#they should make an english thats easy to understand
crescentmp3 · 1 year
oo... meow is miao in italian
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nhularin · 9 months
✉ -> invitation! ENHYPEN SOUR PROM
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CONTENT ! a collection of enhypen drabbles based on Olivia Rodrigo's sour album!
PAIRING ? enhypen x reader
!! GENRE angst (hurt no comfort), fluff-ish, ex non idol! AU, childhood friends to lovers to strangers, early 2000s AU
꩜ WARNINGS ! infidelity, insecurities, toxic enha, tba
⩇⩇:⩇⩇ XTRA slow updates, english is not my first language so i apologize for grammar mistakes
₊ ⊹ A/N dont get fooled by the synopses, im pretty bad at writing summaries, they will be rewritten most likely once i published the first installment of the series!
🕸️(5/7) completed
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DEJA VU !! so when you gonna tell her, that we did that too?
nothing hurts more than seeing lee heeseung doing the stuff you both used to do with another girl. Watching him wrap his jacket around her, playing the same song you both liked around her. everything, from the way he touches her, gives her gifts, was a carbon copy of your relationship. does he get deja vu when he’s with her?
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1 STEP FORWARD 3 STEPS BACK will you walk me to my door or send me home crying?
if you had to describe your boyfriend park jongsaeng in one word, it'd be unpredictable. he was a gentleman, absolutely selfless when it came to his loved ones. somehow you seem to be the only exception. you didn't understand then, and you sure as hell don't understand now.
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DRIVERS LICENSE cause how could i ever love someone else?
everyone has warned you about the infamous playboy sim jaeyun, but you didnt pay attention to them. being childhood friends, you knew everything about each other. your flaws, insecurities, and aspirations, you thought that everything was perfect till it wasn't.
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ENOUGH FOR YOU dont you think i loved you too much to be used and discarded?
you tried everything, you really did. as the school's hottest student, park sunghoon was in constant spotlight, might it be with classmates or being the light of the party. and for that, you did your best at making your presence worthy in his life. but deep down, you knew you couldn't compete with the girls who seemed much better than you, people who are enough for him
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FAVORITE CRIME But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face
kim sunoo was the personification of sunlight . everyone knew that! so when your friend introduced you to him you were naturally drawn to his open and kind nature. life seemed to be on your side but all the time and sacrifices towards him, all for nothing.
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HAPPIER does she mean you forgot about me?
being the school president's girlfriend wasnt easy and hell, if you could go back in time you wouldn't have even bothered associating yourself with the club. you two were the dream couple of east high, always being the talk of the school. but when you broke up, pictures of yang jungwon and the new girl started circulating around school. you should be happy for him, right?
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GOOD 4 U maybe you never cared at all?
nishimura riki is an egoistical asshole. thats the first thing ringing in your head when you wake up. being from rivaling dance groups, you thought that being in a relationship with the ace was your version of romeo and juliette, minus the tragedy part. but god, how wrong you were
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( !? ) PERM TAGLIST @sngvhs @misokei @avocarua @essmarye
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
keke used the word ladyboy once for some animal crossing post and later apologized for it forever ago but people are incapable of change so they should be judged for their past forever because this is tumblr!!!!!!
gfsgdfgf the guy is french im not gonna make too huge assumptions but if he apologized (and ive seen tons of trans positive art from him) then i think u can easily understand it as an example of either being unknowledgable or not knowing the english terms for things. one of my best buds ever who's super trans positive accidentally used the t slur years ago because thats just what he thought the term was; i corrected him and he was chill and never used it again. dude just didn't know. stuff like this is so easy to move on from.
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overleftdown · 5 months
i dont wanna make your post too long by rbing back and forth, but that tiktok sent me into the stratosphere too like if it wasnt felix himself who swept the entire discussion under the rug 😭 you know the quote thats like "hell is full of other people"? my personal hell is filled with those who refuse to recognize felix's flaws and insist hes an angel good guy who's done nothing wrong EVER lmao. im not an expert on farleigh but calling him a villain is insane especially in context of his relationship with felix and ollie respectively
i will talk about this always and forever. and this fandom makes it easy to. every time i say my piece and post it, i'm dragged back to the same discussion over and over cuz people are just... so wrong. i'm pretentious and my ego is a flaming torch. HAHAH.
the tiktok you're referencing (for context; tiktok OP was saying that the "race/class discussion" of saltburn was... bad?? i don't even know. they implied that it was bad because it wasn't overt) is so insane and i'm just gunna go on a brief rampage about why.
this concept that white people have, that discussions of race and racism need to be dramatic, and they need to blow up in your face... it pisses me off. it's living proof that people making this commentary how no idea how racism has evolved and changed into what it is now. saltburn and farleigh, in my opinion, is such a perfect race commentary. because it's not overt. archie once said that his otherness was just present in the room. archie as an actor and farleigh as a character; their otherness was THERE. if anything, i would've made the same inferences if farleigh and felix never had the on-screen conversation (although that conversation is a great foundational piece of evidence). i would see the ways in which farleigh has to compensate, mirror, mask, hide, exceed, etc. the viewers woud've noticed, almost like second nature, that farleigh is black in a white-dominated upper-class environment. whether they choose to recognize that, whether they choose to understand what that means... well, you can already see how that's turning out. race commentary doesn't always have to be dramatic and loud, because modern racism is often so quiet. this is amplified in a family dynamic. the racism in my family is despicably, horrifyingly quiet to everyone but me. it's loud as fuck to me. i'm sure it's loud to farleigh.
it's this sort of idea that real racism is overt, that it can only be validated and discussed through boldness and rudeness. when, in fact, modern racism lingers in the air. to quote the historian thomas holt, “What enables racism to reproduce itself after the historical conditions that initially gave it life have disappeared?” saltburn and the cattons is a brilliant representation of this. the viewer is (or should be) fully aware that aristocratic english wealth has been built by the suffering of others. there was a period in time when english wealth was feeding off of enslavement. but overt racism is no longer normative, it's no longer acceptable. the historical conditions of anti-blackness (slavery, legalized racism and segregation) have disappeared, so how does anti-blackness reproduce itself? the answer is, you can see it within the movie.
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itsjaywalkers · 2 months
This is maybe gonna sound rude but i'm promise it's not i just dont know how to express my feelings in english since its not my first language
But reading nh gave me so much anxiety?? And well no one likes being anxious but thats good when reading right?? And i dont get why its giving me anxiety its not like its super angsty or anything? I read sooo many fics in the past year and many of them were super angsty and shit but none of them made me feel like this..idk if its your writing or the story itself but idk I LOVE IT and your writing its just so??? No wordss
Cant wait for the next part honestly its keeping me on my toes..and for some reason i liked lil jeggy when they were 10 and 14 it was sooo cute to me and my heart was breaking for lil reg??? He was adooorableeee i wanted to wrap him in a blanket and keep him safe..but so did james and that was just soo puree and lovelyy..
And then James teaching him how to kiss??? I want like part 2 of that without the bitch breaking the moment..girl did nothing wrong if it was a real life situation i would of hated james..but fanfiction?? Cmon yeet that hoeeeee
nonnie this doesn't sound rude at all!! i get exactly what u mean, and ur explanation also helped. i'm so very glad that my story made u feel this much?? that it's real and raw enough to make u anxious?? like ofc im sorry too, like u said it's not exactly a nice feeling but . it's an understandable reaction as the story progresses and the dynamic begins to turn darker and more unhealthy, and the fact that i managed to do this even when it hasn't even become that angsty yet is !!! fucking amazing !!! thank you truly <3 i'm a bit at a loss on how to reply to this, ur message left me in shock in a good way
i'm also incredibly excited for the next part!! i've been focusing on it a lil lately bc i've been very inspired when it comes to nothing happens, and it's a story that comes so easy to me, writing it is always very fun and fulfilling for some reason. LIL JEGGY WERE INDEED ADORABLE i know that part 1 is probably the most boring of them all but i enjoyed it so so so much.. 11 year old reg has a special place in my heart and i was cooing and giggling the whole time while writing him
JAMES TEACHING HIM HOW TO KISS he was crazy for that one tbh.. (he's about to become even crazier). and pls im cackling i kinda adore emma and she gagged james a lil as she fucking should bc my god what an asshole but also . i feel u and this is fanfiction at the end of the day so u are very real
thank u again babe, i appreciate ur words and ur support more than you can imagine <3
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i-sveikata · 4 months
Hello, I just wanted to write that I re-read the last chapter again (I can’t stop) Your fanfic is what kept my mental health going (it was a really hard year) over the past year and I’m grateful for that 🥰But I was so immersed in this story, on  at the moment this is the only ff that I read on this fandom, and it should already be so (for more than a year now, it’s incredible)😊I like that the characters are so alive, the feelings are so vivid, and they are so intertwined with depth and important themes and also  with sex (Vegas's pov still haunts me, I'm really looking forward to reading some kind of sexual experience from his point of view, because he's just so bad for it, AND VERY HOT), but we know that he hides his  real emotions 👀I’m looking forward to how events will develop further, you are so talented 💘It’s so incredible that you can write such a beautiful, emotional story for FREE that will find such a response in many, I’ve been here for a year now and I’ll wait as long as you want to  enjoy this work and read how these two live their happy twisted life (and this is just my wish...in my head it’s a canon that they killed Korn, ehhh dreams)😈At the end I want to wish you health and send hugs 🫂 And if possible,  can I have a little spoiler about “Vegas will do something stupid, and Pete will do something even worse” I’m so interested 😭😭😭 But if not, then I’m okay with it and ready to wait further 💜 P.S. I’m not a native English speaker, I hope everyone is here  It's clear
oh hello there!!! oh my gosh that honestly means so much to hear that and im so happy it could offer something meaningful during the past year though i do hope this year treats you better!!
ahhhhhhh thank you so much!!! im so glad you think i brought it to life that way!! oh wow yes his pov is very much diving under the surface of what Pete has been interpreting this entire time. wow yes and if there is a sex scene in his pov you can bet its going to be deeply obsessed and unsettling whilst we hear how he experiences that from his pov and how it all makes him feel. like dude high key wants to climb inside petes body and live there permanently there will be no normal internal thoughts whilst theyre having sex haha.
youre so right he does hide way too much!!! and were going to be seeing a lot of that the more we have his POV. ah thank you thank you!! its honestly been so amazing that its resonated with people this much and the experience has been so rewarding!! ah thank you youre too sweet!
omg yeah they should murder korn what an idea. thank you!!! sending you good health and hugs too!!!
oh sure!! well basically its going to revolve around pete finally deciding that he wants to bottom but when he tries to bring that up in his usual halting, beating around the bush kind of way vegas just ends up putting his mouth in it. but like in the most extreme, worst way possible. badly enough that pete makes his own petty, spiteful plan instead and decides to go elsewhere, knowing that it will set vegas off in the worst way but hes angry enough to try and rub that in vegas' face.
except- well it backfires and then the both of them are really into it and they both end up getting exactly what they wanted in the end anyway.
hope thats enough of a spoiler hint!
your english is great!!! and its very clear and easy to understand!! honestly so impressed with people who know more than one language and who talk to people in that other language!! like ur brain???? its so powerful!!!
hope you have a nice night!!
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box-life-hermit · 4 months
Hi! I have taken a pause on posting from Jan 21st-Jan28th in participation of the global strike for Palestine. I have scheduled posts that will resume after the strike is over, (although this dosent mean I will stop talking about Gaza)
Anything that I post on any of my social media accounts will have to do with Gaza / Palestine! If I dont have any resources to share, I will not post!
I am striking in other ways as well outside of the online world, and so should you!!
Ways you can strike:
Email your reps!! Call your reps!!! Demand a ceasfire!!
Call out of work IF YOU ARE ABLE TO!
Do not do ant excessive spending!
Example: maybe you want to buy something to eat but you have food at home- then just eat the food you have at home!
Continue to boycott companies such as Pizza hut, Starbucks, Disney, Mcdonalds, ect!
Do not do any excessive banking! I've even seen some people pull money out of their bank account, and encourage others to pay in cash
TOTAL SOCIAL MEDIA BLACKOUT: only post about GAZA and PALESTINE, artists- draw art related to palestine!
DONATE! There are wonderful charities that I will link below that give Palestinians access to e-sims, menstrual products, medical aid, ect!
EDUCATE your friends and family who may not know! Encourage them to talk about it & boycott as well
I would like to add that not everyone will be able to do all of these things, and thats okay! But you should try to do most of them.
Websites for Palestine:
This website tells you what to boycott, and why. It is super detailed and very helpful! If you dont know what to Boycott, here you go! If someone you know dosent know what to boycott, send them this website!
This website allows people in gaza to have access to hygiene products like shampoo, and gives people access to feminine hygiene products.
This one is very important. E-sims for gaza. This allows people in gaza to show the world what is happening to them, if you are able to do so I strongly encourage you to help out.
This is such an easy way to help that literally all of you can do! You click a button once a day, and then they will donate! You can choose who you want to help; children, palestine, poverty, refugees, ect. They will send you proof of donation and you can track it as well to make sure it is actually helping! If you cannot afford to donate yourself, but want to donate, you should use this website!
This provides you with a bunch of information on how to contact your representatives to demand a ceasefire!
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This link shows you the history of Israeli propaganda, this genocide is not a new thing!! Its been ongoing for years! This is available in multiple languages, so please read it
For more information to understand this strike and why its happening, read this twitter thread:
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kitty4nnoys · 1 month
i love speaking english so much. and i cant explain what it means to me. i learnt this language like in a year i guess and that was literally due to tumblr LOL. i explain my feelings better in english because to me, the first time explaining my emotions without hiding some of them was on HERE. because i, for the first time found a place to be myself where no one would know or judge me............ because how the hell they could? that was MY space only. i suffered still, i can never fake it im always truly myself and ppl harmed me most of the times i was here... whtvr i know i have mistakes in english still but here's still the reason how i improved myself in english and how i made going abroad by doing a good grade at the language part lol!!! you'd never understand ... but yeah thats also the reason why im good at writing/reading but so bad at speaking. 😭 the only time except being abroad (i did not speak basically in there actually) was when i found my first true best friend on here because we were making calls and i did never speak english with someone who wouldnt understand me in my first language except that times . 😭😭 yea whatever now i have to learn german but im afraid itll not be easy because im the laziest person you could ever imagine i never do the thing i just start the next day!!! and i have no opportunity to learn it in the easy way yk but we'll see. i have to. i'll leave here after all because im marrying 😭😭😭😭 bye guys i go sleep and see english languaged dreams 🙄.. (if you made it until here you should txt me and be my best friend because youre so unemployed my dude:/ just like me fr)
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lemonade-luvr · 2 months
I MEAN THATS AS FAR AS I KNOW. to be fair all i’ve heard abt it is You fucking hallucinate shit .thats literally it .
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where the fuck did i get the idea you were having hallucinations then......... hmmm. however, i also dont get many hallucinations! at least not visual ones. im much more privy to tactile and auditory stuff!
im gonna infodump. autistic style. and if i accidentally desstroy your worldview, im so sorry. you have been warned.
schizophrenia is actually very similar to an autism diagnosis! at least from an outside perspective. it comes with flat tone and struggles with facial expressions and all that jazz! it can also make it really hard to think and leads to a very scattered mind??? idk how to describe it . because of the . well we call it brain scramble! i think its called something like word salad though.
the main defining thing about schizophrenia is the presence of psychosis, which is further defined by hallucinations, delusions and paranoia o^_^o
hallucinations CAN include seeing stuff that isnt there, though thats a really simple understanding of visual hallucinations. the visual hallucinations i tend to get are stuff in the corner of my eye and the walls kinda.. Shifting. nothing immediately distressing. but i know there are people with way more scarier things going on.
auditory hallucinations are something i experience a lot more, and theyre just.. hearin stuff that wasnt ever there. my brain loves the discord notification sound and like. splatoon sound effects. sometimes i hear someone yell the body's name!
there are also tactile hallucinations which is feeling a sensation that wasnt real. we get these ones the most. a good example isssss well rn im getting The Bugs. like buddy theres no bugs here you are feeling hair probably and yet even then i still feel it eugh eugh eugh. our headmates can make use of our tactile hallucinations to give me pats on the head though, which is nice o^_^o
delusions are simply believing something that isnt true wholeheartedly. i dont reallly like to share mine because im scared of people playing into them or thinking theyre cringe BUT i will share that we have fully believed ourselves to be in future london before. which is really fucking funny you are allowed to think this is funny. we are in the wrong country for that buddy. you can be fully aware that somethiing isnt true and still believe it! its fucked up! they should make that illegal. these are the mind killer i hate these little bastardsssssss... delusions are very versatile. its also like thinking mundane things are signs.... theres a lot to say on delusions.
paranoia is the one thats really easy to comprehend its just intense and unfounded anxiety. me when i overthink everything to death. me when everyone on the bus knows im gay.
also it makes it really hard to Word Shit. sometimes i cannot comprehend the english language despite it being the only one i fucking know. On that Topic. Sorry if this is Incomprehensible. i actually genuinely Cannot Tell. its usually fine but sometimes i just feel like i cant get ANYTHING across correctly.
impaired motor coordination is also a thing? which makes it hard for me to type sometimes and also do things like, idk, drink my monster energy without spilling it and pissing off charles. sorry charles. damn. UH theres also a lot of repetitive behaviours, and catatonia. it can come with memory issues and FATIGUE BIIIIITCH and BUDDY am i FEELING the fatigue today. AUGH AUGH AUGH.
oki think thats all i have to say on the matter unless u have questions
i feel so fucking nuts right now i dont know if its the rush of i just got to infodump or if im manic :sosonormal: <you are manic <thanks babygirl in my head. god i hope this is comprehensible
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(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice)
• Characters: Hikari Kuina, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff, angst
• Warnings: mentions of transphobia
My Girl
Kuina absolutely adores you. She can’t imagine to live without you anymore and she will do anything she can to bring you two back into the real world. She knows that she loves you and that she wants to share everything with you. Thats why she feels so guilty for keeping one of the most important things about her to herself. She’s afraid how you will react, afraid that you’ll maybe leave her or get angry at her. But she doesn’t want to have any secrets in your relationship.
She thought about for quite a while but eventually she decides to be honest with you. Yes she is afraid you might leave her but on the other hand, would she want to be in a relationship where she has to hide herself to get loved?
It is a cloudy night. You two meet up on the rooftop like you often do but this time you notice immediately that something is different. The way Kuina sits there, stiff like she is afraid to move, makes you worry.
„What’s wrong baby?“, you ask reaching out for her hands. „I need to talk to you about something.“ She avoids your eyes.
„Is this the reason your so tense?“ She nods, still looking to the ground. „I am afraid you may leave me after I told you.“
Your stomach starts to tie itself into a knot, nausea crawling up your throat. „Did you cheat on me?“ Now Kuina looks into your eyes and shakes with a shocked expression rapidly her head. „No! Of course not!“ Immediately you relax again. „Well then you don’t have to worry.“
„It’s not that easy“, she says. „You will see me completely different. You will be angry, probably even disgusted, you-“ As you raise your hand she stops her rambling. „Don’t be ridiculous“, you try to reassure her, literally tasting her fear. „I love you and whatever you’re about to tell me; it won’t change a thing.“
Kuina feels how tears starts to well up in her eyes, ready to flood her face. „I‘m-“, her voice cracks and suddenly she sees her father again, how much he hated her for not being his son. For living her own life and becoming the person she always dreamt of. For simply being herself.
„I’m not an ordinary woman“, together with her sentences, her tears explode and she starts to sob uncontrollably. „Of course you’re not ordinary. Your a freaking goddess.“
You understand what she’s saying, but still you just want to see her smile again. „That’s not what I meant“, she said with a smile on her lips after all. „I know but you should.“
She can’t help but chuckle under her tears. You always manage to cheer her up at least a little bit. One of the countless things she loves about you.
„I was born a boy“, she eventually explains further. „Okay.“ That’s all you say before you start kissing the back of her hands you’re still holding.
Speechless Kuina looks at you. „Do you realize what I just told you?“ You nod, kissing every knuckle of her. „You’re trans“, you repeat the information.
Of course you were surprised but honestly, it doesn’t matter to you. You met Kuina as the wonderful woman she is and nothing could ever change the way you see her.
„And you don’t have any issues with that?“, she asks further. You look up and letting go of her hands to hold her face. „Why should I? I don’t care what genitals you used you have. I met you as a woman, I fell in love with a woman, you are a woman. You are my girl baby. End of the discussion.“
Kuina can’t believe what she is hearing. „I basically lied to you.“ You just roll your eyes. „You didn’t lie to me. You just didn’t tell me everything which is totally fine. People can be cruel, especially about topics like that.“ Your understanding overwhelms her so mich that she can’t stop herself from shedding tears again.
With gentle gestures you wipe away the drops that are about to run down her cheeks. „Please don’t cry sweetheart.“ But Kuina can’t stop. Her heart is about to explode from all the love and happiness she feels.
„I love you“, she whispers, her crying almost robbing her breath before she kisses you over and over again.
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deathberi · 2 months
I wasn't super baby, I was only 5 when it came out and my brother bought it. But I think I played it by myself the first time when I was like 9 or 10. I don't remember how I felt playing it, as I said, my English wasn't the best, but I got drawn into the world and story either way, without knowing details.
And so happy when other OG fans of Clerith exist, I get Remake just made it super easy to fall in love with them, but tiny pixel!Clerith ;;
And I do feel kinda bad for being anime only fan, haha. I just didn't read lots of manga when I was younger, especially not longer ones, so just never started. But I'm making that right now, bought the first out of the three boxes with 20 volumes in it, so I can start anytime and buy the other 2 when I'm done and have the money. : D
(And I'm just now finishing Rebirth for the third time or the last two chapters, I finished all the sidequests earlier (even the last one that was sent from hell, haha. And I just finished watching Aerith's trial in the Temple again and can't stop crying, haha)
90s babies are not old dont call yourself that jshdjdjs 😂w even as a kid im pretty obsessive with understanding everything related to my favs and i dont really attach to a lot then so really they were one of my very first loves~ i think being long time fans really just make it all the more kind of...exciting? idk the most apt term i suck at english calming at the same time? for us when knowing that there are more of us like that out there <3 and that are still here after all these years
well at least you're beating me in the physical copy department? lol i literally only have just the matching ichiruki covers 😂 kubo's volume cover gaming is really good though so i definitely considered collecting everything before but nahhh it flew out of my priority list since i buy lots of other collectibles anyway. really cool you got the first set now though thats already a lottt~~ must be nice looking at them :3
(nice? or not nice? ToT im still not immuned to the last chapter... i've played it full twice, rewatched the cutscenes endlessly its part of editing >w<... aerith's trial is something i cant get through without making a mess of my face like hnggg that was too...too much my baby girl!!!!!! i still have a few sidequests to go and tbh im not that all in to do the remaining ones yet (lol some T&Y quests) but my latest rebirth achievement would be uhhh i finished the world intel! i havent decided on my next goal for rebirth im not really in a hurry to get the plat, maybe should start on a hard mode playthrough bc i didnt set that at first so i'd get done through the story very quickly >w<)
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formula-fun · 8 months
(This was timestamped October 12th 😱 when I found bits of my always too long ramble in my notes; I was mostly talking about your answer to my ask on the 12th.)
Good morning! (This was really what I started with!)
Good gawd I totally forgot the other omegas on the grid🤣🤣 when I jumped down the rabbit hole of “ABO universes must be more patriarchal than real life” and “my poor baby being the one suffering the most on the grid for being an omega” and of course the waaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much talking about what I like in ABO fics.
It’s quite refreshing to remember that in your story Japan is less “only boys/alphas are deserving of the throne(literally and figuratively ”. (Still can’t believe I totally forgot about it yesterday, and it was mentioned in Capri too! One of my favorite parts!😱😱) Even though technically (please correct me if i’m wrong) ABO was created so Dean Winchester could logically get pregnant in English fics, I sometimes love the more Asian take on it: as in even in the real world, as soon as men can produce children too, the ones who could do that (like omegas in ABO) would immediately be degraded in the social hierarchy to becoming “women”. It’s a very widely used background in fics from Asian writers thus making me love a lot of fics with very strong omega characters, the whole “I am an omega but I am as strong as you(his future magnificent alpha mate). ”
“male can present as alphas or stay betas ;people born female can present as omegas or stay betas” So there is no female alphas. But if the world consists of male alphas + male betas +female betas+ female omegas, Charles is a male omega?
it’s indeed true we think very differently because half of the time is you amiably disagreeing 🤣 and I’m like nodding and pushing more into the same subject or different subjects and we just continuing on politely disagreeing. 🤣🤣🤣
The mating I do understand, since the actual “registering” happens ON each other and in bed hhahah! Do mating trigger heats and ruts for alpha/omega pairings? Since the whole biology of ABO is practically “let’s make two men having a baby as logical/easy as possible, and they should has they just mated!”.
As for spoilers! I am all for them lol, I have always been the type to want to know whether the end would be happy or sad/bad for movies or stories, and then I would decide whether I would read them (I am still on the life sucks so I shall only read stuff that makes me happy and my best friend is a lover of angst, and we bond alot over angsty stories I was “tricked” into reading that I end up recommending to her, so me reading WIP is totally growth 🤣)
I just checked the 2024 calendar so if the baby (yeah!) is conceived in June 2024, it looks like it’s going to happen in Austria? (June races are in Canada, Spain and Austria) At first I thought it was going to be in Monaco(late May) at home? (Why am I sticking to the real calendar when talking about characters in fiction having babies lol). I suppose too much is happening for them in Austria seriously hahahha.
You also mentioned that their baby was born early, the amount of stress for Max??? Did they speed all the way to the hospital in their Ferrari with Max “threatening” Charles their baby girl is most definitely not to be delivered in a Ferrari of all cars? Hahahhahahha
Wonder what kind of reaction the tifosi had finding out their prince/king is having a Ferrari baby?
Thank you so much for entertaining all my way too long explanations of “what I think”.
A very lovely Wednesday to you~~~~
ahhh hi hi!! Glad you found it! ill answer under the cut in case it gets long!
hahahah yeaaaaah sorry, im definitely breaking the a/b/o form a lot in this fic!! i think it's really only loosely an a/b/o fic in the first place tho--im using that as a way to explore gender, and it's become a pretty good vessel for that! there are a lot of expectations in a/b/o about how different genders are supposed to act and i KNOW thats why people like it.....it's just really fun to flip that on its head and poke at how at the end of the day they're all just people and biology doesnt dictate who they are dfjkdfkjdfjkdfk like am i doing it right? no. am i having fun? yes
and definitely! Im not asian so i can't really speak for that, i just knew from the start that certain countries would have different ideas about gender than others (just like it is in our world) and japan happened to be one of them. i do like the way it flips the script though, and you're definitely right about that meaning omegas can be stronger than alphas. it's kinda emphasizing that there's really no one truth about who anyone is and everything is fluid, especially the dynamics between two people. that's the whole bottom line with that scene with yuki, too--he thought alphas were super different but they're really kinda the same as anyone else. As for the bit about dean winchester, I have no idea if youre right but it doesn't sound wrong ;)
"But if the world consists of male alphas + male betas +female betas+ female omegas, Charles is a male omega?" charles was born female, he identifies as a man tho! same with his brothers, all the other omegas on the grid and a handful of the betas. there are also women who are alphas, who are biologically male. Gender and sex have nothing to do with each other in this universe, gender is just a form of self-expression and identity, so this is pretty common
and iiiiii do not knowwwwww to be honestttttttttt. not sure how mating works yet. We'll see! I think it can kind of be done whenever but there are probably some sort of requirements about hormones or some shit like that, like it probably relies on oxytocin or something so if there's not enough happy calm hormones being released then it wont take?? or something like that?? cause its basically the ultimate oxytocin bond right? its possible im getting too scientific about this but idk. cause in a lot of a/b/o it basically works like magic to the point people can start reading minds after and idk if thats really the direction im going to be going with this, but it's not just a bite either. we'll see we'll see, i need to figure it out still
Same with the calendar--not sure, we'll have to see. i had a plan at one point but i honestly do not remember now. I do think their first baby is conceived in a really dumb place like a sauna or a storage closet in the ferrari hospitality or the passenger seat of Max's valkyrie right after charles smacked his head on the roof and then whined for like six minutes straight while refusing to let Max look at the wound (spoiler: there was no wound. there was not even a bruise). idk why, it just feels like it adds balance to the narrative if the whole thing is dumb and ridiculous and literally not romantic whatsoever. im rejecting the 'uwu conception is beautiful and pure' notion, it's a million times funnier to me if charles gets pregnant because he tried to open a condom with his teeth but bit a hole into it instead and didn't notice or think about it until 6 months later when andrea looked at his most recent blood test results and immediately passed out
that's all i have for you!! no more spoilers, i have to go to sleep!! thanks for the ask and happy wednesday!
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saintadeline · 9 months
I sent you this question about doctor in clinic of Bloodborne. Thanks for the answer! I was very nervous about it but I'm relieved. I've learned a few more things on this issue since yesterday after I did a post and someone also answered. There was evidence that, and doctor also, was Vileblood, what sounded very curiously. I'm now convinced on this theory too, at the same time I don't believe she was pregnant anymore. I forgot to say this in a previous ask that I thought that she described writhing and Oedon Writhe. But I am not confident anymore .Bloodborne has many horrible things happen with women, like just you wrote. Looks like because every Great One loses its child and years for surrogate, they use human bodies like factory. I understood your mind that another female character can just have more autonomy without being removed from this, at the same time I understood some fans just think that because false doctor can be Vileblood, it makes Oedon assault her too. I noticed that some people fuel even more horror to a story when it's already the most dark thing that isn't limited to be against women. It is such awesome idea to uplift the doctor instead of damning her too, like everyone else. We always notice that no one can have a happy ending, but we can change it with how we choose to interpret the story. It's all in the eyes of the beholder. I'd like to make a separate post on this that comes from different angle than saying someone is misogynistic, but I'm not even too familiar with using English language yet. There is no way to come to a complete agreement with sides, because different people want different things to write. So I think that some people here not hold ill intention to make one more female character reduced to just surrogated mother, but they want even more horror. Everything else in the post that you wrote was easy to understand and I had no more questions! Looks like everyone agrees that nobody wants to be evil and simply thought of what is better for the story and I love to see this in the fandom.
Yeah i definitely understand what you mean! In the end, bloodborne and fromsoft in general are games about coming to your own conclusions and thats part of what's so great about them. I think we can be mindful of what we theorize could mean in a narrative context while still being able to form our own takes on the lore. Also yeah agreed on the "vileblood"/cainhurst thing, without getting too much into it right now because this isnt my theory post LOL but i definitely think their relation to it added to their role and storyline in regards to oedon, it's really interesting to think about. I feel like i should clarify i dont necessarily want to accuse people of being outright misogynistic when theyre making that sort of theories! We all can unwillingly participate in misogyny that way without wanting to, because so much of it is internalized, and im not immune from that happening/having happened to me as well
Also your english is great !! Thank you for taking the time to write this and talk about it with me i really appreciate that :)
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literary-mafuyu · 2 years
I rate my all(probably) teacher because i have absoloutely nothing to do and i hate my life and i hate studying and i hate school and i am going insane (i really hope now one of my school knows that its me and sees this or ill maybe actually kill myself).
TLE Teacher: first impression of him was intimidating but is actually not that bad lol, but still tho, why the fuck did you make us memorize 10 procedures in exact at the ass nighttime, 7/10, i will never rate anyone above the 8
MAPEH and ENGLISH Teacher: ok, i must admit, you are nice, BUT WHY THE FUCK ARE YOUR EXAMS AND INDENTIFICATIONS AND QUIZZES FUCKING IMMPOSSIBLE AND YOU REALLY EXPECT US TO FUCKING GET IT CORRECTLY AAAAAAAAA-, 2/10, why, its always hard to review the indentifications 😭😭😭😭😭, the source of my endless will to kms
SOCIAL Teacher: why so strict and scary 💀😭, he has the same vibe/feeling/looks or what ever as the TLE teacher but he's more cheerful-like and less akward, oh dear they were complete polar opposites, the other one looks scary, but is actually a bit nice(atleast), he looks approachable(he still tries to at this even time and i always fall for it bc his activities was 'not boring'), but is SCARY AS FU-, bro is scary, i feel like i was about cry when he said that i should speak more louder like "What did i say about my rules in this class" always says it like that in a scary way bro im gonna cry dude why does nobody understanddddd 😭😭😭😭😭, he fr dont understand us shy people, bro actually looks like hes always about to cry ive got a theory that hes always like hes about to cry bc he gets scholed by some person or idk abt him being so strict and is actually holding back on scholding students (bro probably hit a student by his attitude dont judge me its a students responsibility to assume ok) and like actually mentions on getting scholded by some idk, bro i saw that "IM DONE" in ur files bro prol venting (ik im probably misunderstanding like who tf would leave that in the whole ass class but he could be just like me fr to ignore and act like its isnt there and hope they dont notice it like me 💀 i can assume ok bish) probably has anger issues? BUT THATS JUST A THEORY, AAAA- Man, 2/10, wtf
FILIPINO Teacher: Hello advisor, you chill, and nice good humor, good tiktok dancing mov- ...excuse me, nice good easy pc exam, i hate essays tho, also why high expectations for me and give me the unfairty and made me merorize the hardest speech even if i was a tranferee 💀💀💀😭😭😭, and why my hardwork of studying on a lesson then you skip it tho, thank you for that tho, bc the mfing lesson is hard thank for skipping it, thank for the swimming pool, 8/10
SCIENCE Teacher: She feels like just my old school's English teacher, she chill, she cool, thanks for actually hearing out my excuses to get perfect grades lol, 7/10, W teacher
MATH Teacher: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 Dont even get me STARTED im already tired bro, like, ik you old but, WHY YOU ALWAYS TEACH SO WRONG AAAA, like dude, just look at her answers youll literary understand me, its ok if it just a little mistake but like umh... thats too much for a "Pro,fe,tio,nal teachers" 💀💀💀, she wont accept crap, she either ignores it, or blames the student 💀💀💀💀, i also have that fucking feeling where shes favoriting the son of the principal on the school like wtf dude, also why do you make us just copy the answers 💀💀💀💀💀 i can excuse the lack of activity on checking our answers even if you promised to do it already like 2+ times but pleaseee why are you making us copy the answers except of making us train our brain and say that "Parents will come here and complain about your grades" like broooooooooooo 😭😭😭, everyone of us got probably atleast 15 mistake in math exam for no reason just because of her one single typographical error and didnt even correct it 💀, 2/10 u and my father is literary the same whats worse is me put both in the same room with both of you and math, i feel like dying
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majaloveschris · 2 years
Sharing a little thought.Im not good in english, but ill try to write as much as i can.First of all, if they are in relationship, ill say Chris most definatle chose the wrong girl and yes ill say a GIRL.Before anyone is gonna get mad hear me out.
Shes 25 and aspiring actress that wants to become the IT girl in Hollywood.Dating a man in his 40s is in my opinion weird and most likely shes using him for fame and clout.Chris wants a family and marriage, shes is heavily focused on career and getting her name on tabloids.The only one benefiting from this is Alba, not Chris.
Im Spanish and i know very well all the portuguese and spanish actresses.Shes not the nicest person and she is known for drama just like with her male costar Lucas Bravo.If you have followed her before 2020 than you know that she changed herself complitle after the Chris Evans rumors, shes started to copy him and the things he likes.Her friends did all the dirty deeds behind the curtains, just to make it all happen.Theres lots of other drama behind her name.
I think Chris should focus on family and the career and will most like find the right woman for him when the time will be right, but thats definatle not her and not the right time.Im going to be honest he hasnt really been himself this year, like this is the saddest i ever saw him after the avengers end.He has to do a lot of work on himself mentally and emotianally, because his not ready yet, even if he really wants it.If all the things that surround you drain you and not make you happy, you most definatle are surrounded by wrong people /situations and things.
Thank you for hearing me out :)
I still doubt they're together.
I saw him more as tired or exhausted, which is understandable considering that he's been working a lot this year. I think he really wants to build a family, but it's not as easy as it seems. It's hard for us, ordinary people, so imagine him. He will eventually find the right partner, but I'm happy that he won't settle down until he finds the perfect one for himself. 
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I think you're decontextualizing too much and talking from a privileged point of view. I'm not arguing with the objectivity of what your point is, but it's a very bland flat hill to die on, in my opinion. People can totally agree to disagree, but the whole "good luck living this way" or "it's never gonna happen" is nothing but a shrugging off problems just because they don't belong to you.
Of course trans folks have deeper issues, we've been fighting in a society that, by default, does not accept us and we're forced to explain our very existence on a daily (or whoever cares to, to be honest I dropped that one ball there). So that's why it's important to make people who are coming from said privileged spots (mind, I'm not using the word "privileged" to hop on a high horse and offend anyone) understand how some things are very easy adjustments to make to accommodate minorities. And you don't really need to know/profoundly understand /why/ it's important for them, you can simply trust it is if they say so.
It's like saying "why would I use City money to build a stupid ramp when wheelchair users can struggle a little and learn to climb a 3 inches step" or "why would I stop staring at that person's ass if it's out and it's natural for me to look at it" because you want to be better and it's not that deep.
Yet again, agree to disagree if adding "assigned at birth" is such an inconvenience. No one is word obsessed, but personally speaking I'll bend the usage of my language as much as I can to make sure everyone around me is comfortable and feels safe, I don't care and need to know why.
How am I decontextualizing or talking from a privileged point of view? I mean I suppose I am in that I am not trans? I'll give you that.
Why is my point of view a bland hill to die on but insisting on changing female/male to afab/amab isnt?
No I just truly believe and came to the realistic conclusion it will never happen, not in any of our lifetimes at least. Do you really expect that this is going to become the new normal, in every country and culture? Seriously?
Yeah damn straight Im shrugging it off, I cant help people who are determined to be unhappy over word choice. Its not my problem, as you said. Everyone elses life will go on as normal, only they will be stuck on this and being unhappy, only hurting themselves.
Changing a language is not "very easy adjustment", not at all. I mean clearly, or else all this fighting wouldnt be happening right? And ok, say English changes. What, now every other language in the world has to change? Oh boy, thats going to lead to a lot of confusion and fighting. Sounds kinda problematic too, to insist other cultures and countries have to change their languages to match the more enlightened English. Colonist vibes.
Lets have realistically attainable goals. Lets focus on what really matters- like violent hate crimes against transpeople. People who are sooo passionate about political correctness and word choice should maybe, idk, do something real to help. Volunteer or work to help transpeople. But see they dont actually care about transpeople, they just get off on the self righteousness and false sense of moral superiority.
Its not about understanding why its important to them, I understand that it is. But unfortunately, reality doesnt give a shit about peoples emotions or whats important to them. (and clearly its not ok to disagree, because then you get labeled as a terf or whatever else new acronym...)
If you want to compare it to that, its more like if people in wheelchairs insisted that all stairs should be banned- ramps only- and you cant call them disabled anymore, everyone else is un-disabled. Society will never build itself around to a minority population, and shouldnt because it makes no sense.
Its not about "doing better" or peoples feelings. This is the main difference in thought process I think- some people view it as a moral social issue, some people view it as a issue of reality and logic.
What is a female? What is a male? A woman? A man? Whats the differences between them? Whats the difference between sex and gender? Are trans people actually transsexual or transgender? Is it even possible to be transsexual since you will never have the desired sex's gametes? Can someone be a female man or a male woman? At some point we need some god damn definitions. We cant just make words mean whatever we want them to.
Why not just have females, males, and transfemales and transmales?? Men, women, transmen, transwomen. That makes way more sense. Why would the majority and a whole ass language change to fit the minority? And even with the use of "cis", "trans" is still in use so attaching "cis" is pretty redundant either way!
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