#so i was like ok well if the game wont give me a cool customized outfit for her i will
frogintheair · 1 year
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pan siblings reclassed sketch
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stormyykat · 3 years
things i’d like to see from arc 2
this is just a list of stuff i would personally like, you dont have to agree with me. also i realize some of these aren’t the most realistic lol
Krokotopia - so krok is probably the next world? seems like it with the setup and addition of its stormgate, as well as the old assets. i don’t have a lot of wishes for the world (other than to be good lol) however i’d like to see less of Marleybone. I love MB but i want more focus on the kroks this time. Some other things, maybe an Alhazred cameo and Zigzag?
El Dorado - OK so most of these are gonna be worlds but i promise not all of them. ANYWAYS El Dorado is a given. I wanna go here SO BAD. also if they were to add El Dorado, I feel Wizard City and/or Celestia would probably be added as well, considering how tied they are to El Dorado (Celestia being the ones to unmoor the stormgate, Merle helped Marco Polo). For El Dorado itself, the gold sentinels HAVE to be mobs/bosses. Maybe we could finally meet the ghosts of our parents? Maybe FIGHT the ghosts of our parents? (wed get there and theyd be like we told your ass NOT to come here!!)
Marleybone p2/Albion Skyway - kingsisle please let me go to albion please please....i wanna help the foxes now that the war is over!!! LET THEM BE FREE!!! also this is a PERFECT time for a bonnie promo...jus sayin lol.. also guy fox companion? ik he ran off to port regal but i think hed try to get back to albion, we’d have to chase him down and make sure he doesnt blow up any small islands or whatever.
Companion Promos - SPEAKING OF A BONNIE PROMO...here are some companions i’d like to get a promo!!
Bonnie Anne (surprise! last promo at 57, around 75+ there should be another)
Ratbeard (promo at 55, around 75+ is also reasonable)
El Toro (HE NEEDS ONE give him epic strike at least)
Gracie Conrad (unreleased promo....pls...)
Hawkules (needs one, has an unreleased promo)
Catbeard (needs one, has an unreleased promo)
Tavern Companions (they all have unreleased promos. last promo at level 37??? they shouldve gotten one already lol)
Trainer Companions (anything to make carcarius usable. give him mojo flow?)
Starter Companions (been awhile, 46 last lvl. same boat as tavern companions)
Other (Magnificent 7, Argos, Contessa?, Mustang Sally. i just think companions involved in the story should all get something)
Presidio companions shouldn’t get another promo for awhile, as their last promo is at 67. They seem to get promos every 20ish levels (21,47,67) so around 85+ is reasonable. The ones listed above are either due for one or need one (imo).
Other Worlds - the worlds above are my most wanted, but these would be nice to see as well! i feel some of them are probably going to happen.
Polaris (no way that this one wont happen tbh)
Darkmoor (has concept art, a skyway)
Grizzleheim (one of the el dorado crew members is from here, only one we havent met in game besides our mother)
Azteca (Could be a lead up to dorado? also post morganthe azteca would be interesting!)
Celestia/Wizard City (already mentioned them earlier)
Monquista P2
Rajah (this is either a world or a skyway. Could be tied to Albion in a way)
Other Stuff - misc. things i’d like to be added.
Magic Mirror
MORE SHIPS/FLAG OPTIONS!! (Cool Ranch Skiff, Armada Ships, Valencia Ships, Boochbeards ship. More variety in flag designs, rerelease of the AMD ship flag designs..? they were so cool)
More packs/bundles (return of boochbeard bundle?)
Valencia P2 Nerf/Fix (you know i had to add this one)
If no fix, maybe we can get Able in arc2? Since Queen/The Armada is probably coming back.
More furniture/face items/Customization
Stitchable Nefarious Weapons
Gold Cap Increase
Kane’s Robe/Henchmen Items (a few of the henchmen wear items that we can’t get)
Fishing (i can do without crafting tbh)
this is all i can think of right now. if I have any ideas later i’ll just make a part 2 of this post.
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smalltragedy · 3 years
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* ryan destiny, cis woman + she/her | you know kira blake, right? they’re twenty four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, ever? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to babooshka by kate bush like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole lazily stretched out in a ray of light, daisy shaped irises and daisy chain braids, performing an intricate dance to move the ocean's waves thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 31st, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( james, 22, est, they/them )
hllo ive hd kira in my head fr a bit bt i also know ntohing abt her! this is me winging it even though i hv no right to <3 this is my third character maybe whose birthday is in honor of ella n coincidentally 2/3 of them r in this rp. yea im messy smirks sexily.
mini playlist.
wuthering heights ;; kate bush / babooskha ;; kate bush / dreams ;; fleetwood mac / california dreamin’ ;; the mamas & the papas / lavender moon ;; haroula rose / time of the season ;; the zombies / after the storm ;; kali uchis / left hand free ;; alt-j / always forever ;; cults / wait a minute! ;; willow / your dog ;; soccer mommy.
full name: kira blake
nickname(s): keely.
birthday: october 31st, 1996.
zodiac: scorpio sun, cancer moon, aquarius ascending. 
mbti & temperament: esfp & catalyst / sanguine. 
label: the ebullient.
sexuality: bisexual.
born to two original hippies which hs pretty much set up who kira is fr the rest of her life <3 the type of ppl who didnt like the boundaries of marriage n held off frm it fr as long as possible until theyd hd a spur of the moment elopement involving a celebrity impersonator at fannie’s <3 yea theyre lesbians lets go <3
nvr rly took things srsly until kira ws like 5 yrs old n then they were like ah gee ah fuck we probably shld probably settle settle. n they job hopped n worked many odd jobs until they found their footing in careers they liked n one of them probably does like. blown glass art. n the other prob fixes old computers n other ~vintage~ mementos of the past fr ppl.
they make a decent living n they live in delpinius heights n they try a few times fr another kid bt it nvr rly works out (raises an eyebrow. adopted siblings anyone?) n fr the most part kira as a child spends her time running around town and tugging on the hem of other’s shirts to ask them small favors (mostly to play a game with her)
often left unsupervised as a kid, bt not in the way tht her parents dnt care (bc her parents love her a lot a lot a lot like she is their world) bt in the way tht they simply raised her the way they were raised. running amuck all day n coming home jst in time fr dinner, front porch light always on, cat always waiting faithfully on their stoop.
pretty evident frm a young age tht kira’s mind saw things differently, in a different light - the world an array of light n mystery n sound n taste n sometimes those collided n created new experiences. prob hs some form of synsthesia bt dnt ask me which one yet. she’s a painting prodigy with an excellent understanding of color theory.
always ws known as a kind of like. rambunctious kid. a well meaning class clown who cld nt keep her mouth shut fr the life of her. grew up constantly with a yellow card beneath her name in school bt ws always well liked by her teachers n classmates alike.
jst a very bright child who did well naturally bt always ws turned more towards art.
feel like her parents very noticeably turned a cheek when she started smoking weed w the cool older kids when she ws 13. the type of person who wnts 2 b liked so bad she’d jump over a hurdle fr it. hs jumped over many hurdles n many fences n many other obstacles to be liked bt does it without breaking a sweat.
(edit: nw tht i think abt it hwevr i dnt think she does tht anymore i think while a bit of a mess atm she. likes herself. n doesnt rly want or need the approval of others anymore she jst does her own little thing. bt when she ws younger? she jst wnted 2 b friends w the entire world.)
nothing bad rly happened fr like. a good bit of her life. got into psychedelics at some point in high school n tht only heightened her artistic abilities. most of her high school art portfolio ws probably done while high bt <3 does it matter.
hd a high school sweetheart n they were pretty serious like. full on in love. a total believer of soulmates kira ws jst like. this is the one. there is nobody else i cn imagine my life with.
death tw
death tw
death tw.
death n grief tw // yea. sometime during their freshmen year of college. car incident. kira ws nvr the same though she’d like to pretend tht nothing’d ever happened. like theyd nvr existed. like she didnt plan out their entire lives together hiking thru hills n valleys n boating across various bodies of water n traveling together until they were old n wrinkly. end of death tw //
cld nt explain 2 u why kira hd bought a van n completely demolished it only to drain all of her savings remodeling it bt nw she lives in it by the beach. hd dreams of travelling the world bt cannot go long distances in a car without feeling sick. sees planes n feels envy. stopped painting fr a long time bt she’s started back up recently. took on surfing. told her parents tht it ws fine n tht she ws fine n theyre concerned bt shes always by the beach, her van rarely leaves. she’s trying her best bt its only been a few yrs n i think ppl cn sense tht shes jst nt the same cheerful girl as they once knew. end of grief tw //
anyways. tugs on my collar. tht’s kira! she lives on the beach n surfs everyday n is obsessed with daisies n is prob growing her own shrooms somewhere. 
personality & facts.
always been very emotional n a little dramatic. nt a drama queen bt is a little messy n does not hv like. many rational thoughts up in there. very cup full or cup empty.
regardless though she hs an. overall reputation fr jst being. enjoyable to be around. her her little moments bt shes also pretty like. laidback. in a way. KDSHFSDLKHGHFLKSD
prob bc she smokes a lot or is often <3 on a trip if u know wht i mean <3
god. got obsessed with the 60s n 70s aesthetic at some point n hs not gone back evr. big fan of psychedelic rock. is a prodigy painter bt her life dream outside of traveling ws always to own her own record label. hs nt happened yet, maybe will never happen? works at a record shop though n does hide the good vinyls tht she wants away frm the customers.
very cheerful n usually uplifting n she doesnt like to b negative around others bt smtms she cnt control it n smtms thinks tht ppl r out 2 get her jst out of. anxiety. hs long bouts where she’ll sit in a still sort of sadness n then shake out of it n hop back into conversation like nothing’s happened bt. its fine we’re fine kira is fine.
shes not gullible or naive bt wants to believe tht everybody hs a heart of gold even if its false. keeps giving ppl second chances bc she hs a savior complex n thinks she cn change ppl.
is very into zodiac n will judge u by ur chart. knows everybody in town’s natal chart. even newcomers. it’s a little scary hw quick she finds this information bt its very important to her.
kind of like. into spirituality bt i wont lie its very surface level n a little superficial. learning tarot cards bt cannot fr the life of her memorize the meanings so smtms she jst makes up things on the spot. hs so many crystals she will not stop buying them.
i think a part of her is desperately trying to cling onto tht like. think positive. self care. msg thts super prevalent online without addressing or actually helping any of her problems. it is her flaw </3
hates to admit when she needs help. wld rather do everything herself.
head is a little in the clouds n her parents r a little concerned fr her bc shes nt rly doing much rn bt like. she jst needs time i think. shes jst doing her little thing.
does not give up on ppl easily she absolutely hates dropping ppl frm her life even if she grows 2 resent them over time which is bad bc she is bad at hiding when she is upset at someone or when she doesnt like someone.
like shes jst passive aggressive abt it n does not properly communicate <3
bt this is rare i think ... negative feelings abt other ppl
self centered bt not selfish if tht makes sense. she will do things fr others without a problem n sometimes trips over herself 2 do it bt at the end of the day i think she cares abt herself the most.
hs only been in love once bt hs hd many infatuations n many like. admirations n very surface level feelings. her body is a temple n she loves 2 b worshipped.
prob does fkn. beach yoga. probably vegan bt also maybe breaks tht every once in a while. almost noncommittal its hard 2 distinguish between her being carefree, not taking care of herself, or jst hving commitment issues? flaky or not? who knows.
feels jst a bit too strongly bt tries to contain it. jst full of multitudes or smth. idk. icon <3
like. cares bt doesnt care. does thinks tht r purposely self destructive n then acts like shes like. cool girl monologue frm gone girl. bt does it while being like peace n luv on earth x
ok thts all i hv goodbye
wanted plots.
a pseudonym 2 fool ‘em... ;; jst hd this idea pop up bt i like the idea of kira going undercover 2 expose cheaters. whether she does this on her own accord or is personally requested by smbdy is up in the air. a plottable point. she h8s cheaters n is chaotic good she prob thinks shes the relationship vigilante testing the strengths of other’s relationships. once again she cld b. specifically going undercover fr smbdy 2 help them out. im sure she wldnt go 2 very. extensive srs measures like actually. sleeping w the assumed-cheaters bt once again. world is our oyster n i lov drama?
crystal visions ... ;; once again. shes super into crystals n astrology n she will base sm of her opinions of others on it. this is nt just abt her being judgmental of others bt also jst. catching her running around in the rain trying sooo hard 2 fkn. charge her crystals in the rainwater bc she forgot 2 charge them under the full moon the night b4. this is her giving wrong tarot readings. she hs no idea wht shes doing at any given time bt acts like she does know. acts like she knows the entire world. she gives crystals as gifts n will do ur natal chart for u bt will also pack her things n leave if ur a capricorn.
time of the season... ;; i dnt knw admittedly. this song’s abt being horny so perhaps? perhaps. kira isnt rly able to keep a grasp on long term relationships rn due to. factors in her life so she hops frm person 2 person often. smtms jst flings smtms its jst a relationship accidentally led on. shes noncommittal n a little flaky atm when she’s usually ride or die fr others. perhaps this is all in the name of some good fun! world? oyster. 
literally anything .dsfskhdkgs ;; god. shes so new i jst dnt know. childhood friends. current friends. friends shes hd frever. enemies n ex lovers n ppl shes constantly pushing away or scorned lovers or both or anything?? she pushed them out of the roller rink to make more room fr herself or maybe they did tht to her. perhaps theyre both constantly pursuing some sort of fkn. meaning in their lives tht they cnt quite grasp. mayb they go on an acid trip together. who knows. 
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cobblepottantrum · 4 years
PPG edition
so me and my friends on a server were discussing about how the powerpuff girls and rowdyruff boys would play the game, and i took it upon myself to write it all down. This isnt every single one and all of these were created in a mixture of mine, @empress-lulu-of-mischief and @toxicovee minds (possibly other so if i left you out im sorry!!!) Just something fun and silly to think about. 
its long so ill break it up. Let me know if you have any others :) 
Blossom: She had played New Leaf and loved being the mayor so only being a resident was a low blow for her. In that case her island is always 5 star because she would have nothing less. When it comes to how her island looks, it's perfect. It's symmetrical and her villagers have a cute little town that looks oddly like Townsville. She prefers the natural looking stone compared to Bubbles bright pathways. Her favorite thing is the museum and she will donate everything one by one so that Blathers will tell her everything, it's kind of insane. She does this with Celeste too and has little information signs everywhere. She doesn’t really like doing the custom designs for clothes but will occasionally.
When it comes to the flowers, she only likes the red, pink and white ones. She only plants those and if any colorful ones come up, she gives them to Bubbles or has giveaways on her island. She has giveaways on her island where up to five people can come and ask her questions like a little meet and greet.
She doesn’t time skip too often but she did go back in April for the cherry blossom DIYs which her entire house is pink and cute. When it comes to her outfits, she wears the red bow and Bubbles made their old school dresses so she usually has on her pink dress. Her villagers are all pink and she likes having the snooty ones best. She won’t hesitate to complain to Isabell and she will take a net to them.
Game Name: Blossom Island Name: The Good Place (Was Townsville but Bubbles told her no) Fav Characters: Blathers, Celeste and Tom Nook Fav Villagers: Flora, Merengue, Pinky, Whitney, Audie, Raymond Fruit: Cherry Flag: Her iconic red bow with a pink background Tune: The ppg theme song (it's actually mine too)  
Bubbles: The queen of custom design and the hybrid hoarder. Her custom kiosk is constantly being used as everyone wears and uses her designs. Her island is filled with pastel blue pathways and the cutest decor ever. She mostly has small parks and cafes and is still trying to get past her 4 star ranking for KK Slider. She loves the hamster and small villagers and refuses to hit them with nets (except for the monkey who was mean but that's ok). She revolves around her flower gardens and she will yell at you if you try to steal her golden roses. No time skipping for her because she likes the slow pace of the game.
Every morning she goes to every villager and talks with them and sends them gifts. The Able Sisters is her favorite place and she mostly buys things for her villagers. Her musem isn’t even close to being complete because she is scared of the bugs except for the butterflies. The fish she is okay with but the moment she saw the tarantula she closed her game. If one of the girls or boys is on her island, they will catch everything for themselves. Her terraforming skills are off the charts since she likes design so much and everywhere you turn there is a waterfall covered with flowers but absolutely no weeds.
She loves having people come to her island. She sends out Dodo Codes for flower watering and trading. Everyone brings her gifts and it's now a running gag to bring blue flowers. Her player is always changing styles and hair colors but she always has custom heart cheeks.
Game Name: Bubbs Island Name: Sugar Shore Fav Characters: Leif, All the Able Sisters Fav Villagers: Bunnie, Cookie, Merry, Bubbles because duh Fruit: Apples Flag: Intricate bubble pattern with flowers Tune: She changes it from one disney song to the next
Buttercup: She wasn’t too thrilled about the game as she never played the other ones before. However she does start to like it as it's relaxing and helps with her anxiety. She's a grinder and always has money. She designed her island to have different areas based on her favorite movies and sport areas. She likes the jock and lazy villagers and will not hesitate to smack them with her nets. She hates how long dialogue takes and smashes the buttons violently.
She breeds the black flowers and her house is surrounded by them. She likes to catch the fish and every night she goes to as many islands as possible for taratuna hunting. She only allows her best friends to come to her island because the log screens are a pain. Her island is nice and cool and she time skips like crazy and likes the turnip stock market. Other than that she's not too obsessed with it and her villagers get upset when she leaves them for days at a time. The only custom thing she makes is movie posters and band album covers. Hidden around the island are magical summoning circles and fake blood, Bubbles hates it.
She likes CJ’s fish challenges and half her island is covered in bugs for Flick. Her player has the bandages and custom fake blood as well as spooky outfits that she gets from other people's codes.
Every time she catches a snail, she sends it to Butch with a message “its you” attached.
Name: BC Island Name: Spice Shack Favorite Villagers: Kid Cat, Bam, Phil, Bruce Fav Character: Cj and Flick Fruit: Orange Flag: Green skull with a black background (bubbles made it) Tune: Opening to “Welcome to the Black Parade)
Brick: Stock Market King, Mr. Richie Rich, Snob. After Boomer told him to play and gave it to him, he became obsessed with the stock market. Every Sunday is turnip day and he spends the week finding the highest selling price, usually his twitter followers will invite him and he will leave them a bunch of Nook Tickets. He time skips like crazy, cheats and he wears the crown without hesitation. His island is 5 star spotless and shows off the rarest items. If you wanna come to his island then you must pay up. He is the person who you hate because you wanna be him. He has only the top tier villagers and will call you poor. He doesn’t bother with custom designs and if he wants something then Bubbles is the one to go too. He used an island planner beforehand to make sure everything was in place. The moment something new comes out, he's on top of it. He doesn’t really care if a villager is ugly or cute, if they are highly wanted, he gets them.
If you happen to be dating him, you must wear the matching crown to prove that you are the best because it's what you deserve.
Name: Lord Brick Island Name: Bricktopia Favorite Villagers: Audie, Marshall, Raymond, Bob Fav Character: Redd, Daisy Mae (He is her bitch and sets his alarm) Fruit: Peaches Flag: Red flag with a crown on it (made by bubbs of course) Tune: He doesn't know and he doesn’t care because he plays on mute.
Butch: Disater. His island is always messy and he doesn't care too much about the atmosphere but he does like the bugs and is a simp for Isabell. He saves all the snails BC gives him and puts them in his snail room or the army room. He becomes serious about the game a little later and sooner follows Brick with all the cheats. They dominate the stock market like bosses
He doesn't talk that much with the villagers but spends time hitting them with nets if they are ugly. He keeps Butch without a doubt and moves his house next to his cause they are bros but all of his villagers are cats only for the reason to make jokes. (pussy island)
His island is like a living meme as he has random images in the sand. His house is simple but a punk rock domain and he wont tell anyone that he spent hours making the green day album covers for his wall. He doesn't have too many flowers but prefers the bamboo look more. His favorite item to wear is the hockey mask and he put fake blood face paint on. His island is like a horror game instead and Bubbles refuses to come to his island because it's scary. He also likes to make mazes out of hedges.
After a while he restarts his island and son time travels and has the island buffets where people pay to come get materials and objects. He becomes an AC king in no time and likes that he can make money. (the only people allowed on his island without payment is the girls, his brothers and his friends, other than that, pay up)
Name: Butch Island Name: Butch Pad Fav Villagers: Butch, Bob, Olivia, Stinky, Tom (litrally just cats and Butch) Fav Character: Cj and Kicks Fruit: Pears Island flag: A snail with a skull on its shell Island tune: Mr. Brightside opening
Boomer: This boi right here is the AC King. He's played every single game since he was little (always made fun of by his brothers but look at you Brick). He knows all the AC lore and will go into detail about Tom Nook and Redds past plus he is the biggest shipper of Flick and Cj. His island is terraformed perfectly and he has literally everything you could want. He time skipped for a little bit but never cheats.
He is a twitch streamer and everyone tunes in the moment Boomer is on. He allows for five people to come on his island a day to play games and get DIYs that he already has. He's a humble player who knows his way around everything. He doesn’t care too much about which villagers come and go but Audi is his favorite as the back story suggests. He just wants to complete it all except he will never be able to catch wasps, he sucks at it. However he rarely misses a fish and also has piles for Flick and CJ.
He is an avid hybrid flower person and any extras, he gladly gives away. Bubbles gets the first pick. He is surprisingly good at custom designs and makes everything himself. His island has little cafes and band areas as well as a perfect view of KK Slider because he is a 5 star island for sure.
He owns AC Merch and buys fanart from other people because he is obsessed. He got Brick Daisy Mae socks and he catches him wearing them every Sunday for good luck.
His player looks like him but also wears the crown (he got it first anyways). His house has all the instruments and has a nod to all his past houses.
Name: Boomer Island Name: Big Blue Fav Villagers: Boomer, Bubbles, Audi, Tad Fav Character: Isabell, Timmy and Tommy, Cj he loves them all. KK SLIDER Fruit: Cherry Flag: His flag changes weekly as his subscribers have flag comps each week and he uses the winner as his flag Tune: He is an Og and didn’t change the song.
Ships and how they play:
Reds: Museum dates. They love walking through the museum while talking on the phone and wandering around. Brick brings her a pink rose each visit and Blossom places them around her house. Usually when they are on each other's islands they are facetiming or talking and they just kinda run around and don't do much before getting off and focusing on each other. Blossom brings him gold flowers because he is a snob but he secretly appreciates it. Blossom has to take off the bow and wear the crown because only the best can be on his island. She makes him wear a red hat when he comes onto her island. Sometimes they have fishing competitions and whoever wins gets to brag on the bulletin board.
Blues: Dates!! When they visit the other islands, they go back and forth all day, exchanging hybrid flowers and catching butterflies. Bubbles talks to every villager he has and they each made a secret picnic spot on their islands for them. If he is streaming, she is mostly likely watching and or playing with him. They can spend hours just talking and running around and they just craft and decorate together. She helps him fix his house up and “I love bubbles Is written in the sand that can clearly be seen from the plane loading screen. They always give things and write love notes on their boards. Together they host games on their island and it's always on a certain day. There's at least a queue of 100 people each time.
Greens: They hit each other with nets and axes for five minutes before switching to a fighter game and hopping on with the boys. But if they manage to stay on longer, Butch and Buttercup just cuss consatntly and leave eachother gross notes on the bultin boards. The play hide and seak and Butch likes to dig up her flowers and make a mess of her island before she does the same to his.
Brick x Bubbles: He constantly is paying off her debut because she doesnt time skip or grind for her money. She never asks him to but she opens her mailbox to find bags of money and rare items. She makes his red sweater and when he goes to her island that's the only time he removes his expensive outfits. In the back of his island he grows hybrid flowers for her. She makes his custom designs and shows him how to boost his flower production and villager points.
Brick x Buttercup: He likes calling her poor. He is insulted by her island being boring and gives her gifts but she sells them to piss him off. They are the most competitive pair when it comes to fishing and she likes to dig in random places and drop items to make him mad. He’ll walk around and find thirty sticks everywhere and call her. It's about teasing with them and good fun. They are also the turnip couple overlords and constantly are looking for the best princes.
Boomer x Blossom: Boomer knows everything about AC and Blossom loves learning about the stories. He gives her tours of the museum and everytime she has a new villager, he explains their past. He gifts her pink flowers and she helps him complete his museum with fossils. He will have people come to his island and she even has meet and greets with people. It's simple and fun.
Boomer x Buttercup: Boomer gets BC addicted to the game. No other person can make her care so much about these animals than her soft boyfriend. He shows her all the secrets and how to make her island amazing. She becomes obsessed and is soon rivaling Brick for best island, Blossom knows hers is better. Buttercup likes to grind and travel for materials and anytime Boomer says he needs to find some more wood, she has it sent to his island in no time.
Butch x Blossom: Sir is a simp for Pinky. He enjoyed listening to her talk about the fossils in the museum and when she flew to his island “Blossom is Hot” was written on the ground. Even though her island is thriving , he constantly sends her gifts and things. His favorite thing to do is to run on her island and leave a random heart patch for her to find. She doesn’t exactly approve of his methods of making people pay money to get stuff but him allowing her to get whatever she wants, she turned the other cheek because if people want to spend money so be it.
Butch x Bubbles: He hits her villagers and she yells at him. He also likes to take her flowers one by one and replace them with normal one. He tried taking her golden rose but she cried and he called her to make sure she was ok. Now he doesn't mess with her but finds himself growing her flowers. She doesn’t come to his island because it's spooky but he made a little spot on the beach and “Bubble Safe Zones”. She tends to have the best items for sale so whenever he visits he shops a lot. They like to fish together and she shows him how to plant flowers and make his island nice. After he decides to restart and make his island a shopping paradise, Bubbles gets anything she wants especially since she doesn’t time skip. If there's something rare that he only has one of, she gets it.
Bonus: (doesn’t matter which ship)
-Blossom once had turnips for 800 bells and did not let Brick come on her island because he said something about the bow being dumb. He instantly regretted and called her and begged, the man begged over the phone for her to open the gates. She did at the last second.
-Butch once stole Bubbles gold rose and the entire city heard her sonic scream. He put it back and waters it daily. (She screamed cause she saw a spider on the wall but it got him to but the rose back)
-Boomer and Blossom know about the AC lore and often have long discussion on his stream about different
-Nintendo contacted the girls and for a new event they made the powerpuff girls as villagers you could have. Blossom is a preppy wolf named Blossom, Bubbles is a sisterly duck named Bubbles and Buttercup is a jock cat named Butters. Each of them are themed to their signature color and each offers a special diy. (they sent the girls amiibos and codes to get their own) Big Bow Bookshelf (Bow shaped bookshelf with blossoms signature), Heroes Bedtime(replica of the childhood bed), Hotline Phone, Heavenly Hearts Rug (the heart ending screen rug), Bubbly vanity (three giant blue bubbles that look like a mirror with bubbles signature), BC Bean Bag (bean bag that is green with Buttercups signature). Crime Fighters wallpaper (wallpaper that has the famous pink, blue and green streaks), Pink Poster, Green poster, and Blue poster, PPG Poster (has all three girls on it)
-Each girl has a special memorial on their island for Bunny. It is just a patch of Purple roses and all of them are near their house.
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pantmonger · 5 years
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Use 'push moulds' to make 100s of themed bases, each unique, for about 30c each!
I have thought about making moulds to make bases for a while now, but had run into several issues. Cost and availability of moulding materials, difficulty/mess of casts, repetitiveness of having several of the same bases in the army. Then I had an idea, and did a bunch of experiments/tests and while I'm not going to say this is the bestest method ever! It definitely works for me and might for you.
Concept The idea was to make a large stamp, (15cm x 15cm or so) that you could then make individual bases from, offsetting each base to a slightly different place on the stamp so that no two bases are exactly alike. By making it a stamp, I could use the easier and cheaper 'push' method rather then pouring and casting with expensive and hard to source materials. Instead I would use polymer clay.
The Master To start with you have to make an original sculpt to make a cast from. It works well if you have an idea of what kind of bases/location you want for your miniatures. I am working on a stormcast army atm and I wanted them to be based on a stone ruins, in a city reclaimed by a red desert. I decided I would add the sand later, so its the stones I would be making now. The base of the sculpt and the materials used in its construction will need to be resistant to force. Substances like plaster of paris, will crumble and crack and will not be suitable, but you can use whatever you think will work. Myself I used a couple of sheets of mdf for the base, 15x15cm For the stone work, I cut and carved 'foamed pvc' which is great stuff, costs about $4 per A4 sheet, depending on thickness. I used less then 1/2 sheet all up, a mix of 1mm and 2mm thicknesses. I made roots from greenstuff and added skulls from GW, so maybe $1 worth of additional materials. Total build cost for the master base, about $3.     Note, this master should not look like a 'scene' it should instead be a collection of elements, thin stone, thick stone, level changes etc, so that you can get the most diversity for your bases in as little area as possible.
The Mould This is the most expensive part of the build, costing $12ish for a 400g block of polymer clay. I used about $10 worth on the mould. Worked the clay to 'condition' it. Roll it out with a rolling pin to the depth needed to capture all the detail, do this on baking paper so that it wont stick to your surface and you can pop it in the oven after. The highest point on my master was 7mm so I needed around 10-12mm thickness of clay to be safe. You then coat both the surface of the clay and the master, in a releasing agent, cornflower in this case.  Place the master on the clay and apply pressure, as much as you can muster. I went as far as placing it on the ground and standing on it with a little gentle bopping up and down. But try not to go side to side as it can deform the mould details. Remove the master, and if you are happy with the mould, pop it in the oven to bake. Once cooled you have a mould. Note, if the mould looks rubbish, just rework the clay and try again till you are happy with it.
Other materials: I tried a few other materials before settling on polymer clay. Cold porcelain was terrible for details (and a mess to make)  Air dry clay can get ok details if you really work it before hand. It's cheaper, and if you use polymer clay for the final casts, you wont need much in the way of releasing agent as the two really don't stick. But in the end I was not happy with the loss in detail with air dry clay. You can also use talc as a releasing agent, but it can be slightly more expensive then cornflower.
The Casts. To make each base you will need a small amount of  polymer clay, a base of the correct size, baking paper, releasing agent, the mould and a 'cookie cutter' Condition the clay, and then press a small amount onto the miniature base with baking paper between them (else it will stick to the base). Smush the clay around till it roughly covers the surface area of the base. Coat the top of the clay and the mould in releasing agent, pick a interesting spot on your mould and place the clay there. Push down on the clay using the miniature base as a convenient tool and applying a decent amount of force. Then separate the clay from the mould. If you have used enough releasing agent, the clay should lightly adhere to the baking paper and not the mould and should come loose by lifting the paper. You can then use the 'cookie cutter' to trim the excess and give you a sharp outer edge, but remember to coat the cutter in releasing agent also, or the clay will stick to it and distort. Pop the cast in the oven and bake. Once done, the cast is ready to be stuck on your choice on miniature base. I made 40mm bases and they cost between 15 to 20c worth of clay each.
The Cookie Cutter You will most likely need to make a custom cookie cutter of the correct size for your bases. There are many online tutorial about this. For me I took a plastic shot glass, and used a dremmel to cut the top off till it was the right size.  
Final Costs $3 for the original sculpt $10 for the mould materials 20c per base.
This process really worked for me, and I hope it does for you also. I'm looking forward to making a jungle stamp for my lizard men next.
-------------- Fitzhywels Fantastical Paraphernalia! Maps, Game Aids, Props and tokens. Physical/PDFs on DrivethruRPG Digital on Roll20 Or hire me to make yours!
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thesims4blogger · 5 years
SimGuruKate Addresses Concerns on Alexa Skill Device
After the Sims team revealed skills on the Alexa device during Maxis Monthly live stream on twitch, the community took to social media to express their disappointment. Yesterday, SimGuruKate address these concerns on the official forums.
Ok there are a few things I want to comment on, address, clarify from this thread. First, the comment that the Alexa Skill was developed in partnership with Amazon and that it was paid/sponsored. This is 110% not true. If something is paid or sponsored we legally must disclose that. Amazon did not reach out to us to develop this, nor did we reach out to Amazon to see if they wanted to partner with us. Instead, a single Dev thought of this idea and worked with a few other Devs who were interested to bring it to life and create it outside of their TS4 development responsibilities. Second, the idea that if they had not worked on this new Alexa Skill we would have released a patch in January for TS4 PC/Mac or Console. There was never a patch in January scheduled. Had the Alexa Skill not been in development or on the docket for release this month we still would not have released a patch in January. There are many reasons for this, much of it to do with how our development schedule is laid out, other content we are currently working on (paid and free), and the fact that we (EA) actually shut down the entire office (globally) between Christmas and New Years. Patches are scheduled VERY far in advance (we are talking months) and are done so in a manner that align with the overall development schedule for the year. Third, this sentiment that the Dev Team should remain chained to their desks and only work on in game content, and that passion projects are a waste of time. The Maxis Dev Team is one of the hardest working teams out there, and they are incredibly passionate about TS4, TSM, TSFP, and all past and future projects. One of the coolest things about Maxis is that they actively encourage Devs to work on side projects outside of their time required for primary project development (such as a patch or pack). By providing this opportunity it allows them to remain engaged and excited for what they are working on, thus preventing burnout (which as many know is a very real thing). All of this means that they can continue to create high quality content for the games you are so passionate about. Sometimes a Dev's passion project is something like First Person Camera. Sometimes it's something like a new career or NPC in the game. And yes, sometimes it's creating a fun little Alexa skill for those who have an Alexa and love The Sims. For passion projects Devs are encouraged to work on things they find interesting because when you work on things you enjoy it means you will produce high quality results. Now, Maxis Monthly. When we first announced Maxis Monthly I stated that not every Maxis Monthly would include revealing new content for TS4 (or TSM or TSFP). I also made it very clear from the first Maxis Monthly that new PAID content (that means EPs/GPs/SPs) would not be announced during these streams. There are multiple reasons for this, but basically it comes down to the way we announce new paid content. Now that being said, the goal of Maxis Monthly was to talk ALL things Maxis. This means that sometimes we would have something new to show for every single current game in our portfolio, and sometimes (like this month) we would have nothing. This is simply the nature of how game development works. It's pure luck (or coincidence) that prior to yesterday every Maxis Monthly had included new content reveals for TS4. Yes, I know this meant the community had come to expect certain things in the streams. Yes, I knew that the first MM in which we didn't reveal new content for TS4 would result in dissatisfaction. Though some many not think so, I know this community VERY well. That's why, compared to previous MM, we did not hype this live stream. That's why I called what we were showing "nifty" instead of mind blowing. That's why I sent out gentle reminders to the community that not all streams would show off new in-game content. Short of saying "this is what you will be seeing" I could not have been more clear and forthcoming that the January MM would not be showing off new TS4 content. However all that being said, the level of vitriol seen during yesterday's announcement was beyond what even I expected, and to be honest, was beyond what was appropriate. Do I think it would have been better to not show off Alexa during the stream? Absolutely not. That stream was the perfect place to show off this cool new product. Yes, we could have immediately said up front at the top of the stream that it was not sponsored/paid, and that was a huge learning lesson. So knowing some of the community wouldn't be happy with no new content coming for TS4, why didn't I wait to share Alexa? Because it's coming out next week and the Devs who worked on it wanted to show it off and this was the right time and way to do so. But why didn't I talk about things coming later this year? Because I can't. My hands are literally tied. Due to some interesting legal reasons (it's pretty in depth and complicated) revealing content too early would result in us being in some legal and financial hot water. Additionally doing so would not only result in me likely losing my job, but could put our Development and Marketing Teams in very difficult positions. And remember, though at this point I sound like a broken record, just because we don't explicitly share what the team is working on at the moment (because we can't), doesn't mean we aren't working on multiple packs, free content, and more. We will continue to evaluate how we approach content announcements and whether or not the Maxis Monthly adds value for enough individuals and make changes where/if necessary. Now the final thing I want to address is that passion and frustration never excuses basic human decency in how you interact with others. While everyone, especially a consumer of a product, has a right to express frustration, or be critical of the product, this does not give them the right to hurl insults at the Developers (or creator of the product). And if a person does choose to engage this way (which free will and freedom of speech allows) the individual which they are directing it at is under no obligation to listen or engage with that individual (because free will and all). It does not matter if that person is a Developer, a Customer Service person, or yes, a Community Manager. Yes, we choose these careers, and yes some of us even put ourselves in the public eye, but that does not mean we have to tolerate individuals spewing hate or vitriol. There are many appropriate ways to provide criticism or share your opinion in a way that does not include excessive ongoing negativity or insults. Appropriate: I have zero interest in this new Alexa Skill they announced and I wish it had been something different. I feel they could have used their time differently or developed something different. Unnecessary: This Alexa Skill is so stupid, why are they wasting their time on this? They are so stupid and this is pointless and they never listen to us and the game is doomed. I have seen a number who have stated their thoughts in the first way, but have seen far more communicating in the second manner. And even with the first way of sharing your thoughts, we often wont reply. And not because we don't see it or only want positive feedback, but because not every message needs a response. Oftentimes there is almost nothing one could say to either of the above that would add value or make the individual happy or satisfied. So many times in these situations it is better to say nothing at all. We gather the feedback and we pass it onto those who can impact change. I hope this has helped provide more clarity or insight. Remember, I dont expect every individual to like every single thing that we do, or even like me or the Devs. That's absolutely ok and to be expected. One of the best things (but sometimes the hardest thing to handle) about The Sims community is how varied it is. This is an incredibly diverse community and there are so many different ways to enjoy The Sims. But what I do expect is for people to be respectful.Post edited by SimGuruKate on January 9
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michaelreaderreblog · 6 years
My truemate pt12
AN: Sorry it has taken me so long to post the next part to this series. So here it is finally. If you need to catch up on the series or would like to start from the beginning I will post the links below.
I think I was suppose to tag others to these parts but sorry I forgot who I was suppose to tag. Oh well the part is finally up. Thanks for being so patient with me 
Word Count: 1,960
He had always wanted to make sure that you would like his mate and thats what made him even more accepting to the other person.
“Thanks, we are going into the city though for dinner. I wanted to make this extra special and she doesnt know that so dont tell her. You kids are going to be home by yourselves over the weekend. I ask both of you no partying, no staying out all night just because I wont be home doesnt mean either of you are allowed to wolf out” he says with a stern expression as he looks between you and Dean.
You simply roll your eyes at him while Dean does the same.
“Hey Im an angel, tell your rules to y/n” he says as he whips his towards you.
“Scouts honor” you reply sarcastically to Sam and Dean who chuckle
The rest of the evening is spent with conversations about the work day and how its like working at the city hall for Sam which doesnt sound so bad.
“Speaking of which, is it possible to get a hold of y/n's medical records without tipping off the good ol' people from the Government and Academy extremists?” Dean asks Sam as you clear the table to get the empty dishes into the sink for the wash tomorrow.
“Dean, y/n doesnt have medical records. You never took her to the hospital for anything” Sam replies while looking to Dean and knowing very well you dont have any.
“Not even about her shots or anything?” Dean asks looking to his younger brother
“No, those are sealed tight. After she presents is when she would be able to get one but since you never took her to the hospital. She has absolutely no medical history” Sam explains more as he looks to Dean
“Why do you want her medical information?” he asks while taking a gulp from his beer
“I thought I would ask since we moved here wasnt I suppose to notify her doctors back in Sioux Falls and transfer them here” he says while finishing off his beer as well.
“Oh no. No need. But if she were to be sick or seek out for suppressants then she would have a medical record” Sam tells him while making his way to the garage with the empty beer bottles.
You decided that you would do the dishes the next day and you placed the remaining food in containers for tomorrows lunch.
You also decided that you would get Sam's lunch ready for tomorrow since he didnt like to eat out so much. You looked into the fridge to make sure that there was spinach for his sandwich and to your surprise there is still some left.
You take out the pesto sauce to go along with the spread, you shredded the chicken to carefully place them on one side of the bread that were spread evenly with pesto sauce. You topped the chicken with cut tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, when you finally did that and placed the other slice of bread on top to finish it off. You placed his sandwich in a container.
“You dont need to clean up, I can do it” Sam says from the table as he watches you doing something with the containers and the remaining food.
“No thats fine, I got it. You keep talking to Dean about whatever you were talking about.” You said not turning to face your brothers.
“Y/n what are you doing?” Deans turn to ask as he watches you get one thing from one cupboard to another.
“Im just getting Sams lunch ready for tomorrow so that he doesnt need to rush to make it” You answer your brother still not turning around to meet his gaze.
“Really I can take care of that later” Sam says from the table.
“What about my lunch?” Dean asks as if he sounds so hurt like you forgot about him.
“Dont worry I got you, Im adding beef on yours along with the swiss cheese and honey mustard” you reassure Dean that you didnt forget about him and his deliveries.
“No grey poupon?” he asks randomly as you turn your head to his direction to give him a weird look.
“Really? Grey poupon?” Sam asks giving him the same reaction as you did.
“Popped into my head” Dean says as he shrugs his shoulders.
You shake your head as you keep making the sandwiches for your brothers.
When done you place each of them in containers and put them into the fridge.
While you also place the remaining food in there also.
“Alright you guys, I am done with your lunches and you’re all set for tomorrow” you tell them while turning away from the fridge.
“Thank you” they both say in unison
“You’re the greatest” Dean says while standing from the table and pushing in his chair.
“You really are” Sam says and does the same.
You and Dean decided to stay up a little late than usual as Sam went to bed. The both of you settled into the living room to watch a little tv.
Dean decided to watch the sports highlights from the evening games that he missed and you didnt have a problem with it.
Finally when you couldnt keep your eyes open anymore is when you decided to head to bed.
You told your brother goodnight and to sleep well himself he said the same thing back you.
You get into your bedroom and change into sleeping clothes and crawled into bed closed your eyes as the exhaustion took over and slept all through the night.
You were the one to rise early as your brothers were still a sleep in their bedrooms, you went down the stairs and into the kitchen.
You take out the grinded coffee to make a fresh pot of the morning and decided to make for breakfast.
You heard someone coming down the stairs but paid no attention as you were making pancakes.
“Good morning” Dean says with a groggy tone.
“Have a glass of water first before you take a cup of coffee” you tell him while you flip over the pancakes.
“Ok mom. Have any orders today?” he says as he fills his glass cup with water and takes a few gulps from it before making a cup of coffee.
“Yeah I have a few and I have one delivery but have no idea on how I am going to make that delivery though” you tell Dean as you take the pancakes from the pan and into Deans plate that had eggs and bacon on the side.
“What do you mean you have no idea how to deliver them? You have my baby to do that” he says looking to you as he takes a bite out of his bacon.
“You mean the very same baby Sam is going to take to work, like I said genius I dont know how I am going to make the delivery” you tell him as you take another set of pancakes from the pan and place them on Sam's plate that has a side of eggs and fruit.
You thought pretty soon you would just give him grape fruit for breakfast instead rather cooking him a full breakfast.
“Oh crap, I forgot. Well looks like we are gonna have to get you a car. I can go half and you can go half, how does that sound? And what kind of car do you want?” he gives you his proposition about the car he would generously go half with.
“I remember uncle Bobby used to talk about this Mustang um damn forgot what year he said it was. I remember seeing the car and getting inside of it and thinking one day I would love to own that car. Then Bobby ruined my day dream by telling me the customer is picking up his car and if I didnt get out he would sell me along with it inside.” you tell him as you smile and giggle at the memory.
Sam finally comes into the kitchen as he see his siblings talking over the counter.
“What are you giggling about Y/n? Morning guys” he says with a smile on his face as he makes his way for the cupboard to get himself a cup of coffee.
“Drink a glass of water first” Dean says as he follows his brothers movements around the kitchen.
“Ok dad. What were you two talking about anyways? Y/n is this plate mine or is it yours?” Sam asks as he looks at the plate on the counter before he takes it to the table.
“Yeah thats yours, Im just going to have a bowl of fruit along with the Greek yogurt” you tell Sam as you get the yogurt from the fridge and he sees you pour the contents into your bowl and he is pleased with the food choice.
“Look there is more bacon and eggs you can have that. I dont think that is going to keep you energized till lunch” Dean says as if he got offended you didnt want to have a perfectly good breakfast with the bacon and eggs.
You laugh at his generous thought but you simply decline and stick with your fruit and yogurt.
You heard someone parking outside in the drive way and you thought that one of your customers were way early than expected. Sam is on the move to get to work, as he steps out the door.
“Castiel, good morning c'mon in” Sam says as he opens the door for him to walk out.
“Morning Sam, thank you” he says as he enters into the house and removes his jacket along with his shoes
“Im in the kitchen Castiel, want some breakfast? Coffee? Tea?” you raise your voice from the kitchen and finally remembered that Dean was still in there with you.
You turn around to see how Dean was doing and he appeared to have it together.
“Yeah I could get you a plate of breakfast if you want, please sit relax.” Dean says while rushing around the kitchen as he tries to make Castiel comfortable
He enters into the kitchen with a smile on his face as he follows Deans movements around the kitchen and struggling to keep his cool.
“Good morning Y/n, Dean. I would love breakfast, I didnt have time to eat before I left the house. I rushed to wake early and came driving over as soon as I could” Castiel says while he pulls up the chair from the table and seats himself there.
Sam watches what Dean is doing and he smiles at the scene in front of him.
“Well Im off to work. Y/n have a good day, Dean try not to get into an accident today and good luck Castiel” he says and out the door he goes and enters inside the impala to drive to work.
You smile at Sam and couldnt wipe off the smile from your face as you watch Dean stumble around the kitchen.
“Dean, relax. You can go off to work now. I can handle everything from here” you tell him as he looks to you.
“Right work, I should be off now” he says while he gives you Castiel' plate of food and a cup of coffee.
He exits the kitchen only to come back and get his jacket along with the truck keys, gives a smile to the both of you.
“Later Y/n and Castiel” he smiles nervously.
“See you later Dean and thank you” Castiel says as he looks at Dean.
You see the interaction between the two and you couldnt be more proud of Dean for behaving.
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deuce-duce · 4 years
Hmmm where should I begin I think ill start with explaining a little bit about why I initially started writing this thing. Primarily because I was tired of being silenced while essentially people destroy my identity and character. But not in my local town or where I work... but the entire nation. Thats fucked up! No matter how you want to look at it. Its crazy that in todays society its OK to spew hate lies and deceit and everybody goes with flow... but the moment you start saying listen Idk what you have been told or what the latest gossip is but I can assure you its probably not what you think it is. As soon as that happens the whole world loses their minds...
The other reason I started writing is because although I don't necessarily want to put myself on a pedestal I think I might be a pretty rare individual. Over the course of the last four years with the show in full effect and the constant psychological and sexual abuse im put through is in full swing I haven't suffered from a TBI making it possible for me to figure this whole thing out without having my conscience memories taken from me to. That being said this is journey for me as well learning about myself and what this has done to me... whether you believe me or not that really is unimportant to me I just think that this story documented. Along with societal constructs and the amount of fuckery we actually involve ourselves in, without ever doing any research! And blaming the individual for telling the truth asking you to stop helping because your just making things worse. I'll explain further down what I mean.
Now I don't think im all that brilliant really i mean I think I am but in reality what you think of yourself is important but really doesn't mean shit if your told how dumb you are everyday or treated like shit because there's things you just can't do. Not that your incapable of doing them or don't know how to do them but because you literally suffer from multiple mental health conditions the primary condition being a dissociative identity. That being said, there is no medication no cure or any type of hope to ever not have to be worried about dissociating. The fucked up part about it is... is that my dissociative state isn't like normal dissociative states. Most dissociations can happen at anytime during the day or anytime the environmental triggers come into play and so its easier to diagnose and get the help one needs. Mine unfortunately from the hypnosis event that I explained to you is literally during the most vulnerable moments in anyone's life the one place your supposed to feel safe or at least do everything you can to keep yourself safe. But in no way am I able to do that... mine is triggered while I'm sleeping and its not just any trigger but is a trigger that another human being has to consciously do in a certain way to get me to dissociate.
I know for a fact that I don't dissociate on my own or sleep walk or anything like that because I lived with brittany for 4 years and would constantly ask her if I did anything out of the ordinary while I was sleeping. She would yell at me and tell me no &^%$# you barely move in your sleep! And so I would believe her because im sure she was telling the truth... later she would use this as a reason to start her plotting saying I didn't trust her and I would blame her for things like not keeping me safe... and i don't know what else but I'm sure it wasnt good. You don't create this type of carnage in someone's life because you have good memories with that person... or maybe she just didn't realize what exactly it was I was running from to begin with...
What I've just explained to you is to help you understand how fucked up I really am... even after being with someone for at least a couple years nothing going on... I still found myself doubting and worrying about not being safe. And thinking that I had been betrayed yet again. Even though nothing had happened... its fucking crazy... crazy sad. I guess at this point I really had no idea how it all worked.. so you can understand my speculation. But now that I know it makes things different at this point though I don't trust a soul probably never will again.
Another good example of this was I was jn a state where I was still well known...! But didn't have to deal with the sexual and physical abuse just the nental... and ill tell you it literally took me a month to successfully hit on a woman and get her number and read signs properly her friend was telling us we needed to get married and that we were perfect for eachother... I thought so too! We got along really well and damn she was sexy! Whew!! Unfortunately I was running out of money I was staying at an air bnb and needed a job... out of all the places I applied to the only place u heard back from was the place I never wanted to return to... I just thought that maybe things would be different this time... unfortunately they werent... did my best to meet a woman and start dating but she knew who I was and the people who fucked with me and so she started playing games... instead of supporting me and doing with me what I needed to keep myself safe she started saying well were not having sex evertime we hang out setting expectations of us forming a relationship... and not just something casual. The only way I'm ever going to be in a relationship again is by that person who won't play silly games like I mentioned earlier... the last time we hung out she was dressed in a tight leather outfit makeup done and kept turning me down and saying I couldn't touch her after we had already had sex on our first date... but she wanted me for herself and was playing games although she was turning me down... she was like im just going to go to the bar after I drop you off and find something to do... im assuming somebody was more of the case... after that I didn't talk to her again.
So I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with addiction and what happens to a person psychologically during the event of getting intoxicated... I'll elaborate a little bit. It is documented that when an addict is getting high that their adrenaline and endorphins are higher while seeking out and preparing the drugs then when they actually get high. i think this is because of the chasing the first time paradigm. where one continues to get high because they are chasing the feeling they got when they did it for the first time... which never happens so they continue doing more and more until they either die or throw their lives away. this led me to think hmm if that's how the brain works I think it might be the same way for those experiencing pts. stemming from a lifetime of trauma. so if you believe....!!! what i have said already which i doubt but its really of no concern to me but just know i tried to tell you and explain knowing i did all i could is all i can do... back to what i was saying... if the brain works this way when it comes to addiction then id have to tell you that it is the same when it comes to pts.. So listen to this, the other side thinking to themselves.. although they probably wont admit it to the general public but this is their logic, ok...? well we know what we have done to him... and... yea... it is pretty messed up... but if he would just try... then it might be different and we would stop... haha well that's like saying the addict chasing their first time is actually going to achieve it even though its impossible because of all the damage they have already done to their minds and bodies... the only way one can get as close as possible to achieving that first high again is to abstain for a long enough time to establish and restore the chemicals that have been depleted over the course of the addicts drug use history. just like you cant expect me to do something that has caused me severe consequences, even though what I did was right... and acceptable and essentially the keys i need to free myself from the cage that i find myself in... today. that wasn't the case then. and with everything else being the same as then all i can do is associate the two and not screw myself over again and face the possibility of getting my head kicked in. as delusional as that might be its the truth. and with everything being the same as it was then I'm supposed believe that the things that's supposed to set me free isn't a trap haha good luck but if you want to know my criteria it would be doing the right thing!! lets see if you can figure it out!! oh and this doesn't only go for the woman ill be with but also for anyone trying to help me in any way shape or form.... sorry but its the only way i can be certain your not part of the machine!
not only that but people keep on keeping on with inflicting the psychological trauma on me getting me written up at work for harmless comments but as an employee at this business I can not give anyone a compliment while in uniform so please refrain from hoping ill make an effort at my job. I got in trouble for telling a girl she was gorgeous I didn't know she was only 16 but its not like i was asking her to fuck or coming at her in any type of sexual manner but she is friends with the woman causing all of this... saying I need to stop running my mouth. she even went as far as to say to me man that customer has a nice ass and me saying it doesn't compare to your yours and her saying my ass is flawless... then telling on me saying I kept telling her she had an ass of a goddess.. GTFO HAHA my boss started laughing like so you didn't say that... fuck no! I said what I told you I said. she's like alright oh and then apparently you cant tell another employee that they have pretty eyes either just a heads up! but its cool I'm over it I just cant believe I bring out the evil in so many people like man WHO AM I?? WHAT AM I NOT BEING TOLD?!?! I could care less honestly but I'm glad you go to such lengths to try and make my life miserable... i could only imagine what it must be like to actually be miserable... UGH... that would...suck.... i think a lot of this stems from my supervisor giving me three flat tires in one night and then acting like oh... did i give you a flat tire...??? then telling me your not that smart.... never said i was bro but instead turned it around on him telling him dude... don't downplay yourself... your smart!! over and over again. i told one of the other supervisors that i didnt think the guy that had been training me liked me and these were the reasons why but she is also a distraction. and told him exactly what i had said.
just so you guys know anytime that there is someone who likes me and i actually have a chance with. they have someone that is hotter then me maybe smarter or appeals more to the persons wants and desires through manipulation simply to keep them occupied while im in the area and then after i leave and then the person that would have been perfect for me gets dumped and is left all alone again... kind of like whe. Brian started dating brittany after we broke up...
another thing i should put into perspective is that what's wrong with me is a byproduct of child molestation and abuse that being said its ok to prey on something that was created to protect myself because now I'm an adult and i hold the keys... too bad my hands are missing!! since i was 6 when i started dissociating that means every time I'm in that state i go back to being a 6 year old boy... making those who take advantage of my split essentially child molesters... no matter how old i am!!
So how do you diffentiate the good from the bad...?? The bad people are the ones proclaiming and contantly trying to make others believe im gay. I mean i could really care less and tell you myself I'm gay but primarily because of the reasons I mentioned above. The funny thing is the bad people will be the first to be like we should help him... just so that they can be like see he's gay!! Wtf cares... the fact that they go out of their way to prove something that people have all ready seen with their eyes... is a little bit over kill don't you think?? J.s. be vigilant!
The funny thing about all of this is that the same process ensues from community to community and so for you to be led like sheep and ignore the guy going through it all is sorry for saying fucking Stupid!! But hey its cool
The other thing I can't understand is how you can walk by drive by and go out of your way to tell me how dumb or stupid or gay I am but not one person can be like yo whats up im such and such did you write this or that...? Really! But I'm supposed to do what none of you do!? Really cool keep going with that ill be thee idiot! The gay idiot! Thanks for reminding me though!! Maybe one day you'll be as gay as me!!
0 notes
THE 24/10/16 UPDATE
Woow, another liveblog from your favorite act omega liveblogger. Are there any other livebloggers out there i need to know.  So yeah, here we are with part 8! Big Vriska number for the win. Also only two updates away from double digits! Yeah, I’m not sure I thought this through with the whole update-update format, this might take a L OT of posts to get caught up. Luckily, I have no problem with making a fuckton of posts. Anyways, I think we left off with the kids, so lets hurry up and get back to them!
(Cant post the image. Here’s the link. http://mspfanventures.com/?s=16414&p=47)
GASP, IS thIS SOME MULTIPLE CHOICE SHIT? Well considering I’m forever going to be staying chronological, I suppose I should start with the one on the next page! 
A CHARACTER SELECTION MENU appears through the power of NON-LINEAR STORYTELLING. You know the drill by now, have some free will! Or just go in this order, if you think agency is overrated
Oh, that’s helpful. Great, I’ll start with ONE then.
The fact that you are a dedicated and loyal reader is obvious and indisputable, so of course you won’t be moving on ahead without having taken a gander at all of the options presented to you.
Obviously! what kinda brainless CHUMP would move on without you explicitly stating to? NOT ME.
Anyways, starting with ONE.
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PFt, woah their eyes. 
KANAYA: (Hey) ROXY: oh heeeeey! KANAYA: (Hey To You Again Except Slightly More Quietly) ROXY: (oh sorry)
It seems they gotta be quiet for reasons. H  m m M..
ROXY: (why r we whispering) KANAYA: (I Am Not Entirely Sure)
So they just need to be miss zuipPer lips for no reason then?
KANAYA: (That Just Seems To Be What Everyone Has Lapsed Into Doing) KANAYA: (And Now Speaking In A Normal Volume Will Draw More Attention Than Desired Especially When Attempting To Have A Private Conversation) ROXY: (im lovin this private convo already but you might need to make it snappy)
so everybodys just whispering? do they all got SECRETS? Also, what’s the hurry Roxy?
ROXY: (john looks about ready to get down n dirty with some srs leadership biz)
Oh yeah.
KANAYA: (Alright Then I Will Attempt To Be Brief) KANAYA: (I Wanted To Thank You Again) KANAYA: (For The Matriorb Certainly)
Alright cool! It seems that this Kanaya does remember Roxy giving her the good ol’ matriorb. 
KANAYA: (But Additionally For Everything Else You Have Accomplished Today) KANAYA: (I Know Being The One To Strike The Final Blow Against Our Shared Enemy In The Midst Of Battle Does Not Necessarily Warrant Gratitude But I Thought It Might Be Nice For You To Hear That What You Did Was Appreciated)
What she DID, was prove herself to be a goddamn BADASS. But honestly everybody here’s a badass one way or another. 
KANAYA: (At Least By Me) KANAYA: (On Behalf Of My Species As Well As All Those Who Suffered At The Behest Of The Condesce) KANAYA: (And All Those That May Now Be Born And Live Free Of Tyranny) KANAYA: (You Did Good)
Pft, nice. “Ya did good, kid.” 
ROXY: (omg i am cri)
goddammit these lines always manage to be fucking perfect.
ROXY: (that wasnt brief @ all but twas so so bootiful) ROXY: (gdi cmere moms big loveable space gf)
OK this doesn’t need to be stated, but I fucking love roxy.
KANAYA: (Um I Would Prefer It If We Saved The Hug For Later Maybe) ROXY: (aww ok thats cool)
KANAYA: (Anyway I Have Only Just Met You But You Have Already Proven Yourself To Be Just As Extraordinary An Individual As Your...) KANAYA: (Uh) KANAYA: (Rose)
Nice Kanaya.
ROXY: (as my rose?) KANAYA: (Yes Your Rose) ROXY: (;D)
ITS CONFIRMED, Rose is Roxy’s Rose. this conversation is so cute.
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See you’re still over there TZ. Whatcha lookin at? The uh... oh youre blind. what are you doing terezi?? come on girl, celebrate!
ROXY: (okay looks like john got distracted by somethin) ROXY: (so since we got a little more time to chat it up) ROXY: (and so long as were exchangin bomb as FUCK felicitations) ROXY: (youre not so shabby yourself yknow) ROXY: (like damn i was absolutely right youre one deadly customer)
Yeah no fuckin kidding, this girl knows how to kick ass.
ROXY: (seeing u whip out that BEASTLY CHAINSAW) ROXY: (was a sight to behold)
PFt, that was nothing. You should have seen when she single handedly put three of the most dangerous characters on the meteor out of commision. 
KANAYA: (I Really Did Not Do All That Much Surprisingly) KANAYA: (Or Perhaps Unsurprisingly) KANAYA: (I Am Not Sure If I Was Erring On The Side Of Caution After All) KANAYA: (Out Of Consideration For The Gift You Gave Me) KANAYA: (Or If Perhaps I Was Simply Unpracticed)
Well yeah, she didnt do as much in this battle as the others.  But like she said, she had the matriorb to keep safe. PLUS, she wasnt godtier. So yeah Kanaya, you’re excused from doing your makeup during the final epic battle.
ROXY: (who cares??) ROXY: (we WON) ROXY: (gave that witch what was COMING TO HER) ROXY: (and thats the end of that no point gettin our knickers all in a twist over it no more)
Roxy’s got the right idea. There doesn’t gotta be any more “proving yourself.” You did the battle, and you came out on top!  JUst be done with it.
KANAYA: (Yes I Suppose Youre Right) KANAYA: (Though I Do Wonder How Things Might Have Gone If I Had Attempted To Dust Off One Of The Old Fraymotifs)
Oh shit, Kanaya’s got fraymotifs? And also, you can use fraymotifs without being godtier?
oh. wait. terezi isnt godtier is she? Yeah, you totally can use fraymotifs without godtier.
ROXY: (no kidding!) ROXY: (yeah that woulda been pretty badass) ROXY: (we could have had a sick combo) ROXY: (void and...) ROXY: (uh) KANAYA: (Space) ROXY: (right yeah space)
Well too bad you’ll never have the opportunity to USE that sick deadly combo!
I am ONE HUNDRED percent sure that will be the case
i am SO SURE
nobody has to die anymore
completely sure.
KANAYA: (It May Have Indeed Been Sick But Upon Further Reflection Perhaps Not)
No kanaya, it would be SUPER fuckin badass dont even give me that shit.
ROXY: (wait rly) ROXY: (how come?) KANAYA: (I Dont Feel Like I Ever Got The Opportunity To Truly Get In Touch With My Aspect Like You) KANAYA: (It Has Never Seemed Pertinent That I Be Able To Cast Some Sort Of Spacey Enchantment) KANAYA: (In Fact I Have Yet To Stumble Across A Scenario I Could Not Handle Through More Traditional Methods) ROXY: (u mean a deadly body slam full a sharp metal teeth twice the length of your head) KANAYA: (Yes Precisely) KANAYA: (That Tends To Cover The Bases Pretty Well)
WELL, Chainsaws do seem to cover many different issues. Mainly the ones which involve somebody needing to be cut the fuck in half. But I dont know if being “In touch” with your aspect was ever really a thing. I mean, when did John become “in touch” with his aspect? He just sorta got the powers and did shit with them. i dont really know what that has to do with it- wait a goddamn second. People always associate the wind aspect with like independence and shit, right? And.. the last thing that happened before John went godtier, was a choice. Given to him by Vriska, who for the first time decided to step back and let him decide what to do on his own. Whether or not she would have owned up to what she said about letting him decide how to fall asleep, he still made the choice and went with it on is own. So maybe that’s got something to do with it.
Or maybe I’m just an idiot.
ROXY: (well you know what thats cool) ROXY: (u do u) ROXY: (besides) ROXY: (hopefully there wont be any more reason for you to wreck shit)
GOddammit stop saying shit like that
KANAYA: (That Would Be Ideal I Suppose) KANAYA: (However It Is Always Wise To Be Prepared) KANAYA: (Just In Case) ROXY: (ofc!) ROXY: (and hey) ROXY: (just cuz we won the game doesnt mean there wont be any more opportunities to like) ROXY: (explore yourself and your aspect) ROXY: (our cool powers are too friggin handy for them to just stop bein relevant once we walk thru a magic door)
ROXY: (maybe someday youll get the chance to blitz ur chakras and get spacey w it) ROXY: (and itll be at your own pace instead of having to rush it for the sake of fixing some giant spacetastrophe) KANAYA: (That Does Sound Nice)
KANAYA: (Considering Right Now I Am Very Unsure Of How To Even Begin Blitzing Those Particular Chakras) ROXY: (i bet u can ask john) ROXY: (hes rly good at givin advice for stuff like that)
ROXY: (tho he probably doesnt even know it pffff) KANAYA: (You Are Also Very Good At Giving Advice) KANAYA: (That Was Not Necessarily A Request I Simply Thought I Should Point That Out) ROXY: (TOO BAD youre gettin some anyway ;P) ROXY: (rly tho ive hardly even begun to wrestle my voidy powers into submission) ROXY: (still got a loooooong way to go on that front) ROXY: (but thus far most of my blitzing has just been like) ROXY: (being around the thing) ROXY: (and letting myself embrace this like) ROXY: (natural synergy i got going w it) KANAYA: (When You Say) KANAYA: (The Thing) KANAYA: (Do You Mean Nothing) KANAYA: (Considering Your Aspect Presides Over Literal Nothingness)
Yes Kanaya, this is exactly what she means.
ROXY: (pffft) ROXY: (yes thats what i mean :p) KANAYA: (Okay I Was Just Attempting To Clarify) KANAYA: (How Does One Surround Themselves With The Concept Of Nonexistence) ROXY: (i dunno!) ROXY: (when u put it that way it does sound pretty mind bending) ROXY: (i guess ive just been lucky?) ROXY: (or maybe the nothing is naturally attracted to me and lucks got nothin to do w it)
WELL YEAh, what isnt naturally attracted to you? Guys i just really love roxy help
ROXY: (but yeah i got that voidy ring @ one point) ROXY: (and when john started getting to fixing the timeline he took me to a place that felt like) ROXY: (the nothingest nothing to ever unexist) KANAYA: (That Sounds Interesting) KANAYA: (What Was It Like)
Probably nothing.
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THATS a cool panel right there.
ROXY: (well it was) ROXY: (white) ROXY: (but not pure white) ROXY: (just slightly off) ROXY: (and) ROXY: (it was super vast) ROXY: (but not like regular outer space where you can actually see stuff like stars stretch on and on til you cant see it anymore) ROXY: (which at least gives u a sense of distance) ROXY: (but instead it was almost claustrophobic) ROXY: (cuz there was nothing there) ROXY: (you and all the other somethings just completely enveloped by a shrink wrap o absence)
HUmm.. thats pretty interesting to say the least. Not really sure what to think of it though! Just pretty nifty.
KANAYA: (Hmmmm) ROXY: (never really tried putting this into words) ROXY: (i think the thing about it was that the void sort of) ROXY: (changed) ROXY: (depending on how i chose to perceive it) ROXY: (cause the whole point is that its kinda like) ROXY: (idk) ROXY: (maybe a little like binary) KANAYA: (Binary?)
too bad sollux is dead he’d get a kick outta this.
did anybody make this connection. computer hacker guy who likes two’s. Binary. man. i feel like everybody did.
ROXY: (yknow binary) ROXY: (computer language) ROXY: (0011101100101001)
omfg she just winked in binary.
KANAYA: (Oh That) ROXY: (the way that works is basically) ROXY: (you have a bit) ROXY: (like a computery bit) ROXY: (and it can say either 0 or 1) ROXY: (and dependin on which it is the computer displays the info differently) ROXY: (but the void is like a completely blank bit) ROXY: (there isnt a 0 or a 1 written on the bit yet but thats all were programmed to understand yknow) ROXY: (like 0 is technically nothing but whats important is that theres something there for you to see) ROXY: (but what im gettin at is that really void is just blank space waiting to be written on) ROXY: (by somebody like yours truly) ROXY: (im the computer and youre the person reading the display)
Oh. That’s pretty cool and shit. 
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OH shes gettin all magicky here
ROXY: (and my whole voidy thing) ROXY: (is that i gotta figure out the code for whatever i wanna make exist) ROXY: (and write it on the blank bits) ROXY: (then) ROXY: (i snatch em outta the void!)
Oh AGAIN. YEAh, roxys power seems a lot cooler now.
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ROXY: (yoink!!!)
nice lipstick yo
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Kanaya is so fucking cute oml. She looks kinda dumbfounded by this lipstick.
KANAYA: (Wow) KANAYA: (That Was Really Quite Insightful Roxy) KANAYA: (I Think I Am Already Beginning To Understand Things Better) KANAYA: (But What Is This) ROXY: (p sure its lipstick!) ROXY: (and its 4 u) ROXY: (i dont rly know if pinks ur color but) ROXY: (here it is anyway!)
Oh god help me im already starting to ship it.
KANAYA: (Another Gift) KANAYA: (Why) ROXY: (daaaaw i dunno) ROXY: (i mean its actually kinda cool i was able to make this at all) ROXY: (i bet it must be bc of you somehow) ROXY: (you like lipstick right?) KANAYA: (Yes) ROXY: (i dont know if this is just me but i bet this is totes a thing w space players) ROXY: (like i get the vibe that u guys r more in touch with the objects around you) ROXY: (specially the ones thatre important to you) KANAYA: (I Suppose...)
HMm.. Interesting bit of aspect analysis. That could possibly be a thing.
ROXY: (well?) ROXY: (ru gonna take it or what) KANAYA: (I Really Cant Accept This) KANAYA: (I Was Attempting To Alleviate The Debt Of Gratitude I Have Already Been Accumulating Towards You) KANAYA: (A Measly Thank You Is Hardly Enough) KANAYA: (And Yet You Present Me With Even More To Be Thankful For)
COme on Kanaya dont be like that. Just take the thing and be hAPPY! you dont gotta prove yourself for a gift.
ROXY: (man thats not how this works) ROXY: (you dont owe me nothin) ROXY: (but heck if it makes u feel better) ROXY: (the space egg wasnt rly 4 u it was 4 all the little trollings that need to be born) ROXY: (skewering the batterwitch was definitely 4 me and earth and stuff) ROXY: (and the lipstick is to thank u for takin such good care of my mom :D)
Dont you mean your Rose?
KANAYA: (... That Does Make Me Feel Slightly Better) ROXY: (so youll take it??) KANAYA: (Okay) ROXY: (hella) KANAYA: (Thank You) KANAYA: (Again) ROXY: (dont mention it!)
She will likely mention this many times.
WEll that was the end for their interaction I suppose, so it seems like we get one page of another interaction then? I guess Dirk and Jake.
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Ohp, yep. Jeez they look awkward.
DIRK: (... So.) JAKE: (...) DIRK: (...) DIRK: (That was some fight, huh.)
Goddammit this is awkward. 
JAKE: (Oh yes that sure was a doozy of a brawl we all just participated in.) JAKE: (Or rather multiple brawls.) DIRK: (I think you’re probably up to speed on exactly how well mine went.) JAKE: (Um.) JAKE: (Should i be?) DIRK: (Nevermind.)
Just another beheading of good ol’ Dirk. Seems like that’s a common thing for him. 
JAKE: (Sorry... its just difficult to, uh...) DIRK: (Don’t be sorry. It doesn’t actually matter.) JAKE: (The important part is you won right?) DIRK: (Yeah...) DIRK: (How did yours go?) DIRK: (If you feel like sharing, that is.) JAKE: (Oh i won too!) DIRK: (Well. Obviously.) DIRK: (I meant... like.) DIRK: (Specifically, HOW you won.) DIRK: (I’d be down to hear some details of all the kickassery you've been dishing out.) DIRK: (That must've been pretty crazy solo.)
Come ONNNN guys, quit dancing around the topic here. Somethings bothering you and its making everything shitty.
JAKE: (Oh.) JAKE: (Well i wasnt alone for long actually.) JAKE: (In fact it was quite the clusterfuck of skeletons sprites and green goblin brutes!) JAKE: (That crabby troll fellow even showed up at one point.) JAKE: (He seemed to be having a difficult time with one of the tinier rascals but i was up to my ears in fracas and fisticuffs myself and couldnt really lend him a hand.)
Dammit Karkat. I love him, but god he’s adorably pathetic in fights.
DIRK: (It looks like he’s alright, so no harm done.) DIRK: (How many of those green dudes were there again?) JAKE: (Im fairly certain there were 14.) DIRK: (And you trounced all of them?) JAKE: (Actually k...carat dealt with one of them i think.) JAKE: (They were small but a decidedly tricky foe. It was scurrying around so fast i dont think a single one of my bullets even grazed it!)
He has ALLLL the luck Jake, ALL of it!  Honestly, can we get a Vriska/Clover battle?
DIRK: (Well, shit. Sounds tough.) DIRK: (Still, my score reads "Jake: 13, Goblins: 0".) DIRK: (Oh, and I’m pretty sure the name you’re looking for is Karkat.) JAKE: (Is that so?) DIRK: (Yup.) JAKE: (My mistake then...) DIRK: (Don’t worry about it.)
Dammit Jake, don’t be so fucking hard on yourself. I feel bad for him now. Like, he’s beating himself up over not knowing a complete strangers name.
JAKE: (Have you spoken to him at all yet?) DIRK: (Nah.) JAKE: (Would you like to?) DIRK: (I guess? Sure.) DIRK: (He and Dave seem to be in the middle of something, though. No point in interrupting.) DIRK: (Besides, I’m talking to you right now.) JAKE: (...) DIRK: (...)
Alright dammit, I guess we’ll see if they get over whatever’s bugging them in the next update, because that’s the last page. Seeya next time and whatnot folks.
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pamitect · 3 years
Site Concrete
About a month ago our contractor finally finished the sewer line connection to the street (you know... change order #3). Anyway he had to demo across our driveway to get that pipe in there. So he asked if we wanted a new driveway and sent us a text message that it would cost $15,600. Well I don't approve change orders for anything, let alone fifteen grand, via text message with ZERO detail of what's provided! What color, what finish, how thick, what rebar, what layout, how long, when??? Hello, you're dealing with architects who do this for a living man! So we told him that we wanted more than a just a new driveway, and we would provide a plan for him to prepare a proposal for.
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Above is basically the plan we gave him for bidding. A new driveway, a few steps to the sidewalk, ramp up to the front door, some curbs around the front planters, a walkway around to the back patio, and a pad for a new shed in the back corner. The original plan was about 1,350 square feet of new concrete (just the driveway alone was about 850 sf). A couple days later he mentioned to me in passing that he was getting "multiple bids for this site concrete" because he wanted to give us a good number - great! Then he sent the proposal... I guess he really did not wanted to do the site concrete because he provided a proposal for $41,000. He must have been smoking crack if he legitimately thought we were going to pay him almost 3 times his original bid for the driveway for about 1.5x the concrete! I think my friend Christine said it best when I told her this ludicrous bid amount... "for $41,000 there better be a new car sitting on that driveway!" Exactly!
So we did what any architects would do... got other bids from other contractors we know and work with. One came in around $18k, and the other was $15,500 ($100 less than the original bid for just the driveway). So of course we hired the low bidder because he came highly recommended from a great GC that I work with all the time (shout out to Bycor!). Not only did he do the concrete work, but he also added PVC pipes below the concrete for future irrigation (for free), and he cleared and removed all our remaining plants in the back and front yard for only an extra $500 (because he already had the skip loader there for the concrete anyway). He was amazing! He told us his plan was to start on Monday, pour on Saturday, and be done in a week or less.
Day 1-2: Monday 6/7 - Tuesday 6/8
They dropped off the skip loader on Monday and proceeded to clear all the plants from the back yard and graded the remaining soil in prep for the concrete, and started to form up some areas. He said things were going so well they were going to move up the pour by a day to Friday! A day early!! Sorry folks I was so impressed I forgot to take photos.
Day 3-4: Wednesday 6/9 - Thursday 6/10
We stopped back by on Thursday evening (just before our softball game) to check out the formwork and verify concrete was going in all the right places.
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New driveway above with rebar - we had no comments! (Amazing right?)
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New staggering steps up to the driveway from the sidewalk
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Above here you can see the new landscape curbs around the front planters and the ramp up to our front porch. You can also see where they doweled and epoxied the rebar into our garage slab so the driveway will never again sag below the driveway threshold and create a step we have to drive over!
Day 5: Friday 6/11 = Pour Day
We stopped by the site to meet with a custom closet designer, but were delighted to see we finished our meeting right when the concrete started pumping!
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Shed slab first in the back corner. Then the back path was next. (RIP back yard landscaping).
Here's a video of the driveway getting pumped from the truck and the large crew of concrete experts doing their thing playing in the "mud".
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It was pretty cool to see how fast they pulled the forms off the curbs so they could trowel it all smooth. We were so impressed by their speed and skill we went and bought them a case of cold beer... I mean it was 5pm on Friday anyway. After we returned with the beer I asked the head guy when would a good time for me to write my name in the concrete... he replied "Now!"... OK!
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The contractor returned on Saturday to saw cut the cross hatch pattern that I had designed, so we stopped by later to check it out.
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It looks great! The contractor mentioned we could do integral color for not much more money... but call me a purist... I like natural grey!
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We have steps!! And a driveway too, that probably wont ever crack like it did before because the new driveway is twice as thick and has steel reinforcement. Next step is irrigation and landscape. We are going to do draught tolerant landscaping with rocks and pebbles out front and just a small grass area in the back. But first things first... the concrete looks awesome! It's probably a lot nicer than what I would have got for $41k, and it only cost me $16k!
The best part... now we have something for the movers to roll up on when we move in on the 28th!
13 days to go!!!
0 notes
tucents-blog · 7 years
ext. Running Scared - midnight, fall, wet - Song playing: Shoot Outs: Jadakiss & Styles P. -  
(when lyrics start screen splits to 4 showing cops looking at mug shots and surveillance photos, pool hall, dealing drugs, drinking, smoking weed Two male suspects hanging out with their boys outside. At 1:08 start to lower music and fade out at 1:18)
ext. 2001 - 5 Years earlier: night - Two male's, one 20 years old and of some kind of Latin decent maybe Italian with a medium/husky build wearing a baseball hat, the other shorter, mid to late teens maybe 16 or 17, white, skinny, their walking around in the suburbs on dimly lit streets, sometime after midnight, dressed normal not to look suspicious at night opening unlocked cars and taking what they can get their hands on. Trying to get their hands on anything they can; cash, CD Players, pagers, etc. anything they can sell for cash.
Rummaging through a glove box in a car
(soft spoken)
Walking away from the car
AYO Tu? Where you at?
Grabs a wallet and car keys from center console and starts walking to find Josh
Yo, what's good? What you get and why you gotta be so goddamn loud?
'Bout One fitty. And you?
Tu checks the wallet EYES LIGHT UP
As he pulls money from wallet
I don't know, maybe twenty-five hunit.
NICCCCEEE!!!!! Dat it?
TU Holds up car keys while grinning sinisterly
Where we goin?
The night's still young!
They try the key on the 97 Mitsubishi Galant but they wont work so they try on the 93 Honda civic hatchback. it works. 
Yo, where your man with the bud at?
Should be on the ave or by 7-11
They pull up to 7-11
Be right back
Josh gets out of the car
Few min later
Josh gets back in the car
You got it?
With a concerning look on his face
But, you know who's ride this is?
Nah!! Who?
Sgt. Murphy's Son.
Tu just looks around like he doesn't give a shit, then looks at Josh
Just roll that shit up son!!
With a weird look on his face
What Tha!!!!!!!!???????
int. 2 bedroom apt in the suburbs, smoking a blunt
Yo, we gonna change up?
Huh?!? Change what?
This small time car shit! We've been through like every car in town and every town around.
SO! What's you sayin?
We need a new hustle!!!
Yea, we hustlin tomorrow at the pool hall. There, you happy?
while smiling
You're a dick!!!
So, get a fucking Job! Loser!!!
What like you? Flipping burgers, asking people, do you want fries with that?
while hitting the blunt
soon I'll be making stakes while asking people do you want fries with that.
Funny, but Big L said it different.
Yo, what you tryin to get stacks wit? Not gonna get many stacks husltin pool.
Well, you're right! We gotta do sometin. My pops life insurance ain't gonna last forever.
We'll figure it out.
Whatever it takes! Just make sure your game is up tomorrow we gotta double what we stole tonight.
Looks at Tu
INT. Tu's bedroom - that night while sleeping Tu has a dream about the night his mom killed his dad. He wakes up in a cold sweat
ext. Late night before midnight at pool hall Rt303 Just over the NJ border into NY. Behind stores in a dim parking lot The boys get a table, bullshit, and wait to see who bites. Sure enough two guys come to the table. price a tall light skin black/Dominican guy sharp clothes not dress but not hood his friend is shorter version of him of spanish decent.
Sup? Y'all players?
9 ball, $150 per game, teams $250 per game.
Heard that. Yo, Cueball!?
looking at Tu
Me and you first.
We got a fucking comedian in the house tonight. I didn't know it was open mic night. I hope your game is better than your Jokes. You wanna be Richard Pryor. Maybe a stem and a rock would suit you better. Hahaha.....
What's that racial shit about?
Just Rack'em Bitch!!!
Shit talking back and forth for a few games. Price decides he will try going all out to win back all the money Tu took.
Double or nothing?
Nah, I got enough of your money you broke bitch!
This is fun for me. I gots bread. Y'all may be the hustlers in here, but I'm the hustler out there
Price points outside.
Yea!! Whatever.
Tu throws a bus pass at Price.
Yo, lets go, I'm starving.
Price ain't happy now. He feels that he just got punked. As Tu and J are outside smoking Price snuffs Tu from behind. Tu comes to and charges Price picks him up and slams him.
Really? You that ignorant? Just leave!!
As he punches Price in the mouth Price's boy grabs Tu and as Price gets up he puts his hand out.
Bro, we gonna make a lot of money together. Page me on Monday.
(As he gives Tu a card
(with attitude)
WHAT THE FUCK you talking bout.
I like y'all style and heart. My organization needs more of that. Gonna make you boys soldiers. Hit me up.
Yea.................... See what happens.
They peace out and head in different directions.
What was that about?
Not really sure.
As he looks back.
int. Diner - Decent late night crowd a few rowdy customers - The Waitress jenaveve an ATTRACTIVE latina short tight body long dark hair with some highlights she has an accent
What the fuck happened back here?
So, our plan is to sell drugs? I don't know bro, this guy seems shady.
Yea, I guess, but I kinda like what he..........
Stops his sentence short due to the WAITRESS appearing
Waitress (Spanish accent):
Hello, I'm Jenaveve, I'll be serving you tonight. Are you boys ready to order?
as he checks out the Jenaveve
What are the specials tonight mami. .
with a smile on his face
No more specials tonight hun!
Ight, I'll have my usual the Roast beef deluxe.
Do you want fries with that?
J and Tu stare and each other and crack a soft laugh.
Yea, extra crispy.
And to drink?
Strawberry shake, EXTRA THICK!
Licks his lips while eye fucking her
Like'em thick gotcha.
as she winks at Tu
Looks at Josh
And for you sir?
Hot or mild?
Let me get them extra spicy.
Inferno style?
Anything else?
Yea he wants disco fries.
while laughing
And a Pepsi.
While staring at Tu
Ok boys, I'll be out with your drinks shortly.
Tu and josh
So...... What you think?
She's adorable. So cute!!! Must be new. Ima get her number.
No, Dick!!!
I know, it's cool, I'll page him Monday.
Really! Just like that! No discussing it?!?
Nope! You in?
You need to ask?
I know.
So, how we gonna do it?
I don't know?
You don't know? What the fuck bro? How you gonna just decide and have no clue!!!!
(After a brief silence)
Lights up a cigarette and Just stares at J
........ I had the dream last night.
Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! So, you going to visit your mom in Clinton tomorrow?
Bro, it's been what like 4 years since you made that trip to see her? I know you were locked down for part of that, but...
Roughly and since I've had the dream. It's amazing that while I was in the burg never had the dream. Not once. We write a few times a year. I send a check from time to time. Not like she needs it. She be runnin shit in there. Platinum Juice Card!!!
What you think she's gonna say?
Just shrugs his shoulders and passes J the Newport
Here's your drinks boys. Hope the shake is thick enough for your sweetie.
with a seductive look on her face
Well, if it's not you gonna have to that cute ass into the kitchen and fix it for me.
Oh Boy!
Maybe I'll take you to the kitchen with me.
I wouldn't want that sexy smile of yours to get fired. Why don't you let me get your number and we can finish this tomorrow night?
Grabs Tu's arm and rights three numbers on it. Gives him a kiss on the cheek and goes back to work
You're an idiot. So, you gonna call her?
I don't know, got this money on my mind right now bro. Nah mean?
Yea, I guess.
with a really questionable look on his face
But, the way you been acting bro, you need you some pussy!!
you might be right.
I know I'm right nigga. So, what you gonna talk to your mom about?
I'm sure she won't be happy with what I tell her happened tonight, but I'm sure she'll find a way to encourage me.
TU Just stares out the window looking at the night sky
A few min later
Here's your food boys. Let me know if there's anything else I can get for you. Enjoy!!
We will.
How those wings?
You know how they are. They're GREAT!!!!
As the boys are finishing up Jenaveve comes over.
Everything ok?
Yea sweetie. Thanks. You can bring the check when you're ready.
Jenaveve brings the check over
Here you go have a good night.
As she looks Tu in the eyes
Thanks. What time you get off tomorrow?
No problem papi. Tomorrow I get off at 8pm.
OK, I'll meet you here at 8pm.
I won't hold my breathe.
My dad raised me to always be a man of my word.
He's a good man then.
Was! He was a good man.
He passed a few years back.
Oh, I'm so sorry sweetie.
It's ok, but thanks.
Smiles while running her nails softly down Tu's arm
Ight! So, I guess we really nickel and dime hustling now huh?
With a mouth full of fries
She's so cute bro. tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be here for sure.
You should!
Yeah!! Hope the bus don't get stuck in fucking traffic coming back from seeing my moms.
They finish eating and Tu leaves the money for the bill and tip.
Damn bro $50, she ain't your wife!
Not yet. Hahaha
You're stupid!
Ight, it's gonna be a long day for me tomorrow. I'm calling it a night.
Ight! I'ma head to the Ave see if anything poppin.
Ight, get that clientele ready.
int.Coach bus.Crowded.day
tu just sits looking out the window listening to his walkman/cd player
int. day - prison VISITING hall - Tu's mom 51, 5' 8", tattoo's
Waiting Patiently, She sees Tu and tears roll down her face She gently smacks his face and then gives him a hug
3 years 10 months 6 days
Yea, counting days while in jail, I know that feeling.
Shut up!
Put on some weight huh, even grew some I see? My little boy is becoming a man. How is everything? Had the dream huh?
Yeah, I love you too ma. (Burps)
You better!
Rolls eyes
How you doing? I see you been hitting the weight pod.
Smart ass! You know I hold it down in here!! Congrats on getting your GED while in where in the Burg. I wish you would've just stayed at your aunt's in upstate NY though.
What! So I can smoke Reds and drinks Budweiser. I'm a city boy, not a red neck.
I know it's different up there. You working?
Work, ha... Yea! The landlord said I needed to get a job or he'll evict me. No big deal. I got a job at BK handling the drive thru. You been getting my letters and money orders, right?
Yes. But, you know I don't want any of that bastards' money. You need that.
Sorry! Everything's good only six more years until I'm up for my first parole hearing.
You and Josh still cleaning up the Pool Halls? How's he doing?
Yea we cleaning up still. He's good, I let him move in with me. His parents split and somehow his mom got custody of him, but since she's a violent alchy I told him to get his shit and room with me.
That's good. Yea she's something else.
Yea right... We still do our overnight gig too.
WHAT!!! Boy I'm gonna.......
I know, that's deaded though.
Really? Since when?
Ye.....Ye.....Yea that's ummm see last night when we were hustling these fools they were actually street hustlers, we think, and they want us to work for them now.
So, my son, Mr. Adult now. You know what that means. No more juvy.
I know that's what I wanted to talk to you about. You were the best....
This is true. But you gotta be careful it's a different game out there now. Not like when I was doing it.
Yea back in the 1920's....
Yea, Yea... If you really want to do this, I'll have Trom get in touch with you.
Shakes his head and looks away in disgust
He is the streets and if you wanna do this he's the only one I trust to school you.
Ight, but you tell him we only talk business and that's it.
I don't expect you to ever get over that and I am truly sorry.
Yea, I'm sure.
Excuse me?
(from a distance)
Five minutes left folks
Ima head out and beat the crowd to the bus. Love you ma!
Love you to son!
They hug and Tu heads for the bus stop
int./ext. - day - Coach bus up the Jersey Turnpike.
(Shorty Wanna be a Thug - Tupac - playing)
(Tu has lots of things brewing in his head on the two hour bus ride home. He knows this is what he and his boy need to make it)
INT. DINER - night
Well, I guess your daddy did raise you right.
I told you. You just about ready to leave.
About 5 min more papi. That's ok with you.
5 min, sure just don't be any longer.
Ok, so 10 it is.
Winks back
Yea, OK!!!!
8 min later
OK Papi let's go. By the way what is your name.
Call me Tu.
TU?? Like Tupac? You ain't black sweetheart sorry to tell you.
Oh shit. Nah. I know. We'll I'm Sicilian so technically I have black roots. But, Tu is short for TuCents.
Oh, so you're broke huh.
Broke? No, I'm not broke. I have money. I'm not rich but I'm definitely not broke.
Explain for me this.
Remember when I told you how my dad is dead. Well, he had a life insurance policy. And since my mom is in prison it goes to me.
Oh!! Why is this?
My dad caught my mom cheating on him with this dude name Trom and when my dad starting attacking Trom my mom shot him. They didn't have a good marriage I don't know why they were even together, to be honest. I then went to live with my aunt and her family in upstate NY but I didn't like it there so I emancipated myself shortly after so I wouldn't get stuck in some foster home back here.
in awe
WOW!!!! That's sad. So, have you ever been in jail?
I have. I was released from Jamesburg just about a year ago, just before I turned 19. I did 14 months there and then went back for 9 more on a parole violation.
Bad boy huh? How'd a cute boy like you end up living a bad boy life?
I guess it's in my jeans.
Jenaveve looks at Tu's Jeans
Whatchu looking at?
Seeing what else you have in your jeans.
Oh really? Well, my apartment is right here if you want to see what's in these jeans follow me.
They enter Tu's apt J is sitting on the couch watching catoons
Tu with his arm around Jenaveve just looks at Josh as he walks into his room with Jenaveve.
Give me a few seconds' ma, I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable.
Tu Kisses her on the forehead
Tu leaves the room
My mom says hi.
as he hangs up the phone
Tu lights a smoke and then takes a bottle of whiskey out of the fridge pours a drink and then takes a sip.
Phone rings
Tu answers the phone
Hello?............................................... Ok............................ Thursday morning, ight.....
Hangs up
Price will be here Thursday morning. How does he know where I live? The fuck?! Oh well.
Josh gets up and walks out of the apartment furious
Tu enters his room and sees Jenaveve laying on his bed only wearing her lace panties. - Red Light Special by TLC is playing
Damn Ma!......
Jenaveve, now kneeling on Tu's bed, moves to the end of the bed and grabs Tu by his belt buckle, pulls him into her, and kisses him passionately...................................................................................................................................................
int. apartment - Morning - Trom 43 light skinned, husky chubby, dressed to impress.
Tu Awakes to Jenaveve sleeping on his chest and lights a blunt then heads for the kitchen
Josh Stares at Tu violently
What's with the devil eyes bro?
As he sits down and pours a bowl of Cereal
As he throws the spoon into the cereal
Just looks over at J
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH................ That's heavy bro. In that case my bad bro...
As he taps on his chest with an open palm and shakes his head back and forth
Nah bro, my bad. I straight disrespected you last night. We straight?
Yea, bro, we good. I'd a done the same thing.
You know you were right. I definitely needed to release some stress.
Told you. How was it? She is, sexy.
As Jenaveve walks in
Yea, how was it?
Eh, I've had better.
Josh sipping OJ spits it all over the table laughing.
Same here.
As she sits on Tu's lap and gives him a kiss
MAn walking up to the door. tall, dark skin, dressed street casual like an experienced hustler.
There's a knock at the door. The boy's just look at each other. The knocking gets heavier. Tu taps Jenaveve on the ass so she'll get up. He goes over to the door.
Who is it?
Open the door "O".
Tu opens the door 
Look at you all grown up and shit.
Nice to see you to Trom.
They go into the kitchen. Jenaveve gets up so Tu can sit down and she sits back on his lap.
Oh, Trom, they call me "Tu" now. No more Big-O.
Big-O?? Lemme guess You make the girls go "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Big OOOOOOOOO"
Josh and Trom bust out laughing.
You tell me?
Ehhhh..... I'll call you To Short, it's ok, you did your best.
as she pats Tu on the head and gives him a kiss on the cheek
Oh shit.....
Whatever! You still here sitting on MY LAP, so I guess it was good for you.
O.... Tu.... What the fuck is it bro..... O or Tu?
It's Tu. I hate that O shit. Anyways I guess my mom talked to you huh?
So, how'd you get that name?
When I was down state they used to call me "Two Cents" because I would always have to add my two cents to everything. Funny how that's a big no-no in prison but somehow not for me. So, since I've been home that's what I go by now. 
Yo, that's some true shit bro. I don't know how you made it out that way. Well, it was only Juvy, not real prison, but I guess that's your mom's DNA in you.
Yea ummmm, We can talk or you preoccupied?
Looks at Jenaveve 
Why don't you go to my room for a few let the men discuss men stuff....
I need to shower and head to work. Kisses Tu and heads out.
So, you guys getting into grown folks business now huh? First things first take this 
Trom hands Tu and Josh a business card
He's my attorney. When you get pinched because of a snitch don't talk, just call him. He will bail you out and handle everything. 
Now that that's out of the way down to business, there's a few things you should now for starters.............
Ten Crack Commandments - Notorious B.I.G playing while Trom talks to Tu and Josh
As Trom is leaving 
I'll be back in a week or two with something for you both.
Jenaveve comes out of Tu's room
Papi. Are you boy's done playing?
Yea, sometin like that. You want me to walk you to work?
Sure, that's sweet. Thanks.
No problem.
Josh I'll be back in a few. Peace.
Int. day - Tu's apt. - thursday 
Where is this nigga?
I told you bro this mutha fucker shady.
Yea, I remember.
Think about it bro. How does he even know where you, we live? Shit is suspect bro... 
Relax bro.
Relax? What the fuck! How can i RELAX.....
Price and his boy approach Tu's door and knock
Who it is?
Open up.
looks at Tu while quietly speaking
I don't like this at all.
Tu goes and opens the door
This yall crib huh? Moms and Pops at work?
Nah, they ain't around. So, whats good?
Ight here, this is a thousand dimes baged up. I need eightyfive hundred back.
What only sevenfifty each? Nah bro. That's to light. 
What it is cuz, this ain't no barging ship. That's what it is. Take it or leave it.
Hold up. Lemme see this shit.
Tu takes out a few bags and looks them over.
A "G" each and we good fam. Ight?
Price looks at Tu just while contemplating
Ight, I dig that. Yall got til Sunday. Someone will be here at noon to collect.
Price and his boy leave.
Bro, what the fuck? You can't keep dissing me like this bro!
Yo, look at these bags. These dubs. My bad and all but relax. I got this. We got this. We get a "G" each from that nigga, plus $10,000 on top, that's $6,000 each. 
OOOOOhhhh, Ight. That's whats up. Nice! But, how we gonna sell eight hundred bags by Sunday to pay this guy?
Three for $50. still make a good profit. Go get a pager and have the last four numbers 3450. I'ma start hitting some people and you go get that.
Ight, I'ma get a safe too.
Yea, good idea. Get a big one.
Josh heads out the apt.
INT. TU'S apt. - day - Sunday - some guy 28, dark skin, medium build
(Phone rings)
Tu answers the phone
Coming up!
phone disconnects
Yo, get the money.
Already got it.
Knock at the door
Tu opens the door it's not Price or the other guy.
some GUY
Got That?!?
Got what? Who the fuck are you?
Money now!!!
Tu slams the door closed.
Knocking at door.
Knocking stops.
Minutes later
A pissed off Price heads up to the apartment.
Knocking begins.
As Tu opens the door
Oh, Price, what's good?
You got that?
Josh lemme get that.
Josh throws a stack of money to Tu
Tu hands it to Price
Damn!! I didn't think yall could pull that off. Good shit!
Here's another thousand bags. Same deal. Next time give it to my mans though.
Yea, thanks for the heads up!!
Price leaves, Tu closes the door.
Ext. main avenue - day
Josh walking around meeting up with people and seeking the drugs.
Int. day - Tu's Apartment
Knock at door
Who is it?
It's Trom open up.
Tu opens the door
What's up.
I told you I'd see you in a week or two I got something for you and Josh.
They walk in.
Trom puts two duffel bags on the table.
Trom opens the bags and starts pulling guns out
Where's Josh?
Getting that money...
Good shit!
First this a TECH Niggas give these shits respect, but They known to jam so if you use it be careful. This is a little smaller here and a little more common, 9 Millimeter Ruger, 16 shots, hollow points. And this? this here my nigga, this is a 12 gauge Mossberg kid Two shots and you can wet like half a block. This shit here a Calico, it holds a hundred shots. If you can't kill your beef with this you need to stop. Here's Two 380's one black, one chrome, and 4 Glocks. They all hold 21 shots. Don't worry they are all clean no bodies, Yet!! haha... You ever shot a gun or shot at someone?
Never shot at anyone, but I've been shooting rifles and shotguns since I was a kid. You know my aunt has all that land in Upstate NY so I set up targets sometimes when I'm up there. I'm a good fucking shot.
Ight that's what's up. Just be careful with them. You guys have a safe? If you do, keep them there, but always hold one on you at all times. And don't shot your dick off. haha...
Yea right. I got this.
INt. LOCAL bar with a stage - heavy bar crowd - Dano 25, white husky build, bald head and a beard - BARTENDER 32 - white, Blonde, tall, fairly attractive
TU sees his boy DanO
Yo, DanO what's good bro?
Oh shit, Tu what it is? I'm good. Look at you doing big things.
Yea, you know getting this money and shit.
What you doing after this shit. I'm about to hit the crib wit a few people.
Ight, I'll swing through around 1 when I leave here. 
DanO heads to the exit
Tu is looking at one of the bartenders. He knows he knows who one of them isbut is having a hard time figuring it out. He decides to catch DanO as he is leaving and just roll with him
Tu hustles outside to catch up to DanO
Yo, DanO? Hold up!
Lets go kid.
He jumps in DanO's car and head to DanO's house.
INT. House in the suburbs - Ralphy 30, Short, Small build, white - Jennifer 25, white, medium HEIGHT, slim build
They get out of the car and DanO's boy Ralphy is outside with his girl Jennifer and they are arguing.
Yo, cut that shit out you two you gonna make it hot.
This bitch is fucking crazy bro.
I'll show you a carzy bitch!!
Jennifer punches Ralphy in the mouth and he drops to the ground.
DanO picks up Ralphy, throws him over his shoulder and starts walking inside. 
Who's the bitch now huh?
Jennifer starts punching Ralphy while DanO is carrying him. 
Yo chill Jenn for real.
Tu gets in-between them so DanO can get Rlaphy in the house.
Jenn relax!! You did your thing, now chill.
Fuck that shit.
Tu see's that DanO and Ralphy are in the house so, he goes inside and locks the door.
Tu that bitch is nuts kid.
Yea she is.
Tu heads for the kitchen
DanO puts Ralphy on a chair in the kitchen
Loud knocking at the door
As DanO heads to the door
Yo Tu, this bitch gonna make me knock her out.
Tu Laughs
DanO opens the door
Jenn what is your problem?
Jenn charges DanO
DanO scoops her up and places her on the grass, but she bumps her head and is PISSED
You just gonna throw me on the ground like that! Ok, I got something for your ass. 
Yea, whatever. Leave!
DanO motion her to leave
Jennifer leaves
DanO goes back inside
That bitch gone?
Good, she was fucking up my high. Here hit this.
Tu hands DanO a blunt.
You know it.
a few min later
A car screeches to a stop infront of the house.
DanO looks outside and see's Jennifer get out of a car with 2 guys (one is latino 24 small build the other is black 30 average build.
DanO grabs a golf-club out of a golf-bag from the living room and flings it over his shoulder and rushes outside.
What up dough!!!
He swings the club around as he approches the guys.
The 2 guys jump back in the car and leave Jennifer beind.
Fucking pussies!
As DanO walks back to the door, a patrol car rolls up. One officer (Black 34, Tall, Built) approaches the house as the other officer stands outside the cruiser (White 40, medium size).
Officer help. This guy assaulted me.
Officer looks at DanO and starts to approach
DanO standing half in the doorway toss's the golf-club near the golf-bag.
The officer walks up to DanO
Is this true? Did you assault this woman?
Yes, he did officer. He hit me and then threw me on the ground and I hurt my head.
Ma'am please stand over there and let me handle this.
Now sir, did you assault this woman?
Officer, with all due respect, look at me and look at her. If I hit her do you think she would be talking right now?
No, I didn't hit her. 
Ma'am please.
Ralpy walks to the door
What's going on?
Officer points at Ralphy
Hold on. Ma'am didn't I serve you a restraining order against this gentleman yesterday?
Yea, so.
Who's house is this.
Mine sir.
Ma'am I'm placing you under arrrest for failure to obey a judges order.
The officer places Jennifer under arrest and walks her to the squad car where the other officer has the door open. Then he walks back towards the house.
Do you mind if we step inside for a second I just have a couple questions then I'll have her out of your hair.
Yea, sure.
As they walk inside Tu comes out from the kitchen he has a plate in one hand and a piece of chicken in the other. He looks at the 3 men and motion the plate as to offer them some food. No one budges and he shrugs his shoulders and goes back to the kitchen.
int - Tu's apt - day
Tu and Josh are sitting in the living room counting money.
Yo.. I met up with DanO at the bar last night. Bro, we go back to his crib and fucking wacked out Ralphy and his chickare there. They outside screaming at each other then fucking this chick straight lays Ralphy out. Drops him, boom. Shit was fucking hillarious. She starts hitting him while DanO is trying to carry that motha fucker inside.
No shit!!
Yea, bro. I jump in and stop her from punching him so DanO can get him inside then i get my ass in there. She's pounding on the door. DanO goes out there. I roll up a fatty and then DanO comes back in. 
Yo those two ain't right in the head.
I know. Then as DanO hitting the blunt we hear a car roll up HARD!! So, he goes and checks out what happend. All I know is he looks outside grabs a golf-club then he darts outside screaming. 
Josh is laughing his ass off
Then I'm making some chicken cause you know I'm fucking hungry and shit. Ralphy gets his wobbling ass up from the chair and heads outside. I'm not even paying attention I'm in food mode now. I start eating and I swear I hear a cop so, I take the plate and head over towards the door and see DanO, Ralphy and a Cop standing inside the door. I motion offer them some chicken as I take a bite of some and then just go back to the kitchen.
Yo, that's fucking crazy bro.
I know.
Knock at the door. Tu opens the door
Got my money.
You doing house calls now. haha. J throw me a stack.
Josh throws a stack of money to Tu
Price phone rings.
Tu notices there's a photo of a girl on Prices phone as he answers.
Hold up shawty. 
Price holds the phone so the person can't hear. 
Price hands Tu a bag
4 days?
Same time?
Prices leaves and Tu closes the door.
Tu has a wierd look on his face
What's wrong?
The other night when I was at the bar I noticed one of the bartenders and she looked so familiar but I can't put my finger on it.
What about her?
She just called Price.
How you know she just called him?
I saw her photo when he flipped his phone open.
Where the fuck do I know her from?? Fuck!!!
What she look like?
White girl. Blonde.
Yea, (phew) that narrows it down.
Yea, I know. 
Roll a blunt.
I think I know who she is just gimmie a second.
Josh rolls a blunt.
Here, hit this.
Tu goes to grab the blunt.
Michelle!!!! That's who this bitch is. FUCK!!!!
What bro? Who the fuck is Michelle?
You know Gabriel, the one that went down to the burg 3 years ago for selling and the assault on the cop. He was set up by her. I ran into him down the berg and he told me what happened. I swear bro, it's her. I met her once before he then I went away. I didn't know who she was then. I wonder if Price know's or.....
Or what?
I don't know bro. Shits fishy.....
Yea, you think he knows? Maybe he's setting us up? How we gonna handle this?
I don't know. You got any ideas?
Josh is shocked
Oh shit, I finally can make a decision?
Wanna just set Price up, rob him and move on? We haven't done it in a few years and I'm kinda itchen....
Yea, me too. I like that. But lemme talk to Trom as sick as saying that make me.
I know. 
I'll call someone and have them follow him after he collects in 4 days. Find out where he lives and catch him there. 
Ight. Then me and you load up and rob his bitch ass.
int - Tu's apt - day
Tu pacing back and forth in his room looking at his guns and just thinking. Then grabs his stomach.
Tu is on the toilet taking a shit and calls Trom
Yo Trom. I wanna catch up wit ya. I know we ain't really on the same page and I wanna make things right........
Tu nodding his head 
Yea, I know that place. Can we meet tomorrow around 3?
Cool. Thanks man.
Tu hangs up the phone.
Tu calls Mickey 28, mixed races, fluffy hair, chubby. Lives in a run down apt.
Yo, Mickey what's good bro.
Tu, my boy. All good my man. What can I do for you.
I was about to walk out the door when you called. I'm headed over to Tony's funeral. Why, what's up?
Oh shit! That's today. I'll be home swing by when you leave that. I need to politic wichya.
Say no more. I got you.
Good look. Give his people my condolenses.
They hang up the phone.
hours later
INT. tu's apt. night - Devin 30, dirty looking tall, skinny
There's a knock on Tu's door
Who is it?
Voice from behind door
It's Mickey
Tu opens the door
How was the funeral?
Dude!!! Roll one up I got a story for you.
Tu rolls a blunt
So, all was good the funeral was beautiful. It was like a scene out of a Mafia movie. 
Probably was the Mafia.
You ain't lying. Anyway so, Tony laying there and you know Devin?
Yea, he's the fien who ran with Tony.
EXACTLY!! SO, he see's that Tony's being buried in his Presidential Rolex and decides that he should have it.
Oh boy!!! I can only imagine how this went.
We all outside now and the hearse is out back. Don't ask me how but this nigga gots a flat head and a crowbar and jumps in the hearse. I can't see what he's doing but all of a sudden the hearse is shaking like 2 teenagers fucking at the look outs. Then "BANG" this loud fucking noise and now people start walking over to the hearse. I guess he see's them and next thing I knew that mudda fucking hearse starts up tires screaching the back doors fling open he hits the road almost smashes into a car....
Tu passes the blunt to Mickey
Mickey takes the blunt and hits it
Yea, man. That ain't even the best part. As he swerves to avoid the car the casket flies out Tony's dead body hits the ground and then the hearse smacks into a cop car then hits a telephone pole and that shit feel right onto a house. BOOM.... 
Yea, bro but the best part, well for me anyway, Tony's watch fell almost right at my feet. 
Mickey pulls out the watch from his pocket
I scooped that shit up and slid right the fuck outta there. Don't worry I made a few stops on the way here. I wasn't followed.
Good!!! Yo, that's fucking incredible. That motherfucker Devin is one sick fuck bro. I never liked his bitch ass. I always knew he was a grimmy piece of shit.
So, what your's plans for the watch?
I thought who would appreiciate this better than my man TU?
Whoa, good looks, but I'm good bro. I don't want to be caught with that. But, I'll do you a solid. Bring it to me tomorrow morning. I'm going to see someone who may want this. How much you looking to get?
I figure it's worth atleast 10G's maybe 15. So, I'll take 8. 
Done. I'm sure my guy will take it.
Nice. Thanks bro. So, what's up you need to talk to me?
Yea, I have a proposition for you. I need you to team up with DanO and follow someone for me. I need to know where he lives and if and when is the best time to catch him alone at home. You do this for me and once I do what I gotta do I take good care of you.
Ok, how well you gonna take care of me.
I told DanO 5G's so same goes for you.
That's cool. 
Good. There's a guy coming here in 3 days around noon to see me. When he leaves I'll call DanO's phone and tell you guys who to look for. Just be close enough to see the door that leads to my apartment.
Ight, so, we'll be around by 11 just to be safe. 
BET!! And don't forget to bring me that watch tomorrow. And don't even tell anyone about anything we just talked about including the watch. Matter fact, just gimmie the watch. I'll hold it they ain't coming here.
And my 8G's 
Nigga please you know me better than that. You'll have it or the watch back tomorrow. I'm sure he'll take it though. 
I trust you Tu.
I know.
Ight I'm out. Thanks for the blunt too.
No doubt baby, 1.
Mickey leaves
Tu calls DanO
Yo D, Mickey is down. I told him 5 don't let him know you're getting 8G's. Ight.
I got you my dude. You fam...
Likewise. Peace
Tu hangs up the phone and sits back on the couch
INT - Diner - day
Tu and Jenaveve walk in and see Trom and head over
Sup youngin? Oh, parden me I got you a soda and told the waitress not to bother us I thought you rolling solo. 
I'm just here for moral support. I cool don't worry. I know what's going on Tu explained it to me. 
That's cool. I trust his judgement with you.
So, what's up Tu? I got a feeling this ain't personal. It's business. Right?
Yea, well, I got some questions too. Like how'd you and mom even meet? Like, how'd you get into the game?
We met while I was in college, yea I went to college. Played football. I ain't gonna sit here and tell you I was on the verge of making the pros and blew out my knee, but I did blow out my knee. Then I met your mom and she put me on to the game.
WOW! I can actually believe that.
See the guy we working for....
Tu looks around the diner
I think he's either about to get set up or maybe he working with the you know. 
I hear you. So, how you come think this. Word of mouth or you actaully seen it.
I seen the shit. This chick set my man's up a few years back and now I see her at a bar I goto and then see a picture of her in this guys phone. What you'd think?
I feel you. What you planning?
Going to take care of this dude, take his shit and move on.
You got a plan?
Got eyes working and then me and J gonna hadle it ourselves, quietly.
Skimasks and gloves huh?
Damn straight!
Just be safe. Look over every detail before hand. Don't slip up. I have a feeling you don't even know this dude that well?
Yup, I hustled him in pool he sucka punced me then offer me and J a job. The Fuck right? Josh figured he was shady from the begining. 
What'd you think from the begining?
Tu looks at Trom then turns to Jenaveve
Yea, what'd you think sweety?
Didn't really think about it, just kind of...
I don't know. Just wanted to get this money. I'm tierd of hitting up unlocked cars and hustling pool. Wanted something different.
I thought that's why you got me?
That's a great a great different but this is something else.
I understand. You're young and on your own..
No offense. 
None taken, it is what it is. What can I do? Shit's in the past, can't change that. Just gotta push foward. Shot for the moon, atleast if I miss I'll be amonst the stars.
I like that. You're smarter than you look you know. 
Nah, seriously you a smart mother fucker. Just don't make a foolish mistake. If you gonna do this. Do it right.Ight.
Anyways, you ight?
No, he's not ok.
So, ummm I'm sorry I don't your name.
It's Jenaveve
That fit's you perfectly.
So, you a ride or die huh?
You don't but I left my country to try to get away from this. Ironic huh? I've seen people like him where I'm from. He's strong just gotta shake some stuff off.
Yea, that's true.
But, I don't know. Shit kinda got out of hand quick. I don't know what's gonna happen after we do this. Got no connects. Nah mean Trom?
And there it is. That's why you called. Everything else was just chit chat bullshit. This is why you wanted to meet me. I don't know if you know that, but that's why you called me. You are your mothers son. 
Yea, I guess. 
You look down.
Let's get some food, get you feeling better and forget about what we were just talking about. Do what you gotta do and hit me. And then we'll go from there. Cool?
Yea, I like that. You buying lunch by the way.
Jenaveve Laughs
I figured that. I gotchu.
Trom motions over to the waitress to come over.
And real quick. Check this out.
Tu pulls out the watch and hands it to Trom
You want it?
How much?
My boy want's $12,000 but I told him I might not be able to get more than $10,000.
Ight. I'm sure you numbers are off and I respect that. So, I'll give you $11,000 and I'm sure about 2 of that or so is probably going in your pocket.
Tu just looks at Trom
INT. - TU'S APT - Night
Ight everything is in place. DanO and Mickey know what to do and Trom say's we'll talk once everything is done.
Good shit. You ready to do this?
No doubt. You?
I was ready when we met the mother fucker.
I figured.
INT.Dano's car Black Acura.Day 
So, DanO who the fuck we looking for?
Some Domincan dude
Phone rings
OK, I think I see him now, he's talking on his cell. 
Yup, that's him then.
Ight Tu we got this.
That's him?
int.Tu's apt.day
Ight, they on him.
So, how long you think it will take them to give us what we need?
I don't know. Shit, you them two way better than I do. 
True. You think it's a coincidence that Price triple the usually shipment he gives us?
Nope. I think we right about him.
Yea. I think it's time to move everything out of here. We can take it to my homegirls house. She's legit she won't mind. 
Who, Jenaveve?
Nah, that's my boo not my home girl. Krystal. You know her.
Ight, yeah she cool. You hittin that too?
Nah, we just cool it ain't even like that wit me and her. I'ma call her and tell her to be here in 2 hours. We can get everything in her car and then set it up at her place.
Tu calls Krystal (28, Dark skin, Tall, A few extra pounds)
Krys it's Tu. 
Tu, hey babe how are you?
Good. Listen I need a favor. Can you swing by my crib in like an hour or 2?
Yea, sure. everything ok?
I'll explain later.
Ok, no worries. 
90 min later
Krystal knocks on It's door
Tu opens the door
 Int. Krytals's house. night
You sure you guys need to do this? 
Yea, it's gotta be done. We getting him before he get's us.
Ok, just be careful you two.
We good krys don't worry. Just make sure you don't stay to close when you drop us off. I'll show you where to wait then we get there.
They get dressed and are locked and loaded
EXT.price's building.night
Krys, you gonna drop us off here and then go around the corner and wait. If anyone see's you just pull of and and go around to the next corner. Don't worry we won't be but 10 minutes.
Ok, be safe guys. 
Don't worry we got this.
Int.Prices Apt.night
Tu and Josh run into the apartment building, fully covered from head to toe both have duffle bags over their shoulders, they run up one flight of stairs. Once at the door they kick it open and run in guns drawwn.
Wakes up 
What the fuc.....
Tu hit's him in the mouth with the back of a shotgun amd it's lights out for Price.
Tu and Josh rummage through the apartment and put drugs, guns jewlery and money into their bags and then hightale it out of there.
They run out the building and around the corner and jump into Krystal's car.
INT.Krystal's apt.night
They dumb everything onto a table in Krystal's living room.
Damn yo. We got this nigga good.
Yea, bro we did.
What are you guys going to do with all of this. 
Is that Coke?
Yea, I guess it is. Who we going to unload this off too.
Hold on.
Tu is on the phone.
What's up. 
Yea, it's done.
Nah, need to see you now. 
Ok, we headed that way need like 90 min.
Krys, anyone coming home anytime soon?
No, I got this all to myself for atleast another 6 months.
Josh pack up the coke.
We gotta go see Trom.
They all head out of the apt.
couple hours later
Tu is on the phone
We down the block.
He'll be outside.
INT.Troms house.dawn
Yo Tu, everything good?
Yea, we good. Just don't want to be around town for a minute. And we got this.
Tu gives Trom a duffle bag
DAMN!!! Nice score.
Yea, but I ain't got no use for it. I don't know enough people who do Coke to unload it fast enough. I ain't trying to sit on that.
Ight I'll work out a deal with you for this. Where you guys headed.
Well I know some people up in the country by my aunts house. So, I figure I'd head up there. I got a couple dudes by me that can take over my area opersations while we head upstate to see what's up.
Josh what ypu think about his.
Works for me.
Ight, I got a connect up there. Once you get there let me know and I'll have him get in touch with you.
Krys, do me a solid. get some rest then go pick up my girl and get some of my things from my apartment. Jenaveve knows where I'll be in NY. Take her there for me. Here, take this for your troubles.
Tu hands Krystal $5,000
No problem Tu, I got you. You need this ASAP or can me and her take our time?
Jenaveve will figure it out. She's alot smarter than I thought when it comes to this shit.
Ok, cool. I'm gonna go get a few hours sleeep.
Trom takes Krystal to a room so she can rest.
Yo, we still have all that shit at Krys's house. Did you forget that?
Nah, I'm about to call DanO and have him meet up with Krystal and Jenaveve. He won't mind taking over. Trust me.
Ight that's cool. He good people and knows who we know. Good call.
Tu calls DanO
Yo, D it's Tu
What up my dude?
Listen I need you later today to meet up with Krystal and my girl and you gonna basically be me in town. Understand?
I hear you. 
Good. Keep in touch.
Tu hangs up the phone.
Ight D is on board.
So, how you gettin to NY? 
I was hoping you could help with that.
I ain't driving you if that's what you had in mind. Tu you got your license?
Yea, I got one. Why?
Ok, let's see what have here.
Trom takes the Coke out of the bag
We got 3 keys so I'll give you $8,000 per key and a car. Deal?
Works for me.
0 notes
tucentnj-blog · 7 years
ext. Running Scared - midnight, fall, wet - Song playing: Shoot Outs: Jadakiss & Styles P. - 
(when lyrics start screen splits to 4 showing what cops looking at mug shots and surveillance photos, pool hall, dealing drugs, drinking, smoking weed Two male suspects chilling with their boys outside. At 1:08 start to lower music and fade it out at 1:18)
ext. 2001 - 5 Years earlier: night - Two male's one 20 years old and of some kind of Latin decent maybe Italian with a medium/husky build wearing a baseball hat, the other shorter, mid teens maybe 16 or 17, white, skinny, their walking around in the suburbs on dimly lit streets, sometime after midnight, dressed normal not to look suspicious at night opening unlocked cars and taking what they can get their hands on. Trying to get their hands on anything they can; cash, CD Players, pagers, etc. anything they can sell for cash.
Rummaging through a glove box in a car
(soft spoken)
Walking away from the car
AYO Tu? Where you at?
Grabs a wallet and car keys from center console and starts walking to find Josh
Yo, what's good? What you get and why you gotta be so goddamn loud?
'Bout One fitty. And you?
Tu checks the wallet EYES LIGHT UP
As he pulls money from wallet
I don't know, maybe twenty-five hunit.
NICCCCEEE!!!!! Dat it?
TU Holds up car keys while grinning sinisterly
Where we goin?
The night's still young!
They try the key on the 97 Mitsubishi Galant but they wont work so they try on the 93 Honda civic hatchback. it works. 
Yo, where your man with the bud at?
Should be on the ave or by 7-11
They pull up to 7-11
Be right back
Josh gets out of the car
Few min later
Josh gets back in the car
You got it?
With a concerning look on his face
But, you know who's ride this is?
Nah!! Who?
Sgt. Murphy's Son.
Tu just looks around like he doesn't give a shit, then looks at Josh
Just roll that shit up son!!
With a weird look on his face
What Tha!!!!!!!!???????
int. 2 bedroom apt in the suburbs, smoking a blunt
Yo, we gonna change up?
Huh?!? Change what?
This small time car shit! We've been through like every car in town and every town around.
SO! What's you sayin?
We need a new hustle!!!
Yea, we hustlin tomorrow at the pool hall. There, you happy?
while smiling
You're a dick!!!
So, get a fucking Job! Loser!!!
What like you? Flipping burgers, asking people, do you want fries with that?
while hitting the blunt
soon I'll be making stakes while asking people do you want fries with that.
Funny, but Big L said it different.
Yo, what you tryin to get stacks wit? Not gonna get many stacks husltin pool.
Well, you're right! We gotta do sometin. My pops life insurance ain't gonna last forever.
We'll figure it out.
Whatever it takes! Just make sure your game is up tomorrow we gotta double what we stole tonight.
Looks at Tu
INT. Tu's bedroom - that night while sleeping Tu has a dream about the night his mom killed his dad. He wakes up in a cold sweat
ext. Late night before midnight at pool hall Rt303 Just over the NJ border into NY. Behind stores in a dim parking lot The boys get a table, bullshit, and wait to see who bites. Sure enough two guys come to the table. price a tall light skin black/Dominican guy sharp clothes not dress but not hood his friend is shorter version of him of spanish decent.
Sup? Y'all players?
9 ball, $150 per game, teams $250 per game.
Heard that. Yo, Cueball!?
looking at Tu
Me and you first.
We got a fucking comedian in the house tonight. I didn't know it was open mic night. I hope your game is better than your Jokes. You wanna be Richard Pryor. Maybe a stem and a rock would suit you better. Hahaha.....
What's that racial shit about?
Just Rack'em Bitch!!!
Shit talking back and forth for a few games. Price decides he will try going all out to win back all the money Tu took.
Double or nothing?
Nah, I got enough of your money you broke bitch!
This is fun for me. I gots bread. Y'all may be the hustlers in here, but I'm the hustler out there
Price points outside.
Yea!! Whatever.
Tu throws a bus pass at Price.
Yo, lets go, I'm starving.
Price ain't happy now. He feels that he just got punked. As Tu and J are outside smoking Price snuffs Tu from behind. Tu comes to and charges Price picks him up and slams him.
Really? You that ignorant? Just leave!!
As he punches Price in the mouth Price's boy grabs Tu and as Price gets up he puts his hand out.
Bro, we gonna make a lot of money together. Page me on Monday.
(As he gives Tu a card
(with attitude)
WHAT THE FUCK you talking bout.
I like y'all style and heart. My organization needs more of that. Gonna make you boys soldiers. Hit me up.
Yea.................... See what happens.
They peace out and head in different directions.
What was that about?
Not really sure.
As he looks back.
int. Diner - Decent late night crowd a few rowdy customers - The Waitress jenaveve an ATTRACTIVE latina short tight body long dark hair with some highlights she has an accent
What the fuck happened back here?
So, our plan is to sell drugs? I don't know bro, this guy seems shady.
Yea, I guess, but I kinda like what he..........
Stops his sentence short due to the WAITRESS appearing
Waitress (Spanish accent):
Hello, I'm Jenaveve, I'll be serving you tonight. Are you boys ready to order?
as he checks out the Jenaveve
What are the specials tonight mami. .
with a smile on his face
No more specials tonight hun!
Ight, I'll have my usual the Roast beef deluxe.
Do you want fries with that?
J and Tu stare and each other and crack a soft laugh.
Yea, extra crispy.
And to drink?
Strawberry shake, EXTRA THICK!
Licks his lips while eye fucking her
Like'em thick gotcha.
as she winks at Tu
Looks at Josh
And for you sir?
Hot or mild?
Let me get them extra spicy.
Inferno style?
Anything else?
Yea he wants disco fries.
while laughing
And a Pepsi.
While staring at Tu
Ok boys, I'll be out with your drinks shortly.
Tu and josh
So...... What you think?
She's adorable. So cute!!! Must be new. Ima get her number.
No, Dick!!!
I know, it's cool, I'll page him Monday.
Really! Just like that! No discussing it?!?
Nope! You in?
You need to ask?
I know.
So, how we gonna do it?
I don't know?
You don't know? What the fuck bro? How you gonna just decide and have no clue!!!!
(After a brief silence)
Lights up a cigarette and Just stares at J
........ I had the dream last night.
Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! So, you going to visit your mom in Clinton tomorrow?
Bro, it's been what like 4 years since you made that trip to see her? I know you were locked down for part of that, but...
Roughly and since I've had the dream. It's amazing that while I was in the burg never had the dream. Not once. We write a few times a year. I send a check from time to time. Not like she needs it. She be runnin shit in there. Platinum Juice Card!!!
What you think she's gonna say?
Just shrugs his shoulders and passes J the Newport
Here's your drinks boys. Hope the shake is thick enough for your sweetie.
with a seductive look on her face
Well, if it's not you gonna have to that cute ass into the kitchen and fix it for me.
Oh Boy!
Maybe I'll take you to the kitchen with me.
I wouldn't want that sexy smile of yours to get fired. Why don't you let me get your number and we can finish this tomorrow night?
Grabs Tu's arm and rights three numbers on it. Gives him a kiss on the cheek and goes back to work
You're an idiot. So, you gonna call her?
I don't know, got this money on my mind right now bro. Nah mean?
Yea, I guess.
with a really questionable look on his face
But, the way you been acting bro, you need you some pussy!!
you might be right.
I know I'm right nigga. So, what you gonna talk to your mom about?
I'm sure she won't be happy with what I tell her happened tonight, but I'm sure she'll find a way to encourage me.
TU Just stares out the window looking at the night sky
A few min later
Here's your food boys. Let me know if there's anything else I can get for you. Enjoy!!
We will.
How those wings?
You know how they are. They're GREAT!!!!
As the boys are finishing up Jenaveve comes over.
Everything ok?
Yea sweetie. Thanks. You can bring the check when you're ready.
Jenaveve brings the check over
Here you go have a good night.
As she looks Tu in the eyes
Thanks. What time you get off tomorrow?
No problem papi. Tomorrow I get off at 8pm.
OK, I'll meet you here at 8pm.
I won't hold my breathe.
My dad raised me to always be a man of my word.
He's a good man then.
Was! He was a good man.
He passed a few years back.
Oh, I'm so sorry sweetie.
It's ok, but thanks.
Smiles while running her nails softly down Tu's arm
Ight! So, I guess we really nickel and dime hustling now huh?
With a mouth full of fries
She's so cute bro. tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be here for sure.
You should!
Yeah!! Hope the bus don't get stuck in fucking traffic coming back from seeing my moms.
They finish eating and Tu leaves the money for the bill and tip.
Damn bro $50, she ain't your wife!
Not yet. Hahaha
You're stupid!
Ight, it's gonna be a long day for me tomorrow. I'm calling it a night.
Ight! I'ma head to the Ave see if anything poppin.
Ight, get that clientele ready.
int.Coach bus.Crowded.day
tu just sits looking out the window listening to his walkman/cd player
int. day - prison VISITING hall - Tu's mom 51, 5' 8", tattoo's
Waiting Patiently, She sees Tu and tears roll down her face She gently smacks his face and then gives him a hug
3 years 10 months 6 days
Yea, counting days while in jail, I know that feeling.
Shut up!
Put on some weight huh, even grew some I see? My little boy is becoming a man. How is everything? Had the dream huh?
Yeah, I love you too ma. (Burps)
You better!
Rolls eyes
How you doing? I see you been hitting the weight pod.
Smart ass! You know I hold it down in here!! Congrats on getting your GED while in where in the Burg. I wish you would've just stayed at your aunt's in upstate NY though.
What! So I can smoke Reds and drinks Budweiser. I'm a city boy, not a red neck.
I know it's different up there. You working?
Work, ha... Yea! The landlord said I needed to get a job or he'll evict me. No big deal. I got a job at BK handling the drive thru. You been getting my letters and money orders, right?
Yes. But, you know I don't want any of that bastards' money. You need that.
Sorry! Everything's good only six more years until I'm up for my first parole hearing.
You and Josh still cleaning up the Pool Halls? How's he doing?
Yea we cleaning up still. He's good, I let him move in with me. His parents split and somehow his mom got custody of him, but since she's a violent alchy I told him to get his shit and room with me.
That's good. Yea she's something else.
Yea right... We still do our overnight gig too.
WHAT!!! Boy I'm gonna.......
I know, that's deaded though.
Really? Since when?
Ye.....Ye.....Yea that's ummm see last night when we were hustling these fools they were actually street hustlers, we think, and they want us to work for them now.
So, my son, Mr. Adult now. You know what that means. No more juvy.
I know that's what I wanted to talk to you about. You were the best....
This is true. But you gotta be careful it's a different game out there now. Not like when I was doing it.
Yea back in the 1920's....
Yea, Yea... If you really want to do this, I'll have Trom get in touch with you.
Shakes his head and looks away in disgust
He is the streets and if you wanna do this he's the only one I trust to school you.
Ight, but you tell him we only talk business and that's it.
I don't expect you to ever get over that and I am truly sorry.
Yea, I'm sure.
Excuse me?
(from a distance)
Five minutes left folks
Ima head out and beat the crowd to the bus. Love you ma!
Love you to son!
They hug and Tu heads for the bus stop
int./ext. - day - Coach bus up the Jersey Turnpike.
(Shorty Wanna be a Thug - Tupac - playing)
(Tu has lots of things brewing in his head on the two hour bus ride home. He knows this is what he and his boy need to make it)
INT. DINER - night
Well, I guess your daddy did raise you right.
I told you. You just about ready to leave.
About 5 min more papi. That's ok with you.
5 min, sure just don't be any longer.
Ok, so 10 it is.
Winks back
Yea, OK!!!!
8 min later
OK Papi let's go. By the way what is your name.
Call me Tu.
TU?? Like Tupac? You ain't black sweetheart sorry to tell you.
Oh shit. Nah. I know. We'll I'm Sicilian so technically I have black roots. But, Tu is short for TuCents.
Oh, so you're broke huh.
Broke? No, I'm not broke. I have money. I'm not rich but I'm definitely not broke.
Explain for me this.
Remember when I told you how my dad is dead. Well, he had a life insurance policy. And since my mom is in prison it goes to me.
Oh!! Why is this?
My dad caught my mom cheating on him with this dude name Trom and when my dad starting attacking Trom my mom shot him. They didn't have a good marriage I don't know why they were even together, to be honest. I then went to live with my aunt and her family in upstate NY but I didn't like it there so I emancipated myself shortly after so I wouldn't get stuck in some foster home back here.
in awe
WOW!!!! That's sad. So, have you ever been in jail?
I have. I was released from Jamesburg just about a year ago, just before I turned 19. I did 14 months there and then went back for 9 more on a parole violation.
Bad boy huh? How'd a cute boy like you end up living a bad boy life?
I guess it's in my jeans.
Jenaveve looks at Tu's Jeans
Whatchu looking at?
Seeing what else you have in your jeans.
Oh really? Well, my apartment is right here if you want to see what's in these jeans follow me.
They enter Tu's apt J is sitting on the couch watching catoons
Tu with his arm around Jenaveve just looks at Josh as he walks into his room with Jenaveve.
Give me a few seconds' ma, I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable.
Tu Kisses her on the forehead
Tu leaves the room
My mom says hi.
as he hangs up the phone
Tu lights a smoke and then takes a bottle of whiskey out of the fridge pours a drink and then takes a sip.
Phone rings
Tu answers the phone
Hello?............................................... Ok............................ Thursday morning, ight.....
Hangs up
Price will be here Thursday morning. How does he know where I live? The fuck?! Oh well.
Josh gets up and walks out of the apartment furious
Tu enters his room and sees Jenaveve laying on his bed only wearing her lace panties. - Red Light Special by TLC is playing
Damn Ma!......
Jenaveve, now kneeling on Tu's bed, moves to the end of the bed and grabs Tu by his belt buckle, pulls him into her, and kisses him passionately...................................................................................................................................................
int. apartment - Morning - Trom 43 light skinned, husky chubby, dressed to impress.
Tu Awakes to Jenaveve sleeping on his chest and lights a blunt then heads for the kitchen
Josh Stares at Tu violently
What's with the devil eyes bro?
As he sits down and pours a bowl of Cereal
As he throws the spoon into the cereal
Just looks over at J
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH................ That's heavy bro. In that case my bad bro...
As he taps on his chest with an open palm and shakes his head back and forth
Nah bro, my bad. I straight disrespected you last night. We straight?
Yea, bro, we good. I'd a done the same thing.
You know you were right. I definitely needed to release some stress.
Told you. How was it? She is, sexy.
As Jenaveve walks in
Yea, how was it?
Eh, I've had better.
Josh sipping OJ spits it all over the table laughing.
Same here.
As she sits on Tu's lap and gives him a kiss
MAn walking up to the door. tall, dark skin, dressed street casual like an experienced hustler.
There's a knock at the door. The boy's just look at each other. The knocking gets heavier. Tu taps Jenaveve on the ass so she'll get up. He goes over to the door.
Who is it?
Open the door "O".
Tu opens the door 
Look at you all grown up and shit.
Nice to see you to Trom.
They go into the kitchen. Jenaveve gets up so Tu can sit down and she sits back on his lap.
Oh, Trom, they call me "Tu" now. No more Big-O.
Big-O?? Lemme guess You make the girls go "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Big OOOOOOOOO"
Josh and Trom bust out laughing.
You tell me?
Ehhhh..... I'll call you To Short, it's ok, you did your best.
as she pats Tu on the head and gives him a kiss on the cheek
Oh shit.....
Whatever! You still here sitting on MY LAP, so I guess it was good for you.
O.... Tu.... What the fuck is it bro..... O or Tu?
It's Tu. I hate that O shit. Anyways I guess my mom talked to you huh?
So, how'd you get that name?
When I was down state they used to call me "Two Cents" because I would always have to add my two cents to everything. Funny how that's a big no-no in prison but somehow not for me. So, since I've been home that's what I go by now. 
Yo, that's some true shit bro. I don't know how you made it out that way. Well, it was only Juvy, not real prison, but I guess that's your mom's DNA in you.
Yea ummmm, We can talk or you preoccupied?
Looks at Jenaveve 
Why don't you go to my room for a few let the men discuss men stuff....
I need to shower and head to work. Kisses Tu and heads out.
So, you guys getting into grown folks business now huh? First things first take this 
Trom hands Tu and Josh a business card
He's my attorney. When you get pinched because of a snitch don't talk, just call him. He will bail you out and handle everything. 
Now that that's out of the way down to business, there's a few things you should now for starters.............
Ten Crack Commandments - Notorious B.I.G playing while Trom talks to Tu and Josh
As Trom is leaving 
I'll be back in a week or two with something for you both.
Jenaveve comes out of Tu's room
Papi. Are you boy's done playing?
Yea, sometin like that. You want me to walk you to work?
Sure, that's sweet. Thanks.
No problem.
Josh I'll be back in a few. Peace.
Int. day - Tu's apt. - thursday 
Where is this nigga?
I told you bro this mutha fucker shady.
Yea, I remember.
Think about it bro. How does he even know where you, we live? Shit is suspect bro... 
Relax bro.
Relax? What the fuck! How can i RELAX.....
Price and his boy approach Tu's door and knock
Who it is?
Open up.
looks at Tu while quietly speaking
I don't like this at all.
Tu goes and opens the door
This yall crib huh? Moms and Pops at work?
Nah, they ain't around. So, whats good?
Ight here, this is a thousand dimes baged up. I need eightyfive hundred back.
What only sevenfifty each? Nah bro. That's to light. 
What it is cuz, this ain't no barging ship. That's what it is. Take it or leave it.
Hold up. Lemme see this shit.
Tu takes out a few bags and looks them over.
A "G" each and we good fam. Ight?
Price looks at Tu just while contemplating
Ight, I dig that. Yall got til Sunday. Someone will be here at noon to collect.
Price and his boy leave.
Bro, what the fuck? You can't keep dissing me like this bro!
Yo, look at these bags. These dubs. My bad and all but relax. I got this. We got this. We get a "G" each from that nigga, plus $10,000 on top, that's $6,000 each. 
OOOOOhhhh, Ight. That's whats up. Nice! But, how we gonna sell eight hundred bags by Sunday to pay this guy?
Three for $50. still make a good profit. Go get a pager and have the last four numbers 3450. I'ma start hitting some people and you go get that.
Ight, I'ma get a safe too.
Yea, good idea. Get a big one.
Josh heads out the apt.
INT. TU'S apt. - day - Sunday - some guy 28, dark skin, medium build
(Phone rings)
Tu answers the phone
Coming up!
phone disconnects
Yo, get the money.
Already got it.
Knock at the door
Tu opens the door it's not Price or the other guy.
some GUY
Got That?!?
Got what? Who the fuck are you?
Money now!!!
Tu slams the door closed.
Knocking at door.
Knocking stops.
Minutes later
A pissed off Price heads up to the apartment.
Knocking begins.
As Tu opens the door
Oh, Price, what's good?
You got that?
Josh lemme get that.
Josh throws a stack of money to Tu
Tu hands it to Price
Damn!! I didn't think yall could pull that off. Good shit!
Here's another thousand bags. Same deal. Next time give it to my mans though.
Yea, thanks for the heads up!!
Price leaves, Tu closes the door.
Ext. main avenue - day
Josh walking around meeting up with people and seeking the drugs.
Int. day - Tu's Apartment
Knock at door
Who is it?
It's Trom open up.
Tu opens the door
What's up.
I told you I'd see you in a week or two I got something for you and Josh.
They walk in.
Trom puts two duffel bags on the table.
Trom opens the bags and starts pulling guns out
Where's Josh?
Getting that money...
Good shit!
First this a TECH Niggas give these shits respect, but They known to jam so if you use it be careful. This is a little smaller here and a little more common, 9 Millimeter Ruger, 16 shots, hollow points. And this? this here my nigga, this is a 12 gauge Mossberg kid Two shots and you can wet like half a block. This shit here a Calico, it holds a hundred shots. If you can't kill your beef with this you need to stop. Here's Two 380's one black, one chrome, and 4 Glocks. They all hold 21 shots. Don't worry they are all clean no bodies, Yet!! haha... You ever shot a gun or shot at someone?
Never shot at anyone, but I've been shooting rifles and shotguns since I was a kid. You know my aunt has all that land in Upstate NY so I set up targets sometimes when I'm up there. I'm a good fucking shot.
Ight that's what's up. Just be careful with them. You guys have a safe? If you do, keep them there, but always hold one on you at all times. And don't shot your dick off. haha...
Yea right. I got this.
INt. LOCAL bar with a stage - heavy bar crowd - Dano 25, white husky build, bald head and a beard - BARTENDER 32 - white, Blonde, tall, fairly attractive
TU sees his boy DanO
Yo, DanO what's good bro?
Oh shit, Tu what it is? I'm good. Look at you doing big things.
Yea, you know getting this money and shit.
What you doing after this shit. I'm about to hit the crib wit a few people.
Ight, I'll swing through around 1 when I leave here. 
DanO heads to the exit
Tu is looking at one of the bartenders. He knows he knows who one of them isbut is having a hard time figuring it out. He decides to catch DanO as he is leaving and just roll with him
Tu hustles outside to catch up to DanO
Yo, DanO? Hold up!
Lets go kid.
He jumps in DanO's car and head to DanO's house.
INT. House in the suburbs - Ralphy 30, Short, Small build, white - Jennifer 25, white, medium HEIGHT, slim build
They get out of the car and DanO's boy Ralphy is outside with his girl Jennifer and they are arguing.
Yo, cut that shit out you two you gonna make it hot.
This bitch is fucking crazy bro.
I'll show you a carzy bitch!!
Jennifer punches Ralphy in the mouth and he drops to the ground.
DanO picks up Ralphy, throws him over his shoulder and starts walking inside. 
Who's the bitch now huh?
Jennifer starts punching Ralphy while DanO is carrying him. 
Yo chill Jenn for real.
Tu gets in-between them so DanO can get Rlaphy in the house.
Jenn relax!! You did your thing, now chill.
Fuck that shit.
Tu see's that DanO and Ralphy are in the house so, he goes inside and locks the door.
Tu that bitch is nuts kid.
Yea she is.
Tu heads for the kitchen
DanO puts Ralphy on a chair in the kitchen
Loud knocking at the door
As DanO heads to the door
Yo Tu, this bitch gonna make me knock her out.
Tu Laughs
DanO opens the door
Jenn what is your problem?
Jenn charges DanO
DanO scoops her up and places her on the grass, but she bumps her head and is PISSED
You just gonna throw me on the ground like that! Ok, I got something for your ass. 
Yea, whatever. Leave!
DanO motion her to leave
Jennifer leaves
DanO goes back inside
That bitch gone?
Good, she was fucking up my high. Here hit this.
Tu hands DanO a blunt.
You know it.
a few min later
A car screeches to a stop infront of the house.
DanO looks outside and see's Jennifer get out of a car with 2 guys (one is latino 24 small build the other is black 30 average build.
DanO grabs a golf-club out of a golf-bag from the living room and flings it over his shoulder and rushes outside.
What up dough!!!
He swings the club around as he approches the guys.
The 2 guys jump back in the car and leave Jennifer beind.
Fucking pussies!
As DanO walks back to the door, a patrol car rolls up. One officer (Black 34, Tall, Built) approaches the house as the other officer stands outside the cruiser (White 40, medium size).
Officer help. This guy assaulted me.
Officer looks at DanO and starts to approach
DanO standing half in the doorway toss's the golf-club near the golf-bag.
The officer walks up to DanO
Is this true? Did you assault this woman?
Yes, he did officer. He hit me and then threw me on the ground and I hurt my head.
Ma'am please stand over there and let me handle this.
Now sir, did you assault this woman?
Officer, with all due respect, look at me and look at her. If I hit her do you think she would be talking right now?
No, I didn't hit her. 
Ma'am please.
Ralpy walks to the door
What's going on?
Officer points at Ralphy
Hold on. Ma'am didn't I serve you a restraining order against this gentleman yesterday?
Yea, so.
Who's house is this.
Mine sir.
Ma'am I'm placing you under arrrest for failure to obey a judges order.
The officer places Jennifer under arrest and walks her to the squad car where the other officer has the door open. Then he walks back towards the house.
Do you mind if we step inside for a second I just have a couple questions then I'll have her out of your hair.
Yea, sure.
As they walk inside Tu comes out from the kitchen he has a plate in one hand and a piece of chicken in the other. He looks at the 3 men and motion the plate as to offer them some food. No one budges and he shrugs his shoulders and goes back to the kitchen.
int - Tu's apt - day
Tu and Josh are sitting in the living room counting money.
Yo.. I met up with DanO at the bar last night. Bro, we go back to his crib and fucking wacked out Ralphy and his chickare there. They outside screaming at each other then fucking this chick straight lays Ralphy out. Drops him, boom. Shit was fucking hillarious. She starts hitting him while DanO is trying to carry that motha fucker inside.
No shit!!
Yea, bro. I jump in and stop her from punching him so DanO can get him inside then i get my ass in there. She's pounding on the door. DanO goes out there. I roll up a fatty and then DanO comes back in. 
Yo those two ain't right in the head.
I know. Then as DanO hitting the blunt we hear a car roll up HARD!! So, he goes and checks out what happend. All I know is he looks outside grabs a golf-club then he darts outside screaming. 
Josh is laughing his ass off
Then I'm making some chicken cause you know I'm fucking hungry and shit. Ralphy gets his wobbling ass up from the chair and heads outside. I'm not even paying attention I'm in food mode now. I start eating and I swear I hear a cop so, I take the plate and head over towards the door and see DanO, Ralphy and a Cop standing inside the door. I motion offer them some chicken as I take a bite of some and then just go back to the kitchen.
Yo, that's fucking crazy bro.
I know.
Knock at the door. Tu opens the door
Got my money.
You doing house calls now. haha. J throw me a stack.
Josh throws a stack of money to Tu
Price phone rings.
Tu notices there's a photo of a girl on Prices phone as he answers.
Hold up shawty. 
Price holds the phone so the person can't hear. 
Price hands Tu a bag
4 days?
Same time?
Prices leaves and Tu closes the door.
Tu has a wierd look on his face
What's wrong?
The other night when I was at the bar I noticed one of the bartenders and she looked so familiar but I can't put my finger on it.
What about her?
She just called Price.
How you know she just called him?
I saw her photo when he flipped his phone open.
Where the fuck do I know her from?? Fuck!!!
What she look like?
White girl. Blonde.
Yea, (phew) that narrows it down.
Yea, I know. 
Roll a blunt.
I think I know who she is just gimmie a second.
Josh rolls a blunt.
Here, hit this.
Tu goes to grab the blunt.
Michelle!!!! That's who this bitch is. FUCK!!!!
What bro? Who the fuck is Michelle?
You know Gabriel, the one that went down to the burg 3 years ago for selling and the assault on the cop. He was set up by her. I ran into him down the berg and he told me what happened. I swear bro, it's her. I met her once before he then I went away. I didn't know who she was then. I wonder if Price know's or.....
Or what?
I don't know bro. Shits fishy.....
Yea, you think he knows? Maybe he's setting us up? How we gonna handle this?
I don't know. You got any ideas?
Josh is shocked
Oh shit, I finally can make a decision?
Wanna just set Price up, rob him and move on? We haven't done it in a few years and I'm kinda itchen....
Yea, me too. I like that. But lemme talk to Trom as sick as saying that make me.
I know. 
I'll call someone and have them follow him after he collects in 4 days. Find out where he lives and catch him there. 
Ight. Then me and you load up and rob his bitch ass.
int - Tu's apt - day
Tu pacing back and forth in his room looking at his guns and just thinking. Then grabs his stomach.
Tu is on the toilet taking a shit and calls Trom
Yo Trom. I wanna catch up wit ya. I know we ain't really on the same page and I wanna make things right........
Tu nodding his head 
Yea, I know that place. Can we meet tomorrow around 3?
Cool. Thanks man.
Tu hangs up the phone.
Tu calls Mickey 28, mixed races, fluffy hair, chubby. Lives in a run down apt.
Yo, Mickey what's good bro.
Tu, my boy. All good my man. What can I do for you.
I was about to walk out the door when you called. I'm headed over to Tony's funeral. Why, what's up?
Oh shit! That's today. I'll be home swing by when you leave that. I need to politic wichya.
Say no more. I got you.
Good look. Give his people my condolenses.
They hang up the phone.
hours later
INT. tu's apt. night - Devin 30, dirty looking tall, skinny
There's a knock on Tu's door
Who is it?
Voice from behind door
It's Mickey
Tu opens the door
How was the funeral?
Dude!!! Roll one up I got a story for you.
Tu rolls a blunt
So, all was good the funeral was beautiful. It was like a scene out of a Mafia movie. 
Probably was the Mafia.
You ain't lying. Anyway so, Tony laying there and you know Devin?
Yea, he's the fien who ran with Tony.
EXACTLY!! SO, he see's that Tony's being buried in his Presidential Rolex and decides that he should have it.
Oh boy!!! I can only imagine how this went.
We all outside now and the hearse is out back. Don't ask me how but this nigga gots a flat head and a crowbar and jumps in the hearse. I can't see what he's doing but all of a sudden the hearse is shaking like 2 teenagers fucking at the look outs. Then "BANG" this loud fucking noise and now people start walking over to the hearse. I guess he see's them and next thing I knew that mudda fucking hearse starts up tires screaching the back doors fling open he hits the road almost smashes into a car....
Tu passes the blunt to Mickey
Mickey takes the blunt and hits it
Yea, man. That ain't even the best part. As he swerves to avoid the car the casket flies out Tony's dead body hits the ground and then the hearse smacks into a cop car then hits a telephone pole and that shit feel right onto a house. BOOM.... 
Yea, bro but the best part, well for me anyway, Tony's watch fell almost right at my feet. 
Mickey pulls out the watch from his pocket
I scooped that shit up and slid right the fuck outta there. Don't worry I made a few stops on the way here. I wasn't followed.
Good!!! Yo, that's fucking incredible. That motherfucker Devin is one sick fuck bro. I never liked his bitch ass. I always knew he was a grimmy piece of shit.
So, what your's plans for the watch?
I thought who would appreiciate this better than my man TU?
Whoa, good looks, but I'm good bro. I don't want to be caught with that. But, I'll do you a solid. Bring it to me tomorrow morning. I'm going to see someone who may want this. How much you looking to get?
I figure it's worth atleast 10G's maybe 15. So, I'll take 8. 
Done. I'm sure my guy will take it.
Nice. Thanks bro. So, what's up you need to talk to me?
Yea, I have a proposition for you. I need you to team up with DanO and follow someone for me. I need to know where he lives and if and when is the best time to catch him alone at home. You do this for me and once I do what I gotta do I take good care of you.
Ok, how well you gonna take care of me.
I told DanO 5G's so same goes for you.
That's cool. 
Good. There's a guy coming here in 3 days around noon to see me. When he leaves I'll call DanO's phone and tell you guys who to look for. Just be close enough to see the door that leads to my apartment.
Ight, so, we'll be around by 11 just to be safe. 
BET!! And don't forget to bring me that watch tomorrow. And don't even tell anyone about anything we just talked about including the watch. Matter fact, just gimmie the watch. I'll hold it they ain't coming here.
And my 8G's 
Nigga please you know me better than that. You'll have it or the watch back tomorrow. I'm sure he'll take it though. 
I trust you Tu.
I know.
Ight I'm out. Thanks for the blunt too.
No doubt baby, 1.
Mickey leaves
Tu calls DanO
Yo D, Mickey is down. I told him 5 don't let him know you're getting 8G's. Ight.
I got you my dude. You fam...
Likewise. Peace
Tu hangs up the phone and sits back on the couch
INT - Diner - day
Tu and Jenaveve walk in and see Trom and head over
Sup youngin? Oh, parden me I got you a soda and told the waitress not to bother us I thought you rolling solo. 
I'm just here for moral support. I cool don't worry. I know what's going on Tu explained it to me. 
That's cool. I trust his judgement with you.
So, what's up Tu? I got a feeling this ain't personal. It's business. Right?
Yea, well, I got some questions too. Like how'd you and mom even meet? Like, how'd you get into the game?
We met while I was in college, yea I went to college. Played football. I ain't gonna sit here and tell you I was on the verge of making the pros and blew out my knee, but I did blow out my knee. Then I met your mom and she put me on to the game.
WOW! I can actually believe that.
See the guy we working for....
Tu looks around the diner
I think he's either about to get set up or maybe he working with the you know. 
I hear you. So, how you come think this. Word of mouth or you actaully seen it.
I seen the shit. This chick set my man's up a few years back and now I see her at a bar I goto and then see a picture of her in this guys phone. What you'd think?
I feel you. What you planning?
Going to take care of this dude, take his shit and move on.
You got a plan?
Got eyes working and then me and J gonna hadle it ourselves, quietly.
Skimasks and gloves huh?
Damn straight!
Just be safe. Look over every detail before hand. Don't slip up. I have a feeling you don't even know this dude that well?
Yup, I hustled him in pool he sucka punced me then offer me and J a job. The Fuck right? Josh figured he was shady from the begining. 
What'd you think from the begining?
Tu looks at Trom then turns to Jenaveve
Yea, what'd you think sweety?
Didn't really think about it, just kind of...
I don't know. Just wanted to get this money. I'm tierd of hitting up unlocked cars and hustling pool. Wanted something different.
I thought that's why you got me?
That's a great a great different but this is something else.
I understand. You're young and on your own..
No offense. 
None taken, it is what it is. What can I do? Shit's in the past, can't change that. Just gotta push foward. Shot for the moon, atleast if I miss I'll be amonst the stars.
I like that. You're smarter than you look you know. 
Nah, seriously you a smart mother fucker. Just don't make a foolish mistake. If you gonna do this. Do it right.Ight.
Anyways, you ight?
No, he's not ok.
So, ummm I'm sorry I don't your name.
It's Jenaveve
That fit's you perfectly.
So, you a ride or die huh?
You don't but I left my country to try to get away from this. Ironic huh? I've seen people like him where I'm from. He's strong just gotta shake some stuff off.
Yea, that's true.
But, I don't know. Shit kinda got out of hand quick. I don't know what's gonna happen after we do this. Got no connects. Nah mean Trom?
And there it is. That's why you called. Everything else was just chit chat bullshit. This is why you wanted to meet me. I don't know if you know that, but that's why you called me. You are your mothers son. 
Yea, I guess. 
You look down.
Let's get some food, get you feeling better and forget about what we were just talking about. Do what you gotta do and hit me. And then we'll go from there. Cool?
Yea, I like that. You buying lunch by the way.
Jenaveve Laughs
I figured that. I gotchu.
Trom motions over to the waitress to come over.
And real quick. Check this out.
Tu pulls out the watch and hands it to Trom
You want it?
How much?
My boy want's $12,000 but I told him I might not be able to get more than $10,000.
Ight. I'm sure you numbers are off and I respect that. So, I'll give you $11,000 and I'm sure about 2 of that or so is probably going in your pocket.
Tu just looks at Trom
INT. - TU'S APT - Night
Ight everything is in place. DanO and Mickey know what to do and Trom say's we'll talk once everything is done.
Good shit. You ready to do this?
No doubt. You?
I was ready when we met the mother fucker.
I figured.
INT.Dano's car Black Acura.Day 
So, DanO who the fuck we looking for?
Some Domincan dude
Phone rings
OK, I think I see him now, he's talking on his cell. 
Yup, that's him then.
Ight Tu we got this.
That's him?
int.Tu's apt.day
Ight, they on him.
So, how long you think it will take them to give us what we need?
I don't know. Shit, you them two way better than I do. 
True. You think it's a coincidence that Price triple the usually shipment he gives us?
Nope. I think we right about him.
Yea. I think it's time to move everything out of here. We can take it to my homegirls house. She's legit she won't mind. 
Who, Jenaveve?
Nah, that's my boo not my home girl. Krystal. You know her.
Ight, yeah she cool. You hittin that too?
Nah, we just cool it ain't even like that wit me and her. I'ma call her and tell her to be here in 2 hours. We can get everything in her car and then set it up at her place.
Tu calls Krystal (28, Dark skin, Tall, A few extra pounds)
Krys it's Tu. 
Tu, hey babe how are you?
Good. Listen I need a favor. Can you swing by my crib in like an hour or 2?
Yea, sure. everything ok?
I'll explain later.
Ok, no worries. 
90 min later
Krystal knocks on It's door
Tu opens the door
Int. Krytals's house. night
You sure you guys need to do this? 
Yea, it's gotta be done. We getting him before he get's us.
Ok, just be careful you two.
We good krys don't worry. Just make sure you don't stay to close when you drop us off. I'll show you where to wait then we get there.
They get dressed and are locked and loaded
EXT.price's building.night
Krys, you gonna drop us off here and then go around the corner and wait. If anyone see's you just pull of and and go around to the next corner. Don't worry we won't be but 10 minutes.
Ok, be safe guys. 
Don't worry we got this.
Int.Prices Apt.night
Tu and Josh run into the apartment building, fully covered from head to toe both have duffle bags over their shoulders, they run up one flight of stairs. Once at the door they kick it open and run in guns drawwn.
Wakes up 
What the fuc.....
Tu hit's him in the mouth with the back of a shotgun amd it's lights out for Price.
Tu and Josh rummage through the apartment and put drugs, guns jewlery and money into their bags and then hightale it out of there.
They run out the building and around the corner and jump into Krystal's car.
INT.Krystal's apt.night
They dumb everything onto a table in Krystal's living room.
Damn yo. We got this nigga good.
Yea, bro we did.
What are you guys going to do with all of this. 
Is that Coke?
Yea, I guess it is. Who we going to unload this off too.
Hold on.
Tu is on the phone.
What's up. 
Yea, it's done.
Nah, need to see you now. 
Ok, we headed that way need like 90 min.
Krys, anyone coming home anytime soon?
No, I got this all to myself for atleast another 6 months.
Josh pack up the coke.
We gotta go see Trom.
They all head out of the apt.
couple hours later
Tu is on the phone
We down the block.
He'll be outside.
INT.Troms house.dawn
Yo Tu, everything good?
Yea, we good. Just don't want to be around town for a minute. And we got this.
Tu gives Trom a duffle bag
DAMN!!! Nice score.
Yea, but I ain't got no use for it. I don't know enough people who do Coke to unload it fast enough. I ain't trying to sit on that.
Ight I'll work out a deal with you for this. Where you guys headed.
Well I know some people up in the country by my aunts house. So, I figure I'd head up there. I got a couple dudes by me that can take over my area opersations while we head upstate to see what's up.
Josh what ypu think about his.
Works for me.
Ight, I got a connect up there. Once you get there let me know and I'll have him get in touch with you.
Krys, do me a solid. get some rest then go pick up my girl and get some of my things from my apartment. Jenaveve knows where I'll be in NY. Take her there for me. Here, take this for your troubles.
Tu hands Krystal $5,000
No problem Tu, I got you. You need this ASAP or can me and her take our time?
Jenaveve will figure it out. She's alot smarter than I thought when it comes to this shit.
Ok, cool. I'm gonna go get a few hours sleeep.
Trom takes Krystal to a room so she can rest.
Yo, we still have all that shit at Krys's house. Did you forget that?
Nah, I'm about to call DanO and have him meet up with Krystal and Jenaveve. He won't mind taking over. Trust me.
Ight that's cool. He good people and knows who we know. Good call.
Tu calls DanO
Yo, D it's Tu
What up my dude?
Listen I need you later today to meet up with Krystal and my girl and you gonna basically be me in town. Understand?
I hear you. 
Good. Keep in touch.
Tu hangs up the phone.
Ight D is on board.
So, how you gettin to NY? 
I was hoping you could help with that.
I ain't driving you if that's what you had in mind. Tu you got your license?
Yea, I got one. Why?
Ok, let's see what have here.
Trom takes the Coke out of the bag
We got 3 keys so I'll give you $8,000 per key and a car. Deal?
Works for me.
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
super smash bros. brawl wii
super smash bros. brawl wii
Super Smash Bros. Brawl cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
Easter Eggs
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Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Wii cheats we have available for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Genre: Fighting, 3D Fighting Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: February 10, 2008
Easy Way To Unlock People
First go to Special Brawl Put stamia. Then, put your stamia up to 300 and the peson your against put it to 1 or 10 and always pick fox so when you brawl you just need to shot them but this will take a while before you unlock somebody.
Easier Zero Suit Samus
Instead of waiting for the Super Smash ball to come into play, simply press the – button at the same time you press the + button for the same effect right after you choose samus.
Permanent Giant Jigglypuff
Hey out there, all you Jigglypuff lovers. I have a hint for you. Do you like Jigglypuff’s final smash? I can make it permanent. Ok, when you are at the bridge of Eldin, get the smash ball before fatso on the pig comes to blow up the part of the bridge. Then when he blows it up, wait for it to regenerate. This requires perfect timing, but when you have the smash ball, and the bridge is comng back,jump to the enpty space and activate it when the part is coming back to make jigglypuff grow, the she will get hurt and the effects will be permanent unless she is killed. But there are two little drawbacks. First off, she will hardly be able to move quickly, cutting her speed. And, don’t use pound or the forward smash attack, otherwise, she will go beyond the boundry and die. well, hope you liked it!
Easy Way To Unlock All Characters
On the main menu click Group then click Rules andselect stock of lives as one then go back andclick Special Brawl and make it so that Staminaand Flower modes are on. Then choose yourcharacter and make its health any number over one. Then make the computer’s health one. Then playthe battle. After it starts the computer loses ina second or less and if you keep playing thebattles like that over and over every so oftenyou’ll be challenged by a new opponent. Win andhe or she or it is unlocked to play as, if youlose just play another easy battle and you’ll bechallenged again. Play for about 500 totalbattles and all bonus characters should challengeyou by then.
How To Get Easy Bannana And Queodon Trophy
First go to training an select kirby the enemy can be random then choose the temple from melee stages pin the foe against the pillar it was near at the begining and use kirby multiple punch go to 10 or 400 (you can also get Queodon trophy).
How To Beat Muti-man Brawl
Choose DK as your charecter and when you get to the muti-man brawls press Down Band Dk should start slapping the ground and they will die easily.
Double Gunner
To attack with double guns, first go to the options and go to the Item Switch. Select only Ray Gun, Super Scope, Cracker Launcher, Crate, and put the Item rate to VERY HIGH. Then select Ice Climbers as your character. Choose a flat stage with no or small inclines, such as Pictochat. As soon as the battle starts, grab two guns. Press the A button rapidly. Nana and Popo will both have guns, and will start firing both of them.
Easier Way To Beat Any Multi-man Brawl Except Cruel Brawl
To defeat any multi-man brawl (except cruel brawl) choose lucario as your character and go to the right edge and hold up+A and he should start kicking. The thing is that when Lucario starts kicking he kicks foward and backward and above him so he will hit anybody who comes in contact. One more thing: be careful not to hit a bomb that comes out of nowhere. They sometimes appear right next to you.
Cool Battle Arena
Go to Vault on the Main Menu and then click on Stage Builder. When yo create the stage go down to the bottom to features and use the light blue block (It may be a different color depending on what background you choose but it is definitely not the brown with an arrow on it.) Place these blocks in square shape (make it as big as you want)but leave out a hole that is as big as two of the blocks that you have used (You can just make a full square and then delete the 2 middle ones.)That is how to build it but it is not any fun without doing Special Brawl and turning 300% on and increasing the damage ratio to 2.0 in the options. Doing that will make the Brawlers/Fighters bounce like crazy inside the box/square and the only way they can die is going through the hole that you made at the top!
Floating Hammer
When you get the golden hammer you will be able to float of the stage by repeatably pressing A. But if the hammer does not destroy anybody in your path then do not attempt it. Its best to try this at training mode first.
Character To Beat Tabbu With
An easy way to beat Tabbu is surprisingly withpokemon trainer. Any careful player will only getknocked off when Tabbu does his shockwave. Withpokemon trainer make the pokemon trainer call thepokemon into the ball. You have to time itextremely carefully though. When the 3 shockwavespass the pokemon that emerges will be unharmed.This can possibly work for some other of Tabbusattacks as well.
What Those Hammers Are For.
If you’ve ever been to the challenges page in the vault and you see something that looks like a hammer in some of the boxes, then you are looking the only thing in the game where you can get trophies or anything in the challenges area without having to do in order to get them. If you get a hammer, then you go to a box that looks impossible to open with your skills, then you scroll down until you highlight a hammer, press A and go to the impossible box and press A again. When the window comes up, make sure you picked the right one and hit OK. Congrats! You’ve just learned a secret that saves an enormous amount of time.
Giga Jigglypuff
Go to Bridge of Edin choose Jigglypuff and Yoshi. Then use Jigglypuff’s FinalSmash when the bridge is coming back together and she will be HUGE. Then use Yoshi’s B over and over she will get BIGGER and BIGGER til’ she’s to big for the stage and dies.
Snake,Fox,Falco,and Wolf Calling Tricks.
With the following characters in the tittle you can make them call other characters in the game. The player has to rapidly press Down Taunt on the correct stage for that character. But bevcarefull if they get hit during this sequence they can’t do it again. I’m going to list what stage and character is required. (Easiest with Nunchuck, Classic, and Nintendo game cube controller) Snake-Shadow Moses Island, the following characters he will call. Conel, Ottocon, Mei Ling, and you wont believe this! SLIPPY from Starfox. If snake dies during the sequence something intresting will happen. Fox, Falco-Lylat Cruise, and CorneriaWolf-Lylat Cruise only!
Invisible Item
In training mode be captain falcon bring in a final smash break it and use it on your opponent before it ends rapidly bring in sand bags until the Special Attack ends you shouldn’t see anyitems, (unless you had some out already) now start attacking with any ground close up attackyou will now see the streamers but not the sand bag (and I think it works with box’s and barrels too).
Block Links Final Smash
A simple way to block Links final smash is to get a bomb o bomb then keep it in your hand and then let him hit you this might not work but it worked for me 5 times!
Funny Picture Trick
First make a custom stage with the nature background. It needs a long platform. Then go to brawl and pick toon link and fox. On that stage make fox run across the platform and make toon link jump high above him. With Toon Link use his down and A. Pause the game as soon as toon link hits fox. If you timed it right then you should have gotten a photo of a sword going through foxes head and he looks surprised. And toon links face looks really angry.
Final Smash (Sonic)
This is so simple. All you have to do is get the smash ball, and Sonic turns right into the invincible Super Sonic!
How To Unlock Areas
The main way to unlock areas is to use a certain character or battle in a certain place a certain amount of times. for example to unlock the melee stage Big Blue you need to battle on port smith areo drive 15 to 25 times, or to unlock luigi’s mansion you have to use luigi 3 times, or to unlock 75k. (kilometers) you use donkey kong 25 to 35 times. Most of the time you will have to use character/or area for quite a while. some areas you unlock just by by unlocking a character such as unlocking pirate ship, to do this you unlock toon link. you can check how to unlock areas on the challenges page in the vault (the ones you haven’t unlocked are red).
How To Get Alot Of Trophies And Stickers
The easiest way to get a lot of trophies and stickers is to first get a lot of coins as in over 1000 of them. Then go to vault. Got to trophies and stickers. And in there is the coin launcher. When a set of little targets comes out you need to shoot all of set to get points, this is also how you get stickers. The points are used to give you the “BLAS AWAY”. When this comes three trophies will come out. Trophies will come out on there own. To collect them you need to shoot them a couple times. When you are done you just press the + button. On that screen you press quit. Don’t forget each shot uses a coin.
How To Get Extremely Rare Trophies.
While in the subspace emissary you will sometimes find a trophy stand, if you pick this up you can throw it at one of the regular monsters, this will instantly kill them and they will turn into trophies, you can then take the trophy. This is the only way to get certain rare trophies.
How To Beat Meta Ridley
The easiest way I found to beat Meta Ridley is to go right on the back end of captain falcons ship and hit him when he comes near, be careful this strategy can backfire since you are constantly pushed back by the wind. When mtea ridley flies up into the air suddenly the you must get as high off the ship as possible, trust me you don’t want to be on there when he comes down. When meta ridley pules the ship down you hit him quick, if you don’t you take a lot of damage. Characters skilled at ranged attacks will probably do well. I suggest having a friend to help you out.
Beating 100 Brawl Easier.
An easier way to defeat 100 Brawl is by using the following characters and moves: 1. Lucario: Up+A – Lucario starts to kick on top, in front, and behind him damaging his opponents. 2. Kirby: Jump+Down B – Jump in the air and turn Kirby into a rock. This will blast away your enemies. 3. Donkey Kong: Down+B – Donkey Kong starts to pound the ground hurting his enemies near him. 4. Mario: Up+B – Mario uses his recovery move the Super Jump Punch blasting any enemy he hits. 5. Pikachu: Down smash attack – Pikachu spins around while using an electric attack. He blasts away any enemy that comes in contact.
Final Smashes For The Best Characters
Mario: Maria Finalle, try to get to the center platform on the stage and face your enemies, and use your Beastly Fireworks. Zelda: Light Arrow, just grab the target, throw them forward, and when they get up, SHOOT THE ARROW RIGHT AWAY so the target can’t avoid it! Lucario: Aura Blast, Throw a smart bomb at the targets so they can’t dodge your blast and, like Zelda, USE THE BLAST RIGHT AWAY FOR MAX DAMAGE!
Awesome Place To Fight
To build this awesome place to fight, first youmake a really, really big U shape with those bluesquares in the bottom category features. Then youput a bunch of those falling red blocks along thewhere the top of the square is. If you make thisright, you make all players inside the square andwhen the red things appear back up all the playersare trapped inside the big square. If you everwant the match to end you might as well make it atimed match when you brawl on it. If youdon’t want everyone to continuously die make afloor of any kind a couple spaces under the trap.
Defeat Subspace Emissionary in Subspace
When you get into subspace look at you’re map and there is flashing little dots on you’re map when you kill enough of the shadow players and then there is bigger flashing dots when you see a unexplored door and once you kill all of the shadow players then you vs tabuu. He’s not that hard if you’re good with sonic if you have unlocked him already or sumer or people with fast jump up attacks.
Easy All Fighters
Instead of playing 500 brawls to get all the fighters. Just go to solo and choose sub-space and beat it. Every time you get a fighter to join your team that you haven’t unlocked and you save and quit you will get that fighter without even fighting them but it takes a while so be calm.
Dodge Tabuu’s Shock Wave
All you have to do is the side dodge. If you are careful, you can beat it.
Easy Meteor Smash
Use captain falcons side-b special in mid-air on some one.
Easy Home Run Contest
Go to the Home Run Contest. Choose the character Ike. when you start the contest move as close to the sandbag as possible without going through it or hit to the opposite side of the field. Then hold down A, until Ike automatically swings his sword and a ”explosion” occurs and the sandbag will go flying.
Change Color Of Character
If you want to change the color of your characterjust press be on your Wii remote or press thecharacter.
Ike’s Sword In Mid Air
First play multilayer brawl. One person pick Ike the other picks anyone. set items to have only smart bombs. Use Ike’s up special (Either) when ike’s sword is in mid air when his about to jump up and grab it have the second player throw a smart bomb at Ike. If done correctly Ike’s sword will stay in mid air for a few seconds while the smart bomb goes off.
Allies In Basic Brawl Wi-fi
In the beginning of the brawl, taunt a few times. If they taunt, go over to them and taunt with them.If they taunt, they will not hurt you and they will team up with you.
Throw Electrode
Once in a while if you open a pokeball and electrode comes out sometimes he sparks and give out. If and when he does, pick him up and throw him at your opponent.
Cruel Brawl And 15 Minute Brawl In Multiman Brawl
An easy way to kill 10 enemies in Cruel Brawl is to use Pit and fly under the Platform. Do NOT touch the floor on top. Always cling to the edge and then let go. And fly to the other side. And as you do this for about 5 to 7 minutes, slowly, a man will fall off and A KO will be recorded.With The 15minute Brawl u have to fly under the platform for 15 minutes. Its really boring but thats the only way to do it.
Easy 5000 Coins
Build a stage with spikes at the bottom, then play with a friend and just sit on the spikes and collect coins. Set the time for about 20 minutes.
Homerun Contest
The way you get a far distance in the contest is to beat up the sandbag with any character. Once it starts to count down grab the bat. Move the analog stick on the nunchuck and press A. Make sure you’re not to far away from the sandbag and not to close to it.
Easy Way To Get The Ouendan Trophy
Go to training and select Kirby (your opponent doesn’t matter) select the temple under Melee stages pause the game and put opponent (should be on stop) on control then turn help on. then after you’ve done this pin your opponent against the pillar they started beside then hold A until the “consecutive hits” meter hits 400 then KO your opponent and quit training mode
Easy Characters
To get almost all of the characters very easy justplay the subspace emissary and whenever you see anew playable character that character will beunlocked.
Alloy Similarities
The Alloys have move similarities. Red is Captain Falcon. Blue is Zelda. Yellow is Mario. And green is Kirby.
Final Smash Trophies
To get the Final Smash trophies, simply complete All-Star mode on any difficulty with the character you want the trophy for. And believe me, they’re cool!
Subspace Emissary
It makes little to no difference who you beat the final battle of Subspace Emissary with. But that’s not why I wrote this. If you beat Subspace Emissary, you will unlock almost every character. Only for a few characters do you have to unlock by completing special requirements.
Another Co-op Home-run Contest
Other than the one mentioned above, there is another way that I do Co-op Home-run Contest. Me and my friend got 2 Foxes and used the blaster on Sandbag for around seven or eight seconds. Trust me, it WORKS.
Beat Tabuu Easily!
On the last level of subspace, you will have to fight the almighty Tabuu. An easy way to beat him is to pick the characters Sonic and Samus. Also pick a few others like people with strong jump attacks.
Co-op Home-run Contest
Get two people and chose sonic and yoshi. Rightwhen it starts sonic runs over there and does upA(on the game cube controller)(the up spin attack)while yoshi runs and gets the bat. Then beforesonic finishes his move. Yoshi needs to use thebicycle kick down on it(which is down A on thegame cube controller). Do this over and over andit will do massive damage. Me and my friend got135% before we even hit it with the bat. Hope thishelps and give me any feed back if you need helpwith it.
Pokemon Trainer Switch
Whenever you use the pokemon trainers pokemon, you will start off with Squirtle, Ivysaur, or Charzard. To alternate these pokemon, simply press down-B.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Super Smash Bros. Brawl yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Unlock Wolf Easy
To unlock wolf play 450 brawl matches or go tosolo then go to stadium then go to boss battlesand complete it with Fox and Falco.
Unlock Snake
To unlock Snake, you can play 15 brawls on Shadow Moses Island and beat him, or you can get him in the Subspace Emissary or play 130 brawls.
Unlock All Characters
This is very easy. If you beat Subspace Emissary you will unlock all the characters. Wait not all of them. After you complete SE go back to the Swamp and Ruins to unlock two more characters. Good luck!!!
To get the stage 75m play as Donkey Kong in brawls 25 times.
Character: Wolf
In the Level “The Ruins” go through the level until your going down a lift and there is crystals on the walls. when you see the first door DO NOT GO IN THE DOOR. continue down the lift and (even if it disappears) go to the very bottom. there will be a door and wolf will be waiting inside.
Virtual Console Super Mario World
Play on Yoshi’s Inlands stage 3 times.
In the stage Iseki (Ruins) Skip the first door you pass when being lowered into the pit. Instead enter the second door at the bottom or 450 vs matches.
Unlock Luigi
On Easy difficulty setting complete Classic mode.
Beat story with Pikachu and get over 60,000 points.
Unlock Toon Link
All you have to do is do classic on hard with 3 lives or you can do normal mode with 2 lives.
Getting Ganondorf
Play 200 versus matches.
Unlock Jigglypuff
After beating Tabuu and clearing the SubspaceEmissary, go back to “The Swamp”. After beatingthe giant Diddy Kong, head right until youdiscover a door right after jumping into thebarrel launcher to battle Jigglypuff. If you beather then she becomes playable.
Unlock Wolf
After beating Tabuu and clearing the SubspaceEmissary, go back to “The Ruins”. During the partwhen you are on a elevator and crystals pop out ofthe walls, near the bottom you will discover afloating door. Enter it to battle Wolf. If youbeat him, then he becomes playable.
Unlock Toon Link
After beating Tabuu and clearing the SubspaceEmissary, go back to “The Forest” and enter thevery first hovering door to battle Toon Link. Ifyou beat him, then he becomes playable.
Unlock More Custom Stage Parts
Alright, hers how you unlock custom stage parts:To unlock the first set of stage parts, play onfive custom made courses. Part two, make 5 morecustom stages and play on them. Final part,createa total of 15 custom stages. Parts include aferris wheel thingy, spikes, ladders, and eventrampolines!
All Characters
To get all characters just beat the story mode. You will get most characters but about 4 will not be in the original story. When you beat the game go back to the marsh to get Toone link. The other you will have to find yourself.
Everyone From SSE
Beat Tabuu on any level, go back to The Swamp, The Forest, and The Ruins.
Three Ways To Get Snake Trophy
Beat classic mode with snake. Hit snake trophy in coin launcher. Get brawl coin and throw it at snake in SSE.
Crazy Hand Trophy
Beat classic on intense!
Master Hand Trophy
Beat classic with 20 characters.
Get The Red Alloy Trophy
To get this trophy defeat 5 alloys in cruel brawl.
Get The Blue Alloy Trophy
To get this trophy complete 100-man brawl with all characters.
Get The Yellow Alloy Throphy
To get this trophy defeat 100 alloys in endless brawl.
Get The Green Alloy Trophy
To get this trophy endure a 15-minute brawl.
Get The Phyllis Stickers
To get these stickers complete All-Star mode on normal.
Get The Running Chibi-Robo Stickers
To get these stickers complete classic mode on easy.
Get The Boo Stickers
To get these stickers hit 900ft. in home-run contests.
Get The Liquid Snake Stickers
To get these stickers defeat 10 alloys in Cruel Brawl.
Get The Ryuta Ippongi Stickers
To get these stickers Clear 100-man brawl in under 3 minutes, 30 seconds.
Get The Big Blue Melee Stage
To get this stage play as Captain Falcon 10 times in brawls.
Get The Clu Clu Land Song
To get this song hit 1,200ft. in home-run contests.
Get The Cardboard Box Trophy
To get this trophy complete target smash level 4 in 32 seconds.
Get The Palutena’s Bow Trophy
To get this trophy complete target smash level 1 in 15 seconds.
Jigglypuff In Space Emissary Mode
To unlock Jigglypuff in Space Emissary Mode, play through the level ” The Swamp.” After the fight with the giant false Diddy Kong, continue moving forward until you see a door floating above a platform after you’ve been launched from a cannon. Swim back to it (jump so you don’t drown) and enter the door. A cutscene will show Jigglypuff then you get to fight it. Beat Jigglypuff to have it in Space Emissary Mode.
To get the Mewtwo trophy beat all-star mode on intense.
Event #41
To get #41 just complete the other 40 events on any difficulty.
Luigi’s Mansion
To get the stage Luigi’s Mansion battle as Luigi 3 times in brawl mode.
Unlocking Wolf
Beat Boss mode with either Fox or Falco.
R.O.B. (Robot)
Get 250 trophies to play as R.O.B.
Assist Trophy: Isaac
Play a total of 200 matches in Brawl or related modes.
Assist Trophy: Custom Robo
Play a total of 100 matches in Brawl or related modes.
Assist Trophy: Gray Fox
Unlock Snake.
Assist Trophy: Shadow The Hedge Hog
Unlock sonic.
Assist Trophy: Barbara
Acquire 25 hidden songs.
Assist Trophy: Infantry And Tanks (Advanced Wars)
Play a total of 300 matches in Brawl or related modes.
Pokemon Stadium (Melee)
Play on Pokemon Stadium 2 10 times.
Green Greens (Melee)
Play as Kirby in 20 Brawls.
Jungle Japes (Melee)
Play 10 brawls on Melee stages.
Character: Toon Link
On the 8th mission in the subspace emersarry “the forest”, Go through the first door you see. There will be a opening for Toon Link on his Stage. Fight and beat toon link to unlock him.
Classic Stage Big Blue
Play as captain falcon 10 times
Flat Zone 2
Unlock Mr. Game and Watch.
3D Hot Rally Title
Complete target level 5.
Virtual Console Legend Of Zelda
Play as toon link 10 times.
Virtual Console F-zero
Complete subspace.
Virtual Console Donkey Kong
Play the game for ten hours.
Spear Pillar
Complete Event 25: The Aura Is With Me
Sky Pillar
Complete Event 25: The Aura Is With Me
Edit Parts A
Play ten times or more on stages you built in Stage Builder.
Edit Parts B
Build five or more stages in Stage Builder.
Edit Parts C
Build 15 or more stages in Stage Builder.
Green Hill Zone
Appears after you unlock Sonic.
Mario Bros. Stage
Complete Event 19: Wario Bros.
R.O.B. (Robot)
Play 160 vs. matches.
Beat classic mode with Ike or 10 vs matches.
Play 22 vs matches.
Defeat in SSE (Subspace emissary) with Metaknight or complete 5 target tests with any character or 100 vs. matches.
Complete classic mode with any character other than Ike or complete event 20 or 350 vs matches.
Clear classic on hard with link or Zelda or play 200 vs. matches.
Beat 100-man Brawl or play 50 vs. matches.
Play 10 matches on Shadow moses island or 130 vs matches.
Boss Battle Mode
Defeat Subspace emissary with any character.
All Star Mode
Unlock all the hidden characters.
Unlock Captain Falcon
In under 20 minutes beat Classic mode and then defeat Captain Falcon in the following match.
Unlock Snake
play 10 matches on Shadow Moses Island.
Toon Link
Finish classic mode with link or 400 vs. matches.
Complete the Subspace Emissary or 300 vs. matches.
Mr. Game & Watch
Beat classic mode with every character or 250 vs matches.
Play five matches in Brawl and reflect 10 projectiles. Get Ness to join your party in The Subspace Emissary.
Get The Kapp’n Trophy
Get a total of 300 feet or more swim distance as all the characters and go to the Challenges screen. Go to the open window and take out the trophy. It should be the Kapp’n trophy. If not, look for another open window with a trophy in it.
Unlock The Stafy Trophy
To get the Stafy Trophy, you just beat the Target Smash with 10 different characters on level 1 and go to the Challenges screen. Go to the open window and take out the trophy. The trophy is the Stafy Trophy.
Unlock Song Frozen Hillside
To unlock the song Frozen Hillside, battle on the Halberd stage 10 times and go to the Challenges screen. Take out the CD from the open window and you have Frozen Hillside.
Zero Suit Samus
To unlock zero suit samus, you must get the smash ball with regular samus and do her zero laser final smash.
Pokemon Trainer
Beat classic on easy to get Pokemon trainer.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Super Smash Bros. Brawl yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Giant Zelda/Sheik Glitch
I Have Found a Staying Giant Glitch for not only Jigglypuff But for Zelda/Sheik (funny because there both Girls) The Glitch Is when you are a different character than Zelda but 2play needed for Zelda/Sheik. You need a item called the Lightning Bolt Which Shrinks other players. Use it on Zelda But the one that haywires and makes Her Big (twice as effective than Super Mushroom) Then Play Zelda and Transform into Sheik then Back to Zelda and There is the Glitch. Honestly When I first did this, i thought it was HACKED!
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