dream threesome ain't happening, deal with it Jimmy: 💔 me Jimmy: worst girlfriend ever you Janis: I know Janis: get ready to be 😒 Janis: [comes in] Jimmy: [looks at her like well what are you gonna do] Janis: [sits down on his desk like you better kiss me right now boy Jimmy: [does & it's everything so get your phones out everyone] Janis: [obvs she's getting kicked out can decide if he does too] Jimmy: [he does too deal with it Ian] Janis: you know Janis: we don't have to go Janis: she ain't gonna check Jimmy: fuck it then Jimmy: where do you wanna go? Janis: do you wanna leave leave or wait it out somewhere 'til next period Jimmy: I wanna leave but Jimmy: probably shouldn't Janis: yeah, my thoughts too Janis: if we don't show to seclusion, they ain't gonna know to tell him Janis: be 😇 the rest of the day, simple Jimmy: where now then? Janis: [genuine pondering] Janis: better walk and talk or we're gonna get busted Janis: gotta be an empty classroom or something Jimmy: we could just walk in the staff room like we belong Jimmy: all you need is ☕ breath Janis: 😂 Janis: don't make me laugh Janis: you are so bad at being stealth Jimmy: piss off am I Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: you just like the attention then, yeah? Jimmy: yeah Janis: [stops to kiss him some more just 'cos] Jimmy: you're Jimmy: not the worst girlfriend ever Janis: clawing it back Janis: 🏆💪 Jimmy: it's a start Janis: that's how it is Janis: okay Jimmy: [stops to kiss her even more just cos] Janis: damn Janis: please say you don't need a 🚬 first Jimmy: I need you Jimmy: I told you, I miss you Janis: okay then let's just go bathroom Janis: come on Jimmy: #sucharomantic Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: [but kisses her again cos love & agreement] Janis: turn around if you wanna back out Janis: [blows a kiss and starts heading towards nearest] Jimmy: [shakes his head affectionately in like a piss off type way] Jimmy: when have I ever? Janis: [skip them there 'cos how long would it take you know the drill] Jimmy: [pulls her in like when they woohoo in a cupboard on sims lol] Janis: ['keen'] Jimmy: [kisses her to shut her up but also 'cause he is] Janis: missed you Jimmy: [whispers in her ear that he missed her too] Janis: [giving him hickeys you're welcome fans] Jimmy: you really Jimmy: have missed me, yeah Janis: [makes strained 'mhm' noise 'cos yeah] Jimmy: good Janis: I want Jimmy: [tilts her head up for eye contact so he can look at her like what & just generally be hot af] Janis: ['you'] Janis: what did you need, you said you needed me Jimmy: [a really good make out for a while because] Janis: [😍 but being like 👂🤫 'cos someone walked in] Jimmy: [starts kissing her neck & doing his own hickeys cos little shit like that even though he heard the person too] Janis: you're such a dickhead oh my God Jimmy: alright, I'll stop Jimmy: [but goes harder instead cos rude] Janis: I can't be held accountable for my actions if you don't Janis: fair warning Jimmy: are you gonna hit me or fuck me Jimmy: I can't tell Janis: [is 😒 face but also holding in a lol] Janis: you can find out if you really want Jimmy: [kisses her grumpy little face like always] Janis: [person leaves] Janis: thank God Janis: would have been disgusting if they were taking a shit Jimmy: 😂 Janis: not that into you Janis: sorry not sorry Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: poor baby Janis: [back at it again] Jimmy: we should just stay here Jimmy: til someone does take a shit anyway Janis: sexy Jimmy: it ain't my fault you brought me here Jimmy: I was #teamstaffroom Janis: 🙄 Janis: couldn't do this in the staffroom Janis: [saucy behaviour] Jimmy: we could Janis: I mean we could start Janis: but they're not all that zoned out they're gonna let us finish, like Jimmy: let's find out some time Janis: okay Janis: any other bright ideas for me, boy? Jimmy: I'll let you know Jimmy: it's hard to think when you're this close to me Janis: we could get closer Jimmy: [pulls her closer & does some hickeys on the other side too cos enjoy fans] Janis: I'm gonna be covered Jimmy: do you want me to stop, for real Janis: [shakes head] Janis: never Janis: I want more Jimmy: [gives her more] Janis: [kicks the toilet seat down and sits him down] Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: you're really hot Janis: I just Janis: I've gotta Jimmy: do it Janis: [always on his lap girl] Jimmy: [kisses so he don't make all the noise already] Janis: you did promise Jimmy: [nods with all the eye contact how they do] Janis: we've got time Janis: we can just Jimmy: I don't care if we don't Jimmy: I'll make time for you Jimmy: any time Jimmy: loads of Janis: so cute Janis: [lots of kissing] Jimmy: it's you Jimmy: you're just Janis: show me Jimmy: [does obviously we know why we're here lads] Janis: [biting on his shoulder to be quiet 'cos difficile as the french would say] Jimmy: [but like that'd just make him wanna make more noise cos damn] Janis: [puts her hand over his mouth but in a lol shh you cutie way not a threatening one] Jimmy: [good timing cos someone comes in then haha] Janis: shit Janis: [lifts feet up so looks like just one person lol] Jimmy: just don't stop, alright Janis: what if they hear? Jimmy: what if they do Jimmy: they won't know it's us Jimmy: long as you don't scream my name Janis: [🙄] Janis: do my best, babe Jimmy: me too Jimmy: just don't remind me what yours is right now & we'll be 👍 Janis: oh shut up Janis: [goes harder 'cos that bitch like don't make it easy] Jimmy: oh Jimmy: shit Janis: you asked for that Jimmy: I want it Jimmy: I really Jimmy: fucking Janis: tell me Jimmy: I just Jimmy: I Janis: you want me to go slow like this Janis: is that right? Jimmy: baby Janis: Baby Jimmy: please Janis: [really goes for it 'cos duh soz whoever the fuck hope you don't interrupt] Jimmy: [is proving he can be stealth sometimes by not being loud af for once, well done boy] Janis: [again, not helpful, up in his ear telling him he's so good etc hush] Jimmy: [I'm just imagining whoever else is in there knowing what's up 100% and it's making me lol] Janis: Shit Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: I know Janis: I really do wanna say it though Jimmy: just whisper to me Jimmy: it's alright Janis: maybe you're better at being quiet Janis: just this once Jimmy: what was it you said? I'm clawing it back Jimmy: after yesterday Jimmy: gotta show you I'm still 🥇 Janis: you are Janis: to me Janis: for me Jimmy: [has to kiss her for a while because EMOTIONS] Janis: you're such a good kisser do it again Jimmy: [keeps kissing her so much] Janis: I still don't know how you make all of it feel so Jimmy: I love you Jimmy: that's how Janis: [has to kiss him 'cos same bitch] Jimmy: [okay but hear me out what if the bell rings] Janis: [😣] Janis: fuck sake Jimmy: it don't matter Jimmy: we have time Jimmy: you said Janis: you better think of a reason we're both late to maths then Janis: can't stay in here all period Jimmy: I want you to stay Jimmy: there's yours Jimmy: & I don't care Jimmy: that's mine Janis: You're Janis: [smiling appreciatively like] Janis: I love you Jimmy: show me Jimmy: then we'll go to maths Jimmy: maybe Janis: [does] Janis: feel it, baby? Jimmy: [tells her how much he does etc now that they are alone again] Janis: really gonna have to wear a skirt every day from now on Jimmy: are you mad about it? Janis: how could I be mad about this Janis: mad we can't just do this all day, sure Jimmy: we can Jimmy: who needs maths anyway Janis: teacher's a dick Janis: probably get sent straight out for being late Jimmy: good 'cause I ain't done any homework for him since I got here Jimmy: playing hard to get sir, soz Janis: [😂] Jimmy: you're so Jimmy: you should get sent out of every lesson for looking like that Jimmy: it's Janis: Sir probably isn't looking at me like you are Janis: 🤞 Jimmy: he better not be Jimmy: I'll knock him out Janis: not exactly competition is he, babe Jimmy: not the point Jimmy: you're my girlfriend Jimmy: [is doing the pulling her closer even though he can't thing again cos] Janis: [we know what it does when he says that] Jimmy: [is kissing her in a possessive manner excuse him] Janis: [living for it] Jimmy: [likewise] Janis: I'm Janis: I can't hold on Jimmy: let go Jimmy: I want you to Janis: you want me to cum Jimmy: I'm telling you to Janis: [does 'cos damn] Jimmy: [also does in like no time cos how hot that'd shamelessly be] Janis: well Jimmy: [is sorting his clothes out but halfheartedly cos giving her full eye contact] Jimmy: well Janis: [can't stop looking at him even though she's all 😳 too] Jimmy: [reaches & takes her hair down cos I assume it's up for school & he's that bitch like we see you boy just wanting to touch it & her] Janis: really Janis: it isn't obvious enough you just fucked my brains out, you gonna mess up my hair too Jimmy: [is just like 😏] Janis: you're a dickhead Janis: and we're so late Janis: [starts actually adjusting herself] Jimmy: [actually runs his fingers through her hair so it looks like a mood & then kisses her but in like a let's do this kind of way not a let's stay here forever way] Jimmy: so come on Janis: [hand-holding] Jimmy: [showing up at class like oh hey] Janis: [people aren't even gonna be coy about it it's that obvious so the teacher gonna be casually fuming at this disruption, no sitting next to each other lads] Jimmy: [Grace wants to kill herself cos casually also there hey girl] Janis: 👌 Jimmy: 👌 Janis: what's the general consensus then, are we gross or are we legends Janis: can only hear big mouth in my ear Jimmy: I'm a legend Jimmy: you're Janis: 👍 Janis: 'course I am Jimmy: I'll shut everyone up Jimmy: fuck this Janis: don't bother Janis: only make 'em worse Jimmy: but Janis: I don't care Jimmy: I know you don't Janis: plus sir is about to snap so now's probably not the time to show what a good boyfriend you are regardless Jimmy: I don't care about that dickhead Janis: do what you must Janis: but rise to it then it becomes a thing and they'll 100% get your Dad in and I'd rather not Jimmy: [is 😒 but doesn't do anything cos knows she's right] Janis: I hate everyone at this fucking School Jimmy: me too Jimmy: everyone in this town really Janis: yeah Janis: agreed Jimmy: [Grace gets herself excused from class cos can't hack it 👍 good stuff] Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: agreed Janis: probably have the day off tomorrow too Janis: and I fucking can't Jimmy: we can skip Jimmy: if you want Janis: show them it got to me? Janis: don't think so Janis: not her Jimmy: show them we've got better things to do Jimmy: that's what our feed is for Janis: probably not Janis: enough scandal to be getting on with Jimmy: alright Janis: [actually doing her work] Jimmy: [isn't and is doodling blatantly instead] Janis: what're you drawing Jimmy: nowt decent Janis: not exactly best circumstances for inspiration to strike Janis: reckon you'll be forgiven Jimmy: what are you on about? Jimmy: got my muse right here Jimmy: been really inspiring she has Janis: 🙄 Janis: you don't want that rep Jimmy: what Janis: the weird anime kids that draw fucking not even soft really softcore all over their books Jimmy: this bunch of dickheads wish Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: not sure that's what they're dying to see from you Janis: 📷boy Jimmy: are you pissed off at me Janis: why would I be Jimmy: that's why I'm asking Jimmy: I don't know Janis: I ain't Jimmy: 👍 Janis: this lesson can go fuck itself though Jimmy: that's every lesson Janis: wish I could just quit sometimes Jimmy: #relatable Janis: 😒 Jimmy: I reckon I will though Jimmy: it's shitter here than my old school Janis: be alright if you had mates Janis: which assumedly you did Jimmy: yeah Janis: all schools are the same Janis: even posh ones Jimmy: didn't have to learn paddy lingo in my old one though Jimmy: such bollocks Jimmy: what am I gonna do with a month's worth of that Janis: make us all laugh with your attempts idk Janis: it's stupid Jimmy: if my interview goes alright & they gimme the job I could leave Janis: is that what you wanna do forever Jimmy: nah but it'll do for now Janis: you'll need some kind of school shit Jimmy: probably but that's to worry about in a bit Janis: your dad would never let you anyway so Jimmy: what's he gonna do, actually murder me? Janis: kick you out, probably Janis: part time barista ain't paying no rent Jimmy: not when he needs me to raise the other two he won't Jimmy: & I'd go full time if I didn't have school obviously Jimmy: much as they'd let me Janis: 🤷 Janis: whatever Jimmy: what's your issue? Jimmy: nowt's whatever with you Janis: what am I meant to say Janis: it ain't happening Janis: so Janis: it is whatever Janis: idk why we're even chatting about it Jimmy: see the future can you? Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you can't just leave, they aren't even meant to hire you Janis: there's laws, you know Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: like I said Janis: 🤷 Jimmy: it ain't my fault everyone's chatting shit Jimmy: don't be a dickhead to me Janis: did I say it was Jimmy: stop acting like it is Jimmy: it don't matter what you say Janis: then why are we talking Jimmy: right now I don't know Janis: #relatable Jimmy: piss off Janis: only funny when you say it? Jimmy: it weren't funny then Janis: not particularly Janis: no Jimmy: just leave it out Jimmy: you've been a dickhead since we came in Janis: couldn't exactly carry on as we were so Janis: what do you expect me to do Jimmy: yeah we could've Jimmy: & I expect you to not treat me like I'm one of 'em Janis: [is 'working'] Jimmy: bollocks are you gonna ignore me now Janis: what Janis: I'm trying to focus so I don't have to focus on them, if you don't mind Jimmy: well I do mind Janis: well what then Jimmy: fuck's sake Jimmy: what did you think would Janis: I told you I don't care Jimmy: & I've told you loads that you're shit at pretending Janis: No I'm not Jimmy: you are Janis: nope Jimmy: stop Janis: why Janis: you wanted to talk now you don't Janis: make up your mind Jimmy: make up your mind Janis: I know my mind thank you very much Jimmy: then stop chatting shit & tell me what's on it Janis: seriously nothing but this worksheet Janis: they're just being loud that's all that's annoying about it Jimmy: [crumples up his worksheet & throws it from his seat to land in the bin cos over it] Jimmy: 👌👍 Janis: alright showoff Jimmy: [doesn't reply cos the teacher is having a word like] Janis: absolute joke Jimmy: it's on the CV for all teachers that Janis: 😒 Janis: it's bullshit Jimmy: #relatable Janis: for fuck sake Jimmy: reckon it might get funnier each time I do it Jimmy: worth a go Janis: what else are you doing Jimmy: nowt Jimmy: thinking about going for a 🚬 Jimmy: you coming? Janis: you know that ain't happening Jimmy: you ain't gotta come with but Janis: you're alright Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: 👋 Jimmy: [gets up & the teacher's like UM EXCUSE YOU & he's like 'I'm going for a 🚬 sir, you fancy it?' & off he struts oh boy no] Janis: thanks a lot Jimmy: you were invited Jimmy: can't do nowt more Janis: no 'cos you get to be a legend again and I'm stuck here getting shouted at on your behalf like it's anything to do with me Jimmy: like you said, it's bullshit Janis: like I said, thanks Jimmy: like I said, in a bit then Janis: prick Jimmy: you wanna blame me anyway Jimmy: now you can Jimmy: you're welcome Janis: oh fuck off Jimmy: bit late Jimmy: I'm off Janis: shut up Jimmy: you can't make me from there Jimmy: always telling you Janis: you are infuriating Jimmy: you are Janis: you Jimmy: you Janis: this is just fucking stupid Jimmy: stop then Jimmy: focus on your work Janis: don't be patronizing Jimmy: It's what you said you wanted Jimmy: so do it Janis: I said that's what I was doing not what I wanted Janis: we all wanna just walk away but you can't Janis: you're as bad as her Janis: not talking about either of you negatively are they Janis: no Janis: but you two pussy out and I'm still sat here Jimmy: I ain't her & it ain't my fault she did what she did Jimmy: any of it Janis: don't matter Janis: ain't here either are you Jimmy: you shut me out ages before I left Jimmy: so nah, I ain't Jimmy: 'cause you know who else does that, if we're making bollocks comparisons Janis: what are you even talking about Jimmy: like you said, don't matter Janis: why bother saying it then Janis: go on Jimmy: why bother saying owt Jimmy: this whole lesson Janis: 'cos I wanted to talk to you, fucking hell Janis: excuse me for being in a bad mood when literally everyone is chatting shit to my face Jimmy: but you don't care, yeah Janis: I don't care but that doesn't mean I don't wanna shut them up, like I said, it's noise I don't need Jimmy: I said I'd shut 'em up Janis: yeah and you end up looking great again, you can't lose Janis: whatever the fuck you do Janis: I can't win Janis: end of Jimmy: I'm not in a fucking competition against you Jimmy: I wanna help you Janis: I don't need help Jimmy: then what do you care if I'm there or not Jimmy: fuck Janis: forget it Jimmy: you forget it Jimmy: you say I can't lose like I give a shit about any of those dickheads Jimmy: you ask me if it's about Mia when it's literally always been Jimmy: my dad is gonna kick off whatever I do Jimmy: that's the end of Jimmy: for me Janis: it wasn't my idea Jimmy: like I said, go on & blame me Jimmy: whatever Janis: I'm saying I'm not trying to get you in trouble with your Dad so don't say it like I am when I'm literally trying to do the opposite and stop you from getting in more trouble Janis: why did you think I didn't wanna come, for fuck's sake Jimmy: & I'm saying I could be a perfect angel & it wouldn't change owt 'cause there's always something with him Jimmy: it's never gonna be enough Jimmy: or about you Janis: I ain't saying it's about me Jimmy: just leave it out Janis: fine Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: save it for your worksheet Jimmy: riveting stuff that Janis: finished Janis: weren't that hard Janis: should've just done it Jimmy: get it out the bin for me if you're that 💔 Janis: 🖕 funny Jimmy: I'm serious, nerd Janis: you're so mean Jimmy: you still take 🥇 though, it's alright Janis: piss off Jimmy: again, I'm serious Jimmy: brutal you Janis: No you ain't Janis: you're never serious Jimmy: bollocks am I not Janis: name a time Jimmy: I'm serious about you all the time Janis: ew Janis: gay Jimmy: only for 👴 & a certain barista 💕 Janis: always good to keep track Janis: tah Jimmy: 👍 Janis: who else you straight gay for then Jimmy: that keeps my 🍽 full Janis: 👍 Jimmy: why you gonna set me up or what? Janis: obviously not Janis: I said Janis: keeping track of it all Jimmy: alright nerd, calm down Janis: 🖕 hilarious Jimmy: yeah should've tweeted it Jimmy: 💔💔 Janis: got plenty of time Janis: doesn't take that long to finish a 🚬 Jimmy: if you're only having 1 Janis: 👍 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: don't think so Janis: not with that mouth Jimmy: bit rude Janis: I am, apparently Jimmy: & you're also a bit late but Janis: ? Jimmy: there's nowhere my mouth ain't been on you by now, babe Janis: I meant now after however many you've just had and you know it, idiot Jimmy: you saying what you mean now? Janis: when was I not Jimmy: just keeping track Janis: 😑 Janis: stop being so annoying Jimmy: take your own advice, dickhead Janis: you're the dickhead Jimmy: it's you Janis: we aren't doing this again Jimmy: not if you shut up Janis: why should I shut up? Jimmy: 'cause you're the one being a dickhead Janis: I am not I'm trying to talk to you Jimmy: you're trying to chat shit to me Jimmy: I don't want it Janis: rude Jimmy: yeah well I've got a very inspiring muse so Janis: stop it Jimmy: why? Jimmy: what do you wanna say? Jimmy: what are you gonna? Janis: why do I have to have something Janis: we can't just talk now Janis: alright Jimmy: not when it's just bollocks Jimmy: really talk to me Janis: I'm trying Jimmy: go on Janis: sorry, alright Jimmy: I'm sorry Jimmy: I shouldn't have walked out Jimmy: but Janis: don't blame you Jimmy: you should Jimmy: that was me Janis: I don't blame you for wanting to Jimmy: I do Jimmy: I fucked up Janis: no Janis: why Jimmy: I left you in there Jimmy: that's not Janis: it isn't like there's anything you can do Janis: or need to do Jimmy: I'm not having that Jimmy: just accepting that they're all dickheads to you Jimmy: I'm not your sister Janis: well this ain't just me, it'd be the same if it was any other girl yeah Janis: it ain't personal Jimmy: what they are saying is Jimmy: loads of it Janis: well what do they know Jimmy: they don't know you Jimmy: but I do & I'm sorry I was a massive dickhead, alright Janis: me too Janis: it's fine, it's alright Jimmy: I really fucking hate this place Janis: I know Janis: I do too Jimmy: let's just leave Jimmy: you've done it before Jimmy: you know how to Janis: what about the kids Jimmy: there's nowt I can say to that Jimmy: am I meant to wait 10 more years until he's not a kid Janis: exactly Janis: it's shit Jimmy: I didn't ask for this Jimmy: I don't want it Jimmy: she got to just Jimmy: & Ian's doing what? Janis: Yep Janis: if you gave less of a shit you could but Janis: I know you do Jimmy: how do you do it? Janis: it's different Janis: no one needs me, remember Jimmy: but that's bollocks Jimmy: I've met 'em Jimmy: they do Janis: nah, my parents have got plenty of kids and my silblings have got plenty of siblings Jimmy: it don't matter Jimmy: I've seen they give a shit Jimmy: so how do you not? Janis: it's not real Jimmy: what Janis: they just fake it too Janis: obligation, isn't it Jimmy: wish my dad had some of that Jimmy: or my mum did Janis: seems like he has some Janis: with the kids Jimmy: maybe Janis: it's all bullshit anyway Janis: family Jimmy: yeah Janis: but kids are different so you have to care Janis: like you said, what's Ian doing Jimmy: buying us a dog we don't want to gimme more bullshit to take care of Jimmy: that's his lot Jimmy: oh and fucking his way to finding us a new mum, can't forget that one Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: must be nice Jimmy: if you're into fucking middle aged women, probably Janis: eurgh Jimmy: waiting to see who he's got his eye on at parent teacher night Janis: actually making me feel ill Jimmy: don't throw up Jimmy: you've disgraced yourself enough for one school day Janis: win Mia 'round Janis: my goal always, obviously Jimmy: borrow her toothbrush or whatever she's got stashed Jimmy: #bonding Janis: 👍 Jimmy: just warn me so I don't watch it on her story Jimmy: tah Janis: I think we're not meant to know so Janis: probably on the secret finsta if anything, you're fine Jimmy: 💔 #purgepals could've really taken off Janis: we're all gutted me and her will never be Jimmy: one day we'll find the shrine Jimmy: & I'll be ready 📷 Janis: thanks for the #expose Jimmy: any time Janis: I'm such an idiot Jimmy: ? Janis: this whole mess Janis: sir said he's gonna talk to our parents so Janis: that won't be mortifying at all, tah everyone Jimmy: It's my fault, baby Janis: they wouldn't stop either he was already way more annoyed than he was letting on Jimmy: yeah but I started it by making you come into french Jimmy: & making us late for maths then Janis: I wanted to too Janis: I shouldn't have, sure but not like you forced me Jimmy: what's he even gonna say Jimmy: fucking hell Janis: I don't fucking know Janis: probably that he's concerned or some shit Jimmy: buckle in Ian & get your belt off ready to kick off Jimmy: it'd be so much more decent if he used his anger on sir instead Jimmy: 🍿 Janis: right Janis: this is gonna be Janis: shit Jimmy: or if they fell in love 'cause of the blatant #nohomo fueling their rage but Janis: don't think you want two dickhead dads Janis: not the dream Jimmy: I don't want a new mum either Jimmy: given up wishing far as he goes Janis: tell him he ain't allowed a girlfriend if you ain't Janis: see how that goes down Jimmy: that's why you're 🥇 Janis: was it really such a bad thing to do Jimmy: depends who you're asking Janis: you Jimmy: you know what my answer is Janis: i mean Janis: would your ex do that, would other girls Jimmy: my ex has done worse & he's called Barry so Jimmy: probably don't hold her up as an example Janis: great Jimmy: other girls would & have Jimmy: they just aren't as #goals as us so nobody cares Janis: it's exhausting Jimmy: put your head on the desk, girl Jimmy: how much more trouble can we get in Janis: may as well go home at this point Jimmy: I might Jimmy: unless you tell me to stay Janis: not going to make you Jimmy: but what do you want Janis: it's complicated Janis: I don't want to stay but I have to Janis: you know I always want to be with you Jimmy: if you have to stay then I'm staying Jimmy: with you Janis: I'm sorry Jimmy: I'm never sorry that I wanna be around you, alright Janis: yeah but sorry you have to be here still Jimmy: I'd do worse for you Jimmy: you know Janis: I know Janis: swear to God Janis: not always this much of a fucking trial Janis: well Janis: maybe Janis: idk Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: I love you Jimmy: so I don't care Janis: Promise Jimmy: I do Janis: I love you too Jimmy: you can tell me again when the teachers are done keeping us apart Jimmy: & making us even more #goals Janis: you're probably getting sent to seclusion Janis: so I really don't mind if you go, I swear Jimmy: I said I won't Jimmy: & I meant it Janis: okay Janis: might get sent out too Janis: can't send all of them out, can they really Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: we should go out tonight Jimmy: wherever you want Janis: sounds good Janis: 'til we can run away, like Jimmy: your mum & dad ain't gonna ban me, are they? 'cause I reckon it's better if I follow your lead & don't go to mine Janis: lol they can try Janis: when you elope at 15 and have a kid at 16 not really got a leg to stand on parenting wise Janis: why we're all so fucked, obvs Jimmy: it's weird they've been together since then Janis: I know Janis: think, well know because they're gross, that they still got to fuck around or it'd be mental Jimmy: I ain't gonna marry you or have a kid with you no matter how much the fans want it Jimmy: will fuck around though 👍 Janis: 😂 Janis: no you fucking ain't Jimmy: my dad would put me in the ground seriously Jimmy: only gonna approve of the last bit Janis: as much as I ain't arsed by you Janis: wouldn't wanna see you dead, like 💕 Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: say the nicest things you Janis: I know Janis: got a rep to maintain now Jimmy: I miss you Janis: Miss you too Jimmy: you gonna watch longingly as they drag me to seclusion then? Janis: obviously Janis: hold me back, sir Janis: really amp up the drama Jimmy: final kiss Jimmy: that'll make him a fan Janis: I wish Janis: I don't regret any of it, you know Jimmy: you don't have to wish Jimmy: like I said, how much more trouble can we get in Janis: this lesson is about to end so Janis: where are you Jimmy: I'll meet you on your way out Jimmy: hang on Janis: 👍 Janis: #goals Janis: gonna carry my books like Jimmy: carry you out of this shithole more like Janis: would be Janis: alas Jimmy: 💔💔 Janis: damn compulsory schooling Jimmy: who's fucking idea was that? Jimmy: leave me down a mine Janis: 😂 Janis: life expectancy be even shiter but you'd be looking 🔥 Jimmy: die how I've lived 💪😎 Janis: 😏 Jimmy: can you feel how close by I am? #realgoals Janis: again, I wish Janis: not soz everyone Jimmy: I can burst in now for one final show if you like Jimmy: I'm basically there Janis: fuck it Janis: make it worth our while Jimmy: challenge accepted Jimmy: [is & is glorious fuck you everyone you ain't seen nothing til you've seen this good day] Janis: [let's say she gets sent home anyway and he has half-day in seclusion 'cos teachers are shit like that] Jimmy: [later cos no phone for Jimothy] Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: where am I meeting you then? Janis: can you bring the dog and come park for a bit Janis: literally been stuck in my room all day 'cos she was here too Jimmy: alright, Juliet Jimmy: Cass might bring the boy too but Janis: s'alright Janis: don't hate him by default like you Jimmy: 👌 Janis: how many times did you wanna kill yourself then Jimmy: 💀💀💀💀💀 Jimmy: bout that many Jimmy: I thought about you loads though Jimmy: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Jimmy: that's my maths for the day like Janis: such a nerd Janis: hand that in and reckon you'll have redeemed yourself, babe Jimmy: back at 🥇 yeah Janis: not sure sir was ever that 😍 himself Janis: soz 💔 Janis: know he's your type and everything but Jimmy: why he's 🍋 bout you babe Jimmy: #goals for all not just the few Janis: you're cute, sure Janis: but not 🤓 enough for him Jimmy: I know Jimmy: just for you Jimmy: 💔 Janis: shut up Janis: I'm #goals too don't be fooled Jimmy: I ain't ever been Janis: good Janis: my DMs have never been so active Janis: fucking sly Janis: where was this #support earlier lads Jimmy: as soon as I got my phone back I wanted to turn it back off Jimmy: lasses please calm yourselves Janis: people are so Janis: can't even think of a word Jimmy: I don't know how they can be like oh Jimmy I'd never do that she's so Jimmy: but do you wanna get with me though Jimmy: & do what girl? Jimmy: our homework Janis: if you got better ideas, where were you earlier Janis: 🙄 Janis: woulda done a twitter poll if I knew the engagement would be this good Jimmy: gutted I never 💔💔 Jimmy: & I got a lass in my inbox doing an anti smoking campaign Jimmy: not joking Janis: 😂 Janis: gonna save you in all the ways, boy Janis: 🍀 you Jimmy: bit late love but crack on Jimmy: she ain't even said I should put summat else in my mouth Jimmy: come on Jimmy: it's easy Janis: eww Janis: who is it Janis: gonna sniper message 'em all like I'VE SEEN THE MESSAGES HOES Janis: really #goals Janis: #wwmd #tbh Jimmy: paddy name & face Jimmy: actually can't read it Janis: could be anyone Jimmy: [sends her the deets cos that bitch] Jimmy: who the fuck is she Jimmy: never seen her before in me life Janis: oh her Janis: she's in my biology class Janis: dark horse Janis: more of a virgin than me Jimmy: is that my rep now? Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: not gonna go round giving 'em all a decent go over Janis: 😑 Janis: can you not Janis: that was not my rep Jimmy: I'm only pissing about Jimmy: you got nowt to worry about Jimmy: you're Janis: don't worry, don't need to give me pillow talk Jimmy: don't need to but Janis: carry on if you're feeling it Janis: I'll be a while but am omw Jimmy: been feeling it since our #goodbye earlier Janis: yeah Janis: actually sad to see you go Janis: don't tell Jimmy: bit late Jimmy: already let the 🐶 know Jimmy: soz Janis: she's like yeah right Janis: know she misses me, boy Jimmy: 🥊 her for you Janis: so romantic, so manly and tough Jimmy: so #goals Jimmy: 🥇🥇🥇 Janis: not gonna argue Janis: soz Twix Jimmy: she's 💔💔 Janis: she's goals too Janis: not sure who's got more fans but we don't need to go there Jimmy: it's you babe Jimmy: #1 Janis: you know exactly what to say to stroke my ego 💕 Jimmy: I'd have loads of time to think about it Jimmy: had* Jimmy: & I told you, my head's been full of you Janis: Me too, as it goes Janis: more privacy though, thankfully Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: they coulda gimme some of that tah Janis: poor baby Janis: probably thinking we'd had enough for one day Jimmy: but that's bollocks Jimmy: I ain't Jimmy: I want more Janis: Incouragable, you Janis: but I feel it Jimmy: you will Janis: Boy Jimmy: girl Janis: ugh Jimmy: what Janis: you Janis: you're Janis: well you know Jimmy: I know you are Jimmy: that's why I'm Janis: distracted Janis: that's what I am Jimmy: where though? Jimmy: if you're on the bus you know what to do Janis: 😳 Janis: I am Jimmy: is it the driver we know & love? Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: of course Janis: the universe just wants everyone to know today Jimmy: or wants you to feel better after all that shit Janis: very hippie of you Janis: don't think the universe gives a shit 'bout me, babe but you're cute Jimmy: alright, shut up Jimmy: then I want you to Jimmy: busted Janis: 💕 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: I've missed you Janis: loads Jimmy: yeah? Janis: yeah Janis: like you said Janis: when we said goodbye Janis: you were so Jimmy: you Jimmy: I forgot where we even were Janis: I know Janis: I coulda just Janis: don't even care Jimmy: you can do whatever you want now Jimmy: it don't matter Janis: not exactly what I want Janis: you're not here but Jimmy: when you get here though Jimmy: just let me know Janis: okay Jimmy: til then, we can make it work Jimmy: [sends her a fire sext cos throwback] Janis: Jesus Janis: you should sell those Janis: people would hire you Jimmy: put the word out for me Jimmy: put the word out for me, girl Jimmy: but not right now Janis: no Janis: I'm gonna just Janis: for now Jimmy: 💕 Janis: we can do whatever tonight, yeah? Jimmy: I said Jimmy: whatever you want Janis: whatever it is I just wanna be alone with you for a while Janis: how does it feel like forever ago now Jimmy: we can Jimmy: 'cause it was ages Janis: long fucking day right Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: thinking of taking up that girl on her 🚭 Jimmy: I'm 💀 Janis: no 😡 Janis: I'll help Jimmy: you offering to be my new addiction, baby Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: 😏 duh Janis: idiot Jimmy: always gotta be 🥇 Jimmy: not enough to just be a muse Janis: you know I want it all Janis: not interested in sharing Jimmy: you know I want you to take it all Jimmy: like you said, it's been forever Janis: I Janis: now I don't know if I want this bus to speed up or slow down 'cos I'm really really enjoying missing you Jimmy: you've had ages to miss me Jimmy: I want you here Janis: tell me how bad Jimmy: I don't have words for it Jimmy: just Jimmy: really really really badly Janis: works for me Janis: try and encourage him to step on it, like Jimmy: please Janis: oh Janis: one more time Janis: for my encouragement Jimmy: baby please Janis: okay Janis: you could get me to do anything I swear Janis: how Janis: why Jimmy: you love me Janis: I do Janis: fuck sake Jimmy: I'll make it worth your while Jimmy: just like I did earlier Janis: you always do Janis: like I said, I should fucking hate you Jimmy: I hate you a bit Jimmy: it's alright Janis: show me Jimmy: okay Janis: 🥊 Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: might let you win Jimmy: I'm gonna win Jimmy: you'll see Janis: what does winner get Jimmy: what do you want? Janis: so I'm winning now Janis: 😏 Janis: so cocky one second ago Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: IF you did, what are you having Janis: you, first off Janis: then I'll have to get inventive Janis: let you know Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: don't think too hard 'cause I'll be 🥇 Janis: but it's fun Janis: you try Jimmy: you know I can't think when you're Jimmy: just Janis: think fast then Janis: 'fore I get there Jimmy: alright Janis: not against fighting dirty so Jimmy: 'course you ain't Jimmy: paddy rules is it Janis: dead honourable you Janis: 🙄 please Jimmy: you can get me to be if you keep saying that Jimmy: & owt else Jimmy: bit rude but Janis: baby Janis: how nice will you be? Jimmy: am I just getting the one please? Janis: have as many as you earn Janis: not just giving 'em away here Jimmy: there's your answer Jimmy: never backed off a challenge yet, have I? Janis: 🤔 Janis: trying to recall Jimmy: piss off Janis: just saying Janis: lots of challenges Jimmy: & I've done 'em Jimmy: don't be a dickhead Janis: I'm not Janis: I'm remembering shh Janis: leave me to my memories 👵 Jimmy: stop trying to turn me on with your memory loss Jimmy: 👵💕 Janis: know what you like baby Jimmy: prove it Janis: what do you think I've been doing this whole time Jimmy: what was it you said, I'm trying to recall Janis: you're such a dickhead Janis: keep my photographic evidence to myself then 👍 Jimmy: you can tweet it any time Jimmy: love a ban me Jimmy: 👍 Janis: oh yeah great idea, babe Janis: make myself even more popular Jimmy: that does gimme one though Jimmy: you should run my twitter for a bit Jimmy: how #goals that I trust you with all my passwords & access to my DMs Jimmy: the fans would be 😱😱😱 beside themselves Janis: 😏 how delusional that you trust me Janis: I'm down to make you regret it 😈 Jimmy: don't give a shit Jimmy: do your worst Janis: you're fun Janis: told you before Janis: also off the bus Janis: passing the CG 💔 Jimmy: gutted it's too late for me to carry you past Pete Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: trying to sneaky see if he's in there but the windows are tinted as fuck why Jimmy: #moodlighting Jimmy: makes him look sexy 💕 Janis: don't tempt me to carry on faking my amnesia Janis: walk in, pretend he's you Jimmy: your real goal this whole time Jimmy: I get it Janis: playing the long game Jimmy: if you'd said that was why you needed me to fuck you senseless I'd have gone harder like Jimmy: I know you're a romantic Jimmy: get your man, sweetheart Janis: 😍 Janis: that's what I get if I win Jimmy: Pete? Jimmy: 💔 but alright Janis: yep Janis: how confident are you REALLY, boy? Jimmy: confident my boy will stay loyal to me Jimmy: he don't want you, girl, soz Janis: 😣 Janis: hate you Janis: that's so mean Jimmy: I hate you more, baby 💕 Janis: go away Janis: I'm 💔 Jimmy: come here Jimmy: I'll fix it Janis: promises promises Jimmy: if I break it you can break my 💔 too Janis: swear it's a deal Jimmy: it's a deal, Juliet Janis: okay we still gotta shake on it but I'll keep walking, stop crying Jimmy: bit late Jimmy: but I'll dry my eyes Janis: 💕 Janis: he's such a homewrecker and he don't even know it Janis: write a song about that, babe Jimmy: he don't care either, too 😎 Janis: ugh, stop talking bout him Janis: so distracting, honestly Janis: bitch tryna walk here Jimmy: tell me about it, I'm around kids Jimmy: how dare he be such a god among rockstars Jimmy: 🤤🤤 Janis: that's a rep no one needs Janis: best behaviour Jimmy: 👌 Janis: one scandal at a time Jimmy: promises promises Janis: oh 'cos it was my idea Janis: mhmm Jimmy: your fault Jimmy: you're just so Janis: amazing? Janis: yeah Janis: true Jimmy: alright, yeah Jimmy: if you want Jimmy: dickhead Janis: you weren't finishing the sentence ever Janis: thought I would Janis: #goals init Jimmy: I'll finish it Jimmy: like I said, come here Janis: You better already be there Janis: coming into view and I'll be fuming if you leave me waiting Jimmy: I've been here ages Jimmy: you're the one who lives in the middle of fuck all Janis: I've asked for my own place Janis: not that rich, appaz 💔 Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: tell it to Pete's sympathetic ear over ☕ Janis: he isn't friendzoning me thank you very much Janis: we fucking or nothing Jimmy: get some patience then Jimmy: cause I saw him first Jimmy: keep saying it Janis: fine one to talk Jimmy: I've been here ages Jimmy: told you Janis: I see how it is Janis: will wait months for him Janis: I've got about half an hour and you're mardy Jimmy: he's #special remember Jimmy: you said it Janis: oh yeah and I am just a MASSIVE slag so Janis: fair 'nuff Jimmy: shut up Janis: whatever Janis: going shop Janis: want anything Jimmy: what happened to coming into view Janis: remembered I need something Janis: if that's alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: that's you're all good then or what Jimmy: I don't need nowt Janis: k Jimmy: do you want me to walk over? Janis: can do Janis: only getting smokes though so Jimmy: gimme a sec Janis: 👍 Jimmy: [appears after longer than a sec but still not very long 'cause not far] Janis: [loitering in the shop, nods like sup] Jimmy: [gives a look as if to say what kind of greeting is that before going over & kissing her 'cause extra like that] Janis: [gives him a look like 'oh so you like me now?' 'cos drama queen] Jimmy: what's that look for Janis: 😒 Janis: be nice Jimmy: what's it for? Jimmy: I have been nice, ain't I? Jimmy: [kisses her again but soft] Janis: [bites lip] Janis: Probably Janis: *her own Janis: I'm still in a mood Janis: I don't know why Jimmy: [gives her a long hug] Janis: [lets it happen for a while but isn't fully into it because mad at self] Janis: it's stupid, come on Jimmy: [shakes his head but takes her hand cos okay babe] Janis: [gets cigs and lighter 'cos wants her own] Janis: both kids with you? Jimmy: Cass has got the dog why you can't hear her #drama right now Jimmy: she's off in a bit though Jimmy: mates to see Janis: Oh good to know Janis: starting to feel #unloved here Janis: 👌 alright for some init Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: 🤞 she'll take the boy back first so I can avoid Ian as planned Janis: [kicks floor] Janis: probably called him at lunch, when they usually do it Jimmy: [shrugs but is obviously thinking about it & bothered] Janis: gotta think of a plan Janis: to not get in so much trouble whilst still doing what we wanna Jimmy: if what you wanna do is piss everyone off there's no way Janis: is that what you wanna do? Jimmy: it's what the deal was Jimmy: get their attention you also get his Janis: that's Janis: that isn't what it is Janis: [paying and leaving shop] Jimmy: when Janis: what do you mean Jimmy: when is that not been what it's about Janis: [is like um what the fuck] Janis: literally what Jimmy: not an answer Janis: I get it, you need someone to blame Janis: fine Jimmy: that ain't what I said or meant Janis: I know what you said Janis: yeah, just one big attention grab, all of this Janis: cool Jimmy: how is it not Janis: I don't need this Janis: [is walking off duh] Jimmy: talk to me Janis: Literally why would I want to Janis: no fucking audience, is there Jimmy: don't be a dickhead Janis: me Janis: seriously Janis: fuck off Jimmy: you Jimmy: seriously Jimmy: you can't get pissed off at me for this Janis: yes I fucking can Janis: you know what this is why are you even Janis: why would you say that shit Jimmy: 'cause you're chatting about changing the rules like it's ever been about just us Jimmy: loads of the shit we do is for them Janis: you're so fucked Jimmy: why 'cause I'm pointing about how & why this came about? Jimmy: why shit happens Jimmy: you wouldn't have come into french if they hadn't been there Janis: sure Jimmy: & you're gonna chat like them too now? Jimmy: you wanted 'em to react you can't be pissed off at 'em for doing exactly what you knew they would Jimmy: same as me & my dad Janis: I'm not pissed off at them Janis: and if you want what your Dad's got then that's your own shit to deal with isn't it Jimmy: 👍 Janis: fucking hell Jimmy: what Janis: play ignorant Janis: you know what Jimmy: you reckon I'm saying all this is fake or for their benefit Jimmy: I ain't & weren't Jimmy: so calm down Janis: do not tell me to calm down Janis: you don't get to say all that and then say that Jimmy: all what? Jimmy: all day you've been acting hard done by Jimmy: all I said is don't Janis: actually go away Jimmy: no Janis: I have no desire to clue you in if this is actually what you think so Jimmy: you had no desire to clue me in anyway Jimmy: that ain't my fault Jimmy: like you said, that's your own shit to deal with Janis: what, what do you wanna know so bad Janis: you're chatting total shit Jimmy: & you're not Jimmy: alright Janis: no, I'm not Jimmy: whatever Jimmy: have it like that Janis: I will Janis: we've clearly been having different conversations Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: hard to tell when you keep switching Janis: I've switched Janis: okay Janis: whatever, guess after three times this isn't so much switching as just what you do Jimmy: what are you on about? Jimmy: what the fuck have I done? Janis: you're doing it again Janis: right after Janis: I literally can't do this right now Jimmy: all I'm doing is trying to figure you out Jimmy: 'cause one sec you couldn't need to see me more & the next you're hanging round the shop for ages & couldn't give less of a fuck if I'm there or not Jimmy: & that's just right now Janis: I just wanted to get a fucking cigarette alright Jimmy: [gives her his, angrily] Jimmy: here Janis: [can't not take it but let's it burn for ages not smoking 'cos petty] Jimmy: this whole day you've been Jimmy: & I'm the dickhead for trying to talk to you about it Janis: Well excuse me for not wanting to talk when all you're doing is chatting shit on me Jimmy: excuse me for trying to get a fucking reaction Jimmy: 'cause it's like Jimmy: such bollocks by now Janis: you happy? Janis: good Jimmy: 👍 Janis: so pleased for you Jimmy: piss off Janis: gladly Janis: [bows and stamps out the finished cig like bye] Jimmy: fuck's sake Jimmy: so you can walk away from me again, yeah Jimmy: & I can't say or do nowt Janis: you haven't said enough yet? Jimmy: not an answer that Janis: not a question, was it Jimmy: don't do this Janis: you Janis: you did this Janis: but no Janis: why did I come all the way here Janis: 'cos I don't fucking see Mia about and that's the only reason I'd bother right Janis: you fucking Jimmy: I didn't say that Jimmy: or if I did I didn't mean it like Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: come on Janis: literally what you said Janis: and you kept repeating it so I know you meant it Jimmy: I said, don't act like she's not relevant Jimmy: that pissing her & my dad off isn't part of this Jimmy: that's all Janis: you reckon you don't need to do anything to piss your dad off Janis: but cool Janis: let me know next time what we're doing and I'll actually try Janis: instead of trying to not get you in more shit Janis: silly me Jimmy: just 'cause I don't have to do owt don't mean I don't want to Jimmy: I hate him, alright Janis: I know Jimmy: & I love you Jimmy: you know that Janis: do what you want but I've got no interest helping you get beat up Janis: and I'm not sorry about that Jimmy: It's not like I want that Jimmy: I just Janis: Me either so Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: it proves something about him to me Jimmy: & about her too Janis: your Mum? Jimmy: why she's not here Janis: 'cos he's such a cunt Jimmy: it's a reason Jimmy: more than she gave me Janis: I thought it was the reason Jimmy: she was a cunt too though Jimmy: they were both just Janis: yeah and who wants to be with someone as shitty as themself Jimmy: I'm sorry Jimmy: come back Janis: I can't just Jimmy: please Janis: [does] Jimmy: what can I do? Jimmy: you know I will Janis: you Janis: I just wanted to see you Janis: why do you think I want attention Janis: tell me that Jimmy: I'm not saying you're Jimmy: it's just part of this now Jimmy: we can't undo it Jimmy: so we play up to it, still Janis: they're never going to just ignore me Janis: that's not going to happen Janis: it isn't about what I want it's just facts Jimmy: I know Janis: and for the record I wish they would Janis: I thought you knew that Jimmy: I do Jimmy: I'm that much of a dickhead Jimmy: it got away from me, what I said Jimmy: not* Janis: [just nods] Jimmy: everything I said, it weren't about you Jimmy: it was about me Janis: well that's a bit far fetched Jimmy: why Janis: because some of that shit was pretty personal Janis: I know when I'm being #attacked Jimmy: yeah but it's my fucking issue that I go off the deep end any time I think you're pulling away from me Jimmy: same as it's my issue that I want my dad to react differently every time but I also don't Jimmy: that one don't even make sense Janis: I didn't wanna talk shit about the whole Dad issue Janis: sorry Janis: I wasn't even trying to go there Jimmy: It's not your fault Jimmy: it's not your damage Jimmy: it's mine Jimmy: I always do this, you said it Janis: Alright Janis: there's plenty of shit I always do Janis: hardly blameless Jimmy: so can I fix this or what Janis: of course Janis: not null and voiding my catchphrase Janis: rude Jimmy: how then Janis: At least I know where you were coming from, what you were trying to say now Janis: that helps Jimmy: I'm never just trying to be a dickhead Jimmy: not to you Jimmy: there's a Jimmy: there's something Janis: Yeah Janis: I do know Janis: it just Janis: scares me Janis: I guess Janis: when you do that Jimmy: I'm sorry Jimmy: I don't mean to Jimmy: but I get scared I just Jimmy: it's the same with my dad, he hurts me, I hurt him back Janis: it makes sense Janis: its reactionary Janis: but why were you scared Jimmy: I thought you were pissed off with me Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: that you didn't want me around Janis: that's all I want Janis: are we bad at this Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: but I don't wanna be having a go with anyone else so Janis: me either Jimmy: & I'm better with you than I was with my ex Jimmy: you can ask her she'll happily send that rant Janis: I'm good Janis: no better at #womenssolidarity Jimmy: [does a little lol] Jimmy: you are good Jimmy: & all I want too Jimmy: in case the memory loss is back after everything I just said Janis: [looks up] Janis: just say it's real Jimmy: It's the realest thing I've ever felt, alright Janis: alright Janis: [kiss] Jimmy: that's why I get scared all the time Jimmy: 'cause you matter & I'm too used to shit that don't Jimmy: or can't Janis: I remember Janis: I'm scared too Janis: for the record Janis: deny it if you tell Twix but Jimmy: [does another little lol] Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: fucked up enough for one day Janis: we both did Janis: it was the plan, regardless why Janis: [pulls his head in to rest on her shoulder] Jimmy: [stays like that for a bit but also says ILY out loud, but soft] Janis: [says it back into his hair like] Jimmy was timed out 2 days ago Jimmy joined the chat 2 days ago Jimmy: [goes for the kind of long hug he was going for earlier but it's closer & just more cos he's a clingy soft soul and he done fucked up] Janis: [does the trying to get closer but can't thing] Jimmy: [is still holding onto her for ages but also just doing little kisses wherever he can like] Janis: probably gotta move Janis: or your sister is gonna be fuming Jimmy: [shakes his head & carries on 'cause no chill] Jimmy: she usually is Janis: [😏 face, gives him a proper kiss for encouragement] Janis: we can do this at the park Jimmy: & you reckon you don't want her to be fuming Jimmy: [but handholding & walking] Janis: she might be so morally offended she has to take Bobby home Janis: always thinking, me Jimmy: top one, nerd 💕 Janis: I know Janis: wasted on that School Jimmy: this town Janis: [squeezes his hand] Jimmy: [more handholding & walking 'cause not far to the park you can do this lads] Janis: [and you're there, no stopping for a makeout sesh or anything well done yous, Bobby being like 'let's go to yours!' 'cos he loves it] Jimmy: [Twix trying to trip them both up 'cause she's an extra queen] Janis: [giving Twix the love she desires and deserves and pushing Bobby on the swing 'cos compromise] Jimmy: [is chatting to Cass cos big brother duties never end] Janis: [is looking at him with love] Jimmy: [is helping Cass with her bike chain or something cos shit bike am I right? but keeps looking over at her likewise] Jimmy: swap with me I can't fix this Janis: you just don't wanna get dirty 👸 Janis: but 👌 Jimmy: [kisses her on the swap over cos blatantly using that excuse too even though Cass is like 😒] Janis: [lols at Cass like 🤷 but wins it back by being more competent help] Jimmy: [Bobby is just chatting away about the Cali gaff while he's pushing him cos fave place ever excuse me while I sob like] Janis: [Cass having to give Twix love 'cos she's like why does no one love me please] Janis: can tell who hasn't trained that dog, like Jimmy: one job, babe Jimmy: sort it out Jimmy: so easily distracted you Jimmy: [looks at her in a very distracting way to prove his point] Janis: sabotage, that is Jimmy: what are you gonna do about it then? Janis: 🤔 Janis: Decisions, decisions Jimmy: [keeps looking at her while she's 'deciding' Janis: tell you when it's just you and me Jimmy: I'll remind you Janis: I'm not gonna forget Jimmy: memory loss gone is it Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you're gutted, I know Jimmy: 💔 me Jimmy: can't you tell Janis: I'll fix it Janis: 🛠 me Jimmy: I know what you are Janis: should I be worried? Jimmy: nah Janis: did sound a bit like you were threatening to #expose me so Jimmy: one sec away from a twitter blast at all times me Jimmy: but Janis: shouldn't be trusted with an @ you Jimmy: it'll be in your hands anyway remember Janis: oh yeah Janis: gonna use my powers for good, obvs Jimmy: [sends her the deets] Jimmy: go on Janis: ooh Janis: lemme think of a masterpiece Janis: not Pete, this shit doesn't just come natural 💔 Jimmy: it's okay you're the art, babe Janis: just spam my face Janis: you do enough of that, babe 😉 Jimmy: you complaining about being my muse now? Janis: nah Janis: complimenting how 💪 and 🎨 you are Jimmy: good save Janis: thanks Janis: natural reflexes Jimmy: #relatable Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: not that I'm a goalie, tah Jimmy: so what is your position? Janis: 😏 I don't play on the footie team anymore Janis: was not doing wonders for the gay thing Janis: I'm point guard and captain of 🏀 still though Jimmy: we can still play ⚽ though Jimmy: we're really popular it'll be easy to get a team together Jimmy: also how is that less gay? Janis: 1. as much as they say they DON'T wanna fuck you in the toilets, I don't think what they REALLY want is to play footie with you Janis: 2. rude, fuck you Janis: 3. but idk? 'cos I'm tall and black-ish it's allowed Jimmy: 😂 Janis: poor girls, think you're hitting 'em back in the DMs like 😍 and you're just like are you a decent centre back or nah Jimmy: when your next game then, gotta find some pom poms Jimmy: be 😍 myself Janis: 😒 can joke but you would be, I'm great Janis: next tuesday 👍 shave ur legs Jimmy: I'm serious about cheering you on Jimmy: 👌 prepare your own 😍 for how I look Janis: 😂 Jimmy: I'll get Pete to pen you a decent cheer Jimmy: not my 🎨 Janis: bet he's really anti organized sport Janis: looks the type Jimmy: you'll be his #exception though Jimmy: make him break all his rules Jimmy: 💕 Janis: how american teen drama Janis: i'm the jock, he's the misfit Jimmy: the #goals by which all are measured Jimmy: 🥇 baby Jimmy: I'm the popular lad you should be with but you're too much of a dickhead to see it Jimmy: 💔 Janis: You ain't like the others, are you babe? Janis: so tragic Jimmy: I'm #sensitive Jimmy: & you're missing out, girl Jimmy: be nice & go through my DMs to find your replacement before you bag Pete, yeah Janis: sure there's some nerd girl in here ready to show you what you're missing Janis: full set then Jimmy: well chuffed with that for me Janis: calm your enthusiasm 'til I'm gone, thank you Janis: bloody rude Jimmy: but I have so much enthusiasm right now Janis: can feel it Janis: you've nearly tipped him out that swing Jimmy: come here Jimmy: feel it more Janis: okay, okay Janis: we can have a doomed love affair Jimmy: you've got the name for it, Juliet Jimmy: must be fate Janis: we can't change yours though it'll fuck with the couple name Jimmy: you said it suits me anyway Janis: yeah Janis: I like it Janis: readable, pronouncable, puts you ahead of half the class Jimmy: #paddyproblems Janis: #antisocialproblems Janis: really coulda learned them by now but you know Janis: better things Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [comes over finally 'cos gotta keep him waiting] Jimmy: [kisses her like it's been years instead of however many minutes calm down boy] Janis: 🤤 Janis: should make you miss me more Jimmy: not a challenge Jimmy: but it kinda sounds like a threat Jimmy: steady on Jimmy: not over the last 💔 Janis: we can just pretend then Janis: on this one thing Jimmy: [kisses her again cos he just wants to & has a lot of feelings] Jimmy: I have missed you Jimmy: I don't need to pretend Janis: Me too Janis: sorry I was so Janis: gone Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: everyone was really going some to be bigger dickheads than usual Janis: like you said though, what did I expect Janis: it's that, I just wanted to do it, it wasn't actually about them Jimmy: it don't make it alright, that's what I never said Jimmy: & I didn't have to make shit about them that weren't either Jimmy: 'cause I know Janis: I can handle them, it's when that's not the best thing to do I struggle Janis: when I can't just give 'em a smack or chew them out 'cos that just makes me look Janis: As long as you do Janis: I didn't even want to come in to French remember Jimmy: I really do Jimmy: I swear Jimmy: & it weren't about them for me either Jimmy: I just wanted to see you Janis: Yeah? Jimmy: you know you make everything less shit Jimmy: & french is like Jimmy: up there with the paddy lingo for shit I don't get or need Janis: don't they know your words are reserved for only me Janis: and in...some kind of english Jimmy: [does a lol] Janis: You're so pretty Janis: let's be mates Jimmy: why you always friendzoning me, mate? Jimmy: [kisses her again sorry everyone] Janis: you were never not my boyfriend, were you Jimmy: nah Jimmy: that's your issue then you wanna be BFFs? Jimmy: I'll get you a necklace, hang on Janis: #whenhebuysyoujewelry Jimmy: [is literally buying them on his phone as we speak the little shit so he can give it to her at school in a few days remind me] Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 🤓 Jimmy: shit at emojis you Jimmy: 😎 Janis: 🖕 Janis: oops Janis: my bad Janis: 👍 Jimmy: [is giving her a grumpy face but trying not to lol obvs] Janis: can we just stay in tonight Janis: not the best use of doing anything I want I know but Janis: kinda knackered Jimmy: yeah Janis: you don't mind? Jimmy: it's whatever you want Jimmy: I said Janis: well don't want you to be 😪 Jimmy: I wanna be with you Jimmy: nowt else Janis: that's alright then Janis: sick of other people today Jimmy: most #relatable you've been today Janis: it's a skill Janis: underrated one at that Jimmy: is there owt you can't do, girl? Janis: nope Jimmy: 👍 Janis: thanks for not coming back at me with a WELL Janis: not today, boy Jimmy: didn't fancy a smack Janis: you know I won't anyway Janis: also, the hitlist is pretty long today so smug to think you're 🥇 Jimmy: I am though Janis: Really? Janis: [playfight moment] Jimmy: [which then turns into kissing 'cause gotta distract her from him losing again] Janis: I love you Jimmy: can we be alone yet Jimmy: I just want Jimmy: it to be me & you Janis: I dunno, Cass is probably as keen to go so Janis: 🤞 ask for us Jimmy: what time is it? Maybe Ian'll bother to be home on time thinking he can bollock me for today Janis: it is like 6.30 now so Janis: time they're home Janis: she can text us and yay or nay, yeah? Jimmy: I'll send 'em off Jimmy: he'll be there Janis: when you're reliable in all the worst ways 💕 Jimmy: he takes #goals to a new level, he truly does Jimmy: [does send the kids & dog off cos literally not far & sits on a swing cos cool kid lol] Janis: wanna push? Jimmy: [pulls her into his lap instead 'cause she always sitting there & it's a mood] Janis: ain't done this in a while Jimmy: you're welcome then Janis: you ever try and swing over the top of the bar Jimmy: only every time Janis: good Janis: have to push you off for being lame otherwise Janis: whadya reckon we thought would happen though, honestly Jimmy: I don't reckon I thought about it Jimmy: I just remember my mum being like don't so I did Janis: 😎 Janis: sounds about right Jimmy: Cass always used to jump off Jimmy: still would if she weren't too 😎 for swings now Janis: 'Course Janis: my sister broke her ankle doing that, always weak after that Jimmy: sounds like the kind of bollocks my mum was chatting Jimmy: not summat that'd actually happen Janis: that kind of shit always happened to her Janis: casual cautionary tale for us all Jimmy: Bob's that kid too Jimmy: any remote chance of him falling off or onto some shit he will Janis: 🙄 Poor bub Janis: least it probably deters him from doing completely dumb shit Jimmy: could be my fault, first time he asked me how I got fucked up I told him I fell over Jimmy: loves to copy me so Janis: could be Janis: or he's just clumsy Jimmy: we'll go with that Jimmy: 👍 Janis: not gotta take on anything else, like Janis: though I did tell gracie it was her fault my brother was deaf so Janis: 🤷 Jimmy: was it? Janis: 😂 Janis: sadly not, the guilt trip of that would be 👌 Janis: he had meningitis Jimmy: not quick enough with the glass test, Grace Jimmy: sort it out Janis: [is loling] Jimmy: [is heart eyes cos she looks cute when] Janis: [pulls face like wot] Jimmy: [more kissing cos why not] Janis: [stroking his cheeks like ugh] Janis: it's rude to be this cute you know Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: you're really rude Jimmy: I know Janis: 😎 Janis: just a couple of cool kids Jimmy: thought I was a nerd Jimmy: make your mind up Janis: thought so but you did the swing thing too so you know Janis: retroactive cool points Jimmy: all it takes, yeah Jimmy: alriight Janis: no one out here saying how hard it is rn Janis: you should know Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: give you that Janis: [shoves him but not off 'cos they don't both need to fall] Jimmy: [looks at her like oi but is smirky] Janis: dickhead Janis: just 'cos I'm swinging with you still, don't think I like you Jimmy: I don't think you like me Jimmy: I think you love me Janis: 😑 Jimmy: deny it Jimmy: go on Janis: [is looking at him like challenging but obvs doesn't say anything] Jimmy: [tickles her 'cause he's a little shit] Jimmy: I said go on Janis: [only got yourself to blame for all this squirming boy] Jimmy: you hate me so much, yeah Janis: not gonna say what you want Janis: so nah, complete ambivalance Jimmy: [cue make out session] Jimmy: feels like it Jimmy: 👍 job Jimmy: got nowt from you then Janis: shut up Janis: you're a crap liar Jimmy: you want me to be a decent one? Janis: when are you lying to me actual Jimmy: I don't Janis: then it don't matter Jimmy: do you wanna go home? Janis: not really but I do wanna be alone with you Jimmy: we could ride the bus until the driver can't handle how horny he is Janis: 😂 Janis: making the most of this bus pass Jimmy: tips and tricks I learned from Doris in my CG days Jimmy: 👵💕 Janis: fuck being over 60 she's been riding for free for time, know what I'm sayin' Janis: 🤢 Jimmy: [does a lol] Janis: we can go back to mine though forreal Janis: gotta prove I don't need any audience Janis: not even a grumpy middle-aged man Jimmy: [kisses her really hard] Jimmy: you don't have to prove anything Jimmy: but Janis: but, you wanna Jimmy: I want you Jimmy: whoever's watching Jimmy: or not Janis: you know you got me Janis: how many times have I told you Jimmy: tell me some more Jimmy: fuck it just Jimmy: show me more Janis: [use that swing to your full advantage babe] Jimmy: [let's just give them a moment like] Janis: well fuck Jimmy: I Jimmy: agreed Janis: see why people buy these Janis: though where do you put it when you've got company Jimmy: depends if you want 'em to join or not I suppose Janis: k if I give you the signal you gotta go hide it 'cos not feeling it Jimmy: 👌 Janis: nothing worse than having to be like not with u tho soz x Jimmy: done that a load, have you? Janis: all the time Janis: when I'm entertaining Jimmy: tah for letting me know Jimmy: be ready for the invite now Janis: all hors d'oeuvre and swinging me Janis: 70s housewife Jimmy: what the fuck are they though? Jimmy: who was like yeah I'm gonna just Janis: 70s housewives, probably Janis: lot of free time Janis: strange ideas about food on cocktail sticks Jimmy: loads of drugs Jimmy: & blokes they wanted to fuck up with a cocktail stick to the eye Janis: 😂 or pass off on their friend with the hot husband Janis: like have fun Jimmy: nearly makes me wish I had a few mates Janis: well idk how we're gonna fill up our free time otherwise, babe Jimmy: better get that job & cut mine down then Janis: I'll get a fucking vallium prescription Janis: get someone else to impregnate me since you won't Jimmy: Pete will volunteer & get it done Jimmy: work of only an afternoon for a super stud like him Jimmy: 💕 Janis: look enough alike we can fool you/the world Janis: soz but if I don't have two kids driving me crazy this whole bit don't work Jimmy: piss off do I look like him Janis: 😂 Janis: take the compliment Jimmy: [is pouting] Janis: [forever gonna bite a pouty lip] Janis: you're actually better looking if we're being real but shh Janis: he's the love of all our lives Jimmy: hang on, I need my twitter back for a sec Jimmy: need to let him know Janis: so rude Janis: you can't start real beef over imaginary 😍 Jimmy: so what can I start? Jimmy: [kisses her cos saucy behavior is the answer] Janis: only if you intend to finish it too Jimmy: when have I ever not Janis: got me there Jimmy: I'll get you there, baby Jimmy: you know I will Janis: Please Jimmy: [can't resist a please as we know so just casually touching her RIP the school skirt she would have changed out of but still doing his best anyway what a trooper] Janis: [taking time to kiss every hickey she had previously made] Jimmy: that's Jimmy: how does it feel so Janis: 'cos the skin is sensitive Janis: even a little touch is Jimmy: [touching her everywhere that's sensitive too wink wonk] Janis: Jim Jimmy: ? Janis: [moves closer] Jimmy: [goes harder for her cos the love is real bitch] Janis: [When you can be lowkey loud 'cos who at this park rn] Jimmy: [kissing her everywhere but not on the mouth cos wanna hear that lol] Janis: I want you so much Jimmy: [says her name out loud as he continues cos same] Janis: you remembered Jimmy: you're being very inspiring so Janis: you Janis: you know I can feel you like this Jimmy: [moves so she can feel that] Jimmy: yeah Janis: ['Baby'] Jimmy: [does it again but more] Janis: I want that Janis: but more Jimmy: [isn't gonna refuse cos no chill oh boy how are you getting away with this rn & always] Janis: God Janis: that's Jimmy: I know Janis: I missed you Janis: like this Jimmy: I missed you too, baby Janis: how was the bathroom even the same day as now Jimmy: it literally feels like weeks ago Jimmy: & I've never felt this much like Janis: It was a joke but if we couldn't, if you left Janis: I think I'd have actual withdrawals Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: I did feel like I was 💀 without you in french Jimmy: seriously Janis: I know Janis: it makes the day go even slower Jimmy: you're in my head constantly Jimmy: it was a 🚭 joke but can't get enough of you Jimmy: [goes harder cos true] Janis: then we don't ever have to stop Janis: fuck me forever Jimmy: [so many kisses cos that's a yes from him] Janis: this would be so shit with anyone else, wouldn't it Jimmy: yeah Janis: I believe you Janis: but don't need to, I just know it would be Jimmy: not to keep #dragging my ex when you don't even know her but Jimmy: everything was different Jimmy: & not 👍 different Jimmy: you know Janis: yeah Janis: I know I never but Janis: the stuff I did was Janis: well I felt nothing but even the way other people chat about it Janis: doesn't sound like this ever Jimmy: & it's not just this Jimmy: I couldn't chat to her like we do Jimmy: anyone Janis: me either Janis: even before Jimmy: she knew things 'cause she was there for them but Jimmy: she never asked me nowt about it Jimmy: how I felt about anything Jimmy: you just Janis: sounds like she had her own shit but still Janis: everyone's always too afraid to ask Janis: or just don't give a shit Jimmy: you do too Jimmy: but I don't know Jimmy: you don't shut up until it's real, do you Jimmy: so Janis: what do you mean Jimmy: I can't just get away with pretending shit Jimmy: even when that was literally the plan & the deal Jimmy: you were like Jimmy: you get it Janis: I know I probably should have let you Janis: but Janis: I mean obviously I don't regret it with you, us Janis: but I can't stand bullshit from anyone Janis: and there's so much of it, from everyone, all the time Jimmy: & I told you I can't either Jimmy: I'm surrounded by bollocks Jimmy: work, home, school Janis: You get it, too Janis: it's constant Jimmy: & exhausting Jimmy: I'd rather give my energy to you Jimmy: that's nowt pointless Janis: I'll take it Janis: I wanna Jimmy: go on Janis: [kissing to slightly cover how hard they going now] Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: don't let me fall off & I won't let you Janis: okay baby Janis: but if we do end up on the floor it ain't the first time Jimmy: it'd be a softer landing than some Jimmy: but it feels so good like this Jimmy: we have to just Janis: match rhythm Jimmy: don't be a nerd about it, but Janis: piss off, this nerd is about to make you cum so Jimmy: [laughs but where's the lie] Janis: you kill me when you look like that Jimmy: like what Janis: when you laugh or smile or Janis: happy, I guess Janis: looks good on you Jimmy: [has to kiss her cos 1. same bitch but also 2. emotions] Jimmy: you look good on me Janis: glad you agree Janis: 'cos I ain't going anywhere right now thanks Jimmy: you're so fucking beautiful, Janis Jimmy: bit rude honestly Janis: [can't even look at him 'cos] Jimmy: [makes her look at him 'cause hot eye contact ftw] Jimmy: you are Jimmy: take the compliment Janis: fuck Jimmy: I know you can more than a few words, yeah Jimmy: so just Janis: You know what your words do to me though Jimmy: I feel it Jimmy: you Janis: the way you feel inside me Janis: I Janis: I can't even try to describe Jimmy: there ain't never gonna be words for this Jimmy: us Janis: don't need one Janis: just you Jimmy: you've got me Jimmy: forever you said Janis: yeah Janis: I just don't like to think about endings when it feels like this Jimmy: you don't have to Jimmy: but you need to end this Jimmy: right here Jimmy: or we'll 💀 Jimmy: probably get nabbed by the 👮 too eventually Janis: is 💕 such a crime, officer? Janis: [goes in though 'cos yes] Jimmy: [is being loud soz everyone] Janis: ['tell me baby'] Jimmy: [tells her that he really fucking loves her & needs her even more] Janis: [is trying to get closer, holding him tight against her and inside her, right in his ear as she cums] Jimmy: [is always trying to get closer forever too so DYING RN] Janis: how did that feel Jimmy: I Jimmy: 🥇 that's it Jimmy: all there is to say Janis: good enough for me Janis: fucking hell Janis: surprised if they couldn't hear that from yours Jimmy: really endear Ian to you that Janis: I wish you didn't have to go home Janis: ever Janis: to him Janis: the kids are fine, no offence babes Jimmy: I don't Jimmy: it's only ever to them Jimmy: for them Jimmy: whatever Janis: I know Janis: but Janis: meh Janis: [rests chin on his shoulder] Jimmy: he's called me loads since I sent 'em back Janis: had time to think of some killer lines and he's still gonna lead w 🥊 Janis: do better, Ian Jimmy: can I stay at yours for a bit Jimmy: it'll probably make him more fuming but Janis: Yeah Janis: any time Janis: but actually mean it, not a throwaway comment Jimmy: [kisses her cos he knows] Janis: [ily] Jimmy: we should go Jimmy: if you can move Janis: just glad I'm not wearing the skirt right now Jimmy: personally I'm gutted to see it go but Janis: it'll be back tomorrow morning but trust you don't wanna explain why I'm coming home with cum dripping down my legs any more than I do Jimmy: soz that I'm too northern for the paddy's #1 trusted pull out method we're all 💔💔 Janis: you're alright, every sperm is sacred and all that Janis: fucking clearly in this fam Janis: I'm the one gunning 'em down Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: tah for breaking the mold babe Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 🙇 Janis: some cunts gotta at some point Janis: actual joke Jimmy: I ain't gonna ask how many nieces & nephews you've already got Jimmy: dickheads at school have painted me a picture & it ain't 🎨 Janis: 🙄 don't honestly Janis: can't even blame them, that's the shitty thing Janis: like yeah lads, I agree but ain't my fault or problem so Jimmy: who's next, Gracie, your hippie brother or the dickhead one? Janis: hmm 🤔 Janis: Iggy would probably father a child and then just forget to tell us like oh yeah well we're raising it like a spartan so I just left it up top of the mountains so Janis: Pablo is defs a forcing an abortion on you man so he's got my back Jimmy: [lols] Janis: 😏 Jimmy: you said you'd been stuck in for ages, do you wanna walk? Jimmy: or bus it 'cause you're knackered Janis: you mean you aren't gonna carry me the whole way Janis: honeymoon is over 😉 Jimmy: [gives her a look like challenge accepted and picks her up playfully] Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: [kisses him whilst she's there 'cos cute nerds] Janis: let's walk, no rush is there Jimmy: [cue more kisses when he puts her down & handholding] Janis: I know it's not ideal rn but Janis: always like it when you stay Jimmy: It's alright, I know you ain't 🤞 that my dad'll bash me more often Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: & I like it when I stay too Janis: Good Janis: would like that on record at the very least Jimmy: I'll screenshot it, don't worry Jimmy: not one for twitter but Jimmy: 👍 Janis: no, no one gonna be 😍 Janis: maybe gracie like wow, basic human empathy who knew Jimmy: is she gonna be there? Janis: I assume so Janis: also her gaff, like Jimmy: what the fuck's the use of her being friends with Mia if she's never at her mansion 🙄 Jimmy: sort it out, Grace Janis: you know, easier to stalk me from ours Janis: doubt she'll be up for the massive slag-off sesh if she couldn't even hack one lesson Jimmy: least it means they won't be there too Jimmy: unless they're SO SORRY #duh Janis: 😏 Janis: take my apologies in the forms of cash only Jimmy: I'm gonna start charging every time she looks at me 🔪🔪🔪 Janis: #thathoelife Janis: gonna paywall my DMs tbh Jimmy: the most #relatable you've been so far Janis: make the most of having a twitter secretary, babe Jimmy: 😏 Janis: just go through ❌ the uggos and ✔ the maybes Jimmy: no 🐇🍳 like Janis: you'd love it Jimmy: been there, fucked that Jimmy: Barry was a right one Janis: 😂 Janis: I'm sure Janis: wasn't you crashing his wedding or anything Jimmy: his eyes were begging me to babe Jimmy: come on Janis: [is lol] Jimmy: who's wouldn't be if they're marrying a 16 year old Jimmy: run Barry run Janis: 😬 Janis: have her parents literally signed her off or what Jimmy: they did yeah Janis: that's fucked Janis: least my parents 'marriage' wasn't real Janis: nan still don't like dad so good luck with that 👍 Jimmy: are they not married proper by now then? Janis: yeah Janis: she didn't object at the vital moment Janis: 💔 Jimmy: gutted Jimmy: she can step up for Ian's next nuptials if she wants to get into heaven like a good 🍀 Janis: I done told you she's Scouse Janis: and definitely not getting in Janis: but I'll ask Janis: hire her services Janis: better at 🔪🔪🔪 than Mia Jimmy: tah Janis: I'll just show and that'll put him right off Jimmy: whose name are you gonna try & say anyway dad? 🤔 Jimmy: It don't matter I'll give our kid the 💍s to lose Janis: 😂 all middle aged women have the same like 10 names Janis: he's got an alright chance Jimmy: you cheerleading him now? 'cause you ain't borrowing my pom poms Jimmy: get your own Janis: No I in team, babe Jimmy: what's the team colours Jimmy: I wanna look 🔥 Janis: 💙 Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: suits me Janis: compliments your eyes Janis: probably Jimmy: [flutters his eyelashes at her cos nerd. Why do boys have such long beautiful ones bitch?] Janis: I hate you Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 😣 Jimmy: [kisses] Janis: You're Jimmy: a dickhead, yeah Jimmy: I know Jimmy: [more kisses cos why not] Janis: cute Janis: and pretty Janis: and everything else you hate being called Jimmy: so rude you Jimmy: [tickles her again] Janis: I will kick you now I'm not at risk of falling too you know Janis: be warned Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: don't be all mouth Janis: I'm fair, thank you Janis: touch me again and Jimmy: [does the thing where's he's hovering really close by not actually touching her cos little shit] Jimmy: and? Jimmy: [then leans in for a kiss but likewise stops short for the wind up] Janis: [😡 and a vaguely aggressive smooch] Jimmy: [tucks a strand of hair behind her ear really soft cos can't resist and also gotta win her round at all times] Janis: [kicks 'cos you know rules but not actually hard 'cos that'd be rude] Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Jimmy: ow Janis: Poor boy Janis: that's what you get though Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: [squishes his face like n'awh] Jimmy: you only done that 'cause you know I can't kick you back Jimmy: such a girl Janis: you can try it, babe Jimmy: [playfight again] Janis: never give up, do ya Jimmy: nah Jimmy: wouldn't be #goals Janis: [🙄 but not as done as that face is lmao] Jimmy: [cheek kiss cos cheeky] Janis: [rubs at it 'cos same but is also 😍] Janis: I'm not your nan, you know Jimmy: she's 💀 so that's good news Jimmy: [little make out session though] Janis: 😂 Janis: sexy Janis: got me in the mood that Jimmy: you're always in the mood Jimmy: what I like about you that Janis: obvs Janis: any time any place Janis: girl guides prepared me Jimmy: course you were in all them after school activities, rich girl Jimmy: 👸🐎 Janis: oh please Jimmy: bit late to deny it Jimmy: but go on Janis: 😒 Janis: yeah yeah coal for breakfast lunch n tea I know Jimmy: 🎅 came to ours to stock up for the bad kids Jimmy: thieving fucker Janis: 💔 should hear how he treats his elves Jimmy: Ian's true form that Jimmy: why he's such a mardy bastard Janis: [snorts attractive babe] Jimmy: did you mean what you said Janis: what bit? Jimmy: 🚭 Jimmy: girl guides prepare you for that too? Janis: 'course Janis: got the leaflets on me at all times Janis: do you wanna Janis: not whatserface, idc if you don't Jimmy: I don't wanna read any leaflets or slide into that ginger's DM's Jimmy: but like Janis: sure Jimmy: it's your fault Jimmy: so Janis: wearing you out? Jimmy: piss off no Jimmy: needing me to live long enough to rescue you from your shit marriage to Pete Jimmy: already gonna have to fight against my northern life expectancy to see it through Janis: you and weddings Janis: gonna have to have it in the bahamas or some shit Jimmy: alright rich girl, stop flexing Jimmy: fuck's sake Janis: jus sayin Janis: gonna splash the cash to protect my mans Janis: he's sensitive, tah Jimmy: his skin is, he'll burn up Jimmy: put applying factor 50 in the vows 'cause your only job Janis: 😂 Janis: so precious Janis: must protect 💪 Jimmy: I'll hit you up when my 👵 missus has 💀 Jimmy: might leave me enough cash that you're interested Janis: 😍 Janis: I'll be sure to pick up ☎ Jimmy: I'll send you a text, know they make you 😍 Janis: shut up Jimmy: you'd have to break my hands Jimmy: that'd 💔 you Janis: [😒😳 combo] Jimmy: [kissing her cos so cute whatever her face is doing] Janis: [deepens it 'cos] Jimmy: [little make out moment] Janis: I like you Janis: you're a dickhead and everything but Jimmy: I get it, you want me to keep my 👅 Janis: I get it, you wanna stop Janis: don't need to seduce me if you need the breather, babe Jimmy: I need nowt of the sort Jimmy: [kisses her again to prove it & cos he needs her lbr] Janis: [running her fingers through his hair and up and down his back] Jimmy: I don't want you to stop doing that though Janis: might make walking a bit difficult but Janis: do my best Jimmy: [picks her up like now you can still] Janis: [does] Janis: such a trooper, you Jimmy: [is kissing her neck on all her hickeys but soft] Janis: ['mm' noise] Janis: you're gonna drop me Jimmy: [shakes his head & says 'I promise' cos always] Janis: [holding on tighter but not 'cos she needs to] Jimmy: [more kisses but less soft] Janis: [swings down whilst kissing him and backs up into a wall, streetlight idk] Jimmy: [is 😍 cos how swag & kissing her harder] Janis: [tugging at his top to look for somehwere to give him a new hickey] Jimmy: [takes it off cos boy privilege & it's may so not gonna freeze to death] Janis: [is just looking at him like 😍 and stroking his chest 'cos damn] Jimmy: [gives her a look like ? for the 😍 even though he knows damn well but also looking at her like ! cos what you gonna do babe] Janis: [stroking turns to little scratches and then bigger scratches because frustrated as hell, biting and kissing as love as she can get away with in public but obviously not low enough] Janis: low* Jimmy: [is swearing quietly but obvs cos he's living for it not cos fuck you lol] Janis: ['do you have any idea how bad I want you right now?'] Jimmy: [is giving her a LOOK cos yeah he does & like pulls her off the path to try and find somewhere slightly less public like] Janis: [insatiable kids] Jimmy: [I hope there's like some bushes or something for their sake. How sims lol] Janis: Here Janis: here is fine Jimmy: [takes off her top so he can get his own back for before cos of course he would] Janis: [is 😱 shooketh but obvs not complaining or stopping him] Jimmy: [let him crack on with doing that to her for a bit just so she's even more frustrated lol] Janis: ['Jimmy'] Jimmy: [says her name too cos teasing little shit & he knows what it does] Janis: [pouting so hard] Janis: come on Jimmy: [bitey pouty lip thing forever but harder than he usually goes cos mood as she finally gets what she wants] Janis: ['ow' but make it a moan] Jimmy: [kiss it better but make it sexy] Janis: you're so Jimmy: you Janis: [shakes head] Jimmy: [says 'take the compliment' as per] Janis: [more kisses 'cos shh but also 'cos] Jimmy: [going harder at everything just cos] Janis: how many pleases is it gonna take? Jimmy: let's see Janis: [#1] Jimmy: [pulls her closer cos always and does love a please] Janis: [is pushing herself into him and #2 'cos more always] Jimmy: [is likewise pushing her against a tree or whatever] Janis: [wraps her legs around him 'cos always and they long enough bitch] Jimmy: [perks of having a tall girlfriend got him like 😍] Janis: third time's a charm? Jimmy: [just nods 'cause can't even speak] Janis: ['Baby, please' with all the emphasis] Jimmy: [obviously gives in cos how can he not & SO MUCH KISSING BITCH] Janis: I Jimmy: I know Janis: [ily] Jimmy: [says it back] Janis: you're fucking gorgeous Jimmy: you are Janis: shit Jimmy: [doing the trying to get closer thing again] Janis: [using her hands in his hair to move his face level with hers and having the hottest closest eye contact ever[ Jimmy: [loud enthusiastic response cos damn] Janis: how do we keep ending up here Jimmy: I don't Jimmy: know Jimmy: care Janis: same Janis: just Janis: make sure it keeps happening okay Jimmy: you too Jimmy: don't get shy, yeah Janis: [little lol like wut] Jimmy: [kisses because she's so cute when she's happy & I'll keep saying so goodbye] Janis: don't think anyone is accusing me of being shy right now Jimmy: make sure they don't ever Jimmy: all I'm saying Janis: calling me predictable right now, really Janis: [cuffs his head but kisses him too 'cos obvs playing] Jimmy: I'm not calling you nowt Jimmy: I just like how you are Janis: JUST as I am though? 😏 Jimmy: are you trying to start a fight right now, really Jimmy: [but kisses her again cos also playing] Janis: Just keeping it exciting for you, babe Jimmy: do you reckon this is boring? Janis: not a word that I'd use Janis: if I was capable of saying much more than fuck, your name and God's, rn Jimmy: gimme one you can Jimmy: just don't give your god no credit Janis: [saying his name 'cos duh] Jimmy: [goes harder as a result cos he's into her saying his name too & we know it] Janis: holy shit Janis: just like that, that's so Janis: you're so good Jimmy: [says 'you'] Janis: [kissing him 'cos people going past not that far away so shh lads] Jimmy: you always make me forget where we are Janis: that's what I want Jimmy: to be my escape, yeah, I ain't forgotten Janis: don't Janis: no one does it better than me, remember that Jimmy: you don't Jimmy: I'm taking you away from here too you know Janis: I do know Janis: swear Jimmy: just swear you'll come with me Jimmy: that's what I want Janis: of course I will Janis: why wouldn't I Janis: I hate everyone here but you so if you ain't here then why am I Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you more Jimmy: shut up, you can't say that Janis: just did Janis: what you gonna do about it Jimmy: [goes harder than ever & is doing all her fave things cos if it's a competition like] Janis: [we know what gonna happen] Jimmy: [I hope nobody else is about cos soz] Janis: fucking hell boy Jimmy: 💕 Janis: don't look at me like that Jimmy: like what? Jimmy: [but is still doing it cos he knows] Janis: so smug and Janis: ugh Jimmy: just my face Jimmy: not doing nowt with it Janis: 😒 Janis: you know exactly what you're doing always Jimmy: what was it you said, I'm keeping things exciting Jimmy: that's what I'm doing Janis: you're making me fucking Janis: fall in love with you Janis: that's what you're doing Jimmy: you're already in love with me Jimmy: I'm making you stay Janis: more in love then Janis: somehow Jimmy: good Janis: mostly good Jimmy: where's the bad bit? Janis: it's just a bit...terrifying sometimes, don't you think Jimmy: it's only terrifying when you don't know where you stand Jimmy: & we do Jimmy: you ain't questions, you're answers Janis: yeah Jimmy: you don't gotta be scared of me, alright Janis: it's not like Janis: I don't know Janis: can't explain it Janis: it isn't anything you do though, trust me Jimmy: a bit Jimmy: but I'm not gonna fuck this up again Jimmy: not for ages at least Jimmy: gimme about a week Janis: it isn't Janis: it's actually a me problem Janis: but I'll hold you to that anyway Jimmy: problems you? nah I don't believe it, rich girl Jimmy: [but kisses her because so much love and seriousness actually] Janis: ain't you heard money can't solve 'em? Jimmy: that's the bollocks that gets said when you're crying on a yacht or whatever I'm sure Janis: 'course Janis: can't buy genuine wisdom either, soz Jimmy: life's shit but it'd be less shit for me if I had enough money to leave whenever it was worse than that Janis: money ain't the reason you can't go though Janis: that'd be an easy fix Jimmy: it's a reason though Janis: not the main one Janis: the real shit is always way more messy and complicated Jimmy: alright calm down, I ain't asking you to donate to my gofundme or owt Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: come on, we've got loads more walking to go Janis: alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [lights up 🚬] Jimmy: [steals it even though he said he was gonna 🚭] Janis: erm, wasn't for you Jimmy: don't be rude Jimmy: share with your boyfriend Janis: [takes it back] Janis: sharing means sharing Janis: you've nearly finished it Jimmy: that's your fault for walking so fast Janis: you that was in a hurry Jimmy: I only said we had ages left Jimmy: not that you had to run Janis: whatever Janis: just try to keep up Jimmy: I get it, you're such an athlete Jimmy: calm down Janis: shut up Janis: i'm not even you're being slow Jimmy: piss off am I Jimmy: you've got a rush on, girl Janis: it is a school night 🤓 Jimmy: don't remind me Janis: can't be any worse than usual 🤞 Jimmy: tomorrow's gonna be so shit Janis: cheery Janis: why Jimmy: 1. it's school 2. people are dickheads 3. my dad ain't stopped ringing me Janis: the first 2 are standard Jimmy: it's standard that it's shit too Jimmy: where've you been Janis: bunk then Janis: like you said, no avoiding how in the shit you are with him now Jimmy: like you said, if we do everyone will reckon they got to us Janis: not saying I can Janis: you could though Jimmy: not without you Jimmy: I already told you that Janis: alright Jimmy: 👌 Janis: then what can I do? Jimmy: you ain't gotta do owt Jimmy: how many times, shit's less shit just by you being about Janis: well I'll be there Jimmy: 👍 Janis: can we just Janis: stop Jimmy: here? Janis: I mean Janis: I don't even know why it's gone weird really but can we just not Jimmy: yeah Janis: or you could tell me why so I can do something about it Jimmy: so you're saying I'm making it weird Janis: I'm saying I don't know why it is so maybe you do Jimmy: I don't Jimmy: I'm knackered too maybe I'm being a dickhead Janis: That's alright then Janis: let's just crash Janis: long as it's nothing serious then it's all good Jimmy: come here for a sec Janis: [does] Janis: yeah? Jimmy: [hugs her] Janis: [hugs back] Janis: sorry, I know it's shit Jimmy: It's just Jimmy: If my dad wasn't such a fucking Jimmy: we could have been at mine no time after we left the park Janis: I know Janis: we should've got the bus Jimmy: could've have done all that on the bus though Jimmy: couldn't* Janis: well no Janis: but Jimmy: ? Janis: I'm just sorry baby Jimmy: it was good, yeah Jimmy: don't be Janis: I'm not sorry about that Janis: just that tomorrow is gonna be shit Janis: and I can't do shit for you Jimmy: but you can Jimmy: you're 🥇 Janis: I dunno Janis: wish I could actually throw money at this shit Jimmy: [kisses her like shh but also ILY] Jimmy: just be my girlfriend Jimmy: I don't wanna buy one of them Janis: [halfhearted lol] Janis: bit tragic Jimmy: bit too Ian Janis: [actual lol] Janis: I hope you just mean he's 💪 and spending too hard on his gfs Jimmy: well he ain't ordered one online yet as far as I know Jimmy: give him another failed marriage & maybe Janis: maybe he'll move to Thailand and leave you all behind Jimmy: fuck that we'll go with Jimmy: ditch him first chance we get babe, deal? Janis: deal Jimmy: [puts his hand out for her to shake cos nerd] Janis: [spits on hers 'cos gross and remember when] Jimmy: lovely you Jimmy: [but does it too obvs] Janis: you're the one that likes me Janis: weirdo Jimmy: insult me all you want now cos when we get there I'm selling the 🐶 Jimmy: let 'em make a meal out of her Janis: joke all YOU want but the fact you're even bringing her shows you luuuuurve her Jimmy: [is protesting but also trying not to lol so we see you boy] Janis: 👦💕🐶 Janis: the best of friends Jimmy: in your dreams, girl Janis: wildest, babe Janis: I'll draw the art this time Jimmy: what else is in there Jimmy: let me know Janis: maybe Jimmy: [gives her a look like oh only maybe okay then] Jimmy: what do I have to do to make it more than a maybe? Janis: get a good night sleep Janis: you said you're knackered Jimmy: challenge accepted then Jimmy: [but you can tell he's thinking like when the fuck did I last get one of them] Janis: [smooches him like I know] Janis: don't worry, I'll help Janis: I wanna tell you Jimmy: so go on Jimmy: [gestures for her to have a piggyback cos gotta exhaust him further lol no offense babe] Janis: tomorrow Janis: gotta get you through the day somehow Janis: [piggybacks tho] Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: [does a little run to be a show off but like actually be careful boy] Janis: [loling and 😍] Jimmy: [let's give them a piggyback moment for a fair while & distance well done boy] Janis: impressive Jimmy: sound more surprised about it, dickhead Jimmy: 🏆💪 me Janis: soz didn't know I was dating superman Janis: gimme a sec to swoon Jimmy: Clark Kent around the fans though, babe Janis: ohh that's why you're such a 🤓 Janis: just a cover, why didn't you say Jimmy: busted Jimmy: had to make sure I could trust you Janis: 😏 Janis: well I'm not gonna be that basic bitch but still, got your back Jimmy: tah girl Janis: Legit have a cousin called Lois Jimmy: 'course you do, nerd Jimmy: she got a sister called Penny? Janis: umm, I didn't fucking name her, 'scuse you Janis: and no, worse but you already know Janis: Leia, in our year Jimmy: ? Jimmy: more freckles than you Jimmy: that the one? Janis: that's the one Jimmy: how many cousins you got? Jimmy: half the school or what Janis: 🙄 pretty much Janis: who else would you know hmm Janis: Ollie in our year Janis: his sister Sophie, year below, that's probably it Jimmy: we should get him for our ⚽ team Jimmy: 👌 Janis: Yeah, bin off the actual lad, know you wanna Jimmy: nowt personal we're just too 😎 Janis: 😂 Jimmy: & I just can't around all those sweaty lads 😍😍 so Janis: 🚬 wheezing for all the wrong reasons, babe Jimmy: [lols] Janis: less of a look that being a footie dyke, trust Jimmy: you've got a beard now if you wanna get back on the team Janis: what else am I in this for Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: get your short shorts on then, babe Janis: but how can I compete Jimmy: 🥇 you Jimmy: come on Janis: but those legs 😍😍 Jimmy: but yours Jimmy: [reaches to get 'em] Janis: oi Janis: [protest too much] Jimmy: [little playfight that very quickly just turns into him getting her in a sexy way] Janis: we're nearly there now Janis: you can do it Jimmy: [tells her how hot she is in a VOICE cos how dare you distract him girl now he's gotta distract you too but does carry on] Janis: ['wait' and smooches him 'cos okay] Jimmy: [& then more cos forever mood] Janis: such a bad influence Jimmy: I just like encouragement Jimmy: I really Janis: [more intense eye contact] really? Jimmy: respond well to it, you know Jimmy: [hot kisses to prove the point] Janis: I Janis: I see Jimmy: [more eye contact just because] Janis: come on Janis: [takes his hand and lowkey drags him the rest of the way] Jimmy: [gives her a look like she's such a spoilsport & is all smirky but goes] Janis: you just go straight down Janis: I'll tell my parents what's up Jimmy: alright Janis: it'll be fine Janis: save the 20 questions later if I don't 🙄 Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: tah Janis: [comes down after five minutes or so] Jimmy: [he's just flopped on her bed cos tired boy] Janis: [sits down next to and strokes his hair like hey] Jimmy: [snuggles] Janis: you need anything? Jimmy: [says 'you' cos obvs] Janis: [snuggles down too 'cos 'you got me'] Jimmy: [all the snuggles and soft kisses and touches cos happy] Janis: ['I wish you could stay forever'] Jimmy: [just nods cos same & emotions] Janis: [just being gentle and loving 'cos gah] Jimmy: [likewise] Janis: [I love you] Jimmy: [kisses cos again same & again emotions] Janis: [gets him undressed but less in a sexy way and more in a caring way] Jimmy: [follows her lead & helps her with her own clothes not forgetting putting the hair down cos never & we gotta spend some time playing with that then] Janis: you're Janis: I've never met anyone like you Jimmy: too northern Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: I've met loads of paddy's but you're Janis: shh Janis: no you're Janis: maybe I've never been with anyone like this Janis: I don't mean just the sex and shit Janis: you know Jimmy: I do Jimmy: know Janis: you Janis: you feel it too right Jimmy: [all the eye contact & 😍] Jimmy: I feel it too, baby Janis: [is reassured like yes good and dying a bit 'cos closeness] Jimmy: [says ILY but it's basically a whisper cos how soft they are rn] Janis: [actual whisper 'why'] Jimmy: 'cause I do Jimmy: all them compliments you never take Jimmy: for a start Janis: [hiding how she do] Janis: okay Jimmy: [is playing with her hair and gently gets her to look at him because] Jimmy: you've gotta take 'em or you'll 💔 me Jimmy: [but smiles and is still 😍] Janis: I said okay, how else can I take a compliment? 😏 Jimmy: [more kisses] Jimmy: say it like you mean it Jimmy: maybe Janis: [🙄 but less mad as per] Janis: okay Janis: agree with everything you've said, I'm amazing, like Jimmy: [pins her down but gently not like !!! for more kissing because third time's the charm obvs] Janis: [ily so much] Jimmy: [says her name a few times in between kisses cos they both like it] Janis: thought you were sleepy Jimmy: I am but Jimmy: never that sleepy Jimmy: you're just Janis: [smiley and smug] Jimmy: [traces the 😏 face emoji on her with his finger cos art hoe] Janis: not gonna cut your hands off Janis: I've decided Jimmy: Yeah? Jimmy: what have you decided to do with them instead then Janis: [moves his hands down and does the thing where you move 'em with yours on top] Jimmy: thought you were knackered Janis: how else you meant to unwind 'fore bed Jimmy: [smiles and kisses her again as he carries on] Janis: I wanna Janis: touch you too Jimmy: [moves a bit so it's easier for her cos we can all imagine how close they were probably lying am I right, kids?] Janis: show me how you do it Janis: how you like it Jimmy: [does the same hand trick for her like a shameless copycat] Janis: ['I just wanna make you feel good, Jimmy'] Jimmy: [tries to tell her that she does but it's a moan though 'cause how hot do you wanna be, Janis, it's rude] Janis: [kissing him harder 'cos feeling that he's feeling it too] Jimmy: [and yet he's still managing to touch her too, what a trooper, not like me I'd be well distracted] Janis: you're Janis: [more kisses] Jimmy: you though Jimmy: [more kisses] Janis: ['you' over and over] Jimmy: [and her name too cos that's the mood] Janis: I love you so much Jimmy: [kissing again cos he can't even] Janis: [lbr gonna do this 'til sleep] Jimmy: [true story bro]
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angelaiswriting · 6 years
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Hello, my darlings!
You don’t even imagine how happy I am to finally be back and I hope you’ll never have to panic about losing your Tumblr. After contacting Tumblr support three times (twice yesterday and once today, and not once receiving the usual automatic reply back), someone answered and brought me back. I honestly don’t know what happened because I received a sort of pre-made mail (that I’ve already received before), but I think it was done by accident (also because I didn’t get a waning email). Looking up online, I saw that there had been a termination-spree a few years ago and that it had been caused by a glitch or something like that, so hopefully this was the problem.
I apologize for bothering you guys by tagging you again, but I just want you to know that I won’t have to start from scratch and lose you all 💛
A special thank-you goes to my Pau for bearing with me and my anxiety and for posting that post yesterday for me. You truly are one of a kind 💛
@idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892 @toomanyfandoms96 @mblaqgi @maxineofpk @wishicaredenough @sweetvengeancee @titty-teetee @float-autumn-leave @oddsnendsfanfics @kenzieam @bellaagates @strangunddurm @pb-bonniegold @poisonedjoinery @dwarfwizard-from-panem  @dontopenthepandorabox @lif3snotouttogetyou  @kenzieam @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @brobachev @theranskahovs
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Well today has been great so far. We slept in a little today and decided to wake up at 11ish. Since my boyfriend got the groceries on Friday, all I had to do was start prepping it and cooking it. He decided to go to Costco and get the meats and everything else that was needed. When he came back, he bought glass pyrex for our meal preps! So excited lol. We ended up doing three different meals this week. We did beef stir fry with a lot of veggies and pasta, pasta with grilled chicken and veggies and burgers with potatoes and veggies. I am so excited! I hope it works out better than our last meal preps. We usually do two meals instead of three but lately we've been getting tired of that lol.
I am so excited to finally relax and do nothing for the rest of the day lol. I showered, washed my hair and self-cared (do my face routine and hair routine) and put the teapot on for some tea. We decided to get some Wendys for dinner cause we were so exhausted and wanted something simple. We did not want to browse on UberEats for something good lol. Sundays are always my favorite because we meal prep and when we're done we relax and order out. I do want to try and find new movies to watch because I feel like I've seen all the movies there are to see and all I watch now are the same movies lol. If anyone is reading this, please recommend amazing movies. I will watch anything. I do not like shows which sucks cause that's like the easiest things to watch and binge lol. I might rewatch Harry Potter though cause Harry Potter is life and honestly, rewatching the movies make me so happy.
We decided to keep cleaning after our cleaning spree yesterday and it was amazing. I honestly love having a clean place and organized as well! It's ok to not be organized everyday but I do think that it kills your vibe and energy as well as the energy and vibe in your house. So keeping It clean truly helps! I do want to get more stuff for my house but its so hard cause I wanna do it online but I also want to go into the store and see it lol so I keep putting it on the back burner and never do it lol :(
I wish we did not have to go to work tomorrow and get to sleep in and relax. I hate that the weekend goes by so quick and we barely get anytime to relax. We just honestly work and get two days to basically do what we can't during the week lol. The only thing helping me today is watching movies, taking bong hits, EATING Krispy Kreme DOUGHNUTS, and being with my boyfriend :)
Here are some photos of our meal prep today and our amazing glass pyrex :)
P.S. I'm eating a Raspberry Doughnut from Krispy Kreme and holy fuck they are so amazing :)
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orbemnews · 3 years
Cybercrime Hits the Pump Hackers take down a major fuel pipeline One of the U.S.’s biggest pipeline operators, Colonial Pipeline, disclosed late last week that it was forced to shut down after it was hit by ransomware. It’s a sobering reminder that cybercrime is one of the most serious threats that companies face. Colonial acknowledged that its corporate computer network had been hit, crippling the company that supplies 45 percent of the East Coast’s fuel. (A criminal gang known as DarkSide was identified as the perpetrator.) While the shutdown, now in its third day, hasn’t yet had a major impact on the markets for gasoline, diesel or jet fuel, analysts warned prolonged downtime could lead to higher gas prices as demand rises when the economy fully reopens. Colonial declined to say when it would restart operations. Cybercrime is on the rise. U.S. officials note that the frequency and sophistication of ransomware attacks has soared in recent months, targeting police departments, hospitals and manufacturers. Companies are often reluctant to reveal much information about these attacks, making the scope of hacks difficult to gauge; last year, a ransomware attack took an unnamed natural gas facility offline for two days, according to a vague statement from the government at the time. The attack on Colonial comes months after news of the hacking of the network services provider SolarWinds, which Russia has been accused of orchestrating. The Biden administration is weighing how to respond. The White House had already been planning an executive order to create new digital safety standards for federal agencies and contractors, as well as new disclosure rules. Government officials have conceded that the order as currently planned wouldn’t stop the most skilled hackers from infiltrating computer networks, though they say it might have helped prevent hacks like the Colonial incident. In the meantime, the Department of Transportation passed an emergency order yesterday relaxing rules on transporting fuel via road in some states. This latest attack highlights the vulnerability of infrastructure to cyber attacks. President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure spending plan doesn’t have a lot to say about cybersecurity specifically, so how to protect these projects from attacks could become yet another point of contention in the already heated debate over the bill. HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING New warnings about how the coronavirus spreads. U.S. officials acknowledged that the virus is airborne and can reach people more than six feet away, raising questions about how employers can redesign offices to reduce the spread. Still, Dr. Anthony Fauci said he was open to relaxing indoor mask mandates — so long as Americans continue to get vaccinated. 1MDB sues JPMorgan Chase and Deutsche Bank. The failed Malaysian sovereign fund sued 25 individuals and nine entities, a list that includes the two Western lenders, Bloomberg reports. It’s the latest fallout from a bribery scandal in which Goldman Sachs admitted last year to a role in abetting crimes. The fight over unemployment benefits heats up. Friday’s disappointing jobs report stoked debate over whether the Biden administration’s policies are working. Republicans (and some Democrats) argue that the $300 weekly supplement is discouraging people from finding work; others say any clogs in the labor market are temporary. Investors rebel against executive pay. Shareholder votes in favor of U.S. executives’ compensation have fallen to their lowest level — an average of 88 percent — since 2011, the year that “say on pay” votes became mandatory, The Financial Times reports. So far this year, six S&P 500 companies have failed to win a majority of support for pay packages. An online cheating scandal is roiling Dartmouth. The school accused 17 medical students of cheating on remote exams. The allegations have caused an uproar at the university — several students say the software was at fault — and highlighted issues around the tracking of students without their consent. Dogecoin: Who is the joke on? In this year of crypto craziness, the funniest money of all is Dogecoin. The token that started as a joke, riffing off a popular internet meme, has generated scarcely believable returns and distracted from more serious discussions about the future of cryptocurrency (see the separate item below for more on that). Is Elon Musk really taking Dogecoin to the moon? That’s what the Tesla C.E.O. has been pledging to do, literally and figuratively. Yesterday, he tweeted that one of his other companies, SpaceX, is “launching satellite Doge-1 to the moon next year — Mission paid for in Doge.” The announcement came the morning after he dropped a few Dogecoin references as host of “Saturday Night Live,” at one point calling the token “a hustle.” Dogecoin fell by nearly a third in price on the night of the show. It was such an eventful night for the cryptocurrency that the Robinhood trading app couldn’t keep up. SpaceX and Geometric Energy Corporation are indeed teaming up to carry a 90-pound satellite on a Falcon 9 moon mission, paid for with Dogecoin, according to a statement yesterday. “Having officially transacted with DOGE for a deal of this magnitude, Geometric Energy Corporation and SpaceX have solidified DOGE as a unit of account for lunar business,” said G.E.C.’s chief executive, Samuel Reid. Dogecoin is only disconcerting if you don’t get it? “It’s cheap, fun, viral and has a great potential for return,” Marcos Brakenridge, an undergraduate business student at the University of Kansas, told DealBook. Brakenridge, the treasurer of the student investment club, bet big on Dogecoin in February, when it was around a tenth of its current price, to make money for a down payment on real estate. Tens of thousands of dollars in returns later, he’s confident its value will keep going up because Musk — and the rest of us — keep making a fuss about it. Today in Business Updated  May 10, 2021, 7:48 a.m. ET “People just seemed shocked. They’re speechless. They’re really blindsided.” — A former executive of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on the couple’s divorce. The split makes personal a shift that confidants say was underway in their philanthropic roles, The Times reports. Ms. French Gates had consulted with divorce lawyers in 2019, The Wall Street Journal reports. Crypto goes to K Street Away from the memes and manias, the cryptocurrency industry is maturing, as shown by its growing contingent of lobbyists in Washington and a recent hiring spree of former regulators. The burst in activity comes amid growing enthusiasm from mainstream investors and increased concern from regulators, The Times’s Eric Lipton reports. Clarity on how to regulate digital assets is likely years away, Eric told DealBook. This month, the House passed a bill backed by crypto lobbyists to create a working group to examine frameworks for regulating digital assets. “The bill the House passed is a sign of how far they are from doing anything substantive in Congress,” Eric said. “There is no consensus on how to go forward and there are serious rivalries in the industry.” Congress usually acts in response to disaster, said Stephen Lynch, Democrat of Massachusetts, at the House vote, noting that the F.D.I.C. was created after the Great Depression, and the C.F.P.B. came after the 2008 financial crisis. The bill, he noted, was a chance “to act proactively toward financial innovation rather than to address gaps in our regulatory framework after the fact.” The bill is now with the Senate Banking Committee. “Financial regulators have been slow when it comes to protecting consumers from private-sector digital assets that add more risks to our financial system,” Sherrod Brown of Ohio, the committee chair, told DealBook in a statement. He declined to provide a timeline for advancing the legislation. Until there are rules, it’s all about enforcement. In December, the S.E.C. sued Ripple Labs, creator of a popular crypto platform, saying its token, XRP, is an unregistered security. The company argues that XRP is a commodity, like Bitcoin, and has enlisted lobbyists, lawyers and other well-connected advocates to make its case. The lawsuit has persuaded other industry players to get more involved in crafting rules “because right now it is like the Wild, Wild West,” said John E. Deaton, a lawyer who moved to intervene in the enforcement action against Ripple. On work and vaccines On Friday, we wrote about one of the most vexing issues facing boardrooms: Should companies mandate that employees get vaccinated before returning to the workplace? We asked for your thoughts, and many of you shared opinions, personal experiences and suggestions for handling this complex issue. Here is a small selection, edited for clarity: “The way we’re doing it at our company is, if you submit a reason from your doctor or you have a religious belief or some other valid reason not to get the vaccination yet, you are required to be tested weekly and submit the results to H.R.” — Patricia Ripley, New York City “We don’t know the long-term dangers of these vaccines. They may be bad or good. No one knows. Our employers should not be able to simply ignore any of our worries and concerns.” — Brandon Atchison, Verbena, Ala. “I strongly support employer mandates. A few well-publicized firings will end the ‘hesitancy,’ but the firings must be backed up by classifying them as ‘for cause.’ That means no severance for executives and no unemployment for staff who refuse.” — Paul Levy, Carolina Beach, N.C. “Individual rights are the cornerstone of American democracy — trampling them for the vaccine rollout is a dangerous precedent. People seem to forget that these ‘temporary changes’ end up as permanent, with the result that your employer can now compel greater access to your personal decision-making.” — Anonymous “An unvaccinated person exposes everyone in the office, including visiting customers and clients, to the virus. Why should everyone else be jeopardized because of one person? Simply let unvaccinated people continue to work at home and suffer any consequences to their career paths that may result.” — Joseph Carlucci, White Plains, N.Y. THE SPEED READ Deals More than 30 tech start-ups received taxpayer-funded rescue loans — and then went public via SPACs less than a year later. (WSJ) Simon Property Group and Authentic Brands agreed to buy Eddie Bauer, adding to their stable of clothing brands. (Reuters) Politics and policy Norwegian Cruise Line threatened to keep its ships out of Florida ports after the state barred businesses from requiring proof of vaccination. (NYT) “Policymakers Used to Ignore Child Care. Then Came the Pandemic.” (NYT) Maya Angelou and Sally Ride will feature on a series of quarters to be issued by the U.S. Mint. (NYT) Tech Jeff Bezos sold $5 billion worth of Amazon stock days after the company disclosed stellar earnings. (Bloomberg) Clubhouse is finally available on Android, but the audio chat app’s popularity on iOS continues to decline. (Insider) Best of the rest U.S. and European banks are split on how quickly workers should be brought back to the office. (FT) Netflix said it won’t work with the group behind the Golden Globes until it improves diversity within its ranks. (Deadline) An internal Walmart memo bluntly laid out the challenges the retail giant faces to maintain its dominance. (Recode) We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Orbem News #Cybercrime #hits #pump
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subwaybookreview · 6 years
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Maya: “I started An American Marriage today and got it at the new McNally Jackson. I only buy from local booksellers. The story is about a young, married, Black couple. They are starry-eyed but know it will get complicated as time goes on. A year into the marriage the husband is accused of rape and is sentenced to 12 years in jail. It completely throws off the trajectory of their marriage and the story unfolds from there. I just went through a big breakup. We were fully in love for a year and in the last two months it just fell apart. Now all that’s left is his ghost. He existed and now he doesn’t at all. He may as well have been a character in a book. The story is done and there won’t be a sequel. Maybe that’s why I’ve been on a major book consuming spree. I just finished Green yesterday —it’s by this Brooklyn author. I emailed him and he got back to me right away. I email authors every time I love their story and feel connected to them—I send a little love note. Acknowledgment and appreciation is everything. When you really love something, tell the person who created that feeling.“ @mayamarie #AnAmericanMarriage #TayariJones / @theubc #subwaybookreview #newyork🗽 (at A Train)
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Day 309 / Nov 4
John 3-4
3: A Pharisee teacher named Nicodemus visits Jesus by night to discuss some theology Nicodemus acknowledges that Jesus is another rabbi sent from God to preach to Israel Jesus says that one must be born again to see the Kingdom of God Nicodemus is confused and thinks rebirth literally means coming out of your mom's womb twice Jesus says No, rebirth through baptism That you must be imbued with the spirit if you want in to heaven Nicodemus is still confused Jesus mildly but not really rebukes him He says if he can't understand eartly things, how will he understand heavenly things? No one ascended into heaven, but the one who descended is the Son of Man The Son of Man came here to save not punish or destroy Here comes the first or second most famous and translated verse in the Bible: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life." Those who come to the light will be saved, and those who stay in the shadows won't be After this discourse, Jesus takes his disciples and goes on a baptism spree, much like John John's disciples ask him about this and John pipes up saying he is not the Messiah Think of it like this: Jesus is the groom here and John is the best man, almost equally important to the event, but not the man himself John came here for Jesus and Jesus is greater than John God is true, he sent his Son, whom he loves, and the Spirit Make your choice, eternal life or eternal wrath
4: When the Pharisees saw that Jesus was baptizing more people than even John, they didn't like it (even though it was his disciples really) Jesus leaves Judea and heads up to Galilee, but he needs to pass through Samaria He stops by a well in Sychar and asks the Samaritan woman there for drink The woman is shocked that a Jew would speak to her, but Jesus that if she knew, she would ask drink from him; a gift of living water The woman asks how he's gonna get that water, he doesn't even have a bucket, is he greater than Abraham or Jacob? He says that those who drink from this well will thirst again, but those who drink of him will never be thirsty, for there will be a well of living water inside them The woman asks for this magical water, and Jesus (knowing she doesn't have one) tells her to go talk to her husband She says she doesn't have one, to which Jesus says she's been married five times before but currently is not She deduces this Jew must be a prophet or something and asks where she should pray, [Gerezim] or Jerusalem? Jesus says not to worry about that, for she can worship the Father from anywhere, and the Samaritans worship wrong The Father, in spirit, seeks true believers The woman says she's heard about some Messiah, Christ, who's gonna tell them certain things Jesus says he himself is the Christ It was at this point the disciples come back from buying food (I don't think they brought anything for Jesus though) and they're surprised Jesus is talking to a Samaritan The woman goes and tells all of Sychar that this man may be the Christ and they like him so well, they ask him to stay for a few days The disciples urge him to eat, but Jesus says doing the Lord's work feeds him He says that even though the harvest is in four months, the real harvest is happening right now The reapers earn wages and gather fruit; but the disciples didn't labor to reap In Sychar, many people start to follow Jesus and his ways After two days, they leave and head to Galille and Jesus is certain they're not going to like him, for a prophet is not welcome in his hometown But the Galilleans were very receptive of him after seeing what he did in Jerusalem There was a man in Capernaum whose son was sick The man comes over to Jesus personally and pleads for him to heal his son, and Jesus says that the son will be healed by the time he gets back The man believed him, and when he got back to Capernaum, his servants told him his son was wayyyy better now Coincidentally, the son got better precisely at the moment his father was speaking with Jesus
I finished my course early!; on an unrelated note, where in the world would I be without tofugu?
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8 WEB
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