#this is about the precure wiki
miseryinthebathroom · 2 years
I love having little niche interests because like i can either infodump to the vast majority of my friends who have no clue what I’m talking about or I can seek out fandom spaces and then cry when the mods of the wiki turn out to be horrible decision makers that make proship arguments in order to justify partnering with this discord server that didn’t ban a p3d0 until they did something IN the server and say that telling kids that shipping child characters with their mother figures or adult villains is bad is “stifling creativity”
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justworthlessreblogs · 6 months
out of curiosity does anybody know if there's a collection of behind the scenes/staff interviews for kirakira that can be found anywhere? i know there's one that got posted to livejournal but i'm really curious about if there's any more than that because i have Theories that i want to talk about in my essay thing that i want to do after finishing the series but i also want to make sure i have my facts right
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mahou-furbies · 1 year
I like behind-the-scenes character trivia, so here is a copypasted compilation of that from Precure wiki, and also some bits I was able to find on Pixiv. The Pixiv stuff is based on google translate and my own faulty Japanese so take them with a grain of salt (and I’m not fact checking any of this anyway).
Cure Black
Cure Black's outfit was upgraded in Max Heart due to parental concerns about how her previous outfit might have been too revealing for children.
Nagisa's name was originally going to be Kuni (クニ), as revealed in the concept art book.
Yes! Precure 5
There were initial plans to have all five Cures be in a student council (with Nozomi as the president), but it was scrapped due to not wanting everyone to be on the side of power. (from Pixiv)
They were supposed to appear in the Healin’ Good anime first before going to the Tokyo trip in the movie together, but this was scrapped due to covid. (from Pixiv)
Milky Rose
According to an interview with the producer of the Yes! 5 series (Washio Takashi), he didn't expect the series to last for two years and also never meant to make Milk have a human alias. However, when the production of the sequel started, he wanted to make a new character become a Pretty Cure who would have been familiar with the Cures from the start and eventually chose Milk.
Cure Passion
In the book "Drawing Fantastic Female Fighters", it’s revealed that she was originally going to have a similar look to Cure Peach, save for an increase in hair volume until her costume was changed to look like armor to help her stand out.
Additionally, in early stages, animators played around with things like the position of the ribbon and different headband shapes.
The same book also revealed two things regarding Setsuna as Eas: 
The diamond-like cross on the back of her outfit represented the burden she bore before her defection.
Her original hairstyle lacked a headband and looked a bit too much like bedhead. But a hairstyle borrowed from a newscaster didn't appeal to Toei's target demographic.
Cure Blossom / Cure Flower
According to an issue of Drawing Fantastic Female Fighters, Cure Flower's design is based off how the staff imagined a grown-up Cure Blossom.
Cure Marine
According to character designer Umakoshi Yoshihiko, she was originally to have an updo hairstyle as Cure Marine
Cure Rhythm
In prototype concept art, Cure Rhythm was originally going to be a purple Cure.
Cure Happy
Miyuki was originally planned to be in cheerleading club. (from Pixiv)
Cure March
Her theme colour was originally planned to be purple, but was changed so that the characters would form a bright rainbow colour when lined up. (from Pixiv)
Cure Diamond
In the Official Complete Book of Doki Doki! Pretty Cure, it was revealed that Rikka does not have romantic feelings towards Ira, though there were initially plans to develop it. "On romantic feelings: I don't feel that Rikka has romantic feelings toward Ira, though there were plans to develop it. But that would be overdoing it for Pretty Cure."
Instead, it was confirmed by the director of Doki Doki! after the finale aired that Diamond was in love romantically with Heart, in turn how she freed herself after becoming frozen by her own attack is considered as a plot hole. Therefore, in theory Diamond sacrificed herself for Heart.
Cure Rosetta
Alice was initially planned to have an older brother named Hiromichi, who was the former student council president of Oogai Middle School and was the one who led Mana to become president herself. He was eventually cut due to the idea of Mana having a crush on him, which went against her "charity" character idea. This is mentioned in the Official Complete Book of Doki Doki! Pretty Cure.
Cure Sword
She was originally going to join the team halfway through the series, but the idea was scrapped due to her appearance in New Stage 2.
DokiDoki was supposed to be a 3-person team, with Sword joining as the mid-season Cure. When her joining was pushed to episode 6, a lot of plot elements had to be changed, such as Sword originally having a lot of senpai Precure from Trump Kingdom. (from Pixiv)
Cure Lovely
According to her official TV Asahi profile, she had made 100 friends during elementary school.
Her mother was planned to have an incurable disease, with the end series conflict being that Megumi has to choose between world peace and curing her mother, but it was scrapped due to being too heavy. (from Pixiv)
Cure Princess
Was originally going to be named Cure Brave (from Pixiv)
Cure Honey
Was originally going to be named Cure Tender, which later was reused for Iona’s sister (from Pixiv)
She was planned to have a plotline about some unspecified insecurity, but it was removed because her character turned out to be too mature for that to fit. (from Pixiv)
Cure Fortune
Was originally going to be named Cure Mercy (from Pixiv)
Her original design looked too much like an office lady, but elements of it (like the pencil skirt) were reused for Cure Tender (from Pixiv)
Cure Echo
She had her own 10th anniversary greeting storyboarded, but it wasn’t animated due to her position as a special character (from Pixiv)
Cure Twinkle
During early development, her transformation background color was yellow instead of purple.
Cure Miracle
Mirai was originally going to be revealed to have Magic World ancestry, but this concept was eventually scrapped by writers who wanted her to be the more normal member of the Mahou Tsukai team, making her the only of the main Mahou Tsukai! Cures not to come from the Magic World.
A handsome boy who was popular among girls was supposed to be Mirai’s classmate, and a story line where Mirai and Riko aren’t swayed by him was planned. (from Pixiv)
Cure Magical
During the production of Mahou Tsukai, Riko was originally going to have a rival named Shiina Ryuuichi, who was scrapped and ended up being a background character instead.
Cure Mofurun
According to an interview with movie director Tanaka Yuta, most of the staff of Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! originally thought of Mofurun as genderless. She became a girl through the development of the series and the characters - as a fact file states, they even wanted to include a line about Mofurun saying that she is “a girl, mofu!”, but did not get the chance to.
The fact file includes description of original plans for Mirai to have thought of Mofurun as a boy in her childhood, but Mofurun deciding otherwise after she became alive and telling her so in the above line.
A rough sketch by Miyamoto Emiko reveals that Mofurun was originally going to wear an overall-like garment.
Cure Chocolat
Early character exploration art by Ino Marie, the character designer, shows her to be scared of bugs and ghosts. 
Cure Yell
According to an interview with Kawamura, the character designer, in the January 2019 issue of the Japanese magazine Animage, the tragedy version of Hana from the future where George and Hugtan came from had never transferred schools. Because she never met Saaya or Homare and was stuck in such a hostile environment, Hana saw no reason to better herself at all.
According to staff member Tsubota Fumi, she based Hana's personality on her voice actor, and she even asked Hikisaka Rie about Hana's feelings for George, adding that it was the beginning of budding feelings. She also asked Rie about whether Hana would like Amano Hinase back, but Rie said that it would be impossible for Hana who prefers men that are older and more mature than him.
Cure Ange
According to an interview with Kawamura, one of the writers, in the January 2019 issue of the Japanese magazine Animage, the version of Saaya from the future where George and Hugtan came from never got to pursue her ambition as a doctor as she would be pressured by the high expectations set by her mother.
Cure Etoile
According to an interview with Kawamura, one of the writers, in the January 2019 issue of the Japanese magazine Animage, the version of Homare from the future where George and Hugtan came from is indicated that she would've remained a delinquent or worse after succumbing to the despair caused by her failed skating experience.
The original concept design for Homare had her wear pigtails in civilian form before being changed into her bob cut. Additionally her near final concept design was meant to don pigtails instead of the side tail hairstyle.
Cure Macherie
According to an interview with Kawamura, one of the writers, in the January 2019 issue of the Japanese magazine Animage, the version of Emiru from the future where George and Hugtan came from would never achieve her dream of becoming a guitarist and singer, because she and her elder brother, Masato would still be living under the oppressive mentality of their grandfather.
Emiru was originally going to be named "Utau", but the staff thought it sounded too old fashioned.
Cure Star
According to head writer Murayama Isao, a producer from ABC suggested the name "Akari" as an alternative to Hikaru, which he viewed as "too strong." Murayama thought "Akari" would be interesting since the character would share a name with the producer, Yanagawa Akari, but Hikaru was ultimately chosen.
Hikaru originally had glasses (from Pixiv)
Cure Milky
Although she has claimed to be an adult, and is considered one on her home planet, her voice actress stated in an interview that in terms of her character's actual maturity level, “It was a lie.”
In the January 2020 special issue of Animage, primarily focusing on Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure, series composition Murayama Isao stated that Lala's name was chosen because it felt right and "alien-like."
Cure Soleil
According to head writer Murayama Isao, Elena was originally going to be the student council president. However, as "pink and purple are more popular from a business standpoint," he was asked to keep the colors pink and purple as components "certain to mesh well," meaning Hikaru and Madoka were to be interconnected as opposing forces. As a result, Madoka became the president instead.
In contrast to Hikaru and Madoka, Lala and Elena were given more leeway when creating their characters, which is why the latter has a big family and a foreigner for a father. In terms of audience perception, Murayama admitted Elena was the most challenging as he predicted Lala would be perceived well for being an alien. That's why he and producer Yanagawa Akari were happy to hear that Elena's popularity grew as the series progressed.
When coming up with Cure Soleil's name, Murayama noted that the word "Elena" first came to mind. However, since Elena is a normal name for girls, it would have been like naming her "Cure Hanako," so they used Elena for her civilian name instead.
Cure Selene
According to the January 2020 special issue of Animage, primarily focusing on Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure, series composition Murayama Isao was the one who came up with the name "Madoka," and that it would be written with the kanji "円" which indicates a circle, or full moon in this context.
Cure Cosmo
Murayama noted that Yuni's phantom thief element was primarily pushed by the female staff of the project. Producer Yanagawa Akari admitted to this, as she grew up watching anime where a girl transforms into a phantom thief, those who have a stylish image such as Mine Fujiko from "Lupin III." She wanted to create an image of a "cool, independent woman" in Yuni.
According to the Kamikita twins, who draw the Pretty Cure manga, Yuni grows up to be 175cm during the 15 years time skip.
Cure Grace
According to an interview from Animage 2021, Ikeda confirmed that Nodoka had been ill for five years until the middle of her first middle school year.
Revealed in the Official Complete Book, Cure Grace was the hardest character for Yamaoka Naoko to design, as she had revised her design 13 times.
Cure Sparkle
According to an interview in the magazine Animage, Hinata's character development was affected because of the hiatus the season had to take due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, there was going to be a Hinata fashion episode, but it never made the cut.
Furthermore, as mentioned in the Official Complete Book, Hinata's mother was meant to appear in the fashion episode as well as the Christmas episode.
Cure Summer
An interview from Animage revealed that Manatsu's theme color was always meant to be rainbow with white from the start because the Producer wanted Manatsu to stand out even amongst all the Pretty Cure.
In the Animage January 2022 issue, it was revealed that Manatsu's name was originally going to be Natsu, then Natsuki, followed by Natsumi before the staff finally settled on Manatsu.
Nakatani Yukiko revealed that Manatsu was not only designed with her origin in mind, but also as if she was a protagonist for a boy's series.
Cure Coral
An interview from Animage revealed that Sango's personality is a bit toned down compared to the other girls, but she is also the closest to the audience because she is the normal one. She has a role in being an audience surrogate, but her personal charm points will also be highlighted throughout the show.
In the Animage January 2022 issue, it was revealed that the kanji for "Suzu" in Sango's surname was originally going to be 鈴, as it looked cute and Sango as a character loves cute things. However, the staff changed it to 涼 because they wanted to match the show's ocean theme and give her a name with a water radical.
The same 2022 issue also revealed that Sango was written to be a city girl that Manatsu can look up to, which contributes to her fashionable personality.
Nakatani Yukiko also admitted that she gave Coral many hearts because she's the "leader of cute". She also looked at fashion magazines for teenagers to get inspiration for Sango's civilian design.
Cure Papaya
In the Animage January 2022 issue, it was revealed that Minori's surname "Ichinose" was chosen due to it sounding girly.
More importantly, when the staff were selecting the Japanese pronunciation of Papaya between パパイヤ or パパイア, they chose the latter option as the former sounded like "Papa iya!" which means "I hate my father!" in Japanese.
This issue also revealed that her signature eye beam attack was not created until after the production of the Tropical-Rouge! short movie.
The staff had initially considered keeping her glasses even when she transformed into Papaya, before eventually abandoning the idea.
Cure Flamingo
An interview from Animage revealed that Asuka's Cure name was going to be either Cure Phoenix or Cure Volcano.
Cure La Mer
An interview from Animage revealed that in the first draft of the story, Laura had a more typical role and was a gentle girl to tone down Manatsu's outlandishness. But Tsuchida Yutaka was concerned that she was going to get completely overshadowed by the other girls, so they changed her into a character with a strong personality and with a big presence in the story.
In the Animage January 2022 issue, it was revealed that "La Mer" was Laura's Cure name before it also became her surname, but it was added because trying to be "Laura Hyginus" would've been difficult to pronounce once she started attending school.
The same issue also revealed that La Mer's nails were originally going to be multi-colored, but the staff eventually scrapped the idea as the end result did not satisfy them.
It was also revealed that Laura's role as the queen candidate is intentional. Tsuchida Yutaka believed the idea of becoming a queen by succession is a similar message to becoming a princess by falling in love with a prince, as it relies too much on someone else.
Cure Precious
In Oops! All PreCure Animage interview, Cure Precious' name comes from Yui's own appreciation for food.
During the Delicious Party Kanshasai, Hishikawa Hana (Yui’s VA) said that Yui's ideal romantic partner is somebody that loves cooking and making food together with her.
Cure Spicy
In the Oops! All PreCure Animage interview, Cure Spicy was chosen as Kokone's alter ego name as it sounded cool.
In the same interview, Kokone's first name was originally going to be either Tsutsumi or Hasami to match her sandwich theme.
Yufu Kyouko (character designer) also remarked in the interview that Cure Spicy's circular braid is meant to resemble a donut.
During the Delicious Party Kanshasai, Shimizu Risa (Kokone’s VA) said that Kokone's ideal romantic partner for a date is somebody she can have a calm conversation and exchange books with. Pam-Pam's voice actor, Hioka Natsumi also pretended to be Kokone's date in the same scenario.
Cure Yum-Yum
In the Oops! All PreCure Animage interview, Cure Yum-Yum was originally going to be named "Cure Yummy", but was changed to make her sound cuter. Mem-Mem was chosen to be her partner to match both her Chinese motif and the food "ramen".
In the same interview, Yufu Kyouko originally drew Cure Yum-Yum wearing a Chinese hat in her first draft design.
During the Delicious Party Kanshasai, Iguchi Yuka (Ran’s VA) said that Ran's ideal romantic partner is someone she can go on adventures with.
Cure Finale
As stated in the Oops! All PreCure Animage interview, Cure Finale was originally going to be called "Cure Gorgeous" but her name was changed to match her dessert motif.
Yufu Kyouko also stated in the same interview that she wanted Finale to look like a fighting princess.
During the Kanshasai, Kayano Ai (Amane’s VA) said that Amane's ideal romantic partner is someone she can train martial arts with and watch sunsets afterwards.
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doizy · 5 months
Wonderful Precure First Impressions!
I stayed up until way past my bedtime for the reveal (it was hard, I'm way too much of a morning person for this). I'll go go character by character first:
Cure Wonderful/ Kumogi
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She is indeed a dog! And a cute one, the plushie leaks didn't do her justice. She's Friendy's pet, but i wonder if she's a magical dog that ended up as a pet, our if she's similar too Mofurun i.e. a normal dog that acquired speech/a human mind recently. I love her civilian design, it's really fun and cute, i love the ponytail.
Cure Friendy/ Iroha
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When I first saw the leaks I was afraid that she was going to be too close to Mashiro in terms of personality, and we would have a similar dynamic with the lead than last season, but i was completely wrong! She looks like a pretty extroverted and energetic character! Also i like that she have a pretty different hairstyle than her cure form. She gave her last name to Kumogi, so I'm guessing they'll end up with a sibling like dynamic?
Cure Niammy:
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Most likely a white cure with a blue subcolor. Probably my favorite design, she looks like she has a fun personality too, a bit full or herself. She's definitely the white cat Yuki-chan, even if it hasn't been confirmed yet. I'm very curious to see her civilian design too!
Cure Lillian:
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Obviously she's Mayu. She look maybe a little bit older than Iroha. On the promo pic she's taking pictures of Yuki-chan so I'm expecting her to be the kind of person that is obsessed with taking picture of their pets (she's just like me for real).
Miscellaneous :
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So we have those to character Satoru and Daifuku, and it once again it's pretty obvious who our midseason cure(s) will be. I'm expecting Satoru to have a similar supportive role to Ageha in the early episodes and to become a cure on his own later. Like Toei is going to pass the occasion to make a bunny themed character/mascot! And his outfit is suspiciously color themed (There's a quote on Cure Soleil's Wiki page where that says that yellow/orange cures are bit more free to be experimental than the pink and purple who have to be more marketable, so I think that's why he'll have a similar color to Wing). His design instantly reminded me of Yukito from Card Captor Sakura, and apparently the character designers does a lot of Clamp fanart that might actually be an inspiration.
The kirarin animals are the other mascot that will be included in this year tamagochi like toy. I'm expecting them to have a similar role to the star princesses or the elements spirits and that they will give the cures specific powers to collect as they rescue them etc.
About the merchandise it seems that we're getting different transformation item/wand for each pairs (RIP to the collectors wallet), so no hope to find the Mid season cure there, it's probably absent from the mirror pad update, just like majesty was, so it seems that they're hiding them well... The wonderful pact is really pretty I love how shiny it is!
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There seems to be a lot of women in the staff this year which is really cool to see!
I think the season looks super adorable, and i can't wait for it to start!
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pinkprettycure · 11 days
people on precuretwt are upset bc theres ppl hating on the cat in wonderful precure on the fandom wiki comments and i am curious to know why on earth you people are worried about the opinions of 8 year olds
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genderqueer-miharu · 7 months
I'm going through the caligula effect wiki to see who the vas for the characters are because i enjoy finding out about whi voices who. These are the most interesting finds so far:
The female protagonist has a lot of very recognizable stuff. She is cure scarlet in go princess precure, she's chidori AND elizabeth in p3, and she's SEO in gsnk. She was also kurapika in hxh and akane in zero escape (not into these series myself but i know about them through osmosis). On the male protagonist doesn't have a lot of recognizable stuff, though apparently both protagonist's vas are siblings irl which is very fun!
Shogo's va was also in a lot of stuff tho it seems he mostly does minor roles, i don't recognize a lot of the stuff he's in.
Kotono's va has a lot more roles is recognize she is eyeone in star twinkle precure, ram in re zero, najimi in komi san
Kotaro's va tho holy shit. He's fucking NEZUMI in No.6, kunikida in bsd, onigawara in mp100, aren in saiki k, kappard also in star twinkle, ASAHI IN HAIKYUU??? AND MABU IN SARAZANMAI??? Damn he surprised me the most honestly. He also voices two characters in ooufuri and wolfwood in the new trigun
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linettefox · 5 months
About me
So I decided to make this to link my socials and explain general stuff, I should have done this as my first post but I prioritized my interest list.
TL;DR: I am Rin (They/them), I have no gender but I do have chaos. Have some links to find me and yes, my profiles are always a mess.
Wait a minute, who are you?
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My name is Rin, I am a 20 year old that is obsessed with stories. By stories I mean cartoons, anime, video games, TV shows, movies, books, manga, etc, etc. Any form of media that tells a story that makes me at least smile is my obsession.
You can also call me LinetteFox or any variety of that name, doesn't really matter. Linny, Lin, Nette, Fox, Foxy, Rin, etc.
What are you?
A person, use they/them to refer to me. I won't be offended if someone uses the wrong pronouns for me but it makes me so happy when folks remember.
As for my specific identity I am a proud lesbian nonbinary person of the agender variety. How am I a lesbian if I don't have a gender? Idk its just how I label it.
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I'm also the self proclaimed avatar, entity and god of chaos, in case anyone was wondering.
Where can I be found?
(Rin) LinetteFox (@rinfoxington) - YouTube
Cure Rin (@linette_the_fox) - Instagram
Cure Rin (They/them) (@LinetteFoxy) - Twitter
LinetteFox39120 - Quotev
LinetteFox - AO3
LinetteFox - FANDOM wiki
More general info?
Favorite franchise of all time: Pretty Cure.
Favorite show: Pretty Cure (All seasons & movies).
Favorite collectibles: My Little Pony (All generations), video games, Sailor Moon merch, Sonic merch, books & manga.
Favorite book: To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo.
Favorite games: Yokai Watch, NiGHTS Journey of Dreams, MySims, Sonic.
Favorite animal: Foxes.
Favorite color: Indigo.
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For a more detailed list of interests:
To sum up my bios from different sites. I am obsessed with Lira from To Kill a Kindom and every Precure character ever. My profiles are always a mess and I am sorry I'm like this, hope you don't mind my little antics.
What is your goal?
To tell stories that not only express myself but also connect with people. It has always been my goal in life to make writing into a career of some sort but now that I am older I see my purpose is more broader than that. Doesn't matter the format or the contents, as long as I'm sharing and telling stories I will be happy.
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Age: Unknown
Home: Grand Ocean? (Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure)
Blood type: Hemolymph
Likes: Dolls, Friendly Bun-Bun Village, snacks, shoplifting
Dislikes: Having responsibilities, formal language, being confused with that otaku elf
Theme color: Orange
Maid of the wicked Witch of Delays, Elda also gets assigned tasks like stealing the heroes’ mail and cups full of Motivation Power. She hates having that kind of responsibility, wanting to just be a child forever.
I hope we get some good propaganda for Elda, because I’m struggling to find anything else to say. She gets along with some of the Witch of Delays’s other minions, but not all; she also maybe befriends Manatsu?
I’m sorry, my knowledge of Tropical-Rouge! Precure is limited to episode 1 and Mermaid Monopoly Monday, Elda wasn’t in either of those, and neither TV Tropes nor the wiki are giving me much to work with.
To compensate for my rank ignorance, let’s look at what Tumblr has to say about Elda!
Pretended to be a haunted doll once to scam a teenager into bringing her food offerings.
i dont actively watch tropical rouge precure but i like the little shrimp maid
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Good to see Elda has her priorities straight.
in this week’s tropical rouge elda got jello and i’m very proud of her she deserves it
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regallibellbright · 6 months
Tag Meme: 9 Favorite Characters
tagged by @talysalankil
Gonna copy your "one per series/franchise" because otherwise there is a genuine risk Precures and TWEWYs would eat it whole. In no particular order, and with definite "What's on my mind right now" bias:
Xion (Kingdom Hearts)
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No surprise there, and yes, I did intentionally get a screenshot from the post-Riku fight for this.
2. Cure Grace/Nodoka Hanadera and Rabirin (Healin' Good Precure)
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(Look, they transform as a pair, their transformation phrase is "Two flowers as one," I'm counting them both. "Then shouldn't you use a screenshot of Cure Grace?" Shut up.)
3. Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
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Yes, I saved this image as "Anthy Himemiya Is A Weird Girl Who Keeps Snails In Her Pencil Case."
4. Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu (The World Ends With You)
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... Yes, choosing his most insufferably smug dialogue sprite was necessary, why do you ask?
5. The Luidaeg (October Daye)
"I am the sea witch. I am the tide you fear and the turning you can't deny. I am the sound of the waves running over your bones on the beach, little man, and I am not amused at finding you on my doorstep." She took a step forward. He took a step back. "I won't punish you for obeying orders the way she would. But I can't let an insult go unanswered. You know how it goes." A smile twisted her lips. "I'm actually grateful. You see, there are... rules... that govern what I can and can't do. But you broke them first. Now I get to do something I don't get to do very often. Now I get to play." ... "What did you do?" "Nothing they hadn't allowed by coming onto my territory. Every soul who came here on the Queen's business will go home, go to bed, and sleep soundly, dreaming the sweetest of dreams." Something about that statement had teeth. I paused, and then ventured, "For how long?" The Luidaeg smiled brilliantly. "Until something wakes them up. True love, childbirth, and bees are all on the table."
(Chimes at Midnight, Chapter Seven, pages 91-92) The wiki also uses the "I am the sea witch" bit as her epigraph but as a known lover of "true love, childbirth, and bees are all on the table" I felt it best to include the full exchange.
6. Lio Fotia (Promare)
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(This BARELY beat out something from the Kakusei sequence but I love how fluffy his hair is as he tosses it.)
7. Ventuswill/Venti (Rune Factory 4)
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Tragic immortal dragon god BFF <3
8. Moist von Lipwig (Discworld)
Never promise to do the possible. Anyone could do the possible. You should promise to do the impossible, because sometimes the impossible was possible, if you could find the right way, and at least you could often extend the limits of the possible. And if you failed, well, it had been impossible.
(Going Postal) Okay, it's him and Vimes, but I figured I'd go for Moist for the variety since everyone loves Vimes.
9. Okay there were a LOT of characters I considered for this, like, seriously, I went from "hm I can't think of anyone" to "ugh I have TOO MANY options" in very little time, but ultimately, while this might be recency bias at the moment, it is also true:
Missile (Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective)
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The goodest boy in gaming.
(Runners-up from things that aren't otherwise represented here include Surge the Tenrec from Sonic IDW, Miles Naismith Vorkosigan from the Vorkosigan Saga, Rose Aleon from Birdie Wing, Grovyle from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers, and huge enough swathes of the casts of Dumbing of Age and Girl Genius that I just didn't even bother trying to narrow those down.)
Tagging: In general assume I do this as an open invite to anyone seeing it, but just to name a couple people, @thesternest, @denizenhardwick, @mehanios, @purplelea, @yurisorcerer, @yoshiyakiryu
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lion-buddy · 9 months
I must ask: what's your favorite Precure series (or Precure character), and why?
ah! you see the thing is, I’ve only ever finished star twinkle hehe. but i have seen a few episodes of tropical rouge and the 2020 miracle leap movie too! im also planning to watch the new all stars F movie when i can!! [hopefully soon ahh]. So yeah I don’t have much to say about any other season
but!! I have a lot to say abt star twinkle! like a lot. I watched star twinkle because I saw Yuni's wiki page, got interested, and proceeded to stay up till 4am watching it all. So yeah! I really enjoyed it, I don’t even know where to start
yuni is my favorite character if it wasnt obvious lol, she is literally like. the perfect character from personality to design. shes an antagonist aligned shapeshifting phantom thief catgirl with a blue/yellow/rainbow color scheme who struggles with self perception and relationships in general and gets found-familied by the narrative [whether she likes it or not]. [[this sentence is meant to all be said in one continuous breath]] TLDR she could not be any more perfect, she scores a 10/10 for character of all time. i could say a lot abt yuni!! but ill hold myself back for now since i feel that could be a whole essay of its own. hikaru is also a character that's growing on me a lot. im not sure how to put it into words, but! shes really really interesting to me, which surprised me since i dont typically lean towards her character type. maybe i can find the words to talk abt her one day, bc i see way too much slander directed at her, she does not deserve all that
ok but star twinkle itself! i adore its themes of friendship, forgiveness, and learning what it means to grow up and grow apart. typical for a show of its demographic. what really got me was how it expanded on all of that, it introduced the concept of figuring out your place in the world, and learning how to continue living happily even if the people you care about most aren't here with you. it kinda hit really close to home for me. its so obvious how much the whole cast cares for each other, and i could see them building up to a finale where they would all have to say goodbye to each other forever. i wasnt sure if theyd actually commit all the way but!! they sure did!!!! watching them get separated at the end like that really hurt!!! like a lot!!!!!! im such a baby when it comes to cast separations but. man. star twinkle did it really well.
also also its ost is really really good??! this is aside from the intro and outro themes, im focusing on the instrumental backing tracks that play throughout the episodes. i was surprised to find them on youtube, and found myself blown away by how emotional they were. its got such a strong central motif that plays throughout the tracks, and obliterates you at the end when it shows back up to deliver an extremely emotional farewell song. i have cried several time listening to it, i dont think any ost has ever done that to me [aside from a few select songs from various medias. and undertale lol]. but yeah. listen to the star twinkle ost if you havent it will make you feel things.
i could also add that the movie kills me every time. watch the star twinkle movie if ur at all interested in anything ive said. its a good starting point if u want to see some action and get the vibe of the characters
on the topic of movies, final little note! im really interested in the new all stars F movie and prim, or cure supreme. literally know nothing about them but!! im staring so hard, they look exactly like my type of character. also the songs that have released are really really good ahhh scratching at the walls i hope it releases somewhere soon so i can see them in action. hopefully itll get me interested in checking out other seasons as well :]
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sekaiichi-happy · 8 days
Hi would you mind terribly telling me about this precure you speak of it looks fantastic
Of course!!
Pretty Cure is a long-running magical girl anime franchise (it celebrated its 20th anniversary last year) created by Toei Animation. It started out in 2004 with Futari wa Pretty Cure, and there’s been a new season every year since!
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The stories usually follow the same formula: a group of girls is recruited by one (or more) fairies from another to become legendary warriors called Pretty Cure, to fight and protect the world from some type of evil (monster of the week). New seasons start in February and usually have between 40-50 episodes. This is a very simple way to describe it, as every season puts its own spin on the formula, as each season often has different variety directors, writers, animators, etc. There’s also some things that could be described as Pretty Cure’s signature style, which makes it stand out from other magical girl series:
While the Pretty Cure have magical powers, as well as magical weapons, one thing that makes the series stand out is the physical fighting the Pretty Cure engage in. They aren’t afraid to fight with their hands and feet!
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There’s a general lack of focus on romance, as instead the girls’ friendship is the most important thing in the story. There are also yuri undertones quite often.
Magical items that are sold as toys in Japan! Every season has it’s own transformation items, as well as magical weapons which are sold in real life as merchandise for kids.
Every season features a new cast of characters, story, theme, villains, etc. While the story formula stays similar, the change up every year keeps things different. The only exceptions are the seasons of Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart and Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo, which are sequel seasons.
Because pretty much every season changes up its story & cast, you could start with any season, as they can all be watched separately. For example, you could start with the very first season (Futari wa Pretty Cure), but you could also catch up with the season that’s currently airing (Wonderful Pretty Cure). Or any season in between really… The Pretty Cure wiki has a very helpful list with short descriptions of every season here. While there are some seasons that are considered ‘best’ (Futari wa, Heartcatch, Go! Princess, Fresh, Hirogaru), I think the fun thing about Pretty Cure is that there is a season for everyone. You might end up loving a season that isn’t as popular with most fans, there’s many seasons to choose from! (My favorite seasons are Splash Star, Suite & Go! Princess :P)
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Some other fun things to know:
There are quite a few All Stars movies, where Pretty Cure from different seasons meet up, and fight evil together in a special movie storyline.
Both Smile Pretty Cure & Doki Doki Pretty Cure got english dubs, where the seasons got some changes and were adapted as ‘Glitter Force’. They made changes to the story, and cut some episodes, but if you’re interested anyway you could find it on Netflix.
The first main male Pretty Cure was introduced last year in the season of Hirogaru Sky Pretty Cure, with Cure Wing joining the team.
There’s been some spin-offs, with a stage play called Dancing Star Pretty Cure The Stage, which features an all male Pretty Cure team, an anime sequel to Yes! Precure 5 & Yes! Precure 5 Gogo, following the girls from that season as adults aimed. A spin-off for Mahou Tsukai Precure was also announced, and will air in 2025.
I hope that all tells you a bit more about Pretty Cure! If you have any other questions, just let me know :)
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baileypie-writes · 10 days
~Pretty Cure Characters I Won’t Write for and Why~
I figured this would make it easier for people who want to request for Pretty Cure.
(Yes! Precure 5 + Yes! Precure 5 GoGo)
I think the reason behind this is obvious, but in case it isn’t for you, I’ll tell you why. Coco is a pedophile. He’s a full grown adult, and had a crush on Nozomi since she was 14. In the movie, he tried to kiss her without her consent. And they kissed with consent when she was still 14.
Even though he did wait until she was 26 to marry her, he’s still a pedo.
(Yes! Precure 5 + Yes! Precure 5 GoGo)
Same reason as Coco. Though he’s definitely not as bad, he still definitely has a thing for Komachi. And in case you didn’t know, she’s fifteen, and he’s a grown adult.
(Smile Precure)
Wrote for him once, and decided I really didn’t like him. He’s too childish for my tastes.
(Smile Precure)
Way too old. And I know that she has a hot, younger version, but that’s just a disguise.
(Doki Doki Precure)
I just really don’t like Bel. He’s also 68, according to the Wiki, and that’s way too old for me.
(Happiness Charge Precure)
I hate Blue. And I think plenty of others do as well. I don’t wanna spoil Happiness Charge Precure for the people who haven’t seen it, but I’ll just say that many things were his fault.
(Happiness Charge Precure)
I just don’t like or know enough about him to write for him.
~Prince Kanata~
(Go! Princess Precure)
Another pedophile. He’s 18, and canonically has a crush on Haruka, who’s 13.
~Headmaster Kouchou~
(Maho Girls Precure)
I know he’s really hot, but remember, that’s not his true form. In reality, he’s a super old man. So that why I won’t write for him.
~Hariham Harry~
(Hugtto Precure)
His relationship with Homare is very odd. Keep in mind, he’s an adult, and she’s 14. Homare has a crush on him, and I believe Harry feels something for her as well. Even though he rejects her. Also, in the future, he’s dating Hugtan, and according to the Wiki, she’s a teenager at that time.
~George Kurai~
(Hugtto Precure)
I think this one is obvious. He’s an awful man. I won’t go into too much detail as to why, in case you haven’t seen Hugtto. He also acts very weird towards Hana, who’s 14.
That’s all for now. Might add more if I remember.
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xbuster · 2 years
I really want to help migrate the Precure wiki from Fandom to prettycure.wiki, but nobody seems to notice or care about this independent wiki that needs to be filled. I’m not a big enough voice in Precure fandom to actually make this change, but if we can start a movement on Twitter, we might be able to get away from Fandom.
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mahou-furbies · 8 months
We're approaching Hirogaru endgame and there's still no sign of powerup forms. I hope they're holding off something really cool for the grand finale! Unless the result is that there won't be any alternate forms this season (which would be the worst ever) I still think this is a welcome change, if there's going to be only one powerup I'd rather they use it in the finale instead of mid-season and then have nothing new and exciting for the ending.
Overall Precure has been pretty stale about this lately, for the past six (I think) years it's been the same thing over and over again with one powerup form in the stock footage attack they get in the middle of the season. MahouTsukai was at least unique with the alternate forms they get early on, but according to the wiki even they get the final form in the middle of the season. GoPri was the last season where the story culminates in the Cures' final form, that was cool and I'd be happy to see that again (and in general GoPri has the best powerup politics overall).
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tsunflowers · 9 months
So is majesty now the youngest precure for being a literal baby or does her growing into a teenager when transforming means she's not?
hm, I don't know... I think it's still possible that she was turned into a baby by evil magic. we still don't know very much about how she turns into a teen and what it means for the story. but the precure wiki says she is the first cure to be physically and mentally a baby
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aidendh · 7 months
Projects Update
Full descriptions of each project in this post
Lost Souls
[Mine and @abel-not-gaybel 's RAU's as their own Pre-BSD universe]
Almost finished, just some finalizing and setting up the posts
I'll be posting 1 character a day unless they have more than 3 posts, then it'll be split over multiple
I'm so happy its over, so I can finally go back to making other things for fun
Expect some Gacha's for Hinata family members to be made for the normal multiverse stuff too
Magic Mi! Hero Precure
[My original Hero themed Magical Girl Story]
I'll be finally working on the transformations after I've had a break from Lost Souls
I'll be posting this after the transformations are done, and I'll be working on Corruption's and the story gradually afterwards
If anyone would like to join in and make Magic Mi versions of themselves or OCs, I'd love to see them! Or even just your own take on a transformation
If anyone wants to create a Corruption, with your permission I could even work some of them into the story!
(Only Corruption's bc of the amount needed for the length of the story)
Overall, feel free to send asks about the characters or story/mechanics in either project
Doing so could help me flesh some things out, or even realize when I haven't noted something down
Or even ask about my current progress, idm spoiling some things if someone asks (there is just gonna be a lack of context for awhile)
(I am so excited about Magic Mi if you couldn't tell \>•</)
Fake Wiki
A sneak peek for Aiden's Magic Mi and Lord Hesko's involvement in both projects, alongside Suke's and Adrik's fake BSD Wikis
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