#the glass castle icons
hexedvampire · 24 days
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the-foliage · 2 months
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streamxsoniksubway · 7 months
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lumenniveus · 8 months
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"The world is what you make of it, sir! If it doesn't fit, you make alterations."
RuneStone my dark love letter to you this year. I have put love, blood and many hidden secrets into these objects. Some you can only find during gameplay, others will only show themselves when you aren't directly looking.
Download it now on SFS: Merged | ZIP
As always, there is more info below the cut for you 🦇
RuneStone is an 68 asset large set full of Gothic, dark and mostly functional items. I'm going to list a few highlights below the catalog. It is mostly BGC, but what needs a pack will be properly named as such.
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* not pictured here are: 2 wallpapers, 1 stone wall, 2 wooden floors, 1 ceiling tile *
A pocket door is a door that slides into walls. It's especially nice to look at in dark academia builds and haunted mansions.
A SHROMP that acts as an anti-monster toy. Many thanks to @surely-sims for the original iconic SHROMP!
A rounded bar to fill out small rounded spaces. These are seamless, so don't hesitate to put them into your turrets or belfry.
Lots of visual effects that you can toggle on and off.
A see-through dungeon floor, anyone?
Two TVs that don't look like TVs. Who has a flatscreen in an medieval castle? One slots to things, the other has slots.
Stairs. As in, a staircase you use in BB mode. Not much else to say there.
Dormer windows and matching fake roofing, as well as enough stained glass to make a cathedral weep in joy.
This set is tagged as Vintage and Storybook furniture style and will behave appropriately in-game.
Will you build something grande and majestic or will you settle down in grimdark catacombs? Your choice, really. Have a preview
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With everything up, let's begin @simblreenofficial 👻
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
I would love a stained glass image of Kaly defeating the previous Icon of Wrath. Somewhere huge and important, like his throne room. Would he be cool with it if his queen surprised him with it one day?
He's not even sure what to give you in return for such a gift.
What do you want? A thousand severed heads? Do you want him to level a city? The teeth of everyone who ever wronged you?
He genuinely falters in his confidence for a moment, staring at the massive, absolutely astounding work of art in much the same way a mule gazes at a towering castle. What did he actually do to get this display?
You've earned it.
The King turns towards you, arms crossed over his chest, nodding to himself before he points at you.
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not-poignant · 2 months
Birthday Spotlight - Caleb Crawford
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[9th April - Aries]
(Note, some of this information hasn't yet been posted on AO3, but has been written into Underline the Red!)
Caleb Crawford, an Indian-Australian alpha who works at Hillview as an alpha companion, is known for being the alpha that blows beta Faber Castle's mind during an ill-negotiated one-night-stand sex marathon that ends with Faber sore from overuse with a bad case of unrequited love, and Caleb uncertain why Faber rejected his offer to see each other again.
Caleb is a bold, well-educated, intense, and occasionally overbearing with his partners. He is most respectful to omegas and alphas, and displays some beta bigotry which is common among alphas and omegas in particular.
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'I don't think you should be alone today. Just saying, when someone dicks you down as well as I just did, maybe someone should be looking out for you.'
Underline the Red
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Underline the Black - Caleb first appeared as one of the alpha companions who is supervised by Dr Gary Konowalous. We first meet him via a supervision session between the two of them, and then later again when they share a conversation about his omega, Lucien, being ready to graduate, and Caleb admitting it will take some time for him to recover from the bond being broken.
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Underline the Red - Also his main appearance, Caleb steals Faber's heart after a one night stand. They don't talk nearly enough, so Faber doesn't know that Caleb's doing an interview at Hillview to become a companion until the following day, at which point his heart is broken, and Caleb is shocked and horrified.
Over time, Caleb proves himself to be a competent omega companion who is still pursuing his PhD on Omega Studies, and despite Faber's best efforts, they keep being drawn into each other's orbits, time not soothing any wounds between them.
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Small for an alpha, Caleb is Efnisien's height. He has medium-brown skin, and straight dark brown hair worn in a quiff. His hair is well-maintained and styled, and he cares a great deal for fashion. He has sharp, golden eyes, and wears thin gold-rimmed glasses, as well as button-up shirts and business shirts. He likes wearing bright colours with a dark ensemble.
30 years old.
Caleb's scent is earthy and clove-like, with glittery spikes that feel almost like poprocks.
It's joked that Caleb is arrogant enough and bold enough to be more like a peak alpha than an alpha.
Unlike many of other, softer-natured alphas at Hillview, Caleb is uniquely suited to a specific kind of jealous or possessive omega that is often at risk of murdering other omegas out of jealousy. As a result his cottage is kept more separate than the average cottage, to keep his omegas as far from other omegas as possible.
Caleb learns the skill of domestic discipline to deal with his latest omega, Lucien Beaumont, and ends up in the world of BDSM as a result.
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Definitely most memorable for absolutely destroying Faber's ass and being cheerfully confident about it in a sex marathon that ends in Faber falling in love and Caleb developing enough feelings to be willing to not go to the Hillview interview to keep seeing Faber.
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While it hasn't been mentioned yet, Caleb cares about fashion so much that he knew who Alois Flitmouse was before anyone else at Hillview, because he knew of his fashion and clothing and role as a Perth fashion icon.
Caleb's father is a well-known secondary gender-sex academic, and Caleb initially wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father and become a professor. He landed in Omega Studies and decided to interview for Hillview after a tour of the facilities for his doctorate. He paused his PhD as a result, and often continues to work on his PhD between omegas.
Despite Caleb's bold, arrogant, and sometimes crass nature, he is extremely thoughtful, calculating, and insightful. He often sees far more than he lets on, and he has one night stands to relax his over-active, busy mind.
I was always scared that Caleb and Faber wouldn't be strong enough to carry their own narrative, and started writing Underline the Red really scared of how it would turn out. As I wrote it though, I realised these two were a powderkeg that were ready to ignite over and over again. I can't wait for the journey these two are on. In some ways, it will be much bigger than the other journeys. For a start, some of the story will take place in another country!
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You're the best thing in this town and you don't even live here. Maybe we'll see each other again one day.
Underline the Red
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homuradefender · 2 days
Vampire! Navia x Human! Clorinde
Content includes acts of lesbianism, flirting, vampire stuff, blood
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No visions, no magic, except for like vampire stuff I guess Based off of the iconic lesbian vampire novella, Carmilla Made for the most amazing person ever, @homurasbiggestkinnie ♡
All alone, in what resembled a castle, far from people who pestered her, which Clorinde didn't seem to mind the no pesky men attempting to court her. The once master duelist had never expected a visitor.
But alas, one rather stormy night, the wind was threatening to rip trees out of the ground, the rain was banging on the walls and windows, threatening to break the glass, the duelist was enjoying a night to herself. When a sound caught her attention, it was almost drowned out by the storm, for a second she thought she was hearing things.
But there it was again, frantic knocking from the front door. Lighting a candle, she wondered down the halls till she came face to face with the front door.
The banging was louder, like the person on the other side was desperate to get in. No fool would open the door in fear of being attacked, but Clorinde knew how to defend herself.
The person on the other side of the door could be in series danger. Her trusty gun snug tightly in the pants of her pajamas, she opened the door.
In front of her, a blonde woman who seemed so familiar she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She looked drenched from head to toe, her long hair was stuck to her shoulders, covered in only a dress, it tugged at the woman's heartstrings.
'Quick get in. ' She ushered, the woman quickly rushed in, water dripping onto the floor. 'Thank you so much my mothe-' The stranger was cut off, stories can wait we need to get you warmed up.
When the stranger was dried off, in an old night gown Clorinde had found in the back of her dresser, bathed and wrapped in a towel. The two sat in front of the fireplace, 'Now tell me, who are you and why are you out this late? '
Now that her hair wasn't covering her face, Clorinde could get a good look at her, but she didn't stare for long she didn't want to make the poor girl uncomfortable. 'Well, ' the stranger, who revealed her name was Navia, sighed.
' My father died a few weeks ago, my mother couldn't take it after only a few days. Despite being rich, she claimed I was to big of a burden. '
She shivered for a second, either from the cold or the memories. Not knowing what to do, Clorinde tried to reassure her new guest to continue with a comforting rub on her shoulders.
'She packed me and all my things up, put me in the back of a carriage and rode as far as she could. One night when we had to stop, she up and left me while I was sleeping. '
Clorinde sat in silence with Navia, who seemed lost in a trance, for a few moments, she brushed a hand through that long golden hair, which curled easily around her fingers. Realization hit how oddly intimate the scene was for just meeting her and she pulled away.
'I'm sorry to hear that, I can offer you a place to stay hear if you don't mind. ' Navia jumped at the offer, and by the end of the night the two had become established roomates.
Clorinde led Navia to a spare room, Navia had explained that her mother took everything expect a small bag, which Navia had gripped in her hands. Clorinde didn't want to pry, the poor girl lost her father, her mother and her home all in the span of a few weeks.
She wished Navia a good night before making her way to her own room. But she was bugged, where did she know Navia from?
As she slept memories of her childhood flashed back, a blonde child. Golden blonde perhaps?
Playing with a younger Clorinde. The two were inseparable it seemed, she looked like.
The duelist was woken up by the scent of something sweet cooking. Quickly rushing out of bed she went to see what was going on.
Standing in the kitchen, was Navia, holding a tray of fresh macaroons. ' I hope you didn't mind I wanted to think you back. '
The blonde handed the tray to Clorinde. Clorinde was confused, 'These seem delicious don't you want one? ' Navia giggled lightly, I had some already.
She seemed convincing to Clorinde, so she ate a handful of the macaroons while Navia and her talked. But in the back of her mind, the memories of fields of rainbow roses and a young Clorinde accompanied by a golden blonde beauty danced in her mind.
As weeks passed the two got close, it was common for Navia to tease around with Clorinde, almost daily. Clorinde was laying in bed when Navia entered the room, she looked down at Clorinde and smiled. 'May I join you? ' She asked, Clorinde saw no reason to say no so she agreed.
Navia sat down on the bed and turned slightly so she was looking down at Clorinde. 'Clorinde. ' She said, making eye contact with the duelist.
'Hm? ' She sat up next to Navia, 'Sit on my lap please I'd like to do something if that's alright. '
Intrigued, maybe flustered, she sat on the others lap and Navia held a hand up to Clorinde's neck which she used to slightly trace the area. 'You're gorgeous. ' Navia sighed, her eyes glued to Clorinde's neck.
The duelist was unable to talk, in a trance like state, but she did know that was Navia was doing was making her feel some way. 'Can I do something, promise you won't get scared? '
Clorinde nodded and before she knew it Navia's teeth were sunk into her neck. Her arms wrapped around Navia's neck, her nails digging into her back as the bite deepened.
As minutes passed by, Clorinde started feeling woozy, then it hit her. Something was running down her neck, blood.
Navia didn't seem to care, she licked the running blood up with her tongue and kissed the bite mark. ' Navia did you-' She was shushed as Navia reassuringly kissed the bite mark once more.
' It didn't hurt did it? ' She asked, now rubbing the mark slowly. 'No not really but did you drink my blood? '
Navia giggled slightly before moving a bit so the two were more comfortable. 'Silly of course I did! '
She was confused why Navia seemed relaxed about this, but she couldn't deny the fact she wasn't necessarily scared. ' You're the best I've had. ' She continued, kissing the mark.
'Best? ' She questioned. ' No one else is ever relaxed with this. But I feel this connection with you that made me feel like I've known you for years. '
Clorinde nodded in agreement, she felt the same. She brought a hand up to the mark and rubbed it slowly.
' Don't rub it like that! You could get it infected. ' Navia proclaimed, taking Clorinde's hand away from the bite mark.
'If you need to touch it be gentle. '
This had to be the most intimate thing she'd ever done with a woman, a woman who just revealed herself to be a vampire, and she loved it.
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I don't know if this is what you wanted, you can tell me if you'd prefer something else but I tried my best!
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roguelov · 10 months
morpheus who becomes eager to see what new x rated daydream you can conjure for the two of you but the next one he sees is a reenactment of the iconic shrek 2 scene but its you standing on the shoulder of a giant mervyn and you've come to rescue morpheus from dancing with roderick burgess (he's upset because he doesn't dance but the idea of you coming to his rescue is giving him his own filthy daydreams)
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This is cute and also funny but also anon are you stalking me? Cuz I literally just watched Shrek and Shrek 2 like yesterday 😂
Dream felt your mind drifting off into a daydream, like a prickle on the back of his neck. He was currently at the beach creating new dreams and nightmares, but why not take a look at your dream?
He honestly would enjoy the temporary distraction.
He was certainly greeted with a unique sight. He couldn’t deny he expected one of your more suggestive and indulgent daydreams. Instead, he was greeted with some hilarity and more of whimsical nature.
You stood upon the massive shoulders of an oversized Mervyn as the pumpkin head stormed a castle. You shouted as you rushed down the shoulders slipping inside the castle. Sprinting down corridors, you burst through a ballroom shouting for Dream and where he was.
Dream chuckled.
You dreamt of rescuing him.
It was endearing.
Yet, the idea of rescuing stirred his own imagination. What if you did rescue him from his entrapment? How would it play out?
With a sledgehammer in hand, you shattered the glass sphere. Glass rained down like twinkling stars. You tossed aside the hammer and quickly pulled Dream towards you in a tight hug.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner,” you whispered, staring into his eyes.
“You came and that is all that matters,” Dream hummed, cupping your cheek.
You were so warm.
You leaned into his touch. You turned your head, pressing a chaste kiss on the inside of his palm.
A fire sparked inside his chest.
Your eyes turned hooded and you smirked as if you sensed the change in him. “My sweet king, let’s get you home.”
His mouth grew dry.
“You have been through so much, allow me to take care of you.” Your hands skimmed down his chest.
His breath hitched and he shivered. How long had it been? Oh, he needed you. He needed to run his hands all over you, he needed to hear you moan his name, he needed to be inside of you, he -
Dream snapped himself out of his daydream. He cleared his throat.
Maybe a visit to the Waking to see you will do him some good.
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The Background Characters Of Ever After High
Hey Alexa, play Who Is She by I Monster
credits to @eah-backgrounders for all the ideas/inspirations.
So if you're a fan of EAH, than you know about the background characters.... they're absolutely beautiful but literally who the hell are they? (And why are the animators making literally the best and prettiest background characters and letting them go to waste?)
This is basically like a catalog of the background characters, I'm gonna try to fit this into part 1. Again credits to @eah-backgrounders.
Feel free to comment name ideas or who you think the characters are.
#1: Red and Purple Haired Girl
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This is the daughter from the German fairytale The seven Ravens (she doesn’t have a name yet). She was seated on the rebel side for Legacy Day, obviously because Raven is taken, I feel like she should have a bird name.
If you're too lazy to search it up: "A peasant has seven sons and no daughter. Finally a daughter is born, but is sickly. The father sends his sons to fetch water for her, in the German version to be baptized, in the Greek version to take water from a healing spring. In their haste, they drop the jug in the well. When they do not return, their father thinks that they have gone off to play and curses them and so they turn into ravens. When the sister is grown, she sets out in search of her brothers. She attempts to get help first from the sun, which is too hot, then the moon, which craves human flesh, and then the morning star. The star helps her by giving her a chicken bone (in the German) or a bat's foot (in the Greek) and tells her she will need it to save her brothers. She finds them on the Glass Mountain. In the Greek version, she opens it with the bat's foot, in the German, she has lost the bone, and chops off a finger to use as a key, (or she opens it with chicken bone). She goes into the mountain, where a dwarf tells her that her brothers will return. She takes some of their food and drink and leaves, in the last cup, a ring from home. When her brothers return, she hides. They turn back into human form and ask who has been at their food. The youngest brother finds the ring, and hopes it is their sister, in which case they are saved. She emerges, and they return home."
So since she's a female, I'm going to assume she's the eight child, I think that her name should be like Star or Eight, I'm not sure about the surname. Maybe Raven or Seven.
#2: Princess Wearing Blue and White
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Sandra Castle, her fairytale is the Polish Fairytale, The Glass Mountain. She can be seen in True Heart's Day with her boyfriend.
The Glass Mountain: The Polish story begins with: On a glass mountain grew a tree with golden apples. An apple would let the picker into the golden castle where an enchanted princess lived. Many knights had tried and failed, so that many bodies lay about the mountain. A knight in golden armor tried. One day, he made it halfway up and calmly went down again. The second day, he tried for the top, and was climbing steadily when an eagle attacked him. He and his horse fell to their deaths. A schoolboy killed a lynx and climbed with its claws attached to his feet and hands. Weary, he rested on the slope. The eagle thought he was carrion and flew down to eat him. The boy grabbed it, and it, trying to shake him off, carried him the rest of the way. He cut off its feet and fell into the apple tree. The peels of the apples cured his wounds, and he picked more, to let him into the castle. He married the princess. The blood of the eagle restored to life everyone who had died trying to climb the mountain.
I believe the boy she was with in True Heart's Day is the schoolboy she's supposed to marry because he looks like a regular ol' schoolboy.
#3: Jamie Hook
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The myth, the legend, the baddest alive. Jamie Hook, literally one of the most iconic background characters ever. Jamie Hook is obviously the daughter of Captain Hook. The main disagreement most people have is her name because I've seen Veronic, Jane, Jannett, Helen, but I think Jamie suits her best. Also I'm pretty sure she's dating Pan's daughter.
#4 Tulip Dress Girl (@arte-cat)
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Daughter of Princess Rosette from the fairytale of the same name. Her colors are a tribute to her father, the King of the Peacocks, and the flowers just represent the “rose” part of her name. I feel like she'd either be Rosetta Princess or Rosetta Peacock.
#5: Girl In Grey
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She's confirmed as Birch, the next Pitch Girl from the fairy tale Mother Holle. She's also twin sister with Grey-Haired Girl.
#6: Golden Haired Girl
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Miller Goldenstraw, Daughter of the Miller's daughter from Rumpelstiltskin.
#7: Orange Hair Girl
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She is the daughter of one of the Merry Men, from Robin Hood's lore, possibly Allan-a-Dale or Will Scarlet.
#8: Boy With Curly Hair
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Scottington Dee, the son of Tweedle Dee.
#9: Blue and Gold Girl
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It was confirmed by a team member from Guru Studios that she is the daughter of Yeh Shen, from the Chinese folktale with the same name.
#10: Girl In Orange
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She is most likely the daughter of an Hindu Mythology character, like Princess Sita and Prince Rama. Her story may also be from the One Thousands And One Nights or the Arabian Nights collection of stories, such as the princess from the story Aladdin. Her ensemble resembles that of India, from the way her head is adorned all the way down to her pointed shoes, as well as the pattern on her dress. There is also a possibility that she could be the trademarked Amber Midas considering her golden accessories and visibility.
#11: Unicorn Girl
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Daughter of the Unicorn who fights for the White King's crown with the Lion in Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There
#12: Lion Boy
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Son of the Lion in Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There.
#13: Butterfly Girl
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This is Cari Pillar, the daughter of the Caterpillar from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but she also could be related to the Bread-and-Butterfly, a Wonderlandian creature featured in Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There.
#14: Grey Haired Girl
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She is confirmed to be Maple, the next Golden Girl from the fairy tale Mother Holle, and the twin sister of Birch.
#15: Gold Jewelry Girl
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She may be the daughter of the Emperor, from the fairy tale of The Emperor's New Clothes, as her outfit incorporates fashion elements. Considering her feathery accessories, she could also be inspired from other bird-like fairy tales such as The Singing Springing Lark, The Crane Queen, Fitcher's Bird etc.
#16: Turqouise Haired Girl
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Irene of Augen, from the Two-Eyes, from One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes fairy tale.
#17: Girl in White and Gold
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She's the daughter of Mother Goose. Her physical attire seem to be in reference to the nursery rhyme Old Mother Goose And The Golden Egg as this character has white and gold embellishments. Even though her story is confirmed, she is unnamed.
#18: Pixie Cut Haired Girl
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Her name is Phoenix, and she is the daughter of The Firebird.
#19: Wrist Watch Boy
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 The son of the Little Prince from The Little Prince story. In the Destiny conflict he is likely a Rebel, because he supported Maddie for student council president. Again cliche, but I think his name would be Prince, he just gives off that vibe. Maybe he's named after his dad so he's a "Jr" or something.
#20: Orc Boy
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I don't know his story but according to a member of Guru Studios staff, his name is Lawrence Bonecrusher III.
#21: Long Haired Boy
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He was originally meant to be the next beast, from The Beauty and the Beast. He may be the destined to be the next King of Peacocks or The Bear Prince due to its similar concept. I think he might be either a Schoolboy or one of these things. He wants to follow his destiny because he is a Royal but he's also in a relationship Princess Wearing Blue and White in True Hearts Day, but  he had his arm around Turquoise Haired Girl, so maybe he and the Princess broke up to focus on their destinies.
#22: Orange Haired Prince
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His story is king of The Golden Mountain, he doesn't have a confirmed name so maybe it's like George Mountain or something like that.
#23: Droopy Hair Girl
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Due to her flowery appearance and stream like stockings, she is assumed to be the daughter of the Princess from the Moon, from The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.
#24: Skater Dude
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He may be the son of the Iron Stove Prince from The Iron Stove story by Brother's Grimm, but honestly idk. I think he likes DJ-ing, so maybe he's in a band. He's def a Rebel.
#25: Wavy Dressed Girl
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There are many assumptions about her like her being The Marsh King's Daughter from the story of the same name. She may be from the legend of the White and Green Snake. Several other stories may have inspired her aesthetic such as the fairytale Mossycoat or the swamp fairy from the story Little Daylight. But my personal favorite is her being the daughter of Ida, from the fairy tale Little Ida's Flowers. 
#26: Teal Buns Girl
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She, along with Bob Cut Girl, may be based on evil witches in general. She may be the daughter of Mother Trudy, the villain of the fairy tale with the same name.
#27: Pastel Buns Girl
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She may be the daughter of the Sugar Plum Fairy, from the ballet The Nutcracker. She could also be the daughter of Jack Horner. I think that Sugar Plum Fairy suits her better because I was thinking her name could be Sadie Plumfairy.
#28: Black Haired Girl
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She is the daughter of the Emperor of China, from the fairy tale The Nightingale, by Hans Christian Andersen. Literally why is EAH hiding all these POC from us?
#29: Punk Boy
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He may be the son of the protagonist from The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was. I love his design sm, like omg he's so pretty.
#30: Peter Pan's daughter.
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So all I can say is she and Hook's daughter are dating. It's very established (especially in the fandom) that she is Peter Pan's daughter but there is no name for her. I'm gonna go with @vivi-designs name for her and call her Peony Pan.
I'm pretty sure the photo max is 30, so this is the end of Part 1, I will post more about the background characters, feel free to comment what you think. And more info can be found here:
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writing-by-mimi · 2 years
Paper Bonds
Fandom: Obey Me
Diavolo x GN!MC
Chapter 1 of 2
Enjoy this small two part ficlet I wrote while having a breakdown! Lol. I'm okay now and moving onto rewriting what was lost. So no worries!
Adult content, read at your own risk. Not beta read.
     Diavolo was giddy. It wasn't every day a human auction took place in the Devildom. His father's sanctions had seen to that a few decades ago after a certain incident...
     Smuggling in human cargo was much harder than regular goods. Regular goods didn't need air, water and sustenance to keep... humans unfortunately did. It was an easy giveaway as to what the 'goods' were and would result in the cargo being sent back to the human realm and the smugglers serving a heavy sentence.
      The only problem was his appearance. As soon as someone like him walked in, they would pack up and flee, afraid that they were being busted and suffering consequences by the crown.
       That's where Mammon would come in. Even though he was an Avatar, he was the Avatar of Greed. He always ran in the black markets, and no one seemed to mind. After thousands of years of not giving away information, or faining ignorance to his brother Lucifer, it was the worst kept secret in the Devildom. Mammon was sure not to mix business and pleasure, and it had afforded him the lifestyle that would ultimately get Diavolo his goal.
      A human sold at auction.
      Sending the Avatar of Greed with more money than he had ever seen in his life at one time would sound like a terrible idea, and it was, if he didn't have something Mammon desperately wanted. The transaction would go off without a hitch if the second born wanted to keep on his good side. He had come and collected his debt from Mammon once, and only once. It seemed to be a lasting message, as he always paid in full on time to the Prince now.
       The auction would start at three in the morning and be done by five. They never spent more time than needed in one spot as not to get caught. By time the royal guards would hear of it and mobilize, they would be gone
       As far as getting the human into the castle, magic made that easy. He had given Mammon a bracelet that would cloak any trace of you and Barbatos could then get them safely in through service corridors. He had already sorted his concubines months ago, as not to rouse suspicion. The only one who would know of the illegal dealings would be Mammon and Barbatos, they would not tell a soul.
        Looking to his phone, he waited. Mammon would text him five pictures and he'd only have a moment to decide on which human to have Mammon bid on.
      The first text came through and he eagerly opened it.
      'Get Barbs ass to the fucking check point now. Shits sideways.'
     Sideways. Perhaps the gaurds caught wind of it ahead of time, even he himself, the Prince had managed to hear of it. Although, if he wanted Barbatos to meet him at the checkpoint, he must have a human in tow...right?
     "Nah, nah, nah." Mammon stood in front of the bag. He and Barbatos had moved it through the corridor uninterrupted and unseen, making it safely to the concubine chambers. "I almost got fuckin' hauled away while getting the ownership papers. It ain't leavin' my hands till I get what was promised and a bonus. The bidding was up ta Forty million." The Avatar scowled. "Fuckin' human tried escapin' while shit was chaos. I had to chase 'em down and fight off some other bidders. That wasn't part of the deal. Plus they broke my shades." He pointed to his face, iconic glasses missing. "Those costed me a pretty penny, an I ain't payin' outta pocket for em'."
      "Forty million Grimm. Expensive for a human." Barbatos tilted his head.
     "Forty million is what the bidding stopped at when the raid started." Sarcasm dripping as he gave an equally sarcastic smile. "They started early, and I understand why... This one woulda went ta hundreds of millions of Grimm if the biddin' wasn't cut short. Gettin' that one off your block as soon as possible makes sense, hiding it was almost impossible for them. An considering we never got to the paying part, this human is basically free."
       "No human is worth hundreds of millions of Grimm." The butlers eyes narrowed. "You'll recieve payment for product once the Prince verifies the package, until then, you will get your money for the work." Barbatos informed as he counted the money Mammon had been sent with to verify it was all still present as he claimed.
     "Also, I'm thinking this one is visually impaired..." Mammon sighed. "I didn't do it." He held his hands up in front of him.
     "So hundreds of millions for a defective human?" Barbatos walked around the bag, holding the briefcase as he did. Mammon had not lied. All of the Grimm was there. "It would be a shame if you were lying to get more Grimm..."
     "Oh, hell no, fuck right off with that shit." The Avatar pointed to the butler. "I did my end, ain't no way your stiffing me outta what's mine."
     "Lucifers." He corrected.
     "An it'll get me off the hook for the last hundred things he's pissed about and the next hundred. I want the ring and my money." Mammon crossed his arms.
       "Anything else you wish to demand for this defective product you've brought my master?"
       "Some new tires, but I ain't pushin' it." He smirked as he sassed the butler. "Where the fuck is he anyway. Dude was like a kid in a candy store an hour ago, ya think he'd be here to unbox his human."
     "You mean, unzip?" The butler gave his own sarcastic smile.
      "Well excuse me they didn't have time to box em' up. I did what I had ta do."
     "Your best was a duffle bag?"
      "I coulda not brought the human at all and bounced with the cash. Yer bein' awful rude to the demon that pulled through where others woulda fucked ya."
     Barbatos held his tounge. The second born was correct...most would have just left and moved on, taking the cash with them and claiming it as payment for wasted time because of the raid...
      "Don't judge until you remove the bracelet. It's what's concealing the surprise. Also, they were talkin' about caring for the stupid human. Apparently it ain't ate in two days and was last watered about ten hours ago. So it's gonna need a meal."
       "Anything else?"
      "Ya, this human an one other survived the fucking shitstorm called a raid. The guy in this first photo got ripped apart by two demons fightin' over it. So apparently they are pretty fucking fragile." Mammon showed the butler the picture. "The other two didn't have a great end either."
      "Any idea on who got the other one?"
      "A hunch, but that's gonna cost ya extra."
     "Did anyone see you leave with the human?"
     "Probably not, but who knows. Anyone comes poking around I know how to keep my mouth shut."
       "One bonus, I suppose." The butler sighed as he checked his phone.  "My Master will be here shortly."
     "'Bout damn time."
     A few minutes passed in silence until the Prince arrived, a puzzled look on his face upon seeing a duffle bag.
      "Seems there was a raid, young master. Mammon had to improvise."
     "Thanks for selling me short, dick." Mammon scoffed as he turned his attention to the Prince now. "Ya, it was raided. I fought off other bidders and even got the ownership papers during the commotion. The bidding was up to Forty million for this one, and that's cheap as fuck. Although, we never did pay, on account of the raiding, so I literally got ya a hundreds of millions Grimm worth human for free."
     "It's defective." Barbatos deadpanned.
     "It ain't defective, for fuck sake dude. Just open the damn thing and take the bracelet off. I'll give ya the paper of ownership once I get my payment and a bonus for all my trauma." He smirked.
     "How is the human defective?" Usually the defective ones never made it to auction...
     "Apparently it can not see."
     "It can see, it just needs glasses!" Mammon growled.
      Kneeling down Diavolo steadily undid the zipper and pushed the bag away.
     He's fairly certain his heart skipped a beat.
     You're bruised up, but nothing that won't heal in short order itself. Your everything he ever imagined in a human. Your hair almost the perfect shade, skin soft and supple. Even your lips are shaped exactly how he wanted in a human... it's uncanny. Like you were made for him or fate truly existed.
      "I mean, they ain't much ta look at, but ya gotta take the bracelet off. That's the millions of Grimm part." He laughed. The Prince was a sucker for humans. As long as ya weren't dead, this was gonna be an easy payday, all things considered.
      Laying your body flat from the fetal position you had been in the bag, Diavolo had to catch his breath. He wasn't sure how this got any better...but Mammon didn't hype things up when it came to how much they were worth, even when trying to make a quick buck...
    undoing the heavy claspy holding the bracelet in place he was dumbfounded.
     Your soul was pure. Bright. A beacon in such a place as the Devildom...
     "Suck my fucking dick, Barbatos!" Mammon laughed heartily. "So, about my bonus, I was-"
     "Take it."
     "Young master! You can not be seri-"
     "Give Mammon the briefcase." He reached into his pocket and fished out the ring. Mammon had been correct when he had said you were worth so much. He hadn't sent Mammon with enough to purchase you if things had played out to plan. Humans never went for more than fifteen million just because of the fragility...
     "See, this makes a man feel appreciated." He smiled as Barbatos handed him the briefcase and the ring, scowl upon his face.
     "Papers." Barbatos demanded.
     "Just sign the bottom an it's all yours free an legal. They got the certificate dated before the sanctions hit. So it's a legal human." He handed it to the butler.
     Barbatos's emerald eyes scanned the document front and back. Either the forger had outdone themselves, or someone inside of the government was selling certificates with false dates under the table. Useful information for later, but truly of no use now. "It is perfect, young master."
     "Anyway, I'm off. Lucifer asks where I was or why I was here, I was helping Barb with some chores to pay off a favor."
     "Noted." The butler sighed. "Now begone, before I tell Lucifer the truth."
     "Ouch, you're so rough, Barbie." Mammon snickered as he moved to the exit. "Maybe I outta tell Solomon to make ya nicer to me."
      "It will most likely be decades before you get your wish." Barbatos gave a false polite smile.
      "Give me another couple hundred thousand Grimm and I'll tell ya a secret." His smile never leaving as he slowly walked backwards to the exit. "Unless ya don't think yer pact holder is worth it..." He shrugged.
      Information for sale. It could be informative...or completely useless. Either way, Mammon wouldn't open his mouth about such a matter to just anyone, even with Grimm on the table. "Fifty thousand." He counter offered.
     Mammon hissed. "Fifty G's... all that'll get ya is that you an my brother might see him in the next few years...an that's if he can get away from whose gottem'." He grimaced for effect. "Dudes pretty smart, but man..." He shook his head.
     "One hundred thousand Grimm, I'll go no higher..." Barbatos studied the Avatar closely.
      Mammon knew not to push his luck. "Ya can add it to my account." He smirked. "Seems the only other survivor was Solomon himself. He made it okay from the building, but past that he coulda been grabbed. I'd check with Astoroth... he does tend to just cut his humans up an eat 'em. He don't care what they got ta offer." He gave another shrug as he left.
     "I've things handled here if you wish to seek Solomon out." Diavolo's eyes never left your form. I've the proper legal documentation, and they are already on palace grounds. So we've no trouble now."
     "Very well. Thank you, young master."
      Barbatos had left to see to his business while Diavolo carried you to the bed.
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steampunkforever · 1 year
Skyfall is a good movie. Frankly, all the Daniel Craig bond films leading up to it were good movies. Pivoting from the 06 Casino Royale’s re-contextualization of spies in the post-9/11 geopolitical landscape, Skyfall is about the consequences of the wars we fought before and the mistakes that came back to haunt us following the actions we took in those wars.
Skyfall was released in 2012, 11 years after the twin towers fell and 9 years after the 03 invasion of Iraq. We’d killed Bin Laden and now had to deal with ISIL, who’d not yet bombed the Ariana Grande concert but had at this point grown in power as a result of the US invasion in 03. Setting up the villain of the film (and his horrific disfigurement) as directly the result of MI6 decisionmaking only for him to come back and blow up MI6′s iconic HQ is evidence enough that Skyfall is a retrospective on a decade of war on terror that seems to have done nothing.
There are no better ways to show how tired and old Bond (and the empire he represents) is than to have him fail his fitness tests while in Winston Churchill’s old bunker. A waning icon of a waning empire in the decrepit remains of said empire. It’s a perfect exploration of the intersection of postcolonialism and the war on terror.
Given that the last Daniel Craig film I’d seen before starting Skyfall was Glass Onion, I watched Skyfall with the “I’m so glad that Craig stopped playing Bond so that now he can dress in sweaters in fun movies” criticisms in mind and frankly, I found they fell flat. For one thing, Bond does wear sweaters in this (very fun!) movie (as well as a cute blue adidas tracksuit with matching shoes!), but on top of that I’m starting to realize this criticism of the modern bond franchise (and other films like these) comes from the sort of people who still use the word “grimdark” for their media criticism. Just like those who unironically use “dudebro,” their contributions to serious discussion are limited. Doubly so for Skyfall because this movie is fantastic and balances tone elegantly.
I will admit that Skyfall takes a serious tone when addressing things like “the fall of the 20th century western imperialist old guard” and “thematic explorations of the war on terror and the mistakes of those gambling with the lives of millions” (If you were to try and write those into something finally similar to Trolls 2 it’d be difficult though not impossible) but I will argue that the movie is still self aware enough to understand itself as a pulpy adventure film.
This isn’t Moonraker or anything, but Skyfall is self aware enough to know what beats to hit. The villain monologues and then challenges Bond to a flintlock pistol shooting match. They keep the main bad guy in a dorky sci-fi glass prison cell. The action finale has goons (did I mention that there are goons?) showing up in a helicopter to attack a castle. They even pull the old DB5 out of mothballs so Bond can threaten the ejection seat trick. Bond fights off an evil lizard in a casino at one point. Imagine the movie in 60s Technicolor and the bones of the plot are just as camp as Goldfinger.
The movie is clearly self-aware and plays into the campier story conventions of a genre the franchise it belongs to basically started. It just doesn’t have characters shrug and go “*gulp* he’s behind me isn’t he?” Instead of lampshading the more ridiculous aspects of pulp characters from the 60s and 70s, Skyfall is so darn earnest about how cool these are. It’s self aware yet charming in its seriousness! (Jots down “James Bond Skyfall = Solarpunk?” into margin of notebook and is never heard from again)
Movies like Captain Marvel can’t say the same, and only half of that is because you can’t write a critique of Bush and Obama era imperialism while also shilling for the USAF. It’s because they can’t be serious in their ridiculousness that they end up being less campy (ashamed of truly trying) and less adult (too silly to take seriously) and ultimately less fun than movies like Skyfall.
That’s ultimately what Skyfall is. A Pulpy country-hopping spy flick about modern spies operating in shadows that are getting more cynical with every conflict. It’s not Dr. No but it’s immense fun that explores themes few other franchises are tackling these days. That’s worth a lot more than whatever Ryan Reynolds/The Rock spy film is dealing these days. And Daniel Craig got to wear a dark powder blue tracksuit too.
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edith-is-a-cat · 2 months
Answer any or all I wanna know more about you 👁️👁️
Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
What was the last song you listened to? 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
What’s your favorite band/artist? 
When is your birthday? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
good word here we go,
I used to have sun freckles i miss them a lot
Tea, coffee, and energy drinks and as sweet as i can get them, i usually use honey bc bees are cool
Toes - Glass Animals https://open.spotify.com/track/754wVXWrtf1X3ZHQOFFsnR?si=_GYqckcFRpysg3N7yFNrjA
I roll in bed like a hot dog on a roller but usually side
Yes. five.
Drawing, writing is hard for me but since when i get a flow. I prefer the defining of art though
Okay so 5-6. 1 heating blanket, 1 super soft and thick blanket, 1 big ass blanket, 1 quilt/comforter/heavy blanket, 1-2 light soft blankets
Glass Animals
7'9/175 cm
Sam (the only one i can acc hug soon), Xen (we will get there), Aster, Auburn, Grim, Silver, Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, Idia
Pink :3
Little Idia and Ortho icon on the outer facing sides of my wrists, annoying dog right wear he can peak out of short socks, as many deltarune weapons as possible on my left arm
Angel bites, Bridge, eyebrow, and a second ear piercing
Xen :3
I would say sam is my best friend? i don't get how friends work exactly but we have been friends for one year and three months
Xen's voice :((( and that cake from fresh
I felt uber sick and went home but im great now
I don't remember
carrying a plushie around (imo should be socially acceptable
Howls moving castle, Small steps: the year i got polio, and Tales from the gas station (all volumes)
hungry i really want that cake and mad I NEED MORE BOOK 7!!!!
A while...
Cruise :3
Seeing Vivi randomly and driving to see yall and force yall to watch howl's moving castle
Oregon, or moot trip to japan
..?? A squish???? googles it,,, oh?? Yes i believe
Yes i like to say two of my names show up in the book Frankenstein because of it
I love them both so much
Emetophobia i believe
you could call it a hobby
Cloudy and yes!!!
two, counting the dead ones: 4
too many people
my bed and access to tumblr so o can complian (and maybe get comfort but what ever happens happens)
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justacvfan · 1 year
ALL the references in the Dead Cells x Castlevania trailer, "Return to Castlevania"
The trailer opens with the Dead Cell's Prisoner at the outskirts of Dracula's Castle, in the woods. He's perplexed for what has happened as he sees a mess on the way leading to the unholy fortress and then sees a zombie emerging from the earth while we see the castle gates. Another zombie tells him that the answers he's seeking for are in the castle. We see the castle's gates and two gargoyles sitting on pillars.
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This is similar to Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance's prologue, where we can see two gargoyles too at the entrance.
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After entering the castle and discovering tons of monsters' corpses lying on the way to the upper floor and corridor, he sees two famous vampire hunters: Richter Belmont & Alucard. They are taking care of Dracula's army of demons, slashing, whipping, and kicking asses.
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Alucard is armed with the Alucard Sword and Richter wields the legendary Vampire Killer, but the design is the Combat Cross one from the Castlevania: Lords of Shadows game series. I'm glad that since SBBU recent collabs featuring the Belmonts have also acknowledged that the Combat Cross looks cooler than the bullwhip classic design.
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The Prisoner then decides to battle Alucard and Richter, thinking they are foes for killing many creatures. Seeing that the Prisoner is very reckless, both decide to tackle him, breaking many walls and sending him away to a well known tower. Alucard used a quick dash plus his vampire strength and Richter tackles the Prisoner by summoning holy fire on the Vampire Killer and covering himself with it.
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This might be a reference to his flame whip Item Crash in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and SotN when having no sub-weapons plus his dashing attack in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, but also Trevor's fire tackle in Castlevania: Curse of Darkness.
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The guy with the flaming head and one eye ends up flying out from the Castle Keep to another room. When the Prisoner turns back and notices where's he's at, he sees none other than the Dark Lord Dracula. He's in Dracula's chamber from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
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Dracula sees him as an intruder and proceeds to face him in combat, teleporting. His teleport leaves smoky bats, similar to when he appears and disappears in some games like Castlevania: Bloodlines, Chronicles & Portrait of Ruin, and also the Dracula Wraith, who only possesses Dracula's facade, does this in Harmony of dissonance.
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Terrified, the Prisoner notices that Richter and Alucard also have come to face Dracula and joins them, because now he knows who's the real bad guy that he has to defeat. Behind them we have a reference to the stained glass of Olrox's chamber.
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The three heroes are ready to face the Count. Alucard does a spell that is similar to the Sword Brothers one but also resembles the Heaven's Sword special attack, summoning many blades around him.
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Richter uses the Bible sub-weapon to imbue himself with Holy Power.
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The Prisoner also does a special attack summoning...pans?, similar to Richter's Axe Item-Crash in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and SotN.
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When Alucard dashes with the other two heroes to attack Dracula, in a split-second, you can see that the animators added Alucard's starting walking cycle animation, holding part of his cape with one hand and letting the rest to flow behind him, extending his other arm.
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Dracula covers himself with his cape when Alucard, Richter and the Prisoner are about to strike him in their combined attack. Then he counterattacks them with his iconic spell: Hellfire, trying to confront the heroes' combined powers. Then we get a close up of his fangs, perhaps wanting to bite them, and then the scene cuts into a black screen for a second.
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We see then that the heroes have been defeated and now stand outside in a cliff, perhaps ready to take revenge and defeat the Prince of Darkness once and for all next time. This is a reference to the ending of many Castlevania games, but also the first one that featured more than one hero standing victorious while watching the castle on the horizon: Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.
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Phew. Well, i think this is all of it, at least about the visual references, because i know you got all the famous music that was played in the trailer. Kudos to the animators who made this awesome trailer with lots of details in it. This is how you give fan-service to the fans and how you get them to buy your game plus this DLC. The music, the cartoony and expressive style, the action, everything was incredible. The trailer was flawless. Well, no. It's too short. I really want to see more of this, where i can sign a petition? by the way, the collab's name, "Return to Castlevania" seems to be a reference to an infamous Captain N episode of the same name, featuring Simon, Alucard & Dracula with their worst looks ever, lol.
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winkle-pickers · 2 months
You knew this was coming: Pegasus.
You will talk about my poor little meow meow cartoon babyman and you will like it.
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I really do love Pegasus though lol. When I was younger I used to laugh at his "reading comic books all alone with a glass of wine and one(1) wheel of cheese" thing, but. Ahem. My oven broke last week and 90% of what I've been eating since has been shitty discount charcuterie boards I make for myself out of whatever tf is left in my fridge i.e. mostly cheese, and I've been in yet another villainess isekai manga phase lately, and OK I'm allergic to red wine but I was gifted some really nice soju lately, anyways let's just say that I am right now as we speak having a moment of clarity about being an adult sitting alone with a wheel of cheese and an alcoholic beverage whilst laughing at comics.
That is, it slaps. Pegasus was so right, and if I could be doing this in a castle while a bunch of people fight to death on my lawn for entertainment...well I can't say I wouldn't...
Also when my sister and I watched YGO as kids, we somehow got our hands on a few subbed episodes, and one of them was the one where Shadi and Pegasus go into the tomb together. There's this point where out of fucking nowhere Pegasus yells "JEEEESUS!! OHHHHH GREAT!" in mangled English. Twenty years later my sister and I still pop around corners yelling "JEEEESUS!! OHHH GREAT!!!" at each other. ICONIC.
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diamondcrownacademy · 7 months
DCA Info Part 16: Glastanzerin Dorm 👠🕛🏰
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Glastanzerin (グラスタンゼリン寮, Gurasutanzerin Ryō) was founded on the Generosity (寛大さ) of the Maiden of the Glass Shoe and is inspired by the world of Cinderella. Students of this dorm excel in Classical Dance and Dressmaking.
Dorm Founder: Cinderella
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Known in-universe as the Maiden of the Glass Shoe (ガラス靴の乙女).
Dorm Crest
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The dorm crest appears to be a shield like emblem with a silver outline, with the addition of a banner with the dorm's name on it. The inner part of the emblem is dark blue in color and features the glass slipper in front of an outline of the pumpkin carriage. Behind the emblem features a silhouette of Cinderella's castle made of various shades of cyan and blue paper.
Dorm Leader: Ella Glaciel
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Glastanzerin's current dorm leader is Ella Glaciel, an airheaded and sensitive fashionista. She is even the daughter of a fashion designer.
Dorm Fairy: Bumpkin
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Bumpkin (バンプキン, Banpukin) is Glastanzerin's dorm fairy and vice dorm leader. She likes anything shiny or pretty and will flock to it and admire it for long periods of time, whether it be gems, coins, cute scribbles or even metals, she is on it like glue. She uses her magic to bring the statues in the dorm's ballroom to life, she likes the waltz especially and would gush at talks about meeting prince charming with the students.
Her current appearance is modeled after Ella's childhood doll which she cherished dearly. Ella would sometimes put the doll in carved pumpkins and enjoyed pretending that the doll was the Maiden of the Glass Shoe on her way to the ball.
Dorm Living Quarters
• The Glastanzerin dorm living quarters exterior design is described as being a fusion of Cinderella's castle and the château she originally lived in. It is complete with plenty of space for the animals such as stables, pens and aviaries. The building has so many windows and it is kept so shiny that it basically glitters in the sunlight.
• There are plenty of horses in this dorm due to the wild horses that come by to graze on the field nearby. And most of the students have horses as their animal companions. They don't have a jumping course so they often ride them in a forest path to practice their riding and jumping. The pathway leads to the Pommeneige Living Quarters then to the Rosadormienti Living Quarters and finally back to the Glastanzerin Living Quarters.
• The building interior also has a lot of mouse holes and tunnels for mice to go through. The mice and other small animals help around by keeping things tidy and they have a feeding plate inside the room of the students because the mouse holes lead to the inside rather than the hallways.
• There is also has a sewing room where there is plenty of cloth, threads and many other necessities needed for making clothes. And there's a drawer to hold cloth meant for smaller animals or their pets.
• The building's interior hallways are lined with paintings of royals and of Cinderella in different elegant clothes. The students often admire the dresses she wore, especially the iconic ball gown she wore to the Prince's royal ball. That very same dress is on display on the lobby in the middle of the staircase intersection. It has a golden plaque describing the history behind the dress and no one knows what the material is made of since it was made by a fairy.
The dorm's name is a portmanteau of the German words "glas" meaning "glass" and "tänzerin" meaning "dancer". The former referencing the glass slipper and the later referencing the royal ball where Cinderella first danced with the prince in the original 1950 film. While the original 1950 film was based Charles Perrault's adaptation, there was an adaptation of Cinderella by German authors, the Brothers Grimm.
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xandriagreat · 23 days
Wishes to Reality
Chapter 2: Mayor Magnífico and the Wishes of Rosas
Prologue | Last chapter | Next chapter
Author’s note: Just want everyone to know that the song’s lyrics are going to be bold and italic. Some lyrics are color coded: Magnifico’s singing is green, Asha’s singing is purple, and both of them singing at the same time is blue. Also the orbs are in different colors (unlike in the movie) that represent their ages; purple for the young ones (18-29), green for those middle-aged (30-59), and the iconic blue color for the elderly-age (60+).
Notice/warnings: death mention, war mention, CAPs, shout/yelling, pregnant
Amaya and Asha talked as they went to the mayor’s office. Well, it was more of a study but some people call it an office.
They were walking up into the mayor's office as Amaya began talking about the mayor and what is expected for the assistant and secretary.
“The assistant should always have the fire going, he likes his drinks hot, even on hot summer days. He also likes to talk, so just listen to him.” Amaya said, listing the things of what to do.
Asha was listening and taking notes in her head. “I can listen very well.” she said, feeling like it should have been said.
Amaya hummed softly and chuckled softly. 
“Oh, before I forget.” Amaya said, stopping at the door to the mayor’s office and facing Asha. “Some items might seem strange but what the mayor needs is not for your concern. Also, above all, don’t expect to see the wishes unless he wants you to see them.”
Asha nodded. “I understand.”
Amaya smiled softly at her and said, “Asha, I’m rooting for you and I see that you got this.”
“Really?” the young woman asked, playing with her braids a bit. “Why?”
“Yes. I see how you care for others and how much you love our city.” the assistant mayor explained, still smiling softly at the young woman. “Generosity is the true essence of Rosas.”
Asha smiled softly at Amaya and nodded in understanding.
Amaya chuckled softly and opened the doors to the office.
Asha was taken into the office with a giant black mirror door that leads to the lab.
Inside was pretty big. Almost like some sort of medieval room from a castle but a bit modern.
There were a lot of bookshelves full of books against the well. There was a marble desk that was connected to the floor with a few papers on top. And there are glass doors that lead to a balcony. There was even a tapestry of a family and an old photo of a town on one side of the wall.
Asha had never seen anything like this and she was amazed by the room as Amaya watched her with a smile. 
Then Amaya’s earpiece went off as someone connected to her to talk. “Ma’am, we need you to check on the ceremony.” Samantha said on the earpiece.
“Alright. I’ll be there shortly.” Amaya said into her earpiece to respond to her.
Asha looked at Amaya as the assistant mayor turned around and said, “I’m going to check on the ceremony. Magnifico will be in to meet you in a bit.”
“Oh, ok.” Asha said, nodded. “Bye.”
The assistant mayor looked at her one more time and smiled softly before leaving the room.
Asha began to look around the room more. 
It was much bigger than she had imagined. It also contains a study room.
Asha looked at the different title books on the shelves.
The books were somewhat colorful or at least only white, silver, gold and even shades of blue. The books were different fairy tales and science books, including ones of astronomy.
Then she saw an odd book behind an odd looking glass box case. “Whoa.” she breathed as she walked over to it.
Asha was about to touch the glass but jumped when a voice from the lab doors said, “Stop.”
Asha quickly turned around to see Mayor Magnifico in front of the giant black mirror door.
It was Mayor Magnifico himself. A handsome tan-skinned man with pale blue eyes and gray hair with several black streaks along with a goatee and mustache. His suit was white and gold with blue lining and he was wearing white shoes.
“Sorry, Asha. But that book is forbidden.” Magnifico said with a chuckle.
Asha was about to say something but then she touched the glass and was surprised, feeling a bit of electric shock from the secure glass.
Then she was getting attacked by glass mosquitoes.
She was trying to catch and stop them as Magnifico walked over to her and explained, “Well, I put a spell on the glass so that no one would be tempted to touch it.”
“I thought it was supposed to be pretty!” Asha exclaimed, swatting at the glass mosquitoes as the glass mosquitoes continued to attack her.
“Well, the book is dangerous.” Magnifico explained with an awkward chuckle.
“Then why have it?!” Asha exclaimed again, still swatting at the glass mosquitoes.
“Well, a mayor needs to be prepared for anything.” Magnifico explained more as he walked over to help her. 
Asha was still swatting at the glass mosquitoes.
“Just… Hold still.” the mayor said with a chuckle when he got to Asha. Then Magnifico starts to use his magic to take a hold of the glass mosquitoes to stop them from attacking the teen and put them back on the glass case. “There we go.” the mayor breathed, straightening his suit before looking at Asha.
Asha was swatting the air, still thinking that the glass mosquitoes were still attacking her.
“Um… you ok?” Magnifico asked, tilting his head a bit to the side.
“No-! Yes!” Asha shouted as she realized that the glass mosquitoes were gone. She stopped swatting as she stood up right, clearing her voice and said in a calm voice, “Yes. I’m ok… I understand if you don’t want this interview with me because you have seen enough of me…”
Magnifico chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, no, it’s alright. You’ve gotten my attention.” he said, a soft smile on his face.
Asha begins to calm down reminding herself of her family and even her friend's support.
‘This is for your future and the family.’ She thought as she followed the mayor to his desk.
“So, tell me, why do you want to be my assistant and secretary?” Magnifico asked, using his magic to write something down.
“Well… I care too much.” Asha said, rubbing her hands together to be calm.
Magnifico looked at her, confused. “Um… ok? That’s… interesting.”
“It’s a weakness that I have.” Asha explained, chuckling awkwardly. “I just want to get the weaknesses or bad stuff out of the way first.”
“Ah, fair enough.” Magnifico hummed and nodded. “Alright, what are your strengths?”
Asha began to take deep breaths to calm down and said, “I’m glad that you ask! I’m a quick learner and hard worker. I help well and I’m young, so I’m valuable but not too young I’m not too valuable… Oh! I also draw!”
Asha shows him his sketchbook and begins showing an animation of her pet goat like a flipbook. She sometimes likes to show appreciation to animated films growing up.
Asha looked at Magnifico, who looked confused. 
“What am I looking at?” the mayor asked, looking at the drawing and at Asha.
“It’s a goat.” Asha explained, smiling softly. “It’s hopping.”
“Uh huh.” Magnifico hummed.
Then Asha showed him the drawing goat hopping again.
“Ah, yes. It’s a good talent.” the mayor said, looking at the young woman again after watching the drawing move for a moment. “Do people call it a talent?”
Asha chuckled awkwardly and shrugged. “Well, um… some people do… My father did.” she said, looking at her sketchbook and then at the mayor.
Magnifico looked like he was reminded by something when she mentioned her father.
“Ah, yes. Tomás, the philosopher. He was a good man to work with.” Magnifico said with a soft smile. “He helped me with the stars.”
Asha smiled softly and nodded. Then she turned the page to reveal a drawing of her late father and younger self on a big twisty tree branch.
The tree had always been her favorite since she was a young kid and she had fond memories of it and was also one of her favorite spots to when she needed some peace and to sometimes get some inspiration.
Asha started to get lost in the drawing as she explained, “He used to take me out to the big twisty tree outside of the city and we sit on one of the branches where it’s just you and the stars… He said that the stars are here to guide us… to inspire us… to wish and dream… to remind us to believe in possibility… even when he got sick, he took me out there, to dream, to wish… All that I wished and dream was for him to get better…”
“How old were you when he died?” Magnifico asked, his voice soft.
“I… I was around 12 when he died.” Asha said, feeling a lump in her throat. 
She could remember her own father dying of lung disease, even though he was healthy. He spent as much time with his family as possible, including with his daughter. Of course he died in his sleep, which caused mourning in the morning.
“That’s not fair, isn’t it?” Magnifico said, looking at the young woman. “When I was young, I too suffered great loss…”
Asha looked at Magnifico as the mayor looked at the old photo on the wall, which made her look at the photo.
The old photo of a town with a young man that looked like Magnifico.
“My entire town was part of an awful war that we didn’t ask to be in. Most lives were taken and all homes destroyed on the last day of the war. It was unlivable, so the remaining survivors had to leave…” Magnifico explained, a sad frown on his face.
“I didn’t know… I’m sorry.” Asha said as she looked at Magnifico again.
“It’s fine… But the war was terrible… like the Vietnam war. If only I knew magic then…” Magnifico continued, looking at the photo before looking down. Then he sighed and looked at Asha, smiling softly at her. “You see I found this place for a city so there would be a place where everyone would be safe. Not having to experience the loss of their dreams destroyed and safety taken away before their eyes.”
“No one should experience a life of that pain everyday.” Asha said, remembering hearing the history of the city but in secret  as she sometimes reads her father's books from outside of the city.
“And that’s why I do what I do.” Magnifico said softly, smiling at her.
“And that’s why I want to work for you.” Asha said, smiling back and nodding to him.
“Just like your father.” Magnifico chuckled softly.
Asha chuckled softly as well and put her sketchbook away. She felt her heart beating excitedly and it felt like she was finally getting the job she was working hard her whole life to get her family a better life and even provide it.
Magnifico smiled at her as his eyes lit up with an idea. “Come with me.” the mayor said, walking to the giant black glass mirror door.
Asha followed Magnifico to the door and watched him waved his hand to the side and the door opened to reveal the lab.
It was almost something from a sci-fi movie but with medieval and fantasy inspiration all over.
“Whoa.” Asha breathed as she walked into the lab with Magnifico.
Magnifico chuckled softly as he raised his hand and waved his hand. “You can feel them, don’t you?” he asked, looking at Asha.
The young woman looked at him, curious about what he was talking about. Then she looked up and gasped softly to see the wish orbs by the ceiling.
The ceiling was full of beautiful orbs. It was in a variety of different colors, mostly purple, greens, and blues.
Slowly, the wish orbs floated down to them.
“Whoa! They feel like they’re alive!” Asha exclaimed, looking at the wishes. Then she felt she said something wrong and she apologized, “Oh! Sorry! I feel like I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, no, no. It’s ok, Asha.” Magnifico reassured her as he smiled, waving his hand to show her three different wishes. 
Asha looked at the three wishes in wonder while Magnifico explained, “You see, people think that wishes are just ideas, but no, they are a part of your heart. The best part. That’s what makes them feel alive.”
The first wish showed a young woman flying with the birds, the second wish showed an elderly woman being a sailor, and the third wish showed a man being an adventurer and making his mark.
Asha was amazed by them and looked at the other floating wishes, smiling at them as she looked at the different wishes.
Magnifico noticed it and hummed softly. 
Then he noticed that a few of the green and blue wishes were near a window. “Oh! No, no, no.” he said calmly, waving his hand to use his magic to move them away from the window. 
Magnifico looked at the wishes and said softly, “I think it’s time for a lullaby.”
Then he snapped his fingers together and a soothing song from a music box began to echo the entire room, playing a very well known lullaby.
The wishes started to gently spin around Magnifico and Asha, moving to the beat to the music. 
Asha was in awe at the orbs' little spins as Magnifico start to sing, “If happiness was a tangible thing, It would be you If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring, I'd think it untrue and people search for a wonder like you all of their lives. You still amaze me after all this time.”
Magnifico looked at different wishes with a smile while Asha looked at them in wonder.
“You pull me in like some kind of wind. Mesmerized by the hold I'm in. Leave you here, I don't wanna. I wanna… Promise as one does. I… I will protect you at all costs. Keep you safe here in my arms. I… I will protect you at all costs. At all costs.”
Asha felt that she should sing the lullaby to the wishes as well.
“What's pain? When I look at you? No way! I could explain you, even if I tried to, I'll never dream like I used to do.” 
Asha gently touched a few wishes that floated near her and she saw what the different wishes were. It felt like she was touching a rainbow of colors and a lot of love.
“If someone tried to hurt you, I don't. See how that could happen. I'd fight for you in ways you can't imagine. Felt this, no, I haven't, I hope. It would be all right to stay right here beside you.”
The orb began to spin and shine around them more as they both sang, “And promise as one does, I… I will protect you at all costs, Keep you safe here in my arms. I… I will protect you at all costs.”
Asha gasped when she saw her grandfather’s wish orb that was glowing bright. She begins running towards her grandfather's blue orb carefully while Magnifico just lets the other orbs around him spin around him.
“At all costs! If you're ever feeling like you're lost, I'll come find you! Man all fronts, there's no ocean I won't swim across to be right by you! And not just once, here and now I swear on my response, I'll remind you. And promise as one does I, I will protect you at all costs! Keep you safe here in my arms! I, I will protect you at all costs. At all costs.”
Asha held the orb and saw her grandfather playing a mandolin with a lot of people around him, listening to him.
Then wish Sabino looked at her and Asha shed a happy tear.
It was her grandfather's dream and wish, to be a musician.
Magnifico sighed happily as he looked at the wishes while the song faded. Then he noticed Asha was out of his sight. “Asha?” he called out, looking around. The mayor saw the young woman holding one of the wishes as most of the wishes went to her, like they felt more comfortable with her and trust her.
Magnifico stared at her for a moment before chuckling softly and walked over to her, waving his hand to make the other wishes go up with the others by the ceiling.
He gently taps Asha’s shoulder, getting her attention. “Hey, everything ok?” the mayor asked, tilting his head a bit to the side.
“Oh, yes. Sorry. I got lost in my train of thought.” Asha said with an awkward chuckle.
“It’s alright.” Magnifico chuckle.
Asha looked at Magnifico, still holding the wish in her hands. “I have a question, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Magnifico nodded. “Go ahead, Asha.”
“Well, today's my Saba’s 100th birthday and I was wondering if you could grant his wish at the wish ceremony tonight?” Asha said, looking at him as she still held the wish close to her. “I don't mean to be selfish and I understand if you already have a wish picked out but I care for my family and… I wanted to see him happy.”
Magnifico was surprised by this but hummed in understanding. “So you want his wish granted?” he asked, looking at the young woman.
Asha knew this was her chance as she nodded with a big smile.
Magnifico nodded with a hum. “May I see this wish?” the mayor asked, offering his hand to hold the wish.
Asha nodded and handed it to him.
Magnifico looked at it and it led him to look concerned. “This is a beautiful wish, wanting to inspire the next generation. But it’s dangerous.” the mayor said, inspecting the wish.
“Dangerous? What do you mean?” Asha asked, trying to see what Magnifico was seeing. 
Asha's curiosity began and she looked at her Grandfather's orb with Magnifico as it showed Sabino stop playing music and telling everyone around him something.
“Well, you see. Your Saba wants to inspire the next generation. But to do what? A revolution? A war between classes?” Magnifico said, looking at the wish with a frown.
“What- no! My Saba wouldn’t do something like that.” Asha said, surprised that Magnifico would think that her saba would do that.
“No, no. I’ve seen and know what happens when people get together and start a revolution.” Magnifico said, looking at Asha, who was confused by what Magnifico was saying. 
Then Magnifico shrugged, waved his hand in front of the wish and sent it back up with the others while he said, “Well, you’re young. You don’t know anything about the real world yet.”
Asha watched the wish go up with the others as Magnifico walked to his lab desk and started to make the shell of the next new wishes.
“Sir, please listen… I love my family… I-I want him to be happy.” Asha begged, looking at the mayor.
“There’s nothing that he can do without the wish. Along with everyone else’s.” Magnifico said as he mixed the ingredients together. “But yet, their wishes will be safe here.”
“Ok then… but are you going to give them back?” Asha asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Excuse me?” the mayor asked, stop mixing and turn around to look at her for a moment.
“The wishes that you’re not going to grant.” Asha said, pointing at the wishes. “Aren’t you going to give them back? So they could grant them themselves?”
Magnifico was quiet for a moment as he stared at her. “No. I grant wishes, I don’t give them back.” he said, a bit coldly. 
That took Asha off guard and made her confused. 
“Okay… but why is granting wishes any different than giving the wishes back?” Asha asked, still looking back at Magnifico, who felt his blood just boiling with anger.
“These wishes are part of who they are and some of them are reachable.” Asha explained, looking at the wishes that were floating by the ceiling. “And, I don’t know if you know this but, the people without their wishes aren’t fully happy or act what they used to before giving their wish to you. They feel empty.”
Magnifico was taking in a few breaths, trying to calm down, “Asha-”
“You said that the wishes come from the best part of the heart and also by the looks of it, none of them are dangerous-” Asha started but was interrupted by Magnifico saying, raising his voice, “You don’t understand the point!” 
Asha was caught off guard by that.
Magnifico turned around to continue to work on the shell as he explained, “The people come here because they can’t make their dreams come true, feeling it’s not fair, the world beyond Rosas is too cruel, and the journey is too hard for them. So by giving their wishes to me, it’s easier for them and it’s the cost to live here.”
Asha was quiet for a moment while the mayor continued to work on the shell.
“Okay… But I also noticed they don't remember their wishes or their passion.” the young woman added with worry. “Why? Why do they forget?” 
“They forget their worries when giving their wishes to me.” Magnifico explained, sounding a bit cold. “But they do have a feeling of contention when seeing, doing, or reading something that connects to their wish, so there’s that.”
Asha remembered of her grandfather when she gave her saba’s gift to him this morning, that he felt something familiar about it. “They just have a small feeling about it but not remember it until granted?” she asked. “Exactly.” Magnifico said, nodding.
Asha’s eyes widen as she looks at the wishes again. “So, some of these wishes aren’t going to be granted?” Asha asked, worried as she looked at Magnifico again. 
“Not some. Most of them.” Magnifico corrected as he was about done making the shell.
Asha’s mind keeps on getting more and more questions about the wishes after learning more and more. “What about the others who have kind and selfless hearts?” she asked, taking a few steps forward. “Or people who didn’t want to give up their wish?”
“It’s the cost.” Magnifico said, through gritted teeth.
“For what?!” Asha said in a loud voice. “What’s the cost?! Look… My saba is good. The people of Rosas are good! They deserve more than-!”
“I DECIDE ON WHO GETS WHAT THEY WANT AND WHAT THEY DESERVE!” Magnifico shouted, turning around quickly and his eyes glowed green.
Asha was shocked by this. 
Asha was terrified by this.
She has never seen anyone like this. She thought that he was calm, nice, and gentle but now he seems like a mad person.
Then Magnifico shook his head and his eyes went back to normal. “I… I’m sorry. I had an episode.” the mayor explained with an awkward chuckle and smile, starting to walk over to Asha.
“S-stay away.” Asha said, about to back away from him.
Then there was the sound of a door being open. Magnifico and Asha looked to see that Amaya and Samantha had just come in.
“Is everything ok in here?” Amaya asked, looking at them.
Before Asha could say anything, Magnifico said, “Yes. We’re fine.”
Amaya looked at both of them before humming softly.
“The ceremony is ready, sir.” Samantha said, nodding to him.
“Ah, ok.” Magnifico hummed, smiling as he and Asha got out of the lab. 
“Oh! Please have a seat for Asha on the stage. I want her to see the magic on the stage. And no is not the answer for the request.” the mayor added, waving his hand to close the lab door before leaving the room. 
Amaya followed Magnifico out of the room. 
Samantha was about to follow but stopped when she noticed that Asha looked upset. Samantha walked over to Asha when she noticed Asha's state. “Are you ok?” Samantha asked, worried.
Asha was so distrount and confused about what happened that all she could say was, “I… don’t… know…”
“Hey, it's not your fault, kid.” Samantha said, trying to cheer her up. “You just want to help your family and make your grandpa's wish happen in a good way.”
Asha looked at her as she hugged herself.
“Now come on, Asha.” Samantha said, wrapping an arm around her. “Let’s go to the ceremony.”
Asha walked out of the room with Samantha, worried about this wish ceremony and thinking about what happened.
The wish ceremony came that evening.
Asha sat next to Amaya on the side of the stage while the guards, including Samantha, were by the steps of the stage.
Everyone from Rosas was there, including Asha’s family and the rest of her friends.
Asha was nervous when seeing her family and friends in the crowd, who waved at her, except for her mom because she was holding Valentino.
Then she looked at everyone in the crowd as they all cheered when the stage lights lit up.
The mayor began appearing in a spectacular way as he entered from his usual entice from back center stage to running to front stage. He uses his magic to control the holograms like birds fly around the place before letting them go and letting them fade as he looks at the crowd.
“Hello, Rosas!” Magnifico exclaimed, a big smile on his face as a spotlight shined on him.
People began to cheer more.
Everyone calmed down as Magnifico raised a hand.
“I am proud to announce that we have new arrivals!” Magnifico said, pointing his hand at the staircase of the stage. “Jameson and Marianne Lights!”
The two new arrivals from earlier walked up the steps, getting up to the stage. They walked over to the mayor, excited.
They faced Magnifico as the mayor said, “Close your eyes, think of your wish from your heart’s desire, and then you’ll be holding it in your hand.”
The two did as they were told as their hearts started to glow yellow for a moment before it changed to a mix of light green with a bit of purple as Magnifico got each wish into it’s own wish orb as the two wishes were given to him
“It’s a real weight off, isn’t it?” Magnifico said softly to them as he held the two new wishes.
The two new arrivals looked confused as to why they were there on stage while everyone in the crowd cheered. 
“Forget without regret!” someone in the crowd shouted.
Magnifico lifts the wishes up in the air, using his magic to guide them to his tower.
Asha watched the orbs float up to the tower, feeling bad for them and their owners as the two new arrivals were guided off the stage by some guards.
Samantha looks suspicious at the two arrivals, knowing something was up but she had to stay focused.
When the two new arrivals were off stage, joining the crowd, and the wishes were in the tower, Magnifico turned to the crowd and asked, “Ok! Who’s ready to have their wish granted?”
Everyone cheered excitedly. 
“Grant my wish!” someone in the crowd shouted.
Magnifico smiled and said, “And to let you all know, I'm changing up a bit, because an important person here was waiting for a very long time.”
Everyone was talking among themselves excitedly.
‘Please let it be my Saba’s.’ Asha thought, crossing her fingers as she was deeply excited about it
Magnifico looked at everyone, a big smile on his face. “Sonia Osman!” the mayor announced loudly.
Asha felt her heart break along with her family when hearing the announcement.
The crowd cheered for the young woman.
“YES! IT’S ME!” a young woman named Sonia yelled, running to the stage. “IT’S MEEEEEE!!!”
The young woman was very excited as she got on stage and faced Magnifico, doing a happy little dance as she couldn't control herself.
Magnifico smiled at her as he got her wish out. “Sonia, I mean it when I say that I would grant your heart’s greatest desire.” Magnifico said, flicking his wrist and using his magic to grant and make the wish into an object. First it looked like fabric wrapped around Sonia with magic scissors as Magnifico continued to say, “To make the most beautiful dresses in the world!”
Then the fabric went above Sonia and transformed into a magical pair of gorgeous fabric scissors.
Sonia gasped softly as the scissors gently floated down to her hands and she held the scissors. “My wish came true.” the young woman said, smiling softly at her wish.
Fireworks went off as everyone cheered for the granted wish.
Asha felt shocked and felt down. She saw the look of her family, who looked broken.
Asha looked at Magnifico as the mayor walked over to leave the stage. But Magnifico stopped and went to her, saying, “Oh… and Asha?”
“Yes, sir?” Asha asked, worriedly.
“Sorry that I say this but your application has been rejected.” Magnifico said, looking down at her.
Asha felt shattered as Amaya was surprised by this. “I… I’m sorry.” Asha said, hugging herself as she looked at Magnifico.
“Oh but don't worry, I will still keep your family’s wishes safe and sound for a very long time. Along with your wish, when you become 18.” Magnifico said with a calm tone, smiling darkly at her before he went off stage.
Amaya looked at Asha in worry as the young woman tried not to cry. “Asha, it’s ok. You may go now.” The assistant mayor said as both got up from the seats. “I’ll… I’ll talk to my husband to see he’lll change his mind.”
Asha nodded in sadness and went offstage by a guide of Samatha.
‘I’m sorry…’ Asha thought as she looked at her family. She began feeling bad about it as her friend comforted her.
“It’ll be ok…” Samantha reassured her, gently rubbing her back as they got offstage.
Amaya sighed and got off stage, catching up with Magnifico.
When Amaya caught up to Magnifico, the mayor looked at her and asked, “What do you say we get dinner? Maybe with some wine?”
“I don’t want a drink of wine.” Amaya said, a stern look on her face. Amaya was looking down and touching her abdomen for a moment. She was pregnant, but she didn't want to tell Magnifico yet.
She took in a breath and sighed, glaring at her husband. “What was that?” Amaya asked angrily, pointing at where the stage was. 
“About what? Asha?” Magnifico asked to make sure that they were on the same page.
“Yes! That was not ok!” Amaya said angrily. “I mean, really! On the stage?! In front of everyone?!”
“No one was watching it.” Magnifico said, shrugging it off as he continued to walk like it was nothing.
“What about your mic? What if it was still on and it picked up the conversation?” Amaya said, making a point as she walked with him. “Either way, it was not ok! Also, you still need an assistant and secretary! You can’t keep doing this!”
Magnifico stopped abruptly and looked at her, making her stop in place. “Amaya, she… triggered me…” he said with a deep sigh. 
Amaya's stern look became softened for she knew what her husband had to go through. Also she didn't want any more stress on the baby.
“Did… she find out about… him?” Amaya asked, more unsure. “The boy from the accident?”
The boy from the accident was an accident that happened 10 years ago.
The memory was a bit fuzzy to Amaya and doesn’t fully remember, but it's something that Amaya still remembers.
“No, which is one of the good things, because I don’t feel like erasing any memory of that time.” Magnifico answered, starting to walk to the dining room. “Now let’s eat.”
Amaya was worried about the future, for her baby inside of her and for Asha as well. ‘Don't worry, my little baby. Everything will be ok.’ she thought to her baby, following her husband to the dining room.
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