#the juice is no longer loose
tardigradesandfandoms · 2 months
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ryf8589 · 2 months
OJ Bloopers. From Season 1 of Mad TV.
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peachybuggames · 6 months
sooo ive finally gotten around to (binge) playing bug fables after years of knowing of/having it and ive made it very far in!!! like 32+ hours im (minimal/very vauge spoiler ahead) just past the giants lair, actually! speaking of the giants lair, i just have ooone statement when it comes to it:
what the FUCK what the actual FUCK!!!!!
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sofullofloveicould · 1 year
march writing challenge 2023 - day 19
shuffle your playlist seven times
The sound of a car horn blaring wakes me up, and I blearily rub my eyes against the sunlight streaming through the still-open windows. 
My head hurts, dimly, in a raw kind of way, and my hair smells like cheap tequila. The air is warm for March, but a breeze floats through and makes me slink back further into my bedspread.
It’s with that movement that I realize I’m still wear whatever I went out in last night, what’s essentially a bedazzled bikini running uncomfortably against my skin. I don’t remember much, just a vague sense of bright lights and shaking music. I find a glass of water sitting next to my charging phone, and I gulp it down gratefully as I check my text messages. 
There’s one from someone named Chase, a simple call me x. 
I delete the conversation and the contact and call Laurie instead. She picks up on the third ring.
"Girrlll, you were WILD last night!" She's doing something else in the background, with her phone likely propped up against something as she does her neurotic post-night-out cleaning.
"Shit, was I?" I roll out of bed and strip the gemstone-studded clothing off, tossing it into the ever-growing "to be washed" pile. "Don't remember squat."
"No fucking way, I mean we all were on the juice las' night, but you must've had like fifteen before some fuckwad took you home."
I run my fingers through my hair. It's tangled in the back, into one matted deadlock. "Was his name Chase?"
"Might've been. Some blonde bodybuilder type. Rich daddy, too. Did he not stay 'till morning?"
"Of course not." I slip into a clean pair of sweatpants and a sports bra, picking up some random discarded trash from when I had stumbled back last night. "Filled me up a water, though. Texted me asking to call."
"Don't" Laurie says in that no-nonsense way of hers. "Chivalry is dead."
I wasn't gonna, considering that I don't even remember if he was good or not. "Of course not. He couldn't've handled me anyway."
@deity-prompts credit for the prompt list
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dedmoth · 2 months
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lil-mr-slipstream · 2 months
A collection of portraits depicting the voices from Slay the Princess, taking inspiration from the style of the video game Disco Elysium! The Voice of the Hero, a knight, an iconic silhouette against a luminant halo. A color palette of black, blue, and teal.
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The Voice of the Hunted, a beast trying to protect its heart from danger, represented here as a crosshair.
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The Voice of the Smitten, the knife wound letting loose lovely streams of swirling bodily juices into the air.
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The Voice of the Cold, dark, and angular. Something completely unafraid to kill.
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The Voice of the Skeptic, attempting to fly, tearing himself away from chains and what looks like his own body.
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The Voice of the Paranoid, Frantic and multi-eyed, clutching at a wound.
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The Voice of the Contrarian, flying in stark contrast to the others, glowing instead of secluded, a mischievous fairy or will o' the wisp, instead of a grotesque figure.
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The Voice of the Broken, shattered and leaking. A humanoid figure is no longer recognizable.
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The Voice of the Stubborn, Fiery eyes, and big meaty claws. The brushwork is chaotic.
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The Voice of the Cheated, smoke leaking from puncture wounds still embedded within him. He's holding a cigar, too; probably where all the smoke is coming from.
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The Voice of the Opportunist, carrying multiple masks on his person, and wielding a poorly concealed knife.
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And finally (for now) The Long Quiet itself, the night sky, swirling sigils blurred in the dark.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 4 months
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: James has been persuing you for years and you've never said yes, until now?
Genre: Fluff 😇🎉 (bc i love happiness, ur welcome)
Warnings: misunderstandings, lovesick!James <3
It's not James's fault he's been head over heels in love with you for longer than he can remember. And it's really not his fault either that he's spent years acting like a complete and utter fool just to have a sliver of your attention. 
Talking the loudest in any room you're in? Easy.
"Accidentally" flying too close to where you're sitting in the Quidditch stands while he's supposed to be playing just so he can flip around obnoxiously? He's done that over three times now. 
So, when he hears you'll be at the Three Broomsticks this evening, it isn't surprising to anyone that he convinces Sirius and Remus to accompany him.
The moment they walk in, their loud demeanor makes everyone turn their heads. It's no secret James, Sirius, and Remus are the handsomest guys in your year — so no one could blame you when you look up too. 
Your friend digs her elbow into your side when James sees you looking and struts to your table. You sit up, taking a long sip of your pumpkin juice as James leans in and crosses his arms.
Sirius and Remus stand behind him, amused. "Ladies," James winks, his eyes focused only on you. "What brings you here on this lovely Friday evening?"
You turn your head, avoiding his gaze with a small smile that makes James lose his mind, "Nothing that concerns you, Potter,"
"Can I buy you a drink?" he asks, unfazed by your bluntness as he motions to your empty glass. 
When you stand, James smoothly moves out of the way and you send him a look behind your shoulder. "Mm, no thanks. But if you want you can walk with me to order my own drink," you joke, not thinking he'll actually want to.
But, if James was a puppy, he'd be your puppy. You have him wrapped around your little pinky and the only person who doesn't see it is you. 
"Gladly," The boy smirks and his arm brushes yours as he walks next to you. You frown a little but don't say anything. You've never minded James's attention, and you know he's been after you for years now, but still you can't wrap your mind around him being serious about it.
In your mind, the attention was always bound to fade with time, and you wouldn't be caught as the fool who'd fallen for it.
However, as you lean against the bar to order another pumpkin juice and you feel James's eyes glued on you, you start to wonder. 
"So, when's the expiration date for this little game?" you ask, looking at him seriously. 
James leans against the bar too and completely turns his body to you. "Hmm? What?" he asks with a smile. He tucks the loose strand of hair from in front of your eyes behind you ear, seemingly proud of himself when he can see you clearly again. 
"This," you point at him, and then throw your arms up dramatically, "Whatever it is that you're doing."
James just smiles. He's not really catching on as his hand slides closer to yours on the bar counter. "What am I doing?" he whispers, leaning in. He has that look in his eyes, the one that makes your stomach flutter. 
You move your hand away from his. You sound exhausted, "All this flirting! Aren't you done yet?" you say it a little loudly and the woman who hands you your drink sends you a glare. Your cheeks heat up and you mumble a small sorry as you slide her your money. 
James catches your other arm before you can turn around and walk away from him. "Hey wait, what do you mean am I done? Do'you want me to be done?" he sound unsure and you can see his confusion on his face. 
Now you're confused. "Are you not planning on being done?" you whisper.
James can't hear you over the loud music and chatter inside so he moves you outside gently and you don't have to time to wonder why you let him.
It's slightly dark but the air is warm and James can hear you now when you ask the question again. He looks you over, still extremely puzzled by the entire situation.
"Wait, done with what?" he asks.
You blink at him. "What?" you feel like you're losing your mind. 
"Am I done with what?" he asks camly and you roll your eyes. 
"Done with flirting with me!" you exclaim, running a hand in your hair, "I- I don't understand, James. Why haven't you moved on? Sure, it was funny for a while but it's been years, even you must find the joke stale by now?"
James mouth opens and closes like some kind of fish and then he stares at you like you have lost your mind. "Joke? What joke?" he says and walks a little closer to you. He sounds even more confused. "Y/n, do you want me to stop flirting with you?"
You bite your lip, "I mean, yes? Because, it's not really funny anymore. I didn't mind it, Potter, but —" you pause and then hold the drink in your hand tighter. "Okay, here. What if I say I like you too? Can we just have a good laugh about it and then it all be over?"
James's frown deepens and he waves his arms in the air. "Wait, you think I'm joking?"
You blink at him again. "You're not?"
James runs a hand through his hair, chuckling in disbelief, "Of course I'm not joking," he walks even closer and you feel his presence as your skin tingles. You look up as he brushes his thumb on your chin and then smiles warmly, "I'd never pursue anyone as a joke. If you said you like me, then I would say thank Merlin and then I would kiss you until you couldn't feel those gorgeous lips of yours," he says it so calmly but you almost drop your drink. 
"Wait, so you actually, no-jokes, like me?" 
"Oh yeah. Why would you think I was making that up?" James moves his thumb to brush over your lips now, a look of adoration in his eyes, "I'm not that committed to my jokes," he teases. 
He pauses to think, "you think a twelve-year-old boy would write you cheesy love notes every class and actually send them if it was a joke? Or likewise, a sixteen-year-old would spend all of 6th year reading every single book you borrowed from the library just in case he had the chance to impress you? Or lose sleep over the way you wear your hair, or know that you change your nail-polish every week but you rotate the same colors since 4th year," James blushes a little at the admission and pauses, "and now I just sound like a creep, don't I?"
You laugh and the sound makes James grin. You hesitate but touch his cheek, tilting your head, "So, you meant every over-the-top gesture and every hilariously stupid pick-up-line?" you ask, "ever since 2nd year?" 
James nods, leaning into your touch. "Mmm yeah, but we can pretend that I was joking about the pick-up-lines that way it's less embarrassing for me," he says sheepishly.
"But I liked your pick up lines," you pout with a smile, your shoulders relaxing. 
James's eyes sparkle, "Yeah? You did?"
You smile at him. "No, but now it's funnier that you were serious about them."
James looks at you and he laughs. He throws his head back with a grin and your chest tightens even more. Has he always been this handsome or have you just never let yourself fully admire him? James looks at you again and his next words almost cause a heart attack. "Merlin, I've never wanted to kiss you as much as I do now," 
Your eyes flicker to his lips unconsciously and you realiz ehow close he is. You're nervous now and James can tell. Gently, he takes the drink in your hand and sets it on the small ledge of the building. It might fall but that's the least of your worries. For now, you need to focus on remembering how to breathe. 
Something must be different in the way you're looking at him because James asks you if he can kiss you. Years and years of flirting and he's never asked you that. 
You don't answer him and just when the silence starts to become awkward you take his cheeks in your hands and pull him towards you. Your lips hit his clumsily and you gasp into his mouth when his arm swoops behind you and he pulls you closer. James kisses you hungrily and you start to wonder why you hadn't done this years earlier.
When James disconnects his lips from yours and looks at you sweetly. "I didn't think you'd say yes," he whispers, "even less that you'd say it like that," his cheeks are tainted pink and your lip-gloss stains his lips. 
"Neither did I," you admit and look away a moment. Goosebumps run across your arms and, because you don't know where to put your hands anymore, you put them in your jacket pockets. You frown and pull out the galleons you'd used to pay for your drink with your left hand. You look back at James and he looks guilty. "What's this?" you ask. 
"I paid for your drink when you weren't looking. I knew you'd most likely say no again but I couldn't resist. I'm sorry," he holds his nape and sways on his feet.
You stare at him, slightly annoyed but also impressed that he'd put the money in your pocket without you noticing. You outsrech your open palm for him to take the money. "You'know, you make it very hard for me not to fall head over heels in love with you, James Potter."
James grins and closes your hand around his. "That the point, love," he says. 
You roll your eyes, realizing if he'd gone behind your back to pay for you he'll never accept your money now. "So, are you gonna ask me out properly or what?"
James smirks, "Are you going to say yes this time?"
You grin, "You'll just have to find out now, won't you? Tenth times the charm?"
"I don't think that's the expression—"
"Just ask me already, you idiot," you giggle.
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wonuwonder · 4 months
still playing? pt 2 – jeon wonwoo
content: 1k words, smut, established relationship, gamer!wonwoo, boyfriend!wonwoo, fem reader x wonwoo, anything else lmk! mdni
an: as promised🫡, i really liked how this one turned out, lmk what you think! lowercase intended. read part 1 here
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you’ve been waiting for almost an hour now, since he got carried away playing games. you’ve been needy all day long, and receiving a picture of wonwoo’s bulge in front of the mirror while you were at work hadn’t helped, at all. he knew it would tease the hell out of you so he sent it on purpose.
you were in your bed, trying to read something, but it was all too much. you were stressed out and tired, and the only thing on your mind was your boyfriend’s cock.
you got up and went to his desk in front of your bed, you moved his chair back and sat on his lap without asking, flustering him.
“take a seat then” wonwoo said, and locked his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him while he could still continue to play.
you were kind of pissed at him for not giving you the attention you wanted, so that meant teasing in your books.
you started to rub your ass lightly against his crotch, trying to look as innocent as possible, so that he wouldn’t suspect that you were trying to get off on him. you did it again, roughly this time, which made him groan. he grabbed your hipbone at the surprise and looked at you from the side.
“babe what are you?-” you moved again, completely bluntly this time, whimpering at the feeling of his semi hard cock against your ass. “fuck-” he grunted.
you turned to look at him, and signed at him to turn his mic off.
“can you please do something ? i’m fucking soaked and will rip your pants off if you don’t move” you blurt out.
“you’re really that needy babe?” he scoffed “and all for my cock huh?” he got close to your ear and bit the hem if your ear softly, making you squirm.
“yes won, please” you whimpered, while he moved his hands to your waist, guiding your movements against him.
he reached for the hem of your pijama dress he had bought for you and lifted his hand reaching your pussy, groaning when he finally got to feel your arousal all over his fingers.
“fuck y/n” he groaned, kissing your shoulders. while he started to play with your pussy, making you a whimpering mess in a second. he knew you perfectly well to know what buttons to press that would make you go into abyss. he would never get enough of your sounds and seeing how good he made you feel, even if he was busy, he would never reject making his girl feel good.
“gosh i’m gonna cum-” you whimpered, head falling back to rest on his shoulders, while you rocked your pussy onto his fingers “need your cock inside me” you could barely get your words out, and he had just started.
he kissed your cheek and left your aching pussy, making you take his fingers in your mouth. he made you stand up before him so he could get loose of his pants and boxers, spreading his thighs on his gaming chair, his cock sprung out reaching his lower abdomen, the tip red and leaking with pre cum, he was just as needy as you were.
you licked your lips at the sight, normally you would take him in your mouth instantly but your pussy was aching, and you couldn’t wait any longer, so you would save that for the morning.
he grabbed your waist and made you straddle him, rubbing his dick over your entrance, coating himself with your juices, making you both whimper out loud. he lifted your silky pijama dress and made sit on his cock, entering slowly at first to let you adjust to his size. you had been dating for a year now, but his cock was still a lot to take. once you were settled he wasted no time in start pounding on you, lifting you up and down his length, his thighs slapping against your skin. making all kinds of noises. your thighs all wet from your juices trailing down your skin.
his movements started getting sloppy so you grabbed onto his shoulders and started to rock your hips against him, taking the lead, moving yourself deliciously onto him.
“you fill me up so nice won” your eyes fell shut.
“so good for me baby” he growled while kissing and massaging your breasts through the thin layer of clothing.
the noises wonwoo was making made you go absolutely insane, he was a big grunter, but once in a while he became a loud whimperer, specially when you rided him. the sight of him at this state because of what you were doing to him, turned you on even more, even if it was impossible. your moans were loud as hell, and he couldn’t last much longer. he grabbed your hips and thrusted into you a few times before he came undone, gasping and grunting loudly, you coming after him just a few seconds later.
you fell onto him from your high, his palms trailing your spine, squeezing you against his chest, you hissed at the touch, and drunkly kissed his lips.
“better now?” he asks out of breath, smirking at you, brushing the strands of hair from your face, he kisses your cheek and nudges into your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses as well.
“fuck yes, that was- gosh i love you”
“i love you too, so much”
you kiss again.
and after a few minutes of silence of just the two of you making out, you hear their intruding voices.
“next time make sure to mute your mic guys” it’s cheol’s voice.
“or don’t, i liked it” soonyoung adds,
“that was hot as hell” mingyu says.
covering your mouth with your hand, you look at your defeated boyfriend’s face, you’ll never hear the end of it now.
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tags: @effielumiere @viewvuu @honglynights @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @zerocoded 💗 luv u
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jihyoruri · 1 month
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢BUBBLE GUM kang haerin x reader
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↳ warnings yn is a member of new jeans, fluff, haerin being confused with her emotions, soon to be girlfriends, black cat and golden retriever
with all the windows open in the house letting the natural light shine, the air hung heavy with humidity, wrapping around every surface like a blanket, yn reclined upside down on the worn out couch, her body glistening with sweat, the sticky warmth clinging to her skin like a second layer.
she wore a delicate tank top adorned with whimsical flowers and trimmed with intricate lace, it was paired with loose cloth shorts draped comfortably over her legs, offering minimal spare from the relentless heat.
with each exhale, she blew a bubble of pink bubblegum, you’d think she’d grow tired of blowing bubble gum since the group has got here to film the music video but boredom got to her this was the only thing she could think of doing as a distraction from the fact that they had no service.
she gazed upwards, she basked in the gentle caress of the fan's oscillating breeze, making eye contact with the cat like girl who sat across from her with a fan in her hand.
haerin immediately broke eye contact and shifted uncomfortably fanning herself faster,she reluctantly acknowledged to herself that she had been fixating on yn for longer than she cared to admit. despite her best efforts to ignore it, she couldn't deny yn’s undeniable beauty,even when they’re tired from filming over these past couple of days in an unexpected heat wave.
it wasn’t that she hated yn, she just wasn’t a big fan of the girl like everyone else is, yn was a late addition, she was added to lineup for the group only a month before they had to start recording and filming, so haerin never got the chance to get close to the girl.
well, she just didn’t allow herself, all the other girls immediately made it their job to get to know yn, so they can all feel like a family, there was something about yn that always threw her off, she could never pin point what emotion she was feeling so she just declared it being dislike for the annoyingly pretty girl.
and unfortunately to haerin’s luck, the rest of the girls went to go see the water and left the two alone for the day and to be honest it was pretty awkward, yn and haerin are barely left alone and when they are most of the time both girls just stay in their rooms, so this was new.
“it’s so hot.” yn whined as she fixed her self from her upside down position and got up from couch making her way to kitchen, the same kitchen that they filmed in yesterday, she grabbed two bottles of juice and made her way back to where her and haerin were lofting.
“here” she said softly passing the cold drink to haerin who looked up at her from her seat and gently took the bottle from her hand their hands touching for a split second, “thank you.”
“no problem.” they sat in silence they drank their drinks, desperately trying to cool down, haerin was waiting for yn to say something since the girl was always to talkative
“I’m bored.” yn said out loud, haerin only gave the talkative girl a nod in agreement, taking another sip from her drink.
haerin flinches when she hears a loud gasp from yn who darted over to the nearby table, her movements quick and purposeful as she retrieved a box and settled herself on the floor. a sense of confusion filled haerin as she observed yn patting the empty space in front of her, a silent invitation that hung heavy in the air.
reluctantly, haerin rose from her seat, her footsteps hesitant as she approached yn. sitting opposite of yn on the floor, she regarded the box with curiosity, unsure of what to expect. yn’s infectious enthusiasm filled the rooms, her eyes sparkling with childlike excitement as she eagerly explained her idea.
“let’s make bracelets!” yn exclaims flashing a cute smile to haerin who gives the girl a puzzled look, her smile was radiant, a stark contrast to haerin’s lingering skepticism. "I forgot Hyein packed this," she continued, gesturing towards the box with a flick of her wrist. "since there's nothing to do, let's make some."
haerin’s initial puzzlement melted away, replaced by a flicker of reluctant amusement as she observed yn’s unwavering enthusiasm. with a sigh, she opened the box, her fingers sifting through the assortment of strings, beads and cute charms yn’s grin widened at haerin’s reluctant participation, a silent victory in her quest to break through the barriers of their strained acquaintance.
“so, filming has been fun right?” yn says as they make their bracelets, if there was one thing about the girl it’s the she could never not not start a conversation, she loved to talk, she loved to break shells of other people and ever since she met kang haerin that has been her ultimate mission to win the girls heart over.
haerin nodded as she focused on the bracelet, “yeah.” she says quietly, as time went on she listens to yn’s rambles about the filming for the music video over the past couple of days, transition to the girl raving about her favourite character in a new show that she started watching and the girl can’t help but feel at ease at yn’s presence and talkative ways.
it was sweet.
haerin laughed quietly at yn who started a rant about the character that was mean to her favourite character, “I don’t mean to be mean, but I wouldn’t be sad if they kill him off.” yn says guilty causing haerin to shake her head in amusement as she adds the finishing clip to her bracelet.
“oh my gosh.” yn gasps looking at the bracelet, “that’s so pretty.” she says reaching over to admire the bracelet that had a flower charm hanging from it.
“I like yours as well.” haerin responds her cheeks heating up slightly as she admires the bracelet yn made with a star charm hanging from it.
a sense of confidence powers over her and she grabs yn’s wrist and clips the bracelet she made on the girls wrist resulting in yn gasping and giving haerin the biggest smile known to man.
yn then grabbed haerin’s wrist and does the same clipping on the bracelet she made to the girls wrist, “now we’re matching.” she says happily.
as haerin’s hesitant fingers grazed over the vibrant array of strings and beads, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, mirroring the infectious enthusiasm radiating from yn. caught off guard by the unexpected warmth of the moment, she couldn't suppress the soft giggle that bubbled up from within her, caused yn to giggle as well.
their gazes lingered, curiosity and vulnerability meeting in a silent exchange of understanding. for a moment, the walls that had stood between them crumbled, replaced by an unspoken connection of their shared laughter.
the sound of the door opening cuts off their soft moment the sounds of the other girl’s voices filling the house.
“we’re back!”
yn gets up from the floor and stretches her hand out to haerin who looks at it before softly placing her hand in yn’s, they smile at each other when yn pulls her up but watch shocks her is that yn doesn’t let go of her hand.
instead the girl interlocks their fingers and drags the girl along with her towards the door way.
“did you guys bring food?!”
“yn we’re in the middle nowhere, what food are we going to bring?”
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kyunzin · 4 months
𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞
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character; 𝐒. 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞
cw; he just cant get enough of your sweet cunt (f!reader)
tags; nsfw, black reader, oral(f!receiving), cum eating, squirting, overstimulation, pussydrunk!connie
a/n; I love him, sorry for any typos
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it doesn’t matter what you’re doing he will find a way to be between your legs, he’s not stopping until he’s satisfied and your cunt is slick with his saliva mixed with your juices.
✰ at your desk while you’re doing work
he comes up behind your desk chair one arm around your neck his hand turning your face to pull you into a quick kiss. you’ve been here trying to finish your assignment for a couple hours now and are almost finished, you hoped he would let you go without disturbing you until you’re finished but clearly he gave up being away from you.
“how long till you finish ma, I miss you”
you press a small kiss to his jaw before turning back to your work, not wanting to break your focus “I’m almost done baby, just wait a bit longer for me” theres no telling if that will be enough to deter him but you try anyway believing that he will see that you don’t have much left before your attention is back on him. unfortunately for you he used up all of his patience and isn’t willing to let you finish peacefully.
“come on mami, you been here for ages doin this, you cant take a break now?”
you try to stay focused writing more words down in the document when his hands start to roam your chest through the loose tank your wearing and it’s weakening your resolve “no papi, I have to finish this now otherwise I’ll miss the deadline” his hands massage your shoulders letting out a defeated sigh, leaning down to kiss the side of your neck. he’s doing all fifty tricks to try and get you away from your work and if it continues any longer it might just work.
“take a little break for me princess, I’ll make it worth your while”
his musky scent as well as his sultry voice have you at your breaking point and you let out a defeated sigh and he knows that he’s won you over. you push forwards you work and lean back in the chair moving away from you desk, turning around to see him standing there with a familiar grin on his face and you know your not going to get your work finished tonight, the smile on his face tell you that he knows as well. “remember you said a break, I don’t wanna spend to long away from this baby. be quick please” without a word he sinks to his knees in front of you easing you out of your shorts and panties. he wastes no time bringing you to the edge of the chair and swinging your legs over his shoulders and settling his head between your thighs.
✰ while you’re watching a movie, he finds something else bide his time
the two of you are laid on the sofa, you laying under him with his head resting on your chest and his arms around your chest. your legs are loosely wrapped around his torso while the both of you comfortably watch as the tv play an old movie that the both of you have watched before. he only let you watch because he loves to hear you laugh at the same bits every time. it’s not until you feel him unwrap himself and start moving down your body that you let out a quizzical hum.
“don’t worry about me ma, just watch your show”
it doesn’t quell your curiosity however all questions are answered when he stops above your thighs and pulls off both your sleep shorts and your lace panties at the same time dropping to the floor next to you. “really babe, we just fucked and you’re still horny” in return he places a few kisses to the inside of your thighs while looking up you with a conniving grin. in due time the movie is forgotten by the both of you as your attention is focused on trying to push his head away from his onslaught on you pussy. it’s not the first time he’s gotten bored of watching a show and chosen to eat you out instead, it definitely won’t be the last time either.
✰ before he fucks you
it’s like a ritual for him. there no time that the two of you fuck that doesn’t start with him lapping and sucking on your cunt. most of the time he does it for you but sometimes it’s for his pleasure. he can sit there for minutes and hours with his tongue thrusting in and out of your pussy. obscene sounds bouncing in the room as he licks up all the leaked juices from your pussy only for him to fuck them back into you with his tongue. he especially loves it when your thighs lock around his head keeping him place while he happily sucks on your clit locked in place like a child sucking on a lollipop. his tongue curling inside of you, the vibrations of his moans adding to the pleasure. the feel of your new nails running through his freshly trimmed hair as you push his face further into your pussy only spurs him on more. it’s only a matter of time before he feels the familiar sensation of your pussy quivering around his tongue before you cum into his mouth. he makes you cum at least twice like that before he actually fucks you.
✰ after he fucks you
it should be no surprise that he eats you out after he fucks you full of his cum. it’s also a part of his ritual. however instead of having you on your back he makes you ride his face grinding your sensitive cunt and nub on his face. tongue stuck out as he catches all the cum that drips out your sopping pussy. at first you worry about crushing him under you but after some reassurance from him you lower yourself on his face though still letting up some of your weight. however he’s not satisfied with that and pulls you down on him completely, holding you down by your thighs sucking out the cum from you. even as you try to lift up overstimulated by all the pleasure he holds you down firmly not letting you run away from his mouth. the stimulation of both your clit rubbing against his nose and his tongue ravishing your cunt has you cumming for the nth time that night, squirting all your juices into his mouth as he tries his best to suck it all up. only then is he satisfied and goes to run a bath for you while you lay there limp and fucked out.
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jedi-luca · 4 months
What if...Y/N Cheats?
Summary: A What if spin off of Avenger Lane.
Parings: Natasha Romanoff x Top!Reader
Warnings: Drugs, Cheating, Reader has a Penis, basically smut
A/N: Just a little something for the wait of Avenger Lane Ch. 13.
(Has nothing to do with 'What if... we live a perfect life.)
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It’s your birthday night
“Hey I was wondering where you went off too.” Natasha smiled seeing you in the kitchen.”
“Just needed a breather.” You muttered vaping your weed pen.
“Sure it wasn’t because Rachel is singing with Quinn?” The redhead kinked her brow.
“…No.” You muttered drinking the rest of your drink. You were crossfaded and ready to get shit faced.
“Hmhm.” She chuckled sitting on the counter where you were leaning.
You grinned looking down at her dress covered legs.
“I got you something.” She said softly, taking it out of her pocket.
“Whhhat? You shouldn’t have.” You chuckled, taking the small box in your hand. You opened it and took out a necklace with the names of your daughters on it.
“If you look through the top you’ll see them.” She smiled watching your jaw drop. You could see a picture of you and your little girls from the time you were in Natasha’s pool.
“Nat this is… thank you. I love it.” You chuckled, hugging her tightly against you. “It’s a really thoughtful and sweet gift. I love it.” You blushed, handing her the necklace to place on you. She leaned in, unclasping the hook before placing it on you and leaning back again. 
“You’re welcome.” She said softly, you were both close and you don’t know if it’s her scent or being crossfaded but you have an urge to take her. God, you get so horny when you drink. Her arms are still loosely hanging around your neck. You’re so close between her legs she can feel your bulge growing she leans in lightly kissing your cheek. “Happy birthday.” 
“Where is Bruce?” You ask softly, stepping closer feeling her legs nudge you closer.
Natasha shrugs, she doesn’t have the energy to lie, not when she’s buzzed and can smell your scent.
“He doesn’t deserve you Nat.” You say boldly caress her cheek.
She’s just going to tell you. Tell you her marriage is a sham, and tell you that Quinn is the one that doesn’t deserve you. The words are on the edge of her lips when you start leaning closer “Y/N-” She husks arching her back ever so lightly to lighten the ache between her legs.
“You deserve so much better.” You say softly.
“The same could be said for you.” She whispers her hands now cupping our cheeks. You both hold eye contact as your hands hook beneath her legs bringing her close against you.  
“Nat.” Her name slips from your lips feeling her nose rub against yours. It’s such a small thing that ignites the fire in your belly. You feel your cock throb as the blood rushes down.
Her lips touch yours letting the fire spread. You both moan finally unleashing your emotions that have been lingering for too long.
Her legs hook around you and suddenly her hands are reaching for your belt and yours reach below her dress dragging her soaked panties down and shoving them in your pocket.
She takes your meat in her hand gently tugging you. You break the kiss bringing her closer by the hips feeling her rubbing against your hard cock.
She sighs and you groan feeling her hot juices against your cock. “Y/N!” She husks feeling your tongue against her neck. “I’ve wanted this for so long!” She husks pushing you inside.
“Oh my God… oh Natasha oh fuck!” You moan as the toe of your shoes bang against the bottoms of the cabinets. You pivot your hips hitting her spot.
“Ohhh!” Natasha’s mouth opens with a loud moan as she pulls you closer feeling you deep inside her womb.
The cabinets bang as you thrust harder and harder. She pushes your shirt up to feel your skin.
“I wanna feel your body against mine so bad.” She husks. You shove her dress was far up as you can hold her against you. You can feel her meeting your thrusts.
“Fuck I can’t hold on much longer.” You moan feeling her hard nipples and soft skin against yours. “I’m sorry you just feel so fucking good.”
“Oh baby I’m gonna cum it’s been a really really long time.”
“Good cause I can’t hold on im gonna… I gotta-“ you tried to pull out but she kept you there and you exploded. “Ohhhh!” You groan feeling the coil inside of you spring to life. Emptying your seed deep inside of her. 
“Fuuuck!” She moans her pussy twitching, milking you for all your worth.
You're both panting as you come down from your high. “Fuck.” You breathe out remembering your wife, the women of your children and the one who threw this party for you is right outside. You let go of Nat laying a hand against the top cabinet. “Fuck.” You say again before looking up.
Natasha feels her heart fall and you look disappointed. She can’t tell if you regret it because you're married or if you regret it because you’re not into her.
“Hey.” She says lifting your chin.
Your eyes are Wild.
“Kiss me.”
She leans in taking your lips once more. Your breathing is still heavy from having hot sex against your kitchen counter. 
You both are silent as you break the kiss. Your cock is still inside of her. You gently pull out grabbing paper towels you wipe your cum that seeps out of her pussy. You have half a mind to clean her with your tongue but the whole you debate the idea. There are voices right outside asking where you are.
You stuff your cock back in your jeans and Natasha steals one last kiss from you. “Hmm.” You hum squeezing her close and breaking when the back door opens.
Natasha purses her lips gripping the counter as you take a few steps back.
“Hey there you are, come on Quinn’s looking for you.” Mike grins, gripping your shoulders as he pushes you along outside.
Your birthday night was the start of a torrid love affair.
The next time you and Natasha fuck is the day after your birthday. You spent the next day thinking about what you did. You were racked with guilt in the beginning but as time wore on that day all you could think about was the way her velvet walls felt against your cock. The sound of her moans and groans as you stretched her out.
You were bricked and needed her to help you. Quinn sadly thought it was for her.
“You are insatiable. Don’t worry, I'll take care of you tonight.” She husked winking at you as she continued on with dinner. 
That night your wife sucked on your cock in a way that used to have you coming in minutes. You tried to focus on her hazel eyes as she choked on your staff, but your mind would pan to Natasha. You wanted her so bad you feel the way your body aches for her. Quinn rode you like a cowgirl and still all you could think about was the way Natasha’s body would arch into yours. You wondered how’d she taste, and how wonderful she would feel writhing on top of you.
You pictured her and came with a grunt.
You satisfied Quinn as she was getting tired of being the only one to have orgasmed so many times.
The next day Quinn went to work and took Beth to school. You went straight to Wanda with Fin.
“Do you mind watching her for a bit? I need to do something real quick.”
“Oh of course.” Wanda nodded, taking your daughter. “Thank you, I'll be back.” 
As soon as Wanda shut the door you ran towards Natasha’s. You banged on her door leaning both hands on the panels of her door breathing heavily as your heart thumped against your chest. You shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be doing this, but you couldn’t fight it anymore. You wanted her so bad you just had to have her again.
“Y/N.” She said eyes widening as she opened the door.
You don’t say a word, you just bring her in your arms kissing her as passionately as you did the day before yesterday.
“Hmm.” She hummed, slamming the door shut. You lift her up and pin her against the door.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” You muttered as you both gasped for air. 
“You haven’t left my mind. I thought you regretted it.” Natasha’s chest heaved.
“I don’t.” You shook your head leaning in to kiss her lips softly this time. 
“Take us upstairs.” 
You nod, kissing her once more before running up the stairs.
“Left.” she mumbles taking a break from kissing your chest. 
You hang a left and rush through the door plopping both of you on her bed.
“Hmmm take it off.” She husks pushing against you.
You both shed your clothes quickly, unable to contain the sexual energy you both feel radiating around you.
“God you’re so fucking beautiful.” You say biting your lips as you look down at her porcelain body.
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” She says bringing you down by the necklace she got you.
“I’m here now baby, daddy’s here. I’m gonna take care of that ache between these delicious legs.” You say laying between her legs. 
She moans at the sight of you so close to licking her pussy. She thrusts her hips up tangling her fingers in your hair. “Please!” She begs. “Please fuck me daddy. I need you so badly.”
You pin her legs down, and inhale deeply before feasting on her sweet tangy pussy. “Fuck you taste so good!” You mutter. Your tongue is flicking her bundle of nerves so perfectly. She takes your hands placing them on her breast moaning as you massage both.
Your lapping her up and her body is twitching against you she’s getting closer.
“I need you daddy.” She shakes her head. “I need you to stretch me out in the best fucking way!”
“I wanna keep tasting you.” You smirk hearing her whine.
“Please daddy! Please fuck me right. Please Y/N fuck me into this mattress!” She pulls you up and you lay between her legs humping into her as your teeth clash in a battle for dominance.
Her nails scratch your back as you slip right into her. “Ohhhh!” Her body tenses tightly around you as she moans. “Ohhhh fuck!” she sobs feeling you slam into her your abs rubbing against her taunt stomach.
“You feel so fucking good baby.” You groan. “You’re taking me so well.” You lift yourself up so you could see the way her tits jiggle with every thrust into her. You let one hand go around her breast, flicking her nipple and the other rubbing her clit.
“Oh Natasha! Oh baby, you look so good with my dick inside of you. Look at that bulge baby! You’re such a good girl taking all of me like this.”
The redhead moans reaching for your neck but you pull back and pull out.
You flip her over and she groans as you sit on the back of her thighs lifting her ass up. You lean down licking her tight little asshole as your fingers play with her pussy. She moans drooling against her pillow. “Ohhh fuck!” She sounds muffled against the pillow.
You slap her ass cheeks before slapping your cock against her puffy pussy. “You want my cock baby?”
“Yesss!” She screams into the pillow. “Please daddy!”
You smirk, pushing your thick long cock inside of her..
“Oh Y/N you feel so good daddy! So good!” She moans wiggling her ass against you.
“Hmm you feel good too Angel. I haven’t stopped thinking about you. The way you sound. The way you feel. My God Natasha I’m so addicted to you already. All I want is you.”
Natasha made sounds that would put a porn star to shame. She pushed into you using her elbows to arch her back. You help her up against your body. “Oh detka.” She moaned against your lips. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”
You push in deeper then out then back in as deep as you can getting a guttural moan from her lips.
“That’s it baby you can take it. You can take this dick can’t you?”
“Yes daddy! Yes! I love your big cock so fucking much!”
“This is the best pussy I’ve ever had. The fucking best.” You say cumming deep inside of her. “Ohhh fuuuck!”
She can feel the air from her lungs rush out feeling your heavy muscled body against hers. You grunt in her ear before rolling off of her.  She pants lifting herself up and rolling on her back. “Fuck that was so good baby.” She pants before looking over at you. Your cock is still rock hard and your looking at her like you never have before.
You reach out for her, bringing her on top of you.
“I’m still aching for you Natasha.” You say pushing her hair back before bringing her in a kiss.
“Then let me take care of it.” She smirked against your lips.
She makes her way down bringing your twitching cock in her mouth.
“Oh my- oh your mouth is amazing.” You breathed out feeling your toes curl. Her eyes never leave yours as chokes down your length. 
“Fuuuck baby that’s enough I don’t wanna cum yet.” You groaned.
“Can I ride you now daddy?” She straddles you, rubbing her pussy against your length as you grope her breasts.
“Of course baby…That’s it princess rub yourself against daddy.”
Her eyes start to flutter close as she picks up her pace. She’s rocking against your throbbing cock as she falls against you kissing you. 
“Hmmm!” You hum gripping her ass cheeks. “Fuuuck your ass is so perfect baby.”
Natasha reaches below angling her pelvis as before sinking against your cock.
You both hiss at the heat between your legs and she starts to rock slowly. 
“That’s it, baby ride me.” You husk before she bites your lip.
“So good this dick is so fucking good. You’re so thick and long I can feel you stretching me out daddy.” Her pace starts to pick up and soon she’s bouncing on your cock. She loved watching how your body reacted to hers.
“Your pussy is choking and stroking me in the best fucking way.” You grunt.
“Ohhh Y/N!” She cries out steadying herself with both arms as she rocks as fast as she can. She gasps and gasps for air as she cums around your meat once again.
“That’s it baby take it and keep cuming on daddy.” You lift her up with ease before thrusting up inside of her faster and harder than she could do herself.
“Oh yesss! Oh fuck yesss daddy just like that don’t stop! Don’t stop fucking me!” She moans against your ear.
“Fuuuuck this you feel so good I’m about to cum… cum with me?” You ask and she nods quickly. Looking into her eyes you cum hard with her.
You both twitch in each others arms. “That was so damn good better than good it was fucking fireworks and shooting stars my God.” You pant feeling her kissing your neck before trailing up towards your lips languishly kissing as she tangles your legs.
She moans feeling you hump inside of her gently letting her ride out her high still.
She sighs against your chest her finger nails dragging softly against your abdomen.
“I could wash my clothes with these abs.” She smirks against your skin before repositioning her head to see you better.
“You can use them any time you want, angel.” You chuckled letting your one hand thread your fingers in her red tresses and the other graze her skin on her back.
You both lay in pure bliss not wanting it to end.
Her hair curtains around you as she kisses you softly. Your hand palming her perfectly sculpted ass. 
“How is it that you are so beautiful, sexy, cute, and a naughty little good girl all at once?” You ask, breaking the kiss. She blushes looking away. You gently move her chin towards you. 
“To lure you in my arms of course.” She smirked, kissing you once more.
“I have to go and pick up Fin from Wanda’s soon. Wanna join us for lunch? I’ll cook for you.” You ask, pushing a lock behind her ear.
Natasha whined into your neck. “I don’t want this to end yet.”
“Hey come on it doesn’t have to-“
“I want you to keep fucking me all day long.” She hums humping you.
“Hmm.” You hum at the feel of her tight walls.
“Please daddy one more time?”
You roll over on top of her fitting right between her legs. You slowly start to thrust into her.
“Dadddy! Oh Y/N.” She moans pulling you down against her body.
You take in the way she feels around you, and the way she looks blissfully full.
“You're so beautiful, Nat, you're gorgeous. I’ve never seen a woman like you.”
She was falling so hard for you. She just hoped you would catch her.
“Maybe we could go somewhere? Get out of town and not out of bed.”
The redhead smiled, kissing you softly. “I’ll go anywhere with you.” 
You sighed digging your face into her neck sucking and nibbling as the pace of your thrusts increased.
“Oh baby.” Natasha groaned, feeling you twitch inside of her as you kiss her spot.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” You sighed.
“I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you moving in. The way your muscles flexed. The way you smiled at me.”
You kiss her pushing yourself deeper and deeper.
“Especially when I caught you fucking your wife.”
“Wait what?” You chuckled pulling back and pausing your movements causing her to whine.
“Keep going don’t stop and I’ll tell you more.”
You chuckled darkly doing as she told you.
“Oh fuck yes babbbby.”
“Tell me more.”
“I saw how big you were and the way you’d fuck her. I would imagine it was me and touch myself with my toy.”
“My naughty girl.” You grinned kissing her once more.
“I’d wake up early just to watch you run so I could see the way your big dick would bounce in your shorts.”
“I saw you once. You had just gotten out of the shower your blinds were wide open. You bent over and all I wanted to do was show you how good I can be instead of your husband. I got in the shower and thought of you as I jacked off.”
“You thought of me?”
“Yes baby.”
“Oh my-“ Natasha moaned as she came around your cock.
“Give me two more baby.” You say picking up your pace.
“I’ll give you anything daddy.” She sobbed, feeling herself cum again almost too quickly..
“Shit that’s it love.” You both rolled around in bed until you finally pulled out, and turned her against you lifting up her leg from behind. You let your thick soldier enter her once more. She turned her head meeting your lips moaning at the way you felt around her body.
“Oh Y/N you make me feel so fucking good.”
You leaned in kissing her before moving to her spine to her shoulders to her neck.
“I’m close, sweetheart.”
“Me too daddy.”
“Ladies first.” You whispered.
“Same time.” She shook her head.
“Okay Angel just tell daddy when.”
“Keep thrusting daddy just a few more.” She moaned as your hand explored her curves.
“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re so fuckin pure like an Angel.”
Her arm went back letting her hand scratch your scalp.
“I feel the same about you Y/N. I want you to fuck me like this every day.”
“Anything. I’ll do anything for you.”
“Come with me daddy.” She husked moaning against your mouth as you thrusted so hard you had to wrap both arm around her to keep her from flying away from you.
The moans and pants filled the room as your cum shot deep inside of her.
You curled into her kissing up from her arms to her neck and cheek.
“I love you.” She so desperately wants to say.
You’re both covered in sweat. Normally you’d want to cool off on your side of the bed but now you didn’t care. Truthfully you wanted to go again, but you know you really need to get Finley.
You both looked down at your combined juices seeped out of her tight little pussy.
She pulled you in a kiss slowly tasting your tongue.
“You’re so fucking perfect.” She husked. “Better than I imagined. I wasn’t lying about fucking you every day. I can’t go back to not having you at all.” 
“I’m yours Angel I’m all yours.” You whispered, caressing her cheek.
You hold her for a while until you notice her sleeping. You eventually pull out and get up to clean her up a bit. You gently wipe between her thighs and get dressed.
“I don’t want you to go.” She says softly, startling you.
“Let me get my daughter and I’ll make you both lunch.” You smile.
She nods, sitting up.
You kiss her one more time after putting your shoes on. “I’ll see you in a few.” You smile before heading downstairs and out the door.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
“Natty!” Finley squealed.
“Hi Finny!” She smiled brightly lifting up your toddler as she babbled away.  
“Papa look! Natty.” 
You grinned, throwing your cooking towel over your shoulder. “Hey Natty.”
“Hey daddy.” She smirked, biting her lip. She desperately wanted to kiss you.
“No Natty, that's my papa.”
“You don’t want to share.”
“I share with Bethy.” She shook her head causing Natasha to let out her melodic laugh.
After lunch you watch Natasha teach Fin ballet and until its nap time for Fin.
“She fell asleep while we were doing a bit of yoga.” Nat whispered, holding your daughter up.
“I noticed.” You grinned as you led her upstairs to put Fin in her bed.
You were both walking back downstairs when you held her from behind. “You look so beautiful when you dance.” Your hands ran down her hips.
She hummed in response pushing her butt into you. “You’re so hard for me.”
“I couldn’t hold it anymore.”
She wrapped her hand behind your neck bringing you down in a kiss. “Think we have time?” 
“We can make time.” You nod in response.
“Take me baby.” she husked.
You push your joggers down letting your member spring to life as she pushes her tights down. You shuffle over behind the sofa letting her hold on to something as you begin to rub her pussy with your fingers.
“Oh baby.” She sighs. “I love the way you touch me.”
“I love the way you feel and the way you make me feel.” You breathe her in as she pumps your meat.
“I’m ready for you daddy.” She bites your ear as you push inside of her.
You both quietly groan at the feel of each other.
Natasha bends over the sofa stretching her back but you pull her back up using one arm around her tight little waist and the other raised up to wrap your hand around her neck feeling her nipple against your forearm. She practically melts in your arms as you thrust your hips. 
“How is it each time feels like the first time in the best way possible?” She mutters.
“It's the way we make eachother feel.” you admit.
“Fuck.” she bites her palm as she meets your rhythm. 
“Natasha.” You husk against her neck. You wanna say those three little words so badly. You’re in love with her. You just need to tell your wife. You have to tell her it's over. You snap out of your thoughts as she brings you back in a sloppy kiss. You’re both growing closer and closer with each short stroke. 
“Ohh Y/N.” She bites back her moan. “Just like that.” She mutters feeling her eyes roll back. “Cum with me.”
You grunt, squeezing her tightly as you cum inside of her. You kiss her neck before moving to her lips with a heavy sigh.
Natasha looks at the clock and feels her heart tighten. Quinn and Beth should be home in a little over an hour. She knows it's time for her to leave. She desperately wants to ask you what this all means, but she's scared it will only make you want to stop whatever this relationship is.
“What's wrong angel?” you ask as she pushes away from you lightly.
She refuses to speak instead she points at the clock heading to the bathroom to clean up.
You anxiously wait outside wondering if she wants to stop this thing between the two of you when you hear the door open.
“Don’t make this harder for me Y/N.” She whispers walking towards the door.
“Baby.” You say bring her against you. 
“Y/N.” She says against your chest.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night right? At Thors?”
She nods and you kiss her softly and leave another kiss against her forehead before letting her go.
Halloween Party at Thors
After finding you out back and sitting on your lap at the behest of Carol and Val of course.
Natasha could feel how hard you were and would wiggle her ass against you when the gang would look away.
You took her hand under your jacket, setting it on your cock. She rubbed you slowly.
“Fuck I’m so hard for you baby.” You muttered near her ear. “You look so fucking good in this catsuit. I gotta have you now.” 
“Meet me in Thors bathroom upstairs.” She muttered before getting off your lap and leaving behind your jacket to cover your hard on.
“How ya doing Y/L/N?” Val smirked.
“I gotta take a piss.” You muttered walking back inside with your jacket. 
“Oh they’re totally fucking.” Val muttered in her wifes ear. 
“I can only imagine the steam coming off their hot bodies.”
“Call it a night and-”
“Yes.” Carol quickly said, pulling her wife up and out of the party without as much of a goodbye.
You watched as Quinn talked to Christine so you made a beeline for Thor’s bathroom upstairs.
“I told you Nat hasn’t stopped hooking up with Y/N.” Wanda huffed looking around.
“Maybe Y/N will tell Quinn and let her go?”
“I hope so.” 
Meanwhile upstairs
You knocked and Nat opened the door bringing you in. Your lips and teeth met with a clash. 
“You look so fucking good in this cat suit.” You squeezed her ass, slapping it with both hands.
“I knew you’d love it.” Nat smirked pushing you back a bit before dropping to her knees.
You watched with hooded eyes as she licked your second head. Your hand wrapped around her tresses just as she began bobbing her head. 
“Fuuuuck!”  You groaned, you gently guided her all the way down your length hearing her gag a bit.
“Like this daddy?” Her voice was muffled.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full baby.” You smirked and her eyes darkened and she let out a muffled giggle. “Your mouth baby those lips… fuck.” You sighed holding on to the sink.
You watched as she worshiped your cock sucking the life out of you, and occasionally licking you up and down so slowly you’d twitch in her hand.
“Daddy will you lick me now? I’m so wet and sticky for you.”
“Fuuuuck yes come here baby.”
You lifted her onto the bathroom cabinet. Kissing her passionately before lowering her zipper letting your tongue lick all the way down her body. You slid her tiny little black thong out of the way feeling her tangy juices run down your tongue.
“Ohhhh fuck daddy your tongue is so good.”
“Hmmm.” You hummed burrowing a little bit deeper letting her legs drape over your shoulders.
She moaned humping into your mouth. “Oh daddy!”
You hummed in response, lapping her sweet juices up. You could go down on her for hours if you could. You could feel her fingers grazing our hair.
You began spelling out different things against her clit to make her jolt.
“Daddy.” She giggled, bringing your hands up to her breast. And the other she sucked on your thumb.
You began swiping your tongue just right she was like a fire hydrant ready to burst.
“Fuuuuck daddy right there… don’t stop, I'm so close! Ohhhh dadddddy!” She began humping your face, squeezing your hands against her as she came undone. She gasped for breath as you stood back up.
She licked herself off of you feeling your cock teasing her slit. You took her hand placing it on your member. “Slowly daddy.” She whined, inserting your tip causing you to hiss at her heat.
You barely push in before pulling out. Repeating it a few times hearing her mewing against your neck. “You’re so sexy Nat. Sometimes I can’t believe I’m here with you.” 
She opened her eyes and brought your hand up from her chest to around her neck. “I love being your dirty little secret.” 
“Oh my gosh.” You groaned, plunging yourself deeper and deeper.
“I love being your toy daddy. Fuck I love it so much.” She gasps at the feel of your hand.
You began thrusting into her at an alarming rate. Her moans grow so loud you cover her mouth to muffle the sound. Even though the bass of the music is loud you still don’t want to be caught.
“That’s it baby girl you’re taking me so well.” You moan seeing the tears in her eyes. You loosen your grip and let go but she keeps you there shaking her head. “I wish I had all night with you. I wanna keep going. I wanna feel you riding me like a cowgirl.”
She moaned, eyes rolling back as she came undone. You let go of her kissing her lazily as you thrust slowly. “Fuuuck I’m gonna cum soon.” She pushes you back getting on her knees.
“Fuck my mouth daddy. Fuck it how you please.” She brought you against her lips before opening wide.
She gripped your ass as you moaned, pushing deeper and deeper down her throat. 
She gagged and you muttered. “Just a few more thrusts baby. Fuck your mouth feels sooooo good.” You tense feeling your cock twitch you give a few short thrusts before cumming in her mouth. “Ohhhh fuck that’s so good.” 
You pulled and she stuck out her tongue showing you the thick cum that trailed down her tongue into her throat before she swallowed. You help her up before pulling her close against you.
“You're perfect.” You whisper, laying your forehead against hers. 
“So are you detka.” She kisses you.
“We should probably get back down there.” You sigh.
“You should wash your face first you smell like me.” Natasha smirks.
You grin before doing as you were told. You bring her back against your chest.
“You go first.” She says against your chest. 
You squeeze her one more time before kissing her lips and walking out the door.
You both inhale realizing the situation of it all. You’ve both been fucking behind Quinn’s back for the last month. Nat is all you think about. She’s all you want. You knew it was time to get a divorce lawyer.
Natasha turns and washes her hands and mouth.
You walk down the stairs and see Quinn laughing along with Christine. She definitely didn’t notice your absence. You grab a drink and watch Natasha follow suit. 
A few days later at the fair
You look around making sure your daughter Beth is distracted. You lean in kissing Natasha softly. She squeezes your hand before breaking the kiss afraid Beth will see. 
“This is almost perfect.” She says softly.
“Almost.” You agreed.
“Sing to me Paolo.” She smirks.
“I'll touch that fire for you
I do that three, four times again, I testify for you, I told that lie, I'd kill that bitch, I do what all of them around you scared to do, I'm not.
Long as you juggin' out here for me, I got it.
Mobbin', schemin', lootin', hide your bodies
Long as you dreamin' 'bout me, ain't no problem
I don't got nobody, just with you right now
Tell the truth, I look better under you
I can't lose when I'm with you
How can I snooze and miss the moment?
You just too important
Nobody do body like you do
I can't lose when I'm with you
I can't just snooze and miss the moment
You just too important
Nobody do body like you do, you do”
Natasha briefly checked for Beth’s attention before kissing you softly. You kissed her hand as the Ferris wheel started descending back down.
The rest of the night made Natasha feel like the two of you were together with a little family. It made her ready to finally tell you everything you deserved to know.
The next morning
“What’s wrong baby?” You ask.
“I can’t keep lying to you, we need to talk.”
“Okay…” you say.
“Y/N there’s some things you should know. One my marriage is a sham. Bruce and I married one another for my citizenship. He wanted to make his ex jealous and I just wanted to stay in the country.”
“Wait, you aren’t in love with him?” 
“I never have been… are you mad at me?”
“No of course not I’m just confused as to why you never said anything I wouldn’t have told anyone.” You chuckled.
“I don’t know, I guess I was worried if I said anything you would have told Quinn and she definitely wouldn’t have let you be my friend. That’s not really what I’ve been scared to tell you.”
“Hey you shouldn't ever be scared to say anything to me.”
“Someone stole your chance at MIT, and I’m pregnant.” She word vomited all over you. 
“Wait what?! No start over.” You shook your head.
“Tony checked with MIT to see why you got declined and found out you were accepted on a full ride but someone declined it.”
“What?” You said in disbelief.
“Could it have been Quinn?” 
“Oh my gosh.” You sat back down in shock you couldn’t believe it. “I-…Yeah it could have been her.” You shake your head before holding it in your hands.
“I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry.” She said rubbing your back. “You had your career stolen from you.l”
You began crying thinking about how Quinn could have done this to you.
“Oh, Y/N, baby.” Natasha brings you in her arms.
“Did/ Did you just say you’re pregnant?” You sniffled.
“Maybe.” She squeaked. 
You looked at her as if to say ‘tell the truth’.
“Yes. I took 3 tests Y/N.”
“Wow. I thought you… couldn’t?”
“I was told all my life I couldn’t.”
“So this is a miracle baby?”
Natasha’s eyes started tearing up as she nodded with pursed lips.
“Nat, that's amazing.” You said softly, bringing her back in a hug. 
“You’re not upset?” She asked.
“That you’re pregnant? No of course not that’s no one’s fault it just happened. It’s not our baby’s fault-“ Natasha cut you off kissing you as she straddled you.
“Hmm Nat hun we-“
“Make love to me Y/N.”
“Let me get a divorce first.”
“Wait-“ Natasha looked down looking for any lies.
“We’ve been sneaking around and I’ve sort of been feeling guilty about it. Quinn is the mother of my children even though she is semi evil she still deserves to know, and you deserve someone who isn’t married.”
“Baby.” She whispered softly, kissing your head. 
“Natasha I’m in love with you.”
“I love you too!” She smiled leaning down to kiss your lips and her body began rocking. “I’m not sharing you with her anymore.”
“Hmm Nat no baby we should wait.”
“You just told me you love me. I can’t help it if I really want you to make love to me all night long.” She threw her head back arching her back.
“Hmm.” You sighed feeling your cock grow with need. “I want to. Oh fuck you have no idea how bad I wanna worship your body right now. Take my sweet time making this tight little pussy squirt all over daddy.”
“Then do it daddy. Show mommy how much you love her.”
“I can’t believe I got you pregnant.” You chuckled, kissing her lips.
“I’m so happy Y/N.”
“Just let me divorce her and we can finally be together.”
“You can move in here with me. I have rooms for the kids.”
“We might need an extra one for the baby.”
“I can’t believe it’s finally happening.”
Natasha didn’t want to wait. She unzipped your pants, pumping your cock a bit before pushing your inside of her.
“Oh my-” She kissed away your moans as she rode you faster and faster. She was so unbelievably horny for you.
“Oh daddy.” She husked, leaning her forehead against yours.
“Go on baby cum around daddys dick.”
“I love you so much.” She gasped.
“I love you too baby. So damn much.”
She moaned loudly as her hips halted her walls clamping tight around you. “Say it again.” She whines.
“I love you Natasha. I love you so much baby.” You groan as you palm her ass cheeks. “I love you, I love you, I love you and this luscious ass.”
She giggled, kissing you as you quickly laid her down against the sofa. Her legs widen and lock around you. You begin humping into her, feeling your cock twitching as her moaning begins getting louder and louder.
“That’s it my love let go.”
“Fuck me harder daddy.” She groans as you nibble her nape slamming down against her hips harder and harder as her hands grip your ass.
“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum baby.”
“Me too daddy. Keep going!”
You groan as you increase your motion going faster and harder with each stroke. 
She locks you in place as she cums around your cock and you groan feeling her walls milk you dry.
“I’m telling her tonight my love I promise.” You pant.
A year later you divorced Quinn and now have a little bundle of joy in the next room with your soon to be wife.
“I can’t wait to marry you.” You sigh, holding Natasha from behind as she looks down at your baby.
“Me either.” She sighed leaning against you.
Finley was happy to have Natasha as a step mom. Beth wasn’t too keen on it but she will with time. As for Quinn, your relationship with her is strictly about the girls. She’s still sad you’re gone and upset that she lost you. But at least now she has Rachel to hold her when she cries.
You’ve never been happier with a great career ahead of you at Stark Industries, two beautiful daughters, a gorgeous wife, and a little baby in her arms. 
Like, comment, and reblog 😘
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nova-amor · 5 months
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MDNI. raunchy, drunk sex with könig. 442. cw daddy kink, intoxication
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the blunt edges of könig's nails scratched deep into your hips, the loud smacking of bare skin against skin reverberating off the walls of your living room. the stubby legs of the couch squeaked beneath your combined weight, the wooden frame hanging by a thin thread to support your rapid movements.
“look how good you take it,” könig praised breathlessly, his ocean eyes glassy and wide in amazement as he watched you bounce effortlessly up and down his length. he licked his lips, mouth salivating at the sight of the white ring of cream forming around the base of his shaft from your juices. “g-god, you feel fuckin' amazing— s-so good f'me, kleine,” he babbled, a thin strand of drool falling from the corner of his mouth.
you stared down at könig with half-lidded eyes, your bones practically jello from the amount of wine you had drank during dinner and how long you had been riding him. you couldn't get enough of him though, far too addicted to stop any time soon.
it seemed almost as if his cock had been perfectly crafted for you— the mushroom head rubbing nicely against that sensitive gooey spot along your walls, the short trimmed hairs growing from his pubic bone scratching deliciously at your clit.
your toes curled at the sensation of being stuffed full, your pebbled nipples rubbing against his bare pecs as you ground your cunt down on him. you could practically feel him in your throat, every inch of his length completely embedded into you as you rocked your hips back and forth against him.
“you feel better,” you breathed out, nails clawing at his shoulder blades as you continued to focus on your growing orgasm. you could almost taste it, the impending pleasure blooming at the pit of your stomach.
you were so close, teetering just right on the edge. “s-so close, könny, s-so close— i'm g'na cum, könny, g'na cum all over yer cock,” your thighs began to shake, abdomen tightening as you narrowed your focus to just rubbing your clit against him. you no longer cared to cater to his orgasm as well, not when you were so close to your own.
könig's arms tensed as he wrapped his arms around your waist. he lifted his hips an inch or two off the couch, allowing you a better angle to grind against him. his cock nudged against your cervix, stars forming in his eyes as he drew closer to his release. “fuck, baby, keep doing that—” he slurred, his tongue loose. “just like that, cum on my cock, baby— lemme feel that pretty cunt cream all over daddy's cock.”
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diamondocean001 · 3 months
Yoriichi x reader x Michikatsu smut (because I've been craving some of that)
(Btw, this is my first time writing smut so it'll probably be quite bad)
(This is a modern AU where the reader, Michikatsu and Yoriichi are in a polygamy relationship)
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Michikatsu and Yoriichi glance up at you as you enter the room. Having just finished showering, your bathrobe clinging loosely to your body, and your skin was still a little damp. Nothing you thought would stimulate any kind of response. However, you're two lovers have a tendency to be a bit...perverted at times. Their eyes bore into you as you proceeded to brush your hair.
Michikatsu was in agony. The simple thought of knowing you where naked in the room next door set a heat throughout his body. A desperate craving he had to satisfy.
His brother wasn't much better. Yoriichi's arousal spiked as soon as he saw your almost bare body exit the bathroom, dirty images filling his mind as he watched you.
You ran your fingers through your hair as you finished brushing it, the strands flowing silkiny through your finger. As you placed the brush back on your desk, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you in a warm embrace. You lent back into Yoriichi touch as he nuzzled his face into yiur hair, inhaling deeply as he did so.
"You're beautiful, "he muttered, his hands trailing a light path up you arms.
Warms coated your face at his words, to nervous to disagree, to flustered to answer.
Yoriichi stared to place gebtle kisses along your neck, his hands trailing a feather-light path down your arms. Michikatsu mived to stand infront of you, his hands cupping your face as he pulled you in for a desperate kiss. His lips moulded against yours in a kiss both soft and searing. Both gentle and rough.
As your wrapped your arms around Michikatsu's neck, Yoriichi's kisses started to gradually turn rougher, his lips leaving faint marks in his wake, causing you to moan into his brother's mouth.
Michikatsu's tongue brushes against yours, gis hands trailing up your thighs.
"M-Michi..." the heat that had begun brewing in your core intensified at his touch.
"Relax, beautiful," his voice rough with desire. "We'll look after you."
"P-please..." the simple plea, the simple world fulled their desires even further, your consent breaking the rest their restraint.
Michikatsu slid his hand further up your thigh as Yoriichi started pulling at your robe, desperate to rid you of it.
As the fabric pooled at your ankles, Yoriichi's hands slowly began to massage your breasts. Tease your nipples. Your back arched from the pleasure.
Michikatsu couldn't wait any longer. He thrusted two fingers up, inside your wet cunt, memorizing each moan you made as he did so.
"Mmm. Ngh!"
Whilst continuing to support you, Yoriichi placed his lips around one of your perky nipples, swirling his tongue around it. You gripped onto his Yukata, moaning loudly at the constant stimulation. Michikatsu's rough thrusts with his fingers. Yoriichi sucking on your nipple, playing with your soft tits.
Michikatsu thumb then began to roughly flick your clit, making your body twitch, and writhe from each jolt of pleasure. You clenched tightly around Michikatsu's fingers, throwing your head back onto Yoriichi's shoulder.
"That's it, baby," Yoriichi groaned into your ear. "Cum for us."
Nothing else needed to be said, as you immediately released onto Michikatsu's hand, crying out loudly in yiur orgasmic bliss. Michikatsu's thrusts continued until you rode out your orgasm, when he slowly removed his fingers, a stream of your juices running down then. He licked his fingers clean, groaning at the taste.
As he picked you up, Yoriichi turned your head to kiss you. Gentler than his brother, but still just as arousing, the way his tongue flicked against yours.
He positioned you above him, kneelng on all fours as he layed underneath you. You felt the bed shift, and Michikatsu's presence behind you.
Yoriichi kissed you softly again as he sliwly slid his cock into your cunt, swallowing your moans as he did so. He thrusted slow at first giving you a small time to adjust.
Your eyes shot open again as you felt Michikatsu push his cock into your ass. You pulled back from Yoriichi's passionate kiss to catch your breath.
"Fuck! Michu...Yori..." your moans fulled their thrusts as they began to fuck you harder.
Kisses where placed all over your body, but you where unable to determine who's they where. All you could focus in where the thrusts from the two men you loved. You craved.
"Nugh! H-Harder..."
Michikatsu's voice responded to your please with a simple "beg for it," spanking your ass as he did so.
Moans where all you could muster atthis point, the two cocks pounding into you making thinking feel impossible.
Yoriichi was more merciful than his twin and rubbed your clit, helping you to newr your end.
"F-Fuck! I-I'm gonna c-cum!"
You clenched them both tightly as you did just that, them pulling out before following you over the edge, painting your back and stomach with their cum.
As you collapsed onto Yoriichi, weak and exhausted, he wrapped his arms protectively around you, stroking you hair as your breathing calmed down. Michikatsu sat on the other side of you, massaging your legs.
"Did we go to hard, my dear?" Yoriichi spoke, a calm and gentle tone in his voice.
"No. No i liked it. A lot actually. I'd want to do it again."
The twins smirked, and Michikatsu gebtly pushed open her thighs.
"There's no time like the present."
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thrasherella · 13 days
Somewhat subby holstaur lover who has very sensitive horns and loves when his human girlfriend hangs onto them like a pair of handlebars while he rails her
"Good morning sweetheart," she stroked his long, soft cow ears gently, running her hands through his thick, dark brown hair, fingers lightly tracing around the base of his smooth, creamy horns.
He shivered, eyes closing momentarily as he swallowed hard; his horns were so sensitive, and the way she was playing around them, never quite touching them directly, was starting to make his cock throb and twitch, already swollen and begging for more attention.
"Good...good morning," he panted, a long, low moan escaping his throat as she finally cupped her hands around his horns, grabbing onto them lightly. His hands gripped her waist, pulling her closer, his intimidatingly large erection pressed against her, making her gasp and blush deeply crimson as he gave a husky grunt, grinding eagerly against the denim fabric of her overalls. "Not fair..." he whined softly, grasping her hips tighter. "They're so sensitive..." he shook his head in a pathetic attempt to break her grip, but she held fast, grinning mischievously at him. "You know how worked up I am right away in the morning..."
"I know darlin'..." she momentarily let go of his horns, dropping her hands to swiftly undue the buckles of her overalls, the straps falling with a soft clattering of metal. He didn't need any prompting to tug at the now loose fabric, sending them sliding to the floor, leaving her lower half naked and fully exposed to him. He could already smell her honeyed scent, a quick glance showing him that her own arousal was already spilling from her cunt and dripping down her inner thighs.
She hastily tugged her t-shirt up and over her head, tossing it aside; he picked her up with ease, strong arms supporting her, his hands gripping her thighs as she hung on to his horns, wrapping her legs instinctively around his waist. He leaned in to gently fondle her bare breasts with his mouth; running his tongue and teeth against her pert nipples, suckling at his soft skin delicately as she mewled and sighed her approval.
He lowered her until her slick entrance was pressed against the tip of his cock, the way she tugged and grasped at his horns fanning the wildfire that was already blazing out of his control in his groin. She rolled her hips, teasing him by pushing in just his cockhead, bouncing gently against his swollen length before pulling him out sliding her cunt down against his shaft. He huffed and grunted as she played with him, his hips bucking and jerking, hands grasping her, trying to force her onto him, but she would manage to slide her hips at just the right angle to deny him every time. He suddenly gave a frustrated snort and bellowed, and she jumped; white hot lightning shooting through her core at the rumbling sound, her pussy spasming and gushing more of her juices against him, his cock twitching in response, his face flushing deep crimson as he bit his lip, looking down at her pleadingly.
"Pleasepleaseplease," he begged, broad chest and shoulders heaving as he panted, still desperately trying to buck himself into her to no avail. "Want you so bad...need to feel you on my cock, please please please, wanna breed--"
Finally, mercifully, she lined up her entrance with his dripping cock and he rammed full into her, hilting her in one swift motion that made her see stars, her cunt clenching tightly around his girth, crying out as she shot to climax, her hands again tightening around his horns, legs trembling as she squirted, making a mess all over him.
One of his hoofed feet gave a hard, thunderous stomp against the barn floor as his head fell back and he again gave a long, low bellowing moan, grabbing hold of her hips and pounding into her, no longer able to hold back, moving her up and down along his length like she was his pocket pussy, her abdomen bulging slightly with every thrust as he forced her to take every inch of him.
"Better hold on tight," he grunted, his voice low and thick. "Gunna give you the ride of your life..."
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hero-hoe · 2 months
For the #1 Captain MacTavish enthusiast @brewed-pangolin after talking about that bubble butt 🥵🥵 I had a brain worm
MDNI 18+ ONLY. Vague smut, marriage kink, body and chest hair worship. PiV. Fem!Reader.
Captain John MacTavish who knows exactly what his body looks like, heavy muscles with a healthy layer of fat and even warmer layer of hair all over his body. The man is damn near furry, and he knows exactly how it makes you feel. You, the bonnie lass he met after retirement who he immediately had to wife up.
You, the sweet little thing he loves waking up to long after sunrise on lazy Sunday mornings Cuddled together in bed with you wearing his shirt, your soft thighs thrown over his thick ones, knees cradling his defined waist. One hand behind his head, tucked up under the pillow for extra comfort while the other guides your rocking hips. Letting your delicate hands grope at his chest, knowing you love his "hairy tits" as you once called them.
"That's it, hen. Doin' so good fer me." He groaned, eyes half lidded yet so full of love as he watched you grind yourself on his shaft so lazily. You'd both been at it all morning, the dark brown hair of his thighs now slicked to his skin with your juices. He loved seeing himself covered in you nearly as much as you loved toying with his hair.
Your deft fingers were carded under the loosely curled hairs on his chest, groping at his pecs for balance with every motion, tugging on the pelt of your warrior.
"Atta girl. Can feel ye gettin' close again." The hand comes out from behind his head, moving to cradle yours instead and push your face into his chest. A low moan left his throat when your teeth bit into his flesh, just hard enough to leave an indentation on the side of his breast. "C'mon, lass, be jus' let go fer me." He insists, moaning as you tug the hair on his chest once again in desperation. "Shh, ah ken is a lot, hen, but ma wife can take it, yeh? Ma perfect girl can give me one more."
He finished after you did, a few lazy bucks of his hips into your wet warmth while you bit and drooled into his chest, making a mess of the hair you had so neatly finger combed earlier that morning. He kept you on his lap once you were both done, reaching onto the nightstand for the water bottle you had left on his nightstand and encouraging you to drink.
A scarred hand smoothed down his frazzled chest hair once you were both adequately hydrated, letting out a disapproving tut. "Look at the mess ye made, love. Ma gorgeous wife had me all groomed and ready, and ye fuffed it up. How about ye fix that, hmm?" He teased, knowing just how much you loved getting his hair in order. Be that his mohawk, now musch longer than it was in his service days, or the hair adorning every inch of his powerful body.
Your fingers worked with expert care, straightening out the tangles you had made, arranging the hair of his chest to point inward and downwards towards his stomach. You smoothed out what you could of his comfort-softened tummy, but his grip on your waist wouldn't let you go far enough to reach below his navel.
"Much better, love. Ah'm lucky to have such a caring wife, no?"
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ckret2 · 3 months
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Chapter 41 of human Bill Cipher being really sick of being the Mystery Shack's prisoner: after absolutely terrorizing Gideon for projecting used car ads into Bill's dreams, tries to blackmail Gideon into working for him again.
But not before showing some unexpected sympathy for the plight of a child psychic on whose shoulders the family's financial future rests.
Dipper and Mabel were in the middle of a race on a roller coaster track when Bill wandered back downstairs. He sat on the couch armrest next to Mabel and precariously balanced as he crossed his legs. "So I've been thinking over this whole thing," Bill said. "I think I should apologize to Gideon."
"Work that out all by yourself?" Dipper glanced at the clock. "Wow. And it only took you half an hour."
Mabel finished a lap. While the roller coaster track slowly lifted her car to the top of the hill to start the next lap, she turned to give Bill an appraising look, ready to assess his work. "Apologize for what?"
"For terrorizing him! Is this a trick question?"
She nodded slowly—a little skeptical, but so far so good—but had to look away as she regained control of her car. "What's your angle?"
"I'm equilateral, work it out."
"Shut uuup, I'm serious."
"Why do I need to have an angle? Maybe I want to practice some of the apology lessons they're teaching on Color Critters! Aren't you the one who wanted me to be a decent person? You should be thrilled. You are thrilled."
"Okay fine, I want you to stop looking at me like I'm evil incarnate over a silly little prank letter." He nudged Mabel's head with his elbow. She smacked his arm away. "Isn't that the only reason anyone apologizes? To stop people from getting mad at them?" He lifted his eyepatch and squinted at the screen. "Goose in the left barrel."
Mabel swerved left. "Yes! Eat tail feathers, Dipper!"
"No no no no—!" His anguished groan mingled with angry honks. He tossed down his controller as Mabel sailed past his disabled car. "I'm not playing with Bill in the room."
Mabel laughed. "You're a sore loser!"
"I'll be out of your matted hair in a few minutes," Bill said. "You're cranky, go get a juice."
Dipper stomped from the room, grumbling. "Whatever, I'm getting a snack." He pointed at Bill, "Not because you told me to! I'm just hungry! It's got nothing to do with you!"
"Sure." Bill nudged Mabel again. "C'mon, let me use my training. Don't think I haven't noticed you're trying to mold me into a model citizen. Why bother if I never get a chance to act like one?"
Mabel looked at him thoughtfully. "You know what? Okay. I guess not wanting people to be mad at you is a good enough reason to apologize." She'd been hoping he'd land on genuine remorse, but she'd take what she could get.
"Great! Fisherman's out, Questiony's working, Sixer's gonna be in his cave til dinner, Dolores doesn't care—" Bill gestured toward the door, "so let's get the bracelets and get to the kid's house while the adults are distracted."
Mabel grimaced. "Oough. Right. We have to actually visit him."
"Unless you want me to mail an apology letter—"
"Definitely not." She sighed. "Well, if it's for the greater good... put on something other than a hoodie and let's go."
"You got it." Bill hopped off the couch and swung with one hand around the doorframe as he headed to the stairs.
Dipper tried to protest, but he'd missed his window to talk Mabel out of it; and so Bill and Mabel headed out, with Bill in a loose smiley face-covered Hawaiian shirt—Mabel approved of the friendly message—an undershirt, the leggings that looked like jeans, and his dress shoes. In other words, about as disarmingly unthreateningly un-Bill-like as he could get. He seemed to get bouncier and more energetic the longer they walked outside, until by the time they were turning onto Gideon's street he was cartwheeling up the sidewalk.
Bill waited for Mabel to open the gate in front of Gideon's house; but while Bill blithely passed through, Mabel lingered behind a few steps. Bill paused and glanced back. "Hey. All good, star girl?"
"Yeah." Mabel laughed nervously and caught up. "Just... haven't been to his house since before he got weird. Kinda gives me the willies now."
"Can't blame you. This is the guy who agreed to be my sheriff in exchange for custody of your bubble key."
Mabel cringed. "Did he really?"
"Oh yeah. Think he was planning to visit you in there until he wooed you? I never asked him. I didn't want the details."
"Ugh." Mabel shuddered.
Bill paused. "Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that ten feet from his front door."
"It's... it's fine." She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "Greater good. Right?"
He didn't answer immediately, tapping a foot as he thought. "Listen. Once we're in there, do you want me to go somewhere private to talk with him? So you don't have to worry about him leering at you the whole time?"
"Would you?" Mabel's shoulders slumped as a little tension eased up, relief obvious on her face. "But how will I know if you've apologized properly?"
"That little tattle will tell you if I do an awful job." Bill laughed. "Come on! I don't need you grading me on a rubric! Gimme a chance to prove I can say 'I'm sorry' without my life coach telling me how to behave."
"Thanks, Bill." She gave him a quick hug.
"Sure, any time kid. I'm not about to let any creeps get to you on my watch." Bill stretched his arms out, fingers laced together. "Ready?" When Mabel nodded, Bill knocked on the door.
After a long moment, a worried-looking, gray-haired woman opened the door. "Hello?"
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Gleeful!" Bill offered a partial bow. "We're here to visit Gideon, he should be expecting us. Would you let him know we're here?"
"Oh. Yes, of course." Her voice was a hushed murmur, as though she were talking to herself—or perpetually concerned about being overheard. She didn't raise her voice much as she called into the house, "Gideon? You have visitors."
Voice muffled, Gideon shouted from upstairs, "Who is it!"
Joy glanced over Bill and Mabel, but her gaze lingered on Mabel's face. "Oh. Aren't you that girl he...?"
"It's Mabel."
Joy said, "It's Mabel, and—"
Gideon let out an alarmed squawk. "Ohmygoodness. JUST A MINUUUTE! Where did I leave my cologne—"
Joy watched the ceiling nervously, listening to the subtle thuds.
Bill glanced her up and down, as though sizing up what he had to work with; and then he smiled brightly and said, "Well, I'm sure the little star's preparing a big entrance! Shall we wait inside?"
Joy started a little. "Oh—yes, of course. Please, come in." She pulled the door open wider and gestured to the sitting area.
Bill and Mabel took a seat on the couch. Bill crossed one ankle over his knee in a casual figure 4, and gestured to the armchair as though he were the host giving his guest permission to sit. Joy hesitated, but took the seat, sitting straight up without touching the back of the seat, feet together and hands laced over her knees.
"And how has Gideon been lately?" Bill asked. "We haven't had a chance to catch up since last summer!"
"Oh—I'm sure he's probably fine," Joy said, eyes darting around—to the clean carpet, to the framed pictures hanging straight on the wall, to the doorway into the kitchen.
"'Probably'?" Bill echoed.
"Well. He's really closer to his father, you see..."
"Nonsense." Bill lowered his voice conspiratorially. "I trust a woman's intuition on this sort of thing." He paused. "I'd wink here, but uh..." He gestured at his eye patch and shrugged with a helpless grin.
Joy curled her lips into her mouth and, for the first time since she'd opened the door, for a fraction of a second, nearly almost smiled. But it faded quickly; and when she spoke, her voice was low enough that Mabel had to lean halfway across the coffee table to hear her. (Bill didn't even move.) "You should probably know before you see him: he... has seemed a little bit cranky, recently."
"Oh?" Bill prompted.
(Mabel mumbled, "'Recently'?" and Bill nudged her.)
"Nothing like he was when he—" Joy faltered and quickly course corrected, "before his arrest. But, a bit. But then he's going through so much—reintegrating into life on the outside, trying to make friends at school..."
"Say, that's nice to hear! Has he made many?"
Joy hesitated. "He's always been... such a precocious child. It makes it hard for him to relate to other... And honestly, I think most of the children are jealous of his talents."
Bill nodded sympathetically. "I'm sure they are. Kids can be so cruel when they notice someone special. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down."
Joy nodded. "Yes—exactly. And he's so... sensitive."
Bill gave Mabel a warning glance. She pursed her lips tightly and puffed out her cheeks. Satisfied she wasn't about to weigh in on why Gideon wasn't making friends, Bill turned back to Joy. "Do you think that's what's been bothering him lately?"
"Well, yes, there's that."
Voice a tad lower, Bill prompted, "And...?"
Joy paused. She twisted her hands together. "And—I think he might be concerned about his father's business."
"Oh, the auto dealership?" Bill sat up a little. "I hope it hasn't been struggling lately?"
"It's... been a slow few months," Joy said. "It must be weighing on him—"
"He doesn't feel responsible, does he?"
Joy quickly shook her head. "Of course not. It isn't his fault. But he's just a little boy, there's not much he can do to help. Besides perform in a commercial, maybe—and he doesn't like that, we don't make him do that anymore—or..." She trailed off. "Well. Not knowing how to help or what to do... I can imagine he must feel... guilty." She stared down at her hands as she spoke.
Bill's gaze never wavered from her face. He nodded slowly. "I'm sure the business must be weighing on the whole family. It can't be easy for you, Joy—keeping a household running during such a difficult time." He gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll see what I can do to help you all."
Joy stared at his face, eyes shining. "I'm, sorry—did I catch your name?"
"Mr. Locke is fine, thanks. I was in business talks with your son before his incarceration."
Mabel leaned against Bill and whispered, "You mean he hired you to invade my grunkle's brain—"
Bill elbowed her.
Footsteps scurried down the stairs. "I'm coming!" Gideon rushed into the room, tugging his sleeves down his wrists, all gussied up and reeking of three separate hair products. "Hi Mabel my honey pie! What a pleasant surprise, what brings you by so s—" His gaze fixed on Bill, and his sweet smile twisted into fury. "You!"
Joy quickly stood up. "I should be—vacuuming the dining room." She hurried from the room, giving Gideon a wide berth as she went. The sound of vacuuming quickly filled the house.
Gideon never looked away from Bill. "Just what do you think y—"
Bill was on his feet and sweeping across the room before Gideon could get more out. "Hello again! I don't think we were properly introduced. The name's Goldie Locke." He blinked. "Wink."
Gideon grimaced. "You serious? Goldilocks? That's the best you could do?"
"I thought it was funny!"
Mabel scooted up onto the arm of the sofa, took a leap off, and landed next to Bill. "I came up with it!"
Gideon smiled uncomfortably. "Oh—sure, sure. Real cute."
"We came by so Goldie here," Mabel poked Bill's arm with both hands, "could give you a proper apology for his... 'prank.'" She got behind Bill and poked him in the back, directing him toward the stairs. "So you two go off somewhere private and do that! Go! Go on!"
"Wh— private?" Gideon leaned around Bill to give Mabel a pleading look. "M-Mabel, aren't you coming too?"
Mabel laughed nervously. "No, definitely not. I'm staying right here."
"It's fine! If he tries any—" her voice dropped to a whisper, "—weird space demon magic—you can just scream. But he's basically harmless! I promise."
"But... I don't wanna be alone with..."
Bill put a hand on Gideon's back, turned him around, and practically dragged him toward the stairs. "And she doesn't want to be alone with you, and I'm going to respect her wishes."
Gideon hissed at Bill. He wasn't quite sure what to do when Bill hissed back. No one had ever done that before.
"You've got nothing to worry about," Bill said, giving Gideon a very worrying smile. "I just want an opportunity to show you the sincerity of my remorse. A little heart-to-heart! And anyway, you and I have a lot of catching up to do."
The moment Gideon's bedroom door shut, Bill said, in an exaggeratedly innocent golly-gee-whiz voice, "'Well, Mabel, the thing is, I was just cranky because I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep in days, because Gideon's been broadcasting mind control dreams to the town multiple times a week! Yeah, you know how you've been waking up feeling hypnotically compelled to buy a car? Good ol' Gideon! But you're right, bullying isn't the solution! I should have just asked him to cast his brainwashing spell a little further from the Mystery Shack—'" Bill cut off with a laugh. "I take it you get the picture! Your flesh is as white as your hair! It's—it's creepy. Stop it."
Gideon was already on the far side of the room, holding a floating arm desk lamp toward Bill like a sword. Voice shaking, he asked, "How do you know about that spell? H-how are you even alive? And here like... like this?"
"Does it matter?" Bill meandered around the room, looking at Gideon's matching nightstands, his TV, the floppy teddy bear on his bed. "Here's the only important question: what's it worth to you for me not to spill the beans to your sweetheart?"
Gideon swallowed hard.
As Bill rounded the bed, Gideon backed away from him until his back was pressed against the wall between his vanity and his dresser. Bill leaned over to look under the bed and nudged a rolled-up tarp with his foot. It unrolled across the floor, revealing Gideon's magic circle. "Uh-huh."
"Please stop looking around my room."
"Relax, I just want to see what's changed! This is hardly the first time I've seen your room." He glanced down at the subtle depiction of his face woven into the pattern on Gideon's carpet. "I've had eyes in here since you were a baby." 
He leaned over Gideon's bed, studying his knit zodiac blanket. "Although this eye is new. You went with red, white, and blue? How patriotic." He tugged at the blanket's edges, straightening it out. "Lots of pilling on the yarn, this thing's been very well loved. Does it still smell like Shooting Star, you cretin?"
"You keep your hands off of Mabel's blanket, you—!" Gideon swung his lamp toward Bill. It missed by a foot.
Bill didn't even flinch. "You're very lucky that you missed." For a moment, his voice was inhumanly low.
Gideon's blood ran cold. He clutched the lamp against his chest. "W-what do you want from me? I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep, all right? Is that what you want to hear?!"
"It's a good start!" Bill sat on Gideon's bed and made himself comfortable, propping himself up on his elbows, ankles crossed casually, resting in the center of his own zodiac. "Now, promise you'll stop advertising in people's dreams, and everything's forgiven!"
"I..." Gideon bit his lip.
Bill grinned a little wider. "What's the problem, kid? It's not like your daddy needs you running his advertising campaign! The family finances aren't resting on your shoulders!" He laughed.
Gideon just bit his lip harder. 
"Oh wait. Maybe they are. Are they?"
He looked down at the tarp. "Mrrng."
Bill sat up, leaning forward until he caught Gideon's gaze again. "So sorry, Star Boy! I didn't realize how serious your situation is!" His wicked smile said otherwise. "Wow, that must be so hard for you—the family breadwinner, at such a young age. Knowing your family needs you to keep them afloat. And it's not like you can just go out and get a job! So what can you do, except... well, whatever it is you already know how to do? Putting on a good show, right?"
"It's not like that," Gideon snapped, ignoring the weight in the pit of his stomach. He looked down at his lamp weapon and tugged anxiously at one of his sleeves. "It—it's not as though we're broke! We just... might have to tighten our belts a little bit, that's all. It's normal, most businesses have their ups and downs."
"Of course. Just no big shopping trips for a while! Pity you're about to need a whole new wardrobe, though."  Bill casually pushed himself off Gideon's bed, taking a step closer. "Hey, wanna know when your next growth spurt starts?"
Gideon shrank down. "No."
"It costs a lot to keep a growing kid clothed. And fed, and stocked with school supplies... If father asks for a little help, how can you refuse? If you don't, you could lose the business, lose your house, lose everything... all that, plus knowing it'd be your fault for not doing what you can? It's heartbreaking."
Bill leaned over Gideon, propping himself up with a hand on his dresser, trapping him in his shadow. Gideon cringed; but Bill asked, voice unexpectedly low and almost gentle, "You're so important. There's a helplessness that comes from wielding that kind of power, isn't there?"
The weight in Gideon's stomach grew heavier. Bill must have been watching his life ever since last fall; that was the only way he could have understood what Gideon was feeling so well. And yet—hearing someone else put it into words was a strange relief. He'd cut to the bleeding core of the issue. Gideon was the only one with the power to do anything, so he had to do something. It was a helplessness.
"Yeah." Gideon put his lamp back on his dresser, defeated. "Yeah, there is."
Bill crouched in front of Gideon, meeting him at eye level. "It just so happens that I'm sympathetic to your situation, kid. I get it." It was hard to read the mood in Bill's alien gaze; but for a moment, Gideon was sure he really did see a glimmer of sympathy in his slit pupil. "So how about this: I could help you out. Make some calls, pull some strings... give the family business a little boost," he said. "If you do me a couple small favors first."
Outraged, Gideon shouted, "You're blackmailing me into working for you again?! You—!" With a furious grunt, Gideon shoved Bill away from him.
To his surprise (and immediate horror), Bill lost balance, toppling onto his back with a yelp. But he just rolled onto his side and hopped back to his feet, laughing. "No no no! I'm blackmailing you into knocking off the annoying dream spell. That's all! Cut it out, or I'm telling Mabel. And—heck, how about the police while I'm at it?"
"You wouldn't—"
"I am pals with the sheriff and the mayor. Mind control happens to already be illegal in Gravity Falls, you can thank Quentin Trembley for that—such a forward thinker! I don't think there are any state-level laws yet, but I bet they'll wriiite ooone just for yoo-oou." The last sentence came out as a singsong taunt. "Anyway: drop the mind control. That's all I'm asking for. Okay?"
Gideon had circled around Bill to his bed, where he pulled off his zodiac blanket and bundled it against his chest. He wasn't sure which sounded worse. Prison probably should, but the thought of giving Mabel a fresh reason to hate him... He looked down at the blanket, and heaved a shaky sigh. "Okay."
"So? We're agreed? No more dream advertisements?"
"No more dream advertisements. You win."
"Great!" Bill beamed at Gideon. "But then, completely separately, if you want help saving the family business... well, offer's on the table! In fact, I'd happily offer to help without asking anything in return—"
"—you should, it's mostly your fault—"
"—except that, with my own situation being like it is, what with the limited access to my usual resources... I need you to help me help you." He spread his hands apologetically. "Nothing I can do about it."
Gideon pressed his lips together, looking down at his zodiac blanket. A fold in the fabric displayed part of the ripped heart. Gideon plucked out the blanket until he could glimpse the top of the shooting star.
He swallowed hard. "No. Absolutely not."
Bill blinked. "'Scuse me?"
"I can't accept your help," Gideon said. "I lead a support group of ex-cons—the very same ones I stupidly led into battle for you—and what would they say if they heard I was working for you again?"
The indulgent smile on Bill's face vanished. Rage flashed in his eye. "What would they say if they learned you're the first among them to reoffend?" He pointed at Gideon's magic circle. "Wouldn't they be disappointed. Aren't they your followers these days?"
Gideon squirmed under Bill's glare, backing away until he bumped into one of his nightstands. "F... 'followers'?"
"Your devotees—now that your Tent of Telepathy audience has abandoned you." The new smile that twisted across Bill's face now was hard and cruel, and his eye fixed like a prison searchlight on Gideon made Bill seem much closer than he was. "Isn't being worshiped sublime, Star Boy? That unconditional love? A worshiper will always be more reliable than some girl's fickle heart. But even the most 'unconditional' love always comes with fine print. How far are you willing to go to remain worthy of their love?"
Bill pulled a folded piece of paper out of his back pocket and waved it in the air. "We both know you'll help your daddy's business. The only question is if you'll do it your way, or mine." He placed the paper on Gideon's dresser and tapped it with his finger. "My way doesn't even involve breaking the law."
Gideon shook his head. "I won't..."
"I'll leave it with you anyway."
Bill strolled around the bed. "Well! I think we're finished here, how about you?" He stopped in front of the door.
He turned back. "Gideon, you're gonna have to get the door, I can't..."
"What?" Gideon asked. "Y'can't what?"
Bill huffed. "I'm sort of under this curse? So. If you could just—"
Gideon burst out laughing in disbelief. "The Amnesia Limina curse? You can't open doors?! Are you kidding me!"
"I can still ruin the rest of your embarrassingly short mortal life, you twit. Just—just get over here—"
Still laughing, Gideon crossed the room and got the door.
"Yeah. Thanks. Great."
As they came downstairs, Mabel hopped off the sofa. "Sooo? How'd the apology go?"
"Great!" Bill got in front before Gideon had a chance to speak. "I think we really understand each other better. Isn't that right, Gideon?"
Gideon grumped, "I think it's the worst 'apology' I've ever heard."
Bill gave him a dirty look powerful enough to kill a skittish horse; but he flinched under the weight of Mabel's disappointed frown. He laughed nervously, "Okay, so I still need some practice with my delivery! Human tones are finicky." He stared at Gideon. "But you accept the overall content of it, right?"
Bill was giving Gideon the creepiest smile he'd ever seen. But Mabel, on the other hand, was giving him this hopeful look—like she wanted this to go well so badly, and only Gideon could make or ruin her day. There's a helplessness that comes with wielding that kind of power.
In the world Gideon had been raised in, if someone who has transgressed against you apologizes, you don't have the right to withhold their forgiveness—it makes you as bad as the transgressor. The only way he could refuse was if he told Mabel he hadn't even gotten any apology; but there was no way to say that without admitting what they'd really discussed. "Yeah," Gideon muttered at his shoes. "I s'pose I accept it."
"Yes!" Mabel pumped a fist in the air so enthusiastically she lifted a few inches off the floor. "Great work! Happy face stickers for everybody!" She smacked a sticker on Bill's shirt and Gideon's lapel.
They tugged out their clothes to inspect their stickers. Bill's had a giant yellow smiley face over the words "Good job!" Gideon's had a smiling whale surrounded by the words "WHALE DONE". They were both disproportionately elated by their prizes.
"So can we go now?" Mabel whispered, "I feel like Mr. Gleeful's new clown painting is staring at me."
"Just one second. I should have a word with the missus of the house." Bill waved back at the kids as he trotted from the room. "Be right back!"
Mabel eyed Gideon warily.
Gideon smiled winningly. "So, Mabel. As long as you're already over here, would you like to stay for dinner—?"
"Nuh-uh." She turned and headed for the door. "Goodbye forever!"
Bill followed the sound of vacuuming through the kitchen into the dining room, and rapped on the doorframe. "Knock knock."
Joy flinched and spun around. "Oh." She turned off her vacuum. "Yes, Mr. Locke?"
"Just wanted to thank you for your hospitality before we leave!"
"Oh—yes, of course. You're welcome."
He lowered his voice, "And I also wanted to tell you not to worry about a thing. I'm sure everything will turn out fine for your family—and for you." He flashed her a winning smile.
She hesitantly nodded. "Thank you."
As they walked to the gate around the Gleeful property, Mabel said, "You weren't just all talk with Gideon's mom, were you? You actually are planning to help her."
Bill gave her a surprised look. "Something like that. How'd you know?"
"You told her to call you Mister. That means you mean business!"
A crooked smile stretched across his face. "Hey! No fair, you know too much. You're figuring out all my secrets."
Out on the sidewalk, Bill did a cartwheel, attempted to turn it into a handstand, and fell on the sidewalk. He brushed off a scraped elbow with a grumble and got back up. Well, it matched his burn on the other side.
"4 out of 10."
"I didn't ask."
Mabel snickered. "You know—your conversation with Gideon might not have gone perfectly. But you realized you did something wrong, you apologized for it, and you're gonna do better." She patted his arm. "I'm really proud of you, Bill. That's some serious growth."
He beamed. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had been proud of him. (Granted, he didn't generally tolerate relationships in which somebody felt like they had enough superiority over him to feel "pride" toward his actions. Generally "awe" or "admiration" were more common.) He was basking in the praise. He was over the moon. He was euphoric. He was the best person to ever exist.
The fact that the praise was horribly misplaced didn't faze him in the least.
Gideon had spent the past minute picking peas out of his pot pie and scooting them to the edge of his plate.
Bud cleared his throat. "Son, you really ought to eat your vegetables. And they'll taste better mixed in with the rest of your food than all by themselves."
"I don't want my peas."
"But they're good for you! Don't you want to grow up big and strong—?"
Gideon flinched. He pounded the table. "I said I don't WANT my peas!"
"All right, okay, that's fine! Just thought I'd suggest it."
Gideon grumpily scooped up a forkful of chicken, carrots, and corn, eyed the carrots skeptically, and took a bite. It was fine. "So, father. How was work?"
Bud sighed. "Oh, it would've made more sense just to close for the day. At least then I wouldn't be wasting money on air conditioning the office."
"Oh." Gideon stabbed at a lone piece of corn with his fork. "Maybe we oughta... stop with the nighttime ads. It doesn't sound like they're helping."
"Ahh, you might be right."
Gideon heaved a sigh of relief.
"I just don't know what else to try." Bud shook his head. "I've tried newspaper ads, TV ads, radio ads, billboards, fliers, sales, cutting brake lines..." He settled his hand near Gideon's spot at the table. "Son, you know I know you're doing the best you can to help our family, and it means more to me than I can say. But, if there's anything else you can think of...?"
Gideon tried to avoid his father's gaze—and instead, spotted his mother. She usually kept to herself during dinner, wholly focused on her own plate when she wasn't setting out dishes or cleaning them up. But tonight, she was looking right at Gideon. Like she expected something out of him, too.
He shrank into his seat. "Well. I've got one other idea I could try."
Gideon shut the door to his room—and, just to be safe, stuck his chair under the doorknob. Then he gingerly picked up the paper on the dresser and unfolded it.
The same tall, thin handwriting as on the letter he'd received—but even more cramped, cramming as much text on one torn-out book page as possible. A terse paragraph of instructions, a phone number, a numbered list of questions, a prepared statement.
Gideon got his mobile phone and a notebook, set up to take notes at his vanity, took a deep breath, let it out, and dialed the number. As the phone rang, he looked at himself in the mirror and muttered, "Heaven help me if I'm facilitating the start of Armageddon."
Then someone picked up, and he held the phone up to his ear. "Hello? Oh, right, er—" He read off the paper Bill had given him, "'But rises gold over the pyramid.' ... Yes. Mhm, I'm calling on behalf of... of Bill Cipher. ... My name's not important, I'm just the messenger—oh, oh you recognize my voice! Haha!" He mopped his forehead with the back of his sleeve. "A-always nice to meet a fan! Yeah, we know each other. Small world. N... no, he didn't give me my... I was—was psychic before I met him, actually. Sorry, I didn't catch your name—who'm I speaking to?"
Gideon looked at Bill's list of questions, wrote a 1. in his notebook, and beside it wrote "Sue Blime." One question down. "I have a message to pass on."
He pushed harder.
Her skin fractured and peeled off, strand after strand. It filled the spaces between his fingertips, wrapped up his arms. He could shut his eye but he still saw it through his eyelid, still felt it tickling at the corners of his mouth. He let out an angry, hysterical, broken laugh.
And then he laughed louder, and louder—higher, shriller, echoing all the way to the distant stars. "What am I doing?" He opened his eye and looked at his hands, tangled with gold threads and soaked in blood. He laughed again, gleeful. "What am I doing! None of this is real! This is a dream! We're in my dreamscape. None of this matters! I control all of you!"
Bill controlled all of them.
He effortlessly peeled his arm off the plane of his dimension into the third, still tangled in gore, and spun his finger. The golden shreds of skin let go of his hand, rotating around his hand in a loose tornado. Cackling again, he rose up into space, looping like a paper airplane on a breeze, telekinetically twirling the countless golden shreds with him like he was doing a ribbon dance. And wasn't it beautiful? He was changing their color—yellow green blue violet red orange yellow—he was melting them down to floating drops of liquid gold, he was making them vanish into thin air. There was no blood on his hands. There never had been. He had never killed. His mother did not exist.
He glanced toward the stars. "Am I gonna have any meddling from you? Want to sell me any cars tonight?"
The stars didn't answer. Good. He didn't want his show interrupted by a commercial break.
"I control you," Bill announced to the crowd of assembled worshipers below, numb and thoughtless and unmoving while the god of this dream had no use for them to live. "You answer to me!" He jabbed his thumb against his golden face—not the internal organs exposed to the third dimension the rest of the shapes had, but the exoskeleton he wouldn't start wearing until centuries after this memory. "The only life you have is in my head! All of you, all of you have been burned away for a trillion years!" He paused, then flashed two finger guns at a red hexagon in the crowd. "All except you, Hect. Always great to see a long-time fan!"
In the field of frozen shapes, Bill's memory of Hectorgon hesitantly waved.
"But..." Beneath Bill, still as aghast as he'd been so many eons ago, still playing his part to move this dream along, his father said, "But... what are we going to tell your followers?"
"Ugh, you're such a downer. Give it a rest, you old square!" Bill did something no prisoner of the second dimension had ever been capable of doing: he snapped his fingers. His father silently dissolved into origami butterflies and fluttered into space. "You barely even liked her."
He floated back down to the plane, lacing his fingers together to stretch his arms in front of him. "I don't need you," he muttered. "I've got this handled. I've always been the one who had this handled. Now let's end this dream the right way."
Time to sucker his suckers.
He swooped through the open doors to speak to his assembled worshipers as effortlessly as though he'd been doing this a trillion years: "My beautiful, loving believers! I have wonderful news. Your high priestess—my mother—has passed on; but, you should be celebrating! Because she hasn't abandoned us! Her spirit's just ascended—not up, but out of our dimension and into the third, where the spirits of all departed shapes live on! Her spirit's formed a bridge from there to me, and through me to you! She's revealed the true nature of the third dimension—a sublime realm of color and life—and I'll reveal it to you, too!"
The black starry void of the third dimension above Bill mutated as he spoke; now, it was raucous colors, beams of light, and glittery gold. Faraway neon-colored shapes danced deliriously through nebulas and clouds.
"I'll teach you the secrets passed down to us from the enlightened third-dimensional spirits; I'll show you how to see it all for yourself... and if you follow me, if you devote yourself entirely to my teachings, if you trust me blindly—blindly, for I can see what others can't—then I'll guide you INTO the third dimension! I will be your teacher, your divine guide, your muse! So tell me: do you trust me?"
The worshipers cheered.
"Do you worship me?!"
The worshipers screamed.
"Do you love me!"
The worshipers howled, mad with love for Bill, ripping each other apart in a spontaneous outpouring of zealotry.
Bill's shrieking laughter rose up above the roar of his imaginary crowd.
For the first time since his death, Bill woke fully rested. Dawn streamed in through the attic window, shining golden on the cloud of curly hair dangling in front of his eyes. And wasn't it beautiful? He ran his fingers through his hair, smoothed it back, and pushed it into the right shape.
He checked to make sure no humans were coming for a while, slid Journal 4 out of its hiding place, and flipped to the page where he'd stuck his "Good Job!" sticker. He'd used his stolen half-dried marker to blacken the sides of the yellow smiley face, turning it from a circle into a triangle, draining the last of its ink in the process. He wasted four pages with every detail he could recollect from this dream, going on and on about how easy it had been to assert his rightful control, how effortless to control time and space. If he ever found the human who wrote that lucid dreaming guide, he was giving 'em a planet.
At the end, he wrote in English, "You'll regret turning me down as your teacher, Stanford. You can't even imagine how many people would have committed murder to get that kind of attention. But I gave it to you."
He tried to remember how that sermon had really gone.
What did he need to remember the truth for? It must have gone something like that. He wouldn't still be here if it hadn't, would he?
(Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, I'd appreciate a comment!! Next week we kick off with more of Bill's history—and then start ramping up for the biggest, longest plot arc so far.)
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