#this is about late birthday art for a bestie
elsterguts · 1 year
I love art I love drawing I love creation and partaking in the act of it (grinding my teeth and shaking and growling and sweating as I ctrl+z the same 2mm highlight for the 60th time) it’s my favorite thing
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slytherinqueen123 · 1 year
a different y/n
tw - parental absence, distant family. i don’t know if this affects any of you, but i just wanted to warn you in case those topics hit close to home ❤️ enjoy!
-mattheo's pov-
-another story in the mini series of y/n and her besties, mattheo, malfoy and blaise-
"hurry up, dumbass, or we're gonna be late!" i yell at malfoy, who's trailing behind flirting with a random muggle girl. not lying, she's good looking, but we have a y/n to surprise.
"ok, baby. call me." he says smoothly, his voice deepening a bit before jogging up to me.
"not cool, man. i was going so well!" he says, scowling. i give him a pat on the back that turns into a whack on the head.
"ok, ok, whatever. but we gotta get going. blaise is waiting and remember, we're surprising your best friend for her birthday. we already knocked it back a day becuase of your preciousness needing to hang with astoria." i shove him in the chest.
"fine. i guess that was my fault. but it doesn't mean you can destroy my chances with a fine as chick!"
i roll my eyes. "you literally have a girlfriend. that girl looks like she sells drugs. she's my type, not yours. c'mon, give me her number." i reach for the little square slip of paper he's clutching with his life.
"nah, i don't think so. besides, you've got y/n. you don't need another girl."
it takes a moment for me to figure out what he's saying, and when i do, i lunge at him.
he dodges.
"sneaky ferret!" i yell as he sprints away. “get your ass back here, malfoy!”
all i hear is his laughter as he dashes away, towards blaise.
• • •
-y/n’s pov-
“y/n, mattheos here!”
her words are muffled from the living room. “mama, i told you. i got his card. and his present. and blaises and malfoys.” i readjust my glasses and fix my apron. 
she appears at the door as i’m tightening my bun. “you’ve got guests, honey.” she smiles and laughs, moving to the side to reveal a grinning curly haired figure, with a familiar cut halfway up his nose.
my eyes widen as i discard the knife and stack of potatoes and run to him. i launch myself into his arms and he takes a few steps back to right himself. “oh my god you’re HERE!” i yell into his shoulder.
mattheo laughs and pats my hair. “hey kiddo, how you been?” i spring back.
“incredible since you got here! i’m so happy i could kiss you!” i shriek.
wait, what?
theo holds back a laugh as i stammer to fix my mistake.
“um- i didn’t mean- that’s not what i-”
he raises an eyebrow. “well, if you think that’s how you feel, we can continue this convo later”
i roll my eyes and try not to blush.
not now y/n.
in my attempt to seem cool, calm and collected i make eye contact with my mother. she’s grinning and giving me a look that makes me uncomfortable.
“umm- where’s the rest of you? or have you decided to go stag tonight?”
mattheo grins. “oh gosh no. malfoys picking up chicks numbers at the gate. i’ll go get him for yo-”
“-no theo, i’ll get him love. you sit down with y/n. who else is there?” my mother asks, dusting her skirt.
“just blaise, mrs y/l/n-” he answers, “-but it’s fine, i can get them.”
“sit, son. i’ll get them. you just relax for a little,” she says lightly, patting his cheek and wincing at the sight of his scar. “poor boy.”
she leaves the room. i awkwardly wait for him to follow me and lead him into the room off the kitchen. i think it’s a drawing room, even though i’ve never drawn in there. my father isn’t one for a child’s art.
mattheo sits down and i follow suit. “where’s your father?” he asks, leaning forward.
“umm, he’s out. with his boss.” we both know that his boss is theo’s dad.
“has he been home?” theo raises and eyebrow at me, cocking his head and waiting for my reply.
“oh-” i swallow. “-um, no. he’s been out since last tuesday.” something changes in his face.
“oh, i’m so sorry. i didn’t know. i thought he’d be here.” he looks sad, because we both know my dad couldn’t care less about me or my birthday.
“it’s fine. he said he’ll be here for my eighteenth.” i say slowly, counting down the years until he’ll be with us on my birthday.
“y/n, that isn’t right. it’s two years away! when was the last time he celebrated with you?” mattheo exclaims.
i suck in a breath. “the year before i met you…”
he explodes. “y/n, that was over ten years ago! even my dad is better than that! he’s only missed one of my birthdays. and that’s because he wasn’t quite… himself.”
“you mean because he was implanted in the back of quirrels head?” i giggle.
he rolls his eyes. “yes. but that’s not my point. he’s literally the worst wizard to ever live, but he still makes time to celebrate with me. his son. and i think your dad should too.”
i feel my eyes grow misty. “i know. but-” he cuts me off with a hug. “yeah. i get it.” mattheo mumbles into my hair.
“yo yo yo, where’s my favourite girly pop?” blaise yells from down the hall. theo let’s go of me suddenly and smiles weakly.
i nod and open the door, greeted with a grinning blaise and bored malfoy.
“dude, if she isn’t even here than why the hell are we- oh hey y/n,” malfoy gives me a salute.
“kids! dinner!” my mother yells. “DINNERRR!” blaise shrieks, running down the hall like an excited puppy. malfoy follows him, sighing and rolling his eyes.
“after you, miss y/n.” mattheo says, bowing and gesturing me forwards. i laugh. “thank you, sir riddle.”
• • •
-blaise’s pov-
“that was epic! i love mrs y/l/n’s cooking.” malfoy groans, holding his stomach.
“yeah, and y/n seemed really happy as well.” i sigh. i just want her to be happy. she’s like my little sister.
riddle makes a funny noise at my comment. “what riddle? you don’t think she was?”
he chews his lip. “yeah, she was. but before you got there, she was… different.” his eyes go lovey and dazed.
i pull him close. “you really like her, hey?” he brushes off the fact. “i just want her happy. like you.” he says quietly, not acknowledging what i said.
“mate, don’t deny it. i can see how much you like her. just tell her already. it’ll make you feel better.” i don’t know when i became the inspirational therapist friend, but i’ll take what i can get.
“i was gonna tonight. but she was so sad when we where talking.”
his eyes darken. “blaise, does your dad love you?”
i stammer for a second. “well, yeah, i think so. does yours?”
“yeah. i think so too.”
we’re quiet for a moment.
“i don’t think y/n’s dad loves her.” mattheo says quietly.
“i guess so. but mate?”
“you love her. and that’s more than enough.”
he smiles a little. “yeah. yeah, i do.”
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jerzwriter · 3 months
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I hope you have a day full of love and sunshine - you deserve nothing less! Thank you for always caring about others and spreading joy - even when it's not the easiest thing to do. Thank you for always, always being there for me, and for simply being you. It was a very, very good day when you entered this world, ma'am. We're all better for it!
I hope you enjoy this beautiful art from @callmebeem. Olivia deserved some love today, too. You know darn well Merida & Casey would never let her day slip by uncelebrated, so here's a little fic for you - I hope it makes you smile. Sending you a huge hug and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Something Sweet
Open Heart | Bryce x Olivia, Ethan x Merida, Tobias x Casey | Teen | Approx. 1300 words | Merida belongs to @lilyoffandoms| Olivia belongs to @storyofmychoices
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 In some ways, it was a typical Boston morning. The Paramount Diner was bustling with city-dwellers grabbing sustenance before heading to work. The clattering of dishes, morning news blaring from the TV, and a mixture of North End and Brahmin accents shouting orders to Joey, who manned the grill, was not out of the ordinary. The unusual thing was our chatty little crew could actually hear it.
It had become a Wednesday morning tradition. Ethan and Bryce headed there right after the gym; Merida and Olivia stopped by before work, and Casey and Tobias arrived just after... well... you know. Olivia had dubbed them the “breakfast besties,” and Ethan did his best to prevent rolling his eyes every time he heard it. On a typical morning, there would be at least three different conversations taking place, each trying to yell over the other, and anything happening outside of their table would be a misty blur.
But today, you could hear a pin drop. It could be attributed to a late case that left Tobias, Casey, Ethan, and Merida with very little sleep. Or it might have to do with the flight they had to catch in three hours. Perhaps Bryce had a case of nerves over the surgery he had been called to assist on at U Mass Memorial. The rare procedure was being streamed live to nearly every major hospital and medical school in America. No pressure there. The only one who appeared to have a normal day ahead was Olivia, and that was the problem.
Bryce scowled in an utterly oblivious Ethan's direction. But the curmudgeonly doctor couldn’t ignore the handsome, young surgeon when he blurted out, “I can’t believe you had to make this presentation today... of all days!”
Merida looped their arm with Ethan’s and leaned in close.
“Hey, you know I’m the last one who would typically rush to his defense, but I don’t think Ethan had anything to do with scheduling the AMA symposium.”
“And while I’m the next to last person to rush to his defense,” Tobias jumped in. “I can confirm he wasn't on their selection committee, either. So he wasn’t the one that invited us to present.”
Ethan reached for his coffee with a shake of his head. “Thank you both... I think.”
Across the table, Olivia was growing increasingly uncomfortable. “Guys, it’s OK. We’ve been over this before... I don’t mind.”
“Well, I mind,” Bryce frowned, and Ethan couldn't hold back anymore.
“Lahela, for what it’s worth, I’m not responsible for you being asked to assist on a pulmonary autograft at U Mass either.”
“I know,” Bryce unreasonably tried to reason. “But if you didn’t have the symposium today, I wouldn’t have to worry about Olivia being alone at Edenbrook on her birthday!”
“Bryce,” Olivia comforted. “It’s all right. I’m a big girl, and we’re all celebrating this weekend. It’s OK.”
And it was. She was an adult, after all, not only an adult but a doctor, just like the others. It would be silly to think that their busy worlds would stop just because it was her birthday. But if she was completely honest, she was a little sad that she wouldn’t see any of their faces in Edenbrook today.
“It’s all right,” Casey said, tapping Olivia’s knee. “We are going to spoil the heck out of this beauty on Saturday.”
“Damn straight we are,” Merida chimed in. “We have an epic spa day planned, with bottomless mimosas to boot! You guys are lucky if we remember to meet you for dinner after!"
“Oh, you’ll remember,” Tobias chuckled. “If you think Casey will forget meatballs at Carmelina's, you’re bugging.”
Ethan let out a sigh. "Is this where someone makes an obnoxious comment about these two and meatballs."
"Only you," Casey teased. "You really need to stop being such an adolescent, Ramsey!"
Ignoring the exasperated expression on Ethan's face, Casey turned to Olivia.
“I love that we share a favorite restaurant.”
“Of course we do,” Olivia grinned. “We have exquisite taste!” She turned to Bryce and lovingly brushed his hair away from his eyes. “Honey, as far as I’m concerned, Saturday is my birthday, and it will be great. Today... it’s just another Wednesday.”
After giving Olivia a dozen kisses, Bryce left directly for U Mass while the others headed to Edenbrook. Olivia had a busy day ahead, and her friends were checking in on patients before their flight. But Casey couldn't help but feel sad when she watched Olivia walk away.
“I know I said it doesn’t matter, but I was just trying to look at the bright side. Honestly, I hate that we won't be here for Liv’s birthday.”
“Yeah,” Merida soughed. “I feel the same way. Of all days for us to all be away.”
“In reality, we’d all be busy working anyway, but at least we could take little moments throughout the day to make her feel special, you know?”
Merida tapped their pen on the desk. That glimmer that appeared in their eyes whenever an idea struck suddenly appeared. “Come with me!" Merida said, grabbing Casey's hand. "I have an idea.”
Several hours later, Bryce was focused on his surgery as the other's plane touched down in Cleveland. Olivia grabbed her folders from the nurses’ station, surprised to find a bright pink envelope on top of the stack.
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With a gentle smile, she put the note in her pocket and continued with her day. Before she knew it, she was ready to sign off for lunch when Nurse Laura handed her an envelope.
“What’s this?” Olivia asked. “I’m not waiting on any results?”
“Not sure,” Laura shrugged. “But I was given strict orders to get that to you right before you headed to lunch.”
Olivia opened the envelope to find an ecru sheet of fine stationery, a note with penmanship not typically associated with a doctor inside.
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Olivia beamed as she held the note close to her heart. She was filled with warmth, and not just because she was anxious for the delicious Penne.
“Laura, you have lunch now, don’t you?”
“I do,” the nurse nodded.
“Good! Join me! Carmelina’s portions are more than enough for two, and trust me! You’ll love this!”
The day was busier than usual, so it passed by in a flash, and now, it was time to go home. She just had to make one stop at the nurse's station, to pick up the beautiful flowers Bryce had delivered. But it looked like her surprises weren’t over yet. An adorable pink box from Little Miss Cupcape sat next to her flowers, a colorful note affixed.
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The nurses watched on silently as Olivia’s eyes began to tear. “Your friends really love you,” Laura smiled.
“I know,” Liv blushed. “Leave it to them to make me feel special from seven hundred miles away.”
She gathered up her belongings when Laura reminded her of just one more thing... there was no way the nurses were letting her leave before they got to sing.
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I hope you enjoyed this, Dani. I know this isn't the easiest birthday for you, but I still hope you find joy in special little moments throughout the day—just like Olivia did here.
Sending you the biggest of hugs! xoxo
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raventhedracovis · 3 months
tell us about wordgirl bestie!
Will gladly use this as an opportunity to talk about a few headcanons that are canon in mine and @c0de-0f-the-clans reboot!
I'll stick with the characters we've done line ups for for now. Which would be: Becky/Wordgirl, Huggy, Tobey, Dr. Two-Brains, Chuck, The Butcher, Charlie, The Other Henchman, The Whammer, Invisi-Bill, Big Left Hand Guy, Ms. Question, and The Coach.
Becky/Wordgirl (or course we're starting with the girl herself):
Bi. She just is. I don't make the rules. Yes I do >:3
Non-binary but uses she/her pronouns. Comes from noticing in the show how casual she is with referring to herself as "mister". Even lampshaded in the Thanksgiving episode when she says "no more mister nice Becky! ... Or miss Becky. Either one :)".
She's got two birthdays, the day her parents adopted her and the approximate date she was actually born. Her birthday is always celebrated September 28th, but her actual birthday is closer to December 16th.
Part of the reason Becky sucks at art so much is because she sees way more colors than humans can perceive. A color combination that looks good to her just looks ugly or like the same shade of brown. Though even without the whole "painting with colors beyond human perception" thing she just generally sucks at art.
Becky is autistic and stims by pulling and messing with her hair. We also decided she has a bee necklace and she fidgets with it too.
Her full name is Rebecca but goes by Becky.
She's currently 4'5" and the shortest in her grade. When she's all grown up she's going to tower over her friends at around six feet (or more).
Bob/Captain Huggy Face:
Captain Huggy Face is not his real name (or title but I'll get to that in a later post). It's just the name Wordgirl came up with on the spot.
Just like Becky, Bob is only his nickname. Robert is his full name in the family.
Non-binary as well. Just his vibes.
By Lexicon standards, he's considered colorblind. By Earth standards, he's not fhdh.
In his late 20's, but part of the reason is for a different post.
Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy
Trans man <3
Demi pan.
Chuck's full name is Charles Edward Guy.
Chuck is in his early 20's, a headcanon we pulled thanks to a flashback in the show where Tim and Sally are clearly around the same age they found and adopted Becky but Chuck is oh so small.
Dr. Two-Brains
He stands at 6'5" but slouches a lot and therefore looks more like 6'3".
Technically has three birthdays! One for Steven, one for Squeaky, and one for the day the two fused.
Pan. Can and will flirt with anyone and everything.
In his late 30's.
The Henchmen
The other henchman is Joey Meatball. We both had different ideas of what his name was and thought the combined name was funny.
The two are romantically involved <3
Charlie is 6'7", the other one is 5'2".
Both are in their 40's.
The Butcher
He's 6'9". Big man.
His full name is Jack Edison Shepherd Jr. He went by Butch for a while as a kid, and it kind of stuck.
The reason he struggles with words so much is because he has an expressive language disorder.
In his early 40's.
While he was the tallest kid in 5th grade, he's only gonna be 5'4" all grown up, and it's going to make him so, so mad jhkdg.
We have also hit him with the autism beam.
He had braces at some point, as evidenced by a retainer that can be seen by his bed in most episodes. We have however, just given him braces in our reboot.
Tobey has anxious attachment style. Something I can literally talk about in paragraphs (and have. Twice.) and will probably share another day.
His birthday is reverse pi, 4/13.
The Whammer
The Whammer is half Greek, half Texan, and 100% professional wrestler. His father is a Greek immigrant who got into the professional wrestling career where he met The Whammer's mother, a professional wrestler from Texas.
His real name is Adam Minos.
Was supposed to follow in his parents' footprints and apprenticed under his dad. Unfortunately, his powers where deemed illegal for use in the ring.
In his early 20's.
He's 5'8".
He is romantically involved with Big Left Hand Guy. :]
In his early 30's.
He has ADHD.
Stands at about 5'11".
Big Left Hand Guy
He is romantically involved with Invisi-Bill. :]
He's related to one of the reoccurring bank security guards.
Has anxiety.
In his late 30's.
He's 5'1".
Ms. Question
Trans and non-binary. She's non-binary in the sense that she dodges any questions about her gender. No matter what, she will make you second guess yourself when you try to give her a label.
She's Afro-Latina.
Bicurious, because she's also dodge the question jdfkgh.
Her civilian name is Anne Neasia.
In her early 30's.
Very tall woman. Stands at 6'.
The Coach
The Coach has dwarfism. He stands at 4'8".
He's related to Timmy Tim-Bo. It's why he keeps him around.
In his late 40's.
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Hello Everyone! 💞 This is my completely unnecessary masterpost but I hope you like it. When I was making it I felt like I was creating the stories of a fictional character but to be honest it was fun! Also it satisfies my need for things to be organized and tidy so maybe it's not entirely unnecessary. Anyway enjoy! 💞
p.s this is the first part because i couldn't fit them all in one. (here's part two)
p.s i do not own the pictures. credits to the owners. i do not claim that they belong to me. (i usually do my research on pinterest and most of the times it's hard to find the original owner).
| Collages |
Harry's hands pt.2 pt.3
Harry's arms
Harry's thighs
Long Haired Harry pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
Harry's new era pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5
Just how fast the night changes pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
Harry and Snoopy
As it was anniversary
Harry playing the guitar pt.2
Japanrry (bday edition)
Harry and backwards hats
Harry, Mitch and Sarah (bonus baby scout)
Harry is too precious for this world pt.2
Bts with Harry
Pouty Harry
Boyfriendrry pt.2
Harry's powerful stare
Harry's an uncle (and Gemma's a mum)
The Styles siblings
Birthday Boy (sweet 30)
Harry is squishy
Harry flying commercial
Harry at the airport
Harry is the king of dental hygiene
Harry whistling
Harry driving
Harry eating
Harry golfing
Harry in details pt.2
Harry's lips pt.2
Harry being a Packers Fan
Harry and his lime bike
Harry for Rolling Stone Magazine
Moustache Harry pt.2
Comfy Harry
Shy Harry
Emotional Harry
Sparkly Harry pt.2(kinda)
Satellite Harry
Random Harry pt.2
Backstage with Harry pt.2
Harry's 2023 recap
Harry's street style
Harry in jumpsuits
Harry in a towel
Harry at the studio pt.2
Fine line is four years old
Fine line changed lives
Fine line photoshooting pt.2
Harry being horny in his lyrics
Harry and Anne
Harry and Mitch
Harry and Niall (matching outfits)
Harry and Niall being spotify besties
Cute thing about Harry pt.2
Everyone needs a Harry in their life
Harry can do both pt.2 pt.3
Harry on the Late Late Show through the years
Harry’s Rehearsal Outfits For The Today Show
Harry’s Outfits For The Today Show
Harry at Brits pt.2
Harry in Summertime Ball
Harry is art
Harry's facial expressions pt. 1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
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angelst4re · 2 years
got an idea bestie <333. what about dilf jamie having a daughter and the reader babysitts her on days jamie is not home and once she is like cleaning up the mess she made in the kitchen and jamie comes home and they somehow fuck oop.🥰😘💕❣💔❤💖💝💘
hi my love!!! <33 YES. YES. YES. I LOVE THIS.
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Burning Desire- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
୨♡୧ warnings: smut! don't read if your uncomfortable!! age gap (reader is in her early 20s, Jamie in his late 30s), sir kink (kind of), i think that's it!
୨♡୧ note: yes the title is a lana reference <3
You never imagined enjoying a job as much as you do being a babysitter for none other than Jamie Bower’s daughter. You also got paid very well, leaving you excited to go to work. It started as a part-time job, but with Jamie’s busy schedule it began to be more full-time. Which of course you didn’t mind! You loved his daughter, Abi, and she loved you too. Everytime you would leave when Jamie came home during the day she would begin to cry, she’d even offer you her pocket money to stay a couple extra hours to play with her. She loved to draw and make music, you knew this came from Jamie. He encouraged her to express herself artistically in every form she could, he even told you his plans to get her a guitar for her next birthday, in which she’ll be turning 9. 
It was currently a Thursday night, Jamie had messaged you earlier in the evening explaining that he would probably be home quite late tonight, so he would pay you double for staying the extra hours. You told him he didn’t have to, yet he insisted. 
When Jamie was home, you noticed there was something in the air between you two. Once he kissed you goodbye when you left, it was only on the cheek, but it took everything in you not to pull him back in and kiss his lips. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t imagined this multiple times. You would get lost in your daydreams and fantasies about this man, so much that everytime you came face to face with him you couldn’t help but become nervous. 
You were on the floor, on your hands and knees, scrubbing away the mess you had accidentally created earlier. You had just cooked Abi’s dinner, and after putting all the leftovers in a glass bowl you went to put it away, but Abi came running in, excited to show you her drawing and made you jump, causing you to drop the bowl and leaving a mess all over the floor. You cleaned most of it, but there were still stains. So once Abi was asleep, you decided to get back down and clean it up. 
“Everything okay down there?” You heard a voice ask from behind you, and suddenly you blushed as he had just walked in on you in this position. You quickly rose back to your feet, taking off your cleaning gloves and placing the sponge on the counter. 
“Yeah… yeah, I just spilled something on the floor, I wanted to make sure it was properly cleaned.” You answer, trying to maintain eye contact but you were too flustered. He chuckled, telling you it was okay and that the cleaners would have done that in the morning. 
He began pouring himself some whiskey, he had asked if you’d like a drink but you had to decline seeing as you had to drive home soon. He tempted you again, saying he would pay for a taxi. And you gave in. 
“Just one, though.” You told him as he looked through his cupboard. 
“Of course, love. Here, do you like this?” He asks, holding out a bottle of wine you had never heard of before. 
“Wonderful,” he gives you a smile before taking a wine glass out from the cupboard, “so how was Abi today, she’s told me she hasn’t been feeling too well lately?” 
“Really? She seemed fine today, she was an angel! And she even drew me something.” You smile, taking the folded up picture from your pocket and laying it on the kitchen table in front of Jamie. “It’s her, you and then me.” 
Jamie smiled and praised his daughter’s art skills. She was wonderful especially for her age, and you told him her gifts have obviously been passed on from him. To this, he smiled and set his hand on your waist as you stood beside him. Then you realised the time. 
“Oh, I should be heading back now!” You worry about staying too long, especially as Jamie doesn’t have much free time, he must treasure it when he has it. 
“Wait! I’ll call you a taxi, sweetheart- and I need to pay you!” 
As he stood up, you couldn’t help but take in the way he looked right now. He wore black trousers with a black belt, a white shirt unbuttoned at the top and his sleeves rolled up, revealing his tattoos and expensive pieces of jewellery. 
“I didn’t know you had tattoos,” you say, your eyes drawn back to his arm again. As he came over to you with the money in his hands, he told you he had quite a few more. You hesitated before asking, “can I see them?” You then explained that you had always loved tattoos and wanted a few yourself. 
He grinned as he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing three- no, four- more. You couldn’t help but reach out to trace your finger along the heart and butterflies tattooed on his chest. 
“They’re beautiful.” You say, before finally realising you were probably touching him for longer than you should be. “Shit!” You whispered before pulling yourself away- although you couldn’t pull yourself away as his hand cupped your cheek and pulled him towards you, his soft lips touching yours, you melted into the feeling, your eyes shutting as you leaned back in, your hand pressed on his chest once more. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” Jamie says as he finally pulls away for air. 
“Me too,” you admit before pulling him back towards you, your lips crashing together again. His tongue slid across your bottom lip and you opened your mouth slightly, allowing him entry. As your tongues tangled, he slid his shirt off and pushed everything on the table to one side before pushing you down onto it, you pulled him down with you. 
You both began giggling as your back hit the table, and your kisses became more passionate and hungry. You needed him, you couldn’t keep pretending that this isn’t what you wanted. With his arms either side of you, you managed to slip your top off, leaving you in just your black lace bra and jeans. His eyes widened at the sight, and his mouth began attacking your neck, sucking on the spot that made your breath hitch, before moving down to your breasts, his tongue running along the lace of the bra, and sucking gently on your nipple through the fabric, causing you to moan, tangling your fingers in his hair. 
Your hands began moving to his belt, but you couldn’t quite manage to undo it. You sat up slightly to try to reach it better, and Jamie unclasped your bra, leaving the both of you fully exposed from the waist up. With his mouth still playing with your nipples, Jamie’s hands came down to unbutton your jeans and slide them down your legs. You now wish you wore matching underwear, but you would’ve never expected this to have happened. But your panties were soon gone as his fingers slipped under the waistband, pulling them down your legs and slipping them into his trouser pocket. 
He kisses down your body, down your stomach, your pelvis, your thighs, your knees, then he comes back up, spreading your legs as he reaches your thighs. Your back arches in anticipation and he chuckles, one of his hands coming down to your hips to hold you in place as you feel his face between your thighs, his breath on your clit makes your brain go fuzzy as he slides a finger up and down your folds, coating it in your arousal before playing with your clit, leaving you quietly moaning his name, squirming on the table. 
As he pushed one of his fingers into you, you gasped and your nails dug into the wood of the table. He then slips another finger into you, smirking at how you clench around him. 
“I need you, in me. Now.” You say between breaths. 
“Are you sure about that, darling? You can barely take my fingers?” 
Your pleading eyes meet his, and he just grins. You were fully exposed in front of him, and he was still half-dressed. You knew just from this that he was going to be in charge. As his fingers continued to stretch you out, his thumb started to stroke your clit, only adding to the pleasure growing in your lower stomach. 
Deciding your juices weren’t enough, he leaned down slightly and spat on your pussy, rubbing it into you with his thumb. 
This almost sent you over the edge- if it wasn’t for the fact that he removed his hand right before you were about to cum. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he sighed, “you thought it was gonna be that easy, hm? Turn around for me.” 
You do as he says, turning so your tits were pressed against the table- leaving you glad you double cleaned it earlier. Your feet were on the floor, leaving your ass in the air as you arched you back slightly. 
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” He asks, his hand caressing your ass as his fingers trailed back down to your wet cunt. “My gorgeous girl.” My. “When I’m done with you, you won’t even be able to think about talking to another man. You’re all mine, aren’t you?” He asks, you hear his belt fall to the ground and the zip of his trousers being undone, his hard cock pressing against your ass. 
“Yes. All yours.” You say, trying to move your ass back enough so he can slip into you. 
“Good girl,” he says before stuffing his cock into you in one move. The stretch hurt in a way that felt delicious, he gave you a moment to adjust to his size, his hand running across your back, as if he was trying to take the pain away. “You ready?” 
“Fuck yes.” You groaned, feeling him start to move his hips. 
You had never been fucked from behind before, but it felt better than you could ever imagine. He hit spots inside you that you had never felt before, causing you to screw your eyes shut and your hands formed into fists. You let out a string of moans, followed by his name, telling him how good he was fucking you and how good his cock felt inside you. 
You were pushed to the edge again when his hand reached between your legs and started to play with your clit again. All you could do was whimper beneath him. You feel his hand grip your hair, pulling your back up so it was pressed against his chest as he fucked into you at a pace that caused your legs to tremble. 
“You close?” He whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You nodded your head and he chuckled into the skin of your neck, “then cum for me, sweet girl. Make a mess on my cock and I might just cum in your pretty little cunt, you want that?” 
“Yes please.” You whimper, “please sir, need you to- mmm- fill me up.”
At that word, he loses all self control and he’s fucking into you relentlessly. Knowing damn well you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. He feels you cum around his cock, and he fucks you through it, watching as your body tenses under his touch only to relax again and you fall back down onto the table, your back arching as your hips move back towards his. 
“Gonna cum in you, okay? Gonna make you all full and warm in your belly, baby.” His hands grip your hips, sure to bruise the skin, as he thrusts slow and deep into you. 
“Fuck, just like that, sir. Please..” Your eyes roll back as you feel him cum inside you, making you feel fuzzy again as he fucks into you one last time before stopping completely, his cock still buried deep inside you. 
He picks your body up again to hold against his as he places gentle kisses on your neck. 
“Thank you.” You whisper, turning to look at him. 
“What for, darling?” He chuckles. 
“Everything,” you say with a smile, before pressing your lips to his in a delicate kiss. 
You forgot for a moment that his cock was still inside of you. As he pulled out, you whimpered at the loss of contact. Jamie slipped his boxers and trousers back on and threw his shirt to you. 
“Your clothes are filthy, darling. I’ll have the cleaners wash them for you tomorrow before you go home.” He says with a wink.
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agirlwholovesrockstars · 10 months
pretty young thing
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summary : you've always been so cheery and very joyful person, you also made everyone's day, there's one person you want to loosen up, Eddie Munson, you might be the reason that his life will change forever
word count : I'm trying not to make my short fics not too long 😩
warnings : 18+ Shy!Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, Eddie and reader are both 19, use of Y/N, Eddie and reader will having nicknames by the characters from Audrey Hepburn's films, reader will be unaware, oblivious to her own feelings, yeah I think that's just about it yep :))
what to expect : friends to lovers, fluff, happy ending hehe
note to reader : EDDIE & READER are both NERDS in FILMS AND MUSIC! like literally everything about pop culture, cute lil' fic, I hope you enjoy 🫶🏻 UPSIDE DOWN & VECNA DON'T EXIST HERE!
author note : LONG LIVE THE KING‼️ since it's the king's birthday month I decided to make my ideas into a reality now 💜✨
"Y/N! come on! we're gonna be late!" Max shouts at your doorstep, arms crossed, her foot keep patting repeatedly on the ground surface
You can feel her getting impatient so you speeding up as fast you as you could
She moves her sleeves up to check on her watch and it's 7:15am, she groans and begins to pace around at your front porch
Class starts at 7:30am
She doesn't want to be a part of community service again for a damn week because of tardiness
"In a minute!" you check yourself one last time on the mirror and you locked up the house and you put the keys on your pocket
she sighs of relief, while going down at the stairs
You don't even understand why you became bestfriends in the first place, both of you are the exact opposite
You're a joyful person and Max is.... well... Mad Max
You immediately lock your arms around her forearm and you say sweetly "I'm sorry, Max won't happen again, I promise"
She rolls her eyes "you know, I can't stay mad at you"
She finally smiles at you and you giggled
"Ah- there she is! My bestie!" You bounce up and down in excitement and she goes back again to her formal self
"Oh please!" She sneers, you both go up at the school bus sitting next to each other
Later in Art Class
"I have already decided the pairings for the whole class" your favorite teacher, Ms, Amelia- spoke with a smile that she knew some of the students won't agree on this
All of your classmates complain but you don't mind it
You look around at the room and it seems you already become an acquaintance to them, but there's one that catches your eye
He's sinking back on the chair, doodling something on his notebook, chains are hitting the metal chair, obviously not aware of the situation
"Edward Munson! Oh my god- this is perfect!" You think to yourself
You grin to yourself thinking that this could be the opportunity to finally get to know each other
You already have shared some casual interactions but never bonded that much
You wanted to be friends with him so badly ever since Dustin, Mike, Lucas talked a lot about him
Your mind is overflowing with ideas to hang out with him, you didn't even hear your teacher announcing your partners
"Y/N L/N, you will be pairing with Edward Munson" Ms. Amelia says while she pushed back her reading glasses from sliding off, she flips the next page
you only hum in response, but you closed your notebook and your eyes goes wide
You need to double check again just to see that you didn't just misheard it
"I'm sorry? Come again? Miss?"
"Your partner will be Edward Munson" she says with her eyebrows raised at you, she uses her pen to direct where Eddie is
Your mouth agape and you smiled and you squealed with "Yay!"
"What do you mean, Yay?" Max turns to you look at you while her head is laying at her arms resting on it
"Eddie Munson is going to be my partner!" You say not looking at her, you kept your eyes on the metalhead still doodling
Max follows your gaze, she raises her head and prop up her arm and rest her chin on it
"Well, Iooks like we have the same situation"
You turn around to face her and you lean in with your eyes gleaming with curiosity
"And that is?"
"I am paired with Gareth" she snorted
You knew that Eddie has a band called "Corroded Coffin" and you always been so interested to know about more of his favorites ever since you found out about his music taste
You gasped "Oh my god! We're twinning!"
She laughs at your enthusiasm "I've never seen anyone else in this room has the amount of excitement as you do"
"I just love to interact with people that I hardly knew, I mean- you'll never what you could miss, that person might become your bestfriend"
"That's true" she replies while tapping her pen on her desk
"and without this trait of mine, we wouldn't to have this friendship" you smirk
Max eyes might stuck for rolling her eyes too much "Alright, alright, I get it!"
"You'll be presenting a piece that shows the meaning behind your friendship for the partners that I have given for you" Ms. Amelia explains
You nudged Max's arm and she scoff but couldn't contain her smile
"See? I told you, coincidence? I think not" you whispered and she snickers
"Y/N? Are you with us?" She sighs while shaking her head
"Yes ma'am, I'm very much present" you pressed your lips together trying not to laugh and Max hides her face on her hands as she shakes from laughing
The bell rings, art class is dismissed
Max told you that she'll meet you at the cafeteria, she'll be meeting up with Lucas
"Oh, I tell him I said "Hi"
"I will!" she waves bye at you and you nod at her
You pack up your stuff and you put your bagpack, you walk towards to Eddie, he's also putting his things on his bag
"Hello" you say with a warm smile
He stopped to what he was doing when he heard that familiar voice
He lift up his head and locked eyes with you
The struggle with Eddie is that, he is very intense with eye contact
Less talking, more on eye contact
You seriously don't have a thing for Eddie, right?
You break the silence by saying "I'm your partner for the project?"
"o-oh, it's you, Y/N" he completely ignores of what you just pointed out but you don't care about it anyways
He zips his bag and put over his shoulder
"Good, you remember me!" you clasp your hands together with a grin on your face
He stammers "Of course, I do remember, y-you're friends with Max, right?"
He winces slightly, "Damn- why is this so hard?" He thinks to himself
He wants to keep the conversation going but he is too shy to talk to you normally
Talking to you somehow it seems to hard for him
You got him all tongue-tied up
"Yeah" you nod at him, your hands gripping on the bagpack straps
"Okay, so about the project, maybe we could...." You trail off, your eyes are on the ceiling thinking
Eddie watches you, if you could read his mind, he is panicking, why? he doesn't know how to act whenever you're around
You didn't get the chance to notice it but you have this feeling that you will be the best of friends
You're so sure of it
You look back at him, "Ah! How about we hang out and while we're doing it, maybe will get ideas from there?"
"What do you think?"
He blinked "U-Uh yeah, that sounds good"
You smiled at him and you walked away
He just watches you and he furrows his brows when you turned around and you notice that he's not with you
"Well, come along then!" You gesture your hand to motioning to follow you while standing on the doorframe
He forgotten that it's lunchtime
He scrambles up to his feet, almost tripped, catching up with you
You both walk together at the cafeteria, you spot Max already talking to Gareth and she waves at you
You wiggle your fingers at her and you hook your arm over at Eddie's forearm, he blushed
You passed a tray for him, and he just sheepishly smiles at the kind gesture
You're wearing a polo with a velvet maroon vest with pleated black skirt, your hair is curled with a red ribbon on top, small black boots
Your bag is black heart shaped like bagpack
Your style is clearly not his style but you definitely know how to dress up, he likes it
After you both picked up your food, you asked
"Can I sit with you?"
"Y-yes, you can"
You give him a cheesy grin and you sat down where Max and Gareth is
Jeff, Lucas, Mike and Dustin are there on the same table as well
"Y/N!" Dustin says with a sing-song tone, he drops his bag of chips, as he leans in to hug you
Mike's eyes shines with the same energy you have
You made the secret handshake with Lucas and all of you share a laugh
Duff just gave you a squeeze at your shoulder before he settles down and you smiled at him
Eddie watches you again, you bring so much life at the table
His heart flutters at the sight of you interacting with his friends
"So, Eddie- you're partners with Y/N" Gareth says plainly
"Could Y/N bring out the best of you?" Jeff smirks at Duff
"What do you guys mean?"
"Man, cut the bullshit- you're always this blushing mess whenever you're with her" Duff exclaims while chomping down his food
"Oh- see?" Gareth points his rose-tinted cheeks and Eddie swats his fingers off and Jeff laughs
"We're just friends" he grumbles, while he aggressively stabs the piece of chicken with the use of fork on his plate
"We'll see about that, man" Jeff chuckles at his friend in his denial statement
Before you leave, you told Max that you'll see her at the ladies restroom
"Edward" the 3 of his friends chortled at what you just called him and he cringes
You laugh as well "Okay, I seem to get to know that you didn't liked that, now- that's a start"
You sat down beside him for a while and you just pretend that you didn't see his friends clearly spying on the both of you
They're not playing good for keep it low-key
"Just call me, Eddie" he says while finishing his drink
"Okay, can I also call you, Joe?"
He puts down his cup and a smile grows on his lips and he clears his throat
"No one else called me that before"
"Oh really? then I'm the first" he smiles at you
He got the prettiest smile, don't he?
"Sabrina" he blurted out
"Since you got me a nickname, so I figured, I can call you Sabrina from Audrey-" you cut him off
"Hepburn film!" You finished his sentence with your lips apart
"I didn't knew you watch classic old Hollywood films" your voice is so loud in excitement, you didn't even care about it
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me" he manages to wink at you, it gave him the confidence after you geeked out in front of him
"Well, I'm willing to know all about it!" You say while you search for a pen on the pocket of your bag
You tear out a piece of paper and you wrote your phone number on it
"Here's my number, you can call me whenever we make this project" you hand out it to him
You graze your fingertips to him and it shoots an unexplainable feeling through your core
He looks down at it and his eyes are big like he couldn't believe that this is happening
"I'll see you later, Joe" you rest your hand on his shoulder and you smiled
He watches you leave, his heart might have been stopped every minute you talk to him
His friends are sniggering behind his back and he shuts his eyes closed
"Still denying that you don't have feelings for her?" Duff says with a teasing tone
"Oh- shut the fuck up, Duff!" Eddie shouts at him and they throw their heads back in laughter
The next day....
Eddie is leaning against his RV van on the front in the school's parking lot
Chewing on some gum while he reads "Batman" comic book
A faint music coming from his RV van, it's Depeche Mode - Strangelove
"What are you listening to?" you open the door and he removes himself and he quickly closed off his comic book and goes to you
"You're listening to Depeche Mode?" both of your eyebrows raised and you grinned
"Y-yeah, I am" he shyly repiles, both hands we're on the comic book, he gripped it so hard it might tear apart
"I love Depeche Mode" you say with a smile and you sat down on the passenger seat and you look over to his cassette tapes
Picking it up on every tape with a curious look on your face
He scratches his forehead and runs over to the driver's seat
"Why am I so stressed out?" he thinks to himself
"Just be cool, Munson" he muttered
Once he opens the door, you say "No way! You also listen to Queen?"
You hold up the "Night At The Opera" tape with a excited smile
He just chuckles and he just loves it when you're so energetic about the simplest of things
You hum on the chorus line of Depeche Mode - Strangelove still playing
while you settle down, placing both of your hands on your thighs as you drum the beats of the song
Eddie is now very self-conscious about his RV being messy but you don't seem to mind it, you feel at home
You eye the comic book that he just put on the dashboard and your eyes are now filling up with so much chaotic explosion of geekiness
"Ahhh!" You shrieked and he jumps out of his seat, he acts like a child which is so funny and..... cute?
You laugh out loud while you throw your head back at the seat and he just grows completely flustered
He had a minute to recollect himself until he is now also laughing of what just happened
"I'm sorry" is the only thing you manage to say, you're still breathless from your laughter until you calmed down yourself, fixing your position on the seat, straighten yourself up
Eddie just continues to laugh while he hides his face on his hands, peeking out to look at you, you're also staring at him, while you're pressing your lips together to stop your another wave of serotonin
You patted down on his shoulder, you reach out for the comic book on the dashboard and you flipped the pages, a smile tugs at your lips
"Stop" you mumbled
"What?" Eddie thought he might've done something wrong but a smirk is sitting on your face
"You also like Batman? We have so much in common right now" you say while you shook your head in unbelievable manner
"What's your favorite comics? DC or Marvel?" he asked, while watching you still flipping through the pages on the comic book
You slam the comic down on your thighs with your jaw dropped "That's like the hardest question ever!" you pushed him on the chest playfully and he chortled
You rolled your eyes at him and you pick it up the book again
"I mean- come on, there's gotta be a-
Your eyes are still on the comic book while you put your hand on his face to shut him up making him all giggly and shit
"That's the most impossible question ever, Joe" you say, your hands are still on his face
His voice is a bit muffled but audible "Okay, you win, let me hear your thoughts"
"I grew up to both that's why it's hard to pick!" you pushed his face away and he chuckles in the process while he reaches to your hand and he holds it for a while
"I love Spiderman, Iron Man, obviously I like Thor and Wonder Woman, Aquaman, the whole damn Avengers and Justice League" you say as you finally placed the comic book on the dashboard to where it was before
He nods while listening to you, and girl- he is still holding your damn hand, why is that?
He is now caressing it with his thumb, oh gosh
"Say, um-" he began and you look at him waiting for what he has to say
"We can eat pizza after school" he put his other hand on top of yours, he looks at you very directly
Your heart spluttering in a beat that you could never understand
"Uh- sure, Joe" you shrug with a pleasing smile on your face and it warms his heart seeing it everytime
The bell rang and you slipped off from his hold and maybe it's just your brain messing with you
Did he just frown slightly when he can't feel your hand over his anymore?
You go down from the passenger seat and you say
"What's your favorite comics, then?" You smirk, repeating the same question to him and he smiled
He squints his eyes for thinking a bit for a moment, "I'd say both too" he shrugs
"Yeah, my uncle owns a Venom comic book" he winks at you and you laugh in disbelief
"What? It's the truth? I have proof- I could show it you" he says with a confused expression
You breathy laughed "Okay, fine- Joe, I believe you, I'll see you later-
"Alligator" he finishes it and you snorted while turning back at him, heading towards at the school's entrance
You both shared a couple of laughs together, shared some stories about each other's lives
Eddie watches you pulling the stretchy cheese out of the pizza and you throw your head backwards as you raise up your hand to eat it
He dust off the crumbs out of his hands as he kept his eyes on you
You're giggling about the story that he almost punched Gareth for scaring him, one time at a band practice
He has very active reflexes, he warned you not doing the same thing that his friend had done
"Of course, I wouldn't do that to you, Joe" you cackled and while licking off your fingers from the residue of the pizza, you take a sip of your soda
There's two slices left of the pepperoni pizza, he gave you the other half, you mumbled a soft "Thank you"
"Okay" he starts "besides Audrey Hepburn, what else do you like to watch?" he finishes with his mouth full
"Hmm" you hum while taking a bite from the crust of the pizza "Can't Buy Me Love by Patrick Dempsey is really nice"
"Oh, you're also into that kind of teen movies, huh?" he licks off the crumbs from his lips while he reaches for the tissues
"Yeah, I do" you swallowed "Some of the teen movies, I relate to it a lot especially when it's John Hughes" you say
"John Hughes is the man!" He put his hand over his head making a mind blowing motion and you laughed
"Yes, he is" you chortled
"I just- I love everything about art in general, you know? I love music, films, paintings...." You trail off while letting out a sigh as you lay your back against the seat
His eyes you for a minute, admiring how you look tonight as if he didn't saw you earlier at school
"I know what you mean by that, Sabrina"
You look into his eyes and you smile, oh- god he always loved your smile
You lean forward with both of your arms propped up as you crossed your hands together resting your chin on top of it as you say "ooooh- tell me about your music? like what else do you enjoy listening?"
He popped a spearmint chewing gum on his mouth and he offers you a stick and you kindly accept it
He chuckles and shook his head "I think you already know what I'm listening to" gesturing to his outfit
You rolled your eyes at him and he laughed "No, I'm serious! Eddie!" you slammed your hands on the table with a raised eyebrow
"Woah, okay since you called me by my real name, fine" he held his hands up but can't help smirking at you
"I love Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple and all that jazz" he plays with his fingers by waving it ridiculously and you giggled
"I do enjoy listening to Earth, Wind & Fire and Tears For Fears" he shuts his eyes while opening the other one slowly, he thinks that you judge him for it but you didn't
Instead, he saw you- almost like heart eyes of what he just said
"Aha! I knew it you're a music lover just like me!" you cupped your face together and you flash out an elated smile at him
He finally opens his eyes as he chuckles softly
"What did you mean?" He asks
You tilt your head at him "You know" you shrug
"No- I don't" his eyes goes side to side as confusion takes over him
"You're open to all music genres! that's what a real musician is!" You wink at him and he blinked, he covers his flaming hot red cheeks with his hair hoping that you didn't get to see it
And yep, you didn't saw it- how freaking clueless you are
"You knew that I play guitar?" He asks, while scratching his head
"Duh, you have band called Corroded Coffin right?" You wipe your lips with tissue paper
"Y-yeah, I do" he smiles
"And I know for sure, you will do great things"
Oh- his love for you continues to grow and grow
"Really?" He squints his eyes as he asks again
"Really, really" you smiled at him
He invited you to come at Jeff's party and he didn't expect that you will indeed come
*Michael Jackson - P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing) playing at the background*
You dance across the floor and you let the music takes you into your system
Eddie is having another negative thoughts feeling that you won't hang out with him after the project, he double take when you caught him frowning
You tilt your head at him and he is taken a back and you smiled, he is confused
"Why so blue?"
"uh-" he stammers
You laughed "Come on, dance with me!"
You reach for his hand and you drag him, he just sways with you shyly
"Don't worry too much, Eddie"
He looks at you and listens
"There's so much to do while you're here in this world, so just have fun!" You say while you're bopping your head into the beat
He just continues to sway, you managed to brighten him up just like that- he loves watches you throughout the party
Your teacher gave you 2 weeks to finish your project
You insisted to buy all of the materials needed for it, Eddie wants to contribute but you take it down and you assure him you got it covered
You both take turns to sketch the picture on the illustration board
Eddie is the one who draw first, you're shocked when you saw his sketch, it's not yet finished but you already get the idea
You and him, both arms are hanging each other shoulders, looking around at all of the things you both love and enjoy
from music to films, you admire his creativity and talent
Eddie's heart skips a beat as he watches you complimenting his good work
Next Monday, is the deadline
while finishing up the project over at Eddie's trailer, you're now coloring the drawing that you both did together
He carefully putting more details on the picture as he pokes his tongue out in concentration
Your stomach is laying down flat on the mattress as you start to shade the drawings
You're hesitant to ask him but you put down the colored pencil on the side- "Eddie, I have a question" you say as you look at him at his behind
He's on the chair, dusting off the eraser residue at the table
"Have you ever...." you look down for a sec and you blinked "fall in love?"
Yes, he did- it's you
The tip of his pencil breaks as you finished the last line, his breath catches from his throat
He slowly turns around, his eyes meet yours and you're waiting for an answer
He clears his throat, he can't even look into your eyes that long "Uh, I think- I" he stammers
"Dinner is ready! Come out and eat!" Wayne called
You glanced at the door and you get up from the bed but as soon as you reached for the doorknob
"I-I haven't experienced what it felt like- I don't think that I did" he answers
"Me either" you chuckled slightly, not turning around just yet
He looks at you from the back of your head "but I do know what love is"
You finally turn around at him with amused look at your face "You do?"
"Yeah" he smiles
Your face falters a bit and Eddie notices it "what is it? and also why are you asking me this?"
You shrug "it's just a thought, I just wanna know what you think"
Eddie nods, he hopes he had a chance with you
and then he blew it up
moments later, Eddie gave you a lift to go back at your place, he should've told you the truth
A minute that Eddie left, you've been pacing around your room, are you falling in love?
You're confused, you never had this before, you don't know what to do so....
You called Max to come over
You both catch up from all the things that happened
Max find out that Gareth wasn't so bad at all, she understands why Lucas likes him
He is very determined when playing D&D and sometimes when Eddie takes it too far he becomes even more dramatic
She also finds that they both love the film "Karate Kid", and you guys chatted with each other over an hour, you both laughed and gasp
Even you don't say anything, this is not your usual hang out together
Calling someone to come over means something else
"Come on, fess up, what's going on?" Her voice is in serious tone
You're both sitting on the top of your bed, you take a deep breath, you look down
"I think- I-I'm falling in love, Max" you raise your head slowly to meet her gaze
She immediately bounced from the bed "with whom?"
But before you can respond, you and Max looked at each other as she slapped her hand against her mouth with wide eyes as she realized
"Yeah" you chuckled unenthusiastically
"Eddie, huh?" she nods with a smirk from her face and you throw a pillow at her and she laughed
"I asked him if he ever falls in love"
"So? What did he say?"
"He said.... that he didn't?"
"Well, maybe he's just afraid of rejection"
"Rejection? that's bullshit, Eddie is really wonderful guy"
"Oh gosh, Y/N! You're so in love!"
You shoved your face with your hands, your voice became muffled under it "yeah, I'm definitely falling in love"
"What should I do?, if ever that happens"
"Just say what you feel"
"That's really hard, Max"
She giggles "No, I'm serious! Just say what you truly feel, you know, Lucas and I back then we lack of communication because both of us don't say what we really meant so end up arguing sometimes"
You gave her a squeeze from her shoulder as she sighs "ever since we started to say the truth with each other nothing has ever bad between us"
"I may not know, Eddie, that well but I've never seen him this happy like genuinely happy" she added
"You too, like I mean- you always been so cheerful person, building up everyone's mood, you remove the cloud from them" you both laughed when she gestures thunder with her hands
"You'll be okay, Y/N, you'll see"
"Thank you, Max"
you hugged before she left your house
It's Monday
You both presented your project so proudly and you both explain it so very well
"I found out that we both love almost everything that we enjoyed" you glanced over to Eddie and he smiled
"Over the course of hanging out together, I also found that Eddie is a really nice guy, he is not what you think he is" you emphasize the last line and he looks at you with so much adoration
"The best part is that I developed Friendship from him" you end your speech and Eddie is the next one
He sheepishly smiles at everyone
"Your turn, Munson" Ms. Amelia says as she grading your presentation
"What I like about Y/N is that she's so fun to hang out...."
He is lost for words when he meet your eyes again and you grinned at him
"S-she is so cool that she knows a lot of things better than me" you chuckled and you say sorry
"The best part is that whenever I'm with her, I forget everything that is killing me, when you're with Y/N all of your sadness will fade away"
You blinked at him, your heartbeat became shockingly rapid
You glanced at Max, she gives you a knowing look and you swallowed nervously
"She's so full of life, kind, thoughtful, really amazing" he said while he locked eyes with yours
"Ms. Amelia, I found-" the bell rings and everyone started to applause for a bit and get out of the class to eat lunch
"Impressive presentation" Ms. Amelia smiles at you as she gaves you the paper
You read the criteria and you guys both got an A+!
Eddie come cover to your side as he also jumped with excitement, pumping his fists in celebration
"We did it!"
"Yeah, we did!"
"We make a pretty good team, don't we?"
"You have no idea"
You both smiled each other and it felt like the time stopped, what is this feeling?
You look down becoming shy to look at his gaze again
"Oh, we go to the cafeteria now" you hold his hand dragging him out of the classroom
Eddie is appalled from your action and your touch, your hand is so soft and he can't stop staring that you're holding his hands
Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max, Gareth, Jeff, and Duff congratulates the both of you
"Y/N does presentation so naturally, if only Gareth stopped laughing earlier" Max groans while she ates her sandwich
"He is always unserious" Duff snickers nudging Jeff's arm signaling that Eddie is so lovesick with you
The situation is even more laughable because you don't even see it, you don't even notice it
Eddie just sighs in content as he watches you flip your hair over your shoulder and giggle at Dustin's corny jokes
"Don't give him that Y/N!" Lucas exclaims
"Y/N is always bubbly, you know that Lucas" Mike chuckles
"I give the best jokes ever" Dustin smiles in satisfaction
The school's over, Eddie gave you a lift to get home and unexpectedly you hug him for the first time and you gave him a last squeeze before you let him go
"Thank you so much for everything, Eddie!"
"No Joe?" Eddie smirks
You laughed "You know what I mean" you smile
You turned around to walk inside but he spoke "Hey, Y/N"
You look over him at your shoulder "Yeah?"
"I-I just wanna say, I've had a great time"
"This won't be the last time since we're friends"
He doesn't want to be friends with you, he wants something more than that
His mood shifted a bit and you furrow your brows "yeah, um- goodnight, sweetheart"
"Goodnight, Eddie"
He didn't even take one last look at you before he left- that's new....
Out of nowhere, you caught a fatigue, your muscles felt sore, and you had a slight fever
You can't get up and your mom told you to skip the class today...
You check your temperature and it says 37.5 and you winced it while you look it
You throw your head back at the pillow and stare at the ceiling for a bit
There's this feeling inside of you like you're searching for something, are you longing for someone?
You turn on the other side and you shake your head at the thought of it
You gasped when the realization hits you
"I miss..... Eddie?"
You slowly get up and sat on the bed
"I love Eddie?" It sounds so new to you and it feels different but it's so good to say it out loud
You finally stand up on your feet and say "I love Eddie Munson!"
You seething at the pain you felt when you try to get up but you have to- you have to ate something for strength
So, you walk down headed towards at the kitchen
"Where is she?" Eddie kept tapping his pencil on his desk when he kept glancing at your empty seat
As if the more he stares at it, you might appear but you didn't
He is worried, you never missed a day in class, you never skip for no reason...
Eddie is now overthinking, he thought you didn't like the things he say over the presentation yesterday
Maybe, you're just late, maybe, you'll attend the next period
Turns out, you didn't as well
While walking down the school hallways, he looked over at your locker....
He is not used to this, not having you around
He supposed to get, warm smiles, he supposed to hear your sweet laughter, maybe even a hug, but he didn't get any of those today
"Uh- hey, Red- have you seen Y/N?" Eddie asks while lining up for lunch holding a tray
"No, I haven't since this morning, you know, I was supposed to ask you about her too, damn" Max shakes her head, as she raises her tray to place the meal plate on it
"I have to see her" Eddie can't calm down without knowing if you're okay or not
Max hides her face and smirks in excitement and she is thrilled about you had that effect on him
"Then you should go, right now" Max says plainly
"I'll let you know what will happens throughout the last period, okay?" Max raises her eyebrows and gesturing to leave the cafeteria
"O-okay" Eddie runs away and leaves his tray
"Go get your girl, Munson!" Max giggles and she saw over at the table
Gareth, Jeff and Duff both share high-fives with each other and laughed
Lucas, Mike and Dustin their jaws dropped on the ground of shock
Lucas walks towards to Max "you have a lot of explanation to do"
She tuts "y'all blind, dumbasses" Max snorts
Eddie finally arrived at your doorstep
He breathes heavily while he places his hands over his knees
Catching up with his breath, he knocked at your door rapidly
You flinched at the couch while having a blanket hung around your shoulders
"Who could that be?" You headed towards the door and words caught up in your throat when you finally lay your eyes at the certain metalhead you've been looking for since morning
He shushes you "Please, let me explain"
"I don't know why you didn't come up to class today, I know why, because you told me, you just wanted to be friends but just listen to me- remember when we're making our project and you ask me if I fallen in love?"
You nod and you gulped
"I did, and it is you, Y/N"
You stare at him, he's telling the truth
"But I understand, you don't want to have me, I respect that, but I just wanna let you know that I do and I'll never regret that I told you what I really felt whenever I'm with you" he pauses, taking a deep breath
"I love when you pulled the melty cheese on the pizza, I love it when you ramble all about your faves, I love that you have the ability to make everyone's day happy, I love your smile, your hug, your laugh, I love you so much, Y/N"
Despite the bodyache, you're having- you feel like light as a feather- it's like you're above the clouds as he confesses his love for you
He waits for your response but you just remain silent, he turn away from you, holding up the tears from his eyes
"Eddie- wait"
He gasped and he turn around at you immediately, he is nervous of what you're about to say
"I think I.... I love you too" you let your happy tears fall and you sniffled and chuckle a little bit
"I know I was oblivious but everything seems clear to me now, I was confused and didn't understand back then.... but right now- it just feels right when I finally let myself feel it"
Eddie blinks and a smile grows on his lips as he moves closer to you
"I love y-" Eddie held the back of your head and he kisses your lips- you squealed as he pulls you closer, you close your eyes you kissed him back, you place your hand on his chest as he deepens it
By the time he touched your neck, it felt hot
He pulled back "Woah- woah, you're burning up, what- you have a fever?!"
You shyly smiled at him "y-yeah" you laughed
He connects all the dots and the awkward silence fills the air
"Damn" he chuckles, he scratches his neck
"That's why Max don't have any idea what's going on with you because you don't have the energy to tell her"
"And here I am, confessing my feelings for you" he grins awkwardly
"It was really cute and romantic! You don't have to be embarrassed by it!" You wrap your arms around him and he blushes
"You made me feel so good inside, I just want a girl just like you, such a pretty, pretty young thing" he says as he kisses your forehead
You became flustered at his words and you roll your eyes playfully "You can come inside, let's watch Sabrina?"
"Sure, on one condition" he holds up his index finger
You went quiet for a moment
"Let me take care for you, sweetheart" he held your cheeks
"That's the reason why you're here" you smile at him and he chortled
"My pretty young thing" he thinks to himself as you tagging him along inside
🎶I want to love you (P.Y.T) Pretty Young Thing, you need some lovin' (T.L.C) Tender Love and Care, and I'll take you there🎶
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ambeauty · 6 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
Thank You @bioloyg for tagging me! I haven't talked about me in a minute!
Star Sign(s): Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Rising, Taurus Moon
Favorite Holidays: Halloween, it's a week before my birthday! And it's fun af!
Last Meal: Lasagna 👩🏾‍🍳
Current Favorite Musician: ¿Téo? Is my current favorite. My all time are Hayley Williams, Justin Nozuka, Beyoncé
Last Music Listened To: GUTS
Last Movie Watched: Renaissance a Film by Beyoncé! But also I watched 3 movies in 1 day and they were all good. Killers of the Flower Moon devastating and rage inducing! But such a good movie. Cinnamon, a tubi original but the romance and violent crime drama was top tier not gonna hold you!
Last TV Show Watched: My Life with the Walter Boys and Real Housewives of Potomac… I never promised to be more than what I am which is a trash tv watcher 🤭
Last Book/Fic Finished: Novella: Snow Place like LA, Novel: Salt Kiss, Fic: I’ve read too many!!! Ok wait this fic destroyed me recently: Epicure Sydcarmy Army IT’S FIRE!
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: The Vampire Queen 😩 I will be coming back to it! Just trying to be festive 😭
Currently Reading: Merry Little Meet Cute and just started Manacled today (👀 never read HP fic before)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Cape Verde so I could detail it accurately as the non-outer space location of Tamaran for my Bonnie and Clyde Non-Powered DickKory AU. I wanna go there so bad now!!
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: Breaking down over Brenton’s Birthday post that he dedicated to Anna. That was a WILD day in titans fandom! On here and on Twitter 😭
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: Bonnie Bennett, I was so late but the content was still flowing! Haven’t checked her tag in a minute! Bamon/Klonnie were my faves. And Spideychelle I miss them because there’s some good fucking writers in that fandom but idk I fell off for some reason.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Upload and Citadel! Those shows are soooo good! If I hadn’t become obsessed with The Bear this summer I would probably be writing shit for Citadel. Upload is just so fun!!!
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: Any of my Sydcarmy ideas! And I have a lot 🤭 but I must finish my DickKory AU before year end!
Besties please feel free: @escapism-through-imagination @jonskory @lyanaalvarado @graysonfamfan2021 @not-so-mundane-after-all @selinascatnip @songbee @meetmeunderthestarrynight
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a-smol-cosplayer · 1 year
I talk a lot about my Tyler and enid being besties agenda and I made a short post about it awhile ago but I wanna flesh it out more bc I love them and this is my account so no one can stop me mwahaha.
Anyways Idk how it would actually work but either wyler, or wenclair with him coming back with a redemption arch or poly Wednesday with both Tyler and enid as significant others and them as queer platonic. Or all three. idm how it happens im just here for it. 
He lets enid paint his nails. Sometimes its all different colours to match hers (and she talks billions of instagram photos of them) sometimes with itty bitty little designs but usually some sort of light blue colour. He gets complemented by the old ladies that come in to the weathervane when he hands them their coffee and he secretly loves to show off his nails. (Once when going to the raven she painted them black to match wednesday) ((she secretly liked that they where matching))
This man hears all the gossip from his job. Being a barista at the only coffee shop in town?? Dude gets all the tea. So basically him and enid (and thing) will have gossip sessions where he tells her all the things he has overheard whilst working. (Enids readers and shocked at the jump in range and accuracy of gossip that goes up on her blog)
Tyler goes to her for fashion advice all the time. He lets her dress him up for special events like the harvest festival ect and will always go shopping with her just to hold all her clothes. (When asked the difference between two slightly differing shades of pink jumper he just blindly closes his eyes and picks one) (Enid realises and once picked up two of the same item and forced him to choose which was better - both she and Thing found his panic as he desperately tried to figure out the difference hilarious) 
They bond over how much wednesday manages to get them in sticky situations. ((Like in the gates mansion where they shared ‘tf?!?’ Looks the whole time)) Tyler once remarked that mysteries literally seem to follow them wherever they go as all three of them climbed through some sewerage tunnel looking for clues, wednesday was no impressed. They spend hours in a day talking about the weirdest things they love about her ‘once she let me braid her hair after she got out the shower - I have never felt love till now’ ‘oh really well she let me pick her WHOLE OUTFIT for the harvest festival and then let me post the pictures of us in matching fits. Im pretty sure she loves me more’ 
Tyler has tailored some specific sweet drink for enid that he makes every time she walks in the door with her friends. Its piled high with whip cream and marshmallows and he calls it the ‘enid special’. No one else is allowed to order it. (Wednesday once accidentally took a sip whilst she wasn’t paying attention and threatend to cut her tounge out of her mouth because of how sweet it was.) Enid loves it and its on her story all the time with Tylers @ down at the bottom 
Speaking of social media enid freaked when she saw tylers bare instrgram page. They spent all evening redoing it. He has three posts, the first one was an old photo of him and his mum he posted on her birthday, one is of him and enid with their matching nails and him and Eugene out at the hives with the caption ‘first week at nevermore going better than expected’ and the third one is a photo of him and wednesday enid took whilst waiting in line for the dunk tank captioned ‘the only murder this year was the way wednesday killed it at the carnival’ - the second photo on that post is him and enid with the pile of stuffed animals that wednesday has won for them bc she knows they both love them. He has one highlight thats just a ☕️ and its all his attempts and late art and baking goods for the weathervane. 
Once helped enid dye her two toned hair and ended up with blue tips in his own hair for a few months bc he couldn’t say no to her. Thing ruthless made fun of him for it and His only response was the fact that Thing had never said no to enid either so maybe they where both as pathetic as each other. He actually ended up really liking it and keeping it in for a while (wednesday liked it too, to the surprise of both Tyler and enid but she swore she would shave their hair off in their sleep if they told anyone. ((They never did))) 
Enid helps keep the crazy in. Him and wednesday escalate each others fires which is good when needed but sometimes he wants to feel normal - like he did before Thornhill manipulated and groomed him into being a ruthless monster with blood on his hands. And so when the flashbacks and nightmares get too bad enid will sometimes find him curled up at the end of her bed half covered in plushies. When he gets ansty she will pull him along to show him the newest draft of her blog or drag him into helping prepare Ophelia Hall for the next poe cup (she has sworn him to secrecy but he wasn’t planning on participating anyways, not being super big into the whole school spirit thing) until his hands stop shaking and his eyes loose the haunted look 
Once he has learned how to control hyde him and enid in her wolf form will go running and playing on full moon. The hyde is still slightly weary of wolf!enid which both enid and Tyler take slight enjoyment in. one time whilst they where out wednesday started playing her cello on the balcony and hyde!Tyler got so distracted that he ran straight into a tree. Enid and Wednesday never let him live it down. They chase rabbits and make a competition of who can catch the most and instead of waking up cold and alone after transforming back Tyler wakes up warm and covered with a soft blanket on the floor of the girls dorms (he sleeps mostly in enids stuffed toy mountain after full moons and has scared Yoko, Ajax, Xavier and Kent many times when they come into the room) ((its also a convenient place to hide him when the new dorm monitor comes around to tell them to turn their lights off))
They would definitely brainstorm dates together. Whoever u ship (wyler or wenclair) doesn’t matter. For wyler enid would help him set up another creepyish highly wednesday focused date with the sole bribe of him telling her all about it later. for wenclair he would help her plan dates that wednesday would like and recommend places in Jericho to go bc he has lived there his whole life. Either way they do have a whole whiteboard that is full of date ideas (his whiteboard marker is blue and hers is pink - Thing gets green) wednesday fully knows they collaborate but bc it doesn’t end up on enid blog and she’s soft for them she lets it slide. 
They also hang out on enids side of the room when wednesday is writing. Sometimes they get banished to the balcony for laughing to hard but its totally worth it. 
Enid makes Tyler get high things for her as well as carry heavy things. She also rides on his shoulders/back everywhere. Yells “CHARGEEEE” and everything just like a toddler. Wednesday has a photo of them like this and has it as the background of her Home Screen but no one knows 
Speaking of phones, Wednesdays Lock Screen is a stupid photo that Tyler and enid took and set as  as a joke. U know one of those ones where its taken from below and both their heads are swished into the frame peering up at u? She refuses to change it claiming ‘she doesn’t know how too and will not let any of you imbeciles touch my phone’ but they both know she secretly likes it - wednesday would never let ‘not knowing how to do something’ stop her from removing it if she really wanted to
Enid put eyeliner on Tyler once and he loved it. He lets her do it all the time now - not overtly crazy she just tight lines his eyes and smokes out his bottom lash line. He has never felt more pretty before - and he got loads of compliments at work. When wednesday first saw it she just stopped and stared for 20 seconds before glaring at him marching out onto the balcony so he counts it as a win. 
Tyler gets along with morticia and enid gets along with Gomez really well. Obviously Wednesdays parents love both of them and immediately took them in but you can find Tyler and morticia talking about the latest book they have read over tea and gomez loves showing enid all of his striped suits, as well as teaching her how to fight with just her claws. Pugsley loves both of them more than life itself and lets enid paint his nails and plays non torture catch with Tyler whenever they are home on break. 
He lets enid sit with him while he bakes. Its sort of a stress reviler and she will usually sit on the counter tops as he bakes cakes or muffins or pastries for the weathervane to sell. She gets to pick the music and they both dance around the kitchen whilst its cooks. She definitely licks the spoon and he always gives her a ‘quality control taster’ before he puts them out to get the enid stamp of approval. ((Once for his birthday she got him a t-shirt that said ‘enid stamp of approval’ he definitely did not cry over the fact that she and him 1. had an inside joke and 2. she actually forgave him and approves of him as a person. He wears it with pride) ((wednesday steals it to sleep in sometimes and they both think its adorable when they catch her wearing it))
So this got way out of hand but yeah!! I will probably continue this at some point but this is it so far. Let me know if I have converted u bc Tyler needs more friends/love and support in his life and I feel like enid would be the one to first befriend him at nevermore bc she knows she could kick his ass if he tried anything :) 
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pumpkzsafeplace · 3 months
Hello. It's me again. I've had a tough time lately. My leg has been hurting a lot lately and I don't really know why :/ besides that School is really sucks a lot... It's so loud and it's very overwhelming it makes me feel really bad even when I finally leave. I'm autistic and it's so hard to process all these noises sometimes. I try to cover my ears or stim but then my classmates make fun of me. That's not cool to be honest. They don't really like me and always get mad at me or make fun of me but that's okay I'll survive it somehow I just hate how loud it is.
Besties that good things happened too! I gained some new friends! I met two girls at school and we became friends. One of them is a huge Naruto fan and I like to talk about anime with her and the other one draws so well and I love her drawings and we talk about art a lot too! I'm just really happy I got some new friends! I also started to read more lately and I really fell in love with books! I've just finished the first mistborn book and I loved it so much! I'm getting the second one for my birthday soon!!! That's just so cool!!!
I hope you're having a good day and that everything is going well :3 I wish you all the best and I hope you're doing great <3 take care and lots of hugs and love for you 🩷🫂
Sorry for such a long message btw! 🥹
- 🐅
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
i'm so sorry school sucks :< is there any chance that you could wear headphones in class? even noise cancelling ones to help drown out the sounds a little- i'm sure they'll be fine with it, given that it's a need for your disability <3
congrats on your new friends!!! that's awesome!! & hurray for getting into a new hobby!! i love reading, it's such a way to escape from the real world, it helps so so much <3
i hope ur leg feels a little better :<
lots of hugs & love for you too!! i hope you have an amazing week!!
(and don't worry about the long message, i'm happy to hear what you've been up too! <3)
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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Tumblr media
"Happy... Birthday?"
There is an actress, who's been recently born into the Universe of the Screen. Just like those before her, she's been dropped into the Fictional Realm, where actors rest after long hours of work.
From the start, she's been doing well, a kind Sponge Fictional took her in and let her stay for a time being. That is, until the empire found her and finally put her to work.
The unfortunate actress, so young, so naive, never knew what she had coming. Her creators bestowed her such a heavy role, a mask of a monster. At first, she didn't know how bad could it be. It was just a character right? This was all just a game of pretend... Right? After all, she was made for this role, literally created for it. Surely it can't be hard. How bad can it be? It's just some woman who cares about animals and lost a loved one.
However, society said otherwise.
The empire hated her for it. Despise her for the role she plays, and for serving her purpose. They declared time and time again that they hated her existence.
"I'm an actor, just like you guys!" she said.
They stay away. They push her away, side eyed her and everything.
"I'm not like her, see?" she said once more.
Rolcist thrown things at her, hurled insults at her. After a long day of work, another Fictional wished she was dead, and another, and another.
Monster, lunatic, a deluded. The list of insults went on.
"... I'm just an actor," she pleaded.
"I was doing my job," she sobbed.
The void of hatred stared at her.
"What did I do... What did I fucking do..." She glared at her own hands. Hands, or rather, gloves of an abuser, a killer, a beast.
She tried to escape all of this, but couldn't. Or rather she wouldn't do it. For at least one Fictional cared about her.
On the fateful release of her first project, a mouse Fictional came by. He was, and still is the powerful leader of a far off kingdom. One they called the Disney Kingdom. For someone so small, so puny, he can pack a punch. Prior to all this, he's already walked through the path of blood and is still treading through it.
There he stride for his next victim, the Villainess.
For an actor who claims to know what's real and what's an act, the mouse can't help, but kill those of the villain role on sight. Every ounce of suffering and pain they been through in his hands was delicious to him.
Just as her part of the act reaches to its grand finale, the mouse shows his power. Blood spilled. Ice shards were erupted, jellyfishes were stabbed and so was her designated henchman. The actress playing as her daughter was trapped in his ice from the waist down. The actress, now in the corner, curled up into a cocoon in the hairstyle bestowed by her creators.
And so, the mouse approaches.
Okay so this was supposed to explain how the fuck it all led up to what's happening in the art, but ended up doing a little info/lore dump on what the fuck this Lus has going on in the daydreams as of late with probably a poor attempt of adding in some short storytelling elements. There's more to what's going on with both her and Mickey, but that'd take a while to cram it all into the post. So yeah.
Tldr: Actress has to play evil Poké waifu with a Jellyfish addiction, becomes besties with SpongeBob, gets an existential crisis about the nature of her role/persona because society shits on her for it (and Spunch taught her about morals too early), tries to kill herself to escape her vessel (but didn't go through with it), and gets a near death experience from a psychopathic mouse king.
Dw, she lives and all, just left traumatized and pissed about the Mouse Moment.
Anyways, happy birthday to Mickey and happy anniversary to the OG Pokémon SuMo games.
Note: Unlike the SpongeBob birthday painting, this piece is based on an actual event in the paracosm, a reoccurring scenario that's both an important plot point and something that stuck despite all the changes this paracosm goes through. I have to post this here instead of the casual account.
Update: Remember when I said she tried to kill herself? Yeah, I modified the lore a bit. Now her "escaping the job" attempt is now less of an actual suicide attempt and more like an attempt to quit her job/role as the character, which just so happens to be heavily tied to her life. She wouldn't immediately die if she's outside the meat suit, she'll just have to succumb to the pain to actually end up perma dying or deleting if she doesn't return to the meat suit.
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mayumiiyuu · 2 years
Eddie and his lesbian bestie
as a queer woman myself, i love this.
ok picture this:
you come out to eddie, your best friend of god knows how many years who's known you since you were practically in diapers, despite how you trust him with all your deepest, darkest secrets, you can't help the fear that crawls up your throat while you told him your truth: that you liked girls.
you chewed your lip as he pursed his, features clearly conveying that he was still processing what you had just told him, before he sucks his teeth and utters: 'so like, see any cute girls lately?' in his dorkiest voice to lighten up the mood. and all you can do is roll your eyes and punch him in the arm because of course he'd say that.
honestly, nothing in your friendship changes, like, at all.
he's your bestfriend, he loves and accepts you wholeheartedly with his entire being.
he !! is !! your number one supporter in everything and anything u do. he's proud of you, he always is, and even though he might not say it often, he's eternally grateful that you had trusted him enough that you came out to him.
sometimes he can't help but play into stereotypes tho.
'hey (y/n), can you help me out with my sink? it's leaking again.'
'eddie, i'm not your fucking plumber.'
'ok fine i'll get my wrench.'
if u ever want to get piercings or tats, eddie immediately pulls up to your house *insert get in loser, we're going shopping gif*
sometimes you can't help but steal some of his clothes, after all, punk rock looks rad asfuck on you.
'is-is that my old flannel?'
'yeah? got a problem with that, doofus?'
eddie shakes his head. 'nah, looks better on you than me.'
and if youre more of a femme gal, eddie uses whatever money he earns from selling weed to get u cute shit, whatever it may be. amps it up 1903838298 times more when ur birthday or christmas comes around.
sometimes when u play d&d with him he just randomly inserts love interests for u.
'and here comes a beautiful maiden, bow in hand--'
'eddie, i told u, i'm not interested--'
'--with taut biceps she earned from all her training in the art of archery--'
'i want to roll a charisma check'
'but i haven't even--'
whenever you gush to him about the cute girl with finger tats who worked at your local coffee shop who memorized your order by heart, he can't help but be all giddy with you, hyping you tf up.
despite being best friends, eddie often views you as his sister, naturally protective of you, especially when people tease you.
a few days after you had been openly out, the two of you had been cornered by a bunch of bullies who used to make your life a living hell since middle school, one of the, a guy, sends a disgusting homophobic remark your way, and eddie just sees red.
next thing you know he's knocked out on the floor, nose bloody and cheek imprinted with marks from eddie's rings.
if you ever have difficulties involving your parents, he's always there by your side, arm wrapped around your shoulders as he rubs your back comfortingly, listening to whatever you had to say intently. damn the whole world if they ever showed you an ounce of disrespect for your sexuality, if anyone wanted to bring you down for loving who you wanted to love, they'd have to deal with him first. if he could defend you from all the cruelty the world had to offer he would. (he can and he WILL protect you at all costs bc you are simply one of his favorite human beings that deserves nothing but love and respect)
eddie's always there for you, through thick and thin, and all he wants is to be in your life for the long run, celebrating who you are and whoever you choose to love.
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littleoanh · 2 years
AGGHHHHH!!! My favorite series It Started With a Smile ended!! Fridays will never be the same. I really really love your writing. Its so addicting I cant stop reading. You’re really doing a good job at this. I’m sad thet the series is over (i will miss Ran series from you) but I trust that you wont get get tired writing about Ran. I’m not much into reading but you made me get addicted to your works Albie!!!
You might be getting a lot of requests but if you have time can you grant my request for below scenario abour Ran?
- Y/N (Fem Reader) had been busy doing art abroad. Since she’s done with her exhibit, it’s time to go back home to recharge and get new inspo for her next project! She also wanted to go home in time for her bestie’s bday. The celebration is in a club owned by Bonten. Y/N went to the club even though she hated it and only wear basic clothes (white top and black trousers and sneaks). She met her bestie but since she doesn’t know her other friends that well, she stayed at the bar to wait. Then suddenly, a bouncer asked her to go to the vip room (as instructed by Ran). She turned to the room and told the bouncer to tell the vip that she aint a wore and to go fuck himself haha! Turned out Ran was a childhood friend of her bestie’s boyfriend and introduced them in the party then Ran mentioned to Y/N that he knows she aint whore 😆 Ran was turned on by Y/N IDGAF attitude so he digged his friends to provide info about her. But her friends seem to be protected telling Ran to play with anyone but her (you can create a mystery about Y/N like a past experience that hurt her, death of someone important). Lucky Ran, he accidentally ran into you buying paint brushes in this art district where Bonten have businesses. Ask you out for lunch then everything started there. Keeps visiting you on studio and eventually finding out about Y/N’s soft side and sad past. Making Ran be soft for her and falling in love with her! I am in my late 20s so please make it smut smut but in a romantic way 🥰
Gosh im thinking about scenarios like these while reading your series. Albie, you are such an effective writer!!! Hope you’ll expand the request mentioned and please dont stop writing!! Will be here always reading and supporting you!!
- Lory (im anon coz im a little shy but im always here to support you!)
A/N: Hi Lory!! Thank you so much for reading my first mini series <3. That really means a lot to me. And you are absolutely right, I will never be tired of writing for my beloved Ran Haitani!!! And WOW that’s such a thoughtful compliment, thank you! I really appreciate the love and support! And don’t worry about being an Anon, I completely understand about feeling shy. I’m a total introvert. ANYWAYS! I really hope you enjoy this piece :) Sorry, I really got carried away and didn't realize how long this was … 
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Because I Have You
Characters: Ran Haitani x fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff (lots of kisses, Ran being a sweetheart [but not at first] and cuddles), angst (talks of a character’s death, emotional trauma, anxiety), cursing, and smut (unprotected sex, mention about pubic hair, Ran calling reader ‘baby girl’, oral, and creampie).
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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“Oh my God, [Y/n]! You made it!!!” Your bestie, Shinzu screams over the loud upbeat EDM music playing in the background of a popular club in Tokyo. She jumps over to give you a big bear hug, you haven’t seen each other in a long time due to your work trip abroad. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She talks in your ear with contentment while still holding you in her arms.  
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss your birthday.” You smile softly, you landed in Tokyo about an hour ago and dropped off your luggage back at your minimalistic apartment. Then headed right to the club without changing your clothes, you weren’t a party person and didn’t have clubwear. You came here wearing a white boyfriend button up with the sleeves rolled up, black trousers and your favorite Converse sneakers. 
“Hey, good to see you [Y/n]!” Tora, Shinzu’s boyfriend, comes to greet you with a bear hug too and pulls the both of you into his strong muscular arms. “How’s your art exhibit in Paris?” He lets go of you but still has his arm around Shinzu. 
“Good, it was very busy and fuckin exhausting but totally worth it.” Your lazy smirk appears on your tired expression. “Feels good to be home though.” You turn your attention to the bartender and order shots for the three of you.
“Staying here for a while, I hope?” Shinzu smiles brightly, hoping you won’t go on another long international trip. The bartender pours liquor into three shot glasses.
“That’s my plan,” You hand two shot glasses to both of them. “I need to recharge and prepare for my next expo. But enough about me!” You lift your shot glass in the air, “Let’s take fuckin shots! To Shinzu for being born today!!”
“Kanpai!” The three of you clink your shot glasses and chug, your chest feels burned from the alcohol and return the shot glasses on the bar counter. 
“Shinzu!!!” A group of loud squealing girls approach the bar area, surrounding Shinzu and grabbing a hold of her.
“Come on, why are you taking so long?”
“Let’s get on the dance floor!”
“Forget the dance floor, let’s get on the poles!” They are practically dragging Shinzu away from you, but she manages to use her heels to stop them from hauling her and looks back at you.
“[Y/n], do you wanna come with us?” The girls are staring at you, waiting for your answer. 
“No, you guys go ahead. I’m good here.” You motion them to go on without you, the truth is you are not comfortable with Shinzu’s other friends since you don’t know them that well. The girls drag her away and Tora sighs.
“I’m going to follow them in case they cause trouble,” He looks back at you, “You sure you’re good here?” You give him a thumbs up.
“Don’t worry about me.” Tora nods then follows the girls behind, you turn back to the bartender and order yourself a beer. The bartender pops the cap and hands you a nice cold beer. You instantly take a gulp of it, the dance floor is crowded and so many girls are grinding on guys or on their girlfriends. This scene is completely out of place for you, you much rather have a quiet night in but Shinzu likes to party. You lean back against the bar counter, wondering how long you should stay here for. 
“Miss.” You are not certain if the ‘miss’ is for you but your eyes flicker in the direction of a big scary man, most likely a bouncer. Holy shit he’s huge, he is staring right at you. “Can you please follow me to the VIP room?”
“Are you talking to me?” You point at yourself, why would the bouncer want you to follow him to a VIP room? 
“Yes, you have been invited by one of our VIPs.” 
The fuck … is this some kind of joke?
The bouncer shows you the direction up at the balcony where the VIP rooms are located. You follow where he is aiming, there is someone standing by the balcony. There are flashing lights near them, giving you a glimpse of who this person is. From what you can tell, it is a tall man wearing a striped purple pantsuit. He possibly has multicolored hair, too dimmed for you to tell. He is not alone, there are women with revealing dresses clinging onto him. Maybe he is bored of them because he is focused on you, but what pisses you off is that cocky grin on his face. Does he think you’re easy?
Tch who the hell does he think he is, you scowl. You turn back to the bouncer looking unimpressed.
“Go tell your VIP I’m not a whore and for him to go fuck himself.” The bouncer who is stoic at first is bewildered by your response. You take another chug of your beer, now ignoring the bouncer. 
Hm? Ran’s lavender eyes spots the bouncer coming back to the VIP room alone, why are you not with him? “Mr. Haitani.” The bouncer appears to be hesitant.
“Where is she?” Ran gets to the point, Rin and Sanzu snickers when you don't show up. 
“She um … she wants me to give you a message.” One of Ran’s eyebrows arched, oh? 
“What does she want to tell me?” Ran’s iconic lazy grin appears, did you want to meet him somewhere else? Were you too shy to come up here? He could tell from the moment you were at the bar that this was not your scene. You are even bold enough to come to Bonten’s most popular club wearing a white big shirt and pants. You are different and he is completely intrigued by you. 
“Pardon me for saying this, here is her message.” The bouncer clears his throat to help with his nerves, “She said ‘I’m not a whore and for you to go fuck yourself.’” Rin and Sanzu are howling in laughter while Ran is speechless. He had never been rejected by a woman before, they would always do what he instructed. This is actually a nice change of pace and is turned on by your IDGAF attitude. He stands up, taking off his tie with a smirk.
“Where are you going?” Rin asks his brother, who is now leaving the room. Ran stops his movements, to turn back to him.
“Going down to meet with an old friend of ours.” 
Your eyes catch Shinzu and her friends returning to the bar area, you also notice Tora coming back laughing with someone. “[Y/n]! Come here and meet Tora’s friend.” Shinzu waves you over, you sigh and are reluctant to meet someone new. However, if it’s Tora’s friend … how bad can he be? 
“[Y/n],” Tora’s big hand pulls you closer to them and his hand is also on his friend’s shoulder, “this is Ran Haitani, my childhood friend. He is also one of the owners of this club, so basically a VIP.” One of your eyebrows instantly perk up and get a closer look at him. 
“Mother fucker …” You mutter, it’s the same cocky VIP who was standing at the balcony. Ran showed off his charming smile and wave.
“Nice to meet you, [Y/n].” Ran’s tall stature comes closer to you and leans down in your personal space. He sees the look of annoyance, his charming smile changes to a devilish one. “For the record, I know you’re not a whore.” 
“What, you think I need your validation or something Mr. VIP?” Your angry smile spur Ran even more. Why do you look so fuckin hot when you’re mad? “Also, get out of my fucking face. Don’t need your cockiness up in my personal space.” You push Ran’s broad chest to back the fuck up. 
“Uhhh, is something goin on here?” Tora looks back and forth between the both of you. 
“It’s non-existent.” You want to nip this in the bud, you whip your head back to your bestie who is also concerned about what is happening. “Shinzu, I’m going to head out. I had a long flight and my jet lag is about to knock me out.” She nods.
“Oh of course, I wasn’t expecting you to stay long. Do you want me to come out and wait with you?” Before you can answer, Ran jumps in.
“I can drive you home.” 
“How about you jump in your own ass and fuck off?” Shinzu’s friends are astonished at how badly you are treating Ran. He is being a gentleman, offering you a ride home and you chose to be rude. You didn’t care what they think, you are now focusing on Shinzu again, “I’ll be fine. You don’t need to wait with me. Go enjoy yourself. I’ll give you your birthday present later.” 
“Oh okay, at least let me walk you to the door.” She follows you right out, Ran’s lavender eyes follow the both of you out of the club. He needs to know more about you. Tora put his hand on Ran’s shoulder, breaking his thoughts.
“Hey, don’t take what she says to heart. She’s really a sweet person.” Ran’s lips quiver upwards.
“Is she? Could you tell me more about her?” Tora knows where this is going and needs to put his foot down.
“Don’t. I know what you’re thinking but you can’t be interested in her.” Ran is surprised Tora is cockblocking him. “There are plenty of girls here for you to be playing with, just not [Y/n]. She’s off limits.” 
“Off limits?” Ran chuckles darkly, “You should know better who you are talking to.” He comes closer to Tora with an intimidating stance, “I take what I want. So either you tell me more about her, or I will use my methods. Your choice.”
“No.” Tora knows Ran well enough that he will not hurt him. “I’m asking you as my brother, leave [Y/n] alone.” Ran frowns, then steps away from Tora and sighs in defeat. 
“Alright, fine. I’ll leave her alone.” Tora pats Ran’s shoulder and smiles softly.
“Thanks, brother.” 
It has been a few weeks since Ran last saw you at the club, he continues to keep his promise with Tora to leave you alone. He really did his best to forget about you, but how could he? You have plagued his mind. You are completely different from the women he’s been with. A fresh breath of air. He is bored of the same type of women. The only way he can temporarily forget about you is to keep himself busy with work.
Ran is at the Art District in Shibuya, Bonten owns several businesses here and he needs to collect payment. At the last stop, Ran happens to notice an art supply store across the street. His lavender eyes are shaken, he finds a familiar face … yours. You are wearing a white crop top with short dark blue overalls and white sneakers. He couldn’t help but to smile, you are adorable no matter what you wear. What should he do? Should he come say hello? Maybe come into the store and buy those paint brushes in your small hands? 
He is distracted by his thoughts that he almost didn’t notice you have already stepped out of the art supply store. I know I shouldn’t but … his long legs take off running. Ran can’t help himself, he needs to see you again. “[Y/n]!” He touches your shoulder to grab your attention, you on the other hand are about ready to deck him in the face but stop when you see him.
“You, again?” You lower your fist, which Ran finds amusing. You are definitely unique. “What are you doing here?” 
“Got some business to attend to.” Ran is happy you are at least talking to him, maybe this can start something new. “Then I happened to see you and wanted to say hi.” He displays his famous charming smile.
“Could’ve kept walking …” You mumble, then look back at him. “Is that all?”
“Have lunch with me.” Your eyes widen, why would he want to have lunch with you when you have been so cold towards him? Is he some kind of masochist? Right when you are about to reject his offer, your stomach starts growling … traitor, you called your stomach.
“Fine, but you’re paying.” 
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Ran is elated you agreed to have lunch with him, he can finally start to get to know you. 
“You’re a painter, right?” Ran asks at a casual sushi restaurant that serves sushi on a conveyor belt. You arch one eyebrow, then he nods at your bag. “You have paint brushes, I assume you’re a painter.” 
“You’re right, Sherlock. I am a painter.” You pick up a salmon roll and plop it in your mouth. 
“What kind of paintings do you do?” 
“Landscapes.” You answer curtly, however it doesn’t seem to bother Ran. He genuinely is content that you are at least answering his questions. Your eyes flicker in his direction, he seems enthralled. “My style is impressionist landscape either with acrylic or oil painting.”
“That’s fascinating, I am terrible with art. How did you get into art?” You have a sorrowful gaze when you pick up an eel roll. 
“A family member inspired me.” He sensed you didn’t want to talk about it and didn’t want to put pressure on you. 
“Have you done any art exhibits?” Ran changes the subject to make you feel more comfortable with him.
“I came back from Paris about three weeks ago and now I am working on another expo.” He places his arm on the table and his hand is under his chin.
“Oooh, am I invited to this one?” You arch one of your eyebrows again.
“You’re interested in art?” 
“I’m interested in whatever you make.” Ran gives you a cutesy smile, you almost want to roll your eyes but he does look cute when he smiles like that. You also never realized how pretty his lavender eyes are. Actually now you have a better look at him, he’s quite handsome. His tattoo on his neck is quite … sexy. Your eyes trail from his tattoo to his large hand, then you look back up to his eyes again and he definitely notices you are checking him out. “Thinking of painting a portrait of me, darling?” Ran playfully winks, you turn away to hide your redden cheeks.
“As if I want to.” You mumble. The rest of lunch went pleasantly and you didn’t find Ran intolerant as much anymore. You are becoming a little intrigued by him. JUST A LITTLE.
“You’re back here again?” Ran has been frequently visiting your art studio nearly every single day. It was a bit annoying at first, but now you are looking forward to his visits. He always comes with a lunch box for you since the first time he came, you missed lunch because you were too focused on your painting. 
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss visiting my favorite little paintbrush.” Ran holds up a brown bag with pack lunches for the both of you. You wash the splatter paints off your hands and take a seat with Ran. 
“You missed a spot.” Ran tells you, you look down on your hands to check but you don’t see any paint on you, he chuckles. “On your face.” He points to the spot.
“Oh.” You grab a paper towel to wipe where Ran mentions but he grabs your wrist to stop.
“A paper towel will be too rough on your skin, let me.” He wipes your cheek, “Gosh, you have another spot here and here.” He continues to wipe your face, however you feel your cheeks feel wet. That’s when you catch on his fingertips, there are paints on them.
“You asshole! You’re making a mess on my face!” Ran laughs as you tackle him down while grabbing some paint of your own and start painting on his face. “Since you are being devilish,” You paint his face with little devil horns and a funny moustache, “I’ll paint you as the devil.” Ran doesn’t even fight you, he enjoys watching you paint on him. “There!” You just realize you are on top of him and leaning close to his face. Right when you are about to get off of him, Ran holds you in place and uses his strength to pull you closer to his lips. His hand is in your loose ponytail, playfully tugging them. 
His lavender eyes are filled with a fiery passion, he’s been wanting to kiss you this whole time. Now he has you in his arms, he doesn’t want to let go. Ran leans in but is interrupted by a phone call. “Shit.” He reluctantly releases you and sees a call from Kakucho, something must have happened with the mission. “Sorry, I have to go. Work call.”
“Uh, before you go.” You quickly climb off of him with your heart beating expeditiously. You wet a paper towel for him to use to wipe his face. “Here.”
“Thanks. See you later.” Ran walks out of your painting studio.
“See you …” 
Later that night, Ran comes back to check if you are still at your painting studio. He still sees the lights on, so he decides to come in. When he opens the door, he hears you talking in panic but why are you getting worked up? He takes a peak to see you are talking to Shinzu, Tora’s girlfriend.
“I can’t have feelings for him,” Your eyes are brimming with tears, “not after Yuki’s death.” Who’s Yuki, Ran questions himself. 
“[Y/n], Yuki would want you to move on.” Shinzu tries to calm you down with a soothing tone, “It’s been five years, you deserve to live your life and be happy.” 
“Happy?” The word sounds bitter in your mouth, “It was my fault he died!” Your tears are now dripping on your face.
“That wasn’t your fault!”
“I couldn’t hold onto him!” You are visibly shaking, admitting this out loud. “I couldn’t … I was too weak and my hand … let go. I still have nightmares about it … I can’t even look at his last unfinished painting without feeling haunted by him.” Ran’s chest softens when he sees you crying into your small hands. Shinzu walks over to give you a comforting hug.
“I know I can’t understand losing a twin,” Ran’s heart plummets, so it was your brother? He can’t imagine the pain you are feeling, “but I know Yuki doesn’t want you to be plagued by his death. You need closure to move on. Finish his painting. Finish what he started.” 
“I-I can’t.” Your anxiety and guilt is eating you up. “I can’t do it. I’m not brave enough to face him.” 
“Then let’s face him together.” Ran steps into view, startling the both of you. “I will be right by your side.” 
“What the hell, Ran?!” Your face scrunched up in anger, “Were you listening this whole time?!”
“Yes and I’m not sorry that I did.” Ran approaches you and Shinzu. “If you are scared, then take my hand.” He extends his hand out for you to take it. “I’ll be your anchor. Your rock. Every time you are feeling anxious, I’ll be right here with you. I promise, I won’t leave by your side. If you fall, I will pick you right back up.” Your eyes are shaken, feeling hesitant to take his hand.
“Take his hand, [Y/n].” Shinzu encourages you, she sees how much Ran cares for you. You look at Ran’s downturned eyes, they’re that passionate again. His steady arm, waiting for you to take his hand. He’s not going to give up on you. You slowly reach out for him and he does not hesitate to take your hand, pulling you into him.
“I won’t let go. Not until you’re done.” 
Ran kept his word, he stood by you while holding your hand and watched you work on your twin brother’s painting. Every time he felt like you were feeling overwhelmed or anxious, he whispered encouraging and sincere words. After a while, he senses your determination to finish your brother’s work. You needed both of your hands to do the texturing and Ran still remained by your side. Your bravery and willful attitude made Ran fall for you. 
“It’s … complete.” This painting took the whole night into the morning without any rest. Ran stares at the finished canvas. This is a painting of a couple hugging under a sakura tree, the sakura tree is textured making it look 3D. The male looks similar to you, Ran guesses that is your twin brother and the female must have been his significant other. You painted the landscape beautifully, it looked as though it’s from a fairy tale. 
“It’s beautiful.” Ran compliments your work, “I’m sure your brother would be happy you finished his work.” 
“...Yeah.” The painting may be completed but there is still one more person you need to face. 
Ran stands beside you while you nervously ring the doorbell, it takes a few minutes before someone opens up the door. He recognizes the woman, she is the girl in your painting. She is surprised to see you after five years, you apologized for your absence and told her you had a gift for her. You hand her the present, containing the painting. She unwraps your gift, the moment she sees the painting, she bursts into tears. She pulls you into a hug, telling you thank you and you hug her back with tears. Still apologizing for your brother’s death. She tells you that she never once blamed you and wishes you all the happiness. The burden you had on your shoulders has now lifted. 
You have woken up from your nap, feeling more refreshed compared to the last 5 years. You turn your head to find Ran sleeping peacefully next to you. Because you have him, you are able to move on. You lean close to him and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, when you pull away his arm snakes around you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” His lavender eyes are gradually opening, meeting your content gaze. “It’s a crime to kiss me when I’m not awake.” Your lips quirk upwards.
“How would you know that happened if you weren’t awake?” Ran prop his other arm up to have a good view of you. Your bedhead looks like a bird’s nest but he still finds you pretty. 
“Touche, but-” His arm that is around you pulls you closer to him, “I want you to kiss me when I’m more awake. Such as right now.” A playful grin spread on his lips and you are a bit flustered.
“I can’t do it if-” Ran slant his lips against yours, his lips feels good on yours. It’s been so long since you have kissed someone. You kiss him back without feeling guilty, he deepens the kiss and uses his tongue to swipe across your bottom lip. You grant him access to let him play with your tongue. The way his tongue dances with yours makes you feel good and turns you on. 
Ran rolls you on your back and he climbs on top of you, placing loving kisses from your lips down to your neck. Licking, sucking, and biting your plush skin, earning some sultry moans from you. His hands lift up your shirt to gain access to your tits, giving them some squeezes and plays with your nipples. He strategically rolls your nipples with his skillful fingers, making you twitch from his touch. Ran moves his lips down to your abdomen, coming closer to your nether region.
“Wai-wait.” You stop him before he proceeds to take off your pants. “It’s been awhile since … I … um.” Your cheeks are now blushing, it’s so cute how shy you are. “You don’t need to-” Ran kisses your lips once again to interrupt you.
“Let me take care of you, baby girl.” He gently takes off your pants along with your white cotton panties. You close your legs in embarrassment, but of course he’s not going to let you stay like that for long. Ran spread your legs, lowering himself down and looks are your glistening cunt. You have some hairs but not enough to deter Ran from eating you. He opens your pussy lips, takes one long stride of your lips and moans. You are fuckin delicious. 
Ran messily eats your pussy, you hear him slurping and so many lewd wet sounds but you feel too good to care how embarrassing it sounds. He laps your clit and sticks two fingers in your hole. As you mention, it has been awhile so your pussy is extremely tight. He sucks on your clit, making you shake and scream from pleasure. Your walls pulsate around his fingers, letting him know you have cummed. Ran sits back up, unbuttoning his pants and releasing his thick cock and sucking on the fingers that were in your pussy. 
He leans down, putting a little weight on you, “I’m going to need you to listen to me.” Ran talks roguishly in your ear, “I want you to take a deep breath for me.” You listen, taking a deep breath, “Now exhale through your pretty lips.” The moment you exhale, you feel something big plunging in your pussy and nearly taking your breath away.
“Fuckkk …” 
“You’re doing so well, baby girl. Just a bit more.” Ran slowly pushes his thick cock into you, making you feel every inch and vein. He finally bottoms out, waiting for you to adjust his size. You feel so full with him so deep inside you. Ran starts thrusting in a slow pace, you whimper and make cute moans for him. He kisses you with more heat and gradually increases his rhythm. You wrap your arms around his neck, moaning into his lips and enjoying the pleasure. He thrusts even deeper, making you hug him tighter in your arms and crying into his neck. Ran wraps you close to him and keeps hitting your g-spot. 
“Oh god, yes! Ran!” You cry out his name, Ran grunts and groans into your ear. You cup Ran’s face for him to look into your feverish eyes, “Please … please go faster and harder.” How can he say no to you? He gives you another sloppy kiss before granting your plea. “Oh Ran!” You are calling his name like a prayer and he ravishes you. “I’m about to cum, I’m about to cum.” Ran keeps the fast pace and goes harder to have you cum on his angry cock. You let out a pornographic moan and arching your back. “Ran, Ran!” He captures your lips, feeling your gummy walls squeezing him.
“Feel so good, baby girl.” He continues to pump his cock into you, letting you enjoy your high. He keeps going until he is getting close to ejaculating. “Where do you want me to cum?” 
“In-inside, please. I want to feel your love.” 
“Fuck, [Y/n]. Let me show you how much I love you.” Ran continues to slam his cock, about to bust and he let out a loud guttural groan. He paints your gummy walls white, creating his own artform. He waits for a few minutes before taking his cock out, thick cum is spilling out of his pussy. It is stunning. He lays down next to you, pulling you into his arms and tenderly kissing you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m more than okay, better than before.” You look up with a loving gaze, “Thank you. I … wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”  Ran smile softly, then place your head against his neck for you to nuzzle into.
“I promise you, didn’t I?” Ran huskily talks while stroking your disarray hair, “I won’t leave your side.” 
“Does … does it still apply since … now I’m done with my brother’s painting?” There is a moment of silence, you have a slight panic that Ran will up and leave you.
“[Y/n] …” You are almost scared to look at him but you need to face your anxiety, you make eye contact, “if it’s alright with you, I want to stay here with you.”
“You do?” Your voice cracks a little.
“Yeah,” Ran caresses your cheek, “I’m not planning on leaving even if you push me away. I will always be here.” 
“Ran …” You wrap your arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him with longing. Who knew you would find someone at a club that would change your life?
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
Network: @tokyo-ballroom
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kekaki-cupcakes · 6 months
Happy (I’m late I know) birthday! Btw your Jason x body art was pure fire!
Thank you sm bestie <3<3 <3
I really liked writing that one cause it was super creative and sorta random so I got to think about it for a few days and build it up I love those sorta asks
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remy-roll-writes · 7 months
I just saw your headcanons about Gassan Kunimitsu on this anon ask and oh boy. I love them. I want to write something about Gassan Kunimitsu so bad now. May I ask for more headcanons please 👀
Of course I can! Here is the first part for anyone who hasn't read it yet
this time, I want to focus a bit more on their relationships!!
Hachisuka, Tsukishima and Ichimonji are in the same class. While Tsukishima and Hachisuka are studying quietly and paying attention, Ichimonji has a hard time keeping track. Tsukishima has started giving Ichimonji some of his notes. Hachisuka did the same but... his handwriting is the worst, Ichimonji can't read it at all.
Sanada has the fanciest pens for their notes. Their notes always look like art. Most of their classmates ask them for a copy and they always say yes. Takenaka tells them to say "no" more often because he's scared Sanada is just being used.
Shibata and Ichimonji have practiced kissing on each other. "just in case" because what if they meet a cute girl? They're just in denial
Minamisawa and Shima get along pretty well. They're in the same class, usually picking each other for group projects. The rest of Gassan Kunimitsu was shocked when they called each other friends because Shima is so calm and gentle and Minamisawa is... Minamisawa.
Considering Minamisawa and Ibuki, it's a mess. They annoy each other all the time, they keep hitting each other and yet, they're besties. Their love language is being mean to each other
Masamune and Osafune hang out a lot but they barely talk. Both are very quiet people and just enjoying each other's presence is enough for them
Kobayakawa carries Kai and Karasuma around all the time. On the field is probably the only place you see them walking on their own
Kanehira, Minamisawa and Shima are the only 3rd years in the team. Kanehira is the oldest and is now considered the team's grandpa. But don't mention that around coach Kondou, he will get mat (he feels even older then)
Yamamoto is often worried he's not as good as a goalkeeper as Hyoudou or Ibuki. Especially because Ibuki is a newbie and still very talented. But Hyoudou and Ibuki keep reassuring him (more like, Hyoudou reassures him and Ibuki goes "maybe you're not horrible") and they often train together
does this count as late birthday present?
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faggot-friday · 2 years
So I’m late as shit for appreciation day but I figured the term ‘‘better late than never’’ can come in handy once again. Also now surprise! Unexpected compliments! I think that’s better than slightly-suspected ones tbh. The only good surprises.
First off, we’re going with @gay-otlc. Bro. Your writing. It slaps. It’s fucking awesome. Shoutout to all your tierden shit btw it lives in my head rent-free. All your writing’s funny as shit and also it makes me want to slam my fist into a wall in an affectionate sort of a way. If you like endless tears and angst that feels like a knife to the gut, totally recommend. There is also occasional fluff if you’re more into that sorta shit. This guy’s the full package honestly
And now @xanadaus. The organiser of this entire shabang. Your art makes me feel things and while brain won’t let me know what those things are I’m pretty sure they’re good things. Also, your writing is amazing as well. The best of both things. No I will not shut up about scar tissue it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read, comfort fic level 100. Yes i am rereading it now what are y’all gonna do about it
@bookwyrminspiration you’re on here as well. Hii. I haven’t read your writing but I’ve been meaning to i swear. I WILL read the wings au. Eventually. Also, your art is >>>. I literally cannot put into words how much I love your art so I’m just using math symbols instead. Those Linh drawings got made for the art challenge, godDAMN. Also you put up with my bullshit which is always appreciated so thanks for that :)
@when-wax-wings-melt your!!!!!!!!!!! fucking!!!!!!!!!!! fics!!!!!!!!!! Holy mcshitshow I love your fics so much. Like! All the repeating themes! And how lines are the same sometimes but have different meaning through context! Gagahevhagudgaugduagsus! I could get really into symbolism and shit but I’m not because it’s late and I’m tired and I probably wouldn’t understand half the shit I’m saying anyways. But! I would do a dissection under sterile conditions of all of your fics purely because they’re so fucking good and I want every piece of them in my brain cavities
@constant-sapphic-breakdown bestie!!! Your shit is fucking lit bro, and also <3 fren!!! Ik that birthday fic you wrote me isn’t kotlc but that doesn’t stop it from being good as shit, like bro, I am jealous of your talents. Literally everything you make is so fucking good, and you also put up with my bullshit which is amazing
I can’t word too great right now so these may seem kinda half-baked. As this post gets older you may wish to check the reblogs in case I add anyone who I only just thought of. Happy ten years of keeper everyone <3
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