#they make him want his own 👀
ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
it'd be so funny if cowboy!Jimmy was asked to teach a college agricultural class, he was really good at it, all his students passed with A's, but only because he promised to beat their asses if they didn't 😭 "y'all can [redacted] with the [redacted] average grades, MY CLASS GETS [redacted] A's!!!"
also his students would be asking what it's like dating a celebrity and he's like "dati--THAT'S MY WIFE, YOU LITTLE PUNKS. NOW READ YOUR [redacted] textbooks!!"
but like, he's only tough when they try to weasel their way out of doing work because he hates it when people don't give it their all.
If a student were to come up to him for advice, he'd be sarcastic with them but give genuine advice. If any kid came up to him, asking if he could help them escape a toxic living situation, this is Jimmy:
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honestly, no one messes with HIS kids 😤 he'd teach them all how to box for self defense, but the university dean is already nervous letting him teach the class simple ecology
SO EVERY SUNDAY HE TURNS THE BARN ON HIS RANCH INTO A BOXING GYM!!! Honestly, Uncle Eun Jin isn't crazy about it but he's too old to fight Jimmy sksksksk
It's not all the kids he teaches, but a few of them come for the boxing lessons and stay out of pure fascination that Jimmy is literally a modern cowboy who rides real horses. Jimmy doesn't let them ride the horses, but he takes them to go feed the ducks and sometimes Uncle Jin makes the students food :>
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swordmaid · 22 days
i am wide awake thinking about that post canon jb au again when I should be sleeping …!!! such is the nature of the jbrainrot…
#the whole setting is jb hanging out in the rock post war#and tyrion became lord of the westerlands / the rock is his but he’s off doing stuff in kingslanding and jaime is just filling in for him#atm . but after tyrion comes back his original plan WAS he’ll get married to brienne right away and they can move back to tarth or be#travelling hedge knights together or whatever brienne wants to do he’s down for it. but the important thing is that he wants to stay with#her .. so he’s using the time they have together currently to court her bc she deserves that at least !!#so jaime goes off trying to court and woo brienne but she just thinks they’re hanging out bc they got relatively close in the war#so jaime being touchy feely isn’t anything new. jaime making innuendos and being kinda flirty isn’t anything new either#but this time he means it LOL he’s like I want to kiss you SO badly and brienne will be like lol silly jaime (:#I was also thinking they’d help rebuild lannisport just bc it’s a time for healing now and it would be good for the people to get to know#jaime and the lannisters in general bc of how they would just used to sit high above the rock looking down on everyone#but now jaime is like. actively helping and being known and being with the people rather than just being that absent distant lord#also he’s thinking he might as well try and foster some relationship with the commoners to his house bc it’s for tyrion anyway#so he’s off doing that and brienne is tagging along bc she does not want to go home yet#she wants to stay with him and she’s helping out as an excuse to stay a little longer but she doesn’t exactly want to leave him#but how do you tell someone that and ignore the big glaring part that she’s actually in love with him and the fact that they both survived#the war is getting her hopeful???? u want her to admit that?? like a normal person??? no..!!#so she’s just staying and helping out bc a) it’s the sensible thing to do b) so she can bask on the sun that is Jaime Lannister#for like a few more days. weeks. maybe a month bc the weather is soooo bad in the stormlands rn 🙄😳#anyway jb hanging out! and everything is going well and good but jaime is now getting popular w the people and he’s also looking quite#rugged and handsome post war now that he’s thirty flirty and thriving and he also has a new scar across his lip that makes his#smirks even more ! rogueish … ! and he looks quite nice with the greying hair 👀 so now there’s gossips around him#not to mention he’s single too and I think if you were one of the heroes who helped win the war they’ll forget the kingslaying#man with no honor business so lo and behold brienne eavesdrops a group of ladies bc she’s a chismosa at heart and they’re talking about a#potential marriage for a lord lannister (!!!) and there’s going to be a big tourney held in Kingslanding for it (!!!)#and brienne remembers jaime mentioning the ought to go to Kingslanding in the next few weeks (!!!) and now she’s remembering jaime IS a#lord though not theee lord of the westerlands STILL a lord from one of the seven houses and he’s single and very eligible for marriage rn#and now she’s realising everything is returning back the way it was before the war where society rules matters and she has her own role as#now the evenstar bc rip selwyn and jaime has his own role too and the court is a whole different battlefield#one that she isn’t equipped in and even though she had found some new confidence in herself bc killing a bunch of ice invisible zombies#with your own magic sword will do that for you she doesn’t think (and she’s being objective not negative) she stands a chance in THAT
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gortass-romance-when · 3 months
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The four stages I went through falling for that gortass
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prylc · 10 months
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This ain't canon but I decided to go full out on it >< (The anon that had sent an ask about the tagging was me btw ^^ sry for not sending it to ur side blog instead sjshskhsjs)
Wanted to do this especially since I haven't seen anyone make an idol ver of em (dancetale needs more recognition man XDD)
Idol AU belongs to @zucchiyeni
Dance Sans belongs to @/teandstars || @dancetale
Funfacts/Headcanons I've thought about below ^^
Before performing he always has to do that 'looking in the mirror and reassuring yourself'
While signing autographs (a very rare occurrence) he tries to block out his side view with his hoodie so he isn't able to see others looking at him
That's the same reason he dances with his hoodie up
During times where there's way too many people he might lower down his cap too
His shoelaces aren't real shoelaces. It's those slip in type shoes LOL
He's also basically well trained in almost every dance style
He's often seen either performing alongside others (playing the keytar/dancing/singing), or being a backup dancer
It's very hard to catch him performing a solo
Initially he was actually pretty confident, never showing signs of embarrassment, never really easily flustered. (which is why he became an idol in the first place) But after something happened, it lead to his personality now
Backstage, he's actually pretty sociable when there's a small crowd of people
Outside of performing, he actually really enjoys going to karaokes and playing dance dance revolution
I have more but this post is getting too long so I'll leave it be for now LMAO (definitely gonna make more content of em in time ^^)
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bylertruther · 2 years
within the context of byler fights, i see a lot of people say that mike is short-tempered and like while that may be true i feel like will is even quicker to just... snap. like, he gets very emotional very quick. in their fights, mike's voice stays pretty constant and even, but will's quickly starts getting watery, loud, pointed, cracking, etc. he speaks from his chest. his tone goes up and down. he uses his hands a lot. his eyes are wild and wide and boring into mike, challenging him almost. he pokes at mike. still, mike doesn't escalate; he matches will's hurt with his own, but he doesn't outwardly burn quite as hot. not with him. i just.. idk. i think it's interesting. will's anger is often overlooked or outright ignored in fandom, but it's very clearly there.
#i just think of the rink o mania fight n the rain fight n also tht 'freak' talk he had with jonathan in s2#and like yeah mike is immediately squaring up with literally everyone else going from 0 to 100000#but with will? that does NOT happen. the most tht he snapped was during the rain fight when he was mean n raised his voice#but even then it wasn't as strong as how will was yelling. it was very obviously just a reflex and he IMMEDIATELY backed down#and reeled it in. and in the rink o mania fight he's not speaking to him in a warm tone but it's when will says i waSNT bEINg a DOUCHE in#tht emotional tone tht mike matches it but again it's the same story#he's not reaching will's level of rage and he doesn't even FLINCH or MOVE when will touches him#when it's them in their own little world mike controls himself n will is the one tht burns bright n hot#like. he's not ur uwu soft boy !!!!!!!! he gets Big Mad!!!!! he uses his hands he pinches his face he gets attitude he pokes n jabs!!!#in literally every other scenario will is the 👀 to mike's 🤬#but when they're arguing with each other it's mike's 😐🥺😟🫤😢 to will's 😒😤🤬🫵🗣#when it comes to will mike routinely backs down and deescalates and goes to make it right afterward#n if they come away still angry with each other then he keeps it to himself in the sense tht its not an all out war situation like w max#like idk. i just think it's interesting to think abt.#byler#mike#will#byler thoughts#if this goes in the tag i'll jump bt i want this in my own tags </3
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grumpy-nyks · 1 year
The Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction - Agnes edition
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Who would have thought? 🤭
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Agnes "Nes" Sigrún 🌑RO: James Corvin
Personality: sincerity // cautious // friendly // merciful Traits: heart // compliance // believer Past affinity: writing [horror stories] Primary ability: empathetic impressions Past susceptibility: receptive
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☀️Fernweh: She never really thought about leaving Fernweh… It was her place, near her family and friend(s). She felt good there and assumed she’s gonna spend her whole life happily in this little town. Even if Fernweh brings back devastating memories, she’s curious about what’s happening in Fernweh now, in her true home. It’s always been her dream to work in Turn The Page, and during her ‘short’ stay in Fernweh, she started thinking about it again. Why not stay for longer…? She would love to carry on her grandfather’s work and bring his legacy justice. 
☀️Grandpa Jóhann: When she was young, she had an amazing relationship with her grandpa. They were completely honest with each other, and she loved him wholeheartedly. Some people thought that making her grandpa proud was her main hobby. She used to tell him all about her dreams that she had, which were always wild... and also about the nightmares… It took her by surprise when her grandpa, one of the most important people in her life, started being less involved. She was hurt and began to wonder if she had done something to cause the distance between them. His decision to move her out of Fernweh so quickly after this tragic event made a huge impact on her mental state. She needed time to cope and be with her closest ones, especially her grandpa...but after all she didn't blame him. She often heard that she looked exactly like her mother…like her grandpa's daughter... She assumed he could not look at her, without thinking about her... And she could not blame him for wanting to escape that pain. Agnes knew it was the best thing that her grandpa could do for him, and she accepted it, too eagerly. She always too eagerly took the blame for everything.
☀️Beckett Warrick: After what happened in Fernweh after James she had even more trouble interacting with other people and making new friends… However, Beckett was an exception. He was the first person who got to truly know her after the events in Fernweh. When she got the letter about her Grandpa, she considered hiding the truth from him, because she knew deep down that he would be there for her if she needed him… even if he would not particularly enjoy it. It's a good thing she’s such a bad liar… Her main concern is about Beckett’s well-being. She noticed that this 'little' trip made a huge impact on him. He wasn’t supposed to be here, and it’s because of her that he–... She needs to make sure that nothing happens to her friend. And she will somehow manage to bring him back to his home.
☀️Reese Verner: They had an unconventional relationship. Reese saw her as a rival, while Agnes thought of him as a friend. She was confused about why Verner, someone of great importance, would even look at her see her as a rival. She knew there were better candidates for his games. She had only one question on her mind - “why?”. Despite Verner's playful teasing, Agnes always remained polite and friendly towards him, even when he attempted to push her boundaries. Girl knew how to keep her true feelings behind a warm smile she still does. If I can be completely honest… Agnes was rather shocked that Reese still remembered her… and was actually looking for her, which sounded so unbelievably. His concern for Milton's well-being made her see him in a slightly different light. Of course, she already knew Reese had a good heart, but his behaviour really touched her. Additionally, Agnes noticed that Reese and James’ relationship became stronger and deeper… It’s for the best. James deserves someone as dependable as Reese. He will always be there for James. 
☀️Sofia Dorran: Their bond was formed over a shared admiration for books and... the color blue. It may sound funny now, but these things became central to their lives and deepened their friendship. Sofia was the first person Agnes entrusted with her writing, and valued her honest feedback, knowing that Sofia would not make her feel bad if something needed improvement. They frequently borrowed books from each other's collections. Agnes yearned for the days when she and Sofia had reading sessions together, sipping on their favorite beverage. The only issue back then was when the book ended poorly or their library didn't have any new positions for them to read. She's willing to know how Sofia's taste toward books shifted (if shifted) and how she changed as a person. She's also extremely grateful because her grandfather received constant care from Sofia and her mother.
🌑James Corvin: …Do I really need to tell you that James was her first crush? And that she never found the courage to tell him so? maybe now will be the time? Agnes and James were always together, wherever one went the other followed. They were inseparable. Agnes even used to bake oatmeal cookies for James with her mother's help. They dreamed of their idyllic life together. As friends, obviously. Seeing him again after all those years was much harder than she anticipated. Agnes felt overwhelmed with stress from the moment she stepped out of her car. Every time she heard his surname, she unknowingly flinched. Her mind was full of questions about his well-being, life, and changes. She couldn't help but wonder if he would be happy to see her. …she did manage to hold his hand for a moment, I can consider it as a success
☀️Alex Corvin: Agnes has always looked up to Alex for their adventurous spirit and their willingness to embrace life to the fullest. She has always wanted to adopt a bit of Alex' wild side. Whenever they are around, boredom and dullness seem to disappear. They both share similar values and support each other's life goals. If I would say which person Agnes was the most willing to meet during her stay in Fernweh that would be Alex. She was confident in their friendliness towards everybody and was sure that their kindness had not wavered. Agnes was touched when she heard that Alex was looking after her grandfather's bookstore… It appears that Beckett has a new admirer, which Agnes wholeheartedly approves of.
☀️Mal: Agnes has a sense that Mal might be suspicious, but she is quite naive and doesn't believe that he could mean trouble. Although she is wary of him and finds him a little untrustworthy, Agnes believes in being kind to everyone, and she is willing to give Mal a chance, not judging him by her own impressions of him.
☀️Goldie: Agnes is grateful that her grandfather had a furry companion like Goldie, who probably managed to brighten his spirits. She fondly recalls how her grandfather would tell her stories when he once had a dog, when he was younger and how his eyes would light up with joy as he shared his story. Agnes is committed to taking excellent care of Goldie and ensuring her safety.
#don't get me started how she is BLAMING herself for the situation Beckett is rn. she needs to go back for her theraphy sesions right away#that's why she went with him into the woods looking for Milton and not James even so she wanted to spent every single second with him :sob:#she's conflicted. being with James is something that she dreamed of but in her opinion he deserves someone better //obviously//#...that's why she's cheering for James and Reese lol. Look she just wants James and Reese to be happy and she can see how those two care of#-each other. She's happy : )#she's an idiot 🙂#is there a potential happy ending for the three of them..? maybeeee. we'll see what the story will bring 👀#im totally confident that Sofia and Agnes had their own shared little library#Agnes wrote a poem for James when she was young but it wasn't really her forte. that's why she showed it to Sofia because she knew she will#-help her. //Agnes didn't want to tell for who it was but Sofia figured it out anyway. they both knew that the other knew but weren't-#-talking about it out loud. XD it was hilarious -- for me and I assume Sofia but Agnes was terrified. XDD//#....cough James never saw this poem anyway cough...#I have this headcanon that Agnes made up amazing horror stories that James was willing to hear (for a bunch of oatmeal cookies) when-#-they had a sleepover //those stories were from her nightmares but she never said that to James knowing he would only worry about her//#btw her parents called her 'little star' and James must have heard it and (maybe?) asked Sofia to make a necklace... Sun and Moon.#did you know that Agnes had her piece of the Sun as her necklace for the WHOLE TIME. but she hid it away under shirt... x"D she was looking#-if James had his Moon somewhere... but she did not see it. anyway she wears it always.#omg i finally made it. there's also one in my drafts nearly finished and three more to go. XD#sooo curious about book two <3#fernweh saga#my art?#Spotify#oc: agnes sigrun
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sysig · 8 months
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They need long hair, and to put it in a bow! (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#The Captain#ZEX#DAX#It's very important! They gotta look like proper maritime pirates/naval officers! I need the cute little ribbons!#I'm chalking this one up to Muppet Treasure Island as well - Beaker's cute little ponytail got me bad you're welcome lol#Originally the Captain's was just on his own but then the others filed in politely lol#I never can decide on a human!ZEX look - especially since I want him to have long hair as a pirate!#Something something masculinity expressed through hair lengths - short military crop cut as well as long but tied up#Or not tied up 👀 It's all such a good look on him! But there must be an overall winner in there somewhere!#Also doesn't help that I can't decide on or pin down his facial structure or body type lol#I mean yes curvy obviously <3 But do I give him a strong jawline? It goes so well with his short-cropped hair but does it with long hair??#I also think that any hairstyle can suit any face it's just jdkfslafd hard to draw in a way I can recreate and am happy with!#I'll get him yet! He won't escape me! He's too pretty to let go of! (Lol)#He's also harder to decorate with human ears haha ♪ He needs more hair accessories! More than just a ribbon!#I usually imagine him with finer hair so maybe one of those like ponytail accessories? What are they called uhhh#A ponytail wrap! That thing! Yes! :D He'd look great with a ponytail wrap! And it'd keep his hair out of the way! Lovely <3#DAX also had to make an appearance obviously ♪ Love him too much to leave him out of the festivities I'm sure he's very happy lol#He did predominately get the eyepatch tho good for him - all sorts of accessories and useful human inventions!#Gets it gifted from ZEX like ''Oh ♥'' and then ZEX is like ''Isn't it great my Captain gave it to me but I like having both eyes free :D''#Poor DAX haha ♪#I'll give him a handsomer bow another time I'm sure he'd look great in something darker and more loose and flowy <3
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bbyboybucket · 2 months
Also, it’s kinda funny that Marvel repeatedly acknowledges that CA:TWS is their best and most popular movie (bc it genuinely is, even the film bros regard it far higher than IW and EG) yet they have two of the main characters from that movie that they can expand on and make similar storylines with and they just……give them half baked arcs and messy scripts, or cut their screen time……
Like maybe, idk just a random thought, just a potential solution, but maybeeee it’d be easier to create that level of success again if you expanded on the characters that were in that movie to begin with….Like maybe you could recreate the effect of CA:TWS if you wrote a good script about the new Captain America and the former winter soldier….maybe you could give those two characters from the fan favorite movie the spotlight…..idk tho that might be a huge reach
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kostnyan · 1 year
Weird take but uhhhh, I deeply enjoy short Lilia and I think he doesn't need a "grown" or taller model tbh. I know there's a bunch of people who won't agree with me but I love Lilia as the way he is now, and I think it'd be such a waste for them to just give us another design for him. He's so fun? He loves his cuteness and he's a so proud of that?? Not to mention what's more humiliating than getting your ass kicked by a dude half your size and twice as cute? Nothing. It also just gets to me when I see Silver and Lilia fan art where Silver eventually grows taller than Lilia 🥲💕so cute.... Anyways I think Lilia should stay tiny because it has so much appeal to me personally and my opinions are objectively correct.
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deathxproof-archive · 10 months
Honestly being an accidental little loomling of Theta, Koschei, and Ushas truly explains a lot about Arkytior / Susan. Little fucking Gallifreyan freak. All of their best and worst bubbling up inside of her. No idea how to person. They made a real normal one.
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moe-broey · 1 year
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I can't remember last time I showed him off but. Here's my silly little guy my beloved boy whose hobbies include causing problems on purpose and going "Oooh I'm gonna getcha. I'm gonna getcha!!" and then killing with extreme violence
Ascending his HP stat ALSO like. Is funny bc that's Xane's Thing (high HP), but also a lot of the time he lives when I really don't expect him to! He's really versatile actually, he plays support by being near enough to his allies to proc Def/Res Menace, healing from the backlines, and he can also throw some punches to either soften up a strong foe or just straight up kill them.
I'm not sure how many of Maria's skills I can put on him, given the four skill limit, but I do have a shit ton of manuals I hoard for occasions such as these 👁️👁️
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grokebaby · 2 years
asking for no particular reason but what colour is god's throne lion forme. is it just yellow or?
I consider him a lion most of the time, so do you mean this?
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If so, the body is deep blue and any stars are either yellow or lime green (or a gradient). Facial features gold
Or this?
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If so, go wild
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(Above^ various ways I've colored him in the past. I tend to include alot of gold and bright blues but I also add like most colors of the rainbow there anyway. Gold is a theme color for him tho)
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yunmew · 2 years
Jeff in that human shirt though 😭
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a-story-teller · 1 month
Had another dream story idea and it's BAD out here y'all. My subconscious said "you don't go for sad old white men yaoi? Well here's one and you have to care about it so much. Good luck"
#the braiiiin worms#The surrounding story was very good lotr asoiaf 80's fantasy epic and then there were these two dudes just So Achingly In Love oh my GOD#Basically they had been knights together back in the day during their own Young Men Do Big Things story and deposed the evil mage king#They were just village boys turned soldiers who fell in love and did something good#but then the one was basically forced to become king because he'd killed the last one and had to get married and produce an heir#So he does get married but tells the queen he's never going to sleep w her and she can fuck who she likes and her kids can have the throne#Since he's not even nobility he doesn't care about The Bloodline#His lover is promoted to “protector of the king” 👀 and they manage to be happy despite the restrictions of royal life#Eventually though it comes out that the king's kids aren't his#And this sparks a conflict between “loyalists” who want the True King's Legacy and the “monarchists” who want Real Noble Lineage#With the queen basically standing back and watching it happen as the crown prince decides now is a great time to try “patricide”#the lover finds the king's nephew (the loyalists' heir) and tells the guard to take him to distant family to raise until he's old enough#But the guard is like “he's gonna get found out in no time” so instead sells him to ppl who find exotic kids for nobles to keep as wards#and he basically disappears into a faraway household and the lover doesn't even know#Meanwhile the king survives a poison attempt but is now physically impaired and on high alert#He leaves with a small retinue to Do Some Business but when he comes back the castle gates are up and arrows start raining down#So it's him and his little group at the edge of a market vs. an entire castle#In the ambush/battle he is seriously wounded#and they try to fake his death to get back in the castle and then nurse him/sneak him out#But the prince doesn't take it at face value and stabs the “body” to make sure#and the lover has to act through watching his all-but-husband who'd just planned their escape from all this get killed in front of him#So that it doesn't blow his cover and get him killed too#That's about where the dream ended but I'm uggg g h gg#I'm SO invested in these two fantasy gays and their incredibly poetic relationship#Doesn't hurt that there were like 3 very graphic sex scenes between them across the timeline#And they were so obsessed with and hungry for each other the whole time.... the last one was just before the ambush#after the king has been left near-immobile from the poison and they're like 40-something#and the lover takes him away from all that and back to the days it was just them and he was strong#It was sooo romantic but also hell when can I get ravaged like that#Anyway I'm ruined and I can't even really work on it I have too many other things to do
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xxdrwhovianxx · 5 months
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kolsmikaelson · 1 month
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NOTES — just saw challengers today and absolutely needed to write smth for these two! only used a gif of art because theres none of the two of them and almost none for patrick </3, i’m a little rusty with smut so bare with me
WARNINGS — 18+ content mdni, slight challengers 2024 spoilers, fem!reader, kinda dom!art, pure smut/little plot, art/patrick interactions, talk of previous art/patrick sexual encounters, spit play, oral (m receiving), tit sucking, dirty talk, mentions of anal, little bit of aftercare, not proofread, lmk if i forgot anything!
REQUEST — Pls write a smut fic with reader and Art fucking in the hotel room (with Patrick watching) and reader asking if Patrick can join them and ofc Art can’t say no because he finds the idea of this super hot. Maybe reader makes Art and Patrick make out like in the movie 👀
join my taglist or follow @rodrickhefley to see when i post
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None of you were too sure how exactly this had started. You, Art, and Patrick had stumbled back into their hotel room after leaving the beach, each of you finding your own place to sit after Patrick opened up a beer, took a swig, and passed the can to you. You’d taken a seat closer to Art, having naturally gravitated towards him more so than Patrick. And quickly, you and Art were making out, leaving Patrick to watch. 
You blamed the beer. And the fact that you found both Art and Patrick incredibly hot. One minute you’re at a party, dedicated to your best friend, Tashi Duncan, and the next you’re sitting on the beach being invited back to the guys’ hotel room, and the next after that, Art is stripping you of your clothes while Patrick takes a seat leaned up against the wall opposite the foot of the bed. 
“Can I-” He begins, fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt, desperation clear in his eyes. At your nod, Art quickly yanks your shirt over your head and immediately pulls your body flush against his. He’s planting soft, wet kisses up and down your neck as his fingers work the back of your bra. His eyes widen the moment it drops to the ground. 
Giving you a moment's glance he quickly sucks one nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking and biting. Feeling as though he’s neglected the other one, he pinches and tugs on the opposite nipple, smiling around the one in his mouth at the moans you let out. 
“Yeah, baby? You like this? Me with your tits in my mouth and my best friend jerking off while watching us?”
For a moment, you’d forgotten about Patrick. Your eyes shoot open, landing on him instantly. The sight of him, slouched against the wall, his hand already wrapped around his cock, with his eyes fixated on both you and Art. He looked so hot, you weren’t sure how you’d forgotten that he was even there. 
“Mhm, ‘s hot.” you admitted, turning Arts face back to you, tugging his bottom lip back into your mouth. The blond pushes you back onto the beds that were pushed together - Patrick’s idea if anyone were to ask - and begins kissing up your stomach only stopping long enough to kiss each of your nipples. He grabs your face, pushing his fingers into your cheeks, making you open your mouth, before letting a large glob of spit fall from his mouth into yours. 
“Swallow.” He smiles when you do so without complaint, even going as far as to look as if you wanted him to do it again. 
Patrick moans at that, louder than before. Sure he and Art had messed around before, when they were both single and bored and needed a good fuck, that wasn’t new, but hearing that commanding tone in the blonds voice sent a shiver down his spine. 
“God, that was hot.” Patrick sighs, laughing when Art gives him the finger. 
“Fuck off, Patrick.” Both of them know he doesn’t mean it, if he wasn’t wanted there, you or Art would’ve said something, but you didn’t. whether Art knew it or not, both you and he wanted him to stay, and keep watching.
At some point during that interaction, you weren’t sure when exactly, Art had shed his pants and underwear. He was dragging the tip up and down your slit, up and down, stopping every few seconds to slap your clit with it. When your eyes finally landed on his length, it made your jaw drop. He was big, bigger than you’d seen before, he was long and girthy with veins running along the bottom of it. 
He slowly slides into you, admiring the look of pure bliss on your face. He’d never seen anyone look so angelic. The closest comparison he could make was how Patrick looked when he’d first given him a blow job. He wouldn’t call the look on Patrick's face angelic perse, but it was hot, really hot. The reminder of that, and the way you’ve begun clenching around him, spurs him into you. His hips snapping into yours, his heavy balls hitting your ass with each thrust. It was unlike anything either of you had felt before. 
I want him to join.
You weren’t sure that the words had actually left your mouth until the blond on top of you stopped his thrusts, looking into your eyes for a moment. 
“That what you want, baby?” He murmurs, kissing sloppily up and down your neck, shivers running through your entire body at his touch. His fingers falling to your clit, flicking at it. The pleasure was almost enough to make you forget that he’d even asked a question. 
“Please,” Even in your fucked out state, you couldn’t help but want more. 
“Come on, Zweig. You heard her.” Patrick grins, hopping to his feet, although slightly hesitant. He wasn’t sure where to go, or what to do. But his nerves dissolved the moment Art turned around, and gave him that look, one that he knew meant that everything would be okay. It meant that he just needed to get over himself and have a good time, everything would work out. After that he’s on the move towards you, giving Art a harsh slap to the ass as he goes past him, laughing when Art swats back at him. 
Patrick all but flies onto the bed, having kicked his underwear off the moment he stood up, and his shirt is long gone, a mix of yours, his, and Arts clothes are scattered around the hotel room, sure to have lost at least one thing. But none of you had it in you to care, too overwhelmed with pleasure. Your mouth opens before he’s even fully on the bed, but he gets the message, quickly positioning his tip in front of your mouth, thrusting a few times before losing control and fucking your throat. 
The three of you move in tandem for minutes, or maybe it was hours, Art would thrust into you, rubbing your clit with his fingers, while Patrick would be pulling himself out of your mouth at the same time. It felt as though this was a regular occurrence, as though it were normal. And god did you hope it would become a normal thing. The three of you, together, making each other feel good. 
Tapping Patricks thigh lightly, you hum happily when he pulls out of your mouth, giggling at how quickly he begins to check and make sure you’re okay. 
“What? What’s wrong? Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” The words come out of his mouth at lightning speed and it’s difficult for you to understand, but Art had and his thrusts slowed to a stop, hands leaving your body, giving you a questioning look as if repeating everything his friend had just said. 
“I’m fine baby,” And then you say something neither of them could quite hear. 
“Gotta speak up for us, sweetheart. Can’t do what you want us to do otherwise.” That comes from Patrick, Art nodding along with him. 
“Want you two to kiss.” The words fly out of your lips and you’re suddenly shy, pressing your face into Patricks thigh, nipping at it softly. 
Both men smirk at you before making eye contact with each other, giving a subtle nod. 
“Well c’mon man, you know how I like it.”
The combination of Arts words, his sudden thrusts and Patrick taking it upon himself to flick at your clit, push you over the edge. The power of your orgasm makes your legs shake, your mind empty of anything this isn’t you, Patrick, or Art. 
They’re still kissing, it’s all teeth and tongue and spit. It’s messy, and it only stops long enough for Arts mouth to fall open, moans spilling out as he comes inside of you, hot spurts of his come flooding your insides, leaving a white ring around the base of his cock as he fucks you through both of your orgasms. 
At this point, Patrick has taken a step back, and is watching again. He’s stroking himself with one hand, squeezing just right and out of nowhere, Art reaches out, cupping the dark haired man's balls, tugging and rubbing on them just the way Patrick likes. The added pleasure sends him crashing over the edge, he barely has the time to move and aim his cum to where you and Art are connected, spilling himself all over your cunt and Arts cock. 
Art pulls out and the three of you fall into a pile of heavy breathing, sweat, spit, and cum on the beds pushed into the middle of the room. Once you all catch your breath, Patrick is the first to speak. 
“Wow.” It was simple, but it made you all burst out laughing. 
“Wow, indeed.” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his pec, turning to do the same to Art. 
“That was fucking hot.” Arts words make you all giggle yet again. 
“Okay,” Patrick leans you into Art and pushes himself off of the bed, “‘m gonna get you two cleaned up, be right back.” He reassures you, hearing you whine at losing his presence. He comes back with a warm washcloth in hand, and a small cup of water in his other. He hands the water to Art motioning for him to take a drink and then give you some as well, while he bends at the waist, resting his knees on the floor and taking the cloth to your core, cleaning you as gently as he could before moving onto Art. Tossing the cloth to the corner of the room he pulls both you and Art into his embrace, enjoying the quiet for a moment before you break the silence. 
“Round two? Whoever makes me cum harder gets to fuck me here first.” You smile slyly, placing your hand on your ass, giggling when Patrick snatches you from Arts hold, muttering something about how he ‘got you first last time and that it’s his turn now.’
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