#the siblings.. they are just absolutely wrecking it rn
frogintheair · 1 year
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pan siblings reclassed sketch
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doobea · 9 months
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synopsis: Sae learns what the term 'whipped' means and comes to terms with it.
content: a sick!fic, fluff, sfw, early established relationship, itoshi siblings have a good(?) relationship, feels more like a brother bonding fic, soft!sae, sae centric pov, fem!reader word count: 1.6K a/n: yuh the title is based off of my fave blackpink song hehe and my bf is sick rn and instead of taking care of him im writing instead whoops - also posting this on rins birthday is NOT a crime
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There are two things that Sae takes from this impromptu trip back home. One is that he should've done his passport renewal online because now he has to wait up to a whole month. He's not mentally prepared to explain that to his manager who's currently over six thousand miles away. And two, he's recently learned that you get sick really easily when you travel. Like ridiculously sick.
"Sae, I'm dying."
There's a sniffle. A cough. And then silence.
You definitely sound like you’re dying, Sae thinks. From the kitchen, he carefully watches your movements on the couch. Which is almost minimum to none. When you don’t respond to your name, Sae rushes over and takes a look. Your cheeks are flushed, hair sticking to your forehead in a way that didn’t look comfortable, a bit of drool hangs from the sides of your mouth from your lack of ability to breathe, and worst of all —
"My head hurts, Sae…" Another cough. "Do you have any aspirin?"
In the most loving way, he wishes you would’ve just stayed back in Spain.
He takes hold of your palms and places his forehead against yours. It's hot and wet to the touch. It makes him physically recoil back and Sae looks almost annoyed with himself. Maybe he should've tried harder to convince you to not come.
Sae hasn't been back home in maybe a year or two, he thinks, but surely there must be some aspirin or any form of medicine in the house, right? A quick rush through the drawers and every nook and cranny in the house proves him otherwise.
Sae jogs back to your curled-up figure on the couch and throws on his windbreaker. "I'll go out to the store and get some."
"No," You sit up too fast and wince, hands settling on the sides of your temples to support the weight of your head. "I'll get over it soon. Maybe it's just the humid weather?" You lamely suggest.
You always double down whenever it comes to your health. Trying to convince yourself that it'll get better soon because you hate being an inconvenience to others — others being Sae. You're doing this even when you look like an absolute (beautiful) wreck in Sae's eyes right now. But maybe he shouldn't exactly leave you alone when you're in a feverish state, especially in a space you're unfamiliar with.
He takes off his windbreaker and gently places it over your shoulders as he thinks on his feet. "Then I'll get someone else to do it."
You wrap yourself in his jacket and repress back a coughing fit. "Huh, like who?"
Only one person pops up in his mind and Sae isn't sure if he can count on him. But, even after everything that they've gone through, he can probably trust him. Well, maybe not trust but more like he's his only option.
"When did you even get back?"
"Last night," Sae answers and rushes to the point. "I need you to make an errand run."
"What?" Rin’s voice fills with annoyance over the line. "Why would I do that?"
"Because," Sae looks over his shoulder at the sight of your body in a fetal position on the couch. You’re visibly shaking a bit too much for his liking. Sae takes a deep breath and exhales loud enough for his brother to hear. "My girlfriend is sick. I've checked the cabinets and we don't have any medicine. I don't want to leave her alone at our house."
There's a pause and Sae is wondering if his brother has hung up. Then, Rin clears his throat on the line.
"You want me to drop what I’m doing to get medicine for your sick girlfriend? Am I hearing that right?"
Sae snaps his head at the sound of you coughing once more. You look disheveled and your eyes are unfocused on what's in front of you. He sharply inhales once more. "That's exactly what I want. Do you need me to repeat it?"
Another pause and then it's Rin's turn to sigh.
"Whatever. Be there in fifteen."
And Rin keeps his word, showing up precisely in fifteen minutes, in his tracksuit to be exact, begrudgingly holding a plastic bag in his hands. The big yellow smiley face contrasts sharply with Rin's visibly irritated expression. In the bag, there’s a bottle of aspirin, cough syrup, vitamin gummies, and three ice cream bars.
Rin takes one of the ice cream bars before shoving the bag into Sae's hands. "You owe me." He hisses out.
Sae ignores his brother's glare and only nods, mumbling a lazy "thanks" before making his way back into the living room. Rin quietly follows behind. Sae figures it's because he's semi-curious about how he's been, though Rin will never admit it.
You stir from the couch at the sound of plastic and wake up when Sae pours out the contents onto the coffee table, immediately ripping the cough syrup packaging open and pouring the recommended amount into the little plastic cup.
"Here, take this." And Sae watches as Rin grimaces at how softly he speaks to you.
You weakly nod and tilt your head enough for Sae to bring it to your lips. A quick swallow followed by an equally quick shudder from the bitterness and you manage to crack a small grin. "Thank you, babe."
Rin suppresses a gagging noise when Sae plants a chaste kiss on your forehead. You take this moment to finally register two and two together. Sae hasn't outright introduced you to his family members, but he has shown you pictures of them from time to time.
"Sorry for the intrusion—you must be Rin, right?" You sit up straight, still wrapped around Sae's windbreaker, and extend out a hand. "He's told me a lot about you."
Yeah, maybe Sae should've locked you back home.
His younger brother throws him a look, not annoyed but slightly amused. "He has?"
You seem to miss the panicked scowl that Sae flashes at you and continue on. "Plenty! He talks about you almost every day and watches your games at the dinner table."
Sae tenses when he feels Rin's gaze hardening on him. "You do...?"
Sae awkwardly clears his throat, suddenly feeling heat rushing to his neck, and starts heading towards the kitchen. "I'm going to make a drink."
Fortunately, you didn't catch the thick tension and begin rambling to Rin. And seeing Rin attempting to start a conversation with you is physically painful. Sae sips on a cup of coffee as you talk about what you do for a living and how you and Sae met. Rin awkwardly nods, adding a small few comments here and there. He'll occasionally try his best to smile and sound remotely interested without coming off as a deadpan ass. Talking to Rin is like talking to a rock, Sae concludes. A giant, lanky, grumpy rock.
"It was nice meeting you, Rin." Your voice still sounds fried but better than what it was earlier.
"Yeah, you too." The taller male rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and stands. "Hey," Rin's voice directs over to Sae and he nudges his head towards the hallway. "Mind if we talk real quick?"
Sae exhales for what it feels like the tenth time today. "Sure."
Both brothers lean on opposite sides of the wall, seemingly also avoiding each other's gazes because wow the floor looks mildly entertaining right now. When was the last time that they even had a proper conversation without ripping each other's throats apart? Sae honestly can't remember but it didn't seem like that was on Rin's to-do list.
Rin breaks the heavy silence first with a loud unwrapping sound from his ice cream bar. He stares at it for a long moment and splits the bar down the middle, offering one stick to Sae. "How long are you staying for?"
Sae accepts it and takes a small bite. "A month."
"Showing your girlfriend around the country?"
"Maybe, but I'm just waiting on my passport."
"Should've done it online, dumbass."
Sae pretends the comment doesn't tick him off. "Why are you asking anyway?"
"Nothing." Rin drops the subject and finishes off his half of the dessert. "You've gotten softer. It's like you're whipped or something."
Sae rolls his eyes and bites off the remaining ice cream on his stick. "What does that mean?"
"It means that if she asked you to do a handstand and sing a song, you'd do it."
Sae finds himself pausing, thinks for a bit, and shrugs. "And that's a bad thing?"
Rin's eyes narrow before racking a hand through his hair. "Actually, forget I said anything."
For a brief second, Sae isn't sure if Rin is annoyed at the fact that he would do all those things for you or if he's annoyed that he didn't know what whipped means. Maybe both.
Rin pushes himself off the wall and starts heading towards the entrance, waving off to you as you lay on the couch, probably scrolling aimlessly on the phone. Before Rin steps out, he whips around and gives Sae a final hard stare.
"If you're ever free, let me know." And before Sae can even respond, he's out the door.
You giggle from the couch at the interaction. "He's cute."
The couch dips slightly as Sae plops down next to you, arms immediately wrapping around your waist and tugging you close to his embrace. "Sometimes weird." He adds.
"By the way," You start in a coy tone. "You're fine with doing all of that?"
Sae presses his lips against your shoulder and hums. "Doing all of what?"
"A handstand and singing me a song." Your grin is so infectious that it's making his heart swell.
"I can do it no problem," Sae replies easily.
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savemeafruitjuice · 3 months
TMNT 2012 Headcannons Because I Can't Function Well Enough to Make a Fic
yeah I'm sorry for not being able to write super well rn,,, but I'll make headcannons to make up for it!
TMNT 2012 HCS! (Slight spoilers! Don't read if you haven't finished season 4!)
TW!: Some Swearing! (my bad)
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why does he look like that- /j
I feel like he's decently ticklish but hides it most of the time because of his "I want to look super professional and ninja-y" persona, but there are times when he can't help it.
Worst spot is probably his sides (I've seen this around and it just suits him)
Second worst is likely tied between his feet and underarms
After the battle with Shredder and his vocal cords were trashed, his laugh is much more raspy and doesn't get very loud. Shrieky giggles at most.
Hasn't effected his sensitivity though.
Will squirm like his life depends on it, but generally is sapped of his strength after a few seconds.
Splinter would tickle them as tots, but as they got older it became less and less common.
However, when Leo became more edgy and stoic, his dad came around to make sure he kept smiling.
Gets tickled the most by Splinter and Raph
If asked, won't downright admit to being ticklish, but definitely won't deny it if it's with someone he's comfortable with.
Karai had to do some serious coaxing to get him to let her, but after that she continuously pokes at him to catch him off guard, sometimes even full on tickling him until he can't remember his own name.
All ideas for attack and protection go out the window as soon as he's tickled
Just flops around a bunch
Can't take multiple lers at a time unless it's light tickling- he almost instantly crumbles
Gets really flustered hearing "the t-word"
He'll blush and stutter, looking all taken-aback
Will literally always get his ler back
Unless it's Splinter, he only tried that once as a tot- never again.
Big brother privileges galore
If Leo's in a good mood, he'll take any and every opportunity he can to wreck his siblings
Tickles all of his brothers equally, but it's really just a matter of who needs it the most, as well as who happens to fall into his sight.
Likes using cheer-up tickles- and needs to. (These poor children are so traumatized)
Tickles vary between scribbling and poking, to squeezing and wiggling his fingers.
Isn't suuuper ruthless, but his brothers still fear him.
Especially if they've made him mad.
If so, it's game over.
Is also very teasy.
Will avoid saying the word because it flusters him as well, but still makes sure to embarrass his little siblings to no end.
I feel like he'd laugh along with his lee, making notes on the silly faces and noises they make.
The most common reason of being forced to take his wrath is refusing to move from in front of the tv while he watches Space Heroes.
Likely a ler-leaning switch
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Donatello looks like he's super ticklish.
And absolutely is.
Worst spots are underarms, thighs, and general stomach-area, but he's definitely ticklish everywhere
Screeches and flails when tickled no matter how light
Laugh is pretty loud, but his giggles are very light and airy.
Will beg the entire time, but doesn't actually mind being tickled all that much.
There was a time when April found out he was ticklish (she walked in on Mikey wrecking his shit) and joined in.
Let's just say his face had never been as red as it was then.
Is tickled the most for not sleeping for literal days straight, or for freaking out, but there are times when his brothers (+ April and sometimes Casey) just tickle him to mess with him.
If multiple people are tickling him, he just completely loses himself.
Don isn't able to formulate words, his face goes beet red, and will go limp after a while.
If April is tickling him, he is so terrified of accidentally hurting her that he just stops moving- complete bodily shut down.
He still laughs and pleads with her, but refuses to move an inch, barely even pulling him arms down to protect himself. He gets teased about it so much too.
That completely flips if it's his brothers though, slapping and punching and kicking so much that it's the main priority to pin him down, rather than actually tickle him.
Actually cries very easily when being tickled
Gave his fam a big scare the first time it happened
Cannot take teasing.
He will hide in his shell until he either feels safe again or is forced out.
Such forcing is done by giving him raspberries on his shell. (The method was discovered by Mikey, and was passed down to everyone they know)
I don't see him as much of a ler, but let's give it a shot anyways.
Isn't very teasy per se, but there are lots of little things he does that fluster his lee regardless.
Things like creeping his hands close to a tickle spot before actually getting it, pausing every once in a while, things like that.
Doesn't really say much, and kinda just stares at whoever he's tickling. Especially April.
After everyone started noticing this, he switched to giving compliments sometimes so it was less awkward.
Tickles Mikey and April the most, but it's still pretty rare.
Has pretty light tickles
Spidering, soft scratching, and tracing are his go to.
Has only tickled April a couple of times, but it didn't go on for very long because 1) He got too shy, 2) He didn't want to hurt her, and 3) She turns the tables every time.
In all the times he's tickled people, there was only a time or two that they didn't get him back.
Almost completely a lee.
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I'm not sure where his worst spot would be, but for sure has a really ticklish torso and neck. Also Underarms.
I love that he's canonically ticklish- it's just so wonderful.
Gets tickled the most by Mikey (much to his embarrassment), but Leo is a close second, followed by Mona.
His laugh is surprisingly high-pitched, making a prime topic for lighthearted bullying.
Attempts to hide his reactions, and does so fairly well, although there are certain things that absolutely make him crumble.
Fights and fights and fights until he's too tired to move.
Absolutely will not hesitate to knock a tooth loose or beat anyone who tries to tickle him, but there are two instances where he will restrain himself.
One of these instances is when it comes to Mona Lisa.
If she is tickling him, he'll wiggle around, but composes himself enough to not accidentally hurt her.
Both of them know there's no way he'd actually do any substantial damage, but better safe than sorry.
The other instance is if he really pisses Leo off.
This has only happened a couple of times, but it is extremely scary.
Raph pretty much accepts his fate.
There's still a struggle, but there is a significant decrease in the amount of effort he puts in to stop his older brother from tickling him.
Still stubborn af though.
Mikey was the one who found out he was ticklish and has been using it against him ever since, almost always resulting in Raph absolutely getting him.
Despite the ler energy I've seen him with, I feel like he doesn't tickle people a whole lot.
Doesn't mean he isn't the scariest ler in the Hamato household.
When the tickle monster that is Raph is unleashed, all of his brothers cower.
Has a much rougher approach to tickling, leaving his lee a breathless mess on the floor
He's also extremely teasy, though it's more so sarcastic comments the entire time.
Running from this turtle is not an option. He can and will catch you every single time.
Donnie has learned this the hard way, very many times.
There's a pretty even balance as to who Raph tickles the most, but the most common to see tickly-interactions with is Casey.
Those two have tickle fights all the time.
Leo has rushed into the lair multiple times because of Casey's unholy screeching.
Tickles people the most for getting on his nerves or to get them to be quiet. (Mikey)
Has tried and failed to tickle Mona, and is still unsure to this day if she isn't ticklish, or just hides her reactions well.
Switch-leaning ler
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stopp what is this gif 😳
Very ticklish boy.
Worst spots are neck, knees, and ribs
His laugh is loud enough to make his ler retract and cover their ears for a moment before continuing.
I think he absolutely loves using tickling as a way to mess with his bros or just have fun.
Is mainly tickled for being obnoxious, but April and Casey will get him more casually, exchanging pokes and squeezes every now and then.
That said, his main lers are April and Casey, followed by Raph.
Squirms around a bit, and tries to hide in his shell half of the time.
Isn't as stubborn as his brothers, but he has his moments.
Is more sensitive to physical teasing, such as wiggling fingers, etc.
Needs some kind of affection after being tickled, such as a hug, head-pats, even just some water will do.
If caught off-gaurd, he may accidentally punch his ler in the face. (It has happened on multiple occasions)
Is generally open to being tickled, but will get a little flustered if asked about it directly.
Pesters his brothers All. The. Time.
Loves to sneak up behind them when they're not paying attention and poke them or wiggle his fingers into their side.
Is the only one of the four to incorporate tickling into every day life.
Seriously, he'll sneak it into training to gain the upper hand, (it never works for long but A for effort) cheer-up tickles after a tough mission, even declares tickle fights sometimes!
A very quick tickler, rapidly changing spots and moving his fingers at terrifying speeds.
Gets extremely full of himself when he takes someone down, teasing and laughing galore, though this is usually his downfall.
Tickles Raph and Donnie the most often, Raph just to annoy him, and Donnie to initiate a tickle fight, or to make him relax.
Casey is slightly rarer to see, but that's because he mostly hangs around Raph and Donnie.
Loves playing chase before getting his lee.
Also will tag-team with April to get his nerd brother, secretly being a wingman to up his ego in April's eyes.
Makes goofy noises when tickling people to make them laugh more, and it works a lot of the time.
A full switch
Geez, I apologize for not responding very much, my mental health is seriously kicking my butt, but I'm still holding things together so far! Next on my to-do list is lee 2012 Raph, so I'll see what story I can put together for you all. I hope you all are doing well and have a wonderful day/night!
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littledemondani · 5 months
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆ ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞, 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭...
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𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜𝚔: eddie falling asleep while licking reader's clit
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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛: billy hargrove
𝚂𝟻 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜?: eddie comes back (i will die on this delulu), will turns evil and/or dies, el dies
𝚔𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝 (𝚢/𝚗), 𝚠𝚑𝚢/ 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝? mm, i'm 50/50 on the kas theory, but i don't think it's eddie that becomes kas. if i'm being totally honest, i think it's going to be will that is "kas".
𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 (𝚢/𝚗) 𝚠𝚑𝚢/𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝? absolutely fucking not. steve and nancy just don't work together. sorry bout it.
𝚊 𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎: i HATE the idea of small/big blogs. we're literally all here because we love stranger things and steve/eddie. no one is better than anyone else. but, here's some love for my friends and people i genuinely enjoy on this god forsaken app.
@prettyboyeddiemunson @andvys @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @eddieschains @succubusmunson @eiightysixbaby @trashmouth-richie @likedovesinthewnd @corrodedcorpses @mmunson86
𝚊 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚘 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎: there's no one in particular.
𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖: omg i can't think of the name of the fic, and i think the person who wrote it deactivated a while back. this is gonna bother me jfc
𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖: @prettyboyeddiemunson since we both came here from a different fandom and had known each other for 3 years at that point.
𝚐𝚘𝚊𝚕𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞’𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛: writing what i like for myself and myself only. trying to cater to an audience who will only shit on or try to demand the story goes a certain way is exhausting and i never want to do that again.
𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛: uhhh well i hate writing long fics sooo i think the most was like 4k?
𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎:
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𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚎: idiots in love
𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏?: all of them! i like variety y'all
f̾u̾c̾k̾ ̾m̾a̾r̾r̾y̾ ̾k̾i̾l̾l̾
𝚝𝚎𝚍, 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚛. 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎?: fuck murray, kill ted, and marry mr. clarke!
𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚌𝚎, 𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗, 𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚊? (𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗’𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚖): oh god, ummm...fuck karen, marry joyce and kill claudia. my heart is wrecked rn OH MY GOD
𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛, 𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗, 𝚍𝚛. 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛?: WHAT ARE THESE CHOICES!!!! okay fuck wayne, marry hopper, and kill brenner.
𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚢𝚕𝚎, 𝚓𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗, or 𝚔𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚑? fuck jonathan, marry argyle, and kill keith. (but also who the fuck is keith?)
𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎, 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚢𝚕𝚎?: fuck eddie and steve, marry eddie and steve, and kill argyle.......
𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚋𝚊𝚝, 𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚗, 𝚟𝚎𝚌𝚗𝚊?: fuck and marry vecna, kill the demogorg and the demobats
if anyone i tagged above wants to do it then go for it!
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amazingmsme · 5 months
rotating the idea of lee!pokey in my mind rn, the thought of the one lib who's trying so hard to be serious and cool getting wrecked is a v fun concept
like imagine he's being his dramatic arrogant self and someone (see: probably one of his siblings) just gives a few little pokes (pun intended) to his ribs and he is now fighting back the urge to Fold Like A Squeaky Lawnchair. do you see my vision here :3c
(also hi i love how you interpret these fellas, the hannah and wiggly post made me get up and start pacing around my room bc it was So Good, your writing is great and you should feel great too)
Jxhakakdne Pokey is so cute & ticklish & because of his name all his bros love sneaking up behind him & poking his tummy & sides! He’ll freak out & squeal & shift it into a belting note to try & play it off like he was doing a vocal warm up but they all know the truth. He absolutely folds in on himself when they do that! & if he’s laying down & they attack him he curls up in a ball & tucks his knees to his chest! & he’ll try & hide behind his mask when he’s laughing because he gets flustered because this shouldn’t be so effective against him!
I feel like he & Wiggly are closest just because their personalities seem like the most similar & they just give me the same kinda vibe, idk how else to describe it. But Wiggly loves to attack him when he least expects it! & Tinky is such a lil shit, & Pokey & Wiggly are his go-to targets when he wants to wreck someone or get wrecked
Aww thank you so much!! That makes me so happy & really warms my heart! I love hearing that you guys like the stuff I put out there! Makes me feel good☺️
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drifloonz · 1 year
Hihihihi, If you’re okay with me requesting something, can you maybe write Steven and/or Mike (separate if you write them both plz :DD) with a Reader that somehow managed to become a Champion with only like.. A Blastoise and a Charizard on their team where they got from god knows where? If it’s possible, can it be written after Miki’s death yet before Mike’s death? For some reason I find it funny to imagine a random trainer with only two starters on their team absolutely wrecking everybodys shit,,
can do! i was originally gunna assume u meant write as in like write an actual short story but then i realized u said to make them separate so. HOPEFULLY you did mean a sort of bulleted headcanon shortform post more than an Actual Piece of writing. which honestly if so good im not that good at writing short stories quickly or efficiently. hopefully these r good bc i didnt know much of what to write.
these are platonic which i hope is okay. anyways, this feels lackluster but i hope it suffices </3
anyways, steven and mike with a champion who only has blastoise/charizard!
( this is just stuff and headcanons for the reader that add additional context or backstory bc i wanted to also think abt them as a character a bit, but whether you accept these or not is up 2 u lol )
• you probably got both a charmander and a squirtle from professor oak because somehow he gained more starter pokemon this year than he needed, and they were too rowdy to handle. therefore, you got two, since somebody already took the bulbasaur of the new batch of starter mons. who? idfk. maybe your rival if you have one.
• your two starters are at odds at eachother a lot, but in the end they do get along, they just tend to bicker. sort of like siblings ( lol ). playfully competitive with eachother.
• both of your starters are fucking powerhouses and nobody knows why - they probably evolved early and are naturally stronger than other starters - either that or you're just a particularly skilled trainer. this isn't undocumented, after all there did used to be a charizard who was a powerhouse. But you know. Used To.
• if you're the champion of kanto, which i'd assume that's the case, you either fought mike, lance ( bc tbh mike after the incident would've probably also willingly refused to become champion again after steven retired from the role after the incident ), or someone entirely unrelated ( like your rival if you have one ). your choice tbh.
• this is something i just considered After finishing this but if you also grew up in pallet town you probably actually knew steven and mike and were even friends with them which isnt written in any of these but thats a spin on it you can think abt if you want to. imagine if you were and you named your respective starters after both of them that'd be so awkward
🔥 dude this mans depressed as hell rn and i think when he hears or sees you with the starter he chose and with the starter his brother who he couldn't stand to think about right now chose... he just goes "The audacity of this bitch." in his head.
🔥 ok not really he's not that rude but it does remind him of himself and mike... both in positive and negative ways. you remind him of himself before the incident, which makes him sort of long for that kind of thing back. but hey, if you become the champion, it means the league would probably get off his back and hopefully forget about him. which is good. ( if you're even the champion of kanto. )
🔥 he didn't really know anyone else who had a charizard other than him, so seeing your own charizard made him remember miki. which of course, made him even more sad at the thought. he's really just processing several things and your presence complicates it for him a little... has complex feelings about you despite not really talking to you. if you did happen to be the champion of kanto, you'd've fought mike or someone entirely different, not steven, since he released all of his pokemon - and even if he didn't, he would never want to stay the champion without miki... so he didn't really know you, probably - but you may've seen him during one of his regular Depression Roams around the region, or even bumped into him, since he didn't really have any spacial awareness when he takes aimless walks around kanto like that. he'd just mumble an apology and move on, probably. if you were one of those trainers who often had your pokemon follow you, he'd probably just wordlessly stare at both of your starters, especially your charizard, and then excuse himself and walk off a little faster.
🔥 he finds you beating the elite four and the gym challenge with only two pokemon impressive but he also essentially did the same thing*. he still finds it impressive its just... you did things similarly to him. you reminded him of too many aspects of his life and it felt weird.
*its technically implied that steven had more than miki on his team in the pokepasta but i like to think it was mostly for hms, possibly pokedex stuff, and progression, so he basically solo'd kanto w miki
🔥 although if you become good friends with steven, somehow, he will become very friendly with you and your two pokemon. obviously, your charizard would never replace miki... but having one to pet and play with did help out with his depression a little bit. he thinks miki would've liked your pokemon if she were still here. the two's sort of playful rivalry between eachother also reminded him of himself and mike, and furthermore miki and... whatever the hell mike named his blastoise.
🔥 honestly you being there if you did befriend steven did... surprisingly help him a lot? it didn't make everything suddenly better, but having a real alive charizard, even if it did sort of remind him of miki, made him smile a little. he appreciates your presence and sometimes invites you to just take a stroll around with him. he didn't have any pokemon and all pokemon oddly avoided him, but with you around they seemed to no longer do that... maybe they realized he seemed to feel better? sometimes he just idly plays with the wild pokemon when he's around you and bored. he possibly even catches one as Emotional Support. i like to think it's an eevee bc its technically a starter and im biased.
🔥 if he were in a better mental state he'd probably brag about how miki could take both of your pokemon on despite having a pretty clear disadvantage. he'd probably be right tbh miki was built different, but it'd be a close battle were it to ever happen. he wishes he met you earlier.
🔥 assuming you did befriend him, fun fact you probably helped him enough for him to not eventually go find a missingno at the dead of night and also snap mikes neck. this is a win. he's still pretty closed off, depressed, and awkward, but he's at least trying to get better now.
🔥 if for some reason you wanted him to he'd essentially babysit your pokemon for you. i don't know why they'd have to be babysat, they're grown starter pokemon and they're possibly the only ones you even have ( which would be dangerous to go without ), but hey the offers open ( he just wants an excuse to play w them to get things off of his mind tbh. )
🔥 randomly gifts you lemonade and coffee, which he has a startling abundance of. it's an excuse for him to throw away all the gifts people give him because he does not want that shit ( ... mostly. he keeps a bit of the coffee ).
🔥 if you're around steven, you'll be around mike at least a couple of times. steven intentionally avoids mike nowadays, but you'll probably cross paths, especially if steven invites you to his house.. mike appreciates that you hang around his little brother a lot, and will sometimes talk to you, but will immediately try to leave the conversation when he hears or sees steven. so . Woops. steven probably also shittalks mike to you sometimes if you ever bring him up but he'll probably never explicitly mention The Incident, just imply it ( eg saying things like "...Don't keep your Charizard around him." or something ). he doesn't want to talk or think about mike, especially not around you.
🔥 he takes fucking terrible care of himself. he probably has spent a week / multiple days in the pokemon tower in front of miki's grave and he barely sleeps or eats. i think your blastoise and charizard would also notice this and like push him to a bed or try to nudge him berries or something. please make him eat he rlly needs it.
🔥 overall he thinks your interesting, but you remind him of a lot of his life before the incident... which makes him nostalgic and sometimes a little sad. but he grows used to it.
🔥 the steven section of this is literally just him going "Man. This reminds me of Miki and Mike and that makes me feel shitty." and im sorry abt that bc i didnt know what else to add (*&^% steven's not in his best state rn so its harder to write him having any sort of reaction that isnt like that </3. i tried to make it a little more lighthearted at the end but ya
💧 mike on the other hand is slightly less depressed ( slightly ) but he still got pretty scarred from the incident. he still tries to be his same energetic self but that is clearly a lot more faltered than it used to be. he usually stays home a lot more often, while steven goes out a lot more often to roam the region and pay his respects.
💧 he thinks you having both a blastoise and a charizard is dope! Unfortunately, it also reminds him of miki because god knows seeing that charizard die right in front of him due to his persistence did negative things to his psyche. i think he's even more dodgy and awkward around your charizard than steven is since steven absolutely blames mike for that whole thing and he knows that and also sorta blames himself. he's afraid he'll hurt yours as well.
💧 HOWEVER. with the blastoise. he'll be like "SAME STARTER???" and hi-five you and he'll let you twos blastoises play w eachother. they get along suuuper well which hes happy about.
💧 he also thinks you being the champion is funny in a sort of morbid way since you straight up just have both him and steven's starters, so the pokemon league effectively had a replacement for both of them. obviously steven and mike had more pokemon than those two, but those were their aces. which, he guesses worked out. he didn't intend to become champion again because he really wasn't in the right mindset for it anymore, so that's fine w/ him.
💧 since he did not release all of his pokemon like a certain someone ( sorry steven bullying you is funny ) nor had one of them die he can fight against you and happily will. mostly to take his mind off of things
💧 he's also been taking horrible care of himself similar to steven, just in a bit of a different way - sleeping in too much and not eating that much. he feels guilty if you help him out with this but its appreciated if you do. just your presence helps, though.
💧 steven is sometimes hanging around, usually against his own will - he'll catch you two doing something together, and he'll also probably see your charizard sometimes. it sort of pisses him off that mike can just Go on with his life and be happy ( mike isnt entirely happy, he's just doing better ) after he "murdered" miki. aaaand that makes the whole atmosphere tense and reverts mike to being a little dodgy and nervous again. the only thing the younger brother has ever said to you is something along the lines of keeping your charizard away from mike. Sibling drama moment ig.
💧 due to this steven's kind of a dick to both of you if you chose to hang around mike. thankfully, steven's usually out nowadays to pay respects to miki's grave and roam the region aimlessly, and he isn't often even in his and mike's shared home anymore. if you try to hang out w them both equally it would make everything so awkward and tense between the two and they'd eventually fight over your friendship, probably - the person starting that being steven, since mike's content with him also being your friend even if it's awkward.
💧 loves to tell you the tales of his adventures. he loves recounting his happy memories and events of his adventures, the pokemon he caught, and battling steven - even if steven sort of hates him nowadays. he'll encourage you to swap stories and tales from both of you twos adventures since he's very interested in how you yourself handled the gym challenges.
💧 unfortunately choosing the Mike Path ( trademark ) will probably make steven eventually kill him still especially if in this hypothetical you don't really talk to or care abt steven much, so take that how you will. that's angst material that im not writing bc this post and all posts i make are already too long.
💧 there is also a chance that you hanging around mike ( especially if u also hang arnd steven ) might make steven just straight up not do that due to the fact you'll probably be around, or in the best option possible he sort of reconciles with mike a little and slowly gets less and less vengeful about it because of you being friends with the both of them. having a third party who didn't just pity the two and offer them apologies and items was helpful, after all. he'll still be very awkward and mostly negative with mike though, just not As much.
💧 overall mike is very happy to find someone to talk to since steven sort of... stopped being social with him or anyone. he finds your methods interesting
i feel like these were sorta lackluster bc its hard to tie in this prompt when both of the brothers are in Depressive Episodes but i hope my attempts were good ! ( also god i really have to condense my writing but i almost physically cant ) anyways ty for requesting - wispy
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realpapaemeritusiv · 1 year
🔫 Tell everyone about gianni rn or I’ll shoot (it’s full of water) (just regular water but it’s like just slightly cold)
damn guess i gotta tell the world about my main boy gianni. it'll be under a cut bc its long as shit
okay so this right here
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is gianni (technically gianni copia emeritus if we're going by full legal names here). we've made our own lore and i hope eventually you'll make a masterpost of it so if i write stuff later on i can include the link as a reference for anyone that might choose to read it bc honestly i think the lore that we've altered and made up is really interesting and i think people might enjoy reading it one day. anyway, onto the meat and potatoes of this.
so, with the lore that we've created, gianni is the twin brother of copia (named giorgio/gio in our lore bc honestly he needed a name and that name slaps) born to nihil and lucifer (i am 100% down to answer more questions on this bc this slaps also ik owen will def be down to answer questions about that little tidbit or it might be in the headcanon tag on their blog).
there's a bit of a branching path with him because i go back and forth between having them be raised together until they're both 10 or until they're both 5, but the constant is nihil having to send away one son to keep them safe from imperator (named cirice in our lore and will be called that for the duration of this post just to keep things streamlined). from 5/10 until his mid to late 30s, gianni worked his way up in the ranks of an abbey in italy that i think i made up. honestly, he was completely taken advantage of in that abbey, being worked to near death by the cardinals and siblings of sin (fun fact this man is a people pleaser to the max and also physically cannot take a single day off and has actually almost died from it). while literally being overworked by pure luck he managed to meet a special someone (you'll shit when you find out who it is) and starts a little sneaky relationship with them.
the person? temptesa, aka our own rain ghoul. (i'm sure owen's posted lore about it so go check it for more deets). they probably get a good year or two together and exchange rings before his beloved is sent away without his knowledge (to Linköping by pure luck where they're later reunited and i'll def expand on that if anyone wants to know more)
so he's eventually asked to return to the abbey as a cardinal (that we placed in Linköping just for simplicities sake and to have one cohesive area anytime the abbey's mentioned) and arrives back home after 25-30 years to one of 2 things
the previous papas already having been executed by cirice and prepared for the veneration of relics and everyone in the abbey absolutely depressed
during anti christmas :)
i haven't really taken the time to build the lore on everything that happens immediately after he's returned home, but he does continue his work as a cardinal and watching as his twin becomes papa and tours the world spreading the word of the church
he gets to play papa one time because his brother's way too sick to perform the ritual/show and he's the only one available who can fill the role. he literally crams learning all the songs in like 11 hours and is such a nervous wreck before that first show and he def barfs at least once before he goes on stage for the first time.
this man is a whole ass natural at being on that stage. talks to the crowd, puts his whole self into every song, and literally stays a few hours after that first show just to talk to anyone who stays after bc this man loves the fans, adores them tbh.
he finally gets his chance to be papa when gio wants to step down and focus on starting a family with his wife (who i am also 100% down to talk about later, not rn tho this is gianni time) and this man puts his entire being into being a good papa. he doesn't take a salary, pushes for the ghouls to be equal to him, defends the ghouls (and there's a ton of stuff i could talk about when it comes to him with the ghouls bc this man is lowkey a whore), and just pretty much revamps the church from the ground up and has the ghouls finally be equals to everyone else.
that's just a lil taste of gianni tbh bc there's so much more i could talk about but i gotta workshop some of it still
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puppet2611 · 1 year
//from 5.12.23
hey.... im going a lil cray cray over lf x a5 crossover au.. (also 8:11 bcz im a loser for oc x canon :3)(still coping over this stomache) if i dont send smth in 5 minutes shoot me im going too cray cray/j
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lf already kind of has ties to a5 since the entities still being alive and just kinda moving around but not really - maybe ill age up adam and oliver to use as background characters but whos knowss
not canon or anything just a silly little thought but erm. what if all 3 were connected via religion 😁 emilio, natalia, charlotte and isabella from lf already have religious backgrounds, 8:11 practically revolves around religion and a5 entities pretending to be angels could wreck some havoc on the damned basilica teehee,,, since im too silly with char.ai most of the characters mentioned already interacted w/ 8:11 bots to kinda get an idea of how everything would play out even if it was ooc... younger emilio and amelia def actually confided in francis while everyone else was at least a bit suspicious (minus isabella but uhmmm. lore reasons) idk abt the entities since i havent rlly worked on anything but their designs but maybe ill give them different abilities and only one of them knows francis' true intentions:3c
OH YEAH idk if ill ever tell him abt it but maybee i could throw in adams ocs too since bros absolutely batshit insane over 8:11 rn. i have screenshots of him being insanely gay over a french guy btw if anyone wanted to see/j ANYWAY ehheheee maybe felix and samuel knew the martin kids at some point :33 bunch of religiously traumatized kids meeting, what could happen??? (felix and emilio both stabbed their siblings at skme point 💀) ANYWAYS i think sam and samuel would get along not just because uhh similar names but idk since were kinda split between making sam a bitch or actually nice... oh and i never drew sam or amelia properly yet whoops a5 exploded my mind
btw abt the entity mfs id like to think most of them usually stay in human forms except for atlas whos kinda the socially awkward one whod rather stay as an animal so no one tries to talk to him lmfao
but hes also extra so anyone at the basilica sees a fucking bear with antlers and the fur pattern of a deer and gets jumpscared (they all get used to it later and only vistors get jumpscared) OH AND ABT THE OC X CANON STUFF. not rlly shipping i just dk what else to call it but tee hee maybe isabella and vittorino have mad beef because her dad died at the basilica not soon after vitto joined so shes mad sus 😁😁 but only to be a bitch bcz she finds him utterly disgusting. her cousin allen kills him bcz he kinda was suffering anyway and she actually helped plan it loll
everytime girl comes across the stupid hoe they always glare at each other or get in a fight... usually verbal bcz natalia would go rabid if vitto tried to hit bella ykyk
oh and since im trying to align the stories together a bunch of ages r gonna have to change... idk if emilio or oliver is gonna be the older one but there is no way in hell a priest is younger than someone still in school... but then again overthinker wont stop comparing emmy to felix so ion wanna make him too close to blondies age but then again again felix is like 50 now... ill probably make emmy 36 and amelia 41 ig. klaus has too many white hairs to only be 40 anyway/hj but then adams still older than klaus.... i mean ig i could just use the excuse that he dyes his hair since he already has highlights
this is a whole mess uhm.
im unoriginal asf so emilio and jericho can bond over being people pleasers and cupioromantic but their first and only ever crush was abusive 😁😁 (<- definitely not projecting) (i lied. jericho only ever gets with elio bcz of that one time on valentines day irl) (im normal i swear)
bro went from snarky rude ass hoe to the most pathetic bird known to man for silliness reasons/hj
bros insanely mentally unstable, has chronic pain and heart problems, trust problems and definitely either a drinking or smoking problem. hell he can even jack both of them if he wants/j uhm. but i decided to make him less of a mary sue with all the language stuff n shit. idk if i ever mentioned it but who cares its my channel grr/j anyways instead lf the grocery list of languages he can speak, he can only speak english, greek, and belarusian 👍 also asl but idk if youd count that as smth he can speak
still torturing his pathetic ahh but anywayss abt that one tobias/future emilio art. the snake he has was originally gonna be named mobius for his symbolism stuff (and a hi3 ref/silly) but maybee i might rename the snake fang or michael as in adams late husband because uhmmm. what if adam was like a father figure to him when they met and he at some point got him a snake 👍👍 (he wouldve gotten a rabbit but uhm. vitto symbolism. and bro is traumatized from the vittorino ais..)
that is all for neow bcz i need to go take medicine 😭
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thelovelybitten · 1 year
Vera’s first watch of south park — season two (part 1)
Y’all know what it is, let’s get on w it (stupid fucking character limit)
Lol skipping this one bc i don’t like Terrance and Philip hope i didn’t miss anything important
Oh shit he’s dead…
Note: stan has a fear of hospitals
Omg cartman LMAO come sail AWAY A SERVE
Liane feeling she’s not a fit mom when she’s the best mother so far :O
Lol stan being sick abt the operation good to know
Omg this is so gory i can’t i’mma vomit
Liane sleeping with anybody is so funny
Kenny drafted to be team b how dare u
Kenny dying for the team iconic
Lmao liane wanting an adoption instead HAHA
Barbrady is dyslexic interesting
Kenny and whoever the girl is is questioning everything rn
Cartman and his tricycle i live
“You will respect my authorITAH”.
Honestly this one was weird
Stan, Kyle and Cartman ate the m’kays
Give mr Mackey his job back pls
Odds Kenny has the weed
Kyle flexing his smartass brain
But also it’s their religion so y’all do what ya gotta do
And so are the boys lol
Kyle & Ike are so cute— fave lil sibbies
Kick THE BABY !!!!1!1!!1
No bc i was adopted poor Ike :(
Hm… very interesting
Kyle and Ike stay the best siblings i said what i said
Kyle main slayer at dodgeball
Kyle also getting destroyed
Kyle’s mom scaring the kids
Bebe robbed
This dinner is v awks
Pip kinda ate down
God pls don’t kill my sons in dodgeball
this is BORINGGG
oh gee this abt to be fucked up ain't it
the goriness of it all makes me very sick (weak stomach issues)
jesus being like :| so funny
"old ladies are fat, and you are too >:(" so authentic and real
cartman calling dibs on throwing the chair
cartman actually throwing the chair.... W
fight breaks out... cartman loves the drama fr
HC cartman starts shit for absolutely no reason and thrives off of it
oh wait... he does that already
yo share the chocolate cake cartman
not this dude rizzing miss crabtree
no bc the unhealthy obsession I have with stendy is almost disgusting. almost.
i love memory lane on this bus it's good content
might make a stendy drabble on it
the way I am LIVING for stendy content
kenny reminds them of when death almost killed them he's so cute
I like when the bus is abt to tip that kenny is still shown on the bus after being killed
stan's dad singing and stan is just :|
^^ also kyle
^^^ and everyone else
oh it was all a dream within a dream I see
honestly my fave episode so far out of the two seasons I've watched
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hyunverse · 1 year
okay so i am DEF not tearing up at how adorable that playlist is wtf 😭💔💔💔 that is literally the cutest thing i’ve ever seen and all those songs are so perfect for him. so soft rn i love it. ALSO ROMEO AND JULIET INSPO ?? MY HEART IS EVEN MORE BROKEN NOW 😩 when i used to write fanfics, dialogue was always my fave part too :)). i feel like you can do so much w it and express so much so easily yk ? and hyunjin dialogue always make me weak in the knees like you guys just know how to write him and write what he’d say so accurately
wishing you luck at bowling today and also for the skz album 🙏🏼 being the oldest sibling, i would 100% buy my siblings an album if they were into kpop so hopefully he’ll do the same
andddd gonna make it easier for you and reply to my other one here ^_^ apologies again for how frazzled i am 😭 but yea the lip piercing on hyunjin just…. no words can explain. like genuinely i cannot explain the way it makes me feel. it’s just perfect. and good lord purple minho 😩😩😩 THE FLUFFY STYLING TOO ??? EVEN BETTER. LIKE ITS SO GOOD ??? i need more colored hair minho i feel like it’s so underrated. AND SEUNGMIN i wanna see more colors on him bc his hair is so perfect. or even bringing the pink bangs back.. yes please 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
- 🐈‍⬛
i feel like a majority of stayblr writers are able to write so well for him due to the fact that he is a complete hopeless romantic. it’s easy for romance writers to write him because he himself is the epitome of romance, you get me? written by a woman type of man. it’s also why i find it easy to make a playlist for him, cause i feel like any love songs would suit hyune </3 you’re right, dialogues are super fun. says a lot about a character and i would say dialogues are the most impactful parts in a fic!!
it’d be tmr for me! it is still the same day rn hehe, wednesday, eighth of march here ^__^ my timezone is gmt +8. what’s yours, if you don’t mind me asking? i’m also actually the oldest sibling, so we’re twinning again hehehe. ‘m always the one to buy my siblings things, so it wouldn’t hurt to ask for something just ONCE, right. . . ? (completely ignoring how i one time coaxed my brother into buying me genshin impact primogems LOL)
don’t apologize, milov. i, too, am a mess. i honestly feel like i could ramble to u abt anything for ages. one of it being hyunjin’s (alleged) tongue piercing predebut AND that belly button piercing in play with fire dance cover 🗣 mmm curls deffo look good on minho. likeeeeeeee brooooo. makes him look all boyish and and dreamy and and looking like my future hubby 🤠 you don’t understand just what i would do to get strawberry blonde minho. gonna call him my strawb strawbs 💭 for the love of god jype pls change seungmin’s hair colour sometimes 😔🙏 that hairstyle he had during 2022 mama awards tho? bias wrecked everybody and they mamas. i was left absolutely BAFFLED. a couple of stays i know ended up seungmin biased because of the look and I GET IT 💯 maxident was his era too HE OWNEDDDDD IT WITH THEM PINK BANGS. i need and i mean i NEED that blue hyune had on seungmin. grunge seungmin would END kpop i’m telling UUU. omw to the cuties dorm to put hair dye in his shampoo, wanna join? we can put some in minho’s shampoo too zzzZzz.
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disaster-j · 2 years
♧ GMMTV '22 Line Up Analysis Pt.2 ♧
《BL Shows》
(Note: these are not official synopses this is what I got from the trailers)
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1. Star in My Mind | Sky in Your Heart
My Synopsis
Star in My Mind
Daonuea confessed to his crush the day before he left for Germany and got nothing to show for it. Now, years later, fate throws the two back together when they’re assigned to the same dormitory. Will love finally blossom at this second chance? Or has holding on to this torch all these years finally tired Daonuea out?
Sky in Your Heart
Kuafah finds himself the only doctor at a remote village’s health centre. While there he falls into easy banter with the village’s school teacher, who seems distrustful of the young doctor’s intentions. In the backdrop of the quiet wilderness, casual rivalry gives way to a blooming romance.
My Thoughts
This is a two part series, hence the two separate synopses. Both stories show a lot of potential to be solid romance dramas but I’m more interested in the second story than the first ngl. As if seeing Mek in a BL isn’t exciting enough we get to see him in what is essentially a reverse atots enemies to lover plot? How could I not be intrigued? Overall, I’m expecting this show to be a nice little fluff break in between the many, many heavy dramas that are going to air in the coming year.
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2. Cupid’s Last Wish
My Synopsis
Win’s father’s will once ripped his friendship with Korn apart. But now, waking up in his sister’s body after a car crash, there’s no one else who can help Win but the very man he claims to hate.
My Thoughts
There were rumours on twitter about them being cast in the adaptation of this bl novel and I, frankly, really wished they weren’t true. I’m not big on body-swaps to begin with but body-swaps involving siblings are a big pet peeve of mine. Just the idea of him, like, doing stuff with Korn while in his sister’s body weirds me out. I might still try to watch it bc I love Earth and Mix, they’re some of my favourite thai actors, but I highly doubt I’ll actually watch this show. 
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3. The Eclipse
My Synopsis
When strange acts of rebellion start popping up on the campus of a prestigious all-boys school, the head prefect has no choice but to investigate. In his endeavours he finds himself drawn to the mysterious new kid, who leads him down an entirely different path.
My Thoughts
Synopsis is so fucking vague bc I have no clue wtf is actually going on here. All I know is that I like it. First and Khaotung is not a pairing I’d have expected but now that it’s here I definitely want more. Need it honestly. I’m super intrigued by this dark and mysterious setting that has taken over your classic high school romance plot. This one’s definitely high up on my most anticipated shows list rn. 
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4. Never Let Me Go
My Synopsis
Following the untimely death of his father, Neung finds himself surrounded by danger and forms a deep bond with the boy brought into their home to help him and his mother in these trying times somewhere along the way. 
My Thoughts
Just like the last one, the synopsis for this is so short and vague bc the plot seems very convoluted and I don’t trust that I actually know what’s happening. That being said, what I do know is that this PondPhuwin starrer has great potential to absolutely wreck me. So proceed with caution here. But hey, what’s life without a little angst, right?
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5. Vice Versa
My Synopsis
When Talay wakes up from a near-death experience, he finds himself trapped in another world, in a body that isn’t his own. His only shot at getting home is a person connected to the one whose life he’s currently stuck living.When he finally finds what he’s looking for, though, he’s hit with a revelation- the person in that body is someone from his own world.
My Thoughts
You know how I said I’m not big on body-swaps? Well my love for inter-dimensional travel plots cancels that shit out so this one’s gonna be an exception lmao. This plot really intrigued my inner shonen manga fanatic so much. It looks so different from any other bl I’ve ever seen. I'm super excited. Plus, the second Jimmy (Wai from Bad Buddy) showed up on screen I knew I was gone. Like, the scene where Nanon transitions into Jimmy? Cinematic gold omg. All in all, this one is on the top of my most anticipated '22 BL list rn, hands down. 
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5. My School President 
My Synopsis
When the student body president shuts down the music club for performing poorly, the club president promises to do whatever he wants to get the club back up and running. 
My Thoughts
I’d write a bigger synopsis but there’s very little plot and I caught zero names. This is a cutesy high school romance with a dash of love triangle drama. Not much else to say about this- follows the classic BL formula, it’s fluffy and straightforward. Not the most memorable trailer but I’m sure it will satisfy all fluff lovers. 
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7. Midnight Series: Moonlight Chicken
My Synopsis
The story of two men who meet at a chicken shop late one night and fall into a fiery relationship.
My Thoughts
Honestly, I’m confused as to why this is part of the Midnight anthology. The plot and the vibes sorely clash with those of the other two. It just stands out like a sore thumb in between the other two. Aside from that, the plot seems quite bittersweet and there are hints of cheating so I highly doubt I’d enjoy it since I don’t like cheating plots. I’ll still give it a shot bc it’s directed by P’Aof and starring EarthMix and it does genuinely look like a good show, even though it’s probably gonna have a bad ending.
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8. You Are My Favourite
My Synopsis
When ____ (Krist) finds a magical item that can send him back in time, he thinks he can use it to go back and change his first meeting with the girl he likes before she marries her current boyfriend. But time is a fickle foe and the more he tries to change his fate the more he finds himself drawn towards the wrong person. 
My Thoughts
I love the concept. It’s fresh and interesting and emotional. But why the fuck did they have to cast Krist ‘men kissing for real is gross’ Perawat. They couldn’t find anyone else? Why the fuck is he doing another BL when he said he won’t take anymore BL roles? Why is he doing this when kissing men grosses him out? LITERALLY WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS IT’S A FUCKING HATE CRIME!!!!! Anyway, will I watch it for Mike and Aye? Probably. Will I hate every second of Krist’s screen time? Absolutely.
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I've decided that I need to know all my favorite sagau writers' faves! I wanna hear about you and them and how you'd interact with them. Yes, this is mandatory, I don't make the rules i just blindly enforce them.
I'll start, (Warning, thirst ahead)
Literally this man owns my entire heart (and wallet please someone help me). He's so good? So pure and precious???? I deadass felt like I was having a heart attack doing his hangout, people literally had to beg me to stop (I didn't, I just laid down after, crying my heart out). I love him so much. man's my screen saver rn)
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I haven't done character art screensavers since I was like twelve, probably longer. I've been that boring bitch bc anxiety but this man THIS MAN
absolute malewife, I wanna marry him. If I'm in sagau I'm kicking down the door to the Yashiro Commission and just "you wanna make me happy? gimme Thoma" like if they're not gonna appreciate him then I will. just gonna grab him and "we're married now"
And his FUCKING HANGOUT (i will never be over this) HE'S SO PERFECT??? THE ANIMALS??? THE MALEWIFE-ING????? THE FUCKING DESTRUCTION OF THAT BITCH?????? we're fucking married that's it
I love him?????? Honestly like Thoma pls take care of me I'm a wreck
THE QUEEN. omfg I love her, ship her and Lumine so hard. She's just so elegant and amazing and so genuinely good??? I just wanna be her sugar baby friend. Like her teapot convo where she tells you that she wants YOU to help her with decision making and YOU to rip up the papers and throw out the next "snowstorm"???
Honestly, like, I think it was myuni who posted about it recently but I wanna go shopping with her in Liyue and just dressup and shit and it'd be so fun??? Girl needs to let loose and I'm willing to offer myself up for the job. Wanna give her genuine connection and shit kjsdkhgdsgds
Do I even need to SAY ANYTHING??? She's so precious??? She was my first 5* I think, or at least my first event character. I joined Genshin during the summer banner after putting it off a while (I didn't know it was a gacha I'm so sorry Zhongli, Venti and Xiao pls come home at least Ganyu and Albedo will be getting their reruns)
I wanna go fish blasting with her and I want her to teach me how to make bombs and show me her treasures and I wanna hold Dodoco and be her best friend like hgesjdhgdjshgjdsghnnbfdjg
No thoughts only sibling bonding with Klee
Some honorable mentions:
Keqing, if Klee wasn't my first 5* it was Keqing. I love her so much??? Like Ningguang, I wanna hang out with her and make sure she's taking her breaks. Same with Ganyu, the QUEEN deserves a NAP
Kazuha stole my fucking wallet (stupid ADHD) and so I have him at c2 and I will forever hold resentment for that but I still love him so much
Hu Tao!!! I've loved her from the first sight. Her view of death is so like nice?? Not seeing it as something bad but as another part of life. I've always believed that funerals should be a celebration of the person, not pure mourning (I mean, mourning lasts a long time, why not devote some time to celebrating the person instead?) anyway I just love her I'm so glad I just got her (already got her at like 58% crit rate and over 150% crit damage & like she's only level 70?? her artifacts rolled so good as well????)
Ei!! My first archon character. Inazuma is too fucking sad all the quests are ripping out my heart and I know her story is about to so I've been procrastinating reading it. I wanna go out into town with her and drink some fucking dango milk and also tease her with Yae
Yoimiya is a good girl. That is all.
Xingqiu and Xinyan have gotten a lot of hate in my convos so I wanna send them some love. Like, they're just kinda beaten out by a lot of other characters but they're so good themselves???
I am a simple enby, i have simple tastes. Those tastes are Arataki Itto. Thank you
I wanna step on and bully Zhongli??? and Xiao I just wanna make a mess of them
Razor, Bennett and Fischl, you all know what I'm going to say. There good children, I love them, I'd die for them, they deserve better. Gonna give them all hugs and love and gdi they deserve it. Gonna introduce them to Xiangling as well and get them some good fucking food.
Albedo and Kaeya. Do I need to say more? Also Diluc, thank you.
Now to call out @raidengaile and @nicebonescomrade to make sure someone does this (all the pressure /j) bc they're on my mind rn do the thing
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enhasfever · 2 years
➪ pairing: none
➪ genre(s): crack
➪ tw: a few swears
➪ wc: 0.7k
➪ in which your local disney enthusiast assigns a disney princess to each enhypen boy. c:
➪ heeseung — tiana (princess and the frog)
he'd definitely be unfortunate enough to have to kiss a frog
and also turn into one
then have to kiss it again in order to turn human once more
has rich friends like jay who can spoil them with nice things but would 100% still choose to eat ramen every night
has goals and is that independent bitch everyone strives to be
girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep ✨
➪ jay — aurora (sleeping beauty)
three words: predebut sleeping pics.
that's all
okay not really shush let me try to be funny
but fr he would honestly rather sleep than deal with life and people
you can't be disappointed in your dreams 😌
or maybe you can idk
he's probably screaming in his dreams at the people who cause him a great deal of stress irl
he's too busy trying to strategize how he's gonna get up to pee without waking himself up too much to get cursed
he just doesn't have time for it 😤
➪ jake — merida (brave)
okay so i couldn't think of an australian princess so he gets a scottish accent
it's the next best thing c:
avid hater of men
started an anti-man club featuring the bears that were once his family members
would literally rather fight a giant, human eating bear than get married
also he's got a bow & arrow- how much more badass can you get?
would launch arrows at anyone who came within a foot of his ramen stash
➪ sunghoon — elsa (frozen)
i think we all saw this one coming
locked himself in his room not because of his ice powers ,,
but because he was afraid that his good looks would kill everyone around him
and also he just doesn't wanna share his magic with some snot nosed younger sibling
(looking at you riki)
olaf is HIS bestie!! 🤬
would actually allow his sibling to marry someone they'd just met so he could take their room too
he'd probably turn it into an ice rink for himself
➪ sunoo — rapunzel (tangled)
if anyone is gonna knock the soul out of someone with a frying pan, it's this guy
he'd also 100% grow his hair out so he could swing around from it like tarzan
and living in isolation in a tower away from the fear of having to become riki's floor mop ??
sign him tf up
would also hoard a ton of mint choco foods up there with him to repel anyone who tried to come rescue him
he doesn't need rescued, he has 25 feet of hair! he's practically unstoppable
➪ jungwon — moana (moana)
he's literally the only person in existence who would successfully avoid getting absolutely cooked by a lava monster simply by singing to it
everyone's whipped for him ✋🏻
he may not be able to keep his plants alive but you better believe that he'll preserve a chicken with an IQ of a peanut for as long as he lives
and not to brag or anything ,,
but he would totally annihilate the coconut men that came to attack him at sea
also he'd probably just look fabulous in a grass skirt
he'd definitely pull off that island girl vibe 🌺🏝
➪ niki — vanellope (wreck-it ralph)
i am an avid believer that vanellope IS a disney princess and you can argue with the wall if you disagree
he's got that younger sibling energy that she exudes and if you don't see him in her then you're blind
i'm making your eye doctor appointment rn as you read this
he would absolutely befriend a big scary man with giant hulk hands just for the fun of it
i can also see him as a fugitive in a land full of candy and sweets
he probably accidentally ate one of the candy villagers bc he just couldn't help himself
he'd also drive like a maniac i can just feel it
© enhasfever
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
zack the fact that you added our ruggie boi’s grandma warms my heart so much-
also i’m happy that people find the family day endearing-
my ego rn : s t o n k
HEIHCSIHDWIDHIWDH family day would truly bring closer sebek and mc since mc would see a new side of sebek not obsessed with WAKA-SAMA and i just find it adorable. that’s why i can’t wait to see the diasmonia chapter-
the way you wrote cater’s siblings is 🤌🏾✨ 100000/10 incredible would totally do it again
also i see that cat boy! grim group is growing well HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
the seeds of destruction have been planted and catboy grim will soon wreck chaos on this poor world HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
GRANNY BUCCHI LIVES IN OUR HEARTS NOW <3333 Looking forward to any info about her and the rest of his family Ruggie will give in his BDay card 🥺❤
I feel his lil bro will always look up to Jack, even if he’s going through his edgy phase, and I just HAD to make his sister the cutest bc SHE IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE, I KNOW IT 😭❤
I’m not against writing more for the older siblings! Specially Cater’s sisters ehe~
Sebek holds his family dear in his heart. To allow MC to see such tender side of him shows how he truly cherishes their friendship
We’ll be waiting for you, Anon~!! Visit back when you want! YOU HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY TOO!!!
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Hey @ether-solrac here with a kind of a revision of an earlier idea I've posted before but still a fun/chaotic idea to share. Basically it's the "Miraculous Couffaines" concept.
Ok so it it starts again with a Chloé Couffaine type base with her being an orphan after being put up for adoption by Audrey. Only instead of being adopted by Anakra, she's adopted by Caline making her Chloé Bustier. Throughout her childhood Caline tried teaching Chloé about always doing the right thing and let's just say the lesson stuck a little too well. This is still a Chloé that will kick the crap out of bullies, break rules/laws if it means protecting someone, and actively joining protests against unjust politics. That's where she meets Anakra and the two just immediately bond. She loves her mom but Anakra is the one that really UNDERSTANDS her and her thought process. She's the best bad influence ever.
So it gets to the point where Caline wants to meet this mystery pirate woman that her daughter won't stop talking about, and when they do its just "Holy shit, Raka is that you?!" "Holy shit it's Cali!" and it's basically they used to be highschool/college sweethearts before life unfortunately seperated them and now this little blond bundle of attitude has brought them together again. The family just clicks, Chloé being ecstatic to have siblings and Caline getting along really well with the Couffaine siblings, and maybe a year or two later they're a full family on a massive double decker/physics defying Liberty v2.
Anyways that's the family set-up, now comes the crazy part, and where the dynamic changes the most from the original. So it's time for the miraculous to be chosen and Fu gets like a 2% boost to rational thought and thinks, "ok maybe I should choose actual adults." He chooses Caline for the Ladybug when he studies how compassionate she is with her students and people in general. He then chooses Anakra when he sees how she's committed to chaos as a force of chance for the better through various protests. And just for extra laughs dude has no idea he chose a married couple. Anakra recognizes Caline immediately since, and I quote, "I've studied every last curve on that body, like hell I wouldn't recognize my wife, glamor be damned." it takes Caline getting exactly one cheesy flirt from Anakra to break the glamor and realize who her partner is. Fu immediately gets wrecked when he trys to play favorites with the ladybug becuse there's no way these two keep literally anything secret from each other.
I'm a little less sure how they get the miraculous but essentially the remaining three miraculous of the main five get divded amongst the kids. I'm thinking Fox Luka and the flute gets replaced with either a lute or guitar. He can clearly visualize the heart songs for others to physically see as well. Chloé would still get the Turtle in a futile attempt to get her to be more passive, only she just straight up wails on Akumas with it. Full Captain America. She has a strong protective streak and she'll absolutely take the blows meant for her family but like hell she isnt also the one to throw the first punch. And finally that leaves the Bee for Juleka. I think it fits since she seems like the kind to wait in the background like a nija and wait for the perfect moment to absolutely stab enemies right in the back. Also I like the idea of Juleka getting a sort of royalty theme and playing on Rose's love for princes and princesses to flirt while in costume. Although it's less cheesy flirts and more smooth as fuck kisses on the the back of the hand and chivalry.
Ok so yeah that's the main premise. Just an entire family that's in on the secret and they've just got the strongest Incredibles vibe the entire time. Just a chaos family with a bunch of superpowers and tiny gods thrown into the mix. And that's the final thing, like since all 5 of the kwami just live in the house and don't have to hide they're just honorary members of the family and they just get dragged into the chaos just as much. Stuff like Tikki acting like the third mom. Plagg being a terrible influence. Trixx guiding everyone in pranks. Pollen being like emotional support. Wayzz throwing centuries of wisdom out the window becuase wow this family honestly just took logic and rationality out back and shot it in cold blood huh?
Finally there's the ships. Obviously there's a sort of pre-established Anakraline. Julerose is a great fit like always. I like the idea of the "better love square"/Lukadrigaminette for Luka. Just a chaotic combo that he gets dragged into by accident when all he wanted was to vibe. All that really leaves is Chloé who I think would be nice to have a sort of agnst free ot3 with both Sabrina and Alix since this Chloé wouldn't have the negative history with either. Basically bring back what was supposed to be the original "mean girl" trio and just have them all be friends to lovers. Like Chloé is the overprotective caring one thats just naturally big on physical affection and taking action. Alix is the high intelligence low wisdom member of the trio that's the brains of the operation but lacks any self preservation instincts whatsoever. And finally Sabrina is the tired holder of the common sense and organization skills. She's stressed as hell with these two but she wouldn't give it up for the world. The cuddles are a nice motivator too. This also makes it REALLY easy to make Chloé loves red jokes.
Like usual if you guys want more I can maybe throw out more ideas to add to this. Honestly just consider this a playground to do what you want with. Hope you all enjoy it.
We on high Couffaine Hours rn y’all this is great
Ether you did it again you madman
Not sure if I’ll expand this au but this is cute
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
THE FVDJSNSBDJ LSSJ BIKER AU!!! AAAAAHSHDHAJSJJD!!!!! 💕💖💖💞💗💕💖💕💕 MWAHHH MWAHH PERFECTioOON!! ogei ogei ogeii i got a request!! how bout,, chaeya sending nudes to each other 🥺👉👈 like,, could be biker au! could be uni au?! whatever you want just go ham mwahh💕💖💗💞💗💕 -⭐
Allowing me to go ham i 💜💛💖💙💕🖤����💖💕 but also i can't decide which is better?? For this prompt nskfkfb
I'm so glad to do this ask rn 🥺🥺 thank you past star nonnie for the serotonin
Chaeya would be Addicted™ to sending nudes to each other lmAo
They're both such a huge tease + like getting teased
We're unclear who initiated the first nude but boy oh boy it's never gonna stop now
They're Kings of Sending Nudes at Inappropriate Times
Them knowing each others schedule so well and just "oh i guess i should just pop one over right now, that'll be funny"
In Uni!AU it's just them sending each other progressively more lewd pictures and texts during lectures to see who seeks out the other for a quick fuck
In Biker!AU sometimes they're away from each other for awhile, and the other person's prolly with their gang so it's hard to do anything, the person at home will do their absolute the fuck best to break the other one
Let's just say, even if there's very little privacy, they're still able to get each other off
Kaeya's nudes are 💦👌🏻👌🏻💦😩 ok The Best of the Best. You take one look as it and you know it should belong in museums
He sets up his nudes like a fucking photoshoot, ok. He's just extra like that
Has a whole like series per photoshoot session too, from fully clothed to half naked to just in his underwear then finally his birthday suit
Will add in a little lingerie too if he's feeling a little spicy
Kaeya's a little bit vain right HAHAHA he doesn't just take a nude then and there and hits send no
He takes photos of himself every time he thinks he looks sexy. So it could be him dressing up or taking off his clothes, tries on new lingerie or toys, when he's in the mood
He just snaps a pic and continues with whatever so he ends up with having an entire album worth of nudes for Childe
Childe's nudes are pretty normal. HAHAHAH Doesn't quite have Kaeya's pizzazz but Kaeya appreciates them all the same
The type or just snap a quick pic before and after
But does enjoy teasing Kaeya when he's out working out or doing something sexy
In Uni!AU, before and after his fights. And in Biker!AU, when he's dressed up to go for a ride
They both don't really send like dick pics that often? Rather just shirtless pics or videos of them touching themselves accompanied with their moans because they know its what drives each other wild
Childe when he receives nudes from Kaeya it almost always ends in phone sex because Childe's impatient and seeing Kaeya posing lewdly just 😩😩 he needs to be in Kaeya so bad
Like he knows they're not pictures of him at this very moment but the fact that Kaeya took the time out of his day to send a nude to him means he's want something
Kaeya though, he's very good at ignoring even the most scandalous videos from Childe. Leaves him on read for hours then sends him a pictures of himself sucking on a lollipop
If he's feeling spicy, he sexts Childe the raunchiest things in the middle of having dinner with his friends or something
Sometimes they both just??? Delay their gratification. So they call each other to rile each other up more, then one of then just ok bye gtg love you babe and??? Y'all did this for what?? (They'll tell you the orgasm when they do get to fuck is Top Tier)
Sometimes, if they really wanna bother each other when they're home alone and masturbating, they just send each other voice recordings of their moans and an inconspicuous emoji
They're always sexting too smh
Childe is also bold enough to set one of Kaeya's most artfully taken nudes as his homescreen wallpaper
Kaeya doesn't mind so he takes nicer ones whenever he feels like seeing a different picture of himself when he's going through Childe's phone
Nobody asked. But Childe's lockscreen is a selfie of the two of them whete Kaeya is giving him a kiss on the cheek. He refuses to change to anything less sweet
Of course, when he's visiting home he changes it HAHAHA he doesn't want to corrupt his younger siblings jsjfbg
🌝 Kaeya's favourite pass time is to send all of that spicy content to Childe when he's visiting home because he knows how torn Childe's going to be
Attaches like 1 nude and 1 voice recording of him getting off with the caption "miss you 🥺" and then follow up texts "how's Teceur and Tonia"
Childe hates but loves it so much, sure his siblings are with him almost all the time and can't have a moment to himself long enough to relieve himself but when he gets back home to Kaeya....
The sex marathon that follows; Kaeya's so wrecked he can't even moan properly, shooting blanks, lying limp and letting Childe manhandle him, and him going in and out of consciousness because he's so fucking tired is worth 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Also Kaeya having enough of Childe's mediocre nudes one day
He teaches Childe how to pose, what parts of his body he'd like to see in nudes, the angle, lightings and stuff so he can get artistic nudes too
Childe indulges obv, his boyfriends deserves nothing less
But also Kaeya texting back like "not sexy enough try again" HAHAHAH
Childe texting back "fuck you" cuz he really tried for his bf ok
Kaeya's like "not w your pathetic excuse of a nude you can't"
If you're wondering if this is a type of foreplay between them the answer is yes
I feel like i forgot to metion before, but they totes have a hidden, password protected photo of each other in their phones
That's the nude album tho like the pictures and videos that they take of each other while they were having sex is in a different folderb
But that's another thing for another time 😩💦
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