#the editing and everything is sooo fucking fake
poorlittlevampire · 2 years
okay i know i said i wasn’t gonna watch it anymore but i did watch season three and NOW i can confidently say i will not be watching love is blind anymore this shit is just??? i don’t even have words
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tsintotwo · 2 years
(Part 5/ Bonus part of 4)
Aight. After the last post I totally had to check myself because I was under the impression that Junkhearts was the only movie of Tom’s I hadn’t yet seen, but apparently there was another one called Three Way Junction, AND I found another cameo (someone add these and Hello Apartment on Tom’s wiki, I can’t figure out a way to edit tables on there) (Edit: Took care of it.) A few wonderful people got in touch with this info, PLUS a bootleg link to watch the 1984 production Tom was in!! Just, THANK YOU folks, and you bet your ass I watched everything. Let me talk a bit about that before I move on to the links.
Junkhearts (2011)- War vet very kindly offers homeless girl shelter in his house, but her bad crowd (including her bf, played by Tom) comes along and invades his life. Tom is a Northern Irish boy in this (complete with the accent) and is the kind of dude who would walk into a situation and abuse everyone and everything. It blows my mind that this irl smol bean did so many disturbing/disturbed characters and did them SO well. He really makes the angel-faced-devil thing work. This movie is dark, and deals with heavy matters like PTSD and drugs. Be advised. Good movie tho.
Double Date (2017)- Do NOT ask me anything about this one, man, idk. Tom in a beard, hat, eyes rimmed in black liner, and with a fake rhinestone tear for 1:30 mins. I didn’t even hear what he said.
Three Way Junction (2018)- English architect (Tom) goes soul searching to Namibia, everyone he meets acts wiser than him, then he gets stranded in the desert. I will call this movie formulaic, but before that, let me acknowledge I was just getting comfortable, then it stepped on my throat and left me agonizingly invested for a good amount of time. The desert-stranded scenes, Tom almost dying from thirst and hunger, body switching off, face peeling from the sun, hallucinating, all alone… it was hard to watch, y’all (in a good way, I suppose). Tom gives it his all and it pays off, because by the end I wanted to scream along with him. The very end is, again, formulaic.
1984 on Broadway (2017)- Winston in the book: I am a 39 y/o gray dude,  oppressed and depressed, listen to my musings and experience about politics
Me: Of course! I am intellectually stimulated!
Tom’s Winston: *spits aggressively*
Me: Fu** me, daddy
Trust Tom fuckin Sturridge to make Winston Smith SEXY I AM SO UPSET (AND HORNY) *deep breath* okay. Olivia Wilde broke Tom’s nose acting this, he broke her tailbone. People fainted, threw up, and left the theatre. Need I say more about how intense this production was? And I abfuckingsolutely loved it, oh my GOD. This was a brilliant adaptation of the classic George Orwell novel imo, the changes they made were very clever. Tom is the MC, and in the beginning, he is confused and is just reacting to things rather than acting. But he gets more and more into it and then comes the last act- graphic torture scene of him that they recreated from the book. I understand why people left the room, y’all. I mean, I KNEW what would happen and by the end even I was like ‘fuck me, fuck y’all, fuck this, what the fuck’, and I could PAUSE. But this is how 1984 should be, imo. I’m not saying this just because I’m a simp for Tom: the work he’s done for this is extraordinary. It takes a special kind of actor to even attempt something like it.
[Edit: I've discovered Tom also appeared in Brothers of the Head (2005), a mockumentary-movie about conjoined twins who became rockstars. Tom might be in it for just the ten seconds around 55:00 that I could find him in.]
Now that’s all done, let’s move on to the links. I know most people may have seen most of these, but still may be of help to a few? And I’m making this for my reference as much as for anyone else anyway, so.
Interviews/Being Filmed:
1. We all know there have been sooo many interviews from the Sandman junket. Some of my favorite moments:
a. Tom talking about his experience in the glass cage here (4:15), here (2:00) and here (4:12)
b. Tom shows us (11:34) his button brickphone. An aside: I think he at least had a smartphone at one point- you can see him tapping one here (:10) and he mentioned in the giggly Sea Wall interview that he browsed Wiki on his way there, so… anyway, point is tho, it’s none of our fuckin business
c. Vivienne praises Tom so much that he clenches his fists and is out of breath. Aside: When people he’s less familiar with drop praises, he has no reaction. Like, not even awkwardness, zero reaction except a half smile, e.g. here (4:43), here (4:04) and here (10:11). I just think it’s a funny shy boi thing XD
d. Totally RANDOM, but I love his eyeroll (9:00)
e. Unexpectedly deep and amazing answer to what nightmare Tom would give other people (plus everything else tbh)
f. Tom insisting that eating only within 4 out of 24 hrs and exercising for 5 hrs each day for 3 months was ‘easy’ compared to actually playing Morpheus. This man is insane.
g. Tom stole the sand pouch and is so shifty about it lmao
h. I said this before: Tom and Morpheus are still totally separate in my mind, so seeing this BTS when he’s dressed as Morpheus but speaks as Tom is a reality-shifting experience for me every time. Also, in natural light the subtle eye makeup is really popping. God, this man would KILL it with smokey eyes!
2. I love animated talkers who are also articulate, they tend to be the best storytellers. Tom being just that in these Orphans (5:12) and Sea Wall (37:26) interviews (I recommend watching Tom in both in full, tbh)
3. Linking this Orphans interview because a. His eloquence and wisdom shine through and b. He’s looking sort of devastatingly pretty
4. Tom can play the piano!
5. Never seen a Brit giggle so much (I know I already gif-ed this but you gotta hear the SOUNDS)
6. Englishman struggles to speak English for half a minute straight
7. Tom’s workout vid for Sandman. Not to ogle, to appreciate the unholy amount of effort. You can also see the inconspicuous S tattoo on his back (for his ex, I guess). This man is wearing a hat in the gym... hair too long?
8. Far from the Madding Crowd interview because I need y’all to see this look
9. I like this 1984 interview ‘cause it’s interesting, been edited in a creepy way matching the content they’re talking about +Tom talks about not using a smartphone
10. Adding this to show how much Tom has grown, as we all grow. The ‘romantic’ experience he describes here, while startlingly honest, I can’t see him talking about now. He was a bit rough around the edges, a little awkward with his presence. I find that endearing and relatable, honestly, ‘cause I am VERY different in the way I present myself, speak, communicate now from a few yrs ago. It’s a process.
Some of my faves here: 
1.      Best Sandman/Morpheus tributes 1, 2, 3, 4. Angsty king Morpheus. Cool Morpheus. 
2.      AMAZING Morpheus x Jessamy 1, 2 and 3
3.      Morpheus x Johanna 1 and 2
4.      Morpheus x Calliope 1, 2 and 3
5.      Me: I ain’t no Twilight fan and watched TVD only for Damon, vampires can suck it away form me. Also me: Watches this 50 times in a row. Edward x Morpheus
6.      Bruce Wayne x Morpheus
7.      WTF is going on and why do I love it: AU/Crossovers/Fancasts with Morpheus- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
8.      Will x Emma, Waiting for Forever
9.      Best Jake x Tess, Sweetbitter, 1 , 2 , 3, 4
10.      Best Alex x Nigel, Like Minds, 1 and 2
11.      Effie Gray x John Everett Millais, 1 and 2
12. + Tom in Remainder 
13. Carlo Marx, Carl (3 Way Junction), King Henry VI, Danny (Junkhearts)
Voice Work:
1.      Sea Wall audio
2.      Someone isolated Tom’s voice from the music in the Netflix podcast
3.      Tom reading two letters. This one by Henry James is emotional and I expected his passionate reading, but this one by Mark Twain- Tom was HILARIOUS! Please make him do more comedy.
4. Tom reading Wordsworth’s ‘A Complaint’
5. Tom as Morpheus- playlist of his dialogues isolated for each episode 
1.      1984 bootleg (480p)
2.      Context: Someone made a t-shirt with Tom’s head on the boobs and wore it, which RPatz saw and mentioned in an interview. The whole thing is bonkers. Maybe I was having a slow day but I laughed for a solid minute at this lmao (but I’m a whole adult-adult writing 1500+ words posts about Tom, so maybe I should shut my mouth).
3.   (Later addition): Masterlist of fics I wrote. The Sandman/Morpheus and Sweetbitter/Jake.
I might be adding more if I remember new things, but this is it for now. I actually enjoyed writing these posts. It’s been real, folks.
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sarcasmandships · 1 year
his! do you have any peterick fic recommendations? i've already read all your works on ao3 and i'm waiting desperately for updates so until then i need something to read because i feel like i've already read soooo many fics and i'm running out of material plz help :)
hiiii, im glad you like my fics and I'm sorry im terrible at updating i used to be so consistent but uni is just killing me with assignments rn! but i promise the restaurant au will get an update soon and im planning to edit death by a thousand cuts before i add to it again cos im just not really happy with the quality of it, but that will also be coming soon i promise!
anyways onto what you're really asking about; recommendations. im not sure if you're looking for smut or stories with plot so here's just a mix of things i've really liked ( i suck at bookmarking things so I've just searched through my history and there's deffos stuff i've missed im sorry)
Literally just read kick me in the face & ask me how my head feels by fkingdeathwish today - devoured this in a few hours and this fic made me like stories in first person. its so good and also has the best andy/joe/pete friendship dynamics i was smiling the whole time. but also features a lot of petekey tho which might not be ur thing
(smut) going down, down by @pyrchance - i read this the other day and its 10/10
Anything by snitchesandtalkers but some of my favourites are i've been checking my list, crooked love, making out inside crashed cars (smut), silver screen dream, the antidote to everything (except for me), we're friends when you're on your knees (not finished but still so so worth reading), amateur pornographers (smut obvs), a little less 16 candles (a little more bite me)
brutal love by @notastumph- this one is so good but like i also had to take a 5 min break between chapters cos the angst and heartbreak was getting to me so much (in the best way)
and i'll burn by jiksa - just read the tags first
the house on rosewood lane by scarredsodeep - this one is so fucking good, i don't even like horror and i was obsessed with this and couldn't stop reading
hey doctor, i'm certifiable by derridoid (smut) - so good and the ending made me laugh sm
husband on the payroll by das_verlorence-kind - what can i say, i love the fake relationship trope
also ive changed my plea to guilty by das_verlorence_kind - again just check the tags incase it’s not ur thing
accidents will happen by rusty76
again pretty much everything by @annoyingpetekey but some favourites are (i just wanna) get some, so pretty (when you're on your knees), and come on (and fuck me like you doubt me) - all smut
That Schrodinger guy made some really good points, you know? by @earlgreytea68
but i'm reflecting light by looks_a_scream - this one is deffos a favourite
the purgatory of my hips by auralcosm
edgar allan potato by emeralcitydowntowngirl - another absolute favourite, i have such a soft spot for soulmate AUs but I've never read one as good as this, again features a lot of petekey but it is all in the past
to take what i'm given with grace by likeasugarcube - their whole 'marriage of convience' series is amazing but this is the main fic and it is sooo good
anything by littlesnowpea but favourites include love in the middle of a firefight, but there's no preparing for this, and nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy (pls read tags first tho)
december is for cynics by looks_a_scream - another favourite
secrets i don’t want to keep by perceived_nobility (although i think they’ve changed their name to invisible_man now) anyways this one is only accessible if you have an ao3 account but it is so so good an hurts in all the best ways, would advise paying attention to some of the tags tho
Also pretty much anything written by appleremix or vampyerika
Ok so I have like another 30+ pages in my history but this is already so long, so i hope you enjoy some of these assuming you haven't read them already!
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x09, part 1.
The opening with that music is sooo unusual for them? :D Reminds me of circus.
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No but the amount of fans there? That's a lot. That's cool, but also unusual.
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"Whistle! WHIIIISTLE!" Give him a freaking whistle lmao.
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This moment in the trailer is from another angle and it looks sooo much fun there. First Jamie and Keeley, now this. Some poor choices were made in the editing room. Let me see Beard falling!!
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What the hell is Isaac doing? Why are they trying to create this fake drama? "I'm mad at you bc you didn't tell me"? He didn't HAVE to tell you. Not even for a second I'll believe Isaac is homophobic. Colin is his best friend, come the hell on.
Scene forward when Colin tries to resolve it and offers to have a bear and a chat, and Issac refuses. Hello???? What IS this???
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I dislike this kind of picking on your friend, but the fact that Richard is ok with that and Jan immediately pats him on the shoulder, like, "It's okay, mate." I love seeing those boys being friends.
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*whines* Can we, as a fandom, PLEASE jump on the train of Rebecca and Keeley being girlfriends? I've been struggling here alone since s1. There is so much!! possibilities!!! And they look great together. And they love each other. Ahhhh. Ughhhh.
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I'm on this boat!!!
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"I saw this spa with kittens" Keeley is everything. This show gives me so many ideas. Ok, Rebecca agreeing to go to a spa with Keeley so the kittens walk all over them??? I need someone to draw that, PLEASE?
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The way Rebecca looks at her. GUYS. GUUUUYS. That's love.
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You know what's going on here? Jamie does the same thing with Keeley. Ot3 when? My tinfoil hat is always on.
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LMAOOOO. When two independent women stare you down silently & judge you & suddenly, you're not so tough.
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I actually love that they're doing this bc sometimes I feel like Roy is getting too comfortable swearing and acting like a bully and thinking it's ok. I love seeing Rebecca as a boss for real and putting Roy in his place. :') I also think it's bc she tries to protect Keeley, but yeah. I like how supportive she's with Keeley. Girlfriends. Besties.
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Jade is the real one. Her look with shitty men, "I see right through your bullshit." I don't buy her buying his bullshit, "he's nice-like." Impossible that she doesn't know what he did to Rebecca and isn't just being nice with Nate about his boss.
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You can see that he did that to Rebecca as well & it's creepy as fuck.
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Beard nearly had a fight with press. I love that man. The press also loved their time with Beard, so I don't see a problem here. :D Roy is an ass, though, for doing this to Rebecca.
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SCREAMING. You honor, there's been a murder. Get Beard back in the room. :D
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vegaseatsass · 1 year
Sam is more autistic coded in the present than in the past (her friends confirm it but the flashbacks don't), how could it be?
Anon, this is exactly why I call her autistic-coded and not just straight up autistic! Because I've noticed the same thing.
I would love to hear what other neuroatypical and specifically autistic folks have to say (to be clear: I'm the former not the latter, and really reaallly don't wanna speak over anyone!), and I'm not sure exactly what the text is going for, but for me there's definitely a masking/abusive behavior management narrative in what Sam's grandma does to her, and in the differences between what Mon saw in her as a kid and what she's like as an adult - except instead of Sam learning how to socialize/behave neurotypically, what her grandma instilled in her is a repressed non-expressiveness so that her resultant, masked behavior is what pings many of us as autistic/neuroatypical.
So it's almost like the real life direction of abusive behavior management and/or masking has been kind of flipped on its head? Adult Sam has learned to completely reconfigure how she expresses emotions at excruciating personal cost, but in the direction of being less interpretable by neurotypical people around her, and more familiar and recognizable to us neuroatypicals watching, instead of the opposite.
None of this means younger Sam and thus Sam herself CAN'T be straight up autistic - we definitely haven't seen enough of young Sam to know, Mon's memories seem to contradict Sam's friends' narration so who knows what's true, and there is so much more to autism than facial expressions - but certainly in Mon's recollection, Sam went from smiling naturally (and expressively-for-a-neurotypical-person) as a kid, to her forced fake smiles that terrorize the office. And Mon seems to bring the natural smiles back out, so regardless of whose memory of past Sam is correct, we know how Sam expresses happiness when she's not being pressured to produce a specific facial expression for other people, and it's very readable by any neurotypical person.
Like for ME Sam's textual story is one of abuse and trauma and repression, while the autistic story is in coding/subtext, but that autistic story is very very there, down to an arc about completely reconfiguring everything about how you hold your face or move your body or say your words at excruciating, exhausting personal cost, to satisfy your guardian and her determination of what society wants from you. Sam's arc feels autistic/neuroatypical, Sam's struggle to interpret everyone else around her and the blunt yet indirect/"inscrutable" ways she communicates feel autistic/neuroatypical, and I don't think there's a hard line between what's text and what's subtext. So for me, esp as a non-Thai viewer, there's so sooo much to read into and connect to about her, but I don't really have a clearcut grasp of what the text is saying about her yet.
EDIT: OKAY RIGHT AFTER THROWING THIS POST UP INTO THE ETHER it occurred to me that Sam's entire arc can be read as how abuse to try to force neurotypicality (and heterosexuality) on someone actually makes them infinitely less capable of functioning or socializing, fullstop. Like it's not that Sam expressed herself neurotypically as a kid but that she expressed herself naturally, and then her grandma came along and Fucked Her The Fuck Up and now all the things she's trying to do to meet expectations, from sexuality to neurotypicality, have left her absolutely chaotic socially/emotionally/sexually. Behavior Management DOES NOT WORK. Terrorizing your kids into straightness DOES NOT WORK. Look at queen Sam and reconsider your stupid, stupid fucking tactics, guardians of the world.
This is now my preferred reading! Apologies to anyone who had to read through the wall of text above to get to it kdlfjskdfsd I still wanna know what other folks (esp specifically autistic folks) think thooooo!
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moriartyluver · 11 months
🦢 anon is back with the song analysis again
ok but teen fl + teen idle by marina is soo real
“I wanna be a bottle blonde I don't know why but I feel conned”- her feeling like liam is more privileged than her and feeling slightly jealous of him because she saw him as a white b who got everything handed to him
“I wanna be an idle teen I wish I hadn't been so clean”- revenge revenge revenge
“I wanna stay inside all day I want the world to go away”- her being an introvert as a teen and only ever studying and maybe occasionally socialising
“I want blood, guts, and chocolate cake I wanna be a real fake”- her putting on a facade
“Yeah, I wish I'd been, I wish I'd been, a teen, teen idle Wish I'd been a prom queen, fighting for the title Instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible Feeling super, super, super suicidal”- the third line here is kinda like her being 16 and committing crimes ig?? Also fl low-key wants to unalive herself but knowing her she probably won’t try because of all her responsibilities
“The wasted years, the wasted youth The pretty lies, the ugly truth”- I know we didn’t get an exact thing abt fls relationship with Theo the pedo but I’d say it’s implied they probably did the deed. Like how when they were dancing in the Ashfordshire arc, liam said something abt fl having multiple partners in other aspects, also in the past chapter u mentioned that fl would visit Theo at night. I think she’d lie to herself and act as if she was just seducing him but really she was probably getting abused by him
“And the day has come where I have died Only to find, I've come alive”- fl having her grand duchess glow up post timeskip 👏 👏
“I wanna be a virgin pure A twenty-first century whore I want back my virginity So I can feel infinity”- fls issues with intimacy with Liam because of Theo. She probably never enjoyed the devils tango until liam came around because she was so used to using it for her ulterior motives 😕😕 also she always is getting fetishised and flirted with by the other noblemen to the point she felt she had to marry a guy she considered her biggest rival just to shake them off only for them to keep going and not understand how uncomfy she was
“I wanna drink until I ache I wanna make a big mistake I want blood, guts, and angel cake I'm gonna puke it anyway”- in the Noahtic arc, fl got drunk a bit and was probably using it as escapism for her issue of an heir. Also fls implied Ed ^^
“I wish I wasn't such a narcissist I wish I didn't really kiss The mirror when I'm on my own Oh God, I'm gonna die alone” - fl has slight self esteem issues imo so this lyric makes sense especially because she seemed to be a little meaner as a teen and rightfully so bc her brother literally died because of the British ofc she won’t like any of them. In like the second chapter fl made a comment abt dying alone and I thought that fits
“Adolescence didn't make sense A little loss of innocence The ugliness of being a fool Ain't youth meant to be beautiful?”- fl was suffering since she was like 9 and I don’t think anyone reached out to her tbh if she was really killing whole families at 16. She was probably hella merciless and numb poor girl. She also probably lost her innocence because of Theo and other weird noble guys
also she fits seventeen by marina too. If she was an mtp character she’d probably get angst edits to that one bit “I was brought up as a baby well you don’t know fuck about my family could never tell you what happened the day I turned seventeen the rise of the king and the fall of a queen”
fl is just sooo Marina coded idc
ALSO I AM BEGGING YOU TO GET SOME REST GIRLIE. u usually update like every day. We don’t need u losing sleep over false lovers I promise. Get ur beauty sleep 🙏
Stop this is literally a whole essay 😭 u are right abt most of it tho
Theo is literally such an asshole I’m glad fl killed him and tortured him
Bro was 20 and courting a 16 year old but wasn’t even following proper etiquette rules
Fl finds it so difficult to be affectionate with Liam all because of that stupid mf.
Grand duchess fl 🛐
Fls parents tried to reach out to help her with her grief when she was a kid but they were both suffering themselves and they were trying to find out who was responsible for fls brothers death while also suffering responsibilities as the grand duke and duchess. They tried but fl shut everyone out because she only wanted revenge
Fl also has really terrible self esteem issues but she doesn’t let it show at all. From her perspective William was just an asshole and she felt like it was unfair everyone treated him better than her. Paris and rory esque relationship tbh
Tbh fl would get edited with like every Marina song she’s just that Marina coded
Also I’m currently on holiday so I’m trying my best to get some rest after my exams. I’ll try to be constant with updates but tbh I don’t think I’ll update until I’m back home because my internet keeps getting fucked up lol
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joyofmissout · 2 years
welcome to becas pitchfork looner version
1- the journey: well i love loona intros so I'm biased to say anything. This one is so cool!! PARTY!!!! SUMMER PARTY!!!
2- flip that: I LOVE THIS BEGINNING! The summer sounding is so here the drums you know? CHUUUUU!!!!! flip that that that that that! The chorus is sooo nice!! Get it haseul! Oooooooo this bridge <3 GOWONNNN <3333 i think they should've done smth crazy for this last chorus but it's good anyways. I'm so happy they still can make good title tracks aaa!!! 9/10!!
3- POSE: i don't think I did my review on this one so let's go. RUPAUL SAYING POSE. ok work. I love the pre chorus sm get it Kim lip. OK VOCALS. I LVOE THIS CHORUS!!! OK? THE BASS WHATEVER THIS IS CALLED WAAA it's so good for my ears. I LOVE RAPPER OLIVIA. Heejin rap is cringe she can't I'm sorry. HASEUL <3333 YEOJINMNMNNNNDNDNDKKS!!!!!! I love lip adlibs here. I LOVEEEE THIS PART NANANANA. I WALK LIKE FUCKING NANANA GET IT CHUUUU ok woaw very good 7.5/10 not my favorite loona song ever but not a bad one either it's listenable and has its epic moments i like it a lot :)
4- pale blue dot: ok even the girlies were happy with this one you better deliver. Let's go. OOOO WHAT????? so many problems girl. WHAT. FAKE DROP. ooo it's so pretty <3 what's up with these instrumentals why is it so far whaaaat I DONT KNOW IF I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT OR NOT. JINSOUL GOD. OK I LOVE THIS. ITS TRULY MAKING MY BRAIN GO ???????HMMM????? Olivia <3333333 CHUUUUUUUUUUU GET IT. THIS SONG IS SO GOOD?????? WHAT THE HELL I NEVER LISTENED TO ANYTHING LIKE THAT? I guess that's why I'm confused. Wow idk how to rate this one cause i really don't know how I feel about it it was so??????!!!!!!! WHAT. I'll have to listen to it more i really don't know how I feel about it
5- PLAYBACK: funny story i didn't know this song already existed cause i took a break from being an orbit for some time but i listened to it later and liked it. Let's see the studio version. This instrumental is from an indie game puzzle. Gowon <3 woaaaaa it's so pretty. Jinsoulllll i love her voice sm. WHAT. This was so random lol. Ooooo this bridge. Chuu <3333333333 they should've done something crazy here i think like key change whatever. Please fade out please fade out please please please please please please. Well ok it didn't. Its good!! 8/10
Well it was good loonas summer era hmmm. There's not a single song besides flip that and the intro that has summer vibes which i think it's odd for a SUMMER ALBUM but. Well loona doing loona funsies. It's great food anyways my fave for now is need u i already knew that that's it thanks for coming see everyone next year
EDIT I FORGOT TO RANK THEM OK: need u > flip that > pale blue dot > playback > pose (dont trust me im a libra)
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years
shaking yui. so much
been thinking about my l corp ocs and homestuck.... especially yui and gem. yui is 100% a void player. not sure what class (maybe page? [thought about it more maybe not. knight maybe?? she thinks she sucks at void when shes actually pretty good at it]) and gems a prince of light
yui and void in general is just. 👁_👁 her death is SO fucking voidy. its kinda meaningless (except its not lmao) especially in the grand scheme of things. no super big consequences happen (or like... idk. personal consequences do happen which turn out to be big. but nothing big is affected like immediately)
when the timeline doesnt reset bc of it gem assumes l corp will get his ass for it except they dont. they literally cover it up and let him go. and then everyone else just turns away from him and hes left alone. owen pretty much does the inverse and turns away from everyone else and isolates himself over it all, and vera is just left to be confused as fuck. bella is just watching from the outside unable to really do much (+ she has her own issues to deal with too)....... yui literally just. voided everything. took everyone down with her ig
she ended up completing gems goal herself..... as the real void player. the whole real vs fake void player thing with them.. i love that lmao
^ now that i talk about this she may be a page of void actually... a lot of the voidy stuff shes good at is very passive (like just disappearing a lot of the time.... shes. shes somewhere)
also in a sburb timeline yui is gonna fucking get gems ass once she godtiers. he is NOT safe from the horrorterrors
hell probably be killed by them bc yui did some voidy shit idk. void players and horrorterrors are besties and stuff. then he awakes on derse/prospit and godtiers like aradia (i don't remember it well but whatever she did he does). goes from pure void to pure light (+ grimdarkness to not bc waking to dreaming self) and mentally just. implodes for some time over that
more thoughts just gem and light edition bc i thought about that one ask on ulcd (the most recent one) that accidentally says like. a lot. when he meant to say nothing at all. ig he cant really get out of that but still i just liked that by deleting it it wound up saying more than if he actually responded like "what. huh?????????????" or something.
hes also successfully voiding though i think in other areas. but that is the point of a prince of light to destroy info and hes doing that pretty well. or at least messing with it
sooo yeah blue blorbos 👍
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selfshipdorito · 1 year
ok, a guy has finished all the main [danger grandpa™] games and is feeling tons of stuff about it (/pos btw), so this post will be about that
under the cut for more (needless to say, spoilers for EVERYTHING about d​rv3)
first of all, my luck. MY. LUCK. my initial two favourite characters from this (ka​ede and ts​umu​gi) were the FAKE PROTAGONIST AND THE MASTERMIND, APPARENTLY?? like, what a way to end the games ghfkg
still, kae​de remains as my favourite character from the whole series hands down (this is a very biased statement, i know, but whatever~). idk, I could ramble on and on for ages about her. she means a lot to me and helped me a bunch, I confess. so learning that she died because some little shit decided to frame her??!? all my sadness from her death turned into SPITE, which is something hagkjdf
tsu​m​ugi? well, I still like her character, but for MUCH different reasons than before. she's a great mastermind, and the plot twist she provided was dope. it kinda was too much to wrap my head around at first tho (like, fiction that knows it's fiction??? but even their real is fiction?? so they're doubly fictional?? what the fuuuck)
and the prologue finally being explained!!!! YEAH, IT ALL MADE SENSE!! and it was something to hear the casting thingies..? like, pregame ka​e​de just casually dropping "I have no faith left in humanity :D" out there, huh. and fanboy sh​ui​chi and murderous k​aito too hdfbjkh
other characters I really started to like because of the last two trials include:
ki​ib​o! seriously, the way some of the fandom treats him is so unfair. he's more than a robot!! being a robot isn't his whole personality!! like, he carried the whole outcome of the game, y'know?? I really grew to like him, sooo yeah
ma​ki roll. her character development, her backstory!! I love it when characters are really shown to have evolved. and she was one of the prime examples of that!! like, y'know!! but yeah, love her
s​hu​ich​i. again, same reason as maki, but just the character development part. he really grew so much over the game!! and I loved the whole "fuck this game" part!! I was really a way to end this series
sooo! since this is a selfship blog, y'all might be wondering (or not dfhks)... is any of these characters going to become an f/o of sorts? and, to that, I say: yup! :3
so, dan​ga​​n​ron​p​a really has to be one of my favourite game series EVER. I love the message each game has transmitted, every trial and twist to uncover and the oh so well written characters within it. it's really something else.
edit: the post I made right after trial 1 aged like fine wine lmao dhgfjkafvjfaf
0 notes
fillinforlater · 2 years
Eleven to One: Impossible Taming
Male Reader x Ahn Yujin
Length: 3402 words
Tags: Daddy Kink, Brat, Brat Taming, Degredation, Ruining, feet fucking/licking/kink, face fucking, breeding kink, submission, teasing, dom!Reader, brat!Yujin
TW: Self-Edited, Breeding Kink, Degredation
Inspiration: heavy Yujin BFH by the following pics
(A/N: This one is the beginning of an entire Universe! Co-written and continuous collaboration with @sooyadelicacies! Check them out, leave a follow and get ready for more of this kind from his side, while I focus on something more story based.)
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“Look at this here, Daddy.” Sent by Yujin.
A swipe and your phone is unlocked. Work has been going so well, and yet you still look at the picture your girlfriend Yujin sent to you. What could possibly go wrong?
“Hey, baby girl. Marie-Claire? Why didn't you tell me you had a shoot for them?”
"Because I wanted to surprise my Daddy..." Sent by Yujin.
"Well, it's a welcome surprise for sure. I'm at work baby girl, but now you have me all hot and bothered. I can’t focus, it’s annoying.”
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“Wouldn’t you like these lips on something, Daddy? Isn’t work sooooo tiring?” Sent by Yujin.
“Don't start with me baby girl. You know I work very hard to provide for your spoiled ass.”
“Thanks for your work, Daddy. How stupid of me to forget this. Maybe my dumb, spoiled ass needs a good spanking... don't you wanna make it all red like my lips, daaadddyyy?” Sent by Yujin
You can basically feel her smirk from across town while typing that. Either she sits in your apartment and is bored watching TV or she is downtown after a photoshoot, buying boba. It doesn’t really matter, she is too distracting right now. 
“Ahn Yujin, stop being such a brat. I'm busy.”
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“Daddy, look at what I put on today.” Sent by Yujin.
You take a deep breath before looking at the picture. This game your girlfriend likes to play is dangerous for your effectiveness during working hours, but also one hell of a turn on. Just like her in that expensive outfit.
“I don't want you showing off your legs and feet like that in public, baby girl.”
“Uh, but I Iove how people stare. Especially the girls. Eunbi-unnie and Yuri-unnie touched them all the time. 'Accidentally'. When I think about it, their touch was maybe better than yours…” Sent by Yujin. 
“Then why don't you go and bother them instead of me. I'm at work.”
“Okay then. I'll send you updates about their small hands on my thighs and feet, as they rub me off... then, I will kiss Eunbis lips, while Yuri licks everywhere-- sry didn't want to bother you.” Sent by Yujin. 
Calling Yujin’s bluff, you scoff. 
“Enjoy then.”
After half an hour, you have almost completely forgotten Yujin's advances. Work continues to be smooth sailing, the first couple of boxes get checked off, when suddenly your phone vibrates again. Without thinking twice, you open your messenger; 
A 5 second voice message by Yujin:
"Unnie~ ahhh, right there! Lick my clit, my untrimmed hair, yes! Oh god, Yuri-unnie! My feet, stop! They are sooo sens—"
Your eyes wander down in disbelief and read what she send after the short, moan-filled message;
"Damn, do I really need you? My slutty unnies do everything for my slender, hot body…” Sent by Yujin.
Narrowing your eyes and feeling fury boil throughout your body, you call the rest of the day off and bolt out of your office, speeding home. Yujin’s moans ring in your ear like a tinnitus and the only way to heal it is by getting to her and putting an end to this game. 
At least the roads have mercy on you, as the traffic is no hindrance for you. With screeching tires, you hit the parking lot closest to your apartment and sprint like a maniac to your front door, almost pushing it out of it’s frame. 
Yujin sits on her bed, alone, moaning yet another fake recording into her phone, before she sees you and smirks in the most smug way her face can express. Her dumbfounded words that follow make your blood boil:
“Hey, daddy~ Seems like the unnies already left. I'm satisfied and all, so you are too la—”
Surprised she'd continue the lie, your anger overwhelms you. You rush at her, then grab her wrist and slam her down on the bed. 
"You want to lie and play games with Daddy? I'm going to fucking punish you for being a spoiled little brat. Making me miss work, being a whore in public with that expensive outfit. I don't want another word from you Ahn Yujin, you got that?”
Yujin's eyes grow wide in excitement. Her beautiful hands move to cover her bright red lips as she gently nods. That was enough brattiness from her, time to fuck it out of her.
"Take those fucking slippers off baby girl. You don't show off your feet and legs like that in public. They belong to me. You know that."
Under your burning eyes, she carefully removes her shoes. Full of arousal, her gaze wanders to you. This unrelenting character always turns her on. A sudden gasp escapes her lips as she 'accidentally' drags a finger up her thighs and over her covered crotch.
"No. Did you not hear me? I fucking own you baby girl. Your pleasure comes second. Now lie on your stomach and raise your feet up. Don't worry baby girl, I'm going to fuck your feet, your lips, your pussy, and much more. The only noises I want to hear from you are slutty screams!”
Yujin couldn't move quicker. Just a spin and she is in the position you ordered her to. Her feet might wiggle tauntingly, but her face is flushed with excitement at the punishment you have in store for her. She knows she took things very far... and it makes her needy, hairy core drip.
You instantly dive your face into her feet, smelling them, feeling the softness on your face. You take her toes in your mouth wasting no time, getting them wet and licking across and in between them.
A moment of silence.
"Baby girl, why don't you have any polish?”
"The company and stylists are in charge of my looks for shoots and promotions. Daddy."
"I don't fucking care. You will wear white or black polish. You know those are my favorite. I'll even pay for them if you're a good girl in the future. I don't fucking care what your company or stylists want, you should only care about what Daddy wants." 
You pepper kisses on her soles, suck her toes and shove as much of her feet in your mouth as possible like a hungry baby.
Yujin puts two fingers into her mouth to muffle her moans. She would gladly object and tell you that she does not want to lose her job, but as her face melts under your tongue, so does her resolve.
Only for Daddy. These feet are only for her Daddy, and how the sucks on them makes her aroused to the point that any company rule or policy does not matter.
The need to free your solid cock makes you fish it out and you immediately start to smear precum on her toes and soles. Then, you slap the twitching rod all over her feet, making her gasp at the impressive size and hardness.
Moving her feet so her toes touch the bottom of your balls you exclaim.
"Do you feel how full my balls are, baby girl? So much load because you're a fucking brat. You want my cum on your feet? In your mouth? On your face? In your holes?"
"D-Daddy," Yujin moans out, trying to free her heated body out of the expensive dress--a touch challenge in this position. 
Her desperate eyes look back at you, then she whines: "Fuck my feet, because you love them so much! Fuck my face, because I'm such a bratty bitch! Cum in my a-ass... b-because I'm so spoiled i-it should s-spill..."
"Oh? Why don't you just get your IZONE members to please you? And don't you dare fucking try and get out of that dress, I'm going to rip it off of you." 
Momentarily alarmed, Yujin doesn't want the expensive outfit ripped. 
"Wait Daddy, the dress belongs to the company and..."
"Then how about I paint it, huh?" 
Your shout of annoyance reaches Yujin, but she has no time to respond. Swiftly, you align your cock and start fucking her saliva covered feet. Their perfect softness and incredible texture turn the heat of anger in you to arousal. 
Yujin should gasp or be shocked, but she just moans in ecstasy. The expensive dress, oh, it's so expensive. Everyone would be so mad, if you tore it or came on it.
Just the thought of getting exposed like this gets her high on pleasure, her tongues starting to fall out in between her beautiful lips. Barely, Yujin can get out a plea: 
"P-Please, n-no! D-Daddy, please, d-don't cum on it! Cum i-in me, your b-baby girl."
"Baby girl. I'm going to fucking cum on your feet, your mouth, your face, your holes. I'm going to fucking cum on your dress and rip it. You know why? Because then everyone will see who truly owns you. Not your former members, not your company, but me and me only. Daddy's naughty, bratty, breeding bitch of a baby girl."
"N-No! I-I can't let that h-happen!" 
A smug grin forms on your face. Yujin's feet feel great, and with her constant, dishonest cries, you have added motivation to completely ruin her. 
Suddenly, however, Yujin spins around, replacing her soles around your cock, with her puckered lips. Her arms wrap around your thighs, securing you tightly in her wet mouth. 
"What the fuck?! You dumb, bratty bitch still oppose me?! Fine then! I have plenty for your dress left, might as well fuck the brattyness out of your face!" 
And so you do: two hands bunch up her neatly made hair, turning it into a complete mess, while you force your entire cock down her throat. Your eyes lock with hers and her gags are louder than any screams she could throw at you.
Yujin obviously struggles with the huge blockade in her mouth, gagging is now inevitable. The fury in your veins makes your grip tighter and your fucking of her throat rougher. Yujin starts to drool. The droplets soon run down in streams. 
What makes you feel even more excited is seeing the drool start to mix with tears and mascara, a shame that such a gorgeous face is ruined by her own brattiness. 
And it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down her chin—and almost onto dress.
Shoving your cock just a bit further in her mouth, the drool stops to land on the luxurious fabric. All her fight and cleverness seems to have been for nothing, but she maybe didn’t even notice it.
"You know what I like, baby girl? You're always so expressive on stage, I've lost count of the ‘fuck me’ eyes you give during your performances, but now look at you. Tears and mascara, glassy eyes, a mighty cock plugging your slutty mouth; all because you're such a fucking brat."
Yujin probably has a feisty response up her sleeve. She always does. But at the mercy of the cock she is choking on, every word is literally stuck in her throat. 
All to hear is gag, gag and gag. Although you have full control of the pace you fuck her lipstick onto the base of your massive length, she still gives her best sucking, blowing and licking her Daddy's rod. 
"Oh, damn! You try to get me off, huh? Give me those fuck me eyes! Cmon! I bet they are just—" 
—glistening orbs. But even those are good enough to make you burst out of nowhere. A massive load lands in spurts: down her throat, in her mouth and spills from her lips. To your unspeakable delight, it also finds its way onto her dress.
Slowly dropping out your cock from her lips, cum drips and you place it over her dress. 
Looking down at her eye, she keeps an angry, but come fuck me bratty look in her eyes. 
"Fucking swallow it all, baby girl. All that cum is for you to drink."
Yujin obeys—with the most resilience she can muster in one glance. Then you pin her into the sheets. Your one hand keeps her wrists down, the other removes the lower part of her dress—slowly. 
"Ts, I thought you wanted to rip it apart from my slutty body," Yujin is able to whisper, sticky cum and a thuroughly fucked throat making it sloppy and hoarse. 
"I do as I please. And first of, I'll fucking fill your ass with my second load, you fucking whore!" 
The hand that exposed her glistening hole with barely cut, black hair above it, moves up and slaps her face. Yujin gasps at the sting of pain, but you don't stop there, spreading the remaining cum, saliva, tears, sweat and mascara across her cheeks, chin and temple. 
"Look at you! All the fans calling you pretty while on stage, ogling your body, and cumming to fancams of your breasts—and I don't even pay attention to them. See who owns you now!?" 
The girl beneath you takes a deep breath and stares back into your orbs. She might fight to get control over herself, to show some sort of opposition to your domination, yet she cannot hide how much she loves it. 
"Y-You can never make me yours! Fuck my mouth, my ass, my feet, fuck them all! But you never own me completely. I'll still go back to my life, thinking about other stuff than you. Do what you want, Daddy! Hell, tear my dress apart... it's stained already!" 
This is Yujin's beg. This is why she is the brat that is hardest to please. You can easily fulfill these needs, make her cum, cum on her body, but she could still switch you out. 
There is only one thing you can do. You align your hard cock with her pussy and speak in a calm and victorious voice: "I noticed you tense up and sparkle, when I mentioned you being my breed bitch. So how about I fill your pussy to the brim and make you a baby."
"Y-You w-wouldn't dare. Daddy, my career would be over. My life would be so fucked..."
“You're right. Your life would be fucked, by me, every day. Your career would be over, but you'd start a new one as nothing but a cumdump for me. You know what I think? I think you want it. To live a life as nothing more than Daddy's whore. To give me as many babies as I want. Does my baby girl want a baby girl of her own?"
This might be it: the moment where the great brat Ahn Yujin is tamed—and you're the one to do it. 
With the slowest pace you can possibly bear, you part her glistening lips. It's incredible how wet she can get; every part of her crotch, her pubic hair, her hard clit, hell, even her wobbly thighs are covered in sinful juices. 
Yujin remains strong—if being strong includes quivering and squeaking and fearing the inevitable penetration and filling of her womb with your seed. You thought there was no way you can lose this, half of you rod is already in the hot, pink depths of her cunt, but she just won't relent.
You start to slowly push in and out, tempering your anger if it means getting to tame her. You withhold from plunging all the way in. Accompanied with Yujin’s highly erotic moans, you tear a bit of her dress and start pinching her nipples, while your other hand rubs at one of her feet. 
An attack from all senses would slowly do it. Death by a thousand cuts or in this case, pleasure and submission by a thousand touches.
"D-Daddy, the, the dress!" 
Stop pinching her adorable nipple and pin your hand on her throat. 
"You still fucking care about tha dress?! Fucking bitch! So spoiled, so bratty. It will all end when the first baby comes out of you. Then the second, then the third, then the-—" 
A scream of unbelievable magnitude. Finally, you have done it.
You could see something has changed in Yujin. Her hot bratty fuck me eyes have turned into a different kind of fuck me. She looked needy, truly needy, 
especially with your hand still clenched on her throat. 
"Tell me what you fucking want baby girl. Tell Daddy and Daddy will give it to you."
"Fuck, D-Daddy b-breed me! Breed me, ruin me, end my career, end my life! I'm all yours, Daddy, mark me, please!" 
Like Beethoven's 9th, her call to be bred, used, fucked—owned makes you feral. No more words need to be spoken, only seed needs to be put in her. 
Your hips crash into her wetness, your cock reshaping her insides. The pressure her pussy puts onto your cock is greater, greater than ever before. The way her whole body meets you at every thrust is another indicator how everything of her wants to milk you. 
Your balls are not the only thing slapping her ass, as your hand joins and leaves red imprints. Yujin, if not for you choking her, would scream in pain, pleasure, pain, pleasure, creating pressure. It's getting unbearable. 
"Take my seed, bitch!" 
Yujin violently cums from your words, her pussy becoming a fountain plugged by your cock. With all your might, you bury yourself fully in her, not allowing her to push you out. 
Her eyes flutter as you stare in them, filled with tension and wanton desire. If the bratty Yujin is really gone, you will miss her. And if she really gets pregnant, you will miss her on stage.
Pistoning in and out of her, you let your still simmering rage fuel you. 
"Daddy...Daddy...Daddy...breed me, breed me, breed me. Your cock is so good."
Yujin was unbelievably tight, but you had an objective to reshape her walls in the perfect vessel for your cock and seed. 
"Tell me baby girl, can anyone in IZONE make you feel this good? Can any of your fans make you feel the way you do right now? The next time your company asks something of you, how will you respond? Answer me!"
"N-No. Th-They can n-never fuck m-me so good, like Daddy does. A-And not a si-single one of my, my fans know what I need! I-If my c-cumpany asks, I'll t-tell them--" 
Yujin's answer is cut short by another wave of orgasm. Her back arches, while her arms start to give out. 
Pinch the flailing tongue that mindlessly hangs out of her drooling mouth and spit on her. Yujin doesn't even gasp, just continues groaning through her orgasm. 
"My slut didn't finish!"
"My company needs permission from Daddy first! My Daddy decides how slutty my outfits will be, my nail polish color for my feet, my lip gloss for his cock, and my maternity leave when I am filled with his babies."
"That's fucking right! Because I own you. Repeat after me." 
"Daddy owns Yujin. Yujin is only his cumdump. Please, breed me!" 
A final wet thrust into her cavern. The spasm is insane, everyone would die to be inside Yujin once—and you just got her for eternity. 
Every final shot of your sperm makes its way into her. You will remain plugged in her for hours to make sure that a pregnancy is inevitable. 
Eight, nine, ten, eleven. Ironic. Eleven spurts of white baby batter should be enough for your baby girl. With a loud thud you crash onto her steaming hot body with the half torn outfit. Both of you wander off into dreamland. 
— 9 Months later — 
"Look at that Daddy! See what I got for you!" 
Yujin bursts into your apartment, holding it in her hands. You immediately drop your phone and skip towards her. 
"Show it to me baby girl! Damn, it's so beautiful. Just like when I first saw it." 
The bright smile you fell in love with at first sight: her dimples that appear and her eyes that almost disappear. Yujin cannot be human. 
"It's just for you Daddy! I'm so happy that it worked out." 
Gently, you take it out of your girlfriend's arms—and place it onto the shelf.
"Finally, my baby girl won thirty music shows. I'm so proud! Go party with the others: Eunbi, Yuri, Gaeul--they are all waiting for you." 
Yujin nods and walks to the door. Before she leaves, a wink hits you like an arrow: 
"I can't wait for tonight, daddy."
(A/N: Thanks and credits again to @sooyadelicacies​! They write really good smut and for everyone with a feet kink it’s a must-follow :))
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My thesis on why Josh Jackson is the greatest actor of all time...
Josh puts so much into ever facet of his acting. The words he says, the way he says it. But an underrated aspect of his acting is his ability to multitask. Maybe this is true of every actor and i’ve only ever noticed it with Josh but I don’t think so. I think this is unique to Josh. Josh will be playing Chef Pacey in Dawson’s Creek and he’ll be cooking while giving a stunning emotional performance or a charming performance depending on the situation. And I feel like some people would zone out of the cooking part and just focus on the emotion and the words they have to get out. Josh on the other hand looks like he’s preparing a whole ass meal while also giving equal focus on the emotion. (Edit: BTW I recently listened to and episode of Office Ladies where Jenna Fischer mentioned how hard it is to multitask while acting. So my theory stands. Josh is a fucking amazing actor)
This is also true of everything, whether he’s building a boat or undocking a boat etc. Josh is so good at working with props and I actually think he’s an actor who prefers to have a prop. Maybe it’s his fidgetiness... he always wants to be doing something with his hands. 
On top of that the way that he utilizes props is so seamless and a part of the character’s emotions. Not just like he’s holding something for the sake of holding something. As an illustration of what I mean, here is a gif of Pacey in the finale of Dawson’s Creek S3
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He’s in the process of undocking his boat and he has, I believe, a piece of rope in his hand. Joey is starting to tell him that she wants to be with him and he is not completely listening to her because he believes she may just be coming to say goodbye... so he’s trying to work at a mile a minute to help himself not focus on that fact and then you can see in that gif that he is starting to get what she’s saying, so he slows down and then stop what he’s doing and just slowly tosses the rope to the side. It’s so subtle but something about it just feels sooo real and unique... and I don’t know I can’t fully put into words it just doesn’t feel like i’m  watching an actor it feels like i’m watching a home movie or something and this is just an average (yet extraordinarily hot lol) man.
Back to the cooking part, I think an aspect of why he was so good at that is that Josh is apparently pretty good at cooking for real life. Josh said in an interview how when the Jackson clan gets together he’s the cook of the family! 💖💖
Josh can do anything. He can cook, he can act, he can play the guitar, he can play the piano, he apparently played just about every sport in high school/middle school including Hockey, Baseball, and Football. He’s a good horseback rider. He can also pickup just about any skill. He learned ASL for his role on Broadway in “Children Of A Lesser God” and for the movie “The Skulls” he learned competitive rowing or “Crew” as Google tells me it’s called. 
Josh has a ton of range. Here’s a man who can make you cry one second, laugh the next. He can play likeable characters yet you can also give him someone like Christopher Duntsch from Dr Death and he can show you how despicable he can act. Dr Death is just a masterclass on acting. He played that character over the course of 20 years in 8 episodes. So here’s a 43 year old playing a 20 year old and the way he does it....un fucking believable. The way he carries himself looks like a young person, the way he talks. It is beyond words!!!
I could go on and on about every aspect of his acting but I guess i’ll end this 20,000 word thesis here and continue it another day lol. Some day I may make a post about what an incredible fake driver he is especially in Fringe and The Affair 😁😁
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reluctant-mandalore · 4 years
The Artist (Din Djarin x gn!Reader)
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Word Count: 3821
Warnings: Fluffy with some angst and an angry Din. He’s a bit mean at first but I promise he makes it right. Not beta read because I wanted to get this out asap. 
Pairing: Din Djarin x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: I couldn’t resist writing, it was just such a sweet idea. I ended up getting carried away, so it’s kind of long lol. As per usual I got some angsty din in here but it’s all fluffy and happy at the end I promise!! Also, Din is a bit mean at first, he’s a grumpy grump who’s mad about his face being plastered everywhere, but he turns into a softy fairly quickly. I tried to stay gender neutral but I may have slipped up sooo yeah. Enjoy!
Original Post: The original post is here and the lovely darling who came up with this idea was @mandowhorian​
Edits: (4)**Reader blushing was removed to made to be more inclusive** (1)Just some grammar and spelling edits done. Also fixed up some of the paragraphs I felt were a bit weird. (2) I was looking back at this so I could post it to AO3 and noticed that the @ to the original poster of the idea was wrong, sorry for any unnecessary notifications!! (3)More spelling and grammar fixes, also fixed a pronoun error. ^-^
  The bounty should have been simple enough. The mandalorian had been tasked with bringing in a lone artist from the outer rim. The artist was overdue on some payments to a lone shark and had seemingly gone into hiding to avoid these payments. Originally, he hadn’t planned on taking the job, but the pay was decent enough and it should have been rather easy. It wouldn’t take much to bring in the little artist, though he had been warned about them having some weird abilities. 
  Din wasn’t too concerned in that regard. He’s seen some weird stuff in his time as a bounty hunter. Honestly he wasn’t sure anything could top the child and his strange powers anyway. Although with that in mind, nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to walk into.  
 The bounty hunter had approached the structure quietly, it was later in the evening and much of the busy crowds were leaving for the night. The studio was small with tables propped out front, most likely used for sales, though today they had remained empty. He had asked some locals about the artist, learning how the artist was currently grieving and wasn’t offering or selling any services at the moment due to it. Many of the locals even saying that they hadn’t even seen the artist emerge from their studio for some days now.  
  Din had ended up watching the little studio for most of the day anyway, looking for signs of the bounty. Truth to the locals words, the bounty never emerged to sell their works. So, with the streets having become empty and with no signs of the artist, he made his way to the entrance of the building. 
 Pulling back the cloth to the entrance of the bounties private studio, Din was met with something he had never expected to see within. His face. Specifically, his face plastered everywhere on canvases around the studio. 
Din had stumbled back in shock at what he saw, knocking over some paint cans as he did. He felt frozen in time standing there staring at the works of art and suddenly felt himself become overwhelmed with a multitude of emotions. 
  Managing to collect himself, he straightened and slowly walked through the room, taking in each painting he saw. Every painting was unique in some way, whether it be from the paint used or the style in which it took. Some were younger versions of himself while others reflected his current aging features. His fingers had trailed lightly across the surface of one painting in particular, a dark and gloomy piece hidden away in a corner. Similar to the others, it was of his face, but this time it was bloody and bruised. His portrait self almost looking to be on the brink of death. 
  Din had a feeling of when this painting had been painted and why it was done in the way that it was. How did they know what he looked like that day? Did they see? He wasn’t even aware of anyone else, other than the droid of course, being there. How did he not notice them? 
  Many thoughts and feelings were pouring through him while looking at the piece of art. Feelings of confusion, anger, and distress had soon consumed him, but the worst of it all had to be the feeling of fear. 
Fear because someone had seen his face. Fear because this meant his creed was crumbling to ashes before his eyes. Fear because it was possible that it may have been like that for longer than he ever knew. Fear because in this moment everything he had worked for was crashing down around him and he wasn’t even exactly sure how it happened. 
  Engrossed with his worries, the Mandalorian didn’t even hear the artist approaching. Coming through a back hallway, the artist had suddenly appeared from around a corner, stopping when their eyes landed on his form. They looked at him from afar, watching him take in the painting before him. Not even aware of the distress that currently wrecked the Mandalorian’s body and mind. Their own head tilting to the side as confusion began marking their own soft features, and wondering why a Mandalorian of all things had stumbled into their studio. 
“Can I help you there? Customers aren’t supposed to enter the studio and I’m not currently taking any orders.” 
  Hearing them speak had snapped him out of his confused daze and he slowly turned his head to stare at them silently. He knew instantly based off the description from the client that this was his bounty standing before him. The Mandalorian’s mind soon beginning work over time to try and comprehend exactly what his target was doing. His mind trying to work out the answers to his bundles of questions. 
 Were they trying to mock him? Trying to act as if they had no idea who he was or what they had done? This had to be a plot that they came up with. They must have known he was coming and had plotted how to distract him. Maybe they just wanted to taunt him? A sort of ‘fuck you I know your face and have ruined your life’ kind of taunt. 
“You’re a mandalorian right? Are you after a bounty-” 
  Din was swift and predatory in his movements, not giving them time to finish their sentence as he grabbed and pinned them to the ground. Their tiny wrists held in his one hand, pinned above their head, while he roughly shoved a blaster to their cheek. His body had soon pressed into theirs as a way to use his size and weight to keep them still underneath him. He radiated danger and had waves of anger rolling off of him. The sight of him in this angry state certainly would have had any number of people running, included the artist if they weren’t currently pinned underneath him. 
  The artist had squirmed under him in panic, attempting to free themselves, but not being able to due to his sheer strength. He could feel the heat from their body seep through his armor into his own, and any other time being this close to someone would have made the Mandalorian flush. However, at this moment, Din wasn’t concerned about such things. He was more worried about the fact that the person underneath him knew his face. 
“What’s with all the paintings? How do you know?” He growled out, his grip tightening around them, his helmet now inches from their own face. 
  A whimper sounded from the artist below him and tears had begun to form at the corners of their eyes, “I-I don’t know what you mean.” Their voice was shaky and their form trembled under his. They were utterly powerless and weak when compared to the Mandalorian. 
 He scoffed at their response, it wouldn’t be the first time a bounty had tried to play innocent and dumb. Shedding some fake tears wasn’t going to soften him up any bit. “Don’t act dumb. How did you find out? Where did you see it?” 
“Find out what? I-” They paused as he had moved the blaster closer to them as they spoke. “I-I really don’t know what you mean!” 
  Admittedly, the job was far from his mind at this moment, all he cared about was dealing with the fact that someone had seen his face. That this person before him had decided to taunt him with the knowledge of them having seen it. Job be damned, it felt like his whole self was destroyed, his creed most likely broken. He could care less about the dumb bounty job. He just needed answers. 
  Din growled again, his anger continuing to grow as they proceeded to deny any knowledge of what he was asking. He ended up hulling them to their feet, his grip never loosening as he did. He turned them around to face the corner which held the painting he had looked at not too long ago. He had pressed himself into their back when he did, a hand coming to roughly grab their chin to force them to look at the painting before them, the blaster still at the ready if needed.
“That face.” He gritted out, his fingers beginning to dig into their skin, “Where did you see it?”
  He watched as their fearful expression morphed into that of one marked with sadness. A frown had now etched across their lips, and they looked away as a few of their tears finally slid down their cheeks. 
Din was surprised by their reaction, he thought for sure they would have given up the whole innocent act by now or would have at least slipped up a bit. However, they didn’t and if anything it only made them seem to be more genuine in his eyes—a thought that both angered and confused him more than anything. 
 Mumbled words was the only reply he got from them at first, their voice barely audible to him, “What was that?” 
“He’s my soulmate... or he was supposed to be at least.” 
  Din could feel himself pale under the helmet at their words, a feeling of shock once again spreading throughout his body, as he found himself letting go of them in an instant. His anger had disappeared completely at hearing their explanation—leaving only confusion in its wake.
 It crossed his mind briefly that they could be messing with him still, but the expression they wore and the sincerity in their voice had stomped the idea completely. They were being serious, and Din had no idea how to handle such information. 
Stepping back from them, the blaster fell to his side. “I.. what?” were the only things he could manage to say in his stage of shock and confusion. 
“Do you know what the force is?” 
“Well, through the force, I get force visions of him all the time. They’re usually just his face, his surroundings were always blurry to me, but his face was always clear.” They began to explain as Din listened while remaining silent, “The force is not strong with me, so I think that’s why the visions were not always so clear to me.” 
“So this isn’t just some sort of sick joke of yours to try and mock me?” He asked, still having some trouble in believing what the artist was expressing to him. “You’re not lying just to try and get me to not take you in?”
 He watched as anger had marked their once saddened features, “A joke? You think I would joke about something like this? That I would spend years of my life painting and wondering where he was—wondering if he was safe?” 
  Din stood and just listened as they went off on him. Their anger about the accusation evident as they bitterly ranted to him about his behaviour during the past half hour or so. He continued watching as their rant died down to them just fuming while looking at anything that wasn’t him—clearly upset and hurt by his remarks. 
“If you’re here to collect me for a bounty just get it over with, don’t deepen my grief.” Sometimes he could forget how insensitive he could be. It was already clear enough to not have been some joke or plot. So why did he have to continue suggesting such things? 
 The room had filled with silence after the artist had finished their long winded speech to him, and it felt stuffy with the new atmosphere between them. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...” His voice was the first to break the silence before he had trailed off again, “What made you think the visions were of your soulmate?”
 They had seemed to calm again with his question, a sigh escaping their lips as they went to continue their explanation from before to the Mandalorian, “Honestly? I didn’t think such a thing at first, but eventually, I could just feel it.” They paused, seemingly trying to figure out how to word their thoughts before speaking once more, “I guess you could say I just knew that this was the man I was connected to for life. I could feel it in my heart—in my soul. He was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with, or at least I thought so until the last one….”
 The artist trailed off again, a habit of theirs that Din had noted to himself as he watched them go over to look at the painting properly. Their arms had crossed over their chest now, hugging themselves as if they were cold, but it seemed to be more for personal comfort than anything. Din had took note the expression they wore on their face and suddenly felt a rush of guilt flow through him for how he had previously handled them.
“The last one?” He couldn’t help but question. 
 They nodded and smiled sadly at him as they wiped the tears falling from their eyes “I think I saw him die some months ago. The last vision I had of him was of him looking like that and I haven’t had any visions since.” They had motioned in the direction of the painting before them, only providing more evidence that it was in fact a painting of the face he had wore while on the brink of death that fateful day. 
“So I think he...” their words died in a quiet sob, one of their hands clasping over their mouth as he watched their figure become consumed with grief. 
The words from the locals of the artist grieving came back to him as everything began to fall into place. This person was grieving who they believed to be their soulmate. They were grieving Din and they hadn’t even met him. It was something difficult for him to fathom at first, but seeing how it broke them had made his heart sink none the least. 
“He’s not dead.” The words left him before he could stop himself. The urge to suddenly comfort the distressed artist before him coming to light. 
 The artist turned to look at him suddenly, almost doing a double take from his words “Wait do you know who he is?” They questioned, their expression changing from one of sadness to wonder. “What’s his name? Is he ok? Can you take me to see him? I’ll pay you…” 
Their voice stopped registering in the hunters mind as he tried to comprehend their questions and excitement. They weren’t lying. They were being truthful in everything they spoke and they had no clue that the face in the paintings were his. They truly didn’t know anything about him other than what they had seen in their visions and yet they loved him enough to grieve for him. 
  Din didn’t know how to answer all those questions of theirs. It was him. The answer was simple yet also hard to articulate. The man in their paintings, in their visions, was him. 
That was his face. His face which no one was supposed to see. He almost wanted to yell out that it was him. He wanted to scream to them about the creed and how it was everything to him. 
 The creed he swore might be in question now and he didn’t know how to feel about it other than dread. He understood how some circumstances were accepted in regards to others seeing his face. Did a soulmate having visions fall within those categories? He didn’t know, but really hoped so at this moment. 
  “It’s me.” The words finally wafted out his modulator in a whisper, barely audible, but the artist had clearly caught it. 
The artist had stared at him with shining wide eyes. A hand had come to their mouth again but this time in surprise. Not being able to bear looking at them anymore, the Mandalorian turned away again. as his heart began beating rapidly in his chest at the confession. “It’s my face. It’s me.” 
Their reply was equally as quiet, a mere whisper through the air, “R-Really? You’re not lying?”
 The only response he could muster was a small nod, as he was afraid of how his voice would sound. There were so many things to discuss with them. Things like his way of life and the danger it entailed. He also needed to tell them about the creed, and most importantly, the child in his current care. All of this didn’t even include the things he was sure they had to tell him. 
 Din had jumped at the sudden feeling of their body pressing into his back. His mind blanking at their touch and smell engulfing him. The feeling of them wrapping their arms around his waist had caused a flush to spread over his skin and a shaky breath to barely sound through his modulator. It had been so long since someone had touched him in the slightest and he wasn’t prepared for it to happen like it just had.
 “I was beginning to think I’d never meet you, I mean, I literally thought you died.” Their words were muffled into his armored back and hearing them he felt his heart clench again.
  Seeming to catch themselves, the artist pulled away from him, shyly looking away at the realization of their impulsive actions. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hug you out of the blue like that.” They had managed to stutter out, “It’s felt like I’ve known you forever even though we’ve really just met and I literally thought I had lost you. So I guess I’m just happy.” 
“It’s fine” He replied quietly, feeling his heart skip a beat at seeing the small smile that graced their cheeks from his words. “It should be me saying sorry for how I treated you earlier anyway.” He continued, turning to face them properly and looking down at their wrists he had grabbed so harshly not too long ago.
“I mean you're a mandalorian right? Your kind don’t show your faces to anyone, I’m sure it was quite a shock to see all the paintings.” 
  He was surprised with them having some sort of knowledge of his way of life. Even if it was so little, any amount was better than none. “You know of mandalore?”
The artist shrugged, looking down at their hands as they twirled their fingers. “Only a little of what I have heard. People say you're the fiercest warriors in the Galaxy.” 
  He nodded in reply to them as they fell into an awkward silence once more. Honestly, Din had never talked much in the first place and he had already talked more than what he was used to within the last hour. He also wasn’t really sure where to start. 
  What did they do now? Did he invite them back to the ship? Ask for them to pack up and move in? Maybe they should just call it a night and worry about it in the morning. It was late after all, and of course the child still waited for him to return.  
“Are you going to turn me in? That’s why you’re here right? I’m your bounty.” The artist was still smiling at him even after such inquiries, “I won’t stop you if you want to. Just knowing you’re ok is enough for me. I don’t want to get in the way of your job.”  
Sweet. Too sweet. Maybe even naive. That was how Din would describe them in this moment. He believed them too in their claims, that they would happily let him take them to their impending doom at the hands of some scummy lone-shark. 
Din was honestly surprised to see how easily they just offered themselves up to him. How easy would it be to just take them up on their offer and turn them in. After turning them in, he could then just shove the whole experience into the back of his mind to be forgotten. It would be a simple and easy process for someone of his kind.
“No.” He answered, not even needing to think about the answer for long. There was no way he could turn them in now. “I… it's just…” He trailed off, even now trying to find a logical response to his reasoning. Even if one wasn’t needed in the first place. 
  Many others wouldn’t care. They would turn in the artist without a thought, soulmate or not. It wouldn’t matter to them, but to Din. To him it mattered more than he ever thought it would.  
“Are you good with kids?” He asked them, thinking of the child waiting for him. He could already see the child taking a liking to them and the idea of having some help with the child was something he looked forward to. 
“You have kids?” 
He shifted uneasily at their question, feeling oddly vulnerable in this moment, “Sort of, I have a foundling in my care and have been thinking about getting someone to help with caring for him.” 
 Din couldn’t explain the sudden concern that he felt at telling them of the child. He didn’t understand the sudden want for them to accept the little womp rat. The thought of maybe them not wanting anything to do with him now that they knew he had a child in his care actually scared him. Even worse, he found himself fearing their rejection, already having a desire to keep them with him. 
 Which is why he was happy to see the large grin that had spread across their cheeks at hearing about the child, “I would love to help you with that.” 
“The position is permanent.” He said with a teasing undertone in his voice, not being able to help the sudden bubble of happiness which had swelled within him. 
“Oh I would hope so.” 
  A grin had spread across his lips under the helmet at their own teasing reply, and he found himself closing the distance between them once more. One of his gloved hands had came to their cheek, tilting their head to look up at him. In response one of their own hands, paint stains and all, covered his. He had watched them for a bit like this, before finally pressing his helmet against their forehead. 
A Keldabe kiss.
  He wasn’t sure if they knew exactly what he was doing, but he would explain everything to them soon enough. For now, he just enjoyed the moment he was sharing with them. His eyes closing, as his arms had moved to wrap themselves around the artist to hold them closely. 
They had then stood embracing each other for a while, just allowing each other to take in the other's presence while they did. Honestly Din found himself never wanting to let go of them again—a feeling foreign but not unpleasant for him. 
  Din couldn’t explain why it felt so right to be this close to someone he barely knew. He couldn’t even understand why he had suddenly wanted to spend the rest of his life with this person. The only thing known to him in this moment was that before him stood a person who would be forever intertwined with him.
 His clan of two had become a clan of three.  
@murdermewithbooks @hdlynnslibrary @imalovernotahater @askalphapazvizla @​onlydarth @mandodjarin  @pedrosdoll @fleurdemiel145 @anothermoronintransition
I think I got everyone that either wanted to be tagged or seemed interested in it. Sorry for any missed tags and for any unwanted tags >.< 
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melyaliz · 3 years
Remember me 9
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Notes: I have about 2 other chapters “edited” (I use that term loosely) so I’ll try to take some time to post them soon as well.  
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
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-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Olive -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
“Oh my god I can’t breath” Olive giggled, crumbling into Eliott’s lap. Her husband smiled down at her gently playing with her hair.
“This is serious Olive!” Eliott said, his smile melting away to a very strained serious one. His dark brown eyes studying her face, “it’s the greatest story ever told. Guy dates a woman, woman’s ex is a mob boss who is involved in illegal fashion, mob boss’s daughter almost gets killed. Now the guy must use his skills from the years of being in the other four movies to get revenge on his girlfriend’s daughter’s father. Tale as old as time “
“I’m just saying they should have killed the guy and the daughter could have gone full ninja killer and taken out her father and his gang.” Olive giggled, wiping her eyes from the tears of laughter that had been rolling down her cheeks.
“That would probably have been a better movie… but would it also have bad dummy shots?” her husband asked.
“Of course” sitting up inspiration struck, “I have an idea!” Eliott watched her as she sat straight up. “You write the action and I will write the romance.”
“How much romance will there be if the daughter is 12 yearsold.”
“Well romance and character stuff.” she shrugged, “And you can add in all the poorly done dummy blow ups you want.”
“I will” Eliott said nodded, “But only if I can use sex dolls.”
“Like, Hard Ticket to Hawaii ? Oh wait! Now hear me out” Olive giggled scooting up so she was now straddling her husband taking his hands in her own. A goofy smile spread across Eliott’s face as he weaved his fingers into her own.
“Oh are we at the wait stage of drunk Olive?”
“Shhhh” she giggled leaning forward slightly brushing her nose on his, “But really, this is serious.” Cleaning her throat for dramatic effect she continued, “a Hard Ticket to Hawaii Death Wish 4 crossover.”
“Oh girl,” Eliott said, his voice hitting a higher pitch on his girl . Olive giggled pushing herself forward so she was resting on his chest.
“I love you.”
“No way really?” Eliott gave a fake gasp  “That’s sooo weird because you know what? I love you too”
“ So just be ready ” Kirishima said, prepping the gang, “She’s… the same but different. ”
The group nodded in unison, game faces ready for whatever was coming. And that something was slowly walking toward when in the form of Bakugou and Olive.
Right off the bat it was obvious something was off. While they were holding hands it looked unnatural. Bakugou’s shoulders were hunched and he seemed to be looking anywhere but at Olive who was talking in the city as if she had never walked down this street before. Her large hazel eyes taking in everything, mouth slightly open.
“Olive! Bakugou!” Kirishima said, waving. At the sound of his voice Olive looked up and waved, a smile on her face as she looked over at the group of others standing with them. Her eyes intently taking everyone in as if searching for something that wasn’t there
“ Hello! ” she said as they both stood there awkwardly. Hands had been let go and now hanging at their sides. Limp as if unsure what to do.
There were a few more awkward nodes before Kirishima led them all inside toward the balcony seating, their usual stop. “T his place is amazing! ” Olive said looking around her eyes wide as she took in the atmosphere. Everyone froze as the blissfully unaware woman turned to her husband, “ How did you find this place Katsuki? ”
“ I didn’t, you did .” he said as everyone around him winched slightly. The awkwardness was so thick you could almost taste it, and it didn't taste good.
“Oh.” her voice soft as she bit her top lip looking down at her purple painted nails. She had found her polish that morning and had decided to try out the fun colors.
There was a long pause when Mina spoke up, “How’s Clare and Lilly and the others? ”
Olive blinked looking up, “ You know the girls? ”
“ Yeah we have wine and Rupaul's Drag race nights. I think the last one we did was about a month ago wasn’t it? ” the last statement, more of a question then a comment.
“Uhhh” Olive shrugged unsure how to respond
“ She doesn’t remember it ” Kaminari mumbled to the little pinked haired girl. And again there was a lapse of awkwardness. Turning to Momo from across the table Olive pointed to her shirt.
“ I love your shirt so cute! ” she said, stumbling slightly over her words. Momo lit up pointing to the shirt that Olive had gotten Momo for the hero’s birthday. The words “Females are strong as hell” in English was written in script across the chest. She had gotten it because she always told Momo, who was the 4th hero and number 1 female, that she was the most badass out of everyone (and that ranking didn’t mean shit). Also they were both addicted to “Unbreakable Kimmy Shimitt”  
“ Thank you, I’m Momo '' the dark haired hero said, noticing how much Olive was struggling trying to piece together who was who. Before they had come Momo and her fiancee Shoto Todoroki had decided to treat her like they had met for the first time. “ and this is Shodo my fiancee .”  
“ I’m Mina! ” Mina said quickly and everyone else followed suit with a quick round of introductions.
“ Yeah I have pictures ” Olive lit up at the introduction. “The fair.”
“ What picture did you have ?” Momo asked, leaning forward.
“ This one of the fair? ” Olive said, holding up the phone leaning over the table to hand her the phone. Watching them Kirishima chuckled leaning toward Bakugou.
“ Why are they across the table from each other?”  
Bakugou shrugged, rolling his eyes, not shocked by the poor seating choices. After coordinating this whole night was he really now in charge of seating as well?
“ Oh that was so fun. ” Momo smiled looking at the photo. Memories of her trip to the US where Olive had given her the grand tour.
“ Oh is that the American Fair? What other pictures do you have? Do you have the one from when we all went to that spa? Do you have the one of us in those masks making the peace sign? What about... ” Mina was bursting with questions going way too fast for Olive to keep up. The poor girl’s smile looked slightly strained as she tried to look like she was understanding more than every other word from the excited pink haired girl.
“You’re going to fast for her! ” Bakugou barked out noticing the very overwhelmed look in his wife’s eyes, “ She's still learning .”
“Oh sorry Olive” Mina whispered looking down at her hands feeling her face flush.  
“Don’t yell at her.” Olive said good naturally in English nudging Bakugou playfully with her shoulder. The blonde looked like the wind had been knocked out of him her words cutting him harder than he wanted to admit. “Which picture did you want to see Mina?”
Before the pink girl could respond the waiter came up to introduce herself and take drink orders.  A look of desperation came over Olive’s face as she looked down at the menu. Anxiety quickly flooded her system. The social pressure of trying to be normal while navigating a language she was still learning was extremely stressful. And this was besides the fact she had no idea what was good here or what she would like to order. Did she had a regular drink here? If so, what was it?
Desperately she looked down at the Japanese characters as if they would suddenly jump out and give her all the answers.  
A large hand slammed over the menu making Olive lookup. Bakugou’s intense red gaze met her hazel one.
“I’ll order for you,” he said softly in English, more of a statement than an offer. His red eyes studding her as if reading all her thoughts. She smiled softly at him making him flush slightly looking away from her to the waiter ordering quickly.
“Thank you” she whispered, her hand gently brushing against his arm. Her fingertips leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake. It felt like her touch was fire.
Quickly he rubbed his arm as if he could put out the flames that were licking at his skin.
Fuck. He had it bad.
“Yeah well you looked so lost.” he grumbled looking away turning to Kirishima who was intently watching the conversation with the most annoying smile on his face. “ What are you looking at? ” Struggling Kirishima’s annoying smirk didn’t fade but he offered no explanation for his expression.
Lucky for Bakugou the conversation shifted to other things. Work, life, weird food Kaminari had tried last week on his trip to Bermuda.
Olive quickly picked up her conversation with Momo about the place she was looking into for her wedding and life in general. Since they were - as Kirishima had pointed out- sitting across the table from each other, Olive had to basically lean up over the top of the table to shout of the music that was playing in the background.
Bakugou couldn’t help but frown watching as his wife literally looked like she was crawling over. Her eyes bright as the two talked. It was the most enthusiastic she had been in a long time.
“If you want to be with her so bad go sit over there, ” he said, it came out much harder than he had meant it to be. But he was annoyed and sometimes -ok most times- had a hard time masking his emotions. Olive blinked looking up at him confused for a moment before getting up from her seat moving over - much to Momo’s delight- to sit down next to her. He could see her pulling out her phone probably to show off pictures of Dolemite. Or maybe to ask more about the people who littered it. He could tell she felt awkward about asking him those questions. Knowing it hurt.
But also he wanted her next to him. To feel her next to him. To know she was still there with him.
“ OMG I love this song !” Mina squealed as a song came on.
“ Let’s dance, ” Momo said, getting up knowing Olive loved to dance. Normally she was the one dragging the girls onto the floor. At the promise of dancing Olive lit up as she stood to follow them. However before she left she glanced over at Bakugou, as if checking in with him.
“Why are you looking at me? Go!”
Olive flashed him a wide smile before following the girls into the crowd. The other two girls grabbed her laughing as they swayed with the music. Not having to talk just laughing and enjoying each other’s company. The universal girl code of good music and alcohol.
Three songs later and she was slowing down, taking a moment to breathe looking around the dance floor.
And that was when she thought she saw him.
Long blonde hair pulled up in a man bun. A basic flannel shirt, on the shorter side with broad shoulders leaning on the bar, his back to her.
Her brain zoned in on it, for a second she forgot he was dead. Forgot he was gone.
That first month after his death she saw him everywhere. Heard his laugh. Sensed his presence. Slowly it had gotten better. His presence slowly fading from the bright sun of the day to the dark of night or in those first moments when she was waking up. And even more recently his presence had slowly faded. Her brain too busy trying to understand this whole new life she was living to focus on the loss.
But as the man turned and she saw it was clearly not him something washed over her. Hit her right in the face crushing her inside.
She didn’t even realize she was crying until Momo came up and hugged her.
“What happened?” she whispered in English as Olive raised her hands to her face trying to stop the tears. But they wouldn’t stop. Her chest so heavy it felt like her whole body was filled with sadness and the only way out was through her tears.
“I just… I thought… I saw Eliott.” she hiccuped, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Momo asked, frowning as she studied Olive. Mina, whose English was not as good, hovered around them both rubbing Olive’s shoulder trying to understand what had happened.
“I just… can't stop crying.” Olive sobbed trying to take deep breaths to gain control of herself.
“It’s been a lot for you.” Momo said, “come here” she hugged the girl for a moment before pulling away.
“ It’s ok to miss someone. ” Mina said, holding out a napkin she had grabbed from the bar.
“Yeah and for you it’s been very recent.”  Monmo added nodding
“I just feel guilty… Katsuki.” Olive fumbled through the words trying to explain all the emotions that were swerling like some muddy concoction in her chest.
“ Oh Bakugou can get over it. ” Momo said, waving her hand trying to keep her words simple so both girls could understand what she was saying, “ he gets all moody but he really cares about you. ”
“ Yeah, the first time I met you he was so… relaxed. ” Mina said, trying to find the right words, “ None of us had ever seen him that way before. ”
“ He was happy. ” Momo nodded, “ He will be fine, you need to focus on yourself.”  
From across the bar Bakugou had lost sight of where the girls had gone. The crowd was getting thicker and thicker as the night had dragged on. He knew Olive would be safe with Momo and Mina there but still, he wanted to make sure she was ok.
And then he caught a glimpse of them. Standing at one of the far corners of the dance floor. Momo and Mina standing over Olive, hovering around her with concern on their faces. For a moment Mina moved and he could see Olive clearly, holding a small white napkin wiping her eyes.
“ Hey bro where are you ?”
“ Just drink your beer. ” Bakugou interrupted Kirishima as he quickly made his way to the dance floor. Momo’s eyes met his and she shook her head but he didn’t care. Olive wasn’t Momo’s wife, she was his. They were supposed to be distracting her, not reminding her about her memory loss.
“Hey,” he said, reaching out for her. Olive turned eyes wide, still slightly glassy from her tears. Her makeup smudged. “Dance with me.” pulling her away from the girls who looked like they were about to protest. But one death glare from Bakugou told them not too.
He led her across the floor, his red eyes studying her as she took a few shaky breaths. Trying to compose herself. After a few moments her body slowly relaxed letting him lead as he felt her slowly lose herself in the music again.
“You dance?” she asked looking up at him.
“Depends.” he said shrugging
“Humm” she hummed, nodding like Eliott was what she was thinking. Eliott Eliott Eliott. Even Momo got more out of her than him. He felt like she was more comfortable around everyone but him. “You know” she said leaning forward resting her head on his chest catching him off guard. “I like to be with you too.”
He froze, his stomach clutching tightly, his breath coming out in a short gasp. She looked up at him with those hazel eyes studying him. “What you said about Momo, I like being with you too.”
“I heard you the first time” he said sharply only to soften quickly.
“I… I obviously liked being with you before or I wouldn’t have married you.” she added a genuine grin spreading across her face.  
“That would make sense.” He said nodding as they swayed in the music both caught up in their own thoughts. Eyes meeting, dancing in the lights overhead. For a second it felt as if time stood still and Olive was sworn she wasn’t in real life but in some weird musical romcom. As if her whole life was some televised novel filled with hi-jinks and drama.
Caught up in the moment Bakugou gently leaned forward, his nose brushing hers before pausing. Her heart leapt into her throat at the soft intimate touch. Crimson eyes searching hazel for a moment before moving closer, his warm breath caressing  her ear.
“Let me kiss you?”
Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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shittylongcatposts · 4 years
anonymous asked:
Hi, I LOVE your writing! I was wondering if I can make a request about Jumin and what would happen if MC went back to the apartment after meeting him and is faced with the bomb issue? Love over protective Juju! (it can be an hc or whatever you feel like writing❤️)
heya nonnie, thank you for your kind words!!! <3 I loved your idea sooo much and  I got a little carried away and what started as  shitty headcanons got way too exciting for me, so i turned them into a little story. I really hope you’ll enjoy it! As always i am too exhausted for proofreading and I will regret it later on- sorry.
Edit: I did regret it, wow the original is so messed up???!!! WHY???!!! Tumblr???Why? :(
TW: swearing, mentions of a fight,
Bad Timing (New Upload!!)
The days you had spent with Jumin had quite the impact on the both of you. Neither of you would have thought that there were so many things you could talk about. You laughed a lot, and for the first time it felt good for you to be able to laugh with somebody again. Jumins laugh was different, different from others laughter, because it was full of honesty. To be honest you really liked his laugh, not only because of this, but because it sounded adorable, a little deep and raspy but cute in his own way. It could not even be compared to that fake laugh of your ex. No, Jumins laugh felt right.
You were glad for all the troubles you went through the last couple of days, the fight with your ex, who kicked you out of your apartment in the middle of the night and left you out there, wandering through the city, alone. Then this Unknown person, who texted you and suddenly you were connected to a charity group and had a place to stay.
Never in your life you would have thought to stumble upon a new group of friends like this and even if you only knew them for a few days, they already felt like family to you. Maybe this was a new chance for you, a chance to be happy.
After getting to know the dark haired man more and more you noticed how lonely he was. How much he must’ve gone through when he was younger and how much pain he hid from the outer world. And even though Zen always tried telling you what a cold hearted jerk he was, you couldn’t believe it. The Jumin you got to know and started to fall in love with was kind, warm, emotional and caring.
When one afternoon Jaehee contacted you, saying that Jumin wasn’t himself at the moment, you wanted nothing more but to help him. Especially since it was him. You really started to like him more and more, so you felt even worse, when you realized how much of a hard time Jumin had. You gathered your courage, went to his penthouse and stayed there for a few days.
He cared so much for you and your safety that he asked you to stay with him until the hacker issue is solved completely and Jumin would be feeling better.
A few days later you found Jumin in a more stable state, it hurt you a little bit to think about going back to Rikas apartment but it had to be. You still had lots of work to do and V confirmed that the hacker issue has been solved for now. So you sat down with Jumin talking about your return to the apartment. 
“Jumin, you heard Jihyun, he said it’s safe and you know how much work there is left for me, I still need to answer some emails and prepare the invitations etc etc…”, you sat across from him, softly letting your fingers wander over the back of his hand.
“I know, and I don’t and can’t keep you locked in forever, and I am sorry I’ve done it in the first place. I just have this bad feeling in my gut. Something is telling me that you’re still in danger.”, he sighed, while his free hand ran through his onyx locks.
“I will be fine. I promise. I’ll call you as soon as I get there ok?”
But soon after he let you go, the red threads pulled tighter and tighter around his chest, leaving him nearly unable to breathe. Deep down he knew something was wrong, The hacker issue may have been solved according to his best friend, but what if he was wrong?
The ringtone of his cellphone pulled Jumin out of his thoughts. It was Luciel, he seemed quite off in the last chat rooms, he behaved so differently, Jumin tried calling him not long ago, but only Sevens voicemail answered. He took the call immediately.
“Hey Jumin, I hope everything is fine with you and Mc. Is she still with you?”Jumin could hear a sniff at the other end of the line, curiously he tilted his head. Did he cry?
“Luciel, what’s wrong, you don’t seem to be alright? Are you ok?”
“Yeah. Kind of, but that doesn’t matter now… Is Mc still with you?” he asked again, sounding a little bit more concerned than before.
“She’s on her way back to Rikas apartment, apparently she’s going there by the subway, even though I offered her a driver. But… why do you ask?” Jumin felt the red thread creeping around his neck choking him, his voice was about to get shaky, hopefully Luciel wouldn’t realize it.
“W..What? Couldn’t you at least give me a call before you let her run off? W-we need to find her asap! My god…” the red haired man sounded nervous, not only nervous but frightened. So there was a problem, Jumin thought to himself.
“Luciel, pull yourself together, and tell me what the hell is wrong!”
“I...  There… ok… Rika… she told me to install a detonation system and I just logged back into the system of the apartment and the whole system is currently unstable, which means that everybody who walks through the door is in great danger. Fuck, Jumin, I’m so sorry...” Luciel mumbled, Jumin heard him sobbing again.
“Are you just telling me that there is a bomb in the apartment?! I… I can’t believe it. Tell me the address now. ...and don’t even start pulling out the classified-information- card, I’m having enough of this. I’m going to pick you up. NOW!”Jumin couldn’t see clearly, a fog seemed to cloud his mind and he could barely hear his own voice, but he knew he was nearly screaming. Breathe in… and breathe out, we’re saving her.
“Jumin?...Are you still there?” he heard his friend's voice saying.
“Yes, I’m sorry for getting so loud...I don’t know what..”
“doesn’t matter now, I’m picking you up, you won’t be able to drive anyway. We will make it in time, Jumin.”
The boys sat in complete silence. They both stared through the window, focusing on the cars that flew by. Luciel drove fast, and Jumin was glad to have him at his side at the moment.
“Luciel?” Jumins raspy voice finally broke the silence.
“Why did Rika make you do this? Nothing could be so important that you have to blow the whole place up in order to save some data.”
“I, I don’t know, she never told me why. Maybe It’s because she hid other information there as well.” Seven chuckled nervously, he seemed to be unsure how to continue this conversation.
“Other information?”
“I’m not in the place to explain that to you, ask V, when or should I say if he is going to return. Hopefully he will, because I have to pick a bone with him.” the ginger sounded dead serious, leaving Jumin alone with his thoughts again. When he looked at seeven again, he could have sworn to see tears in his amber eyes. But Jumin chose to stay silent.  
You finally arrived at the building, it was a pretty long trip and you were exhausted. You already started missing Jumin. But you had work to do. A lot of work.
Looking up at the building again you sighed, let’s go inside Mc, you thought. When you suddenly saw a red flash at the corner of your eye. With screeching tires it came to hold and two figures jumped out of the car. A large shadow ran directly towards you, a slightly smaller one followed right after it.
You recognized Jumin pretty quickly and let go of the door handle which fell back into it’s lock. Click.
Before you even knew it you found yourself in a tight embrace. His hands stroked over your hair and you felt him sobbing.
“My god, Mc, I’m so glad we made it in time. You’re safe, I... I prayed so much that nothing would happen to you.”
“wha… Jumin what’s going on?” You asked, wondering what got into the boys for appearing in such a rush, as if your life was on the line.
“But, guys… what’s wrong?” You asked once again. The dark haired man took your hand to guide you to Saeyoungs car.
“C-can I join in on the hug?” the young man next to Jumin asked, you felt your crush nodding on the top of your head. You felt another pair of arms holding you and Jumin together, then Luciel shuffled his hand through your hair.
“Thank you, I’m glad you’re safe. Surprise~ hehe…” Saeyoung chuckled nervously, the tears in his eyes disappeared. He let go of you two, only to receive another quick hug from Jumin, who mumbled a quick “thank you!”.
“We’ll explain it later my dear, let us calm down first.”
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radio-kisses · 4 years
y’all ever think about the scene where hawks gives his wings to endeavor so that endeavor can finish off the high end nomu in the atmosphere? cause like, i sure as fuck do. the image of hawks’ power literally propelling the face and new symbol of hero society towards victory, much like his own existence does in doing the “behind the scenes dirty work” that’s undeniably associated with keeping such a system afloat. but to hawks, this system is the closest they have to keeping japan at large in tact and safe, so he recognizes that a symbol must always be protected to give the people security--and if it comes at his own expense, oh fucking well.
which brings me to how his wings burn off of endeavor’s back, pretty much foreshadowing what dabs did to him in this last chapter. like in that one introductory fight with hawks, endeavor, and the nomu, the audience is essentially given hawks’ character trajectory. he will sacrifice his power to the only way he’s been allowed to become a hero. cause like, we now know he wanted to be some kind of symbol as a child. 
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but the commission likely conditioned him to believe that his own appearance would never cut it (and lbr, assuming hawks is the son of a thief/villain, the commission could use a “hero” kid that knew how to sneak around--and yo, what if they used that background to further taunt him on how dirty he already was, which is why keigo had to go away). while hawks’ ability is hella powerful in its own right, he just doesn’t have that physically powerful image that symbols like all might and endeavor have perpetuated. 
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honestly that’s one of my hcs for why he wears the baggier clothes and why he’s so cocky; he’s trying to give himself a fuller/overcompensating presence (tho the clothes are likely there to keep him warm that high up but whatevs). 
all that said, i die whenever hawks talks about freedom because despite having wings he’s literally one of the most caged characters in the series. when he discusses freedom, i’ve never once felt that he’s applied the concept to himself--he wants others to be free, and not just japan but the heroes as well, in a way that he knows he, personally, can never be. and i feel this is reinforced when the commission asks him to infiltrate the league to begin with, and all the things he’ll be pressed to do.  
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like i would not be surprised if the commission has this man chipped suicide squad style. he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, but what are his options? disobey and what? how pervasive is the commission’s hold on him? what of the family he’s got that they promised to sustain if keigo agreed to join? like there is sooo much the commission could potentially hold over him, and it kills me because keigo was a child that had every chance to possess freedom, wanted to genuinely help others, but got caged into this bullshit hierarchy of heroes and villains playing at “the greater good.” so hawks’ gonna play the game because at heart, he hopes to do some kind of good.  
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like this imaaaage. the spanning wings, you can feel how powerful they are, but they’re on the back of a man that’s bowing. like y’all, i do hope that in this moment without his wings (i doubt they’ll be gone forever because the icarus trope doesn’t fit with hawks’ character, you’d have to call dabi some kind of sun and hawks’ “hubris” reads fake to me*) hawks is able to create something for himself outside of the commission, and be someone closer to who his child self wanted to be.
*EDIT: i take this back, i can see the icarus metaphor with hero society being the sun and hawks’ want to make everything better--“i want to create a world where heroes have more free time than they know what do with”--would be the hubris. add that to the whole “a man that goes to fast” concept, and yeah. he flew to fast and to high into the hero world with that dream. thanks @ hori, i didn’t need my heart or anything...either way tho, i don’t see the wings staying gone forever. 
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homosociallyyours · 3 years
Some housewives thoughts:
-this Tom Girardi scandal is !!! like apparently now Tom's defense is going with him being senile? And I learned this in the New York Times, which is WOW. Meanwhile Erika keeps posting weirdly edited/heavily facetuned pics of herself in lingerie as a SavagexFenty ambassador... Listen girl you're definitely a babe BUT it's fucking WEIRD to be posting thirst traps with all this swirling around?
The implication here is that she spent a lot of the money he's accused of embezzling, so like. Showing off the fancy lifestyle is A Choice.
-watching RHOSLC is really a rollercoaster in terms of how I feel about each of the ladies, but the new normal vibe is FULLY GROSSED OUT every time Meredith and Seth kiss 🤢 I mean I'm already hetphobic (joke) but everything about their reconciliation is SOOO fake I can't even deal. Their chemistry is deep in the negatives too. Yuck.
-also the only lady I can consistently love is Heather Gay, not just bc of her last name but bc she's so dang conflict avoidant and I can truly vibe with that! We're hiding, we're peacemaking!
-i stayed away from RHOA for so long bc I associated Kim Z with the show and her vibes are Not It for me, but I really gotta dive into the seasons without her bc it's got so many queer undertones/loads of lez subtext.
-the REAL reason I need to get into RHOA, though? Kandi. Freakin. Burruss. She is easily the hottest of any of the housewives-- hotter than Leah or Erika or. Anyone. For real. She's openly kinky and I'm not even mad at her saying she and her husband are a package deal bc he's a fox too?? Please Kandi and Todd, let me iiiiiin! I'll be good!!
-just tried to watch RHODallas and have up after 10 minutes bc it's kinda ick BUT their new housewife is Chinese and a Dr and not shying away from calling out the shitty people in the cast and I'm 🥺 loving it!
-i already miss Potomac so much and can't believe I have to wait a whole YEAR for more 😫😫😫
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