#this hc is now living rent-free in my head
knickknacksandallthat · 7 months
i hope you and kevin (i wonder if he ever goes trick or treating with jean and jeremy) have a wonderful day
HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO YOU TOO, anon!!! I hope your treats were tasty and your night was both spooky and satisfying 😉
Hmm, as for Kerejean, this is what I picture:
Kevin and Jean both view the holiday as pointless and inane. Neither believes (for the most part) in apparitions or otherworldly specters, nor did they ever celebrate such frivolity in the Nest. So the holiday seems both ridiculous and over-commercialized to them. Kevin is confused about the extreme obsession with costumes, Jean finds the over-the-top amount of black and orange decor distasteful, and both abhor the amount of candy given out and consumed.
But Jeremy.
Jeremy, in my head, is the Heidi Klum of the AFTG universe. He's inviting everyone he knows over for a Boo Bash. He's organizing the entire neighborhood to do an adult trick or treat, with mini bottles of alcohol and edibles and flavored lube packets exchanged. He's got dry ice fog seeping out of his frankenpunch. His entire place has been transformed into a haunted house with sound effects and all. His candy buffet's color scheme is Trojan-themed. His Halloween outfits range from slutty to scary to disgusting and he wears glitter and fishnets and fake blood and fairy wings and vampire teeth and monster fur and zombie-peeling skin equally. He LIVES for this holiday.
And his boyfriends...well. Who are they to deny him?
They follow his strict Halloween movie schedule for each day of the month that they can barely squeeze in with their schedules, but somehow still manage to each year. Kevin holds perfectly still as Jeremy paints fake blood on his face next to the vampire teeth he got him, and thinks at least the drinks will be good. Jean dips apples into candy, chocolate, and toffee at Jeremy's direction and thinks at least this costume allows me to see that gorgeous strip of skin on his lower back.
But most of all, they watch him flit around the party, welcoming an insane number of guests in, turning up his Halloween playlist to a decibel loud enough to shake the rafters, bobbing for "poisoned" apples, and shoving frankly unhealthy amounts of candy into his face and think...
...at least he's happy.
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mintjeru · 2 years
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taking a break between tasks, time to post old kvthm doodles
open for better quality | no reposts | ID under the cut
[Image description: A page of uncolored digital sketches of Kaveh and Alhaitham.
The topmost sketch is a redraw of a scene from the Archon Quest in which Kaveh frowns while looking up to meet Alhaitham's gaze.
The bottom left drawing depicts Kaveh and Alhaitham in an embrace. Alhaitham is nestled into Kaveh's chest and looking forwards with a neutral expression. One of his arms reaches around Kaveh's waist. Kaveh smiles as he looks forwards. One hand loosely caresses the back of Alhaitham's neck while the other lightly touches his jawline.
The bottom right drawings depict a chibi Alhaitham and smiling chibi Kaveh. An arrow with the phrase "do not separate them!!" points at them.]
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A random assortment of autistic!Yusei headcanons on this fine Friday in December.
Yusei got a weighted blanket after the whole Arc Cradle ordeal. Best sleep he's ever had. Crow tried to borrow it once; it did not end well for him, lol.
Eye contact? What's that? Yusei doesn't know her.
He's more prone to shutdowns than meltdowns but they both do happen. (He's definitely accidently hurt himself on more than one occasion but he's gotten better at redirecting those behaviors even on his own as he's gotten older and his reactions less severe.)
He's semi-verbal to begin with so periods of losing speech entirely are a fairly normal occurrence. He's usually fine, and if he still needs to say something, the boys all know sign language anyway. (It's not "real" SL but rather a dialect of Satellite the citizens created to be able to communicate without Sector Security understanding them. Yes, I stole this from @/shitpostingkats, what of it? It lives rent free in my head.) The first time it happens after moving to the City, Yusei doesn't even consider that Aki and the twins don't know their SL and so he signs. Crow laughs at everyone's dumbfounded looks before he both translates for Yusei and then explains. All three are more than eager to learn it. (Rua thinks its "the coolest thing ever" in typical Rua fashion.)
Never quite breaks out of the "subtle stims only" mindset that was forced by necessity of the environment he grew up in. He wasn't about to give Sector Security any reason to single him out, after all, and old habits die really hard. Aki noticed he tended to rub his fingers together a lot, to the point of sometimes accidently scratching himself on the sharper edges of his nails when he's not wearing his gloves and started looking for other options. She bought him a spinner ring for his birthday and while it didn't 100% fix the problem, it did help quite a bit. (Between that and a tangle, he's practically good to go. He never had anything like that growing up, and they bring him great joy to have now.)
For the same reason, he was technically never diagnosed as a kid because Martha didn't want to paint a target on his back with SS. When he moved to the City, he didn't see any point. He was self-employed so any accommodations he could possibly need he could just, ya know, give himself. The first time he ever truly considered it was after he started working for MIDS and was working on his degree. (Even then it took quite a bit of convincing because he wasn't sold on it actually being helpful.)
Feel free to add on!
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abysmal-eve · 6 months
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THEY.... 🥹😭❤️💞💕💘💖
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spumonibones · 9 months
ZhongChi No One Asked For
Collected from my Twitter. An assortment of ideas or headcanons that literally no one asked for and once you read them no, no returns accepted.
Tangents separated by: *********
If Zhongli went to Ningguang for advice on writing love letters, she'd show him the ones Beidou wrote her. They're vulgar & cheesy, clearly the sort of thing that'll dissuade a Fatui & nothing will come of it. Instead, Childe who's humor is a mix of a serial unaliver & immature teenager, laughs so hard he cries at the dirty limericks. Beidou is very proud of Zhongli, & Xiao just wants to know why Zhongli never asked the Anemo Gremlin (Venti). "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your face is cute, And your booty is, too." This was the epitome of Zhongli's efforts. Beidou and Childe both agree, truly, romance isn't dead.
Separately Zhongli and Childe are 100% competent, but whenever they're together they share a single brain cell.
I like to think that the Zhongli/Tartaglia ship is both Zhongli & Childe discovering they're both demi & both are unable to compute. Like Zhongli just going to Ganyu, who has no idea he's Morax & he forgot because Childe has their single brain cell that day, & he's just like -
Z: Hey I wanna get down & dirty with an adorable killing machine & I've never felt this urge before what do? G: ...what. Z: .......I want to fu- G: Look I must advise you to not get intimate with a killing machine for liability purposes, now please leave.
(This was before I was made aware that yes, Ganyu do know.)
On Childe and Zhongli's first date, things start normal enough. It's when afterwards, when Childe is leading Zhongli down an alleyway quietly as he can that the date stops abiding by, "normal."
Childe's eyes glow in the night & his smile is devious. Zhongli watches him paint a very poor rendition of a d*ck on the wall. Z: What are you doing? C: Art. Your turn! Thus, that night, many d*cks were painted upon Liyue's walls. Childe would often marvel at the detail Zhongli put into his. By morning, the two had parted, & Zhongli lay in his bed. It wasn't until the first scream of the Millelith that he could rest, relaxing knowing Liyue's people were still protected & that Childe was probably laughing. It was a good date.
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mofffun · 6 months
Team wings headcanons??? Any????
They are children on the playground and arguing is proof of their "friendship"!!
Rita being the secret supplier to Yanma's antique collection (think government auction, double as one Gokkan's source of income)
Yanma Gast 100% knew about Moffun.
Yanma the hashtag angry mark vs Rita the pool of yarn mark (ahhh I want to doodle)
THEM WITH KIDS: Rita scaring a little girl in N’kosopa vs. the flower twirl with Ishabana boy + Yanma is a good teacher
when did they first hear the king-ohger legend
"You don't even know that?" -> Yanma: yelling at auroras to "turn off your damn speakers!!!" // Rita: can't tell a lightning cable from a type c
I don't think Rita is bad in tech in terms of lacking a sense in it but they just never had the need to study it
Rita will never say the full technical name for Yanma's inventions though (Does he even know his lie detector is called the Thundercarcker behind his back?)
(bringing the actors into this) Rita serectly adding another grudge on their list because Yanma's Moffun voice is actually really good
per manga ch13, the grudge list grew again because the Jealous Judge's retainer has a heart uchiwa for the yankii king
Yanma is smart enough to motivate the judge with words into helping him if necessary but it'll take a minute hour for Rita to begin wonder if it was because they agreed with his reasoning or his choice of words
Yanma is 2 years older but by kingship he is 6 years Rita's junior. Their first meeting happened at 21/19. The number fluctuates because I also really want to see their first meeting at 19/15.
similarity and differences:
teased by Himeno, Yanma turns red and Rita turns white
they are too gay to sit properly
parallel play (they could sit in a coffee shop for hours and people would think they are angry with each other because they're not talking but it's actually the most comfortable way for them to stay together in the same room)
unconsciously hum while working long hours
“what is sleep”/caffeine addicts 
 you KNOW they both have a tendency to fall asleep in their office
Both have a sweet tooth but Yanma in drinks and Rita in hard candy. Rita more so than Yanma because butterfly.
don’t really look at what he’s eating vs. has a gokkan-native comfort food
Yanma doesn't mind trying foods with dry/weird textures Rita is not exactly a picky eater (because gokkan food shortage/low variety of homegrown food) but typical “I need that texture once in a while or I start malfunctioning”
(Gokkan has all sort of weird pickles and dried meats, typical winter country)
Like any northerner Rita has a high alcohol tolerance though without a preference (okay Gokkan harvest(?) festival and the one day the prison complex is allowed fruit punch) and you'll find me beat up before I say Yanma Gast can take more than a beer.
Yanma Gast has a HUGE ego but I think it’s only gotten worse by having an eternal hyper in Shiokara. Does Rita has an ego? long story short, yeah.
first meeting
development of king's hotline/ohger calibur/king's weapon
the moffun scalper
development of the lie detector
yanma's arrest and trial
when yanma and rita were castle-mates (?) before himeno and kagu got themselves in jail
jail time
the body swap phone call!!
body swap resolution (admit it canon is not giving it to us)
the voyage back home
maintenance spa day of the shugods
first meeting: I think one reason Rita doesn't like N'kosopa much (and an underlying cause to them randomly arresting everyone in 28 besides stress), is organized crime plagued N'kosopa in the aftermath of Wrath of Gods.
Post-Wrath, the blue king ran away, so N'kosopa is either an anarchy or at warring states where crime bosses and militarists took hold. "Police" exist but took bribes per Shiokara. At that time, Rita just became king themself and has enough on their plate. So even though it's technically a domestic affair, it's a growing potential threat to Chikyuu's order but it's too systemic for a 10-year-old foreigner to take on alone.
I also think Rita would be required to witness the day Yanma officially becomes King. He has the popular vote, but to keep things simple, the monarchy is kept instead of transitioning into procedural democracy. So the yakuza lawyer, Usba maybe, say they have to get the Chief Justice here, to everyone turning blue and silent for a moment from the excited discussion of a big ceremony hearing their name.
but! my initial fic idea in may/june was very simple because I only wanted to put them in a bike + sidecar and sunglasses and comedic road trip. They chase down a McGuffin to help a kid. Their budapest. Where Yanma making "Absolute Neutrality" Rita's name comes from something they said. Maybe that's why the couldn't end the incident in a less legal but more effective way.
another first meeting idea allows them to meet younger as late teens is maintenance day for the shugods. A very random event is if the Yanma needs the Ohger Calibur to stay over temporarily, how is Rita gonna continue with the trials? Did he buy them a substitute pon pon Moffun hammer at the tuck shop??
Developing the henshin system: See I think Yanma is not going to bother putting in a function that he personally can’t use but knowing it’s a team’s weapon, as a good designer, he at least has to ask the other kings what they want as an auxillary. What is his reaction hearing Rita says bow? (i talk as if anything other than HA? is an option) What if Rita didn’t suggest bow, but Yanma just assigned them that because it fits that stick-in-the-mud?
Body swap resolution: Yanma wants to train his body but doesn't know where to start. I mean, he can't ask Rita of course. But if anyone can keep a secret, it's them. Oh of course he doesn't have to go that far and outright get humiliated again, so he has to phrase it like picking a fight. Rita is down anytime to "convince" Yanma Gast so they didn't really register it as a one either. (re: Erica saying arguing is the proof that this two are "friends")
Yanma's arrest:
Yanma's hair got fried blond because of his ultracomputer
N'kosopa mass protest + boast rally that conversely proved Yanma is the culprit
nobody remembers to hire Yanma a lawyer
a particular loud shriek when Gokkan's power black out (lucky for yanma it's summer i.e. long day)
Morfonia and her unsaved files
Yanma's sentence include improving Gokkan TV/Internet reception as community service
Jeramie using the "boys will be boys"/"he's just a kid" defence as Yanma's Grand-Master to mask he secretly contributed here and there
+ power blackout doesn't really affect the bugnarok because they're underground and only beginning to build a power system with Gira and Shugoddom's help
Shugoddom's historic gas lamps!
Himeno breaking down Yanma's door because "if not for my hospitals all equipped with the best backup power!" (solar/wind energy), and that she can't curl her hair that morning.
Kaguragi turned it into a campfire story night/community event somehow
Yanma's trial day is the day Gokkan's immigration and tourism board has to overwork for the first time.
Shiokara and hacker gang arguing for visitation rights. homemade bento
does yanma sentence last for more than two years if he says prison break is an additional charge?
Gira tried negotiations but he knew he isn't being fair and backed down quickly with a Rita stare
Yanma got dragged away with Papi-chan helicopter style, he's yelling at Tonbo to put in a good word for for his buddy and Papi-chan ignore him lol
They have two key words: past/present and secrets.
the thing with wings is, they somehow sparked in each other another side. (i.e. they drive each other crazy, and they are the only ones that can do that to the other) But then they spring back like nothing next day like children on the playground.
On a level, these two are actually very similar in terms of being analytical and practical. Yet their conflict comes from attacking problems from opposite angles. Rita represents the past and Yanma the future. Rita will collect evidence and review history while Yanma focuses on what's already in hand and invents something new. I said that right, but in a way Rita is forward-facing when they never let any childhood trauma stay a trauma or haunt them; Yanma is nostalgic based on his antique/physical media collection.
You may say it's partly recognition of the self. That's why they are only antagonistic 80% of the time.
(hc territory) They ended up doing the same thing/making the same choice ouf of completely different reasons. They are more similar than they think they are but no one can name what/why (not even me).
Yanma Gast 100% knew about Moffun but he kept his mouth shut in ep11. He (should) never told anyone about what Rita did in the underworld. I'm lying to myself he trusted the judge won't do something they didn't deem necessary so he turned away in 38.
Rita holds grudges. Yanma Gast is the source of their headache since he stole Gira and kick-started the story. Sometimes they don't get how such an obnoxious person is so popular. But Rita guesses, he's dependable when it's important. Not a very skilled fighter but he's not dumb. At least they can count on him not to intervene if they make it clear they are making a move.
the movie scene: No spoilers, but, I just think that’s a really nice scene to that established how different Yanma and Rita are while providing a base for reconciliation following their argument in 19. Neither of them are acting like their usual self. I don’t mean they are ooc, but you see them perform different than everyday under an unknown situation.
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mr-stottlemonk · 2 months
my own little headcanon is that Randy thinks Stottlemeyer and Monk are a couple well before they actually become a couple and is just being a good ally by not saying anything, even to them. After all, being a gay police captain isn't easy in the 00s, not even in San Francisco. Randy continues to have the misconception(?)* for years and years until one day Stottlemeyer says something like, "Well, tomorrow's Adrian and my tenth anniversary." And Randy's like "Oh you mean fifteenth?"
The '?' is because maybe Randy is right and Stottlemeyer and Monk just haven't realized that they're basically married already yet, lol
THE WAY I LOVE THIS HEADCANON. CRADLING IT IN MY PALMS GENTLY!! the way i'd love to read this. if you ever have any plans anon, 🙏 i bow to thee. i will be screaming in the comments, sobbing with joy.
( ´ ꒳ ` ) im not crying youre crying
oh, but the way this hc fills my heart for real though... Randy thinks he's being a good pal helping them keep it lowkey.
wouldn't it be adorable if Randy keeps a check of who doesn't listen to the other in his notebook? (Monk: 103, Captain: 7)
😭😭 lmfao, Randy was keeping count long before they ever were. true stottlemonk shipper he is.
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remholder · 8 months
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hands you a Them
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kirric-the-fan · 7 months
Erika accidentally outs one of the other oblivious cures by asking "So how's your girlfriend?" And then it becomes a thing. Here are some of the most entertaining responses:
Love: ???????
Minami: O.O *tomato.tm*
Riko: *flustered central*
Mana: *beaming* "Which one?"
Lala: "F-fine!"
Reika & Nao: ???
Older Kurumi: "I wish!" *Immediately descends into a rant about how she doesn't notice*
Akira finds Yukari pouting at one of the meets. She's a little put-out because Erika has asked everyone but her.
Yukari: "Do you think she doesn't know? Maybe we need to drop a few more hints."
Yukari: does the biggest, queerest lesbian magical girl couple fight moves possible without just full on making out. Erika still doesn't say anything.
Yukari: "Do you think I have to actually tell them I'm gay? Spell it out? I'm G.A.Y.!"
Erika, in the distance: "WE KNOW, YUKARI!"
And the one she didn't expect:
To Yuri: "So how's my sister?"
Yuri: "Don't you mean 'how's your girlfriend?' ?"
Erika: "Why would I-"
Erika: "..."
Erika: 0.0
Yuri: 😎
Erika: "AaaaaahhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-"
Yuri: Eyyyyyyy
Erika, after trying to work out who she hadn't asked yet: "Hey, Nagisa-"
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silencedrage · 1 year
i find it kind of hilarious that tai is so worried about lottie knowing about her sleepwalking when technically, lottie was the first person to learn about tai's sleepwalking. i wonder if lottie realizes yet that she did see tai out in the woods eating dirt that one night
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femme-malewife · 1 year
Anyway do yall think that Koichiro will one day be taller than Yujiro?
We know absolutely nothing about Yujiro’s birth dad except that mf dead as hell, and Yujiro is short for his age (being the roughly the same heights as Fuuma, Kotaro before he hits a growth spurt, Natsuki, Mona...etc)
meanwhile, we know that Koichiro is Tamagoro’s only biological son, and that Tamagoro is probably the tallest guy in the entire franchise. 
Well, genetics be wildin, so what if Koichiro grows to be taller? 🤔
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numberonepartyboy · 2 months
thinking of genderfluid sanji hc everyday.....
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cow-smells · 9 months
Perv! Sanji hc's
Word count: 710
Warnings: sanji being a major creep, dubcon, drunk reader, im not great at warnings so just know this has dark themes and if that's not your jive, its best to skip this one
A/n: honestly and seriously, im embarrassed to have written this. the character of sanji and actor taz live rent free in my head. it is an issue. i will be seeking council
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He doesn’t become obsessed with you immediately after you join the crew. He’s after you the same way he is after any other woman, but the more he gets to know you, the less interested he is in other women until eventually, you’re the only one he sees.
And when I say obsessed, I mean the man is OBSESSED.
You could do no wrong in Sanji’s eyes. Every little thing you’d do, he’d fawn over and praise you for
It certainly didn’t hurt that you were receptive to his wandering hands when he would praise you
He took it upon himself to teach you to cook. Whenever you’d manage to improve your skills or make something tasty, Sanji would pick you up in an excited hug, he was so happy you were learning from him
And when he’d put you down from said hug, his hands always somehow found themselves on your bottom, squeezing, pushing you against him
The kitchen was his favourite place to be with you
There was a lot less space to move around than there was in the kitchen at the baratie, but Sanji didn’t mind; it just gave him a reason to have his hands on your waist anytime he needed to move you around – he loved how easy it was for him to control you like that
And whenever he needed something from a shelf above the counter where you stood, it was an excuse to cage you in, grinding his groin over your bum
Sometimes he’d use the fact he knew you were busy in the kitchen or someplace else on ship to allow himself in to your room
He’d smell your sheets, imagining waking up in them with you
Ruining them with you
He’d never leave your room without a souvenir
His favourite? Your used panties
He’d settle for a washed pair if you didn’t have any used ones but he just loves them used
It’s the closest to your cunt he could get right now
Sanji would spend those nights jerking off with your panties in hand, cumming in to them, thinking about you wearing them after
He once heard you whisper to Nami that you kept losing your underwear. Nami threw a glance at Sanji’s direction, but didn’t voice her suspicions
So Sanji learned to wash them and put them back, and it was actually nicer than keeping them. He liked thinking that you indirectly had his cum on your cunt
Any time Sanji would see you having any type of positive interaction with Zoro, the jealousy would send him up the wall
His frustrations would manifest themselves in extra-intense fighting with Zoro and being a lot less subtle with his perving on you
After he’d have a fight with zoro, he’d go to you for comfort
He liked to hug you from behind, acting upset and in need of your care, but really he just liked how you’d let his hands wander to your breasts
If he felt really bold, he’d let his hands snake under your shirt or your skirt
If you’d try to push him away he’d play up how distressed he was about whatever happened, he knew you have a soft spot for him, that’s why he loves you
He knew what your favourite dessert is and he loves making it for you. He may or may not have cum in the frosting.
He makes you cocktails all the time. He tries to get you inebriated because then you’re much more receptive of him sneaking his way in to your bed.
He knew you wanted him when you were sober, too, you were just shy and needed to be pushed in the right direction
He loves it when you’re drunk – he can kiss you all over, touch you all over, mark you up as his (which was partly for himself, and partly so zoro would finally take the hint)
And being drunk made you so cuddly. Sure, he was hot for you, but he really did love you and just loved having you wrapped around him
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shegetsburned · 5 months
To that one anon who gave the suggestion that the yukata that Sukuna wears is his wife’s; I love you and this idea now lives in my head rent free.
And with that being said, Mac, baby, please, can we have some headcanons on this?
────. ᰔᩚ 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒚𝒖𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒂
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w. ryomen sukuna
— a/n : still just as obsessed as you with this suggestion. so here’s some little hcs about sukuna wearing his wife’s yukata!
— def. yukata (浴衣, lit. 'bathrobe') is an unlined cotton summer kimono, worn in casual settings such as summer festivals and to nearby bathhouses.
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he has no shame in wearing yours, like absolutely none.
of course, it needs some adjustments to fit his enormous figure, so he might stretch some of its fabric when he’s impatient and you end up with a completely stretched-out yukata that doesn’t fit you any more thanks to your husband who has no patience nor time whatsoever.
don’t worry, sukuna had like a hundred hand-made for you if something happened.
when it does fit him, he wanders around proudly, silently waiting for you to realize he has yours and cackles at the face you make.
you do let him, though. how couldn’t you? he looks so good and you can’t help but think it’s also a way for him to show everyone around that he’s yours and yours only. he wouldn't wear anyone else’s clothes, would he? he’d absolutely despise it.
if yours isn’t available he’s had one made that matches yours.
watched closely as every little tiny detail of your yukata was represented on his. he needs it to be perfect- exactly like yours.
the sleeves are as long as yours, respecting the women’s sleeve extension. the thin belt (obi) is oriented just like yours, perfectly wrapped around his frame, just like how his wife wears it.
same fabric, same pattern, same colour.
he also wears it so he can smell you some more. he’s addicted to your scent and loves having you on his mind as soon as he puts it on.
a goddamn show-off as well. when he wears your yukata, it’s not to hide without parading outside like he owns the world. he knows how well he wears it and you can be sure everyone stares at him like the magnificent being that he is.
you should be jealous that your man wears your yukata so well.
it’s not that sukuna cares about matching with his wife or anything, it’s more a representation of you he can wear on himself whenever he pleases.
at the end of the day, his wife wears it best and he knows it when he lays his head on your lap, feeling the soft cotton fabric of the yukata against his hair, admiring the beautiful woman who had the patience and the strength to love him so dearly.
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© shegetsburned 2024. Please do not repost/edit/or claim my writing as your own.
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spidernuggets · 6 months
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Random Jason Todd relationship HCs that live in my head rent free
he hates any physical touch but also absolutely desires it because my boy is touch starved.
will make any sexual jokes whenever given the opportunity. "Oh my god, that was so hard" "you know what else is so hard-"
forhead kisses 🫶🫶😍😍🙌🙌
when starting a relationship, before any physical affection, yous would link pinkies when walking around before holding hands 🙌🙌
pls let him rant about his books
will smack your ass whenever he walks passed you
he lowkey likes being little spoon more than big spoon
just hold him, he's fragile
he'll melt if he sees you wearing his clothes, especially his brown leather jacket 🤭🤭
he might scold you for trying to stay up for him to come back from patrol, but internally, he's probs like "oh my lawd, i love them so much i might die again"
idk why, but i feel like if you compliment him on anything, he'd reply with smth cocky or say whatever, but when you leave, he'll be grinning and giggling and kicking his feet like a school girl.
If you're not a vigilante, he'd want to teach you how to defend yourself, use a gun, etc. You'd get excited about how skilled he is, and his ego would just go 📈📈📈
if you are a vigilante and his teammate too with the Titans, yous would spar on a regular basis. The first time you sparred (before your relationship), he'd go easy on you, but once you show how skilled you are, he probably already fell in love by then. In a literal sense, too, seeing as you toppled him over during your sparring match.
Pulls you into an alley during missions/patrols for a quick make-out session 😏😏
Now time for hurt/comfort, my fave
the first time you sleep in bed together, he'll most likely have might terrors that would wake you up. when he wakes up too and you ask him about them, he'd raise his voice, have a bit of a temper tantrum and tell you it's none of your business.
next morning, he'd either kiss you all over as a quiet apology or stay quiet about the dilemma and pretend nothing happened.
if the latter happens, he'd apologise eventually for yelling at you and telling you he doesn't want to talk about it.
ok, say he comes back from patrol or a mission with the other Titans, and something went horribly wrong, and he's blaming himself, and considering how the other Titans treat him, they'd probably blame him too, depending what happened that might.
So he's just cursing loudly, punching the wall, knocking things over. NONE of this anger is pointed towards you, Jason would never raise a hand at you, no matter what circumstance, he just needs something to release his anger on.
Something like this would probably happen a good few months into your relationship, so you know to step away from him for a while, until he calms down, then you'd make him some tea and you'd both sit on the couch or lie in bed in a somber but somewhar comforting silence.
Jason would then find some way to apologise for his outbreak, and you would repeat multiple times that it's not his fault.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Sorry to bother ya again, but my brain is literally on overdrive with this show and this clown who hws beckme my first kin and lives in my head rent free as she quietly sits there with a cup of hot chocolate and a warm blanket like she deserves, buuut
What if the gang found out the reader could abstract at will, including restricting it to certain parts of their body, ooor what if they found out you were a shapeshifter when you accidentally sneeze and turn into Wario or something
TADC cast x reader who can shapeshift!
i have returned from eating my silly dinner (sweet n sour chicken with rice!) it was very scrumptious i went ahead and did the shapeshifter idea since i feel that would be more fun to write (we can pretend they can still shift to mimic an abstracted body shhh) these ones are a little short i hope thats okay!
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its not totally unheard of people getting unique abilities when they enter the digital world, its just not very common (this is a hc!), so when caine found out you could manipulate your appearance he wasn't all that surprised! i think he was more intrigued more than anything, because its not everyday you see something like that! he would be absolutely thrilled if you shifted into him; both from being amused of it and this man probably loves himself as much as someone can
will try to pop you if you mimic bubble, kind of feels bad for a second but your disguise was just so so convincing! say, were you by any chance an actor in your past life in the real world? you totally had him fooled!
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pomni would be a little freaked out, especially if you just. suddenly sneezed and OH! now it looks like you're abstracting in front of everyone! first response is to run away before the transformation is complete, but when she notices no one else is freaking out (ragatha even blesses you!) shes more than a little confused
you offer to demonstrate your abilities to her, but she probably politely turns you down; she understands... for the most part... really its mostly just her trying to become used to the digital world as a whole
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ragatha makes sure that you know that she thinks its cool; and as long as you're not morphing into a giant bug shes encouraging you to hone in on that cool power of yours! compliments whatever form you choose for the day
oh? you changed your hair color! she likes it, the new look is amazing on you! oh? you made yourself a little taller and gave yourself some new characteristics! points out nearly every detail shes noticed, no matter how small. ragatha pays attention, ragatha cares
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tries to drag you off to the dark side (ie being a menace to the others), whether or not you agree to be his partner in crime and 'use your power for evil' is fully up to you!
makes random requests to see just how far you can take your shapeshifting, usually listing off things at lightning speed to see if you can catch up.. if your shapeshifting takes a toll on you (like lets say it takes energy out of you) he might let up when he realizes how tired and pale you look all of a sudden.. at least for now
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speedrunning to kinger for a moment before i forget this idea but imagine shapeshifting into him and hes just totally confused. leads to him making weird movements and you copying him (he thinks caine added a new mirror in the middle of the room for a solid minute before you break the illusion)
unless you have a set 'base form' hes going to keep thinking youre a new person if you drastically alter your appearance.. which, fair, since i think if you made yourself look unrecognizable, people would think youre a new person entirely. has probably introduced himself to you multiple times before realizing it was you
kinger gets a technical third bullet point but its not fluff. i just remembered the scene from steven universe where amethyst shapeshifts into rose in front of greg. but instead its kinger and instead of rose is queener/queenie. i hurt my own feelings. im gonna stew over this now
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honestly if you look just a mixmatched as them they would be into it and say you look cool. i had an idea that zooble has spare pieces and sometimes switches out their pieces for a new look, so imagine the two of you make matching looks or something, i think that would be cool
otherwise i dont think zooble would treat you any differently than if you were friends and couldnt shapeshift... though... i will admit, they think its funny when jax annoys you and change yourself in order to get him to back off. serves him right!
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imagine she asks you to be a model for her art.. asking you to do different poses as well as different figures so she can better her craft. i absolutely love the idea of gangle being really into art, and this idea is just so cute to me
you have probably shapeshifted into her and pretended to be her when she needed someone to stand up for her... imagine how jarring it would be to see 'gangle' snap back at jax after he does something particularly mean
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