#there must be more to this though. for diluc to. you know. try to kill him over it. surely
latinokaeya-moving · 1 year
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cool. so is it a recognisably khaenriahn name that ppl can immediately point out or
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dawndelion-winery · 10 months
For Worse or For Better
Arranged Marriages
Ft. Diluc, Itto, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli
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Your parents were wonderfully close to Crepus, so you knew Diluc from young
He'd always been well-mannered and lovely
That much didn't change even after his trauma
It did hurt when he started shutting you out though
And yes, you did try to call off the engagement that had been set up before Crepus died because you felt he wanted to distance himself from you
You'd only kept it to honour the man's wishes and because Diluc seemed adamant about you
Like, he actually said he would not have anyone else
Not that he pressured you into it though
More of letting you know you didn't have to end it because he most definitely did want you
"Make no mistake, you will be the only person I recite my vows to at the altar. If you long for another, then so be it, but if you want me, then it shall be so."
How did this happen?
No, like, fr, how??? Itto doesn't seem like the type to have any thoughts for social climbing and you...well what do you gain from marrying Itto?
Apparently your mother had heard Kujou Sara speak highly of Kuki Shinobu, and since Shinobu worked for Itto, surely he must be a man of even greater talent and character
Now you were having dinner with an extremely boisterous man who ate for three
By the shogun you hoped the bill wouldn't amount to too much
When he suggested a dine and dash? Boy, you were about to just walk right into a cell yourself
It was truly some grace of God that Shinobu came by with Sara and covered your tab (only for you, they made sure to tell Itto off for putting you in such a situation)
"Real sorry about that, honey," the oni said sheepishly. You wanted to hmgive him a piece of your mind, really, when you were certain you'd never hear the end of it at home of you'd gotten a criminal record, but when he slipped his hand in yours, a sheepish grin as he looked at you hopefully, as though pleasing for forgiveness, you found it rather difficult to stay mad.
People would kill to be you
The dashing young harbinger?? Who's great with kids??? And very much a family man????
There was only one issue: he hadn't met you yet
His family had written to him about you, eagerly telling him how they were sure they'd found him the perfect match
And he wasn't about to shoot them down when they were so hopeful he'd finally have someone when he was travelling and doing the Fatui's dirty work all the time
So when they'd warmly welcomed you into their home for a simple dinner, you hadn't expected to walk in and see a feast prepared with an empty seat beside yours
You waited for a bit with everyone, wondering who the extra seat was for
And when Childe walked in with a sack full of gifts for all his family members, you sat there awkwardly
Was it an endearing sight? Definitely. But you felt out of place as he pulled out one item after another for everyone
You were certain you wouldn't receive anything, hence the surprise when he sat beside you and handed you a small box
"A little engagement gift for you," he winked. Your mouth hung open, thoughts racing through your mind full of things you wanted to say but weren't sure how - especially not in front of such a crowd, all of whom aww'ed at his gesture. It was after dinner when you'd gotten him alone in the kitchen washing the dishes that you addressed it.
"Engaged? We've only just met Tartaglia."
He tsked at you, playfully leaning in as though he was going to kiss your cheek. When you froze, he grinned by your ear.
"My whole family likes you well enough, and from everything they've told me, I like you well enough too. But if you insist, ice a week before I have to head off. I'm sure I could sweep you off your feet by then, unless you'd like to come with."
Oh you thought you got lucky when your childhood betrothed grew up to be the charming cavalry captain
Until you realised that charm would never be extended to you because he was just a goofball with you
It was cute though, him picking flower petals with you to determine how your relationship will go
He had a habit of leaving the plucked flower and its final petal with the result on your pillow
(it was always "forever in love" because if it wasn't, he'd just pluck another flower)
You sighed with a laugh at the familiar sight of the plucked flower when you felt arms around your waist as Kaeya embraced you from behind.
You wondered bitterly if there was something wrong between the two of you; you never had that flutter of butterflies in your gut when he was around. Not once did he make your heart leap out of your chest, or cause your lungs to constrict in a way you were sure would suffocate you. Was it a mistake? Yet it didn't feel wrong. There was a frost to his touch that cooled you, calmed you, and almost (most ironically) warmed you.
Under no circumstances would you ever meet someone who quite commanded the respect and attention of those around him like Rex Lapis did
So when the hooded figure stood before the citizens who so worshiped him, some overly devoted follower enthusiastically proposed a raffle to offer the god a spouse to serve and dote upon him on behalf of the nation
Before he'd even had the chance to decline the offer, the crowd erupted in cheers of agreement, and the flustered god was ushered into a seat as eligible spouses presented themselves before him
You truly had not anticipated the glint that flashed across his eyes as he ever so slightly raised his hood to make eye contact with you
It had been less than a second, and yet all too long as your lungs failed you, the startling amber glow leaving you winded
"I quite like you," he drawled in a low, rumbling hum as he rose from his seat. You looked around, ascertaining that no one else had seen his face, but he didn't seem to like that, as he tilted your chin to have you look at him. Once again, you were faced with the startling gleam of his eyes, so reptilian and sharp. You screwed your eyes shut as he leaned in, the sunlight reflected off his canines. His lips were warm, surprisingly, as they pressed against your forehead.
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Taglist: @myluvkeiji @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @heizours @haliyamori @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @cxlrose @astrequa @eowinthetraveler @ajaxstar @boundedbyfate @the-lost-anime-dad @moonbyunniee @greyrain23 @heavenlyfloof
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Not Through The Grapevine (Yandere Idol!Diluc Ragnvindr/Reader)
Alice's, mother of Klee, note: Wouldn't it be funny if you ended up producing 5wirl or Kreideprinz? Haha! I don't think your little friend would like that. He might just take my wine cellar away– stick with Diluc, dove. 
P.S: Producer Lumine, can I just write "a/n" next time? This poor mother's getting tired of typing :'(
1k event masterlist
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"At this time I decide to,
Get over you and 
Want to tell you not through
The grapevine but directly"
- Sakyo-taifu Michimasa
This was the most recent poem you found tucked within your favorite book, printed on a red square paper. The paper looked pretty– and it was faintly scented with grapes too. At first, you assumed it must have been picked up off the floor and put somewhere, and that "somewhere" just so happened to be one of your favorite books.
"Damn it. Help me…" You chuckled nervously. "Can't believe those stalkers thought my book was one of ADDICKTZ again…"
Which "tea" will they spill this time, you wonder? Will they leak that Dainsleif likes "The Scarlet King's Court Jester"? Or maybe they'll say that Zhongli is trying to reconnect with the modern age by reading contemporary fantasy novels? You rolled your eyes, shaking the love letter like you would with a polaroid. 
Oh wow, the contents of this letter are so enthralling. 10/10. You're so impressed. Great job, stalkers.
It's lovely poetry, but once you encounter numerous stalker fans, it sours and loses its charm. After being friends with Diluc, Kaeya, and Ajax for most of your life, you've grown incredibly desensitized by unhinged fans. You have so many bizarre expectations of them that you can't remember the last time you were actually astonished by something they did. Perhaps you'd be surprised if this love letter was for Itto– he doesn't like novels or receiving these types of riddle-y love letters. He'd probably prefer getting a used towel instead.
But there's always theory number #2:
It's possible that Kaedehara Kazuha from the other unit wrote this.
The thought of him made a goofy smile creep up your face unsuspectingly. Damn it. You're starting to feel like one of those fangirls– but can you blame yourself? Kaedehara Kazuha is just so utterly captivating. Maybe he's the one who intentionally put this in your book– can't a person dream? There's nothing wrong with imagining yourself as the protagonist of some romantic escapade with an idol, right? 
Someone cleared their throat.
"Oh, freaki–" You jolted and nearly dropped the card. When you caught a clear view of his face, you immediately felt relieved.
"Ah, good evening Master Diluc." You bowed slightly, sneakily slipping the red paper back inside your book. "You have nothing in your schedule for this week."
"Is that so?" He hummed with a small smile on his face. "Well, do you have anything on yours?"
"It's positively empty, sir." You grinned.
"P-Please, (Y/n)." He covered his face with one hand, avoiding your feigned business-as-usual eyes. "I know that you're my producer now but can we drop the act?"
"We can, but this is so much fun though!" You beamed. "It's like our friendship got ten extra steps– don't take that fun away from me!"
Diluc grunted laconically. You do have a point. The only real change from being a childhood friend to a producer was a fancier title and a damn good paycheck. Fans would kill to be Diluc Ragnvindr's childhood friend AND producer. There's no one else he trusts as much as you. He was a reckless child and you were always there to stop him from getting into trouble. You never failed to clean up after him whenever he decided he'd build a massive medieval lego set. 
That's why it's such a miracle that he grew up to be such a quiet and reserved person. To think this was your friend who got banned from Disneyland of all places– Nowadays, he's more focused on inheriting his father's company and this "unexpected side hustle" of his.
"Dove, since we're both free– do you want to try a bottle of this year's wine?"
"Diluc, we're good friends, so you know that we both loathe wine, right?"
"Ngh, you're right. I can't say I know what possessed me to ask that question." He flinched. "Wait, no, I do– listen (Y/n), Adeline wanted me to come to a Snezhnayan Dawn Winery event this Friday and I don't have a plus one."
Not that it happens often but Diluc's hilariously affectionate when he's completely inebriated. He does not do well with foreign alcohol. When you were both rebellious teens, he went out and drank a bottle of fire-water with Ajax behind Uncle Crepus' back. This was around the time these two "frenemies" started getting along. A few hours later, Diluc sent you a couple of slurred-voiced messages of how much he loves and cares about you– which was abruptly wrapped up by two quick texts:
"as a comrade of course"
"***friend i mean friend."
Given how awkward it was, you promised Diluc that you won't tell a single soul about this when morning came and he seemed both mortified and relieved about your proposal… You'd rather not have a "part two" of that.
In addition, Ajax acted weird around you ever since. He always gives you a look of pity. Last week, you asked him how he knew the password to your phone when he lost his phone and needed to call his producer. He answered that he "got it from Diluc when he was drunk" with a traumatized look on his face. That was four years ago; you're all in your twenties now. You've changed all your passwords since then. 
You want to help him, but you're still a bit hesitant. He's bound to drink fire-water this Friday. Given how you and Ajax would be unwilling to accompany him, you decided to throw Kaeya under the bus.
"Why not invite your brother?"
Diluc's eyes squinted.
"Oh, right."
Kaeya's been absent for a week now, you're not sure why and his producer wasn't answering your calls. You wonder how they're doing…
"How about the others?"
"Everyone in ADDICKTZ is busy except for Producer Snail."
… Okay let's try to avoid that as much as possible. You don't want Itto's producer crying over some rich people's escargot.
"How about 5wirl-"
"Not happening."
You smiled sheepishly. He probably didn't want Venti to come. "Alright, you got me. It's hard to say no to you. I was only planning to laze around the house anyways."
"Thank you. I'll make it worth your mora."
"It better be because I'm not cheap, sir."
"(Y/n), please–"
It was a Friday night and the two of you decided to meet up at the venue's parking lot first. You were leaning against a tree while waiting for him. When he did arrive, you saw him in a black tuxedo accentuated with red accents. There's no doubt about it. He's idol-worthy and more.
Compared to you, this is just... Gah, how can you even compare to him?
"Hey, um, you look great! Like usual, and I kinda feel bad that I showed up wearing this." You frowned. "So, um, is this... acceptable?"
He closed his eyes and chuckled. "Do you really have to ask that?"
"I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit self-con–"
"Don't be. You're breathtaking." Diluc crossed his arms and spoke earnestly. "Even if you wore the most atrocious outfit known to man, you'll forever be gorgeous to me."
You were still flustered. "That's sweet and all but it REALLY doesn't help me–"
"You're aesthetically pleasing. You have exquisite tastes– you picked just the right colors that match your eyes and I adore the way you styled your hair for tonight." He muttered with a scowl. "Seeing you put in this much effort… makes me want to delude myself that I am someone special to you, just this once."
You paused.
"But you are special to me."
Diluc smiled bitterly. "Not in the same way as him, no."
"What do you mean?"
"So, how much should I pay you for this?" He digressed jokingly, but his grin looked painful. "Surely, I have to pay a high price for commissioning a lovely fae."
You laughed. "Yeah. You owe me a pay raise, sir!"
Diluc shook his head. "... Another pay raise– Maybe I should stop calling you Dove and start calling you Mora from now on."
"Bold of you to assume I'd hate that."
"... Why are you my best friend, again? Anyways, do you have your purse?"
"Yes, I d–..." You ferreted your handbag. "–on't. No, no I don't– shit."
 "Of course, you forgot. Never mind, just stay close to me. Don't be obliged to drink anything even if they're pressuring you to. If you ever need to go home, I'll pay for the taxi." 
Diluc grabbed your hand and walked towards the venue. You looked down. His hands were warm– or maybe it was your own temperature you were sensing. One of Kaeya life's missions was to make you painfully aware that both your hands could melt an ice cube in under twenty seconds, so you're not too sure who's warm.
"...Is something wrong?"
"Huh? Oh, it's nothing." You laughed. "I was just thinking that you're such a green flag, that's all."
His grip tensed up and he looked the other way. Is it just you or is he getting warmer? Diluc ran his free hand through his hair. He looked frustrated.
"How can I get over you when you're like this?"
"Forget the event," Diluc said, stopping you both from entering. "Let's just head to my place."
"Hah?!" Canceling plans is usually the best feeling on earth but in this instance, it left you absolutely baffled.
"Wait here, I'll just make a call."
"Hey, Diluc, wait–"
[Ten missed calls from "Ajax."]
[Received 1 voicemail.]
"Diluc, I had a chat with Venti's producer earlier. Is it true that you're the one who sent death threats to stop the 5wirl and ADDICKTZ collab? Kinda hard to believe you'd go through such lengths– and REAALLL low for you to drop a week's work on everyone, comrade!"
"I don't get what your motives are either... Is it because of (Y/n)? C'mon, we both know they wouldn't like you as much as the Dove likes Kazuha. I'm sorry but you HAVE to accept that. Even if you wiretap their house and obsess so much about them that opportunity is just not gonna hap–"
[Calling Ajax…]
"Well, well. That's not a good opener. Are you gonna get your ass over and help us out? The fuck is up with this paperwork– why are we even helping the CEO's assistant write reports?!"
"No, actually, I need your help with something…"
*sigh* "Motherfucker. Alright, spill. What do you want?"
"I don't want to hurt them– God, I can't imagine myself doing something like that when they look this pretty tonight. Ajax, I beg you, you're the only one that can help me with this. How can I knock someone unconscious without using blunt force?"
"... Diluc, holy shit, what on earth are you planning?" 
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Ansytea: huhu i hope your husband won't kill me– THANK YOU FOR JOINING THE 1K EVENT DOVE ANON!!! (This is still so surreal i cant believe i got permission to write abt you. most of us probably already know who this is anyways so dhjskwksoa happy 12k followers to you too!!!!)
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dandelion-wings · 10 months
Trying to shake a little rust off after a writing hiatus, which means some random scenes as warmups! This is, in theory, from the latter half of the "Jean marries the prince of Khaenri'ah" AU, if I go with a particular thread I'm still debating--whether or not to go with multiple false identities and have Diluc be, at first, in disguise himself. I like identity porn, okay. >> I'm just not sure if it has a plot function. But since I haven't written the main story yet, I can play about freely!
When Maram steps out of her private chambers, her son is in her receiving-room, pacing back and forth across the floor. His head jerks up at her entry; there's a brief flash of light in his eyes, the cold pale-blue gleam of Cryo, clear in the left, fractured and flickering in the right. Her heart seizes, as it always does, at that sight.
But he masters himself, reins in the shadow of the Abyss creeping up through him, drawing himself straight in a gesture so reminiscent of his father that Maram almost smiles. Almost, because the stiffness that has become natural in her husband is a warning-sign in her son. His shoulders are held with a rigidity that comes from more than the armor, a tension that's all defensiveness, little as he'd like to know she sees it there.
"What troubles you?" she asks him, beckoning him to join her as she steps up onto the low dais at the center of the room. The benches at the sides are more intimate, but when he's this tense, she doubts that she could make him sit down.
"Diluc," he says, following her up. He takes a formal pose, standing at attention before her like any other knight, but she can still see the tension humming through him in his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides, the samll shifts of his weight. "Jean's bodyguard, her Dark Knight- he was there when I went to visit the horses this morning. He didn't tell me, but I remember how he was with horses. Mother, I would swear that it's him."
Maram's hands tighten on the arms of her chair, and she leans forward, nearly as tense as he is. "Is that so?"
"I'm almost certain. It would explain quite a bit. But if he is Diluc…." Below the hollow crackling that the armor gives his voice, Maram can hear the raw edge of distress. "How could I have missed it for so long?"
She can hear the other questions beneath that. Has Diluc changed so much, or has he? Is his memory failing him, or worse yet, his love for the boy he knew? The last shivers through his tone in unspoken terror.
"I have long suspected that mask he wears of holding some enchantment," Maram says firmly, to banish those fears. Her son's mind may go, someday, but never his heart. She trusts in that. "It must be one of concealment. He said he took it from the Fatui, and their spying would benefit from that sort of tool."
He breathes out a sigh that isn't quite relief, but his voice shakes less when he answers, and his chuckle is almost real. "That would explain why he insists on wearing something so hideous. Even Diluc wouldn't sport such an unfashionable trophy without a good reason."
Maram relaxes a bit herself. But not entirely. "Now that you know, love, would you like me to kill him for you? If I do it myself, you don't have to lie to your wife. Formidable as he seems to be, my Wind Glede and I are his equal, and I know how to take a man by surprise."
"No!" He rocks back on his heels in shock and horror, armor grating on itself. "Why would you do that? That's the last thing- that's hardly necessary."
Because she wants to kill him, Maram doesn't say, and had hoped he might allow it, though she'd already known that would be his answer. Her son's heart is his greatest strength, but also his greatest weakness.
"Your father would have ordered it. He's hurt you once, and we'll take no more chances with you if we can avoid it."
"No," he says again, more firmly, regaining his composure. "He's here to guard Jean. Our court is enough of a threat to her without taking away one of her protectors. He has no idea who I am, and I intend to keep it that way."
"And how will you do that when your curse comes to an end?"
"I'll handle that when it happens." He chuckles, and Maram feels her heart ache anew at the false blitheness of it.
As his Queen, she could overrule him; as his mother, she dares not to. Her heart has always been her greatest weakness, as well. If she does lose him to his people's curse, as he's so certain that she will, she doesn't want him to go still angry at her for her actions.
If she does lose him to that curse, to the darkness that first gathered in that wounded eye, she can always wait until he's gone to kill Diluc Ragnvindr for his betrayal.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Secret Valentines (SAGAU Diluc)
about: Imposter AU where Diluc hides the divine creator and oh, it's Valentines! GN!Reader note: this is NOT gold blood AU. This is starry AU where the reader, as the divine creator, has star qualities up close (deep red blood with starry glimmers, stars in eyes, stars in tears, bc yknow the stars of teyvat always has a place for u and etc) also this ended up being longer than expected and it may not be valentines-centric but yeah anyway can be considered platonic-ish or romantic
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"I'm sorry you have to hide here on such a day, your holiness," Diluc says, walking down the steps to the basement. He's carrying a cloth-covered basket in one hand and a lamp on the other. You assume it's filled with pastries and sweets judging by the smell.
"It's alright! Even your basement feels comfortable. As expected of the Dawn Winery." You put aside the book you were holding to face him. It's been a month since the rather large storage room was converted into your living quarters and even more months since your isekai into the world of Genshin.
Those cold months where you ran like prey from its predators, where you shouldered the abuse and insults hurled your way. It was confusing to be accused as an imposter of the divine god, it was even more confusing to see your beloved characters hunt you for it.
"Make the imposter suffer," was the divine order of the divine god, "Then bring them to me on their knees. Alive. I shall deal the final blow." Though their god is cruel, who were they to oppose? Besides, how merciful of the supreme ruler to kill them themselves!
Those months, you ran through and from all the nations until you found yourself back to the very beginning — Mondstadt. It was a coincidence, really, all you did was follow the crystalflies to the faint scent of grapes. Food. Unknowingly, they lead you straight into the path of a wine tycoon who happened to have just ended his late-night shift in the bar.
Diluc Ragnvindr was too busy a man to care about "hunting" down the imposter, but when he sees you pop up from the bushes — crystalflies adorning you — he might as well capture you for the divine creator. Less suffering for you and less stress for everyone. A win-win situation!
After all, the knights of Favonius were always so inefficient when it comes to these things.
So he ran after you as you stumbled and desperately picked yourself up. It was pathetic, really, you were exhausted and malnourished: Diluc didn't even need to try when he reached you, shoving you to the ground face-first by the neck.
"I must say, you've got some guts to impersonate the divine ruler," he had one knee on your back and a hand on your neck, keeping you from moving.
"I didn't! I've been saying this all this time but I didn't impersonate them! I really didn't!"
"Regardless of whether you intended to or not, their holiness has declared a divine order. You know what that is, don't you?" You only sobbed in reply, he felt you trembling and he loosened his hold on your neck.
"You're quite unfortunate to have a similar appearance but I'll have to bring you to their holiness." He says, standing up and brushing off imaginary dirt from his clothes.
"I swear... I only wanted to meet everyone in Genshin." was the quiet mumble he hears from you. He doesn't quite understand what you mean as he pulls you up by the arm, taking a closer look at your face.
You really do look like the divine god. Since the day he caught sight of you from afar, running out of Mondstadt, he thought about how ethereal you looked. An appearance — no matter the imperfections — worthy of a divine being; but you were an imposter and the god despised anyone that could come close to resemble them.
You make eye contact for the first time. Your teary eyes meet his ruby red ones and his breath hitches. Little stars glimmering behind your irises — they sneak their way to your tears and dribble down your face like shooting stars, glowing softly just like the crystalflies. Tears that hold galaxies.
He almost assumes that it's a trick of the light, but the night sky is cloudy and the crystalflies have left in fear. It's just you with the stars in your eyes as he brushes away your tears with a finger.
Ancient texts which the current divine creator had debunked, saying that "Such scriptures are metaphors with complicated truths. Galaxies are reflected in me and there's no need to see the stars in my eyes to know that. I am your god."
Except, now that he sees you, he understands they were lied to.
Diluc is frozen, processing just how on earth did it take this long for him — for any of them — to realize the truth.
"I've committed an unforgivable sin, your holiness," suddenly he's on one knee, bowing his head in shame and you freeze in place as well. He won't kill you now, right? Months of speculating had you recognize the possibility of being the true god yet you found it difficult to acknowledge.
"Diluc..." With a shaky hand placed hesitantly on his shoulder, you kneel in front of him, "I... just want to rest now, please."
He leads you to the winery after that incident. His large coat covers any of your prominent features and his arms shakily guide you to the best guest room. Diluc was quick to communicate with his servants, ensuring that all of their lips were tightly sealed and that they recognize you as the divine one.
Although despite their loyalty for their master, they were somewhat hesitant at first even after seeing the stars in your eyes, their doubts were quickly solved when — after nicking yourself with a serving knife by accident — they saw the same stars in your deep, red blood.
Diluc spent the month gathering allies amongst prominent figures. It wouldn't be easy to convince whole nations and their archons that the "imposter "was actually the true divine one, especially when the fake seated on the throne ruled with tyranny and fear. It would be devastating if any of the acolytes discover your location and kill you on sight.
No, Diluc had to go through this step by step to avoid risks. He had meetings with Jean and Kaeya, putting aside his hatred of the knights. He slowly proposed legislations to ease the convictions against the imposter without catching the wrath of the fake. He communicated with his network in other nations, pulling his influence before he was finally comfortable enough to reveal to Venti the truth.
On your third week in hiding, Jean, Kaeya, and Venti visited. Diluc kept a close watch and they, although they had their reservations about the situation, had promised to at least be patient and allow themselves to be convinced.
The day they went down the basement, your secured hiding spot and a rather comfortable bedroom, Jean immediately kneels on the spot. Kaeya follows right after her.
"Please forgive us, your holiness. We have made a grave mistake." Jean says clearly, lowering her head. You encourage them that it's alright now and that it would've been difficult for their nations had they gone against the "divine orders". Venti takes a while to warm up to you until he notices the obvious proof, then he's bowing alongside them.
"I'm surprised that you'd believe me so easily," Diluc turns to the three, "I was expecting a full inspection of their holiness."
"My cautious and meticulous superior wouldn't simply go against divine orders without reason." Jean smiles, crossing her arms.
"Even I had my reservations about the one on the throne," Kaeya piqued, "Besides, I'm well aware of your righteousness."
Before Diluc could react, pull everyone close into an awkward group hug, gushing about brotherly love and junior-senior trust. The group flushes in your hold as Venti laughs, "It seems that their holiness knows quite a lot about our stories!"
"Heheheh just enough," you say, smiling at the bard.
With Barbatos and the knights on board, most of Mondstadt is convinced that the "imposter" is the true creator. This leads us back to our current situation.
Diluc places the basket of goods on a table, pulling out a bottle of wine and cutlery. You walk over to him to ask what he's doing.
"It's February 14, Valentines, your holiness. Considering that it's a holiday, I figured you'd like something a bit more special than your usual meals."
"Ah! Eclairs and chocolates!" You say with enthusiasm, taking a seat and admiring the lavish spread on the table. He really outdid himself this time: not that your other meals were considered subpar, everything he provided you were delicious!
You notice three candles in the center of the table. Diluc smiles and with a flick of his finger, a little firebird swoops down to light them before dispersing in the air. Impressive power control, you think.
"Would you like to eat with me?" You ask, pointing at the extra plate on the table, "There's more than enough food."
"How could I dare..." His words trail off, looking at your hopeful expression.
"You wouldn't want to leave me alone on Valentine's now, would you?" A slight pout made its way to your lips and he almost chuckles if it weren't for the growing blush on his face. To dine with the highest being of Teyvat on Valentine's day? Absurd. He would have laughed it off as a dream had this been two months ago.
He takes the seat across from you, muttering a "Then please allow me," as he cuts your steak with expert precision. As the night goes on, you find yourself conversing about all the random things in your life and his.
It's almost insane how he didn't recognize your divinity when it's so obvious to him now. Your caring and sincere words and warm presence were a stark contrast to the cold and demanding tone of their current ruler.
For you to genuinely seek his company was a surprise. The fake had only ever sought him out for wine and his wealth, being the wallet representative of his nation in order to save Mondstadt from any cruel punishments.
"We contacted Zhongli, as you suggested," Diluc starts, "You were right. He's the supposed deceased Rex Lapis. He said he had his suspicions and he already informed me that he communicated with the Qixing. Lady Ningguang should be announcing his return as an archon tomorrow."
"That's great! Everything's going smoothly so far, all thanks to you," You smile at him, sipping a bit of wine, "It wouldn't take long before I can leave the basement now."
Tomorrow. Diluc thinks. Tomorrow Rex Lapis and Barbatos will take the first step of rebellion against the false god.
Tomorrow, all the other archons would have received the proof, a little vial of your blood, and they'll realize their mistake.
Tomorrow, you'll have the world rushing to you, asking for forgiveness, showering you with praise and offerings. The false god overthrown and most likely killed.
Tomorrow, you'll leave the basement and Mondstadt will be ready to welcome you with open arms. A week-long festival in the making and you'll love it so much, it'll make up for all the time you've spent cooped up in the basement.
But for tonight, Diluc looks at you as you twirl a finger at the little fire birds he's making. Allow me to be selfish and keep you by my side a little longer. Before the storm of acolytes comes, I'll cherish this moment of being the only one with your attention.
"Your holiness, please try this soufflé. It's one of the winery's specialty." Diluc scoops some onto a spoon, gesturing for you to take a bite.
He thinks you'll forget him, but really, you've always favored Diluc even before transmigrating after all. He shouldn't find it so surprising how you consistently sought his company, even when you were surrounded by new prominent figures.
Next year, he'll find you standing outside the winery, cloak covering your features and hands gripping on a cloth covered basket with goods from all over Teyvat.
Next year, you'll ask to be let in as he stutters and wonders why on earth are you out at night in a disguise. He'll scold you lightly on how unsafe that is, flickering a small fire bird from his fingers to light the fireplace.
Next year, you'll sit by the fireplace, asking if he would like to spend the remainder of Valentines with you as if there isn't a line of acolytes wishing to take his place as your date.
"I've been craving the soufflé since last year, actually," You smile cheekily and he sighs before smiling back. What a troublesome god.
Sure the acolytes must be panicking over your disappearance and a few people would definitely hate Diluc for taking your night, but for now — just for now — allow him to be your secret Valentines all over again.
note: idk if anyones noticed but much of my sagau works are centered on a soft!reader, leaning to the weak side :) as much as I want to take a realistic, defensive, and angry reader for imposter AUs, I somehow cant write angry!readers that well especially towards my favorites hnng unless stated otherwise. if this isn't your preference then my works may not be for you (but pls feel free to explore anyway!)
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sawamono · 3 years
genshin nsfw hcs pt 2
read part 1!!
warnings: nsfw, MINORS DNI, drugging, bdsm, perv albedo, stalking ment, light talk on blood kink, cum play, exhibitionism, wax play, degrading, breeding kink, hair pulling
notes: i kept thinking of that fred song “my babysitters a vampire” while writing this and im sorry this is so late i meant to post this like 2 days ago
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i just wanted to touch more on pervy albedo
can u imagine it.
albedo probably takes pictures of you and says their “for the memories” or “something to remind me of you when you leave mondstadt”
but he really only has them to jerk off to them cmon now
this is gonna sound stalker-ish but albedo probably watches u change through ur window
it’s such a funny thought to me omg
you see him outside ur window with his dick in his hand and he’s a stuttering mess LMFAO
you’ve probably caught him staring at ur ass a couple times too
if you ever go to the beach with him.. i’m praying for ur safety..
i feel like albedo would be a little bit of a family guy too
imagine babysitting klee with him and he’s just watching like “yeah.. i’m gonna have a family with u..”
breeding kink imo
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arataki itto
i love him.
if you look closely on him you can see he has a spiked collar
pull it i DARE YOU
slaps his whole abdomen
probably big enough to kill a dragon
he probably has a blood kink
just a lil one
like he’ll scratch up your thighs or bite you till you bleed bc he knows the mark will last
loves when you ride him
all of it can barely fit so he has to help you out
when he sees his dick imprint on ur stomach he’s going wild
he WILL go many rounds too
rip you and your holes bc he will fill ALL OF THEM
cums a lot
an unrealistic amount because i said so
if you don’t like cum play or any mess, he’ll TRY to stay clean
he fails in the end but he gets A for effort
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my boy toy.
idk if i covered this already or not but enjoys wax play
he’ll light a candle and hold it over u and just watch it melt onto u
probably likes it on himself too
(if ur ever fucking him and he’s comfortable with it do it he’ll love you forever)
whether you’re top or not, give it a nice lil tug
he may or may not moan
i forget whatever i said about him in the first hcs but this man is my whore idc
yes, he’s fucked you in the tavern
he’s fucked you while on the job too
he’ll take you to the back and give you that dickmeister9000
don’t play with him!!
doggy style, his favorite.
i feel like while diluc would fuck you in the tavern, he’s shy so he likes to keep you in the winery
the maids have definitely walked in on it more than once
it was just awkward staring before the poor maid just left
at this point adelinde is used to it though
so while it’s happening she just acts like normal and leaves
it’s scary as fuck
diluc probably got a few tips from albedo and may or may not have added a little extra sumthin sumthin to a new wine he wanted you to try
he’s experimental let him live
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if this mf don’t get some damn official art
an absolute menace.
and he’s so mean too
he will degrade you to all hell
and he’s rough omg..
deadass i think his dick is like 7 inches
idk them short people be packing sometimes
hate sex is like normal with him
i’m a genius
probably into bdsm too
will tie you up
so u know how he kinda drugged mc in that place when we meet him again
what if he does that to u…
spoilers over
i feel like scaramouche would actually be really big on consent
safe words with him are a must
he wants u to feel safe and comfortable
he’ll fuck you into oblivion yea
but only if ur okay with that
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it’s long.
like you would never imagine it
but it’s long
he’s very. very. fast.
lighting mcqueen don’t got shit on him
cums a moderate amount
probably has a thing for exhibitionism
he will dead ass fuck you in windrise
like just out in the open like that
will probably grope you at angels share
he’s very touchy me thinks
ooo pull his braids
he will love it.
fucked him so good he wrote a song abt it
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yandere-sins · 3 years
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Thanks for the request!
»»————————  ♡  ————————«« 
♡ On some days, it’s exactly the reaction he wants. Childe wants to be feared, respected, challenged by you—even your fear. But once this fleeting feeling of victory, dominance, and reign of terror passes, he converts back to the boy that wants to be loved and adored. Who gets fluttering kisses on his cheeks and a cheery, “Hey there!” when he cuddles up to you. But neither of these things happen as you’re shying away, and while yes, it is his fault, why does it make his heart feel as if he was just punctured by a hundred arrows?
♡ Like a cat, he brings you tokens of affection, the gruesome kind, showing you how much he loves you by bringing you the bodies of those he killed for you. Of those he killed while thinking of you. He’s trying his best, you know, but you’re really testing his patience by flinching whenever Childe lifts his hand in your direction to caress your cheek. To make you feel safe, loved, and cared for by him, why can’t you see these efforts? It barely takes him a week before he loses his cool about not being welcomed warmly upon his arrival. What use is it that he keeps you in his home, brings you food, books, anything Mora can buy, when you’re never around to admire him for his generosity? When will you realize he’s strong and reliable, and you should seek his warmth, appease his wishes of creating a family with you?
♡ But if you’re not coming to him, then he will drag you out of those little hiding spots you like by your wrists, ankles, hair—whatever he can reach, until you learn to love him properly. It doesn’t matter how much more he must make you fear him if it means you’ll end up the way he wants you to be. If affection means ‘challenge’, it only excites him more.
♡ Diluc is between devastation and denial. He’s been holding back, trying to make your life by his side - under his rule! - comfortable, yes even luxurious. And yet, you hide in a corner, behind your bed, or in the closet when he comes in for dinner or a visit. You rarely even show him, much less let him be gentle to you. Even though you keep hurting yourself as you try to break out and escape what is best for you, he always has to send for a servant to bandage you or help you out. Diluc can barely stand seeing you cower, hands in the air as if you’re expecting to be beaten up by him as he approaches with the ointment and bandages. You peer through your lashes and immediately flinch as he opens up his mouth to speak. You might as well rip out every bone in his body if you are so fond of hurting him.
♡ Still, he’s trying. He thinks about giving up—a lot. Thinks about letting you live your life in peace from him, just enjoy the presents he sends you through the staff, and leave you be. But how can he? How can he distance himself any more than he already does? Ban himself from even just glimpsing at the person he loves so much that he resorted to kidnapping and imprisoning you in his home? That his feelings have little relevance in the whole disaster, he’s aware about. But damn, if it was so easy to let you go, he would. If he could ignore those little, demanding demons whispering into his ears, he would. You have to believe him; if there was another, better way to save you from the world outside of his control, he’d change his ways. Diluc just can’t stand seeing you like this anymore.
♡ That is, until the day he realizes how much he has been ostracizing himself for what he did. When has anyone ever shown him that much kindness? How often has he told Kaeya to stay away, only for his former brother to show up at the tavern anyway? What about the knights bothering him, as well as Venti continuing to drink his wine cellar empty for not even a coin to spare? It makes him wonder as he polishes his glasses behind the counter, looking at all the people that never cared about him or what he was going through, why you deserve all the kindness he has left in him when you never once did something for Diluc, either.
Kaeya (A/N; My Kaeya is always naughty, warning.)
♡ It’s unacceptable. You know Kaeya. You’ve always known him. Even if you keep saying that he changed and you don’t recognize the man that waited for you to madly fall in love with him as well for years, he’s still Kaeya. And you never flinched from him this way before. Did you hit your head when you tried to escape? Are you in denial over the fact that you know what you feel about him, but you prefer to play hard-to-get even though he already caught you? Kaeya is the farthest from being ashamed of how he feels—he’ll tell you he loves you hundreds of thousands of times more if needed. But this feeling, this nasty, painful feeling of being wrong inside of him, has to stop. You need to stop behaving like he’s a tiger, ready to tear you to shreds.
♡ At first, it was fun, a little bit of hide-and-seek. The surprise, the big doe eyes, and the silent screams were cute. The first time you flinched, Kaeya thought you were playing a game, but he was wrong, very, very wrong, he realizes now. Outwardly he seems like his usual self: flirting, chuckling, telling stories, having fun. You know this Kaeya, so why do you keep shuffling away as if you were trying to melt into the wall that keeps you contained in his apartment? Inside of him, though, there’s a raging panic. A panic caused by something he doesn’t understand. Has he not been the best for you? The best boyfriend you could ever have, hell, the best lover even? A protector? A benefactor? Don’t you remember any of the times he held you? Touched you? Made you lose yourself in his hold? It’s almost impossible for him to think that any of this could be the cause for your fear of him because you sure as hell weren’t scared anytime he brought you to heaven and back, kissed you until there was no air left in your lungs, and showed you just how much he loved you.
♡ So what is it? Has it just not been enough? Does he need to keep your mind occupied with all these good experiences you two have and will continue to have? Do you need to see, hear, and feel him more than he’s already giving you? Otherwise, the only other thing he can think about is punishing you, and neither of you want that, right? Or maybe you do, and that’s why you’re throwing such a tantrum every time he’s around. There isn’t much else he could think of, to show you how little you have to fear him when you love him. Just like he loves you.
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vampkaashis-wife · 2 years
“You know, I really hope this boosts your morale.”
You sigh, a millisecond away from snapping at the infamous Captain Kaeya. “What does?”
“My bare chest.”
Pressing the dressing deeper into the wound on his thigh, you bind it tight enough to feel his muscles tense under you. “Captain, please refrain from making inappropriate jokes at this time. You nearly died.”
He’s right that his bare chest looks wonderful in the dim light in his tent, but it would look better without the fresh wounds and splattered blood from the hillichurl camp he’d just quelled. The one he went into single-handedly before someone caught on and sent a troop after their captain as backup.
“I really didn’t, my beloved healer.”
“Captain.” Perhaps reminding him of his position would help minimize his foolhardy behaviors. Perhaps it won’t. “Don’t.”
He hates that word on your lips. For weeks, he thought he’d prefer this. That he’d prefer anything but his name on your lips, because hearing you call him Kaeya - or worse, Kai - made him too giddy for comfort. Now that you’ve fulfilled his wish, he wishes there was something else you would call him besides Captain.
Will he ever be satisfied with what he has?
The silence may kill him sooner than the many wounds he sustained, so he says the first thing on his mind. He says, “Did I look hot today too?” and regrets it the moment your eyes darken.
“You looked a fool, is what you looked like,” you tell him, moving on to dressing other wounds laced across his torso. “Were you trying to die?”
“Would you have mourned me if I had?”
“Most of Mondstadt would have, yes.”
“Would you?”
“I don’t see why it matters to you what I think, Captain.”
“Why do you keep calling me that?”
“Your title?”
“You haven’t called me Captain in nearly a year.”
“No reason. Just realized that perhaps I was letting my emotions get the best of me.”
“Is this about last night?” He winces as you drop all your instruments with a loud clatter, standing up with clenched fists and thinly veiled anger in your eyes. “Hey,” he says softly. “No need for that.”
He reaches out to touch your wrist, but you firmly step back, out of his reach.
“Maybe you’re used to this, Captain, but I’m not. I know we were both drunk last night, but don’t you think you were unfair?”
“Unfair?” His eyebrows quirk in a dark kind of mirth. “I hardly think a kiss for a beautiful woman is unfair.”
Curtly, you retort with a raised eyebrow, “You kicked me out immediately afterward and told me to curl up next to Diluc.”
Kaeya laughs a little. He remembers exactly what he said. He wasn’t as drunk as you thought he was, and every word was a calculated move to push you away. “He’s your best friend, no? A safer bedmate than the absolute snake I am.”
His name rips through the room like a knife through a veil. It jolts him out of a pained stupor with wide eyes.
“Kaeya,” you repeat, and his name hurts almost more than the mess he’s made of himself on the battlefield. “What happened? We were okay before this. What changed?”
“An excellent question from an excellent mind.”
There’s no way he’s telling you the truth. How pathetic does he have to be to admit that he’s letting Diluc get in the way of what he wants? To admit to the list of wrongs he’s committed against the man he used to call brother?
Perhaps he ought to admit to less terrifying things first. Things like - “Have I told you I heal better when you do it?”
“I am assigned to you for a reason, Captain. I am the best there is, as far as you’re concerned.”
Ah. There’s that title again.
“Right. You know my body better than anyone… in more ways than one.”
That’s not what he meant to say, but he’s never been any other way. It’s not easy to be vulnerable, especially not to you. He knows that in the depths of his person, there are things that could drive you away. Despite his recent difficult demeanor, he doesn’t want you all that far from him. It’s been said now, though, and as always, he must reap the consequences.
“We have never shared a bed, Captain, and if you would like to imply that we have…. I have other injuries to attend to. You seem to be doing well enough.”
“You’re leaving me, then?”
“Yes.” But when you finish packing your supplies and look at him again, you see the tiredness in his one uncovered eye. The acceptance of something he clearly doesn’t want to accept. “Are you…?”
“No,” he responds quickly. “No, it’s okay. Thank you for your time and care. Come find me if Diluc is an idiot and causes you problems.”
And it’s a little too final for comfort, so you turn around and stare at him a little longer, arms crossed over your chest. “You’re hiding something from me.”
“I’m hiding something from everyone, darling.”
“This is about Diluc.”
“Everything is, isn’t it? What would Mondstadt be without his tavern? Barbatos himself enjoys his liquor.”
“Fuck, Kaeya, you know what I’m trying to say.”
And something breaks in him, and he speaks faster than he knew was possible as he says, “Yes, this is about Diluc. This is about me taking away everything he’s ever cared about. This is about me being his biggest curse; this is about how you are bound to die if you stay around me for much longer. This is about how I wanted to take down as many threats to your life as I could, and that’s what I was thinking when I stormed that camp alone. This is about how I want to do at least one good thing in my life - even if that one thing is ripping out my own heart and sending it away. So thank you, again, for your time and care, but you should leave now like everyone else does, and I can return to status quo.” With that, he flops back on the shoddy mattress and throws an arm over his eyes.
Whatever you expected from him, it wasn’t that. Sitting on the bed next to him, you tug at his arm until he pulls it away to look at you. “Why are you still here?” He asks in a small, hollow voice.
“You seem to be forgetting something or deliberately not noticing. I’m fucking in love with you. Okay? So stop acting a fool because I’m already too attached to you for this kind of talk.”
“You’re what.”
“You heard me. You’re not unlovable, and the proof is that my hands shake every time I come near you. Because every time I patch you up, I calculate how far from death you are. Diluc thanks me for taking care of you every time, because as frustrated as you always are with each other, he never really stopped caring either. Do you even realize how many people ask me about your health whenever I leave your tent after healing you? Now close your eyes and sleep, loser. I’ll stay until then and continue my rounds after.”
He doesn’t know what else to do, so he curls up with his head in your lap and - for once in his life - follows directions.
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teyvatdreams · 3 years
when they cry / show emotion in front of you
includes: childe, diluc, zhongli x gn!reader
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childe wasn’t exactly the type to hide his feelings
however, it’s different when it comes to fear or worry
especially when it comes to you
one night, you decided to wait outside for his arrival; he had been gone all day adventuring but promised to return before it got too late
but night had fallen, and of course you were starting to worry and craving to see him
of course, the universe had different plans. after some waiting, a group of hilichurls managed to find their way to you — you cursed under your breath for straying too far from the harbor’s entrance
you knew how to defend yourself, and you would, but it was still a nuisance
you defeated them easily, but failed to notice the pyro abyss mage that accompanied them until it was shooting fire towards you. it completely caught you off guard
you struggled to catch your footing for only a moment, but that was all it took to get a bit burnt
right as you go to fight back, you see the familiar sight of two hydro blades slashing at the mage, and it’s not long until he’s no longer a threat
and it’s not long until you feel childe’s arms around you
since you knew the weight of the situation, you weren’t worried, but thankful for childe’s swift appearance
you giggle in his arms until pulling away from his embrace and seeing his eyes brimmed with tears
“wait… why are you crying?”
you knew childe well enough to know that these tears were not coming from a place of sadness, it was coming from a place of anger or frustration — you couldn’t exact figure out which one.
“i’m not mad,” he says, wiping his eyes quickly. “not at you, atleast.”
you took a hold of his hand to calm him down as he explained the situation
he thought it was safe enough for him to stop and pick some flowers for you, except he had to go out of his way to find them. he felt as if you getting attacked was his fault — if he had stayed on track he would’ve arrived back sooner.
he doesn’t let the tears fall, but from the way he keeps wiping his eyes, you know he’s emotional
you have to spend a few minutes convincing him that it wasn’t his fault you got a bit hurt, and he finally calms down and cuts himself some slack
before returning back to the harbor, he picks up the flowers he managed to find and tucks one behind your ear.
“i know they aren’t your favorite, but i found a sweet flower. i decided to bring them back here because they’re just as sweet as you.” he says softly.
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you were in the tavern with diluc as usual when you noticed he was acting a bit off
he seemed spaced out; whenever anyone tried it took them multiple attempts to get his attention
so when you got a chance to be alone with him you asked him if he was feeling okay
and of course, diluc being diluc said he was fine. but you weren’t dumb.
“let me close the tavern tonight,” you say softly. “go home, get some rest. you deserve it.”
diluc looks back at you and opens his mouth to protest but he immediately closes it. he closes his eyes and nods.
you lead him to the door and watched as he walked away, feeling uneasy.
after awhile, the drunkards found their way out of the tavern and you cleaned up before heading home.
the house you shared with diluc was quiet, a soft light across the room being the only indication that diluc was here as well.
you assumed by how quiet and dark it was that he had decided to go to bed
it’s not until you hear him sniffling that you realize he hadn’t
you find him sitting on the end of the bed you shared with him, shoulders slumped, head hanging
“diluc?” you say softly.
he lifts his head and looks at you, not bothering to move the hair hiding his tear-stained face out of the way.
you make your way to him and move his hair away, tucking it behind his ears. you gently wiped the tears off his face and gave him a moment to collect himself.
“do you want to talk about it?”
he takes a deep breath. “there’s not much to talk about. i’m just… in my own head. it’s almost the anniversary of…”
you nod, understanding his feelings. it was, in fact, almost his birthday, but you knew how he felt about that day.
“it’s alright. you’re still healing. it’s okay to feel this way.” you assure him.
you get him into bed and curl up next to him, making sure he knows his feelings are valid and that he doesn’t need to hide them from you, or anyone.
and as you look at him one last time before falling asleep, you swear you see a small smile creep onto his face.
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you had spent a nice day with zhongli spending time together and walking around the harbor
after awhile, though, you both decided to go further out, making your way up to guili plains and wangshu inn
you both checked on xiao before deciding to make qingce village your final stop of the day.
it killed two birds with one stone — you got to spend time with zhongli and also collect the jueyun chilli’s you promised to get for xiangling
you both parted ways for a moment; zhongli offered to find a nice place to sit as you collected the chilli’s
however, something caught your eye as you did.
a blue flower — unmistakably a glaze lily.
you lean down to examine it. you weren’t a stranger to them despite them being much less common to come by.
the petals were closed, but you knew how to open them. at least, you knew how to try and open them.
you sang a tune to it. nothing crazy, just a song your mother had sang to you as a child that remained one of your favorites.
and to your surprise, the petals opened.
you stared at the flower. you didn’t expect it to open, but now it was. and it was beautiful.
you hear footsteps behind you and see zhongli staring at you, hand covering his mouth.
you silently look at him and then back at the flower to show him.
“i… found an area abundant with the chili’s you need.” he says. his voice trembles slightly.
“zhongli?” you stand up, concerned.
he must know that you’ve noticed. he clears his throat. “i apologize. i was just moved by your interest in the glaze lily’s, i suppose.”
“oh,” you say, standing up and making your way to him. his eyes were watery. “well… they are beautiful. of course i’m enamored by them…”
he smiles softly, sadly.
“there was someone who once loved these lilies more than anyone. i think i see them in you. it is truly a beautiful sight indeed.”
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Hi I have a question,
Who do you think would immediately recognize that the reader is the creator of the world? Would they help?
Also your works are really cool, I've gotten so sucked into the au, and reading your stuff feeds my obsession very nicely
Also could I just randomly ask to be 🌺 Anon?
Well, we have the obvious: the Khaenri'ah squad (Albedo, Kaeya, Dainsleif, the Abyss Order, honorary members: the Travelers)
The rest of these are going to be more spoilerish for my works so uh read at your own digression?
Kazuha! (He was my second rank 10 friendship and my first whale instance (right from f2p lmao)) Man's so connected to nature, Teyvat just straight up tells him like "yooo that's the GOAT right there" and he's like "bet"
Xiao, bc fuck you. Precious birb boy has been through so much. He doesn't realize at first, but it's while he's chasing you down on orders that he realizes: he can't feel his karmic debt in your presence, you soothe an eternity of torment by existing, and breaks down on the spot because god he hurt (or was about to hurt) the most divine existence in Teyvat. of all his unforgivable sins, this was the greatest. He goes to tell Ganyu, because she's also precious and also entirely uninvolved in the situation bc she's so busy all the time. He doesn't tell Zhongli because that BITCH just sent him to kill his creator.
Klee is my longest main, first rank 10 friendship, lil sister of Albedo and daughter of motherfucking ALICE. She immediately recognizes the "stardust person"
Thoma doesn't immediately refer to you as an imposter, but he also doesn't immediately realize. He helps you hide from your unjust persecution until he realizes, just being in your presence is enough to let him know that you're the one they claim you're impostering.
Like Thoma, Beidou offers you shelter. She's seen all sorts, and at least allows you to tell her your story and shit man you've been through the wringer, wanna be a pirate? She'll help you change your appearance before you ever have to touch land again. She realizes quicker than Thoma bc she has the added help of Kazuha.
Diluc! I've always liked the "he's more self aware than most bc of Kaeya" idea (idk where that came from but it's good shit). Though he's against you on principle, he's quick to realize upon actually seeing you or by hearing from Kaeya (as strained as their relationship is, Kaeya would never lie or so much as joke about something like this)
Mona, the stars tell her. She was originally recruited to help track you down, a noble cause for her astrology, she believes. But she figures it out quickly and becomes appalled at the actions of her city.
Razor, the goodest boy. His instincts tell him you're someone important. Someone dear and to be protected and pampered. Bennet and Fischl fall in line, they're familiar with being singled out for something out of control, and if Razor likes you then you must be nice! They realize soon with their collective braincell.
Bastard boi Childe. His time in the abyss is enough to give him more insight than most. and if he uses his foul legacy? that man immediately becomes your puppy. read nicebonescomrade's work on it!!!
Madame Ping knows all. Yanfei finds out from her.
Xiangling finds out from Guoba, Xingqiu and Chongyun combine forces to disprove her and in the process prove her.
Hu Tao figures it out, she's got her sources (ghosts) and she can instinctively tell you're not someone normal. She does a little reconnaissance and lo and behold, you're that bitch
Qiqi. Enough said
Itto doesn't know until someone tells him but he's on your side bc himbo is good. I also feel like Yae would know and try to advise Ei, but she's either too late or ignored.
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tartglias · 3 years
Xiao, Zhongli and Venti with an immortal s/o
“Sooo 👀 can i request so some fluff hc for venti, xiao and zhongli with an immortal s/o?”
thank you so much for requesting!! this is my first time writing for more than one character at a time so it was a challenge lol thank you sm!!
Xiao never understood the importance of time. Days, months, even years feel like nothing when you’re immortal. What a funny thing that is, immortality. He knows normal humans would do anything for it, and he despises them for that. Nothing so great came free, he knew that well. He was freed from tortures, only to get tormented by karma. He could still hear the voices and screams calling for help from tortured souls, these still haunt him daily. But the worst moments come when he sees that figure, that person who he once considered close. So close he could use the human word “soulmate”, if he believed in those, to describe who that person meant to him.
Many centuries back he met you, such a gentle person who got to break down his hard walls. A smile, a touch, a kiss. That’s all it took. So many meaningless years, and he never once encountered a person as kind yet strong like you. Someone who made the daily nightmares cease, with a simple smile and brush of fingers.
He remembers your last words like it was the day before. You were on top of one of the tall stones in Huaguang Stone Forest, Xiao laying his head on your lap and you placing small qingxin flowers on his hair. He wouldn’t allow anyone do that to him ever, but in the end, you were you. And you were different.
“Xiao” you called, once you were done placing the flowers. He opened his eyes and muttered a “hm?” in response. “I have to leave soon. Mondstadt calls me”
He sat up.
“What do you mean?”
“By tomorrow morning, I’ll be on my way back to Mondstadt” you said, quietly standing up.
He stood up too.
“When will I see you again?” he asked, now not being able to look at you.
“I don’t know” you said, reaching out for his hand and taking it. You placed a soft kiss on his knuckles, and he felt himself calm down at the gesture for a moment.
“I meant it when I said I’ll love you forever, Xiao” you said, finally locking eyes with him. You had teary eyes, he dreaded to see you like that. If it were up to him, he would swallow every bit of pain in your body and soul, just to see you smile.
And with that, you disappeared. As quickly as you broke down his walls, you disappeared just as quick the next day. Days, months and years became even more meaningless, but somehow he felt them longer. He missed you every day, he whispered to the moon every night, wishing that some archon would hear and bring you back to him. He knew you were like him, but he never heard from you again. Were you able to finally cross to the other side? He tried to erase those thoughts from his mind.
He later found himself in that very same stone, the one in which he last saw you. New Qingxin flowers blossomed, and they reminded him of you. He sat down, staring at the horizon. But then, he felt a strange swift of wind, and a presence behind him. He quickly stood up, ready to put his mask on and kill whoever dared to interrupt his solitude. But he didn’t. The mask in his hand dropped to the floor, next to the flowers.
“I’m back” you said, with a shy smile.
“You’re back” he said, more to himself than to you. Were you really there?
His question was soon answered, once you stepped closer and pulled him in a hug. He found himself wrapping his arms around you, holding you as close as he could, while trying to hold back his tears.
“I’m sorry I took so long, my beloved” you said as you locked your eyes with his. You grabbed his hand and held it, but you never once let go of the hug.
“I’m here to stay now” you whispered.
“You need to stop playing with people’s hearts” Zhongli said, as he sipped on his tea and looked at you questioningly. You rolled your eyes in response and put your focus back on your potion. A few petals from the most exotic flower in Teyvat, a little bit of juice made from vines and a teaspoon of slime condensate.
“Sometimes mortals need a little push in the right direction” You said, finishing up the mix and transferring it to a small bottle made of glass. “Plus, we’ve been here for centuries, I’m bored and I need a hobby”
“I don’t think that messing with human’s love lives can be considered a hobby. I don’t think it’s morally correct” he said.
“You’re very dramatic. I can feel the true desires of every being that touches the soil in Teyvat, and if I sense that the desire is mutual, I simply work my magic” You said, sitting back on your chair next to the tall man.
“Can’t you let them figure it out by themselves?” He asked.
“That’s no fun Zhongli” You said, finishing up the sweet perfume-potion you were creating.
You and Zhongli have been friends for centuries. You met when you moved to Liyue as the representative of the Dendro Archon, someone you really looked up to. Zhongli was kind enough to make you feel at home, and soon became friends with the Geo Archon. Though you must admit, you always wished it was something more.
Maybe that’s why you picked up this “hobby” of yours. Unrequited love is something painful and mortals only live a short life, you believe they should live it fully, if possible.
“Are you alright?” Zhongli asked, interrupting your thoughts with a concerned look on his face. You didn’t realize you had a sad look on yours.
“Oh? Yeah of course” You said, quickly brushing it off and proceeding decorating the small glass bottle.
“Y/n-“ he started, placing a hand on top of yours in order to get your attention. “I’ve known you for a long time. I know when something is wrong”
It was funny. He knew you like the back of his hand, he knew how to read you since the first time he laid his eyes on you. Yet he never found out how you truly felt about him, how your heart made like a million flips whenever he did something as simple as hold your hand, or brush a hair away from your face. All these little things and gestures, have been making you swoon over your closest friend for years, centuries even.
“Time and love are strange concepts, aren’t they?” You asked, looking straight at him. Here goes nothing, you thought.
“I believe those are rather simple concepts”
“You can spend a lifetime with someone, know every habit and expression but you don’t know how they truly feel about you” You said staring at him, searching for any hint that indicated he knew what you were talking about. But you saw nothing. Who were you kidding? He’s just your friend, has been for a long time.
You let out a defeated laugh, standing up and letting go of his hand. “Forgive me, I don’t really know what i’m saying” you said, grabbing the potion and starting to leave. But you felt his hand on your wrist, stopping your movements.
“You said you felt the desires of every being that stepped foot on Teyvat’s soil, am I right?” he asked, looking at you. You nodded. “Does it work on me?”
“You wanted to get close to me, as a friend”
“My apologies my dearest y/n, but I think your blessing is wrong” he said, standing up and holding your hand once again. “I did want to get closer to you as a friend at first, but not any longer. I’ve been observing mortals for a while as well, on my daily walks through Liyue Harbor, and I think I finally understood my feelings”
You were sure that if Zhongli listened close enough, he would hear the fast beating of your heart.
“I’ve been waiting for you to use your love potion on me, my dear y/n. I’m sure it wouldn’t have worked anyways since I believe it would take a lot of effort to make an effective potion that could work on me. But it would have given me the excuse to tell you how I really feel” he said.
“How do you feel then?” you asked him, looking up at the tall man.
“I think I’m very lucky to have you by my side, and it makes me want to travel to the Dendro nation and personally thank the Archon for assigning you to Liyue. I also want you to still be by my side for the centuries to come, if you’re okay with that” he said, lowering his voice by the end.
You acted before you could process your thoughts. You stood on your tippy toes and kissed his cheek gently, never letting go of his hand. He liked you, he felt the same way about you. It was real.
“I’m okay with that” you replied.
It was almost noon, almost an hour after the original time you accorded with Venti to meet. You planned a picnic date by the big tree near the statue of the Seven, your favorite spot. The same spot which later, became Venti’s favorite spot as well.
He wasn’t a person who would jump straight to conclusions. You were late. Maybe you fell asleep, maybe you couldn’t find the guitar you promised to bring so you could play a duet. Being late doesn’t mean something bad happened, right?”
He decided to wait a few more moments, but once the sun set, he had enough. He went out to try and find you. He went to your house, but noticed the door was locked and no one was inside. “They left” he thought.
He slowly but surely started to get desperate. Where were you? Were you hurt? Did you get lost somehow? He went to Angel’s Share, and not even Master Diluc had seen you. If Venti wasn’t in such a panicked state, he would have noticed the rare concerned and worried look Diluc had on his face.
If any traveler walked by literally any road in Mondstadt, they would soon encounter a big rush of wind. Venti went from here to there as fast as he could, trying to find you.
He soon enough found you in Stormbearer Mountains, fighting hilichurls and two pyro mages. You looked tired, sweat covering your body and your clothes were dirty. It was obvious that this has been going on for a while. You gripped your sword as hard as you could, and kept fighting. Why didn’t you call for him? With no exception, Venti tells you daily to call for him if you ever encounter a problem. It’s not that he doesn’t think you’re strong, oh no, he believed you were the strongest mortal in Teyvat. But in the end, to him you were still a mortal. Fragile and over-sensitive. He often told you to call his name, that the wind will carry it and he will appear there to help you out. So why didn’t you?
“y/n!” he screamed, once he laid his eyes on you. You turned around and saw a rush on wind, and felt his presence. What you didn’t feel though, was the pyro attack coming from one of the mages. The mage summoned three pyro artifacts that surrounded you, and burnt you. You felt your energy slip away, your head dizzy and your body burning. Then, you felt the cold wind, Venti quickly finishing off the mages and the remaining hilichurls.
Venti thought it was over. You were kneeled down, burnt skin, gasping for air. It was over, you were going to die. He felt his eyes water and fear running through his veins. He wrapped his arms around you, making you lean on his chest.
“Don’t leave me” he begged. “please”
“My dear, I don’t think I can” you said, letting out a short laugh.
“Please stay strong, I think I can carry you to the cathedral but you need to hold very still so-“ he started saying, now fully crying but you interrupted him by putting a hand on his cheek and wiping his tears with your thumb.
“I’m serious, I don’t think I can leave anyways. Venti, I literally can’t die.” you said, with a laugh and slowly standing up.
“You... you’re immortal?” he asked, looking up at you, not being able to leave the floor.
You nodded. “I thought you knew”
“I hate you” he said, standing up and wiping away his tears. “I do”
“No you don’t. But you’re cute though!” you said, grabbing his face and kissing the tip of his nose. “I’m very sorry I’m late though, my commission took longer than I thought but let me compensate you with dinner and a bottle of wine”
“But you’re still burnt?” he asked you, concern still in his face.
“Oh don’t worry about that, it will rip out when I start walking. I have healthy skin underneath” you said, like it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Why do I feel like this is not your first time getting so hurt?” he asked letting out a soft chuckle, suddenly feeling lighter now that he knows you’re okay and will probably be okay for a long long while.
“Eh, been there done that a few times” you simply said, taking his hand and walking back to the city of Mondstadt.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
I just read your story, the one with Xiao and Albedo, its really good! I love it! Is it ok if you do the same thing but with Kaeya, Zhongli, Childe and Diluc version. I can see how excited these guys are since Kaeya first appeared is clapping his hand, the way Childe call Lumine 'Hey Girlie', Zhongli with how handsome he is especially his eyes and with Diluc how mysterious he is when he appeared out of nowhere
Feel free to do it if you're not busy or you can ignore this :3
reader impact || first meeting cont.
series masterlist characters: kaeya, diluc, childe genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i’m glad you liked it! i’m having a lot of fun writing these so expect some more coming out :D i plan on doing more first meeting hcs and then branching off to other scenarios, so if there’s something specific, please request it! also, i’ve already done one for zhongli!
kaeya's playthrough -
he's more of a variety streamer, honestly.
most of his viewers watch him because of his carefree nature (as well as his looks).
obviously, he'd do a bunch of drinking streams whenever he could where he would just talk to his viewers about whatever came to mind.
during those streams, his viewers often try to ask him questions, which are only answered in vague statements.
his gaming streams are pretty rare compared to his chatting streams, but they're there nonetheless.
his viewers jump when they hear he's planning on playing genshin impact.
just neverending messages about a character they are convinced he will love.
he's so tempted to ask but decides not to, wanting to learn who this mystery character is on his own.
honestly, he was expecting you to appear way later in the story.
he's very interested in the looming threat of stormterror.
his character lands on the ground and he leans back to watch the cutscene play.
then he hears footsteps and sees his character look to someone offscreen.
you walk in clapping at a calculated pace, which is when he leans forward and stares at your character model.
"i can't believe you have the power to stand up against that dragon... that said, are you a new ally... or a new storm?"
"oh, hun, i can be whatever you want me to be."
he knows his chat is freaking out, so he turns to the camera and sends his signature smirk.
"now i know why you guys wanted me to play this so bad."
"(name), kaeya, you've come at the right time. we must..."
"now now, don't forget to introduce us."
"oh... right. this is (name), our cavalry captain. these two are travelers from afar."
"ooh, they're a person in charge, too?"
he genuinely likes you. like genuinely. he's fallen deep and he doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon.
if your costume has that long v-neck like his does...
anyway, he's heard that there are characters you can only obtain throguh wishes, so he's kind of nervous to find out if that's the case with you.
he just really wants you in his party so y'all can be mysterious together.
"let me show you how the knights of favonius conquer our adversaries!"
"oh, yes. please do."
his viewers can and will make compilations of him flirting with you.
ngl, he's looking forward to those.
sometimes, your voice gets all quiet and he melts when he hears that.
he will pay to have voicelines of you flirting with him--
when he enters your trial domain, he will purposely avoid completing it just in case he doesn't get to keep you.
he sees some of his viewers talking about how you're a bad character and that the other characters are so much better.
too bad, they're banned now.
no (name) slander in his chat, thank you very much.
he loves your quips whenever he uses your elemental skill.
he loves you even more if those quips are puns based on your element.
finally, he's nearing the end of your domain. when that happens, he will slowly turn towards the camera and stare.
"if they aren't a permanent member on my team, this'll be the last stream of genshin."
"let's continue our adventure, shall we?"
obtained (name): a thinker in the knights of favonius with a somewhat exotic appearance.
"okay, so we'll continue streaming genshin soon."
he'll put you in the first slot of his party, moving his traveler character to the second.
his streams will always include him flirting with you, even if you don't reply.
diluc's playthrough -
his streams are mainly bartending based, so he likes mixing drinks on stream for his viewers.
he doesn't drink them, though. he gives them out to his friends and family once the stream is over.
it's pretty rare for him to play games but he'll do an occasional gaming stream if his friends and family don't want any drinks.
his chat always makes fun of him because he's a bartender that doesn't like the taste of alcohol.
he's very blunt, so he's not afraid to drop a game immediately if he isn't interested.
in fact, that's almost what he did with genshin.
it's not like the game is bad or anything, diluc just didn't care for it because of all the hype his chat shared.
he keeps playing, though, because someone promised he would really enjoy a character that comes up in the prologue.
granted, it's over an hour or so but it doesn't matter--
when he gets to the domain teaching him how to use cryo, he hates every minute of it.
he hates the character he's given and just wants to leave.
the demo character is one he doesn't really care for, especially because he's the type of person he dislikes coming to the bars he works at.
his chat is laughing at him when they reach the end because the cutscene continues with the character he hates.
he feels a bit better when he learns the abyss mage is in the domain because he gets to see and hear something that isn't the cryo character.
then he meets you.
you run into the domain out of nowhere, quickly defeating the abyss mage and tossing it towards the corner.
"knights of favonius... always so inefficient."
his chat goes insane when your character appears, especially because of how dumbfounded diluc looks.
he's known for not really emoting and it's the same case for this scene. however, his chat knows he is in love with your character.
he takes a few minutes when he's kicked out of the domain but he clears his throat and looks over at the camera.
"i'll be streaming this game again soon when the others don't want any drinks."
cut to after he's stolen the lyre and is sent to the tavern.
he's a bit excited because he gets to visit mondstadt's tavern but then--
"master (name), this is this week's accounts."
"they're back."
he gets second-hand embarrassment when venti talks to you asking for the... least conspicuous table.
he's kinda sad when your character is suspicious of him, but he understands.
when the knights leave the tavern, he really wants venti to just shut up.
please you're embarrassing the man.
when he hears how you feel about him joining the knights, he is so willing to quit--
man just wants you to be proud of him and trust him :((
he's relieved to hear that you will help him and you don't hate him.
please give him validation--
childe's playthrough -
man is still rich he can do whatever he wants.
his gaming streams would definitely be pvp based games. honestly, just any game where he can fight someone, he'll play.
his chat also has a few little games they like to play together like guessing what the hell this man does to have so much money--
also his siblings crash in on his streams sometimes :D
those are pretty much the only times you'll see him be soft and not so competitive.
teucer likes crashing his streams to show off his plushies :))
anyway, genshin time!
he definitely tried to fight paimon the first time he loaded the game.
please expect lots of genshin stream from this guy because he needs to make his team deal the highest damage he can get.
also his wallet doesn't even have a dent in it despite all of the money he's spent on characters and weapons.
please sir what do you do for all that money
ok so onto your first meeting
he was really excited when the exuvia fell during the rite of descension because he thought he would get to fight whoever killed the great archon of liyue.
he really wanted to fight the millelith but then his chat convinced him to dodge them first.
one of his viewers explains that there's a character they know he'll like and he was very... intriguied to say the least.
he moves forward in his chair once his character is heard by the millelith, prepared to fight the various soldiers surrounding him.
"hang on, sweetheart. i've got this."
this man will squeal when you flip over the stairs in front of his character.
he doesn't know who you are and what you do but he knows for a fact that you are his new favorite character.
you take down all of the guards in two seconds, leaving him (and his in-game character) dumbfounded.
"come with me."
he's smitten.
he absolutely loves the way your character fights even if he met you about... a minute ago.
his siblings definitely come into his room to check on him because he's so quiet.
once he realizes you're a part of the harbingers, he's even more obsessed.
he hates the options the game gives him when he needs to respond because 2/3 of them are insulting you.
anyway he really likes listening to your voice.
he will give anything to hear you call him sweetheart again.
his chat informs him that the traveler he chose changed the nickname you give him, which makes him very happy.
when you send him off to talk to the other adepti, he's kind of disappointed he doesn't get to hang out with you.
but when he gets back to you...
"welcome back, sweetheart. how was your trip to jueyun karst?"
when he learns you're rich just like him... he gets all pouty. his chat, of course, wants to know why.
"... i want to be able to spoil her."
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genshin-impact-fics · 3 years
Streamer!Genshin Reacting to Character!(Y/N) Dying in Game
!Warning!: Major character deaths & angst
Characters: Diluc, Venti, Childe, & Zhongli
It was a race to get inside one of the bases of the Abyss Order to put a stop to whatever plans they were in the process of executing that could potentially put many lives in danger. Diluc was rather calm while playing though it would be a lie to say that it wasn’t a bit annoying that the route to the domain was timed
It was once inside the domain did things pick up fast as it seemed to be a fighting wave system which after beating the first two rooms there was a short scene where in the end Lisa and Amber stayed behind to hold off the incoming enemies so the rest of the group could go further. It seemed like forever doing some of the puzzles to unlock the doors to reach the next fight
In that fourth room after the defeat of hilichurls and abyss mages did suddenly a short cut scene appear to show the appearance of an Abyss Lector. As remembering how much he hated fighting this guy in the spiral abyss he already knew what he was in for; however that was until your character stepped forward with your weapon ready. Diluc was actually sad to have to leave you behind as he was hoping that you’d be one of the characters that went with him to the very end
“I think I’ve watched enough shows and movies to know what this could be leading up to.” He’d comment to his viewers as he finally reached the destination where the Abyss Herald was. Finishing the fight triggered another cutscene as the traveler’s sibling appeared and was making their small speech, asking if the lives of the “friends” the traveler made were worth losing
Diluc is watching with a straight face as he kinda expected this but the who was what he wasn’t sure about and truthfully the only one he’d be truly heartbroken about is your death, but they wouldn’t kill you now of all times right? Wrong; soon the cutscene finally came across where they had left you and you were leaning against the wall extremely injured with your weapon laying beside you. Diluc is frowning cuz he has to watch you die now
Listening to your final words as you spoke to no one Diluc would sulk in his chair a little. In the last moment before your eyes closed, if you mentioned something about not getting to tell his character your true feelings it is visible that Diluc looks like he wants to cry(but he doesn't). Once the screen showed the mission complete he’d grab the plush he had of your character and hold it looking at his camera. “Of all the characters I thought were going to die, I wasn’t ready for it to be (y/n).” At that point he’d probably call it a day from there but he’d still talk to his viewers as he probably would watch the tribute videos that fans had already made
Everything was in chaos as it looked like archon war 2 was going to be taking place, but this time it was a war between the Abyss Order and the Archons. He was heading to Mondstadt to help and to check on you. Dvalin was flying around sending attacks at the abyss members. “Ah traveler there you are!” The sound of your voice as you landed before him; as weird as it was to see you in your archon robes was odd but you looked so good! After a short conversation you had gone flying off and it was time to get back to fighting
Things were looking good as it seemed like they were winning against the abyss order though it wasn’t over yet. It was until up in the air did a cutscene starting showing you and the traveler’s sibling fighting going at it. Venti is so captivated by how serious and cool you look fighting, but it all changed when the sibling landed a blow that caused you to fall from the sky ending up falling into the Whispering Woods
Venti couldn’t run fast enough to get to the woods to check up on you but when he did the first thing he saw was the sibling standing before you. He’s already sad and yelling at the sibling for hurting you though it seemed that now he was there the sibling went and disappeared revealing the real condition you were in. “No, no, no! This better not mean (y/n)’s dying.” He’d say in denial as he’s already starting to cry a little
“A-Ah Windblume h-haha… Sorry you have to see me like this.” Even in a moment like this you gave him such a cheesy grin until you seemed to grimace in pain. “Unfortunately it seems like… This is it for me. As long as the winds blow I will always be with you, so please watch over Mondstadt for me.” Your words were making Venti cry as it was like back in your story quest but only ten times worse. And to think it was already painful as it was your next words that did him in. “Maybe in another life we will find each other again and maybe then we can be together.”
Watching you start to glow until you turned into partials of light till nothing of you was left, Venti is devastated. The chat is crying with him as he’s saying how awful it was that his sibling had killed the love of his life! His viewers are going to send him fanart and fics to look at that was an alternative that you lived in the game
It was a big fight with the confrontation of the Fatui Harbingers, facing off against one of the other stronger members that blocked the path to proceed to seeing the Tsaritsa. The boss’ first stage was fine; however during the second stage it seemed after losing a certain amount of health the damage that Childe was dealing significantly decreased.
It was when the cutscene started that Childe was already dreading the foul legacy form he’d be facing this time. You suddenly came out of nowhere and already in your foul legacy form yourself Childe is going crazy over how cool you look; he’s also swooning at the fact that you’ve come to his rescue. The fighting progressed until you landed a successful hit that weakened the other harbinger; however, at that same time the other harbinger managed to hit you with a powerful attack
Childe is screaming at the sight of your mask breaking while you fell to the ground. He’s so glad that his character is running over to check on you instead of the fight picking right up, but he’s already feeling the feels hit him hard cuz he hates seeing you hurt. Seeing you back to normal, the damage you sustained was really bad; then the worst thought came to his mind. “This-This better not be what I think it is,” he’s saying not looking away from the screen listening to you weakly talk
“Haha don’t give me that look sweetie, I couldn’t just let this be where your journey ends.” Hearing those words and the nickname you used for his character was sad. “To think we’d be able to travel together more, but hey… Promise you won’t stop fighting and could you look after my siblings for me.” Childe is literally crying now that the reality of the situation is clear. If he gets a choice of dialog to choose from he is going to pick the choice that says that he pinky promises
If your character smiled at the choice he wanted to smile but he’s also just sad, you were dying in his character's arms. If you had given a small love confession in the little bit of life that was in you, he’s going to ugly sob and once the fight was starting again he needs to pause by going into his bag
Immediately he goes getting his big plush of you and coming back to hug it and cleaning his tears with his sleeve before looking at the camera. “I wasn’t ready for this, my baby!” He was not expecting to be losing you; he figured that some characters would possibly die but you were the last character he thought would be killed off in the game. There’s Fs in the chat all around and the crying emote; it’s sad boi hours in this chili’s. He doesn't wanna do the fight but also he gotta avenge you so this last stage fight was for you. Afterwards he’s gonna go look at fanart and video edits
After helping some of the other nations and their archon’s fend off the abyss order it was time he headed to Liyue to find you. Of course as usual it wasn’t going to be as easy as running around the harbor until he got word from Xiao that you were in Cuijue Slope. So he headed over to help you before anything seriously bad could happen to you
Getting to the open area there you were fighting against the sibling as you were even in your archon robes. Going in and interrupting the fight his sibling clearly looked annoyed and proceeded to try to get him to side with them which of course he didn’t. A Herald appeared to allow the sibling to get away which the fight with the Herald commenced
Just when Zhongli finished up the fight thinking he had won it strangely went to a cutscene as his character and you started to talk; however it was when the fallen Herald came out of nowhere about to attack his character but must to his surprise you shielded him not only taking the hit, but also using your elemental burst to finish off the enemy. Zhongli is frowning at how badly you were hurt as he already has a bad feeling this wasn’t going to end good; the traveler was helping you sit up after having fallen over
“I’m glad to see that you aren’t hurt my friend.” You said as you certainly have seen better days. “Sadly I believe my time has come… Do not be sad dear friend, I have lived many many years… As knowing you has been life changing. Though rocks change from erosion, know that no time will change how I felt about you.” Your words broke his heart as you had such a soft expression on your face as your body began to glow and before he knew it you turned into particles of light and disappeared. He probably wouldn’t cry at most maybe a tear but he is clearly upset about your passing in game and would take a break to talk to his viewers and maybe look at the fanart that surprisingly had been put out already
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constellarations · 3 years
when you come home with a stray animal
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pairings: xiao, diluc, venti, childe (separate) x gn!reader
warnings: not proofread, childe's real name
notes: first writing post on this blog ? ? ?. also the dog in diluc's has no gender
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XIAO ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
stares at you blankly when you appear with a cat cuddled up in your arms
mortals these days...
he's very. neutral. no opinion, blank face mr. adeptus as always!!
that is, until you oh-so coincidentally have to leave for a commission, leaving xiao alone with that. thing. (cat)
he stares at it, daring it to make a move.
obviously it doesn't. xiao's gaze is very scary, even to animals
"tch, i don't get why [name] likes you so much." xiao says as he crouches down to get a closer look at the feline, unfazed as its pink nose brushed up against his own
to adepti, the term 'cute' was highly unheard of. and to xiao? the closest thing to cute was you
he'd never tell you that, though. nope! absolutely not! the thought makes him writhe in cringe!
Gazing uninterestedly at the cat you had brought home after adventuring in Mondstadt, it was safe to say that Xiao was not amused.
Not only did both you and him have very busy schedules, what were cats even supposed to eat?! Fish? Meat? Grass?
The Yaksha grumbled under his breath, cursing the heavens for leaving him alone with this cat as he'd much rather it be you in its stead.
"Meow," It spoke.
"No," Was all Xiao replied with. He had no time for this, whether it be cat or human interaction, the Adeptus had duties to fulfill! Demons to slay!
". . ."
this cat was just. existing. yet somehow, it really got on his nerves
"what do you want?" xiao queried, paying no mind that he was. in fact. speaking to a cat
xiao just stays there, eyes knit in confusion as the purple rhombus on his head wrinkles in deep thought. deciphering the meaning of this cat's wise words, you come home from your commission to the sight of xiao trying to communicate with a cat
"eh? xiao? are you talking to the cat?"
"what? no. of course not, you mortals think so lowly of us adepti," xiao clicks his tongue and crosses his arms, looking away with an embarrassed expression as the cat sitting besides him clearly says otherwise
"is that so?"
"are you doubting the words of an adeptus?"
you were in fact doubting the words of an adeptus.
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DILUC ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
doesn't really pay much attention to the dog you brought home
of course, diluc's house is huuge! it's no wonder he wouldn't notice a dog wandering around. obviously, he's aware it's a stray, but he doesn't really... care? i mean, he cares because you like it. but otherwise, this dog is of no substance to him
do not. i repeat, do not leave it up to him to name the dog. he'll name it something like "bob" because that's all he could think of
now, diluc starts to notice the dog when you begin bringing it along with you on your dates with him. is that weird? to have a dog thirdwheel his date with you? uh, yeah, it is. diluc doesn't know how to feel about a dog taking up his lover's attention more than him.
"diluc! isn't koko so cute?" you exclaimed, ruffling the dog's head cheerfully as the dog barked in response to its name. koko, koko was a weird name, diluc must admit, but it did sound cute
"yes," what was he supposed to say? '[name], i feel like you're dating koko instead of me now]'???
noticing your lover's hesitant reply, you were quick to acknowledge how stiff diluc was around koko. and it was because of this that you came up with the elaborate, master plan!
"Diluc, are you free?" You peeked in the doorway, observing the typhoon's mounds of paperwork and endless array of business deals, all that were either rejected or accepted were sorted neatly into piles.
"It depends," Diluc responded absentmindedly, "what do you need, [Name]?"
"Can you walk Koko today?"
The pen stopped moving, vermilion eyes trailing up to gaze at you in disbelief.
"Why not the maids?" Diluc wasn't opposed, per se, he was just shocked that you would leave such a job to him. Maybe you didn't enjoy walking Koko as much as he assumed.
"Because I want you to do it!"
the male sighs, conflicted over how your words sway him so easily. of course, he agrees, not knowing what else to say
after he finishes his paperwork and before his nightly duties diluc grabs a leash and takes koko out for a little walk around the winery
(not mondstadt because he has an image to uphold)
honestly? he enjoys it a little. going out for fresh air that doesn't involve battling is in fact, very, very relaxing.
now. after his very first peaceful walk with koko, diluc will begin to appreciate the dog more; bringing home dog toys and different treats, the dawn winery head has now become very soft for an animal
OH!! and diluc sometimes sleeps with koko on his chest!!! so cute
whenever you're out for too long diluc definitely hugs koko in your stead... koko is very fluffy and warm and you love koko so diluc loves them too!!
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VENTI ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
let's just say you brought home a cat.
actually, if you brought home a cat, there would be no home anymore. venti would sneeze the literal roof off your house
so put the cat back, bb. it's okay, you don't need it... not anymore... not when you need a house...
"[Name] is that a... a... cat?!" Venti gasped, standing on top of a kitchen counter as he acted as if the cat had contracted one of the deadliest diseases.
"Get it out!" He yelped, waving his hands around as his nose got redder and redder, sneezes leaving his lips as you sighed.
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CHILDE ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
i saw this hc that childe was terrible around animals and i 100% agree
the moment you bring home a dog, it starts barking at the sight of childe. and no, not like you childe simps barking, its yapping, wanting to get out of the harbinger's presence right away
"[name]? who's this little puppy?" slurring his words like a baby, childe smiled cheerily before crouching down to pet the dog, only for it to bite his hand
". . . uh, i found it."
exchanging a staring contest with each other, childe's bright smile dimmed ever so slightly, a close-eyed expression indicating that "if [name] hadn't brought you home, i'd kill you."
with this dog's existence, it doesn't let childe anywhere near you. and because of that, he hates it. when they think you're not looking, childe and the dog have a piercing staring contest as if to say "what are you going to do? huh?"
of course. they come to a peaceful resolution when a treasure hoarder decides to invade your personal space bubble. obviously, childe could make waste of the good-for-nothing punk, but stepping back with a grin, he let the dog do its work!
cheering in the background, the harbinger was very impressed with the dog's display of [name] protection!
and this. this is the birth of a new friendship.
"Ajax?" You blinked, confused at the way the Harbinger held himself proudly, hands on his hips as the dog sat beside him, wagging its tail.
"That's me!"
"What are you doing?"
"Protecting you!"
"What protecting are you doing?"
The ginger pointed at himself and then at the dog.
He trained the dog to become a guard dog.
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golden-wingseos · 3 years
genshin boys and their toxic traits
featuring —
✧ albedo, diluc, kaeya, childe (separate) x gn!reader
warnings ―
✧ not proofread, albedo story spoilers, diluc story spoilers, mentions of death, mentions of blood
notes ―
✧ hi. also mb i got too intrigued with childe's part that he turned out a lil... 😅😅
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he's too determined to fulfill his master's wishes.
in addition to that, he thinks he's cold. that he has no interest in human luxuries because he is not human. he must find the meaning of the life he creates, all for his master
because all albedo does rounds up back to his master. everything and everyone he ever meets is just a catalyst to him seeing his mentor once more
yet sometimes he second-guesses himself. he sees you, you in all your glory, you and your happiness that he wishes he could capture forever
and then he sees the distant silhouette of his master. so close, yet so so far. he doesn't know if he'll ever see his instructor ever again... but he will try his best.
yes. even if it means leaving you. because at the end of the day, he's here thanks to his mentor. at the end of the day, he will destroy the life he created.
because he is not human. therefore, he will never appreciate being such.
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he's lost so much, he begins to think about whether he'll lose you too
diluc's heart is scarred. it was broken and glued back together, yet it still will never regain its former glory
he does not let people close, yet if they manage to worm their way into his heart... he begins to think. when will you leave him too? when will you realize there's so many better people out there who can actually kiss you in public without recoiling?
he thinks. and he looks at kaeya. kaeya. the man who he once called his brother. the man who betrayed him and stepped on his shattered heart until there was nothing left.
the two of them are like fire and ice, yet they stem from the same tree. the same winery, but kaeya was able to move forward.
so he pushes you away. he pushes you away to spare himself the pain of the future. he thinks, you'll have a better life without me. i can live without you.
and like a double-edged sword, he drifts closer to you. diluc has seen death so many times, yet he cannot bring himself to appreciate the true beauty of life
so as you hold his hand, as you kiss his crimson lips and as you play with his vermilion hair, diluc thinks.
please don't leave me.
he begs. he begs to nobody, he begs to the stars and to barbatos who he knows is getting wasted in his own tavern
he begs that the world will be merciful and allow you to stay beside him. something that many of his loved ones were unable to do
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kaeya's too secretive
but he thinks. this is for the better. the result is good, so it's okay. he keeps his business away from you, not wanting to dampen your mood. he keeps his work life and 70% of himself secret because he doesn't want you to realize who he truly is
and throughout all of this, he thinks— "what i'm doing is right. it's okay. i'm keeping you safe." yet he overlooks the most important part of a relationship:
sometimes, you come home to an empty house with no notes, no hints to kaeya's whereabouts. sometimes he doesn't return for a week or two. sometimes you think he's died.
and then he comes strolling in like it's okay, that it's a normal day.
kaeya overlooks such basic components of life because he's too holed up thinking that he's right. he's right for keeping his dark connections away from you. he's right because he's protecting you
yet in the long-run, who will you trust? will you trust that he'll come home to you? will he come home to you? there's so much going on, yet it seems like there's nothing at all
because he's protecting you. he's shielding you. he's keeping you safe from the coldness of his business
and only until you leave does he realize: i was wrong.
it's funny. it's funny how even though kaeya's past is like sand in the wind, it still caught up to him now
old habits die hard, right?
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childe's selfish.
no, he's not selfish in the way where he doesn't share anything. in fact, that's the opposite. anything you want, he'll give it to you. the world? done. the rabbit charm? sure!
he's selfish because he kills. he kills to satisfy his needs, he fights because of the adrenaline rush
he wants more. childe wants power, he wants so much yet the world gives him so little
he comes home bloodied and battered. he goes out on fatui business that lasts up to months. and with all of this, you're left wondering—when will he leave me too?
if you don't grow with childe, you're nothing to him. literally. if you can't keep up with his speed and constant wars, it's about time he leaves you because you're nothing but a hindrance
in addition to those feeding insecurities, childe rarely sends messages back. sometimes you're left going for months without a single letter because he's too focused on the mission at hand, on getting his gloves dirty and covered with crimson liquid
childe loves you, really.
but if one day you stop getting stronger like he is, then he's not so sure if the term love can be used anymore
"the world belongs to those who desire to become strong," childe says. he says it because he's strong, he desires and wants and dreams and goes.
so if you cannot say the same, then don't expect him to come home at all.
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genshin-no-simp · 3 years
Diluc x Reader (Smut)
Pairing: Diluc x You/Reader (Female)
6.4k words below the cut.
You liked Kaeya, a lot. And everybody knows it, including the blue haired Captain himself. You tried not to make it so obvious but when Kaeya flirted on with you it was hard trying not to fawn over him.
Currently you were sat in Angel's Share, happily chatting away with Diluc who was behind the bar tonight. You enjoyed his company even if he was a bit rough around the edges. That's what made him so charming, you thought.
"You think Kaeya likes me too?" You asked the red head, who shrugged his shoulders in response while polishing the wine glass.
"It's hard to say but I think so?" For Diluc it was hard watching the woman he fell in love with go on about another man. But he wanted you to be happy even if it wasn't with him. Because for him seeing your smile and happy face was enough for him.
"Hmm okay. I was only wondering since he asked me what my favourite flowers were the other day." You smiled softly at the memory.
"Well it's certainly a possibility..." Diluc couldn't help but frown and feel a tad bit jealous. He wanted to know what your favourite flower was too. Just as he was about to ask, the door to the tavern opened and in came the devil himself along with a woman clung to his side, holding a bouquet of cecilias. Diluc could piece together what's happening.
"(Y/N), don't turn around." He spoke softly, despite the anger seering through him.
You looked at him nervously, "W-why?" You asked in equal softness. What was behind you.
"Ah (Y/N)!" Kaeya cheerily called out. Your heart leaped out of your chest in delight and you spun around to greet him.
"(Y/N)." Diluc wanted to reach out and stop you but it was far too late. Besides its not like he could've done anything to keep you from knowing.
You felt you heart drop at the sight. Who was this woman? Why was she clinging to his arm and why did she have a bouquet of your favourite flowers. Kaeya caught your stare and smirked a little.
"Ah this is my girlfriend?" Kaeya stated ever so casually.
It was as if your world had come crashing down on you. And though you wanted to run away and cry, you held strong and pulled your best smile.
"Aww, that's great. I'm happy for you. Despite the overwhelming saddness you felt, you were happy for him.
...who were you trying to fool? You weren't happy at all. For anyone. Especially that bitch.
You turned away from them, picking up your glass that had been empty since before this perdicament. You sighed feeling even worse, you just wanted to drown your sorrows away. You could feel your eyes burn with tears as you gazed at the bar counter. As you chewed on the inside of your lip, Diluc slid a fresh glass of wine to you.
"Thanks," you forced a smile.
"Don't worry about it." It was the least he could do to try and cheer you up.
That certainly was unexpected. Diluc looked over to the table that now occupied Kaeya and his supposed girlfriend. Who even was she? Diluc didn't regconise her, and he knows everyone in Mondstadt. From what Diluc could deduct, Kaeya was acting no different than usual. He didn't even look as if he wanted to be with that women. So just what was he up to? Regardless of what it was, Diluc knew it wasn't going to be good.
After a while you couldn't stand how happy that girl was. Laughing and giggling like that, it was like she was doing it on purpose to piss you off.
It should be you! You stood from your seat at the bar and fished into your pocket.
"It's fine, (Y/N)." Diluc shook his head. He wasn't about to take money from you, when you hadn't been ordering. He's been the one giving you drinks on the house.
"Oh no, I couldn't Diluc." You continued to rummage through your pocket.
"(Y/N), it's okay. You just head home." He gave you a gentle smile. There was something about it that made you smile back even though you didn't want to.
"I appreciate it." You said your goodbyes with Diluc and didn't stop yourself from taking one final look at Kaeya. You regret doing so when you saw him kiss her hand.
Little did you know, he had planned that. He was watching you the entire time, waiting for the right moment.
When you got into the comfort of your bed, you cried. And you cried till you had fallen asleep. When you had woken up the next morning, the headache you had was unreal but it didn't come close to the ache in your heart. Well heartbroken or not life must go on and you had work to do. It was spring now and the tailors you worked at was getting in the spring stock. You had to be there earlier than usual to help set up shop. This would be a good way to distract yourself from Kaeya.
It has been two weeks since you last saw the Cavalry Captain. Safe to say you avoided all his usual spots, and just when you thought you were over him, he pops out of nowhere.
"Well look who it is. I haven't seen you in a while. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were purposefully ignoring me." Kaeya smiled but it seemed to only darken his facial features.
"Of course not. I've just been super busy with work. I haven't even been to the tavern in a while." You giggled hoping he wouldn't question you.
While it wasn't a lie, you were busy with work, especially now in spring a lot more people came in for custom orders. But you weren't run ragged that you couldn't visit the tavern. It was just the other place you avoided like the plague considering it's where Kaeya went when he had time off. Though you were sad you couldn't see Diluc. But were you certain he understood why you didn't go. You would have to make a plan to visit him.
"Hmm," Kaeya leaned in close which made you blush, "well in that case, it looks like you're free now. How about accompanying me to the tavern tonight?" He pinched a strand of your hair between his fingers bringing it to his lips. It was unfair how much this man was affecting you right now.
"I would but I don't think you're girlfriend would like that very much." You sounded a lot more displeased then you had anticipated but Kaeya on the other hand seemed to be pleased with how upset it made you.
"Oh that little bird." Kaeya paused for a bit, "she broke up with me." Kaeya placed a hand over his heart, giving you a sad face. You own expression softening.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Maybe now is your chance.
"Well then, I'll ask again. Will you keep me company tonight?" He leaned in close to you again, you shyly looked away with a blush forming in your cheeks.
"Okay, just for a little while then." You couldn't help but give into him.
You felt yourself spiral down the path that is Kaeya. Ever since his so called girlfriend had broken up with him, he had been back to your side, well more like he had you wrapped around his finger. You were like his personal little puppy.
Kaeya found it highly amusing how quick you were to run to his side at his beck and call, and that's what made it all the more sweeter to watch you break when he was tired of you.
Which was one of those times, you cried softly at the bar in Angel's Share.
Diluc had closed the tavern early upon seeing your disheveled state when you had entered the bar. Now he sat beside you with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. You rested your head on his and sniffled pathetically.
Diluc couldn't stand to see you like this. He was so heartbroken and he didn't know what to do to help. Killing Kaeya might do the trick. It would definitely devastated you but you would get over him, it would be worth it, in the long run, he wouldn't have to deal with the irritable captain himself. No Diluc wasn't going to kill Kaeya even if he was really tempted right now. As Diluc held you, he wondered what Kaeya was even thinking. Why would he play with your emotions like this? You're such a sweet and caring girl. You were also very hardworking. It wasn't fair on you to be treated this way especially when Kaeya knew you liked him. Kaeya doesn't even deserve your attention. But he doesn't know how to tell you, or if you would even accept it. And maybe he shouldn't tell you how he feels about you, it's probably best if he just stays as your emotional support. It was better that nothing, he thought. He didn't want to ruin anything.
"I'm sorry Diluc. I don't mean to go on like a baby. I just don't understand. Why am I so stupid?" You sniffled, trying your best to dry up your tears that seemed to fall endlessly.
"You're not stupid. Why would you think that?" It made Diluc upset to hear you degrade yourself like that.
"Because I've realized that Kaeya doesn't care about me at all. I'm only a plaything for when he gets bored. Yet I can't seem to stop him." You covered your face with your hands, and began to cry again.
Diluc thought about it for a while. You needed a distraction from Kaeya. He had a plan for that but he didn't know if you would agree to it. The next thing you needed was to stay away from him. But that seemed to prove very difficult for you to do. Diluc would think of something.
"I can help you." Diluc spoke softly giving you a gently squeeze.
You whimpered looking at him. You dreaded to know what you looked like. Red puffy eyes with a equally red and runny nose. The epitome of unattractive ness. Yet Diluc still thought you were as gorgeous as ever.
"You can?" You blew your nose with a tissue.
"You need a distraction, so use me." Diluc was being so soft with you. Since he was always so stoic and monotone it was weird seeing him like this but it was certainly pleasant. Somewhere it made you feel special.
"Use you?" You weren't too sure what he meant at first but then it clicked, "No Diluc, I can't." You shook your head.
He was afraid of this, not that he didn't expect it of course. He knew you weren't that type of person.
"It's fine, I want to help you." His arm around your shoulder dropped to your waist pulling you closer to his side. Your breath caught in your throat. He was pleasantly warm.
"But I can't do that to you." It wasn't right. You couldn't use Diluc in that type of way. You'd rather go to a brothel...maybe not you weren't too fond of the either of random men touching you.
Diluc lifted your chin so you were looking at him. His ruby eyes pierced through you, lighting your core on fire, "I don't want some random person touching you." He couldn't help but frown at the idea, that some strange man or woman would touch you and...no that wasn't going to happen. He wouldn't allow it.
You found it incredibly sweet but strange, why was he so adamant about it? That's when you figured it out.
"Diluc...do you have feelings for me?" You asked softly while looking up at him.
He averted his eyes from you briefly. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised that you figured it out. But now it would be even harder for him to get you to agree.
"I do." He looked back at you.
It made sense now why he was different with you. Why he was so gentle and soft with you. And that's why you couldn't accept his offer.
"And that's why I can't." Your voice as below a whisper as he brought his face closer to yours.
"You don't need to worry about my feelings. Let me help." He cupped your cheek. Your heart began to race. Was this really okay?
"I'll make you a promise. We can set boundaries later, for now just submit yourself." Diluc closed the gap between your lips and kissed you.
You didn't make any move to stop him and instead gave into him. Diluc was glad to feel you had accepted when he felt your lips press back against his. He pulled up you off your stool and onto his lap. Your legs draped either side of him as you straddled him. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pressed yourself against Diluc's chest while his hands gripped tightly at you hips.
Diluc had to admit it was nice finally having you against him like this. So much so he was having a hard time holding himself back. But he had to for your sake. This was about you after all. And he was going to do everything he could to get you to forget about Kaeya.
Slowly he removed himself from you. You panted softly feeling a little sad at the loss. A light blush dusted your cheeks. Diluc removed himself from his seat and gently he set you onto the ground.
"I have a room above the tavern." He took your hand and lead you out of Angel's Share and up the stairs that were connected to it.
You were always curious as to what this room was but you never thought it would be a living quarters. Thought it did make sense, the Dawn Winery was a quite a distance away.
Upon entering Diluc made sure you were completely comfortable before he did anything, even if he himself was getting incredibly restless and uncomfortable in his pants.
Diluc started by gently kissing your neck while his hands lightly roamed your body. Slowly but surely he removed each layer of clothing, making sure to give every part I'd your body equal attention.
Kissing, licking, sucking, touching.
Every action drove you deeper into ecstasy. Soon you were tugging his clothes off. Your back arched as you let out a moan. You gripped the bedsheets below you tightly as you felt Diluc enter you. His large girth stretched you wide despite all the prep work he did with his mouth and fingers. You pulled him close latching yourself onto his lips. Diluc groaned softly into yours as he ravaged you. He would enjoy this type of intimacy while it lasted.
Your climax was nearing and quick, you begged to Diluc to go faster and he happily complied. Picking up the pace he thrust into you deeply. It wasn't long till you were coming all over him with a loud moan. Which in turn caused Diluc to cum inside the condom he had on. He panted softly as he slowed his thrusts to help you ride out your high.
Once your breathing returned to normal, Diluc slid out and sat at the edge of the bed. You rolled onto your side and your eyes fell on his back which was married with scars. You realized just how hard he worked to keep Mondstadt safe. You reached out with your hand to touch his back when he turned his head to look at you. Quickly you retracted your hand.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
You gave a gentle smile. Honestly you felt great and it was thanks to Diluc.
"Yeah I am." You yawned soon after and giggled, "just a little sleepy."
Diluc smiled in return, "well you can sleep here if you want. I still have some things I need to take care of." He said as he started to dress himself.
You took Diluc up on his offer and after he was gone, you dressed yourself and was soon fast asleep. When you woke up the next morning, you could hear the birds chirping.
"Good morning." Diluc's voice called out from the mini kitchen. He brought over a cup of coffee for you, which you gladly accepted. Then he handed you a piece of paper.
"Morning. What's this?" You took a sip from your cup and looked at the paper now in your hand.
"I told you, we would set some boundaries right?" He sounded a bit indifferent.
"Ah right." You nodded and you both proceeded to set up your boundaries.
When the list was complete, these were the conditions:
1. No kissing.
2. No frontal sex.
3. No hickies.
4. No oral (except you receiving).
5. No aftercare.
You felt a bit guilty about the fact that Diluc didn't ask for anything in return. But he reassured you that he was fine, since this wasn't about him anyway. He was doing this for you which in the end made you feel even worse. But you accepted it.
Whenever you needed the distraction, Diluc was always there to provide for you. You did your best not to go to him too often. You were glad you were still able to talk to him and hang out around him without things being weird. And it was thanks to the boundaries that you two had set. Diluc too was happy you didn't distance yourself from him and he did his utmost best to contain his feelings for you so he wouldn't make things awkward, even if it was difficult for him. Though he supposed it wasn't all that bad, he got to have you after all. He just wished you actually his.
You had to admit Diluc had helped you a lot by doing this for you. You just wished you could do something in return for him but you didn't know what, so instead, in your time off and after work and providing Diluc wasn't gone off somewhere you would take the chance to learn about him. You found that the both of you had a few things in common. Like birds for instance. You loved birds they were so beautiful and graceful. There were also so many different types. So you were delighted to find out that Diluc had his own bird companion and you were ecstatic when he showed you his nightingale. You were like a giddy child when you were able to pet him. Diluc fell harder for you after this moment. It was becoming harder for him to keep this up.
The more time you spent with Diluc, the more you thought about the red head. He was so different to Kaeya in every way. For one he actually cared about you and your feelings, he didn't use you for his own amusement. And everytime you were near him you felt so at ease like nothing else in the world matter. This feeling that you had towards the Pyro user...was it love? But then what had you felt for Kaeya? Perhaps Kaeya was just an infatuation. You were confused, you had to think about it more.
It's been about a month now since you started this arrangement with Diluc. Things had gotten a better for you. You didn't fawn over Kaeya as much as you used to. Naturally the blue headed male noticed and he was hardly amused by it. But he could still sway you every now and again. You still had no idea why he held this power over you, you guessed you still weren't fully over him. That was until both Kaeya and Diluc got sent out on a mission together.
You had no idea how Jean had managed to persuade Diluc into working for the Knights never mind with Kaeya. It made you a little nervous when they had both left Mondstadt. You knew about they're unstable relationship and honestly you were more worried about Diluc than you were with Kaeya. Diluc was more temperamental. He fell into Kaeya's bait traps everytime. You couldn't help but pray that everything would be okay and that Kaeya wouldn't annoy Diluc too much.
You were starting to get incredibly restless as the days went by. The boys still hadn't returned and it's been five days now. They should have been back by now. To keep yourself from worrying to death you kept busy at work and you tried not to bother Jean or the other Knights too much with regards to them. Jean reassured you that you would be the first person she would notify once they had returned.
During their time away it gave you time to think about both of them and what they meant to you.
When you thought about Kaeya. His looks and appearance was the first thing that caught your attention. He was exotic and unfathomably handsome. He was hot sure but his personality was a major let down. All he did was use people for his own gain and amusement, he didn't really care about anyone but himself, as long as his plan went accordingly, that's all he cared about.
When you thought about Diluc. He made you happy. Neither his looks nor personality was what came to mind first but instead it was how he made you feel. He actually made you feel appreciated and loved. Of course you knew his true feelings for you and that's one of the reasons he was so kind to you but even before you knew, he still treated you kindly and respected you. But besides that you found him adorable. He wasn't used to affection or having friends so sometimes he came across meaner than intended and his intentions were pure, it's what made him cute. And its not like he wasn't attractive. In fact he was absolutely stunning. Dressed or undressed.
You blushed deeply thinking about it. You only ever get to see him naked briefly before you were face down on the mattress. You felt your body grow hot thinking about it. Kaeya was never as thoughtful as Diluc. Diluc only thought about your feelings, he was never selfish. If anything you felt like the selfish one.
But you would change that, you understood now. Diluc was the one you loved and for a while now not Kaeya. You only hoped Diluc still felt the same.
As you were walking home one evening, there was a commotion at the front gates. Curious you went over to investigate. Your heart both leapt with joy and sunk at the same time. In an instant you were over to Diluc's injured body, swating away the other Knights who dared try to help. Diluc was surprised to see you and how protective you were being of him but he was grateful, not to mention the happiness that he felt was unreal. He couldn't stop the small blush that graced his porcelain skin.
Kaeya on the other hand finally understood why it had been getting increasingly harder to charm you. He was annoyed he had to find a new plaything to train.
You walked Diluc to the room above Angel's Share upon his request. You had insisted on going to Barbara but Diluc was adamant that he didn't need to see a healer. You only sighed and instead began to patch him up instead after you convinced him to take a bath. Now with clean skin you could clearly see all the wounds on his body not only that but he definitely had at least one broken rib with how deep his side was bruised.
"Diluc, you-"
"I don't need a helaer." He cut you off. You frowned looking at him. You knew the basics of first aid but that was about it. This was out of your comfort zone.
"I'll tell you what to do." He could see the worry in your eyes. It wasn't the first time he's been injured like this or even worse. He's learnt how to deal with all sorts of injuries by himself. This thought upset you. Diluc's been alone for so long and he's been willing to let you in. You wouldn't waste it.
You gave a small nod and followed his instructions. Who knew sweet flower oil and mist flowers combined had healing properties? Not you, but you did now. You began to bandage his wounds after thoroughly rubbing the oil onto his skin. It felt nice to be able to touch him. If he wasn't so injured you would've pounced on him here and now. You made sure to be careful not to wrap the bandage too tight. Sitting back you observed his body more, just like his back, his chest and arms were also littered with scars. Your heart swelled thinking again about how much he does to protect his home and it's people.
"What's wrong?" He asked. You didn't realize you had spaced out while staring at his chest. Lifting your gaze to his you gave a small shake of your head.
"Oh it's nothing." You smiled.
"Are you sure? Do you need-"
It was you're turn to cut him off, "You're in no state doe that. Besides that's not it. I was just thinking." You said packing away the access oil and bandages.
Diluc tilted his head to the side. You giggled softly, "don't worry Diluc. I was only thinking about you." You winked.
Diluc blushed deeply and to distract himself he began putting his shirt back on. Once he was a little calmer he asked you why.
"Because you need rest, you work too hard." You grabbed his coat from him, and he gaped in shock.
"Well if you want this you'll have to get in here." You pulled the duvet back revealing the tempting bedsheet underneath.
"Are you trying to blackmail me with my coat?" He asked not even believing it when he said it out loud.
You gave a soft giggled, "I mean, if it's working than yes." Diluc couldn't help but chucked himself.
"Alright then." Diluc smiled softly.
He decided to give you this one and get into bed. Besides he would need to recover his strength quickly in case you needed him.
As soon as Diluc had recovered you had visited him at the Dawn Winery. Where you sat straddling his lap, your hand in his hair as you ravaged his lips.
Diluc was surprised when you had unexpectedly arrived at the manor and whisked him away to his office. You would've taken him to his bedroom but that was too far unlike his office, where you had him seated on the couch. It was unlike you to ever initiate like this, Diluc was unsure what to think of it, but he would be lying if he wasn't enjoying it. The feeling of your lips against his as your tongues fought for dominance, that he gladly gave to you once he felt the fervour and intensity you held. And the feeling of your fingers tangled in his disheveled fiery hair you light tugs every now and again was driving him insane.
But what did this mean? Perhaps it was best not to know, in case he recieved an answer he didnt want to hear. But he didn't want to do this anymore. Especially if this is what it was coming to. But he would soon find his fears were for nothing.
Removing your lips from his a string of saliva connected you to him.
"Diluc?" You whispered softly, removing your hand from his hair you cupped his cheek gently, rubbing your thumb over his plump moist lips.
Diluc shivered under your touch as his lips parted ever so slightly. Experimentally you slipped your thumb inside his mouth. Diluc let out a soft moan as he sucked on your finger. A satisfied hum escaped your throat.
"Diluc?" You asked again, removing your hand from his face.
His eyes meet yours in silent question. His chest heaved with heavy breaths.
"Do...do you still love me?" You couldn't stop the shake in your voice.
Without hesitation he spoke, "of course I do." His hands gripped your hips tightly as he pulled you closer to his chest. You bit your lip feeling his erection through his pants.
"Thank goodness," you pressed yourself against him, closing any distance that was between you two, "I love you too."
Without giving him any time to really process you smashed your lips against his once again.
You loved him? Diluc never thought he would hear those words come from your mouth, as sad as that sounded. He couldn't help but push you away. which left you quite upset.
"Diluc?" Your heart sunk. Did he not actually love you?
Diluc saw the hurt in your eyes and immediately regret pushing you away but he needed to be clear about this.
"Sorry, I just want to be sure." He felt guilty about it but it had to be done.
Now you felt selfish, being so greedy and not taking Diluc's feelings into consideration. So you cupped his cheeks resting your forehead against his.
"Sorry I was being a bit selfish wasn't I?" You smiled softly, "but it's true, I love you. And it's not like how I was with Kaeya, he was an infatuation I realized. But you Diluc, I want to be with you. I don't want to be apart from you."
Diluc could hear and see the love and affection you had for him, he didn't know why he had doubted you, but he just wanted to be on the same page.
"I'm sorry it took so long, it must've been tough for you. But I promise, this is a two way street now," your eyes shone mischievously. Diluc was both nervous and excited at the same time.
"Diluc~" you cooed into his ear.
A shiver went down Diluc's spine as he gave a little hmm, that more came out as a moan than a question.
"You've done so much for me." You licked the shell of his ear. You felt his grip tighten on your hips holding you desperately close.
"Let me," you gave his ear a little kitten lick, "show you my appreciation." You lightly nibbled and sucked on his ear while grinding down against him.
Diluc gasped, his hips instinctively bucking up into you. You let out a little "ah" into his ear before working down his jaw with soft butterfly kisses. You made quick work of his dress shirt. You were grateful he wasn't wearing his coat or his vest. Dragging your fingers down his chest, you attacked his neck with your mouth, you began leaving dark hickies on his pale skin.
Diluc's hands moved on their own, one travelling up your shirt, his bare hand caressed your waist, squeezing and pulling you closer, while the other had slipped into your shorts to massage your butt cheek.
You hummed in delight, your hands dropping further down his abdomen to his black pants. You teasingly tugged on them, eliciting a grunt from the male beneath you.
You gave him one final kiss on the lips before lowering yourself off his lap and onto your knees, pulling his pants down with you. Diluc watched impatiently as you slide your hands up his thighs, you could feel how the muscles on his thighs tensed under your touch. You giggled softly, it was cute watching him squirm for your touch. You reached up further palming him through his boxers. Diluc bit his lip, it was so unbearably tight but it felt good at the same time.
"(Y/N)." He wanted you and he was getting a little desperate.
"Just be a little more patient love~" you cooed softly giving him a few strokes. Diluc grunted tilting his head back. That's when you took the opportunity to pull his boxers down, freeing his hard leaking member.
Your eyes widened at the sight, you couldn't believe how he could fit inside you. But you weren't going to complain. Spreading his legs slightly so you could sit between them, you leaned down licking his tip. Diluc shuddered picking his head back up to gaze down at you just as you took his tip into your mouth.
Diluc's hand found purchase in your hair, the feeling of your hot mouth around him caused him to push you further down. He wanted to feel more of you. You moaned around him, your mouth stretching wide to try and accommodate his size. You gave soft sucks while pressing your tongue against a vein on the underside of his member. Diluc bucked into your mouth, pushing deeper inside. You winched softly due to the light burning sensation in your mouth. It would take some time before you got used to this, but you weren't going to back out so soon.
Diluc moaned giving your cheek a gentle rub. As if it apologize for the pain. Your eyes fluttered closed at the simple gesture. Diluc could feel how you relaxed your mouth, deciding to be a little selfish he thrust into your mouth again. You choked on a moan as your eyes opened to gaze up at him. His eyes meet yours with a burning passion that set your core on fire. You couldn't help but moan at the sight. Each moan you made sent vibrations down Diluc's throbbing member. He began to thrust lightly into your mouth, he didn't want to hurt you after all. But you wouldn't mind if he was a little rougher with you. So you reached up with your hand, sliding it from his thigh to his balls, and massaged them.
"Shit." Diluc swore as he furrowed his eyebrows, his hips jotted upwards roughly into your mouth, his tip brushing the back of your throat. You did you best not to gag, and moaned around him. Your saliva dripped out the corners of your mouth and down the sides of Diluc's cock.
Diluc didn't know how much longer he could last like this. You truly were a sight to behold, watching you struggle to take his cock but yet do so well for your first time with him.
"B-baby, wait," he called out as he slowed his thrusts. You took his cock out your mouth with a wet pop. You licked your lips panting softly through lidded eyes.
You stood up and slipped free from your clothing, letting it pool on the ground. Once you were bare in front of him Diluc wasted on time in pulling you back onto his lap. Diluc could feel how wet you were for him, when his cock slipped between your folds.
"Look how excited you are." He cooed, pressing his tip against your needy hole.
"Oh Luc please," you firmly gripped his shoulders as you pushed yourself down onto him.
Diluc grinned as his nails dug onto the flesh of your hips.
"You beg me, yet proceed to take matters into your own hands." He certainly was not complaining. In fact it thoroughly turned him on, he was loving this side of you.
Instead of giving him a proper reply you mewled out his name, and continued to sink onto his cock. You never got used to this feeling. How he stretched you out and filled you so good. Your walls tightened around Diluc as he helped you up and back down onto him. Despite his previous sessions with you, this felt so different and so good. It was intimate.
Bringing your lips to his slightly parted ones, you stuck your tongue inside and began bouncing up and down on him. Diluc moaned into your mouth but this time dominance was his. He pushed your tongue back into your mouth as he claimed your hot cavern for himself. Your hands fell from his shoulders and to his chest, your fingers grazing over his nipples. Diluc groaned feeling you clench around him again. Breaking the kiss he pushed you down onto the couch as he spread your legs wide. You wanted to protest but this new position allowed Diluc to hit that special spot inside you. All previous thoughts disappeared as Diluc rammed into. You screamed in pleasure as he abused your g-spot that he's learnt so well.
Between your moans was the wet slapping sound as Diluc thrust into you. Your slick coated his length and seeped out of your pussy, it made it so easy for Diluc to ram into you. Diluc leaned down to attack your open neck, your arms instantly wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. Just as you did, Diluc left many love bites on your skin, from your neck to your chest.
You could feel the familiar knot bubble inside you, and Diluc could feel it. He could feel how your body trembled and your walls convulse around him, sucking him in deeper. He panted and groaned gripping your hips he lifted them up. Throwing your head back you came heavily on Diluc's cock. His grip tightened and he came inside you. You let out one final moan as you felt him fill you up. It was hot.
Diluc waited a few moments before pulling out of you and gently placing your hips back down. You let out soft gasps as you came down from your high. You gazed up at Diluc and smiled reaching out for him. The red head returned your smile and leaned down, letting you pull him down onto your chest as you held him close.
Diluc muzzled into your breasts letting out a content sigh. That's when he realized he didn't use protection and started freaking out. He pulled away from you in a panic, the abruptness scared you as you held your arms to your chest.
"What's wrong?" You asked concerned.
"I didn't use protection." He wasn't against having children, he just didn't want to have any too soon.
But you only sighed in relief waving him off, "it's fine, I started taking birth control, a while ago."
Diluc looked at you with a raised eyebrow, "define, a while ago."
"Right after you returned from your mission." You sat up to face him properly.
Diluc found himself smirking, "oh so you planned this?"
You couldn't help but blush and look away from him without answer. Which resulted in a chuckle from the Winery owner.
You were gently pushed back down onto the couch, "I mean I'm not going to complain, I get to fill you up until I'm satisfied."
You shuddered in delight and pulled him closer, "I'll take everything you give me."
Diluc grinned, "good girl." He praised sliding back into your still wet hole.
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