#the apology dance
amateur-weatherman · 7 months
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maomao9jinshi · 1 month
Maomao‘s smile while being in Jinshi's arm.
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nicolegmattos · 3 months
I’ve seen many people point out that the “Apology Dance” doesn’t have they say anything amongst the lines “I’m sorry”, “forgive me” or “I apologize”. But…! You’re forgetting the dance is never called the “Apology Dance”.
If you go back you’ll see that Aziraphale refers to it as the “I Was Wrong Dance”. And to be honest I think both of them are pretty proud. I feel like they really like to be right. So admitting they were actually wrong seems like a good way to apologize in my opinion.
Also, it certainly is a way of mocking the one who has to do the dance. Which just makes me think there’s almost 100% chance that Crowley was the one to invent it. Mainly because he probably thought he’d never have to do it lol.
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di-42 · 28 days
On season 3 and the apology dance.
I do want to see Aziraphale perform the apology dance. We have been gifted with a pirouetting David Tennant and shouldn't get to see a pirouetting Michael Sheen? That's utterly unfair. We've seen how silly Crowley can make himself look just to indulge the angel but shouldn't get to see the neat and proper way Aziraphale attempts to execute the movements? I won't have it.
Only, I don't want to see Aziraphale perform the apology dance for the reasons everyone else seems to want him to. I want to see him do something silly and then be requested to do the dance by Crowley with a teasing smile on his lips. Something minor. Their banter, their own language. Even a flashback would do.
I think we forget that when Aziraphale asked Crowley to perform the apology dance Aziraphale had no idea how serious the situation they were in was. In fact, Aziraphale was oblivious to the gravity of the situation up until the demons turned up at the Jane Austen ball. (I say this, as everyone will be tired to hear, with indisputable love for Aziraphale).
So, when Aziraphale requested a proper apology with the dance they were just...doing their thing. Flirting. Playing. Crowley left and came back half an hour later, nothing to see here, couple thing. They were doing the dance. Not the apology dance, the other dance.
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And, someone, that's exactly the kind of dynamic I want to see again, that's what they are. They are literally silly in love.
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doomedlemur · 6 months
Re: s3 Forgiveness and Apologies
Much has been speculated about how long it will take Crowley to forgive Aziraphale, how Aziraphale will apologize, if it will involve the dance, etc, etc.
Thing is, I think Crowley has already forgiven Aziraphale. He never holds a grudge against him. Aziraphale is instantly forgiven. Always.
Look at him waiting by the car. He's not mad. He would take him back in a second.
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He understands why Aziraphale is making the choice, even if it hurts and he disagrees with it.
I want to highlight the lines, "Nothing lasts forever." and "No, I don't suppose it does."
We know Aziraphale just means the bookshop, while Crowley's thinking about their relationship. But something I think is really important here to note that I see people miss is that Crowley knows what Aziraphale meant. But the words resonated, encapsulating the impasse they've reached, and really Crowley is talking to himself with that line.
"I understand," he says. He knows Aziraphale, understands what he meant, what his motivations are, and why he's doing this. He wishes he wouldn't, and he can't support it, but this is who Aziraphale is, and there is nothing to forgive.
So, tangentially, regardless of how/if Aziraphale decides to apologize, Crowley won't make him do the dance.
For Crowley, the apology dance was only ever flirting. He never actually needed Aziraphale to apologize for anything, and if it does happen, it will only be after they've already reconciled and are ready to flirt again.
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shades-o-grey · 2 months
GOOD OMENS FICLET- The Origin of the Apology Dance
My headcanon for how the apology dance originated
It didn't start out as an apology, the content of the dance and the song don't come across that way, so my idea is that it started out as something else and was later used as a way to apologize (or rather get the other to accept an apology).
And so my idea is...
It started out as a silly bet,
Honestly, Aziraphale should've known better than to enter a wager with a demon. But the temptation of proving Crowley wrong was just too well... tempting
Not that an Angel can actually be tempted, it was purely for a moral and angelic reason, a feather on his wing, chalk one up for the side of angels, thwarting the wiles of the wicked sort of thing. I mean it was practically his job!
(Pay no attention to the fact that it is indeed his job, one that he tends forget or just not do)
The only trouble was... what did Aziraphale want Crowley to do once he'd won?
"And what should the winner demand of the loser then?"
Crowley asked staring into his 8th cup that he held loosely in his grasp.
"Buying lunch?"
Aziraphale suggested the first thing to pop in his head.
"No no we always do that, besides, I believe I s'still owe you from, from... I don't know such n' such and you had the thing"
He dismissed the absent recollection of when they'd last dined together with a wild gesture of his hand.
Aziraphale nodded his head in drunken agreement, also remembering that they had indeed lunched together at some place, at some point, and that he did have - the thing.
They both sat silently for a moment pondering. Trying to think what exactly the penalty of their bet should be.
Suddenly Aziraphale shot up with excitement
"I've got it! The loser must demonstrate a grand gesture of defeat!"
He said with the triumph of someone who had just come up with a brilliant idea. Even though his suggestion was missing and important part.
The part where it provides an actual suggestion.
"n-Yeah - Obviously, that's the point of a bet -Angel. Win so you can recieve something from the defeated. Money, property, y'knoe those sorts of things, humans do it all the time"
"No no, you missed the point. A Grand Gesture, you know a gesture that-thats -gratuitous"
Said drunk Aziraphale who had confused the words Gratuitous and Grandiose
"Wot? You mean like the whole "prostrate yourself, kneel at the feet and beg for for absolution" sort of thing?"
Crowley continued, missing what Aziraphale had tried to say while somehow still wandering in the general direction of what Aziraphale had been attempting to suggest.
Aziraphale wrinkled his pert nose in distaste at the idea of what Crowley thought he might be suggesting.
"No, I don't think either of us would enjoy seeing that very much"
"No, WE- would not." -
Crowley paused, recalling someone who would enjoy such a display. He refocused back on Aziraphale.
-"Then what is it you are trying to suggest? Stand on my head and talk in a silly voice? Run around with you on my back like a mule?"
That made Aziraphale giggle
"hehe AHEM m-no. Not quite that either, but I think we're on the right track"
Crowley's suggestion (which was clearly meant to be a joke) gave Aziraphale an idea.
"Oh! I know! how about... a silly dance?"
"A wot?"
Crowley responded, confused as to how dancing had come into the conversation.
"A dance! You do know what dancing is don't you?"
"Nghk*-n-yeah...but, I thought angels don't dance?"
"Oh! It wouldn't even count as dancing, really it's just a *he waves his hand in the air* silly little... dance of sorts."
"Right, and what would this *he imitates Aziraphale's hand movement* silly little dance look like exactly?"
Azirpahale frowned in concentration,
When he'd made the suggestion, he hadn't thought he'd have to know what the "dance" looked like.
"Well...maybe something... something..."
He paced, gestured, and mapped out movements in his mind.
"-something like this!"
*Aziraphale began to sing a song with some footwork in small dance steps*
"🎶You we're right, you were right-🎶"
Crowley interrupts
"you didn't say anything about singing being a part of it?"
"-its part of it!"
Azirphale quipped back, annoyed at having his concentration interrupted
"Now let me start over"
*He starts the dance over again*
🎶"You were right, you were right"
"I was wrong"
"You were right!"🎶
Aziraphale finishes the song and dance for Crowley
"See? I think this will work splendidly, don't you?"
He gives a proud little wiggle.
Meanwhile, Crowley gets an idea...
"Could you do it again? I don't think I get it"
He asks, clearly up to something.
"Look, you'd have to go like this-"
Aziraphale demonstrates the dance a second time.
-"Now, I hope you were watching closely because I expect a perfect rendition from you once I win this wager, no half-ing it!"
He wiggled his finger at the demon, feeling quite plum and pleased at his cleverness. Seeing Crowley do the dance promised to be quite satisfying.
"Maybe give it another go. I really~ wanna make sure I know what I'm getting."
Crowley was laying it on thick, exaggerating his eagerness to "learn" this new dance while a smirk was desperate to escape his face.
Aziraphale goodnaturedly starts to demonstrate for a 3rd time.
"It really quite simple its-
He stops abruptly
Crowley is shaking with the force required to contain his mirth.
Aziraphale has a realization of what Crowley has been doing-
Azriaphale exclaimed, abashed- A dash of reproach added in his voice for good measure towards the wily demon.
*Crowley burst into a loud cackle*
"AAh hAhA  *snort* haha ha!"
"You were having me on weren't you!"
"hehe -You *snort* caught on a lot faster than *hehe* then I expected"
"Really now? You were just going to make me repeat the dance over and over!? It's supposed to be for the wager!"
"Oh come on Angel-"
"Well you're not getting me to do it again."
Crowley smirked, remembering something Aziraphale seemed to have forgotten.
"Well, once I win, you'll have to do another show of it"
Aziraphale began to pale, turning a similar shade of white to his hair.
Crowley leaned over so his citrine serpentine eyes peered over his dark lenses. His eyes crinkled in amusement at the flummoxed angel before him.
"I'm looking forward to the encore Angel~"
(It would come to pass that Aziraphale would demonstrate the dance many more times throughout their history, much to his chagrin and to Crowley's great pleasure)
"The Little Dance"- (Origin of The Apology Dance)
VillianousAce (TheSleepParalysisDemon)
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thatskindarough · 8 months
My favorite part of the apology dance scene is that it’s straight up not an apology.
“I was wrong you were right,” that’s not an apology. It’s just not! An apology requires an understanding of what you did wrong in the first place, which is a problem because, well,
Crowley isn’t wrong. He’s not wrong and he knows he’s not wrong, but he’s not right either, and neither is Aziraphale. This argument isn’t a you were right I was wrong argument, it’s a conflict of interests with valid reasons from both sides.
Crowley didn’t come back because he suddenly decided he wanted to help Gabriel, he hates Gabriel. For Crowley to have properly apologized, he would have had to tell Aziraphale why he came back.
And that’s a problem, because then he has to tell Aziraphale about what Gabriel said. (Aziraphale knows Gabriel tried to kill him. He does not know Gabriel told him to shut his stupid mouth and die.)
It’s a problem, because then he has to tell Aziraphale about the danger he’s in by keeping Gabriel in the bookshop. About how he could be erased from existence. And Crowley can’t have his angel worrying about that.
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genderfunky-lesbian · 2 months
the ghosts’ “sorry song” but they do the good omens apology dance during it
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the-cheezit-files · 6 months
theory: the actual choreography for the apology dance is much more extravagant, Crowley just thinks he’s too cool to do it full out.
this is why I want to see Aziraphale doing the apology dance throughout history in season 3 - I think he could do it so well it would bring tears
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shiplessoceans · 3 months
It's a Friday night at 11:54pm so naturally I have begun to obsessively dissect the "I Was Wrong" dance from Good Omens.
I think I was so distracted by how funny and cute it was that I didn't realise how much of a LORE DROP this little apology ritual is for Aziraphale and Crowley.
First of all, Crowley is under the belief that Aziraphale doesn't dance. He tells him as much when Aziraphale asks him to dance at the Jane Austen inspired ball.
Aziraphale: Well perhaps you could tell me, while we dance?
Crowley: You don't dance...
And it makes sense that he believes this because as the narration of God explains in Season 1:
How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin? ...Firstly, angels don't dance. It's one of the distinguishing characteristics that marks an angel. So...none. At least, nearly none. Aziraphale had learned a dance called The Gavotte in a discreet gentleman's club in Portland Place in the late 1880's. After a while he had become fairly good at it and was quite put out when some decades later, The Gavotte went out of style for good. So, providing the dance was a Gavotte, the answer was a straightforward 'one'.
Crowley thinks angels don't dance and Aziraphale is an angel.
And yet!
He has made Aziraphale do a little apology dance on at least 3 other occassions we know of. And he thinks this is the only kind of dance Aziraphale ever does or has ever done.
Aziraphale: I did the 'I was wrong' dance in 1650, 1793, 1941...
The dates here cannot be an accident. Because we have seen flashbacks that take place on two of those dates:
1793 - Paris and the reign of Terror. Crowley saved Aziraphale after he got himself locked up in the Bastille while trying to find some crepes.
1941 - The Blitz and the Nazi spies turned Zombies. Crowley saved Aziraphale from being killed and embarassed and later from being discorporated by a magic trick and a miracle blocker.
We don't know why Aziraphale had to do the apology dance in 1793, but it might have been him admitting he was wrong to go to France during a revolution. We also don't know why he had to do it again in 1941 but it could be many things. Maybe getting duped by Nazi spies or thinking he could pull off the bullet catch.
In both situations, Aziraphale got himself in a dangerous situation and Crowley had to save him.
The only dance we have no context for is the first one that took place chronologically in 1650.
And I think its possible we might get to see it in Season 3.
I would even speculate it could be shown as a reminder that the dance exists or to foreshadow Aziraphale having to do one in the future.
If we follow the same pattern, Aziraphale will once again get himself into a bad situation that Crowley has to save him from.
Heaven, the second coming...yeah that seems like a big bad situation.
I can just imagine after it's all over, they're safe but things between them are tense and Aziraphale approaches Crowley to beg him for forgiveness.
Crowley is a blank. Then he lets out a breath and, sounding defeated, says:
"I... Angel I can't. I can't possibly forgive you..."
Aziraphale looks crushed. He knows he deserves it. But it hurts because he still hoped after all this time that the demon might still feel...
"...without the little dance."
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amateur-weatherman · 7 months
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poor guy
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maomao9jinshi · 1 month
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1941 Apology Dance
I've seen/read some wonderful 1941 Good Omens fanworks recently and I've been thinking,
Aziraphale says he did the 'I was wrong' dance in 1941, right?
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But when recalling what happened in that minisode:
Aziraphale tries to trick some Nazis but Crowley has to save him, they drive to a theatre where everything is going wrong, Aziraphale offers his magician services, they go back to the bookshop and rehearse.
Then they visit the magic shop, buy a crazy dangerous trick, and Crowley agrees to help out with it.
They perform the trick even without miracles, then discover that there's photo evidence that could completely unsurface their arrangement. Aziraphale does a life-saving sleight of hand, but only tells Crowley after they go back to the bookshop to have wine.
We aren't told when in this plot the apology dance happens, but it doesn't matter too much because the main idea I had was that overall Aziraphale exclusively doesn't have anything to say sorry to Crowley for.
Could it be for Crowley having to save Aziraphale at the church? No, we know that Crowley loves acts of service, and there was no reason that he had to do it. And really, if they talked about this it would've been more of a thank-you than a sorry
Could it be that Aziraphale made Crowley do the trick with him? No, Crowley hung around to help out and then agreed to the gun trick, so why would he make Aziraphale apologise for volunteering?
Could it be that they almost got caught? Not this either, of course both of them would've felt shaken up from the fear but ultimately they both understand that what happened wasn't their fault or remotely in control of the outcome, neither of them could've predicted that Furfur would be there incriminating them, so it wouldn't make any sense for Crowley to ask Aziraphale to say sorry
So really, unless I've missed some blatantly obvious key detail, the only thing I can really think of that Crowley would want Aziraphale to apologise for is a collective of all of those things and yet none of them together, something along the lines of
'You almost died three times tonight Aziraphale, what you're doing is a risky business and you can't keep putting yourself in danger. Why? Why? Because I don't want you discorperated, I don't want Heaven asking questions, I want to spend time with you, away from their prying eyes. I don't care about having to rescue you, all I want is for you to be safe and you cannot keep scaring me like this.'
Because the idea of Aziraphale leaving him scared Crowley. Once Aziraphale realised this, of course he felt he had to apologise for being slightly reckless.
The 1941 apology dance was not a 'How dare you you almost got me killed' but a 'How dare you you almost got yourself killed'
So my ultimate point is, this must've been a pretty deep and exploratory conversation in terms of their secret relationship. No matter how briefly Crowley put it, these two had a proper feelings talk, and this further emphasizes the theory that something else happened in 1941
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demonsandpieohmy · 4 months
To Light Thee On Thy Way
Here’s my slightly angsty version of 1941 part 3.
Rating: T
Word count: 3k
After returning to the bookshop at the end of their night in 1941, Aziraphale grapples with a new realization about his relationship with Crowley.
Crowley looked down at the record in his hand and studied the cover. “‘It was the nightingale, and not the lark, that pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear,’” he quietly recited.
“You know I hated that one.”
Crowley whipped his head up, as if surprised Aziraphale could hear him. “I thought you liked the tragedies? Or did I go through all that trouble with Hamlet for nothing?”
“Romeo and Juliet was simply too horrid for me,” Aziraphale said. Back when it premiered he'd gone without Crowley to see the opening performance, grateful to be alone when he fled the Globe in tears. “At least Hamlet had some sort of vindication before he died. Romeo and Juliet killed themselves for absolutely nothing.”
“They got to be in love, even if just for a short while.”
“One single night of passion, for which they sacrificed the rest of their lives. And you’re forgetting the rest of that scene: ‘It was the lark, the herald of the morn. No nightingale.’”
“Well, tonight there’s going to be nightingales, if that’s what it takes to bring your musical repertoire into this century.” Crowley set the pin on the gramophone, and the record started to spin.
“Are you going to perform, then?” Aziraphale asked.
“I’m not one of your Ladies of Camelot, angel. You’re gonna join me.”
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the-apology-dance · 7 months
I’ve Never Been Prouder
My little sister, who is 16, got told to refill her drink at the restaurant we were at because it would be gone in about three sips. A minute later, I hear her tell my dad he was right.
She then proceeds IN THE MIDDLE OF A RESTAURANT GO, “You were right, You were right, I was wrong, and you were right.”
I have never been prouder of my sister quoting The Apology Dance in Good Omens in the middle of a pizzeria. She looked up at my stunned expression because she doesn’t WATCH GOOD OMENS, and says:
“See, I pay attention.”
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emotinalsupportturtle · 9 months
This is pure gold. Got to love the fandom for making such heavenly/hellish (depends on who you ask) content
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