#they're so attached at the hip late into this season
simplykorra · 1 year
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ava + every episode - episode 9: "2 corinthians 10:4"
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nightgoodomens · 2 months
ew com/tv/the-sandman-cats-calliope-bonus-episode-breakdown-neil-gaiman/
"I'd been working with David Tennant and Michael Sheen on Good Omens anyway, so that was a no-brainer. They're both in The Sandman because they love The Sandman," Gaiman says. "The main thing was that we had to promise both of them that if they lent their voices to this, it didn't mean that they couldn't come back and actually be in the Sandman TV show later. This wasn't their one chance. They both needed to be reassured of that."
So we all know Good Omens 3 isn't going to start filming til early next year
Makes me wonder if this leaves a nice little gap in the late spring/early summer for David and Michael to cameo in Sandman which is filming at the moment.
It's come out today that they're filming 12 episodes right now. So it's going to be filming for a good while longer. I'm holding out hope!
I really need Michael and David to stop acting like they’re attached at the hip, what the fuck is wrong with them, my heart can’t take this 😭💕
They both needed to be reassured of that…
They both like Sandman, I didn’t know that. I knew Michael did, it is his favourite, isn’t it. Bet you he introduced David to it…
Of course they both needed to be reassured of it… I wonder which characters they imagine themselves as… surely two that have a lot of interactions heh.
I have a feeling that the creator of the masterpiece might find them something to do in season 2…
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terrence-silver · 1 year
I love your writing! Been thinking of Cracker Jack lately...any headcons for Jack Wild with beloved? Thanks!!
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― Thing is, Jack Wild is synonymous with repression. He has repressed trauma due to his wife and children dying. He is repressed emotionally due to deliberately not wanting to get close to people to avoid the hurt of someone he loves being take from him no matter how much his family and friends might encourage him to. He is repressed and even somewhat alienated in his work environment and deemed temperamental over a case of unhealed and badly handled trauma. Even his own relations don't fully get it --- he has lost everything, and he blames himself for it. One could even say he is sexually repressed to the point the lives vicariously through watching other people have relations and indulging in some occasional, accidental voyeurism which is shown to be the case when he does through the window of his hotel room. Man is love starved. Touch starved. Starved for companionship. Closeness. Sex. Closure. Moving on, even though he never lets him himself move on. All of it. Making his deliberate suppression even worse with the fact that he (validly) doesn't want to open up and so he stews in his own turmoil, the way he has for years. Jack Wild doesn't want history repeating itself. Who does?
― So, when he meets beloved, Jack will initially be standoffish, cynical, difficult, a ball of raw angst and charged with budding chemistry towards beloved, intensified into his desires further by the way that he is pushing away the mere prospect of acknowledging he likes them, least of all, care for them. Jack isn't a bad man, but Jack is troubled and Jack has more baggage than it can be easily explained. He is definitely one of those people who say they don't want you, but they can't seem to keep their distance away from you. Truth is, Jack is always near his beloved against his better judgement, even though he is snarking them, trying to ignore and find reasons not to like them, warning them off, avoiding them, prodding them and poking at them. He makes jokes, banter, and a whole bunch of small-talk laced with occasional deep, dissociative silences and for someone who claims he has absolutely no interest in them, companionship or even ordinary platonic friendship --- not even making someone's basic acquaintance, he sure as heck attaches himself to beloved's hip after a period of brooding over it. Him as beloved's vigilante justice admirer? Maybe.
― Is he horny? Yes, he is. The tiniest thing about beloved could just turn him on to excess --- things that aren't even inherently sexual. He is high strung on their presences and absences alike. Is he pissed off about it? Due to the fact that he is falling and falling hard even though he went out of his way to avoid it? Yes, yes and yes. He didn't want to move on from his own grief and it seems like life is making him move on and he doesn't handle it that well either. Hatefucking could be a thing in the early periods of this connection, except, without any of the actual hate involved --- quite the contrary. It is just that Jack is frustrated and conflicted enough to where he genuinely needs beloved, needs sex, actual attachment and togetherness from them along with all the closeness it entails but doesn't want to give into something he views as a sure way of losing yet another loved one once he gets fond of them. At the end of the day, he is a practical, seasoned cop with rough edges and horrendously crappy past experiences. He is being prudent and careful, he thinks. Being near him? It is trouble. It is fatal. He is trouble. He can't look after anyone, he is convinced. He doesn't deserve to look after anyone. And he loves beloved enough to let them go.
― Naturally, it is never so simple and his care for beloved never goes away even as he deliberately places tactical distance between them to ensure they're out of harms way due to mere association with him --- with Crackerjack --- the stigma and the nickname that proceeds him. That difficult officer with the difficult personality that just tends to snap. He will watch them, though --- he likes to watch. Admire them from afar and pine away. Stalk them. Getting increasingly frustrated when they do or go someplace he deems uncertain and unsafe for them --- which is, well, basically everywhere. Turning more and more agitated, nervy and jittery, his infamous temper getting the better of him, taken with the fact they aren't close to him and are equally as exposed to danger, because yes, his workplace ptsd and the death of his previous family might convince him that indeed, his beloved can always be under threat from someone, somewhere, somehow regardless if he is removed from them or not. It will inadvertently having him becoming close to beloved yet again even though he was the one who distanced himself, because, my god, what if something happens to them while he's away this time around? He would never forgive himself. And he can't have another thing he can't forgive himself over. It is too much.
― Of course Jack will be notoriously hard to understand from beloved's perspective at first, because this guy is hot and he's cold and he's on and he's off, but it all starts making sense when he opens up just why he is the way he is and why he's been acting this way. His whole family. Murdered. He has been boiling alive in self-hatred, isolation, self-denial and sadness over it all the while. Everyone alive would grow at least a little crazy and a little reckless. And now, he loves someone so, so much and he fears for that someone's life with every ounce of his being, often against all reason, to the point he can hardly contain himself. He is, quite legitimately, as his name suggests, a little wild. Wild where his heart is concerned. Wild where the prospect of closeness is at stake. Wild where beloved is in question. He is like a wild, feral, runaway animal re-experiencing closeness and domesticity and finding that they enjoy it. It is scary and it feels good. Naturally, like any wild thing, any wild person, he is also fiercely territorial about his newfound person, for all his love nd care and protectiveness; Jack is more than obsessive. He has holes and beloved fills those holes, and he'd shoot through an army of people to prevent any hurt ever coming to them.
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moremaybank · 2 years
for yandere klaus to meet his beloved's family (headcanons)
yandere klaus mikaelson meeting your family would include…
klaus masterlist
before klaus meets your parents, you’re nervous as hell
your family has always been important to you, and their approval of klaus would mean the world to you
especially because you're sure you've found the man you're going to spend your life with
"just promise me you'll behave yourself"
"i always behave, love"
this earns him an eye roll
his thumb and index finger find your chin, guiding you to look at him
"i promise you i'll be good," he assures you, pecking your lips softly and you can't help but smile at him
when you enter your childhood home, he greets your parents with a smile
you heard me
a smile
you'd almost forgotten how damn charming this man can be
klaus offers to help your mom out in the kitchen and you swear that freya put a spell on him before you guys got here
during your dinner, your dad begins to talk about history because he's a huge history buff
and of course, this is klaus' perfect opportunity because he's been alive longer than your entire family combined
"you are very well educated when it comes to history, klaus. how do you know so much?"
"let's just say that it feels like i've lived through it"
klaus casts you a knowing smirk and you have to cover up your laugh with a cough
your parents love him
they're borderline obsessed with him
your older brother on the other hand?
yea, it's a hard pass from him
to be fair, he's never trusted any of the guys you've been with
but he doesn't entirely appreciate the fact that klaus always likes to have a hand on you, whether it's resting on your thigh, or on the small of your back
and he refuses to fall victim to klaus' charm the way your parents have
at least he did
until klaus mentioned that he knew people that could get your brother season tickets for his favourite basketball team, courtside, of course (in true mikaelson fashion)
after that, it was hard not to like him
as for your younger sister, she loved him
you weren't necessarily worried about them getting along though, because you knew how good of a father klaus was to hope
klaus is damn good with kids
and they adore him
by the end of the night, she's attached to him at the hip
"klaus, do you wanna come to see my room? i have a barbie dreamhouse and it's really cool"
"i'd love to, sweetheart"
you'd be lying if you said that seeing him with hope and seeing him with your sister didn't make you wanna try to have a few kids of your own
he's just so sexy when he's with children
he's a total DILF
we all know it's true
when you two are leaving, klaus offers to have your family over for dinner at the compound and they graciously accept
just as you're about to leave, klaus approaches your brother when he thinks you aren't paying attention
"just so you know, y/b/n, y/n has told me all about the ways you've tortured her over the years. making jokes to your friends at her expense, forcing her to walk home alone from school when she was only 5 minutes late, and so on. but i want to make it perfectly clear that as long as i am in the picture, you're going to treat her with the utmost respect. your sister deserves nothing less"
and your brother is just standing there like🧍🏼‍♂️as he watches you two leave
you get into the car, "thank you for being so sweet, but was threatening my brother really necessary?"
"love, i am never going to be the man who sits back and watches while people hurt you, or treat you as less than you are. i'm always going to defend you, no matter who it's against"
and you kiss him
because even in his own possessive, crazy-ass ways...
he's perfect
and he's all yours
a/n: i hope this is alright for you, love! enjoy!
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graktung · 3 years
Calm before the storm - part one - S.S x fem!reader
Hii :) feedback is appreciated!!
Who: Stiles Stilinski
Reader: y/n (fem)
Set: season 5
Status: best friends with Stiles
word count: 930
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y/n's pov:
Stiles and I were close. really close. but somethings been off lately; he hasn't talked to me for weeks and anytime I catch his eye in the hallway he walks the other way. Considering that we have basically been attached at the hip since we first met back in middle school, this was weird. Too weird.
It been tough lately, for all of us. I mean, Malia has gone off the radar, Kira has completely disappeared, and there are new creatures being discovered; chimeras.
Most of the time, I wouldn't be able to finish a piece of homework without getting a call from someone in the pack (not that i'm against not finishing homework) saying that there is either a new threat, or a new body. It honestly feels like the deadpool is back, but they're all just 'failed experiments', whatever that means.
Anyways, back to Stiles. I tried to talk to the others about it; Liam, Mason, Noah, and even Theo (I wasn't too thrilled about that last one) but they said he was avoiding them too, when he could.
thankfully, Mason was able to tell me that most of them were heading to the animal clinic with Hayden, and that if I wanted to catch Stiles, going there would be my best bet. So, I grabbed my phone and skateboard (with a dagger tucked away- if I have to be human, i'm gonna protect myself) and began to ride over. I only lived a couple blocks away from the animal clinic so it didn't take me too long, but it started to pour down which made my ride a lot more slippy.
Stiles' jeep was parked out front and I caught his eye. In that split second, he knew he couldn't run this time.
The drivers-side door opened and he stepped out, not caring about the rain, and began to walk towards the clinic entrance but I managed to beat him to it:
"Stiles you can't keep running from me! Okay? i'm your best friend, you mean everything to me and you know that."
"y/n, you know I-"
"No. I need to say this and I won't force you to explain because we both know you'd only avoid me with good reason, but I know you, and I know that i'll never understand what you go through, or what it's like to lose someone like that (he knew I meant his mom as soon as the words left my mouth) or how it feels to be in the midst of a supernatural crisis but, Stiles I love you so much, and you know i'm gonna be here for you, always." i wasn't processing what i was saying as i kept on going, barely making sure I was breathing. But i think Stiles did- he looked up at me with a hopeful look in his eyes which, had I not been ranting and it wasn't so dark, I would've noticed.
"Even if you don't wanna talk, and you just want to sit and watch Star Wars, i'll be there. you know I will, and I know you'd do the same for me"
I tried to lighten the mood with Star Wars due to the marathons we do. It's actually the reason we first became friends- we met at a showing of the original movie and our seats were together. cliche, I know.
"I trust you with my life, Stiles" i carried on, "You know i'd do anything for you. And i hate asking for things but I need this. I need you to trust me too. please." I practically begged. My tears had started to blend in with the rain minutes ago but now my vision was beginning to blur.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and realised that Stiles wasn't going to reply anytime soon, "that was all. you probably have people to save so, bye..." I sighed.
I turned around to skate back home until I was pulled back around by an arm I recognised to be Stiles-
immediately, I was engulfed into his arms and he held me like I would disappear if he let go. I looked up at him while I latched my arms around him and he returned my gaze. We stayed like that for a second although it felt like an hour, until his voice interrupted;
"y/n I love you, so much, I always have and i always will. I'm not gonna go on and on because I know you know, and i'd much rather stay like this for a while before we have to go save someone's ass again. and yes, "we", you're coming with me, i'm not doing this without you." he breathed, "I'm sorry I was avoiding you, and i'll explain everything later, because that's what you deserve, but for right now can we just enjoy this calm before the storm?"
you just took it all in and looked up at him, "of course. we go through everything together, no matter what, okay? you can't get rid of me easily Stiles" you laughed lightly.
"believe me I don't want to, i'm in it for the long game." Stiles showed a small smile and brought you back into his embrace, savouring every last second of peace he had with you, muttering sweet nothings about not letting you go and everything else.
You knew you were gonna have to face a lot of scary things, but you were going to face them with Stiles, and that was enough.
part 2?
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itsadamcole · 3 years
live a little
fem!reader x finn balor
reader and Finn go for a late night swim in a pool ...
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word count: 2.4k+
warnings: a lil fluffy, skinny dipping, smut, slight hair pulling
— enjoy loves, even tho i really have no idea how this came to be a thing but yeah —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You're sitting on the couch when your fiancé walks into your shared house. You're watching the new season of Cobra Kai on Netflix when he walks into the living room. He puts his title on a little table by the doorway and you pause the TV.
"Hi," you say, watching him walk over to you on the couch. He hugs you from behind, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "How was work?"
Finn says, "Exhausting, as per usual. I got my arse beat by Kyle O'Reilly, Adam Cole, and Roderick Strong in the ring for a promo."
He kisses your temple and you ask, "Is there something I can do to make it better?"
You turn your head and look up at Finn. He says, "I was thinking about going for a little swim to make sure my muscles don't tighten up. It's a warm night so maybe ya could come with me?" The last part was more of a question.
"This isn't a plot to get me into a bathing suit, is it?" you tease.
Your fiancé laughs and says, "As much as I love the sight of that, no. I do want to keep my muscles loose. Will ya join me?"
Nodding, you say, "Of course I will. I won't pass up the opportunity to see you in swim trunks, but I have ten minutes left in this episode so I'll join you after it's over."
Finn smiles and kisses your cheek. "See ya in the water," he says before letting you go. You hear his footsteps go up the stairs and you resume your episode of Cobra Kai.
You're curled up on the couch as you finish up the episode. When there are five minutes left, you hear Finn walk back downstairs and the back door opens. You glance back into the foyer to see Finn closes the sliding glass door. He's in a pair of black swim trunks and no shirt. Your thoughts immediately start to go to the dirtier side as you turn your attention back to the TV show that's on your screen.
Once your episode is done, you turn off the TV and you walk up the stairs to your and Finn's shared bedroom. You grab a black bikini. The top has thin ties that tie behind your neck and behind your back. You fix the top so you're not falling out of the top. You pull on the bottoms, which tie at your waist. You tie your hair up into a messy bun on your head.
You peddle out of the room when you've changed into the bathing suit. You grab a beach towel out of a closet in the hallway on the second floor. You walk down the stairs, and you can faintly hear music coming from the backyard. You open the sliding door and step into the warm and humid air.
Finn's swimming laps in the pool and you smile at the sight. His workout music playlist is playing via a Bluetooth speaker that sits on a chair by the pool. You throw your towel on another chair before sitting on the side of the pool by the five-foot area. You kick your feet in the water, trying to get used to the cool water on your skin.
Your fiancé takes a break in the eight-foot area of the pool. He wipes the water out of his eyes and you get his attention. "Hey, stranger," you say, leaning back on your hands. Finn looks over at you and smiles.
"Look at ya," he says, slowly swimming over to you. "I like that suit."
Giggling, you say, "That's because it barely covers me, Finn."
He stands between your legs in the water, his hands on your thighs. They're cold from being in the cold water. You shiver slightly as Finn says, "Ya should just take it off since it barely covers ya."
You run your fingers through Finn's short wet hair and say, "You would like that, wouldn't you?"
Finn nods and smiles. "It's not a bad night for a nice skinny dip, Y/N," he says, starting to negotiate with you. "Live a little, baby."
His hands run up your thighs to the ties on your bottoms. "Finn," you giggle. "We have neighbors."
Your fiancé leaves light kisses on your thighs and gives you puppy eyes. "I'll take my pants off if ya take that off," he negotiates with you.
You gently nibble on your lip before you slide off the wall and into the water. You're up to your collarbone in the cool water as you stand between the wall and Finn. You stare up at your fiancé and say, "Baby, we have neighbors and they can look out their windows to see us."
"It's almost midnight, and the only light we have is the lights in the pool. All they'll see is two people in the pool," Finn says, making a good case. You blink at Finn.
After making a decision, you reach behind your neck. You pull the tie until it's untied. The top falls and Finn's eyes are on your exposed chest. You pull the fabric away and put it on the wall behind you. Finn pulls at the ties on your bottoms and pulls them off of you. The bottoms join your top on the wall behind you. Now you're naked in the pool in front of Finn.
Finn's eyes are on your body as you hook your fingers into the waistband of his swim trunks. "Time to get these off since you told me you'd take your pants off if I took off my bikini," you say, pulling the swim trunks off Finn.
He laughs and helps you get them off. He throws the trunks with your bathing suit. Now you're both naked in the pool. Finn takes your hands and says, "Come swim with me, love."
You giggle as he pulls you off the wall. You kick your feet so you can keep up with him. He brings you into the deeper end of the pool where you can't stand. You kick to stay above water and Finn has to do the same.
"This is nice," you say, trying to keep your eyes on Finn's face instead of glancing down into the water to see what you've been wanting to see since his trunks came off.
Finn smiles and says, "I told ya that it was a nice night for a skinny dip."
A smile forms on your lips and you say, "You just wanted to get me naked."
Your fiancé says, "No way." You give him the look. "Okay, fine. Maybe I wanted to just a teeny tiny bit. I have wanted to see ya like this for a while. I've been so busy with defending that title and keeping up with my training. It's been a little bit since I've seen ya naked."
You laugh and swim a little closer to Finn. "This is the longest we've ever gone with being naked and not touching each other, you know. I'm surprised we haven't yet considering we haven't done anything for a while," you say to him.
"Ya trying to tell me something, love?" Finn questions.
Smiling, you say, "Possibly. You come home from work and just go to sleep. Plus, we're already naked."
Finn smiles at you and says, "Now who's the one negotiating something."
You tease, "Fine, don't have sex with me. It's not like I actually wanted you to fuck me anyway." You stick your tongue out at him and begin to swim backward, away from Finn. His eyes are on you as a smile forms on your lips.
"Who said that I didn't want to have sex with ya?" Finn asks, swimming after you.
You climb out and say, "I just assumed." You wrap your towel around your nude body and Finn gets out of the pool.
He walks over to you, but just before he gets to you, he says, "Ya assumed wrong, love. Ya know how much I love to fuck ya." Then he cups your face and pulls your lips to his. The kiss is quick and intense from the start. Your hands are on his waist and you pull him closer to you. Finn's tongue finds its way into your mouth, a moan leaving your lips.
Finn walks over to one of the pool lounge chairs under the awning that's connected to the house. He lays back on it, breaking the kiss. You crawl onto his lap, straddling his thighs. Your lips attach to Finn's neck and soft sighs escape his lips as he pulls at the towel around your body.
As you leave marks on his neck and chest, Finn pulls off the towel you're wearing. It falls to the ground and you pull back from Finn. You look at your work and say, "I hope makeup can cover those up."
"Oh well if they can't," Finn says before he kisses you harshly.
All the pent up sexual energy between the two of you is coming out now. It's been months since any kind of intimacy between you and Finn. Since he won the title, it's been the only thing he's been focused on. Of course, he's always made sure you were taken care of and that you were okay, but he'd been training harder, working more hours, and traveling a little more so he's exhausted when he's home so he usually sleeps.
You don't know why he actually wanted to go for a swim on a random January day and have sex with you on a chair next to the pool. Honestly, you don't care why. You're just happy you have something other than your fingers to pleasure you.
Finn's hands are roaming your body and you sigh softly, having missed his touch. You grind slowly against his member. The tip runs through your folds and you bite back a moan in your throat. Your hands are on Finn's six thousand abs to keep yourself balanced.
"Love, ya keep doing that and we're gonna have a problem," Finn warns you.
Instead of stopping, you move faster. Moans pass your lips and Finn cups your face with his hands. You sigh, "I've missed you like this, Finn."
Your fiancé brings your face close to his and you meet his pretty blue eyes. You sigh softly as you roll your hips. Finn's lips brush against yours as he says, "Baby, please do something because ya are driving me crazy."
You lean in and kiss Finn as you take his hardened length in your hand. You pump him a few times as you position him outside your entrance. The kiss deepens as you sink onto his member. A moan leaves your lips as Finn begins to will you. Finn's hands slide into your hair, holding your face to his. Your hands are on his chest as you adjust to Finn inside you.
Finn's fingers curl in your Y/H/C locks as you begin to slowly move your hips. You drag your fingers down Finn's chest as you pull back from the passionate kiss to get some air. Your breathing is becoming more and more labored with every roll of your hips. Finn's eyes are on yours as you move.
He not-so-gently pulls your hair back and tilts your head up, exposing your neck to him. A soft moan leaves your lips when he does this. Finn smirks and begins to kiss your neck. "Did ya like that, baby?" Finn mumbles against the sensitive skin on your neck.
You gasp, "Kinda."
"I'll have to remember that," he says.
One of Finn's hands leaves your hair and you wonder where it went until you feel his thumb start to rub your clit. You gasp softly, moving your hips faster. Finn groans, "Just like that, mo ghrá. Ya feel so good around me."
Your body shakes with overstimulation as you move faster. The tip of Finn's member hits your g-spot as he finds the sweet spot on your neck. You cry out in pleasure, moaning Finn's name. A knot forms in your stomach as you're pulled closer and closer to an orgasm. Finn says, "Ya look so good on top of me, baby."
You look down at Finn and pant, "You should let me do this more often then."
Finn pulls you down to him and you kiss him as you move rougher. Your moans and the sound of slapping skin fills the warm night air.
"I'm about to cum, Finn," you moan against Finn's lips.
Your fiance says, "No one's stopping ya, love."
After a few more movements, your body jerks as you cum around Finn. You moan his name mixed with profanities as you ride out your high. Finn quickly pulls out of you and he cums on his stomach. You're panting a bit as you look down at Finn. He looks up at you.
You say, "Please start letting me top occasionally. It's fun."
Finn laughs and kisses you slowly, full of tongue. He says, "We'll see."
You giggle against his lips. A small makeout session is ignited from this kiss. Your hands roam his body and yours roam his.
After about ten minutes of this, Finn grabs a towel and cleans you both up before saying, "Let's head inside, yeah? It's getting kinda cold."
You don't object to going inside. You get up and quickly run inside. Finn's right behind you. The two of you retire to your bedroom, where you cuddle naked beneath the sheets.
Both of you lay intertwined with each other when you say, "I don't wanna go weeks without doing this again, Finn. I need to be close to you like this."
Finn looks down at you and says, "Regal is going to cut back my hours that I spend at the Performance Center so I can spend some extra time with ya before our wedding. We have two weeks before the wedding, and I'll be spending half the time at the Performance Center."
You smile and say, "Really?"
Your fiancé nods and says, "Really. It was also his idea, and I wasn't gonna object to spending more time with my beautiful fiancée."
Overwhelmed with excitement, you say, "I'm so happy." You happily kiss Finn and he smiles into the kiss. "I love you."
"I love ya too, my ghra," Finn tells you.
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mazikomo · 3 years
ok, here I am, Zinky dearest. What about an hyphotetical Modern!AU Scenario with Andrea and Federico? what would they do as jobs? How would their relationship be, compared to the one they had during the Renaissance? Would Vieri still be an important part of Andrea's life? I need to know more about them! <3 -Nemo
Nemo I know I am so so late with answering this but I had thoughts and wanted to try and get them all.
Andrea Levante da Firenze is my fan character for the Italian Renaissance era of the Assassin’s Creed series. Currently, the majority of her story takes place before the events of ACII. She is paired with Federico Auditore da Firenze and had a previous relationship with Vieri de’ Pazzi.
Jobs! Obviously, Andrea would be a dance instructor. I see her teaching at a more prestigious university. She’s the kind of instructor that chats with and gets to know her students, the kind where if someone is running late they’ll text her asking if she wants anything from starbucks to make up for it. Sometimes she’ll do freelance choreography work on the side for small theaters or events. Federico would work at the modern day equivalent of the Medici bank with his father or, having been successfully fired from that, as a personal trainer.
Their modern day relationship would be very similar to their Renaissance one. Still attached at the hip but now with the extra element of texting or snap chatting stupid things to each other all day. They have a ridiculous amount of inside jokes and to an outsider it sounds like they’re talking nonsense but they understand each other perfectly.
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Since they live in the city, any extended periods of free time they have would be spent getting out and doing something active because they can’t sit still. It would usually be something they could compete at to like tennis or skating. The standard stakes are the winner gets to pick what’s for dinner and the loser pays but sometimes they get more creative with their bets. 😏They're very social too. Every week they attend trivia night with friends, which leads to some very animated discussions, at the local pub and during the season their place is where everyone comes to watch the soccer/football matches.
Still sweethearts as well. Whenever Andrea’s students have a big performance Federico always shows up with a bouquet of flowers for her even though she was only the instructor. They used to be terrible with the amount of PDA (public displays of affection) they showed but have gotten a little better about it—still wouldn’t want to be sitting next to them when they start getting handsy though. When they’re home and actually sitting still for once you can probably find one leaning against or laying on the other.
As for Mr Grumpy Pants Vieri, he is still a very important person in Andrea’s life. They’d still grow up side by side, have a romantic relationship, and be protective of each other. More than once, Andrea has dropped everything because he called her having an emotional freakout and when she’s having a low familial moment that Federico can’t understand Vieri is the one she turns too. When Andrea first started seeing Federico, Vieri definitely gave him the “if you hurt her in any way I’ll end you and they won’t find your body” talk. Her and Vieri’s modern day relationship post-breakup is much healthier than their Renaissance one.
Thank you for the ask Nemo and again sorry for this being so late! 💜
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Us, April 5
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: All Eyes on Duchess Kate
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Page 2: Red Carpet -- Hollywood is in full bloom with the perfect inspo to put a little spring in your step -- Elle Fanning, Kate Middleton, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Lopez, Lupita Nyong'o
Page 3: Mindy Kaling, Kathryn Newton, Gabrielle Union, Caitriona Balfe, Penelope Cruz
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Scarlett Johansson vs. Delilah Belle Hamlin vs. Ingrid Andress in Tom Ford
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Jennifer Garner on finally getting her ears pierced at age 48, Cardi B's thoughts on Selena Gomez possibly stepping away from music, Michelle Obama on living with messy daughters Malia and Sasha, Soleil Moon Frye recalling her first consensual sexual experience with Charlie Sheen, Kim Kardashian West on how much her voice has changed over 20 seasons of Keeping Up With the Kardashians
Page 8: Contents
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- ahead of the Miami Open Venus Williams took a break from practice to play with her dog Harold
Page 11: Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo were attached at the hip during an outing in Montecito, Paul McCartney enjoyed a beach day while on vacation in St. Barts, sporting a massive diamond ring Bethenny Frankel was at the beach in Miami
Page 12: Paris Hilton's Lanvin dress paired perfectly with her bubblegum-hued Bentley, Jared Leto looked unrecognizable while filming House of Gucci in Italy and meanwhile Lady Gaga and Adam Driver continued shooting scenes the following day
Page 13: Britney Spears looked to be in good spirits while out with boyfriend Sam Asghari in L.A., Robin Roberts hammed it up for the camera on the set of Good Morning America, Kourtney Kardashian couldn't keep her hands off new beau Travis Barker after enjoying a dinner date in L.A.
Page 14: Baby on Board -- Selling Sunset's Christine Quinn, Gal Gadot, Lauren Burnham with husband Arie Luyendyk Jr., Christina Milian showed off her growing belly in a floral lingerie set by Savage x Fenty
Page 16: Flex Zone -- with warmer days ahead, stars push their bodies harder -- Nicole Scherzinger and Thom Evans, Kate Hudson added three pound dumbbells to her fitness routine, Eva Longoria works out with a trampoline, Cara Delevingne does yoga, Kevin Hart was joined by son Hendrix for a sweat sesh, Gabrielle Union working out
Page 18: Stars They're Just Like Us -- Jax Taylor took out the trash and recycling bins in L.A., Ally Brooke put on sunscreen she bought at CVS in L.A., after food shopping Ariel Winter packed her car with goodies in L.A.
Page 20: Love Lives -- Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom sparked marriage rumors after she was seen wearing a gold band on that finger while in Hawaii
Page 21: They've quietly been together for over three years but Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant who were spotted together during a rare date night in Beverly Hills are in no rush to wed and they've both been in serious relationships before so they're content just being with each other but that doesn't mean marriage is off the table
* For Brooklyn Decker, the silver lining of the pandemic has spending more time with Andy Roddick -- she said it has strengthened their relationship
* The secret to Nick and Vanessa Lachey's successful marriage of nearly 10 years? Spontaneous intimacy, according to Vanessa
Page 22: Hot Hollywood -- Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani won't be sending save the date cards anytime soon because the duo is struggling to agree on a wedding day -- Gwen is pushing hard for their first ceremony on Blake's Oklahoma ranch to take place in early fall (the two are planning a second affair in L.A.), but Blake, who has been vocal about his impatience, wants to wed this summer but there's a problem: tornado season and the chapel he had constructed on his property for Gwen, a devout Catholic, isn't built to withstand even a minor wind event -- no matter what though, the pair (who are also trying for a baby via surrogate) still plan to exchange their vows before the end of the year and won't let these hiccups affect their big day
Page 23: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez denied reports that they ended their engagement and were spotted packing on the PDA in the Dominican Republic -- J.Lo started to question A-Rod after rumors began to swirl that he had an affair with Southern Charm star Madison LeCroy but Alex has been on his best behavior of late
* A Britney Spears comeback could be on the horizon as she is dropping hints about singing again even though her attorney previously said she will not perform as long as her father in charge, but if the judge rules in her favor to make her care manager, Jodi Montgomery, her conservator, Britney will follow through and promise to perform again
* Keeping Up With Us -- Kobe Bryant's widow Vanessa Bryant has named the four deputies who allegedly shared graphic photos from the helicopter crash that killed her husband and daughter Gianna and seven others, despite sharing a selfie of herself wearing a half-heart necklace that she rocked while dating Ben Affleck his ex Ana de Armas denied that the two were back together, Armie Hammer is being investigated by L.A. police after a woman came forth and accused the actor of raping her in 2017 but Armie's attorney maintains their relations were completely consensual, CBS has extended The Talk's hiatus after claims of racism and toxicity were made against cohost Sharon Osbourne, just days after Tiger Woods returned home from the hospital following his near-fatal car crash new details from the investigation revealed that the golf pro didn't take his foot off the accelerator leading up to the accident
Page 24: A Day in My Life -- Maria Sharapova
Page 25: Kanye West's personal life might be in shambles, but his finances were thriving -- according to a new report, the rapper's net worth has climbed to $6.6 billion amid his ongoing divorce from Kim Kardashian -- he has really thrown himself into his work -- Kanye was first declared a billionaire last April largely in part to his fashion line, Yeezy, which is valued between $3.2 and $4.7 billion -- Kanye actually learned a lot from Kim's family about business decisions and he used to throw so much of his own money into his projects, but he's learned that doesn't have to be the case and it's clearly paying off big
* These hip-hop stars also made a large sum of their money away from the mic -- 50 Cent, Diddy, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre
Page 26: Cover Story -- Duchess Kate carries on -- the resilient royal is stepping in to save the crown
Page 28: Angelina Jolie vs. Brad Pitt: a new low -- as Brad and Angelina's nasty custody battle rages on, their kids are put in the middle
Page 30: Makeovers of the Year -- behold the style evolution of Hollywood's latest luminaries -- Andra Day, Halsey
Page 31: Tiffany Haddish, Lily Collins, Awkwafina
Page 32: Major Transformations -- Adrienne Bailon, Rebel Wilson
Page 34: Ayesha Curry, Kelly Osbourne, Adele
Page 36: Spring Makeup Bag Update -- whisper-light formulas in soft, pretty hues that will freshen up your look fast
Page 38: Laura Harrier tells how she makes her peepers pop
Page 40: Let It Grow! Kristen Stewart's mane man Adir Abergel shares hacks to help a haircut in flux look luxe
Page 42: Entertainment -- Mark Long on The Challenge: All Stars
Page 43: Take Five with Sway Bhatia
Page 46: Fashion Police -- when bad clothes happen to good people -- Noah Cyrus, Machine Gun Kelly, Amber Rose
Page 47: Bella Hadid, Harry Styles
Page 48: 25 Things You Don't Know About Me -- Kevin O'Leary
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