#these newest lesbians though <3
eaglefangz · 11 months
you really think i would do that. go to the Lore and add some dead lesbians.
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yanderederee · 2 months
Alright, let’s talk about Ken Wakui’s newest work
Negai no Astro
Or Astro Royal, whatever you prefer.
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I will be giving no blatant spoilers in this post, only speculations:)
Manga PV here; ITS SO GOOD!!!!
Let’s get the obvious out of the way, Ken Wakui has a very distinct art style. And I love it! A lot of people are making fun of it (mostly on Twitter/X), and it’s really sad. I love his style, and character development.
I have high hopes for this manga, and want to paint a picture of what to expect for those who also want to get into it♡
Let’s start Character Designs
—our main-trio—
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We’re only one chapter in so far, so we’ve only met the main two boys, Terasu and Hibaru (left to right).
Terasu Yotsurugi - 12th Son
Loving Terasu’s take-no-shit personality so far. Simultaneously, he seems very kind and loyal to Hibaru’s ideals.
Terasu is giving Ryusei/Chifuyu lovechild.
Hibaru Yotsurugi - only Biological Son
I love Hibaru’s chivalrous/“old-fashion” ideology. He may seem ‘generic shonen protagonist’ right now, but i don’t care. I will appreciate him.
Hibaru is giving Mikey/Takemitchi lovechild.
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As for our blue eyes beauty over here, we have yet to see her yet. She seems very cute though.
She’s also giving lovechild vibes; Senju/Hina specifically…
—The Yotsurugi family—
There are 13 Siblings of the Yotsurugi family, whom has a history of being Yakuza.
12/13 Siblings are adopted.
So far, we only have designs for 11 siblings.
We do not know a lot of names thus far, WHICH I NEED BTW, so let’s go over what we do have, and my first impressions of them.
—Names going Left to Right per image
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Shio Yotsurugi - Eldest Son
He’s giving Timeskip!Taiju vibes. Anyone who says he looks like Ran…. I can’t see it. He’s too beefy- sorry.
I just know I’m not going to like this guy.
Has a lot of the people’s support, but not mine.
Probably thinks he’s going to make the family better when he’s really ruining it:(
Unnamed Glasses Guy - maybe 2nd Son?
Mmmmm no thoughts.
Token megane character—
Probably corrupt.
I hope he proves me wrong.
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Kou Yotsurugi - 11th Son
Middle child vibes
He will be deranged and misguided.
Probably “hates” Hibaru because he’s so much like their father, who I assume he respects, but doesn’t agree with.
He probably secretly admires them both though.
Unnamed Hottie - maybe 9th Son?
Based on vibes alone, I lay claim. Awoogaawooga♡
Who is he. Where was he. I must know.
also lowkey giving Angry’s blue-ogre vibes…
Didn’t appear in chapter 1 though so:( </3
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Unnamed ScarGuy - maybe 10th Son?
Eyes always closed, speaks with ♡ at the end of his sentences…
Seems charming. I mean, look at those eyelashes…♡
Wanna give him a kith.
I have a feeling he and Unnamed Hottie are biological brothers… not sure.
Wakui please, sir, just one chance—-
Unnamed BraidGuy - maybe 8th Son?
Mr. I’ll just stay in my lane. Respect.
Realistically, I think he’ll be my first/second favorite eye candy, depending on how these characters personalities/canons end up being explored.
I’m sorry I have a thing for men with long hair!
Cool earrings too lol
Seems neutral to who’s in charge.
Wakui, seriously, I CAN TAKE HIM—!!!
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BENKEI???? - maybe 5th Son?
Has lion-like eyes and sharp canines….big nose
My size kink is acting up—no, please nO—!
Okay but seriously. I’m not sure what to expect from him yet.
He seems honest, but I can see him getting power hungry:(
Handsome Lady - Maybe 3rd Daughter?
Cooler older sister vibes.
Please be a lesbian or at least bisexual—
Seems logical and cool. Probably doesn’t coddle innocence.
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Mr.BigNose - Maybe 4th son?
Uh-uh. No thanks. Not bc of his appearance, but bc his character is depicted as insufferable so far.
Probably sexist.
Probably too coward to admit it, but if things with the family bond start turning south, he’s the first one OUT.
Hehe I may have left this screenshot wide to show off the One Panel that shows Mr. Unnamed Hottie *twirls hair*
I mean seriously look at him I’m going to scream without the s
Story Direction and Expectations
I trust Wakui. The way he explores his stories is through character bonds and personal ideals.
This is one of the reasons why I grew so fond of Tokyo Revengers.
Plus… it’s Found-Family Gang activity. It’s my soft spot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I would say Yakuza but I want to be respectful in how I throw that word around, so I’ll avoid it for now if I can.
The supernatural powers that get involved will surely lead to a type of succession war between the siblings.
“What it means to be strong” will probably be the fundamental lesson of the story.
I am so excited to see how Negai no Astro will progress!
Please support Ken Wakui however you can by reading Chapter 1 onwards!♡
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izu · 1 day
hey just wanna say that i LOVE your art!!! i’ve seen you on twitter and ugh just can’t get enough of it! also do you happen to have some johnshi headcannons?? cuz if you do i would like to see them all!! :3
thank you so much!!! i hope to draw more.... also get ready bc i have way too many headcanons and this'll probably be super long winded unfortunately . this isn't all of it but its most of it
- kenshi is a heavy sleeper. after moving in with johnny post-tournament he begins to unwind from his former unhealthy schedule that was supported by his yakuza lifestyle. johnny wakes up at 5 am to work out until lunch, and kenshi sleeps in til like noon or 1. johnny thinks its cute
- they either own a fuck ton of cats or ferrets. johnny seems like a ferret guy to me
- they like watching director's cuts of movies instead of actual movies because kenshi can actually understand a little more of whats happening while the directors explain certain scenes and go into depth about the composition and art direction. its a win win situation for both of them
- johnny actually reads a ton of books, but is embarrassed about it. leftovers from being a ""nerd"" in high school. kenshi thinks its adorable and he likes hearing johnny retell the book plot and express his exasperation with it unfolding as he reads
- johnny has a sweet tooth and kenshi has a more refined palette, he will try anything johnny sets in front of him though, even if he isnt much of a sweets guy
- on that same note, johnny is very good at cooking! every other night he plans a meal for them, and it's almost always a winner. lots of japanese style dishes (took some trial and error on johnny's part) because he wants to impress kenshi
- they go to red carpet events together after a couple of years of dating, but for a while they pretended (to the press, too) that kenshi was his newest bodyguard. rumors spread fast though and it ended up being a perfect time to let johnny come out publicly as bi
- kenshi's parents are actually very very supportive. i think he'd be nervous at first but his mom thinks johnny is very handsome and his father agrees its a good change for their family. kenshi has two sisters who absolutely raise hell over kenshi nabbing a sexy gaijin star and he is very embarrassed about it. much to johnny's delight
- they spend every weekend on the balcony of johnny's new loft in his jacuzzi just talking and being sappy. kenshi genuinely gets a lil upset when things come up and they miss their date nights
- everytime kenshi returns to the states after visiting home johnny makes a big scene at the airport. lunging at him, crying sobbing
- kenshi proposes first, but johnny had been nervously trying to wait for a good time to do it himself. one upped. he is still very upset about this well into their marriage as old yaois
- kenshi is the top 👍 i think we all knew this but still
- even if he doesn't need it, its sort of a ritual between them so they never stopped; johnny is still kenshi's sight dog when they go out and he doesn't feel like relying on sento.
- sento's ancestors like johnny a lot and kept being annoying about kenshi needing to get hitched already hskw7kejej
- kenshi is achillean, gay. always has been. his arrangement with suchin was. arranged. and she was his lesbian beard for a while. the two are very very close and she visits their home often. johnny is trans and bisexual, but he's only out about being bi.
- johnny tends to have a really shitty sleep cycle, light sleeper, easily thrown into insomnia, the busy street life can really fuck up his routine when hes already had a terrible day. which ends up with the both of them on the couch, talking, watching a show, kenshi with his head on johnny's shoulder. they fall asleep like that 7 times outta 10
- the older they get the sappier and grosser they get . everyone who knows them hates their gay asses . jax and sonya included
- also they both get dad bods when they get older bc of all the good eating. neither are insecure about it. its hot
- kenshi is undeniably the spoiled one. gifts, fancy dinner dates, unrelenting affection and praise. he starts believing he deserves good things, that he is loved, solely by johnny's persistence with showing him instead of telling him
- cris ends up being their friend again after a while. i just dont like the cris villainization when its contrasted with johnshi support. she had her reasons to be upset at her alcoholic, spending-addicted husband, y'all
- johnny like action/sci fi movies. kenshi likes romcoms.
- they host parties. they're awesome parties.
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tiana4evahh · 5 days
Took me a while to get my thoughts into words, but awhile ago, @swans-chirping-in-the-distance made a post saying that Tam and Marella have gossip sessions, and this is exactly what me and my IRL friend headcanon.
Okay so basically we both headcanon that Tam and Marella do indeed, have gossip sessions.
It starts with Marella sitting down at the table and talking about the newest gossip and stuff... *cue the scene/mini fanfic below tw cringe*
"...so it turns out, she likes Jared-"
"Actually, she doesn't."
Marella whips her head around to see Tam casually eating a sandwich. Her eye twitches.
"Uh, I'm sorry, what?" She says. Tam looks at her.
"What what? Liana doesn't actually like Jared."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Marella explodes, causing a few tables to look over. "She's been pinning on him for the past three weeks! It's obvious! And he likes her back too!"
Tam snorts, and shakes his head. "It was a dare. Three weeks ago, Liana and her friends were playing a game of Truth or Dare, and one of them, Arenen, dared Liana to pretend to like a random guy, and that guy was Jared."
Marella's jaw was on the floor. "...You're lying. I don't believe you!" He shrugged.
"If you don't believe me, you can look over behind you to see Liana and Arenen talking while pointing to Jared, looks of disgust on there faces."
She turned around, and in fact, Marella did see the two girls, doing exactly as Tam described.
"...No way."
"I also, ah, overhead, them in the hallway... ehh, 30 minutes ago."
Marella couldn't say anything. Liana and Jared? A lie? Fake? But most important, gossip that she HADN'T known about?!
She heard Keefe whistle. "Damn, Bangs Boy, didn't know you were into gossip." Tam just shrugged.
"It's the only thing worth going to this school for. The crazy, drama filled lives of others is free entrainment."
That was exactly what Marella though.
Regaining her voice, she asked Tam a question. "Okay... so, you're right. Oh my custard bursts... This is... Sorry." She swallowed. "If you know this, do you know anything else?"
"Well, I know Jared is gay and in love with Clorax."
*cue the end of the mini drabble/scene*
And from that day forward, there was a beautiful friendship was formed. It started during lunch, where Marella and Tam would spend at LEAST 10-15 minutes filling each other in on all the gossip they've collected that day.
Then, it transferred from when Marella was visiting Linh but Linh had to leave, she and Tam would start talking. It was small at first, since neither of them really talked outside of school, but soon enough, they started to get to know each other.
Tam was one of the first few people to have been told from Marella that she's a lesbian (and her feelings for Linh, which Tam totally supported), and Marella was one of the few that Tam was in love with Biana. (Both of them use this information to their advantages/teasing. Like "Tam, if you don't do this for me, I'll have to call Biana~" "SHUT UP I'LL DO IT FINE YOU EVIL B-" and "Linh, there's something MARELLA needs to tell you, and it's that she-" "I THINK THAT YOU LOOK GREAT IN PINK BUT BETTER IN ORANGE")
I have a lot more to say about these two. Like Tam Marella friendship is so valueable to me. I have WAYYY more to say on them which will probs go onto another post, but yeah. <3
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shady-lemur · 1 year
Stargirl ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
I made a poll asking if you guys wanted smut in this part and everyone who voted said yes so I hope this is good 😇
Part 1, part 2, part 3!!
Ellie x reader
You and Ellie are friends. You're hanging out with your other friends again. You've even meeting new people. Everything's working out for you finally. But you aren't fully over Ellie, and after a certain night at her apartment you don't think you ever will be.
Content warning - jealousy, sexual themes... Use of a strap-on, a little bit of mean Ellie 🤭!!
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You check yourself in the mirror one last time before opening the door, nervous about your second date with Abby. She's standing there smiling, with a small bouquet in one hand and the other in her back pocket. She's wearing some jeans and a plain white tee-shirt.
"Hi" she says, handing you the bouquet, "you look amazing."
You smile and take the flowers from her, "thank you Abby. You don't look too bad yourself." You wink and open the door further, inviting her to come in while you put the flowers in water.
She follows you to the kitchen and seat on one of your barstools. "Are you excited? I heard this place has such good pasta and lobster." You nod and rearrange the flowers in the vase before looking up at her.
This was only your second date and you guys weren't dating yet. But Abby has already spoiled you so much.. with that surgeon salary 😋😋
"You ready to go? We should make it before the dinner rush." You hum and smooth out your dress before following her out to your car. Making sure to lock your door on the way out.
She opens the passenger seat door for you and helps you step into the car. She gets into the drivers seat and starts to drive to the restaurant.
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"So, you like to read?" Abby asks after a few minutes of silently eating. You look up at her and nod, "yeah.. I've loved reading ever since I was little."
She smiles, "I was never much of a reader. I love to listen to audio books in the car though." You hum in understanding and take another bite of food. "This is so good. I gotta take a picture of this." Abby laughs as you pull out your phone and snap a few pictures of you expensive meal.
"Tag me in those!!" She says playfully pointing her finger at you. You smile, "yes sir."
You quickly post a picture of the food with her tagged on your instagram story before turning off your phone and getting back to your conversation.
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Ellie was happily getting high and scrolling on her phone until she saw your newest instagram story. Who was this Abby girl 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐
Ellie had clicked on her username and was scrolling through her posts. She had recently graduated and became an official surgeon, she was at a pride festival in June so she's fruity, and she was super fucking buff.
Ellie scoffed. She doesn't even have the right to be jealous. You guys were friends. You made it very clear that you only wanted to be her friend. But Ellie couldn't help the way her stomach turned when she saw the fancy table with the expensive food and the buff lesbian in your picture.
She took another hit of her blunt before opening your messages.
heyyy, are you free tonight? i want to finish the ultimatum
She didn't even know why she was texting you. Was she trying to prove that you didn't need Abby? Did she actually just want to finish the season you started watching together? Or was she just needing your attention after you went out on a date? Ellie didn't fucking know, all she knew was that she wanted to see you.
After a few minutes you respond.
Hi els that sounds perfect. I can be there around 10 if that's good for u
mkay, i'll see you then.
Ellie smiled at the messages and decided to get some snacks ready.
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You sigh as you close your apartment door. Your dates with Abby have been fun, but you haven't been connecting romantically. She tried to kiss you goodnight and you literally swerved so she'd kiss your cheek instead...
It just felt wrong for some reason. It was hard for you to put yourself out there ever since you and Ellie broke up and Ellie texting you in the car wasn't helping. You can't help the butterflies you get when she texts you asking if you wanna hang out 💁‍♀️
Just you and her..
You felt like how you felt when you first met Ellie. 18 years old and so in love. But you were 24 now and Ellie and you were just friends.
Buuuuut, wearing a matching set under your shorts and t-shirt never hurt anybody.. (and wearing one of the t-shirts you never returned to Ellie 🤭🤭)
You get changed and wash the makeup off your face before getting a tote bag and putting some extra clothes and a phone charger in it.
You catch yourself GIGGLING on the way over to Ellie's..
Jesus christ....... you were so beyond saving.
You make it to Ellie's after a 10 minute drive, knocking on her door softly.
When the door opens you're met with a smiling Ellie who def looked a little bit faded..
"Damn. You couldn't have waited to share?" You fake a pout and Ellie snorts, "shut up, I was bored waiting for your ass."
You laugh and come in her apartment, you take your shoes off before following her into her room and getting comfy against her pillows. She throws you the remote so you can turn on Netflix and goes to get the snack from the kitchen.
"So what were you up to today?" She asks as she walks back in with some popcorn and you favorite candy. You get under her comforter and pat the spot next to you. "I had dinner with someone."
Ellie nods and puts down the snacks to get cozy next to you, "someone I know?"
You shake you head, "I met her on a dating app. Abby, she's nice."
Ellie scowls slightly, even though she already guessed all of this. But her scowl makes your butterflies double.
"Ready to press play?"
You say yes and play episode 9 as you snuggle closer to her.
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"What the fuck did I just watch?" Ellie looks over at you but you sit there with a shocked face.
It was now 12:53 and you and Ellie had finished the season. You were both flabbergasted to say the least.
"I can't believe she was even allowed to be there.. whatttt.."
Ellie shakes her head and leans on your shoulder, "I'm so glad that no matter how much shit we put each other through we never tried to get on this show."
You laugh in agreement before sighing, "do you think we could've worked?"
Ellie turns to look at you and smiles sadly, "I think we were only hurting each other by the end. We needed to seperate so we could grow without each other for a while."
You look her in the eye and nervously mess with the blanket. "Do you think we could work now? Now that we've healed?" You watch as Ellie's eyes widen and she starts to pick at her nails. You grab her hand to stop her.
She looks down at your hand on hers and takes a deep breath. "I don't think we'd know until we tried."
You get move so your sitting in front of her and get closer, "can we try?"
Ellie gulps and looks at you, her eyes trail down to your lips before she runs her hand up your arm and pulls you into herself. You squeak as her lips meet yours. One of her hands rests on your back and pushes you closer to her as the other holds your cheek. Your arms wrap around her neck so you can move to straddle her lap.
Ellie moves one of her hands down to squeeze your thigh, you moan and she uses that as her invite to explore your mouth with her tongue.
You pull away after a while and immediately feel her lips start to attack your jaw. "Ellie, please.."
She smiles and continues to press sloppy kisses against your neck, "please what?"
You whine and grind against her thigh, "I need you.. needed you for so long.." You slide your hands up to lightly pull on her hair. Ellie moves her hands down to your hips, helping you move against her. "Really baby? Has my poor girl not been getting fucked enough?"
You bite your cheek and nod, "els, you're the only one who knows what I need." Ellie kisses you again and flips you over so she's hovering over you.
She pulls at your t shirt, "can I take this off baby?" You nod eagerly and help her as she slips it off your body. She takes a second to stare at your figure before going back to kisses your neck, gently sucking in the places she knows make you whine.
You buck your hips up to meet hers as she trails her lips all the way down to your waistband. She presses one last kiss on your stomach before touching your shorts, "these too?"
She immediately pulls your shorts down, noticing your matching lacy underwear and bra. "You fucking whore." She laughs, "you had this all planned? Wanted me to see you in your set? Even chose my favorite color." You squeal when she pulls on your under wear band and watches it snap back against you skin.
"Please els, only for you.."
She licks her lips and looks at the needy expression on your face. "Want do you want first pretty girl?"
You look down at her and try to rub your thighs together but she keeps them open. "Your mouth, please els"
She smiles up at you and starts to pull down your underwear. "Take off your bra for me sweets." You obey her and unclasp your bra, tossing it in your pile of clothes on her floor. She bites her lip as she looks down at your figure, "fuck baby, missed you so fucking much." She brings her hands up to squeeze your tits as you whine and buck your hips up again.
"Missed you too el-" you're cut off by Ellie's hands leaving your chest and her tongue on your cunt. You moan at the feeling.
You've had hook ups since you and Ellie broke up, but no one has ever managed to get you to cum the way Ellie can.
Ellie starts to kitten lick your cunt, bringing her lips up to close around your clit. She starts to suck your clit as she teases you with her finger. You grab onto her hair with on hand, pushing her head deeper into your pussy while your other hand gropes your tits.
"Ellie.. Oh my god.." She grins into your skin and pushes her middle finger into your tight hole, she feels like it's getting pulled deeper and deeper inside of you. You bite down on your lip due to the pleasure.
Ellie continues to eat you out like she's been starving. She tongue circling your clit as she's adds another finger, pumping then in and out of you at the same pace of her tongue. You moan as you back arches off the bed, "please els! 'M gonna-"
She works her fingers faster and moans against your cunt, "do it baby, cum on my fingers." You feel her start to suck on your clit again and you reach your breaking point.
You feel the chord in your stomach snap and Ellie works you through it as you come down from your orgasm. Ellie smiles up at you and pulls her fingers out, politely cleaning up your cum with her tongue.
"Fuck Ellie" you try to catch your breath, pulling her head away by her hair. She comes up to straddle you, kissing you passionately as she runs her hands up and down your sides.
She rests her forehead against yours once you break the kiss. "Was that okay? I didn't do anything that made you uncomfortable?" She asks as she traces shapes into your skin. You shake your head, "no you were perfect. Do you want me to return the favor?"
Ellie smiles at you and perks her head up like a dog, "do you feel like you can ride?"
You playfully roll your eyes and hit her arm, "of course that's what you want."
She shrugs and pecks your lips again. You laugh and nod, "just give me a minute."
Ellie's smile gets bigger and she gets off of you, going to her night stand to get out the purple strap 😈😈👽😈😈
You watch as she strips in front of you. Showing off her toned body and cute black sports bra and boxers. You sit up and watch as she sits back down on the bed and lubes her fake dick. "Ready baby?" She smiles as you get closer, nervously hovering over her strap. "It's gonna hurt els."
She kisses your forehead, "promise I'll help you babe, we don't have to use it tonight if you don't wanna." You shake your head and wrap your arms around her neck.
"I want to."
Ellie squeezed your ass and grabs your hips to help guide them down, "that's my fucking girl." You whine as you start to feel her strap stretching you so well. You nails dig into Ellie's back as she helps you bottom out. You bite her shoulder to help you as you start to tear up. Ellie moans at the pain.
Once she's the full way in she kisses you, moving her tongue against yours so perfectly. "Did so good, pretty girl. Are you ready to move?"
You nod and start to lift your hips, Ellie helps you form a rhythm as you kiss her neck. Her strap is filling you so perfectly as you hear her praises. "So good baby, feels so good." You start to speed up, making sure to grind against her a little bit every time you bottom out so you can see her reaction every time you bump her neglected clit. "Oh my god els" you whine.
Ellie smiles at you and starts to meet your hips as she trusts up into you. One of her hands move from your hips and you bite your lip so hard it starts to bleed when you feel her fingers start to rub circles on your clit and she takes one of your nipples in her mouth.
All you can say is her name. She smiles at you and slaps your ass. "You think Abby could make you feel like this?" She brings her hand up to force you to look at her. You moan, "els!!"
She slaps your cheek. "Answer me."
You whine and shake your head rapidly, "no!! She couldn- Els!! 'M cumming!"
You slam your lips into hers as she helps you ride your second orgasm. "So good baby. You did so good. Everything okay? Did I go to rough?"
You shake your head as you come down and kiss her shoulder, your eyes starting to droop."I love you els."
She wraps her arms around your sides and gives you a kiss. "I love you too y/n. I think you need some water and some sleep. We can talk more about us tomorrow?"
You shake your head, "what about you els? I want to make you feel good too.."
She laughs and slowly lifts you up off of her and onto the bed. "Don't worry about me right now pretty girl. All I needed was to see you." You smile at her and she kisses your temple before getting off the bed and leaving the room.
You eventually get up and go to the bathroom and when you come back into Ellie's room you see her sitting in bed with a cup of water for you. She's in a new shirt and boxers and has laid out your pjs that you packed in your tote bag.
You smile at her and change before getting in bed and immediately hooking onto her side. She kisses the top of your head before turning off her lamp and laying her head down. "Good night gorgeous."
"Night els."
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That was my first time ever writing smut..... Lmaooo I hope it wasn't awkward 😭😭😭
Raaaahhhhhh they kissed!!!!!!!! And fucked but that's irrelevant. Part 4 is gonna be the last part I think!!! Should I might it a time skip? Tell me if you wanna be added to the taglist for the next part my loves (^з^)-☆Chu!!
Taglist <3
@gold-dustwomxn @catostrophiclesbian @ellieswifee @unstablefemme
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Ultimate Writing Masterlist
Hi! This is my masterlist of all my writing I’ve posted. Enjoy!
Sanders sides fanfiction:
(in order of oldest to newest)
Hey bbg — Prinxiety, heavy angst, it’s whump really, completed, Ao3 link. 1,963 words.
[Disclaimer: i don’t really like hey bbg, but you are welcome to read it regardless. Once again— i don’t like this one 😭]
What if we cuddled in the tech booth — Prinxiety, hurt/comfort, completed, Ao3 link. 518 words.
Of Stars and Earth — Logan is the main character, god au, logicality, unfinished, Ao3 link. 3/? Chapters and 4,920 words.
Just Fine — Analogical, hurt/comfort, Logan angst, completed, Ao3 link. 1,198 words.
Complimentary — Logan is the main character, Orange is a character here, some light angst, unfinished(?), Ao3 link. 2/? Chapters and 2,018 words.
A Cup of Cold Tea (and a Warm Heart) — Whump, heavy angst, Whumpee Patton, caretaker Janus, post-whump, completed and also unfinished at the same time, Ao3 link. 746 words.
You Look Like You Could Use a Hand — Analogical, accessory swap, fluff, as in pure tooth rotting fluff it’s insane, completed, Ao3 link. 538 words.
Caught in the Cobwebs — Moceit, Virgil is a bitch, Janus is a bitch, Post Anxceit, completed, Ao3 link. 2/2 Chapters and 932 words.
Helpless — Patton whump again, it’s tied into a cup of cold tea, whump, Whumpee Patton, failed escape, completed, Ao3 link. 593 words.
Alone — Whump, Whumpee Patton, tied into a cup of cold tea, solitary confinement, completed, Ao3 link. 359 words.
(Not) a Dog — Analogical, Janus is a bitch, Virgil is a bitch, they both kind of suck here, dehumanization, hurt/comfort, completed, Ao3 link, 976 words.
i dont wanna be your friend — Prinxiety, genderswap, drunk confessions, love confessions, the two are named Rose and Victoria (roman and Virgil) and are absolute dorks of lesbians, unfinished, 2/4 chapters, Ao3 link, 2539 words
Original writing
The ivory isle — Uncompleted, Royal Road link, 1/? Chapters.
To Be Hated — the ivory isle snippet, takes place after the story, tbh you can read this but it probably won’t make much sense, Tumblr link. 2045 words.
Oh no. — snippet for my #blessed ocs, Tumblr link. 735 words.
Weaknesses and Trustings — Whump, generic whump, nameless characters, intoxication, creepy Whumper, nothing suggestive or nsfw though, Tumblr link. 1027 words.
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strangefellows · 2 months
*holds up microphone to you*
(also i 100% get the feeling of not knowing how to interact w/ the fandoms ur apart of ;-;)
OH HELLO THANK YOU FOR THE ASK it really is such a mood isn't it, im just sitting here like I Want To Talk But Howmst-- ;u;
BUT YES! HCS! I don't have fully formed headcanons for all of my nuggets yet but I have a few bits and pieces!
Almost all of the main facility nuggets I have are between 15-21, none of them are adults (except two)
Tybalt is Control captain and i love him, he's a loudmouthed little shit troublemaker who's kind of everyone's friend, everyone trusts him a lot
Anzo in Control and Odelia in Information are siblings (big sis/little bro), and Regina in Records and Khama in Safety are twin sisters
Deva in Control is Tybalt's second, and during the last few days she took over command of Architecture for a bit; she's a sassy deadpan snark machine and really competent
Cecily in Training and Adzo in Extraction are friends from the same Nest, though Adzo is a bit more spoiled brat while Cecily is spoiled sweet
Harriet in Information (is based on a nugget from TQ's LPArchive LP) is weird. Very weird. Probably spent a little too long in Extraction weird. She has cutesy nicknames for all the Abnos
Ania, the Safety Captain, has a bit of a crush on Netzach; Zaph on Safety team is also an Extraction transfer he's a bit cracked but he and Khama are the two most badass fighters outside Disciplinary, they have the Apocabird / Whitenight gifts to prove it
Alban in Command is the youngest agent and everyone kinda babies him; Salome in Command is. Also weird but not because of the facility, she's just always been weird. Do not let her flirt with you. Daud in Command is a former U Corp whaler, he's a bit of a hot mess and very tired, one of the two agents older than 21.
Ryland is the Welfare captain and one of the most trusted and well liked captains besides Tybalt, he's a reliable big brother type. Livia in Welfare is the youngest besides Alban and one of the newest agents, very shy and sweet.
Disciplinary captain Aphra is a LEGEND, she is queen badass lesbian everyone is in awe of her. Her and her whole team have the Apocabird gifts, they took it out the first time it breached. Disc team is almost all girls save for Halldor, who is very quiet and kind of autistic and chill.
Records team is also all girls save one, Gidon, who is also pretty quiet but more because he's just content to let others take the lead; the girls are known as the Records Queens because they're the scariest girl clique ever and pretty on top of shit; their captain Dido is older too, the other one above 21, and she's scariest.
Nieve in Extraction is a sweetie and friends with most everyone; Edda and Raisa down there are the current weirdos, and Max the captain is a nice guy. All of them somehow aren't scared of Binah at all.
WOW OK THAT'S MORE THAN I THOUGHT but i love everyone so much haha...
Some other misc LobCorp hcs: Yesod is from District G, Hod is from District N. Yesod knows (and Hates) Hermann Limbuscompany. Ayin and Hokma are both from District B and grew up next door neighbors. I can't think of more off the top of my head but! That's a good place to start i think THANK YOU FOR ASKING;;;
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chargoeson · 5 months
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to begin my noble quest of being more annoying (a neutral term for me meaning: efforts to be more outspoken about my interests)
i literally just want to make lists of shit i am into so you all can get a better feel for who i am and why i write what i do and hopefully find things in common <3
music: not to be that guy but i genuinely do listen to everything. though not in a "play whatever it's nbd," but in a "music has been a special interest of mine since childhood and i have made hours long multi-genre playlists every month since my senior year of high school" BUT some current favorites include: Blondshell Searows Elton John (and by extension George Michael, duh. friendship of the century. Elton just came first and led me to George) Simon and Garfunkel Faye Webster Dijon Eagles Feist The Sundays Prince Chappell Roan Gorillaz Fiona Apple i am cutting myself off now, but trust there are many more and they are swirling in my head at all times.
film similarly i have such a taste for movies that's all over the place and often go against people's perception of me (i am a lesbian with a philosophy minor whose primary focus was feminist theory and i fucking loves James Bond) but that's what makes it FUN! film and fiction in general is literally a playground. So this is gonna be a mix of specific movies and directors! James Bond (2006 Casino Royale is the best, you can fight me on this but i won't listen) Memento Only Yesterday and Porco Rosso (by Studio Ghibli) Emma (2020 version by Autumn de Wilde) But I'm a Cheerleader Say Anything Rocketman Kingsman: The Secret Service You've Got Mail The Usual Suspects Eyes Wide Shut and our newest addition, Saltburn <333 David Cronenberg (Crash and Dead Ringers especially) David Lynch (Fire Walk with Me and Blue Velvet especially)
tv let's just go simple here The X Files Twin Peaks The L Words Buffy The Vampire Slayer John Doe Bob's Burgers King of the Hill Futurama
literature listen, i have a lit degree but i am also who i am, so my favorite books are usually the last good ones i read. that being said, my most longstanding favorites and the authors i return to are: Haruki Murakami (1Q84, Norwegian Wood, After the Quake, etc. i have genuinely read 80% of this man's 50 years of writing at this point) Melissa Febos Sally Rooney James Baldwin Ottessa Moshfegh Oliver K. Langmead Iain Reid Sean Hewitt hobbies i collect 'em! acoustic and electric guitar crocheting, knitting, embroidering quilting jewelry making collaging indie perfume (i will no doubt be gushing about this more on this account because i also connect perfumes to my characters/projects and i have upwards of 100 scents in my collection) if you are still here you rock i have also thought of starting a youtube channel for literal years (like many of us late 90s-early 00s kids i have tried several times throughout the worst years of adolescence lol) to just talk about writing and also alllll of that. idk if it will happen but if it does think of this as a sort of primer!
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thedarkcircuswritings · 2 months
How do you feel about the newest Cookies? In Kingdom
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Caramel Choux? Well, she looks pretty, that's for sure! I wish I could see her, although I can only rely on YT to keep me up to date on Kingdom lore (Curse you Bluestacks!!) I do just have a question though... Why that gem on her cloak?? Like- I'm not tripping when I say that it looks like something you'd see on the Ancients, right?? It might just be a coincidence though, still a strange design choice.. Caramel Choux AU where she's a descendant of an ancient when /silly Also. Also. Hear me out. HEAR ME OUT-
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Ahem. Anyways.
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Street Urchin looks AWESOME, like?? Omg?? She has butch lesbian vibes, sorry not sorry. Her design, her motorcycle, her delinquent look, LOVE IT, favorite cookie of this update, 10/10, she's kissing Black Lemonade behind the concert stage 100% Spikey hair go brrr <3
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starryalpacasstuff · 11 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke, thankss <3
Credits: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Arghhh I just know this is going to be so hard, I'm gonna be an indecisive mess throughout.
Favorite Thai QL: Starting off strong with an impossible question to answer! I'll always have a spot for Bad Buddy in my heart, being the creative genius it is, and bonus points for being my first actual BL. But I have to also mention My School President, for the sheer joy, amazement and wonder that series sparked in me. I cried. My only 12% is forever going to remain in my heart, it hit close to home but I liked the pain. Probably the sweetest, most wholesome show ever. And, can't quite wrap this up without my newest favorite: Not Me!! Truly an amazing series that had pretty much all I could ask for.
Favorite Pairing: Dang it. I feaking love Gemini Fourth, they're genuinely such an amazing pair with amazing chemistry. But also, OffGun in NoT Me genuinely knocked the wind out of me. (Special mention to SantaEarth for being frickin adorable)
Most underrated actor: Joining @dribs-and-drabbles in the pitch for Harit, most well known for his role as Todd in Not Me. I REALLY want to see him as a lead, because I knew he'd be evil from the start and yet I was still so sad when the reveal came.
Favorite Character: God this is so hard to chooseee. Probably Tinn from MSP because my god the guy is so cute, and the greenest of flags to ever green flag. Also Black, from Not Me because I am here for the spiky on the outside but a little bit soft deep deep inside thing. And I can't forget about bestie Sam from GAP the series. Everything about her was just>>>
Favorite Side Character: Tiw from MSP for being the best wingman ever, and Ink for being the best just ever.
Favorite scene in a QL: Theres many, but two main ones come to mind here. The bar scene in episode 12 of Bad Buddy, when the gang is hanging out, drinking, and witnessing the stupidity of their younger selves through the eyes of an older generation. Second is the pride celebration scene in Not Me. I tell you, that scene made me sob.
Favorite line in a QL: I literally have a google docs filled with impressive lines from QLs!!!! I think I'd have to go with "All we can do is try. Even if its scary, we have to try it to find out" from the eighth sense, ep 10. "I will choose to remember only the good ones so there will only be the beauty of tomorrow" from uwma ep 10 comes a close second though.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): 23.5 I NEED high school lesbians. Also, GMMTV's first gl!!! I'm praving they don't f it up.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Probably PatPran or TinnGun
Most toxic relationship in a QL: Agreeing with @telomeke on Tharntype here. Goddam they were messy. And toxic.
Guilty pleasure series: Uhhh Love in The Air.
Most underrated series: My Only 12% definitely, no doubt about it. This little series is so amazing and it needs so much more love. The story is simple but engaging. The characters have amazing dynamics and chemistry. It has a lot of little messages and meanings and lessons hidden in it.
@chordassinationtechnique @dimplesandfierceeyes @coffeelovesdramasalatte @snidgetwrites @ahxu-laowen @transpat @theyellowhue
And anyone I haven't tagged who wants to join as well, consider yourself tagged if you see this :)
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libraryleopard · 11 months
Mid-Year Book Freakout 2023
Tagged by @violaeade, thanks Sabrina!
1. Best book you’ve read so far this year
Aaaahh that's so hard, I've had a really good reading year. I finally read She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan and it really blew me away–the characters! the tension! the narrative foils! the revenge! the ambition! the complicated queerness! I absolutely tore through it even though I was busy with school and walked around thinking about the ending for weeks. I can't wait for the sequel this August and also I am terrified to see what will come.
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far this year
THE THOUSAND EYES BY A.K. LARKWOOD!! Fucking fantastic sequel, took some incredible risks that really paid off and did some amazing things with the characters. Caused me exquisite agony in the best ways possible. Shuthmili's character arc in that book lives in my head RENT free.
3. New release you haven’t read yet
I'm hoping to read A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon this summer (it is so long but I am so excited for more dragons and lesbians). Also, When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb because I love their short fiction!
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid (gothic YA fantasy about Welsh mythology and a creepy seaside manor) sounds exactly like my kind of book and I'm quite excited for it.
5. Biggest disappointment
Probably The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas. I've gotten really into gothic literature lately and I was super excited at the idea of a postcolonial gothic set in 1800s Mexico but it just felt kind of like a middling mash-up of Rebecca and Mexican Gothic. Subpar gothic atmosphere, some nonsensical plot points, boring romance, standard prose. Alas!
6. Biggest surprise
I read Little Blue Encyclopedia (For Vivian) by Hazel Jane Plante on kind of a whim because the idea of a novel told in the form of an encyclopedia entry for a fictional TV show sounded interesting (I love stories that experiment with form) and it turned out to be an incredible exploration of grief and friendship and trans community that packed a lot of nuance and emotion into a very short work.
7. Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
Ava Reid! Her debut novel, The Wolf and the Woodsman, was a personally kinda underwhelming to me, but their second novel, Juniper and Thorn, was an incredible gothic fantasy exploration of abuse and I think she really found her authorial voice through it. Super excited for their YA debut coming out this fall, it sounds very up my alley. Also, having read Andrew Joseph White's debut novel Hell Followed With Us, I am absolutely keeping an eye out for his future works.
8. Newest fictional crush/newest favorite character
I'm reading Spindrift by Anna Burke right now and Morgan Donovan I am free to hang out on Thursday when I am free to hang out…
Also, Heather After from G. Willow Wilson's Sandman spin-off comic The Dreaming: The Waking Hours is incredible (trans anarchist sorceress) and I love her.
9. Book that made you cry
I don't really cry over books, but Among Others by Jo Walton made me so unbearably sad as someone who has a twin sister (though I do have some problems with that novel).
10. Book that made you happy
 I read Highly Suspicious & Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert because I enjoyed her adult romance novels and thought it was adorable, absolutely top-notch YA rom-com. (Also, I relate to Brad so much considering he is a teenage boy jock named Brad.)
Tagging uhhhh oh god @kazz-brekker @acewizard @shirleyjacksons @displayheartcode and any other book-inclined people who see this and want to answer? (i'm very bad at remembering mutuals off the top of my head, sorry!)
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melonnade · 8 months
OC-TOBER DAYS 2-4 (commentary about each character under the cut)
2: NEW OC - Luo Yuqing
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3: OLD OC - Tess (joint effort between @millidew and I)
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4: REDESIGN - Sanya Harris
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Day 2 - new OC: technically Xiang Wanyi is my newest OC but he was Day 1, so I’ll just do my second-newest. for a long time, Luo Yuqing didn’t really get much character development from me. from the onset, I knew I wanted a character like Song Riyuan as the protagonist of this OC universe. SRY needed a friend of some sort but I didn’t really have a clear-cut idea, so I just quickly scribbled in LYQ’s design without thinking much about it and made their concept “cloud recesses wangxian but lesbians.” so for a while, LYQ has just been “what if Lan Wangji was a girl?”
after fleshing out SRY a bit more though, I figured LYQ deserves some more actual thought from me too, so she has this sort of inverse character development thing with Riyuan. Waymond Wang in Everything, Everywhere, All At Once has a quote that lives rent-free in my head: “When I choose to see the good side of things, I’m not being naive. It is strategic and necessary… This is how I fight,” and “We have to be kind. Please, be kind.” This is SRY’s mentality at the beginning of the story. LYQ has a more cynical worldview: sometimes kindness hurts more than it helps. It’s more similar to Megumi from jjk’s “who’s to say that someone you save won’t kill anyone in the future?”
not going to get too much into plot, but over time, stuff happens and the two begin to slowly swap ideologies. after a time skip, LYQ has basically SRY’s original mentality, while SRY has taken on LYQ’s. I get so excited just thinking about how they’d interact when they meet again—they’re still so, so important to one another but there’s this distance now that they’re not sure how to navigate. to SRY, her old mentality was the reason why she wasn’t able to keep the two of them from being separated—she hates that part of herself. to LYQ, her memories of SRY were what got her through everything—she takes on that ideology as a sort of homage initially, but grows to believe it completely. there’s so much fun potential here for different situations.
I’m just going to try to describe her in a sort of stream of consciousness way. overall, LYQ makes me think of the North Star—always there, always constant, never wavering. basically, she doesn’t give up ever. not in a Naruto Uzumaki bold, confident kind of way, but in the same way Sisyphus keeps pushing that boulder, slowly but surely, over and over again. Luo Yuqing’s character is like the way waves against cliffs over the course of centuries can turn rock to sand. not sure how much this makes sense, but these are the types of associations I have in my mind with her. the vibes, if you will. she’s very fun to think about, now that I have more of an idea of what she should be.
Day 3 - old OC: Tess is the very first OC I ever made, before I even knew what an OC was. she’s a group project of a character, so I guess Millie and I have shared custody. she’s very edgy, very cringe, and was very fun at the time to make. I don’t think I ever drew any ref art of her, so this is just a drawing that I made today of what I remember her looking like. Tess is so funny to me because I remember thinking, “if she’s an assassin, she can’t be 12, because I’m 12, and 12 is too young to do anything like that. she can be 13 though.”
I drew her with her manic pixie dream girl traveling companion Sel, since I didn’t want to separate them!
I think Tess & Sel’s creation was a formative time in my life because this is basically how I make every OC now. they always come in pairs—their personalities are developed around one another, so I almost never make individual OCs. you can pretty much group all my OCs into two: Luo Yuqing & Song Riyuan, Qin Tianxiao & Xiang Wanyi, Haneul & Anna, Zach & .Soren, Atlas & Louisa, etc. If a character on my Art Fight doesn’t have an obvious foil, it’s most likely just because I haven’t drawn their ref sheet yet. anyway, I just think it’s funny how that moment in my life influenced my entire creative process, even now. if you spend enough time looking at my OCs, there are definitely clear patterns that I tend to follow though!
Day 4 - redesign: another part of my OC creation process is when I scrap certain universes, I try to reuse the characters if possible. either I’ll essentially blend them up with another character to create someone new or I’ll just stick them in a brand new universe. Sanya Harris initially was a best friend/sidekick-type character in an urban fantasy monster-hunting OC universe that I’ve abandoned. (like all of my other OCs, she had a partner OC too, but he’s been recycled into Zach lol). she was a college student working a part-time job as a motel receptionist in rural Kansas. now, in her current backstory, she lives in California and is a teenager going to summer camp. this whole situation is very funny to me.
actually, a lot of my OCs would fit for the “redesign” prompt because all of the recycled ones are basically redesigns. for example:
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let’s compare the art I drew of Tess to Haneul’s original design from 2021. “they’re the same photo” meme etc, etc.
their personalities are very similar too—they’re basically the same person. again, I find this hilarious, but yeah, there are definitely character archetypes that repeat in my OCs that are easily identifiable if you’ve been watching me make a lot of them over the years.
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minheelovelee · 2 years
Lia sex toys
Part 3 in the Itzy sex toy series! Chaer is next!
I really see Lia as a super horny bisexual. She doesn't have a preference to men or women, she just wants someone to suck her clit. When she subs, she's a pillow princess and expects all the pleasure in the world. Same when she doms, her pleasure comes first.
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THE Rose
Everyone knows the rose. I fully believe that lia has one because she saw it on Tiktok. She loves this toy so fucking much. Not much else to say about this.
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Home-alone and desperately horny, Lia goes for yet another round with her favorite toy. Her shorts and panties shimmy down her legs carelessly onto the floor. She reaches in her bedside drawer and grabs the red rose. Her hole throbs in anticipation.
She starts by licking the top of the toy to wet it. Then she pull up her pussy lips and exposes her bean. Her clit fits in the opening perfectly. When she clicks the button at the base, the toy begins to suck her clit in pulses.
Her free hand flies to her thigh, trying to ground herself while getting her soul sucked. The pulsing gradually increases until it becomes constant sucking, driving her to an orgasm that leaves her wrist wet.
Clit pump licker
Do I even need to say anything about this?
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Lia's usually flat, pink, pussy lips are now puffy, and red. The toy in her hand abuses them without a second though.
Satisfied with the ruined look of her fat cunt, she clicks a button to engage the tongue on her clit. It moves up and down, causing vibrations and friction to send pleasure traveling through her body. The dry tongue makes her so wet. The cup is filled with condensation and pussy, making her more sensitive than ever.
Butterfly kiss
So damn cute. She would love this.
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With her face smushed in a pillow and her right leg hanging in the air, Lia’s hand works at her pussy with her newest toy. Slightly rocking it back and forth is all that’s needed. The bulbous tip created to perfectly prod at her gummy g-spot while the delicate antennae rest under her clit hood.
She reaches down with her left hand to twist the base. This action starts the little hidden motor. She pushes the bottom up with her palm, forcing it as far as she can. When she grabs on again, the tiny toy is completely covered by Lia’s larger hand.
Her thigh muscles tense and begin to feel sore, so she bends at the knee and opens herself wider than before. She rolls to her back and faces the ceiling, gasping in pleasure. She lets her hips rock as she simultaneously pushes the toy the other way. The long-building feeling in her tummy explodes with a release of liquid, sprinkling the bedsheets and her new friend.
Double delight strap
I don’t think she tops often. But when she does, she wears this. She might use it with our token bottoms, Yeji or Chaer. I think Chaer might enjoy it more though…
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Dicking down Chaeryoung in her bed was not on Lia’s 2022 bucket list.
Drunk nights shared between the two often lead to silly games. But playing “never have I ever” doesn’t often lead to having lesbian sex behind locked doors.
Chaer is on splayed out on her tummy, controlling the vibration settings for both ends. Lia is on her knees, pounding into the younger with all the force she can muster in her tipsy state.
The curl of the dildo inside of Lia jabs at her g-spot with every thrust, forcing her to work hard for her orgasm. Chaer lays out and takes it while varying the vibrations they receive.
The well-known feeling of an oncoming orgasm hits Chaeryoung. She turns up her own vibration and lifts her hips to lengthen the high. She does the same for Lia, who’s hips stutter and fuck harder.
THIS. I feel like she would love to give up the controls to someone while she takes a ride. Maybe Ryujin? She would gladly help her unnie with that.
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Lia is completely at Ryujin’s mercy. Fully naked and stimulated to the max. All she can do is tweak her nipples and cry out until she cums.
Ryujin is completely in control of Lia. She’s clothed and seated in a comfortable chair not far from the mess in front of her. The remote in her hand controls the large toy underneath the older. She decides when Lia gets to cum with the twist of a knob.
She turns the knobs up and lets Lia relish in the sharp pleasure. When she gets close to orgasm, the knobs are turned back down in protest. Lia whines at the loss of stimulation and begs Ryujin for more. But all she gets in return is praise and a smile.
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crashstanding · 9 months
omg I get to talk about some of my newest guys
First, here's some quick chibis of them, and then some of the rambling goes under the cut
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So these three are 3/4 of the main characters of a newer story I'm working on - tentatively called "Night Sky Meeting" for now. Anri's partner in everything, a nonbinary lesbian named Heyah, is the last member of the main main cast. I have added them in bc I love them
They're all beings called "Deis" - genetically modified humans who are various stages of added dna, related to a giant fuck off tree, and cyborgs.
Pepper is a "Canis" type Deis, essentially meaning he's a werewolf. His more wolf features tend to appear in response to stress and he's an anxiety dog - as in a dog with anxiety - so he tends to have at least pointed ears. He's recently been "out of a job" aka kidnapped and renamed by Cider and is learning about how to be a person instead of a weapon, as he was typically used as a guard wolf and has killed many times before. He has Cole Dragon Age vibes when it comes to killing tbh.
Cider is a Cygnus Deis, which are sort of like artificial angels. Cider's own wings no longer exist though, as they tore them out of their back after a traumatic task and faked his own death. He's currently rediscovering the joy of living and not just surviving through watching Pepper... and maybe catching some gay ass feelings, who knows
Anri is also a Cygnus, though he's not faked his death. He actually went back to the company that employeed him and Cider after the "incident" and covered for Cider - because that's his brother! (Not biologically, but Anri has been insistent that they're twins since they were children...and also that Anri is the older twin.) He, along with Heyah, are currently trying to take down the company and others like it from the inside. He's also a bit of a manic pixie nightmare girl
Heyah is a Serpens Deis, which are a more mechanical variety and can interface with most electronics (and also has some sick .... tentacles? think Doc Ock sorta) They're pretty laid back over all and whilst Anri is a manic pixie nightmare girl, they're the stereotypical tech guy, but with a jock personality.
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love-bokumono-fics · 11 days
Fresh Crops! May 20 - 26, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
A Life More Extraordinary - by Moomieluv; WIP, 3/?, 2.7k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Back To Nature Characters: Female Farmer | Naomi, Karen Additional Tags: Romance, Friendship, Love, Slice of Life Summary: Karen longs for excitement in her life and finds it when a new farmer moves to town.
Maybe the harvest moon was the friends we made along the way - by Rottenveggiesouo; Complete, 4/4, 9.6k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Major Character Death; Category: Gen Fandom: Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons Relationship: None; Characters: Pete | Jack, Mark the Farmer, Sara, Pony | Aya | Jill, Other Characters Mentioned Additional Tags: Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Light Angst, How Do I Tag, Animal Death, Character Death, a lot of death tbh, Author Does Not Know How To Tag, Author is happy, Most characters that appear for now are from Awl/ds with some exceptions Summary: Mark is already getting a bit old for the toll of farming, and he doesn't wants his daughter pony to do everything alone, so, his niece and nephew, Sara and Pete, come to the valley to work on the farm.
Runaway - by almakazam; WIP, 2/?, 11k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi, Other Fandoms: Back To Nature, Friends of Mineral Town, DS Cute Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Kai, Claire the Farmer & Kai; Characters: Claire, Kai, Pete | Jack, Marlin | Matthew, Pony | Aya | Jill, Popuri, Original Characters, Gray, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Cliff, Karen, Rick, Elli | Elly, Doctor | Trent Additional Tags: Rewrite, Runaway, Drama & Romance, Romance, Family Drama, Family Issues, Slow Burn, Double Life, Heir & Heiress, This was an old fic I wrote back in 2009 lol Summary: Claire has always played the part of the perfect daughter, but behind the façade lies years of control and frustration. It all finally comes to a head when her father ends her engagement and arranges a new marriage to a man she doesn't know, ultimately pushing her to run away. Little did she know that her new groom-to-be is also planning his own escape.
Don't Eat Flowers - by Maymist; Complete, 15/15, 28k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, DS Cute Relationship: Nami/Pony | Aya | Jill; Characters: Nami, Pony | Aya | Jill, Rock, Reader Additional Tags: Lesbian Character, Inspired by Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Mentions of Other Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons Games, Blue Feather, Romance, LGBTQ Character, POV Lesbian Character, Canon Lesbian Relationship Summary: The new farmer girl in Forgotten Valley attempts to give Nami some flowers to, er… totally give the hint that she's romantically interested in the very much reserved tomboyish red-head. Nami completely jumps to conclusions and misunderstands though, and that's where this silly romance begins. What kind of other madness will ensue?
Mencuri Hati Protagonis - by Villainien; WIP, 1/?, 1.3k; Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Island of Happiness, Sunshine Islands Relationship: Chelsea/Mark; Characters: Chelsea, Mark, Harvest Goddess, Witch Princess, Lily the Treasure Hunter, Will Additional Tags: Humor, Comedy, Fluff, Romance, Absurd Summary: Intip bagaimana perjuangan Chelsea menjadikan dirinya sebagai female lead bagi sang protagonis!
Rainbow Connection - by NonbinaryCookie; WIP, 2/3, 2.8k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, M/M, Other Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Gustafa/Reader; Characters: Gustafa, Farmer, Child Additional Tags: Domestic, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Canon Compliant, Fluff, Established Relationship, established marriage, During Canon, Parenthood, Raising a Child, Music, Songwriting, i literally wrote a song for this fic please like this, I really like the silly hippie music man, he is a human pikmin and I stand by that fact, no beta reader we die like all my free time since I bought this game, I lowkey prefer his GameCube design to his Switch design, i wrote songs for this please read it, Poetry, Bad Poetry, Inspired by Poetry, Gustafa is such a bard and I love him, hippe bard man, Newborn Children Summary: Why are there so many songs about rainbows? And what’s on the other side? Maybe because a rainbow’s a miracle, just like this life Gustafa gets to have with you <3
Katakan Yes, Please! - by Villainien; WIP, 5/7, 10k; Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Back To Nature, Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Claire the Farmer & Pete | Jack; Characters: Pete | Jack, Rick, Kai, Doctor | Trent, Cliff, Gray, Claire Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Romance, Friendship, Absurd, Mention of Karen/Rick, Comedy, Rick and Karen are married, Drama Summary: Kira-kira gimanakah cara Young Men Squad of Mineral Town dalam membantu Jack mendapatkan cinta Claire?
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
And hold to the low lintel up/The still-defended challenge-cup
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/yk8cSMC
by SonoSvegliato
Tim is almost-finally training to be Robin, kind of. (Emphasis on the “almost”). (Emphasis on the “kind of”).
He’s been sparring with the Hood, Gotham’s newest vigilante, but Hood doesn’t know Tim as Tim, he knows Tim as Jason, but Tim knows that Hood is actually Jason, and honestly, Tim’s just writing the rules up as he goes.
And the stakes are only getting higher. After tragedy strikes the Drakes, Tim ends up in Bruce’s care just as a new series of gruesome crimes plagues Gotham. More than ever, Bruce is determined to keep Tim out of it.
Tim does not keep out of it. (And there are consequences to starting fights you don’t know how to win.)
 Title taken from “To an Athlete Dying Young” by A.E. Housman.
Words: 22584, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of To an Athlete Dying Young
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Robin (Comics), Detective Comics (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, some original characters for sake of plot, Rogues Gallery (Batman)
Relationships: Tim Drake & Getting Himself in a High Stakes Game of Emotional Twister, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown & her emotional support dog named tim who is afraid of lesbians
Additional Tags: get ready boys, Dead People, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, but it backfires oops, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Blood and Injury, Violence, Taco Bell, Corpses, Blood and Gore, from a squirrel though, let's keep going guys, Murder, Attempted Murder, Fear, Fear of Death, Scarecrow's Fear Toxin (DCU), Food as a Metaphor for Love, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is Robin, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Case Fic, Misunderstandings, Emotional Manipulation, Mistaken Identity, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, but not for long if Tim has anything to say about it, Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, instead he gets taquitos, because, Jason Todd Has a Heart, and an enduring love for convenience stores
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/yk8cSMC
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