#the Inspector's body
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One has to feel very sorry for Suri as she watched the Sergeant reincarnate into the Inspector’s body. The scene was completely heart-breaking.
But, Suri’s love for the Inspector must have spurred her to do anything she could to bring the Inspector back from her apparent death.
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chaos-has-theories · 2 months
Palamedes thought Naberius was hot, I repeat
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I require 10k words of canon defiant morally questionable yaoi set in Ianthe's mind country manor STAT
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ballcrusher74 · 3 months
hey you can't be hauling that sign around !!!!
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speedran a little suit retexture for inspector based off this drawing I did. also bonus lil screenshots teehee !
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imakecomics165 · 3 months
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Inspector Gadget art go eeeeeeeee
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rocketrouquine · 7 months
I was just looking for a good thriller to escape the gays just for a few hours and of course…
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Oh no, here we go again..
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appri-dot · 3 months
oc belongs to @codeopathy
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hephaestuscrew · 2 months
Favourite Fleet & Clara quotes from High Vaultage 
(Page numbers from my Goldsboro special edition, I'm not sure how they line up with page numbers in other versions. Spoilers for all of High Vaultage.)
p27: Clara had met Fleet only weeks before. She had just arrived in London and started work as a crime reporter, and pursued a murder case alongside Fleet despite his repeated objections, until he eventually conceded - as Clara had known he would - that they were making a good team, and furthermore proposed - as she hadn't a clue he would - that they go into business together.
p51: "There you are, Fleet. Where have you been?" / Fleet paused, made some confused looks between Clara and the room he had just left, and finally pointed at the door. "Isn't this the waiting room for detectives whose partners have run off? They were quite a few of us in there. Quite a lot in common." / Clara suppressed a grin into something more disapproving. "You're not as funny as you think you are, Inspector." (More below the cut.)
p70: [After Clara successfully sneaks into the Iron Bridge Club] [Fleet] should have known Clara would make it in. Her tenacity had been clear to him since she had first left the police roping at a crime scene of his. It was one of the things he admired about her, even if she didn't always check whether there was somewhere to land.
p76: [After Clara's business card strategies work on Cosgrove] Fleet glanced at Clara. She grinned back, eyes wild with pride, before tapping her bag and mouthing the word 'Posner'.
p116: [After Professor McCabe says “Top marks, Miss Entwhistle”] Clara beamed, and flashed her eyebrows at Fleet while elbowing him in the ribs.
p132: "Don't think you can shake me off, Inspector. I'll come with you." / " I'm not trying to shake you off. It's just late, Clara.” / "You're always trying to shake me off. Ever since we met. Despite my constant usefulness." / "I'd say occasional usefulness," replied Fleet, maintaining a straight face. / Clara, with some effort, twisted her grin into something approximating outrage. "Frequent usefulness, surely!" / "No, but I'll agree to "regular usefulness"." / "Deal.” / “And I asked you to join me in business, Clara. If I'd wanted to shake you off, that's a poor way to go about it."
p154: [From Fleet's POV] Clara really was the sort of person - indeed the only person he knew - who could find genuine joy and wonder in a building site.
p172: [When Clara fears for her life at the display of the Lanterns] She thought of her brother, her sister, her parents... Her ridiculous detective.
p176-178: Clara without her usual pep was almost unrecognisable. [...] Normally that sort of reply would at least elicit some playful scolding. Fleet grew concerned. [...] "Do you want to talk about it?" [...] " What do you want to talk about?" [...] He tried to think of more options. Not talking about things was Fleet's speciality, but for Clara this signalled a worrying malaise. Things were dire. He was going to have to resort to small talk. "Would you like to hear about my day?" A brief pause. "Yes," she replied, with a note of hope [...] Fleet remembered the mess he was in before he switched to the task of cheering up Clara.
p184: When he saw her, she noticed his eyes were shining with a rare zeal, and he appeared bursting to explain whatever he was thinking.
p187: Fleet had, after all, taken her under his wing, even if she did have to thrust herself there initially. She thought about the door plaque he’d had engraved with both their names on it as his way of inviting her to be his business partner – typical Fleet, refusing to tell her so much as his favourite breakfast food and then to go and do something like that. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her.
p201: [After Fleet sees a magpie get electrocuted] Fleet looked at Clara, who thankfully had been facing the other way.
p214: [After Fleet falls into the frozen river] Clara, removing her cape and placing it over Fleet's shoulders 
p225: [Clara] had read several books on the subject - Surreptitious Sleuthing, Introduction to Ingression, Undetectable Detection, to name a few - but she always seemed to pick up more from her partner, whose years in the police had left him full of [useful tricks].
p235: [While navigating the Brunellian tunnels for the first time] "I still think my way is more fun." / "Escape, Clara. Escape and then fun." / "That's a promise, Fleet. You've promised it now.”
p259: “That's too much topiary,” said Fleet [...] Clara's eyes lit up at this rare revelation of a personal opinion from her colleague. “I didn't know you had such strong views on topiary, Fleet.”
p293: [When Crowe increases how much he'd be willing to pay them to investigate on his behalf] Fleet knew his answer, but felt he had to see whether Clara was still in agreement. He looked to her, only to be met with an expression of astonishment that he had taken even this long to respond.
p337: [After their falling out] Where do you even begin, she thought, let alone end, with someone you've worked with so closely?
p338: [After they squash the scone Fleet brought Clara as part of his apology] "You want me to eat an exploded scone!" cried Clara, stifling laughter.”/ “I think it says a lot if you refuse.” / “Fine,” she said, grabbing the bag, pulling out the crushed scone and taking an enormous bite. / The corners of Fleet's mouth twitched. Clara was sure he almost laughed.
p341: [Before they go into the Church of the Mechanical Man to look for Helena Evans] Clara smiled, and punched him in the shoulder. / "Ow! What was that for?" / Clara realised that in her excitement at Fleet's plan she had landed her friendly thump with rather more power than intended, so she clarified: "You're a good one, Fleet.”
p371: [After Fleet gets shot in the shoulder] Fleet thought he heard Clara scream his name, but he couldn't be sure. Suddenly she was next to him, checking his shoulder.
p371-372: Clara turned to Fleet. “Now I have an idea.” / “What kind of idea?” / “A terrible idea. Just the worst idea I've ever had.” / Fleet looked towards the distant exit, which could barely be seen beyond the fire, and then back to Clara. “I like it.”
p373: [As they anticipate an oncoming wave of molten metal] Fleet felt a sensation he did not recognise. Something like calm. Then Clara took his hand and turned him towards her. For some insufferable reason she was smiling again. He couldn't help but return it. [...] Fleet realised Clara still had his hand firmly in hers, and she seemed to be saying something at him that he couldn't hear. He tried to listen, but she stopped speaking, shook her head, threw her arms around him and hauled him down onto the ground.
p375: [When Clara won't tell Fleet whether she knew they were going to be saved by Helena Evans] “And you don't think this might affect how likely I am to trust your plans in the future?” / “Does it?” asked Clara. [...] “No,” said Fleet. “It doesn't.”
p381: Clara stiffened her posture, as though she might salute. "Archibald Fleet, I challenge you to a battle of business." / "We're partners, Clara. We're on the same side." / "A point for whoever solves a case first! More for trickier ones!" / "But we work together..." / "Let battle commence!" she cried.
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etherealninfa · 7 days
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The reasons that I sleep very happy💖
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mushroomribcage · 1 year
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This is how I imagine red signal going for Lyf
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mythawolf · 19 days
My thoughts when Priestley was showing up on BITB:
*Hears mention of a policeman* PRIEST-LEY! PRIEST-LEY! PRIEST-LEY!*
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Whether the Sergeant’s takeover of the Inspector’s body will count as one of the Inspector’s incarnations
will remain a debate for years (if not decades) to come.
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redbreastedbird · 3 months
Hello Robin!! I've been a fan of MMU for years, and I was wondering if you'd ever consider adding an aromantic and/or asexual character – or if there are any characters who you think could be viewed as aro/ace? I already headcanon a few characters as aroace but I was wondering what you thought about it. (Also, I have the same question but about trans/nb characters – though of course it would be much more difficult to write a trans character in the 1930s than an aroace one)
Thanks :))
Hello! Thank you so much!
In my mind, Beanie is ace, and quite possibly the Inspector too? I’m super happy for you to headcanon other characters as ace/aro as well! There were obviously just as many asexual people in the 30s and 40s as there are now, even if they didn’t have the words we do to describe themselves!
In terms of trans/nb characters, my character Anna in Body in the Blitz is a trans woman - of course it was much harder to be out as trans in the 1930s and 1940s, but trans people also existed and I’ve read a lot of fascinating stories about transitions in the early 20th century so it was certainly possible!
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loopseedaysee · 2 years
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plane doodle page!
( @glitchisbroken and @stuttering-jellyfish)
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selena-spectra · 8 months
sooooo I randomly decided to make a weird pseudo-sequel thingy to ghost trick for my own mind to handle the lack of official new ghost trick content. It all started with some thought experiments and has started to develop into an actual thing. Maybe at some point I'll talk about it more, but that's if anyone wants to hear about my insanity. But do know it takes place five years after the ending, and that I made OCs to act as the new cast and to make a new mystery, and it features the old cast as well. Idk I'm going fucking insane over this damn game so-
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silvers-smut-memes · 4 months
Send in "FBI" to have your muse introduce themselves to mine as a Female Body Inspector wanting to put my muse under inspection
Feel free to add details like setting anc remember to specify muses
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rowanberrypop · 9 months
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lupgang body headcanons ….. u cant rly tell but lupin has hip dips
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