#the filler fanfic
freakyunderclublights · 4 months
The Filler Fanfic
Chapter Index
The Filler, is series as a filler scenes that delve into the character and relationship development of the Bottoms characters. Started originally as Josie and Isabel, but has gone on to cover expand over different characters and events that happened after fight club.
Authors Note: Im still lowkey shocked by how much this took off…y’all are super reallllll for that❤️❤️❤️ Thnx to all who have supported & left comments, it has been such a fun journey.
Chapter 1 - Somethings Abrewin
Chapter 2 - This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
While Isabel's feelings for Josie are blossoming, and there might be a mutual attraction, the question lingers: Are the other parts of Isabel's life ready to embrace the girl's new crush and growing self confidence?
Chapter 3 - Moths To A Flame
There's no question in Josie's mind that she's going to be there for Isabel, no matter what. A magnetic force seems to draw them together, like moths irresistibly drawn to a flame. As their connection deepens, the question lingers: is it worth basking in the warmth if there's a risk of getting burned?
Chapter 4 - Bestfriends in Law
The aftermath of PJ and Hazel’s blowup in Fight Club, as well as Brittany and Isabel’s confrontation in the hallway from Chapter 2, all from the perspective of PJ and Brittany. This chapter will be Brittany and PJ character and relationship development-focused, with, of course, mentions of Isabel and Josie.
Chapter 5 - Forevers Gonna Start…Tomorrow
The characters are grappling with a lot of different things during the night of the canon bedroom scene. Join them.
Chapter 6 - Gal Pals
Read to see how the day of the pep rally unfolds. A compilation of drama, secrets, angst and unexpected feelings.... Isabel and Brittany pov centric. This chapter delves into the complexities of the story's relationships, loyalty, and the struggle to navigate the blurred lines between friendship and romance.
Chapter 7 - Alone
Inspired by “Alone” by Heart. This chapter revolves around the day of the "game", and what goes on beyond it. It explores the aftermath of all the canon events, and the impact it had on the characters.
Chapter 8 - After Midnight
Inspired by “After Midnight” by Chapelle Roan. Are drunk words sober thoughts? Do good things happen after midnight? The victory party is wild, but certainly not wilder than everything that happened after the party. In this chapter, we officially introduce Hazel into the madness.
Chapter 9 - Eyes Without A Face
Inspired by “Eyes without a face” by Billy Idol. New relationships have a way of turning everything topsy-turvy, and for the girls, there are some new lesson about to unfold.
This chapter is set on the eve of winter break, a mere three weeks after the Huntington ass-kicking, the after-party chaos, and Isabel and Brittany's fiery feud on the lawn.
Chapter 10 - Bizarre Love Triangle
Inspired by “Bizarre Love Triangle” by New Order. What would you do to save face?
Chapter 11 - Burned
Chapter 12 - Tip The Weight That Makes The Whole Thing Shift
Inspired by “Getting To Me” by Caroline Rose. What happens during winter break after Mina's party.
Chapter 13 - Prep Committee
Who knew Prep Committee could be so scandalous.
Chapter 14 - A Friend In Need
Some things just can't be ignored.
Chapter 15 - Goodnight n Go
Should it be this hard to say goodnight?
Chapter 16 - Complicated.
Things are complicated.
Chapter 17 - Two Can Play At That
Chapter 18 - How You Get The Girl
Chapter 19 - The Crowned Jewel
"Wear a fabulous smile, great jewelry and know that you are totally and utterly in control." - Donatella Versace💜
Chapter 20 - Some Freaky Shit
Inspired by “Freak” by Doja Cat. This town has a lot of freaky shit happening in it. 🍋 🚨
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demonslayedher · 13 days
I see now how Ufotable plans to make a full season out of this
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enixamyram · 2 months
So, we all know the first season was a little rushed since they only had 8 episodes to work with. It is my (desperate) hope that since the show is doing so well, they'll be given more episodes for season 2. Now let's pretend they'll be given enough for filler episodes as well as the main story. Here are some of my dream filler episodes I would love to see happen!
A Chaggie date (Vaggie sees Charlie is getting stressed and worries about her so she insists on taking her out for a night off.)
A Keekee and Fat Nugets episode (something happens and the two end up away from the hotel and work together to find their way back home.)
An Earth Visit (not sure why, but somehow for some reason, Charlie and co visit earth for a day and chaos ensures because how could it not.)
Emily Visits Hell (maybe brings Molly with? It would be kind of hilarious for people from Heaven to see how it really is like in Hell. Maybe this is Charlie trying to get them to be more part of the hotel transition.)
A Blackout Episodes (One of those, how various people deal with something -Vox- causing a blackout throughout the city. Maybe even one of those Charlie or Vaggie gets stuck in a lift with Velvette or someone to have some fun interactions between different characters.)
A Gambling Episode (No idea the story but at some point it involves Husk making some bets to let off steam and Angel ends up tagging along as arm candy and I read somewhere that Husk cheats so maybe Angel helps him!)
Lucifer rejoins society (he attempts to pick up his role as King of Hell but finding it increasingly hard since his long absence and preppy attitude means not many people take him seriously.)
Nifty chaos (maybe she somehow wanders from the hotel while Alastor is away so Chalie and the others try to find her, worried she'll get hurt, meanwhile she's terrorizing the rest of hell and just having a blast before they eventually find her safe and sound if not covered in a lot of someone else's blood.)
Overlords episode (Maybe Charlie or Lucifer want to try and get on the good side of the overlords so try and spend some time with each of them to get to know them better.)
The Vees meets Hangover (this one is really silly and in general I just want a Vee filler but it'd also be hilarious if there was a Hangover style one where one of them - take your pick, it'd be hilarious either way - goes missing after a bender and the other two struggle to put together what happened to find them.)
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derrydeer · 21 days
3d shipping but adams ghost sits in the cuck chair and watches them fuck every night. he makes comments like those old guy muppets and only larry can see and hear him.
balls deep in mark and lawrence is having a psychic battle with his demon twink ex
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eepywriters · 4 months
Alex: Stop doing that. 
You: Stop doing what? 
Alex: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
(Based on those streams with Foolish 😭)
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sluttygallavich · 4 months
Ian and Mickey looking into each others eyes while Mickeys slapping Ian’s cock on his tongue and sucking the life out of him 😝😌😍
Mickey hears all the Lady Gaga queers collectively gasp when he pulls Ian’s half-hard length from his jeans. He’s not surprised. The two of them were still watching from the sidelines when the others started throwing their clothes around, and, frankly, Mickey didn’t see anything to write home about. Nothing like his husband’s gorgeous pink cock—nine inches, cut, and curved just so to get Mickey seeing stars on every thrust.
He feels more than he sees the others stopping to watch on appreciatively as Mickey gives Ian a few leisurely pumps to plump him up to full hardness before dropping to his knees at Ian’s feet. He tugs Ian’s jeans down and helps him step out of them, Ian taking himself in hand to continue stroking himself slowly, the slit of his cock already beading with pre-cum.
Mickey runs tattooed fingers up the back of Ian’s thighs and settles his hands on Ian’s ass, squeezing possessively. He looks up to Ian’s face and his heart gives a violent kick when he finds Ian’s hooded eyes already trained on him. Fuck. They haven’t really discussed this. What they want to do, what they’re comfortable with. Not the way they probably should have. But with their eyes locked on each other now, Mickey just knows. He belongs to Ian, and Ian to him. Signed, witnessed, and notarized, bitch.
Mickey’s never been too keen on sharing what’s his—probably something to do with growing up dirt poor and having to fight for every last scrap—and he’s sure as hell not about to start now, not when he’s finally got the one fucking thing in his life that’s ever been worth a damn. Worth everything.
Ian uses his free hand to run his fingers gently through Mickey’s hair before gripping on tight, and looking into his blazing eyes, Mickey just knows. Same page.
Keeping his eyes locked on Ian’s, Mickey opens his mouth and presents his tongue. Something inside him has settled in Ian’s gaze and now all he wants is to have Ian inside him. To taste him. To claim him and be claimed.
Ian groans as he slaps his heavy cock on Mickey’s outstretched tongue once, twice, three times before Mickey closes his lips around the tip so he can get a taste. Ian pulls back out and uses the dripping head to smear his pre-cum around Mickey’s lips before tugging on Mickey’s hair and issuing a single command.
“Eyes on me, baby.”
Mickey nods wordlessly and lets his mouth fall back open, tongue out and greedy as he waits for Ian to start slowly feeding him his length. Everything around them sort of whites out then—the strings of bright patio lights, the grating pop music, the heat of other men’s eyes.
Let these fuckers look all they want. Mickey even kind of loves the idea, if he’s being honest. Let them see how good they are together. How good they have it. Let them turn green with envy when Mickey takes all of Ian down this throat, eyes watering but still locked with Ian’s, and starts to suck the life out of him.
But let no one dare touch Mickey Milkovich’s husband. Not unless they want to lose a fucking limb.
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skyward-floored · 3 months
The cat’s out of the bag chapter 3
Surprise, I finished it! It’s a pi day miracle lol. Yet more adventures of Wind as a cat.
Chapter 2 | Next
The last bits of light were gone from the sky, revealing stars speckled all across the dark expanse it had become. The moon had risen as well, a thin claw of white partially obscured by the branches of the forest, and Twilight glanced at it once, before looking back at the heroes who were gathered around him.
Warriors’ voice seemed loud in the quiet that had fallen over the group, and the captain crossed his arms, giving Twilight an intense look that felt like it burned straight through him.
“Wind touched an item of yours he shouldn’t have, it turned him into a cat, and the only sure-fire way to fix him is with the Master Sword. Am I correct?” he asked in a surprisingly level voice, and Twilight nodded.
Warriors raised an eyebrow, but nodded and didn’t push for any further information, to Twilight’s surprise.
...and relief.
He’d just finished his explanation of how Wind had become a feline, and Warriors had seemed... extremely skeptical of the tale. It was true Twilight had tiptoed around the fact that he was Wolfie, and the item that had turned Wind was what he used to do it, but he hadn’t lied at all in his story.
...sidestepped the truth a little, but hadn’t lied.
Time had given Twilight several looks during his explanation of events, as had Wild, but neither of them interjected, and nobody else who knew about Wolfie had said anything either.
And maybe it would have been better just to explain everything, since Warriors and Hyrule were the only two heroes beside Sky who weren’t aware of his wolf-form. But truth be told, Twilight just wasn’t in the mood to face the whole ‘by the way I’m Wolfie’ conversation. He’d already had to explain it all to Wind today, the others could wait a bit longer.
Though, with the faces Warriors was making... it probably wouldn’t be long before he figured it out.
If he hadn’t already.
“So it’s a magic item then,” Hyrule said thoughtfully, then frowned a little. “One that isn’t easy to control... I thought you didn’t like magic, Rancher?”
Twilight shrugged. “I have a few artifacts. That one is just...” He hesitated. “...tricky.”
“That’s one word for it,” Legend snorted under his breath.
“Is the Master Sword really the only way to restore him?” Warriors asked again, and Twilight nodded.
“The only one available to us. Another source of strong, pure light magic might be able to fix him, like the light spirits in my Hyrule, but I’m certain these aren’t my lands. The sword is our best bet.”
“Well that’s unfortunate with Sky missing,” Four frowned. He looked at Wind, and the thoughtfulness in his eyes quickly turned soft. “...Is he asleep already?”
Twilight paused at Four’s hushed question, and looked down at the ball of fluff curled up on his lap, little breathy noises coming from within. Wind’s tail was tucked over his nose, leaving only the top of his face visible, and his eyes were closed, the tension his body had been holding all afternoon finally relaxed.
“I think so,” Twilight whispered back, and Time sighed from next to him.
“Good. He needs the rest. He was barely standing,” he said softly, and Twilight nodded, resisting the urge to cuddle Wind up to his chest.
He would never admit it while the sailor was awake, but he was cute, soft creamy fur with faint windy swirls of a darker pattern on his feet, face, and tail, and big blue-green eyes with a little pink nose. He wasn’t even a completely full-grown cat yet, which only made him more adorable, but Twilight was sure he’d get a bite on the hand if he voiced it.
But... he really was cute.
And exhausted because of you, his brain hissed, and the guilt constricted in Twilight’s middle again. You should have warned him sooner about touching the crystal.
“Poor kid. He’s totally exhausted, huh?” Legend asked, and Twilight checked back into the discussion, nodding.
“The transformation wore him out. It’s a lot of magic all at once, and he wasn’t expecting it at all,” Twilight said quietly, running a gentle hand over Wind’s fur.
“But he’ll be okay, right?” Wild asked, fiddling with his tunic as he looked at the sailor, and Twilight nodded.
“Yeah. The first time is always the worst.”
Warriors narrowed his eyes at that, and Hyrule had a suspicious look on his face as he glanced between Wind and Twilight. Twilight swallowed, and averted his gaze from the two, trying not to fidget.
Okay, maybe I should just come out with it already, this is a bit ridiculous.
Twilight couldn’t quite get his mouth to open, though.
He shifted a little awkwardly on his seat, and Wind suddenly raised his head with a soft mrrp?, looking around sleepily. Everyone immediately quieted down, and they all looked at Wind, who barely seemed awake.
“Sorry Wind, it’s okay. You can go back to sleep,” the rancher whispered, and Wind flicked an ear, then closed his eyes, tucking his paws back underneath him. He let out a breathy little sigh as he curled back up, and was asleep within moments.
Twilight heard a soft click, and looked over to see Wild taking a picture on his slate, a grin on his face.
“It’s for posterity,” he defended when Twilight raised an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t want future generations to miss out on this cuteness, would you Twi? Or his sister? She’ll be so sad if she hears that this happened and she didn’t get to see.”
Twilight waved a hand in defeat. “I take no responsibility for this if Wind asks.”
“He might not appreciate pictures,” Time mentioned with an eyebrow raised similar to Twilight’s, but Wild just took another picture.
“If it happened to me he would be taking pictures too. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it,” he said cheerily.
Twilight shrugged. He knew Wind had at least one picture of Wild his protégé wouldn’t want getting out. This was just evening the score.
“So... what are we going to do about Sky?” Four asked, trying to get back on track, and Warriors hummed.
“Going out and looking for him now wouldn’t be very productive, it’s too dark,” he said with a look up at the sky. “My suggestion would be that we leave someone up to watch for Sky, do an occasional loop around camp, maybe call now and then. If he hasn’t come around by tomorrow, we can look for him in earnest.”
He glanced at Twilight, and Twilight met his gaze with a level look.
“That sounds fine,” Time said before either of them could say anything, and placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “But now we should all get some rest, you especially rancher.”
Twilight turned towards his ancestor with a confused look. “I’m fine old man, that red potion did the trick.”
“Those don’t fix blood loss though,” Hyrule pointed out helpfully. “At least not all the way. And you still look pale.”
“Our Traveler is correct. Get some sleep, Rancher,” Time said firmly, and gave his shoulder a squeeze. “You’ll be able to help Wind better if you’re well rested.”
Twilight hesitated, then let out a sigh. “Fine.”
He had wanted to stay up for at least one shift of keeping an eye out for Sky, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen. Not with everyone watching me like I’m going to suddenly collapse.
Though to be fair, he did still feel a tad dizzy.
Twilight slouched more against the log he was sitting against, unwilling to further disturb Wind from his peaceful slumber by properly lying down, and closed his eyes, beyond tired from the day’s events.
He just hoped they would find Sky quickly.
Wind stretched himself out with a big yawn, extending his toes and claws into the sunshine, and raising his back up in the air.
He shook himself once he’d finished, and watched the rest of the heroes finish packing up camp. Wind had slept straight through the night and woken up early, but had been sorely disappointed to discover that Sky hadn’t joined them in the middle of the night.
Waking up and remembering he was a cat also wasn’t so fun, but at least he was starting to get used to it.
A spot on his head itched, and Wind huffed, sitting down and attempting to scratch at it with one of his paws. He didn’t have any luck though, merely bonking it once and nearly falling over, and Wind growled in frustration. Oh come on!
“Try your back leg.”
Wind lowered his front paw, and looked over at Wild, who had obviously been watching him.
“Your back leg,” Wild repeated, and pointed to one. “Raise it up and tilt your head, you’ll be able to reach any itches on your head or neck.”
That sounds fake, but okay, Wind thought, then tried to do what Wild said. To his surprise, his foot went right where he wanted it to, and he was able to relieve the itching with barely a thought. Well whaddya know?
Wind gave Wild a grateful look, and the cook shot him a grin.
“No problem, Sailor. I’ve spent enough time around Wolfie and stable dogs to know a few of their tricks,” he said, and Legend snorted from nearby, standing up as he strapped his sword on.
“You’re wild enough without needing to take tips from dogs and wolves, Champ.”
“Hey now, the stable dogs are very civilized,” Wild said, and earned a flick on the ear from Twilight as he walked by. “Hey!”
Wind let out a little mewl of laughter at Wild’s offended look, and Twilight kneeled down next to him, extending an arm. Wind blinked at him, then realized Twilight must want him to climb up and sit on his shoulder again while they walked.
“I know, I would rather walk if it were me too,” Twilight apologized when Wind let out a grumpy little huff. “But we need to figure out what happened to Sky, and we’ll make better ground if I carry you.”
Wind lashed his tail and stood up, walking around in a little circle and concentrating on where he placed every paw. He managed to make it all the way around Twilight without falling over, and gave him a hopeful look.
“See? I’ll be fine!” Wind meowed pointedly, blinking up at Twilight.
Twilight sighed. “Sailor...”
“I think he could walk with us for at least a little while,” Four piped up from nearby, looking down at Wind. “He seems a lot stronger than he did yesterday.”
“Yeah, and he can always just hitch a ride if he gets tired,” Wild added, and Twilight looked between him and Four, then back at Wind.
“You’re sure you can handle walking?” he asked seriously, and Wind nodded, his tail sticking up. Twilight studied him a moment, then sighed, giving him a nod. “...Then I’m okay with it. As long as you let us know the minute you need a break, and let someone carry you.”
Wind scrunched his face up at the addition, but meowed in agreement, willing to put up with it so long as he got to walk by himself.
He felt plenty rested from sleeping, and had practiced walking around a bit while everyone else had woken up and packed up their things. Wind felt much more confident in his paws, even if he was still tripping regularly, and he was eager to walk around more.
Besides, I bet we’ll find Sky really quickly and I won’t even need to walk that long.
“So which way should we go?”
Wind looked up at who’d spoken, Four gesturing to the woods around them. Everyone was packed and ready to go, and they stood ready to begin walking.
...As soon as they figured out where to go.
“...huh. Good question,” Twilight said, looking around the trees as well. “What’s the mostly likely direction for Sky to have ended up in?”
“Well, if we came out over there, and you guys came out over there, then it stands to reason that Sky probably came out in a different direction,” Wild said, studying the woods and pointing in a seemingly random direction. The birch trees he was gesturing to made the forest seem strangely bright, and Wind had to squint a little. “So we should try over here.”
“Why there specifically?” Warriors asked.
Wild shrugged. “The ground slopes up, it’ll probably lead to a good vantage point if nothing else. If Sky isn’t there, we might be able to at least see where he actually is.”
“But what if Sky came out the other direction?” Hyrule asked. “Then we’ll be going away from each other.”
“That might be a risk we have to take,” Time said thoughtfully.
“We might waste a lot of time though,” Warriors cut in, “Sky might need our help, and if he really did come out a different direction...”
They all began to argue about where to go, and Wind rolled his eyes and stopped listening, looking around a minute, then trotting towards a rock nearby that was covered in moss. It smelled pretty interesting, much more interesting then a discussion he couldn’t contribute to, and Wind gave it a curious sniff as he walked around to the other side, out of view of the arguing Links.
The moss looked soft too, and Wind raised a paw, pressing against it and letting out a little purr when he realized he’d been right. It was really soft!
Wind nuzzled up to it, rubbing his face along the moss, then pulled back when a bug nearly crawled on his nose. He sniffed at it, poking it with a paw, then flattened his ears and backed away as a smell hit him, thick and unpleasant. That must be one of those stink bugs Hyrule was talking about.
Wind shook his head in disgust and sniffed around some more, trying to get the bad smell out of his nose by smelling other things. He wandered into the woods a little, smelling pine needles and sunshine, and sat down on a small stone, curling his tail around him as he took in the forest.
As annoying as being stuck as a cat was, it really was kinda cool how heightened his senses were. He could smell all sorts of things about the woods, flowers and animals, and faint traces of the ocean somewhere. He could smell the other heroes from behind him too, each with their own unique scents. Wind could even hear them talking if he swiveled his ears around, though not the exact words.
He could tell they were still arguing though.
Wind shook his head in exasperation, and stood up again, trotting a little deeper into the woods. If they were going to just stand around and argue, he’d look around for Sky himself. He could smell things so well right now, he’d be one of the most likely to find him, right?
A chirp interrupted his thoughts, and Wind looked over to see a little white bird land on a log nearby.
It chirped and hopped along the wood, and Wind couldn’t help staring at it, his tail twitching. Something about it was almost mesmerizing, drawing his focus, and he crept a bit closer, staying low to the ground so the bird wouldn’t see him. It chirped on, oblivious to his presence, and Wind hid behind a stump, poking his head out and watching the bird.
I wonder what would happen if I pounced on it? he thought as it chirped again, then blinked. ...I wonder where that thought came from.
Wind watched the bird again, pecking at the wood below it and trying to get some bugs to eat. His tail gave a big twitch, and Wind began to creep out from the cover of the stump, zeroing in on the bird.
I’ll just jump on it to see if I can, he thought to himself, sneaking closer. Aryll would kill me if she knew I hurt a bird, so I’ll just pounce on it and let it go—
The bird squawked and flew away, and Wind felt a hand scoop him up by the scruff, startling a mrreow out of him.
“Don’t wander off!” Twilight’s voice scolded, and turned Wind around so he could look at his face. Wind let out a cross hiss at him. “Oh don’t give me that, you’ve been gone ten minutes, we thought you’d gotten lost or something!”
Just because I’m a cat doesn’t mean I suddenly can’t handle myself! Wind thought with an growl, and he and Twilight glared at each other a minute before Twilight sighed, and set him down.
Wind sat down and crossly licked his shoulder, ears flat with annoyance.
“Look, Wind... you’re vulnerable at the moment,” Twilight said, his face creased. “I know it might not feel that way to you, but the truth of it is you are. You’re not used to this form, and you can’t easily defend yourself. You need to be careful.”
“I was being careful!” Wind meowed back, wishing he could actually speak his mind. “I was listening and smelling for danger! And I was looking for Sky! Unlike you all who were just arguing!”
Twilight sighed. “I don’t have any idea what you said, Sailor, I’m sorry. But we figured out where we’re going, so come on back so we can get a move on.”
Wind let out a muttered growl of agreement, and walked along at Twilight’s heels when he turned back towards the others, Wind’s ears still flat.
Great. We’d finally started to get past treating me as a useless kid, and now we’re back to square one! Being a cat doesn’t not make me a hero!
Wind kicked at some pine needles, and tripped, just barely catching himself. Twilight gave him a look, but Wind ignored it, righting himself and looking grumpily at the paws he kept stumbling over.
Sky... please be somewhere close by.
I miss being me.
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stormlight archive needs more festivals, like the weeping would be a perfect time for them to all have a big rain party
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The Filler Fics Pt.1
Beach Day Pt.1- Travel
Part 2
TW: Canon divergence, military inaccuracies, mentions of injuries/hospitals Inspired by @shyravenns art Summary: This is the first of many sitcom-style filler fics. Yk, the ones where they go to the beach, or go to the store, etc, etc. I am open to suggestions, as I don't really watch sitcoms, so please comment or request or DM me ideas!! This one is, of course, a beach-day fic that I have spilt into 2 parts. this is the getting there portions, pt.2 will be the beach :) WC:1080
It had been a long few months. The threat of global annihilation, the hunt for Makarov, Soap getting shot, it was just a lot, and they all needed a break.
Price had watched Gaz and Ghost spend night after sleepless night at Soap’s bedside, refusing to do anything until the Scotsman woke up. And he had been right there with them, although Ghost wouldn’t talk to him, the Lt. still pissed that Price’s actions, or rather inactions, may have gotten Soap killed. Price couldn't blame him. It’s not like he hadn’t been fixated on that one moment, mentally berating himself for stopping Soap from killing Makarov in the first place. He would have gotten in a shit-load of trouble for it, but anything would have been better than…well, he didn’t even want to think it.
The team couldn’t take another loss so soon after Roach’s death. Price knew that. Knew that if Soap didn’t make it his team would fall apart. And it would be his fault. 
Thankfully, Soap was alright. He’d woken up a little disoriented, with no recollection of the week leading up to his…head wound. Other than some faint ringing in his ear and occasionally bouts of dizziness, he was alright, much to the relief of his squad members. However tensions were still running high. Just because the Scotsman was awake and talking didn’t mean the very real fear that his friends had felt over the past few weeks had vanished.  
There were nights Price found himself studying Soap, watching the rise and fall of his chest proving he was alive. He’d seen Ghost reach up from his bunk and grab the Scot’s wrist, checking for a pulse after waking from what Price assumed was a nightmare. Things got a little better once Soap didn’t have to wear gauze over the wound anymore, but the scar was still an ugly reminder of what had almost happened.  
Soap was constantly mother-henned now, not allowed to do training, having meals brought to him, never going anywhere by himself. It was starting to piss him off, and Price could see it. Tensions were running high, and it was only a matter of time before someone snapped. 
“Give the boys some time off, time away from the battlefield. Time to recuperate and settle back in. They’ll be okay.” Laswell told him at their bi-weekly meeting they hadn’t had in 3 months. Price booked 4 flights and a week-long stay at a beach-house off the Coast of California that same night.
However, the flight left in 5 hours and he still hadn’t told his men. He moves through the base, heading towards the rec room that he knew they hang out at, hoping they are all in one spot. 
Aaaaand bingo!
 Ghost is sprawled out on the couch, Soap sitting on the floor, leaning against his thigh, with Gaz in the armchair opposite, watching some stupid show on the little TV they have. Price can’t help but stare at the long, inch wide streak where Soap’s hair hadn’t quite grown back, a grim reminder of how close he came to losing one of his men. His eyes are drawn from Soap's skull by Gaz’s laughter, the man's head tilted back, shoulders shaking at something that was said on the T.V. 
The show cuts to commercial, and Price figures it’s as good a time as any to cut in. 
“Alright boys, pack your bags. We’re going stateside.” All three of them look up at Price in varying degrees of confusion, “Laswell decided after Soap's near-death experience we all needed a little R&R, so we’re heading to the beach.” 
“Ah’ll finally get tae see that ‘impeccable bronze’, eh Lt?” Soap nudges Ghost, a grin splitting his face.
“We’ll see Johnny.” 
“The beach, captain?” 
“Yes Gaz, the beach. You got complaints, go talk to Laswell.” 
“Hey, no complaints here sir! Just makin’ sure.”
“Good. Because we leave in an hour so you don’t have time to complain anyway.” 
“An hour??”
“No time f’r y’r beauty regime, Gaz.” 
“Ah shaddup, just cause you’re jel-”
“Boys! Get to going!” 
“Aye sir!” Price shakes his head as he watches them file out, Gaz and Ghost subconsciously sandwiching Soap in between them. The Scot shoves Gaz, his shoulders shaking as the shorter man lets out an angry squawk.  Things have been tense, sure, but he can’t help his smile as his boys walk off, alive and well. 
Ghost hates flying. Well, sort of. Military transport ain’t bad in his opinion, but when he has to fly commercial? With civilians? And screaming babies? He hates it. Hates it hates it hates it. 
He's dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, a black surgical mask adorning his face. HE may have gotten comfortable with his team seeing his face, but the rest of the pubic had not lived through numerous near death experiences alongside him, and thus did not get that honor. Covid had at least helped with the stares, nowadays no one really batted an eyes at him, which did, surprisingly, ease his discomfort.
He shifts in line, sandwiched between Gaz and Soap as they wait to board. Soap is turned slightly, placing the scar on the side of his head directly in Ghost's line of sight. Gods he wishes he could look anywhere else. But its to no avail. No matter how many time Johnny had reassured him he was 'okay', Ghost couldn't get the image of his teammate, his brother-in-arms, his friend unconscious in his own blood, out of his head. He just couldn't.
Yeah, sure, he should have told the court-mandated therapist about that, but the she wouldn't have signed off on him going back to service and then where would he be? That right, no-
"Ghost!" He's snapped out of his reverie by Price, who is giving him the look. Whatever. Price should know by now that he wasn't gonna spill his guts to anyone, much less someone with the power to kick him off the team.
He hands his ticket to the attendant, mumbling a 'thank yo' before following along after Johnny, hands shoved in his pockets. Johnny takes the window seat, so he takes the aisle, condemning Gaz to the middle. Besides, he was the only one that would fit there anyways.
The plane takes off and, as if on cue, a baby starts screaming in the front. Ghost sighs and slouches in his seat. This was going to be a looooong flight.
Let me know what you think:))
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recurring-polynya · 7 months
My Top 5 Bleach Filler Characters, Appropos of Nothing
5. Inaba Kagerouza, Reigai Arc
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Inaba is, simply put, the pinnacle of Soul Society worldbuilding. He's got this long dramatic backstory and a bunch of rage bottled up in his chest, but also a guy needs a paycheck, so he's just been doing the R&D grind for a hundred years. He knows a shit-ton about the Dangai, which is relevant to his evil scheme, but it's also just his day job (also the Dangai owns, I want a PhD in "the Dangai"). No one else in Squad 12 seems to have the least bit of beef with him, even after he builds an evil duplicate of every person in the Gotei. Unlike a lot of mad scientist characters, he's good with his weapon. Maybe he's weirdly jacked under his villainous smock?? Also, his evil scheme was generally well thought out, and took into account the fact that the Gotei is a bunch of buffoons. ngl, I kinda wish his plan had succeeded, if only for the fact that it would probably really piss Aizen off.
4. Ran'Tao, Bount Arc
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Everything about Ran'Tao owns, including:
Sexy glasses
Condemned so hard by the Central 46 that they gave her a kidou seal back tattoo
Stabbed Kariya in the gut
Noped out at the end of the arc because Who Needs the Gotei's Shit?
3. Kuchiki Kouga, Zanpakutou Rebellion Arc I think that when you hear the story about how Byakuya was forbidden from marrying Hisana because she was a commoner, you're supposed to feel this great sense of injustice, like wow! Byakuya actually showed character by standing up for his love! And that's great and all, and then you get the Zanpakutou Rebellion Vintage Kuchiki Bullshit Flashbacks and it's like, oh, the last guy they married into the clan mass murdered a bunch of people and then they had to seal him up in a cave and I feel like that's an important piece of context in the entire Kuchiki Family-Being-a-Bitch-About-Who-Byakuya-Marries debacle.
Which isn't to exonerate the Kuchiki, here! It's very clear that Kouga wasn't that bad before he got pushed over the brink by Kuchiki family machinations. I mean, this is very much an Everyone's The Asshole situation.
I love the fact that they never come out and say that Kouga is Byakuya's uncle, but he's very obviously Byakuya's uncle.
I love the fact that he dramatically cut his kenseikan off with his sword and threw them at Ginrei and they made a gree card of it.
I love that he appears to be exactly Renji's height and has one chunk of hair that is the same color as Renji's and he over-accessorizes horrifically, and at best the Squad Six old-timer's had to be like "Byakuya don't do this to us again" when he hired Renji, and at worst there's a chance that Renji the secret baby that was born after Kouga was banished and he was hidden away in the Rukon so he didn't screw up the succession line but he's actually the true Heir to the Kuchiki.
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2. Harugasaki Seizo, standalone episode 313 This dude had a homoerotic rivalry with Ikkaku (doomed, of course, because who could compete with Yumichika?), lost his shinigami powers when he took a blow meant for Ikkaku, and then spent the next hundred years putting his entire pussy into doing laundry for Squad 11. This man invented yearning, even if he did choose the worst possible person in the history of ever as the target of his affection.
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1. Amagai Shuusuke, New Captain Shuusuke Amagai Arc He looks like Ross Poldark. He can't hold his liquor. No one knows who witnessed his Captain's Exam. Ukitake and Kyouraku tried to talk him into a threesome. He was nice to Kira. His bankai was a tuba that made a foghorn noise when it belched out fire. His dad was the shinigami equivalent of a narc, who got done dirty by the Captain-Commander. He fought the Dangai Cleaner and won. I love him more than anything.
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Honorable Mention: Kenryuu and Enryuu, New Captain Shuusuke Amagai Arc Because they are an important reminder that for all the shinigami buffoonery I am forced to witness, day in and day out, some people graduate from Shin'ou, get shikai even, and still can't get hired by the Gotei.
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freakyunderclublights · 6 months
This is to anyone who is reading my “The Filler” fanfic. Forgive me, i have seemed to open pandora’s box by adding too much drama in this recent chapter and now i’m strugglign with tying it all together🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ALAS! It will be up in the next coming days.
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jakeyt · 10 months
Covet: Chapter 7 (Sneak Peek)
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a/n: a little peek into the morning after...
Your eyes shot open. Your body was sticky with sweat—reminiscent of that in your dream. (Thankfully, there wasn’t as much as there had been in your subconsciousness.)
Mostly, you were surprised by the lack of screaming. Screaming hadn't been what’d awoken you. 
No, it was the steadily thrumming heart below your hand, drawing you back to a safe reality. 
That was the sound. What had pulled you back. 
Jake’s warm, firm chest that held the steady beat was breathing full, sleeping breaths underneath you. 
And a strong, comforting arm around you, keeping you close. 
You took a minute to regain your current, real surroundings. 
It was peaceful. Still. 
The serenely sleeping man underneath you. 
Your body was still on top of his, the only evidence from your dream being your body, which was sticky with sweat from your exertion in the dream. But other than that, everything was just. . . calm.
Everything was calm. Everything was okay.
You felt true peace. There wasn’t underlying stress from what had happened in your sleep. 
It made you desperate to just focus on soaking up the feeling you were experiencing now. 
You heard birds singing outside. The morning sun was peeking through the small opening of his black curtains. . . 
And he was. . . Peace. Present. Real.
You had a hand laying on his chest, your cheek atop it, and the other arm, wrapped around his midsection. 
The feeling was reminiscent of the satisfying feeling of finding a puzzle piece for which you’d been searching. And finally placing it where it belonged.
You used the hand that was resting with a cheek atop it, on Jake’s heated chest, to level your chin to turn and observe him. 
His eyes fluttered behind his lids. His mouth was slightly ajar, his top row of teeth peeking slightly from behind his parted lips. You grinned at the way he had the slightest curve to his lips. . .not quite smiling, but almost. One of your favorite things about Jake’s mouth was how his top lip curled anytime he opened his mouth with a grin. And it curled just the same as he slept. 
There were steady breaths, lifting your cheek slightly. You took a closer look at his other features. His sharp nose. . .not quite the same as Josh’s. No, Jake’s was just a tad bit rounder. But still sharp. 
A handsome nose.
And. . . was that . . . A deviated septum? How was he not snoring? 
Somehow, as if on cue, the slightest snore left him. It was only momentary, and it made a grin fit to your lips. 
Your eyes flitted down, and your brain fully registered the feeling of being wrapped around his naked body. And fuck, it felt good. You took notice of how it felt to have your bare breasts pressed into his naked side and chest. It felt so right to be so close to him. To be skin to skin.
Your thigh was tucked between his, and when you moved to lay back against his chest, your thigh grazed his smooth sac. He was so neatly groomed. 
Moving your leg again, just the slightest bit, you relished in the rousing feeling of being tucked into him. You felt the muscles in Jake’s thighs react to it. His stomach tensed underneath your arm. His dick twitched against your thigh. 
You felt your entrance gather wetness, your body craving him.
A low moan came from Jake, accompanied by a deep breath through his nose and a hearty yawn, his chest rising beneath your hand. 
He was awake. 
And all of these noises he made, combined with his manhood against your leg made your heart rate increase. 
Your core ached, where it was pressed against his skin.
When you looked up to survey him, you noticed he was already looking at you. His eyes, still hazy from sleep, but taking every piece of you in, nonetheless.
Your heart hammered in your chest.
“Hi,” he quietly initiated, his voice matching the quietness of the room with a soft timbre. A gentle grin flitted across his lips.
You could feel your cheeks heat. You didn’t know how to react to him being awake. It all became too real. The situation you were in. 
Suddenly, it all came flying back to you that nothing had really been solved last night. 
You tensed the slightest bit.
This was Jake. The roommate who’d been fucking with you in more ways than one since he’d crossed the threshold of your home. 
You weren’t friends. Was he quite possibly the most sexy, fuckable man you’d ever met? Hell fuckin’ yeah. 
But this couldn’t be right. The plan you’d had before to have it be a one time thing seemed the only logical thing to cross your mind at that moment. 
Though, his eyes were begging for you, pulling you in, practically golden in the early morning sun. 
Your mind was screaming at you. 
Why do you keep fighting this, y/n?! You heard the small voice in your head berating you. Just let yourself enjoy something for once.
But—he was, by nature, an asshole. And the most unpredictable man you’d ever met.
Though, try as a you might, a huge fucking part of you wanted to give in to the voice in your mind: savor the moment, soak it up a bit longer. Drown in him. 
Let yourself explore.
But, before you could lay back, get comfortable, and give it any more of a chance in your mind, you straightened and bolted upright. 
The Black and Gold.
You worked today. You’d almost forgotten.
His covers fell from your chest, and your skin goosebumped, your nipples peaking in the cool air of his room. You quickly covered yourself.
“Y/n?” He mumbled, his smooth voice still sleepy behind you as he grasped at your hip. You felt your skin tingle at his touch, your legs nearly trembling for him already. 
He was so close. Your body was reeling at him being so near to you. If only you could stay with him. 
Ignore any sensible thought.
a/n: you'll get to see what dream (*cough cough* the IMPORTANT dream) reader was having when the full chapter comes to you September 2nd! <3 (sorry the update is taking a while... just finished my first week w my new students. ...and so begins a new year... lol so plz be patient w me as i get used to balancing everything again 🙏🏻)
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
MEDIC! Part 19 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Ok guys just read this one really quick so I can upload Chapter 20, ok, cool, you got it. Great, alright read fast!
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.Keep reading
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @panzershrike-pretz, @xxluckystrike, @bucky32557038ww2 (let me know if you want to be tagged.)
I hurried along the streets, saying hello to the men I passed. I finally made it to the house. Hearing familiar voices from the upper room I made my way up the staircase. 
“Ah there she is. We were wondering where you disappeared too.” Babe said as I reached the top. 
“I’m a busy bee Babe, you should know that.” I sat next to the man, who perched on the edge of the bunk. 
“Oh, bunk beds.” I said bouncing up and down on the mattress, it squeaked under me.
“Saved you the lower bunk under me.” Babe told me. I smiled at him, giving his hair a tousle. 
“Ah you’re a sweetheart.” He grinned at me. I glanced across the room to see Don standing on the far side looking out the window smoking. A solemn expression visible on his features. I watched him just smoking. 
“He’s been like that since we started coming from Rachamps.” Babe whispered to me, I nodded agreeing with him. I don’t know what happened. Was it because he knew I was ok, he finally let himself process. If that was the case I feel awful, they were his friends before I was close with them. I let it cloud my thoughts so much I couldn’t even ensure that he was fine. Now he’s stepping back from me, is that what he wants? I need to talk to him, but I can’t get him alone at the moment, now that he’s a ranking officer it seems like everyone needs to talk to him. I have barely been able to have a moment with him without someone else requesting him. They obviously take priority over me. Babe’s hand landed on my knee giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“You’ll find some time.” He says as if he can read my thoughts. I nod, turning my attention back onto the conversation the men are having as they all lie on the bunks. I’m so excited to be able to sleep on a bed with a pillow and sheets. Even if it is some crappy thin mattress, better than the cold hard floor. 
“Oh My God! I forgot to say, you’ll never guess what Webster said to me.” I announced to the group. They all waited for me to tell them. “Well firstly he was like, ‘when did nurses work on the front?’ So I corrected him. But then he said, ‘oh yeah I remember you, wow I’m surprised you’re still alive’.” I waited for their response, my mouth open to show my shocked face.
“What?!” Babe said from beside me. 
“You’re joking?” Grant asked, I shook my head. 
“That cheeky fucker.” Lieb growled. 
“I know! I was like excuse me! Rude!” I scoffed while laughing. “I think he’s being put with us.” I also told them, a collective groan echoed around the room. I laughed at their enthusiasm.  
“Oh speak of the devil.” I motioned with my head to the door, as Webster and Jones wandered in looking dazed. 
“Hey, guys. This taken?” He asked about the top bunk no one had claimed yet.
“Go ahead.” Rameriz told him, lying down on his own bunk. Webster threw his bag onto the bed claiming it for his own.        
“Sergeant, this is Lieutenant Jones, just assigned to 2nd platoon.” Webster informed Malarkey. All eyes were on the pair. The men in the corner who were helping themselves to hot drinks and standing around the heater, eyed up the young Lieutenant. 
“Malarkey, platoon Sergeant.” Don said. 
“Congratulations on the battlefield commission.” Jones said, reaching out his hand to shake Don’s. I watched as Malarkey glanced at the outstretched hand looking confused. 
“The what?” Malarkey asked, shaking his hand.   
“They’re making you an officer, no?” Jones inquired. Lieb sniggerd into his cup, as Webster turned around to glare at him. Realising too late that Lieb was just fucking with him. 
“Me? No.” Malarkey chuckled, looking back to see Grant and Lieb trying to hide their grins. “You must be thinking of First Sergeant Lipton.” Jones and Webster share a glance, clearly Webster had passed on the information that Lieb had given him this morning to the officer, only to be very wrong. Webster gave a defeated shrug and shake of his head. 
“My mistake.” Jones apologised to Don. “So you’re without a platoon leader?”
“No, not anymore, Lieutenant.” Don said to the officer. 
“Right.” Jones nodded as if he seemingly forgot his rank. “So do you want to introduce me to the men?” He asked. Don gave him a tight smile, he was busy and so were the men. 
“Well, some of them are sleeping downstairs. The rest are right here.” Jones glanced around the room looking at the men, who gave him small nods as they made eye-contact. His eyes landed on me, I gave a small smile. 
“A female.” He said, looking at me. Don turned around to look at him. “Our medic, Emily.”
“Odd for a female to be on the front.” Jones said without thinking. The chatter ceased in the room, waiting for him to say something else. 
“She’s a good medic, we’re lucky to have her.” Don said, sending me a smile. I grinned back appreciative of his defence. 
“What? Is it be mean to Emily day?” I whispered to Babe, who just chuckled, shaking his head continuing to read the comic he had picked up. Jones cleared his throat moving on from the awkward conversation he’d started. 
“Sergeant, a patrol’s being planned for tonight 0100 hours across the river. Regiment wants POWs for interrogation. What’s the situation?” Jones asked, the men moving their conversation somewhere more private, away from listening ears. The men all looked pissed, they again were being chosen to go on an attack. 
“Hey Web. Come here. I just want to talk to you for a sec” Lieb pulled the man from over by the window. Webster seemed rightly suspicious of Lieb’s motives. “Why?” He asked, resisting Lieb’s arm that snaked around his neck trying to drag him elsewhere. 
“Come here, You want some coffee.” Lieb offered as he ushered him to the bunks Babe and I sat on.
“No.” Web said, stepping out of the man’s arm. 
“Is this kid out of highschool yet?” Lieb asked Webster. They both looked over to the young officer who was speaking with Malarkey.   
“He’s out of West Point.” Webster informed the men. 
“West Point?” Lieb asked. I have no idea what West Point is. 
“Isn’t that where Ike went?” Jackson said from above me, spread out on the top bunk. 
Babe, now more invested in the conversation, put down the comic I was reading over his shoulder. Lieb stood right in front of me as he spoke to Webster, I couldn’t see anything past his butt. I leaned more into Babe so that I didn’t feel like I was being suffocated by Joe’s ass. 
“Yeah he actually graduated with his son.” Webster confirmed Jackson’s question. 
“Shit, so ah… what do you know about this patrol thing?” Lieb’s true motive revealed themselves, his cunning ability to coerce information out of you. 
“Uh, nothing.” Webster lied. I laughed, shaking my head. Oh poor sweet Webster you can’t get out of it this easily, not with Lieb you can’t. 
“Oh, come on, Web. You gotta know something.” Ramirez adds to the peer pressure. 
“I don’t.” Webster turns away fiddling with his bag. 
Lieb spits on the ground, I nudge him with my foot, mouthing gross. He just smirks at me. 
“Bullshit.” Lieb says. “You were there right? At the CP?” Chuck moves past us heading for the exit. 
“Hey, Chuck, Listen to this.” Babe calls to him, he stops to listen. McClung sits beside Babe as we scooch down the bunk to make room. 
“Come on, Webster, spill it.” Lieb is persistent with his interrogation. And now with everyone gathered around eager to hear, I’m sure he feels even more pressured. I can see his eyes finally give into it. 
“Captain Speirs is to pick 15 men. Lt. Jones wants to be one of them.” Webster casted his gaze to the man who still spoke with Don. 
“I say let the kid go. He could use the experience.” Lieb said. 
“Probably could find 14 replacements to help him out.” Ramirez grinned. 
“Why are you holding out on me? I know you know.” Lieb grilled Webster. 
“Just give us the names, Web.” Ramirez and Lieb had him backed into a metaphorical corner. 
“Who?” Lieb asked. 
Webster glanced around all of us, our eyes trained on him, he had the answers. We waited patiently knowing that Lieb and Ramirez would break him at some point.    
“There are three men here in this room that they think should be on the patrol.” Webster started. 
“Who?” Ramirez asked, was there a bunch of owls somewhere? I laughed at my own joke. Babe gave me a weird look, wondering why I was chuckling. I’m funny ok! I cleared my throat paying attention again to the conversation. 
“Well, if I tell you, you can’t let on that you know.” Webster stalled. 
“Your secret’s safe, Web. Who is it?” Lieb promised. I almost laughed again, as if he would keep his mouth shut for Webster. But Webster was gullible enough to believe that Lieb would have his best interests at heart. Webster glanced at Babe sitting next to me. Babe shook his head, he didn’t want to be chosen, he was waiting for his name not to be called. I tensed, I wasn’t particularly keen on any of the men being sent but especially not Babe. 
“Yeah, Heffron.” Webster confirmed our fears. 
“Aw, shit.” Babe groaned, dragging his hand across his face. I sighed along with Babe who looked disappointed. This time I was the one to give him a pat of reassurance on his leg. McClung, who sat on his other side, threw an arm around his shoulders.  
“McClung…” Webster continued, Earl also groaned in annoyance. Babe slapped his leg, in a well-were-in-this-together-now way. 
“And you.” Webster said to Ramirez, looking equally as disappointed as the other two. 
“He want any other guys from any other platoon?” Lieb asked, looking down into his cup of coffee.    
“No, no. I don’t know. Not that I know of. Look, that’s all I know, I’m sorry.” Webster rambled on, trying to prove to Lieb he didn’t have any more information for him to draw out.
I almost leaped off the bed when Don yelled, “Listen up!” I grabbed onto Babe's arm out of instinct. Covering my heart with my other hand, to stop it jumping out of my chest. 
“Got some bad news. There is a patrol set for tonight. And so far, Speirs wants McClung–” Don told the room. But was interrupted. 
“We know.” McClung told Don. 
“Yeah, we just fucking heard. Webster here told us.” Babe blabbed, so much for keeping it a secret. But Babe and Earl never made any promises to the man, only Lieb. 
Don answers the ringing phone, mumbling into it. He hangs up quickly, having more information to give us. “The PX rations just came in, including winter shoe packs.” Don informs us. 
“Beautiful.” Ramirez says sarcastically. 
“Yeah, finally right?” Don agrees. 
“Good of ‘em, now we’re in a nice warm house.” Lieb adds. 
“Also we get showers.” Don tells us. I gasp so loudly everyone stares at me. Pure delightment on my face. 
“We get showers!” I say excitedly. I feel like I can bounce off the walls. A shower sounds amazing. I make quiet screaming noises. I feel like a kid on christmas. Everyone watches me have my mini celebration. I stop mid party, “Sorry, I’m just really excited to have a shower.” 
“Yeah, no we can tell.” Lieb laughs at me, patting me on the head. 
“You’re so cute!” Babe teases trying to pinch my cheeks, I fend him off. Before he can reach me the distant sounds of explosions boom through the room. The sounds of whistling are closer, the sound of a bomb being dropped in close proximity. 
“All right, let's move! Clear it out! Move, move!” Don yells over the noise. We get to our feet, rushing out of the top room into the lower floors. Babe is behind me pushing me down the stairs faster than my feet can take me. We barge into the basement taking cover. Everyone yelling at everyone to get down, take cover, incoming. The bombs stop right as we reach the room. I laugh in disbelief of course it would stop right as we are safe. Everyone else had the same reaction, well except for Jones and Webster. They both looked like they were about to faint from shock.  
“Showers let’s go!” Don ushered us out. I was quickly on my feet, yes showers, omg I want to wash my hair, and body. Omg maybe shave my legs with running water.  
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bizaar · 1 year
Cruel Summer - Part 11
First - Previous - Next
pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
summary: After breaking up, you and Eddie do your best to soldier on with your lives, but you slowly begin to discover that there is a stronger line of connection keeping you together than just history…
word count: 8k
warnings: swearing, some angst (as always) discussions of closeted queer folk (just in case) probably a lot more - will go back in and edit as needed!
A.N.: I'm back, Chat! After a million years and some change, I really hope you like this chapter even though to me it feels a tad like filler, so sorry it took so long to get back into the swing of things!! - Also, my taglist is broken, so if you would like to be put on it for the chapters going forward, please let me know!
To call the last few days a blur would be an understatement, more so considering how everything that had happened over the course of the last few hours could have filled the duration of those days themselves. 
And everything happened so fast, events falling into place one after the other in such quick succession that Dustin has barely had time to process all the steps he’d taken down the road since he and Max first left his house in search of Eddie – in search of you. 
Presently, he’s stuck trying to rationalize just how he’d come to find himself sitting huddled on the Wheeler’s sofa, stuffed in between Max and Lucas under the tense scrutiny of the Hawkins PD and the worried coterie of their parents.
Though perhaps “how” is not the question, but why, considering he knows exactly how it happened: they found Eddie, then they lost him, and after a very tense few hours, subsequently found him again, camped out with you at Skull Rock, looking very much like you’d been to hell and back.
From there their road circled back to Lover’s Lake, and now here they find themselves, in police custody with half of their party lost to the gate beneath the water.
It’s the closest thing Dustin can imagine to a worst-case scenario.
That’s not true, he tells himself, Eddie’s still in the clear, so it’s not all bad… not yet…
Still, it’s beyond bizarre to be sitting and getting lectured on the Wheeler’s sofa with Mike so far removed all the way in California.
Karen is nice, sure, and Ted is … well, Ted is Ted, hardly intimidating, but something about being under the direct scrutiny of the Wheelers and the Sinclairs and his mother and the Hawkins PD, all of whom he is actively lying to, has Dustin sinking further and further into the plush cushions in the hopes of somehow shrinking out of existence.
How badly he wishes he was anywhere but here. 
It’s not that he’s intimidated or anything so foolish, particularly by the bespectacled likes of Officer Callahan, only that Dustin is painfully aware of how this looks, their merry band of misfits camped out at the water’s edge directly opposite an active crime scene with binoculars in hand. Worse still, he’s painfully aware of how it sounds.
“What were you kids doing out at the lake?” Callahan asks.
It’s as good a question as any, but it leaves the lot of them reeling with just exactly how to answer it.
What are they supposed to tell them, the truth? That they were busy sending half their party through an interdimensional gate at the bottom of the lake to the Upsidedown?
Under absolutely no circumstances will he be telling them the truth, not unless he wants to see the inside of a padded cell.
He could have told Hopper the truth (or at least some summarized version of it), but Hopper isn’t here, so Dustin and his friends open their mouths and all begin to speak at once as they fumble for some sort of credible answer as to what they were doing out at the lake. 
“Swimming—” Dustin says immediately.
Max shrugs her shoulders and offers what would have been the most practical answer…  
… if not for what came tumbling out of Lucas’s mouth.
“Taking a long romantic walk under the moonlight?” He squeaks, voice lilting an octave higher as his sentence comes to a close, making the statement sound much more like a question than anything else.   
The silence in the room is deafening, and Dustin suppresses a wince, fully aware of just how well and truly cooked their collective gooses are as he exchanges a horrified glance with you, sitting in a plush chair opposite the couch, wide-eyed and gaping at him from the other side of the room.  
It’s a wonder you’re even here, considering Dustin had been sure that you’d go right along with the others, but in a stunning turn of events, you’d elected to stay behind.
It was because, as you said; “I’m the babysitter, it’s literally my job…” – Dustin had been decidedly pleased about that, in stark contrast to Eddie, who had just about capsized the boat right there on the shore trying to reach for your hand.
“Don’t be silly,” He’s insisted, despite how unbelievably practical you were being. “There’s plenty of room,” There was not, as had been evidenced by Dustin’s own rejected application to join the expedition. “– come on,” 
But there was no arguing with you, as was always the case when your mind was made up. For as many reasons as Eddie could drum up for you to go, you had just as many reasons to stay, the least of those being that you were injured. 
“I’ll only slow you down,” You’d assured him with a slow shake of your head, “It’s gonna be fine, we’ll be waiting right here when you get back.” 
It’s yet another thing that is driving Dustin to the very edge of anxiety-induced nausea: they won’t be there waiting on the shore when the others get back … if they get back.
The adults are still gawping at their little group, eyes wide as dinner plates in patent disbelief of their swimming–nothing–romantic moonlit walk at the lake. 
“It was kind of, sort of a … field trip scenario…” Dustin says, gesturing flippantly as he fumbles through the poor excuse for an explanation. 
“To the lake…” Callahan deadpans.
“In the middle of the night…”
It’s less a question than an accusation.
Dustin resists the urge to correct the deputy, considering it’s hardly the middle of the night, and he nods, swallowing hard against the cotton blooming in his throat. 
“...I mean, it’s Spring Break.” he croaks, “...No school…”  
“Dusty…” His mother presses, “Somebody was just murdered there!”
It sets his teeth on edge.
“We didn’t know that at the time.” He insists, well aware of just how lame this all sounds. 
Desperate to claw back some shred of credibility, he elbows Lucas in the ribs. It startles the boy to attention and his head snaps around to regard Dustin with an incredulous look, as if to ask what the hell am I supposed to say?
Max takes the hint for him. 
“What’s the big deal?” She starts, “So, we were down at the lake — it’s called healing your inner child, look it up.” 
On the other end of the couch, Dustin is vaguely aware of hearing you breathe out harshly, muttering something that sounds very much like “Oh, boy…”
Before he can stop this snowball from rolling, Lucas is nodding emphatically, suddenly very eager to add his two cents to the notion. 
“Right, w-we were just trying to …” he trails off, swallowing hard as the rest of his sentence escapes him, and then, “… yeah, like Max said… do that.” 
If Dustin thought the first silence was deep, this one is a yawning chasm of infinite depth. They’re great at this, actually, not at all amateurish.  
“Right…” Powell says slowly, “...and this has absolutely nothing to do with Eddie Munson?”
Once again, they’re all speaking simultaneously, shaking their heads, gesticulating, and doing anything in their power to make themselves even remotely believable.
No really, they’re doing great.  
“No, not at all.”
“Of course not.”
And then, because this is already going so well, Dustin opens his big mouth.
“That weirdo?” He scoffs, refusing to refer to Eddie by any harsher language, and cringing at the way his voice breaks on the word, “We don’t even know the guy.”�� 
Erica Sinclair erupts into a bark of incredulous laughter from her position in the far corner of the room, and Dustin realizes his mistake the moment the words leave his mouth. 
Erica… how could he have forgotten about Erica, who very recently had been caught up in the brief euphoria of reading from the Good Book of Eddie Munson.
Erica, who has just caught Dustin in what is perhaps the most blatant lie he has ever told and is trying her damnedest to strike him dead with the daggers she’s hurling in his direction from the other side of the room. 
Oh, whoops… it’s the understatement of the century. 
“You know they’re lying, right?” She snarls, “The whole couch is on fire.” 
Her mother is quick to silence her with a harsh utterance of her name. 
Dustin can’t help but feel a sharp stab of betrayal as he gawps at the younger Sinclair.
He’d thought, perhaps foolishly, that their triumphant victory against Vecna during the last Hellfire meeting would be some kind of a turning point for their friendship. 
He kicks himself for being so naive and sinks a little further into the couch, pouting as she sneers back at him.  
To make matters worse, the police are clearly not buying what they’re attempting to sell. Chief Powell and Officer Callahan exchange wary looks before, slowly, their gazes slide across the couch and over to you.
You begin to fidget under their collective scrutiny, doing your utmost to look anywhere in the room besides directly at the officers. 
It’s only when Powell addresses you with the firm and formal usage of Miss followed by your last name that you finally look at him.
It takes him what feels like a very long time to speak.  
“Care to chime in?” He finally asks, gesturing to the absolutely bafoonery of the couch.
You glance at Dustin, and he feels a stab of anxiety lance through his midsection as he fails to decipher the unreadable look splashed across your face. 
Your attention snaps back over to the police when Powell repeats his overly formal addressing of you, the well of his patience growing ever shallower. 
You pull an innocent face and gesture dumbly to yourself. 
“Me?” You chirp, like you can’t imagine how they could possibly think you’re involved in this. 
You? No, surely not you, who had pulled Dustin and the rest into a quick huddle and quietly instructed them on how best to lie to the cops when they’d found themselves ambushed at the lake.
Dustin had been caught somewhere halfway between impressed and appalled, but he’d stopped himself before the question could even take root in his mind: how do you know anything about lying to the cops?
Eddie. Naturally.  
Officer Callahan doesn’t seem to have the same patience as his direct superior for your act. He heaves an overdramatic sigh and rolls his eyes behind his glasses.
“No,” he scoffs, “The other delinquent in the room.” 
The mask of innocence slips immediately from your face as you level the man with a hateful look.
“Oh, sure.” You snap, “Because name-calling is the best way to ensure cooperation — real mature, Phil…” 
“Wha— how did you—?” Callahan splutters indignantly before clamping his mouth shut and setting his jaw. 
Strangely, Chief Powell coughs harshly into a closed fist, and Dustin only realizes that the man is masking a chuckle when his deputy levels him with a dour look.
After a moment to collect himself, Callahan returns to you and shrugs. 
“Okay, fine – why don’t we put you in a pair of handcuffs and take you down to the station, see if that makes you feel any more cooperative.”
You blanch at the prospect and Dustin’s heart seizes in his chest in outrage. Before he can leap to your defense, however, the Sinclairs and Wheelers alike erupt into loud protests of the notion.
The collective vitriol of the adults is enough to cause Callahan to balk and suddenly he’s standing a little less tall. 
“Oh, really, Officer!” Dustin’s mother tuts, “There’s no need for that — I’m sure whatever it was they were doing was completely innocent,” 
He’s not entirely certain how sure she is of that, but evidently enough that she’s managed to overcome the horror she’d previously been experiencing at the thought of them going down to the lake where someone was just murdered. 
Still, considering you’re more or less an honorary member of the Henderson household, she goes on to paint a shining picture of you, insisting that you are a good girl – responsible.
The others respond with varying degrees of enthusiastic agreement and Dustin’s chest swells with warm, golden pride. 
Damn right. 
While you were only ever officially his babysitter, it never stopped the Sinclairs from asking you to carpool Lucas and Erica to and from school twice a week, or Karen Wheeler from enlisting you to look after Holly when she had the odd errand to run – though perhaps more specifically, covering for her last summer and remaining the soul of discretion when a momentary slip in judgment regarding a certain public pool lifeguard had seen her very nearly destroying her marriage and perhaps by greater extension her family as a whole. 
Karen Wheeler would have defended you like one of her own children if it came down to it, as is evidenced by the way she comes flying to your rescue.
“She’s their babysitter, for God’s sake.” She scoffs, gesturing toward you in a way that makes the chunky bracelets sitting on her slender wrists clack loudly together, “She takes the boys to the arcade and plays that …fantasy game with them – I mean, really… what kind of trouble could they possibly be getting into?” 
Unfortunately, as Dustin realizes too late, the Hawkins PD happens to know exactly what kind of trouble you could be getting into, and they are all too happy to share.
“Listen, folks…” Chief Powell sighs, taking the floor and rubbing a tired hand over his face, “I’m sure you mean well, but I’m afraid that your word just isn’t enough – the fact of the matter is that your babysitter has been caught trespassing at two active crime scenes in about as many days.” 
Callahan is quick to chime in.
“Not to mention she’s a known associate of Eddie Munson.”
Dustin bristles. He’d been waiting for that shoe to drop, and now that it has, he feels a thin sheet of ice beginning to form across his stomach lining. 
A sticky silence falls heavily over the room as the adults all exchange bewildered looks. Not even Karen knows what to do with that reveal.  
“What does that mean?” Charles Sinclair demands, brows furrowed tightly as he turns a hard eye on Lucas, as if his son somehow held the answer. 
He freezes like a deer in headlights, but Erica is more than happy to explain, pushing forward to stand in front of her father and remind everyone that she is still there, hands propped up on her hips as she levels you with a particularly snotty look. 
“It means he’s her boyfriend.” She drawls, peering back at the denizens of the couch and looking entirely too pleased with herself. 
Dustin’s heart seizes with terror. 
How the hell does she know that?
“Shut up, Erica!” Lucas hisses.
She reels on him.
“You shut up!” she snaps, and her mother quickly admonishes her for it.
“Erica!” She hisses. 
“What? It’s true – I used to see them at the mall all the time, swapping spit, sticking their tongues down each other’s throats… you know, making out?” She makes a show of visibly shuddering before twisting to address you, sitting mortified with your hands fisted in your hair and your face flushed crimson, “You guys are super nasty, by the way…” 
“Er-i-ca!” Her mother warns her sharply.
She puts up her hands defensively and retreats a step.
“It’s just the facts!”  
Still, the sentiment causes a nervous murmur to pass through the adults… you and Eddie Munson?
Apparently, your dating habits had been as shrouded in mystery to them as it had been to Dustin, and unfortunately, they are less likely to be as forgiving about it. 
His mother’s voice quavers as she turns to you and quietly says your name. He watches as, in spite of yourself, you shrink back a little further into the cushions as if you yourself had been hoping that information would not come to light.
“Is that true?” She squeaks.
You don’t answer right away, but to your credit, when you do you try to laugh it off.
“Which part?” You scoff, “The dating thing or that incredibly vivid description Erica just painted for us?”
The attempt at humor falls short on the adults, and in the silence that follows, Dustin can’t help but feel a little angry at how ridiculous this all is.
True, the descriptors were a bit much, Dustin doesn’t need to be picturing that any more than he already had been, but they’re all acting like she’d placed you at the scene as an accomplice to the murders, like you and Eddie are some kind of modern teenaged versions of Bonnie and Clyde, which is ridiculous – Eddie wouldn’t harm a fly, and if anything the truth bomb Erica just set off in the middle of the room means you’re the one who can personally vouch for that.
It would be a pointless endeavor, of course, they’re only going off of what they know of Eddie’s reputation, one that is currently telling them that he is a cold-blooded killer going on a rampage through the Hawkins High School student body…
Dustin feels himself begin to sweat. 
Suddenly everyone is holding their breath to see how you will react, and how everyone else will if the truth comes out. 
“...Technically we broke up…” you mumble sheepishly, tugging a the hem of your worn t-shirt.
The room erupts in a cacophony of noise.     
All at once, the Wheelers and the Sinclairs find themselves split down the middle over whether they find that information credible, waffling between thrusting accusatory fingers at you, at the police, at the couch, and every direction in between.
Ted Wheeler and Charles Sinclair demand to know if they’re lying to the police and what kind of trouble you’re getting their kids involved in, and their wives insist on returning to the rescue of your character, assuring the men that this is all a huge misunderstanding and that you would never dream of putting their children in danger.
Boy, if they only knew the truth.
Dustin’s mother begins to weep, wailing about the state of her poor nerves, all the while you sink further and further into the cushions and do your best to become invisible.
It’s a madhouse.
Dustin wishes, not for the first time, that he was back on the shore of the lake, and silently hopes Eddie and the others are having a better time than they are. 
Wherever they are, he hopes they are okay.
Eddie is absolutely positively not okay. He can’t speak for the others, who all seem to be doing a much better job at handling the whole “crossing through a portal into another dimension” thing.
They’re calling it the Upsidedown like it’s the next town over, like they simply hopped in the car and drove down the interstate to arrive in this bizarro version of Hawkins with monsters and nasty shit.  
They’ve apparently been through this before, so Nancy says, and Eddie can’t even begin to wrap his head around what that could possibly mean.
That they’ve swum to the bottom of the lake where someone has just been psychically murdered and passed through to another dimension only to narrowly avoid being eaten alive by a swarm of demonic bats? Somehow he highly doubts it’s that specific, though only because he’s having a very hard time coming to terms with the fact that basically, everything he thought he ever knew about Hawkins is complete and utter bullshit.
Eddie supposes he always knew Hawkins was one of those places, the cliche of the happy little midwestern town pretending everything is nice and shining and wholesome meanwhile grandma’s skeleton is rotting in the hall closet. He’d always assumed there was something going on just beneath the shining veneer, just not on the level of “a literal hell realm existing right beneath his feet”.
Nancy is maddeningly calm about all this as if she didn’t just go diving into the pitch black of the unknown to rescue Steve, or rip off the bottom panel of her blouse and tie a tourniquet around his midsection to keep his guts from spilling out.
Harrington himself is taking the whole “almost being eaten alive” thing in stride in a really frustrating way, already walking and talking like someone died and made him king of the goddamn Upsidedown.
In fact, the only one who seems even remotely in the realm of appropriately manic about this whole thing is Robin, talking a mile a minute about rabies and the logistics of bat bites in the Upsidedown, but as far as Eddie knows, Robin is just like that.
Naturally manic, naturally caffeinated, probably on some kind of prescription drug like Ritalin if he had to guess… not that he’d hold any of that against her, Robin’s cooler than most. 
They’d had intermediate band together one semester before he realized he’d actually be expected to wear that stupid uniform and dropped out.
They’d even been somewhere halfway to friends during that brief period of time, though that “friendship” could be summed up to nothing more than the casual snide, sarcastic remarks during class, a joke here and there, and one instance of Robin getting way too high on half a joint they’d smoked under the bleachers.
It resulted in her becoming paranoid that Eddie was trying to get into her pants, which he most certainly was not, and inadvertently coming out to him in a moment of panic.
He swore to take her secret to his grave, quit showing up to class, and they didn’t speak again until she came riding in alongside everyone else on Dustin’s little rescue mission.
Eddie wonders if she remembers any of that… 
He supposes it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, particularly since Eddie seems to be the only sane one among them, which is to say the only one teetering on the edge of losing his shit, and it’s really pissing him off because none of this is normal. 
It’s a fucking nightmare.
Beyond the dark, however, the perpetual red lightning storm, the alien network of hive-minded vines, and literal goddamn monsters trying to kill them, Eddie is, foolishly, most concerned about you, as always. 
He’s well aware of just how stupid that is, to worry about you up on the surface with all the subterranean dangers that pose a direct threat to his life and limb - he’s not even sure that’s the correct way to quantify it, but it sure as hell seemed like he’d swum through the bottom of the lake and crawled out on the other side of the world. 
He wishes more than anything that you were here if only because then at least he’d have someone who he could turn to and know with confidence would agree, “Yes, Edward, this is in fact insane.” 
Normally he rails against the utterance of his government name because the only people who call him that are typically authority figures preparing to dole out some sort of capital punishment, or his mother when she was royally pissed at him – “Edward Munson if you think I’m about to let that slide you have got another thing coming,”.
And you, of course, though you only ever do so with the utmost fondness… and very often in an affected English accent, which despite being one of the worst impressions he’s ever heard, Eddie actually likes very much.
What he wouldn’t give to have you right here, trying to liven the mood by doing that stupid accent. He can almost hear you chewing through it. 
“We’re in a right mess, innit, Edward?” You’d say, “Pip-pip cheerio and the lot…” or whatever. 
Still, a decent-sized part of Eddie’s brain is attempting to crawl out of his skull and abandon him to the madness of this place, and imagining all the ways you would try to make the situation seem less dire if you were there is doing nothing to help.
Because you’re not there.
Why in the hell hadn’t you come with them in the boat? 
He knows why, of course, rationally so – there was no room, someone needed to stay with the kiddos, and most of all you’re hurt – but there are spiders in his skull, skittering around and irrationally whispering that the real reason you stayed behind was that after everything that happened, you couldn’t wait to get away from him. 
A larger part of Eddie than he is ready to acknowledge is pissed about it because you’d only just finished agreeing not to split up anymore.
Together is better, you’d promised him that, but another part of him understands why you might be desperate to get away. 
First Chrissy, then Patrick? He’s got to be cursed, why else would he be made to bear witness to those deaths? 
Eddie is laden with the feeling, wrestling with the guilt and the misplaced anger and the confusion, and everything else his body is trying to feel all at once as he trudges through the nightmarish woods.
Step by aimless step he follows, careful to avoid the network of vines and the concerned gazes of unlikely companions, who all continue to treat this like it’s nothing more than a casual stroll through the woods, like this is just another Tuesday. 
Is it Tuesday? He has no idea what day it is… and he can’t stop thinking about you, playing the moment on the shore over and over in his mind. Thinking about the way he’d reached for your hand, and how instead of taking it you’d carefully curled his fingers back in on themselves, shaking your head and insisting you’d only slow them down. 
“Hey, you doing okay?”
The voice startles Eddie, wrenching him violently – thankfully – from the mire of his thoughts.
Steve is there, giving him a strangely concerned look, having fallen back into step with him at some point over the last few contemplative minutes. 
Eddie blinks back at him, not entirely sure how to answer and wondering just how long he’s been there. He almost doesn’t realize he’d asked him a question until Steve’s brows jump up toward his hairline. 
“Me?” Eddie scoffs, he briefly considers lying, but the truth is out before the notion can really take hold, “No, Man. I’m pretty goddamn far from okay.”  
Harrington nods solemnly, in a way that seems, weirdly enough, almost remorseful, like it’s his fault they’re down here in this mess… which, it technically is, if they’re pointing fingers here.
True, Eddie didn’t have to follow them out of the boat, he could have sat there and waited for them to come back, but he knew they weren’t coming back, and he didn’t have to swim to the bottom of the lake, he could have just as easily swum to shore …
It hits him like a brick to the face.
Why the hell didn’t he swim to shore? 
Steve casts his gaze down to his feet, exposing the dark, angry ligature marks ringing his throat and Eddie fails to suppress a shudder.
That’s why – because Steve was in trouble, and some repressed kernel of do-right in Eddie, the same one that drove him over the side of the boat and down into the depths to the bottom of the lake, wanted to help.
Or at least it didn’t want the shame of having to look Robin and Nancy in the eyes if he didn’t help and the bats went and pulled Steve’s head off anyway.
Ego is a funny thing, sanity even more so, because as crazy as it had seemed at the time to dive in after Robin, crazier still was the concept that had he not, it could have resulted in yet another death – or deaths, perhaps – that he would have been indirectly responsible for.
Still, his body is still thrumming with adrenaline from the fight, and not in the good, buzzy way either.
He’s been picking at the blackened, drying blood on his hands for the better part of an hour now, and part of him has started to wonder if it’s ever going to come off, if any of the blood on his hands is ever going to wash away. 
Before he can get very far down the road with that line of thinking, Steve tries again.
“Thanks for this… by the way,” he says, plucking at the collar of Eddie’s battle vest sitting across his broad-shouldered form in a sorry state.
It’s filthy, splattered with ichor and viscera, and several patches have torn loose, much to Eddie’s dismay, but it’s the strangest combination of freezing cold and unbearably humid down there, wherever they are.
The way he figures, Steve needs it more than he does – that and it’s the only thing shielding their eyes from the knitted sweater he has got sprouting from his chest.
He basically had to hand it over, if for nothing more than modesty’s sake. 
Still, the sentiment startles him– gratitude? Really? 
Unaccustomed to basic human pleasantries from the likes of Steve Harrington, he finds himself at a loss and he suppresses the urge to twist around and make sure he’s actually talking to him.
For lack of anything else to do, he gives a lopsided shrug and gestures vaguely.
“Oh… yeah – no worries.” He stammers, “Least I could do.”
“...And thanks for... s-saving me… that was–” Steve clears his throat in an attempt to keep his voice steady – it’s awkward, “Yeah… anyway. Thanks for that.”
Eddie gestures vaguely, suddenly unsure of whether he wants the burden of Steve’s gratitude. 
“Wheeler did all the work, I just tried to stay out of her way…” He mumbles, “She’s badass,”
Steve chuckles in a way that feels oddly secretive.
“You have no idea.” He says. 
Of course, Eddie can’t possibly know what that means, but it’s compelling, nonetheless, and entirely true. 
He makes a mental note of it in the Rolodex of his mind:
Wheeler, Nancy: Good grades, pastels, kinda prissy. Dated that douchebag, Steve Harrington – Badass. 
A sticky silence bleeds between them after that, and Eddie passes the time stealing a handful of looks at Steve, casually walking alongside him, on purpose. 
He can’t help be feel ever so slightly amazed. 
If his shitty friends could see him now – only he’s fairly certain Steve isn’t friends with his shitty friends anymore, at least so he’d heard.
Normally it wouldn’t be enough to wash away the history of torment between them. Steve had, for a time, been the driving force behind a campaign to make Eddie’s life a living hell, but this situation is just too bizarre, too outlandish to discount – there might be some merit to Dustin’s hero worship of the guy after all.  
Suddenly he can’t help himself. 
“That was pretty metal what you did back there…” Eddie posits, and when Steve casts a curious look his way, he continues with tentative enthusiasm, “Biting that thing’s head off? Major Ozzy energy.”
Steve furrows his brow. 
Uh oh. In an instant, the feeling is gone, replaced by the much less desirable panic of an impending social failure. 
Eddie scrambles to explain himself and bridge the valley between their interests. 
“Ozzy Osbourne?” He tries to no avail, “Bit a bat’s head off on –?” Steve’s face remains unbearably blank, so Eddie abandons ship for his own sake, “Nevermind…” he hums, “It was – yeah, it was cool…” 
Another one of those awkward silences falls heavily across their shoulders, and because he’s never learned to leave well enough alone, Eddie simply cannot leave it undisturbed. 
Surely Steve has got to know what he’s talking about, even if only indirectly. It’s not like Ozzy is an obscure reference. 
“You know Ozzy though, right?” He tries, “Black Sabbath?” 
He pulls a face and shakes his head, much to Eddie’s chagrin.  
Shit. Okay, lesson learned. 
Harrington, Steve: Fucking jerk. Worshipped by Henderson. Doesn’t know who Ozzy Osbourne is. 
He dismisses the notion too late.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Thankfully, they are not doomed to yet another unbearable silence as Steve quickly changes the subject, sweeping the interaction away with a wave of his hand.
“Hey, so… look, I’m sorry for what I did back there… starting that fight between you and...” He trails off when he realizes the reference has flown right over Eddie’s head, “Back in the boat house?”
Oh. He doesn't know how to respond to that. Eddie is not entirely sure anyone has ever apologized to him for anything... ever.  
Still, it strikes him as an odd thing to say. 
Almost everything Steve has ever said to him has been something worth apologizing over, but try as he might, Eddie can’t think of any particularly noteworthy zingers from the last few days.
And he does try, wracking his brain and coming up empty – but he doesn’t trust it, whatever this is, so Eddie levels Steve with an unimpressed look. 
“So, this is the part where you get all mushy and remorseful because you almost died, right?” He starts slowly, “You’re gonna tell me you’re sorry for being such a fucking asshole back in the day and I'm just supposed to forgive you because you almost had your head pulled off?” 
Strangely, it doesn’t elicit the expected response - no defensive comebacks, no biting retorts, just a weighted sigh that carries the heavy burden of guilt. 
“Oh, shit… wait, seriously?” 
Steve runs a hand through his hair, which is still somehow maddeningly perfectly coiffed – it makes Eddie feel frizzy and unkempt. 
“Look, we’re not in high school anymore…” He starts, then stops like he’s only just remembered that isn’t expressly true, “– well, you know what I mean…”
“Careful.” Eddie warns. 
Steve forces out a hard, frustrated breath and rolls his eyes – he’s barely even begun to make his point and he’s already fallen flat on his face. 
“What I mean is that there are bigger things happening here,” He huffs, “It kind of puts things into perspective and makes all the stupid petty shit seem…” He trails off as he searches for the right word.
Eddie is more than happy to help.
“...Stupid and petty?” He offers.
“Exactly. I was an asshole – I’m still an asshole, and I’m working on it, but some old habits die harder than others–”
Steve clenches his teeth and flexes his jaw and apparently resists the urge to make some kind of snide remark, electing instead to swallow the blow and nod.
He's doing it on purpose, and Steve knows that as well as Eddie does, even if it's not an overt show of effort. Part of him figures if he can get under Steve's skin and rile him up, it will make him drop whatever bullshit act this is and they can go back to hating each other like normal. But try as he might he can't seem to break him.
This may, in fact, be a genuine show of remorse. 
He can’t make heads or tails of it, except that Steve had very nearly died less than an hour ago, and nothing sets someone’s head on straight like facing the precipice.
Eddie can’t help but feel a little more than dumbfounded, because this has never happened even in his wildest flights of fancy. He almost can’t believe it, and what’s more, part of him knows he shouldn’t believe it.
He should know better, that at any moment the rug will be pulled from beneath his feet and he’ll find out it’s nothing more than a big elaborate joke, he’ll be doused in pig’s blood and find out he’s not actually the Prom Queen, and that will be that. 
Still, he seems genuine, as if Eddie would know what genuine even looks like one Steve.
Maybe Robin’s right and those bats are affecting him in stranger ways than they realize.
“I guess what I’m trying to say,” Steve continues, “Is that I treated you like shit and you didn’t deserve it, and I’m sorry about that.” he averts his gaze then and gestures vaguely in Eddie’s directly, “I mean, Henderson says your decent, and he’s usually a pretty good judge of character...” 
Eddie fails to repress a sardonic snort of laughter, though not at Steve so much as the concept of Dustin being a good judge of character when he's out here double teaming friendships with people who are meant to be enemies. 
“Is he though?” He presses.
Steve fails to repress a smirk and shrugs broad shoulders beneath torn, dingy denim.
“Yeah– well. The kid’s biased, anyway, he’s pretty much obsessed with you." He mutters, "It’s annoying as hell.”
It strikes Eddie that this is the first real conversation he’s ever had with Steve that didn’t involve him antagonizing him one way or another. 
Still, he can't help himself
“Don’t tell me Steve Harrington, arguable deposed King of Hawkins High, is jealous of the town freak?”
Steve pulls a face, brows pinched tight over his eyes and glares back at him.
“Don’t be a dick," He says, though his tone is oddly not malicious, "This is embarrassing for me, okay? I’m opening up here.”    
Part of him wants to hold Steve on the hook for it, out of some long-buried yearning for payback for all the shit he has put him through over the years, but in spite of everything and against his better judgment, Eddie suddenly feels a bizarre, misplaced fondness for the guy. 
You used to say that Steve was a mean girl with a God complex, but looking at him now, Eddie can see he's really never been much more than a big fish in a small pond.
Popular kids who don’t extend their shelf life by way of scholarships and collegiate glory tend to fizzle out and implode, and Eddie imagines that every day Steve spends in Hawkins, that little pond gets a little smaller, and he shines a little less brightly.
“So…" Eddie begins tentatively, crossing his arms over his chest and hugging his biceps, "You’ve been holding on to this for a long time, huh? The guilt?”
Steve mirrors his posture and casts his gaze down to his feet, shaking his head.
“You have no idea.” He chuckles.
Eddie scoffs.
“Don’t I?” He counters, “Guilt is my bread and butter, Man… I was raised on that shit.” 
He doesn't seem to know what to do with that knowledge. The sheer valley between their upbringings is evidently too wide a gap to bridge, so Steve pivots and yet again changes the subject.
“So, are you and the Psycho getting back together or what?”
It only takes Eddie half a moment to realize Steve is talking about you.
He gives him a terse look of warning, but when Steve raises his hands in an show of no offense, Eddie shrugs. 
Before he can think better about divulging the intricacies of his lingering heartbreak to the likes of Steve Harrington, the words come tumbling out. 
“I don’t know…” Eddie hums, “Things are pretty much fucked in that department.”
“What’s the problem?”
He swings his foot to kick at a rock, send it skittering across the forest floor, but remembers where they are and thinks better of it at the last moment, electing instead to roll in under his shoe as he passes it over.
“It just feels different now. Kind of like we’re just pretending…” 
Another one of those heavy pauses passes between them.
“Hey, listen, Man, I don’t wanna step on your toes or anything, but you guys broke up." Steve says, "Things are always gonna be different the second time around. That doesn’t make it any less real. Don’t be so goddamn cynical–” 
It's hardly a blow, but in spite of himself, Eddie bristles. He levels Steve with a hard, armored look. 
“Look, don’t patronize me, okay? I’ve got no delusions about what I did. I made my bed, now I’ve gotta be a big boy and burn it.”
“I don’t think that’s the saying.”
“You know what I mean.” He snaps.  
He supposes Steve means well, but Eddie can’t help but get defensive. It's like he said ... old habits and the like. 
Still, Steve meets his gaze stares back at him long enough to make him regret his tone. Long enough even to make Eddie uncomfortable with the proximity, and so he clears his throat, averting his gaze and staring down at his sneakers, tinged nearly black from the ichor of bat’s blood.
He realizes with a start that Steve is still barefoot and wonders how much further they've got to go before they're out of this mess. 
“Did you cheat on her?” Steve asks suddenly.
It hits Eddie like a fist to the gut.
“No,” He says immediately, feeling ever so slightly winded.
Steve nods then, pursing his lips like he understands what happened.
“Got in a fight and called her a bitch or something?” He says, "That's what did Tommy and Carol in–"
The notion makes Eddie's heart seize in his chest because beyond the fact that it makes him sick to have his relationship (or lack-thereof) compared to the likes of Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins, he would never stoop so low, no matter how angry he was, no matter what you did.
He may have been raised with a shocking lack of social skills, but Wayne had made damn sure that he knew better.
Of course, Steve could never know something like that, but he can’t help the way it leaves him bristling.  
Steve continues to nod slowly, then pauses a moment like he has to really process the information before he knows what to do with it.   
“What was it then?" He asks, "What’d you do?”
“Nothing –” Eddie insists, feeling suddenly foolish for how defensive he sounds because it wasn’t nothing and Steve can see that as well as anyone, “I broke up with her – and I was kind of a major prick about it… I mean, not just kind of… I was mean about it.”
He’s loath to admit it, but now that the stopper is out, it’s hard to put it back in, and the truth comes spilling out.
“... I got scared…” Eddie mumbles, crossing his arms tighter over his chest and reaching up to tug at a snarled lock of his hair.
“Scared of what?” 
Eddie exhales harshly under the duress of this bizarre interrogation, hating the way he can feel his guts seizing up. When he got in the boat that evening, he didn't expect he was going to have to relieve all the mistakes of his recent past.
“Jesus, what are you some kind of cop? You’re kind of intense, you know that?”
Steve rolls his eyes and makes a chattering little mouth of his hand to mimic Eddie’s whining.
“Quit deflecting and just answer the goddamn question, Munson – what scared you bad enough to end your annoyingly perfect relationship?”
He could almost laugh out loud at the concept of Steve not only referring to his relationship with you as perfect, but apparently to the point of being annoyed by it. 
“Perfect relationship?” Eddie splutters, “What the hell are you talking about?”  
“Come on, Man – she and I used to run in the same circle, remember? I was there when you showed up. Don’t pretend you didn’t come in and sweep her off her feet like something out of a goddamn movie.”
It takes Eddie a moment longer than he'd like to admit to realize Steve is teasing him. Once again, he doesn't know what to do with that information.
Finally, Steve prods him sharply in the chest in a way that could almost be construed as good natured.
“What happened with you two?”
“Nothing happened…" Eddie insists, and wills himself to shut up about it after that, but now that he’s started he can’t stop, "That’s the problem." Goddammit. "It was the same as it always was and I started getting scared that it was getting too good to last … that she was gonna wake up one day and realize everybody’s right about me.” 
The silence the follows is deafening with Eddie's confession hanging in the air between them. He braces himself for a tirade of teasing and razzing and all the other kinds of verbal abuse he can expect from anyone else in this town, but instead Steve just nods sagely.
“So you pushed her away – hurt her before she could hurt you and inadvertently proved that everybody is right about you? That sound about right?”
It's the kind of observation he might have expected Wayne to make, if he'd actually had to stones to open up to him about what happened with you like this, and it leaves Eddie reeling.
Well… what do you know, turns out Steve Harrington is actually pretty goddamn insightful.  
For lack of anything better to do and more than just a little bit indignant at being so easily read, Eddie stuffs his hands into his pockets and pushes his shoulders up toward his ears.  
“Pretty much.” He sniffs.
“You fucked up,” Steve says matter-of-factly.
“Sure did.”    
“...And what about that makes it so unforgivable that things are never going to be okay again? How come she's never gonna forgive you?”    
Eddie shrugs and wonders idly how getting trapped in another dimension had turned into receiving a lecture about love.
“Because I broke her heart.”
Steve scoffs.  
“Nah, that’s bullshit.” He says, dismissing the notion with a flippant wave, “It’s a speed bump."
Eddie realizes too late he's staring at Steve when he quirks one of those thick eyebrows at him.
"What, you’ve never gone over a speed bump? No way, I've seen the way you drive." He says, and then all the teasing goes out of him and he becomes the one things Eddie never expected to see, sincere.
"Listen," Steve starts, "I know for whatever reason you can’t see it, but ask anyone here – she’s crazy about you, Man. Trust me. Apologize for whatever you said, or whatever you didn’t say – don’t roll your eyes, that goes a long way with girls – and let her know how you feel.”
Eddie shakes his head, more than a little frustrated that he could think it’s as simple as that, like he hasn’t tried apologizing again and again and blanketing you in his affection – smothering you, more like. 
“I’ve told her, Man,” He sighs, "Over and over again..." 
“So you tell her again. Keep trying until something sticks. It’s all you can do.” 
He supposes if he really sat down to think about it, it's as good advice as any.
Still, he can’t wrap his head around the fact that he’s standing there getting unsolicited relationship advice from Steve Harrington, who’d once spectacularly thrown him into a dumpster behind the movie theatre.
He reaches out and claps him on the shoulder, and Eddie fails to suppress a flinch.
“You guys are gonna be fine – hey, who’s the expert here?” 
“I’m sorry …Expert?” Eddie snorts. 
Steve shrugs like it wasn’t the dorkiest thing anyone has ever said in the history of mankind. 
“Yeah, they don’t call me the Love Doctor for nothing.”
Nevermind, that’s the dorkiest thing anyone has ever said or will ever say in the history of mankind and the world forever. 
Harrington, Steve: Fucking jerk Not so bad, I guess. Worshipped by Henderson. Doesn’t know who Ozzy Osbourne is. Total fucking cheeseball.
Eddie cannot wait to tell you about this. 
“Nobody calls you that.” He’s almost giddy as he says it.   
Steve dismisses the notion with a flippant wave of his hand. 
“That’s not the point, the point is trust me. I’ve been around the block — I know crazy when I see it, and that girl? Totally crazy about you, and I mean certifiably bat shit…”
Eddie shrugs.
“You aren’t wrong – she’s pretty much nuts.”  
“Hey, crazy’s not always a bad thing…” Steve says, and Eddie follows his gaze up the path to where the girls walk far ahead of them, blazing the trail.
He can't help but notice the faintest hint of longing pass across Steve's face, and Eddie feels his face begin to split in a wry smile.
“You know, Nancy’s pretty fucking crazy, diving in after you like that?" Eddie starts, "I mean, you wanna talk about what’s real? That’s as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen.”
He forces himself to swallow the bitter lump swelling in his throat and along with it the silent wish that he could somehow be different, be better, be a version of himself worth going after that like that.
Eddie clears his throat to banish the notion.
"You sure this isn’t some elaborate scheme to win her back?”
“No.” Steve says firmly, “Absolutely not.”
Eddie is not convinced - he gives a lopsided shrug.
“Well, I sure hope it isn’t Buckley you’re trying to impress, because I think you’ll find you’re barking up the wrong tree with that one.”
Steve's head snaps around so quickly that he's half surprised it didn't twist all the way around to the other side.
“What?" He yelps, "No, I mean – no. Look, let’s get one thing straight, Robin and I are completely – we’re just friends and I would never… h-how do you know about–? I mean… what do you mean?”
Eddie can’t help but roll his eyes at Steve’s fumbling attempt to stop himself from what he can only assume is outing Robin.
It’s noble, to be sure, and he’s got to give him credit for that, but Eddie’s no fool. Even if she hadn’t outright told him, he’s lived long enough in Wayne’s company to recognize the signs of a closeted person living in a conservative midwestern town, faint as they may be.  
"What do you mean?" Eddie counters.  
The question seems enough to stagger Steve, though not for the obvious reasons, it would seem.
“Nothing." He says quickly.
"You sure about that?"
"This isn’t about Robin, okay? It’s about Nancy – I mean – no, it’s not! But even if it was… look, it doesn’t matter because she’s with Jonathan now, and they seem… fine…” 
Eddie stops short and reels on Steve, causing him to stagger a step in an attempt to keep from crashing into him. 
In the distance, Robin and Nancy continue on none the wiser.
Eddie drops his tone and leans in to invade Steve's personal space. Steve inches back ever so slightly, out of impulse, he imagines, and Eddie smirks.
“And yet, you will notice that Jonathan is conspicuously absent from this endeavor.” He says slowly, quiet enough that Steve is hanging on his every word.  
He lets the notion hang between them, breathe a little, and waits to see if Steve will catch on.
He doesn’t, he just gives him another one of those quizzical looks as the yawning chasm of Jonathan Byers's absence grows louder and louder, and Nancy disappears further up the path. 
Eddie tilts his head toward Steve and raises his brows, willing him to understand.
He only knows Jonathan in passing, and from one social pariah with a mean daddy to another, he typically commiserates with him to a degree. He might feel bad about failing to discourage such behavior, but some opportunities are not worth passing up.
If Jonathan is the type of guy to stay out in California and leave his girlfriend to spend spring break swimming in Steve Harrington-infested waters, that’s his poor decision to make.
If it were you, and you had some stupid new boyfriend off in another state, Eddie would not hesitate. He'd go and bang down your door.
Steve shakes his head, still failing to see what Eddie is practically spelling out for him, and he wonders with a brief astonishment whether he could really be that dense. 
“What do you –” He starts, then stops as it dawns on him, and his eyes go wide, “Wait… did she say something?” 
Eddie shrugs and stalks off. 
“Not to me,” he calls over his shoulder, casually lengthening his stride in order to catch up to Nancy and Robin. 
It leaves Steve standing dumbfounded at the revelation, and in an instant, he’s scrambling to catch up. 
“Do you think Nance is into me?” He asks, and then when Eddie doesn’t respond, “Hey… Eddie–!”
Eddie laughs.
“You tell me. You’re the Love Doctor.” 
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moosemonstrous · 6 months
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - personal space
Turns out, staying in drift with multiple tons of a highly sophisticated robot for hours at a time gives you a bad case of sea legs.
“Oi, watch out!” One of the techs catches Robbie before he hits the cockpit floor. He’s graduated from control room to the inside of the Conn-Pod, which mostly means there is a lot less space for all the people upgrading the hardware and drawing out plans for removing the other pilot console. “I think you had enough for one shift.”
What, already? “I can–“ But he can’t, because they removed his helmet and he might be sick just from trying to look at someone without seeing the whole hangar at the same time. “Ugh.”
The tech laughs and waves over colleagues to help her unscrew Robbie from the makeshift rigging. In a real fight, he’d have been thrown across the pod on the first hit, but it works well enough to let him move The Charger around the bay. It takes three people with power drills to extract him, and two to effectively carry him out of the cockpit, where Cho and Stark have their monitoring station set up on the walkway.
“Whoa, what’s going on?” Stark demands when the techs deposit Robbie on the crate Cho is currently using as a bed. “I didn’t see a seizure, what’s–“
“He’s exhausted, boss,” the tech points at Robbie, who’s too focused on keeping his head from rolling off his neck to defend himself. As soon as he’s down, two nurses descend to check his eyes and to attach a mini-EEG to his temples. More people have touched him in the last twenty four hours than possibly his entire life up to this point, and if he wasn’t so nauseous he’d be feeling some kind of way about it. “Besides, look at the countdown. Canelo says we need at least six hours to get the wiring sorted. Might as well follow Cho’s example.”
“Right,” Robbie can’t see what Stark is doing, but judging by the deep sigh he doesn’t have it in him to argue, either. “Right, good shout. Yeah, let’s— When did he conk out?”
“An hour ago,” one of the nurses says in a way that promises to cut off Stark’s caffeine access.
“I thought it got quiet. Hey, Reyes, how’re you feeling? Nothing new popped? Brain all good?”
Robbie cracks open his bad eye to look at him over the nurse’s shoulder. He didn’t realise he’d closed them. “Fine. I think.”
“Thinking is a good indicator!” Stark exclaims, throwing his hands up. The enthusiasm makes him look ten years younger. “Go get some chow. Pam, make sure he doesn’t collapse in a hallway somewhere, Jen would eat one of my important organs.”
“I’m fine, I’m just—” Robbie presses his feet into the metal surface of the walkway. His knees feel detached, but less like they won’t hold if he tries to stand. “Just need a minute.”
“You need to sleep,” the nurse – Pam – waggles a finger on his face. “We’ve set up the old Horizon Bravo quarters—”
“No,” he protests. It’s half five. He can just make it, if his legs cooperate. “No, I need to go get my brother. He starts school at seven.” An exchange of significant glances occurs over his head. “I’ll be back after drop off. I’ll grab some food on the way.“
Lisa very kindly offered to help Gabe get ready in the morning when Robbie was told to come back to the hangar for the fifth shift to continue testing. He doesn’t mind leaving his brother to sleep on his own – he could never really afford to – but something about having a virtual stranger take over on such a short notice doesn’t sit right with him.
“Amadeus said you sorted it out,” Stark says, like he suspects he’s being had. It takes Robbie a moment to figure out he’s referring to Cho.
“In case I can’t make it back.” Robbie refuses to back down under his stare. “I can. So I will.”
“…Sure, whatever.” Stark makes eyebrows at Pam the Nurse before turning around to address everyone around: “Alright people, countdown is on fifteen hours! Pilot’s going to catch a snooze, everyone else get on the Conn-Pod while it’s free!”
“Did you not sleep at all?” Gabe yawns while Robbie collects a change of clothes. Parading through the support side in the undersuit made him feel half-naked and he’s not keen on repeating the experience. “Robbie, you have to sleep.”
“I know, buddy.” He’s also not keen on letting Lisa and Pam wait outside for too long. Lisa showed up despite Robbie texting her it was alright, ‘just in case’. “It’s just because the countdown is low, okay? Things will even out soon.”
After the next demon. Jesus, what is his life. If Gabe catches the implication, he doesn’t comment on it, so Robbie gets on with peeling the undersuit off. It’s much harder to do after sweating in it for eight hours and belatedly he realises that’s why you should’ve used that baby powder.
“What’s that?”
When he turns to look over his shoulder, Gabe’s pointing at his back, brows drawn together in concern. Does it show? Does what show? He feels along his shoulder blades as far as he can bend his arm, but other than sweat, nothing is there.
“What’s what?”
“It’s red. Like squiggles, but straight.”
He crouches down to let Gabe draw lines down his spine with his fingers. He still can’t feel anything out of order. “Picture,” Gabe makes a grabby hand for Robbie’s phone.
There are indeed lines of red blotches along his spine. Just skin irritation; something deep in Robbie’s chest releases in relief. Nothing to worry about. Probably just pressure from the spinal clamp. Yeah, those things dig in after a while.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he ruffles Gabe’s hair to his loud displeasure. “The drivesuit left some marks, that’s all.”
“Robbie, are you really going to fight the demon?”
Robbie knows every single expression Gabe has ever made better than his own face. He can tell whether his brother is happy or not, whether he needs space or coaxing, whether everything around him is too much or not enough – the one thing in life he thinks he’s definitely an expert in. But he’s never seen him look like this before. Like he’s afraid to be excited.
“No, I’m just–“ he searches for the right word. “The jaeger isn’t ready, and I’ve not had enough training. I’ll just be protecting the base.” Unless you grow some balls between now and go time. “I’m not doing anything risky, alright? It will probably be really boring.”
Are you kidding? You get to pilot the best-looking jaeger in the line-up and you expect it to be boring? God, he hopes it will be boring. There is a non-zero chance the demon won’t go for Hong Kong at all, and The Charger won’t even come off the suspension rack. He doesn’t want his first job to end up in a disaster because he has no goddamn clue what he’s doing. I know what I’m doing. That’s more than enough.
“I bet it will be really cool,” Gabe smiles encouragingly. Robbie blinks away the alien sense of puffed-up confidence he definitely hasn’t earned. “Lisa said we might go into a bunker. We’ve never been in a bunker before.”
Not that Gabe remembers, at least. “I can still take you to school, you know.”
“You,” Gabe puts his palm against his chest, “need to,” and powers his wheelchair to push Robbie towards the bunk bed: “sleep!”
Despite his insistence, Robbie doesn’t let him just leave. Pam is still waiting outside the door when he unlocks the ramp down to the corridor level. Her and Lisa must have made fast friends, because they abruptly stop talking as soon as they see Robbie. He has no reason to suspect they were talking about him, but two women going quiet and smiling like that never spelled anything good in my life before. Did he put his t-shirt on backwards or something?
“Morning! Are you ready to go?” Lisa grins at Gabe, who squeezes Robbie’s hand before letting go to roll his chair down to her side.
“I have time, I could–“ he starts, but Pam smacks him in the chest with a plastic bag. It smells faintly like bread. The look on her face dares him to finish the sentence.
“We can make it to CC on our own, right Gabe?” Lisa has a hand on Gabe’s shoulder. She and Pam exchange a conspiratorial glance, and Robbie barely gets a hug goodbye before his brother rides away without him.
Pam has enough mercy to let him stand in the doorway for a couple more minutes. “It’s half six,” she observes eventually like she’s commenting on the weather. “Eat the food, all of it. The outfitters expected you to have gained more weight by now.”
When Robbie peeks into the bag, it contains at least two doughnuts. “There’s a pager in there, too. If you aren’t asleep by eight, ping it, someone will come give you downers.”
She gives him a pitying look. “You need at least five hours. You did well up there, but if you end up out in the ocean, you could be drifting for a very long time. Eat, sleep, and don’t show your face up in the dome until the third shift, no matter what R&D say. Got it?”
Robbie grits his teeth. “Eat, sleep, come back for third shift,” he mutters. “Got it.”
Pam smirks. “Another sunny one.” She pushes him again until he’s fully inside the bunk room and shuts the door behind her. Bitch.
He really needs to rest. Next thing he knows, he’ll be squaring up to Dr Montesi.
...Next time he wakes up, it will be to really pilot a jaeger. Out of the Shatterdome, with a demon due within hours.
Cheer up, kid. What's the worst that could happen?
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A quick yes or no to avoid spoilers is fine, unlees you'd like to expand. Do you think the story will continue on past Aizen, or stop there? iirc, you said you weren't familiar with the later arcs, so i was wondering if you'd decided to say fuck it, i do what i want with what i know (we love and support u) or something else.
Oh nah Aizen is like the halfway point I've been having fun entirely restructuring the Quincy arc this shit is gonna be BALLER.
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