#the entire thing is made up of foreign students’ work btw
awek-s · 11 days
the person editing my piece for the anthology put my work through a translator…… 😣
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
Me debunking astrology generalizations and misconceptions or smth idk...
Squares and oppositions aren't pure evil. 
I can't believe I have to say this because I thought ya'll have learnt the characteristics of every aspect but here we are. Nothing in astrology is black and white. And I saw some ridiculous statements (not necessary here on tumblr) that said things like "if your Venus squares someone's ascendant then you don't find that person attractive AT ALL". Or "Mars square Mercury people can't speak politely and have an annoying voice". Like????? First of all, that's ridiculous. Second of all, square in not "everything bad" just like trine is not "everything amazing". Squares bring tension, which leads to motivation, they’re stimulating; sometimes excitement or charisma; sometimes they can make you overdo things. I'm not saying they're oh-so-marvelous because the challenges are still there, but they're not as bad as people paint them to be. Squares happen between two signs that are in the same modality so they have a bunch of things in common. Besides, some of them (Sagi-Pisces and Gemini-Virgo) are ruled by the same planet so there's a special type of chemistry between those (especially when applied to synastry). Oppositions work in two ways, planets either meet in the middle - opposite signs usually complete each other and fuel each other up. And worse case scenario? Natally this means being pulled in two different directions; synastry-wise, you can completely miss each other like two passing cars - so there may be some misunderstandings but I don't think that's the end of the world... And, as per usual, may be mitigated by other positive aspects.
This is me debunking other people's attempts at debunking Sun sign compatibility. 
Sun IS very important but when people ask about compatibility and go with Suns... and then someone tries to be a smartass and debunk the "compatible-incompatible" and does the same thing without even realizing it. Like, "oh I actually see a lot of Aries and Pisces having amazing relationships because *insert someting that is a total stretch and refers to their Sun sign traits*"... But you seem to forget that they're neighbouring signs... which means they probably have personal planets in those neighbouring signs... which means they're compatible not because of some made-up stuff that you're trying to come up with but because their other planets are compatible with each other. But you're still feeding into the Sun sign compatibility talk. (So like, what I'm trying to also say, yes, the entire synastry chart comes into play; Also, side note, everyone can get along on some level if they’re mature enough).
Planet in a sign is NOT the same as planet in the house. 
There may be some overlaps in some of the sign-houses associations (like in the overall energy; like for example, it sort of makes sense that 3rd, 7th and 11th are referred to as “air houses” because they’re the most social) but in NO WAY there are similarities between planet house position and the "ruling" sign. That association started a few decades ago and some would say that NOT linking houses with signs is a purely traditional approach. But there’s plenty of professional modern astrologers with 20/30/40-year experience who still differentiate between sign/house position... because they know (and have learnt along the way) that there’s a huge difference.
I'll give you 3 quick examples: Gemini planets and 3rd house planets both may put emphasis on communication, mental stimulation and gathering data. But Geminis are often scattered in their approach, they may be easily distracted, may be indecisive, may be jack of all trades and talkative jokesters. They actually hate routines and dullness. "Spice it up" is probably a Gemini's philosophy. Now 3rd house planets may indicate you actually LIKE doing things on the regular - like running errands every other day in the mornings or going to that one specific coffee shop to pick up a snack. You may actually work in logistics or as a postman (especially if your chart ruler or MC ruler is in the 3rd). Planets in the 3rd talk about your siblings, neighbours or school experiences - like having Venus in the 3rd may point to positive experiences within those areas - something Gemini Venus has nothing in common.
Venus in the 9th can study at an art/beauty or fashion school (or even teach there if the MC is involved); can be very attached to spiritual and religious matters; can also find love in a foreign land. But imagine it being in Taurus - rather shy, needing those stable values to feel secure, being an exceptionally great student at that art school thanks to its domicile. Venus in Sagittarius on the other hand, likes adventure, things being shaken up from time to time, lightheartedness and exploration. But what if we flip the scenario and that Sag Venus is in the 2nd house. This can denote earing money through travelling and looking for ways to expand but in a financial matters.
Continuing with the Venus examples, having Venus in Aries is completely different than Venus in the 1st. What do people usually say about Venus in the 1st? That it makes the native charming, lovely, well-put together, with great manners, maybe beautiful, graceful, maybe a bit shallow. When in Aries? None of these characteristics fit, on top of that, it's in its detriment. Our poor gal Venus is uncomfortable and confused in Aries. She's like, "conquer? Swords? Selfishness? Obnoxiousness? Sparring? You're telling me to fight people? What am I doing here???" 
And I'll leave you here with that cause those examples weren’t that quick lol and in fact, I could give you a 100 of those. Besides, this actually inspired a 3-page rant that I've already posted not so long ago that you can read HERE.
There's no such thing as "more accurate" astrology. 
Both western and vedic are valid. Both can show you the same things. JUST KEEP THEM SEPARATE AND DON'T MIX THEM WITH EACH OTHER. And don't say things like "sidereal shows your soul" - omg I saw this statement soooo many times, who the hell even came up with this?! Actually, if anything, it's the modern western approach that "psychologized" (yea I just made up a word, you mad?) astrology while Jyotish still sticks to the very real "here and now", sometimes fatalistic predictions of how exactly your life is going to roll out... But hey, reach for hellenistic methods and they can tell you the same things, just with different tools. So no, they do not show different things, it's just their language is different.
If you say you don't identify with your chart then you're just reading it wrong.
This partially connects to the last one in some ways... Switching to a different astrology or different charts is not a solution. Learn how to read your natal. If you say it doesn’t describe you, I can guarantee you that you haven’t studied it properly. (Now this hasn't turned into a rant yet but I may actually do a whole-ass post on this because if I start elaborating on it now I'll end up with another 3-page essay).
Learn how and when to generalize. Also learn how to take generalizations. 
I understand that you have to pick up on every single thing separately in order to put everything together. It's like learning a new language: first you need to learn individual words and then you need to know the proper grammar to create a full sentence. This is 100% understandable and necessary, but it's important to take the entire thing into consideration. And this goes for all branches of astrology, but I guess it's especially annoying with synastry. This, again, comes down to the very black and white approach. You know, like when you see those long paragraphs where people elaborate on all the intricacies of Venus-Pluto aspects or whatever as if that one thing was determining the entire relationship between two people. (Side note, no shade but some of ya'll should start writing fiction or poetry cause the amount of fluffy speech and waffle that I see floating around here on tumblr is insane sometimes). Why are you wording everything as a make it or break it type of situation? And on the receiving end - learn how to take *properly phrased* generalizations constructively. Example: it IS a rule that Aries is a competitive one, maybe you're not one of them (for many reasons) but don't make a fuss about someone saying this. It IS a basic rule that energies of the same sign in two people are going to get along (well that depends on the planets involved but I digress), if that, for some other reasons, doesn't apply to you, don't go yelling that it's bullcrap because you hate people of the same sign. You know? Like, learn the difference.
I had a mini-rant on this one a while ago, but I think this deserves a constant reminder (and refers to the last point), I don't want to see any more posts that would say things like "xxx house placements will bring you suffering" or "stay away from people with planets in your xxx house" or, even worse, making a (completely untrue btw) prediction based on one single thing like "someone with so-and-so aspect is going to harm you". And you're so casual about it??? You know there are sensitive people in the world. Learn some ethics. Learn some counseling skills. Don't be ignorant. Don't throw these random stuff at people just like that. And learn some actual astrology cause most of these aren't even closely describing that particual aspect. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
Ok now I'm pissed again.
Studying astrology and believing in free will doesn’t go well together.
It's not just psychological and spiritual. It's useful to know that western astrology made it like that because there were still people threatening astrologers for using it as a divination tool. So they moved away from the predictive/deterministic aspect of it. Now, I'm not here to change anyone's beliefs cause that's a very personal thing that everyone should develop on their own. But once you start diving deeper into astrology you'd notice that there's a heavy emphasis on fatedness and things being predetermined. That includes both the good and the bad stuff and you should learn to accept that. And with the bad things specifically, let's not excuse it with some "oh that was an opportunity for growth". Like yea, maybe, occasionally??? But just acknowledge that sometimes things happen not because there was a deeper meaning in them... but because you have a Pluto-Mars conjunction in the 6th that makes an applying square to your chart ruler and you were going through a profection year where Mars was your time lord and it transited that chart ruler while making a conjunction with Neptune so you were attacked by a baby crocodile while swimming and it bit off your toe and you got a nasty infection and that’s it (I just made that up btw, I don't actually know anyone who was attacted by a crocodile). So like, sometimes shit just happens and there's nothing psychological about it. Also, I bet your free will didn't want to be attacked by that croc.
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omoi-no-hoka · 4 years
Hello! I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how do you become proficient at handling conversations in Japanese/handling grammar very well? I read your post on the JLPT, and it addressed issues I have been tip toe-ing around--indeed, passive actions such as listening or reading are easier than the active ones. How did you go about that? Did you write a bunch of sentences daily? Did you have a conversation partner? What would you rec. to someone who lives outside Japan? Thank you!
This is an excellent question, and one that I get asked a lot irl by Japanese people in particular. Let’s talk about gaining fluency and the ways we can go about it!
How to Gain Fluency in Japanese (and Other Languages)
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Speaking Fluency versus Accuracy
Language proficiency is divided into two separate categories:
Fluency: Although there are no widely agreed-upon definitions or measures of language fluency, someone is typically said to be fluent if their use of the language appears fluid, or natural, coherent, and easy as opposed to slow, halting use. In other words, fluency is often described as the ability to produce language on demand and be understood.
Accuracy: Correctness of language use, especially grammatical correctness and word choice.
By the above definitions, a “fluent” speaker may make grammatical mistakes, but they can speak without having to stop and think too much about conjugations, word choice, etc.
An “accurate” speaker can speak with nearly zero grammatical/word choice mistakes. However, the speed of their utterances isn’t generally taken into account, so it could take an “accurate” person twice as long to articulate the same idea as a “fluent” person. 
Ideally, you need to strike a good balance between these two qualities when speaking. I have a boss, God bless him, who is 100% fluency and 0% accuracy and…man is it hard to understand what he’s saying sometimes, but he can generally get his point across just barely. I have another coworker who is 100% accuracy and takes about 3 minutes to form a sentence because he wants it to be perfect. 
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How to Increase Speaking/Writing Accuracy
First, let’s talk about the easiest thing to improve, which is accuracy. It’s also (in my opinion) the least fun thing to improve, because it means grammar books and vocabulary memorization. 
You can only use a language accurately if you know what is correct and what is incorrect, and you can only learn that by studying grammar and vocabulary (or if you’re a native speaker and picked it up innately, you lucky bastard).
So here’s some things you can do to increase your accuracy:
For example, if you’re having a hard time using the passive, you need to review that part of your textbook and find some exercises to drill it into your head. 
Say the correct thing aloud. Lots. Sometimes I just walk around my apartment and narrate everything I see/do like a crazy person, but that’s good practice. 
Write example sentences using the grammar you’re struggling with and say them aloud too. 
There’s a bunch of cool apps that connect you with native speakers that can help correct you too! I used to use HelloTalk, I think. 
If you’re a creative soul, when I was studying for the JLPT, I took 1 grammar point and 5 vocabulary words from my JLPT study books and used them to write a 2-page short story about the adventures of ネギ, a stray black cat that smelled like green onions because she napped in an onion field. Then I had a Japanese friend check it over for me and mark mistakes. I hand-wrote them to improve my abysmal handwriting at the same time. It was really fun! I sometimes think about doing it again just for funsies.
When someone corrects you, don’t feel like your entire life is over and you’re a failure and you’ll never get it right haha. I’ve seen people fall into that hopeless mindset, and that’s just nonsense. It’s a good opportunity for learning and nothing more! Say the correct thing you’ve just been taught out loud, then write it down if you can. And, if possible, find a chance to use it in conversation asap.
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How to Increase Speaking/Writing Fluency
Now this is the hard one. Especially for those learners who do not have native speakers nearby. 
I’m going to be dead honest with you. I started formally studying Japanese at uni, and I had a Japanese roommate/best friend since year one. I had a 4.0 GPA in my Japanese classes (and only my Japanese classes lol) because I was and still am a MEGA NERD about it. 
...But it wasn’t until I studied abroad in Japan my 4th year of uni that I gained fluency. 
There are a lot of things that can hold us back from fluency. An interesting thing I’ve noted is that Foreign Language is perhaps the only subject in which a student’s personality can directly affect their progress. To gain fluency, you have to go forth and speak, but if you are naturally a shy person, that is going to hinder you. If you are the kind of person who takes mistakes/failures poorly, you will be less likely to take risks and try to say harder sentences. In contrast, you can get full marks in math regardless of the above personality traits. 
I’m not saying that you have to be an outgoing explosion of a human being in order to gain fluency. But what I am saying is that you have to be willing to seek out conversations, and you have to be willing to take chances. Get out of your comfort zone. Use that new word you picked up the other day. Try to explain something that is difficult for you. 
My problem was that, while I lived with a native speaker who would have happily taught me anything I asked, her English proficiency was much higher than my Japanese proficiency. And when I struggled to say something in Japanese, I’d fall back onto English. And when she told me something I didn’t understand in Japanese, she’d repeat it in English instead of Japanese, because that was easier for us both. The same thing happened when I was in Japanese class as well. I always had the assurance that I could fall back on English.
But when I elected to study abroad in Japan for 3 months, I knew that this was my big chance. So on the host family form in the “other requests” area, I wrote that I specifically wanted a host family that could not speak English. I was setting fire to my crutches, and I was scared but excited to see them burn. 
By the end of my three months in Japan, I had gone from “Chotto matte kudasai” and needing a minute to form my reply, to “Okay, yeah I see that movie too and I liked the action scenes, but I didn’t care for the story little.” (I’ve underlined mistakes that I would have made in Japanese, to show you that I sacrificed some accuracy to obtain higher fluency.)
So, in short, the easiest and quickest way to increase your spoken fluency is to throw away all the crutches you can and use the language as much as possible. Every single day. Even if you’re just having an imaginary conversation with yourself! And like I said, there are a bunch of cool apps that connect you with Japanese people who want to learn English and you can do language exchanges with them. I had a lot of fun with those in the past. 
As for increasing writing fluency...well. That’s a tough question with Japanese, because I can type Japanese at like 100 wpm, but my Japanese handwriting fluency is at a 10/100. I can read and type at the level of a native Japanese high school student, but I can only write the kanji that 7 year old can write. That’s no exaggeration.
The big reason for that dichotomy is that my work is paper-free. 100% of my work is done on screen, so about the only time I have to write out something is when I’m filling out a form, which includes my name (katakana), address, and maybe occupation. 
If you want to increase your Japanese handwriting speed, just keep on writing. Write those little short stories about ネギ like I did, or find some writing prompts (I just started a side-blog with writing prompts yesterday btw) or keep a little diary. Make opportunities to write. 
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How to Have Nice Handwriting in Japanese
Okay, full disclaimer: I am the absolute LAST person qualified to talk about this, because I have awful handwriting in Japanese. 
Unless you have prior experience with a different language that uses kanji, or you lack the keen eye of an artist, you will likely struggle to develop neat handwriting. 
Personally, I really like using this app called Japanese Kanji Sensei. It’s on Android (not sure about iOS), and if you pay just a few bucks you can make your own kanji sets and stuff. Anyways, it will show you how to write the characters prettily. It gives you a good frame of reference for what nice, pencil/pen-written characters (versus calligraphy characters). It has hiragana and katakana on it too!
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I get a stylus and write out the characters on this app for the muscle memory, so my hands remember the sensation of writing a certain character. (The muscle memory is different if you only use your fingertip.) This muscle memory and repetition is how Japanese people learn how to internalize kanji as well. I really enjoy and recommend this app. I’m sure that there are others out there like it too.
TL;DR: Review your textbooks, take risks, use every resource available or make your own, and just have fun with it! 💗
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svtxsoju · 4 years
➼ soju + yakult | miss soju’s advice
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Miss Soju is Pouring... 
for soju and yakult shots: pour equal parts soju, yakult, and sprite into a pitcher and stir well. best served cold. if you are new to drinking, this sweet concoction is definitely easier to swallow down than just straight soju. it’ll also make you feel like you’re at recess with your playground crush! (please drink responsibly)
Welcome to the first ever entry of the Dear Miss Soju advice column! Though it’s only our second week back, it seems like some students have already ventured into the wondrous (and stressful) world of college romance. I have to say my sympathies especially goes out to the freshman, who are now trying to figure out the ropes of college while dealing with their aching hearts. 
That’s why I’m here to help you take that first intimidating sip of love. Pour yourself a shot and let’s talk New Love and Confessions!
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① Dear Miss Soju, 
I just started my first year at MU and she’s an exchange student from New York. We met at a party and talked for two hours about comics, aliens, anything we could think of. It was perfect. She even asked me to walk her home. When the time came for me to make a move though, I kind of dropped the ball. Since we had just met that night, I didn’t want to come off too strong. Now I really regret it - I don’t even have her phone number. I feel like such an idiot! I can’t stop thinking about her, but I don’t even know if I’ll ever talk to her again. Did I make myself seem disinterested? Will we meet again? Will she even remember me?
Han Solo
Dear Han Solo,
You got some really big questions for me there! Now I could tell you that you will most definitely meet again if you really are fated to be, phone number exchanges be damned, but then I would be lying. Mansae University has a big campus and there’s really no guarantee that you’ll serendipitously meet each other again like you’re in an episode of ‘Crash Landing on You’. 
Luckily, you’ll probably have an easier time finding her knowing that she’s here on exchange. MU’s exchange program is pretty close-knit, so if you do some snooping around, I think you’d find your dream girl soon enough.You’re probably thinking ‘Miss Soju, what if she thinks I’m creepy?’ Well, it all just depends on how you go about it, Han Solo. I’m only telling you to go find her because a two hour conversation about your favorite things and a walk home seems evidence enough that you just made a small fumble that night. If, however, she tells you that you’ve been kidding yourself and that she was just being nice, then leave her the f**k alone! It’s that easy.
Honestly though, I think you’re just being really hard on yourself. I can’t promise that it will all work out between the two of you once you find her. What I can promise is that you won’t feel any better by whining on your butt about it. So go do something about it!
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② Dear Miss Soju, 
Hi! I’m kind of nervous to be sending this in, but this has been driving me insane all summer, so here goes nothing. This past summer, I had broken up with my boyfriend, and because of this I was flunking all my classes. One day in the middle of the semester, we suddenly got a new TA and well, one look at him and all the solutions to my problems were all too easy, so I asked him to privately tutor me. With each session, we started to talk about non-academic topics, and I felt myself falling deeper and deeper for his contagious laugh and oh, those dreamy eyes. He is honestly such a sweetheart! I really want to be more than his friend and he’s sending signs that he wants that too. This must sound super simple and cliche to you, but I just don’t know how to move forward! Should I wait for him to say something first or should I make the first move? Please help!
Blushing Crush
Dear Blushing Crush,
I’m so glad that you decided to write even though you were nervous! If I’m being honest, your situation is not an uncommon one. If you read the rest of this article, you’ll find there was one other person whose question was eerily similar to yours. But that just goes to show that having a crush is never simple and plenty of people need some gentle guidance in the right direction. Lucky for you, you can consider me your personal tutor for the subject of romance. I don’t know if I’ll measure up to Dreamy Eyes (I hope that his ~tutoring~ helped you pass that class btw), but I’ll definitely help you ace this crush! Since you claim your story is cliche, why not take the unexpected route? I mean, it’s the end of September! Both of you are stuck at neutral, waiting for the other to shift gears. If you feel he’s giving you signals, I say follow them and gun that accelerator. It might be nerve-wracking at first, but I promise you will feel so relieved that you took the initiative. 
Also, I hope this response has eased your nerves about writing to me. There is no crisis too simple or too cliche - everyone starts somewhere!
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③ Dear Miss Soju,
My story is pretty simple: I like someone, but I haven’t told them yet. We met at the department welcome party last week and they sat beside me the entire time and even took some shots for me when I kept losing at the drinking games. I mean, it was basically love at first sight. They’re probably the most beautiful, kindest person I’ve ever met and I think that they deserve an amazing and memorable confession. But for the life of me, I  can’t seem to think of the perfect way to let them know that I feel this way. Do I write it in the sky? Do I name a highway after them? Please help me, this is my last resort for ideas.
Jazz Hands
Dear Jazz Hands, 
Wow, one week in and you’re already ready to risk it all for this person! At the risk of sounding like a simp, I think this is one of the cutest requests I’ve gotten this week. Your life sounds like a teenage romantic comedy in real life; I’m just waiting for the part where Noah Centineo busts in to sweep you off your feet. 
That being said, a week is a pretty short time leading up to a confession. Let it be known that rom-coms still have their fair share of cringe-worthy angst leading up to the climax, and your story has barely even begun. It sounds like you barely know them, which is probably why you’re having such a hard time planning out your confession. There is definitely no shame in skipping the rom-com tropes and simply getting to know your beloved a little more, while building your relationship with them. In real life, it takes a little more time to build all that juicy tension that ends in an explosive kiss in the rain (and maybe a lil something more after if you’re into that). 
HOWEVER, if you insist on confessing as soon as possible, I think a simple “I like you’ would suffice. Maybe even get them a rose from the flower shop near campus. Both of you sound like some of the sweetest people at Mansae U, so I think your crush will appreciate the sentiment no matter how extravagant your confession is! 
Really though, you should probably just talk to them more.
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④ Dear Miss Soju,
First, let me say I am so excited about this column! I am somewhat inexperienced, so I’m usually embarrassed to ask my friends for help since they’re all so much more outgoing than me. I’m glad to have a place where I can freely ask my noob questions without getting weird stares. I’ve always been somewhat shyer, but this summer, I met a guy that made me want to get out of my comfort zone. It might sound cliche, but he was the perfect man! Funny, kind-hearted, and the deepest, dreamiest eyes. I’ve never met anyone like him. We slowly talked more and more, and now I think I’m ready for the next level. It’s a really foreign feeling to me; sometimes it makes me so giddy and other times I’m scared out of my wits. Any tips on how I can overcome my fears and let him know I like him? 
Clueless Flush
Dear Clueless Flush,
Thank you so much for your support! I’m so glad that you found me, because this column was definitely created with situations like yours in mind, and now I get to write to you. Believe it or not, I was also shy and inexperienced once. In my mind, romance was scary and unpredictable, but now? Not so much! It took me a little while to study and gather all my notes, but now romance is as easy to read as the pages of a textbook. I’ll be real with you though, I’m very impressed that this one man has made you level up from shy noob to prepared confessor. I’d say most people tend to wait around for something to happen (which is usually what leaves them disappointed). I really respect you for taking the initiative even when you’re scared - that’s true courage right there. From what I know, the easiest way to overcome those fears is to not overcome them at all. There’s no use trying to convince yourself that you’re not scared, because when the time comes, you’ll still feel nervous anyway. Next time you’re with him, just let the conversation flow naturally. Try not to think too much about confessing. If you get that giddy feeling, if you feel like you’ll burst if you don’t let him know how you feel, that’s when you just let it happen. Then voila, you’ve confessed to your crush and you’ve snagged the perfect man. I wish you the best of luck! Please feel free to write again if you have any questions once you two are together!
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
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Park Jinyoung X Reader
Genre: Fluff, angst (really bad smut I’m sorry I cannot write smut to save my life)
Word Count: 7.1K
Summary: Park Jinyoung is a foreign exchange student who just so happens to transfer to your high school. Unfortunately, he doesn’t speak too much English and this causes him to get bullied. In the beginning, he finds himself hating America and wants nothing more than to return back home to Korea. But then he meets you and it entirely changes his perspective. (I tried to base it on mean girls key word TRIED)
A/N: Hey guys, so this was requested and this is my first imagine that isn’t about Mark so I will admit, I had a pretty hard time not writing his name (I CAUGHT MYSELF SLIPPING SO MANY TIMES) and i’m sorry if this story sucks or if there are any errors I wrote this so fast y’all don’t understand ok bye (BTW I am in no way teasing Jinyoung in here when I write about him struggling to talk in English this is strictly FICTION ok I am completely aware that man can speak better English than I can and this is my native language
The first day of school was always so nerve wrecking. Especially when you were transferring to a completely different country you’ve never been to before in order to learn a language you barely spoke nor understood. This was Park Jinyoung’s dilemma. His parents wanted him to learn English in America. They felt he could receive a better education in America than he would in Korea. No matter how hard he tried to talk them out of sending him away, it was no use. Their minds were made up and he soon found himself on a plane to California.
He couldn’t help but wish he tried harder in convincing his parents to let him stay back home in Korea. Jinyoung had a hard time understanding why he couldn’t have just taken English classes at his current high school, but apparently those who can send their children abroad seemed more high class and Jinyoung was well aware of how obsessed his mother was over their social status. After 10 exhausting hours on the plane, he had finally arrived in California. It was a huge cultural shock for him. Americans dressed completely different than that of Koreans. He also took in how noisy his surroundings were and how polluted their air seemed so far and he wanted nothing more than to turn around and go on the next plane back to Korea. However, he decided he wouldn’t quit before actually getting to experience California and all it had to offer. 
The taxi ride to his dorm was long and the driver wouldn’t stop talking about something he didn’t understand. Why did Koreans feel like life in America was better? He couldn’t fathom in to words how much he already hated it and he hasn’t even been there for more than a couple of hours. When he arrived to the dormitory after paying the driver almost a whopping $50 for an hour ride, he made the trek upstairs and went on the hunt for his room. Once he opened the door, he was upset to see that someone was already vacating the room. At first, he thought he was at the wrong dorm. That was until a tall and very broad guy came out of the bathroom and nodded in his direction. 
“You must be Jinyoung. I’m Jaebum. Your roommate.” Hearing Jaebum speak in Korean took a weight off of Jinyoung’s shoulders. At least he had someone who reminded him of back home that wouldn’t make him feel like an outsider.
“Roommate?” Jinyoung wasn’t familiar with having a roommate. Being the only child, he always had his own things. His parents spoiled him rotten. He had his own room, his own car before he even got his license and he even owned a plot of land back home. But here in America, he was a nobody. Nobody would care that he was practically a prince in his parents eyes. Here in California, he’d be considered the freak who hardly speaks any English. 
“Yeah. This is the foreign exchange student’s dormitory. Everyone has a roommate. Don’t worry, I won’t bite. Unless I have to.” The older boy took a look at what Jinyoung was wearing and released a soft sigh. “Dude, Korean fashion isn’t going to cut it here. Get rid of the sweater vest and the khakis. You’re going to be ripped to shreds before you even make it to your first class.”
The two of them talked for a couple of hours, getting familiar with each other seeing as how they would be living together. Although he gave off very intimidating vibes, Jinyoung learned that Jaebum was the biggest softie. He was a huge cat lover. Unfortunately, he wasn’t allowed to take his five cats with him when he was sent here by his parents. But he did get a job at the local pet store so he had an excuse to be around animals all day. Jaebum was also the biggest momma’s boy and he wanted to attend school abroad in order to get a good job and be able to provide a better lifestyle for his mom. Seeing all his tattoos and piercings made Jinyoung wonder what kind of people he surrounded himself with because an appearance like that would not be accepted back home. How long had he been in America for and what exactly made him want to go against their cultural values? 
As cool as Jaebum seemed so far, Jinyoung knew he wouldn’t want to stay in California for longer than he had to. Once he got settled in, he decided to call some of his friends back home to let them know how his first day went.
 Honestly, the first day hadn’t even started and yet he couldn’t wait for school to be over with. The next day, the two boys went off to school together. Jaebum offered to show Jinyoung around and helped him find his classes. He didn’t want to jinx himself, but with the way Jaebum was treating him as if they were long time friends, he found himself liking America so far. That was until Jaebum had gone his own way to head to class and left Jinyoung all alone. To his dismay, he didn’t have any classes with Jaebum; but Jaebum made sure to give his contact information to the younger boy just in case he needed it. 
“Text me around lunch time. You can sit with my friends and I. Try to stay out of trouble yeah? And don’t speak in English unless you really have to. I’ll see you later.” As he made his way to his locker, he noticed how people started moving away from the center of the hallway and he had yet to understand why. Once he put some of his books away and started making his way to class, it was then that he heard a couple of people gasp. He felt a bunch of eyes on him and it began to worry him. Were people aware that he was a foreign exchange student? Jaebum didn’t mention anything about Americans treating foreigners differently. So why was everyone looking at him as if he was an animal in the zoo? Before he could continue his thoughts, he was soon being shoved in to his locker and ended up on the ground. 
“Watch where you’re going dumbass.” As he looked up, he saw four girls walking past him as three of them and everyone else in the hallway began to laugh. However, his focus was quickly averted to you. You glared at your friends and gave him an apologetic look. As much as you wanted to go and see if he was okay, you knew what would happened if you did. Therefore, you continued to follow after your friends. He hated that he couldn’t understand what anyone was saying about him and he despised the fact that nobody did anything about what just happened. If this was only the first day, he didn’t want to imagine what the rest of the semester was going to be like. 
When lunchtime finally came around, he decided to get in contact with Jaebum and see where he was. Jinyoung was exhausted. His first three teachers made him introduce himself and he never felt more stupid. All he knew how to say was his name and where he was from. Then whenever the teachers would continue asking him more questions, he just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Finally when lunch time came around, Jaebum found him outside of his classroom and explained to him how ordering food from the cafeteria worked. 
“So, how’s your first day of school so far?” Jinyoung released a frustrated sigh and furrowed his brows. 
“I hate it here. How do you put up with all this bullshit? They literally treat me like I’m some wild animal. And the teachers act like I’m stupid for not speaking English. I wanna see any of these assholes go back to Korea without knowing any Korean and see how they do.” The older boy chuckled at Jinyoung’s grief and felt sorry for him. Things were easy for Jaebum seeing as how he was a little more familiar with the English language and how scary he portrayed himself out to be. 
When they walked in to the cafeteria, it seemed as if all eyes were on the two boys and it made Jinyoung uncomfortable. People began whispering amongst themselves and he could feel his blood boiling at the sight. Is this how all the foreign exchange students were treated? Or was there something wrong with him that everyone felt the need to target him for no reason?
“Ignore it. Things will get better. You have me, remember that. If anyone tries to fuck with you, they’ll regret it. Follow me. I’ll introduce you to my friends.” He led Jinyoung to his usual table and scowled at anyone who continued to stare at Jinyoung. From afar, your heart hurt for the poor boy. Your friends began spreading rumors about him right after what happened in the hallway. As much as you liked your friends, they could be a little much sometimes. 
“What a fucking nerd. I can’t believe Jaebum is actually hanging out with him. He must feel bad for the loser. I don’t know why foreigners feel the need to come to America, they obviously don’t fit in here. That boy won’t last a week here. He’ll probably be crying his ass off on the next plane back home.” You felt yourself getting more and more irritated the longer you listened to them talk about the new boy like that without even knowing him. Sometimes you wondered why you stuck around with them. They were always so negative, talked about people like they weren’t human beings with feelings. The only reason why you continued being friends with them was because you felt you would be all alone if you didn’t have them. And if you were to leave them completely, you knew you’d become the next target of their bullying. 
“Y/n..earth to y/n. Are you okay?” You broke out of your thoughts and nodded in agreement. 
Jinyoung was very grateful for Jaebum. He was sure he would’ve pulled out all of his hair if he did all of this on his own. Jaebum introduced Jinyoung to all of his friends. Mark, Youngjae and Bambam seemed like a nice group of guys and Jaebum informed the younger boy that they were all foreign exchange students and that they all went through bullying at some point of their American high school experience. He still found it unfair that there were people who took advantage of these poor students who came to America for more opportunities and a better education. 
Once lunch was over, Jinyoung made his way to the next class in which coincidentally he had with Mark and Youngjae. The two boys got him caught up with the do’s and don’ts of their high school and he was very glad there were people who cared about his well being. Thankfully, this teacher didn’t make Jinyoung speak in front of the entire class. Twenty minutes in to the lesson, you came running in to class and apologized to your teacher for your tardiness. When Jinyoung’s eyes landed on your tiny frame, he felt his breath hitch. When he saw you earlier in the hallway, even if it was only a quick glimpse of you, he thought you were extremely beautiful. Sure, he’s dated a few girls back home and he’s seen a lot of pretty girls before. But your beauty was indescribable and with the way you looked at him so apologetically, he knew he was done for.
“Whose that?” Jinyoung whispered to Mark and nodded in your direction. However, Mark was quick to shake his head and before Jinyoung could open his mouth and ask the question that was on his mind, Mark spoke up. 
“She’s off limits. Don’t even think about it.” Jinyoung shrugged and turned his focus back to the teacher, but he couldn’t get what Mark said off his mind. Off limits? What exactly did that mean? As you went to take your seat, Jinyoung couldn’t keep his eyes nor his mind off of you. He knew if Mark was telling him to stay away, you were bad news and maybe it was better that he did. Mark knew more than he did anyway. 
He went to his dorm later on that night and decided to ask Jaebum what Mark meant earlier when he said you were off limits. Jaebum just shrugged. “Apparently she’s fucking around with the captain of the football team. Jackson Wang or some shit like that. I honestly don’t give a fuck but he’s telling everyone they’re a thing. Plus, her group of friends are like the it girls of the school. I wouldn’t even think of trying to get close to her if I were you.” 
After a month of living and attending school in America, Jinyoung accepted the fact that he wasn’t going anywhere and was slowly adapting to life in California. Unfortunately when he was alone, he still found himself getting bullied by many of his classmates and even if he learned a few phrases and sentences, it still wasn’t enough for him to have a decent conversation with anyone. But when he was with his group of friends, nobody had the guts to bother him. Everyone was fully aware of what Jaebum was physically capable of if anyone dared to mess with Jinyoung in front of him. 
To both his dismay and delight, your teacher had assigned a month long project in which you were selected to be his partner. When Jinyoung found out the news, to say he was excited was an understatement. He was over the moon. Although he still had Mark’s words lingering in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but feel thrilled at the thought of working with you. However, his excitement was quick to change in to worry when he realized there would be a language barrier between the two of you. Once he saw you approaching him with that bright smile he found himself falling for over the past month, he felt himself returning the grin. 
“Hi. I’m y/n. It’s Jinyoung right? Do you have an idea of what you want the project to be about?” God, you were so beautiful. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Although he had no idea of what you were saying, he would listen to you talk for days on end if he could. He knew he was dozing off when you politely waved your hand in front of him to get his attention. 
“Sorry. I..I..English..no.” You nodded understandingly before taking out your phone and pulling up the translator app. You found his stuttering cute and the fact that he was trying his best to communicate with you using the small amount of English that he knew made your cheeks warm. The two of you passed your phone back and forth between each other until the bell rang and a part of you was sad that you had to leave him. In the hour that the two of you got to spend together, you learned quite a bit about him and you found yourself craving more; but you knew it was dangerous to feel that way. Your friends, for reasons you were still so unsure of still did not particularly care for him. You overheard one of them talking about purposefully tripping him out on the football field. You would also see people constantly push him around while he was making his way to class and the thought made you upset. Before he could get up and walk away, you pulled his arm in attempts to get his attention. 
“Let’s exchange numbers so it will be easier for us to get in touch with each other.” He nodded in agreement and although he seemed calm and collected on the outside, he was freaking out on the inside. In the first few weeks of working together, you tried to keep it a secret from your friends just in case they made a big deal out of it. The two of you would meet in the back of the library or sometimes in little coffee shops that you knew they’d never go to. You found yourself falling for your very handsome classmate and in the beginning, you tried your best not to for his sake, but you couldn’t stop your feelings for what they were. 
After a while, you came to accept them and it only became harder and harder for you the longer you’ve spent time with him. One night, the two of you were working on your project at the coffee shop when he got a phone call. He began talking in Korean and hearing him speak his native tongue made you smile. He spoke with so much confidence and radiated such positive energy, you couldn’t help but smile as he spoke. When he got off the phone, he looked at you curiously, confused as to why you were smiling. Not that he minded, your smile did wonders on Jinyoung’s heart. 
“Everything okay?” You nodded and went back to your work. However, an idea popped in to your mind and you wanted to see how Jinyoung would feel about it. 
“Hey Jinyoung?” He hummed in curiosity and you thought it was the cutest thing. “Would you maybe wanna..hmmm...Teach each other our native languages? I could teach you English and you could teach me Korean. That way it might be easier for you to interact with everyone and maybe if I were to speak Korean, I’d have a better way of understanding you?” 
The smile that rose on his face sent butterflies to your tummy. Park Jinyoung in more or less words was honestly going to be the death of you. If it wasn’t his charming good looks or gentle personality, it was his optimism. Even if he wasn’t put under the best circumstances, he wasn’t one to see the glass half empty. He nodded his head in agreement. 
Your weekly sessions turned in to daily sessions and on the days you weren’t able to meet up with each other, you’d text and call just so you could teach each other words and phrases here and there. When Jaebum found out about your friendship, he warned his younger friend. It wasn’t that he didn’t like you. If anything, Jaebum was completely aware of the fact that you weren’t anything like your friends. He never understood why you wasted your time with them when you could do so much better. But he didn’t have the right to ask you. However, he was looking out for Jinyoung and didn’t want you to end up hurting him if it came down to choosing between him and your group of friends. The more and more the two of you hung out, the deeper Jinyoung’s feelings grew for you. 
He found himself missing you on the days he didn’t get to see you and sometimes he would ask to meet up with you even if it had nothing to do with your lessons or your project. Not that you didn’t want it to, but word got out that the two of you were friends and began seeing each other on a daily basis. This upset quite a bit of people, especially your friends and a specific football captain Jaebum warned Jinyoung about just a few weeks prior to becoming friends with you. Jinyoung wasn’t surprised when he saw said captain approach him, but he didn’t think he would be shoved up against his locker by someone he didn’t even know. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are? If you know what’s best for you, leave y/n alone. She’s mine.” Although Jackson tried his best in intimidating Jinyoung, he was all talk. And Jinyoung had barely any clue what Jackson was telling him anyway. But he didn’t care if people bullied him for being friends with you. Other than Jaebum, Mark, Youngjae and BamBam, you were the only other friend he had. And his favorite one at that. 
Out of the blue, Jinyoung started to avoid you. He kept coming up with excuses not to meet with you and when you would find him during school, he would ignore you. It hurt. Did you do or say something to upset him? You couldn’t remember insulting him in any way, so what exactly happened for him to be treating you so coldly? You left him countless texts, asking him what you did wrong, but to no avail. It was then that you over heard your friends talking about his little run in with Jackson and your heart hurt for him. Jinyoung was such a sweet guy, you didn’t understand how anyone could be so mean to him. 
You decided you would confront him in order to see why he was ignoring you. A part of you wanted to leave him alone, just so that people would stop being so mean to him. But deep down you knew whether or not you were to stay friends with him, they would continue to be so rude to him. His heart both sank and fluttered when he saw you approaching him. He hated being away from you, but he could no longer put up with the bullying that came with it. 
“Y/n-“ to both of your surprise, you pulled him in to your embrace and placed your face in the crook of his neck. 
“Jinyoung, I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault that everyone is so mean to you. But please don’t give up on our friendship because of it. I’ll take care of you from now on. I promise.” He smiled down at you and pulled you closer to him. He loved the feeling of being intimate with you. Jinyoung could get used to being in your arms. 
From that day on, you became more than friends but less than lovers. There were lingering stares, gentle kisses and hand holding shared between the two of you. After what went down with him and Jackson that one day, you had explained to him Jackson was nothing but a friend. Every time one of your friends felt the need to attack him, you were quick to defend him. Now that he had Jaebum, his group of friends and now you, he wasn’t afraid of anything. You tried to help him with getting used to American culture, along with his English skills. And even though you found his fashion choices very cute, you knew it wasn’t going to cut it anymore. Therefore, you took him shopping for clothes that you felt would make him fit in. Seeing him in flannels and skinny jeans compared to what he normally would wear was so attractive. He even became better in English the more you two spent time together. 
For every English sentence he mastered, you’d reward him with a kiss. Little did you know, he’d tried really hard with studying English in order to get as many kisses from you as possible. It was December now and you couldn’t believe that four months have passed since Jinyoung came in to your life. He made you the happiest you’ve ever been and you refused to let anyone get in the way of that. Although they accepted the fact that Jinyoung was somebody important in your life, they would still try to change your mind from time to time. The more time you spent with Jinyoung and his friends, the less time you spent with yours. However, the four of you signed up for the school’s talent show. 
You’ve been practicing for months now and you weren’t too excited when you saw what they were planning on having you wear. Most of the contestants were either going to sing, dance or play an instrument. You weren’t surprised when you found out what your three other friends had planned. If you really listened to the lyrics, Santa baby wasn’t the most innocent song. So you knew you were in for one hell of a ride and wanted nothing more than for the performance to be over with. When the night of the winter fest finally came, to say you were nervous was an understatement. You were freaking out. The overly sexual routine mixed with the tiny outfit your friends prepared for you all to wear made you uncomfortable, but you had no choice. 
As the crowd began to fill up the auditorium, your heart rate increased. However, the sweet words of encouragement that Jinyoung sent your way made things easier. When it was finally your guys turn to perform, you forgot all about your worries and began to think about Jinyoung. You wanted nothing more to impress him and make him proud. A huge wave of confidence that you didn’t even know you were capable of surged through your body and soon, you began moving your body in ways you didn’t think were possible. Jinyoung couldn’t keep his eyes off of you from the moment you walked out on stage. If he had the choice, he wouldn’t have let you wear such a revealing item in front of anyone but himself. 
As much as he knew he had no right to feel that way because technically, you weren’t together, he couldn’t help it. You were extremely beautiful and he was sure you were stealing the show. By the way everyone seemed to be cheering you on, you were obviously the fan favorite and he completely understood why. Days before the show, you voiced to him your worries about how you didn’t think you’d do well. But seeing you dance so gracefully yet so tastefully sexy brought a warmth to both Jinyoung’s cheeks and the tent in his pants. He couldn’t wait for the performance to be over with. Once the show was done, you had texted him to let him know where you were. When his eyes landed on you, a grin rose on his face and he quickly ran towards you. 
You felt him before you saw him in more ways than one. As he covered your eyes and pulled your body against his chest, you could feel his hard on against your ass and the feeling sent warmth to your core. “Hey beautiful. That was..wow..you were..perfect.” 
You turned to face him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you. You um..I..someone’s excited.” You couldn’t see it, but a blush rose immediately on his handsome face. Of course he was turned on, that performance was so erotic. A part of him felt wrong for thinking such racy thoughts about you, especially because the two of you were unofficially official. It made things even harder for him because he wanted to make you his before having you completely. But who could blame him for getting so turned on? As much as he loved seeing that outfit on you, he couldn’t wait to rip it off. That’s if you allowed him to. 
“Yeah. You’re so fucking sexy y/n. Since you caused this problem, would you wanna help me solve it?” You were shocked to say the least at his very naughty words. The Park Jinyoung you met all those months ago could barely introduce himself. Now here he was insinuating that he wanted to fuck your brains out and you weren’t going to let the moment go to waste. 
“My place or yours?” He growled lowly in to your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 
“I made sure Jaebum was out of the room tonight for a reason. I can’t wait to taste you.” He reached for your hand and pulled you towards their dorm. You were about to offer to drive the two of you there so it would be quicker, but you knew you weren’t in the right mind to be driving. Your thoughts were clouded with him and what you were hoping would go down between the two of you in a couple of minutes. 
After what felt like hours, the two of you finally made it to his dorm room and he gave you no time to think before he threw you up against the wall, leaving wet kisses along your jaw. He roughly wrapped his arms around your waist and hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his hips. His cool fingers ran up and down your back while he roughly kissed you. It all felt like too much. Your body felt as if it was on fire and the only way for it to be put out was to become one with him. He continued his ministrations and you decided he was going too slow for your liking. As much as you loved his kisses and loved how he was touching you, you craved more. 
“Jinyoung. Please.” Hearing you moan his name sent him in to a frenzy. In that moment, he was willing to do anything for you, be anything you wanted him to be. All he had on his mind was the thought of pleasuring you in any way possible. When you brought his fingers down to your soaking wet panties, he let out an exasperated groan and the sound went straight to your core. 
“Fuck. You’re soaking baby. What did I do to deserve you? God y/n, you don’t understand the effect you have on me.” You giggled against his neck and placed a quick kiss there before slowly removing your underwear. The sight of you practically naked was driving Jinyoung crazy and he was pretty sure he could cum just by seeing you completely bare. 
“Show me.” You didn’t have to tell him twice. He brought his index and middle fingers up to your slit and dragged it back and forth agonizingly slow and you could feel yourself on the verge of screaming. You started grinding yourself against his fingers, trying to create any sort of friction but when he realized what you were doing, he pulled his fingers away; earning himself a frustrated sigh from you. 
“Jinyoung, what the fuck?” He playfully pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth before taking off his shirt. You only ever saw him with clothes on, so you never really knew what he was hiding under his dress shirts and turtle necks. Seeing his washboard abs and his v-line made your mouth water. If girls knew how ripped he was, you were sure they’d be all over him. However, you were glad Jinyoung was your little secret because you were the only one who’d get to have him like this. 
No longer being able to stay away from you, he reattached his lips to yours and carried you over to his bed. He lifted your shirt off before reaching behind you to unclasp your bra and when your breasts were freed from their restraints, you heard him whimper and you were pretty sure it was your new favorite sound. Hesitantly, he brought his hands up to your chest and you found it adorable that he was being so shy about touching you. With how rough he was being with you, you almost forgot how much of a gentleman he really was. 
“You’re so beautiful y/n. Such a pretty girl. These..so pretty. Mmmm.” He gently laid you down on his bed and immediately wrapped his mouth around one of your perky nipples while toying with the other side. He licked, pinched and nibbled on your breast, sending you to peak euphoria. Everytime you would hold hands with Jinyoung, or watch as he typed and wrote essays, you would always look at how long and skinny his fingers were. You would always think about how they would look like wrapped around your throat or buried deep in to your cunt. Seeing them pinching and twisting your swollen buds was such an indescribable feeling that you never wanted to end. You were so deep in to your thoughts that you failed to notice him pull his soft lips away from your breast as he made his way down to your pussy until you felt his warm breath against your clit. 
He kneaded your inner thighs with his thumbs and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your end. You needed him in any way possible. The feeling in your stomach was only getting tighter and tighter and you had a feeling he was going to make you beg. You were never one to beg for anything when it came to sex, but Jinyoung was going to make you work for it and you were willing to do anything at this point. 
“Jinyoung..please..do anything..your fingers, your tongue..I’ll take anything..please..OH FUCK..” as soon as you felt him drag his warm muscle along your slick wetness, your hands found purchase in his hair and lightly tugged on it. Multiple curse words, groans and moans left your pretty little throat and Jinyoung wanted nothing more than to replace his tongue with his throbbing and very painful cock. But he wanted to get you warmed up and ready before actually penetrating you. To add on to your indescribable delight, he brought his two fingers back in to your folds all the while licking up your juices. 
“J..Jinyoung..fuck..you’re so good to me..mmmmm...just like that baby..please don’t stop.” Hearing you moan for him was something he would never get used to. He didn’t know how to put it in to words, but he would eat you out all day if he could. You tasted amazing and he was upset with himself that he didn’t know how to voice his opinions to you. Jinyoung could only hope that the way he was eating your pussy like a man starved would show you just how much he loved doing so. And God, did Jinyoung love eating you out. 
As much as he wanted to continue licking you until his tongue became numb, the feeling of your glistening walls tightening around his fingers only made him want to feel his cock buried deep in to your cunt. He wanted to be deep inside of you. However, he wanted to bring you to your release before fixing his problem. 
That’s one of the many things you loved about Jinyoung. Love. There was that four letter word. The word that could either complicate things between the two of you or make things even better. You realized you were in love with him only a month after becoming friends with him. You fell in love with the way he always checked up on you, how he would stay up till the wee hours of the morning to study English on his own in order to impress you with his progress. You fell in love with the way he said your name and the way he looked at you as if you were the prettiest thing on this earth. Although the two of you were committing such a sinful and naughty act, your heart fluttered because of the way he looked at you with so much love and admiration in his eyes. You were going to make sure he knew of your feelings the minute the two of you were done with your love making session. 
With the way he was rapidly fingering you and nibbling on your clit, it was only a matter of time you felt yourself releasing your orgasm all over his tongue and Jinyoung licked up every ounce of it. He left a few kisses on the inside of your thighs. It was then that he decided in between your legs was his favorite place to be. Once you felt him begin to come up, you pulled him against you and placed a sloppy kiss on his lips, tasting yourself on his tongue. He pulled away and placed your foreheads together, giving himself a moment to breathe. You took this time to bring your hand down to his very hard bulge and you gently palmed him. When you saw him close his eyes and bite his lip, it made you want to tease him some more. You pulled him out of the confines of his boxers and the sight of his angry, red cock made you whimper. He was huge. You couldn’t wait for him to stretch out your walls. 
In order to rile him up, you ran your thumb along his dick. You glided your fingers against his slit, spreading his pre cum all around his erection and hearing him sigh sent fire to your bones. However, before you could continue, he ripped your hand away. As you were about to ask him if everything was okay, he all but gently pushed you down on to the bed and hovered over you. His left hand brushed away any hair that was out of place while he gripped his dick with his right hand and guided it to your opening. 
“Is this okay? Are you sure you want this? We can wait baby-“ you quickly shook your head in disagreement and your heart warmed at the thought of him being so considerate and gentle with you. 
“Fuck me, Park Jinyoung. Make me yours.” He slowly pushed himself inside of you and groaned at the feeling of how tight and wet you were. He hid his face in the crook of your neck while he tried his best in staying still. You know it was taking a lot for him not to start pounding in to you. Jinyoung wasn’t going to move unless you were to tell him to. You lifted his chin up from off of your shoulder and placed a kiss against the corner of his mouth. 
“It’s okay Jinyoung. You can move.” Once he heard you give him the okay, he released a sigh of relief. He wanted to be a gentleman so badly. His main purpose was to take care of you. However, as much as he wanted to take his time with you and have slow, passionate sex, that was going to have to wait for another time. Whenever you had sex in the past, missionary was such a boring position. You were sure it only brought pleasure to the man. But with the way your hands were intertwined and how he placed your legs around his neck in order for him to go deeper, you knew he was trying to put your needs first. 
He left sloppy, wet kisses along your face all the while plummeting in to you like his life depended on it. The sound of skin on skin slapping echoed throughout the room and you were pretty sure the room wreaked of sex with the way the mirror was fogging up. Although you thought hearing him laugh was one of your favorite sounds, hearing him moan and whimper because of how good you were fucking him was your new favorite. 
“Y/n..you’re so..tight..you feel so fucking good. Fuck. You’re not real. You can’t be. I..I love you so much my pretty girl.” Hearing those words fall from his pretty, heart shaped lips made you tear up and he chuckled when he noticed. He was so busy admiring your beauty that he failed to notice he was slowing down and it wasn’t enough for you. 
“Faster..please Jinyoung. I need you to go faster..” He quickened his pace in order to please you and also went harder. The friction was such a euphoric feeling, you found yourself tightening around him. 
“Stop. Don’t do that.” You snickered before you felt him slap your ass cheek as payback for clenching around his cock. If anything, the sensation made you want to clench around Jinyoung some more in order for him to get rough with you. It was official, the quiet ones are the freaks. You squeezed his bicep to get his attention and an adorable pout grew on his face when you pulled away. However, it was quick to change once you said the next words. 
“I love you too.” He grinned widely at you and you were sure he was actually going to be the death of you. Hearing you tell him you loved him back was such an amazing feeling and he loved how those words sounded coming from your mouth. With every thrust, he whispered out his love for you and soon, the two of you were coming together. He shot his load in to your cunt as you came all over his dick. Once you both experienced your euphoric orgasms, he flopped on top of you and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. Jinyoung loved cockwarming. He wanted nothing more than to keep his cock buried deep in to your pretty pink cunt. 
Sex with you was such a mind blowing experience and he was already planning the next time in his mind. He placed his head against your chest and listened to the sound your heartbeat as the two of you tried your best to slow down your breaths. Did tonight really just happen? It was actually one of the best nights of his life and now that he had you, he was sure he would never get enough of you. 
“Y/n?” You hummed in curiosity and motioned for him to continue. 
“Say it again.” As much as you wanted to tease him and pretend that you had no idea what he was talking about, you were tired and you knew he was too. Teasing was just going to have to wait for another love making session. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” You placed kisses across of his handsome face and playfully pinched his butt. If someone were to tell you months ago that you were going to fall in love with a foreign exchange student from Korea, you would’ve laughed in their face. But looking down at Jinyoung softly grazing the skin surrounding your belly button only made you realize just how much you loved him, how thankful you were to have him in your life and how you’d be nothing without him. 
Although he was thousands of miles away from his family in Korea, being in your embrace made him realize that he never felt closer to home than he did in that moment. You were all he knew and wanted to know. Sure, he hated how life in America was when he first moved almost a year ago. But you showed him so much love, warmth, support and happiness since he arrived and he couldn’t have been more thankful to his parents for making the decision to send him abroad. The two of you had yet to learn to communicate with each other completely, but love was a language you both could understand and he would continue to show you just how much he loves you for as long as time allows him to.
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conartisthaiji · 6 years
three dark crowns highschool au
because i have feelings about this but don’t actually want to write a fic. here we go 
so i guess everyone has been adopted
 Katharine by the wealthy Arron family
Arsinoe by the Milone family
Mirabella by...the Westbrooks? They’re her canonical guardian family but I feel like Luca is her mom...
Luca can be the lovely lady next door who adores Mira, THERE WE GO
Katharine Arron is one of those girls who should be popular but she’s shy and prefers books over people. 
everyone knows who she is, they just leave her alone. she’s like the most famous nerd
but not cuz she’s bullied. paradoxical. 
teachers love Kat. other than that...ehhh...she’s kinda lonely i think.
Arsinoe Milone is one of the troublemakers. 
again, everyone knows who she is, except this time it’s because of what she does. 
she, jules, and joseph are thick as thieves. teachers do not want all three of them in their class at the same time. huge no-no
lowkey a rebel but like...cares somewhat for school
Mirabella Westbrook...is a TRANSFER. (dun dun dun)
she and her adopted sister Bree join the school 
they befriend a girl named Elizabeth
Mirabella is beautiful, duh. she becomes popular. very popular. 
rest is under a cut. oh boy
so we have the queens...now what about everyone else??
Jules Milone is the second troublemaker
(starting with her cuz she’s really important, duh. also she’s cool)
is the Voice of ReasonTM
always being like “arsinoe no”
Arsinoe responds with “arsinoe YES” 
poor Jules...she just wants to not risk getting arrested
crushing hard on that one guy, joseph
ahhh yes, joseph. 
the third troublemaker 
how obvious is it that i lowkey hate him
ANYWAYS, back to the au and the thoughts
crushing hard on Jules, like really hard.
and then Mirabella transfers and he’s like ‘oh shit she’s HOT’
cue the heart eyes. 
*whispering* (he’s gonna be a bit trashier in this au i think)
Billy Chatsworth
okay so umm i want kat to have friends, and they got along pretty decently in Three Dark Crowns, so..
Kat has exactly one (1) friend, and it’s this guy
Billy has plenty more friends because he’s a Great GuyTM
*breaking the fourth wall again: how do you put tm high up and small*
so anyways...that’s Billy. he’s not popular, not hated. he’s taking higher level classes, so he’s pretty well-known among that crowd but otherwise he’s not too well-known
Pietyr Renard
...another transfer, i think
sees Kat and goes ‘she needs help’
he’s like instantly popular and when he sees Kat, he decides to show what a Nice GuyTM he is and help her get more popular
yes, it’s cliche, I KNOW, but like he literally canonically does that soooooo
talks to her and then realizes that she’s actually really cute?? if not socially awkward and kinda frail?? 
I'm sorry but kat and pietyr are really fucking cute and I'm still pissed he shoved her into the breccia domain because BOY YOU SHOULD’VE FUCKING USED YOUR GODDAMN HEAD WHY CAN’T YA’LL BE HAPPY GODDAMNIT
Mira sits next to her on her first day and is all “hi” and Elizabeth is instantly kinda star-struck like wow this beautiful girl is talking to me
...i don’t think she’s very popular tbh
also Elizabeth is gay and you can pry that head canon from my cold dead hands thanks
she helps run the gay student alliance because she’s a fricken hero
so basically Mirabella and Bree instantly befriend her
wow besties!!!
but seriously they’re kind of inseparable 
just kind of
poly ship poly ship poly ship...????????
something to consider...
okay so now for like actual plot lmfao
so basically everyone ends up with one class together. 
the teacher is like ‘good lord i get arsinoe jules and joseph for an entire year! what is life!’
the teacher friends are like ‘oh darn’
who the fuck is the teacher, you ask? well...it’s Rho. 
shhhh shhh its an au also Rho as a teacher would be pretty awesome
so anyways, first day of school comes around
i feel like it’s their senior year
BTW BTW Arsinoe Jules and Joseph miss Luke, who was in the year above them. he graduated duh
Luke is amazing but i don’t think he’s gonna be a big part of this AU
sorry Luke :(
they’re all put in Rho’s class, which is history
(Kat is a little miffed because she should be in a higher level BUT she got deathly ill and didn’t get the grade required to make it)
look I feel like Kat would throw herself into her studies
anyways...so Pietyr sees Kat and is like ‘well she’s pretty’
and he sits next to her
she’s also sitting in the front of the room and he respects that
so yeah he plops down next to her
Kat ignores him 
kat i love you
Mirabella and Bree sit near the back of the class. the middle-back
Elizabeth prefers sitting in that area so she just awkwardly sits down next to them
Mira: ‘hi i’m Mira, this is Bree, we just transferred here, you’re really pretty, what’s your name?’
Elizabeth: ‘...Elizabeth...hi...’ 
Bree: ‘hi!!!’ 
Billy comes in and sits behind Kat. says hi to her, kat says hi back, they chat just a little
Jules Arsinoe and Joseph come in together, just as the bell rings, and sit in the last row
there’s other people in this class i’m sure
they aren’t important 
So anyways they end up with group projects
look i’m a fucking cliche all on my own
so the groups: Billy & Arsinoe & Elizabeth, Joseph & Mira & Jules, Kat & Bree & Pietyr
well Joseph and Mira get along really well
Arsinoe is like ‘hmm Jules how come I think I see sexual-’
Jules: ARSINOE please stop 
Arsinoe: right right sorry Jules
Bree is like ‘for one thing Pietyr and Kat are really hot and I’d totally date both of them except I’m like 90% sure they’re already dating 
Kat denies it 
Pietyr just shrugs 
Bree just wants to not be a third wheel
Meanwhile, Elizabeth, Billy, and Arsinoe get along really well.
like, really well
Elizabeth says ‘yeah i kinda feel like a third wheel but they both make a conscious effort to include me you know’
ANYWHO they’re all getting along pretty well
so like homecoming is coming up!! 
because I'm american and i don't know what else goes on in foreign countries 
and i could research but homecoming is. kinda fun
fun fact: i HATE dances
stop breaking the fourth wall!!!!
so Elizabeth and Bree are like “ooh Mira do you wanna go with Joseph?” *insert lenny face here*
Mira is like “guys. stop i don’t want to go with Joseph stOP MAKING THAT FACE-” 
Elizabeth: oh look it’s Joseph! 
Mira: *whips head around* WHAT-very funny Elizabeth
Meanwhile, Arsinoe is subtly trying to drop hints to Joseph that Jules wants to go with him
she’s TERRIBLE at being subtle
Joseph is a dense fuck, so he still can’t pick up on the hints
Jules finally breaks and is like “Joseph go to homecoming with me” 
Joseph is like “sure” 
BUT then Mira is like “man i wish i had a date for homecoming” 
Joseph: well i was going with Jules, but maybe i can save a dance for you
*scrunches up face* mmmmm joseph no
Mira is disappointed but like. says sure, tells Joseph that he shouldn’t abandon Jules tho
LOOK mira just wants to be loved, she’s not a bad guy
anyways. so Kat is having a crisis because she really wants to go with Pietyr
But Pietyr’s...enemy Nicholas beats Pietyr to asking Kat 
and Kat is like oh dear someone is asking ME to homecoming 
read: she panics
and agrees
so then she mentions it to Pietyr
he’s like ummm okay kat do whatever you want 
read: he’s upset 
boys are dumb
look Pietyr shoved her into the Breccia Domain there’s no way he’s, well. rational when he’s worked up. or rational when dealing with Kat. 
Kat is disappointed and thinks Pietyr doesn’t like her anymore 
so she chats with Billy about it 
Billy is like ummm I'm not really sure tbh
then Kat’s like, oh well, do you wanna go with anyone? 
Billy is like “...Arsinoe” 
Kat helps him ask
oh no but Arsinoe is a strong fierce independent woman she needs no man
she says no 
Arsinoe bows for no one
rip billy
Billy’s like oh okay. i meant as friends but it’s chill
he’s sad 
very sad aww poor billy 
Arsinoe doesn’t regret anything though. of course not. 
soon HC rolls around 
Bree is like “Elizabeth are you going with anyone?” 
Elizabeth: nope i’m gay 
Bree: oh...uhh...okay...
Mira: cool cool thanks for trusting us, so wanna get ready together?
they’re great at getting ready together. they laugh and have fun and just. all in all a great time. 
Arsinoe tries to do Jules’ makeup.
emphasis on tries 
no seriously major RIP to Jules’ face. Jules ends up doing her own make up. her blush has been ruined. one of her eyeshadows is cracked. Jules is impressed with Arsinoe’s inability to do makeup. she ends up doing Arsinoe’s as well. 
Arsinoe put up with it. it made Jules happy. 
Kat gets Natalia to do her makeup. and her hair. Natalia secretly enjoys every minute of it. 
the boys also get ready. but separately. so yeah...
Nicholas picks Kat up like the gentleman he is 
Billy goes alone, aww poor baby
Joseph ends up taking both Jules and Arsinoe 
Pietyr almost doesn’t go but Kat asks if she’ll see him there, so. boy fucking launches himself to the bathroom to get changed and shit. he speeds to the school 
he’s got it bad 
Arsinoe and Billy end up ditching the dance. they leave like 30 minutes in and go to some dinky little diner together. 
basically they just laugh and ride around town until like 1:30 am and they realize that it’s late 
Nicholas monopolizes the fuck out of Kat.
Kat doesn’t realize it. 
She has a lot of fun 
Pietyr goes home pissed 
Kat doesn’t really think about him
if Billy had seen he would’ve been like “Kat Nicholas was like...glaring daggers at anyone who came close to you”
Joseph is cornered by Mira when Jules is in the bathroom. 
they dance 
and then dance again 
Jules ends up coming back and smiling at Mira tightly and being like “hey can I dance with Joseph now” 
Bree and Elizabeth just enjoy themselves
the night ends. 
Arsinoe and Billy are riding around on Arsinoe’s motorcycle. they’re going to a park
Kat and Nicholas seem to be okay...
Pietyr is pissed to hell and back
Bree and Elizabeth are happy 
Mira wishes she could’ve danced with Joseph more
Jules is kinda salty about Joseph
Joseph doesn’t know what to think
AND THIS HAS GOTTEN TOO LONG, I’M NOT MAKING ANYMORE...on this post. there might be more later. (there will definitely be more, i have some fic ideas now and more plans to run through). HAPPY THREE DARK CROWNS DAY EVERYONE. 
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freakxwannaxbe · 7 years
Story time? Tell us about the teacher you'd fight?
There are…a few.
But the one I’d fucking body slam with the most amount of vigor isn’t even from high-school, she was my elementary school teacher. I actually felt an inner peace overwhelm me when I found out that witch of a woman is dead.
This is fucking long because I can go for days talking about how much I could not stand her existence,
We were her last generation of kids before retirement. And this woman, she was absolutely not qualified to be around kids I swear to the gods. But everyone put up with her shit because “well you know she’s already retiring” and whateverthefuck.
This woman abhorred me. This woman is one of the major reasons for most of my insecurities and social anxiety that I am still fighting today (her and my kindergarten teacher, but that is a whole other story and I can only hope that woman met her untimely end as well)
She had two offspring: a daughter and a son. The son was her my-darling-baby-can’t-do-no-wrong favorite, she loved him and excused every action he ever did with the vigor of a true old-school Balkan mother. This was an adult, middle-aged man, still living with her and was, metaphorically speaking, still attached to her tit. I saw her son often, because he would often come to class, and sometimes even substitute her, despite not being qualified at fucking all.
Her daughter I only know through stories. She wanted to live her own life. She didn’t want to be a “good Balkan wifey” that her mother wanted her to be. She very early realized that her mother was a nutcase and left and got married to a man her mother didn’t approve of. My teacher resented her and basically acted like she never existed.
Which leads us to this next point: She favored the boys and detested the girls. In her eyes, all the boys were good darling children and all the girls were spoiled and bad, like her “horrible” daughter was.
By the time we got to the second part of elementary school (first 4 years you have one teacher and maybe one more for a foreign language, then you move on to homeroom teacher + teacher for each subject), the number of kids in our class was halved. Most classes had around 30-40 students. Ours had 24. They all transferred either to different schools or different classes because of this wretched woman.
And me, a very small, very loud and willful girl, who had her own pace and way of doing things, and did suffer from the case of being spoiled from being the youngest, very loved child by both parents and her two older siblings, was someone she absolutely did not like. Which led to four years of mental and emotional abuse. 
I was one of her main emotional punching bags, and every single thing I did was another excuse for her to belittle, insult and yell at me in some way or form. I never got any bee stamps on anything I did (the equivalent of golden stars aka the grading system for the first half of first grade), she belittled all my work, for things like “you didn’t color inside the lines well enough” or “you didn’t draw this square straight enough”, even for shit like simply not liking the way I drew during art class (keep in mind, first grade, I’m 7 years old here, who the fuck shits on a 7 year old for their “art style”, especially someone is a teacher)
I suppressed most of it, but I still remember some events, and I remember the general negative feeling of having to deal with her.
The event I remember best, no matter how much I try to suppress it, I was seriously sick for two weeks, with a high 40c temperature which made me borderline delusional. The day I was finally approved to go back to school, we had a test. My mother, who knew this came that morning to school with me, and asked her politely to not give me the test, that I would take the make-up test, because I was barely coherent for 2 weeks. 
This was common practice btw, especially if kids were very sick, like I was. One time a friend of mine, a boy, came back from having a very bad case of pneumonia, and she excused him from all tests we had that week. Every. Single. One. She let him read books during that time instead.
Back to the story; My teacher assured her she would not make me take the test, I can absolutely take the make-up test. My mother thanked her, and left. Before she left, she told me to make sure I take the few leftover antibiotics I had and when to take them, and told me not to worry about the test, that she talked to the teacher.
Cue the test. Cue my teacher ordering me to get a pen and paper out. I, a 8-year-old at the time, was confused, and felt my chest clutch as I told her, stuttering “But, I was sick. My mother was here, she told you.”
She scoffed at me. Scoffed. She told me she did not care. I had to take the test like the rest of the class. It wasn’t fair, she said, to give me special treatment. And how dare I imply otherwise. How could I be so spoiled to even think I would get special treatment. That she would not tolerate my entitled behavior.
The test went by, with me mostly staring blankly at the paper and the questions I knew nothing about, the only mark I left on it were my tears as my small little body shook with silent sobs. The only thing that interrupted my silent crying was her yelling at me to stop crying, which of course led to me sobbing harder.
She scrawled the biggest F I ever gotten, the grade taking over about 90% of the entire test paper. Needless to say, I came back home a crying mess, and the stress made some of my symptoms from the illness I was still recovering from, come back.
One time, my deskmate and best friend at the time, spilled pop-rocks under our desk. And every time one of us fidgety 9-year-olds moved our feet, they would start popping loudly. Guess who got screamed at and thrown out of the classroom and sat in the hallway for 30 minutes. 
My friend, a boy, tried telling her, he was the one who spilled the candy, and it was mostly under his side of the desk too, so most of the loud crunchy pops were again his fault, but she retorted, and I remember this clearly 
“Don’t lie for her! She-” her tone held a certain level of disgust “-is not worth you getting in trouble!”
My mother still feels guilt for not having me transferred to another class, because she listened to my wishes. I was very insistent that I didn’t want to have to leave my friends. 
The four years she was in charge of us, I have literally no good memories of her. It was nothing but emotional and mental abuse, and a whole lot of gas-lighting to make me believe it was my fault.
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markfmd-blog · 7 years
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Hello! I’m Summer and that’s my baby Jiang Mark, MARS leader slash lead vocalist slash lead dancer.
Introducing baby Mark, here are some things you should know about him under the cut! Also for more info please check out his profile, bio and plot page!
-Born and raised in London, son of a soccer team coach (used to be Liverpool trainer) and a retired Olympic Ice Skater. His father and mother trained him since he was only four years old to be a tool at sports, forcing him to take various lessons such as ballet for balance and piano for training his focus.
- He became famous within sports fans and general female public in China when he was 15 after signing with one of their most popular junior soccer/football club in Beijing.
-Okay but his club was kinda of useless because they totally forgot about his soccer abilities when they realized that his face brought much more money, just because girls made ooohs and aaaahs over his looks, so he was neglected in the field and hyped on CF’s, variety shows and just basically becoming less of a player and more of a model.
-That made MANY soccer fans hate him because he was more of a model rather then a player.
-Because of the general stress, he wanted to relieve all the insecurities (he is very concerned with what people say and think about him) but didn’t know how until one of his teammates suggested for him to try playing some instrument like guitar or even singing, since it made wonders for him. AND BOI HOW THAT WORKED HUH?! Mark found his true love in singing - it just felt right for him. He decided to do this as a career and took it more seriously and after three years and a half with Beijing Junior Soccer Club, he didn’t resign the contract.
-He graduated from Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School, where he mastered his korean and improved his english even more and at the age of 19, applied for a interchange program on his university, moving to South Korea to attend Yonsei University.
-Since he had nothing to do and needed some money in his pocket(because he broke the contract so he had a huge dept to pay, which means no money for mark bae), he started hosting a late night radio broadcast related to sports and grabbed the eyes(well, ears) of almost the entire student body after singing  Paradise(파라다이스). He was kicked out of his job because he violated the terms of the broadcast but was approached by a scout from Dimensions Entertainment not much after and it didn’t take long to become a trainee under them.
-Because of already having a established ‘fandom’ in China that soon spread to Korea, the CEO realized that Mark was a good way to make easy money even before debut, so he was hyped a lot : making cameos in dramas during his trainee days and even grabbing a major role, as well as recording some OST’s. 
- He Trained for five years and was supposed to debut as the lead vocalist and lead dancer since the beginning.
-Okay but can I share that he had the most puppy love/crush on Alien’s main vocalist? Jupiter made his eyes big and his cheeks flush red and he looked at him with SO SO much prestige. Sadly, Mark thinks he hates him because during Alien’s lawsuit, Mark face was everywhere. EVERY FUCKING WHERE. So he is sure that his dreams of cuddling and kissing the bae are long lost because of stupid dimensions decision.
-BTW have I mentioned that he was hit really hard with MARS debut? And being given the leader position out of NOWHERE . It was a tough year for him.
-MARS ARE HIS BABIES! Even if the position of leader was a little effy for him at the begining, he is very competent at it and L-O-V-E-S his group. 
- No he will give up on love, money and everything if this means MARS succeed. No matter if a member is shitty, he’ll give everything and anything he has in order of his group success.
- This means that he did some...bad things. Like sleeping with a CEO or two in order to get deals for MARS, but nothing that stained his image.
- Social Butterfly, likes to makes friends. HI FRIEND!
-IS SUPER EAGER TO SKINSHIP AND IS ALWAYS CLINGING ON THE MEMBERS! No matter if you’re older or not, he will call each one of them 'hyung~’ and give a back hug because yeah.
-Ranked at the 6th position in a 'Most beautiful faces of Asia’ in 2015. Cool right? Not when I mention that he was placed 6th place in the 'Most beautiful FEMALE faces of Asia’. In 6th place. #whenwillyourbias
- Ideal type of woman:  Supernovas <3
-Sickly gentleman and has the title of being Dimension’s prince charming, and is also marketed as ‘Asia Prince’. 
-He is also not someone that takes shit from anyone so if you make a comment or anything, be prepared to get a comment back. Still is a ray of sunshine - 
-Wanna get on his nerves? Just say that XX idol is prettier then him. NO ONE IS PRETTIER THEN HIM! Honestly he is always with a mirror to check his hair or teeth and has the most impeccable clothes even in the airplane. Complain about everything but don’t you dare to say a thing about his visuals.
-Is a fluff ball but will get mad if you call him pretty of beautiful. He wants to be called handsome because he is oh-so-manly.
- Chinese idols in Korea must be protected by him!! He’ll knock on your door with flowers, cookies and hot chocolate and a blanket saying 'I’m here if you want a friend <3 ’. Probably has a KKT group chat with all the chinese idols just because he likes taking care of others.
- Still has troubles of his company and other idols not taking him seriously regarding his music: he wants to show everyone that ‘prince mark’ is not the only side of him, that he is a person of many layers. Yet Dimensions thinks that it’s for the best for Mark not do anything because the prince image is working just fine, even though he is already tired of having to pretend being perfect all the time.  He wants to show that he is more then just a pretty face.
- Tsundere breaker: he is teddy bear people love to rely on
- great cook and is in charge of the cuisine in MARS
- is teased a lot because his visuals don’t match with his group - he is a flower boy and could fit either Knight or Origin more, but is happy with MARS
- Dimensions had intentions to make him debut as a solo artist within their Chinese division but saw that his visuals and name could make a group popular.
So that’s all for him <3 If you’re under DIMENSIONS ENTERTAINMENT or is a member of MARS, come here quickly to plot with me <3 Mark wants his babies and worship all of them.
Even if you’re not, come here lol He is very friendly and I’m sure he is the type of person to become friends after IDK…meeting in an award ceremony bathroom (if he bumps at you he will ask your phone number).
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bixzone-blog · 3 years
How to make $100,000 in a day
Those are the daily sales during the launch of my Advanced Personal Finance course. That’s $482,851 in five days. And almost half of it in one day alone.
(BTW, I made an additional $69,660 in that launch — beyond the $482,851 you see above — thanks to some advanced launch amplifiers that we’ve discovered. If you’re curious, I’ll tell you more about those.)
I’ve been doing launches for I Will Teach You To Be Rich and GrowthLab for about a decade now. It took some trial and error. But my team and I have gotten to a point where big money like that is kind of routine.
That’s not to say that there’s not the occasional flop or disappointment. There absolutely is.
But for the most part, we know: If we do what we know how to do, and we do it well — then by the end of a launch week, we’ll be looking at data that looks like this:
Daily sales for a recent Earn1K launch
Not a bad week for a 10-year-old course
That’s $134,841 in one day last year from pitching Earn1K, a course I created in 2009 and have already launched over 15 times in the past decade. (When I say our courses are thoroughly tested and built to last, I mean it.)
By comparison, last year, the median household income in the U.S. was $61,372.
Or take one of my recent launches: The product was called Double Engine Growth. It is an advanced strategy course for CEOs of online businesses:
Daily sales for Double Engine Growth launch
Double Engine Growth
Daily sales for a very advanced product I launched last year
By definition, this was a super-niche product — one that only applied to a tiny fraction of my audience. In fact, the course cost $6,000 and I actively told people NOT to buy it if their business wasn’t already making 6 figures.
Even with all of those handicaps, we STILL cleared $160,530 in one day.
Let’s put that in perspective:
To make $160,530 … you could work as a Director of Marketing … in NYC … for an entire year
Or you could save $10,000/year … invested at 8% … for 11 years!
By the way, it’s not just me. We’ve taught our students — people like you — how to run launches with life-changing results.
Like Ben Dziwulski. Ben just recently ran a $50K launch for his business, WODprep, and he’s planning more where that came from in 2019.
Or Bushra Azhar, who earned $130,000 from a single launch — in just the second year of running her business.
bushra sales stroke
What would you do if you could earn $100,000 in a day? Or $50,000? Or even $10,000?
I know, I know. These kinds of stories seem crazy, foreign — even to the point of, “What’s the catch?”
That’s why I’m so insistent on taking you inside the numbers to show you how it actually works.
Because once you understand how it’s not magic — it’s just math — you start to realize what a single breakthrough launch can do for you.
For me, it meant being able to hit my savings goals years earlier.
It meant being able to move from SF to NYC — and be bi-coastal! — so when I came back to California, I always had my place to stay (and I could let my friends/family borrow it any time). Sadly, the one thing I could not get was good tacos in NYC.
Now, these launches mean I can invest more in my business and health and the things I love. And after teaching so many people how to run launches, I know they can have a huge impact on your Rich Life.
So the question is not “CAN breakthrough launches happen?”
It’s “How can I run a breakthrough launch in MY business?”
That’s what we’re going to talk about today.
You may have heard me say it before: It’s not magic. It’s math.
I’ll show you what I mean.
(BTW don’t think that, just because I’m talking about six- and seven-figure launches, I must not be talking to you. No matter where you’re at in your business, the lessons here apply to you.)
The 3 major levers the drive launch revenue
There are 3 levers that affect launch performance:
Lever #1: List Size
Lever #2: Product Price
Lever #3: Conversion Rate
When you put them all together, you get a formula that looks like this:
List Size X Price Point X Conversion Rate = Launch Revenue
To see how these levers work, let’s look at a few different launches. (By the way, I’m not pulling these launch numbers out of thin air: they’re all real numbers from launches run by GrowthLab students.)
A $5K Launch:
5,400 Subscribers X $47 Price Point X 2.7% Conversion Rate = $6,852 in Launch Revenue
This is a solid 4-figure launch. We’ve got a healthy List Size, and a Price Point that quality customers won’t blink an eye at. But the real star of the show here is that Conversion Rate. That tells us two things:
That we have a high-quality list of engaged readers who are interested in what we have to say
That we’ve designed a launch that does the work it needs to do to communicate value and get our readers to take action
A $15K Launch:
7,361 Subscribers X $297 Price Point X 0.7% Conversion Rate= $15,303 in Launch Revenue
Our Conversion Rate has dropped a little now, but that’s okay — it’s normal for conversion rates to go down as your price point and subscriber count go up, which ours have here. (Although List Size, not by that much.) The lever we’re really pulling on here, though, is Price Point. We’re moving up the value chain, providing more value with our product, and asking for more value in return.
Now let’s push the numbers up a bit:
A $50K Launch
57,000 Subscribers X $125 Price Point X 0.7% Conversion Rate = $49,875 in Launch Revenue
Here we have an example of what happens when your List Size starts to get up there: you can have a sub-1% Conversion Rate and a slightly lower Price Point and STILL clear $50K in revenue — because every subscriber represents another bite at the apple.
Let’s pause here for a moment and think about what this means.
With $50K, you could take 2 months off and travel to 5-star hotels across Asia.
You could pay off the U.S. average student loan debt of $25K — TWICE.
But it gets even better.
Now let’s jump up to 6-figures. What would a $225K launch look like?
A $225K Launch
150,000 Subscribers X $300 Price Point X 0.5% Conversion Rate = $225,000 in Launch Revenue
In fact, those numbers are very close to the results of one of my favorite recent launches: a $223,670 launch for our Delegate and Done course.
Delegate and Done shows 6-figure business owners how to work with a virtual assistant. With a super-niche course like that, you’d expect Conversion Rate to plummet, but we managed to keep ours at 0.5% (without any gimmicks or sleazy sales tricks, either). Combined with a lower Price Point and a nice List Size, we enjoyed a $223K week.
What happens when we pass 7-figures?
Let’s look at a $5MM launch:
A $5MM Launch
238,069 Subscribers X $2,367 Price Point X 0.98% Conversion Rate = $5,522,391 in Launch Revenue
I’ve told you about this launch before: the very first release of Zero to Launch, when I made more than $5MM in revenue in one week — $2,000,000+ of that on the last day of the launch alone.
What I remember most about this launch is that we were actually playing at an entirely new level. If we had minor problems, we could pay the problem away. As someone once said, “If you have a problem that money can solve, you don’t really have a problem.”
One of the IWT team members actually caught the initial sales rush on video during another 7-figure launch we ran in 2012, for our Find Your Dream Job course.
With a 7-figure launch, everything has to work in concert. You can see that in our Zero to Launch results:
We had a nice, big List Size that gave me plenty of opportunities to turn subscribers into buyers;
We had a Price Point that conveyed the value of what we were offering; and, last, but definitely not least
We had a Conversion Rate that showed us that all the work we had put into the launch — designing and writing the email funnel and sales page, making sure every word was in place and every sentence hit the exact emotional note that we wanted it to hit — all of that work had paid off. And it felt AMAZING.
Whether you’re building your 1st or 101st launch, these three levers will be critical drivers of your results.
And if you want to improve the performance of your launches, there are three things you can do:
Increase your list size
Raise your product price
Boost your conversion rate
But there’s a catch: How to understand these launch levers
Some of them are easier to move than others.
Take List Size. You should always be trying to grow your list, of course. But today, right now, your list size is what it is, and there’s not a whole lot you can do to change that.
Besides, list size isn’t destiny the way a lot of people think it is. (Tomorrow, I’ll share some stories of entrepreneurs who have run successful 4- or even 5-figure launches with subscriber counts of 500 or fewer, and you’ll see what I mean.)
Price Point is also hard to change. You may be able to raise the price of your product a little — assuming that it’s an amazing product and you’ve been undercharging for it in the past. But every product has a price ceiling.
And building a brand new product from the ground up takes a ton of time and effort — and there’s no guarantee it will be a success.
That leaves Conversion Rate. This one is my favorite because it’s the lever that you can control RIGHT NOW.
You can’t fill your email list with high-quality, highly motivated subscribers overnight.
You can’t wave a magic wand and turn your $99 product into a $999 product.
But you can ABSOLUTELY sit down and write a thoughtful, well-designed email funnel that clearly communicates the value of your product. You can ABSOLUTELY design a launch that grabs your list’s attention and pushes them to take action — and drives that Conversion Rate straight through the roof.
That’s the thing that I’m proudest of when I think about that $5MM first launch of Zero to Launch.
We designed an effective funnel that is STILL earning us revenue today.
Note I said effective. Not how great the writing was, or how long it was, or how “perfect” — in fact, the most effective copy often isn’t perfect. Effective copy HOOKS your reader’s attention, keeps them INTERESTED through your launch, and drives them to take ACTION by buying your product.
With the Zero to Launch funnel, we had an amazing launch. I’m not afraid to say that, because I know they’re that good. The reason they’re good is because we spent a ton of time getting them right, and we had refined and tested how we did that over multiple years and multiple launches.
(But what if you’re not a good writer? That’s OK. You don’t have to become a professional wordsmith to learn how to craft highly effective copy. In fact, some of the most effective copywriters in the world aren’t great “writers” in the traditional sense. I’ll show you how we do this on Wednesday.)
Building a great launch is a major lever for driving serious revenue for your business. One you have a lot of immediate control over. And once you know how to run a great launch, you can do it again. And again. And again.
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mightbedamian · 7 years
#TMIishTuesday #51 - DHL - Drama Help Line?
Hey, Before we start: This Austrian human rights organisation “SOS Mitmensch” has called for people to participate in their “Populistenpause”, so ignoring any populistic, anti-islamic, anti-foreigners messages spoken out by people from the right-winged parties. The goal is to not mention anything the political right say - and just ignore them for the entire month of March. I’m going to participate in this campaign, even if I’m from Germany. So, if AfD or CSU or whoever else talk shit from tomorrow on, you won’t hear anything from me on that. It will be hard, but it will be a message. Obviously, the more people participate, the more the impact will be noticable. Feel free to join! Also: Last week I told you that this post would be about dubbing, aka. the synchronised German (or whichever language's) version of the original dialogues of films. I also debated whether I should share my two cents about carnival. But things changed - and so did this week's topic.
Btw, next week's post will be a special one (which is happening upcoming weekend), so the post on dubbing will be up in two weeks. God! So much planning ahead going on. But okay, enough of this rambling. Let's get the drama started! Hey there mighty people of the internet! And welcome to issue #51 of #TMIishTuesday - my weekly Tumblr post about what goes through my weird mind and on what you guys want to know more about. It can be something very personal, it can be something political, it can be completely pointless - but in 99.9 % of the cases, it involves opinions. And mine as well. // Last week was not only the 50th post of #TMIishTuesday. I also talked about my water-proof trousers. Oh, and self-confidence. That's the most important topic. Have a read, if you haven't yet. // Right. Where to start this rant? Probably with the reason that I got into all this shit: My phone. The on/off/unlock key of my beloved Wiko Stairway had had some issues for the last two weeks or so. It wasn't working first touch all the time. On Wednesday afternoon it stopped working completely. Naïve Damian thought, maybe taking out the battery and putting it back in would solve the problem. Erm… But how to turn this thing back on? Mind you: The on/off-key wasn't working. So the only thing that taking out the battery did, was turn off the phone. GG! After a good 30 minutes of trying to loosen the screws to check the inside of the phone, I gave up and accepted that I needed to take the phone to the repair shop the next day - or get a new one. After all I'd had this phone for 4 years. Btw, shout-out to Wiko: I was really satisfied with it! Anyway, given the age of the phone - and remembering that I had thought about replacing it early this year anyway - I decided to look for a new phone. So I spent about 5 hours researching phones on the internet - aka. reading up on test reports. In the end I had enough of it and decided for the Sony Xperia X (which ultimately sent the Samsung Galaxy S7 and the OnePlus 3 to second and third place). And I tried to get it online - with speedy delivery. It turned out that all three electronic shops in Osnabrück didn't have it in stock. It was in stock in ALL stores in the surroundings, though. Typical. I ended up placing an order at Saturn and paying 360 Euros. They told me it would be at my place within 1 or 2 working days. Fair enough. Amazon needed 3-5 days. Would have saved me 40 Euros, but I already couldn't stand the phoneliness after those 6 hours. And I didn't want to spent the entire weekend without one. As usual I put in my Packstation address. If you don't know what Packstation is: German delivery company DHL put up some lockers at basically every other supermarket in German cities. You can register online and then use any of these lockers as delivery address. Advantage over the usual home delivery: They can put it there - no matter whether you're home or not. And you can collect it 24/7. So far - so good of a concept. But I used the locker as delivery address a fair few times so far. And it didn't quite work: Two times the lockers were full - so I had to collect it from the post office. Another time they returned it to sender cause the address options on Amazon didn't indicate my "post no." - the number needed to tell the locker I can retrieve it with my pass. One time I ordered it to my home address cause I was already fed up by this - and they took it to a Packstation further away after I wasn't home. Great job! Oh, and I have to give you that: Last month it actually worked for once! Anyway, I knew I had school all morning and half of the afternoon on both Thursday and Friday, but wanted to make sure I could actually collect the phone the day it arrived. So I thought sending it to the Packstation was a great idea. And it looked like that. I mean… DHL decided to let the parcel sit at the distribution center for an entire day before putting it in the van to Osnabrück. But it's not like I had expect speedy delivery anyway :P And you might be thinking that this is coming to a quick and happy end now. And so did I. But... Things took a turn! At 3.08 pm I got an email telling me: "Hey! Your parcel is ready to be collected at Packstation No. B." I mean… I told them to send it to Packstation No. A, but hey! At least it was there. And given that the post office was closing at 4 pm, I was glad they put it into the other Packstation (assuming that the one I designated was full again). And I got really excited to retrieve my phone! But: Drama gets really drama-ry right now. Get some popcorn! In the email it said: "Hey! When you retrieve your parcel, remember to bring your pass and your one-time pin that's been sent to your phone." When I read this sentence my face turned into utter shock and terror! What the hell!? You need a pin to retrieve parcels from the lockers? I had only done this once before, so I just had forgotten. I was getting really, really mad. So I googled basically anything I could imagine to come up with a solution. Result: It seems you indeed cannot retrieve parcels, if you don't have that stupid pin! I tried, if my phone provider offered an option to look into your messages online. Cause that would make sense, right? But the customer support chat told me "no." (shoutout to the simplytel customer support, btw! Really easy to access the chat and really quick reply!). I then rang all my neighbours' doors to see, if I could borrow their phone for a minute, put my sim card in, get the code - and I would be done. But: Since lots of my neighbours are students and it was carnival, it so happened that none of them was home. So I called the DHL customer service (thank God, they don't make you pay for that!) asking, if there was any way around this? Or if they could send it to my email instead? Nope. No chance. Only by phone. Great! Mine was broken - and I told the kind lady on the other end of the line exactly that. She just said: We can't do anything about that. But you could change the number of your account online and press the “send new pin” button. That's exactly what I did: Called my father to figure out, if he was available. He was in the middle of drinking a coffee at a café with friends, but technically, he was available. Btw, I was REALLY lucky that I have a landline telephone! Don't want to think about how the following conversations would have been, if email had been the only option. So I changed the number of my Packstation account to my father's phone (his secondary phone cause the system didn't accept his first number - it's already saved for his account - great feature, too, DHL! Really handy!) and pressed the "send new pin" button. A moment later, he called telling me the code. I thanked him for his help and made my way to the Packstation my parcel was waiting for me (10 minutes one way). I got really excited when I entered my pass and  the four-character pin. But it said: Incorrect pin. I retried. Incorrect pin. Double-checked on the paper that I had taken with me on which I had put it down during the call: That's the one! Why don't you work then!? Entered the same code a third time. "Entered incorrect code three times. Your parcel is now locked. Call customer service to unlock." - Great! I was out of my mind at this point! WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING!? I stormed home - with no parcel. On the way back I already thought about just hitting the road and driving to the next electronics store that had the phone in stock. That would have meant at least 30 minutes one-way on the road. But at least I would get my phone! At home I saw an email from my dad: "Hey, I just got sent a second code. Hope, you see this in time." - Clearly I did not... And he had sent it only five minutes earlier. That was when I was on my way back from the Packstation already. Shout-out to DHL! So I did the only thing I was left with: Call the customer service again. Thank God, it was a Saturday! Both times my call was answered within one minute, after I had denied the robot service. Anyway, I decided to not tell the customer service about all my anger, but rather just ask them to reset the pin. A minute later my dad rang again: "Hey, so… I just got a third code. Did you ask for that?" - Yes, I did. I thanked him again and both of us hoped the code would not be reset again. Luckily, it wasn't this time. I entered the code and - FINALLY - collected my parcel. A full two hours after the time I would have, if they just had sent the code to my email. -.- Anyway, that's probably the last time I used their Packstation "service". You know, it's a nice concept and everything. But your just screwed when you don't have a phone! Well… A working phone. (Update: I wrote this Monday night. But I already collected another parcel from the locker. This time it worked fine. Cause my phone worked...) Oh, by now I figured out that the first pin DHL sent my dad, after I changed the number on the DHL website, was actually the pin they had sent me earlier (which I couldn't see because of acute deadphonitis). Apparently the website couldn't cope with SO MUCH information - changing the number and "ordering" a new pin - that it took 30 minutes to send the new pin. GG! -.- To end this on a positive note: Shout-out to my dad for supporting me all the way! And: My new phone works perfectly fine! As far as I can see, it's definitely worth the money! Downside: I lost all my contacts (cause I had saved them on my old phone - and you can only access the storage when the phone is turned on. Which it won't anymore. Screw this!). Slowly but steadily collecting all the contacts again now. Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant. And if I may give you one piece of advice: Only use the Packstation “service” when you have a back-up plan! Get a back-up phone first. Instead I might send everything to the post office directly from now on. Extra work for them. Revenge is sweet! Before I go let me know your thought on DHL and the Packstation thingy. Have you used it? Were you more lucky than me or was it quite the disaster I experienced? Place a comment, tweet me, dm me, or do anything else you can think of to get to me. Queer Shoutout you say? First off: Massive congrats to everyone involved in the Moonlight film for winning the Best Picture Oscar! So cool to see an LGBTQ+ film rocking the Oscars! And congrats to Mahershala Ali, who played the drug dealer Juan at his younger age. And finally congrats to Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney who won the Writing Oscar for the story! Queer Shoutout of the week: An article in German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung - a story about an Israeli family. In short: A gay guy is looking for a lesbian to make a baby. They move in together, take care of their child - and each of them still has a(nother) partner. Sounds strange? It is! But very much worth the read. As always: Next #TMIishTuesday next Tuesday. If you have any questions in the meantime, just ask away. Whatever you’re curious about - I don’t bite. :)
Until then: Stay mighty!
Linkage: - Populistenpause: http://www.sosmitmensch.at/populistenpause - Queer shoutout: http://sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de/texte/anzeigen/45579
 Oh, and here’s some self-promo: - Last #TMIishTuesday: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/157536488943/tmiishtuesday-50-being-me-or-self-confidence - All #TMIishTuesdays: mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/tmi - More #TMIishTuesdays on random topics: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/me - More very cool stuff: www.twitter.com/mightbedamian - Even more very cool stuff: mightbedamian.tumblr.com 
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