#theres so many tiny details i love in the game
skeleslime-phantom · 3 months
I gotta say, anyone who likes monster catchers, you GOTTA give Cassette Beasts a try. I've had so much fun w the game and I'm not even done with it yet.
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aggressionbread · 1 month
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oh one really cool thing i think i never noticed or really considered when I played the game, is that the Knight Academy rooms are actually a big room, divided in two with a wooden room divider in the middle. I have noticed that before, but what I didn't notice is that in Groose's shared room, Groose has presumably pushed the divider over so he has extra room for all his workout equipment, and just, space, meanwhile Cawlin and Strich are sharing that teeny room on the other half, but they also have a fancy golden couch for some reason, and I guess that makes up for it.
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note: i did some looking through the other characters' rooms and houses, to see if this was indeed a fancy gold couch, or just a regular couch. after a very quick scan, I found that not only did i not find another golden couch, there was in fact only one couch of any kind that i could find in anyone's house (in rupin's house apparently, and its not gold)
also there's this picture of Groose wedged down between the desk and the wall divider
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what is it doing there?
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buqbite · 9 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
(No pressure if you don't want to though!)
Alright I'm gonna cheat a little and show more than 5 LMAO
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These three get spot 5 for me. Something about either the colors, composition or both makes me really happy!
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4th Place belongs to these three dnd drawings! I genuinely love the colors of the third one and intend to reuse that palette more often.
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Third place is from my 2022 winter game jam. I loved working as a game artist and those drawings always fill me with such joy and love when I look at them and remember my time.
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Second place goes to this one. I'm genuinely incredibly happy with this one. And I'm so glad I created it.
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Switching to traditional for this one!! This is an old drawing from 2021. (You can tell haha) And.. Oh I've said so many things about this piece in the past but what's important to know is that this is the first time I drew something and managed to convey EXACTLY the feeling I wanted to convey. (The second time is the 2nd place drawing) I have this hanging on my wall in my apartment. It's something I made during portfolio class in school and I have such incredible appreciation and love for both that class and my art teacher.
On top of that, I cant easily show it off because its SO detailed that pictures dont rlly work well. If you zoom in you can kinda see that theres tons of tiny flowers and plants :)
Thank you for this ask! Even if it took a long time to get around to it haha
I'd like to tag @kkomaism @rusquared @solcarow @kfxie @froqgy and @lee-hakhyun to show off your '5' favorite pieces if you will! ^^
I love all of you guys' works and would love to see your favorites (might b smart to make your own posts tho this one is LOOONG already)
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lollybliz · 1 year
Something I noticed is that the main control panels for the divine beasts kinda look like the fairy fountains when the fountains are closed up . Which is neat .
Also fuck Ganon for making me deal with heights. Medoh flys so very high and it makes me anxious. But I've made it to the boss area , so that's something.
Also , I've heard there is a certain music that plays, I'm not sure but I think it's the the song that plays when you fight the blights, but it has a distress signal in it . And I've heard that it's theorized to be the champions sending out a destress signal before they were killed by the blights. And apparently Ravali's signal turned off in the middle for a long time , then comes back in the end. And there is one reason for this that fucking kills me. Ravali may have intentionally turned his distress signal off so the other champions get help first, only turning it back on when he realizes that the others have probably already died and he would very much like some help now. But help can't get there in time.
y'know, i hadnt noticed that! the blue fire furnaces look kinda similar too, i wonder if that says something about the origins of their not-electricity electrical power. maybe its a fairy thing!
*coughs in loves heights and definitely didnt try to jump off medoh to see what would happen*
yeah the sos beeps!! theres so so many tiny little heartbreaking details in this game, so help me--i hadnt heard about revali's having a break in the middle, that fits his overconfident and sassy exterior ultimately just wanting to do the best he could interior to a T :'( the champions deserved better, man--they died honorably and they fought bravely but all of them were too young and in too hopeless of a battle.
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priconstella · 1 year
Scvi thoughts! Negatives and positives.
Tldr; I like the game despite its flaws
Things I like
The world feels alive, there's pokémon everywhere
Theres so many new pokémon I've yet to get near to finding them all
So far it seems that most of them don't have ridiculous evolution methods (unlike legends arceus)
The facial customization is so in depth it's great
The characters have nice designs, even the generic NPCs look nice
Raids have been massively improved, both with the timers, the lack of a turn system, the cheers, and the internet menu! I don't have to wade through other unrelated posts to find raids to join anymore
The map is so much better than swsh's map
Multi-player is massively improved now you can only see the few people you choose to connect with, not a random group of laggy strangers
Most things you can see others doing in multi-player. Battling, terastalizing, setting up picnics, and using the let's go feature can all be seen. I haven't had an evolution while on multi-player yet, but I'm pretty sure that can be seen too.
Multiple storylines give you many options
There's so many areas
I really love the general vibe of the world. I kept running off to fill up my pokedex and only progressed to the first titan because a friend told me I'd get a speed boost and I'd run quicker. Other than that and one gym, I haven't progressed the story at all and there's still plenty for me to explore.
The camera feature!
Being able to change your phone case is a really tiny detail that I like
You can go to classes! And actually learn lore tidbits! (I don't wanna put this in the negative section even tho it is but fuck that math teacher with the rigged question)
Exploring the huge school
And reading all the books in the library
And I've been told there's both midterms and finals so you actually have a reason to pay attention
Mystery (wtf are these stakes I keep finding.)
Things I don't like
No clothing customization
Still can't choose your pronouns, despite supposedly having no gender and only styles, whatever style you choose at the start locks in your pronouns
Shinies don't have noise
The lock on is very unintuitive and often doesn't work
Can't throw pokeballs to catch without battling like in L:A
Can't lock the minimap to north like you can the map
On that note. What the hell is up with the pokemon icons on the minimap. When you look different directions the map moves and so do the pokemon icons and it's clear they're supposed to rotate with it but they *don't.* They rotate strangely and end up in different spots on the map, so it's hard to find their actual point when they could be at any of them. Why don't they rotate normally.
While I honestly haven't had the game breaking glitches I've seen people online have, I have had lots of lag in the menus. The PC and clothing stores don't load models, so when I'm trying to look at things I have to wait for them to load in.
Speaking of, the PC is accessible a movement before it loads. You click box, it loads on top your current and you can move around, and *then* the screen fades to black and opens in the box with proper backgrounds.
And again, nothing gamebreaking or anything constantly or consistently happening, but why did all of the lighting give out and the background severely drop in quality when I choose my starter. I did the opening 3 times and all 3 times or did that. Why.
Sometimes when you start a battle the opposing Pokémon will be a low polygon model. It looks like they were taken from Pokémon rumble.
The camera feature. I can't move while it's open and I can't zoom in. Also, the menus I have to go through to change my profile picture is ridiculous when it should've been built into the camera as an option. Because you have to go to profile before changing your picture, you can't get a picture with all your pokémon in the picnic, because you literally can't open that menu during picnics. You can use the camera and take pictures, you just can't use them as profile pictures.
I hate convergent evolution so much or whatever it's called. I hate wiglett with a burning passion. Just because they have a real life excuse doesn't mean it's not just bad game design that they copy and pasted a Diglett and took away its spine and color
Everytime I leave a shop the camera moves causing me to reenter the shop
You can't use rare candies to evolve unevolved pokémon at Lvl 100 anymore, which seems like a pointless/backwards decision to take that away when they only implemented it last generation
Conclusion: I honesty really like the game. The performance issues are what's most glaring for most people, but I'm just questioning the many tiny decisions to made to include or not include. Why no set mode? Why can't rare candies evolve at 100? Why no shiny noise? So many why's. But I honestly so like the game so far, and I've barely progressed at all.
They removed set mode
There is no more pokerus, supposedly. I'll have to recheck that but I did read it somewhere that it's not attainable in the same anymore
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potofbees · 2 years
Favorite Half-life Game(s)
Favorite Moment from the series
Favorite Side/Lesser Known Characters
Cool fact or headcanon you like?
Would you keep a vortigaunt as a roommate or have a pet headcrab? Both are friendly, btw!
i dont have a lot of coherent thoughts but these were fun to answer 👍👍 o7 THANK U for questions
1) ok fav game DEFINITELY halflife 2 itll probably always be my fav game all time. i am playing it as i write this its just one of those games that feels new and fun to play every time
i imagine once i finally get around to playing half:life alyx it will be my favorite just cause ive seen such good things about it and how its the best vr game of all time and how genuinely immersive it is and all these wonderful tiny details and the story and etc etc i need to play this game or im going to explode. watched the ending cutscene and it made me realize how mentally ill i am abt this series
2) oh god favorite moment i have so many but probably in hl2 barney's "fuck you" to dr breen that gets cut off so they can keep the games rating. always love devs skating around that 18+/mature rating
3) favorite side character(s), father grigori i have no specific reasons i just like him a lot, also not really a side character but judith mossman she gets such a bad rep i would treat her right. girl i would make a character analysis on u that is respectful of ur character development
FUNNY answer however. is specifically the fisherman from the later lost coast tech demo/cut level from hl2
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this is peak character design. it cant get better than this sorry character designers uve been outmatched. he means so much to me
4) fav fact is a loaded question because i know an ungodly amount of information about the halflife games but ill say it has to be that the packs of houndeyes in the first game take naps. theyr sleepy
also fact specifically for U is that there were cut easter eggs for the would-be dreamcast port of the first game and this specific one i remember is that sometimes when u broke a supply crate a sonic adventure disc would be one of the items that fell out. never became official but theres videos of it its so funny
i also really like the headcanon that gordon uses ASL. im taking a class on it i really just think sign language should be taught more and should just generally be more common for accessibility reasons so i think its swag when people headcanon silent protags as using sign language
5) HARD question i love all the aliens in these games but id say vortigaunt cause i have like an embarrassing little detail that when i played the black mesa remake i got the pacifist achievement for interloper without knowing it existed because i didnt wanna kill any of the vortigaunts :( they were my buddies in the 2nd game i just could not hurt them. they would be such a great friend. plus i already have cats so i dont need another feral beast that latches onto me yknow
THANK u for questions btw this was fun i gotta send u more funny questions
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ca-3 · 1 year
please tell us about cons and pros of p5! i'm really curious
I'm only halfway through the game so I can't really give it a definite review yet 🥲maybe I'll further write about my thoughts when I finish cause wow this game is WAYYY longer than I thought.
The game play itself is good and I don't have any real complaints there. I've been playing the game on hard mode and I'm still having a good time, the only times I lose a battle is cause I make a careless decision or simply cause I'm a newbie who didn't know what to do at first lol
Also I love a lot of the dialouges and interactions with other characters, some of it is really funny too.
All my grievances so far mostly comes from parts of the writing or how some characters are handled to sum it up. Also there are some problematic elements too... for example your character is a teenager and you're able to date any of your female friends and also grown women (including your teacher btw) but God forbid you date your male best friend who's been with you since the beginning, or any of the other guys who do seem to have some actual interest in you.
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You can apparently even say you prefer men in a specific dialouge option; yet you still can't be gay??? Like make it make sense?? omfg
Game would be ranked even higher for me if I was allowed to be gay lol
Fanservice isn't too bad in this game and most of the girls thankfully aren't excessively sexualized except for poor Ann so far, like it's too the point I feel bad for her cause she used for that a lot when she's actually not like that at all, and is actually a real sweetheart.
I'm playing Persona 5 Royal to be exact which is the better version of the game it seems and I heard the game changed some pretty homophobic dialouges and one scene in particular from back in 2016(?) that was apparently controversial...but apparently the way they fixed it wasn't that much better either and I didn't even know about it until now :/
Edit: Also one personal thing for me exclusively, I kinda get overwhelmed on how to spend my free time in the game because how much you can do. Like I get caught in wondering if I should go raise social stats that could potentially really benefit me later or when theres like 6 different text messages in game and I don't know which character to hang out with, especially when it's multiple characters I really like. Jobs and many areas to walk around in and shop at and then other small mini games and activities you can do... I get a tiny bit overwhelmed yet I still can't put it down 😅 so my brain sometimes feels exhausted while playing. This is only a personal me thing.
But yeah tldr;
Pros: I have mostly positive feelings, game play is fun, I like most of the characters and I like being able to hang out with them, and I'm invested in the story and I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Cons: Don't have a lot bad to say. Just some of the writing and some details/aspects in it are kinda annoying/problematic or just a really weird choice in my opinion and it makes me a little bitter because I do like the game.
My feelings might change when i actually finish the game, but who knows lol
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illusionsofcontrol · 2 years
i just wanted to say i was rereading WH on the plane as i do every plane ride lol and i just realized how many tiny details there are??
monowithers use of slaughter referancing the mcs secret , monowither saying "dont rush this elevator hasnt been used in a while! dont want one of you to take a nasty fall!" referancing ashleys trial AND the fact that theres been multiple killing games before this, THEN the mcs dagger being a yin-yang to represent slotty and the mc (or maybe their use of justice and the fact theyve done horrible things?) idk its just so interesting and cool to me.
ALSO random question when you wrote the original wh, did you like the executions themselves? like the method of death or the scene itself! i always found the reactions of the living after it to be the most interesting part, i genuinely adored the trials and knowing how well they were back then im sure theyre amazing!
anyways, very excited for the free time events that sems v cewl! :D -🍀 lucky clover anon (ive been here still! just havent been using my signoff :
Aww what I'm glad you enjoy it that much still to reread multiple times
I do love adding little details like that lol thank you for noticing them
(btw though i never said there were previous killing games)
Eh I was satisfied with most of the executions but a lot of them I felt were a little too similar to specific DR executions. With executions I mainly just try my best to implement as much of the character's talent and backstory as possible for that bitter irony.
I'm glad you're excited for the free time events, but they're actually a lot harder to manage than I expected 😭 Without going into detail, people's willingness to talk casually with Yingzhe varies drastically per part. The thing I like about FTEs is how each subsequent event builds off of what was talked about in previous ones. But if I do FTEs via vote, that means I have to account for the fact that I'm not gonna know who's going to be talked to at what points in the story. And that's looking kind of difficult, but that's a problem for later me.
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rose022 · 2 days
2, 12, 16, 23 for the fandom ask game please ❤️
(a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!)
hmmm i think transfem tsukasa? was never too big on it but i do see it kinda and people make a lot of good art so
(compliment someone else in your fandom)
all my mutuals are amazing firstly. like everyone makes such cool stuff i am once again asking people to go look through my heart! tag because theres so much awesomeness. besides that thooo i think a lot of the artists i see here are soooo impressive i have notifs on for a lot of people. i mean i can make a list. oh also the people ive commissioned uhh aoyagids i think on twitter vieapuff on here and insta hmmmm theres so many tho i can get plenttyyy of names of artists and writers and whatnot
(a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate)
hmm this didnt say what fandom so uh. i like the way niigo characters all loose the light in their eyes at some point cus they were all united by wanting to disappear. i like how fischl is like one of the only ones besides the archons to like note that mc isnt of this world. i like how yashiro is selfish and flawed but still just cares for her friends so much despite everything thats happened. i like how nikki is still going after, what like a thousand years she doesnt give up. i like how you can tell rebecca truly loved sasha like how she reminds her about biting her nails and tries to be there for her when her parents make her upset. ill stop here.
(the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual)
i think isat and like r1999 and i watched i thibk the nilfruits stuff but idk whats going on so. mmm what else i need more. oh right that dog trick detective thing???? idk. people can always recommend me stuff i have a list i promise ill get to it or just rant abt stuff u like
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voltrixz · 1 year
*puts on fake mustache* hello voltrix uhh what's your favorite little sillies yknowalso whats your favorite games please put a long detailed list i will totally not do anything with this info
Hello random tumblr user with a fake mustache that isnt my good friend lime
However yes I will tell you about my favorite little sillies (which im guessing is favorite characters) and my favorite games all in a long detailed list
Ok for games its probably ( not ranked)
I've always heard of it and how good it is for like a good 2 years I'd say but never checked it out until like I'd say in the summer of this year. BEST CHOICE OF MY LIFE TBHHHH, its so so GOOD. So many of the characters are so memorable and honestly have rlly sad stories that made me so so so sad and AQUGHHHH theres so so so much of the story to analyze. I LOVE ANALYZING ITS STORY and the little like details of each character. For a game I put off due to the supposed difficulty and my non existent experience or skill with these type of games, I did not expect for me to enjoy that much. BECAUSE I DIED SOOOOOO MANY TIMES early game and even later on but I HAD to keep on coming back to play because the game is just so so so PRETTYYYYY, like aughhhh eye candy and as I mentioned before, the characters and story are really really awesome
MPN!!!! (Madness Combat:Project Nexus )
Honestly was really excited to play this game when i finally could but also feared I would give up since it isnt the usual type of game im used to and would probably find it difficult. (they had a tourist (easy) mode, cant believe they planned this just for me) EITHER WAY I FUCKIN LOVE MPN!!!!! However i think the interactions/dialouge for each character in this game is my fave part. DEIMOS' LINES ARE SO FUNNY (and fruity) AND I LOVE HANK'S DIALOUGE TOO, he's just a tiny bit silly but very insane. Also love how you can just move the mouse around and the characters will just spin in circles, its so silly, go gay boys go!!! ALSO!! love just in general every character's dialouge AND TRICKY'S LEVEL AUGHHHH, died a few times but ITS SO GOOOOOOODDDDDDD AUGHHHH, still need to finish the storymode (gave up on the last boss when I died on the last health bar) (my computer was about to explode either way (the got into hk and kinda forgot about it) HOWEVER I DO RLLLY RLLY want to get back into it, complete storymode and go through arena mode
Would I consider this a favorite game soley because of nostalgia and because it was my first actual pokemon game? Maybe. But did I have fun with it? YES Plus the game has Popplio (FAVE POKEMON EVER) also AUGHHH got so attached to my team in that game. Also I love the alola trio so much (Lillie, Hau and Gladio) and THE PROFESSER, he is so silly, shoutout to him and his wife for being the best bi4bi married couple ever, also heheh LOVE SOLGALEO SMMMM, its so cool. ALSO GUZMA, AUGHHHHH banger character. Rlly wish my 3ds worked so I could revisit the game tho :(
Thats all the favorite games for now (would add endacopia but I'll wait till the full game releases)
This is super obvious BUT AUDITOR AND PHOBOS
AUGHHHH LOVE THEM SO SO MUCH, love the both silly and really interesting trivia about them
The duality of Auditor canonically having a sweet "tooth" compared to how Krinkles sees Auditor as inferior to the rest of the employers since they level themselves down to the mortals in Nevada and picks fights with them
Along with the duality of Phobos having his size (around the height of a half MAG) because he's on a GOMAD diet (a lot of milk) and then his descent into insanity and how his egomaniac tendencies took over his sense of judgement
I just think they're really really cool and honestly REALLY REALLY interesting characters if you dig deep enough (and become morbidly fixated on them and understand them on different levels)
Other characters would be NOISEMASTER!!! (silly funky guy that is actually quite fucked up and rlly fuckin tragic when you think about it), another would be QUIRREL!!!!! (also rlly fuckin tragic but aughhhh geniuely such a kind and caring character love him) and uhhh SNIPER AND PYRO (THEY ARE LITERALLY ME FRRR)
Maybe have rambled a bit much but I sure hope you totally dont do anything with this info
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infizero · 2 years
its already been months since chapter 2′s release and yet my brain is still completely fixated on deltarune (alongside dsmp and now sonic ofc) it’s like i forget how every single detail of these games is ingrained into my mind and then new content is released and the part of my brain dedicated to fun values and branching paths and easter eggs just Awakens
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nako-doodles · 2 years
🌸BEST OF 2021: 🌸
post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year!
thank you for thinking of me darlings @rumue @kithtaehyung @minieggukie @hyunsung @rainycle @intronnevermind @min-boongie @jeonjcngkook @bisexualrapline @jeonbunkook @bangguks @suga-ssi @kkulmoon 💖✨
embarrassingly enough i barely make enough content to maintain a monthly schedule so this should be fairly simple🤣🤣 sophomore year of pixel-ing and you would think id be better at planning and time management 🤣🤣🤣
i feel like everyone has done this already so im going to poke @jung-koook @taeunwoo @gimbapchefs @hobeah @sugaftrm @blueandtaes @userjiminie @abcdefghi--lmnopqrstuvwxyzz @taee @sugajimin @slipped-away to tag me in theirs so i can relive my fave posts in 2021 💖✨
most popular: you gucci?
favourite: hello, we are dts!
⤷ i forgot i made both of these for january tbh. i only remember being stressed about frame matching for this gif of the tannies dancing, but that came out new years eve oops (i kept this in my 2021 folder tho? it sounds right?)
favourite: bts rpg mockup: taemon
⤷ the inauguration of my rpg mockups! even tho these didnt get that many notes, i learned a LOT about appropriate pixel size vs grid size, color theory, sprite animation, formatting menus, how much hubris i had for undertaking the work of professionals w my poor overworked laptop and gimp 2.10. i had all 7 members mocked out but there were too many math and formatting mistakes in my base for my perfectionist self to tolerate making more.....a moment of silence for chimrub, ggukdian, jinari (神) and their unrealized potential.........
most popular: bts rpg mockup: hoba
favourite: bts rpg mockup: erljönig
⤷ in true 94z soulmate fashion, these two practically have the same note count, but im just sliiiiiiightly more partial to joon bc i actually planned out his palette beforehand! i know! me! planning ahead!!!! im also really proud of getting hobi's item skin just right.......those rainbows gave me so much grief bc airbrushing in squares is counter-intuitive
most popular: piu~! u quiz on the block jinnie
⤷ what? you thought i would see u quiz on the block jin and NOT pixel him? banish the thought. i think this is the last time this year i leaned this heavily realistic rather than the more traditional abstract style of the medium. both have its challenges, but i find this more realistic approach to be less maddening despite the smaller size of pixel bc i didnt have to worry about details as much. and not worry my snap to grid function didnt poop out on me, gimp
most popular: tiny tan dynamite teaser
favourite: the applejinnie doesnt fall far from the tree
⤷ im actually mad proud of both of these ngl 🤣🤣🤣 for the tinytans, im really proud that i got their complicated motions a lot smoother than i did w chilsung, or w the rollerblade chaos. plus they look like they just escaped from my folders to wreck havoc i love my lil minions so much 🥺🥺🥺 yes. all ~60 frames of utter frustration, tears, and insanity. cel animators deserve all of the accolades holy fuck. for applejinnie, i was testing out a new pixel style, and i was so surprised it all worked out!!!! hes one of my fave headers that ive made, even tho i spent 10 minutes drawing him, and 4 days trying to get his apple to bounce correctly.
most popular: moonprince jinnie
favourite: whats melting?: a butter jinnie game
⤷ moonprince jinnie is my first attempt at making those ✨aesthetic✨ pixel art loops, even tho theres only 10 frames in mine, and like....300 frames in the traditional kind........either way im super proud of him and im glad yall agree 🥺🥺🥺 butter jinnie was actually just gonna be like 3 separate jinnies that gradually morphed into a behemoth of a project like i genuinely had no idea how it went from 'oooo dilf jin' to 'lets make a whole butter themed game around this' yoongi should have told me the song is not actually about butter
favourite: pumpking patch kids
⤷ this might be my favorite thing ive ever drawn this year. like. look at them being chaos and wrecking havoc on those poor pumpkings! anyways im still trying to manifest a 🕯halloween practice vers🕯 cov*d begone! leave!
most popular: happyjinnieday!
favourite: star turned villain bts & cafe date taehyung
⤷ december may seem to be surprisingly prolific for me, but its bc i spent most of october, all of november, and half of december to make all the things that came out 🤣🤣🤣 im just proud i got jin's applejinnie website up on time, and even though i missed christmas, at least the start turned villain post came out this year! i cried literal tears of blood trying to get all the details right but it was worth it™️ im also really proud of how tae came out even though i spent a fraction of time on him vs. star turned villain 🤣🤣🤣
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
jumin han / nsfw abc’s
the ceo in all his glory <3 original post here
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
so attentive to all your needs. needs a minute for you both to catch your breath and come back down to earth, but almost instantly he’s all over you. wraps his arms around you, kisses your neck, murmurs words of affection into your skin. plays with your hair and listens to you talk about whatever you please, you’ll be doing most of the talking since he’s pretty quiet after sex. super casual and even somewhat lazy aura after the whole thing, he’s not lying when he says he gets drunk off of you. not exactly tired, just super calm and relaxed. after some snuggling he’ll offer to clean you up, run a bath, order food, or just stay in bed together if that’s what you’d like to do. whatever you prefer, he’s perfectly content.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he’s not fond of anything in particular on himself, hasn’t really thought about it much? but if he had to choose, he does like the way his hands look. his fingers are long and soft, they look especially good dancing across your skin, or covered in your cum. the last one he prefers the most <3
for his partner, it's the finer details that really get to him the most. the tiny things that no one would otherwise notice. the back of your neck, inside of your wrists, the softness of the skin between your thighs. even the freckles that dot your skin, every tiny little detail comes together to perfectly form you. that’s why it’s his favorite. finds it beautiful. victorian man over here !! hide your ankles
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
loves finishing inside. theres just something about it for him. stands back to admire as it pools out of you, much to your embarrassment. uses his tip to gather it all up, pushing it inside you again before starting round two. will love if you get all flustered about the whole thing too.
when you come to visit him in the office, he’ll finish inside and quickly pull your underwear up so nothing has the chance to spill out, a mess like that on the floor would be tough to explain. bonus points if you wear them throughout the day only for him to find out when he gets home from work, it will drive him crazy.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
got turned on when you said his name during the phone call the two of you shared shortly after you had joined the RFA. he’s never had that happen from someone’s voice alone, but then again, no one has said his name in such a slow and quiet way like that before. made him feel a little uncomfortable with himself, so he just ignored it and tried his best to forget. but you were definitely on his mind later that night. thats one of my favorite calls skdhksbs he was so surprised
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
no experience, like... none at all. maaaybe has watched porn once or twice but it didn’t really do anything for him, so he never picked it up again. the type to sit through sex scenes in movies completely unphased.
he knows basic anatomy of course—had a good education so he's aware of what’s going on—but only really researches the hidden tips and tricks once he gets in a deeper relationship with you. seven probably sends him know how links out of concern, they do help though !! he’s a naturally observant man as well, so he’s quick to learn what you like, the things that get you moaning and squirming the most. Not afraid to ask what you want from him. honestly if he hadn’t told you, you wouldn’t have a clue about his inexperience. boosts his ego sm <3
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
any position where you’re bent over he loves. doggy style, over his desk, against a wall.
also loves when you ride him while he’s sat at his work desk, gives him a good position to let his hands run wild all over your body. something about sitting in his office with you over him like that, riding him. really likes that.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
obviously he can smile or throw in a few sarcastic quips here and there, but overall takes the whole thing pretty seriously. gets a little nervous if you laugh for no reason, throws him off for a second. it’s pretty serious for him, sometimes there's off moments here and there of course, but he’d rather skip over them than dwell for too long. not a lot of laughs, he’s busy focusing on the task at hand. hold in your laughter please he will get offended
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
doesn’t shave completely, makes him feel weird when he does, but keeps himself trimmed often. prefers the neatness.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
prefers intimacy more than anything else, kissing your neck or wrists while he slowly thrusts in and out of you, whispering sweet words into your shoulder while he does so. he’ll trail your skin with his fingers and leave behind little pecks. loved asking questions or pointing out little things you might not have even noticed that he's absolutely in love with, freckles or birthmarks for example.
but that doesn’t mean he can’t also be rough. he likes bending you over, grabbing a fistful of your hair, making you beg for him. versatile king
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Before he met you:
rarely, he would do it on occasion? If he had a stubborn urge that just wouldn’t go away for some reason, but never really got the feeling for it. If he did, he never fantasized too much, just focused on the feeling until he was done. feels gross for the rest of the day after he does it, makes his head foggy.
After he met you:
still doesn’t do it too often, he has you after all. If the mood strikes he’ll ask if you’d like to help him out with his problem. phone sex is common on business trips, so he does it then, and if you want him to touch himself in front of you, he definitely will without a second thought. but unprompted and alone, no. he’d rather just wait.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
possessive sex. If you spend too much time with zen, someone flirts with you too openly, or even when he just starts to get caught up in his own head, the sex that comes after is intense. especially at events. he’ll make it a point to smudge your makeup, leave marks on your skin, turn you into a drooling mess. he’ll have you repeat who you belong to, make you beg for permission to finish, really gets off on being the one in charge. domination kink
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
home is probably his favorite just because it’s where you’re most comfortable getting loud, you both can spend as much time as you need there without any interruptions. the office is a close second though.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
when you wear short skirts with nothing else underneath them, especially if you come to visit him in the office. bonus points if he’s insanely busy that day and doesn’t have time to bend you over his desk. text him beforehand and watch how many times his eyes shift to your legs, the way he looks at you. really drives him up the wall. but besides that most of the time all you have to do is speak and he’s ready to go, all day every day. say the word and he’s yours.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
no choking, slapping, drawing blood, anything too intense in the bedroom that’s super violent. It just.. doesn’t get him going. he’s not too picky with what he will or won’t do, but that isn’t his cup of tea.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
either or, if you give he’ll always give back and vice versa. prefers giving a bit more honestly, loves seeing you come undone from his mouth alone, but no complaints if you sneak under his desk at work and start undoing his belt.
skillswise it does take him a bit of getting used to at first, but he warms up quickly as he gets to know your body more. again, observant and a very quick learner. will never complain about his jaw hurting, never ever. groans a lot into you while he’s doing it, let’s himself get himself lost in the whole thing.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
it depends on the mood or how either of you feel that day. he does prefer slow and intimate just a bit more than anything else, but isn’t strongly leaning towards one or the other.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
proper sex if he’s able to, only likes quickies when you two are in public and or a time crunch, but they’re definitely not his favorite. If he does have to finish quickly, he’s sure to make it up to you later. they’re surprisingly often though, especially if you drop by his office. you’ll always leave looking way redder than you did before.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
most anything you want to try, he’ll try. He wants to make you happy. I don't see him being overly kinky right off the bat since he doesn’t have much experience? but he’s down for new things. pretty risky, loves public sex after all.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
at first not too long due to his inexperience, but he learns to hold back more as time passes. pretty good at controlling himself, wants to see you come undone as many times as he can before he finishes himself. after a hard day at work he can only last a round or two, but normally he can go for awhile.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
doesn’t own toys for himself, but has a few he’d buy for you. has quite the selection of vibrators. his favorite is a pink one that's controlled by his phone, it gets quite a bit of use, especially during events. handcuffs and blindfolds too !! always super pink, he likes that color for you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
unfair, making you beg, edging you until you can’t bear it any longer, embarrassing you especially with his dirty talk. doesn’t hold back in the slightest, so it’s never fair for you. he’s selfish after all.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
grunts, groans, little “fuck”s under his breath. more vocal as he gets closer to coming, he breathes heavier and groans deeper in his throat. It’s never super loud, he’s way more on the quiet side. prefers to hear your sounds more than anything else so he's focused on that the most, doesn’t really moan too much.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
cannot send nudes for the life of him. like, it’s bad. super blurry, awkward, or way too dark. it’s cute whenever he tries though. for some reason they’re just so painfully awkward looking. opt for phone sex instead
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
never measured himself officially? but he's on the lengthier side— more than seven inches for sure, he leans up more towards his stomach but overall very straight, no curves or anything. cut, not too many veins except for one prominent one his underside that will absolutely drive him insane if you run your tongue across it, his tip is very red and incredibly sensitive, jumps a little if you go in on it way too fast. he has way more length than he does girth, and the size stays the same all throughout. i know his dick is pretty i just feel it
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
before he met you, low. but after he met you, all those years of repressed sexual frustration really started to show huh, he can’t go more than five minutes without keeping his hands off of you. It’s high, especially at the beginning of the relationship.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
depends on how work was that day !! But no matter what he tends to stay up for a while afterwards. you’re much more likely to fall asleep before him most of the time. he likes think for awhile first.
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lovewoodvn · 3 years
Ooo alright ! (Sorry this gets kinda long, I rambled a bit and I wrote this p early-)
i loved all the characters they all just, *pop* in their own ways and thay makes them all too loveable to pick just one-
I loved Nord and Atlas' relationship and their interactions, it was really adorable (and i knew right off the bat they were dating so that was a really funny moment of 'aha!' for me)
and the second time you interact with them and the trolls story? I really enjoyed that, i liked the drama and the tiny details like depending on what you did affecting how well you can heal afterwards !
also the communication and the development with Nord is just ! so good !!
I really related to him a bit so seeing him finally stand up for himself at the end was just so nice to see :)
And Atlas is just, him ! He's very friendly and strong, giving off a protective and safe vibe that I really enjoyed :)
i don't have the words to describe him but definitely love him as well !
Moth is the fun one because at first, I didn't like him (which is funny since i adored his personality at the same time-)
I don't know exactly what id was, maybe his overall sass, or his dramatics but eventually I warmed up to him along the way
Then I played his route and and *whoa*. If I hadn't come to like him before, I did then!
The adventure was and the clues were already amazing, then the vibes you get when somethings wrong (and it was) and then the house sinking ? it was all amazing, and by the end of it with him giving us a pen, i had to put my phone down for a second-
and then the end end with the date night (which i love the detail that he's the only one that says no unless you interact with him, that was very cool!) where he talks about putting on a mask and being vulnerable, was just !!
Blossom was one of my favorites, but again I can't express why-
She's just a strong and independent POC! And she takes care of animals and she can knit 🥺 (which is one of my favorite hobbies)
Aleth holds a spot right beside Blossom too as a fellow Enby :)!
Also they're route just made me soft in general, especially at the end with the truth potion (and at the beginning with the miscommunication with Kaileen and Aleth) they just have my whole heart
And them and their family meeting up was just a little detail but it was so adorable!
as well as them not letting their curse change how they live their life, learning to express things without words ! just, them ❤
Kaileen was a Major Favorite though, since I probably related to her the most on the outside
She's hyper, loves to ramble on things she loves, snd is a plant lover ! (though i can't grow plants to save my life-)
I just love her in general, from her design to her personality, to how she interacts,
She's just, so cool ! And i personally strive to look as snazzy as she does one day as a bonus !
I know I've talked alot here but theres alot more about the game i liked such as
-The Ghost Hunt Scene (Love the mythology input, i was so excited when i guessed thats what it was!)
-The End Credits (Including the No Date one, that was so adorable!)
-The King after the Trolls thing (Really left me in suspense, though I think we all know what happened-)
-The Campfire Story changing based on the events (which is something that is expected i think but its still really cool !)
-MC dabbing during the dance and the memes throughout the game (just, yes)
and way more !
Sorry for the big big ramble but yeah ! I really love this game and I can't express how happy I am that I got to play it :D !!
Awwww THANK YOU for the big ramble!! This makes me so happy TuT
What's funny is that many of these observations match my own experience while writing. Nord and Atlas were characters that have been with me for ten years, so the foundation for a very personal story was already there.
I really fell in love with Moth during the writing process because he's a bit of a hidden gem - He comes across as materialistic and posh at first glace, but if you spend more time with him, he gets a lot deeper than that. A good boy <3
I could go into depth about each one, but I also want to save some trivia for the artbook that I might release sometime soon. There's a lot of it XD
Also, about the rejection sequences! It's actually possible to get rejected by every character when you ask for a date, and in multiple ways too, depending on how you acted. One is to not hang out with them after the prologue (they don't know you well enough), another would be if you picked a very hurtful choice during an interaction, and so on. Is it worth it to explore the rejection scenes? It depends. Some of them give a neat bit of extra characterization, others are just functional, but it's certainly not necessary unless you feel like it.
(And you recognized the memes!! WOOHOO)
Now I gotta stop myself from rambling too XD Thank you so much for sharing your feedback!! It really made my day <3
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lunchador · 3 years
so when do we get the long post about your feelings about dragon age inquisition!!! i dunno if u wanna wait until dlc or not! i am i n t e r e s t e d (also its ok if u dont feel up to it im just!!!! again, interested in ur opinions/feelings)
kajsldkjf PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY DA FEELINGS ALL THE TIME and Inquisition was twice as long as the others so might as well do a word vomit now and I can always do another after the dlc (which several people have assured me are worth playing )
Yeah so inquisition is long. I dislike open world games so a lot of the (super repetitive!!) side quests did grate on my nerves and that docks this game a few points but over all the LORE IS SO GOOD, and it tying in so many choices in from 1+2 is the greatest butterfly effect I ever experienced in video games. I thought telltale + Until dawn were fun for that but good LORD bioware has showed up all of those games and I am really stoked to try mass effect when its out later and play more bw games. I only played Anthem before this and that game seemed...idk, gutted against BW’s wishes.
Yeah, I managed to go into the whole DA series knowing very, very little, despite how many artists I followed did fanart for it. Once I started playing, I added all the words I could think of to my blacklist but a lot of untagged stuff came through (fair, series is 10+ years old and inq is like what 4-5?). I allowed my friends to pressure me into playing an elf mage for the lore and to romance solas cuz they said he was as important to the story as alistair was. A lot of online followers said I should play how I wanted, which I def would recommend to anyone else, but honestly I can see where they came from and while he never would have been my first choice, I think he actually paired REALLY well with my Inq and how I was playing her. I put her as sensitive but trying to put her responsibility above herself, she was definitely the least funny of my 3 characters, but not incredibly serious. A bit reserved? Just more mature. She’s got faith but she didn’t think she was the chosen one but she’ll do her role the best of her ability. She makes hard decisions and then sobs her chest empty over them because how is one to ever feel like its the right one? I really like how the game lets you choose how you wanna approach the responsibility. Like i said, I wasn’t a reluctant chosen one, but she will do what she can. Versus my friend playing at the same time as me said he played as the second coming of jesus essentially lmfao Having so many characters come back for different roles was so GOOD!!! Like everyone told me Varric was in this one but were like ‘teehee you still cant romance him though’ but you how you play drastically changes your relationships with each person. Tons of characters I met I knew would be personal favorites but I ended up interacting way less because others were more fitting to my inquisitor. So i.e while I love Varric and would’ve smooched him a heartbeat with Hawke, I didn’t get that vibe with Clover. They were really good friends, he was a grounded friend with a sense of humor that was a good escape from everyone else and the ~inquisition~. At least, until the Beyond the Abyss quest. That obviously heavily fractured their friendship and hurt them both :( And i felt that for a long time, until the end. He looked tired. Poor guy is gonna be borderline dead in 4 at this point. But so many side characters you talk to coming back like Dagna and Samson??? Speaking of that quest, I got Stroud because, yeah...Alistair was dead for me and APPARENTLY IT COULD ALSO BE LOGHAIN??? If he stays a grey warden??  wish I did that so def would’ve preferred to save Hawke even if I think the wardens are more important as a concept but like.......i wanted to behead him, so....But yes even tiny details like..Varric wrote home to kirkwall to Carver for me because the rest of my family was dead and I never completed a full romance in 2 lkajslkdjf but the fact that changes based on your play through. BUT YEAH THE way this game weaves all your decisions in and how yeah, overall the story is the same but it makes it so personal to YOU and so different from everyone else ;w;
But I could see my Inq genuinely falling for Solas, and I see her best friends as Cassandra and Blackwall/Thom. Really close to Leliana and the Iron Bull as well. I just loved all their interactions. All the characters were so cool to get to know?? Like I thought I would’ve hated Cullen (hes a dick in O) and tbh I just got into the series as the VA was being a complete shit. But I liked him a lot!! I love the work buddies vibes between the Inq and the advisors. I thought I was going to love Sera!! And like, I did, but she hated my Inquisitor and their personalities clashed a lot. Shes the only one i didn’t get a cut scene for in the end :’) I loved coming back from story quests and having to take like 20 minutes to go around skyhold and make sure I talked to /everyone/ for their new dialogue. You genuinely feel connected to all these wonderful npcs ljkasljdf
I wanted to make Cassandra the new divine but I made leliana on accident and kinda dug it so I stuck with it. VARRIC IS THE NEW VISCOUNT??? h i l a r i o u s.
One of the things I loved the most in this game in particular, and while this is something in all of them it just really struck me in this one, was....everyone gave up so so much to devote themselves to the cause, y’know?? Like, it’s almost heartbreaking how much everyone loses and they’re still looking towards you with their belief and willingness to follow you to the end ;-;
The final fight almost felt, Idk, underwhelming? Dude dragons are way tougher than him asdkjhfkhjd. I even went up a difficulty in this game after feeling like I got the hang of the series. But at the same time, we just spend how many hours knocking down each and one of his advantages so fuck him lol.
But yeah there are so many things I wanted to do but I felt so worn out by mindless sidequests and story being level locked in comparison to the previous games. askdjhflkd
One of the things that blows my mind is so so many people were stoked i was playing DA and they couldn’t wait til I got to Inq, and so I find out most people I know only ever played Inquisition? TBH if I didn’t play O+2 I think I would’ve dropped inquisition and never finished it *shrug* all of the build up just means SO MUCH!!! Everyones argument seems to be the older games are ugly and yeah O has rough battle system but its easy to get over imo. Like, you need the chaos of 2 to get the real weight of the mage/templar stuff?? Theres so many characters and story and dialogue that go over your head without Origins?? Like yes inq can stand alone pretty well but, idk, I’m in love with this entire series and the world building and THE!! WAY!!! IT!!! ALL!!! CONNECTS!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how a quest can go differently by whos in your party, I love you can have more dialogue based on lore you’ve managed to pick up around, I love HOW COMPANIONS BICKERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! The lore of these games are so good. It’s like playing an epic line of novels. It’s so immersive and I don’t think I’ve played too many games to this level.
I didn’t like the skill trees to being a mage in this one, Idk why. It wasn’t nearly as fun for me as 2, but then  again I really fucking liked being a force mage haha. I wanted to be a rogue to complete a diff class per game but everyone said mage brings a lot more interesting story/lore stuff so
but yeah I love having the full context now and seeing other peoples Wardens/Hawkes/Inquisitors and asking people how they played and how their options differed from mine and THERES JUST SO MANY POSSIBLE DECISION TREES!!!!! No wonder the fans play over and over.
but yeah ultimately so much fucking happened?? I’m probably missing a lot of key points.
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acidmatze · 3 years
After playing Cyberpunk for a few hours i am having Thoughts about the open world aspect and some general stuff...
Things i like: - Its fucking gorgeous to look at, honestly. I love the details and the lighting and things, but especially the details. No, GTA5 doesnt have such a detailed world, stop lying to yourself. I seriously spend most of my time just walking around and looking at things
- Lots of stuff to interact with. Love when i can not only look at things but also Do things with them. The more the merrier, nothing is too mundane
- Its more "vertical" than most other open world games Ive played, especially those set in a city environment. So far i havent seen a game that lets you explore more than street level so freely (except for Assassins Creed). Love every opportunity to get high up too, it adds even more space to fuck around in. And more stuff to look at and interact with. Nice to know that the buildings arent just tall to look good but you can also be explored in a more vertical sense.
- Wow there are kids for once!
Things that irked me and i would like it if they would change in future updates but they arent like... Awful: - The NPC models are really repetitive..... Like.. PS2 era repetitive. The one thing i have to admit GTA5 did great. I think i only saw NPC models repeat once or twice in there.
- There isnt enough traffic for such a giant city. Its just not plausible.
- Same with NPCs. Not enough of them.
- I havent seen public transport yet? It kinda breaks immersion for me personally. Night City is supposedly a giant city and youre telling me there isnt a metro or whatever? I read there is a train or something and im just in the very beginning of the game but.. Yeah i havent seen anything yet. I wanna at least see that it exists, or else the city doesnt feel like a living breathing world. The best would be if i can actually use it since.. well.. GTA3 already had a working public transportation system, even if it was very very rudimentary, that the player can use and that game came out in 2001.
- The Leisure type of activities is.... lacking. Listen, sometimes i just wanna fuck around. And play tennis. Or.. i dunno... Laser Tag idgaf.
- RPG style inventory with people selling you stuff is.... wrong. Also the pictures are too tiny i cant even see what im buying. It just feels wrong. I should see the clothes on my character, dammit. San Andreas did it perfectly. Be more like San Andreas
Things that seriously bother me and actually would affect the score greatly if i was a video game journalist person: - Why the fuck cant we untag missions, come onnnnnnnnnn. Its seriously annoying. No open world game should force you to do missions just because youre so damn annoyed with the marker on the map AND the HUD.
- First person SUCKS for open world games. There, i said it. Yeah its a pain in the ass to animate but if So Many other games of the same genre that are like 20 years older have done it, theres just no excuse. Like man, you let me make my own character and get clothes and hairstyles and shit and then you wont even let me SEE IT????
- For the love of god please let me increase the text size i am BLIND I CANT READ. I dont wanna have to slam my nose into the screen just to read flavortext or.. you know... VITAL INFORMATION. Subtitles mean shit if i cant read them. The overall lack of accessibility options is really getting to me for the first time when playing video games and that really means something.
And i still dont know if the junk you can find on the streets respawns and googling it wasnt helpful either
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