#there are so many characters there and theyre just the teens
arodykeism · 1 year
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vote for sol in the @doomed-bythe-narrative showdown
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mr-orion · 8 days
So happy i picked up one of those "How to Draw Anime" books in high-school, went "looks disingenuous" and never gave them another glance. We may have avoided an alternate Orion who's art is stunted by the stale bread of the anime style
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
you think your life is hard try being an adult sonic fan who wants cool sonic shirts and also prefers modern sonic over classic sonic
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queerticulate · 2 years
Steve Harrington was out there "crushing on" a lesbian. Mentoring weird little kids. Constantly getting himself in jealousy dynamics with guys his age. Not really connecting with any girls after playing out a very 'heteronormative fantasy' relationship with a girl who didnt love him. He's got massive closeted queer teen vibes and his character is wasted on the stranger things writers.
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13eyond13 · 2 years
#half watched the stranger things s4 finale while my roomie was watching it this week#and from the pov of somebody who hasn't rly kept up with it since the first season it was just like#screaming crying teenagers and sentimental speeches and hollywood tearful love confessions and death scenes#and goofy black and white villainy and idk dhdjsksks#every character was on my nerves the entire time basically and idk if its just me being cranky or too old for it or what#like im too young for 80s nostalgia and too old to care about teen love triangles so im just sitting there like...#i just am impatiently awaiting more details about the new show because i have nothing new to say about DN otherwise#and im glad something new is coming but i just get the bad sense the duffer brothers priorities and tastes will not at all line up#with what makes DN good#the vibes are almost opposite and they also seem really corny in a way too#i like sincerity and heart in shows too but idk almost none of the stranger things cast actually feels real to me#and there are far too many of them by now#theyre right saying it isnt game of thrones... like that many characters should only exist in a world that vast#and with that many moving plot points#there is not enough going on in hawkins to warrant populating it with 2 dozen separate guys i have to get to know and also care about#ANYWAY im sorry to be so grumpy im honestly just bored and badly want something new to discuss#duff note#stranger things spoilers#p
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chisatowo · 2 years
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4 out of five protags have been assigned! Got jumpscared by this guy so they exist now dhdmhdjdh
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smrtnik07 · 2 months
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librarians redesigned!!! by me!!! :)
the designs are free to use, i used this as a character design exercise for myself while recovering from carpal tunnel issues! read more for all the individual designs + me ranting :*
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first off roland!! i included an angelica in here, i designed her before him, shes very triangular to me.. maybe a bit more messed up than roland tells us about, he is a biased narrator afterall. anyways i wanted his design to match hers nicely, so hes like a rounded square type of guy... i think projmoon designed him to be Just A Guy intentionally, so i played into it. overall the least interesting design of the bunch imo. its on purpose :)
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angela !!! my baby :) an important thing here is her bangs. i dont want her hair to be able to recover from however many years she spent with the hard middle part in lobcorp, i think its cute to incorporate it still. swoopy, fluffy hair for her! and the clothes are just a bit more casual idk the librarian uniforms were kinda boring and stiff to me, as much as it does go with her character.. if u wanna be human u gotta experience the joy of sweatpants or whatever. also i didnt add color but i dont want her to be fully white<3 or fully clear skinned.. give her sunspots on her face. she finally gets to experience sun. :)
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guess ill go in order of appearance lol. malkuth! whats the headband for if it doesnt keep anything out of her face!! since shes a bit more active than some of her colleagues, i also gave her a ponytail(its also for the silhouette...) also gave her some chubbier thighs.. also maybe a butler-esque coat, at least to me; i just made it a bit more form fitting than the original. playing into her personality or whatever. shes cute.. remember to take deep breaths!!
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yesod!! i want to play into the skin issues a bit more, i still removed his gloves but i gave him a poncho, not just for the square silhouette im trying to build but for more coverage. also emo hair over eyes was funny. also wide flare pants for you, boy. just very square and put together in general
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hod! this ones my favorite (i even cared enough to give her a pattern on that skirt!!) it was kinda bugging me how in the artbook i couldnt tell who was writing because hod's, malkuth's, and tiphereth's colors are so similar. so hod is pink now, and malkuth a bit more orange. i kinda went for a romantic poet thing here, dunno how much that worked out, but i think out of everyone you can tell shes the literature girl. gave her pigtails !! theyre cute :> also since i removed the coat decoration off of angela, i gave part of it to hod in the bottom of her coat :). cute and round!
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netzach is a very strange man to me.. ellipse shape and loose fitting clothes for u. if i saw him irl i wouldnt approach him. not to say i dont like him as a character, i love him, but i want him to look like a depressed guy who would pick up art as a hobby to distract himself and it works. bro is just surviving out there. also gave him comfy clothes to make the surviving easier, down to the shoes and wide, id assume non-denim pants - maybe cotton? maybe sweatpants that dont fit around the ankle? who knows.
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tiphereth!! since she's like the teen girl of the group i gave her a skater dress, converse, and a tied coat around her waist.. like how i used to wear as a teen when i was being a hater and recovering from a death in the family that changed my entire life (im still a teen ... 9 more days till im 20 as of posting this). also gave her fishnets i think she would like that. i imagine she would get headaches bc of those dumb braids on her head<3 or maybe bc her coworkers are kinda dumb<3
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gebura :) round face, reverse triangle shaped body.. like a true butch lesbian stereotype.. i decided a leather jacket, docs and pants i see metalheads wear would fit her! red leather jacket, of course. also gave her spiky hair just like projmoon did<3 my favorite detail here are the eyebrows, i think their shape is rlly neat! nvm i think its just that gebura is rlly neat. anyways the eyebrows fit her
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chesed my boy.. idk i just saw him and hit him with the transmasc beam and gave him , as the kids say, wh0re eyes. i wanted him to have rounder hips and just be round in general. turtleneck and cardigan combo also, i think he would like wearing that. also somewhat curlier hair, or at least wavy would do him well! and a tote bag, i dont doubt that he would go out to read in coffee shops if he could - so he gets a tote bag to carry his sociology books. i want him to look like he would give the warmest, comfiest hugs and be friend shaped
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binah!! this one was the most challenging, trying to find the right place for the colors - to not use too little or too much yellow. i still dont think i got it right but this is as close as im getting. long face, long nose, siren-ish eyes.. messed up in the head bird lady that speaks like hannibal! i also dont think a dress really suits her so i opted for wide pants and a fancy black button up .. maybe angela styled her, who knows. also black fingertips which is a trait i like to give the arbiters (including an oc).. just my own little consistency thing i like to do :)
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hi grandpa! ok for hokma i dont think the changes are that big? i gave him O shaped legs and his sword thing i turned into a walking cane, gave him a vest (didnt want to opt for a corset but i think he would enjoy the back support for proper posture) . also gave him a mild gradient from darker gray to lighter gray, since he IS the gray part of the ABC trio. gave him salt and pepper hair and an older face. forgot to draw it, but i wanted to give him a silicone tip for the sword so it doesnt dull out, which he can take off when recieving guests
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honorary mention to go along with the angelica i mentioned with roland, i mildly changed up her twin(k) brother. i gave argalia and angie the same hair but mirrored, his a bit more curly and hers a bit more spikey, his face a bit more edgy, hers a bit rounder and kinder. not much else to say here, i liked his design as is, but wanted to add him here :)
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total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
hi idk if this has been said but . pls hear my vision… lindsay and noah platonic duo. brains and the beauty. noahs the brains. lindsays the beauty. noahs like “jeez this girl is dumb i cn manipulate her or smth” but then he starts warming up to her and they like paint eachothers nails and talk about boys or somthing idk please theyre besties trust 🤞
(also noah finally gets a makeover courtesy of lindsay)
I think I might've mentioned this exact duo before, though I may be wrong about that. Regardless, I've had Many A Thought about the potential dynamic between Lindsay "reclaiming bimbo as a term of empowerment" and Noah "could be god's biggest hater but was nerfed with an inability to GAF", to the point where I have a few drafts exploring this exact concept.
Through the lens of my eyes (blurry as it would be, my prescription fairly strong), I don't think Noah would ever consider manipulating Lindsay- at least, not in a similar manner to the likes of Heather or Alejandro. He's shown in canon to be pretty adverse to the idea. Why else would he make those comments about Alejandro in "I See London..."?
Not that he doesn't think about how easy it would be to use her. But his morality wins out over his scheming thoughts pretty quickly- no one wants to be New Heather, after all.
However, he's also shown a capacity to explore sneakier options of deception and trickery; pretending to pass out during the 20k run in The Big Sleep, trying to excuse his comment about Alejandro under the guise of it "being a compliment where he's from", tricking the Sasquatch with his fake ball throwing, getting himself eliminated on purpose in Dodgebrawl. I'm trying to think of other examples In Canon off the top of my head, but I'm coming up short since most of his actual speaking lines in the show are 'zingers' and 'witty one-liners' instead of actual character moments.
And we also know, from the way he treats Owen, that he's a lot more patient and indulgent towards the... 'slower' or 'simpler' contestants. He very rarely gets mad at Owen's mistakes- see how he gently chastises him in "Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan" when he's disturbing their set, he'd pretty much gentle parenting him, or how he doesn't even raise his voice against Owen after being blasted by nose-shake in "I See London...". You could argue that Owen just has best friend privileges, but given the way he also talks about his dog I think Noah just has a soft spot for happy-go-lucky, heart-of-gold, kind of stupid people (and blondes). Sound familiar?
Lindsay would fall under this umbrella of 'treat with kindness' because of this, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't try to subtly nudge her in the 'right direction'- out of Heather's and/or Alejandro's influence and into his own. For her own safety, of course.
Not that I think he'd even like Lindsay at first. The two of them are opposite ends of the social spectrum; I'd take a while for Lindsay to break through his snarky exterior, but I think eventually Noah would realise that she isn't the 'two-faced airhead popular girl' he'd assumed her to be and quickly warm up to her (she's airheaded, sure, but there's nothing two-faced or nefarious/mean-spirited about Lindsay). It's a classic case of "extrovert adopts introvert".
Meanwhile, Lindsay would be dead-set on breaking Noah out of his sour little shell. Either because she overhears Owen/Izzy/Eva explaining how Noah struggles to make friends because he's "very shy" and "mixes up his insults and his compliments", thus she assumes that, hey, Noah's made fun of her a few times, maybe that was just him trying to be friendly? So she makes it her mission to reciprocate his efforts and befriend him (much to Noah's initial suspicion, and begrudging appreciation).
Or she gets the concept of a 'gay best friend' stuck in her head (an impressive feat, getting anything stuck in such a vacant space /j) probably from watching too many high school teen dramas, and sees Noah as the ideal candidate since he pretty much embodies most of the stereotypical GBF traits; a sassy twink who's defining characteristic is making snarky comments. If Noah ever caught wind of this, he'd either be mortified by the concept and avoid Lindsay like the plague until she'd eventually hunt him down, or he'd think the whole concept is too funny to pass up and gladly play the part- if only for his own amusement. (Personally I headcanon him as bi, but he's so canonically queer coded that he fits the stereotype anyway.)
Which is all just a long-winded way of me saying I think Lindsay would kindle the friendship without giving Noah much of a choice (again, extrovert adopting introvert) and Noah would just go along with it, being the lazy guy he is, and quickly grow fond/protective over her.
If he and Owen are the golden retriever and black cat dynamic, Noah and Lindsay are an afghan hound and a black cat; Noah has a lot of black cat energy (that's just a given) and you cannot tell me that Lindsay isn't an afghan hound- they're pretty, gentle-natured and renown for their low intelligence.
Plus, Lindsay's capacity for meanness (as unintentional as it may be) would be comedy gold to Noah. He'd encourage her to keep that sharp tongue and steel spine, if not for his own entertainment, then to ensure she doesn't become someone else's doormat again. In return, Lindsay would bring out a softer side of Noah, likely a result of her reminding him of his several older sisters.
She'd absolutely abuse her 'soft Noah' privileges too by roping him in on sleepovers where the two of them gossip and paint each other's nails (Noah's against the idea at first but Lindsay hits him with the puppy eyes and he folds like a lawn chair), eventually leading to Lindsay giving Noah a much needed glow up. He finds himself enjoying the pampering- though he'd never admit it- and Lindsay's just ecstatic that she has someone to use as a dress-up doll (Tyler wouldn't let her give him another makeover after Paris).
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zvmz · 7 months
A few Daring Charming HCs <3
Growing up, anytime he expressed interest in anything considered girly, his father would lecture him on how he needs to be more manly or whatever
For example, He did like rom-coms, and he would sometimes watch them with darling, but got a lecture and told to ‘spend his time on something more befitting of a man’ when he was caught
Since his father considered the guitar a manly instrument, He started learning to play when he was young to impress him
his dad was impressed. And that made daring happier than anything. That’s when he realized he would do anything to earn his fathers approval. So, he worked hard at it, changing things about himself to live up to his fathers standards.
he did, of course, succeed in this goal, but in the process took on many of his fathers flaws, such as his arrogance and sexist ideals
Now at eah, he’s slowly realizing that his father is capable of being in the wrong. He can embrace all the things he likes and still be a man. He can express his emotions and still be a man. He’s realizing his life should not revolve around earning his dads approval, that he needs to become his own person.
character development!!
anyway, he really showed his growth when he finally stood up to his dad for how he treats dexter, and defended darling for everything going on with her and apple.
why am I trying to write a whole character arc rn um anyways
With cerise and darling, he learned that women can be more than just “damsels in distress”.
with Lizzie and Dexter, he learned to put others ahead of himself.
now he can admit he hates the guitar. He loves romance movies, Katy perry, shopping, theatre and acting. he even likes to wear pink sometimes. hes still finding out what he likes and doesnt like without his fathers influence
he LOVES sweet drinks. if hes at a bar hes getting a daiquiri. if hes at a cafe its a frappuccino.
when hes getting drinks with lizzie, the waiter always assumes the fruity/sweet drink goes to lizzie
sparrow makes so much fun of him for it
he doesnt like cerise like that anymore, but they are great friends now. they mostly bond over sports and movies
he excels at history and literature, but has trouble in science and math. apple tutors him.
their tutoring sessions can be really awkward, though. they dont really know how to talk to each other normally.
he never really had a crush on her at any time, but he has always very much admired her for her hard work and intellect.
hes extremely chivalrous and polite. he always holds the door open for people, always offers his seat to someone if theyre all full, never looks at his phone during a date. things like that
hes always over-dressed, no matter the occasion
probably spends at least a third of his time in the gym flexing and taking pictures in the mirror
lets bfr teens in the eah world definitely make tiktok edits of him
daring is obsessed with them. theyre all over his fyp.
understands every one of briars daily mean girls references
he only auditioned for a play for the first time in order to spend more time with lizzie, who got dragged into playing a part. they both ended up loving it.
i am retconning the whole thing with duchess in the books. never happened.
the actual reason daring and lizzie broke up was because daring felt guilty about the bet with sparrow, so he confessed to her. which ended in lizzie yelling at him for half an hour and dumping him
they missed each other SO much. daring basically tried to apologize to her almost every day, and after some months lizzie decided to give him another chance. he absolutely did not waste that chance.
he plays fortnite with dexter and darling once a week
as a kid he used to climb trees with darling all the time. they got caught and lectured on it pretty often
has been to jail for going 50 over the speed limit before. dexter and darling had to bail him out
once dexter and darling tried to prank daring by filling his entire room with merch of himself
it completely backfired bc daring loved it and kept most of it where it was
hes definitely one of those boys who says "im him" about any ryan gosling character and says ryan reynolds is hot
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dougtheintern · 1 year
things i think the teenagers have in their backpacks/how they’re organized
-he shoves that shit in there. no regard for anything. homework? SHOVED. important papers? SHOVED.
-however, he does take time every weekend to neaten it up. because he wants to be all organized
-pastel highlighters, expensive lineart pens, crayola colored pencils, blending tools, graphite pencils
-a singular mechanical pencil he found on the ground a year ago and still has. the led has never ran out. how.
-snack bag, mainly japanese snacks
-papers are neatly tucked in, but not organized whatsoever. he spends 15 minutes finding a specific paper. everyone is PISSED.
-2 folders that hold almost nothing. one is marked ‘SCIENCE’ and the other has a drawing of hatsune miku, courtesy of Taylor
-2 sharpened #2 pencils, 1 mechanical pencil that has soccer decals.
-erasers because everyone steals his
-notes that were passed around by the teens. they always end at linc and he just tucks them into the hatsune miku folder
-a packet of crackers at the very bottom of his backpack. theyre crushed to the point of it just being crumbs
-he has a very specific organization system. binders, folders, etc. everything has a place, a name, and a reason. if something gets messed up, he knows it in his gut
-like, 3 notebooks. everyone asks him for paper and he very freely gives it.
-huuuge bag of pencils. all pre sharpened or full of lead. everyone always steals them. theyre really generic and he gets a whole package for 1 dollar because he wants people to like him
-small individually wrapped snacks— to hand out to the teens. (scary is lactose intolerant- he accommodates :3)
-sticky notes. so many sticky notes.
-literally everything thats on a ‘what you need for school’ list. and its still there. nothings disappeared. everything is very well kept.
-phone chargers for every type of phone. adaptors. extra earbuds.
-yea her backpack is a fucking mess
-“scary, can you give me a piece of paper?” “ugh, fine.” (6 minutes of scary pulling various bizzare things out of her backpack) “i don’t have paper.”
-fountain pen cuz she thinks its sick as hell. she used to do her homework with it but the ink spilled all over her science homework and she cried
-safety pins, sewing supplies, etc. her clothes are super ratty so they always fall apart.
-makeup bag— it says ‘NORMAL PEOPLE SCARE ME’ but with the people scratched out and an S added, so it reals ‘NORMAL SCARES ME’ courtesy of the boys
-black tape because some teachers make her cover up the swear words on her shirt
-snacks that have various ages. some are from the beginning of the year
-hair supplies— even dye. she dyed a streak of norm’s hair in the D.A.D.D.I.E.S. bathroom HQ thing.
-Kellogg’s knife. wrapped in cloth. theres a small slip of paper that says ‘JERKS AGAINST JERKING OFF’ in a sort of.. logo style. taylor drew it and scary thinks its fucking hilarious
-hes queer and a theater kid he has a totebag that says ‘SORRY I CANT COME I HAVE REHEARSAL’ but the ‘ome’ in come is covered, replaced with ‘UM’.
-chapstick. so much chapstick. and lipgloss. and just a rlly small tube of mascara that hes had for 7 years
-everything is in a single folder that has the joker on the front
-keychains attached to the handles. its the joker, teeny the teen (after ep. 31 it turns to the chaparral high mascot.), and a cat. specifically a custom keychain of his own cat
-some sort of balm. he literally got burned in cheese . that stuff hurts sometimes and hes got some weird aloe vera shit going on
-jewelry. he likes being able to switch jewelry on the fly
-costume changes
-at least 1 leotard
-2 pairs of tights, womens character shoes, ballet shoes, tapshoes, jazz shoes.
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cryptocism · 4 months
can we get like, an age check for the many many thads? cause ik five is both like 2 years old and 45, and thad as in two thad was described as looking older, do the years in the speed force count towards his age? what abt three?
yea sure thing
in the main story (so disregarding moments of time travel where certain characters might be older/younger) im running off these physical ages:
Bart, Thad, Three: 19 ish (current canon is wishy washy with Barts age, but ive decided frequency takes place about 5 years after the events of Mercury Falling, and at that time Bart is described as physically 14)
Five: early 30s
Six: early 20s in his first appearances, then ages 3 years by spending them in the past. we'll say he goes from 22 to 25ish
Eight/Jude, Nine/Nathaniel: like a month away from turning 14
if we're factoring in chronological ages things get a lil more complicated:
Bart: physically 19, chronologically i believe hes around 8? but again timeline is weird on him so i could be wrong. Aged rapidly for the first 2-3 years of his life and then went on as normal for the next 6ish. discounting his brief foray into being 21 and then returning as a teen again.
Thad, Three: physically 19, chronologically "eons", but they've only been out of their requisite tanks for 5-6 years
Five: physically in his early 30s, chronologically about 3 years
Six: early to mid 20s, and chronologically many many centuries due to time travel
Eight/Jude and Nine/Nathaniel are easy because they had no time travel fuckery or rapid aging or decelerated aging. theyre just 13-14 thank christ
and if anybody wants to know about Four he'd be the same physical/chronological ages as Thad and Three. if i have my timeline right he'd be physically about 16-17 during the events of F:FMA, and then of course was a statue for a year so also 16-17 at the time of his death
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possessmeplease · 4 months
I dont wanna make too many, so heres a few!! None of these personalities are canon, these are all just made up. If you dont like when people put totally different personalities on characters, I recommend you dont read this! 🫶
-Sasukes family is full of police, and they run a police station
-The Uchiha family is also some kind of mafia shit
-Yes they abuse their police power
-The Hyuugas are also mafia, and are rivals to the Uchihas!
-Sasuke and Neji were forced ‘rivals’, because they were the same age
-Sasuke almost killed Neji
-Later became friends, now repeatedly visits Neji in the hospital because he got in a coma
-Naruto is Sasukes real rival, but only in academics, girls and strenght (from Naruto’s pov)
-Sasuke sees Naruto as a rival, somehow
-Minato and Kushina are alive, very chaotic but happy couple
-Minato is the mayor, and Kushina is a judge
-This is how Sasuke sees a rival in Naruto, because Naruto is on the ‘good’ side and hes on ‘bad’ side
-They were rlly good friends in childhood tho
-They made out as practise hehe
-Knew they weren’t attracted to men after that
-Naruto wasn’t exactly hated when growing up, but he accidentally murdered someone in his teens so lots of people hated him after that
-Wasn’t actually the murderer
-He got away with it anyway because of his parents :)
-Seen as ‘weird kid’ in school
-Trained his body from a very young age, and does martial arts!!
-Really powerful
-He had a crush on Sakura until he found out from his parents that she was included in some sketchy shit
-Sakura is very smart
-Like very
-She knows the Uchiha are mafia, because of a certain happening
-Popular in school
-Became really strong after she started dating Sasuke, because Sasuke trained her really well so she’d be able to protect herself!
-Hinata is a shy cutie, but when you get to know her shes kind manipulative with her shyness, and clingyness
-Didn’t know she was manipulative though, because she just picked up behaviours from her mom
-The hyuugas are not a happy family/household
-Didn’t wanna be involved with mafia, since it included being more ‘close’ to her family
-She only likes Neji and Hanabi in her family
-Became stronger so she could protect Hanabi
-Dislikes Sasuke for what he did to Neji.
-Ino is a whore
-That sounded bad mb
-She doesn’t like it, but her family is poor so she sells herself
-Is trying to use Sakura for money
-Thats why theyre friends
-Shikamaru is smart, but ignorant
-He ignores everything that goes on around him, because its too ‘bothersome’
-Choji follows what Shikamaru does, not hesitant. Theyre best friends, right? Shikamaru wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, right?
-Kiba has a fake personality, and is only himself around his dog
-He doesn’t wanna be involved in anything, but ends up being involved anyway
-Nobody notices Shino. He does that want to be noticed, anyway. Or?
-TenTen clings on to Sakura and Ino like a leech, she just wants friends.
-Lee is super sporty! Too bad he got a really bad injury that made him unable to do what he loves.. Hope this doesn’t make him *too* depressed!
-Does Gaara spare his siblings? We dont know. Will Naruto be able to save Gaara in this timeline? We dont know.
-‘Sensei’s like Kakashi are teachers or workers in shops
-Itachi does his best to keep Sasuke out of the spotlight. He likes when the attention is on him.
hehe i put some images that i found that fit this!! 😽
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limpfisted · 7 months
this is not a vagueblog at any wyll warriors, as i know the subject of parental abuse is very heavy, and i believe everyone has the right to their own opinions and experiences with fiction, BUT. in my opinion, for me, personally.
its ok to scold ur kid. in fact, scolding ur kid and teaching them right from wrong can be important. this is medieval times, baldurs gate is a dangerous place. even tho ulder was a busy man—and single fathers? are still allowed to have jobs and hobbies and their own goals? beyond simply taking care of their children 24/7? he still DID make time for wyll, and rheres a whole JOURNAL full of their memories together. its not just ine memory. theres pages and pages of it. they spent time together.
there are THOUSANDS of flaming fists. all under ulder’s control. theyre corrupt, a lot of them, are lawful evil, and a lot of them are dumbasses like the dude we saw harassing the sex worker in the carress. they odten switch sides to the guild, ulders sworn enemy, at the drop of a coin purse.
i, personally, as a father, would choose wyll. but thats not an easy choice. being a parent is hard. we’ll never know what ulder would have done if he had known the truth about mizora—but also, ulder fights valiantly in lturel when it is taken to the hells, and he stays behind to help the refugees. he was misled, he was tricked.
even if he wasnt, he has a responsibility to this city. he chose this, his whole life. hes not the perfect father, or the perfect man. there is no way to be a perfect father, or a perfect man. (u still shouldnt disown ur kid. but stories are ultimately about bad choices.)
but he loved wylls sense of adventure and fantasy, and he encouraged it. baldurs gate is a dangerous place where u can literally get stabbed all the time and upper city nobles can only really be in the lower city with guards like karlach. but wyll has happy memories, of being a rambunctious child, where he was safe, and close with his father, and loved.
wylls sense of whimsy literally comes from ulder! never forget the monster mermaid sex book was ulders! never forget that ulder fell in love with the woman with the wishing tree, he believed in balduran, and baldurs gate, and the heart of the gate
wyll and ulder’s story is bittersweet. love is hard. family is hard. if it was easy, if everyone was perfect, we’d all be robots.
wyll doesnt HAVE to forgive his father. but he loves him. there will always be great expectations from his father, there will always be distance. they are not connected at the soul or the hip.
but their love for each other matters, and they are so willing to try.
theyre a precious family, and tbh!!! really good representation?, a young Black queer dude and his dad, who loves him and supports him, and he is told he is allowed to marry whoever he wants and be whoever he wants to be with ulder’s blessing. (theyre torn apart by abuse, he experiences teen homelessness, but thats bc of his abuser isolating him. n he doesnt have to forgive his father for that. being disowned is also a real representation experience, and its one that can map on to queer/Black/disabled teen experiences, and i would never like, go. You Must Forgive Ulder And Think He’s The Best. but its really not ulder’s fault,p this happened, he really thought wyll sold out this city, he didnt know.)
like. they love each other, they get to have some of the best and most poetic, well-written dialogue in the game, it matters that they love each other, it matters that ulder had to work so hard to be grand duke and still had to make so many sacrifices
ulder is a good character in murder in baldur’s gate, but he is given so much heart, so much intimate joy and love in baldur’s gate 3. like compare any codex entry in the game to his journal entry about wyll. compare wyll’s voice when he says, “my father always said” to anyone talking about their abusers.
wyll was allowed to be a child! he was also respected as someone capable of having responsibilities and accountability for their own actions, and so sometimes he was scolded. he seems to love that he was scolded? tbh, it feels like such a love language between them. wyll gets into trouble (on purpose. why would he steal a peach. just pay for the peach.) he gets a scolding! kids do that, parents do that.
we dont know, even, what that scolding meant—and may i remind The Court, wyll was a public figure, just as his father was, and he was still allowed to have so much freedom to get into trouble. he gets a scolding, but thats it. he doesnt even really talk about any fancy upper city stuff, besides like, puke in duke portyr’s bushes, lol and that was grand duke of baldurs gate at the time. u need a lil scolding for that! and whose to say there wasnt a pat on the head or a squeeze on the shoulder afterwards?
ulder expects certain behaviors from wyll because he wants the best for him, because he believes in him.
hes the pride of the gate. he has pride in his son, and if u are proud of urself, if u love urself, u respect iurself and other ppl.
wyll had a happy childhood yall, and ulder raised him right, to have good morals and values a sense of duty and responsibility and JOY, it didnt pop out of a vacuum
also. it does matter that ulder goes. “my precious son, i will spend the rest of my life trying to make this up to u. how can u ever forgive me?” he doesnt EXPECT forgiveness. he KNOWS he hasn’t earned it. he WANTS to atone. he knows he made a mistake and did something unforgivable. even tho he did it for very reasonable reasons
wyll doesnt have to forgive him! but like. its complex. its a good ass story. wyll has a good ass story
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vriskaserketdaily · 1 month
i see u like vrisjade .. would you be willing to explain what u think their dynamic would be . i want to like it but ive never been able to wrap my head around what they would be like
theyre not my otp i just draw them for clout
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my understanding is that the appeal lies in a bit of wishful thinking. "what if vriska learned to be nicer?" and "what if jade went a little apeshit?" i do think they would work well as kismeses (or, more likely, one-sided blackrom crushes because jade has other things going on and can't be bothered to spend her whole life obsessing over the girl who gave her narcolepsy as a kid), but pretty much all the stuff you'll find for them is redrom vriska rehabilitation fluff (which is CUTE and WHOLESOME and FUN, and i ENJOY DRAWING IT, but . . . i like it when vriska is kinda balls to the wall insane instead of all niceys).
SO! that being said, i do think their dynamic would be really interesting even in a non-shipping context because they DO definitely need to clear the air re: the whole narcolepsy and viciously insulting your teen grandpa within 5 minutes of officially meeting him thing. i stand by what i said in this post about their dynamic, noting furthermore that vriska does mention and talk about jade a lot in the comic despite never having a canonical conversation with her (it's implied; she is in jade's trollslum on pesterchum after all), so . . . vriska definitely thinks about jade more than jade thinks about vriska, and probably projects a whole lot onto jade as a sort of kanaya-aradia amalgamation proxy. she totally fumbled those two, but SURELY she can stick the landing on this smart and silly genius who CLEARLY needs a good blackrom bucketing to loosen up. right???????? human romance isn't that complicated and it's not like her dating pool is super wide what with the rest of the humans either locked in monogamous relationships (with trolls, narrowing vriska's competition further) or being "in families" with jade.
it would be really funny for them to end up in a quasi-auspisticeship (likely candidates for the third wheel being karkat, john, and regrettably kanaya im so sorry bbg) or for vriska to have an aneurysm upon finding out about human polyamory and the simple fact that jade has more positive and developed dynamics with Many other characters before she even thinks of vriska.
tl;dr i'm the wrong person to ask if you want to be sold on vrisjade i just think they're neat individually and dont mind drawing them together
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chompisgay4mrbeast · 2 months
procrastinating so u guys get my hatchetverse hcs!!! (these are going to be a lot of shit i picked up from random posts that i dont remeber the ops of so sorry if u made one of these hcs and i dont credit you i love you sorry) ethan green
probably like 23? 25?
hes actually bi he told me himself
afab he/they boyflux sue me
lex is his first and only gf. he's probably had like one bf before but he loves lex sm more (simp) (malewife to her girlboss basically)
orphan sorry i dont make the rules
his dad left like immedately and his mom passed of old age when he was like 17 idk
hannah is basically his little sister. he'd die 4 her actually.
ted spankoffski
like late 20s early 30s at the most ithink
so painfully thirsty for anyone he has to be pan
amab he/him but doesnt really give a fuck
has never had a partner thats so sad. he makes up for this by constantly acting like everybody wants him. they dont. (exepct for me i love him)
doesnt really have a CRUSH on anyone speific but mark chastity is his fav to tease (sorry im a baby for holy bastard)
him and petes parents love them but theyre kinda like.. oblivious and absent. like theyre always on trips and leaving pete to live w ted
max jagerman
im not gonna list all of the teens' age theyre all 16-18
im assimilating with this one he/she pronouns amab
hes omni he told me himself pref 2 women
everybody wants him he only wants the nerd (hes just like me fr)
he isnt dead shut up shut up sHUT UP HES FINE OKAY
his dad is not good his mom died in childbirth
stephanie lauter
genderqueer. they/she/he in order of pref. also uses xe/xir idc sue me
pan thats cannon she told me xirself
does tiktok dances but really badly on purpose
the biggest simp on earth to her one guy and nobody ese
will fluster the living hell out of pete in public for fun
hates being the mayors daughter, feels alienated bcs of it
pete spankoffski
he/they afab i dont make the rules
bi if you argue youre homophobic (/J)
actually loves his big bro but acts like he doesnt bcsaude is ted hears him looking up ted he'll never hear the end of it
nickname seymour from ruth (bcause lsoh)
richie whateverhislastnameis
afab he/xe/nya/zap he would have so many cool neos. one of those people whos neo list is longer than the bill of rights
gay mlm yes
undertale enjoyer
nge enjoyer
discord mod in an anime server
owns several body pillows
xem and ruth have been friends since pre-k so they know eachother like the back of their hand
ruth whateverherlastnameis
afab she/they
omni large large large pref to girls. likes a few boys sorta
biggest theatre kid ever but sucks at acting and singing (the curse)
got ensemble ONCE and cried at the cast list
fav show is heathers
heather m kin i dont make the rules
grace chastity
afab she/her
liked a girl once and cried for a week str8 abt going 2 hell
i dont have alot of hcs for her but i think she would like fire a large amount
not even arson wise but like
a firebug
i already made my hcs for all the LiBs' true forms so go find those if you want
all the libs dont give a fuc about pronouns call them whatever
i do he/him tho
tinky is really just a 13 yr old girl freaking out abt one specific guy (ted) and making fucked up fanfics with him (time bastard nmt)
the "youngest" of the siblings
boy jerry
i beleive that every character jon plays is related. boy jerry is pauls fucked up brother. which means hes also richies uncle
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randoimago · 2 years
Hey Kat, 🤠 anon here hoping to make your first spy x family request? Can I request some good old (seperate) s/o comfort hcs for Loid, Yuri, Yor and Franky and their s/o who doesnt feel that theyre not important compared to Yor (Loid and Yuri) and Loid (Yor and Franky)
S/O Doesn’t Feel Like They’re Important Enough
Fandom: Spy x Family
Characters: Franky Franklin, Yor Briar, Loid Forger (Twilight), Yuri Briar
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: Yep the first one! I will say it was a bit interesting writing for Yor just because idk if she would get close to Loid should she already have an S/O. Loid I could see still doing it for the sake of the mission, but Yor was more tricky.
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Can't help but laugh. He apologizes, but he's laughing while he's apologizing.
As if the dumb blonde would ever be more important to him than you. Do you know how many life threatening missions that bastard has taken him on? Like hell Franky would care more about Loid than you.
Also what kind of name is Twilight? Sounds like he hadn't gotten out of his angsty teen phase. Seriously Franky just goes on a rant about how "awful" Loid is while you're great.
Just please don't tell Loid that he said any of this. Franky would like to keep living, thank you very much.
Yor has become important to him for his mission (not that he’d ever admit to actually liking and being friends with her). You’re so much more than just his mission.
Loid doesn’t let anyone get too close, right? You’re the one exception to that. The one thing that would make him pause when choosing something drastic (if your safety is involved with the choice, anyway).
Yes he has this fake family with Yor, but again, that’s all fake. You’re real. What you two have is real, as cheesy as that is.
He knows he can’t spend too much time with you right now because it’d look very suspicious, but he promises that after this mission that it’s back to you. Whatever you want to do, he’ll do it (granted he doesn’t have HQ calling in every 5 seconds).
She’s a bit of an airhead and doesn’t understand why you’d feel insignificant to some guy she met at a tailoring place. Sure the two of them have somethings in common, but she loves you.
Yor isn’t afraid to tell you how much she loves you either. Maybe in the beginning of the relationship she would fluster easily, but now she is always happy to give you a hug and hold you close.
Ends up feeling guilty because it’s her job as your girlfriend to show you how much she loves you. Will just give you puppy dog eyes and constant apologies while thinking she’s a failure as a girlfriend for how you feel.
While she reassures you that you mean a lot to her, she’ll probably need some reassuring that she hasn’t done anything wrong. There will probably be quite a few tears during this talk.
So on one hand, she is his family. She’ll always be near and dear to his heart. But on the other hand, you’re the one he’s sharing his whole life with. Eventually.
You’re the one that will get to know everything about him (eventually, he needs to work up the courage to tell you some things still). He’s kept secrets from his sister, but does his best not to keep them from you.
What do you want him to do to prove to you that you’re amazing and wonderful? He’s not going to do anything to hurt his sister, but he’ll get you a thousand roses. He’ll walk on glass. He’ll swim the ocean and maybe fight some dolphins for you.
He has a lot of money too. Money can’t buy happiness but he’ll sure as hell try if it’ll make you smile and know that you’re so important and special to him.
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