#the mpreg!buck fic
snarkythewoecrow · 6 months
wip wednesday
a little snippet of the buddie, buck!mpreg, a/b/o, strangers-having-a-one-night-stand to enemies to roommates to lovers/pack/happy family fic with angsty misunderstandings and plenty of hurt/comfort that i've been quietly working on
(this is a little bit of them seeing each other for the first time and realizing just who the other one is--Eddie being the one hired to fill in for the stations omega on pregnancy leave and Buck being at home, answering the door and trying not to be annoyed that Bobby sent his replacement to come check on him)
*please don't judge my typos*
The side table rattled as the corner dug his thigh as he stumbled, his hand shooting out to steady the vase and flowers Hen and Karen had sent.
“Oh fuck no!” he shouted, waggling a finger at Eddie, the fucking knothead that hadn’t used a condom, that had gotten him into this mess. “Come one step closer and I’m calling the cops—or better yet, I’ll call Athena!”
Call it pregnancy brain, but it wasn’t until that moment that he truly clicked that the alpha had somehow found a way into his place during his panic. “What the fuck—where did you get a key?”
The room's cloying stench of carefully manicured, manufactured calm coated his throat, making it strangely sweet, obviously this guy had attended the alpha training on handling distressed omegas.
Cute trick, fuckhead. Not gonna work, he thought, as his ribs rattled.
The dick bit his lip, dragging it crookedly under his teeth, observing, nose twitching, then dropping his gaze to where Buck had a hand pressed to his belly. The knothead’s eyes went wide as his nostrils flared, sucking in another breath.
Buck bristled at being scented, knowing what the alpha had confirmed with his nose. An omegas scent always changed minutely during pregnancy, taking on a hint of their alpha’s scent, making it hard to deny who had sired the pup.
He was not about to let this guy stake any kind of claim.
“Uh-uh, nope—don’t even—you don’t get to look at me like that.” And if he bared his barely-there omega fangs, nearly snarling, well, it felt like a more appropriate time than some of the others in his past. “You do not have a claim on my pup—my pup—not yours. Eyes up here, knothead.”
And it was at that, the alpha at least had the decency to look apologetic, having been caught staring, like that dick had any reason to be surprised this could have happened. Lying about using a condom—knotting him like that—not even mentioning the fact he was just a rude, selfish fuck for pulling out before it went down.
Yeah, this dude had no right looking so fucking shocked, and definitely no right looking so fucking concerned and remorseful.
Fuck him.
“I didn’t…” the alpha, Eddie, not that Buck cared enough to use his name, started, then trailed off, which had Buck growling in warning, even as he struggled not to pass out.
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 months
Fuck it Friday
I have a goal to end I want to dance with you tonight (and for the rest of my life) till Saturday and post so more from it
“Make love to me, Tommy.”
The prettiest smile on Tommy’s face, makes Buck smile too. Careful hands grab his hips again tonight, with less hot burning lust, yet not less passion and with way more tenderness, almost not touching his naked skin above the pants, not trying to claim his skin, but trying to make him feel the desire and care from Tommy, which Buck knows boils in man’s blood. He feels it all too. Both his and Tommy’s. He hopes the man feels his too.
The hands move to his thighs, nudging him to let Tommy pull him up, moving Buck's legs so that they are around his waist. Tommy strokes his legs gently and Buck is covered in goosebumps at how good it feels even when there is a thin layer of sweatpants between Tommy's big and warm hands and his skin. 
They kiss all the way to Tommy’s bedroom, and Buck is really happy it’s not a big house, with a bedroom close to the living room, without any stairs they need to get over to make it to bed. 
and if you want some angst for my new bucktommy mpreg fic I started today, go under cut(the scene is godfather Eddie and baby Sky, but bucktommy mentioned and implied) (@houseofevanbuckley you was interesting so tagging you)
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s your godfather Eddie,” Eddie smiles, looking into the baby blue eyes. He knows they will get only darker and brighter like her daddies’. He is just interested if her eyes will be like Buck’s electric blue, or Tommy’s intense steel blue. Buck once read a long lecture about how he and his boyfriends had different blue eyes and his daughter better take as much from him as she could because he's the one pregnant and he would ground her if she’s Tommy’s mini copy. 
Eddie chuckles from the thought, with wet eyes, “he was joking, by the way, sweetheart. Your daddy will never make you do anything you don’t want to. And will never punish you for something that just can't be your fault. He loves you anyway. The way you are. And no matter what your eyes’ color is gonna be anyway it will be perfect like you already are. Perfect little princess .” 
He strokes little round cheek, leaving a light kiss there, trying hard not to cry. He should be stronger for his friends, for Tommy, for Sky, for Buck. He should be the rock of the family right now. Because Tommy, Sky and Buck need him. Buck was protector of him and Chris for a lot of time, it’s Eddie’s time to be protector of Buck’s family. Be the best godfather ever possible. 
“I know we should have met not like that,” Eddie whispers through a lump in the throat, “your daddy and papa should have introduced you to me officially, letting me hold you after they will take you together from the hospital. But, unfortunately, your daddy's dumb luck struck again, but,” Eddie lets the most beautiful baby girl clutch his finger in a firm grip. He grins at this, kissing her hand like a true princess, “your daddy is a fighter. The strongest man I know. He will fight to get back to you and your papa. And till then I will be here to make sure your papa takes care of himself. Because I know he will take the best care of you. But not himself.”
tagged by @tizniz @diazsdimples @bi-buckrights 💙
Tagging @wikiangela @watchyourbuck @rainbow-nerdss @rogerzsteven @elvensorceress @ebdaydreamer @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbi-ckley @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @underwaterninja13 @pirrusstuff @aspecbuddie @saybiwithme @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @devirnis @dangerpronebuddie @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 @cal-daisies-and-briars @bibuckbuckley @bigfootsmom @bewilderedbuckley @bekkachaos @neverevan @monsterrae1 and anyone who wants to
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wildlife4life · 11 months
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Oreo Towers will Tumble
Buddie M 7K
Drew Heyward has been a floater at the 118 for a few shifts and ends up as man behind one afternoon. During this time he finds a surprise visitor, Eddie Diaz, one of the handful of omega first responders and the person Drew has been covering for. Turns out, Eddie is Buck's mate, very pregnant and bored after weeks of bedrest. They talk, panic attacks occur, and oreo tower bets are made, creating a new friendship.
“Well until I was put on stupid bed rest a few months ago, this was my place of work.” The omega answered, annoyance lacing his tone. Immediately Drew caught on who their guest is. “Holy shit your Eddie Diaz.” “Technically Buckley-Diaz, but yep that’s me. And you are?” Drew didn’t answer at first, because he was…well he was somewhat starstruck.  Eddie Diaz is one of a handful of omega first responders in the state of California and he was badass.  Pulled a live grenade from a man’s leg, climbed a tilted hotel and a submerged Ferris wheel, and survived the sniper attack back in May. His saves were legendary, and he broke through all the glass ceilings held above omegas.  “Um…” Diaz squinted a bit, eyes on the beta’s chest, “Firefighter Heyward, you good there?” “Holy shit I didn’t know I was covering for you! Oh my god! And did you say Buckley-Diaz? Buckley? As in Buck? He’s your mate?” Drew finally caught the underlying scent of ocean salt and smokey cedar of his fellow fireman mingled with Diaz’s spiced chocolate. “Holy shit!”
Its here! May not be the a/b/o fic ya'll are expecting, but this one is complete and posted! This fic was literally inspired by a pack of Oreos and the random ass image of Eddie stacking them on his pregnant belly. I hope you all enjoy!
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sortofanobsession · 3 months
One More Diaz (911 Buddie A/B/Ω AU WIP) Part 1
Author's Note: This WIP I started in January has grown into a monster! I had to break it up for editing purposes and posting. So this is part 1. Part 2 has a bit of work still that needs to be done, but I promised to get more of it posted and it has both preview parts in it, so I just decided to post it as a large chunk.
Tag Requests and Prompts are open.
Content warning: Male Alpha/ Male Omega pairing, mpreg, angst, vomiting, morning sickness.
Alpha Buck/Omega Eddie
Word Count: 4k+ (would be longer but posts have character limits I never realized)
Part 2
Eddie is panicking. His life was just getting back on track. He was finally back in a good place. He had his job. His relationship with his parents was okay. Christopher was thriving. And after nearly having to sit there and do nothing after Buck was struck by lightning. Eddie had finally made a move on the alpha. They had been together ever since. 
The emotional aftermath of that had led to a mind-blowing three day heat for the omega. Eddie had thought they had taken the necessary precautions. But precautions sometimes fail. They failed spectacularly based on the three tests that sat on the bathroom counter. Eddie had been feeling increasingly run down and nauseous. He had hoped it was something he'd caught on a call or maybe at Christopher’s school. But nope. The only thing he caught was himself on his alpha dick while heat sick and cock stupid. And damn was he stupid. He and Buck hadn't been together all that long. They had barely discussed how to handle work and a relationship. And Christopher. What would Christopher think? Eddie shook his head and shoved all the tests to the back of a drawer. He couldn't lose it now. He didn't have time to cry. He had a shift to get ready for. 
The omega gets butterflies as he walks into the firehouse and is met with the gorgeous blue eyes and thousand watt smile of his alpha. The father of his unborn pup. And that thought has Eddie's stomach twist and bile rising in his throat. He fights it back but it must show on his face because Buck’s smile is gone. The worried alpha now headed towards the locker room, knowing that was Eddie's first stop. 
The omega tries to focus on changing into his uniform as he opens his locker. He was begging his body not to betray him. Just give him a day or two so he can figure out how to tell Buck. They weren't even bonded. Did Buck even want a-
“Hey,” Buck's voice cuts through the omega's uneasy thoughts and grounds him. The alpha always had that effect on him. Everything seemed so much more bearable when Buck was around. “Take a breath,” the alpha says. Eddie realizes that he hadn't just been stuck in his head. He had been visibly tense and just standing there, hadn't even put his uniform shirt on yet. It was clenched in his balled fist. He feels Buck’s fingers carefully remove the shirt from his hand. “Breathe, Eddie.” Eddie takes a shuddering breath. And then another, until he has cleared his mind enough that the tension in his shoulders leaves. “That's good,” the alpha says with a grin. The grin only grows as the omega doesn't fight or argue as the alpha carefully dresses him. “You good?” Buck asks once Eddie is mostly dressed. And the omega seems mostly snapped out of it. 
Eddie opens his mouth to tell the alpha that he is fine now, that he appreciated his help, but right then Ravi approached them. Ravi must have been helping Bobby make breakfast for the crew because it clings to the younger man’s form and has the omega bolting for the nearest trash can. Setting off a series of events Eddie had desperately been avoiding. 
That was how Eddie found himself sitting in Bobby's office. Door closed so it was just him and the captain, much to Buck's dismay. 
Hen had swooped in, pulled medical rank, and kicked everyone else out of the locker room. She knew. Of course she knew. Hen always knew. But Eddie had been unbelievably grateful for that. She had offered to cover for him, but she told him it wouldn't take long for everyone to figure it out. Eddie might be good at hiding a lot of things, emotions, bruises, illegal activities, not that he does any of those any more. No. But this was something he wouldn't be able to hide long. His body was already making it known. Even his scent had started to change. 
“The longer you wait, the worse it will be, those sad blue eyes were your weakness before you were carrying his kid. You're in for it now,” she had told him. And the omega knew she was right. Just a glimpse of the worry in those blue eyes he so often got lost in when he'd looked back at him before the female beta kicked everyone out made his heart hurt. He was terrible at keeping things from Buck, even before they were together. 
The omega remembers where he is when Bobby sits down behind his desk with a sigh.
“How long have you known?” The captain asks. 
“Took three tests this morning,” Eddie admits. “But it'd been putting it off for a few days, but kind of obvious now.” The omega lets out a nervous laugh. He hadn't planned on telling anyone anything yet. “Haven't even called the doctor’s office yet.”
“You should get on that,” Bobby states. And Eddie could appreciate the fact his boss wasn't using his alpha or his captain tone. It was just a suggestion but Eddie was already planning on it. So he nods. 
“I know,” the omega sighs. He can tell his boss has a million questions but isn't sure what to say. “Yes, it's Buck’s. Yes, I'm going to tell him. No, I don't plan on doing anything stupid.”
That earns an amused chuckle from the alpha. “I figured,” Bobby says. “But you know what this means right?”
“Medic duty or desk duty?” Eddie asks. 
“You’re with Hen on the rig for now,” the captain states. “No fires, no dangerous rescues, no hero stuff.”
“That's always more of Buck's thing,” Eddie smiles. Earning another laugh from the captain. 
“You both live for the daring rescues, but-”
“Oh believe me, my boots are staying on the ground for a good long while. Just the idea of that stupid ladder makes my stomach twist.” The omega wasn't lying. The sway of the ladder even with the stabilizers out would probably have him losing his lunch at this rate. Hell, he'd probably lose it just watching Buck up there, especially after what had happened. 
“Just try not to push yourself too much, the first few months are always the worst for it.”
“Oh believe me, I know,” the omega sighs. 
Buck was waiting for him outside Bobby’s office. The captain just shook his head and grinned. Heading off to make something that the omega could hopefully keep down for breakfast. 
“Are you okay?” Buck asks. And his concern is written all over his face. The omega nods as he glances around. 
“There's something I need to tell you,” Eddie says before leading somewhere more private. The silent conference room.
The silence must be gnawing at the alpha because as soon as the door to the conference room shuts he asks. “What's going on, Eddie? You're not like…”
The omega holds his breath as he lets the alpha find whatever word he is searching for. 
“Sick, right? Like sick, sick. You'd have told me right? Because-”
And Eddie thinks it's adorable how Buck rambles when he's nervous. But Eddie might as well just rip the bandaid off on this one. Half the team already knew. 
“I'm pregnant,” he tells him. The blunt nature of the statement has the normally animated alpha stilling. It's painfully quiet for a beat.
“You’re…You are…we-”
“Yes, we,” Eddie gestures between himself and the alpha. “You're the only one I've been with since-”
“Since Ana,” Buck says, cringing slightly at the memory of the omega he has been in love with longer than he'd been willing to admit was with someone else. “Right, yeah, okay. So…”
“So it's yours,” Eddie clarifies.
“Mine,” the alpha repeats. And the omega gets nervous as it gets quiet again. The only noise is the sound of Eddie's fingers tapping on the table he stands beside. 
“You don't have to-” Eddie starts but is cut off by the alpha's lips crashing against his.
“So you're not upset?”
“Upset?” The alpha laughs. “Eddie, you just told me we are going to have a kid. This is amazing. I was worried you were like dying or something. Freaked me out. The idea of losing you-” 
It's Eddie's turn to silence his alpha. He can't help it.
“I love you,” Eddie says and he is glad he did because Buck looks even happier, if that was even possible with how excited he had seemed before. The alpha is hauling him into a kiss again.
“Love you too,” Buck says against Eddie's lips. And Eddie tries to push the alpha away because he had only rinsed his mouth out after the nausea got the best of him, but Buck didn't care. Not in the slightest. He’d do a lot more than kiss the omega if he could get away with it. He wanted to show his omega how happy he had made him. How happy his inner alpha was at the idea of Eddie carrying his pup. His imagination already took the idea and ran with it and it had a growl rumbling through his chest. And the shiver that runs through the omega has the alpha pinning him to the table. Their make out session is cut short by a knock on the door before it opens. An amused Hen leans on the door frame. 
“All right, lovebirds,” she says with a grin. “Cap says food is ready.” Eddie groans. “The vent fans are on and Ravi changed his shirt, with much complaining, so you should be fine. Also, next time, close the damn blinds.”
“Thanks, Hen,” Eddie says.
“Mmhmm,” she says with a wave as she leaves. 
Buck has not moved. Eddie sighs. 
“Buck…” he starts. The alpha kisses him one last time before he pulls away and stands up. 
“You need to eat,” Buck states. He holds his hand out to the omega and hauls him up. 
“Hopefully, I can keep it down,” Eddie grumbles.
“We’ll find you something,” Buck squeezes his hand as they head to the loft. 
They tell the team during breakfast since everyone had questions as to why Eddie was being taken off rescues. Everyone was excited for them. 
Buck insists on going home with Eddie. And the omega didn't mind. But it ended up Buck following him home. And it's oddly comforting and sweet to look through his rearview mirror to see his alpha. And it has warmth spreading through his chest. 
Christopher is thrilled as he always is when Buck follows Eddie in. Carla gives Eddie a knowing look. He follows her into the kitchen. 
“You tell him?” She asks Eddie when it is clear Christopher has Buck’s attention in the living room. 
“Yeah,” Eddie admits. She had been trying to get him to test since the first time she had picked Christopher up from school and the boy complained he was nearly late that day because Eddie overslept and seemed sick. The female omega had tried to gently nudge the anxious man to confirm what she already knew. 
“So it went well?” She asks. Before Eddie could answer Buck was planting a kiss on Eddie's cheek as he moved past him to grab Christopher a drink from the fridge. And just as fast as he came in, he leaves. 
“Told you he'd be all in,” she grins. 
“I know,” Eddie sighs. “We’re going to tell Christopher.” 
“He’s going to be so happy.”
“I hope so,” the nervous omega says. 
“He will,” Carla assures him. “Right, well since you're both here, I'm going to head out.”
Eddie looks over at his stove and he doesn't have it in him to cook. He leans heavily against the counter as he tries to figure out what to do. He must have taken too long in the kitchen after Carla left because Buck came looking for him.
“You okay?” the alpha asks as he makes his way over to his omega. 
“Yeah,” The omega nods and answers. “Just tired.”
Buck runs his hands up and down his omega's arms to soothe him. “Too tired to stick to the plan or…” The alpha smiles when Eddie leans against him. 
“Nah, he deserves to know,” Eddie says. 
“Why don't you go relax, I’ll order something to eat.” Buck says, he gives into his inner alpha and kisses the omega's temple. Earning a contented hum from Eddie. The tired omega shifts and buries his face in the alpha’s shoulder. 
“Dad?” Christopher calls. 
Eddie looks up quickly to see his son in the doorway. 
“Hey bud,” Eddie says. “What's up?” His son seems to eye him skeptical. It was silent for a moment. 
“Hey superman,” Buck says. “How's pizza sound?”
Christopher nods, “Unless dad’s not feeling-”
“I'm okay, bud,” Eddie is quick to assure him. “And pizza’s fine with me.”
“Are you sure?” Christopher still sounds unconvinced.
“Want to just do it now?” Buck whispers to Eddie. It sends an involuntary shiver through the omega. “Will probably make him worry less if he knows what's going on,” the alpha adds.
Eddie nods. He takes a deep breath. The fact that his senses are filled with the alpha's scent calms his nerves just a bit. Buck was there no matter how this went. They’d figure it out as a family, a pack. He turns towards Christopher. 
“There's something important we need to talk to you about, Christopher,” Eddie starts.
“If it's that you're dating, I kind of know that already,” Christopher says. 
That gets a huff of a laugh from the alpha. “That tracks.”
Eddie grins. “I know, Carla told me you figured that out already.”
“So, what is it?”
Eddie looks back at Buck and honestly, the alpha looks so excited he might lose it. “You tell him.” And the smile that takes over the alpha's face makes the hormonal omega's heart soar. 
“You're going to be a big brother, bud,” Buck tells Christopher. And the omega holds his breath as Christopher processes that information, looking between Buck and Eddie. 
“You're having a pup?” Christopher looks over at his dad. 
Eddie nods, “Is that okay?” 
Christopher huffs. “That's a stupid question.” But the smile on his face betrays him. “It's better than okay, it's awesome.” Buck laughs. 
Eddie sighs. 
“Had us going there for a second, kid,” Buck grins. He ruffles Christopher's hair. “Now go watch TV while I order food.”
“Okay, Buck,” Christopher says. 
“Well, that was…” Buck chuckles as he goes over and pulls Eddie against him. The way the omega stays against him like a puppet that had its strings cut makes him think that maybe the kid had his own suspicions and was teasing them a bit. “That kid is too smart for his own good.”
“Or ours,” Eddie mumbles as he buries his face in Buck's neck again. 
“True, but he's going to be an amazing big brother,” the alpha assures.
“Yeah, he will,” the omega can't help but picture it. A little pack all their own. Buck, Eddie, Christopher and a tiny little pup. It’s the first time he's really let himself believe it. And it brings tears of joy to his eyes. Tears that the alpha must feel because he is pulling back just enough to look at the omega. The smile and sweet scent of his happy partner is enough to remove any worry the alpha had in the moment. 
“Go relax,” the alpha insists. “I’ll be right there.”
After Dinner Eddie falls asleep watching a movie with Christopher. Buck takes the opportunity to check his phone. There are a handful of messages from Chimney begging him to tell Maddie because if he doesn't Chim might. And the alpha chuckles to himself. He tells Chim to relax. He’s meeting her for breakfast in the morning. 
Buck smiles as he greets his sister with a hug.
“You look happy,” the female beta grins as they sit down. 
“I am,” Buck tells her. 
“How's Eddie and Christopher?” 
“Christopher is good, just dropped him at school.”
“And your omega?” She teases. 
“He's probably still in bed,” Buck says. She gives him an amused look. “Morning sickness will do that.” 
“Evan…are you telling me,” Maddie rushes to ask. “You're having a pup? Evan Buckley! How am I just learning about this?”
“I just found out yesterday, the team did too because Eddie is having a hard time keeping anything down.”
“First few months can be rough,” she says. “But I'm sure you're already all over that.” 
“Yeah, Bobby's been a big help. Moved Eddie to the rig with Hen. Working on helping him figure out what he can eat.”
“I'm so excited for you guys.” The beta female smile and scent exudes comfort and familiarity that brings so much joy to the alpha.
“I'm just shocked Chim didn't spoil the surprise,” Buck chuckles to avoid the overwhelming onset of emotions. His life had gotten so.much better in a single day. And his sister seemed so proud of him. He loved them all so much. His pack. 
“It does explain why he avoided talking about you or Eddie. I thought maybe a ring, not a pup, but I'm excited now. Evan, you are going to be an amazing dad. You already are really. Christopher adores you.”
“Well, he's the best so that's easy,” Buck nods, but he had one question he was unsure about. “How do you think mom and dad will react?” the alpha asks.
“They’ll be happy if your guys are happy. They already love Christopher.”
“You think?”
“I know.” 
“We know, mijo,” Isabel Diaz says with a grin after he tells them the news. Tia Pepa laughs at the shocked look on the omega’s face.
“You’re not very subtle, Edmundo,” his aunt states. “You might want to call your mother before one of your cousins does.” His abuela quickly agrees. “Or one of your boys lets it slip.” 
Eddie’s parents were happy for him when he told them. They promise to visit soon. 
Over the next few weeks Buck manages to make arrangements for his apartment. His landlord agrees to let him out of the lease, it was a fight at first but the alpha agrees to pay the early termination fee with little argument. Eddie thought they could have done better but Buck just wanted it done. The team and Maddie had helped him move what he needed. Eddie complains the whole time since Buck won't let him do anything but supervise. The omega ends up making sure everything is sorted and labeled probably.
Buck moving in was almost too easy. He didn't need to keep much. He didn't have a whole lot he cared about. Most of his furniture had been picked by his ex. His sentimental items would easily find a home at Eddie's or stored away for use when they needed a bigger home. An inevitability that would probably happen sooner, rather than later. 
Buck had practically lived at Eddie's long before he moved in. He spent most of his free time there even before the pair got together. So Buck had long been familiar with the Diaz family routines. He knew where everything was and the trio were shockingly good at navigating the space without frustration. The opposite really. It made Eddie unbelievably happy. The omega’s heart soared at how easily at home his alpha was in his space. How Christopher had helped find homes for the Alpha's belongings among the cupboards, shelves and drawers throughout the house. At one point during the process Buck had pulled Eddie into his arms and the omega nearly cried at how right everything felt. It was like things made more sense the way they were now that Buck's photos were added to the tables and walls. 
Buck can't believe how right it feels every time he walks in the door to what is now their home. Going home to his omega and son always had a smile forming on the alpha's face and a warm feeling in his chest. He had always believed that the most important thing he could feel as an alpha was pride. That is what his dad and his coaches always said. Pride felt good. It might be important to most alphas, but it was nothing compared to what Buck felt now. Days like this made him feel bad for those pride focused alphas. Because nothing hit Buck harder or made him feel more alive than coming home to his pack, his family. He felt so much love the alpha thinks that life can't get better. He thinks that, but every time he finds out he is wrong in the best way possible. 
It was early and the house was quiet. It had been a long shift and it was worse when they worked different shifts. He had worked at the station before Eddie had joined the team, but it was different now. The two of them were partners. Partners in anything and everything even before they got together. Not having Eddie there was like someone had taken away half of what made him good at his job. The omega would argue Buck was always good at his job. He didn't need Eddie for that. But Buck was always better when Eddie was there. Bobby had reminded him he'd have to get used to it. Eddie could take up to a year off. Even if he knew it was for the best, Buck knew he wouldn't like it. Buck’s thoughts circle back to what started his mind on this track when after checking in on a sleeping Christopher he makes his way to the room he and Eddie share. And Buck has never felt anything like the sheer amount of love he feels when he sees Eddie. Eddie looks adorable, something Eddie will never admit he is, bundled in what is basically a nest of blankets and Buck’s clothes. He knew it was a thing omegas did, especially pregnant ones, but seeing it when it's your omega? It's beautiful. The alpha moves as silently as possible. Eddie was a light sleeper usually, and sometimes just the change of having Buck's fresh scent in the air was enough to wake him on bad nights when he came in. But the omega must be exhausted, or maybe just really comfy, to sleep this deep. Buck was glad he had showered at the station before he left. He quickly gets ready and carefully moves to join his omega. Which the alpha isn't surprised finally wakes his sleeping partner. 
“Just me,” Buck assures him and the effect is instantaneous. Eddie just hums as what little tension the disturbance caused vanishes. The omega reaches out to pull the alpha towards him. Buck chuckles at the way Eddie scents him once Buck is nestled in. The barely awake omega burying his face in his lover’s neck before quickly falling back asleep. Buck has no complaints. Eddie is tucked tight against him and they would stay that way for a few more hours. Then, begrudgingly, the alpha would have to let go so Eddie could get Christopher ready for school. At least Buck would know Eddie had a partial good night's rest. 
When Buck got up it was late morning. Christopher was already at school.
“Morning,” Eddie said when Buck walked into the kitchen. “How'd the shift go?” Eddie silently waited and watched with amusement as Buck shrugged and got a cup of coffee. “One of those mornings, huh?” Eddie grinned. 
He was answered by the alpha draining half the hot drink and then making his way over to where Eddie was leaned against the counter. The alpha buried his face in the omega neck. 
“That bad?” Eddie chuckles. The omega's fingers card through the taller man’s hair. 
“Shifts are too long,” Buck says, half mumbled in Eddie's shoulder and neck. Eddie smiles and nods. He gets that. Sometimes a shift could drag on even if it had plenty of calls to deal with. It was the downtime that got you. 
“Missed you too,” Eddie says. That has the alpha pulling back so he can probably kiss him. “Hungry?” Eddie asks when they pull apart and Buck goes for the rest of his caffeine fix. Eddie laughs at the nod and mumbled “yes, please,” and “starving”, from the alpha. Eddie might not be the best cook but he had made extra pancakes from a mix he and Chris, thanks to Carla, had long ago discovered could be made during his off days. The mix could be made in pancakes and frozen or just save them having to do it every day. Because they couldn't survive off cereal alone. Not when Chris was growing like a weed and Eddie worked a physically intense job. Occasionally, they'd do waffles or something special, but today had been a pancake day. So getting the alpha's ready was easy. 
Buck watched Eddie make the one meal the omega had confidence in making. The alpha could get used to mornings like this.
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daniwib · 1 year
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Hope can be a powerful force, but what happens when it's lost?
Buck and Eddie's love story takes a tragic turn as their relationship ends abruptly after Eddie feels betrayed by the lawsuit. Alone, Buck faces the consequences of their actions when he learns he is unexpectedly pregnant – then loses the baby.
In the midst of his heartbreak and despair, Buck decides to keep a secret that will haunt him forever. With secrets and misunderstandings threatening to tear them apart again, Buck and Eddie must discover whether their love is strong enough to overcome tragedy, or not.
Read on Ao3
Please reblog and help a small writer be seen? Much love for those that do.
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monsterrae1 · 2 months
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✨ inspiration Saturday ✨
Tagged all through the week by @daffi-990 @tizniz @dangerpronebuddie @spotsandsocks @wildlife4life @loveyouanyway @hippolotamus @honestlydarkprincess @elvensorceress @devirnis @exhuastedpigeon @bi-buckrights @bekkachaos @shipperqueen6 @wikiangela @bidisasterbuckdiaz @ebdaydreamer @rogerzsteven @eddiebabygirldiaz @jesuisici33 @saybiwithme @bigfootsmom @prettyboybuckley @jesuiscenseedormir @satashiiwrites thank you besties!
Have a lil bit from my ABO fic featuring mpreg Buck
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and a lil snippy as a treat
“He’s not gonna make it to the hospital,” The voice came behind him, it was soft and for some reason Buck felt himself relaxing even more, still, he frowned and turned around to look at the person behind him.
“Who the hell are you?”
The man smiled at him, “Paramedic Diaz, Sir, we might need to deliver your baby here and then transport you to the hospital.”
Buck shook his head, his eyes searching for Chim, “No, no Chim, we can’t I promised him, I promised him I’d do the best for our baby and I can’t deliver it here.”
“I’m sure your alpha will understand…” Diaz was saying, but Buck shook his head, Chim finally stepping into view.
“Buck, can you walk?” Chim asked him, his eyes full of concern and jumping to Eddie, “Can you make it to the ambulance?”
Buck nodded, even if he couldn’t he sure as hell was going to try.
“Okay then, let’s get moving.”
“Are you sure Chim, we’re gonna risk a delivery on the ambulance,” Diaz sounded concerned, and for a second Buck was angry that he thought he knew better than Buck.
“I know that,” Buck said through gritted teeth, pain once again overtaking, “But I have to at least try.”
His eyes lingered on Eddie’s for a minute, Buck wasn’t sure if he looked too much in pain, or too angry but finally the paramedic nodded and started to help Chim guide Buck down the stairs.
tagging anyone who hasn't done this and tagged me and yall if you have anything to share @loserdiaz <33 @hoodie-buck @usersiren @giddyupbuck @father-salmon @underwater-ninja-13 @doublecheekeddiaz @spaceprincessem @jacksadventuresinwriting @evanbi-ckley @911onabc @thewolvesof1998 @spagheddiediaz @sunshinediaz @canonbibuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @housewifebuck @shortsighted-owl @the-likesofus and whoever else wants to do this!
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jakes3resin · 2 months
Can you tell us about your other fics if you already have an established plot?
I'd love to! So there's quite a number of them I won't lie. I tend to get inspired by the randomest things. These are all in various stages of plotted out and written.
A/B/O fic (technically turning into 3 fics) that follows Bucky & Buck through the war, described below.
Courting Arc (top of my list to finish writing) - Bucky POV as he is anonymously courted during his time in the states just before he gets sent over to England (there's a post I'm basing my writing around I'll link it in a moment) <- published
England Arc- a quick look into their lives as they run missions with A/B/O elements (this will be pretty short I think) mostly snippets of scenes from the show just now with Omega Bucky and Alpha Buck <- published
Stalag Arc - Omega Bucky and his awful time in Germany. Here is where we see what being an Omega in war is really like in my omegaverse. Bucky is the highest ranked Omega in the camp meaning he's technically 'in charge' of keeping those Omegas in line. He's tested by his heats, keeping his pack together, and finally by a German order that could tear Buck and Bucky apart. This is a big fic for me to prepare for, and I'm building up to it by writing the Courting Arc first <- next on deck
Biker Gale AU (my beloved, genuinely obsessed with this AU) - this was inspired by one of hogans-heroes AUs. So, Gale leads an outlaw-esque biker club, and Bucky used to be his right hand (and lover) except one day out of the blue he just disappeared. Gale does everything he can to find Bucky, but there's no trail to follow, no clues to put together, nothing. Fast forward about two years, Bucky arrives on Curt's doorstep holding a small baby with the brightest blue eyes and prettiest blonde curls and begs Curt to watch his baby for 5 days. 5 days later Bucky comes back in town bruised to all hell with the FBI on his tail with their own nefarious reasons for tracking Bucky down. Bucky has nowhere else to turn especially since when he comes back to Curt's he finds Gale holding his little baby. (This could be A/B/O I haven't decided, but it's definitely at least mpreg)
Amnesia fic - this is based off of a post I made about the effects of Bucky getting hit over the head like 3 times in the span of two days, its... somewhere (edit: here). But its about Bucky waking up with no memory of who he is just before he gets interrogated by the Germans and sent to Stalag Luft III where he meets a man that his heart rejoices at seeing but his mind doesn't recognize. Buck of course has to deal with the love of his life forgetting him.
Magic AU - Bucky is a Scamander and its now everyone's problem to deal with it. The tag to find all of my ramblings for it is magic au (not that Tumblr's tag system works), and @getinthefuckingjaeger just wrote the best ever fic of Bucky and Theseus so go read that.
I've also got a few paragraphs written of Foster Kid Bucky somewhere but that might never see the light of day (that's also from a hogans-heroes AU) where Bucky is a jaded teenager just trying to make it to 18 to get out of his shitty foster placement when in comes Buck whose mother finally divorced his dad, got custody of her kids, and moved to her hometown to escape. It's about a Bright Buck meeting a Jaded Bucky (a flip on their usual dynamics)
Blonde Bucky AU - I wrote a blurb on the Twin Cleven AU post, and the idea of Bucky bleaching his hair on a drunken night out with Curt and Bubbles has haunted me since <- published as well
There might be more? But these are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head right now that are plotted out beyond oh that'd be a good fic. I have a lot of time spent sitting and waiting right now, so I have the ability to write a multitude of fics. I'm happy to talk about any of these fics if you want to come into my inbox or my messages.
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snarkythewoecrow · 9 months
is my will weak? am I posting another out-of-context snippet from my ever growing mpreg!Buck fic? yeah, I can't help it. I love this one and it's gonna be a long haul to the finish line (probably closer to 100k than 50k) and I just need all the cheering and excitement I can get, and it's gonna be such a ride, the hurt/comfort and angst, the emotional whiplash, the softness, and the enemy to lovers!
Anyway, this snippet is of Bobby and Athena just being the best, and I adore them both
“Is it safe to assume you brought him home with you?” Bobby asked, holding his coffee to the side so he could lean in and kiss his wife.
It might be late, but in his line of work, coffee became an all occasion and any time of day beverage.
Her lips quirked upward against his as she hummed. “Like you needed to ask.”
Of course, he didn’t. It was in her nature—family and pack were paramount in Athena’s life, as they should be, and when it came to Buck, there was no questioning his place with them.
He chuckled, pecked her lips again, then went to sit with his coffee on the chair beside her. “So?” he asked, taking a sip. “How is he?”
“You mean more like, is he, right?” She raised a brow, then sighed at his shrug. “Well, I think you already know, but yeah, he’s with pup.”
And then it was his turn to sigh, resting the mug on his knee. He’d spent the rest of the shift replaying the last few weeks, shocked by the emotions it stirred. The ache and guilt at what it could mean, and now knowing, his inner demons warred against his heart.
It was a strange thing to feel happiness for something but also such sadness, as he might be getting his first grandchild, but it was a reminder of another thing he'd never get to experience with his first pups, those he’d lost in the fire.
He turned his head, watching her for a moment, taking in her beauty and just being grateful for what he did have.
A familiar look, brow lifting came over her face. “What’s got you all heart-eyed, not that I mind?”
He shrugged, then smiled. “Hadn’t expected this, but I don’t know, I think you’d make grandma-hood look pretty sexy.”
“Grandma-hood?” she laughed, shaking her head, then fixing a look in his direction. “Don’t you think you’re jumping the gun? I haven’t even told you if he’s keeping it.”
Actually, he didn’t need her to—it was there in her eyes—but he played along. “That’s true, so, let me ask, is he?”
Another sigh, then an even softer smile. “He is—he’s scared half to death about failing—but then, weren’t we all like that the first time around?”
“Oh yeah, terrified, actually.” He sipped his coffee. “And the alpha? I mean, I’ve been thinking it over, and morning sickness is one thing, but I’m already a little worried about him developing issues from not having him around.”
And at the mention of the alpha, Athena’s jaw tightened, then a sharp scoff cut the air. “Alpha, more like some fucking piece of shit knothead,” she hissed, looking ready to show her canines. A shadow had settled over her face. “We talked on the way over here, and he told me some things he’d left out before—like that—that—scum had just yanked free, Bobby! He didn’t even care if he hurt him—just ripped free and fucking bolted.”
She took a controlled breath. “I’ll tell you one thing, he’d better not show his face near me, because I’m liable to tear him limb from limb—don’t think I won’t.”
Bobby put up his free hand in a show of surrender. “Hey, if I’ve learned anything, it’s not to mess with a pissed off mama when it comes to her pup. You’ll get no arguments from me.”
Athena nodded. “Good,” and then she smiled a bit, looking at him. “He is our pup, isn’t he? One of my babies?”
“Pretty sure you claimed him within the first day,” he bit back a smile.
“Yeah, I suppose I did—and now he’s giving us our first grandbaby. When did we get old?”
Shaking his head, he finished the last of his coffee, setting the cup on the table, then stood, wiggling his finger in invitation. “Come on, grandma—let’s take this to the bedroom. I have a feeling we’ll need the sleep.”
Standing, she bumped her shoulder into his side. “Sleep, huh? What—you worried I’m gonna break a hip?”
He kissed her temple, a little laugh escaping as he wrapped an arm around her waist. “Well… you’re the one that said we’re getting old.”
She slapped his chest playfully before pulling him toward their room. “We’ll see about that, Grandpa.”
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bidisasterevankinard · 5 months
Hi Diana!
Can I ask about 5 - sometimes it takes a baby? 👀
Hi Caroline!
I answered here, but here is new snippet :
Eddie bites his lip for a several minutes they stay silent, and Buck is ready to say forget it, but Eddie starts speak:
"As you clearly though about it hard," Eddie takes his hand in his, "let's make a baby together. We are a good team in co-parenting kids, aren't we?" Warm smile makes Buck smiles too.
"Yes, we are."
"And as about the way we will make the baby," Eddie moves his hands like they are not in their thirties and do not know how kids are conceived, "I'm ok with the variant you feel more ok with. If you want go to clinic ok, so be it. If you want," Eddie blushes hard, "you know, have some fun and stress relief..."
"You're so bad in sex talks how do you even have a child? How Shannon even looked at you?" Buck can't stop his brat comments to break slightly embarrassing for both of them conversation.
"I can be really charming, Buck. Also making of Chris never involved 'let's platonically have kids' but a lot of wine, stupid teenagers, flirting and bad condoms,"
Ask me about my wips
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wildlife4life · 5 months
Hi for the wips I wanna ask for true heart and strength in tragedy
True heart is another witch Buck and werewolf Eddie fic, but they are not fireman and Buck is well over 400 years old. The basis of this fic is that Buck's heart remains outside his body and Eddie comes across it and immediately knows it belongs to his true mate. Eddie then spends a fair amount of time trying to court the very old witch, who is doubtful about the whole true mate thing. Here's a snippet:
Bobby’s gaze flickered around the office, taking in the pinned black wolf, the flying papers and crow, and a very terrified Chimney.  Then his eyes landed on the jar that sat on the desk and they went comically large.  “Howard Han what the hell have you done?!” “Can we discuss my ideocracy at a later time?!” Chimney screamed, “Just get Eddie to calm down and stop this damn wind!” Bobby huffed, “The wind is Buck’s doing and you know there is nothing I can do to stop it! As for Eddie.” The older man gave his attention to the snarling wolf, fighting hard to get at the halfling, “Why is he reacting like this?!” “I-I think he’s trying to protect Buck! Or at least Buck’s heart!” Chimney replied pointing at the jar. ‘You took what is mine!’ The wolf snapped in Eddie’s mind as he tried to surge towards Chimney again with all the strength within him. Bobby dragged a hand down his face, frustration and irritation pouring off him, “Apologize! Then give Eddie the damn jar and release him! Buck will be here any minute-“
Strength in Tragedy is an a/b/o verse with a major canon split in season 2 and mpreg Buck. Instead of kidnapping Maddie, Doug is interrupted and escapes alone. Buck and Maddie run away to keep her safe, discovering later on that Buck is pregnant after spending his last heat with Eddie. Doug finds a very pregnant Buck because of Shannon (who lives and moves back in with the Diaz's after Christmas) and kidnaps him. Its very angsty and a little dark, but I do promise a happy ending. Snippet below:
He missed Buck. The need to find him, be near him was becoming overwhelming and recently Shannon was pushing the matter of his very late rut.  They hadn’t had sex in weeks, Eddie was too angry and just didn’t want her touch.  He figured it went both ways, but for a short time now, Shannon had been all over him, convinced that she could get him to go into the primal state. But all Eddie wanted was Buck. His omega, with his crystal blue eyes that Eddie could stare into for hours, soft golden curls he loved to run his fingers through, and strong body that went pliant beneath him with a few soft kisses, even though Eddie knew the omega could easily toss him off. Buck wasn’t his. Eddie told himself repeatedly that he wasn’t, but his inner alpha screamed that he was. That Shannon felt wrong. And he didn’t understand why. Then Eddie opened his door and there stood Maddie. “Doug’s taken Buck and I need your help to get him back.” Maddie blurted as soon as the door was open.
WIP Tag Game
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sortofanobsession · 4 months
WIP Wednesday 1/2
Wednesday is almost over but have a bit of an Alpha/Omega Buddie fic that got stuck in my head...
Fair warning it is mpreg and I know that is not everybody's thing. So I'll post another preview
Eddie is panicking. His life was just getting back on track. He was finally back a good place. He had his job. His relationship with his parents was okay. Christopher was thriving. And after nearly having to sit there and do nothing after Buck was struck by lightning. Eddie had finally made a move on the alpha. They had been together ever since.
The emotional aftermath of that had lead to a mind-blowing three day heat for the omega. Eddie had thought they had taken the necessary precautions. But precautions sometimes fail. They failed spectacularly based on the three tests that sat on the bathroom counter. Eddie had been feeling increasingly run down and nauseous. He had hoped it was something he'd caught on a call or maybe at Christopher’s school. But nope. The only thing he caught was himself on his alpha dick while heat sick and cock stupid. And damn was he stupid. He and Buck hadn't been together all that long. They had barely discussed how to handle work and a relationship. And Christopher. What would Christopher think? Eddie shook his head and shoved all the tests to the back of a drawer. He couldn't lose it now. He didn't have time to cry. He had a shift to get ready for.
The omega gets butterflies as he walks into the firehouse and is met with the gorgeous blue eyes and thousand watt smile of his alpha. The father of his unborn pup. And that thought has Eddie's stomach twist and bile rising in his throat. He fights it back but it must show on his face because Buck’s smile is gone. The worried alpha now heading towards the locker room, knowing that was Eddie's first stop.
The omega tries to focus on changing into his uniform as he opens his locker. He was begging his body not to betray him. Just give him a day or two so he can figure out how to tell Buck. They weren't even bonded. Did Buck even want a-
“Hey,” Buck's voice cuts through the omega's uneasy thought and grounds him. The alpha always had that affect on him. Everything seemed so much more bearable when Buck was around. “Take a breath,” the alpha says. Eddie realizes that he hadn't just been stuck in his head. He had been visibly tense and just standing there, hadn't even put his uniform shirt on yet. It was clenched in his balled fist. He feels Buck’s fingers carefully remove the shirt from his hand. “Breathe, Eddie.” Eddie takes a shuddering breath. And then another, until he has cleared his mind enough that the tension in his shoulders leaves. “That's good,” the alpha says with a grin. The grin only grows as the omega doesn't fight or argue as the alpha carefully dresses him. “You good?” Buck asks once Eddie is mostly dressed. And the omega seems mostly snapped out of it.
Eddie opens his mouth to tell the alpha that he is fine now, that he appreciated his help, but right then Ravi approached them. Ravi must have been helping Bobby make breakfast for the crew because it clings to the younger man’s form and has the omega bolting for the nearest trash can. Setting off a series of events Eddie had desperately been avoiding.
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iltrpls · 14 days
summary : He forces his attention away from the little family peacefully playing across the room to his boyfriend instead. He swallows. “I think I know what’s going on with me,” he whispers, taking Eddie’s hand into his.
Eddie cocks his head to the side, a question on his face. “What do you mean?”
Buck turns his head back to the omega and her three pups. A strong, sudden feeling of jealousy and envy takes him over. Buck’s never felt like this before. He turns to look at Eddie again.
It’s Eddie’s turn to have his entire attention focused on the four of them on the other side of the waiting room. Only, in his eyes, Buck sees something else than jealousy.
He sees possessiveness.
Or : omegaverse mpreg buck fic
this fic was a request made through a fundraiser for gaza by @911actionforgaza
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ofspacecrafts · 3 days
Looking for some 911 fic recs:
Buck/Eddie fics that don’t villainize/bash Tommy, don’t mention him or are old enough that they were written before Buck/Tommy happened. (I only scratched the surface of Buddie fics recently and I want some good recs that I can dig into!)
General fic that doesn’t center on any particular ships (118 team ups / shenanigans are a plus)
I’ve read most Buck/Tommy fics but rec your favorites anyway in case I missed .
No omega verse , no mpreg , no crossovers with other material (except lone star, we love a lone star crossover), no major character deaths , nothing with any type of supernatural element.
Message me , reply or tag me !
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babygirl-diaz · 2 months
The Sushi Disaster (Omegaverse Mpreg Fic)
Just as Tommy entered the house, he witnessed a rogue pillow soaring through the air towards Buck's head in slow motion. But Buck dodged it just in time and ended up hitting the ground instead.
“I hate you! This is all your fault!” Eddie loudly declared from the couch with his feet propped on the coffee table and a hand on his pregnant belly. He looked like he was in a state of overwhelm with tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Shit," Tommy hissed and rushed to his side. Putting down the brown paper bag on the coffee table, he took a seat next to him. "Babygirl, what's wrong?"
"Everything!" Eddie threw himself into Tommy’s arms.
Tommy wrapped his arms tightly around Eddie and held him close. As close as he could without the belly getting in the way. “Evan, what did you do?” He shot a glance toward his other boyfriend.
“Nothing!” Buck replied desperately but there was guilt and worry written all over his face.
Eddie sobbed into Tommy’s chest, grasping onto his shirt and leaving a wet patch with his tears. “I hate him!”
“No, you don’t,” Tommy sighed and kissed the top of Eddie’s head. “You’re just upset with him.”
“No!” Eddie replied stubbornly. “I hate him. He got me pregnant and gave the baby sushi cravings. Something I can’t even have.”
“Oh, so this is about the sushi?” Tommy refrained from laughing because he knew it wouldn't be well received. So instead he continued to rub Eddie’s back and threw Buck an apologetic look, but Buck simply shook his head.
Buck sat down on the coffee table but didn’t reach out to touch Eddie, even though he looked like he wanted to. “Eddie?” He whispered. “I am so sorry. I know this pregnancy has been tough on you and I am not making it any better. What do you need me to do? I'll do it. If you want, I'll stop eating sushi." His voice sounded so broken and scared that it made Tommy's heart clench.
That seemed to get to Eddie too as he peeked at Buck. "No, you don't have to do that," he whispered back. "I'm sorry. I overreacted." He pulled away from Tommy and waved Buck over.
The other alpha's face broke out into a huge grin like Christmas had come early for him and barreled towards Eddie, almost tripping on top of him.
"Hey, hey, hey, watch out!" Tommy laughed as he steadied Buck with a hand on his arm. "You okay there, tiger?"
"I am, I am." Blushed crept up Buck's cheeks, but he sat down beside Eddie and pulled him into his lap.
The omega immediately wrapped his arms around Buck's neck and lay his head down on his shoulder.
"See, you two can't stay mad at each other for long. You love each other too much," Tommy told them.
Buck and Eddie looked at each other and then at Tommy. "And we love YOU too," Eddie told Tommy and reached out to cup his cheek with a fond smile on his face.
"Hey, what's that?" Buck said pointing at the bag on the coffee table.
"Oh! That!" Tommy picked up the paper bag and revealed three trays of sushi.
Eddie's eyes grew wide before he frowned and then he looked like he was on the verge of tears all over again.
"Tommy! Seriously?" Buck groaned.
"No, no, no, wait, just hear me out!" Tommy told them. "These are veggie rolls. They're safe for you to have, babygirl."
Eddie gave him an adorable pout instead. "Wait... What?"
"Yeah, I know it's not the same, but maybe it will help with the craving," Tommy suggested.
"That- that's actually smart," Buck pointed out.
Eddie's face lit up with a huge smile as if Christmas had arrived early for him now. He flung himself into Tommy's arms, almost taking him down with him. "I love you so much."
Tommy laughed and caught the omega in his arms. "Love you too, babygirl." He closed his eyes and took in his scent.
Feeling the embrace of another pair of arms around him, he opened his eyes to see Buck hugging them both. "I love you both."
"We love you too, Evan," Tommy replied.
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straycalamities · 7 months
alright i been meaning to do this so:
what is and is not allowed to be done with any of my characters! this includes art, fics, edits, headcanons, whathaveyou
[general content/trigger warning for uncomfortable, possibly-triggering topics because this is mainly the gist of what i dont want to see]
x = never ? = ask for permission
do nots: x - no noncon (if you engage to work through your feelings, never make my characters the perpetrators, it skeeves me out) ? - no genderbends/sexswaps/whatever they're called anymore? idk just don't mess with their gender, pronouns*, or assigned-sex-at-birth as a general thing unless i already have or okayed you directly. triple-especially if they're not cis x - respect their romantic orientations/sexualities! if you don't know a character's then you can ask me, but yeah. ie: don't ship andrew with women, he's homosexual x - [NSFW] absolutely no ageplay kinks or anything like that with my characters. no raceplay. just..nothing like that. x - no pregnancy. no mpreg. no omegaverse. none of it. (i've come a long way from it being straight-up a trigger but still, yea,) i have had some of my characters naturally be pregnant/have babies but i'd rather handle it myself, if you know what i mean x - this is a duh, but nothing hateful/bigoted using my characters. like, for instance, i do joke abt shit and say mainverse!entre is a conservative but don't unironically use him for anything awful like that. joking/memeing around about his terrible political stances is fine though x - i would never write or have my characters telling anyone to "kill yourself" so please don't have them say stuff like that. even if it's a joke. it makes me uncomfortable. (there may be a few exceptions in my giant roster of ocs but as a general rule just avoid it) x - never use my ocs likenesses or art of them as art for your own ocs. that's never okay. my ocs designs are for my own characters only.
*it's okay to have neopronoun headcanons
okay! generally anything i havent said isn't okay IS okay, but just so anyone reading this has a clearer idea
it's okay to use my characters for expressing yourself, venting, or just personal stuff like that. if my characters help you through something, go ahead and express it. i'm happy they help :)
playing around with gender presentation (not gender) is perfectly okay with any of my characters
shipping in general is fine as long as it doesnt go against the don'ts list. i dont care who you ship them with
[NSFW] i'm okay with pretty much any other kinks other than anything that goes into noncon, bigotry, or underage so go wild even if it's not my thing personally i don't care. (ie: the swagtre piss fic? lol im not a watersports guy but chase your bliss)
my characters are all free game for anything horror themed as well. horror as a genre, body horror, psychological horror, whatever. go for it. i have a personal major squick for eye gore but i can handle (and enjoy) pretty much anything else in this realm. go as gorey or not as you like (just tag appropriately for other ppls sakes)
handling self-harm/suicide idealization themes is technically? okay? for my characters? just uh...be respectful i guess. and definitely tag appropriately. this theme is canon for a few of them so i am okay with it just handle it with care is what i'm saying
go ham-buck-wild with mental illness headcanons or projections or anything like that. i dont think i have an oc that doesn't have at least something, so if you see yourself in their symptoms, go for it. only some of them i have personal labels for some of their stuff but otherwise it's whatever. just be respectful, again.
kinning is also okay! kin, synpath anything like that. go ahead! go wild with it. i think it's neat. just be respectful.
and an important note to all of this, other than being respectful to others and the characters themselves, is to respect me. just because it's okay that you do it with my character, doesn't mean i have to agree with it or make it canon or anything like that. it just means i gave you permission to engage like that. so please don't come to me trying to ask or force me to change something about my own characters or get so lost in your headcanons you start to disrespect what i've established myself
and if you ever have any questions about them or any of this, just let me know. i'm always happy to help
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jakes3resin · 3 months
Fics I'm writing in order of importance (how likely I am to complete them first):
The Curls Fic - my treatise on Buck's mental health at Stalag Luft III and why Bucky's curls were serving even in a POW camp <- this has been published
My own take on the biker gale with Bucky and his baby - I know everyone and their mother has their own thoughts and fics for this but I wanna throw my hat in. It's very Bucky focused with some crime and such. Potentially A/B/O but definitely there's at least gonna be mpreg.
A/B/O fic set at Stalag Luft III - Bucky's treatment as the highest ranked Omega there plus his own health being at risk (like his heat). This is so angst filled its gonna require a second happier chapter so it's gonna be a minute <- currently working on this, it won the poll I did
Amnesia fic - Bucky losing his memory and Buck having to relearn who they both are. My amnesia fic is so low because I'm researching amnesia for realistic side effects, but that also means it's slow going
The Curls fic will honestly probably be out today or tomorrow, but if anyone would like to talk about my other fics in the hopes of inspiring me, my inbox is open and they are free to do so.
I also take prompts, but I can't say they'll be quickly returned with fics.
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