#the connotation is romance
Keefe and Tam just being bros
Also maybe a hair competition
Keefe and Tam Hair Bro Headcanons? -t1sb
mmm yes
these two are idiots. hate each other for the longest time.
Something shifts, at some point, and one of them starts to notice how much they have in common. Maybe it's Tam singing a song Keefe likes to himself as he walks down the hallway. Maybe it's Keefe saying exactly what Tam was thinking in a meeting. Maybe it's them getting shoved into a situation where they have to get along. But whatever it is, they take a step towards each other, and then bam.
This is friendship like no one else has ever seen it.
Fitz and Keefe were childhood friends, they based their friendship on liking the same things, going to the same school, all that jazz. As they got older, it took hard work to keep them on good terms, and their friendship took a lot of blows it couldn't absorb over the years. Keefe isn't great at communicating with Fitz, and Fitz is a wreck, who relies really heavily on his sister and on Sophie, more than he relies on Keefe. Mostly because Childhood friends aren't always the best adult friends. But Fitz and Keefe work at it, and their friendship survives, and gets stronger after Keefe starts dating Sophie, because Fitz finally figures out what the pain in his friend's eyes was.
But that's nothing like Keefe and Tam's friendship. They're a friendship of pure choice. It's a slow snowball effect into friendship, and the first time Keefe calls Tam when he wakes up screaming is the first night Tam realizes that he loves his friend. Like, really truly, wholly and platonically, he'd die for Keefe.
It's an odd character progression, but it's a good one. He talks his best friend through a panic attack, and Keefe's heavy breathing goes normal slowly. When Keefe hangs up, he realizes, almost wonderingly, that you can have two best friends.
Because Sophie's his best friend. He's known she is for years. She's been a constant support and someone he'd live and die for all at the same time. But there's a difference between that and how Tam is to him. First of all, he'd never want to kiss Tam like he wants to kiss Sophie. Second of all, Tam almost understands him in a different way. A way that boys understand boys, a straightforward, relatable, uncomplicated way. Just like girls understand girls, in a backhanded, complicated, fraught and dangerous way. Tam understood the workings of Keefe's mind like Fitz had, but stronger, almost.
Maybe it was just that Tam really, really, really tried to understand. Tried to meet him where he was at and say the right things. Keefe had noticed that. Tam was deliberate, with his words, and when he said something, he always thought it through and meant it.
Keefe could appreciate the honesty.
Tam invited Keefe over to Solreef, a lot, after Keefe had mentioned not liking his own house all that much. Tam hoped that Keefe didn't think it was pity. Keefe doesn't think it's pity. And besides, it's fun. There's food and laughter at Solreef, and there's his best friend. The third one he's ever had, one of the two he has right now, and it's great.
The two of them are idiots, together. They do stupid stuff, plan stupid escapades, throw things off of high places, climb trees and yell at each other. They're kids. They make each other feel like the kids they are, like the sixteen year olds they've always been. They don't have to grow up, be more than they are when they're around each other. What they are is enough.
There's inside jokes between them, and one of them is insulting each others' hair. The other always feigns horror, and it's just this funny routine the two of them do, and it's stupid and funny, and Sophie always rolls her eyes and Linh face palms and Biana laughs.
Tam really likes cooking, and Keefe is practically a pastry chef. They make first class food, and that's one thing the Keeper Crew really enjoys about Tam and Keefe getting along. Even when they're out on missions, the food is always amazing, and for some reason, it tastes better when two best friends work on it together.
Tam's been over to Keefe's house more times than Sophie has. Honestly, Keefe only really trusts Tam with being able to deal with the danger of being in his house. It's not that he trusts Tam more than Sophie, he just knows Tam can deal with hearing his father spit a few insults at him far better than Sophie can. Sophie would go on a murder streak. Tam just listens. Clenches his hands into fists. Watches his friend with a worried glance, but when Keefe doesn't talk about it, lets it slide. Tam knows exactly what it's like to love your parents but hate what they do to you.
Keefe went with Tam to Choralmere once. It was an experience, to say the least. Neither of them talk about how hard Tam's hands shook when he grabbed Linh's three books on Hydrokinesis she wanted, but was too afraid to go get herself. Neither of them talk about the broken glass of the family portrait that had clearly been on the floor of Linh's room for months.
Keefe does crack jokes about how bad Tam's hair looked in the pictures, though. Tam actually smiles, right as they leave. Miraculously, they managed to avoid his parents.
Honestly, Tam and Keefe getting over their hatred of each other was a huge step for both of them and self acceptance. Everything that they hated in each other was something they each hated in themselves, and to stop hating that in someone else made it harder to hate it in someone else. It made them better people, whether they wanted to or not, and the both of them love themselves more for loving each other.
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jerseymuppet · 1 year
ray toro do you wear nail polish? have you worn nail polish? You are a beautiful man, a beautiful man, will you wear nail polish? when will you wear nail polish?
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ask--invaderzim · 2 months
Tallest Red, Zim has given you a box of chocolates 🍫 to show how he appreciates you.
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seventh-fantasy · 3 months
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君终如日光之芒 ... 却无法再伴君同行。 // 君武勇之处世所罕见 ... 然终有负君之所望。
me for months: i will forever be bugged by the oddly intimate manner of speech in lxy's farewell letter - particularly in the way llh somehow ended up addressing dfs as 君 jun
revisiting the letter qwm wrote to lxy in which she addresses him as 君 jun: OKAY...
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
headcanon time: i wrote a post about how it’s possible that saboala have been dating for a long time but oda hasn’t told us yet. what if koala was crying over sabo sleeping for three days just because she didn’t want to lose her wonderful boyfriend??? (i know friends can do this but i love them so much as a ship and i want them to be canon so bad adiós)
Look, Oda isn't making it canon because that's how he works. He once said that he believed he wasn't good at writing love stories and, to be honest? Average writer behavior. Imposter syndrome. This man has such a powerful way of telling stories and especially about love (platonic or not. But I'm talking about romance here). And he never says it's romantic but damn he knows how to write. So I wholeheartedly believe Saboala should be canon because look at them. I know I don't have many arguments for this but LOOK AT THEM. THAT'S NOT FRIENDSHIP BEHAVIOR THERE'S SOMETHING THERE. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT. IT'S THE ENERGY THE VIBES. They're giving Usokaya. 100%. Like they're obviously canon but they're not canon and then OPLA literally said "fuck it, Oda we need romance in here we are NETFLIX if there's no romance we die" and Oda said "Usopp and Kaya" without hesitation (Real conversation I literally heard it I was there I was the script). So,, Just believe whatever you want. He's doing the same with Hibari and Koby and at this point I just consider interpreting OP relationships however you want. I think Yamato and Ace was romantic too and we will never know because this man writes romance in the most obvious of ways but never makes anything canon. The closest we've ever been to a canon romance is Sanji and Pudding and that didn't even work out at the end (well, not really? Because, and this is a manga spoiler btw don't keep reading yadda yadda -> She shows up again. She's gonna be important to the plot. I can't believe this is happening in the anime like, in what? Three weeks? Am I right? I think I am. I miss her so bad. Like-- She's so ending up with Sanji. I am not even trying to make an argument or something I just think it should be obvious seeing how the story has progressed. If they don't end up together I'm gonna fail as a writer because it's just so obvious).
Basically, Saboala is pretty much canon in the OP standard for romance.
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y’all ever remember the line “I’m taking back the life you stole” and blow up into a million trillion tiny pieces or is that just me?
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ckret2 · 1 year
@actuallyaltaria said: You could probably get away with something newer still like Steven Universe! They sing about their feelings!
This is gonna be a long post because every time I go "man it sucks I can't mention [some kids' cartoon] lmao" I get multiple people trying to suggest ways I can include some kids' cartoon, so I think I need to explain myself.
"Use Steven Universe instead" is a solution if you're assuming I'm coming from a position of "my ACTUAL GOAL is to reference a TV show, any TV show, that people know about, I'm just struggling to find one that's universally familiar." So let me clarify: my "alas, if only everybody knew the plot of Rainbow Brite" theatrics are me being funny for my own entertainment.
I want, very specifically, to NOT reference a real TV show, no matter how well-known it is.
I've mentioned before that I don't want any part of this fic to be dependent upon the audience knowing some other series. I'm extremely firm on this. It would be alienating to any readers who aren't familiar with the property, it would be alienating to readers who ARE familiar with the property but dislike it, it would be distracting to people who know the property TOO well—and it doesn't fit into the Gravity Falls universe.
Gravity Falls doesn't make references to real world pop culture! The hit rap song of the summer isn't attributed to a known rapper like Lil Jon or Snoop Dogg, it's Lil Bigg Dawggg. The biggest boy band isn't NSYNC, it's Sev'ral Timez. There's no Dungeons & Dragons; there's Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons. There's no Fun Dip, there's Smile Dip. The master of claymation isn't Ray Harryhausen, it's Harry Claymore. Hoo-Ha Owl substitutes for Chuck E. Cheese, Fight Fighters for Street Fighters, BABBA for ABBA... for Journal 3 they even made up a dimension named Exwhylia so that they could avoid canonically mentioning Flatland.
Almost every song, show, cartoon, band, movie, food product, chain business, or other brand name that gets mentioned in Gravity Falls is either a parody of a specific real-world equivalent or a broader parody of a whole category of pop culture.
In a universe where some of Mabel's favorite series are Believe in Yourself and Dream Boy High, it would be weird and jarring to throw in something real like Care Bears.
Honestly—putting my jokes about forcing all of tumblr to watch a cartoon aside—gun to my head if I was forced to include a reference to a real world cartoon, I'd probably be less likely to use Steven Universe than something like Care Bears or Rainbow Brite. Steven Universe would be even MORE jarring. Like, most of the people who are inclined to read Gravity Falls fanfics probably haven't seen Rainbow Brite, so—even though it still has the "this is a Real Thing so it feels like you're expected to know about it" stigma that adding ANY real thing to the fic would have—it's at least is on equal footing with Believe in Yourself and Dream Boy High in that it's still the name of something distant and unfamiliar to most readers, and therefore I could say anything I wanted about it and most people would be like "sure, okay."
On the other hand, Steven Universe? This is tumblr. SU and GF are plot-driven kids' sci-fi cartoons about kids caught in supernatural shenanigans and complicated family relationships that were airing at the same time. The audience overlap between Gravity Falls and Steven Universe is almost a circle. Anybody who sees Steven Universe get name dropped in a Gravity Falls fic is NOT going to see it as some distant unfamiliar story-within-a-story being introduced as a lighthearted narrative device for a goofy "Mabel thinks showing Bill children cartoons is a valid form of therapy" scene. It's going to be the heavy handed insertion of a MASSIVE fandom that a LOT of readers will already have EXTREMELY STRONG IN-DEPTH OPINIONS about—and any that DON'T have such strong opinions are probably the ones who are sick to death of seeing Steven Universe everywhere and are just gonna be irritated that now, apparently, knowledge of that show is necessary to read this Gravity Falls fanfic??
If I said "Bill thinks he's totally exactly like Rainbow Brite" a few readers would politely chuckle and the rest would wait for me to explain the metaphor and why it matters to the storyline. If I said "Bill thinks he's totally exactly like Rose Quartz" I'd have dropped one hell of a bomb of a hot take into a fic that isn't in the LEAST BIT about any alleged character parallels that might exist between Bill Cipher and Rose Quartz. Anyone who's seen the show will immediately start thinking VERY HARD about the comparison and anybody who HASN'T will assume that, because SU is so big, I'm expecting them to know enough to understand the comparison.
If I were to put either of those comparisons in the fic, the point I would be trying to make is "Mabel makes Bill watch a kid's show hoping it will teach him to be a better person, and is surprised that instead of taking away moral lessons from the viewing, he's concluded he's basically the same as the idealistic young hopeful rebel leader fighting against oppressive conformist forces and protecting the people of earth." My authorial intent would be at least partially drowned out by any reference to another show (especially for people who don't get it), but it would be SUPER drowned out by a reference to an extremely well-known show.
The only way to avoid distorting that authorial intent is to not hinge part of the story on some other show.
So am I melodramatically sighing and lamenting over how tragic it is that I can't directly reference The Last Unicorn or whatever in the fic because it would be so totally perfect and very funny and absolutely has valid narrative parallels to stuff that's gonna happen in the fic? Yeah. But my problem wouldn't be solved if TLU was universally watched, or if I substituted something that is universally watched for TLU, because the root of my problem is that TLU is a real cartoon in the real world.
I accept that the specific comedy that can ONLY come from saying "[character from Show A] is EXACTLY like [character from Show B that's jarringly incongruous with Show A]" is comedy that I'm not going to have in my fic, and I cope with this by comedically kvetching about it.
And I'm gonna make up an imaginary girly 80s cartoon for Mabel to force Bill to watch.
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wait oh my god massive brain. prince solar and eclipse are so fucking queerplatonic i am a FOOL
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tbh i think that there are two varieties of enemies to lovers when a lot of people consider there to only be the one and thats like. 90% of "are toxic ships valid" discourse. bc everyone who isnt really in the toxic ships business tends to think we all view every toxic ship as an "ok they both hurt each other a lot but what if they would grow past that" ship. yeah theres enemies to lovers that ends in a really sweet relationship and thats fantastic! but some toxic ships really are just toxic. theyre fun because theyre toxic. because exploring character dynamics is fun. something like that
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twiceasmanysunbeams · 2 years
demon stat's important! + antonio's a new branch
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read the full interview here, there are about a dozen more questions, answered
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We need to start being mean to crayon-eating Lumity shippers when they cross tag lmao.
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sailorsnightmare · 1 year
Zelink is so ace4ace and they don’t need to do explicit romantic things to prove how much they care for each other
Relationships don’t have to be conventional to prove their reality, the little things they do for each other make them feel so real and intimate
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silhouettecrow · 9 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 225
Adjective: Soft
Noun: Obsession
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Soft: easy to mold, cut, compress, or fold, or not hard or firm to the touch; having a smooth surface or texture that is pleasant to touch, or not rough or coarse; rounded, or not angular; having a pleasing quality involving a subtle effect or contrast rather than sharp definition; (of a voice or sound) quiet and gentle; (of rain, wind, or other natural force) not strong or violent; sympathetic, lenient, or compassionate, especially to a degree perceived as excessive, or not strict or sufficiently strict; (of words or language) not harsh or angry, or conciliatory, or soothing; (of news or other journalism) regarded more as entertainment than as basic news; willing to compromise in political matters, or moderate; not strong or robust; (informal) (of a job or way of life) requiring little effort; (of a drink) not alcoholic; (of a drug) not likely to cause addiction; (of radiation) having little penetrating power; (of a detergent) biodegradable; (of pornography) suggestive or erotic but not explicit; (of a market, currency, or commodity) falling or likely to fall in value; (of water) containing relatively low concentrations of dissolved calcium and magnesium salts and therefore lathering easily with soap; (informal) foolish, or silly; (informal) infatuated with; (of a consonant) pronounced as a fricative (as c in ice)
Obsession: the state of being obsessed with someone or something; an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind
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welcometoteyvat · 8 months
the rarepair pipeline really is just (wants to see two characters interact) (the only people who make content of those two interacting are the shippers) (doesn't mind them having a romantic relationship and thus is converted into the rarepair)
#xiao.yun...... albe.qiu....... any iteration of the xq cy xl ht xin.yan yj gang that don't involve xing.yun.......#i think the minds of koko.mi x raiden shippers are very large but i honestly haven't interacted with enough ship content to rlly get a vibe#yae.sara is also something that tickles the brain mostly bc the people who write fic of them give them so much depth its very nice#x.iao x ht too tbh#like maybe i haven't read enough gen fic of them but i feel like there are so many good potential parallels and a lot of them#are only present/prominent in the ship fics between the two. bc there the writer will have a heavy interest in developing both chars and th#relationship (in the platonic and nonplatonic sense) they have w each other#idk man i'm like thinking about why i seem to ship an endless amt of rarepairs and i think the answer is just ships give people a lot of fr#freedom in imagining things#since so much fanfic is like romance geared bc the development of a relationship begets a natural plot#like yes that's probably something to take note of in fandom that there's so little nonromantic stuff that focuses on more than 1 character#but i dont mind its cute to play w characters like dolls and make them kiss kiss fall in love or whatever#as long as they're a round character and not just used for romance reasons or flattened into like 2 traits im down#ramblings!#2 clarify i honestly think those ships i mentioned are really cute im just analyzing how one could get into them (neutral connotations)
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narukoibito · 2 years
i have to know about st. mungos… this seems angsty ;) should i be scared or excited
Thank you for the ask, @gardenroses1!
This is my Healer!Ginny story, where Ginny is a Healer on the 4th floor of St. Mungos. Her first patient is someone named Harry Evans. (This is a Harry never to Hogwarts story.) It would definitely be angsty!
I have shared a beginning snippet before that really sets the whole tone of the story. It's my favorite snippet of what I've written.
That being said, I am really grappling with how "present" Harry is (his soul either being trapped in limbo or damaged because of the final battle). I need to rethink this story and how much or how little he's there because, well, this would go into really unpleasant territory for a romance in my opinion depending on how much or how little agency he has. Plus, then I considered the fact that her being his Healer also leads to...another imbalance of power. Ugh, so those ethical issues have snagged my brain and made me have to rethink what this story is really about and what happens. Sorry if that's...uncomfortable to say? But that's why this story has been on hold until I can pretty much completely rethink it.
But! I do have another snippet to share if you're interested (noting of course that this can all be scrapped):
“Can Harry Evans join in the others? In Ward 49?”
Her supervisor looks up at Ginny before returning to her latest notes to Harry’s chart.
“Why would he do that?”
“Would it be a problem?”
Her supervisor sets the chart aside with a sigh. “Do you really think that they’ll all have a conversation? Discuss the latest politics?”
Ginny bristles at his patronizing voice. “We all need to be around others. We are all social beings. Why shouldn’t that be the same for all our patients?”
“I believe I already shared with you that Harry Evans is a special case. He’s been doing fine in his private room for some time now.”
“Would he pose a threat to others?” Ginny asks, knowing they both know the answer. “Is there a reason he can’t be in the presence of people?”
“He’s a sweet boy,” her supervisor smiles. Ginny resents the pity in his eyes. “There are people, his next of kin, who prefer him where he is. It makes them feel better to know he’s safe.”
“He’s safe in the hospital. He should be allowed outside, even, to get a change of scenery. Harry’s — ” she hesitates “— lonely.”
“Lonely?” He shakes his head. “It’s understandable to grow attached to those under your care, but Harry isn’t lonely. In his current state, he’s incapable of feeling and processing the way that we are.”
“We don’t know that,” Ginny protests.
“His mental state hasn’t changed for several years. He hasn’t spoken in that time.”
“He’s not a vegetable,” she snaps.
“Miss Weasley,” he says in a hard voice.
“I’m sorry. In my professional opinion, from the few weeks I’ve spent with Harry, he seems to do better when he is treated…normally,” she finishes lamely.
Feel free to send me asks on any of my WIPs!
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lesbienneanarchiste · 2 years
I've probably said this before but I'm gonna say it again. North and South (the book) has very little in common with Pride and Prejudice and I wish people would stop trying to sell it as such. I can see it more with the miniseries so that doesn't bother me as much but the books are very different and the romance in N&S is a much smaller part of the novel than in P&P and I think it's setting people up for failure to constantly use that as it's selling point.
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