#the first skeleton i met kill me so many times i can't even
gaylordscooter · 1 month
Log of the Multiverse: Blue (aka me, sans t. skeleton)
Originally this was supposed to be an entry on ink but he didn't really like the sound of he wanted to write his entry himself when he had the time to. so i decided to write about myself instead.
it's kinda funny, i should've made this the first entry maybe. it seems pretty self-centered to write an entry on yourself or would it be self-centered to not write an entry? it'd be like assuming everyone already knew who i was.
my name was sans. first name sans, last name, i shit you not, skeleton. pap my brother thought i was joking when i told him it was, in fact, our last name. of course i had to let that name go once i lost my home. i was given this nickname by ink even though it's not mine to have
i didn't lose my home to error, or any outcode for that matter. it destroyed itself, to put simply
according to ink, there were "too many plot holes" and "contradictions" that ended up breaking it. "unfinished" he said, like my world was just someone's drafted story.
it was.
speaking of ink, they're the reason im able to write this in the first place. he dragged me out of my universe right as it collapsed. honestly that whole series of events was a blur, i remember running away from temmie, who just got all six human souls and was trying to kill me along with the other stray monsters that managed to evade the human's murder-spree. i thought temmie was my friend. i question why ink rescued me
my universe was a "swap" universe, meaning in the original universe i was more like my brother and he was more like me, for example. but i've met the sans from "underswap" he's fairly different from me. i've also met versions of my brother when i went to the omega timeline and im still different from them too. like. more different than they are from each other
i assume that has to do with the instability of my universe, ink did nickname it "botchedswap" after all (flattering name, i know)
ever since ink rescued me from my universe i kinda just stuck by his side. i joke that he's my "universe taxi driver" but (i REALLY hope he doesn't read this) he's my best friend.
he's a better friend than temmie ever was. that's for sure
but sometimes i feel like when he looks at me, he's not thinking about me. it's like he pretends im someone else. i remember when he first called me "blue". they didn't say it like they just came up with that nickname, they said it with familiarity.
like it already belonged to someone else
and it did, it belonged to the guy before me, the guy im a replacement for. i was so mad. i was infuriated, at ink, for using me as a replacement. but then he explained his side
it was like his mask of ingenuity cracked as he told me. he was guilty. he's been guilty. and i was their solace
i'm his attempt at repentance
it made sense why dream and i aren't that close, he didn't want a replacement and i'm hardly a good one too i can't count the amount of times ink looked at me weirdly for saying something blue wouldn't. he misses blue, the real blue.
[the paper's damp here, as if drops of water was spilled onto it]
i haven't really been talking about myself, have i?
before my universe destroyed itself, i was in the process of studying to become apart of the royal science division, i was getting training from undyne alphys oh god which one was it someone. i, i think i got in? at one point. i remember celebrating getting in, but that doesn't sound right.
meanwhile my brother he [the writing afterwards is completely scribbled out and illegible, the paper's somewhat torn from how intense the scribbling was]
im forgetting.
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akkpipitphattana · 8 months
no the thing that's really killing me about this episode is that like. ray was being so sincere in all of this. that man was genuinely trying to move on, with sand! & yes, he was a little too precious about defining their relationship as anything other than friends, but that was for some really good reasons! he hasn't fully moved on from mew, he's not totally sure how he feels about sand yet, he probably doesn't want to jump into a technically-rebound relationship inevitably doomed to end with hurt feelings, & also sand's the one who told him they were only ever going to be friends. the last time he pushed that boundary with someone, he was explicitly threatened with getting cut out of their life entirely. i'm not dissing mew for drawing a line, but ray's been burned here, & very recently. he is trying to respect sand's boundaries & feelings, like sand asked him to, because he cares about sand. & yes, he over-corrected, he was a little too tentative & left sand with a lot of uncertainty, but i think he was really trying here. he was opening up to sand & learning about him in turn, spending more time with him & deepening their connection, met his mom, & i really think they could have worked through their shared hesitance & fear of overstepping. they were getting there. & then boston careened in & fucking shattered it! i am so upset
sand and ray are so heartbreaking to me on principal because it's like. here you have two very broken people, two people who have both gone through hell and back, two people who genuinely, truly care about one another, that try so hard to be genuine and honest. but they both have walls, they're both terrified, they both have skeletons in their closet, and they can't help but hurt each other.
and everything this episode was just proof of that. we get to see them spend a day together, sharing in their interesting, letting each other in, having so many sweet little moments. but they still hurt each other! it's "i don't trust you with my life" and "i'm not his boyfriend" and boston's whole thing!
and like here's the thing. objectively what boston did was wrong, he shouldn't be poking his nose somewhere it doesn't belong. it's not his business. but even without boston popping their bubble, it was going to happen eventually. because ray DOES still feel something for mew, he is still holding onto those feelings, and this new thing with sand doesn't change that. he's trying to move on, yes, but he's also limiting it. because he doesn't think he can actually be loved, which is why mew is an easy thing to latch onto. because he doesn't and won't feel anything for ray.
but sand does. which is why ray keeps bringing up the they're just friends thing. because yes, sand said it, but ray has to. ray is the one that said friendship and sex can coexist, ray was the one that said he wouldn't want sand as his boyfriend first. sand played along. and he's still trying to, but you can visually SEE how much harder it's getting for him to.
and especially now, with him realizing that ray is in love with mew? oh he's just got to feel so used. he thinks he was making it all up in his head, that ray never felt anything for him this whole time. and ray knows that sand feels something for him, it's why he's so apologetic. despite insisting they're friends, he knows. but it's not like he can tell sand that he doesn't feel anything to mew because he'd be lying and outside of insisting that they're just friends, ray isn't gonna lie to sand. especially not when it would mean hurting him even more.
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dinofelissnow1985 · 9 months
Of Birds and Butterflies
by DinofelisSnow1985
Chapter 9
"Sans, i'm booooooored," Red complained.
Just a few days ago had Toriel put him to sleep and treated the old fractures on his spine, rendering him completely immobile and helpless.
Toriel had demanded that they were never to leave Red alone, he could panic and do, or at least try, something that might further damage his healing spine.
That's why Sans moved part of his work to Red's room. Mostly small parts or other things he was tinkering with and his Laptop. While he was working he talked with Red, answered his questions and got him whatever he needed or wanted.
Sometimes he helped Red with his learning since the small skeleton planned on taking the next test as soon as his spine was healed.
Right now Sans was tapping away on his Laptop and Red couldn't do anything other than listening to the clicker-clacker of the keys.
Sans looked up, checked the time and turned his attention to Red. "Huh. Never thought one of us were even able to say such a thing."
Red, whose neck was in a brace, rolled his head towards him and scowled at Sans.
Sans saved his file and closed the Laptop before turning to fully face Red. "Something you wanna talk about? Or wanna know?"
Red took the time to think about it before he spoke. "Now tha' i think 'bout i', told'ja 'bout mah 'verse but never heard how Blue's was or 'ow ya got outta da unnergroun'."
"That's an easy one. Long story short, the Kid broke the barrier."
Red cocked a browbone. "Kid? Like in Monster Kid? Dey can't ev'n break der arm! 'Ow could dey break da fucking barrier?"
Sans chuckled and shook his head. "Okay. One, that was kinda crude. And Two, i was talking about the human."
Red blinked uncomprehending.
"The anomaly?" Sans tried.
"Still no fucking idea what'cha talkin' 'bout."
Sans felt at a loss. He took a few seconds to sort his thoughts. "Okay,... How many Souls had the King collected when you left your AU?"
"And you never met a human kid? A determined one?"
"Nope," Red replied, popping the p.
"Okay, listen. I guess, since your AU is pretty much like mine, only hostile, your King and Queen once had a son and adopted the first fallen human?"
Red nodded, as much as he could with the neckbrace. "Yeah, ever'one knows 'bout dat. Human kid got sick an' died, de prince took der Soul ta cross de barrier and got deadly hurt. Asgore swore revenge and ordered ta kill 'r capture every human ta harvest der Souls. Since den we got six. And were still waitin' for the last one ta fall."
Sans mulled this over. "But the eighth human never fell in your universe."
"Uh-uh," Red replied and if he had been able to he would've shook his head.
Sans took a deep breath. "Good. Now i know where we stand. So, in this world the last human fell, and because of their high amount of Determination they were able to manipulate time. They could SAVE and LOAD and even RESET. And they RESETTED a lot of times. They tried every possible way to reach their goal, only to RESET again for several hundred of times, until they finally gave us our happy ending and broke the barrier. Tori adopted them as her child and they promised me to never RESET again. Oh, by the way, don't talk to the others about the RESETS. I'm the only one here who is aware of them, besides the kid."
Sans shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because i'm the Judge. Or because i have some DT myself thanks to Gaster's experiments. Perhaps there is no actual reason, who knows."
"Waddaya mean wi' 'dey tried ev'ry possible way'?"
Sans looked uncomfortable and visibly fought with himself before he finally took some deep breaths. "Fine, listen. They were curious. When they made it to the Judgment Hall for the first time they had rushed through the Underground, avoiding as many encounters as they could in order to make it out alive. Then they got killed by Asgore, but their Determination brought them back to a certain point before the encounter with the King and they tried again.
After several dozens of tries they made it to the surface and took the time to think. If they could go back in time, they could explore the Underground and their possibilities, maybe befriend us, find a way to get us out, anything.
So they RESETTED for the first time and took their sweet time to befriend every monster in the ruins before moving on. They did a complete pacifist run, only to dust Asgore in the end again.
Then the Kid decided to try the same thing again but without killing Fluffybuns. That's when they broke the barrier for the first time.
But something happened, i guess. They RESETTED again and this time killed one of the more common monsters. Y'know like the Froggits or Pyropes.
With every RESET they dusted more monsters, tested which ones they could kill and still break the barrier, as well as what would change when they acted differently in certain situations.
They really tried every. Fucking. Possibility. They kinda lost control for a while and did lots of Genocide runs and sometimes would go 'neutral' or even 'pacifist' randomly.
They found pleasure in messing with me when they noticed i remembered the RESETS, and Flowey's meddling wasn't really helpful, tibia honest.
After i don't know how much RESETS i tried to talk to the Kid. Unsuccessful.
I don't know what changed again but when i was on the verge of breaking, they did an 180 and regained their humanity. They regretted deeply ever killing any monster and finally did a last Pacifist run and gave us the surface.
They promised me to never RESET ever again. Somehow their weird time magic only worked when they were at - or under - Mt. Ebott, so they'd need to go there in order to RESET or even SAVE and LOAD. So as long as they stay away from that mountain i can chill.
We actually became friends again and they used to babysit Saphy before you came along."
"Dat's quite da story, dude. I sure would'a lost mah shit early on, consid'rin' de shitshow mah life was 'fore i got 'ere. Dun ev'n wanna spec'late what da human in mah world would be like."
Red thought for a few seconds.
"Ya said Flowey messed wid'cha? Mah Flowey's a coward but actually a nice guy. But i also saw some monsters at Grillby's i never met in mah 'verse... And who's dat Gaster guy ya mentioned?"
Sans furrowed his nonexistend brows in a surprised manner. "A genuinely nice Flowey? Welp, seems to be one of the bigger differences between our worlds. And after everything you told us about your universe i'm more surprised there's still a MK around than about some monsters not existing in your world."
Red scoffed. "Nobody dares ta touch Monster Kid. Dey are some sort of pet mascot ta fishbitch. And no one messes with fishbitch. Some a mah scars an' de crack on mah neck vertebra are from when she used me fer target practice. Almost decapitated me, damn bitch." Red muttered the last sentence under his breath.
While Sans still tried to digest that last bit of information, Red already found the next thing to ask about.
"So, what 'bout Gaster? Finally tell me."
Sans scratched the back of his skull, collecting his thoughts. "Well, i don't know how YOUR Gaster was characterwise, but some things are always the same. For One, Gaster is one of the few monsters still alive that lived during the war against the humans, besides Tori, Asgore and Grillbz. Two, he built the Core. Three, he was the Royal Scientist before Alphys. Four, he experimented with Souls and DT to find a way to break the barrier. And Five, he fell into the Core and got scattered across Time and Space.
While using the Machine i found a lot of timelines where Gaster was still there, and the readings created everytime a different picture. Sometimes he created us, or was our biological father, or took us in. Sometimes he treated us with love and care, indifferent if we were his children, creations or whatever. And sometimes we were just lab rats to him.
One way or the other the Sans, or the one in his place, depending on the universe, got some DT injected, either to save their life or as part of an experiment. Now that i think about it, actually that might be why we can remember RESETS, rather than being the Judge.
Whatever, when my Gaster disappeared i had a gap in my memory, just like you, Red. It came back to me when i explored our basement for the first time and found what was left from his private projects. You should know, at least in this world, our house in Snowdin used to belong to him and he used the basement for some of his experiments.
He also created the Machine, just never got to finish it. I found the blueprints, did some calculations and completed it. Now i use it to study the multiverse."
Red's expression turned thoughtful and serious. "So..., tha' time i can't 'member was when boss and me were wi' Gaster? Hmmm..., ya know, ever'time i think 'bout thos' lost... i think it hafta be three years,... i get tha' feelin' tha' things were better back den, dat dere had been someone who cared 'bout us an' protected us. If what ya're saying is true den my Gaster was a good guy an' i lost not only someone close ta me but a chance of a better life than i act'lly had. Dat's... pr'tty depressin' when ya think 'bout i'."
Red fell into dark brooding silence.
After a while Sans quietly asked, "you okay, buddy? What can i do for you?"
Red's breath hitched at first when he tried to answer, before he got a grip on himself. "W-would... would'ja... rub mah skull? Feels nice..." he mumbled hesitantly.
Sans smiled softly, scooted closer to the bed and put a gentle hand on Red's skull. He stroked his thumb lightly over the scarred and chipped surface of Red's skull before he started to rub slow circles into his cranium, occasionally pausing his hand to rub his thumb over Red's temple.
After a while the recovering skeleton began to purr.
Both relaxed and fell into a comfortable silence, only broken by faint sounds from outside and Red's rusty, motor-like purring.
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captainkurosolaire · 3 years
~ Mass Update ~
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Mainly going into future plans and intents alongside ideas below cut.
Ton's of things I've in store this will prove difficult to vent it all out. But here we go... First off rehashing and appropriately learning to tag and organize things better on my blog. Each category will have their own corresponding content, I seek to bring or share. [Tales of Goldbrand] -- I intend this to carry a Compendium of all my writes soon that'll have everything neatly in-order including a glossary, so it'll have highlights of stories that even matter or the best stuff. I've written here for a very, long time, there's been many shifts. I want to make it more accessible. While coloring what matters for people who want to learn Captain or his Crew with less chapters. While also giving choice to find it all easily. This is essentially a step-above master-lists. I'll be doing that after the Saga I have going on, right now is done. [Captain] -- Will provide you strictly with Captain screenshots, gifs, photo-sets. This is still his blog despite the Crew thing's will sort of make this a scuffed Multi-Muse blog. I've few more things to edit and tag fix to get all his stuff though. [The Wild Crew] -- Afterwards this story is done Immortal Age Saga, It's something that I mainly wrote as a passion project within three days to get my warm-up process fixed. It's to allow me to get a feel for all his Crewmates and casts, in combat, in-general, to feel their presences. While also giving a bit of their backstories. At any point, I can go back and polish or tweak things in. They're NPC's but... not entirely. All will have their own 'Dreams' and their own 'Disapproval's' they have their own missions even. These things will factor eventually, they might set seeds, to betray or disagree with something, but that's all angst and more stories to be created, but overall, they'll probably always be Crew, eventually. -- I plan on making character-profile sheets of them and putting them in this Tab, it'll have their screenshots, their likes/dislikes. Some RP partners or people can also be shipped with them, but they'll all be monogamous and originally start off probably Pan. This allows them to figure out what they like on their own stories. I've always been someone who likes organic-flow. Although this one story contain all 16 characters or more, the rest will probably be shortened to a Squad of 4 and dispersed when on adventuring missions. Until I do a War Arc, that's my main goal to build too. [Roster] -- Will contain this Crew in just screen-sets dedicated to them, I'll probably randomly produce those. I've PC players among this Crew too. I may not be done either adding more, but this Crew is mainly built around Quality. Most pirate crew's mainly, have hundreds, thousands. Even Fleets. This Crew has personalities, monsters, people who are living life's that exist with piracy. He's an particular leader that had PC players the same way, he's had split-personality serial killers aboard, tribal chieftains, succubus, all sorts of various people once on a Crew. It's often an outcast style, pirates default are chaotic in nature, so this really isn't any different, it's a Fantasy version of it. There's humanization characters aboard too though, so this cast is really decked, everything and person is vital, they matter because they remind or covet something that others can draw upon. If ever played (Three Houses or Mass Effect / Dragon Age Origins) A lot of things like that are relatable too this structure and format. Which, Is something I want to be able to give when RPing. I want a genuine feel of this new world someone else's muse will be the main-character too. Depending on what's interacting everything they'll be scale appropriately to follow the genre they're in and environment even. [Aesthetics] -- Already explainable what you'll find here. [Asks] -- Same thing. [Prompts] -- Trivial things I was tagged too, I plan on compiling later. [Writing] -- Another alternatively to randomly go-down and it works right now. [Logs] -- Will have more individualistic master-lists and posts there, my poems from Sheik Sphere the Bard, etc.
Things of that nature, I'll probably add still. It's where a lot of my creative writing is summed. [Gems of Hydaelyn] -- My main #tag for other characters and artists, creationist. Lot of amazing people easily to find their zones or follow them optionally if you like. Ton's I intend to support and bolster, be a lot less unspoken. I'm never the type who's been strictly inclusive. But I'll do that when I've time to even explore the dash, I'm always still planning ahead with things and projects. [CKS] My original character-sheet it's outdated on something's but not too terrible. I'll give him polishing someday, I swear? [21+F-List] -- Just purely degenerate stuff of Captain. I'm a pirate blog. I will represent that with openness and furthermore. I'm never projecting you some false-image. I started off a smut-writer by stripping that, I no-longer represent the same aura and identity. But those are strictly his stuff and kinks, I'm effective in executing them but they're not all relatable to me OOC. This blog will always be 18+ containing crude or dark material sometimes, romantic things, this Captain is blunt, will literally put his cock on the table in conversations. Swearing and being censored would be too uncommon and displace most of him, but there's more about him then all this. [Other] -- I pay homage to a lot of characters, I originally am a Concept Designer. Which mean's I make characters and ideas like my addiction. Bad characters / villains or other little things I like to share in designs, I'll put there. Some villains might get little photo-sets, even if they died. Just cause I like their design, or maybe I'll give them an AU, where they won. When I've wrapped up things. [Collabs + Ships] -- Is a new project idea. This isn't going to be something limited too romantic only ships. It'll contain, platonic, romantic, friendships, rivals, frenemies, family, PC Crew, all ships. I am desperately working on improving my gif, screenshot, posing game so I can supply 'Screen Stories' this is not only a way to RP that's accessible with even people who are upon time-crunches from work, It gives visual-representation. To impactful stories shared with others and establish bonds. That are all-valid and impactful matter. Lot of people take a lot of their characters attributes into them and are them dialed up, I work with that and bit more, differently. I'm disconnected from my characters and they'll get hurt and injured and killed by me, that's my duty as their Author to give them conflicts and struggles. I'm their major antagonist, but that doesn't mean at-all, it's always SET that way. The characters I like to make have their own life, they live in this setting and are abide by it, they're often nothing, nobodies, and by the interacting with others, they slowly gradually building, more... Through emotional impacts, they alter, these are REAL people by all their beliefs. Each person they come in-contact with are legitimate and treated like that too. They've always impacted or given them insights to grow, or represent more. Otherwise it'd be criminally disrespectful if I allowed any emotional I felt OOC be the grudge to something IC. Captain in-particular is set on defying me. I cannot have that. ...But I can't stop him. He's met and encountered so many people and lived so many scenarios based on the actions of others, he's giving a chance right now to actually do things a lot further than impossible. The more people he meets and encounters, experiences, the more I lose. These stories are emotionally interactive where everything is a factor and adds to the dice, where the other people are the one who get to roll the dice for him, not me. That's something I want to color in. People range in emotions, they have their down's, ups, their own wholesome-grounding people, spending time with your favorite people, there's nothing more cherishing than that, being in your own comfort-zone or 'safe-space' these are all treasures that we live under, today. Contrary if what people assume of me, I'm not another 'blogger' that's came
before, who's wanting to force a harem, then constantly is bewildered when that falls to pieces cause of selfishness or a lack of communication, or the skeletons they have in their closets and beliefs they hid behind and swindled fooled everyone. I'm not looking to be popular or anything really, I just create stories and want to share in those, and I want to also boost others included, upward with me, especially those who make me. There's no ego in anything I do, this is purely love. I've never cared about being replicated or duplicated, I've had stalkers, I've gone through more then anyone would imagine, I've been used OOC and abused, just for my writing and cold-harshly told, i'd never amount to anything other then that or vice-versa. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passion. That's all I got and am anymore. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passion is the hardest thing to keep. It's something that can be stolen, quite effortlessly. Few words of discouragement, a bad negative representation, a lack of confidence, or small amount of time, there's many thing's that can put that flame out. Once you lose it. The difficulty to reattain is hundred-times harder than climbing any mountain for real. I've watched the greatest creators crumble from under the pressure, from beaten down by others. I watched many of them do it to themselves because they put a grand vision of needing validation of another and once lost, felt uncompelling to press onward. But passion also can be given BACK and drawn. It can be shown and encourage others, with a soft-triggering, that pushes them. That motivates, that constantly sticks to it. There are many that fuel me. If I ever quit, I let them down, I spit in the faces of people who're better than me in every-way. Or people who've came and given me their precious Time. That have given their character's or dedication to the abundant stories and community-driven things I've done. There's ONLY things you can do, create, give and provide. It cannot ever come to life without YOU. This is a fact. ...I swear, If you let your creativity soar, you'll be amazed by the heights you get. Constantly polish and learn and hone the best you, challenge yourself day after painstaking day, to draw better improvement on something, no matter how trivial or unfamiliar you are. You'll find a confidence only you can give yourself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Plans --------------------------------------------------------------------- For me, I've got so much more stories to give and also explore, I might be taking up soon some other artists and more skilled people from community and hire them for some of my future writes, to up my game or cause something thing's can't be done in-game cause no background carries it. I also got a lot of-set up things and more angst stuff I want to practice, plus I'm adamantly on that grind to produce screen-sets with the intent's to some sort of improving daily. Additionally more people I'll be reaching out too soon for these collab's ideas and things. I look forward to shaking your hands, giving some hugs, show you my respect and admiration, then creating some enchanting stories and giving plots light. Feel free to reach out to me, I get scattered-brain but I'm working on getting better about it. Eventually will get to you though, my goals, if uninterested just say so when I poke, no bites, unless you kinky. Anyways, cheers hearties.
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themultiversemercs · 2 years
What Could Have Been.
Not a starter, just a 'Snippet' that came to mind. Idea from: https://youtu.be/EHhtOo8nFBQ
Alarms were blaring, people were running around, collecting documents and securing weapons to be locked away and shipped through portals to anywhere but here.
All except those in the inner circle, who stood around a war map, the atmosphere bleak.
"So, what's the plan?" Fane fiinally broke the silence that came about as the watched the overwhelming forces approching, everyone turning to the older Arch for his response. At first, he did not, simply groaning in pain as he stood up, using his stick for assistance.
"There isn't one. Not this time. Agent has me beat."
"What do you mean, there's no plan? You've always got something!" Junkie's brows furrowed as he spoke, already catching on to Arch's intent behind his words.
The old man simply shook his head, looking between the dozen or so people with him. "Not one that means all of you leaving alive." As he spoke, he picked up a wrist mounted PDA from the table, strapping it to him and began putting instructions into it.
"096, 349, 923, 778, 073. You guys can take over from here, alright?" He asked the other Arch variants listening in by radio. There was another moment of silence, Duchess speaking next. "Take over? What are you talking..."
It quickly sunk in what 001 was going to do, and the protests soon started.
"Absolutely bloody not!"
"C-come on man, this is you! Surely you can come up with some daring escape!"
"Gareth, you can't just kill yourself like this!"
"You think I'm going to stand by and let you die?!"
"Are you fucking joking?! Not happening!"
"I'm not arguing with you!" 001 finally barked back, trying to silence them, if only for a moment. "We can all see there's too many of them for us to take here. He's after me, he won't be too upset to see you lot got out of here alive, so you'll have a chance to retaliate." He could not look any of them in the eye, instead watching as the forces approched, and stopped.
A moment later, a new alarm sounded and a member of the skeleton crew raced into the room "Sir, we've just confirmed missles have been launched. They look to be nuclear in nature."
"Figures. You want something doing right, do it yourself. Thank you, Corpral. Get out of here."
"But sir, who's going to stand by and-"
"Just go, mate." The young agent stood for a moment, before nodding, a quick salute following. "It's been an honour, sir."
"Likewise. Make sure everyone else gets out. I'll be the only fatality today." With that, the agent made their way out, securing the exits and ensuring people were off the station.
You ripped out all my parts
I couldn't care what invention you made me
'Cause I, I was meant to be yours.
"Besides..." Arch turned his attention back to his found families. "I'm over 350 years old. I'm tired of waking up in cold sweats and watching those I care about die over and over again."
A few more insturctions were typed on his wrist mounted PDA, a portal opening up on the wall at the end of the room, facing the window into the outside void. More soon opened, for each of the people's timelines that had joined him.
I hope you know we had everything
And you broke me and left these pieces
"Fane...Jill, Diana, Duch, Elliott, Houndy, Lex, Claire, Daniel, Hayden, Ameer... It's been an honour to fight with you all at our sides. And thank you for giving us families, friends, lovers, children and all that brings. I love you all." He gestured to the portals, showing them out. One by one they began to leave, going through their respective portals.
Only the Fane that he had met stayed, the two embracing and sharing a tender kiss for a moment. "Thank you for teaching me how to love again, darling." Arch spoke softly, a smile gracing his wrinkled features. "Now go. These people will need guidance, even the other me's. Keep the timelines, and this legacy alive."
He kissed her forehead once he finished speaking, With Fane shaking her head, looking up to him. "Not a chance, you know that." A short laugh came from him, even if his expression was pained. "I know. But you know I can't lose you too." He picked her up, pinning her arms to her side so she could only struggle as he carried her bridal style towards a portal, and a bewildered Drane and Junkie. As soon as he passed her through the portal, Fane scrambled to try and get back through, only to have the two holding her back, earning them a punch or kick as she sobbed.
I want you to hurt like you hurt me today and
I want you to lose like I lose when I play
Once they were all through the portals, that smile stayed on his face a moment more as he looked to each of them. "He will not win. I promise you that." With that he closed the portals, turning to watch as the nukes pierced the windows, the portals closing just in time.
What could have been.
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seacottons · 4 years
— uni with atz pt. two
notes: swearing, fluff, mildly suggestive dialogue. tags: @latte-fairytaekwoon
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seonghwa — [ early edu. + developmental psych. ]
extremely organized in all aspects of his life
your bookshelf at home consists of books on developmental studies in children.
if he isn't in class or volunteering, he's either cuddling with you or reading.
stressed 24/7.
takes very pretty and neat notes.
randomly spits out facts throughout the day.
sometimes, you join him during his volunteer hours at various daycares and schools.
is all the children's favorite teacher.
extremely patient and soft-spoken when it comes to working with even the most difficult child.
also loves being called 'teacher hwa'.
"i don't know, if i were you, i would make the students call me king san."
"they'll probably end up bullying you," seonghwa replies back.
you don't know how he has the patience for the amount of children he has to take care of.
takes you picture-book shopping with him for his students.
finds himself singing nursery rhymes while cooking or cleaning.
has polaroids of you two stuck on the fridge.
brings lint rollers to work.
gets worked up in public if a parent seems too neglectful in any way.
"y/n!" he tugs at your elbow and points with his jaw to the right, "look! his kid is just spilled all that paint on the floor, and he didn't even bat an eyelash!?"
"don't intervene again, please."
"okay, but-"
the whining of metal and steel cut him off, and the two of you jump in fright at the sound of a shelf falling apart.
"some people really shouldn't have kids."
whines when he comes back home that the paint stain and glitter just won't come off his clothes no matter how many times he rubs the spots with warm water.
or how he has mulch stuck in his socks and shoes from taking the kids outdoors to play.
you somehow always end up finding a googly eye or specks of glitter under the couch.
sometimes brings home finger-paintings with numerous colorful hearts and two stick figures in the middle.
"today's assignment was to paint what makes you happy."
you also help him stitch up little felt and cotton dolls for the kids to keep.
often gets sick from working with children.
and passes it onto you by accident.
you know he's had a bad day when you ask him how it went, and his face scrunches up in pain.
stormed into your shared apartment one day and made a beeline to the bathroom.
forty minutes later, he comes out, towel wrapped around his hips, face and chest flushed, and explains that a child accidentally peed on him.
gets flustered when you laugh at his demise.
sometimes uses his teacher voice when scolding you or your mutual friends.
and you all end up teasing him more anyway.
"do you use that tone in bed too, hwa?" yeosang asks one day. mingi and yunho splutter out in disbelief, followed by loud laughter.
you choked on your bite of cake at the sudden remark.
"what did i ever do to deserve this slander," seonghwa grumbles whilst patting your back.
he often stays up late making lesson plans for both his classes and ones to implement at work as well.
takes full advantage of his teacher's discount at shops and restaurants.
sometimes brags about it to his friends to get under their skin.
"you have it easy. just watching kids and getting free food," san says one day in the middle of their game of jenga.
"it's not easy at all," you hear seonghwa reprimand the younger, and laughter rings out from the other four guests.
"you're learning about children! what's so hard-"
you had a hunch that seonghwa purposely tilted the wooden tower to tumble over an unsuspecting san.
"y/n! your boyfriend is trying to murder me!"
seonghwa paces in circles around your apartment whilst studying for an upcoming exam.
asks you to quiz him on certain materials.
"correct! okay, can you define the preoperational stag-"
"how many kids do you want to have in the future?"
"kids. how many do you want to have with me?" he presses further, eyes trained on your face rather intently.
"can't this conversation wait until you finish studying?"
"no. i'm too curious," he licks at his chapped lips and leans in to poke your forehead, "i need to know. this is important information. please."
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yeosang — [ biology pre-med ]
met you through your mutual friend, wooyoung, who invited him to live in your shared dorm.
"you didn't tell me you have a dog?" yeosang turns to wooyoung, brow quirked up whilst pointing to the 'beware of dog' sign on one of the bedroom doors.
"oh, i don't. i just put that up to mess with y/n," wooyoung dismissively explained while making a sandwich.
is the reason why you and wooyoung haven't killed each other yet.
asked you out after five months of moving with you and wooyoung.
designated one of the kitchen's shelves as a medical supply closet.
"because wooyoung always ends up hurting himself without doing anything."
"i do not."
stress is his middle name.
constantly contemplates his life decisions.
"wooyoung! shut up! i can't finish my essay with you blabbering every damn second!"
you had to get used to the sight of a full sized anatomical skeleton in his room.
"okay, but i'm not letting you fuck me with that thing in here."
later that night, wooyoung's heart nearly burst in his chest from fright.
"yeosang! why the fuck is your skeleton in my room!?"
some nights, during dinner, yeosang slams his obnoxiously large textbooks onto the table, and insists for the two of you to quiet down while he skims over the pages a few times.
"can't you just enjoy your meal for five-"
"no. now hush."
not only does he have labs, presentations, and essays to worry about, but he also got accepted for a pre-med internship at a local hospital.
hardly goes out anymore during his free time.
most dates include cuddling on the couch or baking something in the kitchen.
stays up late at night to complete assignments.
towers of thick books decorate his nightstand.
"no, yeosang. i really don't want to see you dissecting a cat," you grimace, turning quickly and shielding your eyes from his phone.
"why not?" yeosang whines softly, hand tugging the hem of your shirt with a frown, "it's not that bad, i promise-"
he's cut off when wooyoung snatches the phone from him with a loud cry, "gross! y/n, you're letting him touch you after he touched that?! and fuck- what is that smell?"
"that's formaldehyde. now give me back my phone before i dissect you next."
you join him at the lab when he has extra work piled up.
"you look so cute with a white coat and goggles."
you prod and poke him repeatedly, asking him numerous questions about the specimens in the lab.
"y/n! don't touch that!"
one day, wooyoung comes home sick.
you insist on taking him to see a doctor, only for him to emit a haughty laugh at you.
"why would i waste my time and money when i have yeosang here?"
"but woo, he didn't even get into med-school yet-"
wooyoung insists he doesn't need to see a professional, "yeosang is practically our live-in doctor! why do you think i begged him to move in?"
you roll your eyes, calling for yeosang to persuade the younger male.
"alright, tell me your symptoms," your boyfriend sighs, plopping down onto the couch beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
after wooyoung explains everything and takes his own temperature, he peers at yeosang for an answer, "well?"
"you're dying," yeosang nods simply.
wooyoung's visage pales, and he scrambles to sit up on the couch with a disturbed expression.
yeosang is always studying.
you insist for him to take a break sometimes.
"i can't. i have lab tomorrow. oh, and a paper."
"but you always say that!"
you attempt to tug him out of his seat.
"come on! just for an hour, and we'll be back. promise."
he's always reluctant at first, but finds himself agreeing later anyway.
enjoys the small dates at the nearby lake probably more than you do.
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mingi — [ accounting ]
a gifted genius when it comes to numbers.
is your very own math tutor.
jokingly asks you to pay him back.
he accepts kisses and hugs. baked pastries are also a bonus.
"y/n? are you okay?" a hand waves in front of your face.
you blink at him wordlessly, mind fogged from the bombardment of information you just received, "sorry- you lost me. can you repeat the process again?"
he playfully smacks your shoulder with the ruler and stomps his bare feet onto the tiled floor, "this is the third time!"
"i'm sorry! you know how i am with math!"
he begs you to take classes with him as electives.
"sorry, baby. i love you, but there's no way i'll ever take statistics."
"okay, what about economics?"
"management? business administration!?"
"no and no."
"but y/n! it'll be fun! you'll be with me!"
always whines about how much he hates having to take 'stupid management classes' and the group projects that come along with them.
"they never take the assignments seriously!"
said group visits your apartment to work on projects with mingi.
"aren't you supposed to be working on that project?"
you watch as mingi and his friends suddenly erupt in an explosive argument about the game they were currently playing.
"yeosang! what the fuck!?"
"it's y/n's fault mingi was distracted!"
you let out an indignant squawk and glare at yeosang.
"that round didn't count."
"stop being a sore loser, san!"
"so.. i take it you didn't even start?" you grimace, peering over to the untouched books and papers on the coffee table.
"it's just management class. no big deal," san explains quickly with a dismissive wave of his hand before nudging your boyfriend with a glare, "you better not make us lose this time, or i'll kidnap y/n."
stays up late to finish other work that's due.
loves to wear big spectacles when studying.
it 'helps him focus'.
writes notes on his calculator and slides it towards you while you're both home studying.
"mingi, what is that?"
"read it upside down, you bum."
has a coffee mug with 'i love π' in big, bold, red letters.
refuses to throw it away even though the rim is chipped.
always bugs you about how you should have a budget plan.
insists on teaching you how to make spreadsheets on excel.
"i can't do this, mingi. too much numbers give me a headache."
"do you want my lucky glasses?"
rambles on about things related to his field, and you can only nod in confusion every time.
"how does your brain keep up with all of this?"
"easy. just be one with the numbers."
"that was a bad pun.."
"you're supposed to laugh!"
mingi was that typical student who complained about studying, but is always the one acing everything with the highest score.
"i should just quit university and become a stripper."
"you say that every exam week, and yet, you always pass with the highest grades," you mumble from the other side of the couch, absentmindedly highlighting a few sentences in your book.
"yeah, but studying is a pain in the ass," he exhaled with a loud groan, head thrown back against the back of the couch, "why me, y/n?"
you roll your eyes while reaching over to pat the side of his face in comfort.
"everything will work out just fine."
later that week, he joyfully bounces into your apartment with a large grin plastered on his face, "guess what?"
you snort in amusement.
"let me take a wild guess. you aced your exam."
"and guess who has the highest score?" he tugged you forward by your cheeks with a bright grin.
"yeosang?" the cheery expression on his features suddenly vanished, causing you to laugh, "i'm kidding."
likes to study while attached to your side, wearing comfortable pajamas and warm socks.
sulks whenever his stock investments drop further than he expects.
and is always in a good mood whenever the prices spike back up.
always has a horrible math pun up his sleeve.
sends you accounting memes and becomes a gloomy mess when you don't laugh or understand the joke.
"what if i propose to you with a math problem? and we have pie instead of cake?"
"please don't bring math into our love life."
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yunho — [ broadcasting journalism ]
roommates with you, hongjoong, and jongho.
is called 'newspaper boy' by hongjoong.
is well-known around campus for being one of the student journalists for the university's newspaper.
you have the very first published paper, with his full name printed on the front, framed in the hallway of your dorm.
has the prettiest hands.
and longest fingers you've ever seen.
can put them to good use.
especially when typing out essays. they're practically blurred from how swift he is.
likes to ramble about current international events to jongho early in the morning. the latter pretends to understand, giving the other false hope.
jongho always sends you a pleading look to save you from your lover.
always carries a notebook.
article deadlines = stressed yunho.
complains that his friends are 'uncultured'.
helps you with your essays.
if he has enough time, he'll actually re-write it for you.
"was it really that bad?"
"it's okay, baby. you're good at other things."
"how come you don't re-write my papers?" jongho huffs from across the living room.
"you're not y/n."
interviews you and your other roommates for his projects.
you smile from behind him as he zooms in obnoxiously close to hongjoong's disgruntled expression.
"he zoomed in on my nose again, didn't he?" the blue haired male asks you.
"sorry, but that tomato sauce stain is really distracting me."
hongjoong nearly drops his fork.
"what stain!?" he furiously rubs his face with the back of his hand, "see! i told you that you always interview us at the most inconvenient time!"
is constantly writing.
can be very unorganized.
"who took my ap stylebook!?"
"can you stop shouting? it's 6 a.m., yunho!" hongjoong growls from his bedroom.
mingi and seonghwa often visit your dorm because they're usually partnered with yunho for an assignment.
it somehow always winds up with mingi and yunho fooling around, whilst seonghwa struggles to persuade them to help him with the work.
sometimes, you tag along to help film his public social experiment projects.
is a social-bug, so people are instantly drawn to him.
likes to cuddle with you while watching the films for his assignments.
you think most of them are pretty boring, but being in his lap and tucked against his chest makes up for it.
you like to add glittery stickers onto his video camera and tripod.
is very much infatuated with you, so he doesn't mind one bit.
applied for a paid broadcasting radio station/tv internship over the summer and was quickly accepted.
asks you to help him style his hair for his first day at work.
"but it's just a radio station. no one's going to see you?" jongho questions with a perplexed expression.
"i still need to look presentable!"
and later that day you quickly hush the two males beside you once the clock strikes 2 p.m.
"quiet! yunho should be on any second now!"
"i was just breathing?" hongjoong whispers weakly.
over dinner, jongho often mimics yunho's reporting voice.
"y/n, do i really sound like that?" yunho pouts as you and hongjoong burst into fits of laughter.
"aw, don't be sad. i love your reporter voice, baby."
will wake everyone up early the next morning by yelling at the top of his lungs with his reporter voice just to get back at you three for laughing at him.
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lost-eternity · 4 years
Matchup requests: CLOSED
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Matchup request for: anonymous 
Okie dokie. I match you with...
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You are absolutely fine, dear. My form is about thrice as long so I totally get it. Besides, This way I have more to go on. Anyways, I can already tell that we would get along so well, pffft.
It honestly took me all of 5 seconds of reading this to decide your ship, I hope you enjoy it. 
Power couple right here
I mean, seriously 
There is no hell you wouldn't raise
I hope you don't mind getting your hands dirty, though 
But my goodness, no one is safe from the two of you
Your humour, dark and inappropriate as it may be, is right up Undertaker's ally. You can send him howling with laughter with a single offhand remark or retort. 
Most of the time, I would ship someone with chaotic energy with someone who is more calm and level headed but honestly, Undertaker is the exception to this rule
He would genuinely get on the nerves or anyone who can't match his level of chaos
But ooooh boy would he be able to keep pace with you.
The constant playful bickering would be extremely amusing to watch, not that any of you would get any work done 
The two of you would be too buzzed on caffeine and laughing until your guts hurt
Every night at his place is more like a sleepover
So many go there more sparingly. You both technically need sleep.
Also pet names!
You two would have the weirdest pet names for each other
"Death goddess" (Undertaker has a cruel sense of irony)
This is the only instance where the pet name "Boo" is acceptable 
Undertaker would be able to see right through your dirty, airhead façade, if only because he puts on the same one.
It piques his interests. "What is she hiding?"
The first time you saw one of his "guests", he assumed that you would be off put by her presence as most were. 
She was a young female, brutally mugged on the street, her corpse left to rot when the thief accidentally killed her. At least, that is what he thought. 
You, on the other hand, did not seem even the slightest fazed.
He actually looked a little disappointed. "What? No screaming? I love the sound of my goddess mewling." Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. 
You kinda look at him incredulously.  "It's a dead body. What is it going to do, get up and chase me?"
The smirk on his face was slightly alarming. "Maybe..."
Okay that was a little bit... worrisome. 
Regardless, Undertaker concluded that she resisted her mugger and he slashed her throat, killing her before running off
Of course, you saw a completely different story and pointed out something that slipped his notice entirely. But of course, you would be grinning from ear to ear and speaking in a light-hearted and airy tone as you loom over a gruesome maimed corpse. "No, no, the multiple lacerations to the jugular could not have been the cause of death. Notice how there is little to no blood-clotting and the edges of the wound appear singed. The injury was cauterized and simultaneously inflicted. And since blood loss, not asphyxiation, is the primary COD on slitting one's throat, this could not have been the killing strike."
A little bit taken aback, an exuberant laugh bubbled from Undertaker's lips. He was impressed.
To use a heated knife meant the killer, whoever it may be, did so on purpose with the intent on keeping her alive long enough to torture her. 
You two probably met in the weirdest fashion
You were in the city, heading to get a fitting for your newest corset when you heard someone shrieking.  
It took you a few moments to register that it wasn't exactly shrieking that you heard- rather maniacal laughter. 
Pausing, you noticed a group of individuals clustering around a shop labeled "undertakers". If their clothes were anything to go by, these people were nobles. 
A woman dressed from head to toe in scarlet held a pale, unworked hand to her lips.
Beside her a kid slightly taller than you on the account of the wooden heels he wore on the back of his shoes looked quite ticked off. 
It was quite an interesting collection of individuals. Besides. What would nobility be doing WAITING outside an Undertaker shop? They usually had other people waiting on them, rarely was it the other way around.
On second thought,  who in the world had the guile and lack of self-preservation skills to make nobility wait?
The door creaked open as a raven haired man stepped outside, looking all too pleased with himself.
While you couldn't ignore the handsome curve of his face, his smug expression told you all you needed to know regarding the sheer levels of impudence and egotism surrounding this individual 
Those wine russet eyes opened, directing a firey stare at you, boring into your own gaze. 
You held his eye contact for a moment then turned on your heels and continued on your little errand. 
The rest of the nobility seemed to finally be allowed in the shop
On your way back from the fitting, you decided to stop by this Undertaker's to try and find out the reason for the things you witnessed. Those nobles seemed to be long gone so you were safe as you stepped inside.
It was black. Pitch black. A peal of deranged laughter echoed from the abyssal chasm within. 
You remained unnerved as you folded your arms and gazed across the room with steadfast resolve 
Something nudged against your foot looking down, through the shaft of light that shone through the door frame, you were able to spot a literal skeleton hand on your foot
You quickly kicked it off and appeared even more incredulous 
Whoever had been trying to scare you appeared to give up
The candles flickered back to life and you spotted a grey-haired man, swathed in a black coat, lackadaisically stretched across an examination table. His silver mane tapered into a thick fringe which completely obscured his features save for the cheshire grin that seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face. "My. It's not often that I get two customers in one day..." he purred ominously 
"Yeah. About that. What was with those nobles earlier?"
He chuckled and pressed a clawed finger to his lips. "A gentleman never kisses and tells."
You just kinda looked at him like ???
It really wasn't your business what this Undertaker and that butler were doing in here alone as everyone else waited outside but wasn't that a bit-
The thunderous laughter that burst from Undertaker's chest told you that he was joking
How he managed to do so with a straight face was beyond comprehension. But perhaps he found your genuine consideration of his sentence to be amusing.
You two end up striking a deal. And it was a weird one. Undertaker would tell you what the nobles were doing and in return you would have to get a fitting for a coffin. 
He lamented that it was not his usual payment but "The little Earl is being so stubborn, he refuses to let me fit him. You are just as tiny. I think you will do wonderfully."
Like "uhhh? Thank you?"
It's not every day you get a chance to be fitted for your future coffin. 
So you allow him to take measurements 
His fingers ghosting against your skin as he does so, sending goose-flesh pricking across your arm
Once he is finished, he divulges all he can, which only seems to confuse you more.
Nobles who solve murders? Isn't that the Yard's job. What are nobles doing getting involved. Half of them have never cleaned a single dish in their life, how can anyone expect them to catch a killer.
The Undertaker watched you with a smirk equal parts knowing and amused. He just loves seeing you think things through and figure them out. 
Meanwhile,  you caught on to his mannerisms. He knew more than he was letting on. But you doubted he would tell you more.
Thanking him for his service, you headed out.
You barely made it a block when you were jumped by someone.
A shadow
Strong arms pinned you to a wall, you tried to call for help but the soft leather of a gloved hand clamped over your mouth. You were left to stare into those same burning russet eyes for the second time that day.
The boy from earlier, taking a step out from behind his attack butler crossed his arms. You noticed the eyepatch he wore, but did not have the mind to question it. You were currently pinned to a wall, your mind was a bit preoccupied
"Why are you following us?" The kid demanded
You rolled your eyes and looked back at him before angrily gesturing to the mildly irritating hand over your mouth.
The kid looked just as irritated. "Sebastian."
The butler needed no further command. He removed his hand but kept you constrained in place. 
You appraised the pair warily. 'So, the butler's name is Sebastian... heh. More like Sebastard'
You were also smart enough to know that if they were investigating such a high profile case like Jack the Ripper, they were probably into some pretty shady stuff. If they were speaking with Undertaker, then they had connections to the Underworld. After all, every dead body killed in the underworld usually makes its way to the Undertaker at some point or another. It was quite brilliant, actually. 
The boy looked impatient so you answered truthfully.  Albeit carefully. You were wondering what a bunch of nobles would be waiting for and wanted to meet the person who had the nerve to keep them waiting.
The kid seemed somewhat satisfied with your answer, if not entirely indignant towards it. You had a feeling that you chose your words well because he appeared to agree with what you were saying. He obviously did not like the Undertaker. 
Sebastian- sorry, Sebastard, on the other hand, did not appear all too convinced. But he seemed to have gauged that you were not a threat and decided not to voice his concerns.
You were let off with a stern lecture about meddling in "Phantomhive" affairs. 
Dodged a bullet on that one
Still. The revealment of his surname only brought more confusion upon you. Phantomhive was a KID'S toy company.  Why is the head of a kid's brand investment murder?
The more you looked into it, the less it started making sense 
And that sent you down a spiraling trail that eventually lead you back to the Undertaker 
Whether or not you return to him as a friend or one of his "guests" is completely up to you and how careful you walk this dangerous tightrope
Oooh, ominous. Thank you for request, dear.
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UF&SF bros reacting to having an SO who is mute. One day when they're on the surface and SO is out of the house going to the store, two random people come up to them and start flirting with them, clearly drunk and just wanting a "good time". They can't really do much as they try making a no motion, but they keep trying to get them to go with the two. SO ends up calling the skele from behind their back, hoping he understands they'd never call him due to lack of voice.
{ I don’t like making S/O always like the victim that have to be saved, so here sometimes the dynamics will be different, S/O will defend their self alone #GirlPowerThis time, like a bonus I will add Fell! Gaster since he is too chu in any form~And I have to say this ask took me a lot of time, so I truly hope you will enjoy it-! }
🙊 Reddy ;
The fact that you were mute was not a problem for him.He knew that you were strong and brave despite everything, you could take care of yourself even if you were incapable to speak, it did not mean you were weak or stupid. For you, he decided to learn the sign language because he truly cared about you and he desired to communicate with you someway. When he met you, he considered you like a precious and delicate thing because of your problem but you truly cared about your independence and you could not tolerate to be considerate different from other people only because you were mute, it was not a big deal for you.You left for some minutes the house because you had to buy something to the store. At first, Sans wanted to come with you because it was a very late hour of the evening but you said to him, using your normal gestures, to stay here, waiting for you. While you were walking through the store, two local losers approached you and they seemed dangerous and, especially, drunk because their smell of alcohol was difficult to ignore. You tried to take another way, trying to avoid them but they barricaded your way putting themselves in front of you. Their intentions were not good and you tried to stay calm. Being mute, you could not scream for help so maybe you had to find another way to protect yourself, it was not the first time something like this happened since there were too much perverts in the world, sadly. One of them tried to take you from an arm, posing their hand on your mouth so you was unable to scream –even if you wouldn’t have screamed anyway because of your state-. In the meanwhile, Sans noticed the scene because he decided anyway to follow you since he was too anxious and afraid and this time he was right. The two aggressors lowered their guard down in the moment they saw the mad skeleton that was running in their direction, he was ready to blast them. Since you did not want to have their horrid hands on you, you decided promptly to bite the dirty man very hard, so hard that he screamed and his hand was bleeding. They ran away before they could hurt you and Sans was a little shocked and worried. Then, he asked you how that jerk tasted and you mimed to him saying that he tasted just like shit. You and Sans laughed and he was glad you were fine but maybe he should have given you a gun so you could have protected yourself better.
🙊 The Edge Lord ;
Actually, he was your personal trainer so there was no reason to worry about anything.Papyrus was the one who taught to you the art of fighting because he cared so much you were able to look after yourself since he could not stay always here to defend you. He was a busy man so he could not spend his entire day to be in anxious for you and he could not even become your babysitter.For him, the fact that you were mute was not a problem, so you could still live your life like every individual in the world did. Papyrus could not tolerate any kinds of victimhood or crybaby’s attitudes, so you had to learn how to defend yourself since this world was dangerous even in the surface.  Thanks to him, you knew every techniques of fighting, self-defend, you were a sort of human weapon, and sometimes you had afraid of yourself. His brother called you The Silencer Bomb since you were mute, it was somewhat funny but maybe Papyrus had exaggerated to train you.You were directed to the store for buying something since you wanted to prepare the dinner for Papyrus since he has been too busy to cook by himself today. After some time, two weird men approached you and you already understood they were searching for some troubles. They were too drunk to think rationally and their moves were clumsy and unbalanced, they seemed two sick dogs who could not find the right position to piss so they were staggering around and it was an embarrassing show to see. They wanted only a thing from you and they started to touch you like they had the right to do it. You spat on them since you could not expose your disappointment by words. They seemed angrier so they tried to attack you but you, promptly, used one of the techniques Papyrus taught to you so you took them down in a second even if it was a mismatch since they were mentally incapacitated because of the alcohol. One of them stood up, trying to hit you again but you kicked him on his gums and it was real painful. You were very pissed so you hit them a second time so you were sure they were not going to follow you.Then, when you came back home you explained to Papyrus what happened and he was so proud of you, you could see his eyes sparkle for the first time. All his trainings were useful, how happy you made him.
🙊 Blackberry ;
Sans was the kind of person who liked to protect his partner not because he thought they were weak but it was the only way he had to demonstrate to them he truly cared about them. He has never been good with words and his social skills were so embarrassing sometimes so you had to forgive him for his weird attitudes. The fact that you were mute for him was not a problem and maybe you could understand his awkward ways better than anybody else could. The art of communication was so difficult for Sans, even if it seemed you had no problem to communicate to people despite your disability and it made him so insecure and sad so he decided to protect you because you had to know how he loved you. Then, you never asked for some lessons of self-defence to him since you believed it was not necessary and you were a pacifistic person. Even if Sans would have been so happy to teach you his techniques and his special attacks, it was his speciality. One day, you decided to take a walk because you were bored and the day was beautiful. Sans was not at home and you were all alone, you had to spend time someway. During your walk, two freaks called for your attention and you started to worry because they smelt like alcohol and their stares were the same a predator had when it saw its prey. You did not want to be their prey, at all.Trying to be more discreet possible, you decided to take another path but they approached you a second time and you were unable to scream for some help since you were mute but the street was desert anyway.Before they could touch your skin, you extracted your pepper spray and you shoot it over them, you consumed the entire bottle. Then, you run away as fast as you could while the two men, after they took conscience of themselves again, started to follow you. Luckily, you were quite athletic and they, being drunk, appeared just like two orangutans that was jumping in the street. You were near your house so you reached it, entering in your garden where you found Sans and he was freaking out because he thought you were inside. After some minutes, the two hostile men appeared, screaming obscenity about you and that was the moment the world appeared black to Sans and he could not forgive someone who used such disgusting words to his mate. Sans hit them with so many of his bones attack and he was going to kill them for real if you did not stop him, saying it was better to call the police or Sans would have been in troubles. It was self-defence anyway because he was protecting you from two maniacs but the police should have took care of them. You were too kind, Sans sighed tying them to a tree while you were calling the cops up. Sans truly wanted to kill them so he was a little sad. Then, you asked to him if he could have helped you because you desired to learn some self-defence and you were totally unable to fight. After you confessed it to him, his eyes became two sparkle stars because he wanted to hear this from you. Sans was so happy now that he was throwing his bones everywhere for the joy. Just stop this energetic Sans before he could hurt somebody for real. 
🙊 Rus ;
Papyrus was your personal watchdog and nobody alive would have even dreamt to have a face-to-face with him – unless they were suicide attempts-. No way someone could have messed with you in his enigmatic presence. It was obvious that those two persons were totally drunk because they would have thought twice before if they were sober. You explained to him that you were able to take care of yourself even if you were mute so he had nothing to worry about you. You knew some ways to defend yourself from some creeps and you have seen so many of them in your life so he had to take things easier. Papyrus tried so hard to ignore you, being a little less invasive since he seemed the real creep sometimes. He was determinate to save you in any situations, so he wanted also to come with you at the store and he needed to take a walk (it was a lazy person who was speaking so maybe he wanted only to check on you).You explained to him that you wanted to go alone and he could wait here for you because you were not going to a mission or to war so he had nothing to be afraid. Then, you were directed through the market until two bad guys moved toward you saying you looked so cute and they wanted to have fun with you. They smelled like alcohol so you understood their condition was miserable and you had to find a way to go away from here as soon as possible. Sadly, one of them grabbed your arm and you could not even scream since you were mute so you were thinking to the worst until you saw Papyrus who was in the other side of the street. His eyes were became like two black hole full of rage and horror, he was so scary and the two guys had noticed him when it was too late because Papyrus instantly had launched his ferocious bone attacks towards them. He almost decapitated those two so they ran away and you could notice their pants became brown and there was an ugly smell in the air because they had shitted in their own pants like two babies.  Papyrus hugged you asking if you were fine and he was able to use the signs language, it was one of his hidden talents so for him there was no communication issues.
➤ Fell! Gaster ;
The fact that you were mute was so fascinating to him and we had to admit that the idea of studying you has crossed his mind so many times but he resisted for your sake. Actually, he wanted also to find a cure because he desired to hear your voice and he was still a mad scientist so he had to find a way. His science was supreme and it could never fail!Gas considered you like a vulnerable human because of this problem since you could not ask for help in case you were in danger and he could not accept it. You had to be able to protect yourself and Gas was not a fighter so you could never expect him to participate to a vulgare and mere fight. He was still a classy skeleton with some taste of macabre. Then, he was also an inventor and he equipped you with some of his personal weapons that were so technological and mortal. You had a lot of choice and you could use them any time someone disturbed you or only for entertain yourself because firing people was so funny. You did not choose to use one of his weapons because it was something insane. Since Gas was always in his lab working on his projects, you did not spend so much time with him but this was not a reason to think he did not care about you –not like his science but the fact that he considered you like an interesting creature and not like a potential guinea pig was something-. Actually, he installed some cameras somewhere so he could check on your moves through monitors but he used these methods because he had afraid some spies wanted to steal his secret plans so he had to preserve his precious works. Then, he thought you were a mature person who could look after themselves alone. He was not your babysitter or your daddy.You decided to go to the store because you had to buy something until two pervert men approached you, they had lust in their eyes. Gas was looking the scene through his monitor and he felt a little jealous because he thought you wanted to cheat on him. Then, he understood by your moves and expressions that you were uncomfortable and they seemed so drunk. He turned on the audio of the camera hearing their words that were not so friendly since they were defining you in those obscene ways. Then, he slipped his dogs that were nothing more than his ferocious Gaster Blasters that were so hungry and mad so those two persons were the perfect meals for them. You recognized his Blasters and you were surprised Gas cared so much about you to save you. You thanked him for the support even if he acted grumpy like always saying it was a mistake and he was glad you were fine with a low tone of voice. You did not see him for the rest of the day because you had to believe he did not give a shit about you. It was not totally true.The next time, please, use one of his mortal weapons so he had not to free his dogs to save you!
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wolf-1-xex · 4 years
I did it. I finally returned home. Let me go over the story of loss and gain.
It started with a creeper. I looked out my window and there the green abomination was, in the pool in the cow pen. I knew that if I went out of render distance it would despawn. I didn't think I would go far so I didn't take Mustard or Snow Rider with me.
I started walking in the Tundra that was surrounded by two taiga forests. I had a tendency to get lost in the taiga but in the Tundra there were 2 villages that served as landmarks. If I got lost i could recoup at a village and head home. I've done it thousands of times before.
I saw a dog in the Taiga. Yes I already had Tubbo, Snow Rider, their pup, and Nymph but I'm a sucker for dogs. I always bring half a stack of bones with me wherever I go so I brought them out and tamed him. He had just killed a white sheep. I admired his strength but I saw his soft heart deep down. He wasn't a pacifist but he had a soft spot for other living beings. He showed a tough mind and great empathy. I named him Woodlock.
We went so many places together, not looking for anything in particular just roaming. I kept telling him about my family at home and he taught me about the forest. We met 2 other dogs. Not Woodlock #1 and Not Woodlock #2. Shortly after meeting them we met Not Woodlock #3, though now known as Rye grass.
Not Woodlock #1 was an adventurous one but he knew his limits. He knew the inevitability of aging, so he realized how important it was for him to run free during his youth. He stayed by my side and was always first to kill a mob. He was also fond of others. He got along well with everyone else. Definitely a natural team leader, but he stepped down, letting Woodlock be the head dog.
Not Woodlock #2, named Moray after death was the strong and silent type. He was NWL1's brother but he was the opposite in personality. He stayed in the background, never in the way and never too loud. He was a bit hard-headed but only because he knew he was right. He was a bit distant from everyone else but he had his soft moments. He showed no ambition but he was proud of who he was not only as a loyal dog but as my guardian.
Rye Grass was ever the reckless one. She didn't stay in line, she never went where I needed her to. I often got frustrated with her but I knew she was just like me. She was helplessly excited all of the time which was good for hunting. She was confident in her abilities, with good reason too. She was fast and agile but lacked stability. She didn't always know the right way, but she didn't let that stop her from going that way anyhow. She was extremely friendly, being buddy-buddy with everyone else at every chance she got. Nothing can ever deter her joy and excitement.
After collecting all of the dogs, I realized I was completely lost. I had home coordinates memorized, so I went by those. -6575, 63, 144, I told myself over and over again. But I ended up going in circles over and over again. That last coordinate was confusing. 144? But that leads to the swamp and the sea, neither of which were by my house.
We found a stronghold village and stayed there for a night. NWL1 actually got stuck in a house in one point and I had to get him out. Of course Rye Grass teased him, but it was all in good fun. He was a little embarrassed but he laughed right along side her. Moray looked upset at this.
Then I realized I was following the wrong coords. I had used the ones from my memory, as stated above. I pulled up the screenshot on my computer. The last coordinate was actually 1299! I was going the absolute wrong way! I felt so stupid but Woodlock assured me that it was okay. We left immediately.
We made a lot of progress, though I was unsure if it was in the right direction. I was in low spirits. The dogs were looking down, even Rye Grass had droopy ears. We had to hole up in the side of a hill. I was impatient and stupid. "We must press on! I can't wait any longer!" I insisted. Woodlock reluctantly agreed. This was my greatest mistake and if I could go back I would.
We were ambushed. The first few skeletons I could take on, but between the hoard of zombies, spiders, and the creepers, I knew we wouldn't make it. I tried to retreat but it was too late. One creeper had exploded on us, two more on their way. I tried to heal my pack and kill the creepers at the same time but it wasn't enough. Time seemed to slow down and it felt like I was in spectator mode.
Woodlock and Moray paid for my ignorance. I quickly retreated with Rye Grass and NWL1. I frantically fed them rotten flesh and raw mutton. I fed them too much and they accidentally had a baby. I didn't even notice at first but they thanked me. They had apparently been interested in eachother for a while. I thought about Moray, the look on his face when they had been close. He was in love with Rye Grass, I pieced together.
There was no time to worry about that as we left when the sun rised. I somehow ended up at another swamp. In a fit of rage I murdered every mob in the vicinity, the dogs watching in shock. I started walking the opposite direction when I realized something odd.
NWL1 and Rye Grass had disappeared. Not died. Vanished. I walked around, hoping they'd teleport to me. But they didn't. I checked chat. They were still alive. But where did they go? They were following me a few seconds ago. I looked at the baby. Despite everything they were still with me. After feeding them enough for them to grow up, I knelt down and named them.
"Woodlock.." I muttered, tears forming, "The spirit of Woodlock lives on in you."
We began in the direction of home, nothing but our senses to guide us. On the way we met a baby wolf. She had no parents, I looked. She was alone. Just like I had felt. I tamed her, knowing immediately what her name would be.
"Rye Grass. You're Rye Grass." I choked back tears, not wanting to cry again.
There, through the taiga trees I saw it. My plains biome. And just in the distance was my house. The journey was over. I had lost everyone but their spirits live on in my new companions. Woodlock wouldn't have been angry. Woodlock would be proud of me for finally making it. He made it with me.
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