#this kid needs a nap
freakshowonfire · 9 months
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feral critter . not to be trusted
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redrobin-detective · 8 months
Simon Petrikov really is the dad of all time.
Continuing my Adventure Time binge and I got to the Gunter/Orgalorg bits. Ice King took this horrible, cruel alien menace who's been seeking ultimate power for millennia and loved him, cuddled him, disciplined him (sometimes undeservedly) and overall sucked him into his deluded family unit. He did this for so long that when Gunter finally was given a chance for ultimate power -via the wishing crown - he chose instead to become Ice Thing. To become like his dad.
Simon dadded so hard that he turned two eldritch beings with capacity for immense destruction into daddies girls.
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littlebitofdnd · 3 months
Sandra-Lynn and Sklonda are having a "What Do We Do About Kristen" phone call as we speak
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waterghostype · 1 month
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was assigned to do art for school based on the color green so of course i chose the green ninja (accompanied by long xiaojiao)
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aleiiii · 2 months
if mk gets older do you think he gets more muscular like swk and macaque? especially his pecs
(i'm a mk simpXD)
hello anon
This gave me an excuse to doodle up MK, don’t really get around drawing him and the others. See what he might look like in my style
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BUT I think I see him being more on the leaner side, but still would have some muscle. I’m sure lugging around a heavy stick would start bulking him up over time. Also him probably getting more used to his monkey form hehe
What a goober
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sunnishine · 5 months
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I.N ★ TOPLINE / MBC GAYO ⭑ 231231
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
More art for @phoenixcatch7 Possessed Doll Au Someone gets to meet Black Bat for the first time- though lets be honest Cass probably spooked someone and then went running to Batdad when they started trying to figure out how she got onto the Watchtower and if she's allowed
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skellabelle · 4 months
Our pompous, precious, prickly scientist❤️
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stay tuned for the giant puffy coat
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miekasa · 2 years
when your children are still babies, they get so so upset when gojo comes home and doesn’t immediately pick them up. your baby has recently learned that the sound of the front door opening and closing usually signals the return of their father so tonight, when the door opens, your baby’s head perks up. when he finally takes his shoes off and makes his way into the home, he spots his little angel on the couch. “hi baby!” he coos at them with a smile on his face and his hands full with some packages. “let me go put these down and i’ll be right back!” he tries to explain, to which your baby just obliviously smiles at, just happy to see their father and know that he’s giving them attention. but when they realize that he’s leaving their sight and didn’t immediately pick them up… oh have mercy. it becomes a shit storm because who does he think he is?? to not give his baby all his time and attention! gojo comes running back into the living room confused as to why they’re crying but as soon as he picks them up, they stop crying and start giggling. what a dramatic little baby you’ve been blessed with. the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree ig
— doc dad levi anon
SHUT UPPPPP because you know Satoru loves the attention too, they��re a perfect match together bye. All you can do is stand, bemused, as Satoru picks up the baby and almost instantly quells his crying, rocking him back and forth before stretching his arms to hold the kid at eye level with him and cooing, “Oh, I’m sorry my love, I missed you too, soooooo much,” Satoru bends his arms to brush their noses together and grin at the giggles the baby emits, “You missed me too, yeah? Aren’t you the sweetest little thing, missing me like that? So precious.” Satoru covers the baby in kisses and sweet words for nearly five straight minutes and they both love to bask in each other’s attention (you have the videos to prove it).
Something kinda funny tho is… you’re 98% sure your son can tell that Satoru will give into quickest lmfaoo. Your baby cries sometimes when you have to leave him, sure, and can definitely throw a fit when he wants your attention—but he seems to know to cry (or squeal, or babble, or screech) on demand for his sucker of a father. Nanami, Shoko, Megumi, and Yuuta (your on rotation band of baby sitters) have noticed that the kid loves to be held and has no shame gesturing for it—but they’ve never experienced the baby crying when they so much as step away for a moment, unless he’s hungry or needs to be changed. You don’t have the heart to tell Satoru he’s being played tho, so you just let them have their moment <333 (not that it would matter, Satoru can’t stand to see your kid cry in any capacity, so he’d go right back to giving in; plus it’s a win-win in his book anyway: baby stops crying, and he gets cuddles from his son).
(Then again, you think the need and love for attention might just be genetic, because Satoru has cried big tears a handful of times just leaving you and your baby at home for a few hours).
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nightskyfoxyy · 11 months
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She had a nightmare, but its okay now.
(Was definately carried very gently back to bed as well. Ya know. After an hour or two.)
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aldoodles · 1 year
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Live footage from a corner of the annual ‘really tired 12 year olds who could kick my butt w a sword and also need a vacation’ support conference. Percy and Gregor are bonding about being New Yorkers and Hiccup can understand what it’s like to fiercely love a home others might find hostile or weird.
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tblsomedoodles · 10 months
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MIF boys may have lost this round of the @tmntseparatedaucompetition, but now they get to go back to chilling with Adopted Mikey, and they're alright with that lol : ) (plus they got a baby chicken out of the deal. somehow.)
But thank you all so much! i never expected MIF to get as far as it did! You all are amazing. Thanks again!! <3
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strawbs-screaming · 4 months
(please reblog if you can/want to i need the fandoms whole opinion on this trivial matter)
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ladyantiheroine · 2 months
The way I want to sit Dev Patel down and gently wash the blood from his face with a warm wet towel, kiss his cheek and tell him everything’s going to be okay.
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apurpledust · 7 months
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young napoleon 🥺 🥺
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starrspice · 6 months
I usually draw Y/N's to avoid making self ship art cuz i always feel like im doing something scandalous
Like I'll be teased and mocked for it
But damn is Help Wanted 2 making it really hard
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