#the entire album is so good. listening to it in order? even better
pyrriax · 1 year
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cowardlybean · 4 months
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“Then no matter where you are, in a crowded restaurant or on some desolate street or even in the comforts of your own home, you'll watch yourself dismantle every assurance you ever lived by. You'll stand aside as a great complexity intrudes, tearing apart, piece by piece, all of your carefully conceived denials, whether deliberate or unconscious. And then for better or worse you'll turn, unable to resist, though try to resist you still will, fighting with everything you've got not to face the thing you most dread, what is now, what will be, what has always come before, the creature you truly are, the creature we all are, buried in the nameless black of a name.
And then the nightmares will begin.” - Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves
What a surprise! I’m back at it again with fanart for The Times They are a Changin’ by @bandtrees and @tigsbitties ! Normal is not in my vocabulary.
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And as per tradition, extras!
here’s a fun fact: I’ve tried a total of 7 times to draw my favorite scene and yet I Cannot. THIS HAS AGONIZED ME!
here’s another fun fact: I’ve been typing the abbreviation “TTTAAC” wrong for months. I added an extra “A”. I’m never living this down!
Anyway! Sorry for obsessing over y’all’s fic (again) it hits like a psychic blast to my brain!!!! So many things become (ESPECIALLY THE DEHUMANIZATION) in a reread it’s such a well crafted fic oh my GOD. If you haven’t already read it and you can stomach the tags please give it a read!!!!!! Could not recommend more!!! It will sit with you for days. Or maybe that’s just me
I also recommend listening to the Navidson Record (not the Poe album which is also good but not what I’m talking about) album “This is not for you.” (from House of Leaves) as a soundtrack for some moments because if I had to give this entire fic a soundtrack That would be it. If that makes sense. Not in order but like to match with certain scenes. You get what I mean!!
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 months
CW: Intimate whump, frank/mocking noncon discussion, captivity, forced relationship (... sort of), threats of violence/death
(As always, Jax is @comfy-whumpee's OC and is used with permission and oversight)
Brayden Marcoset has never hated a single soul as much as he hates his cousin’s stupid fucking English muffin of a man.
Savvie had taken a perfectly good house slave, trained by the best man in the business, and then she somehow ruined him entirely. Placid and obedient had become watchful and cunning. As if she’d turned a fucking housepet into a caged, half-rabid… coyote, or something.
Not that Brayden’s ever seen one other than on television, but… still. Metaphors don’t matter.
She’s given the man delusions of grandeur, pulled him into her bed when he should have spent his nights in the servant quarters or bedded down with the hunting hounds where he belongs. 
It’s one thing for a Marcoset man to take a liking to staff - that's just part of life - but none of them ever demanded to marry one. And no Marcoset man ever tried to make any of the resulting little bastards into legitimate Marcoset heirs. 
It’s disgusting. 
Brayden’s eyelid twitches just looking at him, where he sits on the long end of the sectional like he even deserves to be there. Savvie dresses him in clothes that are worth more than he is, simpers and smiles and kisses him, calls him sweet little nicknames and all but throws herself at him 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
It’s hell, having to play along with her ridiculous little games.
But… here they are, he and the man Savvie insists on calling her husband sitting across from each other like this is normal or fine and not Savvie twisting and bending the rules of reality to her will like she always does.
Jax should be standing unobtrusively in a corner waiting to be given an order. He should be wearing the staff uniform of white shirt, black pants, black collar, and eyes on the ground.
He should be her little secret she brings to her bed and then sends away right after and he should be grateful for being her favorite.
Instead, he’s sitting on the couch as miserable as Brayden is, wearing a pair of tailored jeans and a sweater Brayden owns himself in a different color and now can’t wear ever again, not now that the muffin has worn it. 
Not now that he realizes Jax looks better in that style of sweater than he does. 
Grudgingly, he admits to himself that Jax looks pretty good in general. Too thin, thanks to Savvie’s iron control over how much he eats and when he gets the chance to eat it, but… good. He’s got that hint of lean muscle you can’t quite hide, and his hair looks good. Maybe he’s got shadows under his eyes, but really… that’s not so bad. He’s handsome enough, even with the shock collar permanently locked around his neck. 
Next to him, looking ethereal - she thinks, anyway - in an empire-waist gown with too many layers of faint pastel shades that she believes turn her into some kind of watercolor queen, Savvie has a hand on his knee as she gestures. She pauses, looking between he and Jax, and Brayden feigns a reaction - he has no idea what she just said. 
Neither does Jax, he thinks - he’s staring slightly off to one side as Savvie chatters about their most recent ‘babymoon’, a trip down to the beach house to enjoy the waves, work on her next album, and really just focus on being ‘us’ for a while. She’s only twenty-three weeks pregnant and they’ve already gone on two of the damn things, Savvie dragging Jax with her like the idiot little dog on a short leash he might as well be.
How many more can she plan? How many more of these stories is he going to have to pretend he’s listening to?
Brayden watches Jax instead.
His jaw is angled more sharply than it was when he’d first arrived, years ago, as if he’s always biting something back. Brayden had seen him a few times before back then, before he’d gone to the cops and it had nearly cost them all everything… Jax had been blank, then, too, but it had been… different. 
Now he isn’t really empty. 
Jax's face always looks like a computer with the monitor off but programs still whirring all the same. Whatever there is going on behind his eyes, Brayden can’t see it. And he’s usually pretty good at reading the shit the servants think they’re hiding. Or roughing them up until they tell him anyway.
But with Jax, it’s like looking through completely frosted glass. Shadows, a hint of a color, maybe, but… nothing clear. Never enough to get any understanding. Being trapped in Savvie’s life - in her bed, in her arms - has made Jax into a better liar than he’d been when he first arrived.
That’s not just irritating.
That’s dangerous.
But Savvie doesn’t see it.
Savvie pauses, leans over, whispers into Jax’s ear as she gives his knee a squeeze. Brayden watches a soft smile flicker across his face, gone as fast as it came. He whispers, Yes, Miss Savvie in that hushed voice that makes Brayden’s teeth itch. Savvie pushes herself to her feet. Her stomach isn't really that rounded but she acts like it’s already huge, rubbing her hand over it, up and down. Brayden barely stops himself from rolling his eyes. 
He gets the sense Jax feels the same as he does, for once.
“I’ll be right back,” Savvie says brightly. “Keep an eye on him for me, won’t you, Bray? Just… part of the magic, I guess, is having to go to the bathroom every six minutes. I swear…” She’s still talking when she leaves the room. Has she stopped since she got here? He’s pretty sure she hasn’t. She barely even pauses to breathe.
But at least the room gets quiet, now. 
He glances over at Jax, who doesn’t look back. But, like a shark scenting blood a mile away, Brayden sees how his scarred hands shift where they rest, falsely relaxed. Brayden watches his ring finger twitch, the simple band Savvie put there glinting dimly in the light. 
“How badly do you wish she would just drop dead right now?” He asks, seemingly idly, tipping his cut-crystal glass to watch the whiskey and ice swirl around each other. “More than before she got herself pregnant, or less?”
Jax’s jaw shifts. Those eyes move to his, briefly, all innocent uncertainty. “Don’t know w-what you mean,” He says, voice low. 
“Oh, give up the bullshit,” Brayden says, huffing as he takes a drink, leaning over with his elbows on his thighs. He finds a half-smile, but he doesn’t mean it, and he doesn’t try to look like he does. “We all know how you feel. You might as well be honest with me about it. Besides, we’re basically family, now, right? I was at your wedding. I was your best man, your best-... what, d’you call it your best mate in merry old England?”
He laughs at his own mockery of an accent that has only the slightest relation to Jax’s own, taking a drink. This is his fourth whiskey of the evening and the other three went down smooth. The world is getting brighter, with sharper edges - just how he likes it.
At the mention of the wedding - where Jax had gone where he was told, done what he was told to do, said the words Savvie gave him to say, and probably gone back to Savvie’s home that night and whispered sweet nothings like a man with a gun to his head - Jax’s fingers twitch again. They close into loose fists. He doesn’t even bother with a reply, this time. 
Just looks away again.
“Hey.” Brayden frowns, snapping his fingers, but Jax doesn’t even flinch. “I’m talking to you.”
 More silence.
“Come on. Give me something to work with.” He sits back again, raking a hand back through his hair. “You’re a treat to have around for a visit, aren’t you? So very talkative. Goddamn chatty. Jax, why are you even here, anyway? You don’t have to be.”
That gets him the briefest bit of eye contact, but nothing more. “Miss Savvie was invited for dinner,” He says, voice low and blank and empty. It makes Brayden’s anger rise like a storm surge inside him, battering his resolve. 
The rest of the staff… react. They murmur obedience, they smile when he tells them to, they answer every question with yes, Master Brayden or no, Master Brayden, or whatever you want, Master Brayden. But Jax, the worst of them all, has to be treated like he matters just because Savvie thinks his dick hung the moon. 
Brayden moves fluidly onto his feet, ignoring the way the world spins a little. Maybe, he thinks, he shouldn’t have another whiskey after he finishes this one. He moves around the coffee table, closing the distance between them. Jax’s fists close tighter and tighter, until his nails must be breaking skin. As Brayden bends and then leans in close, Jax subtly leans away, trying to keep distance between them.
But Brayden isn’t in the mood for distance.
Not tonight.
Instead, he shifts gears, switches over to easygoing, we’re all guys here friendliness. “Seriously, man. We all know she’s batshit, she always was. We all know it. Nobody really thinks this is Romeo and Juliet but her. You know? You should be scrubbing floors right now. Or… I don’t know, maybe you should be somewhere else. Like back home, huh?”
Jax takes in a breath, his eyes determinedly focused on a spot on the wall somewhere over Brayden’s shoulder, but he doesn’t reply. This close, Brayden can smell the cologne Savvie makes him wear. 
“It’s okay,” Brayden murmurs, looking towards the door Savvie went through and then back. “It’s just the two of us here. Be honest with me, Mr. Marm-... Marcoset.” He’s slurring a little as the whiskeys catch up to him, but it doesn’t matter. “You spend half the night thinking about putting a pillow over her fucking face, and you know nobody who actually knew her would even blame you, so why not do it? Or… look, it’s just us here and now. Just you and me. Tell me why you don’t just… go, get out of here, get the fuck out of my sight. And don’t say the collar. If you’re here at this house, the shock collar can’t be set to make you stay at her house, so… why not just fucking take off before she can get to the remote? You could make it outside before she even notices. I wouldn’t even say anything, I’d just sit here and wait. I’d even give you a good head start.”
He drops his voice lower, soft and poisonously seductive. The kind of voice he might use on a pretty servant girl, not his cousin’s idiot husband. Just above a whisper. The same way he might have otherwise murmured to one of the staff to be in my room at midnight, to Jax he offers a different kind of poison laced with sugar. 
“She left the keys in the car, didn’t she? You know she did. Go on, Jax. I won’t say a damn thing. Just go. Get the fuck out of our lives and be free and then I never have to see your ugly fucking face again.”
He’s nearly breathing whiskey-breath in Jax’s face, and still, the man doesn’t move. Doesn’t even wrinkle his nose.
Brayden chuckles, forcing it, because he’s getting absolutely nothing from the man still seated in perfect still silence on the couch, but he can feel under all that empty space the rising tension. He can tell he’s getting to Jax, at least a little. 
He wants to throw him to the floor, kick his ribs until he hears the satisfying snap when one of them breaks, and then keep going. Give Savvie back her man with black eyes and busted-out teeth, a broken jaw. Show him how little he means, no matter what Savvie tells him.
He’s just staff.
He’s just something else the Marcosets own.
He doesn’t deserve their name, and he isn’t even grateful for it.
“Come on,” He murmurs, nearly close enough to touch now. “You know you want to go. You could get out before there’s some little monster screaming for you alongside her all night, some bastard baby you’ll hate as much as you hate her. Throw a punch, I’ll let you hit me even. Make it look like a fight and not like you’re just following my orders, too. Go on. Or… well, wait a second.”
He sits down next to Jax, slinging an arm around his shoulder like they’re the best of friends, leaning in until he’s nearly close enough to kiss.
“Do you... do you not even want to go? Huh? Is the problem that you really want to be here? Got a lil case of the Stockholm Syndrome? That’s not real, you know. They made it up... doesn’t matter. But hey, maybe you have it anyway. Maybe you like fucking her every single night. That’s why you never take the chances, because… because we know there are chances, don’t we, you and I? After you dick her down real good, she falls asleep and you have hours, but no… you stay right there and wait to be told to dick her down again, huh? Because you want to be here." He laughs again, barely making a sound. "You sad little shit, you actually love her and you don’t even know it. Love her so much you’re having a baby together. Some little fucking clone of my cousin, but hey. Maybe the little goblin will have your eyes, huh? You can teach it to say yes, Miss Savvie like a goddamn moron just like you. Gonna be the baby's first words, right?"
Jax’s back and shoulders feel like iron, tense as steel bearing too much weight under the soft cashmere, beneath Brayden’s arm. The way that tension turns to shaking makes him smile. Jax’s knuckles are bleached against the fabric of his jeans, his face paper-white beneath some red that lingers in his cheeks. 
It’s a good look on him.
It’d be better if he was bleeding.
Too much whiskey has Brayden’s hand creeping back up, over the back of Jax’s neck to the shock collar’s lock. He knows the combo, the whole family knows the combo they use for the shock collars. “I’ll take it off,” He whispers, “And give you twenty minutes. How far can you get, I wonder? I want to see. Don’t you want to see how far you can get?”
Jax’s eyes, locked as they are on the wall in front of him, flare slightly. Brayden’s close enough to hear his breathing suddenly go shallow, and then catch. 
“Come on,” Brayden whispers. “Run, rabbit. Run.”
Brayden’s fingers brush over the lock, the hair that just barely curls over it at the nape of Jax’s neck. 
“Don’t,” Jax says, voice tight. 
Brayden’s lip curls in disgust. “Why not?”
“Because, Brayden, in this particular moment he is smarter than you are.”
The voice of Brayden’s father booms from the doorway,.
Brayden feels blood somehow both rush to his face and also drain from it at the same moment. Then his vision goes red. Jax had seen Isaac coming, hadn’t he? He'd seen, and he hadn’t said a damn thing.
Brayden gets back to his feet, stumbling forward before straightening his posture. Even in his late thirties, he’s still got a hint of nerves around Isaac. Being too drunk in front of his father feels like a great way to get himself in deep shit all over again.
Isaac Marcoset, always the biggest presence in any room he enters, moves casually as he rolls his sleeves back down. Smears of faint red on his knuckles are the only sign of the work he’s been busy with for the past hour. The head of the Marcoset family is all charm and darkness. He’s sly smiles and handshakes that sometimes go on just a little too long, and he’s also agonizing, lingering death in a back room, with staff removing bodies out the back door.
Brayden takes a breath. He feels the strangely teenage urge to hide his whiskey glass behind his back and fights it. “Hey... Hey, Dad.”
Isaac only raises an eyebrow, pouring himself a drink from the bar cart in the corner. The silence draws out, awkward and heavy.
Brayden clears his throat. “I-I wasn’t really going to take it off, I was… I was just fucking with him, that’s all.”
“I certainly hope you’re not fucking with him, Bray.” Isaac takes a drink, waiting for Brayden to understand his terse joke. No one laughs. “I realize he has some sort of attractive quality to him, although I have no idea what, but still. It’s bad enough that my niece lowers herself to bedding him, surely you can abstain?” 
Brayden's face burns so hot he half thinks he'll catch fire. "Dad!"
In the corner of his eyes, Brayden sees the corners of Jax’s smile shift into a shit-eating little smirk. 
The little shit. How dare he looks like that, like he's gotten one over on Brayden, and how dare he wear the fucking wedding ring that means Brayden can’t even do anything about it. Not anything permanent enough to count, anyway.
Brayden drops back into his seat, hunching his shoulders and glaring over the edge of his glass. He tells himself if Jax so much as cracks a fucking joke, he’ll break this glass, carve that smirk into the stupid fucker's face, and beg Savvie for forgiveness afterward. 
When he looks, though, Jax isn’t even looking at him. Those hazel eyes are locked on Isaac, as if Brayden simply ceases to exist when his father walks in the door. It’s a feeling that’s far too familiar, and it makes Brayden feel… small.
Which pisses him off even more.
And Jax knows it.
“Hello, Uncle Isaac,” Jax says, serene. As if they were all simply discussing the weather. But that shit-eating grin doesn’t leave his face, even if it never makes it to his eyes. 
“Hello, miscreant,” Isaac replies, apparently in a good enough mood to humor him. “I have to assume, if I’m forced to endure your presence, that my niece is here as well?”
“She went to th’bathroom,” Brayden mutters, drinking the rest of his whiskey in two gulps, using the burn as a distraction from his embarrassment and fury at even being embarrassed in front of glorified staff, Savvie’s little toy. “Mother said… what, twenty minutes ago? I think? She said supper’s served at seven.”
“Hm. Not much longer, then. Good, I’ve worked up an appetite.” Isaac settles into his favorite armchair in the sitting room, tapping fingertips on the upholstery. “You should learn to control yourself, Bray. My niece’s choice of men may not run to the most handsome or most intelligent-... or men with brains at all, really-... but despite his many faults… well. There isn't anything we can do about those. The miscreant remains whether we like it or not."
“Now you’re just hurting my feelings,” Jax says, with absolutely no emotion whatsoever. “Thought we were family now, Uncle Isaac.” 
Brayden glares at him - he’s been silent, but now he talks? Now he has little quips to say, once Brayden looks like a moron in front of his father and Isaac is the one holding fucking court?
Jax’s smile widens ever so slightly as he finally meets Brayden’s eyes. “Didn’t you just say so? You were at the wedding. You were my best mate.”
“I’m going to pull your teeth out with pliers!” Brayden lunges forward with a roar. He winds one arm back and whips his glass right at Jax, whose hands are up fast enough that it just bounces off his forearms, sprays half-melted ice cubes and whiskey-flavored water in Jax’s hair and clothes, and then cracks into pieces on the floor. “You little shit! I’ll pull out each and every fucking fingernail and make you regret-”
“Brayden Marcoset!” Isaac’s voice is louder than the pulse of fury in Brayden’s mind. “Calm yourself!”
For a long, drawn-out moment, he can’t move. All he can think about is choking the life out of Jax until his smirk dies, until his eyes go dim, and then the emptiness isn’t fake anymore, it’s real. And he can see that Jax knows he wants to, knows just how little there is keeping him from turning him into a smear on the floor for the staff to scrub out.
He wouldn’t even be the first.
Then, he takes a breath and sits down.
“Hannah!” He yells over his shoulder. “Come clean this mess up in here!”
She’s always close by. Hannah, one of the aforementioned bastards the Marcosets hold onto for their own purposes, looks entirely too much like Savvie. She, though, wears the white-and-black uniform, her collar snug around her neck, and her hair - that Marcoset hair, wavy and thick - is cut to her chin. She swallows, hard, when she sees them all. “Master-... oh, good evening, Master Isaac,” She says, feigning cheer, but Brayden isn’t in the fucking mood for it. "Master Jax."
"He's nobody's fucking master. Shut the fuck up. Just clean up the fucking mess,” He says, and waves his hand. Hannah takes in the sight of the cracked glass on the floor and droplets of water, Jax sitting there marked with it himself, and then her gaze moves to the fury on Brayden’s face. 
She pulls a towel from where it had been tucked over her belt for easy use. Her face is carefully expressionless. “Yes, Master Brayden.”
That’s more like it.
The three of them watch her clean in awkward silence - or Isaac and Brayden do, who the fuck knows what Jax is actually looking at - and then she vanishes as quickly as she came.
Brayden points after her. “That should be you,” He says to Jax, voice flat. “Cleaning up my mess, saying yes sir and no sir, and never giving me any shit. Got it? Savvie’s weird obsession with you is the only thing that keeps me from making sure you work your hands to the bone here on my orders.”
Jax opens his mouth - Brayden’s going to kill him, whatever he says next - but Isaac speaks before he manages to say whatever was on his mind. 
“Oh, let it go,” Isaac says, waving a hand. “You’re letting him work you up. When you do this, you teach him that he matters to you.”
The door bursts open and all three men tense, then, but it’s only Savvie returning. She’s breathless and flushed and her eyes are shining. She looks like a princess in a fairytale as she rushes forward to grab Jax’s hands in her own and pull him to his feet. “Jax! Honey, come feel!”
She doesn’t even seem to see her cousin or uncle. Only Jax.
Brayden’s teeth grind together watching Jax’s sly cunning disappear, replaced with the play-acting at earnest, if nervous, adoration that Savvie demands from him. Everyone else on earth could disappear and Savvie wouldn’t care, as long as she had her fucking English muffin to cling to.
Nothing fucking matters but him.
“Feel what, Miss Savvie…?” Jax’s confusion, at least, is genuine. His hands hang slightly limp in her grip. She pulls him to her, pressing his palms over her stomach through her dress, biting her lower lip and looking downward.
Brayden groans as he realizes what it is.
Jax glances at him and then back, but it doesn’t seem to have sunk in for him, not just yet. Then he flinches, minutely, eyes widening. He pulls his hands back. “M-Miss Savvie-”
There are bloodstains, small but vibrant, on her dress now, from the wounds he’s made with his own fingernails in the palms of his hands. 
Savvie doesn’t notice, or doesn’t care. 
She pulls him right back, her hands pressed down a little too hard over his to keep them where she wants them. Hard enough to make him wince. Savvie’s forehead touches his, and she whispers excitedly, “Did you feel her? Did you feel her kicking?”
Jax stares down, then, at their hands, and her rounded stomach. As if he could look right through it and see the growing life inside. “Yeah,” He whispers. He looks like he wants to sink into the floor, like he might be sick. “I-... I feel it, I th-think. That’s-”
“That’s her kicking,” Savvie whispers. “That’s her. Jax, sweetie, that’s…” She sniffs, taking pause for dramatic effect. “That’s our daughter. Our baby.”
“Th-that’s our baby,” Jax repeats. He sounds numb. 
“Oh,” Savvie whispers, sounding a little amazed. It’s an oddly genuine sound, dropping the theatrics, the eternal performance. As if this has knocked even Savvie out of her usual song-and-dance. She hesitates, and then shifts Jax’s hands a little. “She’s kicking harder for you, isn’t she? She knows it’s you already.”
“Y-... you think she does?” Jax’s voice nearly matches Savvie’s. The awe in his voice might almost be real. It’s brief, but they almost look and sound like a real couple. Just for a second. Just if you tilt your head, squint, and pretend you don’t see the shock collar locked on his neck and the way she holds his hands too tight. 
“Yeah,” Savvie says, and her smile is sweet as she lifts one hand to touch his face. There’s a pause, Jax’s eyes are locked on her stomach, he doesn’t react to her touch at all. Some of the syrupy-soft smile on her face starts to fade. The warmth in her chills. “Jax. She knows you’re her daddy, isn’t that wonderful?”
Half of Brayden is amused that she still has to prod Jax to give his line, to keep up the performance. Half of him is disgusted that Jax goes along with it, tips his head into the palm of her hand and gives her the big doe eyes she loves so much.
“Yes, Miss Savvie,” Jax answers, automatically, meeting her gaze now. He turns his face and it might almost seem like he’s kissing her palm, although even drunk Brayden can see that he isn’t really doing that at all. Savvie, though, sees what she wants to see - she always has. Jax’s fingers twitch where his hands are still laid on her rounded stomach, feeling the shifting movements of the growing child, the fucking anchor Savvie has tied around his neck. He manages something like a slight, faint smile. “It’s w-wonderful.”
It’s fucking depressing, is what it is.
“Fuck,” Brayden mutters, wishing he had another drink. 
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loopy777 · 5 months
AtLA Book Water Soundtrack Review
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You all know how we've wanted this soundtrack for years and suffered through such explanations as 'the original sound files probably don't exist anymore.' Thankfully, Avatar Studios has seen fit to re-record the music of the first season with a full orchestra, as part of what I assume is a media blitz meant to build hype for the live action Netflix remake. But we all know that remakes, even in music, often don't live up to the original. So, how did it turn out?
(Er, the soundtrack, I mean. The Netflix thing hasn't been released yet.)
With a sigh of relief, I can report: It's great!
Thankfully, the sample track didn't turn out to be indicative of the entire album. The composition of everything else is pretty faithful to the original versions, as far as I could tell. In fact, the overall sound is pretty close to my memories of the original music, despite the use of a full orchestra to record this version- with the exception of the drums, which in the HiDef sound files I downloaded sound fantastic and successfully make my floor and walls shake. (I make no guarantees about what you get if you listen to streaming, mp3 files, or the vinyl disks. This is why I pay a premium for FLAC files or CDs.) I loved turning up the volume and getting blasted by the classic Avatar theme in glorious orchestral quality.
Plus, some tracks are vastly improved by these recordings, while also being true to the original. The best example is the Northern Water Tribe entrance music, which I always thought sounded a bit chintzy and repetitive in the original track (but I admit my opinion might be colored by the poor quality of the recordings we have access to). The new version has a much fuller sound and enough variation to justify the length. I suspect this might come down to which of the original tracks used real instruments and which had to rely more on synthesized sound.
I suspect, though, that the vocals on this album are all the originals, and that's why the Koizilla music makes the chorus less prominent; it probably couldn't be mixed together with the new orchestra without sounding bad. In most cases, that's not a problem, but I do mourn that the Kozilla music doesn't sound quite right. But, on the other hand, Mako's singing has never sounded better.
The album has all the music I'd expect of a soundtrack for Book Water. The Fire Nation, Kyoshi Island, and Jet all get good suites that showcase their themes and music, something that just doesn't exist anywhere in the original recordings. The famous stuff -- the opening theme, the Avatar State, the 'into the sunset' peaceful music, the Agni Kai, Aang's antics, the full "Winter, Spring, Summer, & Fall" tune in both full instrumental form and with Mako's singing, and of course the ending credits -- is all here. The season finale is heavily represented, but that's appropriate as those episodes got a lot of new music and all of it is great. And if you've only been able to content yourself with the fan-made soundtracks we've had to piece together over the the years via promotional releases and episode rips, there's some good stuff here that you might never have heard by itself before, like the fun bit of music for June.
And because I'm compelled to nitpick, I'm a bit annoyed by the order of the tracks. I like to listen to soundtracks in chronological order, and while that kind of thing isn't really feasible with something as long and repetitive as a television series season, this album does a serviceable approximation with its order- except for two weird cases. The Blue Spirit introduction comes after the music for his escape with Aang, and the music for the encounter with Koh comes after the music for Aang's arrival in the Spirit World. I assume this is because it makes for a better hi/lo/fast/slow sequence as part of the overall, but I would have preferred the order of their presentation in the cartoon.
So, in conclusion, this is the soundtrack we've wanted all these years, and everyone should stream or buy it or at least pirate it in enough numbers to raise eyebrows. I want the other two books done this way, and I think we as a fandom deserve it, despite some of the fanfic I've seen you people write. ;)
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silenzahra · 2 months
Today's the anniversary for me! ✨
I know the Mario Movie was released on April 5th 2023, but back then I was seeing the Holy Week processions with my dad, so I didn't get to go to the cinema until April 8th, which was a Saturday, and that was when everything changed for me 😌💚❤️
This is going to get a bit long, personal and emotional, so it's totally fine if you'd rather not read it! 💖
As I've mentioned, this movie saved my life simply because I was in a terrible place when it came out. Admittedly, I had been feeling a bit better that week thanks to the fact I was going out every day and was distracted and such, but my mind was still not totally... fine.
Until, at 8PM, the Mario Movie finally started and I spent the next hour and a half with a silly smile on my face, feeling like a little kid again and experimenting lots of feelings and emotions I hadn't felt in many months. Happiness. Joy. Laughter. A warm heart. Tension. Pure emotion. Excitement. Nostalgia. The urge to cry, though not from sadness.
And the need to get those cute brothers off the screen and give them each a big bear hug.
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(Posted this edit on my Instagram account last Friday.)
Mario and Luigi did really save my life. I had already fallen for them long ago, when I was 13 and played Superstar Saga on my GBA, since that was the very first game that made me see these two as endearing and charming characters with a beautiful sibling bond based not only on love, but also trust, laughter and comfort.
And, in all honesty, seeing this movie, seeing that bond translated into it, was totally a dream come true. Aside from the M&L games, we don't really get to see much of these two taking care of each other (please correct me if I'm mistaken!). Also, I'm a 90s girl, so I had been wanting a good animated Mario movie since... I honestly can't remember. All I know is I used to watch the cartoons (specifically the one based on Super Mario Bros 3), and then I ran into the live action movie from 1993 and... Welp. Let's just say I'd rather forget it 😬 (Sorry if you did like it, it simply was NOT my cup of tea.)
And then this movie was announced, and every new trailer made me feel more and more hyped, and reminded me of my love for the Super Mario franchise. I had already been hyperfixated on it back in 2013-2016, when I played Dream Team and fell even harder for them (especially Luigi), and when I finally got to see this movie, that obsession came back stronger than ever.
I felt like a little child again. I went back to play my old favorite games. I listened to the ost on loop for months, and it ended up becoming my most listened album on Spotify last year.
And I also felt the urge to write again.
Writing has always been an important part of my life. I started at 8 and I simply couldn't stop. To me, it is like breathing, so when I spend some time away from writing, I'm not exaggerating when I say I feel a physical pain on my chest. And due to the bad place I was in, I had been away from it for way too many months.
It turns out all I needed was a dose of brotherly love in order to feel my fingertips tingling again with the urgent need to start writing.
So yeah. There are many things I have to celebrate today and to be thankful for. First of all: I'm alive, and happy, and better than ever, still struggling with anxiety and fears but feeling way better than I'd felt in the years before this film came out. I feel emotion, and joy, and will to continue living and enjoying life and fangirling and being myself. I feel connected to Mario and Luigi and my heart simply warms up every single time I think about them (which is 24/7 tbh).
And I'm writing again! 2023 was the year I've written the most in my entire life, and I owe it to this wonderful movie, and so far I've continued to write this year too, and that's also thanks to Mario and Luigi.
And of course, and more importantly, this film has led me to meet all of you, beautiful people, and I honestly couldn't be more grateful 🥹🫂💖 With you I can fangirl and scream and cry and be myself, and that's why I felt like sharing this with you guys, because I know you understand and share the feelings I've experimented these months since I first saw this movie. I love each and one of you with all my heart 💖💖💖
And after talking non-stop, I believe I kinda feel like finally showing my face here (the real one, not this one 😂), so... Here I go! 🤭👇
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This is me today! 🤭 With lots of Mario stuff as you can see, and I even painted my nails to match the main characters! 💅
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The blue is for Toad, the pink is for Peach, green and red for Luigi and Mario (obviously) and black for Bowser since he was played by Jack Black! 😁
Admittedly, I'm not very good at painting my nails because I'm not into makeup and such, but I do like to see them all painted, I think they look beautiful 🥰 Last year I used to paint them red and green all the time since I went not once, not twice, but thirteen times to see this movie, and every time wearing a different shirt 🤭 Though the one I'm wearing today is the one I wore exactly one year ago, as you can see here! 😁
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I literally cannot remember when or where I bought it, but it was simply PERFECT to wear to go see this movie 😁 And you bet, when the Toad guard said that quote from the first Super Mario game, I went all silly in the cinema: "OMG my shirt!!!!!" 😂😂😂
And here are some pics from some of the other twelve times I went, and you can get a look at some of the Mario shirts I own! I may go and show them all together in a different post, and maybe also the earrings since I own a lot: red shrooms, superstars, fire flowers, green shrooms... Would you like that? 🥰
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Now that I see it, I look a bit scared on the first one 😂 The green shirt I'm wearing on the second one is pure GOLD, and on the third one I kinda felt like I was taking a picture with Mario himself 😂😂😂
I did own some Mario merch before the movie came out, but last year I went and bought tons of it, including shirts, earrings, and of course plushies! 🤭
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They look like a cute little family OMG aren't they ADORABLE I love them all so so much 😭❤️💚✨
So this is it! This is my little celebration of the first year since I saw for the first time the movie that saved my life 🥰 In all honestly, I would've liked to bring a fic or something, but as you all know, I went through a very hard Holy Week and I'm still not feeling totally ready to get back to writing (even though I've gotten a couple new ideas, for which I'm deeply grateful).
But I hope sharing my experience and feelings (and my face! 😂) is enough for this year, and let's hope I can bring a new Mario story to share with you guys very soon! 🥰
I love you all so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 1 month
Regarding songwriting, i don't think there's anything wrong with an artist getting help from a professional to write a song. Songwriting is difficult and just because someone's a singer, it does not mean they're also a songwriter (although i do not support artists relying entirely on songwriters for their songs. if u want to call yourself an artist, then sit your ass down and write your own music). That's the one thing a gave kudos to Taylor for, writing her own songs. BUT, she needs help. Idk if she has other people helping her with lyrics but she should. TTDP proves just how awkward and downright childish her lyrics are. She needs to stop trying to use big words to appear smart and actually write words that make a good song. A good song doesn't need to look straight out of thesaurus in order to be great. I have listened to songs with much simpler and still smarter lyrics than hers. Just hire better songwriters to help you girl, seriously. The instrumentation is terrble as well. Don't know the people responsible but again, hire better people or just give them the time to become inspired for sth that actually sounds good. I honestly do not believe anyone who says they can tell her songs apart since they all sound copypasted from one another. And btw releasing an album with 30 SONGS is insane and no swifties, this is not an indication of how ''smart'' ''talented'' or ''passionate'' Taylor is. On the contrary, it shows just how arrogant Taylor is because she believes all of her songs are masterpieces deserving of official release.
I genuinely think the anthology is literally every song she produced after midnights. like every single song. at this point she knows her fans will stream whatever so any song will be praised so she doesn’t even try to do quality control.
so true, good songwriting isn’t always big words or extensive drawn out metaphors. it packs a punch. for example, here’s my favorite line from “go gina” by sza:
“picking up a penny with press on’s is / easier than holding you down, baby”
she doesn’t use any “big” words but she’s able to evoke a sense of grief and exhaustion within us by using a simple comparison. that line is an example of good songwriting.
and for hiring songwriters/producers, she’s way too controlling and proud to do that. she’s been the heartbroken girl with the guitar for so long she can’t do anything else. and i agree, all her songs sound the same. swifties have been used to so much of her excess product selling out meaning “talent” that the excessive songs on the anthology must be “genius.”
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tessa-quayle · 1 year
FanFiction Recommendations
before I disclose my favorite Pedro Pascal character-related fan fiction here, a few caveats and disclosed biases: I’m a woman of a certain age.  I was your average English lit major.  I’m the dork who - upon listening to Jewel’s debut album and hearing the lyric “you can be Henry Miller and I’ll be Anais Nin” in the mid 1990s  - legit hauled my ass to the local public library and looked up Anais Nin - using the Dewey Decimal system - to read her elevated smut.  Right now I’m a content but exhausted, ragey American woman in a mid-life crisis.  I hate bullshit, I have an ok attention span, I scroll/read after the family’s gone to bed.  
if you look at my semi-neglected Tumblr page, you’ll see I’m relatively new to the Pedro fandom.  What a privilege to dive into really superb writing.  This is clearly not an exhaustive list and reflects my tastes (and to each her/his/their own)!  But if you’re an exhausted parent in a mid-life crisis and have no time, this may be for you! 
in no particular order...
@fuckyeahdindjarin - masterlist - Cee describes herself as a writer who pens romantic comedies - and she does a stellar job with them - but she sells herself short and fails to mention the sex scenes she writes are hot.  especially love the consent series (dieter bravo), the grays 2-part series (frankie morales), and of course, the ongoing joel miller/pin series.  a delightful mix of angst, sweetness, spice.  and a thoughtful writer with an inclusive mindset. 
@absurdthirst - masterlist - if you told me Keri has a few stories published in several “best of erotica” anthologies, I’d believe you.  good smut is fucking hard to write.  this is great smut.  this is smut you read and then take a cold shower afterwards or do whatever it is you like to do to get yourself off.  it’s smut that even as a non-smoker and knowing all the terrible health risks you may think goddamn I need a cigarette.  I'm partial to a few Javier Pena and Agent Whiskey pieces, but you’d be satisfied reading any of her stories.
@something-tofightfor - masterlist - Rachael should give a master class on how to write the best slow burn.  Her Joel Miller stories stand out for several reasons including - 1) she thoughtfully incorporates elements of the original canon/game into her fanfic which is uncommon in the PP fandom (from what I’ve seen/read at least), 2) every Joel story/chapter is compelling and well imagined.  Her current series on Tim Rockford has me on the edge of my seat and I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment.  And judging from the titles of her stories, we have similar music tastes (ha!). 
@disgruntledspacedad - this writer hasn’t updated in several months, but their Javier Pena multi-chapter fic (and folks, there are MANY out there) called Better Love is the one that kept me going and going and wanting to read more (see mention of short attention span in a tired mama above).  being in the healthcare field, I also arch my eyebrows out of curiosity when someone weaves medical stuff into their writing and wonder what line of work they do.  (yes I'm a terribly biased nerd, I’m a sucker for when someone puts a f!physician reader into their PP-character related drabble).
@jomiddlemarch - she is a great friend and a gifted, amazing writer who always makes me wonder “how does she do this and how does she do this so well and so quickly while the rest of us plebes are just getting through our day.”  she writes for MULTIPLE fandoms (and judging from the notes on her posts, I think her readership is more into those than Pedro and the Last of Us but it’s ok!), and started writing Joel Miller and an OFC (she created!) named Grace Yang (NOT ME - but maybe there’s a chance she created this OFC to shut me up since I’ve been rambling on and on about how besotted I am with Pedro 😂).  If you’re into OFCs, read her stuff.  Check out the (ongoing) entire series on her AO3 here.  Here’s one story that you can find on her Tumblr.  Two of the five stories are Ted Lasso crossovers - all her stories are written so richly and so layered - she’s the star in your writing workshop who’s showing and not telling - I’m still thinking about how there’s so much to unpack in the latest one. :) 
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foxilayde · 2 years
I just wanted to write down my meeting Oscar experience so I never forget it.
It took nearly two hours to get through the line and I was sooo nervous (Luna had to leave me in the line in order to save our panel seats, Angel that she is.). But the folks around me were so kind, as were the staff helping us out.
Oscar didn’t get to everyone in line, they cut it off four ppl behind me, so I was very lucky to have been seen in in the morning signing.
The whole time I’m going through the line, there’s a speaker somewhere nearby playing some of my favorite new wave, post punk, 90’s alternative tracks and I’m singing along and that’s calming me down because HOLY SHIT IM ABOUT TO MEET OSCAR?!?. The elderly funko pop collector behind me is good naturedly teasing me about being “in loooooove with Ooooscaaar” and making me laugh and blush and panic. So I finally get behind the wall and I see him irl and omfg u guys he’s just so precious and smiling and chatting with the ppl ahead of me and his ears are so cute and his grey is perfect and his hands are beautiful and I’m grinning like a fool. Finally it’s my turn and Oscar says “hello!” And extends his hand Very warm and friendly and I say “hiii Oscar” in a way that’s unable to conceal my absolute joy at holding his hand and then his eyes get a little softer and he puts his other hand on top of mine and says “helloooo” again like the way one might say hello to a giggling infant. And that’s when I get lost in his eyes and step towards him DESPITE THERE BEING A TABLE BETWEEN US and I bump the table into him. I’m apologizing and he laughs and says “it’s okay!” He straightens the table, And then he asks his handler “where’d you put my pen, you’re always taking my pens… thank you.” And he looks at the book I brought, it’s a Dune artwork book, opened to the Leto page and he says “this is great… I love your little Atreides pins too!” Gesturing to my lapels. I thank him, and as he’s writing my name- I ask him, “how is your day going so far?” He smiles and says it’s going really well and asks how is my day. I said that I was feeling nervous but the music was making me feel better and I realize the music has been coming from a portable speaker behind him, I asked him if this playlist that has been playing was his personal playlist and he nodded and said “yes” and I said “you have good taste” and since the playlist was Pixies heavy I asked if he saw the Pixies on the latest tour, then we talked a little bit about the Pixies latest album and their latest tour, he wanted to go to the NYC show but couldn’t make it, I told him I saw them in my hometown of SD and he asked me how the San Diego crowd was and you guys he has the cutest active-listening face. Even though he talked to like 300 people before me, he was really kind and made me feel like the only person in the room, like he’s genuinely such a nice person.
I got my book from him and I held his hand one more time, thanked him very enthusiastically and told him I loved him and his eyes did THE CRINKLES and he said “you are so sweet”
I looked at my book later and he had written this:
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Like?!?? 😩😭🥰
Also for anyone wondering, here are some of the tracks I remembered from his playlist
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I’m pretty sure he played the entire Doolittle album. Because of course he would. Of course he’s charming and gorgeous and kind and has perfect taste in music. Of. Course.
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loonavrsl · 1 month
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240430 [Interview] Hankook Ilbo: "Yves of LOONA, Solo Debut in May"
English translation by gointosubbit:
Yves, from the girl group LOONA, is making a splash debut as a solo artist next month. Having performed as an all-rounder following her 2017 debut with LOONA, Yves had previously signed an exclusive contract with Paix Per Mil and embarked on a new beginning.
LOONA, which had consisted of 12 members, has divided into ARTMS, with members Heejin, Haseul, Kim Lip, Jinsoul, and Choerry; and Loossemble, with members Hyunjin, Yeojin, Vivi, Go Won, and Hyeju. Chuu and Yves declared going as solo artists and began their bold journeys.
Yves expressed an ambition to widen her musical spectrum, as an artist beyond an idol. Hard at work focused on recording, she is preparing to encounter the fans in a completely changed appearance. Yves hinted to us that her musical color and concept will be entirely different from her group activities, and she will be proving her abilities as a solo artist through a new album.
Yves recently met with us with a bright expression. Unlike her charismatic appearance on stage, her smile is radiant like a lily, and her eyes became moist whenever she mentioned the fans. It would be natural to feel tired with recordings going on for days, but Yves is enjoying her days filled with excitement and passion; we discussed a range of topics in our conversation.
Yves facing a new beginning
“I’m preparing for a solo debut in May. I had a goal to do it before summer, and after getting good songs and making good progress, I’m able to meet the fans earlier. I’m hard at work recording right now, and re-recording over and over again. I’m trying to challenge myself with some new things, listening to and reflecting the CEO’s feedback, singing with a different feel, all as I’m working. It takes time, but I’ve been learning a lot."
Deciding to go solo
“During group activities, maybe because I was a leader, my biggest thought was that the group had to do well. I had a lot of affection for the members and the team as well. During the hiatus I pondered deeply, of course had many conversations with the members, and talked a lot with myself as well. I realized that I wanted to tell some honest stories through music now, and the members supported me, so I decided to exert some more strength and go solo.”
Songs that feel different
“I’m personally so fond of these songs. It was new for me too, so I think the end product is something that will surprise fans as well, like ‘Yves is doing something like this?’ It’s a house-genre pop-feel track, and I think it stays a step ahead of the fans’ expectations, so I really want to show this to them soon. I’ve had a dream of participating in production work too, but since we have skilled producers at the company, I thought it’d be good for the company to at least ground the title track, so I left it fully to them. I’m thankful to them for thinking about it day and night to craft it and determine its colors. After this debut song, I’m planning to participate too as we produce songs.”
The crucial reason behind the choice of company
“I met with lots of companies, and that year of hiatus wasn’t a short time. The thing I thought about the most back then was ‘What is my identity’, and in order to find out the answer, I thought ‘Let’s figure out what it is I truly want to do’. I wrote lyrics and composed, deciding to make something on my own even if the song would never be released, and I learned about my own colors in that process. It was helpful to delve into the areas that I couldn’t focus on during group activities. I thought Paix Per Mil was a suitable company to broaden my musical spectrum, and they had skilled producers, so I trusted and chose them.”
The LOONA members’ encouragement
“All the members often tell me that they’re looking forward to it. I’m a big worrier, and they encourage me along the lines of ‘Unnie is going to do so well’. That gives me strength because they know me better than I do. And they’re my biggest motivation. We still chat often, and we have a group chat. We’re each other’s greatest supporters, to the point we always attend each other’s showcases too. I still believe that we are one team, so wherever I go I call them ‘the members’, and the girls call me ‘leader unnie’ too. Those things give me a lot of strength.”
Yves’ leadership
“It’d be a lie to say there was no pressure in being a leader. But I like to step up to compromise and make things and mediate. I used to be class president as a kid and I think I’m the personality type to have leadership. And I had such affection for the team and a passion to make this team successful, which also made me want to grow the members’ skill level. I was someone who wanted to continually motivate, and that was so much fun and gave me pride. That was only possible because the members trusted and followed me.”
The process of learning about herself
“When I met with this company, Millic CEO-nim asked me about the things I like. It wasn’t homework but it kind of was, and it was something I’d never thought about during group activities so I felt stuck at first. Vaguely, I just liked singing and dancing, but I didn’t know what kind of colors I possessed, and this felt refreshing and difficult and fun. It was a process of learning about myself. I looked at the list I made, which taught me about colors and interests I didn’t even know about, and Millic was the person who helped me find those things and guided me.”
The music Yves pursues
“Before, I used to listen to a lot of music that expressed emotion, like R&B and ballad music. These days I’ve been focusing on expanding my spectrum and learning, so I try to come across new algorithms. There is this artist, Caroline Polachek, and her cyber-sounding yet dreamy music is so nice. Listening to music I didn’t usually listen to, I guess you could say I’m expanding my ear for music. That’s what I’ve been working on.”
A paradigm shift
“I’ve had a shift in my mindset while working solo, because unlike working in a group, you can tell more honest stories and emotions as a soloist. I don’t think you can always be joyful and happy. Sometimes you’re sad and tired, and if you can deliver that emotion too as a message in music, some people would feel comforted by that, and I wanted to share that through music. It’d be nice if work and life were separable, but even when they are one, I felt like I could get honest and deliver my stories well. They could be like a diary, a record of ‘Back then, I was singing music like this, in these emotions.’”
Reflecting on 7 years since debut
“I can’t believe it’s already been 7 years. There are so many amazing seniors, so the 7th-year title humbles me even more. I think a lot about the early debut days, and I find the beginner’s mindset again as I reminisce. Of course I’m sure I’m a bit more relaxed on stage and mature now, but as the fans have been with me 7 years and grown tighter, I want to repay the fans, which makes me more passionate and resolute. They have waited for me for so long.”
The reason for operating a blog
“These days, there are many ways to communicate, social media and all. I used to like writing and keeping a diary ever since I was little, and I was thinking about how I could communicate honestly like that, which led me to this analog idea of a blog. Sometimes I posted poems and recent updates, sometimes funny photos, communicating with the fans in these ways, and the reaction was better than I thought. I read all of the comments, and they give me strength because there are comments like ‘I like seeing this side of unnie I didn’t know before’ and encouragements and other good reactions. I’ve never had to force myself to write out of duty. When I have a lot of thoughts, or I come across a book I want to share, I just naturally open the blog.”
Lovely fans
“I think the fans’ comments are attention and love. Sometimes they’re private comments and only I can see them, but they share about the prettiest moments in their days. They take photos of flowers or the sky, or post about their precious lives, and I’m so grateful that I can’t sit still. They are so kind-hearted and I want to repay them. My fans tend to be overwhelmingly more female. About an 8 to 2 ratio? I’m always grateful.”
Yves’ childhood
“When I was little, I was class president all the time. I was shy back then but I think I still had leadership despite that. I do feel proud of my younger self, wanting to lead my class well, and I want to compliment myself for overcoming that shyness to be an idol right now. Haha. When my parents went to work, it’d be just me and my sister at home, and we used to copy the songs and dances on the TV. I was really introverted and liked to hide and be shy as a child, but when my relatives got together for the holidays and told me to sing, I would actually sing and dance. I think I’ve always dreamed of being a singer since kindergarten. Imagining myself holding a mic.”
A born attunement with the stage 
“I’m so happy whenever I’m on the stage. Some people say you need to separate work from life, but for me I think work is life and life is work. Even my hobby is music, and I don’t think of being on stage as work, but rather just a part of my life. I feel grateful and lucky to be loved and supported through doing something I love.”
The memories of earnestness from Queendom 2
“Even if I were to go back, I would still want to go on there. My affection and passion for the team was great at that time, as it always was, and I wanted to show people through a survival show how passionate and skilled my members were. I wanted to guide the team well as a leader, and when I look back on videos of myself from back then, I was full of grit. Looking at things like that, I feel like even if I were to go back, I’d be even more like that, not less. Every stage was so precious and earnest during that time.”
Dance, an indispensable thing in life
“I really love to dance. I guess it’s because my personality doesn’t let me sit still. I have many dancer friends and I ask them, “Is there any choreography you’ve come up with lately?” and ask them to teach me. When we meet, it’s not so much of a lesson as much as learning choreo from each other. Because while professional dancers perform movements in a professional way, I think idol friends express and make the dance lines come alive in a way that’s consistent with their unique charms. My dancer friends tell me they learn a lot from me, and I learn from those friends, and I think we have fun dancing in that way.”
Artists she likes, and goals
“Watching Lee Hyori sunbaenim still being very active, I thought that I would also like to be a sunbae with a long run myself. She has many talents and is a role model of mine. Dreams as an artist? Dreams should be big so I’d like to make the Billboard charts. Haha. I haven’t made my solo debut yet so I think everything will come across as fascinating, but I would like to hold a solo concert too. I think I would cry (of happiness).”
Dreams of Ha Sooyoung as a person
“Having no regrets. With every moment being so precious and earnest, my standards got so high that I found myself unable to be satisfied with any stage. I started this work to be happy, but sometimes I’d find myself making it so painful, so I thought a lot about ‘What can I do to not have regrets?’ I’d like to put in the effort to craft perfect performances, but also to not regret what’s in the past and live true to the present. Kim Hyeja sunbaenim had a famous line in the drama The Light in Your Eyes that spoke to me and I try to take that to heart.”
What she would like to say to fans
“It would be understandable to dislike how I’m just all talk all the time, but my fans still support me and never hold back their love, and to them I always feel fondness, and guilt, and gratefulness. I’m not seeking anything else, just that if you stay by me, I want to be an artist who can console you with good music and performances. After a successful debut I plan on gradually working on the next album and sharing songs that I’ve made, one by one. I think maybe the day will come when fans will realize, ‘So this is what Yves wanted to do,’ and support and love me even more.” 
Hoping to be remembered as a warm page for you
“I get sad if I can’t see the fans for a long time. Some time ago I had an event so I saw the fans in person, and it felt like the moment you set your eyes on love. I only get to communicate through text, so sometimes I get lonely. I’m good at putting faces to people so I know many fans’ faces too, and there are a lot of unnie fans. We had a whole year of not being able to do anything, but they waited, just believing in me, so this love is beyond measure. It would be a lie to say that this doesn’t sound forlorn, but I hope that when the fans think about me at some point in their lives, I would be happy if I could just be remembered as a nice and warm page. Being together forever would be amazing and I hope for that, but I know that this is difficult.”
Singer friends that provide strength
“My closest friends are Youngji, Weki Meki’s Yoojung, and (Lee) Chaeyeon, whom I can talk about anything with. We’ve even made a trip to Gapyeong to hang out, and these friends are always on my side, no questions asked. I’m always grateful and I feel guilty that I’m not good about staying in touch, but they are such lovely friends. Youngji’s very thoughtful and mature. She’s younger than me but I have a lot to learn from her, and she’s been in the scene since she was young so I’m often learning from her. Chaeyeon’s done many survival shows so her mentality is strong. She does get hurt but also recovers quickly, and I would like to learn this too."
Wanting to give various fields a shot
“I would really like to give variety a shot. Lately I met with LOONA members and Heejin and Jiwoo (Chuu) told me that ‘It would be really nice if unnie went on talk shows. It’s unfortunate that we’re keeping unnie’s humor to ourselves.’ I like making people laugh, and when the girls acknowledge me in this, I start getting ambitious. Haha. Recently I’ve started living on my own so I’d like to show my everyday life through “I Live Alone,” and I’ve heard that I get along well with manager oppa so I’d like to be on “Point of Omniscient Interfere” as well. I like Park Myungsoo sunbaenim, so I’m even in the “Silent Park Myungsoo room” open chat room, where you get kicked out if you talk. I’d like to go on Pinggyego or Halmyungsoo on YouTube, too. Lately I’ve been taking acting lessons and though I haven’t been learning for long, I’ve felt how fun it is and think I’m starting to get serious about it."
Being a singer is a joyous profession
“I’m thankful that I’ve achieved my dreams and to this day it still fascinates me. I think every profession has its difficulties. Having become a singer, I think this profession is so worthwhile, where you receive more love than you could ever repay in a lifetime. At some points, since humans aren’t robots, you can get exhausted, but whenever that happens, someone picks you up like a rope coming down from the heavens, and that would be the fans. I get to communicate emotions through music, and thinking about it that way, it’s a really a joyous profession.”
Translation by: Team Subbits
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kristiemewisstan · 2 months
The Tortured Poets Department Unhinged First Listen Review:
NEEDS MORE POSTY, we love a “I wanna kill her”, this one MIGHT BE about Matty Healy lol “I touched you for only a fortnight”
The Tortured Poets Department-
“WHO USES TYPEWRITERS ANYWAY” YOU BITCH ITS YOU LOL, Charlie Puth name drop 🤨 oh god so many name drops, THIS BRIDGE, not the wedding ring…
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys-
THERE WAS A LITANY OF REASONS WHY WE SHOULDVE PLAYED FOR KEEPS THIS TIME my jaw literally dropped the entire last verse
Down Bad-
“Everything comes up teenage petulance” this one is cringy but in a way I love, Taylor Is Very Much A Down Bad Girlie
So Long, London-
this song is tachycardic I PROMISE I MADE THIS JOKE BEFORE “STOPPED CPR”, two graves one gun I SWORE THAT YOU LOVED ME BUT WHERE WAS THE CLUES damn she’s really sad to lose London huh
But Daddy I Love Him-
this would have a cool music video “she’s was chaos he was revelry” this is if red and the 1975 had a child that’s the vibe
Fresh Out the Slammer-
Okay so this is the “I just realized how bad this relationship truly was and thank god I’m out of it”, okay the weird slow down stuff wasn’t my favorite thing
I’m cackling, THE FLORENCE VERSE IS SO GOOD I think that this is just a Florence and the machine song it sounds so like them
Guilty as Sin?-
Okay this is the first one I’ve been like “oooooo I really like this one” “what if I roll the stone away, they’re gonna crucify me anyway” DAMN some religious imagery will always get me right in the trauma
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?-
This one has a lot of the brain scratching pauses “don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth” oof this song is just really angry
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)-
Cowboy Like Me but they don’t end up happy, okay “good boy” made me giggle so apparently in a 12 year old boy
PIANO! WANT IVE WANTED THE WHOLE TIME “still alive, killin time at the cemetery, never quite buried” I’m getting a gun and flying to London, I swear “TALKING RINGS AND TALKING CRADLES 🤨” JOE ALWYN FOUND DEAD IN A DITCH “THE LOSS OF MY LOVE” COUNT YOUR DAYS JOSEPH 💀, this should’ve been track 5
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart-
hello production that is giving Barbie movie/80s vibes, this is the first one I’m certain was written recently like it was definitely written on tour, the peppy “cause I’m miserable!” Hurt Me but also same
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived-
THE BREATH ahhhhh PIANO! “I don’t even want you back I just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal” okay back half of the album is eating, THE PICKUP, SPEAK NOW VIBES BUT MOM IS OLDER AND MADDER
The Alchemy-
ok ok ok “I circled you on a map I haven’t come around in so long but I’m coming back so strong” fucking meant,👌 touchdown mention lmao, okay this is SO ABOUT TRAVIS 🥹🥰
Clara Bow-
Best production on the album in the first 10 seconds, BEAUTY IS THE BEAST THAT ROSE, WAIT WHAT????? “You look like Taylor Swift” yeah queen because you are lol, It’s so people can make the audio of her singing all the album names lmao
First Overall Listen- 7/10
I was getting nervous in the front half but the back half more than made up for it
The vibe was just off at the start and honestly that’s probably a me thing and will get better with further listens
The lyrics were amazing as always
Production was okay, some of the songs were perfect and some had me going 🤨
Charlie Puth
Top 3 in no particular order (apparently I like songs that hurt me):
Guilty as Sin?
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
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justconstantly · 2 months
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tagged by @belladonnafey
couldn't sleep, saw ur tag zoph (<3), and here we are. I'm a big album listener so this was a struggle for me, but I tried to avoid all my short term obsessions and only pick my absolute favs, ones I could listen to no skips at any time (order here isn't a ranking or anything, solely was aesthetic for the collage)
lungs (deluxe) - Florence+the machine
fav songs: I'm not calling you a liar, bird song, kiss with a fist
every spare moment for the entire summer of 2014 my brother and I played Minecraft on a LAN server together and I listened exclusively to a YouTube playlist of this album on repeat and that's definitely part of why I am the way I am
heretic pride - the mountain goats
fav songs: autoclave, lovecraft in brooklyn
funnily enough, not one of the three goats albums I have on vinyl, the others are better for living room activities that my record player is good for (lounging, plant watering, etc) but this one is still my all time fav
wasteland baby - hozier
fav songs: almost (sweet music), wasteland baby
RIP my college roommates in spring 2019 because I listened to only this album for approximately 2.5 months and I think they hated me for it (blasting it out loud, singing badly, etc)
Grace - Jeff buckley
fav songs: lover you should've come over, dream brother
this album is so so cool, I mean even discounting Jeff buckleys angelic voice, the haunting guitar? the early modern English hymn?? lilac wine AND hallelujah??? makes me feel incredible
sound and color - alabama shakes
fav songs: this feeling, shoegaze
this whole album makes me just dance/sway around my apartment feeling like I'm the most soulful and tender person alive
post-war - M. ward
fav songs: Chinese translation, right in the head, rollercoaster, magic trick
makes me so indescribably nostalgic for a life I've never lived. when I heard Chinese translation for the first time I was like hmm I'm different now
collapsed in sunbeams - Arlo parks
fav songs: too good, eugene
got the vinyl from my library on a whim to listen to while me and my roomie did a puzzle and spent the next 2 weeks of the hold just glued to the record player, haven't bought my own copy yet but it's on my wishlist FOR SURE just perfect lazy living room vibes for me
crawler - IDLES
fav songs: the beachland ballroom, meds, car crash
massive thank you @azertykeys for recommending me idles bc this album is a go to for me when I'm coding and/or also just in my feelings
bridge over troubled water - Simon & Garfunkel
fav songs: keep the customer satisfied, the boxer, the only living boy in New York, why don't you write me
my parents listened to quite a bit of Simon and Garfunkel when I was a kid and I didn't realize I knew them until I was like 20 and my friend was playing their greatest hits and I knew every word to every song. she was like why do you know so much Simon and Garfunkel and I was like oh is that who this is? anyway love this album, my vinyl is a treasured posession
only reason mitski isn't on this list is because I can't choose between any of her albums
other honorable mentions:
hospice by antlers
woman on the internet by Orla gartland
case/lang/veirs by case/lang/veirs
transgender dysphoria blues by against me
fetch the bolt cutters by Fiona apple
she won't make sense by the harmleighs
this was long so absolutely no pressure, but tagging @azertykeys @heart-to-hearts @bromaine-lettuce @junewild @unnonexistence @navigatorwrongway and anyone who sees this and wants to give it a go
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nonsubstantial · 2 months
I'm keeping up the habit of writing a monthly post to catalogue all the things I've been obsessed with in 2024. At the end of the year, I want to be able to look back and remember what was making me happy all year long! If you are reading this, I hope you will enjoy hearing about these things or checking them out too! First, a chaotic collage of those things!
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VIDEO GAME: As you may already know, Splatoon is probably my favorite video game franchise of all time. I really cannot overstate how important it is to me. Naturally, I was highly anticipating its new singleplayer DLC, titled Side Order, but when it finally came out at the end of February, my elbow was fractured in a way that made it painful for me to play. So, I had to wait until about a week into March for my elbow to heal a little. Then, I spent about 10 hours obsessively playing it, and I loved pretty much every second of it. It featured by far the most difficult levels ever seen in a Splatoon game, which was a treat to me as a player who was disappointed by the rather simplistic story mode of the base game. Splatoon 3: Side Order took the form of a roguelite battle tower, similar to Salmon Run but with new enemies, unique (and sometimes puzzling) stages, and customizable weapon builds. Even players who find it a bit too challenging at first can eventually mod the difficulty to an extent that (hopefully) makes it doable. The story was nothing crazy, but the gameplay and visuals were so unbelievably good that I honestly wished I could erase it all from my mind and play it again from the start. Just yay 💕, I love Splatoon so much.
TWITCH STREAM FAN EDIT: If you don't already know who Jerma is, he is a prolific video game streamer that I became a big fan of a few years ago. His unique humor has consistently impressed and appealed to me, and his fan community has proven itself to be both creative enough and motivated enough to persistently churn out edited “best of” versions of his streams. For better or for worse, Jerma announced his retirement from streaming last year, leaving his eager fans with nothing but his earlier content to dredge for, well… content. One such fan edit that was released this year, post-retirement, was a massive compilation of all his Nancy Drew playthroughs (save for one). This edit in particular was one that I found overwhelmingly funny and good, and it inspired an ongoing fanfic that I’m still currently working on writing. Oddly enough, watching this caused a domino effect that got me back into writing in general and has given me the surge of confidence and inspiration that I needed to keep working on creating the fiction that has lived inside in my head for years. I really hope this feeling never dies. You can watch the stream that inspired me, linked here!
MUSICAL ARTIST: Peach Kelli Pop is probably tied (with a few other artists) for the title of my favorite band of all time. Their entire discography is only about 2 hours long, but they were still my most listened to artist for several years in a row. It’s due to the consistency of the vibe across all of her work: upbeat and positive while still delivering a profound emotional impact. I've been able to just listen her entire catalog of music over and over and over again on shuffle. I might describe it as DIY rock, or feminist punk, and if you haven't heard it before, Gentle Leader is probably the best album to start with. Listen here!
MUSICAL ARTIST: After listening to nothing except Peach Kelli Pop for about a week straight, I started to look into similar bands that I hadn't already checked out and found one that really caught my interest. That's how I was introduced to Tacocat! Their band name is both a palindrome and euphemism, and their album Lost Time was love at first listen. They have cozy lyrics about aliens, birth control, and creating your own values, and their music has left me in a good mood every time I've thrown it on. You can listen to the first song that I heard, linked here!
SONG: It's Don’t Rain On My Parade, by Barbra Streisand!! I still haven't watched the musical that this song is from, but the drag queen Plasma mentioned it on RuPaul Season 16, which is how I ended up hearing it. This song gets an individual mention because I was absolutely blown away by this one individual track! It's brilliant and catchy right out of the gate, "Life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter! Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade!" It's from 1964, but its recording sounds crystal clear and it channels its intended emotions perfectly. I felt compelled to listen to it over and over again, because it really is just so cheerful and artistically inspiring. I feel like it's a perfect piece of music. Listen here!
SONG: I have to give another song an individual mention! It's Mood Indigo, by Nina Simone!! I’ve been a big fan of Nina Simone for years now, but more often than not, I've stuck to my favorite album, Pastel Blues. I did branch out and listen to this song a few times in the past, but it only recently dawned on me just how perfect it is. Wikipedia says that it was recorded in 1964, about the same time as Don’t Rain On My Parade, and while it's technically a cover of an old Duke Ellington song, Nina Simone’s version has a totally unique vibe, evident from the first few bars. Its lyrics are meant to be cathartic, as they discuss suicidal ideation, while the drums, bass, and piano create a beautiful and upbeat swing melody that perfectly juxtaposes and rebuts the content of Nina’s vocals. It's menacing, catchy, uplifting, and truly perfect! I now believe it to be a landmark in Nina Simone’s career, and the whole of music history in general. Listen here!
MUSICAL ARTIST: Okay, one last music rec, I swear!! I was really feeling the vibes this month (but mostly just listening to bands that I already know and love). Along with Peach Kelli Pop, another one of my favorite bands is King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard. Ever since 2017 (aka, the year of the gizz) they have probably reigned supreme as my #1 most listened to band. They just have so much music, with so much variation, that I can usually find at least one of their songs that appeals to me. Since the start of this year, I've been collecting and organizing a playlist of my favorite songs by them, titled 31 Days Of Gizz. Not for any particular reason, but just because I find it fun to make lists! At the last minute, I decided that I would organize the songs, specifically in the way that I would play them if I were introducing someone new to the band. So, if you haven’t heard their music before, maybe it’s time I introduced you? But no pressure, I just like their songs and I made my playlist just for me! I'm linking to it on spotify, HERE, if you’re interested! (forgot to put this one on the collage, lol)
VIDEO GAME: Right before the month ended, I bought the new fantasy tactics game, Unicorn Overlord, and I am fucking in love. I’ve been a longtime fan of the fantasy tactics genre, so as soon as this game started making waves, I begrudgingly accepted that I HAD to play it. I really don’t have a lot of time in between trying to take care of things at home and working on my writing, as I mentioned before, but I briefly dropped all my other hobbies and managed to fit about 10 hours of gameplay in before the month ended. I really wish I had time to obsess over it, because I feel like it is a masterpiece, even if the rumors about there being gay content ended up being a disappointing exaggeration (the game was developed by Vanillaware, but was published by homophobic giants ATLUS and SEGA, so I’m not surprised). Despite the story being pretty much dog shit though, I believe the gameplay is damn near perfect, and even revolutionary within its genre. I’ll probably be sinking all my game time into it until the new Elden Ring DLC drops. If you’re a person who also likes fantasy tactics, then I highly recommend playing it (I got it for the Nintendo Switch, where it seems to run perfectly).
(that’s it. It is now APRIL!! There might be some repeats this next month, or I'll leave them out... we'll see. Hope you have a good day! ♡)
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fvdani · 9 months
Strange Trials, Lord Huron
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Heyyy! So, I wanna start this little blog thing where I can talk more about music recommendations because somehow playlists seem not enough, and I love talking about albums and music in depth because, even though I did study music, I do love talking about it and spreading my knowledge. And I thought, what a better way to kick this off than with my favorite album? So, today I will talk about Strange Trials by Lord Huron.
American indie rock band, Lord Huron, formed in 2010 in Los Angeles California, consisting of Mark Barry, Miguel Briseño, Tom Renaud and Ben Schneider, have been pretty consistent regardin album aesthetics. “Formation” and “Lonesome Dreams” their first EP and album, respectively, intruduce you to magic worlds full of folk, love (and all its perks), and poetry. I can almost see how they have their little own world and I really think it is full of magic. Giving it just one listen may be enough, but I promise, you will want to hear more.
“Strange Trials” arrived in 2015. Being their second studio album, Lord Huron had it almost pretty figured out when it came to story-telling, and most of it, thanks so frontman and lyricsist Ben Schneider. You may have heard of it by its most famous song, The Night we Met, in Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, but I think its one of those albums you have to listen from start to end to get the full story.
Althought this is one of those lore-cmplicated bands and albums, and there a lot of holes in the story, just a quick Google search will let you know how much around this album there is. I also think its beautiful that there’s a lot open to interpretation here.
A couple of music videos where released, which, of course, follow the story in order. Through the music videos and story-spinning lyrics, Schneider introduces personas like Frankie Lou, Buck Vernon, and Lily, the object of Buck’s affection who we meet in “Fool for Love,” the first single off Strange Trails.
The album starts off with Love Like Ghosts, a tune that, later on, you’ll realize is the main chord progression for most of the songs, especially with Meet Me In The Woods and The Night We Met. In Love Like Ghosts we get an introduction to almost the whole story of the album, some of the characters, and some pretty iconic lyrics; “Yes I know that love is like ghosts, a few have seen it but everybody talks…”, “Spirits follow everywhere I go, they sing all day and they haunt me in the night.” Yes, you guessed it, its a love story.
We continue to follow the story with throughout the entire album. A story about a man who falls in love so desperetly and everything he does do accomplish his desire, with amazing point of views like Danielle, in Frozen Pines, one of my personal favorites, or The Phantom Riders, with songs like “The World Ender”, “Hurricane”, and “Until the Night Turns”, to mention some.
If you’d like to read a more in-depth lore explanation, there’s a really good Reddit post by MountainGhostsInTrees that I will link down below for thoose of you who’d like to keep reading about this, because as much as I can write, I don’t feel like I could ever do it the right justice.
I will tell you tho, you can listen to this album an infinite amount of times and you’ll never get enough. So I hope you like it as much as I do.
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teeth-kid · 1 year
teeth,,,what is chonny jash? having a curious and confused.
!!!! hi uhhh it's my brainworms rn
so it's basically he's this guy on youtube who covers tally hall songs except he takes it a step further and remakes the songs from scratch and adds/changes lyrics to fit a narrative
and what you probably see me reblogging stuff about is his characters Heart, Mind, and Soul who are meant to be singing these covers in his album, Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium
the plot of it is like. hard for me to explain now that im trying to type it out but basically it's about a guy who's depressed and split his brain into like personifications of his emotions, his logic, and whatever Soul is. it's kinda like sanders sides but a lot more edgy and a lot less specific and done entirely through song covers
Heart is the purple one with the blindfold, he is sad and has attempted murder at least once
Mind is the blue one, he's mean and has a low voice filter in the songs
Soul is the red one, he's kind of in charge and really wants the other two to get along (or else he'll kill them both)
and these three guys fucking hate each other so much lemme tell you. they want each other dead and im not even exaggerating. but also sometimes they learn to work together and eventually un-split. they may or may not be in a perpetual loop of splitting apart and hating each other and making up and becoming whole only to split apart again (which i've heard is meant to be a metaphor for chronic mental illness)
if you wanna check him out i might recommend starting with his cover (actually three covers) of The Mind Electric, since its a pretty good introduction to the characters and their dynamic (though it's definitely all of them at their worst), or his Welcome To Tally Hall cover which is more of a fun little introduction to CJ as an artist (though that one might be confusing if you're not familiar with the original song). Or you could just listen to the album in chronological order starting with Time Machine Reprise.
warning for heavy suicidal themes though in case that wasnt apparent
i hope this was coherent enough skfhsk
(also if you do end up listening the album and you have questions about lore and such pls ask me i don't know everything and honestly there would probably be better people to ask but i would love to talk about the jash forever ok thank u)
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Excellent news from Grace Petrie's latest mailing list message!
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I did watch Butch Ado About Nothing when it streamed on NextUp last year, it was one of my favourite shows I'd seen all year. One of the only three shows all year to make me literally cry (along with Josie Long and Ahir Shah, though actually that number goes up to four if you count Sam Campbell putting tears entirely of laughter in my eyes with a WIP), which of course is what you want from a comedy show. But it also made me laugh a lot, to be honest even more than I was expecting because while she's an incredibly experienced and talented performer, it was technically a debut comedy hour, I wasn't sure how strong her pure joke-telling skills would be. It turns out, she can do comedy better than many comedians, and she can write and perform songs and stories that'll make you cry (there are no songs in this comedy show, that's just a separate thing that she can also do). I didn't know before this email that the version I saw was missing some material, so I'm very excited to get to see an expanded version. Though even if she didn't say she'd missed some out the first time, I'd still be excited to see it performed again, just because it was so good that I'd love to see another performance of it.
In other news, her latest album, Build Something Better, has been out for a few weeks now and I'm still obsessed with it. It really love it, it's been a long time since I've gotten really into an album this way. In the way that when it first comes out, you listen to it from start to finish a few times, to get a feel for how it works as a whole (and this one really does work, the track order is clearly intentional and comes full circle from political cynicism to personal depression to personal optimism and then around to political optimism and it's lovely and beautiful), and then slowly get deeper into individual songs, and find something new to love about each one with repeated listens. For the first week or so I just had the first few tracks on repeat, I couldn't stop listening to The Best Country in the World and Meanwhile in Texas, but last week I've started to realize how Start Again might be the real masterpiece of the album, and have been constantly playing Earthwire and Cynicism Free and finding increased beauty and complexity in those the more times I hear them, and just in the last couple of days realized that actually Fixer Upper hits some lyrical highs that I barely noticed the first time around and English Culture has a melody that I can't stop listening to. It's amazing. It's an amazing album and I love having an album that's worth unravelling over weeks like this, it's been a while since I've heard a new one this good. Everyone should get her album. And watch her special when it streams again.
The email also mentions that her album achieved some sales goals, which is cool, I don't really follow the industry side of music but I definitely think if there are charts, it's nice if this is on there.
Oh, and then at the end of the email we got this:
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She was here last year! And I saw her and it was one of the best live music experiences of my life. Possibly top ten in my entire life, which is a field with a lot of competition over a lot of years. At least top twenty. And apparently there's more stuff for Canadians? Fucking amazing.
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fanartbyherd · 1 year
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So these drawings are from around the time I was first introduced to the mechanisms.
I had started listening to the band, and made my way through the four main story driven albums and some of the other mechanisms albums.
And I thought to myself, what do the, immortal villainous canabalistic, time traveling, dimension hopping, space pirate crew of the aurora do when they are not having fun! Violence…. Violence.
When there are no tales to be told.
What do they do then?
So I drew that!
Mischief what else?
Johnny being impatient when gunpowder tim paints his nails because Johnny has less coordination with that.
Brian and Ivy realizing that they have left the toy solider somewhere on some market planet when it got interested in some shiny trinket or weapon or what not.
NOW! to the main part. so bottom picture from the first image, and the large picture at the top of the second image. this was my solution to part of the questions on what they get up to in those more boring or sluggish times of existence. they hibernate... Wait! I actually wrote something for this! wonder what mindset I was in when I wrote it? I'll share what I wrote after the main post. it is mostly just fluff (???)
the next two images are stacked onto of each other one is of Johnny being absolutely awful at chores as he breaks all he touches. below that one is the toy solider braiding hair.
the final picture in the second image is that of Ashes scolding Brian, Johnny and Tim about tricking the Toy solider into doing their chores, mostly by that it follows any order. (now that im more familiar with the characters I think Brian was the wrong choice for this picture, perhaps raphiell or Ivy would have been a better choice, but this was one of my first pieces of mechanisms fanart.)
the final picture is of The toy solider painting a portrait of itself on a mirror because it has trouble with internal visualization.
along with the first planning and world building this (/pc) mess of an AU:
Alright as promised, I'm going to share the messy little thing I wrote about the mechanisms taking a nap. better context to the picture, whole found family in some twisted way.
(also I do in fact misspell all the names)
The mechanisms, domestic reprise. Featuring: Johnny De’vill (captain), Gun Powder Tim (explosions expert), Ashes O’reilly (quartermaster) Raphael La Cognizi (scientist), toy solider (itself), Ivy {red} (archivist), Nashtya Rasputin (shipwright), Drumbot Brian (pilot), Marious von Raum (“doctor”), the sentient starship auroura.
Ch1 (Johnny) there’s this rather interesting thing that happens when you are an immortal space faring pirate, it’s called downtime, never been much of a fan myself, but its unavoidable. Space is vast and sometimes it just takes a dame long time to get anywhere. Other times it’s just that the mortal people out there aren’t doing anything interesting, no wars, no disaster, no nothin’. I mean there’s technically something always going on, but that something doesn’t always involve us. the absolute atrocity.
So it is here we find ourselves on occasion…
Ch2. That time the mechanisms took a nap. (Johnny) Bein’ immortal and all we really don’t need to sleep, gee some of us like the toy solider, can’t. though things that it can’t do has never stopped it before and the same thing can be said about sleep. (Toy Solider) very true.
(Johnny) so even though none of us need too, on occasion we will still fancy ourselves for a nap. Some of us more than others.
(Nashta) We’ve in-fact made a rather nice room for it, deep in the bowls of the ship. With her permission of course.
(Johnny) of course.
(Brian) Yeah, made a good space too, stole a bunch of mattresses and jigsaw them together to cover the entire floor, threw some comfitures, sheets and pillows atop it.
(Ashes) Yes, it is quite cozy. The ship did have crew cabins at some point.
(Nashta) When we do sleep, we sometimes do it individually, though usually we do it as a group.
(Ivy) Quite rare actually for all of us to sleep at one time, the common thing for us is that half of us or a few more sleep, sometimes just three of us.
(Ashes) Though sometimes all of us just sleep together. Keep your mind out of the gutter Johnny. Either way we are all fixing to take a nap here soon.
(Johnny) O’reilly you flatter me, my mind is always in the gutter and you know you love me for it.
(Ashes) phfht, Shure if you say so.
(Brian) how long of a nap are we thinking this time?
(Ashes) a year or two.
(ivy) -looking at a book- our records is fifty years.
(Brian) Rumors say those where some of the most peaceful -if tense- fifty years the galaxy had known in a long time.
(Ivy) I for one am looking forward to being cozy. Ash makes a great pillow.
(Raphael) Agreed.
(Ivy) you also make a nice pillow. several of the other long naps were nice too. 
(Ashes) It did get much comfier when we decided to leave our weapons by the wall and not bring them to bed.
(Brian) yeah, I’d fancy not getting shot in the face by a misfiring again when we are supposed to be sleeping.  
(Tim) -walking in- yup, try getting shot three times by Johnny’s trigger-happy finger even in sleep.
(Johnny) Ah, well Tim, you liked it did you not?
(Tim) I…I’ll…
(Raphael) Oh! Oh! Remember that one twenty-year nap?
(Ivy) which one?
(Raphael) that one where all of us actually slept, even the toy soldier was doing it’s best pretending to sleep. (Marious) ah yes, the one where we were interrupted just a bit more than halfway through? (Nashta) Fools thought  Aroura was abandoned, just because something looks empty, dose not make something a piece of junk! (Ashes) Calm yourself Nashta. (Nashta) they were going to sell her for parts! (Ashes) yes, yes, but they are a red spot across the wall, can’t hurt aurora any more.
(nastasiya grumbels) (Brian) Also why we stay up in shifts now, that and to keep Toy Solider company. (Toy Solider)Yes! (Raphael) Don’t you get lonely toy solider?  (Toy Solider) No! of course not, I have all of you around me. Your presence keeps me company. (Tim) you ol’sap (Toy Solider) all of you also agreed to let me braid your hair as you sleep. (Ivy) *monotone* you also braid the hair of corpses on the battlefield. (Johnny) ‘bit of a curiosity if ya’ ask me. (Toy Solider) If I have nothing to do, I join you in sleep.   (Johnny) well you try. (Ashes) Toy Solider tries its best to pretend to sleep (Toy Solider) I do. (Tim) Yes, yes, Are we ready yet? I for one am eager to sleep, where’s a pillow? (Johnny) all the preparations are ready? (Marious) Finishing touches captain’ (Tim) *cough, co-captain, cough* (Jhonny) Ah Tim (Tim) what? (Johnny) Want to go a few rounds before turning in? (Tim) hmmm…ah Sure why not? (Johnny) Anyone else? (Ashes) Nah. (Toy Solider)… (Ivy) I’m good (Brian) next time by me (Raphael) Busy with marious preparing the nest. Giddy* (Marrious) Odd way to phrase it Raphe, I’d accept but as she stated. (Nashta) busy with the aroura  (Johnny) suit yourselves, come on Tim. (Ivy) I think a year nap will do us some good. *places down a handful of books. (Brian) I think so too. (Toy Solider) Agreed. (Ashes) we ready then? (Johnny) We were, once me and Tim finished our rounds we joined in the warm group, this was how we showed our greatest trust, we turned in. once we did the aroura dimed her lights and slowed her speed, as if she too joined us in our sleep. Of course, I don’t personify the ship. I’m not nashta, the dork.
-- I do believe my writing has improved slightly since this, but regardless this is fun for me. I also remember
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