#this post should be ten years old. why isn't it
radiance1 · 4 months
Damian: [brushing his teeth]
The shadow hanging over his shoulder: [Gets its teeth dangerously close to Damian's shoulder]
Damian: [Shoves a toothbrush into said shadow move and starts brush]
The shadow: [Pauses before starting to let out a contented purr]
Damian then spits out the foam and washes out his mouth, then makes the shadow do the same and then picks out pjs.
Damian: [Currently decided if he should go with the cat, dog, or knife imprinted one]
The shadow: [Starts getting dangerously close to Damian with, toxic green spirals it calls eyes]
Damian: [Throws the dog imprinted one behind him at the shadow and takes the cat imprinted one for himself and tells the shadow to put it on]
The shadow: [Stares at the clothes before hesitantly putting them on before letting out a noise of distress]
Damian: [Turning around to find the shadow somehow stuck in the pjs, lets out a sigh, then starts to help them fit]
Damian then moves over to the bed, he points to one side and tells the shadow to go there. The shadow listens, laying down as Damian also lays down, grabbing the sheets and covering them both.
It barely took a few seconds for the shadow to fall asleep, and Damian stared at it. Damian wasn't quite sure why the shadow of his dead twin was following him, nor why it was even able to and seemed to hide itself from anyone who isn't Damian.
Nobody besides him knew about it, and Damian decided that he liked it. This could have been his younger brother, if the other had survived, and they would have probably been told to fight to the death to decide an heir.
At the very least, that won't ever happen.
Even if his brother was slightly unusual.
Danny did not remember much of the before, he remembered people with blurred faces and features, blurred colors. He remembered a lot of colors, then red, then white, then pain.
He doesn't like pain, he believes.
Then he remembered going to sleep, and then he woke up. It was dark and slimy and cramped when he woke up, especially when he realized someone else was in their with him.
Then he fell asleep again, then woke up to that same dark and slimy place, then fell asleep again, all in some weird cycle. Then, moving, and pain.
It hurt, and he was sluggish when it eventually stopped. Then came pain again, and he was asleep.
Then he woke up, again.
He didn't know what was happening, wasn't really aware of too. But he woke up next to the other who was in that dark and slimy with him, and decided he wanted to stay with them.
He wasn't aware enough for most of the things that happened when Damian grew up, but he still stayed regardless, and hide from everyone else.
Danny loves his brother, and he thinks his brother loves him too. Even if he was slightly unusual.
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sea-owl · 3 months
Who remembers my post where Colin got jealous of a man who came to call on Penelope? It was the post I introduced Marquess Odysseus Rose.
Here's the AO3 link for it because I can't find the tumblr one link
Well I just had a thought of what if we drop Felicity into this au too.
Felicity sees this lord coming to seduce her sister away, and she is about damn near has heart failure. Penelope laughs at something Odysseus says, and Felicity has to fight the urge to run out of the house and track down Colin. She won't because someone has to stay here and protect her sister. She does not trust their mama to not scheme and it would take a natural disaster or a gambling bet to pull their father away from his newspaper.
So Felicity instead does not give them space. She sits as close as she possibly can to Penelope without gaining the attention of their mama while Penelope and Odysseus discuss those new fairytale collectors who call themselves the Brothers Grimm.
Thank all that was holy that marquess did not stay long. But did he have to kiss her sister’s hand?! Felicity felt her hackels raise. No, this man WILL NOT break up her sister and Felicity's favorite brother-in-law or future beother in law, either it does not matter he is not breaking up Pen and Colin! As soon as she watched Marquess Rose drive off in his carriage, Felicity took off sprinting across the street.
The Bridgerton butler, Humboldt, open the door. "Miss Featherington, Miss Hyacinth isn't here at the moment but I can-"
"I'm here to see Colin!" Felicity blurted out, trying to catch her breath.
Humboldt stared at the ten year old girl for one moment then two.
"Please its important."
Just as she was afraid he was going to deny her the butler let her in and had her wait in one of the drawing rooms.
Felicity for herself pace. Colin needed to hurry up that marquess could be thinking up ways to ruin her sister at this very moment! Colin needs to go court Penelope more than he ever has before! Should they get flowers? Yes, flowers are always nice!
"Felicity what's wrong-"
"We must make haste to the florist!" Felicity declared, trying to push Colin out the door he just came in.
"We must get something beautiful! But no yellow!" Felicity pauses. "AND NO ROSES!" Can't have Penelope associating the flowers with that stupid marquess.
Colin turned around, grabbing hold of Felicity's shoulders he kneeled down so they were eye level. "Felicity what is going on? Why do we need to go to a florist?"
Felicity huffed. Could he not ask on their way to the florist? "Marquess Odysseus Rose," Felicity spat the name, "has called upon Penelope yet again! He will not leave us alone and he is trying to take my sister away! Mama has hinted marriage between him and Penelope and we can not allow that to happen!"
Colin froze before Felicity finished her sentence. "Marquess Rose was at your house today?"
"Yes!" Felicity cried frustrated. "We can not allow him to put court you for Penelope's hand! Now make haste to the florist!"
Colin stiffly stood. "Yes, let's. Perhaps we'll also stop at the bookstore and maybe get Penelope a new handkerchief as well."
"Oh yes!" Felicity agreed, taking Colin's offered arm like she would do with one of her sisters. "Something with a pretty lace border!"
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anomalymon · 2 months
[Essay] MissingNo Therian: An Exploration in Identity, Labels, and the Fictotherian Experience
We've seen a few posts of people wanting more personal essays in the community, so I thought I would write this and crosspost it to Tumblr. -Rex
I am a MissingNo. My exact form is one that's been fluid throughout my life, with Kabutops and Aerodactyl fossil forms having preference, but occasionally switching to the Lavender Town Ghost. I identify as a Pokemon therian or Poketherian for my species - or fictotherian for a broad term. This identification is one which can confuse people - after all, therianthropy is more traditionally associated with animals, and I identify as Pokemon that isn't real. My species only exists in four games that are well over two decades old and is a failsafe the game spits out. Why should I identify as a therian? Despite how strange it can seem, I still prefer therian over other labels such as otherkin and fictionkin. My therian identity is deeply intertwined with my hyperempathy, created by a bias of my animality, comes from viewing a MissingNo as a type of animal, and from experiencing common therian traits.
Therian over otherkin, fictionkin, or fictive
Some may be saying "why don't you call yourself fictionkin?" or even "Isn't otherkin for mythical species, while therian is for earthen species?" To address the later point, there have been better written essays dispelling this. I would highly recommend Therian: Dispelling the Earthen Animal Myth by The River System for a well written and researched essay.
To address the former point, it is personal preference. I did use "otherkin" for years and still do identify as both otherkin and fictionkin, but the term "therian" is more in alignment to how I experience identity. I am an animal, I experience shifts, and I experience instincts.
I don't perceive MissingNo as sapient on the level of elves or some dragons. For me, being a MissingNo is also a "real" thing, as tangible as a dog, bird, or dragon. I don't consider myself glitchkin despite being a glitch, nor conceptkin. I am like the theriomythics who label themselves for being an animalstic gryphon or phoenix.
When it comes Fictionkin and fictive, to me they can be too focused on identifying yourself in the framework of being a character, which I'm not. I'm not a creepypasta character anymore than one of the Hypno species would be. I still do identify as fictional - I can comfortably identify as "fictherian" or my preference "fictotherian" (Which comes from "fictotype". I believe I started this term usage - since when I started using it, I could find no results to it, but I did use it in forum posts, Discord servers, and other methods).
Fictive falls under a similar problem - but with slightly more alienation. While the term is open to me, my identity history makes me feel out of place in a community of walk-ins and introjects when it was one that developed later in life.
How I became a MissingNo and the grip of hyperempathy
My identity as a MissingNo came later in life. I began existing in my system as a canine pup - which I know from behaviors and mannerisms that I later connected to me in the present, and genuinely expressing feeling like a dog as a child. Years later, I identified this species as a manned wolf.
Then at around the age of ten, my identity shifted to a glitch Pokemon. What at least contributed to it was developing a special interest in Glitch Pokemon around this time. This combined with our natural hyper-empathy and perhaps being conceptum to subconsciously alter my identity over time.
These interpretations can cause me to be out of place. While I still love glitch Pokemon and I am fascinated by them, I rarely find anyone who also has an intense interest and fascination while having this level of hyperempathy - even if I encounter others who have some alterhuman or even gender or sexuality connection to glitch Pokemon. Almost uncontrollably do I see glitch Pokemon as genuine Pokemon. I might grow attached to certain Pokemon in the way I would a pet.
The overall psychological influence means that this identity comes down to personal interpretations and personification. I'm not a natural animal and you cannot read about me in a textbook or find any bits of lore within the games, but rather, I am an animal that came from the mind of a mentally ill person.
MissingNo the animal
What defines "animal" varies. Humans are biologically animals and primates, but not all humans identify with those terms, with some taking offense to it. To someone with hyperempathy, a stuffed animal may be as much of an animal as a living one, or even a car might be a type of animal to certain minds. This connection is what makes me feel a MissingNo can be a type of animal.
Additionally, Pokemon are their world's equivalent of animals, and this is how most of my system views Pokemon due to one of our deepest parallel life connections being a humanlike Mewtwo. This sentiment is also one I've seen many Poketherians have. In the world of our origin, we are animals. For another essay on a similar experience, I'd highly recommend "The Fire Burns Bright" by Jasper, an Alolan Marrowak therian.
Within the contexts of the games and many interpretations - including my own - MissingNo is also a bird. It is one of few Pokemon which use this glitch beta typing. Being a bird can be equally as much a part of it and I'd consider birds as a paralleltype and one where I may confidently call myself a bird. Albeit a very odd bird.
The wolf and animal bias in my core
In addition to the bird of the MissingNo, the manned wolf at my heart is still important to my identity. It's in between otherhearted and therian on a sliding scale, and I identify it more as manned wolf-hearted for convenience, but it's closer to "kinth". I don't know why I am or was a manned wolf, but it doesn't quite matter to me either way. What matters is that there is the manned wolf.
To me it feels as if despite my core being or "soul", my mind became a MissingNo while the core remained the same. To my soul, a MissingNo is a type of dog. Then, to my mind, a manned wolf is a type of Pokemon. Both of these identities came about and exist in harmony rather than opposition.
Another comparison that the heart and soul makes is being "feral". Glitch entities in video games to me are almost like an animal which can't be domesticated. They may act fine, but every so often you'll encounter something that reminds you that at their core, they're wild. MissingNo still scrambles sprites and Hall of Fame data - and you can't have a "normal" experience with it. MissingNo is to Pokemon as a wolf is to a dog.
The instincts that made me tear apart playsets when playing house pretending to be a dog are still present in the instincts that make me want to tear apart meat when I eat it.
The Experience of a MissingNo Animal
I fit into many traditional therianthropy experiences and unto a hybrid canine/avian experience - just perhaps with more twists towards the bizarre.
I am a contherian when it comes to mental shifting and almost always feeling like an animal. However, I do experience phantom shifts. I get the sensations of skeletal fangs, claws, and a body that's far heavier and taller than my tiny, human form. Though the bizarre comes when during these shifts, I don't feel like I have skin and much of my body feels transparent, I feel like I should be able to stick my hand through my lower jaw.
I feel the sense of freedom and flight when I ride a bike downhill. For a few minutes when I bike, I can imagine myself flying. I sit in rivers and ponds among the wading birds feeling like I belong. I treat the chicks and chickens we raise like a part of my flock.
I still want to hunt. Sometimes I need to fight my instincts to recognize chicks as flockmates and not food. I like to eat wildly and I like to taste blood and fat in my food. When I eat, I feel like like the blood should dribble through my skinless jaw bone. Skeletal claws should be typing this essay instead of fleshy human fingers.
I am an animal, and despite doubts, I am a therian.
This label fits my experiences better than the alternatives. I don't feel as much alienation or out of place compared to other communities even though my species isn't an "animal" in the traditional sense. Hyperempathy has created this experience for me in that I feel more comfortable saying I am an animal than I am from fiction.
My center being is animal and always has been, it's just how its presented through my life has shifted. The animal instincts have only developed as my species has.
It is my hope that more unusual therians might come forth and be encouraged to examine their experiences - and for both earthen therians and potential theriomythics or fictotherians to explore what exactly "animal" means to them. I want others to also examine where their mind's biases may lead them, how that can impact their identity, and use it to feel more at peace in what the heart wants.
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sitp-recs · 4 months
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Teddy Lupin Appreciation Reclist
I hope everyone’s already read my gorgeous gift Wield Me by @tackytigerfic because that fic finally inspired me to finish and post this rec list! I’ve been a big Teddy fan since his name came up in the books; thanks to @lqtraintracks I was lucky to get introduced to and fall in love with Harry/Teddy many years ago. Sometimes it’s hard to read them together with other ships because just like Peter Parker, Teddy holds a very special place in my heart and I just want him to be happy and loved 🥹 so to celebrate my long-standing love for this character - which was boosted a hundred times by Tacky’s gift, I thought I’d share my favorite Teddys - both in romantic and platonic relationships - in fic. btw if anyone wants to start a Teddy centric fest let me know!
🏍️ Coming Up for Air by @lqtraintracks (Hardy, M, 2k)
I could have died of it, your tenderness toward me. Instead I decided to live.
🍑 Five Years Since Bimbleswats by tryslora (Tedrarry, E, 4k)
It’s been five years since Bimbleswats, and Draco thinks that is definitely something worth celebrating.
💦 Waiting Under Vain by supergrover24 (Hardy, E, 5k)
Teddy wants to know how sex really should be. Harry can't resist, no matter how much he tries.
🥩 The Lies We Live With by @bixgirl1 (Jeddy, E, 5k)
It doesn’t really count… is almost always followed by a lie, James learns, growing up.
🎨 Surface Texture by @the-starryknight (Hardy, E, 5k)
I've drawn a hundred portraits, but none quite like Harry's. In the early hours of the morning, I lay him bare in charcoal and paper.
👠 When It Alteration Finds by @lqtraintracks (Hardy, E, 7k)
Teddy thinks this is the way to finally get what he wants. But there is more than one way to Harry's heart.
🧁 Holding Out for A Hero by @writcraft (Hardy, E, 7k)
Even as he says no, Harry’s hands push into Teddy’s hair. Even as he protests, his lips connect with Teddy’s. Before Teddy can offer any reassurance his heart’s thumping wildly in his chest and Harry Potter’s kissing him as if there’s no tomorrow.
🐉 On the Same Side by rillalicious (Teddy/Charlie, M, 7.5k)
Teddy is heading to Romania to protest a proposed anti-dragon law. He finds an interesting ally there.
🧅 Shut Up and Kiss Me by @unmistakablyoatmeal (Hardy, E, 8k)
There's a reason Harry walks an extra ten blocks to go to the shops and it has nothing to do with onions. AU.
🪞 Portrait of a Young Girl by @thusspoketrish (Drarry, M, 8.6k)
Recently married, Harry and Draco are tasked with raising a four-year old Teddy, whose emerging gender identity brings up an array of questions, fears, and revelations for them when they realise that Teddy might be transgender.
⚔️ Wield Me by @tackytigerfic (Drarry + hints at Tedrarry, E, 10k)
Draco Malfoy, blacksmith, is renowned through the magical world for his skill and exquisite creations. He could quite easily spend the rest of his days making pretty trinkets for the fae court, and being handsomely rewarded for the privilege. But why take the easy route when instead he could get involved in a dangerous mission with Unspeakable Harry Potter (who also happens to be Draco's... well, he's something, isn't he?). A little story about learning to strike while the iron is hot.
🦆 Hallo Spaceboy by @shiftylinguini (Jeddy, T, 10k)
Or: James kissed Teddy last night. This may or may not be the end of the world.
🧹 Overexposed by @nv-md (Tedrarry, E, 10k)
Teddy never expected to become a model for Nimbus, and he definitely didn't expect any of the adverts to catch Harry and Draco's attention. But now that it's happened, Teddy can't deny he gets a thrill every time he catches Harry and Draco staring, and he's going to do everything he can to keep their eyes on him.
🎸 like the lost lyrics of a song suddenly remembered by @lqtraintracks (Teddy/Bill + Jeddy, E, 11k)
Teddy Lupin, aging rockstar, is making a comeback after his life and career were nearly ruined by an illegal potions habit. Everyone's out to support him tonight. Including the man he's always tried so hard not to love -- as well as the man he's always turned to instead.
⛺️ Good Intent by @maesterchill (Jeddy + past Hardy, E, 12k)
It all starts on the camping trip when James gets his dick out in the tent.
🎾 Game, Set, Match by @writcraft (Hardy, E, 13k)
Teddy is smitten, Harry is lonely and tennis seems like a great way to avoid dealing with this thing between them.
🤝 Team Players by @shiftylinguini (Jeddy + James/Oliver, E, 15k)
Everyone has that one celebrity they’d move heaven and earth to get between their legs, and James Potter is no exception. He just never anticipated that number one on his Freebie List would end up in the same room as him, let alone would make the first move. But lucky for James, Teddy is a team player―well, he probably is, especially with what James is suggesting.
🍨 The Strongest Affinity by eidheann (Drarry, T, 17k)
Trouble finding a wand for Scorpius leads Harry and Draco to something they never imagined.
🦋 Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (Drarry, T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse. That is, until he stumbles upon the surreal and beautiful world of a mysterious fae creature…
🌳 By the Grace by lettered (Drarry, T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
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mythicalgeek · 2 months
Addressing how Persephone is sexualized in Lore Olympus.
Soooo... here's the thing, I LOVE Lore Olympus. I love the art style, the magic, how it mixes greek mythology with the modernday and it's reimagine of the character's, that it's not afraid to deel with sierous issue and I relate with Persephone on a very personal level. I found the webtoon at a time when I really needed an escape from things happing in my life and Lore Olympus was there comfort and inspire me.
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I have a lot of love for this webtoon, however... there's some problems I had with how Persephone was sexualized in the first season. There were moment's where she was viewed in a fetishized male gaze that was ... not great 😖 (case and point 👇)
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This portrayal unfortunately falls under the sexy baby trope and I found this very strange and out of place in a story that is suppose to a feminine retelling of greek mythology.
Now I dont mind that Persephone is sexualized since she is of age and it's a part of her character arc. Her story is about gaining agency after being sheltered her whole life and understanding her sexuality is a part of that. Her reclaiming of her trauma and sexuality is one of the reasons way a lot of people enjoy the webtoon and can relate with this verson of Persephone.
So why is she portrayed under the male gaze in a way that does not support the core of her character? It's especially worse when we are seeing Persephone through Hades eye's, witch doesn't help since the age gap is a controversial topic in the fandom and a lot people think that LO is pedophilia, and these moment's didint help the romance or Hades as a character.
And that sucks because I acually like how most of there relationship is handled and the age gap dose not bother me as mush, mostly because I think that Hades is somewhat emotional stunted do to his trauma and that him and Persephone are at the same level intellectually, and a lot of there relationship is quite healthy albeit some what codependent.
I've seen some people compare Lore Olympus to Twilight and Fifty Shades of Gray and even though there are some similarities ( both having a young woman discovering her sexuality and a immortal or rich boyfriend/ husband ) , but the core difference is that Hades is not abusive or possessive twords Persephone and treats her with respect.
Lucky with season 2 and 3 the gross male gaze moment's where mostly removed and we saw more of the female gaze, not just because we got more shirtless Hades, but because of how Persephone is portrayed sexually. (case and point 👇)
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Persephone isn't fetishized like she is in season 1 instead she's shown as powerful and has agentsy over her own boby, the focus is more on the intimacy, connection and longing between her and Hades and when we do see Persephone trough Hades eye's she's viewed with tenderness and seen as a beautiful desirable women and not a sexy baby. Also it should be notice that after the ten year banishment Persephone is thirty year's old when she and Hades gets married and have sex for the first time.
This some what redeemed Lore Olympus for me and even though the webtoon it far from perfect there is nothing wrong enjoying and finding value in this story as long we view it with our brain's turnd on.
Just to be clear this not a anti Lore Olympus post, I am simply addressing one of the problematic aspects of the webtoon because I feel like we should acknowledge it's flaws while enjoying the story and characters.
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lockedtombbrainworms · 6 months
OK so I'm not the first person to say this, but there is some pretty nasty racism involved in the way this fandom talks about Gideon the First, and if even I can fucking see it, as a white person who's on this site relatively intermittently, it's pretty intense.
Like, I know he repeatedly tries to murder Harrow, but like, this is the Everyone Is A Fucked Up Person book series. People are very happy to go "oh, I know Ianthe did war crimes, that's why I love her" (and believe me I'm 100% down with that), but you don't then get to turn round and point at one of the relatively few characters actually described as dark-skinned in the text and say "ew, nasty stinky bastard man, he sucks!" and make meta posts ascribing all sorts of malice to him as a character just because he occasionally ran a spear through Harrowhark Nonagesimus.
Look at the guy. He salutes Harrow with a cigarette after she tries to kill him (yes that's him, nobody notices his eyes changing like they would if it was Pyrrha), he got kissed by Commander Wake at some point and apparently just fucking leaned into the fact that the enemy commander was trying to tongue him. He argues with John about what he's been told to do with Harrow and then John tells Harrow that it's all happening because G1deon has promised something to someone, somewhere and even John can't talk him around. He sits at the table with the other lyctors and when John, Mercy and Augustine start unspooling their repression all over each other over fuck knows how many bottles of wine, he shares a look of something close to solidarity with Harrow before justifiably getting upset and leaving after Augustine brings up Pyrrha. The fandom should be all over him.
And yeah, he's a mess. But that's what the lyctors are. He's a ten-thousand-year-old necrosaint who's spent most of that time either alone or with other ten-thousand-year-old necrosaints. He's gonna have a slightly skewed view of death. He's probably seen other lyctors gore each other to fuck all the time. You can't straightforwardly apply our morality to his actions any more than you can to any of the other lyctors, that's kinda the whole point of them as characters. So why have I seen several posts about how him sticking a spear in Harrow from behind is some sort of metaphor for sexual assault when there is a canonical example of fucky consent stuff in the form of Dios Apate Major to discuss if you really want to bring up that sort of stuff in your analysis?
For fuck's sake he's not even the first person in HtN to stab Harrow (that's Ianthe, in the oath scene), or to try and kill her (that's... whoever it is on the Erebos, which is definitely not ol' G1d). I appreciate this is The Big Book Of Freaky Lesbians and that a lot of the fandom isn't especially interested in the dudes, but give the man a break - I don't see people acting this way about Augustine or Magnus or Naberius.
Rant over. Knock this shit off.
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themarydragon · 5 months
So my friend sent me this link to a youtube video about why the TotK lore isn't interesting. I couldn't get through it without a ten-screen discord rant (on my PC monitor, not my phone) so I thought I would put some thoughts here.
I don't delve too deep into TotK story but there are def some spoilery statements below, consume at your own risk.
The initial assumptions here seem to be that (1) BotW was more respectful of "The Lore" than TotK, and that (2) TotK made some unforgiveable sins that BotW absolutely avoided.
Both of these are completely false. And I am NOT saying that neither BotW nor TotK shat upon accepted lore. They did. There is no recovering the Hyrule Historia timeline, objectively. Instead I contend that the truth is the precise opposite: Nintendo has NEVER actually cared to try to make LoZ games have ANY amount of continuity.
Take the slide at the 5 minute mark of the video linked, above, in which we see the Master Sword was created specifically to be used against Ganon, and then the 7 sages set out to find somebody valiant enough to wield it (this is from the user manual of A Link to the Past, from the SNES, which also was about The Imprisoning War). Which, if you're playing the home game, you know got ret'conned TWELVE YEARS AGO by Skyward Sword. He's using the slide to explain why it was ridiculous that Ganondorf was able to shatter the Master Sword in the prologue to TotK, which tells me they didn't pay much attention to the mechanic in BotW in which the Master Sword "runs out of power" if you use it too much. If Ganon is an aspect of Demise (again from Skyward Sword, far more recent lore than the slide being used in the vid) then the secret stone he's wielding is amplifying DEMISE (WAY stronger than just some dude), which is why he's able to shatter the blade - but still isn't enough to destroy the sword. His entire complaint about the Sword being broken suggests to me he either didn't play Skyward Sword or has forgotten it existed, and has DEFINITELY forgotten the 'weapons breaking' mechanic started in BotW.
He makes another complaint later about there not being an explanation for the disappearance of the Divine Beasts. Which, sure. I wondered what happened, and figured the 5ish years since then made it old news nobody was talking about it anymore. I get why that might have been a breaking point for somebody else. But it's not just a TotK problem; BotW didn't address it, either. We see the Divine Beasts being dug up by the Sheikah in Rhoam's flashback - how did they get buried? The towers shoot out of the ground, how did THEY get buried, after the last calamity? Who put the guardians underground? How? HOW, if nobody is allowed into the tunnels under Hyrule Castle? It didn't get explained for BotW, so why is that an unforgivable sin in TotK? They give more than a passing suggestion that Purah has repurposed the guardians - just LOOK at the Skyview Towers. The jumpscare for BotW players when you get grabbed in the Lookout Landing tower TELLS YOU where the guardians went.
There is a significant section in which video creator is quoting an interview I haven't seen (and don't give two shits about), and I think it needs to be said: what is in the game is canon. What is in the interviews from other people is, by definition, not game canon. If it was meant to be game canon it would be in the game. Neil Gaiman talks about this when people ask him for clarification of his stories, go check his FAQ if you want a really good delineation of canon from somebody with way more clout than me.
So let's just look at the lore he's defending from BotW. The map is wrong. Straight up wrong, from all the earlier Zelda games. Nintendo cannot decide where the Lost Woods should be, much less Spectacle Rock. The Temple of Time, which again is mentioned early on as a clear homage to the lore, is in the wrong damn spot. If this is the new Hyrule formed post-WindWaker (as indicated by the existance of Rito), the Temple of Time should have been destroyed. And why do the Rito and the Zora both exist? According to WindWaker, the Rito evolved from the Zora, who couldn't live in the salt of the sea. Which is a pretty big jump from the original game that had Zora in the ocean, and the two games following THAT in which they were straight-up monsters. I don't want to get into ALL the ways BotW breaks from the established lore, but there's a LOT. They don't mention the fucking Triforce ONCE, ffs, that's sort of a big damn deal.
I get there was a canon timeline published in Hyrule Historia. I bought that book for that exact reason. And, as someone who has loved this franchise since I got that first golden cartridge in 1987, I looked at that timeline once, laughed at it, and moved on with my life. BotW de-canonized that timeline already, in a LOT of ways.
So saying that TotK is evidence that Nintendo no longer cares about continuity or lore, and by NOT villifying BotW (or TP or SS) for the exact same problem is disingenuous at best. Saying that TotK is just nostalgia-baiting is ignoring the BotW map (Lake Saria, anyone? Ranch Ruins, anyone?) in general, as well as all the game-specific loot that had NO other reason to be there but straight-up nostalgia. The only reason for Zelda to mention the other heroes in the blessing we hear in the first memory is to (1) destroy the established timeline (skyward bound, adrift in time, or something about twilight, all in a world where Rito exist), or (2) prey on our nostalgia. TotK isn't any worse for putting the WW shirt and the Awakening armor into the game, in terms of wrecking the timeline or trying to feast on our nostalgia.
I'm not going to try to hypothesize what this person (or all his commenters) didn't like about the game, or why they're so willing to overlook all these problems in BotW to villify TotK. And everybody is welcome to like to dislike a game for whatever reason they want, IDGAF, you do you. What I AM saying is that for someone who's upset about the lore, he really doesn't seem to actually be aware of how inconsistent it's ALWAYS been. If TotK is the game that taught you that Nintendo isn't trying to follow their own lore, then I don't think you have been paying attention to the lore for a good long time.
tl;dr this is still my favorite series and if you hate that it breaks its own continuity then you've been asleep for the last 12 years of lore drops my good dude.
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agentrouka-blog · 8 months
Jonsas never mention the fact that Jon dreamed of being a conqueror like King Daeron, I wonder why…
(Do you really "wonder why" or are you content making vague implications you don't care to spell out because it would make them even easier to refute?)
Why don't we spend our days talking about this?
Because GRRM mentions it twice, and both times he already dismantles it?
The first time it's a drunk 14-year-old trying to justify why he's already superqualified to join the Night's Watch, hoping to become a glamorously exciting ranger.
"Daeren Targaryen was only fourteen when he conquered Dorne," Jon said. The Young Dragon was one of his heroes." A conquest that lasted a summer," his uncle pointed out. "Your Boy King lost ten thousand men taking the place, and another fifty trying to hold it. Someone should have told him that war isn't a game." He took another sip of wine. "Also," he said, wiping his mouth, "Daeren Targaryen was only eighteen when he died. Or have you forgotten that part?" (AGOT, Jon I)
Young conquerors who get thousands killed and die young. Hello Robb. Hello..., well, let's not spoil anything else, I guess. His idealization is immediately reprimanded, for Jon the character and for the reader.
The second time, it's in direct contrast to the complex politics Jon-the-Lord-Commander is engaging in to balance out the interests of multiple dangerous parties so the maximum amount of human beings survive the winter and the Others, without killing each other - and secretly rescue his little sister on top of it.
When Jon had been a boy at Winterfell, his hero had been the Young Dragon, the boy king who had conquered Dorne at the age of fourteen. Despite his bastard birth, or perhaps because of it, Jon Snow had dreamed of leading men to glory just as King Daeron had, of growing up to be a conqueror. Now he was a man grown and the Wall was his, yet all he had were doubts. He could not even seem to conquer those. (ADWD, Jon VII)
The pivotal message here is that rulership is not that simple, not that glorious, not as banal as conquest. Jon is no longer a child hoping to compensate for his painful childhood with a power fantasy of being admired and adored for impressive feats of warfare. It's put into direct contrast with his actual challenges as a leader.
And wouldn't you know it, the moment Jon has a glamorous speech rallying men to march into war with him? That's the one moment GRRM chooses to undercut by immediately following it with his assassination. He will never ever depict war and battle as positive things, even with sympathetic characters. Even in defense, but especially related to conquest.
These things are not exactly subtle. GRRM is using Daeron and the way characters discuss him as a short-cut to criticising wars of conquest and those who glamorize them. Jon grows beyond that within the span of the books. His relationship with conquerors, especially in relation to the North, is bound to be conflicted.
So.. no, you're not seeing jonsas making a ton of posts about it. It's pretty clear-cut.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
I am gonna take the month off from doing daily polls, I think, and concentrate on writing a thing for NaNoWriMo. Not that I won't be writing anything else, I will definitely be writing other things, just I'm gonna make a NaNo project my priority.
Buuuuut due to my current hyperfixations being what they are, I am absolutely gonna make that NaNo project a DC fic, haha. I'm just not sure which idea I wanna go for, so here's some elevator pitches and a poll for y'all to help me decide!
(not guaranteeing I'll write the winner, just I'm gonna use the poll rankings to help me decide which one to try for, if that makes sense)
elevator pitches:
de-aged Kon + the Lane-Kent family
Kon gets magically de-aged to ten years old and Clark and Lois and also-ten!Jon take them in for the duration. Featuring Clark being an oblivious dad, self-discovery enby!Kon, and adorable little-kid crushes on various Robins from various Superboys. Also featuring Consequences and the results thereof.
Jazz and Jason go to Arkham for very different reasons and in very different ways
Jazz Fenton just got hired at Arkham Asylum and everyone keeps saying that the Red Hood is an incredibly difficult patient to work with, but she's more concerned with why no one's been feeding this starving baby halfa the ectoplasm he needs to LIVE. Featuring Jazz smuggling in said ectoplasm, half-feral Jason just delirious enough from hunger to unthinkingly drink the Lazarus water this doctor is pushing on him, and all the complicated shit that happens after that.
Kon is too trans for this pregnancy shit
Closeted!Kon accidentally gets knocked up by a random hookup and now has to explain his gender identity to everyone he knows and also have a baby while NOT explaining his sex life to either the Kents or Smallville. Featuring fake baby daddy Bart, awkward but trying his best Clark, and Tim and Cassie not understanding why Kon and Bart didn't tell them they were sleeping together.
the one where Clark is trans but Kon isn't, and no one actually knows this
Clark is a trans man and Kon is not, but some assumptions have been made by the rest of the world. Featuring Kon's constant escalating internal crisises, Young Justice and Cadmus making some understandable mistakes while trying to respect and validate "him", and Match accidentally being the one true ally for his cister.
Krypton lives and Kara Zor-El did not sign up for this
Kryptonian diplomat Kal-El goes to Earth and gets cloned about it, and somehow Kara is now stuck babysitting her baby cousin's teenage clones back on Krypton while said baby cousin is busy arguing with the council about how said teenage clones should be granted sanctuary and Kryptonian citizenship. Featuring Kon and Match wanting their superpowers back and not understanding why no one wants them to be weapons anymore, accidental mom General Kara Zor-El, and pretty young thing Lena Luthor wearing increasingly weaponized business formal to these intergalactic custody hearings.
obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU
Early-days YJ Tim finds out that Superboy is working for and LIVING in a lab that once tried to mind control him and does the rational thing about it, which is to go "meet" him as Tim Drake and convince him to let him buy him an apartment and pay for his entire life. Featuring accidental sugar daddy Tim, very willing sugar baby Kon, and Clark being extremely stressed about the "daddy" Kon hasn't told him the actual name of.
the Gotham Kid
Cadmus successfully copied Superman's memories into the Kid when they made him, and post-Engine City the Kid runs away from being Superboy so as not to risk any supervillains finding out about said memories and hurting any of the people in them. Featuring being a homeless superpowered teenager in Gotham, meeting a very angry dead Robin and a very cute alive one, and keeping your mouth shut just to make sure there's no risk of Superman ever hearing your voice and finding you.
YJ den mom Black Zero
Kon successfully drags Black Zero back to his own reality for rehabilitation, the responsible adults there all realize they can't ethically dump him in the Phantom Zone for interdimensional crimes they only know of through hearsay, Kon doesn't see the problem with this, and Red Tornado did not ask for a reality-conquering coworker but now he's got one. Featuring Harm regretting all of his life choices, a very pissed-off superclone fistfighting Doug Side, and if anything ever happens to Young Justice, Black Zero will destroy this entire reality and then himself.
YJ packs up and gets pupped
Stray!Kon presents as an omega and doesn't know what to do about it, and Young Justice decides the obvious solution is to pack up but also accidentally knocks him up with an entire litter in the process because whoops, apparently Kryptonian-human hybrids ARE fertile after all. Featuring the comedy of errors that is every single adult in their lives not being told what's going on except for Max and Red Tornado, because obviously Max and Red Tornado, and also YJ setting up a secret identity for Kon and him discovering he kind of likes it.
"something I will supply in the replies!!"
Legit, friends, make your pitches, I am both actively listening and easily influenced.
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onlylovingstrangers · 2 years
"You should definitely consider setting up a social media account for Onigiri Miya. This taste never gets old," you enthuse.
It'd been a long day at work, and you had thought, why not drop in for a snack?
Osamu had seen you through the window and by the time you were settled into your favorite place by the counter, a plate filled with your favorites had been delivered to your seat.
He reaches out now to pick off a rice grain from your cheek. "Stop talkin' with yer mouth full, dork."
"Listen to what I'm sayin', freak," you say affectionately.
"I am listening, idiot."
"So whaddya say? I could help you set it up. I could help you run it!"
I could do this for you, I could do that. You think it's dumb that people clock Osamu for the smarter twin just cause he talks less, because how could someone with even half a brain miss all the hints you've dropped that you are madly in love with him? Even Atsumu has for a few years been aware of your stupid crush on his brother, requiring several bribes to keep his fat mouth shut.
The only explanation you can come up with is that your childhood friend is an idiot.
Then again, you are the one in love with said idiot, which maybe makes you a bit of one too.
Osamu sighs. "Ya make a temptin' offer, but you're already so busy with work — don't even tryta deny that — and ya need to rest."
"Nooooo," you immediately deny, though you both know it's true.
When he shoots you a look, you hasten to add: "Running an Instagram account isn't hard work. Here, look at my photo account, which I update daily. Takes like, five minutes."
You hand over your cell to Osamu, who starts scrolling through the posts. Most of them are of the sky or of a pretty flower, with the occasional selfie. Osamu smiles at your cute poses, ignoring the pangs of jealousy when he sees his stupid brother's comments spamming your page. Instead he snorts at the username. "Where the hell did he come up with msbyatsumurocks?"
"I know. Who the hell does he think he is?" You agree.
Suddenly his fingers still at one of your selfies, which you'd captioned, Amazing day today. Below that, his stupid brother had left a... not so stupid comment.
@msbyatsumurocks: Why, did ya finally confess to my stupid brother?
"You like me?"
The startling question has you choking on rice and seaweed and tuna. The person behind your downfall leaps into action, thumping you on the back with conviction.
When you finally regain the ability to speak, you're prepared to refuse the statement with every thread of your soul, every fiber of your being, but Osamu beats you to the punch.
"And you told Tsumu instead of coming to me?"
"Well," you say with just as much snark, totally forgetting the plan to deny, deny, deny, "maybe if you'd picked up on the millions of signals I put out, like he did, we wouldn't be here! I wouldn't be wearing his fuckin' jersey at every home game just to buy his fuckin' silence!"
"So that's why you wear his stupid fuckin' jersey?" Osamu rubs his forehead, hard. "Well, guess what! I've been buyin' his silence for years! I've been cleanin' up his shit and makin' his dinners and bailin' him out for ten years!"
"Wait. You like me?"
You are suddenly acutely aware of the shop's silence, and so is Osamu.
"Should we find him and kill him?" you suggest, looking up somewhat bashfully.
"And then after... we discuss... us?" he adds, tentatively taking one of your hands in his.
It feels so right, the both of you think at once, and neither of you need to say it.
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joels6string · 1 year
Joel Miller x f!reader
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Summary: No Cordyceps AU; Despite his best attempts at weaseling out of it, you drag a not-so-merry Joel to finish off the last of your Christmas shopping.
Rating: E
Word Count: 3.2k
Content: established relationship, Joel hates Christmas songs and isn't afraid to make it known, cornered beneath the mistletoe, smut to reward him for his troubles [lingerie, face-sitting, oral f-receiving, unprotected p-in-v, creampie]
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December in Texas brought temperatures just cold enough to warrant a sweater. Even after eight years of living in the Longhorn state, you still hadn’t lost the longing for the chill of winter air around the holidays the north had offered. But Texas had offered something even better.
Footsteps thumped on the roof of your covered porch right outside your bedroom window, the sight of long, denim-clad legs visible every so often through the gauzy curtains, a flash of skin catching your eye when the hem of his flannel rode up as he reached up over his head. Ten years ago, you’d come down to Austin for a work conference and left with the phone number of a carpenter you’d met at the bar. Two years after that, you were moving into his house with his teenage daughter, Sarah, thousands of miles from home, and a year after that you became Mrs. Joel Miller in a ceremony under your favorite old gazebo in the park. 
Three light raps on the glass caught your attention as you brushed gloss over your lips, the silver that had begun streaking through his hair over the last few years glittering in the sun as he crouched down with a grin on his face.
“You gonna come out and look?” he asked, despite the arrangement of rainbow lights along the windows and beams being exactly what it was every year, “S’all done.”
“It’s daytime!” you giggled, opening the window back up to allow him to climb back through, “Can’t see anything.”
“You’ll get the gist.”
It was as if he could hear your retort before it left your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to silence it before it could escape before you resigned with a sigh, opting to look at the green wires wrapped around the yellow house he’d spent years renovating to perfection. 
“Did somethin’ a little different this year,” he crooned as he stood beside you in the driveway, “Figured I’d give Jimmy a run for his money.”
With your nose wrinkled in concentration in that way that made the corner of his lips tick up into a crooked smirk, you inspected the tangles of wires looking for a change, his low, affectionate chuckle sending familiar heat rushing to your cheeks.
“You’ll catch it tonight,” he reassured as he rounded and blocked your view with his broad chest, “Where you headed? Or did you get all dolled up just for me?”
“Christmas shopping,” you answered sweetly, eying him warily.
Thick fingers pulled his worn leather billfold out of his back pocket, cueing your own opportunity to allow a mischievous smile to settle onto your features. 
“I got fifty in cash and…” the little blue card he kept under lock and key was folded between the crisp bill, “Don’t go too crazy, now. Just…get what we need.”
“Why are you giving this to me?” you asked, accepting his offering despite your question, “You’re coming.”
“I beg your pardon?”
His beard was soft against your palm as you cupped his jaw, “You said you’d come.”
Watching the realization of last night’s promise dawn on his face had you laughing again, his eyes going from denial to thought and ending on dreaded acceptance. A heavy sigh had his shoulders dropping, your thumb’s soothing path along his cheekbone warming his slightly chilled skin.
“I wasn’t in my right mind,” he defended, and he wasn’t entirely wrong. He’d been at your mercy, your lazy kisses to his softening cock as he lay panting above you in a post-orgasm haze had him ready to agree to anything. “I should get a pass.”
“I think that’s when you’re at your clearest, actually.”
A surrendering scoff was your cue to victory, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip in delight as he went to grab the keys to his truck and lock the house, his gratuitous swat to your bottom as he walked past to get into the driver’s seat enough proof whatever grumpy face he was about to put on was at least donned willingly.
“Where to first, light of my life?” he drawled sarcastically, his head rolling against the headrest as the truck rumbled to life.
“Coffee,” you chirped, snatching the cable leading to his outdated stereo and plugging it into your phone, your favorite Christmas playlist ringing in the cabin along with his groan born of pure dread.
“Do we have to?”
“It’s time to get in the spirit, Scrooge McMiller, Sarah will be home in a few days. She’s worse than me.”
The world blurred past the windows as you sang quietly along with the carols, Joel’s wide palm resting comfortably over your thigh, thumb brushing lightly as you allowed him to hum along with the melodies without meddling. You knew he swore you couldn’t hear him, but that low timbre was a sound you could find in the loudest crowd. 
When you hopped out at the coffee shop he opted to wait in the truck, “keep it warm” he claimed, with a request for his usual. His usual was black coffee with a splash of half-and-half and two sugars, and he never wavered no matter how much you nagged him to at least try some flavor. “I’m a simple man, darlin’,” he’d always say with a quick peck to whatever part of you was accessible, sometimes it was the back of your hand when your fingers were threads through his in the middle seat of the truck, or your forehead if you were on your way out the door, but sometimes he took his time, dragging his nose across your cheek before his lips were pressing to the sharp curve of your jaw so softly it sent a shiver down your spine. Just the thought of it had you twitching as you approached the counter and put your order in. Even after all these years he still made your stomach flip. 
As you made your way back to the car the sight of him on his phone, notepad on his dash with his pencil scribbling furiously siphoned off a little of your joy, the slam of the door as you slid back in slightly overdone as he hurried off the call at your return. 
“No work on Sunday,” you huffed, earning an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry, darlin’. It’s goin’ away.” Then he caught sight of your coffee. “What the hell is that?”
“It’s coffee.”
“That ain’t coffee.”
It was a little overembellished, but to you, that’s what the holidays were for–a little indulgence. A mountain of red and green sprinkle-covered whipped cream sat atop your red cup, the smell of the sweetener wafting out with the steam as your tongue lapped out in a way that had his head ticking ever-so-slightly. 
“It’s a sugar cookie almond milk latte,” you continued, swiping your finger through the topping and bringing it towards his slightly parted lips, the way he immediately took it into his mouth to lick it clean making you consider a quick pitstop back at home before continuing on.
“Like I said,” he cooed, “it ain’t coffee. Where to next?”
“The mall.” 
“And here lies Joel Miller,” he began murmuring under his breath as his foot hit the gas, “Died December 18th, 2022 after being dragged–”
Your squeal of delight had his griping cut short as the familiar voice of Mariah Carey came over the speakers, “All I Want For Christmas is You”’s chiming bells being made slightly louder as you spun the volume way as his nostrils flared. You sang along, louder than you had the previous tunes, your little shimmies along with the melody catching his eye every so often as he took in the show, landing a few quips of his own through the ridiculous lyrics.
Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow (and I) “That’s good, it don’t snow here.”
I'm just gonna keep on waiting underneath the mistletoe “Hopefully not for me, you’ll be there awhile.”
I won't make a list and send it to the North Pole for Saint Nick “Aren’t you on the naughty list this year?”
I won't even stay awake to hear those magic reindeer click “Well you never make it past ten anyway.”
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do? “I got a few ideas.”
Oh, baby, all I want for Christmas is you
You, baby “Cheaper for me.”
Singing had never been one of your strongest suits, but the laughter that was pouring free at his commentary was making it even worse. A snort slipped out at one point, your lungs burning as you tried to hit the high notes all while keeping your composure. You were failing miserably.
I just wanna see my baby standing right outside my door “That’s where I’m gonna be if you keep singin’.”
When that final high note was revving up, he gave you a warning glare, your smile stretching as you took in a deep breath. “Don’t…” he cautioned, holding his pointer finger up as if would help, and when it didn’t and your high-pitched squeal reverberated off the glass his face twisted in pain, “You break it, you buy it!”
You were still laughing as he pulled into the mall’s parking lot, a kiss still being requested as he dropped you off at the doors before heading off to search for parking despite the concert you’d subjected him to on the ride over. While waiting for him to catch up, you perused the windows of the shops around you, your coffee still warm in your hand as took in the twinkling lights and garlands, holiday music playing over the speakers as kids ran off from their parents to find Santa and friends squealed over their favorite finds of the day.
“Alright, let’s get this over with,” a familiar voice grunted from behind you as an arm slung around your shoulders and pulled you into a sturdy torso, the familiar scent of sawdust and pine tree washing over you.
Joel followed along dutifully, passing over his credit card at each store, carrying your bags, and glaring at anyone who took too much of an eyeful as you passed them. The last on the list was Sarah, who had sent a small list of things she needed but nothing she wanted, which had set you on a mission to find her a fun little something to open on Christmas morning. Joel wasn’t helpful, being all practical himself and not seeing a reason to get her anything beyond the stuff she needed, but you were hellbent and he went along. 
The crowds had begun to grow, making maneuvering through them that much harder. After snatching the last box of headphones from the Apple Store and hoping that was good enough for Sarah’s surprise, you grabbed Joel’s hand and dragged him through the center of the mall that had been transformed into a winter wonderland. It was mostly to avoid the mob gathering at an intersection of aisles, but the fake bubble snow drifting down from a machine and the glittering decor had captured your attention enough to miss the archway ahead. 
“Ope!” a man dressed as an elf sounded as he leapt out in front of you, causing you to jump back into Joel’s sturdy chest, “Not so fast you two, there’s a fee to pass through these parts!”
“What?” Joel sighed from behind you, his voice conveying his sheer annoyance.
With a mischievous laugh and a point toward the ceiling, you saw the little green bushel hanging from the top of the arch. Mistletoe. Joel’s willingness to participate in PDA in crowded places didn’t go much beyond hand-holding or a hug when you buried yourself into his chest. Affection was something for behind closed doors, where he could enjoy it, savor it, press it to the limit…
“I don’t think so,” he snapped, “Rather go around.”
“It’s a simple fee, sir,” the elf continued, still fully in character, “One kiss, two tickets to Santa’s winter gardens—“
“Do you take cash to let us through to the parking lot?”
“Joel…” you laughed, spinning quickly and grabbing his face between your hands, tugging him down enough to kiss him lightly, his tension melting beneath the gesture, “Look, you lived.”
All you got as a response was a grunt before you sweetly asked him to get the car while you made one more stop, an offer he graciously accepted. 
When you arrived home, Joel took to prepping Sarah’s room for her arrival while you made a small dinner, his excitement to have his daughter home from school for a few weeks revving up as he washed blankets and set out the toiletries you’d collected earlier in the week. When the TV went on after and you settled in for a quiet night, he passed out within half an hour, allowing you the chance to slip away and prepare for the final surprise of the night. 
Freshly showered and dressed for your plan, you returned to the couch to find him still asleep, the credits of the film you’d put on still rolling. You roused him gently, with soft calls of his name and wandering fingers over the stretch of his chest, his grimace as he emerged from his nap wrinkling his nose. 
“I ain’t jinglin’ anymore bells,” he groaned, one eye cracking open to peek at you.
“Thought you might want one of your gifts early, that’s all,” you innocently cooed as he sat up, your satin robe capturing his curiosity. 
“Oh yeah? And what might that be?”
“Open it.”
His eyes followed as your fingers toyed with the sash around your waist and he quickly replaced them with his own, pulling the loose knot free with an anticipatory sparkle in his eye. 
“Christ…” he huffed out in awe, your curves clad in sheer blue lace a feast for his ravenous gaze, “Was I really this good?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, toying with his graying hair gently as he soaked in the sight of you.
Calloused hands pulled you in by the waist as he sat up completely, latching onto the swell of your breast as he set to lavish your skin with his mouth and hands alike. He squeezed and dragged, his tongue swiping over every inch of skin that made you gasp and shiver. By the time he was finally dragging the fabric down with his teeth to release one of your pert nipples, your skin was tingling, a thin sheen of sweat forming as his lips locked around your little bud and your knees buckled beneath the pressure. 
A groan of appreciation rumbled along your sensitive skin as his fingers swiped through the band of your panties and found you soaked. He’d switched his attention to your other side now, reciprocating all the affection he’d given the other, your hands cradling his head as he took his fill. Where your skin used to redden from the scratch of his beard, now it seared with need and desire, electricity coursing to the tips of your fingers as they wound in his hair and scratched reassuringly against his scalp.
“Lemme in here,” he grunted as he slid down onto the floor between your legs, his hand lifting on to allot him space to perch on the cushions beside his head, “Now you don’t stop til you’re done. Understood?”
That had your breath hitching before you nodded, the air cool on your slick folds as he tore the panties in half, citing it was his Christmas gift to do as he saw fit with before he situated you over his tongue and began lapping out to collect what had accumulated greedily. You started slow, running your slit over him as he kept his tongue flattened and free to use, only opting to suckle and press when you paused for a quick reprieve, wanting this to last longer than your body was allowing you. As always, he was patient in times like this (rarely in others), enjoying being surrounded by you in every conceivable way. It was how he liked to spend his time, at home, buried in you in any context.
“Jesus, Joel,” you whimpered as you began riding his mouth again, knowing this time you wouldn’t be able to repress the fire burning in your belly.
He gave you a muffled grunt as you carefully bounced up and down, the obscene smacking of his lips like gasoline until you gripped his hair and smeared the new rush of arousal your orgasm brought along his lower face, his beard already soaked from his previous work.
“Atta girl,” he commended, kissing up your inner thigh as he returned to his seat on the couch, quickly scooping you up and tossing you over his shoulder to bring you to your bedroom.
After you landed on the bed with a soft, thud, he was quick to strip himself of his jeans and flannel, his eyes locked on your still-damp cunt as he stroked his cock a few times, your thighs spreading to grant him full access. He teased with just the head at first, rubbing it against your still oversensitized clit until you were squirming, pushing into your channel in one hard thrust once your fingernails began denting into the skin of his forearms. 
His thrusts were slow and hard, the drag of him against your inner walls as he pulled out, and the force he rut back in with had you feeling dizzy, your breasts shaking in the confines of the lace with every jolt. He was taking his time tonight, relishing in the way he felt buried deep inside of your cunt, the tightness of you clenching around him with every gratuitous press of his thumb to your swollen clit exactly what he was chasing.
“Joel, please,” you begged as pressure began to build again like the river against a weakening dam, “Please…”
With that small plea, he threw your legs up onto his shoulders and folded you in half as he bent to crash his lips to yours once again. Teeth clacked together as your tongues wrestled, his hips battering against your ass as he fucked you hard enough to have you sliding up the bed. You held him close, whining into his mouth in the way you knew he loved, pathetic and desperate, the little grunts you lived for beginning to flit into the air before you succumbed to the force bearing down on your stomach. Your eyes clenched shut as you screamed, your back arching off the bed as he took advantage of your exposed throat, keeping his own release at bay long enough to fully enjoy feeling yours overtake you.
Seconds after your cries turned to panting breaths he was spilling inside of you, hot and deep, that relieved sigh that signified he’d found the ultimate relief huffing out hot against your neck. As he regulated his own breath your fingers ran up and down his back, tracing the dips and curves of muscle decorating his sun-kissed skin. 
“Merry Christmas,” you giggled as his heavy-lidded eyes lifted to look down at you, a smile stretching across his handsome face.
“I guess all I wanted for Christmas was you after all,” he joked as he rose to get a towel, “Maybe that song was on to something.”
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Joel Miller Masterlist
*I didn't proofread this, I die like the amateur I am.
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attackfish · 1 year
AU where Iroh is given a choice by an ancient spirit to bring his son back from the grave in exchange for his nephews life.
The first time he has the dream is mere days after Lu Ten died. The spirit never shows his face, and with the logic of a dreamer, Iroh never questions it. The spirit asks him to trade the life of his nephew, little more than a fond memory after the long years away, for his only child. Of course he says yes.
He doesn't think about the dream. A grieving mind does strange things. He goes home to find his father dead and his brother's wife gone, the throne in Ozai's hands, the world turned upside down, and everything dark and gloomy as he feels. That night, he has the dream again. He begs the spirit for his son back, whatever it takes. He sees Zuko's fear and pain as death comes, and for a few moments of dream, Lu Ten is in is arms, a child Zuko's age. He wakes in the middle of the night with tears on his face.
The next morning, his nephew knocks on his door, and he turns him away.
The dream plagues him. It comes back again and again. He always says yes.
It comes the night Zuko is banished. Iroh sits by his bedside as he shivers and cries out in fever and pain, and doesn't know if Zuko will wake. He seems so terribly small. When he falls asleep at his post, he dreams, and the spirit asks him. Iroh can barely speak, he is so angry. Why does the spirit ask this? Zuko may be dying, why would he put his life in Iroh's hands? The spirit laughs. Isn't Zuko's life already in Iroh's hands? Iroh sees the spirit's face for the first time. It's Ozai's.
The dream comes back again and again, every time Zuko is particularly difficult to deal with, every time one more potential lead on the Avatar turns out to be nothing. Iroh has the dream every night. He doesn't always tell the spirit no.
When he tells the spirit yes, he gets Lu Ten back, sometimes as a child, sometimes as he was just before riding off to battle. The spirit keeps his bargain. Zuko dies.
When he tells the spirit no, Zuko only spits in his face.
Then they find the Avatar. Zuko throws himself into danger. And worse, he's fighting against what is right, against what the world needs. And Lu Ten died fighting for that same cause. That night, Iroh sees the spirit's face again. It's the young Avatar's.
Zhao captures the Avatar. Zuko goes to steal him. Iroh tosses and turns, and finally sleeps. The spirit comes to ask his question, and Iroh lunges for him. His hood falls away, and his face is Zuko's own.
It's been three long years since Zuko was banished, and Iroh's niece comes to take them both prisoner. Iroh stops her from killing her brother with lightning. The spirit wears her face that night.
They sneak into Ba Sing Se. The spirit wears the face of an Earth Kingdom Soldier. Zuko fights off another teenage boy, Jet. The spirit wears Jet's face that night.
Zuko joins his sister beneath Ba Sing Se. Iroh sleeps in his cell and screams at the spirit to leave him be. The spirit laughs at him. It has his own voice.
It never matters which he chooses. He still wakes to a world with Lu Ten dead and Zuko alive.
It matters so much which he chooses. Why should he be forced to choose? How can he?
He goes back to Ba Sing Se. His nephew rules wisely and well, as he cannot. The world is at peace. Lu Ten was part of the old world, the world people like Ukano want to bring back. Knowing that he died fighing for what Iroh taught him to fight for, and that it was wrong hurts. It hurts more than Iroh knows what to do with.
When he dreams of the spirit now, he gives it no answer. Eventually it stops asking.
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concerningwolves · 20 days
Hi! 👋🏼
First off, I just wanted to thank you for all that you do on your blog, not only has it been helpful to keep things in mind when writing, but I also genuinely enjoy learning more about sign language; I’m trying to self-learn it because it’s just that interesting to me hehe. (Also my church has a Deaf Service and I’d really like to be able to talk to the people there.)
I do have a question, but feel free not to answer; I’m currently working on a story where a very young child has acquired deafness after a severe illness (vaguely Hellen Keller vibes), and I was wondering if you know of any things I should specifically keep in mind when writing about the aftermath (immediate and long-term) of it? The setting is mildly fantasy where sign language exists, but hearing aids and cochlear implants have yet to be invented.
Thank you again for your blog, and the care you put into all your posts!
You're very welcome, and thank you! ☺️ It's always lovely to hear that people are helped by this whole... [insert vague hand-wave at my blog] thing I'm doing
Things to consider with a young character who loses hearing after illness
I don't know anything firsthand about what it's like to go deaf, so the first thing I'll recommend is to find stuff written by people who do. A search on r/deaf for "lost hearing" brings up a lot of different threads; for example, this post where people discuss things they wished they'd done/known when they first lost their hearing might provide some good insight.
As another starting point, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard has a fair few videos on her channel about her experiences as a deaf person, and specifically as someone who lost her hearing in her late teens. These two in particular might be helpful to you:
So You're Losing Your Hearing...
This is a video for people who think they're losing their hearing, but while it's not strictly about lived experience, it could certainly be helpful to note both the issues Jessica discusses and the solutions to them.
For example, she mentions isolation is a big problem, and talks about the importance of using the tools provided by the internet to find communities of people in the same boat. Even without the internet (or some fantasy equivalent), people are very community driven and prone to bonding over shared experiences, even if those experiences aren't wholly analogous. Are there other disabled characters in your story that your recently deaf character could speak to? Other d/Deaf characters? Who does she have by way of support and community? – these are all good things to think about.
Why I Don't Sound Deaf
In this one, Jessica talks about her experiences and her relationship with speech and sign languages as someone who lost her hearing. With applying this to your character, her age is important – the "golden period" for acquisition of a new language is typically thought to be before ten years old. Theoretically, the younger someone is when they lose hearing, the easier it will be for them to learn sign language. As Jessica points out in the video, sign language has a different grammatical structure, and because of this she finds it easier to use Sign Supported English instead of BSL. A much younger child, if given immediate or near-immediate access to sign language, is likely to take to it far more easily.
More on speech and language acquisition (or: the evils of consonants)
The impact of hearing loss on speech isn't something I can speak to (pun unintended) with great knowledge or certainty, but I can sort of extrapolate based on personal experience with learning to speak while not being able to hear well. (I had speech therapy, but that was as much to do with my narrow jaw + teeth overcrowding as with language difficulties caused by deafness). I misheard a lot of words and phrases – I spent years thinking that the "big girl swings" were "barbecue swings" 😅
It's worth looking into what level of speech your character would have based on her age, and using that to work out how much verbal proficiency she could retain (if any). Muscle memory accounts for a lot, so if your character already knows how to say certain words or phrases ""properly"", she could retain that ability. It's not an automatic or effort-free process, though: I'm in my twenties and I still have to consciously think about how my mouth is shaping sounds every time I speak. I don't think that will ever change.
If your character is young enough that she's still learning to speak, there will likely be a more marked impact on how her voice sounds. Different phonemes – units or "parts" of sound in speech – are uttered at different frequencies, which affects how easy/difficult they are to hear and therefore learn. This is, AFAIK, one of the biggest causes of the slurred/indistinct speech that people tend to expect d/Deaf people to have. Consonants are evil little fuckers, by which I mean they're spoken at higher pitches so anyone with loss in the high frequency range (hi!) is more likely to miss them. There are different types of consonants, too! And yes, each type presents its own challenges, because consonants exist purely to vex and frustrate everyone with high-frequency hearing loss and/or speech difficulties. For example, labiodental fricatives (e.g., the 'f' in fan and the 'v' in van) are particularly tricky, because they sound virtually indistinguishable.
StudySmarter has an easy-to-understand comprehensive breakdown of phonetics. You don't need to become an expert in phonetics, but reading through this will help you understand how sounds are formed in speech, which is helpful to keep in mind when thinking about your own character's speech. Pay particular attention to the phonemes that sound similar (like the aforementioned fan/van) or are soft/breathy (like the 's' in 'sound' or 'h' in 'half') – these are the most common problem areas, as are distinctions between 'sh' and 's'. If they feel soft or breathy in your mouth, they're probably going to be harder to hear.
Deafness and illness as trauma, and adjusting to change
Last thing I'd suggest thinking about is the experience your character has with the illness itself, and how she feels and copes with the changes to her life caused by acquired deafness. Illness can be a traumatic experience, especially when it has long-term after effects. If you've ever lost the ability to do something you can usually do, even temporarily, you'll probably be familiar with the frustration, and sometimes humiliation. It's also hard to overstate just how much auditory information there is in the world, and how much hearing people rely on that information without knowing it. Suddenly losing that ability isn't going to be easy, even if your character is young enough that they won't be able to remember anything different once they're grown up. Add to that the realisation that your body isn't as reliable as you thought it would be, that you suddenly can't trust your own health, and possibly not being able to understand why that's the case. That's a lot to deal with! And you shouldn't be afraid to show your character going through it!
Thinking back to my own childhood experiences, the strongest emotions connected to my deafness are confusion, embarrassment and alienation. Confusion because the world can be confusing when you're constantly missing auditory cues; embarrassment because unfortunately not everyone is kind and accommodating when you make mistakes due to missing aforementioned auditory cues/information (and sometimes even if people are lovely about a mistake, you can feel stupid for making it anyway); and alienation because of a sense that I was somehow "different". Thing is though, this was normal for me. I have never known anything different. But my relationship to and understanding of deafness as an identity has evolved hugely throughout my life. So, once again, age is going to be a deciding factor in how your character adjusts.
From some rudimentary googling and fuzzy memories of my brief stint as a Psychology student, children develop social awareness (awareness of how others think and feel) and self-awareness (awareness of own existence and how others perceive you) fairly early on, but these awarenesses take time to develop fully. Basically, this means that your character’s age will influence the scope of their reaction to acquired deafness. Some examples as a frame of reference:
A two-year-old is going to be primarily focused on their immediate emotional experience – they can’t hear things they could hear before, it’s confusing. They will also likely be aware if people treat them differently, but unlikely to have a socially-installed idea that they are now different.
A four- or five-year-old, on the other hand, has probably developed enough social and self-awareness to understand that certain people in society get treated differently. They might already have a sense that this is unfair, or they might still be trying to understand why this is the case – it depends on what they’ve learned about disability from adults around them.
(I mentioned above that you can feel stupid/embarrassed for making a mistake even if people are genuinely supportive regardless. The first time I vividly remember someone making me feel stupid and embarrassed for not hearing something, I would have been 4 or 5. The first time I can recall feeling stupid because I was aware that other people didn’t have that problem and that I’d made a social faux pas, I would have been about 7 or 8)
By early adolescence (ages 10–13), children are more aware of, and possibly more susceptible to, peer pressure and social norms [1]. Any understanding of and biases/prejudices concerning disability will be more deeply ingrained, as will concerns about the social impact of going deaf.
The support network that your character has access to is going to be crucial to how they manage this change at any age, so think about the characters in their immediate family/community and how they’ve acted towards disability and social difference.
[1] In a fantasy setting, you as the author are in charge of what those social norms and attitudes are, and I always encourage authors to examine their own biases when worldbuilding them. How are disabled people viewed and treated in your world? Have you made it similar to your own social and cultural experience? If yes, is that because you see that as the norm, or is there a narrative or worldbuilding reason for that? Are there any assumptions about the current or historical treatment/existence of disabled people that have influenced your worldbuilding?
Tropes to watch out for
There are three main tropes to be wary of when a character acquires a disability of any kind:
The acquired disability as an inherent tragedy akin to a death sentence and nothing else. As I’ve already said, an acquired disability can be significantly emotionally difficult, especially if the circumstances around acquisition were traumatic. Acknowledging and exploring this is important. The problem is when writers leave it there – the character is disabled, their previous way of life is lost to them, and therefore the character no longer has any worth to the story (and, by implication, to society). Think of the trope of the ex-athlete (or any other hobby/profession, although fighters and athletes are the most common components off this trope) who acquires a disability and then becomes a bitter, depressed hermit who lives in a state of misanthropy and misery because their life is effectively over. (This happens to Will in Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. Content warning for assisted suicide there). The main issue with this trope isn’t its content, per se, but its execution: Writers rarely examine why someone might end up like this (hint: institutional and internalised ableism, and lack of structural support for disabled people), and instead treat it as an inevitability because they cannot conceive of disabled existence as anything but inherently miserable.
The second trope is when a character manages to “throw off” the disability. These characters either only remain disabled as long as the disability is narratively useful, are magically cured, or overcome the disability by an act of willpower (sometimes only for narrative effect). The issue here is the content: the idea that disability can be overcome or cured by sheer willpower (or yoga, or the right diet, or religion) is pervasive and actively harmful to real-life disabled people, because it implies that disability is somehow our fault. Closely related to this trope is the one where an acquired disability never tangibly impacts a character (or only does so when it would be dramatic); you see this primarily with characters who use prosthetics effortlessly or, in the case of the latter, characters who appear abled until their disability can cause tension or drama in the plot. Again, the content is the issue: disability is flattened to nothing but a plot device, with no thought given to how it affects characters (and therefore real disabled people).
Finally, there’s the idea that an acquired disability is actually a “blessing in disguise” as a type of inspiration porn. That’s an icky trope, but I think it has some itty bitty grains of potential – crucially, the fact that there can be joy in disabled existence. Someone who acquires deafness might not see it as a blessing in the same way as some congenitally deaf people do, but they may still come to appreciate and embrace (aspects of) Deaf culture. Or perhaps they just manage to develop a neutral relationship with their acquired deafness. That’s fine, too!
A solution is to all of these is to consider the practical and proactive aspects of recovery, as well as the emotional fallout. Consider:
How does your character adjust?
How do the people around her adjust?
What support does she have? / What support systems are available?
How does she make sense of her new reality?
What accessibility aids does she have access to, and what are they like to use?
Long story short, nuance and consideration of different aspects of the disabled experience are key.
Hopefully this’ll help! (I’ve also wanted to talk about acquired disability in fiction for a while, hence the wall of text lol). Best wishes for your writing, anon ☺️
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whitewitchqueen · 9 days
I'm not accustomed to making requests (I'm embarrasingly new to Tumblr still) but I was wondering, are there any yanderes that would get worse after the reader returns post Godwyn's death / The Shattering? Like for example, maybe some Elden Ring yanderes were already overbearing before the Shattering occurs and their behavior only gets ten times worse once everything goes down. I bet it would be super scary for the dreamer too, because they've just returned and probably doesn't even know what happened while they were gone. You can ignore this request if it isn't interesting enough! To be fair I'm just rambling here, haha.
Don't worry about requesting, it's a little nerve racking at first, but you get used to it.
So there are some yanderes I think get worse post-shattering. These are namely Marika/Radagon, Ranni, and Malenia. For Marika/Radagon, you being gone so long affected them so much. They both tried constantly to find a way to bring you back, but their reasonings for why they think you left were very different. They both know that your powers played a role in it, but Radagon is much more aware of your aversion to them as time goes on. It wasn't as though Marika didn't recognize the change in behavior, she just didn't care. She believed showering you in gifts would be enough to quell you of your fears, but obviously that wasn't the case. Your disappearance is a big factor for Marika's choice to break the Elden Ring, the death of her son just being a nail in the coffin. If you somehow returned, I do think they'd be able to tell. Even while connected, even while stuck in the Erd Tree, they can feel a change in the air, you're home and they just long to hold you once more. I don't really know how "alive" they are, or if their body has just deteriorated after years of being kept away, but they will do anything to get to you, even siding with the Tarnished. They no longer care, the only thing that kept them going was you, the taught and memory of you, and they refuse to loose you again. Even if you've changed, gotten older, forgotten them, they do not care.
When it comes to Ranni, she has a lot of complicated feelings about reader. You're confused and scared about your powers and this world and to a sense, she can relate to you. She was once naive about her place in the world and she struggled to understand where she belonged. It's the realization that the Golden Order is archaic and should be replaced that makes her realize how useful you can be. You are the apple to Marika's eyes, and if Ranni were to take you, it be a much easier way to set her plan into motion. But of course she can't do that, because you disappear. I think Ranni spends a long time trying connect to you through dreams, but is unsuccessful. For a long time, she assumes you're dead, and even long after she's shed her old Empyrean skin, she still finds herself longing to find you. So when you return, she finds herself drawn to you once more. You're older, more mature, but very clearly shaken by something you thought was a dream. She and her group become a haven for you, protecting you from the evil this world has become, and Ranni finds herself one of the last few things from her childhood that isn't tainted. She has Blaidd, but her relationship with his is different, even if they did grow up together. You're honest, and normal, and real in a way she didn't know she needed. She promises to protect you from everything in this world until the time comes where she can bring on her Age of Stars, and then she will find a way to keep you by her side forever.
Finally we have Malenia. The twins relationship with you runs much deeper than the others. Miquella was the first one to meet you, he's the one who introduced you to his sister, and you were their first and really only friend outside their own family. When you disappeared Miquella was racked with so many emotions, and Malenia felt incapable of comforting him. You meant so much to him, and so maybe that's why he tried so hard to get you back. Malenia, after you left, neglected a lot of her health, and her brother had to watch the rot deteriorate her. She went along with her brothers plans to help her, but their was only so much she could do as she traveled all over the Lands Between to mitigate the strife between her siblings. It was a childish way to deal with her emotions, but as her brother got more and more engrossed in his work, she felt alone. All she wanted to do was see her brother again, her other half. She waited for him to emerge from his tree, and as the days went by, she found herself missing her childhood, missing you. But then you returned, you were back in the Haligtree, back in your bed, like the first time she met you. She found herself missing her sight for the first time in years, for she wished to see how you changed. But she moved past it, and promised you that Miquella would be here soon, and that he will be so happy to see that you've returned. She's so happy to have her family back again.
Now there are characters that become yanderes after the shattering. If were going off of this post I made a while ago, Fia would become yandere for reader as an extension os Godwyn's feelings. Blaidd might even be the same, where because of his connection to Ranni his feelings for you also become warped. I don't know, I think it's interesting.
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novemberwasgrey · 1 year
Xavier Thorpe-centric headcanons (featuring Wenvier)
Because I ship them and I stand with Percy Hynes White. I will probably post more of these later. Team Xavier to the end of times.
‌Xavier’s middle name is David.
‌He was born on August 28th. It’s the only summer day Wednesday tolerates.
He lives in New York.
‌He has a difficult relationship with his father, that we know of. He always hopes it gets better and for his dad to reach out and not prioritize his work for once. He always ends up disappointed. Wednesday hates Vincent Thorpe’s guts.
His mother passed away when he was eleven. He rarely talks about it but he loved his mother deeply and she was amazing. She was an artist like him.
‌Xavier has a green eyed black cat named Shado. It was his mom's and he kept it despite his father's attempts to get rid of it. He is quite the old jaded cat and usually hisses at everyone who isn't Xavier. That's until he meets Wednesday: he's basically all over her purring when she's at Xavier's. She'd like to chase him away when he's too clingy sometimes and she's trying to read but she can't resist those green eyes. And we all know how much Wednesday must love green eyes.
‌Obviously, Xavier loves Arctic Monkeys and Chase Atlantic. His favourite song is Do Me a Favour by Arctic Monkeys.
‌He's very good with kids. Which Wednesday once thought could be handy in the future. The minute she realized what she was thinking, she wanted to hit her head against the wall for becoming like her mother.
(TW: eating disorder/body image) ‌Xavier struggles with eating sometimes because he used to be overweight. He didn’t start running out of pleasure: his father forced him to lose the weight because "having a fat son wouldn't be good for his image". Again, Wednesday's still waiting for Xavier's permission to curse his father.
‌Xavier is a huge fan of The Hunger Games series, he read the books and watched the movies at least ten times. It's partly why he chose to practice archery. Definitely has a celebrity crush on Jennifer Lawrence. He made Wednesday watch all the movies with him and she actually didn't hate them.
His second obsession is Star Wars. His ringtone is Cantina Band. Wednesday hates Star Wars.
‌Xavier is this annoying person who has multiple hidden talents. Obviously, he's a very good painter, but he's also a great piano player (his mom taught him), he's an okay dancer, and he's not that bad at singing even though he mainly does in the shower. But since he's modest or thinks it's not that great, people usually randomly find out about it. Ajax always acts falsely jealous like "Dude you can do literally everything, I hate you", but he's also the first one to exclaim "oh you need someone who can do that? Xavier's like so good, you should ask him!"
Wednesday was impressed (although she was careful not to show it at first) when she found out he could play the piano and they've definitely both played piano and cello together.
Speaking of Ajax, him and Xavier are basically brothers and we all know it. They met when they arrived at Nevermore the same year when they were twelve and they've been inseparable ever since.
I have a very clear vision of Xavier barging in Ajax's room after he and Wednesday get together like "it's official, bitch!" and they're both gloating like two tall idiots, so proud that they're dating the two hot best friends from Ophelia Hall
Wenvier headcanons here
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m3yme · 1 year
- the first time you told me your name
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairing: soobin x fm reader
Genre: angst, break-up, lost feelings
Warnings: angsty, break-up
Summary: you and soobin had been in a relationship for a while, but recently you’ve started to drift apart. While spending what is probably the last hour as a couple you can’t help to reminisce about old times.
Note: hi <3 first of all this is a repost cause all of the text wasn’t included in the last one for some reason. Nonetheless here is my second try at posting it. This is my second writing so I’m still in the stage of trying to write decent things. Hope that it’s somewhat ok. Anyway thank you for reading and for those of you who like my posts.
“it sure is raining alot isn't it?” you say looking out the window of the cafe you were currently sitting in. “Yn I really have to go,” soobin said, pulling you out of your daze. You and Soobin had started drifting away from each other recently. It had started off from you both being busy with your separate lives, missing a few dates here and there. It was all just small things until it developed to you only seeing each other once a month or so. Him and you both knew that you were bound to break up, but both being too scared to actually pull the trigger until today, when soobin had asked you to meet up in a cafe. You knew by the sound of his voice that this would be it. The final moment of your relationship. To be frank you still had feelings for him, but seeing him avoid you as much as he did made you understand that the feelings weren’t mutual anymore. “Can we just stay for one hour please. I haven't seen you in a month so I want at least an hour before you know..” You said mumbling the last part. Soobin looked at you and sighed “I really don't think that's a good idea.” he answered, while starting to gather his things. “Please soobin.” You pleaded eyes starting to get glossy. He stopped what he was doing and nodded toward you. Your fingers started to toy with the matching couple ring you had on. The one he had gifted you on your one year anniversary. Soobin saw what you were doing and hid his hands in the pockets of his sweater, making you smile sadly. You noticed a while ago that he had stopped wearing his but you didn’t want to question it. Although you wondered what had made him take it off. You both stayed in silence for a while before you decided to speak up. “I wish we could go back to the first time you told me your name”.
It was the first year of college and although you consider yourself an outgoing person, being in such a new environment made you really nervous. The campus was ten times the size of your old high school, and to top it off none of your old friends were attending it. You had decided to come to school an hour early to try to find your classroom. Still, here you were 15 min before your first lecture, looking at a paper map puzzled. As if you weren’t already having a hard time you soon found yourself on the ground, having fallen from looking at your map and not noticing your surroundings. Before you could start getting up you felt a pair of gentle hands on your shoulders slowly guiding you up. “You should watch your surroundings more, so that you don’t hurt yourself.” You heard a soft voice say. Embarrassed, you uttered a few apologies while turning around to see who it was. A tall blonde haired boy towered you. “Why are you sorry, you haven’t done anything wrong.” He said while chuckling. As if you had lost the ability to speak, you were frozen. This made him smile softly as he picked up your map from the ground. “Are you having a hard time finding your classroom?” He asked, handing you the map. “Yeah kinda, this campus is huge.” You answered, still a bit shaken from the whole ordeal. “Well I’m a second year, so I know my way around here. I could show you to your classroom if you would like.” He said, still flashing you his charming smile. “I would like that a lot.” You said, finally having gathered up a little courage. You walked with him to your classroom, both of you sharing small talk here and there. You were surprised at how comfortable it felt.
“We’re getting close, but first do you mind if we sit down here for a minute.” He gestured towards a bench. When you both had sat down, he started to look for something in his bag, while you dageled your legs patiently waiting. Before you knew it, he was kneeling on the ground applying a band aid to a scrape you had gotten on your knee. Probably from falling previously. “It’s not good to let a pretty girl walk around with a scrape now is it?” He nonchalantly said. You couldn’t keep yourself from blushing while uttering a shy thank you, which made him look up at you smiling. He then gave you his hand to get up and you continued to walk to your classroom. When you arrived at the door he handed you an extra bandaid which he said you should keep just in case. Sad that it was time to part a pout that had been plastered on your face. This made him laugh while bidding you goodbye. After he had walked a few steps you wondered if you would ever see him around campus again, which you really hoped. Before you could finish your thought, he turned around to say “I’m Soobin by the way, you should give me a call later so I can be your tour guide around campus” while pointing at the band-aid in your hand. You looked down at it to see a number written down. Next to it was his name. “Soobin” you whispered to yourself, thinking about how well it rolled off your tongue.
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