#they are solo fucking strong it’s insane
tutuandscoot · 1 year
Super Hot things vm have done (continuing):
The moment in Farrucas where T lays all the way back over S’s 90* leg and she runs her hand down from his knee to his toe while he looks at her LIKE THAT.
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tacagen · 6 months
have i mentioned that i am a music arranger. (and potentially a composer. my speciality doesnt include that but we still have a composition class here.)
this is blake neely's 'catch me if you can', the flash cw ost remade in my image bc lets be honest the music's fine but its nowhere near sounding like comic!thawne. this is also what i brought to entrance exam at my uni and what basically got me there (i overheard the commission say thats a good work when i played the original lmao).
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uniformbravo · 2 years
bocchi the rock going the extra mile to mess w one of their songs so the drums are off beat and the vocals are off key so the characters' flubbed performance actually sounds rough 👌👌👌👌👌👀💯✔✔👀👌👀💯🔥🔥🔥
#low bar but ive watched a lot of music anime where they just play the song as is every time#so i rly appreciate when they commit to this level of detail#fuckign watch bocchi the rock !!!!! it slaps!!!!!! super hard!!!!!! and the songs are Peak kisses fingers#retag later#ani blogging#the only music anime ive ever felt truly blown away by in terms of story-driven details in the music#is those snow white notes#it involves a lot of the same song being played over and over again and u can genuinely hear the differences every time#esp w an instrument i knew almost nothing about (shamisen) going into it like. it's insane#the first time the prestigious pro comes in and u hear him play and all the characters are blown away by the quality of his sound#u can /genuinely/ hear what they mean theres such a strong clear quality to his playing and it fucking RULES#when the main character is messing up and his notes are getting muddy u can hear the difference#when theyre struggling to play together as a unit it's v clear theyre all off like. again: It's Insane#dont get me started on the competition and all the distinct versions of the same fucking song#how flashy the other schools' arrangements are and how plain and simple the protag's group is in comparison#GOD it's so fucking good they went balls to the fuckin walls with that anime and it pays tf off!!!!!#(now s2 when 😔)#also correction: i forgot abt hibike euphonium 👌👌👌💯💯💯/10#reina's solo in s1 compared to that 3rd year's version of the same solo OOOOOOOG#i gotta rewatch that anime again ITS TIME.........
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cherry-leclerc · 4 months
method acting ☆ cl16
genre: series - humor, strangers to friends/roommates
word count: 4.1k
*can you guess what film it's based off of? i practically laid the answer out in front of you guys lol
ch. one ch. two ch. three ch. four ch. five ch. six ch. six
Chapter 3
Life, as you fear, is falling apart as you're confronted with a serious case of writer's block that puts your career on the line. As a solution, you're roommate helps you plan a solo trip to the Amalfi Coast for a much needed break but it doesn't take long for you to meet a certain Monegasque who lays passed out on the beach.
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The Spaniard shifts uncomfortably before taking a step back. You had read all about him - of course you had - but how were you supposed to know he would be here? For sure you were drooling by how in shock you were, but you couldn’t find the strength to pick your jaw off the floor. 
And then it got worse.
“Carlos, you won’t believe what I just saw! A Stormtrooper just got slapped by some ballerina! I mean he was kind of asking for it - he grabbed her and she just…” He mimics a dramatic strike as Carlos chuckles. “Best night of my life.”
The brown eyed man quirks a dark brow towards the lousy looking Super Mario. “This is my friend, Lando.” He leans closer to your ear. “He’s not normal.”
“Hey,” the Brit warns as he fixes his overalls, then blushes. “I-It was such short notice.”
Bewildered, you let out soft pants as you pat your chest over and over. The two men share a concerned look. “Are you feeling okay?” Would it be the worst thing in the world to bolt out the door and fly back home? Eyeing the entrance, you contemplate it for a bit but then you hear the familiar accent.
“She's yeigh high, won’t stop talking even if you beg her to…”
“I’m fine!” The pair flinch at the sudden burst. “I’m just going to pop out and take a breather.”
“There you are.” Your stomach drops. Charles raises his brows in a curious manner at the back heads of Carlos and Lando as you weigh your options. You can deal with this - pretend none of this was actually happening. But instead you do what you do best.
“Where are you-”
Pushing past the crowd, you make your way out the door. Once you take a step outside, you look both ways before shaking your head and running down the street. You receive weird looks, but don’t bother to care. There wasn’t an exact destination in mind, but anything was better than dealing with whatever that was. 
Loud footsteps make your spine tingle with uneasiness as you turn around. And this has to be some sort of nightmare because a Stormtrooper, heist man, and Super Mario chase after you. You sprint faster, often taking glances back as Charles tries to catch his breath.
“Where the fuck are you going? Are you crazy?” he shouts as Carlos and Lando stop, immediately recognizing his voice. You stop dead in your tracks as Charles inches closer. Grabbing you by the shoulders, he shakes you harshly. “What’s wrong with you? You can’t just run off like that!”
“I-I…” You spot the two friends as they mutter at each other, walking closer. Feverishly, you shake your head, headache coming in strong. “I needed air-”
Cold eyes narrow down like knives. “That’s fine, but couldn’t you have gone through a more sane route?” You’re a blubbering mess, jumbling out non-existing words as the Monegasque wrestles to decipher them all. 
That sounds just like Leclerc, or am I going insane? Lando murmurs as Carlos nods silently. Kind of, but we should help her. What if he’s just some creep? 
The duo are about to reach you and your roommate when you land on what seems like the worst idea, but reluctantly, saves you. Tippy toeing, you throw your arms around Charles’ neck before pressing your lips onto his. He stiffens. 
“Oh umm…so…they’re not strangers.”
The Spaniard’ eyes grow wide. “Definitely not. We should probably leave them alone.”
Making their way back to the party, you sigh with relief against the brunette’s pink lips as you relax your feet down onto the pavement. But this only leads to the green eyed boy to angle himself lower and continue the kiss. Pushing him back sharply, you shriek.
He jumps with high alert. “Wh-what’s wrong?”
Rosy cheeks flush furthermore as you rub your eyes harshly. “This…this is wrong.” A beat. “I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
The Monegasque lets out a small laugh before running a large hand against his stubble. “But I thought-”
“I know,” you chant. “But it wasn’t the right thing to do. I got lost in the moment and that’s my fault, but we’re friends, Charles. That was…weird.”
His heart stops from your sudden burst. Bruised is an understatement. He won’t say he has a crush - God, it’s only been a couple of days of knowing you - but it would be an outright lie if he said a kiss hadn’t crossed his mind. But did you have to be so unfazed by it all?
A raw cough rings through the air, only soft music being heard as you two awkwardly stare at each other. “It was kind of weird.” A forced chuckle makes its way up your throat as you rub your arm. “I also got lost in the gist of it all, don’t feel too bad.”
“We’re good then?” 
He nods, lips stretched out into a knowing smile. “Yes.”
You whistle. “Thank God. I wouldn’t want things to get…”
“Me too.” He winks teasingly. “Just answer me one thing; Was I any good?”
Unable to keep eye contact, you softly smack his suit. “What are you tal- I was.” He wiggles his dark brows. Stop lying. You gape at him. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore!” He chuckles. 
“Do you want to go back, or?”
Unlocking the door, the Monegasque steps aside as you thank him, brushing past his tall figure and making your way onto the couch. “I don’t think I could ever party again. Might just have to accept my fate.”
The white cloud plunges down as he takes a seat next to your tired state. “Which is?”
“That I’m old.” You sit up straight as you point an accusing finger up at him. He tilts his head. “Correction - we’re both old.”
A hand slaps your mouth shut as you squeal against it. “I think it might just be you.” Yoomphtoofth, you muffle as you try to wiggle free from his strong grip. “Let me know if you disagree.”
Licking his hand, he yelps as he pulls away, immediately drying himself against your tutu. You smirk. “Asshole.” He narrows his eyes. Shrugging him off, you curl your legs up to your chest. “Truce?” Glaring at your hand, he questions it for a second before hesitantly shaking it. Tugging it towards your mouth, he lets out a high pitched squeak as you lick it. 
“You’re a heathen,” he shrieks as you throw your head back laughing. Relax. You’ve already kissed me. “You kissed me, let's not forget.” You blush. Suddenly I’m feeling very tired. Off to bed I go.
Staring with slight amusement, he waves you off. When you come to a halt, sleepy eyes reconnect with yours. “I know you said it’s fine for me to keep the bed and you the couch, but I’m willing to share now that I trust you.” 
A playful scoff escapes. “I’m flattered.” You stick your tongue out, aiming your ballet shoe at him. He dodges it before comedically scowling. “It’s fine, you can keep it. Hopefully it helps tend to your nasty attitude. You should seriously get that checked out.”
You huff, foot stopping against the wooden tiles. “And I’m sure you’re getting a hump back, so by all means stay in your microscopic couch.” Green eyes bulge out with worry as he runs into the room. 
“On second thought, I think we should share!”
So he’s a cuddler. You learn so very quickly when he instinctively drapes his hand over your belly. You try to wrestle free for a while before you realize how nice it feels. A few seconds tick by before you drift off to sleep. 
The strong beams that slither past the curtains are enough to shake the Monegasque awake. Groaning, he squints his eyes as he analyzes his surroundings. It takes a second for him to register how close you are, and even worse, how his arm lays over your delicate figure.
Flinging it away, he scoots back. You toss and turn for a while before you lazily rub your eyes. Was there an earthquake? Charles opens his mouth, then snaps it shut. You raise an expectant brow. T’was my imagination? “Must have been,” he croaks, a raspy voice bouncing off the walls. “How about some breakfast?”
After a strong counter argument on your behalf, he eventually complies and strolls out the door, set to get some breakfast for you both. It should have been for the best to tidy up the bed, clean up a bit.
Definitely not hunt for a small journal.
Guilt resurfaces as you open the side drawer, finding it empty. What were you doing? Charles has been nothing but good to you - he was someone you considered your friend. Maybe it was for the best, it was a bit too invasive.
Your tummy grumbles as you glare at the clock, time slowly passing by and still no sign of the Monegasque. Dragging your feet to the living room, you shamelessly plop onto the couch when you spot an oddly familiar item. The brown diary.
You can feel the way your eyes sparkled with merriment as a delirious laugh ringed past your dry lips. It had been dug between the pillows begging to be let out. To be skimmed through. Analyzed. Soft fingers trace the front cover as your breath hitches. 
This doesn’t have to happen. You didn’t have to do any of this. You could be honest, admit what you’re doing, that you know who he is and how that would change nothing between you two, and that you needed this. He would understand. But the thin pages were luring you in by every passing second he doesn’t walk past that door. A tiny peek won’t hurt.
You can’t tell how much time has passed, but the moment you hear keys jingling, you hurriedly stash it back in its original hiding spot and rush over to the terrace overlooking Amalfi. Strong accent calls out for you as you holler back. With a sheepish smile, he hands you a box of crepes. Grazie. 
His green eyes flicker with evident panic, though he tries not to show it. “Hey, have you seen a small journal by any chance? It’s sort of important.” As quickly as you started, you stopped munching and immediately started to choke. A large hand pats your back as you inch away as if he held a deadly disease. 
“N-no I have not.” You brush your hair back, suddenly hot. “Is it that big a deal?”
The brunette shrugs but reluctantly nods. “I write down my feelings sometimes. Helps me cope with lots of things.” An appreciated and honest expression maps itself between his soft features. “Though I think I found a new outlet.” Your heart stops as he glazes over the open scenery. “Still, I should go look for it.”
Left hollow and sick, you burn with fury towards yourself. You should have let it go, but God, why did you have to ruin everything? 
The day settles with a drive around town with a navy Vespa. Charles had bought it on a whim when you gushed over the idea of adventuring in true old fashion. Just like Princess Anne and Joe Bradley. Snuggling your head with a hideous helmet, you pout as he clicks it securely before working on his own. “This is not what I had in mind.”
He clicks his tongue. “Rather be safe than sorry.”
“This is only going to mess with my hair. I planned this outfit to perfection, Cha! And look!” You give him a quick twirl as he rolls his eyes at the dramatic gesture. “Now you’ve ruined it.”
“Just get on.”
Bumpy road makes you squeal with hysteria as you cling on extra tight around his waist. You can hear his croaky laughter as he swerves to avoid crashing into a fruit stand. Scusa! “You’re going to get us killed, and contrary to belief, I would love to live!” 
“Would you relax? I know what I’m doing.”
Once you make it out of the busy village, you’re actually able to enjoy the ride. You even try to convince him to play a round of i-Spy with you, though that later backfires when you accuse him of cheating. You’re in the heat of your one-sided argument when he pulls into an abandoned church. Hopping off, you lay your arms firmly against your hips. “What is all this?”
It goes unannounced, but he quietly makes his way over to creaky doors. “Would you like to find out?” With a decent round of skepticism, you begrudgingly follow. I don’t see what there could possibly be in here. Why don’t we just go for ice cream? Bringing a finger up to his lips, he signals for you to hush. Doe eyes flutter with curiosity as he makes his way to the altar. 
As soon as he kneels down, you awkwardly kick your leg around as you puff your cheeks. You hum slowly as you watch the way he remains still for a while, eyes closed. 
“Should I let you have a moment, or…” Be quiet, he hisses. You weren’t necessarily religious but you figured you should give him some space. The sound of old wood crumbles underneath your feet as you walk down the steps. I fucking got it! 
You gasp loudly as you recklessly spin around to find him pulling pieces of wood, clearly destroying the already grubby floor. “I’m not that close with the man up above, but I’m almost sure you can’t say shit like that in here, even if it’s abandoned.” You slap your mouth shut as his eyes glimmer with amusement. Heat rises up to your cheeks. “I’m also sure you can’t be doing this! It’s private property.”
“Who’s going to stop me?” he childishly murmurs as he continues with his careless task. “Ouch,” he yelps when a splinter digs through his finger. 
“Serves you right.”
Glaring up at your smug figure, the brunette waves you over. “Instead of just standing there, you should help me.” 
“With what? There’s nothing valuable here! What are you even looking for?”
With a minor annoyance, he fiercely kicks through the board as it lets loose as cracks. Thunder rumbles as you shake your head with disapproval. You’ve done it. You made God mad, I hope you’re happy. Only, he’s grinning ear to ear as he shows off a small box. You tilt your head with clear confusion as he dashes up to you. 
“I can’t believe it’s still here after all these years.” There’s a trace of disbelief and adoration as he takes in the dusty package. There’s a whole galaxy shining within his watercolor eyes when he looks up at you. Your breath gets stuck in your throat.
Blinking rapidly, you gently run your finger across it, skin instantly becoming a dark shade of brown as you scrunch your nose. “What is it?” Your eyebrows arch into a sympathetic peer. “Oh no…did you bury a hamster or something like that in there?”
Tears well up in your eyes as you tap the wood in a downhearted state. “No, you ghoul.” He tenderly opens it up. Pulling out a golden pin, your eyes widen as The Prancing Horse reflects back towards you both. 
“My father left this here for me.” You heart swells at the sensitive mention. Charles had told you about his fathers death a few nights ago, so you were still new with deciding how to react. “He said he would, and he did.”
“That’s really sweet,” you whisper, hand pressing against his broad shoulder. “What does it mean?” And it takes you a while to realize that you weren’t asking for your benefit, but rather because you wanted to learn more about the Monegasque. Any crumb felt like a feast to you. 
It appears as if he’s playing the words in his head as he runs his thumb against it. “My dad helped build this church when I was 6. It helped bring in a bit of money for the family.” Your eyes glimmer attentively as you nod. “When I had time to get away from boxing…yeah, boxing…he would bring me and my older brother to carry wood. Arthur was much younger.” 
His Golden Goose tapped against the brown ground for further classification. “Maman would get upset at him, saying we were just babies, but we didn’t mind at all.” A gray cloud paints his eyes as he twists his lips. “I’m glad we did that, now that I’m older.”
“You must really miss him,” you mumble, glassy eyes shining back at him. He lets out a sorrowful smile. 
“I do.” A beat. ��But what am I doing acting like I’m the only one who’s had it tough?” Dark brows form a sharp V as he signals to you. “Oh, because of you and your relationship with your parents-”
“I got that,” you scowl with a lighthearted glare. The corner of his lips lift. “But my situation is nothing compared to yours. Sure, my parents and I aren’t close - not enough for my liking - but at least they’re alive.” He flinches slightly as you cradle his face. “I-”
“I know,” he reassures you with a small smile. “He was the best. Always put his family first; his son's dreams were his priority.” He raises the golden pin. “One night after dinner, he mentioned how he hid a small horse somewhere in the church, so that when the time was right, I would go back and look for it. I was covetous, wanted it right there and then. So, I worked up the courage to ask everyone around if they had seen a horse. They looked at me as if I was crazy.” He chuckles.
“He found out and sat me down. Told me it didn’t work like that. My biggest dream was to own a Ferrari, just like everyone in Monaco hopes to. He believed in me, swore that if I worked hard enough, then I could do it. Only then would I know where the mysterious pin was.”
“Lorenzo, my older brother, knew there was a key for…” He signals sheepishly at the wooden floor, a lock hidden in plain sight as he blushes. “I guess I never really learned how to be patient. I barely figured it out a few days ago, when you kicked the cabinet door open.”
You gape. “It was jammed.”
He snickers. “It reminded me of something he had said after he painted the walls. Only the toughest can kick without feeling any regret. He would have loved you, that much I know.”
Flustered, you twirl the hem of your dress. “You’re saying I’m a horse?”
“You’re definitely abnormal.” Your shoulders droop. “All I’m saying is that you helped me find the missing piece. And that means a lot.”
“But you don’t own a Ferrari yet,” you retorted, even though only you knew, you knew the truth, but he doesn’t bat an eye, only clips the pin onto your dress. 
“One day I will.” He winks. “Until then, you can take care of this for me.”
“Two more weeks, huh?”
Forcing a spoonful of gelato into his mouth, you pout. He struggles to digest the berry treat. “That’s kind of sad. I think I’ll actually miss you, Charles.” 
His lips curl. “I know I’ll miss you.” Brown hair flows against the summer breeze. “But it doesn’t have to end like this. We can still see each other. Right?”
He would find out eventually once the article was published and he would hold every right to hate you. To not want to see you again. Your lack of response has him pinching his face. “You don’t want to?”
Scrambling like a clumsy giraffe, you fidle with a nearby pillow. “I do! But when would we have the time?” You’re going to be too busy racing and hating my guts, you want to spit out when he beams back at you.
“I would make the time just for you.”
Your heart clenches. Could he just be honest? Open up to you. You would gladly do the same, but he needed to do this first to give you the courage to own up to your secrets. Lips part, then purse. “Charles, I-” A ring lingers in the air as he tips his head, giving to the go-ahead. Excusing yourself, you march into the sunny room.
“Yes, hello?”
“How’s vacation?” Eleanor’s rich voice enters your ears as you squirm. 
“Vacation?” you squeak.
She sighs. “I’m obviously kidding. Can’t you tell that I’m kidding?” A nervous giggle flutters as you hum back at her. She continues. “Anyways, that's not what I called you for. I just wanted to check up on you.”
“Oh. My injuries are much better. Doc says I can have the casts removed in a week-”
“Let me rephrase. I wanted to check up on your work. Progress.”
“Of course,” you say. “I actually have it done. It just needs a few more rounds of proof-reading, but I’m sure I can send it to you by…” You stare at the calendar. “Two weeks.”
Eleanor clicks her tongue in disapproval. “No, I need it by Friday. Nothing past that.” 
Your stomach lurches. “Eleanor, I can’t.” And why not? Biting down on your nails, you peek over to where the brunette sun bathes, or naps, you can’t tell. I need two weeks because by then I’ll be gone and won’t have to deal with a certain driver detesting me. You understand, right? But you don’t say any of that.
“You said it was an exclusive. I need this,” she warns, subtle threat lacing his voice. “We’re talking about one of the most sought-out drivers in all of Formula One. Do you realize what this could do for your career? If you nail this right in the eye, you might even become my right hand. And you know it’s only up from there, sweetheart. Friday.”
That same night, the sound of your digits hitting the keyboard are the only thing being heard. Charles tries to sneak a peek, but when you cry out stating you were helping a friend get over a break up, he took a step back and scrolled through his phone.
Stellar job…The most…Amazing…
A frustrated growl escapes you as you fist your hands. Taking a look, Charles can’t help but grin. Often misunderstood, the 26 year old deals with lots of… “Argh!” His eyes widened. 
“That bad, huh? What did he do to your poor friend?”
“What?” you rudely retort, but quickly try to ease your breathing. “Right. Um. Yeah, men are shit.”
“Of course we are,” he replies warmly. “How about you take a break? If you’re getting too riled up, you won’t do her any good. Just refresh and come back to it. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”
But the blank space has you stressed as you circle back to what Eleanor said over the phone. You had perfect this. “I have to do this. Help her, I mean. Now.” 
“You’re too kind.” It’s as if a loving glow towers over his face as he sits at the edge of the bed. “I admire that.”
“You do?”
“Mhm. But seriously, let's go for a walk.”
Despite the sun setting, he of course wears his famous Raybans and a Boston hat lounged over his curly hair. His killer mullet was rolling in as you licked your lips at the dreamy sight.
Wait. No. 
With a secretive glance, you find him whistling an unknown tune. Though he wears the darkest shade of sunglasses, you can still feel his warm gaze. Though his luscious hair is draped with an old hat, you can still distinguish his shampoo scent. His body next to yours is enough to make your inside flip as you shake your head abruptly.
This was Charles. Just a friend. A friend for the time being, at least. There was no room to form a crush now. You settled on the fact that he was just merely attractive. That you can do - admit.
“I was serious about what I said earlier today. I will visit you wherever you are.” Green eyes flicker over to you. “You’ve become one of the most important persons in my life. A good friend to have around.”
Your heart for some reason shatters as you squint your eyes at the golden sun. “Right after Amelia and Roman, you are someone I consider a friend, too. I’m glad we met.” A peaceful silence lingers between you two as your heart thuds against your ribcage. “Charles-”
“I know you read my journal.”
taglist: @blueflorals @starmanv @coolio2195 @lovrsm
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honeyshiddendesire · 2 months
Dirty Alphabet - Eustass
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Eustass Kid x Female Reader
*This one I got carried away cause he's my boo lol 🥵❤️‍🔥🫦*
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
If you're already in a relationship he will be a big snuggler but don't you dare mention it or he'll deny it. If it's a casual/ one night stand thing he'd probably see if you wanna go get drinks…or just bounce up outta there. Lol
B = Breath Play (do they like it done to them or doing the deed)
Loves choking you and knowing he's so strong he could crush your windpipe buttt he's a kinky man so he loves it if you return the favor when you're riding his cock. Your smaller hands trying to squeeze even just the smallest amount of oxygen makes him grunt and groan out curses.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Big mess maker for sure!! Wants to fill you with cum but also wants to cover you in it too. Smear that shit along with your makeup till you're a big sloppy mess that he can tease. If you swallow so be it but he loves shooting it on that pretty face of yours. Also he cums A LOT! So be prepared!
D = Dirtiest Kink (what they think is their dirtiest kink)
Wants to tag team you with Killer which you expected but the real secret is that he thought of sharing you with Law and Luffy. He doesn't know why but the thought plagues his brain. Maybe it's the fighting they've done together in Wano that drew him to the idea but he'll never admit it to you…maybe he'll tell Killer though.
E = Exhibitionist? (Do they like being watched)
Loves attention!!! Watch him all you want but don't think he'll be shy about it baby. That man will solo masturbate and talk you out of your panties in a second to join him. Also loves watching you as well.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything to showcases his strength and his big dick. Full nelson, mating press to keep you pinned down and feel his entire length. Also pronebone so you can't push him off and his big arms can cage you in how he likes.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Will crack jokes but always in a teasing way as he's fucking you into the mattress. If you try to make an embarrassing joke though just expect him to scowl.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I wanna say kind of trimmed cause he looks like he manscapes but he likes having a happy trail of red hair leading to the ‘main treat’.
Idk why but I feel like if you didn't shave he'd go feral. 🤷‍♀️ Idk why lol but I think you not following the usual beauty standards would drive him literally insane lol
I = Initiation (how do they get you going? Vice versa )
He's a horn ball 24/7 so he's super handsy and if he's not touching you he'll spill pure filth no matter who's around. His crew gets a kick out of it but if they try and make comments to you best believe they'll be thrown overboard or spending their time scrubbing their own blood off the deck.
J = Jealous (how do they get when jealous )
It's Kidd…he's territorial. I can totally see him getting jealous and storming off somewhere. But if you've been together a long time he's not asking questions just grabbing you and tossing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes to punish you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Overstimulation Kink! He loves the both of you being fucked out beyond the point of words, shaking and drooling from round after round.
Corruption Kink! If you're a good girl, best believe he wants to change that. Wants to turn you into a horny ticking time bomb, literally desires to turn that shy exterior into a handsy sex machine just like him.
Glasses glasses glasses!!! If you wear glasses it makes you look nerdy/sweet which plays into his corruption Kink and now he can't help but picture what they'll look like covered in his cum. (Totally self indulgent but IDC it's my page lol)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere. This man has no shame when it comes to sex on his ship, hell he'll even fuck you in an alley way. Weirdly doesn't like you being seen though so he'll pick positions that he can cover you with his big body. Even covering your mouth so no one can hear the sweet sounds you make for him only.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He's always horny but loves when you get just as handsy as him though. If you do try flirting he'll make you work for it just to see how far and bold you get.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Can't really think of anything this man won't do tbh lol 🤣 He's a freaky freak.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves fucking your face but loves eating pussy, it's his favorite meal. Ask him and he'll be honest.🥵 So sit on his face and then you both can devour each other.
P = Pace (rough and fast, slow and soft)
Depends on his mood. He's always rough but sometimes he'll fuck you slow with deep mind numbing thrusts till you're begging for him. Yet other times he'll fuck you fast and hard till you're shaking and drunk on his cock.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes yes yes. Whenever and however many he can get from you he's down.
R = Rope (shibari, bondage? Do they like it?)
Yup whether giving or receiving that man is down. He's a big boy who can take you whipping him or even slapping him across the face while he's tied up. But won't go as hard on you as you can go on him. He knows his strength but won't push yours unless you beg of course.
S = Sharing? (Are they willing to share you?)
Depends on who it is. If it's Killer, absolutely lol If he's having a captains talk with Law and Luffy and they just so happen to mention you he'll freak out in a feral lust but ultimately it's up to you of course.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He makes his own of course. He's a craftsman with many skills and desires so of course he'll come up with something.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The meanest 🥵 teasing you till you're pouting and begging for relief
V = Voyeur (do they like to watch)
Yup yup! He'll even join you in giving him a show lol
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If you wear heels, step on him! Not in a submissive way but more in a, “I'm strong those pointy heels won't do shit” type of way. It's like a play on a pain fetish and heel/foot fetish. The feeling of your heels scratching at his shoulders make his groans so much raspier. Will also kiss along your ankles when you wear them telling you how hot they look.
If your feet end up hurting while you walk he'll just toss you over his shoulder before you can even think of removing them.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Thick baby~ heavy dick and veiny with big breeding balls 🤷‍♀️ just saying the man cums alot.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Always on go!!!!
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
His brain can be pretty active so it takes him a minute tbh but he'll cuddle you to sleep and fall out shortly after.
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erosmutt · 2 months
☆ thinkin' bout . . .
. . . han solo and anakin skywalker renovating your house! (PART ONE maybe?)
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𖦹 insane fucking crossover. strong sweaty men, kinda sorta barely non-con, spitroasting, infidelity, face fucking, face slapping (with cocks), misogynistic han (my fav), reader is referred to as dishwasher once oops
𖦹 accompanied by Slip It In ⋆ Black Flag.
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"look at you, little miss housewife, up in the kitchen. makin' sumn for us, doll?" Han asks, taking off his gloves and smacking them down onto the counter. he runs a hand through his sweaty hair, shaking his head, droplets of sweat falling onto the floor. Anakin, who was standing next to Han, rolls his eyes. "she's married."
you turn and look at them, a smile on your face as you gently suckle lemon juice off your fingers. "lemonade, boys. done already?"
it was a nice break - the sound of drilling and banging and hammering and yelling ceased momentarily. a reprieve from Han going 'dammit Skywalker!' every two minutes was very welcome.
"yeah, done already." Anakin confirms. He lifts his shirt, showing off his toned body, and wipes the sweat from his brow. "got the bathroom cabinets up good and sturdy."
you smile as you pour them both a glass of fresh lemonade. "here you go boys," you slide them across the counter. both took their glasses. Han knocked his back like a fucking shot, and Anakin gulped his down with a bit of pacing. they were both parched, having worked all day, especially since it was summertime. Han interjects with a satisfied 'ahh', and Anakin just licks his lips and sets the cup back onto the counter. "so," Han begins. "when's that no-good man a'yours comin' home? been on business for an awful long while, ain't he?"
Anakin rolls his eyes again. "fucking hell," he mutters under his breath. it was no secret that Han had a thing for you. when the men were working, Han would often tell Anakin his fantasies about you.
'god, that fuckin' dress. whorin' 'erself out, ain't she? might as well be wearin paint the way that thing holds onto 'er.' 'i think the dress is pretty.' 'it'd look even better on the fuckin' floor while i bend 'er over.' 'you're so... vulgar, man.' 'stays in the kitchen like a good woman too. got it in check, mhm. can cook and clean. my typa woman.'
this conversation happened only just before they were called to the kitchen for refreshments.
"how 'bout this, dollface," Han starts. "whip us up somethin' for dinner, eh? all that work," he reaches over and pats Anakin's stomach, making the shorter man grumble. "gots us all hungry." as if on cue, Anakin's tummy growls, making you giggle.
"i suppose i can. what d'you have a taste for, hm?" you ask, rinsing out their recently emptied glasses. Anakin can't help but smile. but as opposed to Han, who was waiting to see you as the cute dishwasher you were, Anakin thought you were really sweet for offering them a meal.
"how was it?" you ask softly as you wash the dishes, house dress swishing as you suds up a plate. the smell in the house was a mix of carbonara and sawdust. Anakin sighs softly, fingers absentmindedly fiddling with his curls. "good." he gives you a smile. but it immediately falls as he sees his partner walk up to you. "Han," he says in a warning tone. it was too late. Han's hands were already on your hips, pulling you back into him as if you were his wife. Anakin groans. "here we go,"
you gasp, dropping the sponge into the sink and gripping the edge of the basin. "look at 'er Ani," Han reaches up and grips your face, forcing you to face Anakin, who gives you a look of sympathy. but you did look good with that innocent confused expression on your face... so he gets up and walks around the counter, watching your eyes widen with what was more than likely fear. it didn't matter, though, that look would be replaced with something else real soon.
soon, not knowing how, you were squatted down on your kitchen floor, hands on either man's cock. Anakin's cock was slimmer, while Han's was fatter. you look back and forth between them - Anakin had his eyes closed and lip being bitten into while Han had a shit-eating grin on his face. "open up sweetheart," Han tells you, stepping in front of you. Anakin follows his lead, and the two men smack their cocks on your face. "shit," Anakin hisses quietly as he rubs his pretty pink tip onto your lips.
Han pushes your hair out of your face and watches as you open your mouth. "tongue out like a good girl," he praises as his partner slides his cock into your warm, wet mouth. Anakin shudders and puts his hands on the back of your head, tangling his fingers into your hair.
"i got an idea, Skywalker." Han says. he taps Anakin's hip and the younger man pulls out of your mouth. Han pulls you up off the ground so you're standing. once you're on your feet, he picks you up. both you and Anakin watch with curiosity, until Han impales you on his cock, forcing himself in until he's buried to the hilt inside you. "ohh," he manhandles you with ease, leans you back, his large hands (and your legs around his waist) the only thing suspending you in midair. "now," he looks up at Anakin. "put it back in 'er mouth."
obeying, Anakin steps up to you, putting his hands underneath your shoulder blades for added support. "oh, god," he whines, voice breathy as he slides into your waiting mouth.
"good girl," Han praises. "takin' 'im good." him and Anakin look up at each other, Han flashes him a knowing smile, as if saying 'good job'. they were most definitely going to do this again the next day they came to fix up your house - and maybe, just maybe, Han would let Anakin fuck you too.
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dolliuv · 3 months
like that | hirota maus riki ( MAKI ) ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎧
- warning : smut regarding maki, studio sex, unprotected (pls wrap it b4 u tap it TT ), swearing, petname usage, dom! maki, dirty talk, degrading, slight hair pulling, he cums inside T-T , maki & reader are speaking english.
- pairing : idol!maki x reader
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ᝰ.ᐟ final warning before proceeding past this point, you will be reading a smut that involves maki. please do not go any further if you aren’t comfortable!! ♥️
“babyyy.” maki said in a sweet tone as he came up from behind you, his strong arms wrapping around your waist and his soft lips pressing kisses to your neck. you giggled and smiled at the precious moment of your boyfriend being his usual clingy self. you had decided to join him at the studio after he had finished his solo live, nicholas and jo had came by earlier to join him before leaving shortly after a while. “yes maki?” you said as you giggled even more from his neck kissing, his face burying itself into your neck as his hands wandered on your body before holding your waist and squeezing on it. “well arent you a extra handsy today?” you said a little taken aback from your boyfriend’s sudden aura change from the live, maki simply hummed before leaving a small hickey on your neck, a gasp leaving past your lips from the sudden action. “want you so bad.. been thinking about being inside you all day..” your boyfriend finally managed to utter out before he pushed you closer to the desk in front of you, you felt your face heat up, sure you and maki have done it once before a week or so after his birthday but he’s never suddenly acted like this.
“what’s gotten you so worked up?” you asked as you felt maki’s hands lift your skirt up slightly, almost as if you can tell he was already smirking to himself. “oh nothing baby, just wanted to finally have you to myself is all.” he said before his free hand went over to the mouse, clicking on some music to play to help drown out the sounds he’s about to have you make, yeah the studio is soundproof but he wanted to make some extra measures. “if you get any louder than that music, you aren’t cumming, got that.” maki said as his tone got lower, you nodded and swallowed your breath as you felt his hand move your underwear to the side. his fingers rubbing on your folds to get his fingers practically lubed up before shoving them into you, you yelped and let your head hang low.
your hands attempting to grip at the table as you felt your thighs shake from maki’s fingers being pumped in and out of you at a rapid pace, you bit down on your lip as you breathed heavily, your boyfriend leaned over your shoulder as he pressed gentle kisses to your neck and cheek as he chuckled at you tightening around his fingers. “already? i haven’t had my fun yet, baby.” he said before his fingers pulled out from you, licking them clean before pulling down his black sweats low enough for him to take out his cock, his hand bringing it between your folds before rubbing slowly, his head tilted back slightly at the feeling of your wetness against his cock nearly driving him to insanity before he finally pushed himself in. “o-oh my..” you breathed out as you subconsciously pushed your self against him, causing his cock to be fully pushed in now. maki gasped and let out a silent moan from the feeling, his hands moving to your hips.
“can’t be too loud, yeah? but i can’t promise that i won’t be rough, but you can take it, can’t you?” maki said with a almost mocking tone in his voice, chuckling as you simply nodded in response. your moans being choked back before he started to rapidly thrust himself into you, your moans finally leaving your lips as you feel your legs shake slightly again. maki let out soft groans, rolling his eyes back as he continuously fucked his cock into you, his hand moving to the desk for support as his hips snapped harder against you. you let out whiny like moans as your hands struggled to hold onto the desk you felt maki’s free hand tangle itself into your hair, pulling on it gently to pull your head back. your moans getting slightly louder as he progressively got rougher. the desk slightly moving with his movements, his hand tugging at your hair gently as his bangs cover his eyes as his other hand grips the desk tightly.
“can’t believe you’re just letting me have my way with you, you really are desperate.” he breathed out in between his groans, feeling you tighten around him made his hips snap even harder, causing you to whine out loud, your hips subconsciously moving against his to his pace. maki scoffed as he noticed you slowly going stupid on his cock, his breath staggering as his hand moved from your hair to back on your hip to grip tightly. “going stupid and we’re almost done, you must love how i do things to you, hm.” he said, knowing you can’t even come up with a coherent sentence, you only nodded and moaned in response as your brain was completely clouded of just him. “aw princess can’t talk anymore, how sad.” he chuckled before his hios sped up along with staggering, the feeling of him wanting to cum getting closer and closer, he felt you tighten around him more to indicate that you were also close. maki squeezed your hips as he continued to fuck into you before finally feeling his cum fill you up, a groan leaving his lips as he felt you cum around his cock. “oh fuck, wow..” he breathed out before he pulled out slowly, moving your panty back to its original position to keep his seed inside.
he fixed your skirt before pulling you up against his chest after he put his sweats back up fully, kissing your face and holding you close as he sat down on the chair. holding you on his lap as you catch your breath. “you did good, baby.” he said before kissing your cheek again, his little soft smile showing on his face as you kissed his cheek back, smiling tiredly at him. “you can sleep if you want too, babe, i can always ask harua-hyung or yudai-hyung to come get us.” your boyfriend said as he held you close to him, giggling at your state as you buried your face into his chest, yawning and feeling yourself fall asleep.
“i love you baby.”
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: 💭 : :33 hai guys, i hope you enjoyed this fic !! i know it took a bit for me to write it and post it but i had something going on along the way , i hope you understand TT , feel free to send in requests! <33
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onlyseokmins · 11 months
Thinking abt solo pornstar!mingyu and the pretty director of adult videos who's his favorite to shoot with...
You always get the best angles of him but you're constantly saying it really doesn't have much to do with you doing anything above your normal job duties - he's literally just perfect.
"Look at how your big, chunky hands make your weeping dick look even bigger and chunkier. That's all you."
But ofc he insists it's truly thanks to your talents with a toothy grin.
He really is perfect though, you're just working with the art given to you... chiseled muscles, defined abs, sharp jawline, thick thighs, bulging biceps, veined forearms, long dark hair, and a perfect fucking cock - curved, girthy, and long in all the best ways. He's even got a sweet personality outside of whatever dirty character you'll assign to him.
"Am I doing things right? Being good enough for you?"
Oh yes, he is.
Zooming in on his cock all the time is insanely torturous. Adjusting the camera in all directions to get the most appealing view (which is hard to decided when there are so many) and directing the movements as he basically eye-fucks you while fisting that nice dick of his at the rhythms you're dictating.
You keep things professional bc that's what you are and you have many clients, actors, and sponsors... In fact, you're well respected in the porn community and frankly, you're not going to ruin that reputation with a momentary fling between one of your best stars. A crown you wear that, while burdensome, was earned through years of hard work, bad and good experiences, tough lessons, unsavory people, and long hours upon hours.
However, that all changes the night you come home to your boyfriend - after he visited you earlier on set with a different actor - stroking his cock to mingyu's latest video. His steamy glasses reflect the glaring shot of mingyu's beautiful cock and the fleshlight nearly falling apart with how hard his strong fingers squeeze around it.
Your shared bedroom is filled with the slick sounds of wonwoo's pants and the sinful moans coming from his huge speaker set-up. Thanks to the insane amount of lube you'd instructed mingyu to use while he bullies his way inside of the slippery toy, it's messy, wet, and loud. His whimpers and grunts echo and echo while all you can do is just re-envision his abs flexing and jaw clenched. Seeing them in real-life is different to the image on your partner's computer screen.
That moment goes back when you were wondering if behind those lust-filled eyes, mingyu was thinking of you and what your pussy might feel like. Knowing you were probably soaking your panties watching his hips thrust at erratic speeds but unable to do anything about it.
Luckily, wonwoo is always more than happy to assist you like the sweet, caring man that he is. His older audio streams were still popular, framed as the "cool-headed man" that had incredible stamina and could edge himself for hours on end. Yet, he crumbles beneath you, especially when you ride his tense thighs enthusiastically and then bounce on his cock even more enthusiastic whenever you're all riled up after an intense day of (mostly) well-endowed, cock filming.
And he knows you need to use him more than ever on days with mingyu. And his eyes sparkle at the tentative suggestion you make. Your boyfriend is no stranger to the adult videos you create, it's not unusual for him to watch and/or masturbate... you're just that good at your job - you weren't lying to mingyu.
Yet this is the first time he's show interest in the actor themselves starring in your camera lenses and not the premise alone. So, of course he's down to invite mingyu to bed... And even more obviously... the man in question himself is more than eager to agree.
Yeah, maybe one day it's no surprise when they suggest a scandalous script of a director fucking themselves on two pornstars and their cunt-destroying cocks... And who better to star in it than you, mingyu, and wonwoo?
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mixelation · 10 months
reborn au notes to self on minato's thought process for team 4
so, i'm thinking that minato has been working on the chunin exam mission for like. years. he doesn't super care about the show of unity a joint chunin exam would signal, but his public image is very "nice young guy with progressive ideas" so it seems in character. ibiki is the biggest asset he never got out of iwa in post-war negotiations, both in terms of value and because he's like. a whole ass human. he even offered to let iwa send a team to konoha's exams but they didn't bite.
so when iwa relents and says he can send a team to their exams, minato is pretty sure this is the one chance they're going to get for access to iwa for a very long time. itachi is technically a genin and also within the age range iwa gave him (they gave an age-cap SPECIFICALLY to reduce the chance of minato sending highly experienced genin who could cause shit) (hilarious), so itachi is picked first.
the problem is..... itachi's, like.......... personality??? no one likes working with him. within anbu the biggest appeal of having him as your captain is his insane mission completion ratio, but he's known to push people and then be mean about it and then also, he's 13 so you just end up humiliated. he makes insane calls and is then bad at receiving feedback about it because, very unfortunately, he's almost always right.
minato doesn't care about the suffering itachi will inflict on a jounin senei. but he does care about not royally fucking over the other two genin, so he needs genin that can handle itachi's personality and a jounin with a strong enough personality to not let him get under their skin/walk all over them (because itachi is significantly better than 99% of jounin and knows it), because the jounin still needs to be able competently teach the other two students. oh, also it needs to be someone who can work a multi-person transportation seal, because even itachi is like "yeah i could MAYBE solo this mission by just walking in and out with Ibiki under a genjutsu, but also there's so many variables that the chances of getting caught are higher than i'd like." minato is confident there's enough time itachi could be taught to help with the seal, but it's pretty complex and it needs to working exactly right the first time, so the other person needs to be someone who already knows it or has a solid background in fuinjutsu.....
.....and that basically leaves ONLY KUSHINA* even though he doesn't want to send her (one part she's his beloved wife and one part she's the JINCHURIKI) and he's not sure iwa would even let her in
*there's probably a handful of others, like kakashi, but we'll say they're either doing important other things or he doesn't think they can do the part where they have to competently teach two genin AND coral itachi (kakashi could probably coral itachi but maybe not then ALSO deal with teaching random other children). kushina could coral a rampaging tailed beast AND she's been pestering him for a team
on the flip side, kushina has a hiraishin seal incorporated into her bijuu seal, which is designed to be hidden so it'll pass any tests iwa does to prevent them from brining in a hiraishin (because this is every village's biggest fear and why minato is never getting invited to anyone's chunin exams). if shit REALLY goes down she can just summon him
i think the most elegant approach is planting a hiraishin seal and then minato doing the extraction himself, but that's not the best move for PLOT so i think i'll have him decide that this is also too risky... like the team getting caught risks war, but minato getting caught in iwa or even anyone just getting caught with/making a hiraishin seal basically guarantees war*
*no one told tori this
anyway his initial plan is kushina + itachi + two random genin who don't even get told there's an underlying mission and that itachi is ex-anbu. and then tori and deidara fall into his lap, and itachi himself is like "what about them"
I'm not sure how much time they get together as a team before the chunin exam. originally i was thinking six months to a year but now i'm leaning towards more like three. i like cutting the time down because i think completing this mission sort.... solidifies tori and deidara as konoha, both in their eyes and everyone else's.
this also means minato doesn't quite comprehend how insane both of them are until AFTER he's mentally sorted them into "konoha's precious genin." would he have recruited them if he'd KNOWN deidara might blow up a city block out of boredom or tori would would churn out forbidden jutsu at a rate that could rival tobirama? no he fucking wouldn't have. but now he's stuck with them. his wife keeps having them over for dinner. "i think you're favoring your wife's team by all this one-on-one attention you give them, and it's not fair to--" YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND
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writernopal · 6 months
So I did it...kind of! 😅
Well, my friends, it is the last day of Nano, and I survived! Now let's see how I did by the stats...
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That's 25,032/50,000 or 50.06% if screenshots aren't your jive. Which means no Nano win 😢
I am so fucking proud of myself. Not only do I have 25K more words than I did at the start of the month for AASOAF 3, but I also wrote 8,789 words for M.O.W, bringing me to a cool 33,821 words for November.
That is like actually insane output for me, especially because I have never worked on more than one WIP at a time. Frankly, I didn't think it was possible yet here I am doing it! And I learned and refined so much about my writing, editing, and ideation process!! I used writing sprints for the first time. I implemented new productivity practices, like making little phone prisons (pic below the cut bc they turned out so cute haha). I sharpened up my style and spruced up the bits that make it special. I read a passage from AASOAF 1 the other day bc I was feeling nostalgic and compared it to AASOAF 3 HOLY MAMA the difference is INSANE.
And all of this while still dealing with life 😭 Family commitments, stressful work deadlines, trying to prevent burnout (which hit me anyway rip), unexpected job hunting (resume and interview prep can fuck right off, but wish me luck it's still in flux), and trying to find time for myself (rip my BG3 solo campaign. i miss my computer boyfriends lol). It also occurred to me that I should stop drinking coffee (still going strong btw!) bc it was meshing VERY poorly with my SAD so I've been having more cranky days than non-cranky ones 😅.
Oh, and *shuffles through notes* did I also mention that I've been working on the AASOAF 3 companion material which is all uncharted territory that I am figuring out by the seat of my pants lol? Yeah, that too.
Would I have liked to hit 50K? hell yeah
Did I win nano? no
But did I WIN nano? FUCK YEAH
ps: everyone is a nano winner in my heart. have a medal and a hot chocolate (or any warm beverage of your choice) 🥇☕
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^ phone prison
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thefirstknife · 9 months
Getting real sick of a certain subset of Destiny players complaining that it’s a baby game and crying to Bungie to nerf exotics and abilities when their ENTIRE POINT IS TO BE STRONG in specific ways as if they are being locked into using them.
MOOD. Go off.
It's incredibly annoying to me. They always use the argument of "the game should FORCE me to do things, I should not SELF-IMPOSE challenges." And like. ? I'm sorry but what? It's a video game for a big audience, it's here to be playable and accessible to the widest possible playerbase. There are plenty of ways to make the game difficult for yourself, so knock yourself out if that's your thing, but don't force others into it.
Like, I enjoy hard content, I regularly at least attempt day 1 raids, I do master raids, GMs, solo and solo flawless content and all that. But only when I want to. Sometimes I don't and I don't want to suffer in a patrol zone or struggle in a seasonal activity I'm doing for the story. The majority of the players don't want that. Designing games for the professional gamers only has NEVER been a good idea and never will be. Fifty streamers can't sustain a video game. It needs casual players who will want to come back to the game instead of feeling defeated.
One of the reasons I really enjoy helping others is because I know that casual players tend to struggle in stuff that's basic activity for me. I've seen people unable to get through a strike. I've sat for 10 minutes rezing someone who couldn't do the jump in a seasonal activity. I want those people to be able to play basic content without feeling frustrated and I want them to know that there are people out there who will help them out.
And this doesn't apply just to basic content, although it should start with that. I think all dungeons and raids and everything should be things that all players can complete. Fine, doing a master raid with all challenges should be tough, but it should be achievable with time and practice, not impossible. What a lot of these "pros" want is just completely divorced from reality.
It takes days and days of practice every time a new master raid is out for me and my team (all with thousands of hours of playtime) to get comfortable to finally finish it. We're far from casual players and it still takes a lot of time to be able to finish hard content. Making it even harder is insane to me. Like, if something is so hard that my team full of people, each with 5000+ hours of playtime and a coordinated team that's been raiding together for years now can't finish it, that means it's absolutely impossible for probably 90% of the playerbase. That's wild to me. Raids and GMs should have more people playing them. If master raids are too easy for you, Mr. I-Play-Destiny-For-A-Living, that's on you buddy. Unequip the super god tier god roll meta guns and loadouts or play something else.
And ofc, another excuse they make is "if I don't use meta, I am not going to win a raid race!" Then don't. Idk. Let me play you the tiniest violin. This affects literally nobody except a grand total of 50 people. Run your meta in day 1, and play with random shit otherwise. Play raids with all white weapons. Play without mods. Play without a HUD. Do things solo only. I don't know, make up a way to spice things up for yourself. I'm not interested in that and neither are 99% of the players out there. The game is genuinely hard enough for the majority of the players. On top of that, I am here to feel like a powerful space fantasy superhero. I am NOT here to die to dregs in patrol zones. If there's ONE thing that I know for a fact that put people off from Lightfall (as in this year of Destiny), it's the difficulty changes. They're annoying, frustrating and for some a barrier to entry more than anything else.
#destiny 2#gameplay#ask#long post#i really do love helping but i can't not feel bad because once the people i helped are out of my fireteam...#...there's no telling what other experiences they'll have#there's so many speedrunners and people who don't care and people who just aren't helping and are instead mocking others#you can only do so much for a few people you see in activities#this season's activities are super tough. every time so far I've played everyone in the team was struggling#i'm gonna have to start going into altars of summoning with my full support build warlock just to sit in there and help people#istg the 'pros' have to get their loadouts restricted. go play with non-god tier armour sets and guns#equip the same loadout that some casual player has available and let me see you then#this idea that everyone has minmaxed best equipment available at all times is bizarre. please get your head out of your ass#'i have perfectly rolled all artifice armour with perfect stat exotics for every loadout because i have infinite time to grind' okay dude#most of us aren't being paid to play destiny. lmao#'the game used to be hard' no. you got better. you mastered it#why is this so difficult to understand. everything is hard when you first start. 5000 hours later it no longer is#the game is fine. the 'health of the game' is fine. you mastered it and outgrew it#either impose challenges on yourself or find something else#like. when i first started GMs they were almost impossible for me#now i play them for fun. they're still challenging but they're not the same level of hard and I'm fine with that#i enjoy them as content and they're still entertaining#and when a new GM comes out it's a new challenge to master so it'll be hard at the start#as everything ever in the world#if that's no longer enough for you then you just outgrew the game and should probably move on#the only reason why some things used to be hard was poor quality of life that got improved over time#not being able to mantle in d1 is not difficulty. it's just not good design. it was fixed and improved#the bitching about light 3.0 as well. man. just don't use the 'OP' fragments. it's so easy to unequip them#i personally love the variety and all the options i have now as opposed to before#okay tag essay done. fhkajhakfhksjf
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prohaloplayer · 11 months
the bear is such a good show cause it reminds me of working at this pizza place where my boyfriend was my manager and we worked like 50/60 hour weeks cause we were understaffed through the first like 8 months of covid but we made really good friends with this wicked dope dad of three kids who we fed and let them make funny orders to throw in the oven and his wife made us the first pot brownies i ever had and ate like three times as much as i should have and ended that night in a door dash assisted slumber near the shoe rack by the front door and his ringtone was lil jon saying YEAH and he always wore those dope ass like late 2000s metal graphic tees
and we just like genuinely worked our bodies to the ground doing 10am opens and leaving at midnight or later only to have to come in to open the next day cause we had rent to pay. i got so strong from soloing a two person dough mixing job by myself i was just heaving 100+ pound steel mixing bowls from mixer to table
and we sat there for hours slicing and weighing and forming dough balls and theres a fucking forearm muscle you do NOT have when you start rolling and forming those dough balls but there came a point where it literally just stopped hurting and we could just muscle through that process like a factory
there were so many nights where we couldnt close the store down on time because we would be swamped for hours till close and there were so many late night breakdowns on the floor of that kitchen after we were the only two left to clean the restaurant and count the money and take the deposit to the bank it was insane but GOD the money was better than anything else i couldve been doing then
it just reminds me of like really good and really bad times
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myobsessionsspace · 3 months
This whole goddamn taekook vs jikook 💿🐎 is so exhausting. Honestly.
Was I a bit saddened when Jeongguk didn't mention Jimin? Yeah. But for the wrong reasons because my brain was hard wired into thinking "taekookers are gonna run a mile with it".
It's fucked up. But more importantly, it's not Jeongguk's fault - it's purely a me/army problem.
The fact that everyone in army has some kind of version of the members that's mostly fabricated, isn't something they can control.
They are most likely aware of all the hate they get online, especially if it gets really bad. That it gets really bad for Jimin a whole lot, from within army even, can't be unknown to them. But it's not on Jeongguk to change himself on the off-chance it's gonna reduce hate. Most likely that wouldn't work either. Tkkers, akgaes and Solos will hate on BTS every chance they get.
BTS are whole people, individuals that think differently and experience things differently. To reduce them down to their interactions with others is insanely harmful, but it has been normalised. From what I've seen, a lot of shippers (both taekookers and jikookers) reduce the maknae line to what they do and with whom. I did it too, when I immediately thought sadly about the letter when it's the first proper sign of life we've gotten from our golden maknae in ages.
So, as much as I'm f.e. looking forward to the travel show, I'd also advise shippers in particular to watch actual uncut ot7 content. ITS, BV, concerts and behind the scenes - there's a decade worth of videos. Yes, everyone believes in hybe having a narrative to push, so I don't expect people to actually do this honestly, but it might decode some of the army-internal brainwashing.
Hi lovely,
First of allllll
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I’m here for what you are throwing down!
It’s not a THEM (the members) problem it’s an US problem.
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How does it make sense that ‘fans’ be it solos, shippers, whatever, get mad when people we’ve never met talk about a member who they’ve ate, slept, breathed, played and worked with for 10+ years? How does it make sense to be angry over them interacting, touching, mentioning each other because of what the shippers will say? You damn right it’s exhausting😪.
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⬆️An example 😓 They literally had phones in their faces from all sides and so many think pieces about their interactions VS ⬇️
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I can’t point the finger without three pointing back at me, cos like you said I too have had moments when I’m like ‘those mf’s are gonna have a field day with this…’ as my first thought?! What’s wrong with me??? I get it when real OT7 say shippers & solos (when talking about those that actually are and not the ones they like to label to dismiss valid thoughts) ruin everything, cos as soon as content and good news drops there’s always gotta be some bullshit alongside it, from any subsection 😪
They HAVE to be aware but kudos to them, they keep it moving, they’re so strong to have millions of strangers on multiple platforms speaking on them like they know them, but still have so much love in their hearts to continue engaging because they know the some isn’t the all.
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With every drama and battle online it actually deepens my love and awe of these regular guys, with talent hard worked for, still trying hard to show their goodness to their supporters, not throwing in the towel for their peace. They’re everything 😍
I’m glad people like you are making it your mission to not reduce them to their duos, ships and solo fandoms, but still supporting them as TALENTED INDIVIDUALS. I’m trying too💪. I want to be conscious in appreciating them for them, their talents, their individuality AND their bonds, ALL OF THEIR BONDS.
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Obviously I bias some bonds more than others, it’s human nature🙈
We definitely need to keep pushing about original content, we need to keep pushing about original sources not just clips and cuts and edits, we definitely need to keep pushing about doing our googles!
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We need to not close our eyes to the other interactions, it’s not scary! It helps us appreciate Jikook’s bond more and appreciate them as members, friends & brothers of the others.
Because no matter what people believe those 7 MEN love each other down.
It helps us be able to filter the bullshit when we do come across misinformation and defamation of character. It helps our confidence in knowing we’re stanning and supporting the right ones.
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I’m super geeked for the show coming from Jikook too…whenever it comes 😩 Heck we’re starved, so I’ll start small, I’m desperate for a ‘keep warm, don’t catch a cold’ message from Jiminie even though he’s doing his best in keeping in contact, why are we so thirsty 😅
Thank you for writing in and speaking my heart! 😉
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raya-hunter01 · 11 months
Lights, Camera, Action! Pt. 3
Lights, Camera, Action!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Shantell)
Roman x Black Female OC! Tangela
Solo x Black Female OC! Sofia
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral, sex, fluff, defloration (Virginity) masturbation
Words: 7,215
Summary: How do you keep it together as Smackdown’s production director and navigate your life as the girlfriend of Mr. Main Event Jey Uso.  Follow Shantell as she navigates her life as a girlfriend, sister, and confidant to the bloodline. Follow her on her journey to self-discovery of love and happiness.
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Jey's Guest House
Sofia’s POV
After setting up the room for Jey and Shan we opted to stay in Jey’s guest house as their mom was watching Cameron at our house for the night. After taking a nice walk on the beach Solo and I retreated back to the guest house to retire for the evening.
I couldn’t help but laugh, as I could hear Solo whispering, giving himself a pep talk as I sat on the end of the bed.
“Ok, ask about the doctor’s appointment to get some clues, you want tonight to be about her. Yo, ass can wait,” he says looking down at his dick. “Summerslam is upon us in four weeks. Do you know what that means?" he says, talking back to himself in the mirror.  “It means you can finally sink yourself balls deep inside yo fine ass wife; you got this boi. Gotta be strong,” he says to himself, shaking his head and hyping himself up.
Not even knowing at the moment that i'm I’m staring at him like he has gone insane. “Really, babe you trippin’,” I say shaking my head at his antics as he comes back into the bedroom kneeling in front of me “Yea, really,” he whispers, his eyes taking on a predatory look as he gently caresses my bare legs.
 “After last week in London, I’ve been thinking about that night non fucking stop,” Solo says kissing my bare legs. “What would you say if I tell you the doctor approved me for what we talked about the other night. I just have to be careful,” I say smirking at him as he licks his lips. “Really,” he asks as I nod pulling him in for a passionate kiss.
 “I’d say lay dat ass back, it’s been too long since I’ve tasted my wife,” he groans against my lips as I moan at the thought of him between my thighs again. His deep voice brings me out of my thoughts “I said Lay yo fine ass back, and enjoy the ride baby,” he whispers as he kisses me one last time before sinking on his knees between my thighs.
“My pussy so fat and wet, I can’t wait for her to cum,” he breathes against my pussy before using his tongue to taste me. “Solo, “I moaned in a strained whisper as he begins sucking on my sensitive clit.
Solo’s POV
"Yea, it’s me, baby.  What you want me to do?” I moan pushing back her wet folds, placing my mouth directly over her clit, before swirling my tongue around her sensitive area.  
Her hands immediately went around my head, interlocking her fingers as she began to thrust herself on my tongue gasping and silently cursing as I began slurping up all of her essence. I knew what she wanted, and fuck so did I.
“Mmmm, you wanna fuck daddy's face as his fat tongue eats dat pussy up, don’t you?” I boast, moaning pushing her legs apart, holding her in place as I pushed my whole face deeper between her thighs as I continued lapping her pussy up with my tongue.
“Yes! I want it daddy,” she screamed as she’s coming undone the by millisecond. “Then come get it then, use me baby,” I moan against her pussy as she began thrusting her hips faster on my mouth.
I relaxed my tongue and began licking and sucking on her clit as she continued to grind on my face shivering as I could feel she was close. My dick is hard as a rock, but I’m too concentrated on my wife, it’s all about her tonight.
“Baby, I’m close,” she whispers as her hands tightened in my hair even more, bringing me out of my thoughts. “Take control baby, cum for me,” I gasped, wanting to quench my thirst for her, as it had been too long.  She sped up her movements as I enclosed my mouth over her pussy sucking and licking even harder as she’s riding my face for her release.
Sofia’s Pov
This man and this fucking tongue, he knew what he was doing and I’m glad about it. I feel hot all over as his tongue is on another level tonight.  “
“Faster baby, I need to taste more of you” he encourages as I began swirling fast on his tongue racing for my release. “Baby!  Fuck, that tongue puttin’ in work!” I cry feeling that familiar tingle all over my body.
 “Mmmhmm, just for you. Give me my pussy baby,” he groans as I try to fight what’s coming, slowing my movements.
“Don’t fuckin’ stop, don’t you dare Sofia,” he growls as he continues his mission to make my world explode sucking and licking my clit like a mad man.  “Joesph! I love you!” I scream as I finally come undone as he holds my pussy in his mouth taking all I had to give.
My heart is beating so fast as I collapse on the bed exhausted. My C-section scar is sore but other than that I’m great. I feel the bed slightly dip beside me, “I love you too,” he whispers as he caresses my face.
 “You knew what you were doing,” I smile against his lips as he kissed me. “Sure did, you took care of me in London, I wanted to take care of you tonight. Now go to sleep, I know you are probably sore.” he sighs holding me close and pulling the covers over us.
Road Trip
Shantell’s POV
This week Joe was on vacation with Tangela, and prior to Trin resigning Jon had requested off to go support Trin at her upcoming TNA PPV and do a mini vacation. That left Jey and Solo to fend for themselves on the road and carry the bloodline story this week. I knew they would do fine, but it wasn’t stopping Jey’s nerves as we drove to Smackdown.
 “You always sell yourself short,” I say out of the blue as he shoots me a look. “What you talkin’ bout woman,” he says rolling his eyes at me before smiling trying to play off his fear.
“You’ve been deep in thought ever since Jimmy called and told you they approved his time to be off.” I say as I see his hand grip the steering wheel tighter.” I’ve probably been an ass to be around huh,” he says meekly glancing at me before turning his attention back to the road.
“No! I mean I had a wonderful birthday, and these last couple days with you have been amazing.” I blush just thinking about the places in that house he had me screaming in pleasure.
“Baby, pull over,” I say rubbing his leg feeling the tension, pulling into a rest stop. He finally took the time to take a few breaths as we sat in silence for a few minutes before he finally got his bearings to speak.
“I still don’t feel comfortable being out there alone,” he says staring at me with worried eyes as I take his hand in mine. “Nothing has changed babe; it just gives a chance for you and Solo to shine together.” I say feeling helpless that he’s doubting himself.
 “Man, this is a big step, am I ready to be a champion contender again?” He asks rubbing his hands over his face. “Baby, you have been putting in hard work for the last three years. Have you seen Smackdown’s ratings and views ya’ll are pulling in? Win, lose, or draw you’re all stars in this,” I say determined to get him to understand.
“What if the crowd tries to shake me,” he says as I offer him a warm smile. “So, ” I responded as shook his head at me. “What you mean?  They’ll eat my ass alive,” he says looking at a few fans that have now spotted us going back to their car. He waves as they causally wave and go about their day.
“Even if they try to shake you, you reel them back in and turn it around in your favor, “I say kissing his hand again as he smiles.
“Ok, since you are such a pro at this. How do you drop the focus off a “What” chant?” He challenges me with a smile as I shrugged my shoulders at him. “Easy, you keep adding on to your story bringing them on the ride with you, and they’re going to get excited, it makes them feel a part of the story,” I say with confidence.
   “How did I get so fuckin’ lucky,” he asks stealing a kiss before restarting the car. “I thought you was fine as hell,” I laughed as he shook his head at me. seriously, I fell in love with you because you’re an amazing man,” I say as he grabs my hand, puts it on his lap as we intertwine our fingers together and got back on the highway to finish our journey to the show.
Tangela’s POV
“Joe, I’m not doing it,” I say crossing my arms looking at my husband shaking my head. He’s stretched out in the middle of the bed already dressed smirking at me.
“That sundress doing some thangs to me,” he groans staring at me intently.  “Nope, we got the boat trip planned and it leaves in an hour,” I whine as my husband licks his lips ignoring my warnings.
“This won’t take an hour, you know that.  All it’s gon' take is bout 5 to 10 minutes tops if that,” he gloats as I blush. “Joe!” I exclaimed as he laughs at me. “I’ve gained some weight,” I start as he cuts me off. Bullshit, you said I could have anything I want. What I want is for you to sit on my face. You gon deny me what I want baby?” His sexy drawl fills the room.  
“No Daddy,” I gasped pulling my dress up slightly. “Mmmhmm, come on beautiful, come sit on daddy’s face baby. His sexy deep voice already has my pussy wanting to explode.
As I began to crawl across the bed to him his eyes lit up instantly like fire was dancing inside of them.
“Come on baby,” he says lifting up to pull his pants down a little to release his throbbing dick slowly stroking it as I climbed over him positioning his head between my legs. “Fuck you already dripping, you ready for your Tribal Chief ain’t you baby,” he moans as I can feel his beard rubbing against me.
“Yes!” I shout as his hands rub my hips as he kisses my pussy. “Mmmm you taste so good baby,” he praises as he slowly pulls me down lower on his mouth. “Put them hands on that headboard and ride the fuck outta my face. You understand me?” his low growl sent me into overdrive.
I followed his instructions as he opened his mouth and began suck and licking on my clit. “Wait, baby!” I scream caught off guard as he doesn’t let up his assault as I slightly move off of his tongue.
Joe’s POV
 I growled pulling her further on my mouth as I nipped at her clit swirling my tongue around her clit. “Yea, fuck my face baby,” I groan feeling her hips enclosing around my head as I work my mouth over her pussy as she’s chasing her orgasm. Her hips are moving faster as my mouth is attached to her pussy.
“Yes, baby,” she moans as her thrusts are more frantic as I feel her juices covering my beard. “Yea, I want it all Tang,” I moan moving my tongue faster savoring the taste of her. “My Tribal Chief!” she screams exploding in my mouth as I groan holding her over my mouth as she calmed.
Releasing her I closed my eyes catching my breath as I try to adjust to the light in the room as her thighs are no longer surrounding my head. “Ah, shit!” I groan in surprise as I feel Tang sinking down on my dick. “Mmhmm, who's dick is this?” she groans placing her hands on my chest as she uses them for leverage as she bounces on my dick hard and fast. “Shit, it’s yo dick Tang,” I growl smacking her ass as she moves even faster.
Tangela’s POV
“You so deep daddy,” I scream as he sits up taking me into a passionate kiss. “I love you,” he groans against my lips as I wrap my hands around his neck. “I love you more,” I moan as he begins to meet my thrusts.
“Yes, I’m close!" she shouts as our lips met in a desperate kiss before we rode our orgasm together. Heavy breathing is the only sound that can be heard throughout the honeymoon suite.
“See I knew you’d start some shit,” I moan against his lips as he laughs gently kissing me. “Nah, that was yo ass I just wanted to give you some head and you took advantage of me,” he says smirking catching his breath and running his fingers through my hair.  “Do you think we made a baby this week, he asks kissing my shoulder as I rest my head in his neck. “I think we’re on the right track handsome,” I sigh holding him tighter.
Shantell’s POV
You’re going to do great baby,” I say kissing him as he takes a deep breath shaking loose the nerves. “Hey, give me your phone let’s shoot a short vid for your story on Instagram, feel the moment and do what you feel,” I advised him before recording.
Did it turn out good?” he asks leaning over to look. “It was great baby,” I say giving him back his phone. “Alright, you got this, I got to make sure we’re good, the show is about to start” I said as I gave him another hug before going to my station. “He good?” Paul asks as I was preparing the monitors. “He will be,” I responded slipping my headset on getting ready for the show.
Jey’s POV
Me and Jimmy I start slowly.
What!… the crowd starts with a low rumble
Damn, they are bout to chant “What” I fuckin jinxed it. Alright, get it together just go with that shit like Shan said. I looked around before I continued with my promo
“Inseparable,” I say leaning back to emphasize my point opening my arms.
“I’m talking bout glue at the hip,” I say throwing arms out feeling my groove, I got’em now.
Shantell’s POV
“If he’s there…I’m there,” Jey says with conviction walking around for a few seconds to take the crowd in. “Get’em, Mr. Main Event,” I whisper looking at the monitor beaming with pride as the crowd cheered him.
“Hard camera, camera eleven, and camera four I need to pan in between you three for the rest of this in two seconds pans until Paul and Solo come out,” I announce in my headset. “I got a tight shot, Shan,” Kevin responded as I looked on at Jey discovering something in himself…He could do it.  The rest of the segment went by in a blur as I put my headset down and went to the curtain to meet them all during the commercial.
“Yay!” I scream jumping in Solo’s arms as he catches me. Now you know this looks weird to folks right,” he laughs hugging me as Paul Heyman joins in laughing. “Ya’ll were great,” I say reaching over to give Paul a quick hug as well.
“Thanks sis, I was nervous as hell,” Solo says shaking his head.  “Damn ya’ll got my girl wrapped up, I can’t get by,” Jey says smiling walking over to hug me. “You did so good baby,” I whisper in his ear as he nods his head holding me tighter.
“It’s because of you,” he says putting me down giving me a quick kiss. “No, because of yourself,” I say giving him another kiss before going back to work. “Iet me change and I’ll be back,” he says as I give him a thumbs up focusing back on my job.
Jey’s POV
Life couldn’t be any better as I walked the halls after changing, heading back to Gorilla to watch my girl do her thing.  I see her shoulders are tense as I see a figure sitting beside her. I recognized him as Timothy, the brother of Taraji, a Raw interviewer I had hooked up with a few times. She was a “look at who I’m dating type” and “what can you do for my career,”. Once I found that out, we broke up.  
“Tim, you know, Jey and I are together.  So, why do you keep asking me out? Why the slick comments?” I heard Shan grit her teeth as she was trying to finish the show.
“So, he’s the Tim that Paul hired as her production assistant,” Jey says to himself, starting to piece the puzzle together. “I know that I just don’t know why after all I’ve told you tonight,” he says as Shan looks at him frowning.
What does that suppose to mean and why should I believe you?” she says as she takes the show to commercial.
“It means he’s not good enough for you, I saw how he went out for your birthday and all.” He pauses trying to find the right words to say. “The dude has a history of hurting women who love him. My sister is a prime example, I told you that,” he says shrugging his shoulders.
“Look, I know your sister and Jey hooked up, but that was before me, so it doesn’t concern me?” Shan asks, looking at him strangely as he smiles. “I think you will feel differently soon enough,” he says touching her on the shoulder as she moves his hand away.
“Aye, you touch my woman again ima’ rip that arm out the fuckin socket,” I whispered seething.  Seeing straight red, he touched my Shan. "You speaking on shit you don’t know, you ain’t got no right approaching her,” I say as Paul wraps his hands around my shoulder steering me off.
"I don’t have time for this ya’ll, I’m working," she whispers as she turns to look at me. I feel gutted looking into her tear-filled pleading eyes.  What had he said to her before I walked up? I can tell she’s about to burst into tears at any moment.
 “I need camera ten on Charlotte now, she’s active with the crowd,” she says turning back to the monitors and shaking off the tears determined to finish her show.
“Hey! Fellas not here,” Paul says looking around to see if anyone was seeing what was going on, thankfully no one was there but them. “Ya’ll know we don’t bring personal issues to work. Let’s go talk fellas and let Shan work, “he says walking the guys to his office
Office Confrontation
Jey’s POV
“Why were you harassing my girl!” I shouted in Tim’s face. “Hey, I’m just looking out for a beautiful lady,” he says as my anger is growing by the damn second.
“Cut the Shit. Tim, I just hired you and I can fire you, “Paul says angrily at how Tim himself. This is a fuckin’ mess.
“Tim, why are you here?” I mumble frustrated at the situation. “I wanted to tell you to call my sister, you know they one you left pregnant. Almost four months now actually,” He shoots back smartly.
“What the fuck you are talking bout?” I ask, looking back at Tim trying to restrain myself as I feel attacked. “She’s pregnant, she found out after you left her for Shan,” he says raising his voice slightly.
“Bullshit, I broke up with her because she is a user, it had nothing to do with Shan. How the hell you almost four months pregnant and ain’t told the so-called father?” I questioned trying to get my point across as Paul is looking between us utterly confused.
“Well, call my sister, you got a month before she goes to TMZ and every other outlet and ruins your ass.” Tim gloats as I’m trembling almost frothing at the mouth wanting to get my hands on his ass.  “Fuck you!” I yell as Paul steps in between us.   “Alright, Jey it isn’t worth it,” he says patting my shoulder.
“Imagine the headline “Popular WWE star abandons pregnant girlfriend”.  Even better “Pregnant, Deceived, and Alone.” He shrugs his shoulders before continuing, I wanna knock his head off his damn shoulders. “I mean think about it Jey, Shan’s face would be plastered everywhere; he smiles. “Don’t bring her into this,” I growl as Paul steps in between us.
“Ok, you need to leave Tim,” Paul says trying to defuse the situation. “My job here is done, I only applied for this job to keep an eye on what he was doing. I got all I need anyway, I quit,” he says smugly walking away as I’m pacing like a caged animal.
Jey, calm down and sit-down Paul says, sitting down himself.  “What the hell am I gonna do?” I asks my boss as he seems to be in deep thought.
“You tell Shan, lay it out on the table. I mean it happened before ya’ll got together, “he says rubbing his hand over his face.
“A scandal could derail my career, “I say taking a deep breath. “Look, it could, or it couldn’t but that’s chance you take. Paul says listening to my concerns.
 “Boss, you got a minute,” Solo says coming into the makeshift office, stopping in his tracks, seeing his brother with his head in his hands. “What’s wrong? Is it Mom, or Jimmy?" he asks rushing to his brother’s side.
“Nah, they good, mama gon kill me though. Taraji’s saying she’s pregnant, I whisper too afraid to say it out loud.
“Ah hell,” Solo mutters out loud, “Yea, no shit,” I respond taking a deep breath.
“You know you need to know for sure, you know mama ain’t gon’ play bout no illegitimate babies floating around. They believe in marriage before kids,” Solo says offering a comforting hug to his brother.
“I can’t lose Shan, I just got her man,” I say hugging my brother trying to get my thoughts together before I go see her.  “We gon get to the bottom of it, Uce. Solo says looking at Paul who nods in agreement. This is so messed up.
Shantell’s POV
Tonight, was a fucking nightmare, I just grabbed my shit and caught a ride back with Nattie, and TJ. When she asked about Jey, I told her he had a meeting with Paul, and I was tired. I guess that could be true because they were still in his office when I left.
 I don’t know what to think or feel. Tim told me Jey got his sister pregnant and how I should cut my losses. Eventually, Jey would be with Taraji raising their child. How could this happen, so deep in my thoughts and relaxing under the hot water in the shower. I didn’t hear Jey come in. I gasped feeling his hands around my waist.
“Sorry baby, it’s just me” he whispers kissing my neck as I turn around in his arms looking at the worried tired look on his face. “Is it true?” I ask barely holding it together as the sounds of the water falling on us almost drowned out my tiny voice.
Jey’s POV
“She knew!” I panicked and didn’t know what to say, but I knew I had to be honest. “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out baby,” I assured her. Kissing her with everything inside me, trying to make every moment count. I know it’s selfish of me, but I need her right now. "I love you Shantell, always remember that," I say staring into her beautiful eyes.
“Why does it feel like you’re saying goodbye?" she sighs dropping her head sadly. “I’ll never say goodbye to you,” I say lifting her face to look at me. “Nothing is going to change,” I promised as I lifted her, wrapping her legs around my waist. As we shared a kiss, I entered her swiftly without warning.
“Josh!” She screams against my ear as I began thrusting slowly inside of her. “It’s us, always,” I moaned cherishing the feel of being inside her. “I love you,” she cries as I feel her arms tighten around my neck.
 “I love you more,” I say honestly taking her in a kiss as my thrusts are becoming more powerful as I feel her pussy tightening even more on my dick, almost taking the wind out of me the emotions I’m feeling. The world is going crazy around us but she’s my anchor, holding my mind, body and soul in her hands.
“Hold on baby,” I moan as I put one of my hands on the wall, bracing myself and the other on her hip going deeper as the seconds and minutes pass as our moans fill the air.
 “Yea, this my pussy belongs to me, you feel how it curves to my dick baby,” I claim as I swirl my hips thrusting even deeper inside her. “I’m yours,” she groans biting my neck. “You betta be, 'cause I’m yours,” I declare sucking on her neck as I can feel her scratching my back. “Josh, you feel so good, “she moans as I take in her beauty in this moment.
 Her writhing in ecstasy, with her forehead now pressed against mine. Kissing me slowly as her eyes never leave mine, she’s now moving with me harder trying to get her release biting her lip in anticipation. My hands go to her waist pulling her body into my thrusts.
 “Josh! I need it,” she whines as I’m taking her harder. “Fuck!" I shout feeling my legs weaken as she attacks my neck with her mouth. “Joshua,” she pants as I pull her into a hungry kiss “I love you,” I groan as she finally comes apart in my arms spiraling me into my own completion. “I love you too,” she gasps collapsing her head on my shoulder.
“I don’t want to lose you,” I whispered holding her tight she nodded her head against my shoulder “I don’t want to lose you either,” she says caressing her fingers across the nape of my neck. For many minutes no words were spoken, her legs still wrapped around me.
 “Please, don’t hurt me josh,” I hear her faintly whisper as I close my eyes praying that I don’t hurt the one person I’ve always loved.
Meeting Taraji
Shantell’s POV
“Josh, I don’t think I should be here,” I say looking around for the guest of honor.
"Yes, you should, this involves you too,” he says holding my hand, leaning over to give me a kiss.
“Aww, ain’t yall sweet,” Taraji says sarcastically as I grit my teeth as she takes a seat.
“Hey Taraji, this is Shantell,” Jey say’s introducing us as I lean out my hand to shake hers, but she just stares at my hand. “I know her, she’s the talk of the town about how she has turned smackdown around,” she says smugly as I put my hand down. “Well I’ve heard about you as well,” I say trying to maintain my composure.
“Look no need to be rude, Shan ain’t did nothing to you,” Jey says looking over at me as I wave him off.
“I’m a big girl Josh, it’s ok. This just lets me know how to move accordingly,” I say smiling tightly.
“I mean, I think it’s obvious that we will be together since Josh’s parents are big on family. I’m sure they will encourage Josh to marry me, make an honest woman outta me. My eyes are getting wider by the second. Is this bitch serious as I turn to look at Jey who has a defeated look on his face.  I know you fuckin’ lyin right now this isn’t happening.  Shan get a grip don’t let her see you sweat.
“I mean we made this baby together; “she says grabbing my attention as she’s rubbing her stomach. I slightly cringe at her words, and the image as I’m staring a hole through this arrogant skank here.
“I need to see proof, “Jey finally says looking at her barley there stomach. “I need DNA, “he says tightly holding my hand. “They can do that it’s non-invasive and won’t hurt the baby,” I add as Taraji rolls her eyes.
 Oh! Well, my doctor says that’s too much of a risk, so we would have to wait until the baby is born,” Taraji says smirking at me.
“Interesting because I remember my cousin having to do a DNA test while she was pregnant because the dad was trippin’ and we were told it was harmless,” I say out loud as her face contorts into anger.
Well, for me it’s dangerous,” she says speaking fast, I can see some kinks in this story. I nod in understanding even though I know she’s full of shit.
Taking a deep breath, I looked at Josh and realized I needed to be strong for us both and ask the question we both wanted to ask.
“So, what do you want? “I ask staring a hole through her. “Oh, nothing much. I don’t want to alert the media to this scandal, you know being pregnant and abandoned.  It would really bring Jey’s stock down, like really damage his career. It could stop his push with all the bad media attention it would bring,” she says smiling at Jey.
“So, you basically want me to be with you and leave Shan,” he says staring a hole through her. “And our child,” she adds. I mean Shan would get a lot of backlash being labeled as a homewrecker and it would damage her career as well.
“I don’t give a damn what people think about me. I didn’t know about you, you happened before me so I’m not even mad at you. But that funky ass attitude of yours is less to be desired,” I say as she smirks at me.
I’m fighting the urge to bitch slap her ass. “Your trying to ruin his career, everything he’s busted his ass for,” I say whispering trying not to alert people to the conflict going on at the table.
“I ain’t ruining nothing, because after talking to his parents he’s going to make the right decision for us all. I mean he must protect the family name after all.” She says as Josh groans in response.
“I’m gon’ fucking vomit,” I retort leaving them alone at the table.
Jey’s POV
Shantell! Baby, wait! I shouted getting up to follow her.” I’ll give you a month to break it off Josh, or I’m going to the media,” Taraji says. I rub my beard and run my hand over my face irritated. “I heard you suppose to be winning the title at Summerslam.
I would hate for a little negative news coverage to change that outcome,” she smiles. “I’ll never love you, you ain’t her,” I say as her smile drops. “You will learn too baby. I’ll be transferred to interview duty on the smackdown brand starting next week,” she says as I groan in dread walking off to find Shantell.
I found her by the car on her cell. Trin, I could have socked that bitch,” she hissed as we locked eyes. “Let me call you back Jey’s staring a hole through me,” she says as I smile dropping my head.
“Ok let me have it,” I say looking at her as I can tell she wants to go off.  “I can’t even if I wanted to. Josh, she’s seriously threatening to ruin everything you’ve worked for,” Shan whispers looking around the parking lot trying to see if we were being watched. “Can we just go?" she asks as I grab her hand. "Yea, let's go home."
Gym Talk & Realizations
"Man, you serious, Uce," Jimmy says listening to his brother's retelling of how the lunch from hell went. "I hate you let her meet Ma, and pops, sounds like she planned that shit,” Jimmy says frowning at his brother. “Yea, it seems,” Jey says moving to the weights.
“How you gon handle ma, you know she old school. She gon be trying to get you married and everything,” Jimmy says looking at the desperate face of his brother.
“She already has, Taraji sent me an ultrasound picture and I went by the house to see her. She wants me to try a relationship at least with Taraji until we can get the DNA test when the baby is born,” I say shivering at the thought.
 “Damn, what you gon do?" Jimmy asks spotting his brother.” I told Ma I would consider it,” I say avoiding his gaze. “Shit, that is like saying you’re gon’ do it. So, what about Shan?" Jimmy asks as I shake my head.
“I’m trying to hold on to her as long as I can. I got a month to break up with her before Taraji goes public.” I sigh as I see the disappointed look on his face.
So, did it occur to you to maybe stand up to ma, and be with the woman you love?” My brother asks frowning at me. When I didn’t answer he kept going. “I mean let her take that shit to the media, people co-parent every day. You can be a great dad without having to be in a relationship with her ass."Jimmy whispers trying to not draw attention to us. “What about my career Jimmy,” I say trying not to argue with my brother.   
“The worst thing that could happen is corporate doesn’t back you being champ, so you don’t take the strap. That means you’ll just win the title a little later on when everything blows over, Jimmy pleads to me as I’m tired of speaking on the subject.  
“I don’t know, Uce” I respond tiredly. “I can’t watch this train wreck, you gon break Shantell’s heart, cause yo ass can’t take a stand. Then you gon' be sick as fuck when she on another man's arm,” Jimmy sighs leaving his brother to his own stupidity. As across town, Shantell was about to be hit with another knockout punch.
Uso Family Home
Shantell's POV
“Hey mama Uce,” I say accepting her hug as she pulls me close. “Come on sit with me sweetie, I’m so glad you could come,” she says hugging me tight.
“It’s so beautiful here,” I say taking in the waves crashing and the beautiful scenery on their patio.
“I love this house and the view, my husband picked well.” She says looking around taking it all in herself. “I asked to see you because I’m sure you know about Joshua and Taraji,” she says with a sad smile.
Yes, ma’am, “I sadly smile. “We are trying to deal with it, and trying to decide what to do together,” I say honestly. “Well, sweetie this isn’t going away,” she says passing me the ultrasound picture. As I looked at the picture i couldn't;t stop the few tears that escaped from my eyes.
“I know you love my son, but he has responsibilities, and I would say the same thing if it were you in this situation.  He needs to be an in-home father to his child like his dad was,” she says reaching over touching my hand as I nodded. “I understand what you’re saying,” I start but she cuts me off.
“His career is going well, and I know you don’t want any negative attention on you guys. That press can make or break someone’s career. Do you really want to do that to him, or yourself?” She asks. I can’t find my words as each of her words are cutting me deep.
“He conflicted by his love for you, doing the right thing for his child and his career. Don’t make him choose,” she says wiping her tears.
“I would never do that,” I say choking back tears as my chest tightens, I feel as if my heart is about to explode.
“I love you Shantell, but please let my baby go,” she cries as by this point, I can’t stop my tears from flowing.
‘I don’t know how,” I whisper as she grabs my hand. Spend these next couple weeks with him, cherish your time, then let him go. It will be better for everyone involved,” she says wiping her tears going into the kitchen.
I had to leave, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I got in Jey’s car, taking the short drive to Jimmy and Trin's, house crying the whole way. Cutting off the car I just had to take a moment before I went in, I couldn’t stop my tears, my life was falling apart.
Knocking on the window brings me back to the present as Jimmy opens my door. “Shan you ok, what happened?” He asks worried at my current state. Trying to catch my breath he grabs my hands. “Calm down, sis,” I weakly smile at him as he pulls me into his arms. “I’m losing him,” I whisper against his chest as he holds me tighter. “I got you, come on let’s go inside,” he says leading to the house.
As I told them what happened I could see Jimmy angrily bumping his knee and tapping his finger on the table. “Mama always dippin’ in shit that don’t concern her.” He says angry at his mom and the situation in general.” I’m so sorry Shantell, “Trin says hugging me. "She showed me the ultrasound pictures," I say looking down. “It’s gonna be ok,” she says holding me tighter.
“Jey just texted, he’s been trying to get you, he’s worried,” Jimmy says looking at me. “Just tell him I’ll be home in a bit, Trin and I are hanging out I say.” He nods typing his response, I talked to them for a few more minutes before back to Jey’s.
Jey’s Home
Shantell’s POV
“I was worried bout you,” Jey says as I join him in the kitchen. “I’m sorry, I made you worry,” I said giving him a kiss. “Uhhuh, see I missed those kisses,” he smiles brightly at me as I try to smile. “What’s wrong baby?” he asks as I contemplate telling him.
Hell, what else is there to lose. “Your mom called me to come over,” I answered taking a seat beside him. “What did she want?” He asked interested in the meeting. “She told me to let you go, because you didn’t need the stress of having to choose between the baby, your career, and me,” I say as my eyes meet his for a brief second before he looked down, taking deep breaths.
  “I told her I would never make you choose. She informed me how it would be best for everyone if I stepped aside,” I finished looking in his eyes for an answer finding none.
“Baby, I don’t know what to do,” he whispers as I feel this conversation is about to get even messier. “So, is being in the baby’s life, co-parenting, and riding out this scandal out even an option right now? I see his hands shaking as he’s ringing his together as I’ve seen him do so many times when he’s stressing.
“Are you going to try to be in a relationship with her for the baby’s sake?” I asked, looking at him waiting for his response. It was out in the open now, no turning back.  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he says looking at me. “Josh, I’m not made of glass what is it?” I demand.
“I think I’m going to try the relationship for my child’s sake, but I’m not proposing until I know if the baby is mine. I can’t have this scandal touching my family name,” he says with tears falling from his face.
I shook my head at him. “Thank you for telling me,” I say looking around the room, wiping my tears. “Well, I was preparing to go through this scandal with you, be a great stepmom to this baby and your number one supporter,” I whispered backing up slowly as Jey stood up moving towards me, bringing me into his arms, I can’t look at him.
 “Baby,” he starts as I cut him off, “don’t worry about me, I guess everything happens the way it’s supposed to,” I say wiping his tears, giving him a tender kiss before pulling away, going upstairs to pack. I couldn’t stay here; I can’t pretend everything is ok.
Jey’s POV
“Wait, where are you going?” I panic as I see her shuffling around my room packing her things. “I’m going to Jimmy’s or Solo’s I’m not staying here,” she says packing her suitcase. “We still got some time,” I say pulling some of her clothes back out.
“I don’t want time with you! You really think I wanna have sex with you for the next few weeks knowing you’re leaving me!” She screams at me as I wish the earth would open up and swallow me whole.  “You have lost yo fucking mind! She shouts as he I can’t move from the spot, I’m stuck in.
“Why are we prolonging this, you can’t stand up to your mom, you can’t stand up to Taraji, you can’t whether the storm with me because your concerned about your career, even though I have as much to lose as you do! “She yells no longer crying, the anger is pouring out of her now.
 “Shantell, I say trying to hold her as she pushes me away. “No! I get it! Having a perfect image is what you care about. You really would marry someone who is telling yo stuuuupid ass they using you," she yells as I’m standing here mad at myself not her. I feel my anger boiling over as I continue to watch her rant.
 “You don’t even know if she’s pregnant, or if it’s even yours with how you told me she threw her ass around!” She shouts, continuing to pack her things. “That shit ain’t fair, Shan!" I worked hard for all this shit I have! I’m not gon’ ruin it over y—," stopping myself from finishing the word that I knew not only I didn’t mean, but it would cut her even deeper.
This is why I hate arguing when arguing I’m mad or frustrated, I say shit that I don’t mean. “Nah, baby finish your thought,” she says walking up to me. “Over me right, you’re not going to jeopardize your career and your family name over me.” she whimpers nodding her head getting the wrong understanding, as I see new tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Shantell, I didn’t mean it, I love you,” I say desperately trying to get her to believe me. Not even caring that my own tears are falling, all I care about is her knowing I didn't mean it.
 “Fuck, you Josh,” she says grabbing her suitcase, stormin' out of my house, but I hoped not out of my life.
“What the fuck just happened,” I say aloud looking around the room and seeing no reminisce of her anywhere to be found. The ruffled sheets are the only sign left of our lovemaking this morning.
“What the hell have I done? I muttered standing alone in this big house of memories listening to the waves of the ocean crashing on the shore.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
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fazedlight · 7 months
Spoilers under the cut. Warning, this post ran away with me.
First off, obviously, this movie is a strong woman-led cast with men in supporting roles. I feel like, in order to move a society, you both need to make an active point about representation - which Captain Marvel did - but also need to start making a passive point about representation - which The Marvels did.
Because in a truly equal world, we'd see a thorough mix of movies, and it wouldn't occur to us that some movies had more men or more women or more white people or more latinos or more straight people or more gay people. Equal representation means that sort of thinking disappears. (As an example... do you have a sense of blue eye vs. green eye representation? Without oppression, it's just not a thought that occurs.)
So in a way, I felt like The Marvels was showing us what the world could be? Women as the focus, but that's not inherently noteworthy. Women of color as leads, but that's not inherently noteworthy. To see full diversity across movies and have that not be noteworthy. No single movie can give us everything - but The Marvels moved us in the right direction, and I want that momentum to keep going.
And gosh, the balance of the movie was incredible. The humor, the depth. I love how they wove something complex with Carol - that she had tried to do a good thing, caused genuine harm, and she didn't try to hold an entire people accountable. She took accountability and tried to fix it the best she could.
I also loved seeing her grow a little out of her stoicism. Brie Larson plays stoic very well, and she had a fuckton of emotional baggage in her history. This movie sees a slightly lighter side of her - she's had a little bit of distance from those harms. She's still working through that pain. But she is clearly on the road to healing. But healing is complicated (see above).
I absolutely love Monica. She's tough and clever and so stupidly curious. I've never gotten magic powers from my curiosity, but I have blown up a wall before, so I couldn't help but laugh when she reached out to touch the broken portal point because that resonated so much. I can't wait to see what adventures she ends up in in the other universe.
(Not gonna lie, I feel like there might be some queer vibes between her and Carol. I don't know if that will develop further... but if it does, god I hope they don't waste it.)
I need to see Ms. Marvel now, obviously. I actually intended to watch it this week, but life got away from me. Kamala is such a great character - Iman Vellani nails infectious excitement, and some of her family dynamics resonated strongly with my own. I don't usually watch stuff set for high school aged kids, but I gotta make an exception here.
I loved that the villain had some complexity (Zawe Ashton's performance blew me away), and that her people were ultimately helped in the end. The world is a complicated, messy place. But you can't hold an entire people accountable for the crimes of a few, and you have to understand how people get where they are (Dar-Benn wasn't a flat born-evil villain), and you have to try to help where you can even if the world is messy and you may make mistakes. (Granted, for most of us, helping means protesting or donating money or whatever, rather than reigniting a sun. But the less glamorous things are no less meaningful.)
And man, they just nailed the balance of the depth with the humor. I lost my fucking mind on the musical planet, and was laugh-crying when Memory started playing. All the little things like Fury's relief that Carol slammed into the ground just caught me off guard. Watching the initial chaos of their quantum entanglement and the ensuing montage was great. 10/10 experience overall.
Finally, gosh, the little Cessna at the end had me so nostalgic. My initial flight training and first solo were in a very similar aircraft, a Cessna 152. It looks like N5017B might've formerly been assigned to a similar aircraft, a Cessna F150L. (That tail number is now assigned to a Beechcraft.)
Let me tell you, cramming into a small plane like that on a hot Los Angeles day isn't always a pleasant experience, but it is a magical one.
(Carol, if you're reading this, you should know better than to leave a plane tied down for long! The poor baby needs flight time and regular maintenance!)
tl;dr - Go watch The Marvels.
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ygodmyy20 · 2 months
Oh I found this in my drafts and never posted this. Whelp as I am tying to get my brain moving for another project, how about I distract myself with this one.
So I have been having a really fun time finding the right music for the fanfics I am writing and just gotta share... anything to do with Shigeo or ???% or anything with the off kilter feeling of psychic powers. Man...Stravinsky just nails that unsettling but powerful feeling. It's so perfect. I listen to these excerpts so much.
I'm gonna put my further ramblings below a cut.
So first:
This is the start of Firebird and just that whole string part with the viola and cellos. So just dark. How things we don't want to express lay under out skin, just circulating and ruminating. How Shigeo's emotions sit in his bones, hidden and pushed into the deepest well.
This feels like what I think 100% emotions, the rolling waves of it, the overwhelming feeling, the ups and downs. It is overpowering and intense. (two cents this performance is going a tad slow on the tempo for my liking). The soft parts where we slow down even, feel like 100% sorrow and sadness. Gosh it just hits me in the feels.
Third: Rite of Spring.
God all of rite of spring is just.... intense in the most visceral of ways. Also side note, this conductor is NOT using sheet music during this which is absolutely insane. Stravinsky changes time signatures SO MUCH.
But anyway I just had to start from the start. Rite of spring to me is Shigeo. Through the whole series. How he is likely feeling under the surface. His emotions range from joy to frustration to anger. It is chaotic and off kilter and it grows and is rough around the edges. I go back and listen to Rite when I need to get in Shigeo's headspace.
Fourth: The finale of Firebird with the god damn BEST HORN SOLO FIGHT ME ON IT. I love this solo so much this is my processional for myself at my upcoming wedding. Instead tho it will be played by a trumpet :D
But god this finale. This fucking feels like acceptance. Like joy, like seeing yourself for the first time. Shigeo in a ???% state usually is revolving around negative emotions around (which I get, negative emotions are strong and intense) but positive emotions are just as if not MORE powerful. 100% Kindness. 100% Courage. 100% Joy and love. I 100% have a specific point in my ageswap where this finale lines up perfectly with what is going on.
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