#this one took me like…..an hour to write LMAO
x0xomady · 22 hours
Could you write something about Harry helping y/n through serious pain? Like labor or a chronic illness?
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Little Love
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summary: just a lil blurb! the time has come for harry to become a dad and you’re not sure you’re ready (harry styles x female reader)
(i don’t know much about birth or labor, i’m a 20 year old with no kids. so don’t judge me if something is wrong lmao)
warnings: pain, pregnancy, labor, nothing too bad!
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being pregnant is one of the scariest and most beautiful things.
as i lay there in bed beside harry, i couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety swirling inside of me. it was amazing to think about the life growing inside of me, but at the same time, the thought of giving birth was absolutely terrifying. i worried about the pain, the uncertainties, and the physical toll it would take on my body. it was like i was preparing for a marathon that i'm not quite sure i’m was ready for.
as my hormones surged and my emotions became more intense, i often found myself overwhelmed by the enormity of the changes taking place within me. it was like a roller-coaster of sensations and emotions, and it was sometimes hard to find my footing amidst it all.
and yet, despite the fear and uncertainty that loomed over me, there was also a well of hope and joy deep within my heart. every time i felt the baby kick or heard its heartbeat, i knew there was something magical happening inside of me too.
i lay there, lost in thought, my eyes drifted over to harry. he was fast asleep beside me, his body sprawled out underneath the covers with one hand securely draped around my waist. his face was peaceful, and his chest rose and fell steadily with each breath he took.
i couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, feeling a surge of love and appreciation for the man who was soon to be the father of my child.
my hand reaches over and gently touches his cheek, marveling at how he could sleep so soundly amidst the whirlwind of emotions that were swirling around inside of me. i knew that he was excited about becoming a dad, but i also knew that he was probably feeling just as nervous as i was.
still, there was something reassuring about having him beside me, anchoring me to this moment despite the unknowns that lay ahead.
as i ran my fingers through his soft curls, his eyes slowly fluttered open, and he looked at me, his green eyes filled with a mixture of grogginess and concern. "hey," he said, his voice gravelly with sleep. "is everything okay?"
"actually… i think the contractions might be starting," i finally admitted, a small tinge of fear creeping into my voice. i took a deep breath, trying to stay calm even as a wave of anxiety washed over me.
harry's eyebrows furrowed with concern as he sat up a bit, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "wait, what? contractions? are you sure?" his voice was tinged with disbelief, but there was also a hint of nerves. he leaned closer to me, his hand reaching out to gently touch my stomach. "how long has this been going on?"
"oh god, i don't know. maybe an hour or so," i replied, wincing as a particularly strong contraction came on. i grasped his hand tightly, my grip involuntarily squeezing his fingers.
harry's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and concern. "okay, okay. don't panic." his voice was steadier now, although i could still hear the subtle tremble of nerves. he gently took my face in his hands, looking into my eyes. "we need to time these contractions, okay? see if they're far apart or getting closer together."
i couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped me when i saw harry’s reaction. i don’t know who’s more worried, the person about to go through labor or the panicked british guy.
harry raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "what? what are you laughing at, pretty girl?" he asked, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and puzzlement. the fear that had momentarily gripped him seemed to leave slightly, replaced instead with a tender warmth in his eyes.
"oh, nothing," i replied, shaking my head slightly as i winced again at another spasm of pain. "it's just funny, you know? here i am going through the beginnings of labor, and you're the one freaking out."
harry chuckled lightly, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "well, can you blame me? this is some pretty scary stuff," he admitted, his thumb gently stroking my cheek.
i nodded silently, feeling a sense of comfort in his words. i knew it wouldn’t be easy, but having him beside me made me feel like i could face anything. i snuggled closer to him, burying my face in his chest as another contraction gripped me.
"breathe," harry murmured, his hand gently rubbing my back. "just focus on your breathing. in and out, slow and steady. you got this, sweet girl."
i nodded, taking a shaky breath as another contraction hit me. i focused on the feeling of harry's hand on my back, letting it ground me and keep me from succumbing to the pain and fear that threatened to consume me. slowly, the contraction passed, leaving me feeling drained and exhausted, but reassured that i wasn't alone in this.
"how far apart are they now?" i asked, my voice hoarse with strain. my hands gripping harry’s larger ones tightly.
harry glanced at the clock on his phone, his eyes narrowing as he calculated the time. "about five minutes," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of concern. "they're getting closer together. we should probably start thinking about heading to the hospital soon."
my heart leapt into my throat as harry gave me the news. five minutes apart already? fuck, this was happening a lot faster than i had thought it would.
"okay," i took a deep breath, trying to steady the panicked feeling that was welling up inside me. "okay, let's do this. help me get up, and let's pack the bags. we need to get to the hospital."
harry nodded silently, his expression serious as he quickly kicked off the blankets and got out of bed. he grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet, keeping a supportive arm around my waist as we made our way to the closet to grab our bags.
we moved quickly and efficiently, our nerves and excitement fueling us as we rushed around the house, gathering anything we thought we might need for the hospital.
finally, with our bags packed and essentials in hand, we headed to the car. harry helped me into the passenger seat, quickly tossing our bags into the trunk and then getting into the driver's seat. as he turned on the car and pulled out of the driveway, i could see the anxious tension in his eyes.
the drive to the hospital was a blur of nerves and discomfort. harry's knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly, and i could see his jaw clenching and unclenching as he willed himself to stay calm.
the contractions continued to come at regular intervals, each one making me gasp and clutch at whatever surface was nearest.
“fuck- harry” i groan out in pain.
harry glanced quickly over at me, his face immediately creased with concern. "what? what is it? are you okay?" he reached over and grabbed my hand, his grip tight and desperate.
"no- i’m not alright. the contractions are getting stronger," i whimpered, my breath hissing between clenched teeth. "can we get there any faster? please?"
harry let out a low curse under his breath, his eyes focused on the road ahead. "i'm going as fast as i can, okay? just try to breathe, sweetheart. we're almost there."
i nodded weakly, my chest heaving with each breath as i fought against the pain. i clung to harry's hand, finding some small measure of comfort in his presence. with each contraction, the fear and anxiety seemed to build, mingling with the intense pain and leaving me feeling overwhelmed.
"just think," harry said, his voice suddenly quiet. "when we get there, we're going to see our baby. our son or daughter. that's worth it, right?" a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and i couldn't help but cling to the hope in his words.
i nodded again, closing my eyes and trying to picture it. i could almost see the tiny, wriggling bundle in my arms, hear the soft, sweet sound of its cry. somehow, just imagining it made the pain a little easier to bear.
before i knew it, we were pulling into the hospital parking lot. harry helped me out of the car, his arm wrapped securely around me as we limped towards the entrance. we were greeted by a group of nurses who ushered us inside, quickly guiding us towards the maternity ward.
as we entered the hospital, the nurses couldn't help but steal glances at harry, their eyes widening slightly in recognition. a few of them even whispered to each other, their voices tinged with excitement as they recognized the famous singer.
it was strange to see the star-struck reactions of the nurses, but i couldn't blame them. harry was a celebrity, after all. one nurse even gasped quietly under her breath, "is that…?"
but despite the subtle buzz of excitement around us, harry's focus never wavered from me. he held me close, his gaze fixed on me as we continued making our way to the maternity ward.
to be honest, it was a little irritating to have so many eyes on us as we navigated our way through the maternity ward. i was in pain, and the last thing i wanted was to be the center of attention. but i could feel the gazes of the nurses following us, their whispers echoing in my ears. it made me feel like a zoo exhibit, on display for everyone to gawk at.
harry, though, seemed to take it all in stride. he kept his arm tightly around me, his focus entirely on me and getting me settled in.
i could tell that he was a bit uncomfortable with the attention, but he never once let it show. instead, he simply gave the nurses a small smile remaining his normal charming self and guiding me toward the room.
once we were alone in the room, the door closing behind us, i finally let out a long sigh of relief. the bright lights and antiseptic smell of the hospital environment was a far cry from our cozy bed at home, but at least here i would have the care and support of the medical staff. and, of course, the unwavering presence of harry by my side.
harry helped me onto the hospital bed, the crisp white sheets cool beneath my skin. he sat down beside me, taking my hand in his own and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"how are you feeling, love?" he asked softly, his thumb tracing small circles on the back of my hand.
“like absolute shit…” i mumble, managing a tiny smile at the thought of our baby.
harry chuckled softly, his thumb still tracing circles on my hand. "yeah, i can only imagine. but hey, think about it. we're about to see our baby, y'know? that should make it all worth it," he grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
i smile weakly at that, nodding in agreement. the thought of holding our baby in my arms for the first time was enough to make me forget about the pain, at least for a moment. "yeah, that's true. i can't wait to meet them," i said, feeling a surge of excitement mixed with the exhaustion and pain.
harry leaned closer, his breath warm on my cheek as he reached out to cup my face. "i love you," he said softly, his voice full of emotion. "and i'm so proud of you for being so strong through all of this."
i felt a wave of warmth spread through me at his words, banishing the earlier irritation at the nurses' stares. "i love you too," i whispered, feeling a fresh wave of determination wash over me.
we sat together in silence for a while, the ticking of the clock on the wall the only sound aside from our gentle breathing. the contractions continued to come and go, each one growing more intense than the last, but i found comfort in harry's presence, in his unwavering support and love.
after a few moments, there was a gentle knock at the door, and a nurse poked her head inside. "how are you doing, mrs. styles?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern for me. "are you ready to have us take a look and see how far along you are?"
i nodded, feeling a surge of nervousness mixed with excitement. "yeah, i think i'm ready," i said, my voice a little shaky. harry squeezed my hand again, silently reassuring me that everything would be okay.
the nurse nodded and left the room, returning a few moments later with a few other medical staff. they quickly got to work, hooking me up to monitors and checking my vital signs. the room was suddenly buzzing with activity as they prepared for the upcoming delivery.
despite the commotion, i felt strangely calm, my focus entirely on harry's reassuring presence beside me. as the nurses bustled around us, checking my dilation and positioning, i held onto his hand, finding strength in his touch.
harry saw my worry and smiled a little bit. “ya know… i already have my first dad joke lined up.”
i roll my eyes and sigh already knowing where this was going.
harry grinned mischievously, clearly pleased at my reaction. "yep. i've been practicing for months now. want to hear it?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
i couldn't help the eye roll that passed over my face, but deep down, i was secretly looking forward to hearing his terrible joke. "okay, fine. hit me with it," i replied, unable to hide my amusement.
harry cleared his throat, his demeanor changing into a mock serious expression as he delivered the punchline. "why is it impossible to find true love with a mermaid?" he asked, pausing dramatically.
despite my amusement, i couldn't help but play along. "i don't know, harry. why is it impossible to find true love with a mermaid?" i repeated, struggling to keep the smile off my face.
harry's grin widened, and he leaned in close, an exaggerated whisper escaping his lips as he delivered the punchline. "because they're all too shallow!" he said, his green eyes bright with a mix of humor and anticipation.
i groaned inwardly, but at the same time, i couldn't help but laugh. it was so silly, so predictable, and yet, there was something endearing about the fact that he had been practicing this joke for months. "oh my god, harry. that was terrible," i said, shaking my head with fond exasperation.
harry chuckled, clearly pleased with my reaction. "oh come on, you know you loved it. admit it." he teased, giving my hand a light squeeze.
“i love you but i hate your shitty jokes” i grin and roll my eyes at harry’s big dumb smile.
harry chuckled again, his smile growing wider. "yeah, yeah. i know. but you still laughed, so who's the real winner here?" he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. despite the corny dad joke, i couldn't help but smile back at him, feeling a surge of affection for the goofy, lovable man beside me.
“yeah, yeah save it for the baby.” i giggle and shake my head. despite the pain and worry i had, harry made me feel truly happy.
harry grinned once more, clearly enjoying the banter. "hey, our baby is going to need some entertainment too. might as well start practicing now."
i shook my head, but inside i felt a warmth spread through me at his words. here we were, about to bring a new life into the world, and he was still making me laugh with his silly jokes.
just then, the nurse re-entered the room, a gentle smile on her face. "mrs. styles, i think you're ready to start pushing now." she said softly, her eyes filled with encouragement.
my heart leapt into my throat at her words, the reality of the situation fully hitting me. i took a deep breath, looking over at harry and seeing the mixture of excitement and anxiety in his eyes.
"okay. i'm ready," i said, my voice tinged with determination. harry smiles and gives me an encouraging kiss on the cheek.
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for the next few hours, time seemed to blur into a haze of pain, exhaustion, and sheer willpower. with harry's hand tightly grasping mine and the steady encouragement of the medical staff, i pushed as hard as i could, each contraction bringing us closer to meeting our baby.
finally, after what felt like an eternity, the room was filled with the sound of a baby's cry, the sweet and unmistakable sound of new life. the nurse placed our bundle of joy gently on my chest, and tears filled my eyes as i looked down at our child for the first time.
harry's eyes lit up as he gazed down at the tiny, wriggling baby in my arms, his expression filled with awe and sheer adoration. "it's a girl," he breathed, his voice choked with emotion.
"we have a daughter." he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of our baby's head, his love and joy palpable in the air.
i felt a rush of emotions as i cradled our daughter in my arms, the pain and exhaustion of labor fading into the background. in that moment, nothing else mattered but the overwhelming love i felt for our child and the man beside me.
harry reached out, gently stroking our daughter's soft cheek. "she's perfect," he whispered, his voice filled with wonder. "absolutely perfect." i leaned my head back against the pillows, feeling a deep sense of contentment wash over me.
the room was filled with a gentle quiet, broken only by the soft sound of our daughter's shallow breathing and the occasional whisper from the medical staff taking care of us. i felt a sense of awe and disbelief, finally understanding the true miracle of life and the immense love that comes with it.
“so which name are we going to pick?” i ask looking up from her little pink face to see harry looking at her with wide eyes.
i look down at our daughter, her little face scrunched up in a frown as she slept peacefully in my arms. "what do you think, love?" harry asked softly, wrapping an arm around me and gently brushing a stray lock of hair away from my face.
“how about… lilah?”
"lilah," i repeated, trying out the name on my tongue. i liked the way it sounded, how it rolled off my tongue. "it's pretty. i like it." i looked up at harry, seeking his approval.
he nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "yeah, i like it too. lilah. it's perfect." he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, his hand coming to rest on the bundle in my arms. he leans down and whispers softly to our daughter. "lilah styles… welcome to the world little love.”
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just a sweet little blurb nothing too fancy! hope you love it ! <3
-xoxo⋆₊ ⊹
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bro-atz · 2 days
everyone asks who bro is, everyone asks where bro is, but no one asks how bro is...
i'm fine btw LMAO i just took a step back because i had some extremely time sensitive and very personal matters to attend to (things i will not talk about so please do not ask), and while i was gone, i realized i was working way too hard on everything here when i have so many other things in my life that are way more important like my job(s), my family, my kids, my physical health— the list goes on. plus, i kept feeling down about myself and about the amount of interactions on my fics, and i had to stop and realize...
i'm working so hard on something that i do for free. something that i once did to make myself happy now feels like a job. i lowkey lost a lot of joy while writing the past couple of fics because it wasn't fun for me anymore, and i hated that feeling. i started this account to write for myself, and i totally forgot that as i felt like i had some sort of obligation to requests, updating regularly, etc.
so, i'm no longer taking requests. i may reopen my soft/hard hours at some point in the future, but i will not be taking any requests from here on out. i want to focus on the fics that i had planned from the very beginning of the creation of this account, and i want to write for myself again because i lost sight of myself.
also, not to get on a heavier note, but i've had multiple people— anons and even people i considered friends— on this site use me, make me feel small, act as if i'm worth absolutely nothing, and so on and so forth, and it made me forget that writing is my main, actual occupation, and that i am a good writer. above all, i'm a human, and i have feelings even if i choose not to express all of them here. just because i'm nice, it's not an invitation to take advantage of me.
and no need to worry— i'll still be here! but i'm going to write for myself from this point on, and i hope that the things my brain births will still pique everyone's interests. thank you <3
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lioncunt · 11 months
Lestat for the character impressions!!
fjdjsksk ok buckle in this is gonna be long
first impression: just like with armand it was the movie as a high school freshman, and i was immediately extremely obsessed with him. that kind of lovable antagonist has always been my favorite archetype, like spike from buffy etc, so it was very easy to become attached to him, especially in CONTRAST to movielouis who sucks. when he “died” i was very surprised and disappointed, which i think then colored my initial viewing of the second half of the story lmao i was like where the fuck is lestat why is antonio banderas here. after i watched the movie i looked up the books, and when i realized he was the protagonist for the rest of the series i was like oh ok i’m gonna read them now. i really did start reading them exclusively for him. when i read the book, i was taken aback by how he was much more of an abusive piece of shit, because i think the movie skips past a lot of his more cruel acts with louis and claudia and boils it down to claudia just growing up and louis being sad for no reason. (i have issues with the movie.) (the musical does this to an even more ridiculous degree.) anyway i was like wow he actually really sucks but that made me even more obsessed with him because it made him much more interesting to me, a real multifaceted dynamic character! and once the ending scene with him and louis occurred i was so struck by the entire tragedy of the book and how there wasn’t a true villain in the end. anyway then i read tvl and i lost my mind
impression now: i have a whole other post that i think encapsulates all my bookstat feelings so i won’t type it all out again. as for showstat, he’s less of my best friend who i have to berate for being a fucking idiot and more of my favorite science experiment, something thrilling and terrifying that i’m enamored with and am dying to dissect until i understand every inch of what he’s made of. it was very much a rollercoaster for me watching it week to week because i was never totally sure where they were going with him, but now that the dust has settled i think they made some really fantastic choices with him. they didn’t shy away from his horrific acts of abuse like anne did in the movie and musical, while also keeping the thread of tvl lestat. it’s interesting, because while bookstat also commits absolutely heinous, unforgivable crimes, most of them are from his point of view, so we have a much clearer idea of why he’s committing those crimes. with showstat, we get no explanations, no internal monologue, no perspective, which makes my brain burst from all the different ways one can interpret him. i love showstat with all my heart and soul but i viscerally hate him but he is also my girlfriend so there’s that to contend with as well
favorite moment: wolfkiller. idk the book started with that and i giggled and kicked my feet “wow you killed a pack of them wowww” just call me nicki de lenfent. for showstat “this CHARLATAN” he looks like he has rabies <3
idea for a story: i wanna see him go back to acting and he’s in a soap opera and he has joey tribbiani’s storyline from friends
unpopular opinion: i do think showstat loved claudia despite everything, that one interview sam had where he said he was proud of her gave me enough energy to power a small town. for bookstat i think he deserved to be the main character of the book series even though i wish that didn’t mean anne lobotomized everyone else. but like he’s written specifically for my enjoyment so i’m glad that i have a wealth of text of widely varying quality to enjoy him from lmao
favorite relationship: romantic relationship is loustat both in the books and the show, nothing will ever compare to them i want them trapped in a jar on my shelf for eternity. non-romantic relationship is him and claudia “my dark child, my love, evil of my evil, claudia broke my heart” what if i killed myself
favorite headcanon: he loves the phantom of the opera. i think he actually mentions it in memnoch, they’re playing something from it in the background. anyway he’s pro phantom/christine
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batfossil-fr · 29 days
I’ve been really thinking of reopening my art shop soon… I’ve been taking some practice doodles (hence all the posting lately) while I shake off my rust and I’m finding things I enjoy working on again. I miss trying my hand at more dragons/OCs and colors. my shop’s so broken rn lmao but that’s a problem for a later date it’s just nice getting back into art
#my mental health is starting to improve a bit#took a couple years but I found some meds that finally work better for me#ofc things aren’t 100% but I was really in a pit for a while#like ‘did not leave my house in months and slept 14 hours a day’ kind of pit#so. any improvement is better lol. but nah I’ve been making real improvement and im doing better. a lil shaky sometimes but that’s expected#diagnosed with chronic fatigue too. which is unfortunate but not unexpected. i am indeed god’s sleepiest soldier#i feel like a raisin slowly rehydrating but considering i was in a desert before any hydration is welcome#just learning how to enjoy things again overall#one thing I just couldn’t get myself to do (and enjoy) was art. doodles here and there but nothing to post#and it’s kind of funny because I feel like that downtime actually gave me a chance to think about what I wanted to work on#even when I wasn’t actively practicing#just paying attention to things I guess. enjoying art styles#i genuinely think my experimenting with stained is helping me learn colors#i spend hours in the scryshop im glad it’s paying off lmao#i want to tackle bigger things but i just gotta ease myself into the hang of things again#for now im having fun and that’s coooool. thank you all for your nice comments#i read all tags while kicking my feet and giggling. thank u all#that’s the update on Me tho. more to come hopefully#starting next month/julyish I will have a significant amount of time to dedicate to drawing which i intend on doing#so who knooowwwsss#rambles#funny enough coloring has become my favorite part of the process now. it used to be lineart. now lineart annoys me LOL#i also feel like i kinda lost my ability to write which has been frustrating but im focusing on art first#anyways that’s a whole different tangent rant over
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Been busy enough to justify a full round up for this WIP Wednesday. The TL;DR being that I'm back to being fully lace brained.
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Blanket 10 is NEARLY finished. I've started attaching the last row and just need to finish out this row and then do a border (and give him a good wash, I've owned some of this yarn for years and it smells a little dusty). The nights are starting to get really cold here so I'll be happy to have it done, I just gotta force myself to work on it.
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Doily 14 (Yarn | Pattern) needs to go on a longer needle but other than that is very fun and cute. I've decided to put it down for a bit to work on the next two projects but I expect when they get boring I'll go back to this. This pattern is surprisingly simple for a Neibling as long as you're prepared for the long pattern rows. Absolutely going to have to break out the washi tape to mark off my rows for the second chart, but the first one has been very easy lace knitting.
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Unnamed project aka me fucking around to see if I can freehand this sweater design. I had started with a two row lace ("Honeycomb lace" from A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara G Walker) but honestly didn't find it fun to knit. So I transitioned to a favourite of mine (ssk, k2tog, yo twice). It's going a lot faster now tho it looks a little weird. I'm going to knit to the underarm and if it fits, it stays. If it's too small I'll rip all the way back and redo the shaping in this lace pattern instead with longer shoulder saddles. It's unfortunate that I didn't like knitting the honeycomb lace, I really like how it looks, I'll have to try swatching it in different yarns to see if the problem is just that this yarn has zero stretch (100% cotton).
I have decided I will put short sleeves on this tho. I had planned to just add ribbing for the arms but I saw a drop shoulder vest in a similar style and did Not like it, so this just saves me from having to rip back. I also think I'm going to have to leave this cropped, I'm not a big crop top person but with this yarn being cotton, having a full length body along with the sleeves is going to have the neckline very stretched. There may be no helping it regardless but there's no harm in trying. I imagine if this is does become something I wear it'll either be in the dead of summer or layered over a button up/some sort of top anyway, so a crop wouldn't be too uncomfortable.
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Last but certainly not least is Shawl 14 (Pattern | Yarn). My precious Evenstar is coming along very well, I'm actually on the second to last pattern row before the set up for the border. I know the border is going to be a slog but I'm excited for it regardless, he's huge even all compressed on the needles. My self imposed deadline for him is April, but the border is only 56 repeats. If I can do one every other day I should be right on time, which sounds do-able even tho I know I'll get bored by the halfway point.
I need to keep an eye out for patterns for this yarn, I have a whole second cone plus what'll be left after I finish this shawl. These cones staring at me will probably be the push I need to settle on an Orenburg shawl pattern. (Or possibly a large Neibling, or one of MMario's patterns.)
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josephslittledeputy · 1 month
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Having been left behind by someone who she thought she could trust, Willa now has to endure the depravities of John Seed
Chapter 3, There Ain't No Sin and There Ain't No Virtue: Part 1, has finally been posted!!
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autistic-katara · 7 months
girl help the hyperfixation’s returned but i already binged all the short angst fics featuring my Mental Illness™ in one night
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the-acid-pear · 6 months
My dream was very weird let me recall it as best as I can.
I remember being outside of a bar. I think I was L.L. because I spoke about being able to teleport. Some guys were ordering food and I was like nahh I'd go get some Winnie The Pooh sushi right now if I wanted... But the guy with me was like well go get that now. And I was like maybe but first I need to go to the bathroom ☹️. Two guys sorted me for some reason, I was barely walking bc i was pissing my pants so fucking bad, although earlier I had talked about having my period but when I went to pee w my weenie I started thinking of how weird that'd be for them (and fuck, even me) to understand. To pee, one of my friends ripped off one of the sink bowls (like those fancy bathrooms have, which was weird because the shop was some street food parlor falling apart) and was like Haha sorry, go ahead 😈 but I was like nah nah that'll be enough and I pushed it under the sink with my foot before unzipping and starting to pee on it. I remember being extremely flustered because I didn't want the others to see my dick, and I was also confused because I didn't know how to use one? Because this was a very fucking vivid dream.
No one said anything about my cock and I think we all left back to eat. All I remember about my Winnie The Pooh sushi is a vague figure drawn in yellow, some pile of green and a little black thing. But I didn't get to eat because I saw the old man was going to the bathroom so I rushed after him since, you know, we'd destroyed the fucking thing. Because I forgot for a second but fsr I left my cock hanging on a place similar to those were you place soap? It was a pretty good cock btw. Around 5-6 cm of length and maybe 3, 2.5 of girth? Like, measuring from the top, I don't have the resources to wrap a measurement tape around the cock in the bathroom BECAUSE...
Room was dark old man was very fucking old and first thing he did was nearly hit the sink and he laughed it off as I was like, literally grabbing my head. Because this was a fucking dangerous guy, right? This guy was serious business, we didn't wanna mess with him. So I stopped him on his tracks and after fumbling my way trying to grab a stick from the stick pile and a cloth I started washing the floor which I'm not too sure why was wet, our dirty aah shoes I suppose. And I did a shit job btw. Absolutely terrible. Old man stopped me and I was like fuck man I'm sorry it's so bad but he was like No no, this is good. He admired that I went off my way to prevent him from getting hurt and likely dying as any other idiot would've tried so he instead took me to the room nextdoor, his bedroom, and offered it as a place for me to stay.
Bedroom was a fucking mess, room had a yellow tint to it. Cracked walls, old thin bedsheets, old wood and old clothes, and the best part yet, when I leaned down for some reason I got a peek below the covers of... Black Homer Simpson. Which I soon got to see a better look of when the old man pulled off the cloth revealing Homer and I guess Bart, both black (racially ambaiguos...) and skinny to the bone, long dead, like they were two mummies. Homer's eyes were open but Bart's weren't. The old man explained the left bit of bed next to Bart was mine and the other bit of bed was his which is literally that one image I'll add afterwards.
Act 2
A big change happened after I left that place, because was I not only on a boat with a pack of criminals but I was also one of the racoon twins from HTF. I was significantly less evil than my brother and aside from real Luly watching this like a show wondering why no one shipped the racoon w the old man (now a sort of old mole, but not Mole just a similar look) (his name was alistor I think also?) I don't recall anything significant.
See this is where things get truly weird because I don't know when I stopped being the racoon. I remember travelling on that boat for a long time, going thru tunnels and docks but never got off until I was in this park. The park was full of humans with animals and some with babies. I don't know why we were there. Every dog we saw was big and aggressive, not outright attacking us but just letting us know a beast his size could crush us to a pulp. I suppose we were still animals.
Act 3
And it was when we were leaving that place I changed person once again, now I was this skinny blonde unassuming man, I think I was disabled too I couldn't really get words out and I just starred at people sort of confusing at everything. And I had a baby in my arms.
The baby was small, so fucking small. I could fit her in my palm, that's how tiny this baby was. And she was wrapped in a cloth. The place we were in looked like the inside of a train station. The baby was a normal size when I ran into her so called "father". He, also blonde but a more vibrant and orangey tone, I was an ashy platinum blonde, more of a square face, very manly and very European looking, started telling me to give him his baby back. He had a red university hoodie on and a turtleneck sweater peaking from underneath. I think his name was Thompson, or his surname. I really liked this baby and this guy was freaking me out and I had a vision. A memory, a flashback.
I was back in the boat. It was him and me, sitting alone in a long long table. There were no walls, it was like a train that boat of ours. A voice spoke from beyond, like a radio . "If you find Allis Calypso you have to kill him". Her words repeated in a cold manner. At the time of the dinner when I was still a raccoon I wouldn't have known it but know I did, this man in front of me trying to take this baby from me was Calypso.
And our clothes were different inside the boat, I believe we were pirates. All browns and dirty whites. His shirt was now washed pink as now he had what I can only assume was some fancy silverware, assuming by the sculpted handle, buried deep in the middle of his guts. He was a memory, he didn't react, he only fell over slightly. I started to run with the baby in my hands as the voice repeated "Just this once, you'll be forgiven. Now get out".
Act 4, final act
Now I was just running with this baby so small it got lost inside the cloth. The environment looked so familiar once more, like my very own. I knew I needed someplace for the baby, someplace to keep it safe and, hell, fucking feed lt. Baby was scarily quiet though.
I was lucky to run into a fence, tall metal one. I wasn't only scared for the baby, I was scared for myself. I had left my team behind, I had no weapons on me, and I was the most useless man they had, now on the run for murder. It was during this act someone called me Albert.
From outside the fence I saw two little kids playing, before what I can only assume was their mother came out. She was so fucking latina, she was a face I've seen so often. She had big eyes with thick kind of smudgy makeup, a teal tanktop barely covering her chest, fat as the rest of her (amen), and short jean shorts on top of flip flops. He hair was dyed, a shade darker than her skin, a vibrant brown color.
I don't even know if I said a world or if she simply started asking what was my problem and I showed the small child I was holding. She was like "y'know what? I'm still lactating (she used a different word) so just this once I'll help you".
We went to her room, it was amaizing. So familiar. She even had an old tv and a dvd player. Clothes everywhere, old messy bed, big window no curtains. She laid down in the bed, I just stood. She was beautiful, but I wasn't even remotely attracted to her. The thought only crosses my mind now as I'm awake. All I could think of was the baby in my arms.
She said she didn't cry, and for a second I feared she was dead, but soon she woke up and started kinda sobbing. She breastfed her, I didn't look.
I started thinking, should I stay here? The woman seemed already fond of my baby. I knew I couldn't take care of her. I didn't have any place left to go, either. Should I just leave the baby with her and run away? Wouldn't that be cruel? But I couldn't do or say anything. I just looked down as she gently cradled the baby in her arms, and before I knew I woke up, because the story ended there.
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bardicious · 6 months
My levels of spite have always been hilarious.
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boomerang109 · 7 months
what if capitalism is making the one job i thought was possible for me feel unattainable not because i haven’t literally been doing it since age 13 but because it’s not well paid enough so until you get into a higher position you have to work multiple jobs and i knew that i always knew that but. fuck. why is adulting going to be so exhausting. what if this really is the best time of my life? being a depressed college student? what if it’s downhill from here?
#I love my quiet getting high nights cause they let me unlock my thoughts#i HATE my quiet getting high nights cause they let me unlock my thoughts#like bestie I was just watching critical role why did I pause it to write this down#anyway in other news I have a ten hour tech day and I’m ✨scared✨#technically it’s nine and a half though because they moved the call by a whole half hour#and honestly I’m going to get breakfast for meal swipes so I might end up being late cause breakfast doesn’t open until 10#but like fuck if I’m gonna try to make food here#I want to pack my bag tonight but also I just laid down after doing dishes and I’m exhausted#I’ve had such a long day too I had two normal classes (one of which I basically led the class. I interviewed two professionals in front of#the whole class. FUCK I probably need to send them a thank you email. that’s gonna be a tmrw issue or I might draft hifh but like not sendin#but anyway after that I had one hour for lunch and then three hour lab which was fun!! because we went ride pooling but like we walked a#shit ton and in the sun#oh and my roommates must’ve forgotten I come with today cause they left me behind (which is totally fine cause I didn’t get up but it did#mean I had to catch the on campus transport and that takes forever and so I was late to meet my friend for breakfast and dining hall was#closed so I had to get food elsewhere which literally cost the same as the dining hall in the morning which is dumb but it took waaay longer#anyway hifh boom takes tumblr diary entries too seriously idk why I channeled my whole life into this post lmao#i think it’s cause I’m self-isolating HARD (despite being fairly social at the moment? it’s a surprisingly cool balancing act im pulling off#quite well as a busy bee) so I felt the need to pretend to have human connection without actually breaking my self-imposed isolation lmao#boom blogs high
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ehlnofeh · 10 months
Last Lines tag game thing!
have been tagged by the wonderful @elfinismsarts for this, gonna have a trawl through what i’ve written and hopefully i can find something for these. i will try and mark any that are spoilers and haven’t published yet too so you can skip them if you want.
think i will tag @thana-topsy @miraakswhore and @argisthebulwark to keep the list light (:
A line from your fic that makes you laugh
“He just lit that with magic! I thought Nords weren’t all that fond of it.”
“Oh! No they’re mostly fine with things like that. A few party tricks never hurt.”
“It also comes in handy in a fight,” said Athis. “Of course, I’m still trying to get better with my sword, but it doesn’t hurt to surprise a bandit who thinks they are going to win with a little fire.” He had an amused look on his face.
Finwe placed her face in her hands and leant forward, her elbows on the table in despair and her hair closing like curtains around her knuckles. “I have been fretting this entire time over nothing,” she said, muffled in her palms. “There has been no point to me doing that.”
I really enjoy parts like this and it’s very funny when Finwe is fretting over what she perceives to be nothing at all, especially when Athis and Ria get a laugh out of it too.
A line from your fic that makes you sad **spoilers**
Finwe took another drink, trying to calm her nerves. “What would you do, if you felt unable to hold back?”
Kodlak took his time to consider his answer. “I would give myself some time and space to calm my feelings. But, I would stay and fight through it as any warrior of our ilk would do. We did not garner our reputation by fleeing at the sight of danger.”
“What if I’m not strong enough to win that fight?” Finwe asked, sorrow in her voice.
This section is the most upset i think i’ve ever made Liv so uh yeah definitely counts for sad when Finwe is weighing up what to do.
A line from your fic you're proud of
The three of them walked through the now quiet market, seeing a few people that had decided to also get some air in the evening. They wandered for a bit, with no real direction, before settling on looking over the city wall behind Jorrvaskr.
The moons were still just rising, Masser currently dissected by the Throat of the World and casting the eastern land in a pale glow. They could almost make out Valtheim towers in the distance, along the river and following the road into Eastmarch. Finwe also looked down to the farms and houses that dotted the landscape outside the city, with dull lights visible in the windows of some. They looked very peaceful out there, with plenty of space to use as you pleased, provided you had enough gold.
I like when i can set a scene and enjoy the peacefulness that i think the moons bring, so quite proud of the way i did this little bit.
A line for your fic you think could have been better
“Go, run!” Hadvar exclaimed as he burst into a light sprint. Finwe followed suit as quickly as she could, overtaking the Imperial soldier. As is often the case when being chased by something, you only need to ensure that you are not the slowest thing being chased.
This was currently Hadvar, and the bear was closing in.
The first chapter is one that i do want to rewrite at some point, so there’s a lot that i could take from it, but think this makes a good point of the tone i initially tried.
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character **spoilers**
Yamarz grinned as he stepped away from her. “Because it’s clear you need to help my people. Imagine the guilt, knowing I failed to stop the giants’ attacks on this tribe. Imagine the suffering they would endure as they wipe my people from Nirn. You couldn’t just sit back and watch that happen now, could you?”
I like the way i’ve written Yamarz; conniving and willing to do anything to ensure his little position of power remains intact.
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww' **spoilers**
“It’s still dark outside… so, late. You slept all evening?” Ria asked. “You were gone for longer than we thought you would be, Athis was getting a little worried, but…” Ria placed her finger over her mouth, not giving Finwe a chance to answer her question. “I knew you’d be alright, wherever you were.”
Here, have a drunk Ria telling Finwe how concerned Athis was, even if he’s less willing to share that himself.
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism
I’m at work and can’t find anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg
His retort was interrupted when he spotted the open safe in the corner. “Liza! I’ve told you not to open this.” Gorem quickly stepped to the door and closed it, rolling the handle and feeling the bolts click back into place.
“You could at least make it a challenge for me. I tell you every time to change the combination and every time it’s still four-five-one.” Liza rolled her eyes at the suggestion she would refrain from checking inside for anything nefarious.
“I don’t want to change it,” Gorem said clearly. “You know that it’s my favourite number and that won’t just alter itself overnight.”
“It’s a silly favourite number. It’s not even prime!” Liza exclaimed, exasperated by the idea it was a good number.
This one is from my own original stuff and i have the freedom to throw more easter eggs in i feel. the egg in question relates to my love for dishonored, but even that is an easter egg that harks back to the older immersive sim games that are out there.
A line from your fic that's shocking **spoilers**
“Fucking damn it!”
This is the first time that Finwe swears in the fic.
A line from your fic you want to talk about more
He switched up and let her come to him and she obliged, trying to force her way through his more limited defence. This worked for a few attempts, but he suddenly changed his footwork and began to move with ease, staying just far enough away and never stopping, like a dancer at a Breton ball. She had to push just a bit further to reach him every time and he could see the frustration begin to build. Eventually, she tired and went for one large stretch too many before he sidestepped and tripped her trailing leg, sending her forward into a heap.
I love writing action and i especially like showing the imbalance between a warrior who is in his prime in Vilkas and Finwe trying to keep up. She’s formidable in her own right, but i like to think he has the tactics to adjust to any challenge that he faces.
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
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lighthouseborna · 1 year
Can Henry swordfight?
Yes. His skills lean heavily for the defensive side of things, though, and his offensive skill leaves a good amount to be desired. Stylistically speaking...he doesn't have a lot of style. He'd got functional ability. It relies on an incredibly strong defensive skillset that keeps him in one piece against most adversaries (specifically designed and practiced to stand against stronger, objectively more skilled opponents that have real desire to do him harm).
Does Henry swordfight?
Not if he can help it. He prefers, if things are going to come to blows, to settle things with fists. He also knows, though, that pirates love an advantage, and he won't refuse to draw a blade on some personal principle or something. That would actively get him killed. Generally speaking, his goal is to defend himself from bodily harm, and defer an offensive strike long enough to wear his opponent down. He relies heavily on avoiding blows and blocking until it exhausts his opponent into leaving an attack opening, an opportunity for escape arises, and/or someone in his corner comes to back him up. He would be incredibly unlikely to end up in one to begin with, but even less likely to accept a one-on-one duel. He doesn't lack pride or confidence but he doesn't have a death wish, either. (You'd have to threaten someone else to back him into it, trying to pressure him via his social standing or whatever wouldn't work. ("Are you a man or not?" Sure is! Also wants to continue to be a living one.))
Can Henry shoot?
Yes. His skill is a mix of natural knack and learned ability. He's not a stand-out in this regard, don't expect anything mind-blowing or particularly trick-shot impressive, but he's reliable. (As reliable as one can be with the available weaponry, which I believe(?) isn't that consistent itself.) In related terms of marksmanship, he's also decent when it comes to the likes of throwing a knife, and though he's not as practiced, I wouldn't underestimate him with something like a hatchet either. Once more, don't expect anything crazy, but count on him to be effective, if not particularly impressive.
Does Henry shoot?
You know it really doesn't come up that much? He absolutely will in a situation that necessitates it and doesn't have any big reservations about using guns, but it really just doesn't come into play more often than it does. Usually he's better served ensuring an opponent misses their shot– there likely won't be time to reload, and while there's always that one person with multiple firearms, most people only carry the one or maybe two. Throw those off, and you can close in. This is his typical method of dealing with an opponent that's armed in this fashion. Make 'em miss, then make 'em regret it. He doesn't typically carry firearms. His knife of choice is decidedly more tool than weapon and he'd vastly prefer not to throw it, as that runs the risk of it being unrecoverable, but he will if he needs to.
About Hand to Hand
He wants to fight you like this. You probably do not want to fight him like this. He is not a small man and he's not afraid to throw his height and weight around. He's able to take some really hard hits and keep going as well. Despite this ability, he's quicker than people generally take him for, and often evades or redirects hits in ways that tend to take people by surprise; he's clever about the ways he uses his environment and the space he occupies in it. Also he hits really hard. It's rare for him not to have some kind of advantage -whether physical or environmental or endurance wise- in a hand to hand fight. His hand to hand style is much more aggressive than his swordplay, but just as capable on defense and immensely opportunistic. He's a formidable opponent in a fist fight, even when outnumbered. (You'll take him down eventually, sure, but how many are going to walk away with bruised or broken ribs and messed up hands and the occasional concussion? Is that the risk you want to take?)
All of this in mind; Salazar has been the only opponent (up to that point in his life) that he was intentionally trying to kill. Mostly he's just trying to go about his life. Probably he has injured people in the past in ways that directly or indirectly led to their demise, but it was never in the spirit of a kill strike. He hasn't been in many positions that forced him into making that kind of choice, largely because it was something his parents kept him out of, but -especially post canon- he's definitely able to make that kind of choice. If someone is a direct physical threat to his loved ones or himself, he can, in relatively clean conscience, choose to take them out.
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werezombie · 2 years
Your tags on the post about which teachers you would get high with literally means sm. Idk ur teachers but those experiences seem so important (not in like a weird way tho idk if it sounds weird???? Just it like. It was lighthearted !!)
omg this is so sweet its not weird dw!! im glad you enjoyed hearing about them :-) im really thankful i had a few teachers through out middle/high school that gave me those kinds of experiences bc they were rly important to me especially in the moment, i didnt get along w my school staff & a lot of other students cause i came out publicly at like, the end of 6th grade lol. i rly like to share some of the stories i have with my fav teachers thru the years because its nice to remember that even while i had a lot of ppl (including a lot of my schools staff) that didnt like me after i came out i still had a few adults that always had my back and cared enough to give me happy memories to look back on like that :-)
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coridallasmultipass · 1 month
#hfffffff okay i spent fucking hours rambling in that ao3 comment lmao i wanted to apologize for that but#i dont wanna give the author a reason to reply or guilt them into reading the whole thing lol#i hate having anxiety#bc it means sometimes i cant be like 'haha that was hot' without feeling like im not doin my job as a reader#but then when i start writing a longer comment i gotta give reasons why i liked something#and before u know it im typing my whole lifes story and thats a book no one wants to read. least of all in the comments on their 50k fic#i took out so many paragraphs and revised it no less than 20 times but probably more i wasnt counting#i dont think ive ever put a comment that long but it required backstory to explain something and also how i was surprised at#...being sold in the first chapter when i was already predisposed to not wanna read the fic in the first place#god its fucking 130am ive been typing for hours#sleep has not occurred to me bc ive been in 'middle of a task' mode since like 8pm#anxiety really is a motherfucker lmao ughhhhhhh#fuckin verbose as hell lmao hate that abt myself no one wants to read my essays lol#shouldve spent at least 3 of those hours workin on my fics but alas i have time blindess and only saw 2 time jumps#anyway gonna hope my sleeping pills kick in fast#lol its probably pain. the reason why im so on edge for the past few days and especially today since i couldnt really relax#i hate being so anxious all the time but what can i do lol nothing has helped me long term#oh here we fucking go lmao im writing another essay in the tags yeah i gotta hit the pen or something to chill or the pills aint gonna help#delete later / /#i swear i dont mean to but i blink and ive written an essay it happens without doing it consciously
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