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The programme loves to use Asimov’s Three Laws by placing Three-Laws-compliant robots in situations
in which they must violate the laws, from killing humans to leave the robots no choice but to destroy themselves.
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It’s a bit difficult to explain how in ‘Brooke Rhapsody Gets Hitched’ that
the Inspector tried to cause his own death, only to intervene to attempt to prevent it, only to apparently cause it. (Yeah, a bit hard to keep that all straight.)
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One thing Lyman Spong never explained was how Brooke Rhapsody ended up back in time as a child, growing up with her own parents.
Did Ms. Patch and/or the Loudness teleport her back then as part of their plot to destroy the Inspector or what?
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Sometimes, it’s like the writers didn’t do their due research before writing about things that they didn’t truly understand.
‘I’m about to FTP a software patch!’
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Always remember, if you see mountains in the background,
the characters aren’t really in Norfolk.
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Even though most of the programme has been filmed on sets,
the scripts rarely call for the Inspector to find him/herself underground (even in the Tube).
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Anytime a map is displayed,
be prepared for it to be out-of-date and, therefore, useless.
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Why is it that the Thirteenth Inspector
so frequently made friends with everyone she met?
‘You’ve met my mate … What’s your name?’
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Which intoxicants would the inspector engage in, if any?
Since Infinity Knights find nutmeg to be an intoxicant (it has similar effects on their physiology as magic mushrooms do on humans), I'm pretty sure the Inspector goes full bore on nutmeg-laced egg nog.
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Some say that episodes like ‘Night of the Capybaras’
are actually funny whilst one is high on some intoxicant.
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Mary Sue Watson effectively takes on the Inspector’s role as the protector of Earth
in her spin-off ‘The Mary Sue Predicaments’.
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The title of the episode ‘Night of the Sun’ stems from the old joke:
‘We plan to land a man on the sun. Don’t worry, we’ll send him up at night.’
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Constable Reggie once mentioned he had a fear of rats,
which contributed to his being abandoned on Vorlon VII.
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Given how powerful the Inspector is (and all Infinity Knights are),
it’s a bit surprised that he/she has nihiliphobia and leporiphobia (the latter of which is shared with Associate Dynamo).
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Would the show runner have ever explained how Captain James ended up with the identity of a man who didn’t exist yet,
if that fact hadn’t been revealed in the episode ‘Captain James Haggard’?
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How many people actually believe that Captain James would have forced Brennan to take the chron-ret pill in ‘Nothing Ever Changes’?
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The fact that his/her own people consider the Inspector a rogue
sort of tells the audience that the Infinity Knights aren’t exactly good people.
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