#the bachelorette finale
soup--enjoyer · 10 months
I always convince myself I don’t care about the bachelorette and then I watch the finale with my mom and we are both holding our breath waiting to see who will propose and then I realize that who am I kidding I am actually invested
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sandara-and-coco · 6 months
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₊˚⊹⋆ Hello! As promised it’s time for the girls ! ₊˚⊹⋆
Sandara pulled off her jewelry making skills again to prepare these magical sandy rings for every sandrocker who wishes to propose to their soulmate ! So without further and just like the boys here’s a little story behind each design ;)
Nia - In a heartfelt request asked for a ring crafted in the essence of her dearest bloom, a symbol of love shared with her cherished one. Adorned with pink diamonds and fashioned from rose gold, it mirrors the sentiment embodied in the exquisite "Heart Blossom."
Grace - With a desire profound to gift her beloved a symbol of her unwavering support and sought to give them a keepsake to bear her essence wherever destiny may lead. Entrusting Sandara with the task, she envisioned a ring of pure white gold, cradling a gem akin to the one gracing her ears, a tangible testament to the boundless love she holds for her soulmate.
Catori - This ring was made with the very gold from the Golden Goose tokens at Catori's request so she could share a part of her passion with her promised one !
Venti - Came by with this special raw mineral she extracted herself asking Sandara to make the most unbreakable ring ever !
Amirah - Wanted a special ring to crystallize her emotions into a tangible treasure. She tenderly sought a ring that echoed the ethereal beauty of the Mountain Rose for her beloved.
Heidi - The architect of her own ring's design crafted a plan infused with finesse and elegant details, each element meticulously chosen to hold the strong bond she share with her soulmate.
Elsie - Envisioned for her loved one a ring that seamlessly blended elegance and practicality, a pretty jewel in shiny silver ornate with a deep blue gem that would also speak volumes about her journey with her beloved.
Jane - Wished for a jewel that could eloquently express her deep attachment to her most cherished one. The delicate butterflies adorning the piece carry a special message, symbol of their love and heralding a new beginning filled with boundless happiness and joyful moments yet to unfold !
Mi-An - Driven by a wish for her lover's prosperity and a testament to her diligent efforts in revitalizing Sandrock, commissioned a ring with a distinctive touch. In response, Sandara crafted a four-leaf clover adorned with enchanting green gems, a radiant embodiment of Mi-An's sincere emotions and her dedication to transforming their shared world into a flourishing oasis.
Hope the girls could win your hearts with these custom rings!
Again I had a great time making these for the fandom with the help of my fellow tumblr builders out here so big thanks to them too ♡
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RF Bachelorette Tournament - Side B Round 5 (Finale)
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bloomingkyras · 1 month
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Eliminations R3
• Odin Sands by @theosconfessions
Seriously I'm soo sad that Odin got eliminated 😩. But it's all Gemma decision.. tq Stacey send Odin to us. He is so sweet and they both decided to just be bestie. Tq again and congrats, although Odin not winning the challenge Rowan already win Fern heart ❤❤
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vool-zam · 1 month
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in order of appearance:
stephen underhill by @strangerpixels
anya köhler by @/herbalbrew
bella moth by @sirenteeth-sims
penny souren by @eldritch-sims
solus belgore by @vapidsims
amara woods by @highsandharlows
cthulhu by @literalite
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piedoesnotequalpi · 6 months
Modern AU high school aged Race is obsessed with these things I think:
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wrixie · 9 months
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Welcome to the third elimination! It's down to five sims, which sims will be in the final four and which sim will be asked to leave the bachelorette house?
The first sim to receive their rose, the sim with the highest relationships with Juliana is Tate!
Coming in second is Ricky!
Three sims remain
Íris and Alejandro have the advantage, having more romance
Which means that Brody... Our sweet, sweet, dear Brody is asked to leave the bachelorette house today...
He wasn't very happy about it but when you flirt with the competition and get caught, those friendship and romance bars go DOWN :(
@aniraklova KAAARIIIIII!! this hurts me because I LOVE BRODY SO MUCH. he's so lovable and handsome. thank you for creating such an attractive sim for Juli! I wish he'd gotten further </3
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koifishinagoldfishbowl · 10 months
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did the bachelorettes!
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whimsicalsimmies · 11 months
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@akitasimblr Thank you so much for Bernard, both him and Corinne have now found their true love and that makes me so happy. Bernard is Corinne's perfect match! From the beginning they autonomously developed a great relationship. They were always looking for each other and talking, and Bernard also developed strong sentiments for Corinne. From this point forward, Corinne and Bernard will go on their honeymoon and afterwards, they'll move to Mt. Komorebi and continue to live happily ever after over there.
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minamill · 1 year
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Everyone was in high spirits and feeling playful; especially Jo who out of nowhere hit on Sam in from of everyone including her wife and daughter who she’s dating.
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aliengirl · 7 months
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uuuhh, after the hike, the group went to a park but the things took a turn....
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greenhikingboots · 11 months
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By all appearances, Jon Snow is the calmest, coolest, and most collected member of the Night's Watch, a crew of guys who fight through grueling and dangerous conditions to put out wildfires all across Dorne. That's why, after the death of their Commander, he's the one offered the vacant position.
But appearances aren't always what they seem. Lately, Jon's been feeling less calm, cool, and collected than ever before — and because the universe has shit timing, there's a new problem to add to the mix. Of course there is. Sansa Stark, the girl he's been pining for from afar, has agreed to appear on a dating show with a freakishly high success rate.
Now Jon has two major decisions to make, neither of which he feels ready for. What will he do about the Night's Watch, and what will he do about his feelings for Sansa?
[A Jonsa Bachelorette AU. More or less.]
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congrats to forte for winning Side A of the bachelorette tournament! I'll be posting Side B tomorrow.
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tiffanytoms · 1 year
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Thank you past me for having a gif reservoir ☺️
Right Reasons 🌹
Next Chapter: Costa Rica — Part 3
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alagaisia · 11 months
I’m reminded of that post about how goths and people who wear only lots of pink are actually the same because “wearing only one color” is a specific choice in opposition to just looking Normal
I’m flying to a friend’s wedding today, and I recently acquired from my neighborhood free page a very pretty vintage suitcase in like a brocade upholstery texture in all of my good colors, so of course I needed a coordinated airport outfit à la Midge Maisel. You guys don’t know me, but I usually dress very put together, in what my sister calls Outfits, with a capital O to distinguish it from just wearing clothes. And since getting a full time job I’ve been slowly adding to my collection of vintage and 50’s-vibes clothes, because I just really like that aesthetic (my bridesmaid dress for the wedding is a vintage tea dress I got from Etsy. The fabric is in great condition but I had to reinforce pretty much every seam with my sewing machine, because the structural integrity of the original thread was breaking down, so that was an interesting learning experience).
All of which is to say that I Dressed Up for the airport in a vintage-y outfit that coordinates perfectly with some of the colors of my suitcase, and my hair is curled, and I have a vintage leather purse that my grandma gave me that matches her watch that I’m wearing and the shoes she bought me last summer at the same vintage store that my skirt came from, and a teenage-ish girl with whatever you call the 2023 teenage equivalent of emo/punk vibes, like the dark maroon mullet and not a lot of makeup and dark comfy clothes but like, very on purpose, told me I look cool when I walked past on the way to security
And like, she Gets It! We have different fashion goals but I think we put a similar degree of intention into the way we look compared to just wearing regular clothes. Which is cool! It’s validating. Not that I really need validation, but it’s always nice to get compliments, of course. And the way I dress is really not terribly distinctive most of the time, other than being Outfits and a little dressier than maybe the norm is, like I think most people who see me one time in passing would see that I look Nice but not necessarily see it as a cultivated Look. But punk mullet girl gets it.
#struggled with not sounding *too* pretentious here#I don’t feel pretentious but I have a hard time talking about like. specific choices and things in any detail#like to my friends I just said what happened with a picture of my outfit and was like ‘and she gets it!’ and they were like ‘yeah!’#but to strangers I have to go into much more detail to get the point across#even though really it’s not like I’m putting all of that into it every day I just get up and go ‘i want to look nice today’#in accordance with my personal fashion preferences#and then having to explain those preferences like ‘my name is alagaisia midge maisel darkness way and I’m wearing vintage whatever’#i do look so cute though#i got these shoes last summer and then lost the heel cap off of one of them the very first time i wore them#finally took them in to have them fixed last week so I could wear them to the wedding#needed a deadline so that I would actually get around to it#i hate flying it’s really a testament of how much I love my friend that I’m flying#instead of driving ten hours to Nebraska#but it made more sense and to make sure i won’t be late or run into car trouble or anything#and I’ll stay looking nice right away instead of getting gross and sweaty in the car or having to change for bachelorette activities#i only know the bride so I’m definitely going to make a very specific impression on all of these strangers lol#i joked with my dad about adopting a trans Atlantic accent for the whole weekend just for shits and giggles#turns out you cannot do it over the top. have you ever listened to JFK’s ‘we choose to go to the moon’ speech#it’s very silly sounding#we had a good time saying things one might say at a bachelorette party in a goofy voice#‘we cho~ose to ohdah thihs maiule strippah… ahnd the othah things.. nawt becahse it is easyh..#but becawhse he is hahd’#highly recommend#mine#personal
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piedoesnotequalpi · 3 months
...Second to last chapter??? How the heck did that happen 😬
Featuring real maple syrup, a silly slogan t-shirt, and the return of the villains
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