#the amount of problems with this show and i still can't quit it! amazing
mayasdeluca · 2 years
My thoughts on the S19 episode...I might be all over the place
Since when DON'T they help people that come to the firehouse for treatment? Especially since it did look like it was a couple of sutures. They delivered a baby at the firehouse and helped the passed out husband. And don't doctors take an oath to help no matter what? I doubt that would've cost Carina her medical license.
The ego that Sullivan has that what he did was okay and what Maya did was not is bullshit. Maya was right, they were both anti Beckett and additionally Beckett was anti Sullivan (and Ward?) so Maya got burned on both ends. Also news flash Sullivan, you were sleeping with the Chief, whereas you accused Beckett (even though he was drinking) on a hunch. Also Beckett's mint habit is definitely masking something. They focused way to much on his reliance on them.
How many times did they mention Carina could be pregnant in the episode? It was like every other line, take a beat you were inseminated like 30 seconds ago. That means it didn't take OR she IS and that will cause friction between Maya and Carina as Carina said she doesn't want to have a baby with Maya until she gets help. It wouldn't be a bad thing for Maya to talk to someone, at least to unpack a lot of the anger she carries around from her childhood and now. But why are they making it seem like everyone hates Maya at the house like when she first became Captain. The only one she pissed off was Beckett (and Sullivan), everyone else seems to be cool with her or they don't know. It's just piling on drama for drama sake. I hope they have some resolution planned.
And I just found it really funny that the major annoyance with Jack/Grey is the way he uses his hands and they solved it by handcuffing him in the scene. I didn't really get his hostility to Maya about the sperm bank being closed though. Was it because through the testing for being the donor he found his family and his world crumbled?
I found that weird too...like is it because it wasn't a clinic day or what? But I thought if any person came in that needed help, the firehouse helped so it was clearly just to have Ben act like uptight and annoying to "become like his wife". That's the annoying part with Station 19. All of the things they do with these characters have other motives for drama purposes and they don't even care if it doesn't fit the development or personality of the character. They would rather have it suit their narrative before staying true to the character's persona and that's super frustrating. I'm still mad that made Carina look incompetent because of it too, like give me a break.
These writers are so obsessed with making Sullivan have this god complex and it's sickening. Even when he does stupid things and deals with "consequences" it's like he ends up right back in the spot he started in as if he barely had to suffer. And when he does suffer he plays victim and has people worrying about him and vouching for him but Maya? No. It's like people are either against her or not even acknowledging her. I also think the mints with Beckett has to mean something, he's probably still drinking but I bet if Maya were to find that out, no one will believe her or some nonsense like that.
It does feel like they had Carina mention being pregnant a lot and I hope it's not just because she really wants to have a baby like Stefania was hinting at. They better not make it her whole personality but I do feel like it's going to impact things with her and Maya and I think this try did work and she will be pregnant just to further complicate things. I'm sure Carina won't even tell Maya right away or it will be in some dramatic fashion because they never tell each other anything first, it's always to other people which is another thing that drives me nuts. It's fine if they confide in others sometimes but it's literally ALL the time and then it leads to them fighting with each other for not communicating. I do hope they show Maya eventually agreeing to getting help and talking with someone but who knows if they will.
Haha I know...at least we were free of the hand movements for at least an episode. I just find it so irritating that they are doing a similar story with him that they are with Maya and they already have Andy worried about him and wanting to help and yet no one even cares about what Maya is going through. It's so stupid. And his comment to Maya was obnoxious and unnecessary, I guess it does bring up bad feelings for him since that's how he found out about his biological brother and learned about his parents and stuff but that's not her fault. He's annoying and I hope Carina continues to be cold towards him.
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blue-sterling0357 · 1 year
how about some ciel headcanons with a demon s/o? not with angst, like s/o is a young chaos demon that just squeezed themselves on the contract so s/o helps ciel with his work and so.
🐈‍⬛ anon
(I remember a very similar thing of demon! Ciel with a albino! demon! S/O, it's quite cute, but I'm not adding it here! Hope you enjoy reading this!)
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Ciel with a Demon! S/O
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✣ You met Ciel, when Sebastian introduced you both to each other. Sebastian was an elder demon who used to follow you since he met you because he had this instinct to follow you, no matter what you do and he was right as you being a chaos demon happens to be quite harming to his contracts...
✣ Whenever you would get even a hundred mile near the person he has a contract with, they would get in some type of wierd situation, but he enjoys your company even though he hates all demons, except you as you're quite helpful and you knew how to protect his masters and wouldn't be salavting over his master's soul, like he though you would.
✣ So, upon his introducing you, Ciel took you in as one of his maids and upon taking you in, he noticed the immediate change it had on the manor, the trio would cause less problems for him, Sebastian's cats aren't shoing up as often, the place is often clean and Elizabeth ins't decorating it in embarrasing yet cute decor he hates so much.
✣ As he slowly developed feelings and you both started dating, he got to learn about you being a chaos demon, he learnt how Sebastian would protect him from you accidentally bringing chaos everywhere you go, but he doesn't care as you bringing chaos isn't going to change his loves for you.
✣ He is actually quite happy you're a demon, it's because he knows you won't die and it definitely won't be easy to kill, with Sebastian polishing your skills and helping you and though you're younger and around Ciel's age in demon years, you're a fast learner, except sometimes in battles you zone out, but are still fighting and dodging your enemy amazingly except you're staring into nothing...It concerns both Ciel and Sebastian as is this even normal?
✣ Ciel now has another protector, also since you eat the souls of certain people who try to attack Ciel and have a tasty soul, you're rather full and have no need of eating Ciel's soul. If it's Sebastian who kills the perpetrator, he will bring those souls to you, but only if they are high quality souls, he refuses to have his child/sibling/problem child figure have low quality and disgusting souls..
✣ Ciel allows you wayyyy more freedom than he allows Sebastian, like you have brought in three, white tigers in the manor, and Ciel didn't even care, he was also wearing a mask, did those even exist back then? But anyways, Seb is jealous at the amount of freedom you have, except it goes away when you invite him to cuddle with those three, adult, white tigers.
✣ Also, you're just as talented in things as Sebastian despite being at such a young age like you already know 21 languages, can manipulate anyone you want, great st using multiple weapons at the same time, fighting and dodging while drinking a smoothie or eating a cake at the same time. And even though Sebastian says it's because of him, Ciel doesn't believe him because he believes you're just amazing like that!
✣ If you're happy with showing him your horns and wings on occasions, he would love to groom them, clean them, wash them and polish them nicely for you and he does it so often, he knows everything about demon self-care, you'd look all shiny and whenever you and Sebastian show each-other your wings and horns, he's surprised at how clean they are, despite knowing how you don't clean regularly...
✣ Oh, speaking of wings, he loves to cuddle you and sleep with you while you have your wings out, he gets all whiny and upset if you refuse to show them to him when you go to sleep because they're dirty or smell or whatever because you know he will drag you to clean them no matter how late at night it is, cause he now can't sleep without stroking, touching or cuddling your wings..Have fun!
✣ Overall, he doesn't really care, but he's less possessive because he knows demons don't fall for just anyone they meet, only special chosen one, so you won't fall for anybody else and because he knows you won't die during a stupid assassin!
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lurkingshan · 8 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Thank you for the ask, I don't mind a bit! Though I will say that this particular question sent me into a minor existential crisis, because how on earth could I ever pick just 10 things that I love across all media. I don't know if y'all have picked this up about me yet, but I consume vast amounts of media, like...unbelievable amounts of media, it is my great joy in life. I consulted @bengiyo about how to approach this question, and he suggested a frame to help narrow it down: what are my favorites that someone else recommended to me, that I then felt compelled to recommend to others? Hope you don't mind the tweak! As always, keeping this in the realm of Asian media for this blog, here is what I got:
What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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When I met @bengiyo and @waitmyturtles I learned very quickly that this was their all-time favorite, and if I didn't like it we were gonna have a problem (jk but not really). I hadn't watched it on my own because until recently (shoutout to our savior Gagaoolala) it was quite inaccessible and I hadn't yet stumbled onto @isaksbestpillow and found her amazing subs. Luckily, I have impeccable taste and WDYEY is in fact a masterpiece, so they watched me watch it, I lost my mind over how unique and brilliant and technically flawless it was, and we are now all bonded for life over our love for this show, which just returned for a second season and will hopefully continue forever. I love it so much I have even started reading the manga, and I am not a manga girlie by nature (I prefer reading prose), so you can be assured I absolutely will not be shutting up about it anytime soon.
Go Ahead
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Credit for this one goes to @ginnymoonbeam for watching it first and then sending up a flare for me as a fellow cdrama enjoyer that this one was worth prioritizing immediately. I love big sprawling family stories that unfold over time, I love digging into intergenerational family trauma, I love good dad characters, I love found family dynamics, and I love a well done romance subplot embedded in a much bigger story, so this show hit so many of my sweet spots. It's #1 on my list of modern cdramas and I would recommend it to anyone.
Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed
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Speaking of cdramas, I must give a shoutout to @dangermousie who wrote this post summarizing their favorite danmei novels, which I found when I went looking for recommendations and was trying to figure out a way into this segment of Asian media. I admit I am a bit bougie about my reading material and modality, so I really can't deal with machine translations or reading on html pages, and thus I still have not read some of these as I am patiently waiting for official English translations to become available (me and 2HA are gonna have a party in 2024 I tell you what). I had already heard of The Untamed, of course, because I am a human person who lurks in online spaces, but reading the novel got me significantly more interested, and I quickly fell down a months long rabbit hole that included consuming the novel, the show, and copious amounts of fanfiction. This story is so complex and layered and full of fun mysteries and meaty moral quandaries and interesting family relationships and has an A+ second chance romance and one of my all time favorite characters to boot; it really took over my brain for a minute. And while it hardly needs me to recommend it given how popular it already is, I'm still gonna do it whenever I get the chance.
Mo Du/Silent Reading
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And while we're on the subject of danmei, let me give a shoutout to my favorite modern danmei novel, which was recommended to me by an IRL friend who is not on tumblr. Mo Du is a sprawling mystery novel that spans five major interconnected cases, and it centers on an exceedingly competent police captain, Luo Wenzhou, and a young business heir/super genius, Fei Du, who start out with an adversarial relationship (but I bet you can guess what happens next!). The crime stories in this are almost shockingly intricate and every detail comes together in the end without a single loose end, which is impressive enough on its own, but somehow the author (Priest, who some of you will know as the writer of Faraway Wanderers aka Word of Honor) manages to also write a perfectly paced, incredibly compelling love story between the two leads that is layered with complex trauma and psychological hot buttons and secrets and lies that unfold organically alongside the mystery. I am in the middle of re-reading it right now and my love for it only grows stronger. The gif above is from a recent attempt to adapt this into a live-action drama that got quickly canceled, but honestly, the less said about that, the better (though Zhang Xin Cheng will absolutely remain the Fei Du of my heart). With China's censorship laws, there will be no faithful live action version of this story, so I highly recommend reading the novel.
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While we're on the subject of novels, I must mention another IRL friend recommendation: Pachinko. This one is a sprawling multi-generational family historical fiction epic that tracks the lives of a Korean family that is forced to migrate to Japan during Japanese occupation in the early 20th Century. Y'all, this book is amazing, and it has now been turned into a television show airing on Hulu that is also quite good (though structured quite differently, but that's another post). I learned a ton of real history in the course of reading this, and I found the journey of Sunja and her family so compelling. The book has a real intersectional lens and digs deep into themes of oppression, racism, class disparity, and sexism, and is rooted in Korean values around filial piety, respect for hard work, religion, moral condemnation, and of course, the importance of food to communicate.
The Great Indian Kitchen
Switching gears, let me give a shoutout to this Indian film that my bestie @neuroticbookworm recently recommended to me and @waitmyturtles. This film is about a modern young woman who enters an arranged marriage with a family of high status (though maybe not of the kind you think) and explores her experience of oppression as a woman in a very patriarchal religious setting. The story is really compelling, I learned about a common experience for women in India, the narrative ended in an unexpected place (in a good way), and I really enjoyed the watch. And this film is on YouTube with good subs which I linked above, so it's quite accessible.
Be Melodramatic
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Let's get back to dramas, shall we? I credit this one to @kdramaxoxo, who recommends Be Melodramatic constantly, and thank goodness because otherwise this under appreciated gem would have never landed on my radar. This is a beautiful story about a group of friends who move in together in the wake of personal tragedy and tracks their progress as they heal and move on from their hardships. The themes of grief and growth and change are quite poignant, the relationships, both platonic and romantic, are all very compelling, and the music is beautiful. If you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for (@nieves-de-sugui this is definitely a good one to add to your list).
Make it Right
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Time for @bengiyo to get another shoutout. This is a Thai bl classic that doesn't get the love it deserves, and he is its number one promoter. I don't know when I would have gotten around to watching this if he hadn't recommended it so highly, and I'm so glad I did. I wrote about this one, why I loved it, and why I think it's under appreciated, and I highly encourage others to give it a try.
Coffee Prince
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We will end on an OG kdrama classic, which I watched early on in my kdrama journey thanks to a recommendation from an IRL friend who said it was the best version of the well worn Asian drama genderbend trope that they had ever seen, and my god were they right. Not only was this my first Gong Yoo drama (a life changing experience in and of itself) but this one really took me by surprise for how sharp and progressive it was about gender fluidity, sexual identity, and the struggle toward self-acceptance way back when it aired in 2007. I recommend this one to everyone, and its a great entry point for people who prefer queer media and have (justified) suspicion of mainstream kdrama's treatment of queer narratives.
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My thoughts on Spy x Family Chapter 80
New chapter, new review, yeehaa! Everybody, calm down, calm down! This is not a drill! My heart is still beating fast from the excitement of this new chapter. I need to breathe in order to organize my thoughts and start here! Needless to say, manga spoilers ahead.
Firstly, thank you for all the support on my last review, I definitely was not expecting it, and I'm glad some of you (many!) enjoyed it, thank you, truly. I will keep uploading my thoughts here, since it's really pleasing to write about something I absolutely adore. Now, let's start! (well, I spent 10 unexpected minutes trying to find this chapter online in English, this was quite frustrating, but oh well, that's life. Thanks to the discord server, you saved my ass).
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I'm surely glad Endo and his team choose to not time skip this, I mean, genuinely glad. Honestly, I was afraid of that, many important subjects of the manga (specially TwiYor related) has been time skipped or not given the right amount of attention immediately. Have you guys noticed that too? It's not exactly a complaint, I understand some matters need to be addressed later. But, yeah, I'm thrilled they went right into the next day, It shows that this matter is really relevant for some sort of change in their dynamics, at least, I believe that.
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Loid is such a great husband and father material, I mean, look at him! His slightly messy hair, not combed back, gives him such a carefree look. And little miss Anya is as adorable as ever.
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Becky is a whole mood! Martha covering her mouth had me rolling. Our girl is totally amazed by her crush. And so are we, I mean, can we judge? Look. At. Him! His tiny smile when he says 'good morning'.
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Our poor assassin is shaking with nervousness. Again, can we judge her? LOOK AT HIM. Okay, sorry, overreacting is my coping mechanism. By the way, I love Yor's hair down, she looks lovely.
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All right, Loid is charming, asking if she rested well and worried about her drinking. I don't believe this is a façade, he is truly worried about her, he always is, but unable to admit it is not solely for the mission. And Yor thinking her coworkers being right, our girl is so confused.
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Her face, look at her face. Her train of thought is not at all well oriented. For me, appearing normal to her equals being accepted by others, but mainly by her family she doesn't yet realize she loves. Besides, being normal to her also means covering up her job, which means protecting and being able to provide a better country for the ones she loves. I think that's quite honorable, and it mirrors a lot of Twilight's principles.
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She is so hesitant, simply because she doesn't know. She doesn't have any gripes, but by believing that having them equals normality, she is totally pushed to find something, besides, she is worried about Loid having gripes about her and that's lovely.
We all know Yor has problems with her self-esteem when she is not in her Thorn Princess mode, and she worries a lot about being a good wife and mother to Anya. So, this is something recurrent on her mind, which leaves her insecure and I believe Loid gives her confidence to speak up and try to be better for them. Again, she is honorable and so is he. Moving on!
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The PANIC™ on his face. Our poor spy was not expecting this at all. And WORSE, he is a highly trained spy on human expressions, but still, he can't tell she is lying, his train of thought is not oriented as well. I wonder, what is blurring it? What is provoking his lack of discernment? I wonder.
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Damn, Yuri, what a great timing. Again, look at Loid's expression. He is devastated. Poor man. I'm still perplexed at his lack of insight, he is the best Spy of Westalis, a legend, but still, Yor disarmed him. And that means a LOT about their dynamic.
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Needless to say that I burst out laughing. I love Yuri's intensity.
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Yor defending Loid is so charming. And Yuri is a mood, we can't say he is a bad brother. He tries to be present, but I believe he is trying even more now that Yor is married, it's funny to see. Also, he just goes in? Like, does he have the key or something? Haha.
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'I just wanted to make our marriage look normal too' again with this concept of ideal normality. She is constantly trying, for her own reasons, but for them.
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Loid is so done, haha. And Yor stuttering when she said they are not getting divorce, our girl is nervous, she wants this family so bad.
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Twilight mode: ON. Still, he is so nervous, deep down, this is not the best spy of Westalis. This is a man, a father, and a husband wanting for this to be fixed, for his wife to feel better. It's not for the mission, Loid, sorry to break it to you. Not sorry. He isn't even real. I'll be better when my medication kicks in, sorry.
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'No, just since yesterday'. She is so... I don't even have the words. I guess, random? Look at her face. She is basically telling him 'Nah, I love you, I'm just confused about this very same topic'. She says he didn't do anything, be coherent, Yor! She can't, she is in love
And Loi Loi trying to calm down himself in the process of almost panicking over not being good enough for his wife is everything to me. There has to be a reason, he said. Yeah, duh, she wanted to kissy kiss you. Very much so.
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'Inadvertent oversight', phew, am I really bilingual? Truly? Damn. Look at those dorks' faces when they are side to side, so cute, talking to each other before saying goodbye.
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He is quite worried about her finding out about his true identity. I wonder if it is because he is, deep down, afraid she will leave him once she founds out. He doesn't want to be alone again. Almost lifeless, like Sylvia's life is now, without her family. Damn, I'm going to cry.
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All I see is a Twilight trying to justify his genuine will to apologize, using “the mission” and spy protocols to cover it. Nothing can convince me otherwise, am I delusional? Probably, girl, go take your meds.
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Poor Loid, he is so confused. It reminds me of one of the last chapters where he is like 'real marriage sure sounds difficult'. Oh, well, it hits close to home, huh? I see what you did here, Endo.
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This is not Twilight. Maybe, like, some percentage, but not all.
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He is SO confused, I'm dying. She is basically telling him 'that's the problem, you are too perfect, I need to complain about something, make me suffer for the sake of normality in marriage (?)', I mean, Loid, ma boi, I would also be confused. And her blushing, so adorable.
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Preach, girl! I mean, can we acknowledge how important is it that Yor said that? 'This is a marital issue between me and my husband!', no stuttering, no hesitation, to her own brother. This is HUGE.
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I absolutely hate this phone. I could tear it down to pieces.
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I love Yuri realizing Yor said that she is Mrs. Forger, he is so shocked it's funny to see. Also, she is getting used to it, to saying it, It's a huge improvement since the beginning of the manga. I already told you guys I absolutely hated this phone call?
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Look at her blushing face when she comes out with a huge act. Loid's face is hilarious. And Yuri? Yes, boy, she is that eager to spend time with her husband. Kinda.
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He is really sorry! Poor Loid. And Yor is cute, her reasoning gets me rolling every. single. time. She is a special girl, I love her.
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BOND MA BOI, you lost the huge gossip going around your house like that? For a nap? I mean, It sure seems like a really good nap, but we kinda need you to see the future right now, If you wouldn't mind. And Yuri is wild, I love him, but he is totally wild. His mind is as... peculiar, as his sister's is.
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'Even Yor?' Oh boy, you don't even know half of it, Loi-Loi.
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Look at Yuri running. I'm so done. This chapter has served us a lot.
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Yor is herself again! Loid's mind note: Never offer alcohol to Yor, ever.
No more images are allowed on my post, so I wanted to end it here with my view on the next pages. I'm surely worried. I mean, this is getting really serious. It is a whole new arc coming, and I'm worried about our cherished fake family. Yuri is on Ostania's side, receiving orders to not let WISE interfere, and Loid is defending Westalis and the peace between the countries at all costs. I'm wondering what could happen next. What are your guesses?
I'm sincerely worried about the documents being decoded and the positions of the agents being undiscovered, but mainly about Operation Strix, of course, they are my everything. My guess is that the documents will be recovered, however, so many things can happen in order for this to happen.
I thought a little bit about Yuri finding out about Twillight being Loid (in combat), but I believe that's unlikely, since our famous spy is a master in disguises. Yet, him finding out due to these documents being leaked does not sound pleasant. Can you tell I'm worried? I'm EXTREMELY worried, there are so many possibilities and I have no idea what will happen. I'm counting the days till the next chapter.
Hope you guys enjoyed my ultralonghowareyoustillhereandalive? Review. Feel free to comment what you think here. I'm posting this as I wrote, so if I find some grammar or spelling mistakes later on, I will fix it. 1731 words, more than 30 screenshots and a few hours later, phew, I'm tired. Thank you!
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mdhwrites · 1 year
What are your core problems with The Owl House?
I'm feeling sick so I'm doing one that's weirdly a little simpler. Not simple but simpler. (It did not stay simple. Shocking, I know.) So if I were to be objective, I think the core problem with TOH is ego. I've been saying it a LOT recently on my Discord that "Ego is the death of art." Eventually, once you get your head shoved so far up your ass, you just stop being able to produce something good because you can't even make the statements you're wanting to make. That's the real death knell for TOH. It is so focused on being special and being meaningful that it forgets to be fun but it's also so self satisfied and convinced that its elements are sacrosanct that they don't question how they're using those elements or what they're actually saying. There's a reason why I'm personally happy as an author that I normally figure out themes within my works post figuring out what they're going to be like because my first goal is just making sure the story is COHERENT. And TOH doesn't give a FUUUUUUU- But subjectively... It's the characters for me that are the core of what lost me with TOH and what attracted me at first. S1 doesn't have the greatest cast. I literally brought in a two off antagonist in Boscha to have a third main character in my stories and focused WAY more on the Blights than literally ever including King in Power of Love. But... That is also is fine because just Amity and Luz in S1 by themselves has an incredible amount of potential as well just being incredibly likable. In fact, for all the shit I gave Eda and King a literal day ago, S1 of them are... enjoyable enough. King's joke is well and truly played out by then so I literally could not care about him but he is the best comic relief in S1. Not a high bar but he does clear it. Meanwhile, Eda has enough interesting going on with the curse to make her flaws not as apparent. Lilith is a compelling antagonist and the possibility of her bringing her more interpersonal comedy style into the main cast was exciting. Gus and Willow are barely characters but they're written likably and don't ever do anything truly wrong which could be said about them for the whole show.
And that also just kind of brings up the awkward element of S1. You have Amity and the curse but otherwise... It all feels like setup. Like we're seeing the first traces of these characters but we still haven't gotten a good, deeper impression of any of them yet. Including the world quite frankly. For fanfiction this was AMAZING. Everything was setup to go in a billion different ways, especially with Amity and Luz (individually or together) and it was exciting to theorize about. I tempered my expectations of course, I doubted I'd ever get the true nuance of my own version of Odalia and Alador but... I expected something a little smarter. The show seemed like it trended that way after all. That a bit more care and realism was put into the characters of the show. And then S2A is... more setup. Or just entirely changing characters to new forms of themselves that we still don't really know. All we do know is that they're less compelling. Amity becomes literally nothing more than Luz's girlfriend and how easy her change becomes more and more apparent with each passing episode. We get Momma Eda in one of her like... Two, maybe three appearances as any sort of criminal in S2 and they're ALWAYS motivated by someone else's scheme. I guess maybe not with Reaching Out but I'd have to check. The point is that the firebrand version of Eda is FIRMLY dead. Lilith becomes a total joke who's hard to even give credit to for the curse because Affearances is making her nothing more than a pathetic woman with unresolved mommy issues because... Sure. That's what the ex-coven head is just like now. Willow has ALL traces of either her morality or really any personality just gone for half a season, in part because she has no part in this season. She even insults Gus for his illusions in Escaping Expulsion in a scene where I SWEAR they swapped Amity and Willow's lines. Not that either should be pushing for bum rushing the door but it makes more sense coming out of plant goddess Willow than theoretically smart girl Amity.
And then you have Luz who is acting even more indignant this half season? Like not a lot has changed but the shifting tone is catching up to how they write Luz. How she can so quickly get annoyed at things not going her way or people not treating her like she's special. How she'll use her friends for personal gain. How she needs to be better than everyone else, both in her eyes and the writer's eyes. All while this isn't getting properly getting interrogated by the characters or even a bit of snark from Eda like it would in S1. It frankly reminds me of something I would say about bad porn: It's Barbie dolls being mashed together. They may have a little flair, like this one is wearing a skull hat or this one is non-binary, but as far as real personality goes... It didn't matter. You could swap out anyone and the writers would force it to work regardless. What personality was there was becoming increasingly cookie cutter or accidentally mean and cruel, just like toxic beauty standards. It's not Barbie's fault that sticks on a torso is the beauty standard to America but it also has no interest in being smart enough to make an appealing doll while avoiding reinforcing the worst parts of it.
And like bad porn, the reason this is done is similar. Rather than actually dealing with the emotions and complexities present in the topics and actions that are desired for the story, they make it so the characters just do it anyways. In porn, you get fucking. In The Owl House, you get... Subversion and representation I guess. But like sex with no setup or emotion, you need to only want the face value elements of these things or else you're just going to feel like you're watching other people having a MUCH better time than you while you're wondering why you're there. Also, yes, this is a weird metaphor. It's mostly done I believe. I do want to mention though that this is why my erotica series struggled to have a lot of sex scenes because those books took themselves and their characters and concepts pretty seriously so I couldn't just ignore the characters if they just weren't in the mood.
The fact that the main payoffs are emotional and metatextual statements that are poorly setup is a REAL problem. It has the feeling of a highschooler who's spent too much time on Twitter seeing their seven year old baby sister playing with her dolls and stopping her from doing that to then put the Barbie on a soapbox and lecture their sister about how dolls are oppressing her and having fun like this is awful. It's not just boring, it's literally anti-fun. Worse yet, it's not smart enough about the topics not to feel mean spirited and somewhat misguided in how its doing it. As an example, they wanted good queer rep. Unfortunately, Amity turned into an incredibly bland trophy for Luz, as boring a pointless as any straight female love interest frankly, and Raine is criticized by much of the fandom for obviously existing only for Eda. They're not just turned into a sexy lamp: That's almost their point from go with how little time they AREN'T just about Eda. This all culminates in the real turning point of the series. Now yes, I've said the point of no return is Escaping Expulsion but that episode is more the objective core issue's turning point. It's the show going "We're not as smart as we think we are and so are going to murder some of the elements that are stopping us from doing whatever we want to... But that doesn't mean we're gonna have fun with it either. Instead, we're going to act lazy, bitter and make the laziness and forced aspects of this episode way too apparent as we move on to what makes us feel special like Lumity." For the characters, Yesterday's Lie is the final nail in the coffin. I've talked before about how Vee's callout of Luz not only makes the problems of S2A being awkward with Luz's character more questionable, it throws her entire CONCEPT into question. Whether she ever was made an outcast because of others or because she told other outcasts to go fuck themselves. Why didn't she know anyone like Mascha after all? They clearly exist in Gravesfield. Why was she trying to be a cheerleader when she clearly isn't interested in sports or athletics. At least most of the time. S1 seems really fucking confused about whether or not she's a nerd or a truly basic bitch school kid who likes everything at least a little bit. But you didn't question it until the new statement that wanted to be made with Luz was "We have a dramatic, changing protagonist who is not just a ball of sunshine but also capable of extreme levels angst and change. She's not just another cartoon main character."
Boy that statement is reeking of ego though, isn't it? Especially when the point Luz isn't going to become "Reality matters over fantasy, others are more important than me," but instead her character finish is "I literally need everyone to recognize that I'm the most special person on the planet and I will only properly listen to anyone who is like me since I blatantly ignored everything my mom said until she earned my attention by being a closet nerd." Luz's character finish is REEEEEALLY BAD.
And no, I don't blame this on the shortening. Just look at fucking Amphibia. It has a VERY vivid cast that mostly keep to their own roles that are dictated by their personalities and despite the lack of time characters like Sasha get, the show knows how to sell their personalities, their relationships, what they're doing, etc. like that almost instantly and part of that's because it's having fun. It's willing to take things to the extreme from go. Sasha's INTRODUCTION is convincing someone to turn themselves into a CLOWN and leave their entire life behind so as to make it so she's no longer guarded. You are sold IMMEDIATELY on this being some master manipulator... But then she also saves Grime and her manipulations are through kindness rather than cruelty like most others which reinforces the loose threads we already had on Anne and her's relationship. You can see she's such a close friend... But why she's not a GOOD friend. And you know all of this by the end of S1 where she gets ONE AND A HALF EPISODES. That is frankly more than I can say about, especially firmly, the majority of TOH's cast by the end of S1. MAYBE Luz and definitely Amity clear the bar but that's the main character and her love interest. Not King. Not Eda. Not even Belos, the main fucking antagonist. I could have speculated on him but I could have told you more about Grime through the toads, Sasha and effectively his ONE episode than I can about the leader of the ENTIRE ISLES.
It really does continue to make me wonder why I'm not compelled to write Sashannarcy instead of Lumischa, the two share a lot of similarities after all, when even S1 has Sasha and Anne as so much more dynamic than Luz and Amity. I guess I liked the playground though. There was more empty space for me to play in with my own writing and I definitely will admit that the fandom, for both TOH and Amphibia, have made me feel far more connected to the shows than the actual products. I'm just weird that way I guess and it's probably why I keep ending up here. Where the show has gone fallow on me and I no longer see the characters as fun people with potential but instead just mean spirited Barbie Dolls.
It happened to me with MLP and it happened to me with TOH. *sigh*
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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Legacy of Kinks (AKA Kain's Kinks)
18+ only below! TW for mentions of blood, degradation, and painplay.
-Power exchange, in almost any form. Master/pet, master/slave, any form of dom/sub, he loves it. He could get off on his own feelings of power. He's always respectful of your limits and never does anything you haven't negotiated. He loves it when you sit at his feet while he sits on his throne.
-Exhibitionism. He loves showing you off, especially to his lieutenants. 'This is mine and no one can touch it' is his message when he fucks you on his throne. Sometimes he'll have you suck him off during a meeting and he'll be completely calm, acting as if everything is normal- go ahead and try to crack his exterior, he'd love to see what you try.
-Teasing. Kain is a tease, and it's entirely unfair! He'll rile you up and act blissfully unaware of your horniness. He wants you to break, to be on your hands and knees begging for him to satisfy you. He loves the power he has over you.
-Sensation play. Kain loves getting to know your body, in every way possible. He'll run a feather over you and then scratch you with his claws in the next moment, anything to keep you on edge. Bonus points if you're blindfolded and/or tied up.
-He's not actually one for bondage, but he'd be happy to indulge you. He's an expert in rope tying, making a beautiful web around your body. He can easily untie you if something happens, and by that I mean he'll tear through the rope. If he wants you still, he usually uses his telekinesis or order you to keep your arms to yourself, and see how long you last without moving.
-Edging. This goes with his teasing- he's unfair and he knows it. He'll scold you about patience when you whine, calling it 'a test in discipline'. When he does let you cum, though, it's always explosive after an edging session- it makes the torture worth it.
-In that same vein, orgasm control and denial. You can't cum without his permission, no matter how hard you try.
-Dacryphilia. He'll make you cry from denial or overstimulation, no in-between. He licks your tears up and croons about how good you're doing, sugaring over the torment he puts your body through.
-He likes both praise and degradation, depending on what you like. He'll call you his filthy breeding bitch and his perfect little submissive in the same breath. He leans more towards degradation, but if that puts you off, he's super sweet in his praises.
-Pain play. He'll never put you in *actual* danger, mind you, but he loves scratching his claws just enough to hurt. He'll draw blood if you request it. He loves sinking his teeth in your neck, puncturing if you want him to. He also loves putting you over his lap to spank you.
-Primal play. His rules are as follows: evade him for the agreed amount of time and you get to do whatever you want to him. He catches you, he gets to do whatever he wants to you. You've never won, and never will. Sometimes he gives you the decency of taking you back home before his has his way, sometimes he'll fuck you in the woods without a problem.
-Aftercare. Not quite a kink, but Kain adores it. Once he's done taking care of you, he needs aftercare from you in form of words. Tell him how amazing he is, how perfect he felt against you. He needs it.
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elminx · 1 year
On Astrology, "The Universe", and my ideas about free will
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image credit: https://www.instagram.com/tinysnekcomics
I'll admit that my thoughts on the overlap of free will and astrology are complicated and ever-evolving. But I want to talk about where my ideas lie RIGHT MEOW.
(did she just say right meow?!?)
I think that every one of us has the ability to exercise free will and actually make choices in our lives but very few of us truly do it. The reason for this bold statement is that I think that in order to truly make choices you need to know what your choices ARE and that involves a huge amount of self-awareness and here-ness. The one thing that I have found is that most people do not seem to be here - like, actually present and in their own bodies.
We are playing and replaying these programs that we've created for ourselves. They come from a lot of places - certainly from our childhood and the upbringing that we experienced (both from what we were taught in our childhood homes, in school, and by the types of media that we were exposed to) and then later from the trajectory that our lives have taken - our adult learned experiences, if you will. But astrology plays a part to, of that I am quite certain. I have found that through a careful study of the natal birth chart, you can predict with a highly likelihood of success what types of problems that the astrological native (the person for whom the chart was pulled) will encounter over and over again in their lives. You can even predict whether the native would be likely to embrace or hide from the problems that they encounter in their lives.
But the choice, when encountering each problem, still lies in the hands of that person. In this way, the "Universe" lays the blueprint which says "Suzy will have relationship issues" and it can often be used to predict what TYPE of relationship issues Suzy has -but it doesn't show whether Suzy will meet the girl of her dreams who wants to work through every single issue together and then live happily ever after. Or if Suzy will meet this perfect girl, and due to said issues, runs away from her in utter terror.
As I said, it's all up to Suzy. But I strongly believe that only one of those two choices is being made consciously. The theoretical Suzy that goes "wow, I really seem to have relationship issues - what's that all about" and starts to dig into who she is; that Suzy might make the choice to stay with this amazing girl (in my head she has a quirky grin and the most stunning hazel eyes) even though its the scariest thing that she has ever done. The Suzy that can't face herself and can't look at the cause of her relationship problems, that Suzy isn't actually making her own decisions. She's just running.
A lot of us are just running. Most of us even. We aren't given a lot of framework for how to stop. Part of that is likely that the answer is different for every single one of us. But if you need help recognizing your patterns, your natal birth chart can be a powerful tool for self-reflection. Of course, you need to be ready to look in that mirror. It's not for the faint of heart. It will show you where the "universe" has been up your ass (sorry had to follow through with that metaphor) and pulling your strings.
Once you know that, making informed choices will become easier. Eventually.
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bohemian-nights · 9 months
As always, what another beautifully written chapter. Your writing is so descriptive. So beautifully in character. It truly amazes me the way you capture emotion. Not just with “What We May Mend” but with everything you have written I feel as if I’ve felt and experienced what your characters are experiencing. That is truly a gift. I hope you enjoy your writing ✍🏾 as much as I do. You write novel and/or novella length things and I’m not sure you realize how amazing that is. I am seriously in awe of your writing. I have been many fandoms. I’ve followed so many fanfiction authors over the years and I say this without hesitation you are by far the best.
I am very interested in seeing where you will take “What We May Mend.” I am very interested and invested in seeing how you will fix their marriage. There are a lot of problems and issues that need to not only be addressed but need to be resolved. It is odd in the way that I almost don’t want them to leave for Westeros quite yet.
Their marriage is on very shaky ground (as is Laena who still has yet to recover from that very traumatic birth. I do however love the fact that their son is called Aemon though). Of course at this point I really just want Laena to be happy. I want her to feel safe and loved and desired and more than enough in not only her marriage but her life. I want her to have a moment when she realizes just who she is. She is Laena Velaryon. Daughter of the “Sea Snake” and “The Queen Who Never Was.” She is (I hope still) the rider of the largest dragon in the known world. She is the mother of Baela, Rhaena and Aemon. I want her to get to a place where she realizes she is worthy of every bit of happiness imaginable.
But I know it'll take a while to get there.
I loved the bit where she realizes just how bitter and genuinely mad she's grown in the past ten years. It is in my opinion really an eye opener to the things that show!Laena most likely did have to endure. All that pain, anger, sadness, isolation, and loneliness she had to endure would make anyone become bitter and jaded and mad (look at Alicent). I think she really needs to work through the level of emotional damage that Daemon has put her through for the past ten years.
She and Daemon need to sit down and have a honest heart to heart. Maybe sometime after Laenor’s funeral where emotions would be running high. She really just needs to say any and everything in reference to how she’s feeling and how she felt. Because no one deserves that.
Not only does she need to do that for herself but for her children as well. Lanea could be the best mother in the world, but if her relationship with Daemon continues as it has it’ll only end up hurting her and their children in the long run. That being said, I hope Laena realizes somewhere along the way that she can't try and fix their marriage solely for the sake of their children. Because children grow up. Children leave home (quicker in their world mind you) and at the end of the day all you will have is an empty house and a spouse who you either don’t know or (if it continues the way it’s been going) despise.
With the amount of issues and problems their marriage has they have to both want to fix their marriage. It can’t be for show and it can’t be (solely) for their children. It has to be because Laena and Daemon want to be together. They want to be happy together. They want to fix their marriage and grow old together.
I think you’ve done a great job of displaying the moments where they both still have some affection for one another but it’s almost as if it’s been buried and forgotten. Which can happen in a real marriage.
Now that I’ve tackled Laena and what I think she needs to work on now it’s time for Daemon.
Where do I begin?
Daemon needs to own up to the awful things he’s done to Laena in their marriage. He needs to realize that it’s not okay. It never was okay. Never is going to be okay. And Laena saying that is doesn’t make it so. For that to happen he needs to realize that it’s going to take a lot more than just saying “forgive me”. Especially when his actions don’t show he wants to be forgiven.
I’ve always thought that Daemon would benefit from doing a lot of soul searching. He needs figure out his bullshit. Show!Daemon needs to figure out who he is. Who is Daemon? What does Daemon truly want?
Because he can’t fix anything with anyone until he fixes himself.
Because I think he’s always felt the need to prove himself. To live up to the Targaryen name. And in doing so he lost himself along the way. He let himself become consumed with the Targaryen ideology. (Further proving the point that Targaryen ideology is harmful for Targaryens themselves and those they rule over). So when it comes to his relationship with Laena he’s away from Westeros. Away from Kings Landing. From Dragonstone. Away from the “Targaryens.” There’s no one who he needs to prove himself to. Because Laena has already chosen him.
And that probably shook him up. I think he started slowly withdrawing the first time Laena told him she loved him. I think the excitement of “defying Viserys the crown” had worn off and he realized shit was getting real. That what he was feeling was getting real and that was uncomfortable for him.
Because change is always uncomfortable.
Instead of trying to adjust to that and grow with Laena he started to withdraw from her because of what he was feeling. I think in his mind he was trying to protect her but in doing that he was hurting her. He was hurting their children and he was ultimately hurting himself.
And I think that was (hopefully) what he was doing during those two weeks Laena was in a comatose state. I hope he spent that time doing a lot of self-reflection and soul-searching. I think he probably spent a lot of time by her bedside making a lot of promises. But words without actions are just words. Empty meaningless words. He needs to put those words into actions.
He needs to show Laena that she is loved (and start loving her the way she wants to be loved). That with him she is safe (physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually) that she can trust him to keep her safe. Show her that she is desired by him (and he needs to immediately stop cheating on her whether it be with a woman or a man). But most importantly I think he needs to open up to Laena. She’s his wife and somehow she loves him. He needs to start trusting her.
He also needs to be a better father to all of his children. He needs to realize that those insecurities he’s feeling/have felt of never being enough is the exact same way Rhaena is probably feeling. He needs to realize work hard to build a meaningful relationship with both of his daughters. Little Aemon is a baby so of course he will be doted on now, but Little Aemon will grow up. He needs to be an active parent in his life as well.
All in all I think Laena and Daemon can fix their marriage (and themselves) but they both have got to want to fix it.
And I am truly sorry for ranting. I just really like your writing and Laena x Daemon.
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Thank you so so much for this 😊 As heavy as this work in particular has been I have enjoyed writing it(and my other works when I’m not procrastinating 🤣). Do not apologize for ranting because this genuinely made me gidddy🙌🏽 I am honored truly.
Yeah, Laena and Daemon have a lot to work through and process individually as well as with each other because where they are now is at their lowest(self-loathing, insecurity, depression, and suicidal tendencies). It’s a powder keg situation that has been ten long years in the making.
Laena came into the marriage so hopeful and naive, but her self-esteem/confidence has been absolutely decimated by all of Daemon’s antics(plus the isolation since he literally took her away from her home/everything she knew and then proceeded to emotionally abandon her).
He did not know how to handle someone actually being there and loving him(even though he wanted something that would be entirely “his,” cause he’s the “spare,” and that’s exactly what he got that) and she and their poor girls have had to pay the price for his self-medicating.
Love how you mentioned Rhaena because Daemon definitely fails to connect with her due to him seeing the parts of himself he hates the most. This isn’t right or fair considering Rhaena is his child(she didn't make her egg turn to stone) and he’s continuing the cycle that led to him being screwed up(the favoritism needs to stop).
Laena right now is in the worst place of her life and Daemon is just now realizing it. They both had not realized how bad off she had become. She had just been pushing everything down until her death was her only “out” and Daemon up until she attempted suicide, thought that everything was okay. It’s a wake-up call for them.
Daemon has had some time to self-reflect and he’s made a lot of promises to an unconscious Laena that he has to fulfill/make up for the ten years he’s screwed her over. Laena has got to know she and the kids are number one to him. That he doesn’t want anyone else but her and that he’s going to put them first.
They’ve got a long road ahead of them, but the work will be put in 👏🏽
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I was a huge conic shipper but I love this whole thing going on with Billie and Conrad right now and I can’t wait to see them get together! There’s always been and will probably always be the debate about Nic and how Billie’s breaking the “ girl code” and what not 🙄 but I personally think Nic would be happy about it…Wdyt?
Ah yes 🙂 The whole "dating your dead best friend's husband" debate. I have thought about this alot so I have quite alot to say about this 😄🤭
I personally don't have a problem with this.
I think people are trying to bring in their own personal bias into it. There is nothing you say that will convince them. Some people have still not moved on from Nic's death, and nobody is good enough as Conrad's love interests. With some of the things I've seen people say, sometimes I ask myself if they have a problem with Billie as Nic's best friend or just Billie herself. They complain she's in love with her dead friend's husband and forget Conrad is in the equation, too. This man is fully in love with his dead wife's best friend. But somehow, their quarrel is mostly directed at only Billie.
First, people need to understand that this is a fictional story. I really do need to stress this over and over again. As much as we project and insert ourselves into the tv shows/movies we watch, sometimes it's nice to just watch a show for what it is. FICTION.
And even when I try to compare with real life like the way some have, I honestly see nothing wrong. Like I'm still trying to wrap my head around why this is so wrong.
Also, Nic is dead. I know we know this, but people need to move on now. We've mourned Nic's passing. It's time
I think the writers did an amazing job to keep Nic's memory alive with the two people who loved her to bits. They allowed Conrad to mourn Nic well.
They never disrespected Nic. It wasn't like they had a thing for each other while Nic was alive. It wasn't like they planned to fall in love. It wasn't like they jumped on each other first thing after Nic was gone. 5 yrs people. It took them 5 yrs to even get to a kiss. They went through a loss together, and they saw each other at their worst. That shit bonds you together whether you like it or not.
So yes, I do believe Nic would be happy for them. Nic wasn't selfish or vindictive. The two people she loved finding love with each other would make her happy. When they brought Nic back at the end of season 5, she's made him promise that after she was gone, he would find someone who loved him and Gigi as much as she did. She didn't put any caveat or conditions on it. Everything we've seen of Billie shows that she embodies this promise.
In this particular scenario, if you have a problem with your partner finding love again with your best friend after you're gone, I'm sorry, but you must be selfish. Especially when they've never disrespected you or your memory. These are supposed to be two people you love most in the world. Yh, you a hater 😏.
I mean, I don't know what else to say. I personally don't see anything morally wrong or see any "girl codes" broken because they have done nothing wrong. You can't even call it cheating cos Nic is dead. But that's just me 🤷🏾‍♀️
Like I said, no amount of talk and explanation would change some people's minds. They are set on their opinions, and everyone is entitled to it. It is what it is.
In the end, there are way more people for Billie/Conrad than the ones against.
Thanks for asking this 😊 I had fun ranting, Lol
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arvadthecursed · 1 year
My criticisms of RWBY rn under the cut.
I'm going to focus on volumes 4 and beyond. HBomberguy did an amazing job on the issues with volumes 1-3, and I agree with all his points. I'm mostly going to be discussing plot and the handling of queer relationships.
First, the plot. It's like Miles and Kerry finally decided on the story they wanted to tell... 4 volumes in. So, to catch the viewers up, they spend massive amounts of time on exposition dumps that just grind the pace of the story to a halt. RWBY does have cool ideas in it, it just... Cannot communicate them in the way necessary to actually tell a compelling story. I believe it was V6 with the giant lore dump about Salem and Ozpin/Ozma. Now, don't get me wrong: there are times in a story where someone will have to explain a plot element to someone else. Nothing wrong with that. But the absolutely hamfisted way the story was handled makes it bad. The constant exposition dumps got to be exhausting.
Penny is another major issue. You're telling me you killed her off, brought her back, very explicitly made her human, only to kill her off again? That's... Stupid. No other way to put it. I was fine with Penny returning! I was happy about it, actually! I thought the concept of an android taking on the powers of a Maiden was a super interesting idea. What makes a person human? What makes them have a soul? If Penny, as an android, is basically immortal, is the Winter Maiden's power permanently protected, in a way? Could she pass it on without dying? How would this affect her relationship with Winter, who was supposed to inherit the Maiden's power? But nope. Miles and Kerry wanted to kill her off again for really, what is no reason (except making viewers sad. But deaths need to be motivated...). If you wanted Winter to be the Maiden so badly, just make her the Maiden in the first place. The Penny plot with it ended up being really dumb.
Fairgame was another problem. I didn't personally ship it, but it was being pretty strongly hinted at, and I don't blame MLM for feeling betrayed by the way it ended -- again, very stupidly. The fight that killed Clover made absolutely no sense, and his death felt wasteful. I'm not MLM so I don't have as much to say, and others can make the criticism better than I can. Just wanted to touch on it.
And... The Bees. They're still dancing around each other, and at this point, yeah, it's queerbait. I would have disagreed before Vol9, but... It's ridiculous at this point how Miles and Kerry are dragging it out. "But it's slow burn!!!" That ship sailed a long time ago. Either make it explicit that Blake and Yang are together, quit having them dance around the notion, or drop it. It's especially egregious because it feels like Miles and Kerry are like, "Look at this ~progressive queer relationship~ in our story!!" without actually doing the work necessary. You can make Jaune's sister wlw (and name her after Sappho for more sweet, sweet Progressive Points!) but you can't explicitly state that Blake and Yang are a couple? It's cowardly.
And the new plot in the Everafter isn't very good either. We've never heard of this story about Alex before in the show. It feels like another plot point that got randomly added without a ton of thought. It could've been such an easy fix, too. Blake and Ruby both enjoy reading. Just have one of them reading the story in an earlier volume, and have another character comment "oh, I read that as a kid, too!" Boom. Now, you've got an actual through-line! But I just can't be invested in the story as it stands. I don't know who Alex is. I don't know why her story matters, even when RWBY is insisting it does matter. The gimmick with fairy tales/folk tales/etc is wearing thin, and I'm tired.
I really did enjoy RWBY, but in its current state, I have fallen out of love with it. I hope it gets better, because the fans deserve better.
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quanonthecob · 1 year
osu! diary, 3rd december 2022
so i've been grinding osu! quite a lot during the past week, when i definitely should have studied more, especially when mid-terms are coming up, in fact, i have one tomorrow morning, but i'm here writing this lol
also i titled this "diary", but this is probably a one-time thing, like yeah yeah, diary in vnese is nhật ký, and nhật (meaning "day") implies the daily aspect of it, but hey, i can't be bothered to write sth daily, not like i have enough ability or linguistic skills to write so much ._.
so yeah, like i've said before, i've been grinding a lot recently. specifically, this is the graph showing the number of plays in the past year
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November: 175 plays
December: 59 plays (keep in mind we're only 3 days in)
so yep, the future's not looking so bright LOL
the main reason why im playing so much is because i've got a new laptop, so i'm kinda abusing the storage and specs upgrade from my last laptop
and... on the topic of storage, here we have the amount of storage i've spent for storing the beatmaps
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i feel fortunate because i'm currently only into play osu!standard, and not other game modes as well, because god knows how much more storage it's gonna take up
but yeah the first few days when i first installed the game, i mass downloaded the beatmaps. i just looked up some popular artists and download all the beatmaps of the songs that i know. to the point that osu literally temporarily blocked me from downloading any more beatmaps 💀💀💀 they quite literally shouted at my face that i need to stop downloading maps and play more...
of course, after playing for a bit and waited until the next day, i could download more beatmaps again 😈 so as of now, we end up with
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i have no idea if i'm gonna be able to play all of them. obviously there are also beatmaps from other game modes, and there are 6-star, 7-star beatmaps which i don't think i'm gonna ever have enough skills to play them. i might need to filter them out sometime, for now i can't be bothered to do that, especially when they don't take up that much space in my hard disk.
there's kinda one problem tho, it's when i try to press the Z and X keys on this laptop, but it's a membrane keyboard, and this laptop also happens to be really slim too, so pressing the keys down feels very shallow. i find it really annoying at first typing on this keyboard, still does now, but im more used to the feels. but yeah, it feels kinda weird having to spam these two buttons playing osu!, and since the laptop in general is so fragile, i always feel like i'm damaging the keys somehow. so i might get specialised keycaps just for this game idk (if i do, that would be extremely concerning actually)
and so the grinding starts, i played some maps that i used to love playing on my old laptop, also tried out some new maps, most of them are songs that i'm already familiar with, so i tend to not have a lot of problem with the rhythms
one of the really good songs that i've downloaded and have played recently is lily allen's fuck you. honestly, the song itself is amazing. the beatmap, well, it's a little bit slow, so i had to do put some mods in, specifically HR - hard rock, making the circles smaller and faster and DT - double time, increase the speed of the song and the beatmap by 1.5 times i think (yeah i know it says double but that's how the mod works ig)
honestly that was pretty challenging to me already, especially when the tempo of the song is 1.5 times faster. but it also pays off with a good amount of pp (let me stop you horny mfs right there, it's performance points) and rank, and ofc had quite a bit of fun playing it, and a bunch of adrenaline as well.
another beatmap is sesame street's cookie butter choco cookie, it's basically ppap, but for kids
honestly i'm still wondering how is this a thing, like, look at this
セサミストリート:ピコ太郎、エルモとクッキーモンスターの CBCC (Cookie-Butter-Choco-Cookie) - YouTube
the beatmap was just the first minute when elmo and cookie monster was singing. there are also quite a lot of difficulties to choose from, so i just played a lot of that song, not to mention because i'm also kinda grinding for stats, and i tried a difficulty that's a bit harder for me, so yeah just imagine having elmo and cookie monster "awh" harmoniously in your ear three times each time the song plays and have that repeat for about 15-20 minutes...
truly traumatised
it kinda pays off tho, i got a 2nd highest on my PB leaderboard, and im now in the 600k (ofc, not a lot, but still sth)
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i enjoyed it a lot, i've always loved rhythm games, and osu! is an awesome game, despite it's clearly contributing to my highly likely, upcoming dramatic academic downfall, but hey, circle clicking game is fun, you can't blame me alright?
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emptymanuscript · 1 year
I am randomly thinking today of Amy Mackeldon.
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I had the good luck to go to grad school with Amy and she ended up teaching me what I consider the most valuable lesson about writing.
See, Amy is an amazing writer. Everyone in our year was addicted to her short stories. They were just
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But she would talk about feeling guilty because of the eternal message of you have to read to write. She frequently said she must be shit because she just didn't read. Mention most books and she hadn't read it. Just, nah.
And I remember having this sort of echoed existential angst because everyone had always told me you had to read to write. I had never met any writer before her who hadn't been a serious writer. AND she was amazing. So what the fuck was going on here?
And then our little friend clique went over to Amy's apartment for the first time.
She had a library. A full on library. Just this gleaming collection. Like O... M... G...!
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What Amy didn't read was BOOKS. She read plenty. She read a phenomenal amount. Her bookshelves were crammed full all around her. She could pick out stuff to show us, she was so familiar with the material. What she read, were Magazines. So many magazines.
And that's when it hit me, she wrote what she loved. Distill thousands of letters to the editor, advice columns, commiseration into the essence of those stories and spin it through her unique point of view and you get her writing. She absolutely did write what she read and loved. It just wasn't novels. It just wasn't the approved reading list.
What Amy really drove home to me was that the best advice is to write what you love. No matter what you love. If what you love doesn't fit the paradigm that gets pushed as the absolutely one correct way to read, write, and think about literature, you know what, it's the paradigm that's wrong.
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What you love is right.
That's what Amy taught me that no one else quite got across. The guidelines don't exist to make a correct way to write, they exist to help you with your writing, and if they can't help you, for whatever reason, they aren't worth your time because they can't do their job.
If you want to learn to write, the first and most important ingredient is YOU. Your unique sensibilities and experiences are what make your writing different from everyone else's. It's where you shine through that makes it your story that only you could write.
Just as important, once you've learned to write, YOU are still the diamond at the core of your stories. All the rules and guidelines you've ingested are just ways to reveal your sensibilities better. And ways to appeal to the gatekeepers to get your words to other people. When they stop serving you, they're the problem, not you.
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leonwrites4u · 2 years
HII HI!!! guess whos back? its me!! im just back again sending another request to you, hopefully you can do this whe possible, but ill just get started with it anyways...
can you do Leon Kuwata, Mondo Owada, ad Sayaka Maizono with a S/O who has a Beidou personality from genshin impact? heres the info :D
Beidou’s long brown hair, large 3 pointed hairpin, and red eyepatch across her left eye immediately catches the attention of onlookers.She has ruby red eyes that complement her qipao dress of the same color, which she wears a black leotard/corset hybrid underneath. On her shoulders is a short, furred cape, and on her left hip her vision can be seen attached by golden rope.She wears black thigh high stockings with golden heels to pair with the various anchor motifs displayed at the top of them.
Despite her rugged appearance, Beidou is a very personable, sociable soul. She very much marches to the beat of her own drum and indulges in many a vice, whether it be drinking her hefty jug of alcohol dry or feasting so wildly it’d make a pig blush. This gets her on Ningguang’s bad side regularly, as she has racked up quite the amount of fines and scoldings for the frequent breaking of Liyue’s rules. Nonetheless, nobody can deny her skill and savvy, and as such she still is one of the most in demand people in all of the country.
thats it!! sorry if its long, your the best!! have an amazing day and remember to drink alot of water today (:
Hell yeah! Of course I can! Im actually trying to build Beidou
!! G/n reader, not proof read!!
Leon Kwata and Sayaka Maizono with a S/O like Beidou
So your pretty, smart and have a knack for adventure? Hell yeah
He'll try to okay music for your crew
And probably fail but it's okay
He tried and that's what matters
Whenever you talk about adventure, he's always prepared
"Oh, hell yeah! Let's go! I'm so damn ready for this!"
He loves you
The energy you give off makes him smile
He appreciates you so he'll be sure to keep you safe when he has to
Sometimes even keeping you from doing dumb stuff
She loves you and your crew
When you all travel, she'll preform some songs
Maybe just watch you take control
She loves how much of a leader you can be
She adores you and your abilities
Sayaka isn't so quick to accept going on adventures but she wants to help you and accompany you in any way she can
Sayaka loves staring at the water or talking to your crew as you lead a few others
Of course, she isn't so keen on your little drinking problem
"Ah, s/o, won't you join us? I was about to show everyone my new song! I'm sure a little break wouldn't hurt, would it?"
Damnit, you can't say no to her
She's so cute
And you love her for it
There ya go 😎😎😎😎😎 Beidou is just- mwah
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
It's a few announcements we have to make firstly the Three idiots are following him everywhere and have changed about 50 times literally this morning and the exhaust themselves quite quickly and he trying to juice and doesn't work and they get injured and they keep doing it over and over and it is Matt and it is vastly annoying and you sit there taking them down and they can't get it for the price of anything.
-I'm putting together a package to handle this kind of problem there's a lot of it here it's prevalent and it's going to go forwards today
-and what else is going on the empire has been found out to be doing these things taking large amounts of the gold and other two the Carolinas and processing and putting it on weapons and making them very high powered
-there's other stuff going on and it is not very good for the warlock. We plan some sort of attack today and it's on the max and it is to try and figure out what they're doing and the max know about it and then are pushing their clones forwards and have been all morning they're both amazing what's on the Georgia line and it is the beginning of the war that will cause the bugs to attack and it happens right after The sopranos and that TV series is starting up pretty much within a day or two roughly very quickly
-there are a lot of things happening and they are not good for the people here and they're kind of not those kids in a lot of respects and they go round and hurrying people do stupid sign language get their asses beating and constantly doing it by the way they're constantly getting their messages it is not a surprise if it would start at any point here when people get sick of them
-there a couple huge battles going on they said 30 out to the first ring and trying to get people out there and it is a huge deal because a lot of people are doing it and these pseudo empire can't stand anymore this is your forcing us to and that's what it is happening they've got 300,000 already I'm tired of that crap they said and they're trying to make a court order to bring them all in and then enough in here and there was a road closure to the South and they panicked and it was just to go around construction of their own and they are telling them we have this coming up we think by them and we're going to show you and find out there had they had them do it for bad reasons and that they're not really bright
-on top of this there's a court cases going on today it is Friday it's the close of the week they're going after a certain people very hard and there's a lot of them that they're seeking special warrants it's a result of the court cases they had three this morning two of them were bja and the third was John remillard and it's still going on by the way they have a huge number of people who are going later on today it is bad news but it's ongoing trials and between the past three days they submitted 5,000 cases they've selected 500 to here it breaks down to a combined case number of around 200 cases and they have only 10 cases underway today they plan on putting 20 more on the docket but that's very slow. It is going to pick up a plan to put $100 on Monday and 100 on Tuesday but they'll still be far behind it's not true and they're going to go through them pretty quick right now they are having a trial it is the second day for three of the parties and it's the first day for the pain in the ass girl who supposedly rents the apartment and they don't like it the second day is going very fast as opposed to other trials they're seeing things flow right by them and they don't know what they are and they can't pay attention and it's being jammed to them and they're getting the back they say and they are what's going to happen is they're probably going to lose today they're hearing you're seeing evidence Monday they're going to hear testimony and Tuesday they'll ask the juries for finding on four or five of the cases and that's murder for Tuesday and I guess they would if guilty they would hold them and Wednesday would be sentencing
-we do have words that they're attempting to evict the four and they're doing it today and they're down here checking on what's going on and they're not happy with what they're hearing and seeing what's going on right now they're upset with the attitude and everybody is but pretty soon there will be problems from it
-we are performing major activities while this is going on they're evacuating the Midwest it's slow they still retain the areas but they're leaving other areas not much in the upper Midwest I was very strange but they are leaving areas in the South but we can't stay there but we are rating and taking building and they are leaving other areas in the perimeter and I believe it or not there's like Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon are emptying of the morlock believe it or not and they are also leaving areas completely like New Hampshire it's about 300 million and some below but the same and they're getting out they can't hold it same with Vermont and the same with me and Nova Scotia and pretty much all of Canada including right on the lakes they've been doing it and we've been putting bases in the empire has bases there.
-his other stuff happening but it is pretty big they have a number of people who are harassing him and they're doing it now and he's ignoring him and she's not the huge stuff is that they are losing their fleets and fighting over the UK bja is losing his ocean going fleets as well as the other morlock attacking and to multiple parties. Thus far over the past the warlock including DJ lost 30% of their own fleets each fleet and that's a lot
-the clones are on the ropes the bases are under siege they have lost most of the bases that surround the ships and it is a lot of basis it's a lot of ships and it's global all they'll have left to the ships and right now
***the ships that are around Venus they're not too close about half million miles are being surrounded by empire pseudo empire and foreigners and us and the morlock and they are beginning to attack and they are cutting them down other fleets of his will move in we think as we see them getting ready on board and try and stop The fleets from doing it which is ridiculous and that's nothing threatening one person but they're actually very stupid
-there are other issues I will begin to enumerate them we are planning on working on a way to work on Pluto and tonight it goes around the bend and disappears tomorrow morning we have a lot of options and we have tested equipment we do need an opinion what he says is safety is very important and we do understand that it comes first and we have to know which one is safer. He says the process that you developed is very safe if you followed and zigzag agrees so we're going to proceed just so you know a lot of it can be done fairly soon and we know when.
-we have other things to do and they're very important and we're going to begin them shortly among them are the automobile programs we have huge factories starting up necessity factories giant numbers of small factories and garages and we're organizing other factories we're helping them and we're weaving out evil stuff all the time and we have huge factories for necessities as a result they're beginning to open the equipment and the capital and eventually they can we also have a series of kit cars I just came out to the forefront because people want certain cars and the ones they have are not adequate and they need fast cars for the fight and the demand is very high they heard our ideas they like playing tones a lot they like the panels and doors a lot and they like the full kids and it's a matter of money and people who have ability to do it so the better the kid more money you need and we make metal kits too A lot of people want those and then we make really nice metal case so these are in demand and it is how the mini automobiles begin so we want to start a kit car company that makes all sorts of kit cars and if it takes office and automobile it separates out and we want to call it Bradley kit and vehicle company and we're going to go ahead and do that and it will be gigantic really quick and it will get us all together on the same page just like we were on the minis each country has when it's all different but we all use the same parts and bolts and so forth so it's not a nightmare and we could actually do that now we're going to use recycled materials for most of it and that's going to help and we might have a couple subsidiaries but really hard knock kicker 5150 the pagliani and even the recycled motorcycle might be better off as kids and we are going to have kids to make the Ducati and other fast bikes there's only a few the rest are shaped wrong and we will have kids for the light cycle for the Harley-Davidson and only two other bikes like it it's a Honda and then there's a Kawasaki believe it's the nighthawk and the Honda since it's a fast bike okay so we are going to go ahead with it and we're going to start this company and focus on how to get it going recently been sending kits to Africa and it works great. There are other things happening the whole world is on its ear about the computers and the checking Antarctica and they can't figure it out we have a lot of major battles coming up but we should not have put things on hold because battles are upcoming. We're going to switch gears and put it into hyperdrive push all the for hire construction is beginning and we will start projects here and all over the world and we've been Manning up and training and it's going to work and we have hired tons of people and Pluto is the kickoff and it is Thor and Freya they are the team captains for this project and the directors zigzag is always going to be number two except for Mars and he's number one and she is as well this is going to be great and it's going to work we're going to have good time and it's going to be fun freeing ourselves finally there's a lot of events happening. Today there is going to be a major event we believe and it will be a smaller crab attack and will subside and after that they're going to evacuate more and it's probably four or five more evacuations and we are starting the process of clearing the Midwest permanently and then the southeast and things like that I get to know and we're going to use Force ultimately and people going to be fighting over these things the gold and so forth as it comes out TV shows like The sopranos aren't going to be on it's going on real soon. So I wish you a good day and happy hunting and if you need anything please give us a shout
Olympus we are always available and we are always here and yes we're always receptive to people who are asking for things or assistance
0 notes
cherrykindness · 3 years
wild tweets |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: as newlyweds, you and harry read thirsty comments for buzzfeed.
warning: it's thirsty tweets, so below there is adult humor 😳
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"It's a bright, sunny morning in Los Angeles, and there's nothing I want more than to be on BuzzFeed and read wild tweets alongside my husband."
"Thirsty tweets, babe." Harry corrected, laughing out loud with the producers behind the cameras.
"Thirsty Tweets." You said quickly, putting your hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle. "I'm terrible at that, I'm sorry. Can we start over?"
"Let's take a break for one to two minutes. You've given us a great introduction, Y/N."
You shook your head, smiling shyly before turning to Harry, who was already watching you with that easy smile at the corner of his lips. You liked how his hand remained firmly on yours, making those circular movements with the thumb that always served as a natural medice for your anxiety.
"You look so fucking beautiful."
The pleated dress with flounce sleeves fit you like a glove. You had made peace with the various shades of white since the wedding and knew that Harry liked to see you in that color too.
"Thank you, you're not too bad either, Styles."
You intimately suspected that Harry would always seem far beyond that "not bad" that came out as a euphemism from your mouth. He wore nothing but a pair of bell-bottom pants in a strong shade of blue and a soft vest printed with fluffy little sheep on a striped American collared shirt - in your opinion, no one could look better in farm animal clothing than Harry Styles and Princess Diana with her red "Black Sheep" sweater in the 1980s. In contrast, you knew your husband well enough to know that he was arrogant and knew exactly how hot he looked - you also made your thoughts clear enough when you kept him backstage beyond ten minutes in a rather heated kissing session.
"Are you anxious?" you asked curiously, remaining with downcast eyes fixed on the strokes that remained assiduous on your warm skin. "To read about how the whole internet dreams of fucking my wife?! Of course." Harry joked, leaning over to leave a small one on your cheek. "We agree on that, don't we? Although I'm a little nervous, I'm really interested to know all the crazy things they say about you. Everyone knows you're mine at the end of the day, that's enough."
At the end of the break, you and Harry made a silent agreement that you should be the first to pick up one of the scattered papers in the red pot. There were quite a significant amount of tweets, and as much as you were used to reading rather sordid things about your husband on the Internet, the excitement was there as if you were wading into uncharted territory.
"I would be a good girl all year round if Santa guaranteed me a threesome with Harry and Y/N Styles on Christmas Eve." You laughed, Harry staring at the camera with an expression close to the meme of the surprised Pikachu. "You guys are incredibly nasty, I love it."
"If that was the first one, I'm really worried about the next ones." Harry commented with a little corner smile, picking the next tweet out of the bucket. "I have an entire folder on Pinterest dedicated to Harry Styles' hands, and let me tell you why: those hands are art, and art needs to be recognized."
"What- Guys, you promised you wouldn't post my anonymous tweets here." You quipped with false reproach, laughing at your own stupid joke while everyone else in the studio did the same. "But I can't blame her, honestly." Shaking your shoulders, you opened another piece of paper. "Harry Styles finally confessed that he wrote Watermelon Sugar for Y/N!!!! Are you guys imagining the same thing as me?!!!!!! 🥵🍆💦"
"Exhausted emoji, eggplant emoji, and water emoji?" Harry frowned, staring at the tweet you held up. "I imagine you're in need of a vacation somewhere refreshing and you're craving a fruit that everyone eats like it's really a vegetable."
"That reminded me of that story-" You laughed, hiding your face on the table as Harry continued to offer a poker face to the camera, struggling not to keep up with you laughter. "I'm sorry, lovie, I have to share this with the rest of the world." You stated, wiping a few tears from the corner of your eyes. "Harry always wears those fancy suits to concerts, right?! Right! Turns out he looks really hot in some, like his ass molds perfectly into those tight pants and everything. I was home that night because I wasn't feeling well enough to face the big crowds, but I was still following everything on twitter. It was a concert in London, not so far from where we lived at the time, so it was obvious that he would come home after it was over. I follow some portals that do really fast updates of pictures, videos, etc; everything that happened at Harry's concert was on my timeline in a matter of seconds. When one of these profiles uploaded a picture of him with his back to the camera in a heavily accentuated black and white suit, I quickly sent him the image along with a peach emoji and then wrote "looks good tonight". He didn't reply to me until a few hours later, of course, but I obviously didn't expect a "ready for a Fifth Avenue peach salad for dinner?" and numerous cutlery emojis."
Harry rolled his eyes comically, indulging in laughter as did everyone else who occupied the backstage area.
"I'm against the eroticization of emojis." He said between uncompensated breaths, shaking his head negatively. "Let's go to the next ones, please, I'm already feeling exposed enough here."
"I like your old-fashioned spirit, baby." You assured him with a smile, laying on the sturdy shoulder hidden under the fluffy fabric.
Harry chuckled low, leaving a little kiss on the top of your head before selecting the next paper. The fans would die when that video aired, everyone was sure. You two easily forgot the cameras when you were side by side, and the public display of affection had never been a problem.
"My life mission is to look at someone the way Harry looks at Y/N and be reciprocated the way Y/N looks at Harry, then I could die happy." Harry read. "That was very good and healthy, thank you!" He smiled. "But don't settle for death in that case, please. Just make sure to keep that person around forever."
"Awn, we got so sweet now." You made a pout. "Thank you for sending us something so cute! I really hope you find the right person soon." Sending a kiss to the camera, you moved on to the next tweet. "I wouldn't want to get a golden ticket to visit Willy Wonka's factory, I would like to get a golden ticket to actively participate in Y/N and Harry Styles' Honeymoon.
"That was creative, so I will disregard the fact that you removed my last name from my wife's name." Harry joked.
"I will always be an Y/L/N." You flashed the tongue. "We had a great Honeymoon, but I know you guys already know all about it because there are pictures all over the internet of outings that I don't even remember existed."
"Even though we chose a rather reserved city, many paparazzi still managed to photograph some of our nights there." Harry agreed. "There was one particular day when we opted to have dinner at a restaurant near the beach. Y/N had found it even before the trip, it was pretty laid back and we could spend the evening at karaoke. I don't really remember what happened, but we woke up the next day with a terrible hangover, still wearing the clothes from the dinner and with several headlines saying that I was cheating on my wife in the middle of our Honeymoon with a blue-haired italian girl."
"That wig made me sexy, man." You blinked, laughing as you remembered the situation. "It's a shame the paparazzi only got low quality images, but I swear I looked really amazing that night. Italy, I miss you."
"We're coming to the end and I haven't had to ask production for a glass of water yet, thank you to whoever selected these tweets." Harry raised his thumb to the camera, smiling before turning his gaze back to the small paper he had chosen. "Y/N could literally punch me in the face and I would just bow down and thank them for it." He laughed. "She has heavy hands, so I would rethink that choice."
"It takes strong hands to be a superheroine." You blinked gracefully, referring to your works as a Marvel actress. "I move around a lot during the night, so I'll take this lovely opportunity to say that twitter can dismiss all the malicious theories about Harry always show up with a new bruise all over his body."
"Please stop making indecent assumptions while Y/N is aggressive with me at night only unconsciously, her father has access to social media."
You laughed, clearing your throat before reading the next obscenity aloud.
"I would sell all my possessions to have Y/N sitting on my lap for ten seconds."
"Oh my God." Harry laughed out loud, throwing his head back. "I should have said that in our wedding vows."
You shook your head, laughing low as you set the tweet aside.
"That was pretty funny and cheeky, I approve."
"Okay, looks like we finally got to the last one." Harry announced, waving the paper in the air dramatically before opening it. "Harry could literally crush me with those boots while fuc- I need that glass of water." He said dumbfounded, hiding his face between his hands after throwing the tweet over his shoulder. You laughed out loud next to the organizers, and meanwhile Harry leaned his head on your bust, staring at you still with wide eyes. "Please promise that we will be careful with our future children on the internet."
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luimagines · 3 years
You know, since the Zelda games are in a kind of medieval era, courting must be a thing in all of the Link's time, more in Hyrule and Legend's era as they are the "first" ones (I know it is Sky, but the people from the sky don't strike me as being very stern in following the protocol of courting, contrary to their earthen people) and are more of ye olde time.
(Small warning as this was view with a female reader in mind, but I won't be making use of any type of pronoun besides neutral)
Hyrule is just a humble traveller, he doesn't have lands or riches to his name, not even a house for the both of you to settle. On top of that, his Hyrule is very dangerous and the menace of Ganon or any other evil being is always a possibility, to the point of making him lose sleep.
He lives on the go, always going to new lands and learning new cultures, which in result has let him admire all type of customs, clothing and jewels he would have never imagined if he didn't see it for himself. He had in several occasions pictured you with such objects, maybe as a gift for your wedding, the glint of the accessories would seem dull compared to the shine of your smile, the flowing fabrics swaying as the both of you dance together and the celebration of your marriage goes well into the night.
If only he had the money to pay for your price, but there's also the problem of talking with your parents, which might be impossible if you ask him due to the current situation. In the end, everything must remain a dream, he doesn't want to give you a poor life nor an early departure if he ever gets ambushed by enemies that for once proved to be more than what he can handle, or in the case of only him perishing, you won't have nothing and will be alone in a dangerous, unknown land as a dowry is something he will never be able to settle, he doesn't have goods to give to you, only what he had in his bag and person.
Legend have almost the same worries as Hyrule, but they are founded by the fear of losing you. He can make enough money for the two of you, maybe you couldn't live a posh life, but sufficient to live comfortable to the rest of both of your days. But no amount of money could stop losing his only family, he doesn't need a repetition of that event but this time with the family born by your union, something made by the two of you with love.
He also feels a type of social pressure; even if he managed to save Zelda and clear his name, there have been times in which Legend caught the stare of people looking at him over their shoulders, judging him. They still believe him a kidnapper, a traitor, and his attitude does nothing to appease their opinions. He doesn't want you to be a subject of that hatred if he ever steps fowards with his desire of courting you.
Twilight's concern is about what you think of his life style. He is a simple guy; he grew up in a quite, self sufficient little town and wishes to live like that until the day of his death. Having a family with you in a little farm is his biggest desire, but he would settle with only being the two, growing old together and living a ton of happy moments.
In case of a modern reader, he's afraid you will find his life poor and boring, he have seen how the city people gets sick and annoyed really quick of the country life and he fears you will do the same. The country life isn't an easy one; you have to wake at the crack of sunrise and having nice things aren't necessary, but you come from an era far advanced than his so even if he can easily get the extra rupees for a gift for you, it won't be anything that you haven't seen or own before.
If he can't give you or make you experience good things, then why would you be with him? He would be devastated if he couldn't make you happy if you ever took a leap towards his open arms and he failed in delivering what you deserve.
Idk! I just thought "well, since they are from a different world and raised in ancient times, then they would have certain views that the reader isn't aware and it will actually worry the guys a lot if they ever develop a crush on the reader.
I skipped Time and Four bc I never played/watched OoT and Four swords. Wild and Warrior strike me as the one who cares the least, wild doesn't even remember them and while warrior is aware and would have gladly partaked, fighting a war made him lower the importance of following such strict protocol. You can't do it if you are dead!
This is.... perfect?
So well thought out and well articulated that I'm speechless.
Four would also have his own courting system from his Hyrule but he's less concerned with a dowry or gifts. He can make gifts and he has a place, a stable job and he knows that he can take care of Reader and a family should the future present itself. He knows he has all those bases covered.
But would Reader like him?
Height is a deal breaker for some people and while he's never had someone to put his heart out on the line before, he's seen it happen to his neighbors and friends, and while he's not necessarily insecure about his height.... He wonders if Reader would ever even consider him an option.
Time though?
Also no land, no house and while he has a job, it's low paying because he doesn't need much as a bachelor.
He's not so concerned with dowry or protocol though. Mostly because he didn't grow up with that on his radar, even after he couldn't return to Kokiri Forest, no one explained it to him and he's never asked. He's noticed some of the typical things when he's in town and the younger boys begin courting with the one their hearts desire, so he knows gift giving, and special treatment.
So Time will be more concerned with catching Reader's attention and making sure that he can at least provide when he gets back home because he's never needed anything for him. But it won't just be him anymore would it?
But a dowry? What's that? I don't know her.
I know you probably didn't include Wind because he's currently the youngest but I do think Outset Island as a vague protocol that he's aware of.
It's not Dowry or Courting Specific.
But I do think that there's a specific order to do things. Like ATLA and betrothal necklaces because there's not much else to say Hey! I'm engaged!
So Outset might have a similar custom of gift given but I don't know what that would be.
Maybe a shell necklace or a certain fish you need to catch to show them you're interested.
All things he wouldn't be able to do outside of Outset of course
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