#they always lose their steam by then
genericpuff · 1 year
it's legit been a hot minute since i've read an LO episode from start to finish so I decided to read the new free episode
wow i'm really not missing a dang thing am i, jfc
I've talked about it before how the dialogue in these comics really feels... non-human, but now I'm at a point where I wouldn't even be surprised if I find out the comic was being written by one of those script bots or some AI Chat GPT tool. It's just so stupidly clunky with very little context or build-up to what's being said, the characters feel like they're just talking at each other rather than with each other, if you know what I mean. It's giving Shenmue 3.
But let's have some extra fun with this and go through it panel by panel.
I'm not gonna talk about the Apollo scene, not yet at least. But I DO want to talk about the dialogue exchange between Persephone and the demigods she's chosen to be judges.
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First off, we get this cut to Persephone saying "Thank you so much for coming today." But the stuff that follows really feels like these guys have no idea where they are or why. Like, the first thing the guy on the left has to say is "you're a woman", why is he making this observation now if they intentionally made the decision to join her? If he's supposedly sexist on that line alone (which is what a lot of people in the discussion circles assume) why would he even join her on the boat in the first place if he wasn't willing to listen to a woman?
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Oh, okay, so they HAVE had this conversation already, great exposition, Rachel! But again, it still makes no sense why he's making this observation out of nowhere if he already knows he's going to be working with her and chose to come along with her on the boat ride. Why is he repeating what he's already said? Why not just have this conversation happen organically instead of doing the whole sitcom "cut to the middle of what's happening and explain it matter-of-factly for the audience to catch up so we don't have to actually show the entire conversation???" bit?
It's such a cliche overused tactic to try and skip informing NPC's of what the audience already knows but that only works if we, the audience, know what's going on. Such a tactic is meant to benefit the AUDIENCE, not the characters. It's a pointless waste of time for everyone involved if they're doing it the other way around where the NPC's know but the audience doesn't and the characters have to re-explain everything they already know for the audience. It's clunky exposition.
And then of course, we get Persephone acting all high and mighty with people who, again, don't even seem to know what the fuck is going on, they don't even seem to be functioning at full brain capacity with how repetitive and pointless their dialogue is (especially the "I'm a son of Zeus" guy but we'll get to him later). If Persephone's thankful for them joining her, why is she being such a bitch? This isn't a power move, she's not being a "boss babe", she's being that bitchy manager that complains about high turnover rates completely oblivious or uncaring to the fact that she's the reason people quit the job in the first place.
"It's listening to the Queen of the Underworld time", bitch you have done NOTHING to earn that title or demand for respect. NO ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE. Anyone who DOES know her only knows her as a consort of Hades from that one tabloid pic from ten years ago. So... yeah, literally no one knows her. Even if they saw her in that weird broadcast during the Kronos fight (which, why would they, everyone was asleep as we were told and that news chopper was from OLYMPUS), she has done nothing to organically earn the respect and admiration of the people. As far as anyone's concerned, she's just this weird pink thing rolling into town and the only reason she has power at all is because the King has a flower nymph fetish and wanted a replacement for the girl that "got away" and married his brother.
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IDK if this was an attempt at a joke but I feel bad for this guy because he clearly has no idea where he is, why he's here, or why he's going to work for the Underworld when he's a son of Zeus and would maybe prefer a job in Olympus somewhere. Look at him, those aren't the eyes of a man who knows what's going on.
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"RAWR, I'm edgy and in control, shut your whore mouth while I'm speaking, peasant!"
She doesn't even look intimidating here, she looks severely constipated.
This is also legit just a copy paste of the Hera/Apollo/Echo scene from S2 which just further drives home how Persephone is an emotional replacement for Hera and a physical replacement for Rhea (while also satisfying that aforementioned flower nymph fetish).
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Again, Persephone has done nothing to earn the admiration or respect of her people (unlike, y'know, Hera) and it's bullshit that she pretended to be all thankful at the beginning of this only to then treat them like shit as soon as she was able. Like, again, she seems to have just kidnapped these guys and they undoubtedly have questions and instead she's steamrolling all over them for zero reason beyond stroking her ego. If she's so bothered by the first guy being a sexist, why is she hiring him in the first place???
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girl he's literally trying to escape from your bullshit, why are you treating him like a toddler or a hamster who can't control himself
it's painfully clear now these guys absolutely did not sign up for ANY of this and even if they DID sign up to be judges for Hades, they clearly were NOT aware it would include being berated and snipped at by his moody toddler of a wife, she's the ONLY one here who has zero self control or qualifications. push her in the river, please. put her in the hamster cage.
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so yeah, it's not "thank you for coming with me today", it's "thank you for shutting up and being good little hostages so mommy can play pretend ruler, if you even THINK of ignoring me i'll have my daddy Mads Mikkelson- I mean, Hades chop your balls off, teehee!" seriously can SOMEONE please push her in the river, she's got like 50 pounds of hair, she has zero chance /hj
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"i found a way for my husband to do even less work than he already does, like a good little billionaire!"
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ms. brian griffin, no one knows what elysium is
we, the audience, haven't even seen elysium
no one knows what you're talking about and no one has anything to thank you for because so far you've spent the majority of your time in the underworld since the time skip dicking around and acting like a Karen
literally sit down and eat your oatmeal
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we don't even know what 'nu-tartarus' is, who wants to bet rachel watched sci-fi the week she made this with the 'nu' spelling, jfc
what did she do to warrant the 'nu'
in fact, is tartarus even accessible right now??? what happened to Kronos locking himself up in there and refusing to let anyone in??? Did they seriously dig a hole in the ground and call it "Nu-Tartarus"? Fuck off.
Hermes, pal, you're seeing this shit, right? How can you sit there and watch her act like this??? This ain't the girl you used to make out with in the mountains.
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"My husband serves in the military, you know! You'll regret not giving me that 2% discount!"
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for those of you in the audience who don't know this, this is what we call panel filler. i.e. pointless repetitive panels that RS uses to fill her panel quota each week. LO always has at least 2-3 of these per episode. Go ahead, fact check it yourself, I'll wait.
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Diva Plavalaguna wore it better, honey.
(also why do her ARMS look the same as her hair, they look like sausage casings 😭)
Such a weird cut though, from her making that "lol can you believe the things I put up with ????" face to her just WALKING AWAY FROM THE MEN WHO HAVE NO IDEA WHY THEY'RE EVEN HERE.
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what- um, why are we cutting to this? I get that it's RS still trying to exposit instead of write organically but Hermes literally didn't ask and he should probably already be aware of what's going on if he's ON THE BOAT WITH HER. Also why are you explaining to him what a demi-god is? Again, it's Rachel trying to do the "and that's my plan" shtick not understanding that only works for OTHER CHARACTERS who aren't "in on it", NOT THE AUDIENCE. When you try to have your characters explain things JUST for the sake of the audience, it makes them all look stupid and it wastes the audience's time.
Like, never mind the fact that Hermes himself is technically a demi-god in LO as his mother is a non-god.
This would have worked better if she was explaining who these men were specifically, like the fact that they were Kings when they were alive, or why she chose them, but no, she just starts it and leaves it at "well they're related to Zeus, so they're demi-gods" with zero lead-up or context as to why she's explaining this to Hermes of all people in the first place.
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Also, "Hades is going to restore some of their humanity"??? Guys, do you realize the implications of this?
If this is something he's always been able to do, that means he's always had the ability to grant the shades working for him autonomy and will, but chose not to.
Give them enough sentience and autonomy to work, but not enough to question why they're working for the system in the first place.
Great job Persephone, this is soooo much better than what Hades was doing before. You've made life so much better for the dead.
Fucking hell. I started this essay with the intent of talking about the weird clunky dialogue exchanges and as I sat on it and wrote on it longer and longer it just got so much WORSE and turned into discussing Persephone's lack of morals and how she's become the very thing she always claimed she stood against.
I say "great job Persephone" but we also have to give credit where credit is due - great job Rachel, this is soooo much better than just ending the series in the first two seasons or actually resolving the plot threads you started in Season 1. You've made your comic so much better to please the stans and spite the haters.
Christ. I'm not even done talking about everything I wanted to talk about regarding this episode but I figured I should cut it off here to at least keep it all on theme. I do wanna talk about that Apollo scene and the Hermes/Persephone conversation but I'll probably do that in separate posts.
Despite how fired up I got, I am glad about one thing - I really am not missing anything. I have lost nothing from unsubscribing from LO and uninstalling the WT app. And frankly, neither will you if you've been contemplating on promoting yourself to a non-reader. There is zero FOMO here. I get just as much if not more entertainment from just following along with the hilarious conversations in the Discord and subreddit each week, because at LEAST those are fun and don't make me feel dead inside like LO does. LO isn't entertaining, it's hardly even so-bad-that-it's-entertaining at this point, maybe it still is for you, but I'm assuring you right now for those of you "hanging on", it's not going to magically "get better", even the episodes that some people CLAIM are better really aren't because of how low the bar is nowadays. I am giving you full permission to free yourself of these shackles if you've been looking for a way out. Take this as your metaphorical key.
The LO we all fell in love with is long, long gone.
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tricoufamily · 23 days
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the other characters. got lore in my head you wouldn't believe baby
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cerebralatrophy · 6 months
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dialogue courtesy of bobs burgers
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attleboy · 5 months
What is the pomni drawing your most proud of?
oooo interesting question that is honestly. a bit hard to answer at the moment... i've been prioritizing having fun instead of putting full effort into everything due to like, time constraints and such soooo i wouldn't consider most of what i've posted to be "full pieces"
that aside, probably the mirror room piece? it's a bit complicated ... while i'm still very proud of it there was actually a lot more to the drawing than i posted, but it was just too hard for me to pull off in full?
i didn't plan well enough and in the end i had to take the coward's way out by cropping out the bits i was having trouble with. whoops ^-^;
i'm not too torn up about that though, it was experimental in the first place and i learned from it so all is well
alternate options would probably be either the bone comic [i might be biased due to its success, but i was pretty happy with the general flow of it and my expression work there] orrrr this sketchy animation that i'm still working on which isn't a masterpiece or anything, i just get really giddy over making pictures move
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here's a sneak peek... you might be able to guess the full contents if you think back a bit
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marmastry · 4 months
do you have any tips for an artist that wants to draw comics?
I honestly still dont see myself as a comic artist, anon, but what i do know is that the hardest part is starting one.
When you're new to it, you gotta learn how to make it easier for yourself because if you're aim is to make a fully colored 20+ pages comic, you will burn yourself out before you finish a single page.
Dont put too much expectations on yourself. Let it be your aim to finish it rather than perfect it. Once you finish it, don't dwell too much into it. Don't let engagements be the measure of its value. The best part of finishing something is looking back on them and learning what you can do better next time.
When you're new, you're also building your stamina in the process and when you understand how much you can do in a certain time, you will learn how to pace yourself better. For ex. In my earlier comics, like my abandoned zelda AU, i didn't really put much thought in the specs and dimension of my comics. I didnt even draw it well lol. I limit working on every entry under 2 to 4 days and that includes the writing. I spent less time on it and it shows! Compare that to my splatoon comics, they're more organized and put together in comparison. This is because I saw what I can do before, I learned what I can do better and it made me put more time into them. I don't really wanna rush myself as much as possible because i dont really earn from this rn lol but most of my entries lately takes 1 month to draw with drafts Ive written 3 months earlier. I work very slow but more robust than before because of all the stamina I accumulated with other finished work :)
I hope this helps at least haha
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merantidote-deact · 7 months
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or the world in which laurance succumbs
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gunnslaughter · 8 months
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I'm suffering you guys
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refinedstorage · 1 year
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
Between dnp who is the lazy gay and who is the activity gay?
you’re so real for this because i was waiting for them to tell us their opinions but they left us to contemplate on our own.
my consensus is when they’re at home dan is lazy gay and when they’re on holiday dan is activity gay.
dan is very “i don’t wanna go outside” while also being very into living in the moment and doing everything they can while they can, so it likely depends on the situation.
it’s an important dynamic to develop with a partner (or just anyone you’re in a Pair with)—you encourage each other to do things and also learn how to express when you don’t want to do things.
thanks for the ask friend :)
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mostlymaudlin · 3 months
i wanna write something silly…. wanna treat some crack seriously…. but my brain is meh. send me silly prompts ???
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amazinglyegg · 1 year
do you write those companion reactions things like where it will say something like fallout 4 companions react to (this scenario)
I have in the past, and I'm cool with getting requests, but for some strange reason I have NOT been able to finish writing them! I guess it's just writers block, or I'm holding myself up to too high of a standard :/ I have some requests from over a year ago in my drafts!
So feel free to send in a request, but send it to another account as well if you really want to see it responded to because chances are I won't finish them. I DO read and enjoy them though! I'm cool with most topics as long as it isn't romantic or sexual (I'm aroace) - if it does make me uncomfortable or I feel like I can't write it well I'll just delete it, I won't get upset or anything!
Here's some good and active react blogs I really like (not an exhaustive list). Make sure to read their rules and whether their requests are open or not! @nukaberries @slocumjoe @imagine-silk @fallrimxreader @fallout4-reacts @danses-with-dogmeat @zirawrites @goodneighborxfallout
Feel free to comment or reblog if you make companions react, because I know I missed a lot of people :)
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tennvarghacnh · 6 hours
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New beginnings 🌧️
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rainbow-beetle-ships · 2 months
someone keep me motivated to actually finish everything needed for a s/i carrd
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glstnbrry · 3 months
have a deep hunger to replay the silvercase. i miss big dick i miss kamui i miss kusabi. i miss my favorite weird niche visual novel. maybe ill play it tomorrow ...
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i finally caught up on thus always 2 (having read the first one at the time) and i would jusy like to say that i adore your writing style and that you have such a light touch writing genuine but also slightly fuvked up(? thats not quite the word) characters and also im so invested in both the plot and whatever vetinari and downey have going on. :)
awww thank you so much! <3 <3
I'm glad they feel real and genuine but also are clearly fucked up in certain ways (I would say it's an accurate word for 90% of the characters).
and whatever vetinari and downey have going on.
If you figure out what they have going on, please feel free to inform them of it because they sure as hell don't know
:D :D thank you for the kind message/comment, it always makes my day to receive them <3
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crowempress · 4 months
I've been struggling with Existing so posting and working on creative projects is really hard rn but I've been working on a more slice of life group of characters who are in a punk band and they have a rivalry with a folk punk band bc they keep getting booked at the same bars for their gigs. There is wlw drama like no other
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