#the stark songs are time to pretend & endless night & the parting glass
thewingedwolf · 1 year
i literally hate my sansa tag (16 year old me was trying to be poetic okay) but i haven’t come across a tag or quote i like better yettttttt i also don’t have a specific Sansa Song, i have Stark Songs but not one specific to her. i keep saving all the Sansa art and meta to my drafts and being like “i’ll queue it when i think of a tag” but like george lying about twow ever being released, i am lying to myself about coming up with a tag anytime soon lmao
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ship-ambrosia · 1 year
WIP Word Search
Thanks to @gingersprites for tagging me!
My words are touch | snow | moon | song | wave
- What is dead may never die (Time traveler Theon monster fic (that I’m in love with 😍))
“You’ve done nothing but care for me since we arrived in King’s Landing,” she spoke even softer, as if she feared being overheard. “No, even before that. You were always Robb’s dearest friend, and then suddenly your attention was on me. Every action and gesture was so genuine and kind, that next to you Joffrey always looked shallow.”
“Good,” Theon croaked, hardly able to speak under her gaze. “I was trying to prove you deserve better than him.”
“I do,” she agreed. “I deserve you.”
“Lady Sansa-“
“You are brave and gentle and strong, Theon. You are the match my father said he would make for me,” Sansa wrapped her arms around his neck, her very touch shooting electricity through his body. “You’ve protected me, you told me yourself that everything you’ve done in King’s Landing was all to protect me. How could I not fall in love with your devotion? It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
- Also What is dead may never die (still love it)
“There are only five Starks,” Jon said, bitter and sadness all in his voice, glaring at Theon as if he hated being counted among Ned Stark’s children. “I only see five pups.”
Still holding the wolf he knew to be called “Lady” as soon as they got home and he would place it into the arms of the eldest daughter, Theon indicated a ways off with his chin. “Over there. A pure white pup, the runt of the litter. White like snow for you, Jon. So you can keep pretending you aren’t a Stark.”
Jon gave him an incredulous look, before making his way over to a mewling, whining direwolf. Once he lifted the pup into his arms, Ghost went quiet; and Theon knew he would remain that way.
- Sunshine/The Prince of Winterfell (May YOTP)
She saw the dark clouds forming around his head, so she reached up to caress the scruff of his beard as she planted a gentle kiss on his lips, trying to draw him back into the warm sunlight of the Glass Garden and the bundle of joy between them. “What’s his name, Theon?” She asked softly after having parted from their embrace, but not moving away.
They were so close that the toddler was pressed between them, and Theon wrapped his arms around both him and Sansa. He smiled down at the little Ironborn boy, a sadder smile than before, but certainly an improvement from any thoughts of the Long Night, as he pressed a kiss into the curls on the top of his head that mirrored his own.
“They called him Snow still,” he told her. “Would’ve given him a name on the one-year anniversary of being brought to the orphanage, which the nurse said was within the next moon. So, Queen Sansa, what would you like to name him?”
“Robb,” she said without a moment of hesitation. “Robb Stark, the Prince of Winterfell.”
- The Princess and the Pirate (Modern AU bodice rippers hehe)
She looked toward the sing-song voice to find Margaery gliding from the other end of the office toward her as quickly as she could in six inch heels (which was really much faster than anyone should be able to move in such shoes). Once her best friend has reached her, Margaery planted a kiss on her friend’s cheek. “I was beginning to fret, darling. Three minutes late is so not like you!”
Sansa sighed. “I stayed up much later than I meant to last night.”
Margaery quirked an eyebrow. “Reading, perhaps?”
She suppressed a giggle. It was an endless source of amusement, that Margaery should be such a huge fan of her books. It wasn’t that Sansa intentionally hid it from her, at least not at first; when the first Edric and Arielle book had gotten quite a bit of buzz, and Sansa had received her first large paycheck from the publishing company, she had literally just opened her mouth to tell Margaery about it. However, Margaery promptly plopped a copy into Sansa’s lap, gushing about how she had read the book in one evening and that Sansa simply had to read it because Alayne Stone wrote the steamiest, most toe-curling romance imaginable.
- Two Queens and a Champion (Theon rises again, as the Drowned God’s champion)
“Do you remember who you are?”
Theon opened his eyes. The first thing he felt was confusion at the lack of discomfort in his bones. Even when he was in the best shape he had been in years, there was always still some protest from his fingers, from his knees. Instead, he only felt a gentle sensation across his skin, like the gentle waves of a calm day on Pyke. He had not stood in the waves off the shore of his home since before taking Winterfell. It felt a lifetime ago, a wholly different person.
More and more things did not make sense, the more Theon came to life, his brain and thoughts slowly coming back to him. He remembered the cold. He remembered the dance of flames. He remembered a tenseness in his shoulders as he… yes, as he drew back the string of his bow, armed with flaming arrows. Why had he needed flaming arrows?
And then at all at once, he felt an impact to his gut, as visions of the undead running at him while making an unholy noise crossed his eyes. His whole body recoiled around the impact, as he remembered a pair of ice-blue eyes staring into him as he sputtered blood into the snow. Now all that came out of his mouth were bubbles. That was it, that explained the sensation against his skin, and the free floating of his hair. He was underwater. He was dead.
Tagging @breakers-nim and @grey-joys. This one’s really hard 😂 (I recommend using google docs to search for the words). Anyone else who wants to do it is absolutely welcome!
The words I assign are:
heart | brave | sweet | tears | strong
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
asoiaf songs
i used to make playlists and fanmixes allllll the time (rip 8tracks, you were a real one) and I had a lil mini asoiaf to listen to when i was reading, i'm gonna subject everyone to the songs now.
time to pretend - bran stark
I'll miss the comfort of my mother And the weight of the world I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home Yeah, I'll miss the boredom And the freedom and the time spent alone But there is really nothing, nothing we can do Love must be forgotten, life can always start up anew
there was a gifset with this song that i saw years ago and i dug through my entire asoiaf tag on my other blog and couldn't find it i'm devastated!!!
the parting glass (the version from twd with emily kinney and lauren cohan) - starklings
but since it falls unto my lot that i should rise and you should not i’ll gently rise and i’ll softly call goodnight and joy be with you all
swear to god, right after the red wedding aired, someone made a sad ass starklings graphic with those line and it ruined my whole year and once again i can't find it.
bang bang (my baby shot me down) - theon/robb
Now he's gone, I don't know why And 'til this day, sometimes I cry He didn't even say goodbye He didn't take the time to lie Bang bang, he shot me down Bang bang, I hit the ground Bang bang, that awful sound Bang bang, my baby shot me down
until we bleed - jon/ygritte
You wasted your times On my heart you've burned And if bridges gotta fall Then you'll fall, too Doors slam, lights black You're gone, come back Stay gone, stay clean I need you to need me So we're bound to linger on We drink the fatal drop Then love until we bleed Then fall apart in parts
(this one came from my seventeen year old brain and they're a genius for it honestly)
blood in the water - cersei lannister
Now I am the violence I am the sickness Won't accept your silence Beg me for forgiveness We'll never get free Lamb to the slaughter What you gon' do when there's blood in the water? The price of your greed, your son and your daughter What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?
(also just my brain, although really, you could apply this song to a lot of characters, i just think it fits cersei's story the best)
king - rhaenyra/daenerys
The very thing you're best at is the thing that hurts the most But you need your rotten heart Your dazzling pain like diamond rings You need to go to war to find material to sing I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king I need my golden crown of sorrow My bloody sword to swing My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king
would that i - braime
With each love I cut loose I was never the same Watching still living roots be consumed by the flame I was fixed on your hand of gold Laying waste to my lovin' long ago And it's not tonight Where I'm set alight And I blink in sight Your blinding light Oh, it's not tonight You hold me tight And the fire bright Oh, let it blaze alright, honey Oh, but you're good to me Oh, you're good to me Oh, but you're good to me, baby
(this one was my brain too, although recent obviously)
no sound but the wind - robb stark
We can never go home We no longer have one I'll help you carry the load I'll carry you in my arms We walk through the ash And the charred remains of our country Keep an eye on my back I'll keep an eye on the road Help me to carry the fire To keep it alight together Help me to carry the fire This road won't go on forever
immigrants we get the job done - varys
Man, I was brave, sailing on graves Don't think I didn't notice those tombstones disguised as waves I'm no dummy, here is something funny, you can be an immigrant without risking your lives Or crossing these borders with thrifty supplies All you got to do is see the world with new eyes
endless night - bran stark
You promised you'd be there Whenever I needed you Whenever I call your name You're not anywhere I'm trying to hold on Just waiting to hear your voice One word, just a word will do To end this nightmare I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise And that the sun will rise
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Lukadrien: Among the Wild Things: Chapter Twelve
Read it on AO3: Among the Wild Things: Chapter Twelve: Belonging
The setting sun shimmered in through the stained-glass windows of the cathedral, making the space glow scarlet, tangerine, ocher, and sacred blue: a sea of coloured light that took Luka’s breath away.
The organ music started up, echoing powerfully like thunder throughout the church, cuing Luka to start his procession down the aisle to meet Adrien at the altar.
He tried to focus entirely on his mate and ignore the gathered crowd of hundreds gawking at him in judgment. He could hear the whispers going around, attendees informing those seated near them that not only was the young king marrying a man, but that that man was a fairy on top of it.
It only served as a stark reminder of how different the mortal realm was from the world of the fae. Sure, people hadn’t been happy about Luka bringing a human home and treating him like an official mate, but most people had shrugged it off and gotten over it. Some people still avoided Adrien, but most had come to accept him as a member of the community.
Luka wasn’t optimistic of his chances of receiving similar treatment from Adrien’s subjects.
He accepted that there was nothing he could do to change their minds but keep his chin up and forge ahead, treating them all with grace, kindness, and respect when he did interact with them. Maybe with time he would gain their trust and affection, but…it seemed like such an uphill battle.
So Luka fixed his gaze on Adrien and how handsome he looked in the clothes Marinette had designed and created with such care. He kept his focus on doing credit to his mate, carrying himself with poise and a quiet dignity. He straightened his spine and squared his shoulders and held his head high, pretending that he was a fit companion for a young ruler.
Doubt had been creeping in over the last twenty-four hours as he realized how little he’d understood of Adrien’s world and what his life had been like before he’d thrown his lot in with Luka and left the mortal realm behind.
Adrien had fit so easily into Luka’s world, quickly becoming an entrenched part of the Couffaines’ lives. Luka didn’t think he could do the same in the human realm. He could fit in with Adrien’s friends and get along with Nathalie, but Luka couldn’t see himself sitting on a throne beside Adrien and helping him to rule. Luka had never had a head for politics, and he wasn’t a people person. He did best when left alone to make music. He couldn’t see himself being of much use to Adrien here.
But then Luka reached the end of the aisle, and Adrien took Luka’s hands in his own, giving Luka a radiant smile, eyes sparkling with barely-contained adoration…and Luka remembered that Adrien didn’t necessarily belong here either.
Adrien had learned to act the part over the years so that he could slip, chameleon-like through society, an imposter wearing an elaborate disguise. Adrien didn’t really fit in either, and he was counting on Luka’s love and support to get him through this long-con intact.
That was something Luka excelled at. Comfort and love were two things he was uniquely equipped to give Adrien. Luka may not feel like he brought anything else to this partnership, but of that he could be certain. He could be Adrien’s pillar of support, and that would have to be enough.
The ceremony progressed exactly as Nathalie had described to Luka over half a dozen times.
He paid attention, took his cues from Adrien, and generally tried not to embarrass his mate in front of the hundreds of subjects watching with eagle eyes for any slipup or perceived deficiency.
The time for the vows came, and Adrien and Luka both recited the standard rhetoric about loving and honoring one another for all the days of their lives, in sickness and in health.
The words were quaint, and Luka wondered if they meant anything to Adrien. He hadn’t included them in their abbreviated wedding ceremony, so it was possible that Adrien wasn’t terribly attached to them.
Luka liked the line about cherishing one another; though, he wasn’t such a fan of the “till death do us part”. It was too painful to think about the end of everything when it felt like they’d only just begun their happiness together.
He didn’t want to think of the endless years that lay ahead of him without Adrien. He knew he had the option of renouncing his powers and becoming human, but he wanted to save that as a last resort. Adrien had proven that he didn’t need Luka to protect him, but Luka still wanted to be able to fight and win battles for Adrien if the need ever arose. If he gave up his powers, he’d be defenseless, incapable of protecting himself, let alone Adrien.
Once they’d recited the standard human vows, they repeated the oath they had sworn together half a year ago on their second wedding night:
“I pledge myself to you, to be your partner in all things, to be your support and your shelter, to forever be on your side, never to trick or deceive you, and to respect and love you always, in this life and the next.”
Those words instilled in Luka more hope than the “till death do us part” rubbish in the first set of vows.
Humans could be so uncreative and dull, their minds too small to conceive of continued fidelity in the hereafter.
Luka didn’t want to be released from his bond with Adrien when Adrien’s life ended. Luka wanted something concrete he could hold onto across lifetimes. The thought of his link to Adrien being severed horrified him, so he was glad of the familiar oaths being there to reassure him.
They exchanged rings, said I do, and kissed reservedly so as not to offend anyone’s sensibilities.
Then, it was time for the coronation.
Really, it was just a bunch of pomp and blustering.
Luka and Adrien dutifully submitted to it, and soon crowns were placed upon their heads, and they were announced King and Prince Consort.
Luka felt ridiculous standing there in a church whose windows shone like jewels, wearing a crown and the fine clothes Marinette had made for him by toiling well through the night, as people started at him, cheering politely because they were afraid of what Luka could do to them, afraid that Adrien might prove himself to be King Gabriel’s son after all.
Adrien, though, looked ravishing. The crown suited him, and he knew how to stand and hold himself so that the expensive clothes looked natural.
Luka focused on that instead of how out of place he felt.
 “I think Alya’s having more fun than I am,” Adrien whispered several hours into the feast at which he could eat nothing.
Luka looked to where the fox spirit was dragging poor Nino around the dance floor so that she could get an eyeful of all the lavish outfits worn by the most influential people of the realm and overhear their conversations.
“Yes, she is definitely having the time of her life,” Luka snickered, smiling as Alya tugged on Nino’s arm and pointed at a couple dancing nearby.
Nino quickly batted down her hand and patiently explained that pointing was rude.
Alya instead indicated the dancing couple with an exaggerated jerk of her head and repeated her demand.
With a fond smile, Nino carefully positioned Alya’s hands, one on his shoulder and one clasped in his own, and slowly showed her the basic steps of a slow dance.
Luka’s grin widened as he remembered that night many months ago when he and Adrien had ducked into a clearing at another wedding feast held in their honor to do the same thing.
“Come on,” Adrien prodded gently, getting to his feet and holding out his hand for Luka. “Let’s go dance.”
Luka quirked an eyebrow. “Are you sure you won’t be missed?”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “No one really cares this late into the evening. I’ve greeted and thanked and schmoozed with everyone I was supposed to. No one’s going to die if I take a break from looking regal to dance with my incredibly attractive husband.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Luka snickered, taking Adrien’s hand and following him out onto the dancefloor.
They floated gracefully around the floor, switching back and forth from song to song who was leading.
Adrien taught Luka to waltz, and they had many a laugh as they nearly tripped over one another several times before they were able to sync up and move in tandem.
Many guests stared at them—some in disgust, some only in curiosity. A small number of people who had been ambivalent about their ruler taking a fae man for a spouse saw how normal and, in fact, adorable Luka and Adrien were together and decided in favor of the couple.
Some watched them together and saw only vile debauchery.
The thrice newlyweds didn’t much notice. They were too busy taking delight in one another.
As the night wore on and the party died down, Adrien and Luka slipped off to the Queen’s chambers, no longer worrying about scandalizing the servants.
 Luka quickly learned that Adrien was bad at estimates.
He’d told Luka that he anticipated staying in the mortal realm no more than a few weeks until he could peacefully turn power over to someone who actually wanted the job. One month into their stay at the castle, it didn’t feel like they were any closer to going home than when they’d started.
It turned out that King Gabriel had been letting things slip in the months after Adrien’s disappearance. The entire kingdom was a mess, teetering on the brink of financial ruin, and the peasants were this close to staging an uprising.
It turned out, being king was a fulltime job…and Adrien didn’t entirely hate it. In fact, he was actually pretty good at it.
It was just the place that was no good for him. He didn’t fit in any better now that he was king than he had as a prince. People loved him, but they didn’t really get him, and they couldn’t see him as their equal.
Being king was lonely, and he desperately missed his life among the fae.
 “I want to go home,” Adrien whimpered as he slid into bed, curling up with Luka after yet another hard day.
“Hang in there,” Luka encouraged, squeezing Adrien tight and making the whickering sounds that often calmed his mate. “You’re doing such a good job, and the kingdom is almost back up on its feet. Things will be stable soon, and then we can throw our crowns at Nathalie or someone and run.”
Luka wasn’t entirely convinced that he was telling Adrien the truth about the state of the kingdom, but he knew at least that that was what Adrien needed to hear.
Adrien hummed distractedly. “…I’ve been thinking.”
“Yeah?” Luka propped himself up on an elbow to look down at his husband.
“I don’t think handing the kingdom over to another monarch is the solution my people need,” Adrien began to explain.
Luka drew in a sharp breath. “Are you…thinking about staying on? …Permanently?”
“No. Hell no,” Adrien snorted, his nose scrunching up in disgust like it did when he accidentally consumed human food. “I may eventually try for some kind of clan leader position within the fae community, but there’s no way I’m going to keep being king here. I can’t do it. I want to go home.”
“Okay,” Luka agreed softly, trying to follow Adrien’s plan. “So…if staying on as king isn’t the right answer and handing the reigns over to another monarch isn’t the right answer…what are you proposing we do?”
Adrien took a deep breath to steady himself before tentatively announcing his crazy scheme. “I want to dissolve the monarchy and set up some kind of democracy for my people so they can elect representatives to help them govern themselves.”
Luka’s eyes went wide. “That’s…very radical of you.”
Adrien nodded shamefacedly. “It’s completely insane, but I think it’s the right move for everyone.” He studied Luka’s eyes with a pleading intensity. “Will you help me start a revolution?”
“Look at me like that, and I’ll help you with anything,” Luka assured, leaning in for a bolstering kiss. “I support you in everything,” he assured. “We’re a team.”
“Thank you,” Adrien whispered, green eyes glowing like lanterns in the dark, guiding the way home.
 As expected, it took a lot of time and effort to tear down a monarchy and replace it with a functioning governmental body.
They brought in Anarka to consult, and Nathalie was elbows deep in the project from the very beginning, eager to throw herself into the work.
Adrien would definitely be voting for Nathalie for Prime Minister.
He pulled in trusted advisors from the most unexpected places to aid him in his scheme, upsetting the local nobility and making Bourgeois, Raincomprix, and Damocles hem and haw.
Adrien sought the guidance of Sabine Cheng who had always had a good head for business on her shoulders.
Xavier Ramier was intimately concerned with the environment and humans’ impact on local wildlife, so Adrien brough him on as well.
Adrien’s childhood friend Chloé was unexpectedly good at marketing and getting the information out to the public, so she was recruited and, in turn, inspired her father to be more helpful going forward as well.
Marianne Lenoir, Caline Bustier, Amina Lahiffe, Sabrina Raincomprix, and both Kagami and Tomoe Tsurugi were also invaluable allies.
It took a little over half a year, but the team worked tirelessly, and there were elections where many civic-minded citizens as well as many members of Adrien’s team won seats in the new Parliament.
The legislature met, passed laws, and successfully began to govern, finally making Adrien feel like he could return home with no regrets or sense of guilt.
His job was done.
 He exchanged temporary goodbyes with his friends, promising to come back to visit once a month.
“But, if you ever need anything, feel free to send Alya for me whenever,” he offered.
The fox spirit had been spending increasingly more time at the palace over the months, mostly only returning to the enchanted forest to sleep and go get the fairy food to deliver to Adrien.
Adrien had a feeling she’d be marrying Nino and settling in at the castle permanently any week now.
“You especially, Madame Prime Minister,” he chuckled, wrapping Nathalie in a warm embrace.
She did what, for her, passed as a smile and returned the hug.
After bidding everyone farewell, Adrien and Luka made their way back to the forest, back home.
The water felt deliciously cool and refreshing on their skin as they submerged themselves after months of feeling dehydrated.
“I feel like I can finally breath again,” Adrien chuckled, swimming into a backflip.
Luka grinned, dissolving into water before reforming as a handsome stallion to rival even Plagg.
“It’s nice to be back in my element,” Luka admitted wearily. “Come along, Little Prince. Hop on.”
Adrien mounted, wrapping his arms securely around Luka’s neck as the kelpie carried them home to the sunken ship at the bottom of Anarka’s lake.
Rose and Anarka pounced upon them as soon as they were through the door, fussing especially over Adrien.
“Why do I feel like he’s the favourite?” Luka pretended to pout, going to embrace Juleka while the other two were busy with his mate.
“It’s because you’ve been home periodically, so they didn’t have as much of a chance to miss you too much,” Juleka explained with a fond snicker as she watched Rose sob over Adrien. “They haven’t seen him at all.”
“Luuuuuuuuc!!!” Rose wailed, throwing herself at her brother-in-law.
Anarka took a step back and smiled, enjoying the spectacle.
Juleka abandoned her brother to Rose’s mercy, steeled herself, and then finally allowed herself to meet Adrien’s gaze.
He smiled hesitantly, awkwardly raising a hand in greeting. “Hi, Juleka. It’s been a long time. I hope you’ve been well?”
With an indignant glare, she socked Adrien in the arm and then pulled him into a crushing hug, muttering, “You’re such an infuriating little cupcake. How dare you make me miss you.”
Adrien pulled Juleka in closer, burying his face in her shoulder as he tried not to cry at finally winning her acceptance.
“Sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to.”
“Jerk,” she accused, giving him a teasing squeeze. “This was all a part of your heinous scheme to make me like you.”
“You caught me,” Adrien laughed through tears.
“…No one makes that potato soup as well as you do,” she grumbled. “I know Rose was the one who taught you in the first place, but…hers isn’t as good.”
Adrien pulled back with a grin, eager to please. “Do you want me to make it for dinner tonight?”
Juleka averted her gaze with an indifferent shrug, still playing coy. “I mean, you can if you want. I don’t care.”
“Please,” Rose snickered, having no qualms about ratting out her wife. “Juju’s been whining about that soup for months. I’ve stopped making it for her because she always gets really sulky when I do because it reminds her of you.”
“Aww. That’s really sweet,” Adrien cooed, pulling Juleka back into his arms for another hug.
“I’ve clearly made a mistake,” Juleka muttered sullenly. “I’m not sweet.”
“You’re adorable,” Luka teased, gently pulling Adrien away. “He can make you soup later. For now, I think Dri and I need some rest. It’s been a long eternity,” he informed, tugging Adrien towards their bedroom.
 Adrien did a bellyflop onto the bed and rolled around happily, overjoyed to be back on his own mattress. “How I’ve missed this,” he giggled.
“Move over,” Luka snickered, dropping a kiss to the back of Adrien’s neck.
“No,” Adrien pouted, burying his face in his estranged pillow. “This is my spot. You get the other side of the bed. Has it really been so long that you’ve forgotten?”
Luka lovingly rolled his eyes and crawled over Adrien, settling into his own customary spot.
Adrien rolled over and curled up beside Luka, resting his head on Luka’s chest with a sigh of contentment.
“You doing okay?” Luka inquired, giving Adrien’s hair a soft nuzzle. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired…tired but good,” Adrien assured, eyes starting to grow heavy as the exhaustion of the past six months caught up with him all at once. “Finally at peace now that there’s nothing left from my past to come find me.”
Luka hummed in understanding.
“I tried not to let myself worry too much before, but it did hang over my head sometimes, how I’d abandoned my family, my friends, my kingdom,” Adrien confessed. “I feel a lot lighter now.”
“Good,” Luka whispered, pressing a trail of tiny kisses from the top of Adrien’s head down the side of his face. “I’m glad. That means we can just focus on being happy from now on.”
“Yeah,” Adrien breathed thoughtfully, lifting his head to meet Luka’s gaze. “Thank you. I know I’ve said it again and again, and I know you’ve said that you’re more than happy to stay by my side and support me through anything, but…I just want you to know how much you mean to me, how much easier my life is just by having you in it. I really do appreciate you.”
“Hush,” Luka chuckled affectionately, reaching up to stroke Adrien’s face. “I’m glad you never take me for granted, but…we are one. Your problems are my problems. I will always be at your side so that we can face whatever comes our way together.”
“Until death do us part?” Adrien whispered, lacing his fingers through Luka’s.
Luka shook his head. “In this life and the next.”
“I’ve always liked that part,” Adrien laughed, leaning in to press his lips to his husband’s. “I can’t think of a better way to spend eternity than with you.”
Adrien keeps aging naturally until he’s in about his mid-thirties. He doesn’t really notice that he’s stopped aging until his fifties when he notices Marinette and Nino starting to slow down a little while Adrien still has plenty of energy and not a grey hair on his head.
Also, over the years, he starts developing more empathic abilities. His environment subtly reacts to his emotions, and he can read others’ emotions fairly easily and even manipulate them if he chooses.
Luka and Adrien live happily together for about two hundred years before Adrien finally passes away. Luka is completely bereft for a couple decades, but his family keeps him going.
The Couffaines adapt to modern life and pass themselves off as mortals as humanity encroaches ever more on the wild spaces and forgets about the fair folk. Eventually, they get a pirate ship and dock it on the Seine near the Pont de Grenelle by the Eiffel Tower.
One day, the Couffaines hold a concert for the local music festival and receive a shock when strangers with oddly familiar faces attend.
One blonde boy with a birthmark on his shoulder that looks like a bitemark trips while boarding the ship, and Luka helps him up. Luka Couffaine meets Adrien Agreste, and it’s love at first sight all over again.
Challenge to the Reader: Someone go write Luka and reincarnated Adrien’s meeting on the Liberty. I’m just imagining Adrien being all like “Do I…know you?” and Luka freaking out, trying not to scare Adrien away. XD
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Like Father Like Daughter
Dewey Finn x Stark!Daughter Reader - Part 1
 OK hai. so this is a crossover if you couldn't already tell lmao. Tony Stark Daughter reader x Dewey Finn. if you ain’t a fan of marvel then you don’t need to think of it as that and vice versa. this ended up very long winded lmao I apologise but I got carried away hehe. It’s a fluffy, kinda smutty, kinda angsty lil part one about the reader finding a connection in someone knew that she never expected!
I imagine them both to be around like 24/26 age wise maybe? I am also most likely going to be doing a part 2 that involves more of Tony hehe, hope you enjoy my lovelies!!
words - 4400 (lmao i’m so sorry)
warnings - fluff, slight smut, slight angst, drinking
also, this absolutely amazing mood board was created by the one and only @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ thank you so much for this little masterpiece it ties everything together amazingly xxx
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“listen, my night is going to go the same as they always do: I’ll hook up with some guy, we’ll go back to mine, he’ll wake up and realise who I am, then my dad will see him leave, me and him will fight and then I’ll grab a cheese burger from burger king and then sleep off my hangover” you explained as you applied the final layer of mascara, talking to your best friend as you got ready to go out, yet again. your friend giggled “god y/n, you’re so like your dad when he was younger”. You rolled your eyes. Being the daughter of the famous genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Tony Stark had its troubles. You were sick of the famous lifestyle, constantly being followed around, the lack of freedom and the fake friends was taking it’s toll on you. Not to mention your dad constantly being on your back. Yeah you got on with him great, most of the time, but there was a gap that no one was able to fix. When your mom died when you were 11, you began to change. Tony tried his best but you missed her.
So you started to act out. Going out all the time, getting drunk, getting laid then getting up to do it again the next day, never really making any real connections. Some would say you were your dads daughter, and they weren’t wrong. you could hold your drink, you went to university to study mechanics (not that you didn’t know how to do it all anyway), you were witty, and some would argue sometimes a bit arrogant – but only those who crossed you would argue arrogant. But no one knew the real you. Most just assumed you were the same as your father when he was your age; arrogant, rich and a shitty person. No one wanted to know the real you, and those who did, only did because of who your dad was.
So here you were, getting ready to go out for the fourth time this week, wearing tight black, high waisted jeans, a lacy bodysuit, black denim jacket and a pair of tatty old black converse. Your ACDC t-shirt was laying on your bed ready for when you came home too drunk, probably going to get thrown on the floor as you pushed some random guy down on to the sheets. You and your friend snuck out of your room at 9:15, trying to avoid your dad so you wouldn’t argue, stealing a bottle of his Jack Daniels off of the shelf in the kitchen as you both ran out of the apartment.
* * * *
“another double please good sir” you shouted at the barman over the painfully loud music at the bar, whom you had been flirting with. He was cute. Probably hung like a horse. Your friend had fucked off with some other guy around 35 minutes ago so you stayed at the bar and drank to your hearts content, hoping the barman would be tonight’s victim. You clinked glasses with the barman, upon looking at his name tag you realised his name was jack, “cheers jack” you said as you both downed a double rum and coke. You giggled once you had finished your drink, licking the corner of your top lip with bedroom eyes painted on your face. Jack smiled back, then his eyes squinted and a wave of realisation brushed his face “wait.. aren’t you the daughter of Tony Stark?” he smirked. Your face dropped. “why you gotta ruin it jack” you said as you got up to walk away and find someone new, leaving a 50 dollar bill on the table for the barman to pick up.
Huffing, you began to walk to the other bar across the room, but suddenly someone bumped into you and all you could feel was the freezing cold liquid from his glass trickle all down your tits and chest. “what the fuck” you exclaimed, flailing your hands at your side. The boy looked directly at your tits when he realised what he had done, his eyes growing wide, then up at your face, then back down. “hooollyy fuck, oh my god I’m so sorry” he exclaimed, looking back up at your face. You examined his features, curly, dark hair, little bit of scruff on his face, ACDC t-shirt on, similar to the one laying on your bed currently, and cute as fuck brown eyes. “uh, come on I gotta get you some tissues”. He grabbed your wrist and headed back towards the bar.
You followed him drunkenly, swaying slightly and bumping into him. He grabbed a few tissues from the holder at the bar and went to start wiping away the Bacardi on your chest but he stopped when he realised where he was about to touch. You looked up at him knowingly and nodded, smirking. He smiled back, snickering slightly. He dabbed the area where your chest was exposed, and tried to keep his composure. You continued to smirk and put one hand on your hip, looking down at him brushing over your exposed top tit, thinking about how he is probably freaking out inside. “sick t-shirt” you told him, looking at his top then up to his eyes. “uhh, thanks” he said still dabbing your chest. You laughed “alright dude I think it’s all gone”. He removed his hand quickly, “oh yeah.. sorry. Yeah no my t-shirt was actually from their tour last year” he smiled looking down at it then back up at you. A dopey smile painted on his face. You got excited “oh my god no way! I was at that concert!” He matched your excitement “oh no way man that’s sick! The one where Brian Johnson brought that girl on stage and she flashed her tits?”. Once he said that you were instantly taken back to that concert. That girl he was on about was you. You and your dad had fallen out because you both got far too drunk at that concert so you went down to the crowd and done what you did to piss him off. It was fair to say he didn’t talk to you for a month straight. You laughed “oh my god that girl was me!”. His eyes grew wide again “no way that’s amazing” he laughed with you. “yeah I was far too drunk and was trying to piss off my dad. I’m y/n by the way.” You shouted over the loud music. “Dewey” he replied close to your ear so you could hear him. “and if I had a daughter who’d done that, she’s never see the light of day again” he joked.
Dewey. Dewey, Dewey, Dewey. This guy seemed pretty cool. “Hey Dewey, I think I owe you a drink” you said turning towards the bar and leaning over it, sticking your ass out ever so slightly, and Dewey had noticed the gesture, raising his eyebrow, admiring, but pretended he didn’t. He joined you at the bar and put his hand up to get the attention of the barman “I’m pretty sure this is supposed to go the other way around”. You laughed, “trust me I don’t mind. I’ve got more money than sense- Hey jack two double Bacardi please, just add it to my tab”. Dewey laughed “well as long as you’re sure”. You looked at him and grinned “more than sure. So uh, where are your friends?” you pondered, wondering why he was alone. Dewey looked down and tried to keep smiling. “ah you know guys, they are all out to pick up girls and get laid so they left to go to a club just before I bumped into you”. He looked up at the barman then down at you again. you rested your chin on your hand “so why didn’t you go with them?” a puzzled look on your face. Dewey looked down again. “I mean, well, I don’t wanna sound corny but I come out for the music, and to have a good time – not just to pick up chicks, and get laid”. You smiled at him, how sweet. “and besides, this bar plays sick music and its cheap.. and well, its got cool people like you in it”.
You grinned and elbowed him playfully “aw you, you’re cute”. A blush appeared on Dewey’s face as he looked up then at you. You also came to this bar because of the music. It was relatively small so not many people ever really noticed who you were. But they played ACDC, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, Queen.. the list was endless and all your favourites. “not a lot of other people I know like this bar because if the music, but I freaking love it” you said handing him his freshly made drink, and clinking it with him. “bottoms up” Dewey said and you replied “bottoms up good sir”. As you held the glass up to your mouth your eyes moved to the door where you seen your friend leaving with some guy on her arm. Rolling your eyes you necked back the double Bacardi.
“well, seeing as both of our friends have abandoned us, do you fancy getting drunk and having a laugh with me Dewey?” you questioned him as he slammed the cup back on the bar from downing the strong beverage. He looked over and you “sounds like a damn good plan to me y/n”. You smirked. “we are gonna have so much fun”.
* * * *
 The amount of alcohol you had consumed between one another was sinful by the time the bar closed. Shot after shot, double after double. You had probably drank the place dry of Bacardi and Tequila. The music was the best they had ever played and you both danced and jumped the night away. What was going on? Normally you were grinding up against some guy trying to get him to go home with you, not that it took much, but tonight you actually had the time of your life. Between belting out the lyrics to Don’t Stop Believing, to trying to do all of the parts of Bohemian Rhapsody had you on some high you had never felt. Dewey wasn’t like any other guy you normally kicked around with but boy were you glad that he spilled his drink on you. You had shared one kiss with him the whole time you were there and it was after the song Sweet Child O’ Mine. you had looked up at the drunken face singing the last lyric and just felt an urge to jump forward and kiss it. Dewey was shocked, but pleasantly surprised. It was a soft kiss, the kind where his top lip rested below yours. He simply rested his hands on your waist for a second before pulling away because the beginning of Summer of 69 began to play. You laughed at him. He was so different from the other jerks you would pick up. They would grab your ass and stick their tongues down your throat; but not Dewey. He was different.
Dewey pulled you away from the closing bar as well as he could as you argued with the bouncer about leaving. “and y-you listen to me.. it’s o-only 3:30 it’s so EEARRLLY” you shouted at them as they kicked everyone out, not there were many left. Dewey laughed drunkenly at you as he pulled you down the street “yeah you tell em”. You kept a hold of Dewey’s hand as you cuddled into him slightly, trying to beat the cold, walking the streets to anywhere. Neither of you secretly wanted to leave one another. “here, do you want my jacket?” Dewey slightly slurred,. “nah ma man I’m good I’ve got my own” you smirked looking up at him with punch-drunk eyes. Dewey looked down at you and smiled then he slammed his eyes shut and used his hands to play an air guitar, making noises to sound like the guitar at the start of Highway to Hell. as soon as you realised what he was doing, you also smashed your eyes closed and moved your head back and forth “living easy.. living free” you started. Unconsciously you started walking in the direction back to your dads apartment at the Stark Tower as you both continued belting out rock classics to one another, singing the guitar riff to see if the other one could guess the song.
“oh you know I know that ones Hotel California by the Eagles” Dewey exclaimed as you reached the front doors of Stark Tower. Dewey hadn’t even clocked where he was because he was too drunk and preoccupied by you, but he knew that this must be your apartment building by the way you began to walk towards the door. In Dewey’s mind this meant goodbye. This was what always happened. He would walk a girl home, give her his number then never hear from her again. he was nervous about the rejection. You stopped once you realised that Dewey had stopped and wasn’t following you. You looked around at him “what are you waiting for? A cold?” you joked. Dewey’s eyes opened wide “wait what? You want me to come in with you?” he said dumbfound. You scoffed “obviously. You wouldn’t believe the alcohol collection my dad has up there.. speaking of, my dad will probably be in the apartment but he’s probably passed out in his workshop so wouldn’t even hear a bomb going off in the kitchen so don’t worry about him”. Dewey felt a blush creeping on to his face, no one had ever invited him up like this before. It made him feel like he was someone important, or interesting.
You both pretended to act sober walking past the receptionist, not that she would say anything anyway, she knew exactly who you were and what you were up to. You playfully pushed Dewey into the empty elevator and pressed the button to the penthouse. Out of habit, you pulled Dewey by his t-shirt flush against you and started to kiss him. Dewey chuckled into the kiss, closing his eyes, not being able to believe what was going on. He put his arms around your waist as you slung yours over his shoulders. “hey.. do you.. have.. any.. coffee?” he questioned between kisses. You pulled away from him and looked up at him confused. “of course I do why?” you smiled. “because I could murder a cup right now” you giggled at him.  “of course I do”. You LOVED coffee. It was your favourite beverage, next to Jack Daniels of course; your daddy’s daughter alright. Having coffee after a night out was always one of your favourite things to drink, you swore it made the hangover slightly easier. However all the guys you usually brought home went straight to the vodka to get more drunk. This guy was so fresh, and new, and more like yourself than you could have imagined.
When the elevator door dinged open you and Dewey came out laughing about something stupid. Suddenly JARVIS started to talk to you. “uh, miss Stark, you know Mr Stark doesn’t approve of you bringing strays home every-“ you heard the AI start “oh shut up Jarvis, where is he anyway” you moaned back at it. “your father is downstairs in the workshop asleep” you silently cheered “yes. Thank you JARVIS, bye”. You turned round to look at Dewey who was in shock, eyes wide and mouth gaped open. “what.. the hell.. was that?” he asked laughing. You giggled at his reaction “ah don’t worry about JARVIS, he’s kinda just like the intercom system”. “I can still hear you miss. I’m actually a lot smarter than-“ “goodnight JARVIS” you cooed at the AI before he would drone on. You headed over to the kitchen. Dewey followed you and looked around, in complete awe. “your folks must be super rich y/n, what the hell” you chuckled “yeah, you could say that”.
As you went to turn on the coffee machine, Dewey’s eyes caught the wall in the back of the living room that was full of classic, expensive guitars. He began to walk over to them “woow no fucking way! Where the hell did you get these bad boys?” he exclaimed, admiring the Gibson Les Paul “Black Beauty” 1956, that was at least $30000. You turned on the coffee machine and walked over to stand beside him, folding your arms. “yeah, it’s a hobby me and my dad share. We are obsessed.” You walked down the wall a little more picking up the 1968 Fender Strat. You sat on the edge of the couch and started to pick at the strings. “this. this is our prize possession. The 1968 Fender Strat, previously owned by Jimmy Hendrix.” Dewey’s face lit up in disbelief. You continued to look down at the strings “yeah my dad paid.. what was it now? 2.3 mil I think it was? Maybe 2.4? I can’t remember exactly but it’s somewhere around that figure.” Dewey was dumbfounded for the second time in 15 minutes. “by mil, you mean million right?” you nodded. “who the fuck is your dad” Dewey laughed. You looked down then to the side then at him “aw it doesn’t matter.. why don’t you hold this, have a wee play and I’ll go sort out the coffee? What do you take?” you questioned, handing him the guitar. Dewey’s eyes lit up when you handed him the instrument. Excitement bubbling in him. “uhh… I’ll just take it black the now” he replied. You smiled to yourself walking back to the kitchen. You also took you coffee black after a night out.
Before fixing the coffee you went and got changed. Walking into your bedroom you were glad that you had laid out your ACDC t-shirt before leaving, actually putting it on before getting in the bed for the first time in a long time. You had just decided to wear the t-shirt and a pair of panties seeing that the t-shirt just covered your ass, and a pair of your dads black sport socks as they were the comfiest. you tied your hair up in a loose, messy ponytail and went back to pour the coffees. You could hear Dewey playing the guitar from the kitchen and the sounds soothed you. There was nothing you loved more. You could tell from the sound that he had picked up the acoustic guitar. “oooh the Gibson Hummingbird, nice choice” you complimented as you walked towards Dewey with two mugs in your hand. “yeah It’s one of my.. favourites” he looked up to see you in just the ACDC t-shirt, the exact same one he had on. It was long, but he could still make out your figure, and the shape of your breasts from the way it was sitting. And it sat high, very high on your legs, at the top of your thighs. It was hot. Dewey tried not to stare but it was hard when you looked that beautiful. “nice t-shirt” he decided to say as he put the guitar back on the wall. you blushed slightly “thanks. You know, normally people just walk past the guitars without giving them a thought.” Dewey came and sat on the opposite end of the couch from you “are you kidding? Those guitars are probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Guitars and music is my life. I actually run my own music business for kids, sort of like an after school thing actually” he said proudly. “oh my god that’s amazing, I love that” you returned excitedly. Dewey looked down at his mug, blushing “yeah the kids enjoy it, I mean so do I. the little rascals”. You smiled at him.
Dewey looked up at you. “you know, I’ve never met anyone like you before”. You smirked “I’m just one of a kind baby” you joked. Baby. Dewey felt a little heat in his stomach when he heard you say that, even though it was in jest. “nah you’re the same dude, your so different from anyone I’ve ever met. You’re so down to earth, and genuine.. and we have so much in common like I’ve never met anyone else who nerds out over guitars like me and my dad before” you smiled. “your dad sounds like a cool guy, I’d like to meet him one day”. You chuckled and looked down “yeah don’t they all”. “what?” Dewey questioned, not really hearing you. “nothing” you said, smiling and looking up at him. The warm glow from the lights really made his face look soft, and inviting. You put your coffee on the table and scooted over next to him, taking the mug off of him and placing it on the table. Dewey furrowed his eyebrows, not really sure what to do, or what was going to happen next.
You put your hands up to his face, rubbing your thumbs up and down. “you’re really different, and I really like it”. Dewey blushed from your words. You leant into kiss him softly, his top lip below yours. Dewey kissed you back. This was like no kiss either of you had experienced. It was warm, and soft, not aggressive and needy. You felt butterflies in your stomach, which was something you hadn’t experienced in a long time. You had kissed a lot of guys and felt a lot of things, but nothing ever like this. Dewey moved his hands to your waist and pulled you on to his lap, your legs straddling his middle. He then moved his hands down and on to your thighs. Those thighs. He had been thinking about them from the moment he seen you walk in with the mugs of coffee. You moaned slightly at his touch, his rough fingers, calloused from playing guitar you imagined. That moan made Dewey feel weak. He moved his hands up your body, towards your under boob and just rubbed the skin over your t-shirt there. The kiss became a little bit more heated as your hands began to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Grinding on his lap ever so slightly, you could feel the bulge growing in his jeans, but you had to retreat back to your room if this was to go any further. You couldn’t risk your dad walking in.
You got up off of his lap and grabbed his hand, pulling him off of the couch. When Dewey got up, his body met yours in another kiss. Kissing him back you began to walk backwards towards the staircase to your room. “come on, we’ll head up to my room yeah?” Dewey nodded, leaning in to kiss you again. you chuckled and kissed him quickly pulling him towards the stairs.
Upon reaching your room, you kicked the door open with the back of your foot, still making out with Dewey when you approached the door. “JARVIS.. close.. the.. blinds” you said between kisses. “of course ma’am” the AI replied. Dewey pulled away for a second, admiring your room. Band posters all over the wall, the huge floor-to-ceiling long windows at the side, all of the tech and tools lying around. “wow this is crazy” Dewey proclaimed. You chuckled and rolled your eyes “yeah I know, sorry it’s a mess” you laughed. Dewey pulled you by your t-shirt flush against him “you are so damn smart and sexy you know that” you smirked, blushing slightly. “I know” you winked. “JARVIS, main light off, mood light on”. Suddenly the brightness of the room faded and a red glow appeared, bringing a lustful ambience to the room. you kissed one another again, needy. You began to unbutton Dewey’s jeans and pulled them down, he kicked them off as you walked backwards towards the bed. You pushed Dewey down on to the bed and he sat on the edge. You were about to join him before you suddenly got a bit self-conscious. Normally you had some sort of sexy lingerie on, some sort of lacy bodysuit thing, or at least a sexy matching bra and thong to give you a bit more confidence. But you had been so preoccupied with getting to know Dewey that you had completely forgot. Would he think you were ugly? Wouldn’t want to be around you anymore? You felt hot suddenly. Were you not good enough? “I uh.. I don’t have any kinda like, you know, sexy lingerie or anything on.. not even a lacy bra like.. I’ll go change if you want.. like I don’t mind-“. Dewey’s eyebrows furrowed and you got worried for a second before he replied “oh my god are you kidding me?” He pulled you on to his lap by grabbing a hold of your ACDC top. “you don’t need anything like that to look sexy.” He looked up at you. You blushed and put your arms around his neck. “why on earth would you think that? I think that when you walked in the room with just that ACDC t-shirt on and those socks was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”. You giggled. “you don’t need all that stuff to look beautiful” he looked up at you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world. It was enough to bring a tear to a glass eye. “and if this isn’t what you want? If you want me to just lie here, tickle your back, stroke your hair, cuddle you or even if you want to just sit and talk all night.. I would be more than happy to do any of that with you”. You began to tear up. No one had ever treated you like this before.
You kissed him again. “you are far too good for me Dewey Finn. How on earth did I find you?” he smiled “I’m one of a kind baby” he winked, repeating your earlier statement. He kissed you again, and you kissed him back. Suddenly regaining your confidence back slightly, you lifted up and took of your t-shirt, leaving yourself bare, apart from a thong, straddling this strangers middle. Dewey moaned when he looked at you. His hands ran up your waist and rib cage as his mouth went to the space between your breasts “beautiful” he said between kisses. You moaned slightly as he rubbed his hands up and down your body slowly, continuing to leave kisses and suck on your skin. “you taste like Bacardi”.
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Tempio Di Pietro Chapter 1: Tensione
A Jar Of Dirt Spin-Off Peter x Tony (x MJ)
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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading this! This is a short spin-off series to Jar Of Dirt. You can read this as a standalone but there might be hints missing. We definitely recommend you to read Jar Of Dirt first! x Lien & Kim  
Chapter 1: Tensione
Peter takes another bite from the chocolate-chip cookie and smiles happily. Yesterday was so much fun. He’d never baked cookies with Tony before, well, Tony had never, in his entire life, baked cookies before. He was adorable, white patches of flour staining his Black Sabbath hoodie while looking into the oven every thirty seconds to see if they were ready. Tony in the kitchen will always be a heartwarming sight for Peter.
Peter grins when he hears the ping of the elevator, doors sliding open. Good. Tony’s done early today.  “Daddy, I missed you today!” Peter turns around, feeling the blood drain from his face when he sees MJ standing in the elevator. A smug smile playing on her lips. “Oh wow, now that’s a warm welcome!”  “Oh! MJ! I… I didn’t- It’s not what it sounds-” Peter stammers but MJ interrupts his weak excuse with a chuckle and a small wave. “Sure thing, Pete.” Peter’s cheeks are burning at his mistake. God. He knows MJ has her subs call her daddy and now he called her daddy- fuck, fuck, fuck. The girl snorts at his awkwardness and walks over to him. “Dude, it’s no big deal. Kinda figured Tony would get off on being called that. C’mere, missed you.” Peter lets MJ pull him into a tight hug, her soft and warm embrace soothing his embarrassment. Yeah, the timing was unfortunate, but he knows she doesn’t judge him.
“Speaking of your daddy, where is he?” She saunters over to the kitchen, moving around ever so swiftly. Peter loves how she doesn’t mind that this is Tony Stark’s penthouse. Most people are afraid to touch anything. MJ made this her second home the first time she set foot in here. Peter had been afraid Tony would think her to be a little too confident, but no, he adores MJ. Loves the endless discussions he can have with her, without her ever holding back her opinion. Loves the dark, sarcastic jokes. Loves how good of a friend she is for Peter, helping him crawl out of his shell after the MIT incident. “Oh, he’s uh, in the lab,” Peter stammers. Working on our Stark Industries sex toy because I broke it last night. MJ cocks an eyebrow at him, sipping on her water. She just knows there’s more to the story and she’s using her silence to spur him on, wanting to know every little detail. Peter just grins, shaking his head and waving her off. 
“Believe me, you don’t even want to know this story.” Somehow, discussing his sex life with the girl had become so casual over time. He’s no longer too flushed talking about it. Yet, telling her that Tony made him his own personalized sex toy might be… Too much. “Try me?” She refills her glass and walks over to the couch, slumping down against the backrest and kicking off her sneakers. Peter groans as he follows her to the touch, sitting down next to her. She pats her own legs, inviting him to pop his feet in her lap as he always does. There’s no way she’d let the topic slide now. One day, he asked her why she was so curious about his sex life. She’d been honest, admitting she liked seeing him enjoy himself after… Well, Beck. Plus, she giggled, she liked having inside knowledge on the sexual preferences of the richest man in the world.
“I uh, broke our sex toy last night? It’s… Stark Tech and Tony’s fixing it now.” “Peter Benjamin Parker, are you telling me Tony made you a sex toy?” She shakes her head in disbelief, grinning widely. “What does it do?” “Oh, you know, it changes shapes. It’s either a plug, a dildo, a vibrator…” Peter grins, wiggling his eyebrows. If he’s going to tell the story he’d better own it. “Anything Tony wants it to be.” “Kinky.” “Definitely. This one time he-” Peter shuts up the second the elevator pings. This time, it actually is Tony who comes walking in with, of course, the black cube in his hands. Peter grins at him sheepishly and the man looks between him and MJ, greeting her with a little nod. “Well, now you two are making me wonder what I interrupted?” “Oh, it’s n-nothing, honestly!” Peter rushes out at the same time as MJ’s nonchalant, “-talking about your sex life, why?” Tony laughs at Peter’s mortified face. “Didn’t know you were that much of a tattletale?” Tony smirks and cocks an eyebrow. “Oh,” MJ chuckles. “He really is.” “Yeah? What’d the boy tell you about me?” Tony puts the sex toy on the countertop and heads for the chair opposite them, a curious sparkle in his eyes as he waits for MJ to continue. Peter flushes. Oh, God. He knows that face. He quickly chips in before the conversation gets out of hand. “Really, Mr. Stark-” he mentally curses at himself for the slip up of his name. “-it’s nothing. I just-” He can’t even finish his sentence as MJ puts her hand on his ankle and interrupts him.  “Oh, just the usual stuff. The other time he told me how you guys like to have sneaky sex at parties - though, I don’t quite believe the ‘sneaky’ part.” She leans back against the couch, completely in her element. “But also how he calls you daddy and breaks sex toys.” “Toy. Singular.” “Now we’re talking.”
Tony eyes Peter quickly, checking up on him. Peter knows his face is flushed, part embarrassment, part… something else. Tony’s lips curl up when he sees exactly what’s going on and the man shifts in his seat to get more comfortable - ready to take this conversation to the next level. Peter gets off on embarrassment, on being portrayed as a needy little boy. Even more so when publicly. He’s a little afraid they’re crossing a line here, but they’re all seemingly very into the direction of this conversation. “Well, if we’re talking anyways,” Tony starts. “Why don’t you tell her how you broke the toy?” “Oh God,” Peter stutters, eyes widening as he stares at his boyfriend. He knew Tony was going to push further but he hadn’t expected this. He swallows, glancing sideways at MJ. The girl grins. 
“Please, do tell, Pete.” Peter takes a shaky breath, mentally cursing at the slight tingling in his groin.  “I… Was uhm-...” He looks at Tony once more. The man nods in encouragement. “I was sucking on it, and uh, Tony slammed into my G-, uh, prostate, and I just accidentally bit down too hard. Y’know, Spidey strength,” he stammers. MJ looks rather impressed.  “Sucking on a toy, uh? Now that’s one I should try with my subbies next time. You got any more good ideas, Tony?” Peter shifts and tries to pull his legs up, but MJ’s thumb brushes past the skin of his exposed ankle so gently it has him shiver. He decides it can’t hurt being so close to her just a little longer. “Depends,” Tony replies slyly. “What kind of Domme are you? Gentle? Rough? Mean?" “Hmmm, Gentle Femdom big time. I like giving my subs physical pleasure while degrading the fuck outta them at every chance I get.”
“Oh, in that case, you ever tried making them wear a plug, or any toy for that matter, and go shopping?” Tony grins. Peter blushes as he remembers the time he and Tony did exactly that and he actually moans at the memory. “Seems you liked that, Peter?” MJ whispers softly. Peter’s breath hitches and he’s not sure what to answer. So he simply nods, shifting in an attempt to cover his half-hard cock. MJ smirks and bites her lip. “I’ve never actually worn one up my ass, so I don’t really know what it’s like.” Oh, no. “What’s it like, Pete?” “It’s, ehm…” Peter presses his lips on top of each other and looks at Tony. The mischievous glimmer in the man’s eyes already says enough, but he nods for good measure. “Feels good,” Peter breathes out. “Makes you feel so full and- and it moves.” He swallows and stares at his half-eaten cookie on the table, not daring to look either other participants of this conversation in the eye. “With every step you take.” MJ nods with an approving look on her face.
“Sounds nice. Anything to add?” Peter’s mouth is dry. There are a hundred more things he could add. A hundred more things he could say, but this… This feels so weird. Terribly wrong but… So right. “Sometimes da- Tony makes it buzz.” “Oooh,” MJ sing songs. “That must hit you in all the good places, right?” Peter hates how casual MJ is. Hates Tony’s intense stare. But he loves it. He loves it so much. Peter nods, maybe a little too frantically and he sucks in a breath. “Speak, honeybunch,” Tony orders and Peter automatically nods again. “Yeah- yeah, feels amazing. I couldn’t walk at some point, -was too much.”
MJ smiles and suddenly changes the subject. “Honeybunch!” She exclaims. “I almost forgot about that. I wonder what else you call him, Tones.” “Oh, you know, the usual. Sweetness… Sweet thing, baby, good boy... “ Tony shows Peter an endearing smile and is obviously pretending all those words don’t go straight to Peter’s cock. “All the things to make him soft and pliant.” “That means there’s more.” MJ grins. “Oh…” Tony’s expression grows darker and Peter shudders at the sight. “Definitely.” He pauses for dramatic effect and Peter squeezes his eyes shut, anticipating the rush of arousal that will shoot through him soon. “When things get a little rougher on the bed he’s my slut.” Peter’s dick twitches and he licks his lips. “My sweet, little cockslut.” Peter lets his head fall back over the armrest and can’t contain himself anymore. His breathing has turned to soft whimpers and MJ’s constant rubbing of her thumb over his calf is doing things to him he would never dare to admit. But they’re all seeing it. There’s no denying that Peter is a horny mess on the couch and he jolts upright when he feels MJ lean over his legs that are still resting on her lap.
He relaxes slightly when he notices she reaches for something on the table, but his pleasure contorted face turns into a pout when he realizes what MJ is going for. His cookie. She comes back up to sit comfortably again and maintains eye contact with Peter as she asserts her dominance by taking a bite of his half-eaten cookie. “Oh,” she says quietly after swallowing. “This was yours, wasn’t it, sweetness?” she grins and leans forward to hand it to Peter. He doesn’t even raise his hands anymore, he just leans in and opens his mouth, wrapping his lips around the cookie as he closes his eyes. He moans softly as the sweet treat melts on his tongue, but then he realizes what’s happening and his eyes fly open. He pulls back, cookie still in his mouth and MJ cocks an eyebrow at him. She rubs the fingers of her hand together to get rid of the crumbles and then looks at the tips before locking gazes with Peter again. She slowly brings her hand up and wraps her lips around her index finger, then her thumb and then her middle finger. “Tastes good,” she says softly. Peter swallows his cookie and gasps for air. His cock is achingly hard right now and it’s extremely visible in his sweats.
It’s quiet for a second. All three people in the room are weighed down by the sexual tension in the air. It’s only when Peter manages to move to wipe his fingers on his shirt that MJ suddenly pats her hand on his legs and pushes him off her to stand up. “Alright, losers-” she says with a grin. “I’m off.” She walks past Peter’s face, putting in a little more effort to sway her hips and Peter goes pale when he smells it. When he smells her. MJ is so turned on that Peter can smell her. Fuck. Peter jolts when her hand suddenly rests on top of his curls and he looks up at her with big eyes. She smiles down at him and then sneaks a glance at Tony. “I’ll leave you two to it.” She tugs at his hair slightly before making her way to the elevator and Peter can’t stop staring at her. At the shape of her body, the lines of her curves. Her ass. When she steps into the elevator she twirls with an evil grin on her face. Her mouth is half-opened and her head is slightly angled up when she seductively moans. 
“Go be a good boy for daddy.”
The second the elevator doors close, Peter’s head whips around to stare at Tony wide-eyed. The man simply cocks an eyebrow and nods at his crotch. “You heard her.” Peter looks at Tony’s hard cock pressing through the fabric of his dark jeans and his mouth salivates at the sight. The boy slowly pushes himself off the couch. He’s too focussed on Tony to realize he could have stood up to walk. Instead, he crawls. His own hardness grazing past his loose sweats. Tony can’t help but smirk as he pushes his jeans down his butt and Peter nearly drools when his daddy casually cups his shaft through his underwear. Peter slowly moves up, curling his fingers around the hem of Tony’s pants aiming to pull them off completely. Once they’re discarded, he shifts to sit between Tony’s legs on the floor. He looks up at Tony, who leans forward to take Peter’s face in both his hands. “D-daddy,” Peter whimpers. His eyes flutter and his nostrils flare when he breathes in Tony’s cologne. “Oh, sweetness. You look so pretty when you’re all hot and bothered.” Peter shuts his eyes, relishing in the sensation of Tony’s warm hands covering his cheeks. Peter lets himself be guided as Tony pulls him closer to his crotch. The man’s hands move back on Peter’s head, tugging at his hair. Peter moans and hips buck against the chair.
“Go on then,” Tony whispers with a smile. Peter doesn’t wait. Now that daddy has given permission he’s going to go all in. He opens his mouth wide and licks one long stripe over Tony’s dick through the fabric of his underwear. “Oh, that’s right, right there, boy-” Tony is so hard. Peter can barely believe that Tony got turned on watching Peter get… Dominated. By MJ. The younger man growls and teethes at the hem of Tony’s underwear. “O-off,” he moans. “Need you-” “Oh, sweetness,” Tony coos, complying with his sub’s wishes. “So eager to please.” Peter nods, squeezing his eyes shut as he laps at the skin of Tony’s now exposed cock. The older man gasps when Peter suddenly takes the man’s shaft in his mouth, without warning. He scoffs a laugh. “Very eager, aren’t you?” All Peter can do is moan. He brings up his hands to help jerk Tony off while his tongue swirls around the head. He hollows his cheeks and sucks ever so gently. Tony’s muscles relax as his eyes roll back and he sinks into the cushions of the armchair. “Oh, Peter, you feel so good on me, o-oh.” “Love you,” Peter whispers before he wraps his lips around Tony again and the man can’t help but smile. “I love you too, caro mio-”
It’s not long before Tony sits up straight to tug at Peter’s head a bit more aggressively, urging the boy off his cock. “Undress yourself for me, Petey, I want to take you to the bedroom.” Peter gasps at the word but frowns slightly at the implications. “But- your back-” “Uh-uh, don’t you dare ruin the moment, kid. I know how much you weigh, I deadlift half of that every week. Off with those clothes. Want you to sit down on top of me, want to fill you up.” Peter grins while he undresses. “Daddy’s overselling himself,” he says cheekily and Tony huffs. “Thought MJ told you to be a good boy for me, Pete.” Peter halts his movements, shirt half over his head and he realizes Tony could literally see his cock throb at the sentence. When he finishes taking off his shirt he’s met with Tony’s shit-eating grin. The man knows exactly what he’s doing to Peter and honestly… Peter loves every second of it. Tony is still lazily stroking his cock while staring at Peter’s. The boy climbs on top of his daddy and angles himself so Tony can push in. Peter jolts when Tony suddenly grabs his cock to halt him from sitting down.
“Shouldn’t I open you up first, baby boy?” Peter smiles and leans down to press a kiss on the corner of Tony’s mouth. He then licks across the man’s lips and pulls back slightly, only to whisper: “Fingered myself after lunch, so I’d be ready for you.” “Lunch was a while back.” “Need you, daddy, please.” Tony pushes his face towards Peter to bring him in for a hungry kiss. They moan into each other’s mouths as Tony’s hands crawl up to Peter’s hips, only to lower him slowly. Too slowly for Peter’s taste. He’d rather slam down immediately. Feel his daddy fill him up so well- hit him right where he wants him to. “Easy, boy…” Tony mumbles against Peter’s chin before pushing his tongue back into the boy’s mouth, tasting the cookie Peter and MJ ate earlier.
Peter gasps when the tip of Tony’s cock probes his entrance. “That’s it, sweetness,” Tony whispers. “Let me in…” Peter’s body shakes as he lets Tony guide himself further and further down on his cock. He’s doing everything he can to unclench as fast as possible and when Tony bottoms out they come together in an embrace. They stay seated like that for a while, not moving, just taking in each other’s presence, feeling the stretch. Tony’s face is pressed flush against Peter’s chest and after a little bit, he starts pressing soft kisses on Peter’s skin, causing goosebumps to spread over the younger man’s body. Peter desperately holds onto Tony and presses his lips on top of Tony’s head. “Bedroom?” he asks quietly, causing Tony to chuckle. “Needy little thing,” the man sighs, taking Peter’s nipple in his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. Peter clenches his jaw, stifling a moan. Tony looks up at Peter, his irises dark with lust, pupils blown wide and he grins. “Let’s go.”
Peter yelps surprised when Tony swiftly stands up, hands on the boy’s ass. Peter’s response, not just audible but also physical has Tony chuckle. “You’re getting a little sticky, Pete.” Peter slowly wraps his legs around Tony’s waist. The movement of Tony’s cock in his body causes him to groan softly. “Don’t want you to drop me,” he scoffs with a soft laugh. Tony squeezes Peter’s butt. “You’re a mean spider, Pete.” Tony starts walking towards the bathroom with Peter’s chest still flush against his face. “Self-preservation, daddy.” Tony arches his back slightly so he can pull back and look Peter in the eye with raised eyebrows. “Do you want to come?” Peter immediately scrambles to hold onto Tony regularly and he ceases his sticking. “That’s what I thought.”
Soon enough Tony manages to carry the boy to the bedroom. Peter smiles up at him as the man gently lowers him onto the soft sheets, hovering over him, kissing him passionately. Tony’s being so gentle with him it makes his heart flutter in his chest. “Daddy…” he whispers, grabbing onto the man’s shoulders, trying to pull him in even closer. He wants to feel Tony everywhere. The weight pressing down on him, the man’s hands exploring his tingling body, wants to hear Tony’s voice whisper sweet praise in his ears. “You want me to fuck you, amore?” Tony whispers against his lips and Peter nods breathlessly, clenching around Tony’s cock inside him. “Please, please move,” he whispers and gasps. His eyes widen when Tony rolls his hips into him, the drag inside him sparking pleasure throughout his entire body.  “Like that?” “More, daddy, please, please.” Peter knows he’s a wreck in the very best sense of the word. He’s floating already, his mind easy and calm and fuck, he feels so loved. Tony complies with his wish, picking up speed, rutting into his sweet little submissive with a grin on his face and lowering his lips towards Peter’s ear.
“Did MJ turn you on, sweetness?” Peter jolts at the sudden embarrassment and he lets out a high-pitched moan. Oh, God. Tony’s doing it again, isn’t he? He’s going to whisper the sweetest filth into his ear, stirring up fantasies in his mind. Just as he did with Bucky all these months ago. Peter loves it. Loves him. He nods frantically. "You want to fuck her, don't you? Feel your hard cock slide into her slick, dripping pussy- suck at her tits until they’re sore. Make her feel so good, just cause you want to do that for her. Oh, Peter, how I would love to see who could come more often in a row. Think you can beat a seasoned domme like her? I'd like to see you try.” Peter whimpers at the thought. He wants it. Badly.
"You want to bury your face between her slick thighs? Smell her scent again? ‘Cause I saw it hit you, honeybunch. You liked it didn't you?" “S-Smelled so good, she was horny, daddy, I-” Tony growls into his ears, sneaking his hand between their bodies to jerk Peter off. Hard and fast. Peter cries out when the little sparks just build and build and build. He wants to come so bad. Wants his daddy to fill him. Fill him up like the sweet slut he is. God. He really is. Tony sucks on the skin just below Peter’s ear, harshly, marking him up, claiming him - yet, teasing him with another sweet fantasy.
“Know what it sounds like, fucking a girl, Pete? I do- oh, I do, sweetness. The sound,” Tony gasps, losing himself in the rhythm of slamming into his boy. “It’s disgustingly filthy. The wetter, the better. You can hear it in the back of your head, can you? Can you hear her moaning your name, order you to come?” “Y-Yes, yes, yes,” Peter chokes out, he can hear it; MJ’s soft voice, demandingly sweet.  “And you would come for her, Peter, because she told you so. You’d fill her up- mix your cum.” Tony’s voice is breathy and shaky and rough and Peter doesn’t know how to handle the pleasure coursing through him. It’s too much. He’s so close. So close. “T-tell me more, daddy, please.” Peter’s clawing on Tony’s back, fingers digging into the strong muscles he finds there. Tony moans as Peter’s nails press into his skin. His free hand moves up to tug on the boy’s soft curls. “Oh baby, she’d force that sweet little mouth of yours back down on her pussy- make you eat her out. But this time you can taste your own cum too. You’d like that, fuck Pete, you’d like tasting yourself inside her. Like making her cum over and over again until her legs are trembling all around you.” “F-Fuck, daddy, yes, yes!” Peter gasps, panting, pushing his head back into his pillow harshly when Tony flicks his thumb over the tip. Again, and again, and again, and- “Go on then, sweetness, be a slut for her. Come for her.” 
Peter cries out when Tony’s words tip him over the edge. His hips buck into the man’s grip wildly, white hot spurts sticking between their bodies. He’s trembling all over. Tony’s low grunts are hot against his neck. “Good boy, fuck, Peter baby, you- Oh yes.” Tony’s voice trails off and a loud, disgustingly filthy groan escapes his throat. Peter feels Tony’s balls against his ass as the man buries himself deep inside of him, filling him up. Peter just takes it all, relishing in the short pants leaving the man’s mouth and feeling Tony’s rapid heartbeat as he collapses on top of him. Peter lets out a shaky breath, wrapping his arms around Tony’s neck and holding him close while the man rides out his orgasm. “Peter…” “Daddy, that was- fuck.” “S-so hot.” Peter nods, pressing a gentle kiss on top of Tony’s hair. He can’t help the amazed chuckle falling from his lips. He never thought they’d do something like this again. And fuck- he’d loved it.  “I love you, Tony,” Peter breathes softly. Tony lets out a satisfied noise and buries his face in the crook of the boy’s neck.  “I love you too, baby. Blanket?” “Blanket,” Peter replies with a happy smile, tugging on the sheets and wrapping the both of them into the soft, warm fabric. They hold each other until they doze off.
Tony growls and slams his laptop shut. He can’t see another e-mail, another article, another stupid fucking document, even if his life depended on it. Peter’s head shoots up from the other side of the desk, looking up from his Electrodynamics textbook alarmed. “You okay?” Tony doesn’t answer right away, doesn’t want to snap at his boy - which fuck - he would if he would open his mouth now. He takes a deep breath, holding it for a couple of seconds before letting the air escape his tight chest. He sniffs, his foot tapping on the floor restlessly. This is getting out of hand. He loves his job, doesn’t usually have a problem with the neverending pile of stuff he has to go through. However, lately he hasn’t been able to handle it very well. He’s so stressed. So burned out. So on edge that Bruce had already carefully suggested maybe he should take a couple of days off. But how could he? There were deadlines and meetings and surely he couldn’t just cancel those because his brain couldn’t keep up with it. “No,” his croaks, eyes gazing at the floor. “-I don’t think I am.”
Peter carefully closes his book and walks over to his boyfriend, hugging him from behind. Tony sighs into the embrace, hands reaching up to hold Peter’s wrists, pressing him closer.  “Tell me what’s going on, Tony.” Tony sniffs, waving at the work in front of them. “I just… Can’t deal with this shit right now.” He bites his lips realizing how inadequate that sounds. It’s just work. The same old things he’s been doing for years already. “I’m just being stupid, Pete, don’t mind me. It’ll be fine.” Peter shakes his head gently.  “You’re not stupid.” He sighs, kisses the top of the man’s hair. Tony melts into the touch.  “I am, though. It’s easy stuff, just some editing and basic meetings.” “Tony, stop it. Just because it’s ‘easy stuff’ doesn’t mean it’s easy. You’ve been working so much the past weeks, if your brain needs a little break, take one.” Tony huffs. Peter makes it sound so simple. The man shakes his head. “Peter, I ju-” “Alright, that’s it. We’re leaving this office for the rest of today and don’t you dare protest against it.” Peter pulls Tony’s chair backward to create space between him and the desk. “Wha-” “Hush. Just come with me.” Peter doesn’t give Tony the time to even try and tell him off, grabbing his hand, helping him to stand up. Peter guides both of them outside the office and locks the door, stuffing the key inside his pocket. “I have a meeting with the chemistry team this afternoon, Pete.” “Fri? Please notify the chemistry team the meeting’s canceled.” Tony stares at Peter in astonishment.  “You did not just do that.” “Oh, I sure did. Any other meetings I should know about?” Tony feels his face flush. He feels so called out and a weird part of his brain likes it. He simply shakes his head. “Good.”
Soon, Tony finds himself seated on the couch with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and Peter half-asleep against his side, his head resting on Tony’s shoulder. Peter had taken good care of him; made him a grilled cheese sandwich and made sure Tony didn’t check his work emails as he ate. He’s so glad Peter cut through him. Forced him to put his work down. Maybe he did need this after all. Needed Peter to be strict. He looks down at the bunch of curls and smiles, pressing a gentle kiss on top of it. He hums their Italian tune - ‘Ti Amo by Umberto Tozzi -, the lyrics echoing in his head. 
Dammi il tuo vino leggero, che hai fatto quando non c'ero, e le lenzuola di lino. Dammi il sonno di un bambino.
He freezes when it suddenly hits him. Give me your light wine you made while I was away, and the linen sheets give me the sleep of a child. The lyrics take him right back to the spa. How he knelt in front of Peter, how he made him feel good; fed him the grapes, massaged the warm oil into his God’s body. He needs that again. Craves the submission. Peter’s gentle but demanding touch. He needs to give up control.
He needs to give up control.
“Peter?” His voice is shakier than he’d like it to be. Peter shifts, mumbling a soft “Yes?” as his eyes flutter open.  “I- would… Would you be my Cupido today?” Peter whips his head up, to stare at Tony. Tony’s throat feels so dry, his heart thumping in his chest as he waits for Peter to answer. He knows Peter loved their little roleplay, but he has no clue if he’d want to do it again. “Did you just ask what I think you asked me?” “Well, yes? But only if you want to, of course.” “I- I can try, but I don't know if I can?” Peter replies slowly, sitting up straight. “I’m not a natural dominant like you, Tony.” Peter stares at the look that flashes across the man’s eyes and he smiles. “But I can’t say no to a sweet servant like you, why don’t you get down on your knees?” Peter whispers. He’s not sure how this will turn out. He doesn’t feel anything near the God he’d been in Italy. The environment of the penthouse just feels… off. Tony fucked him nearly everywhere in this place; domming him. He does want to try it though. Tony carefully puts the blanket away, kneeling in front of Peter. “My lord,” he whispers. “-you have taken such good care of me today.”
Peter looks at Tony, smiling. He carefully reaches out for the man’s face, dragging the tip of his finger across Tony’s bottom lip. The man’s eyes flutter shut at the gentle touch. Tony looks beautiful like this. Peter wants to dom him. Wants to take him apart. He just… Can’t. Not here. He pulls his hand back. “Tony, I-I’m sorry. Yellow.” The man’s eyes open wide and he scrambles up quickly, sitting down next to Peter again. Peter swallows, biting his lips. “Don’t get me wrong, I want to do this with you, Tony. It’s just…” Peter waves at their surroundings. “In here, it doesn’t feel right. I’m just Peter. Peter’s not a dom.” Tony shakes his head, taking Peter’s hands in his. “It’s okay. I… Guess it feels off for me too.” Peter groans. He doesn’t want to disappoint the man. Tony barely asks for something as specific as this and now it seems like it’s not working out. Peter feels bad about it. If only they were at the spa. The lush greenery surrounding them. The luxurious marble baths. Peter feels his body tingle at the thought, a hint of Cupido shining through. What if…
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” “Yes, Peter?” The boy can’t help but grin at the confused expression on Tony’s face. “Can you please book the Italian Spa for two this weekend. Friday till Monday.” Peter leans back on the couch, actually feeling in his element right now. Tony shakes his head.  “I can’t-” “And cancel all of Tony’s appointments.” “I have canceled the appointments, are we taking this from your account, Peter?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. asks. Peter intently stares at Tony and Tony stares back. They both know Peter can’t afford this. They both know how much Tony likes it when Peter shamelessly spends the billionaire’s money. So Peter grins when he licks his lips and answers. “Tony’s.”
Peter squeals startled when Tony attacks him with a hot kiss. His warm, soft lips sweet on his own. “Fuck, Pete- Telling me straight-faced you can’t dom me in the tower and yet you pull shit like that?” “Daddy-” Peter whimpers, melting in the man’s demanding embrace. Tony’s lips graze past his cheekbones, up to his ear while leaving featherlight kisses. Occasionally giving a gentle suck on the sensitive skin. Peter loves it. Relishes in it. “Kid, you’re gonna be the death of me.” Read More: Chapter 2 (yet to be posted) Masterpost
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forteafy · 7 years
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Some Ultra-Fluffy Headcanons for Niamh, (@whotheeffisbucky). Ft. Lance Tucker, Steve Rogers, Jefferson, Sugar!Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tony Stark, TJ Hammond, Chris Beck, and Bucky Barnes.
Lance Tucker
-Such a huge cuddle monster. He will literally snuggle you up in your bed and admire all the Movie Posters everywhere.
-He also loves seeing you all cosied up in his USA Jacket. He recognises it suits you way better than him.
-Whenever he goes out to an event, he wants you on his arm. And loves that one red dress.
-Taking photo’s for his Instagram. He loves your work, so get’s you to edit them, too. Even a certain video which went on his Twitter.
-Admiring that view when he’s working out. He’ll put you underneath him so he can steal kisses.
-Telling any man who comes near you that he loves you and to back off.
-Whenever he feels like you’re a bit self conscious, he’ll take you in his arms and kiss every part of your body, telling you how beautiful you are to him and the world.
-He gets you to read to him. He love your voice.
-Having movie nights where he holds you on his lap so you can snuggle in his chest.
Steve Rogers
-He is just obsessed with you lying on top of him. You’re like his teddy bear and loves you being snugly with him.
-Long, relaxing baths together. Covered in rose petals and bubbles.
-He always leaves the Shield by your bedroom door; it’s soundproof, so it stops the shouting downstairs somewhat.
-Carrying you around the house because you’re a small baby who needs to be protected.
-He literally calls you ‘Doll’ 24/7. It’s saved on his contacts as that.
-He also loves playing with your hair. He’ll run his hands through it and massage your scalp to soothe you.
-Hiding in his warm neck through snuggles.
-He loves making hot chocolate because it was a luxury in his time. Something sweet for you to share.
-Cheek kisses which are super soft.
Jefferson of OUAT
-Matching hats! He wants you both to look super cute, so he gets you your own top hat.
-He can play the piano really well. He learned ‘Another day of Sun,’ from the La La Land soundtrack.
-Wearing his scarves whenever you go out to keep you warm.
-He also loves baking. Cookies are his ultimate favourite. Like you, white chocolate and raspberry.
-Lying in your lap and telling you about Grace.
-Dancing around the house. He’ll put on a song, and you guy will dance together for so long.
-Taking you to see shows at the theatre. He’ll hold your hand throughout it.
-Nose kisses. all speckley and little.
-Rubbing his thumb across your palm when you hold hands.
Sugar!Chris Evans
-Whenever he hears his baby is upset, he is dropping meetings and is straight around to check up on you.
-Giving you the most beautiful presents which are lovely and sentimental.
-Paying for Spa Treatments together. He is super calm with you and loves going to the Spa with you.
-His hand resting on your thigh for warmth and comfort.
-Snuggling up in his apartment watching really bad movies and pushing his work aside for you.
-Sitting between his legs and lying back on his chest to snuggle together.
-Tying his tie around your wrist. It’s a sign that he is always there to protect you.
Kissing your neck in comfort.
-Carrying you to bed and snuggling you when you’re all comfy, reminding you how much he loves you.
Sebastian Stan
-He fell in love with you almost instantly. Just, he was in a quiet place and saw you buying a drink and went up to say hi.
-You recognised him, and he sat with you. He loves hearing you talk all the time.
-Taking you to Movie Premieres and is constantly gushing over how perfect you look.
-Wearing his blazer jacket when it begins to get a little bit cold.
-He once talked about how much he loved your directing and playscripts and on Twitter, the hashtag #WeWantNiamhsMovie was trending.
-He goes to your movie premiere. And is so proud of you.
-The best times are when you’re snuggling together and when he can just hold you and it’s nice and quiet.
-Eskimo kisses. He is one of them people.
-His Instagram feed is soon filled with photo’s of you cuddling, and comments such as ‘My faves’ and ‘Goals.’
Tony Stark
-Whenever you’re feeling a little angry, he let’s you borrow a suit, and can get your anger out in Target Practice.
-Helping you study for Film. He pretends he dosen’t know that much, but he really does.
-Joy riding in his cars. Nice relaxing drives in the evening with the stars above you.
-You guys have so many blanket cuddles, snuggling together. 
-He tickles you with the strange beard of his. But he says your laughter is totally worth it.
-He can also cook pretty damn well. JARVIS Taught him all these cute recipes.
-The amount of times he says ‘I love you,’ because it’s true.
-Forehead kisses. That way he feels like he’s keeping the most important thing safe in his life.
-Interlocking your hands with his and squeezing your fingers in comfort.
TJ Hammond
-You and TJ are best friends for live. You even have the little necklaces with half a heart each and put them together.
-He makes the best movie suggestions. Whenever you have snuggle sessions, he picks out something amazing.
-Making tea together, and clinking glasses.
-He loves that you keep and eye on him and he keeps and eye on you. You’re a good team together.
-Dancing around the flat, but more to rock music, air guitars and everything else.
-’Damn Niamh. If I wasn’t gay, I would totally go for you.’- TJ, 2017.
-You both made a vow to throw out all bad things, and instead you focus on the happiness.
-You keep finding him reading your writing and seeing a cute little smile on his face.
-Wrapping you up in a blanket and calling you his ‘Baby Burrito.’
Chris Beck
-A very big cuddler. He had nearly no physical contact in space, so he likes cuddling you to make up for it.
-Wearing his NASA jumper when you get out the shower because it’s super warm and fluffy.
-Painting a wall in your house like a star system.
-He loves ordering Pizza. For him, Pizza and watching a really cheesy television series is his perfect evening.
-The amount of times he say’s ‘I love you to the moon and back’ ‘Chris, you’ve been to the moon.’
-Introducing you to all his space buddies, because he wants you to know all about his life and how much you mean to him alongside it.
-Sharing Pillows so he can be closer to you.
-Running his hands across your face, and whispering how perfect you are.
-Getting glow in the dark star stickers and sticking them above your bed so it feels like you’re watching the stars in the warmth of home.
Bucky Barnes
-He loves holding your hand with his metal hand because it makes him feel less like a monster.
-Long, lingering kisses. He loves your kisses.
-He loves his time with you. Whether it be reading together, or lying outside on the grass, watching the world go by.
-Going to the library together, and getting lost in the world of books quite happily.
-He loves making pillow forts with you, and then you watch endless movies, hidden away from the world.
-Falling asleep in his arms, and he’ll kiss the top of your head in comfort.
-Nuzzling into his warmth, and he’ll just whisper all these sweet nothings gently in your ear.
-Keeping his arms around you to protect you.
-’I love you Niamh. Never forget that.’
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