#the French community too
lethiepie · 3 months
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Got it ? Good.
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ahalliance · 4 months
team pandas already incredible bc theyre all speaking and switching between spanish, french and english easily, thank you jesus i missed multiple language streams
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thistledropkick · 4 months
So today I learned that despite wanting to become a wrestler, El Desperado took French in college, because at the time he was playing the tactical RPG / dating sim Dreamcast game Sakura Taisen 3, which is set in Paris. This is very funny to me because Zack Sabre Junior also took French in school. Which means that after Zack joined Suzuki Gun, the only overlapping language that he and Despy would've had was... French.
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ravewing · 3 months
the existence of america in hfjone implies an hfjone american revolution and also an hfjone george washington. what the fuck
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soulless-bex · 9 months
headcanon that percy is smart in a sense that he picks up language really easily, like he just learns them through exposure and stupidly fast, but since he’s dyslexic and has a hard time writing/reading and that’s all schools care about, he never learned the value of his skill
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britneyshakespeare · 9 months
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French Lady Barbie, from the 1997 Great Eras Collection
It's France in the early 1800's and the name Napoleon Bonaparte is on everyone's lips. Self-proclaimed emperor in 1804, he and his beautiful wife Josephine are the leaders of French style and fashion. French Lady™ Barbie® pays heed to the dictates of the famous emperor. Her gown is all the latest rage in Napoleon's court. Its empire styling mimics the elongated elegance of a classical Greek column, a time and period most admired by Napoleon. Its predominant color is French blue, a color much favored by everyone royal in France. The underskirt is dotted with golden Fleur-de-Lis, a long-lived symbol of French royalty. Women of the era wore high heels on tiny feet, and often had a pair made to match every outfit. French Lady Barbie has hair gathered into a golden headpiece and her lovely face is trimmed in tiny chestnut curls. Her skin is fair, her eyelashes rooted, while her faux turquoise jewelry complements the French Blue of her gown. Napoleon had an effect on more than fashion and style. He gave France a civil code, religious tolerance and fair taxes. During his reign, the Bank of France was founded and France enjoyed freedom of the press, rare in its long history. While Napoleon led French armies in conquest, the beautiful, brooding music of composer Ludwig van Beethoven was heard throughout Europe. In France, artist J. L. David achieved fame and popularity as did portaitist Jean Ingres. In 1806, the Institut de France was created by combining Academie Francaise with other academies, all designed to protect and promote everything French, from art to architecture! The beautiful city of Paris began to take form and shape as the famous landmark, the Arc de Triomphe by artist Claude Clodion, was begun in 1806 and completed in 1836. Rarely in history has one nation ever commanded so much prestige, so much success and so much style. In this magical age of Napoleon, everything the French touched rang with glory. French Lady Barbie captures this glory in her brilliance of style and sophistication. It's not difficult to close one's eyes and imagine her gracing the balls of Paris, with the cry of Vive la France, ringing in her ears.
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maddiesbookshelves · 5 months
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Alright, let's hope that the hype from watching the movie and rereading the original trilogy will be enough to make me finish it this time
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luvrxbunny · 3 months
when the munchies start to feel like pregnancy cravings
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the legends of localization book has reawakened my love for the nuances of translation and now i REALLY wanna take all the undertale dialogue and narration and translate it into french. for funsies
#i know i know french bad and all that. fair. but also: it's the only other language i know and am good enough at to feasibly do something#like this#dr could be fun too. i've got some ideas knocking around for that as well#the intricacies between characters of which would call frisk tu right off the bat and which would use vous#and the point in the game at which the latter characters would switch to vous.#mettaton's dialogue wouldn't be fun though. there are VERY few gender neutral terms of endearment#that serve as a good stand-in for 'darling' in french#very few gender-neutral terms in french at all honestly. but that's beside the point#maybe since french people are accustomed to a certain amount of english in their media#for example 'battle time' and 'game is over' in off and the like#i could just keep darling in places. it might be easier to have him use gendered terms of endearment#for people other than frisk. i'm thinking 'ma belle' for alphys. just affectionately. my grade 5 french teacher#who was from france#used to call me and the other girls in our class that affectionately#i mean. i wasn't a girl really. but you get it#ooh and i wonder what pronouns napstablook should use. i know there are community-made#nonbinary pronouns in french#such as ol and iel#they seem like an ol to me#i know many nby people aren't happy about iel since it's a mashup of il and elle#and therefore still built around a binary#and i totally get that but i don't think they're useless or actively harmful as pronouns! i'm sure there are some who like them and use#them#seam seems like an iel to me tbh#anyways this has been my short ramble about how i would go about localizing undertale into french. thank you very much for listening. bows
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duolingo is great bc i had to call a client today to yell at them politely ask why they were ghosting me, and when i got through to their office and asked to speak to my contact they just made confused noises at me THEN HUNG UP
so fuelled by the power of indignation and duolingo i immediately called back and once again oh-so-politely asked if i could please please please speak to their colleague BUT IN ITALIAN THIS TIME
and lo and behold i got an answer that time. grazie mille 💚
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maddiesbookshelves · 1 year
Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta (August 2022)
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The shadow of Godolia's tyrannical rule is spreading, aided by their giant mechanized weapons known as Windups. War and oppression are everyday constants for the people of the Badlands, who live under the thumb of their cruel Godolia overlords.
Eris Shindanai is a Gearbreaker, a brash young rebel who specializes in taking down Windups from the inside. When one of her missions goes awry and she finds herself in a Godolia prison, Eris meets Sona Steelcrest, a cybernetically enhanced Windup pilot. At first Eris sees Sona as her mortal enemy, but Sona has a secret: She has intentionally infiltrated the Windup program to destroy Godolia from within.
As the clock ticks down to their deadliest mission yet, a direct attack to end Godolia's reign once and for all, Eris and Sona grow closer--as comrades, friends, and perhaps something more...
Would I recommend it to anyone? Not to someone who wants to read SF with a little romance (or with no romance at all). Otherwise, not really, if you want to see mechas I'd rather recommend Iron Widow or the first Pacific Rim movie.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? Honestly, I was really disappointed. I was expecting action and interesting worldbuilding but, uh... yeah.
My thoughts on it? Celebrating Mia (@yourneighborhoodbibliophile)'s return to booklr with some salt ✨:
I saw this review on Goodreads that sums up what I thought of the first book:
“if I had to read one more version of “you do not have my permission to die” in this book I was legitimately going to gouge my eyes out”
I felt like I was reading a fanfic. And I love reading fanfiction, but this was everything that makes me rage quit a fic condensed into one book. First, there was the found family trope with very "funny" dynamics where people run after each other, pulling dumb pranks, hanging someone from a window on the 5th floor threatening to kill them... It wouldn't have been as much of a problem if it had been contained to the main group, but the few interactions we see between the pilots lead us to think that they also had this dynamic. It didn't make sense to me that EVERYONE behaves the same way and it made me think that the author didn't know how to write anything else.
The fight scenes honestly disappointed me. Everytime there was a fight scene, it would cut in the middle and skip to after the fight. It really gave the impression that the author skipped them thinking "I'll come back to that later" and never did. The first time it happened I was so lost, I thought I had skipped a page or that there were pages missing entirely, but no. It was pretty annoying because it happens a lot so it feels like the book was left unfinished out of laziness. Plus, what's the point of reading about mechas if there's no mecha fight?! I don't know if the author is aware of that but she does say in her acknowledgements that it ended up being more of a love story with mechas in it than mechas with a love story, so...
I feel like we only see glimpses of who the characters are, at least for Jenny. The rest are kinda just... there. We know about Sona and Eris because we're in their heads but the others are quite shallow. I don't even remember all of the names of Eris' crew. I also don't understand the motivations behind one particular character's actions, they just don't add up to what (little) we know of him.
All in all, it was entertaining. It gets the job done and I genuinely liked Sona. It was a story that had potential but it deserved to be edited (better?).
French version under the cut
L’ombre du règne tyrannique de Godolia s’étend, aidée par leurs armes mécanisées appelées Windups. La guerre et l'oppression sont le quotidien des habitants des Badlands vivant sous le joug de leurs cruels dirigeants. 
Eris Shindanai est une Gearbreaker, une jeune rebelle effrontée dont la spécialité est de détruire les Windups de l’intérieur. Lorsqu’une de ses mission dérape et qu’elle se retrouve dans une prison de Godolia, Eris rencontre Sona Steercrest, une pilote de Windup améliorée cybernétiquement. Eris voit d’abord Sona comme son ennemie, mais celle-ci a un secret : elle a délibérément infiltré le programme des Windups pour détruire Godolia de l’intérieur.
Tandis que l’heure de leur mission la plus dangereuse approche - une attaque directe pour mettre un terme au règne de Godolia une fois pour toutes - Eris et Sona se rapprochent, en tant que camarades, en tant qu’amies et peut-être un peu plus…
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? Pas à quelqu’un qui veut lire de la SF avec une petite romance (ou carrément sans). Sinon pas vraiment, quitte à avoir des mechas je recommande plus Iron Widow ou le premier film Pacific Rim.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? Honnêtement, j’ai été très déçue. Je m’attendais à de l’action et un worldbuilding intéressant mais, euh… ouais.
Avis sans spoiler ? On célèbre de retour de Mia sur booklr avec du sel ✨ :
J’ai vu ce commentaire sur Goodreads et ça résume assez bien ce que j’ai pensé du premier tome :
“if I had to read one more version of “you do not have my permission to die” in this book I was legitimately going to gouge my eyes out”
J’ai vraiment eu l’impression de lire une fanfiction en lisant ce roman. Pourtant j’adore lire des fanfic, mais là c’était un concentré de tout ce qui me fait rage quit une fic. Déjà y’avait la found family avec une dynamique “drôle” où les gens se courent après, font des farces stupides, font pendre les gens du 5ème étage d’un bâtiment et menacent de s’entretuer… Ça aurait pas été un aussi gros problème si ça avait été contenu au groupe principal, mais les quelques interactions des pilotes entre eux laissaient croire qu’ils avaient aussi ce genre de dynamique. Ça me paraissait pas logique que TOUT LE MONDE ait la même attitude et ça m’a donné l’impression que l’autrice savait pas écrire autre chose.
Les scènes de combat m’ont vraiment déçues. A chaque fois qu’y avait une scène de combat, elle était coupée et on avait une ellipse. Ça m’a vraiment donné l’impression que l’autrice les a sautées en se disant “j’y reviendrai plus tard” mais n’est jamais revenue en arrière pour les écrire. La première fois que c’est arrivé j’étais perdue, je pensais que j’avais sauté des pages ou qu’il en manquait carrément, mais non. C’est énervant parce que ça arrive souvent donc on a l’impression que le livre a pas été finit par flemme. Puis quel est l’intérêt de lire une histoire avec des mechas si on a pas des combats de mechas !? Je sais pas si l’autrice a conscience de ça mais elle dit dans ses remerciements que c’est devenu plus une histoire d’amour avec des mechas que des mechas avec une histoire d’amour, donc bon.
J’ai l’impression qu’on a eu quelques aperçus de qui sont les personnages, du moins pour Jenny. Les autres sont juste… là. On connaît Sona et Eris parce qu’on est dans leurs têtes mais les autres sont pas approfondis. Je me rappelle même pas des prénoms de toute l’équipe d’Eris. Y’a aussi un personnage dont je comprends pas les actions parce que c’est pas en accord avec le peu qu’on sait de lui.
De manière générale, c’était divertissant. Ça fait le taff et j’ai vraiment aimé Sona. C’est une histoire qui a du potentiel mais ça aurait mérité d’être (mieux ?) édité.
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mejomonster · 2 years
i still think about that post that mentioned different levels of reading comprehension... i’m going to look for it to reblog again...
just like. i don’t usually think of adult reading comprehension in ‘levels’. i tend to assume ‘oh everyone can understand when a narration is emotional, its biased and implying information about the narrator’s emotions and biases and is not necessarily reliable’ and don’t realize some people comprehend a bit less, just the face value of ‘narration says X is disgusting, so X is, narrator says Y is true so its true’ and interpret texts based on that. and some comprehend less than that, not noticing there’s even an emotional overtone anywhere, and the writing says X so X is simply true. 
A lot of these skills get taught to some degree in school, when english classes made us do literary analysis of texts. And perhaps more important since it involves factual information, when school would make us evaluate sources for our essays and figure out what bias writers have and evaluate which part of articles is writer’s opinion and which part is actual facts. Critical reading skills we need to determine if something is an ad trying to convince us of something or an informational update, to determine if something is trying to manipulate us, to determine if the information portion we read is backed up by other sources or likely not actually true, to determine the biases of all informational media we consume (because even simple stock updates and history books all have some tinge of the biases of the writer/presenter). These skills help keep us safe on the internet, help us look for information to make decisions, help us recognize when we are being manipulated, recognize various media’s goals toward convincing us of things and still being able to sort through for the facts connected. For example when there is a shooting at X with Y people injured, that’s a fact, and then everything the reporters say beyond that about ways it could be prevented/shouldn’t have happened is their opinion, and how the words they use to describe the facts themselves like if ‘kid’ or ‘criminal’ is used to describe the shooter and what words describe the police and victims etc all are still used to push the writer’s opinion.
I would like to hope, since figuring out facts versus opinions is such a vital skill for simple online safety (from malicious ads, propaganda, dangerous groups) and for simple real life safety (figuring out if a recall for food happened, figuring out if a location in the state is currently unsafe to travel to), that hopefully most people learned that ability to discern. I also realize now that I’m older, how useful that skill is, and how I still have more to learn and practice in being able to do it. 
Well, that skill is vital in discerning fact versus opinion of nonfiction and opinion media. But it’s also a skill needed to understand stories, fiction, and again it just. Surprises me how its not actually a given that readers who find something, watchers who find something, will actually have the full ability to discern the intent and meanings that a creator put into something. 
#rant#i just. idk i think about this and get how people see something like#idk old school Xmen and DONT see how its allegory calling out conservatives making discriminatory laws#i think about this and it explains so much about how media especially perhaps media widely engaged with and#engaged with a younger audience. can get misunderstood.#a person without this skill cant tell rage against the machine isnt actually about hating technology#a person without this skill cant watch Not Me and get that Sean is like he is because of his traumatic upbringing#and that Sean grows and does not start perfect.#a person without this skill may read an mxtx work like svsss and not GET that its satire making fun of and making POINTS about the genre its#referencing. get that its commenting on the black lotus character type. the overpowered harem novel stories. and commenting on webnovel#culture's toxic traits in general.#mxtx fandom sometimes has infighting thats like X is good but Y is bad. and all is by same author#and sometimes i think some of it is a reading comprehension difference depending on different readers#like. even just understanding 'this is a translation. its unlikely to perfectly communicate the original texts intent/style/meaning' is#not always thought about or considered#it always shocks me to remember such a simple thing.#that of course not all people have reading comprehension to the same degree.#because i usually read stuff that requires a high comprehension of whats implied and NOT on the page directly stated.#because even in chinese and french i am so used to looking at that level that i practice doing it in my other languages too#even before i could read perfect. the idea of not noticing the authors style and how it affects their effect/meaning/point#how what tropes they pick and what biases they put in the narration TELL you things. how the things they omit TELL you things.#i guess tldr: if you wonder why ppl dont get a point in media you get? maybe they just are not comprehending that layer#and its always good for all of us to practice critical reading skills#because even when we think we know how to do it. there's real life spheres like news and ads#where their goal is to hide the intent layer of their content. and its important for us to still be able to determine their intent.
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gay4fiction · 2 years
Rewatched a bit of mission hill and-
H E,, <3
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