#the April we got doesn't seem too bad now huh?
fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
If you thought 2012 April was a bland self insert Mary Sue OC, just know that in her original concept the writers wanted ALL the Turtles to be in love with her, not just Donnie.
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fnaffersblog · 10 months
Okay hold on HOLd UP
Spoilers below for 'Earth's ORIGIN STORY in VRCHAT'
Trigger Warning below cut for: Cursing
Not five seconds after making a 'LUNAR!!!' post we get Earth lore, I am being fed today on the richest of content.
Look look look I get it The Princess and the Pauper movie is great but you cannot go wrong with Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus okay? Alright? This is now. This is now a Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus blog alright? In this house we love Barbie and the Ma
Princess and the Pauper came out in 2004 for anyone who was also wondering, but didn't look it up.
The return of the true villain of the series: That one fuckin bouncy, physics defying plush cylinder in the theater.
The music change had me wheezing, the fucking dramatic chase music for this bouncy toy.
Followed by all three of them legitimately walking around trying to catch the damn thing.
I'd love to see an episode where they have a discussion, like a serious discussion or something in the theater, and someone throws the toy and it just bounces around forever while they're having a serious talk, and it's played completely straight the thing is bouncing and no one addresses it or tries to catch it this is wishful thinking but the idea had me laughing so hard i forgot hwo to use punctuation
Sun and Moon sitting down on the little plushies seats like kids listening to story time was so cute.
"You will refer to me as Creator" "Hello Father!" "That works as well I suppose!"
It's strange seeing how... kind? The creator is towards Earth. Like, he's always been kinder to Earth than he has been to Sun or Moon or Killcode, but it's still weird. Like, he lets her decorate her room and got her movies in preparation for her activation, and doesn't get upset when she calls him father, and he's gentle when he asks her to leave them at the end.
"I abandoned mortal flesh for eternal life as a brain!" "Oooh! That seems clever!" Lol
Huh a Garbage Guy.
I like... whatever is going on between Garbage Guy and the Creator. Like, GG is so annoyed with the Creator, but he's speaking so casually to him? Exasperated with the Creators antics. They're like... a goddamn sitcom couple or something. The Creator gives no shits about this guy's irritation. They remind me of Chatot and Wigglytuff from PMD:EoS.
So, Earth was activated around November-December 2022, during the Bloodmoon arc. She showed up in... April? I think? Late March, early April? Though she said she got lost trying to find the daycare/Sun and Moon, so she left/was sent away from the Creator sometime just before that.
Also, whos they? Fazbears? Sun and Moon? Some third party? Why would they get shut down? I may have missed something. I assume it's Fazbear's inc the two of them are talking about.
Earth raising her hand to ask questions.
They have a connected background??? The Creator got the garbage can stuck on this guys head?? Did he make him immortal too, or did he just get hired because he was immortal? What's the dealio with these two?
"Why do you have a trash can on your head?"
"Why don't we ask your Creator, hmm?"
"Can you not, with the whole brain eye thing!?"
I'm crying it was mostlikely a misclick im crying that was so funny
"Um. You see. It's a, um, fashion trend that he's trying from another country."
"Oh fashion trend today is it?"
WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE ARE THEY DIVORCED WHAT AM I LOOKING AT This can't be just me can it?? I want more of it.
"Too bad. My lab." LOL
"I acquired the entire collection of Barbie movies!"
Creator enforces gender 'norms'. Asshole!
I know there's other things happening this episode but. "Was that all?"
"Nooo I wanted to ask you TAKE THIS DAMN THING OFF MY HEAD!"
Also is that the Arthur jingle? Like, the scene transition jingle from Arthur? That's what it sounds like.
"He could see?!" THAT'S what you're taking away from this Moon????
Earth out here being very right about the Barbie Rapunzel movie too, that magic paintbrush was banger, I wanted one too.
This episode was fuckin' fun. So many good quotes, I was laughing the WHOLE time. Also we might have a set up/ worldbuilding for the Creator's enemies and also more Creator and Garbage Guy stuff. Still wondering if he's dead. StG Killcode mentioned putting him to eternal rest at one point.
Also the thumbnail, again the thumbnail! IT's so pretty! The details are amazing, I wish I could look at them closer somewhere. Do we know yet who does them? I've seen suggestions in the comments of both videos featuring art so far that these new ones are done by Kiwi_Artz, but they aren't credited in the descriptions and they haven't post the thumbnails on Twitter anywhere. :(
I feel like this will most likely be the last calm episode before the 16th. This feels like a 'calm before the storm' situation and I cANNOT wait. 9 days till the 16th, that's probably 4-6 lore episodes/ 5-6 VRCHAT episodes, presuming anything is going to happen on the 16th. I'm both not ready for it, and 100% ready for it.
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Anything else Teruteru?
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Well... after that, we were told by Junko to kill our families so they don't suffer for our rebellion against Hope's Peak...
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So she ask you to kill your families to save them?
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Mhm... I know that she gave this order to everyone that join her side as a way to protect them I... even remember chasing down my brother and sister too...!
Date: April 28th, 2013
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*Teruteru ran down the hall with various kitchen tools* GET BACK HEEEEEEEERE!!! I'M TRYING TO PROTEEEEEECT YOOOOOU!!
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Fu-Fuck fuck fuck! He's gonna kill us, isn't he?!
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Ye-Yeah he is, quickly we need to get away, HURRY!!!
*The 2 rush into a room and close the door*
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There... making this really hard, aren't they? Well...
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I know that once I did this; I won't feel as bad! So here I come... *Teruteru open the door and...*
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... *He saw both Yokoyoko and Kojikoji at a open window*
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...Sorry Teruteru but there's no way your going to kill us.
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Even if we kill ourselves if we have to...
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Right Yokoyoko...?
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Ri-Right... goodbye Teruteru, hope we see you in the next life...
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N-No wait, you guys shouldn't jump, you...you...!
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*As then the 2 jump out the window and Teruteru rush over* NOOOOOO!!
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... *walks over and sees both Yokoyoko and Kojikoji's bodies on the ground and blood is splatter but a person walk into the room*
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...Seems those 2 are dead now, huh?
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Well... I guess this is good enough, now your family doesn't have to see you fighting against Hope's Peak.
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*put a hand on his shoulder* And even then, you got a new family now; don't worry, will be there to help you.
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Y-You will...?
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Of course, after all; I think many of them will understand why your doing all this - to take down Hope's Peak Academy!
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So c'mon, let's move on from the past and start the rebellion.
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I... I suppose we should, I know I'll never forget them...
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Okay Junko, let's go then... *Teruteru and Junko walk out together*
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
💟 For Carol Punch
and maybe only if you wanna 😍 Joker and April
Kisses kisses kisses!
It was the evening after the overblot incident at the library, and Punch had only gotten up from his seat by Carol's infirmary bedside once or twice since she was brought there. She looked so small and pale among the pillows. It almost broke his heart.
He had already helped with changing her bandages earlier, and while she was resting, there really wasn't much that he could do. He had already repaired the broken frame of her glasses, and placed them on the table by the head of her bed. She'd need them when she woke... but when would that be? Some of the other students who had been involved in overblot instances gave varying answers, but they all seemed to give him the idea that Carol may still sleep through the rest of this day.
She made a little noise in her sleep, furrowing her brow. Punch stood up, almost as if he were ready to fight off whatever was disturbing her, but there was nothing there. Just them, as the sun settled below the horizon outside. She made another whimpering sound, and curled her fingers tightly around the blanket.
Punch drew closer to her, and ran a hand over her hair. "It's over now," he whispered, tucking a loose strand behind her ear. "You made it, you've won. You're still here, and you're safe." He leaned over, and placed a delicate, gentle kiss on her forehead. He could feel her expression relax. "It'll be all right. I'm here."
April liked being able to visit at Heartslabyul. It was a comfortable place, filled with interesting clutter and friendly people. There was always something baking in the dorm kitchen, and the gardens always seemed to be in full bloom. Despite what she had heard about the dorm leader being a bit hard to please, guests of the dorm were always treated kindly and with respect. And most of all, she got to spend time there with Joker.
Joker chattered on cheerfully as they sat in the lounge, nursing cups of hot milk tea. "... and I've been borrowing this really old romance comic series from my roommate. I know, I'm more of an action sort of person? But this one is really sweet, and the art is soooo pretty. You wanna read a bit while you're here?"
April took a sip and placed the rose-patterned cup into its saucer. "Maybe after you take me to see the flamingoes. I was wondering how you all managed to keep a flock of them on-campus, just for a game." She smirked. "What's it about?"
"Ah, well? It's about a girl, who makes friends with another girl at her school? But the friend has a bad reputation, and is worried about the girl getting affected by that, so she tries to cut her off? And then there's this guy who's in love with the friend, but he's soooo taken by the first girl when he sees her, but she doesn't wanna see him at all, because she's falling for the friend, and... well..." Joker blushes. "It's pretty. The art's fancy."
"Huh." April cupped her chin. "Sounds like it's pretty involved, huh? Why didn't the girl just sa— what's that???" She turned her head suddenly, as a closet door bursts open, and two boys in the dorm uniform fall to the floor.
"Joker, now!" yells the one with the dark hair, and April feels a sudden soft, warm pressure on her cheek.
"She did it!" shouted the other boy, the one with fluffy red hair, and the two clamber away laughing as April raises a hand to her cheek. She turns back to Joker.
"Was that..." April draws her hand away. Her fingers bear traces of bright red. Lipstick. The one Joker always wears. "Was that absolutely necessary?"
"Probably not." Joker's face was as red as the incriminating make-up. "But at least it worked...."
"You've been reading too many comics." April rolled her eyes. "Just like the one you're reading, coulda saved a whole lot of trouble if you'd just say something. It could have been on the lips."
Joker picked up her teacup. "Not in the lounge. Queen's rules, I'm afraid. It'd have to wait until we get to the flamingo pen." And they both grinned at each other.
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idleorbitals · 9 months
OF ep 2 watch through part 1
ok! ok. ok. goddamnit this show has me wrapped around it's pinky. this got long so I am cutting it in hopefully only two
come relive with me let's talk about this beast
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#1 this scene does so much so fast to establish:
mew again as someone with his own agency...the way he talks about top is like surprisingly? healthy? idk I'm glad they're making these characters so smart and nuanced you know they're feeding us well
ray's feelings for mew as (again, surprising to me) relatively pure seeming. he's going to suffer but he's not going to take it out on mew he's probably going to take it out mostly on himself and secondarily on people he doesn't think matter to him (*cough* sa– *gunshot noises*) also ray starting this scene day drinking alone 💀
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the power play is so loud in this laser tag arena. why do I feel like top is going to get hurt and they're going to make me care. I don't want to care
side note but very distracting to me personally isn't anyone going to fix mew's one squished up ear? bookie that's not uncomfy??
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same ray. god they're both going to get hurt so bad
ok we're in the club now. can't believe the one frame of ray smiling at the dancer is the only moment he's acting to hide from sand and not trying to crawl out of the scene. they were really playing us with that trailer huh. also ray being so polite to everyone there even though they're all just in his way hashtag not as much of an asshole as he'd like to think
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lots to say about bostonnick but more importantly about mark pakin eating this pose for breakfast
boston is a rich boy too? did we know this? he's definitely a terrible person playing with nick's insecurities "if you weren't cute I wouldn't sleep with you a second time" boston shut tf up. lmao I'm sorry but atp I love neo in this role so much I'm just enjoying it
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not sand this invested in what ray thinks of his wine and ray this flattered by him calling him someone with good taste. now sand likes ray's music too, or at least his dead mom's music. "how and when did your mother die?" sand back off a little baby
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okay the cut from the bottle and glass next to her body to him drinking? yikes. I bet we're going to learn more about this and I'm ready and already torn up about it. was it an accident? was it intentional? or mirror on the secret third thing where ray is self-sabotaging himself into oblivion because wealth and privelege don't make you happy but do give you the tools to feed your worst tendencies
not to detract but on the first watch I was so hyped up and fully did not get that was supposed to be baby ray and was like: murder suspect? no it was the maid???
sand noticing he introduced too many feelings and going to lighten the mood: cute. correct
sand starting his forecasted "sugar daddy" storyline by saying very loudly that he doesn't want to call ray sugar daddy but also, you know, he would, you know, if he had too, but only if he really /had to/, you know
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this totally-uninvested-gaze lasts for so many frames my screencapping fingers got lazy
okay we're at the water now. some people are shirtless and some people look hotter than they should in rash guards (*cough* khaotung *cough* nonnie wtf)
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this devastated me I had to pause and add precious seconds to my live watch to recover
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ray is really one of those people crashing through life taking psychic damage at every turn huh. I'm sorry I am so weak for characters that think they are terrible people
april and namcheum interactions so cute. april unfortunately looks and is styled so much like my ex in these scenes that I'm having trouble seeing objectively
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this is so intriguing god damnit. boston is playing aggressor but top is into it? a little? swear he's smiling in this scene. but also not engaging. does he want it a little but not as much as he wants to not wreck things with mew? did something else happen in that photo booth? how does he like it
...top secretly loves to bottom and boston's going to woo his seme-acting ass by seeing through to the real him
jk jk.
or? 👀
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yeah same top honestly. I don't trust either of y'all
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📣 multiple types of queer sex on screen 📣 p'jojo we love you!
oh god the friends with benefits vs fuck buddies talk. Nick's going to get so screwed. does he already know this? he sort of knows, right
the problem is that even though they are clearly winning the most-uneven-investment contest I am enjoying both these characters more than top and mew atp. maybe just because I enjoy a trajectory I can visualize a bit even if it's fucked up who knows
alright we're back at the bar and ray is trying to pick up a girl with his plant line. this is relatively wholesome but ray is not watching the show he's in. buddy you only get to sleep with people if at least one person is going to be fucked up about it
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(part 2) (all ofts watch throughs)
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calyxaomphalos · 2 years
The Ghosts of Windy Ridge
Turn #53, one component, neighbor #12 - Suzy - 5
14 April 2022, Thursday Morning
Checking my ephemeris for the Moon, I saw that it had entered the XIVth Mansion late the previous night, so when I was grinding my coffee beans, I was thinking most of the qualities of reuniting allies. There's a lot of hostile actions associated with the various Mansions of the Moon, not a whole lot of positives. But reuniting allies seemed useful, given how things seem to be going around this town.
Coffee ritual complete, I thought I'd head out for a little walk, perhaps take a look at the QRS Club House, maybe go see if Tina had a moment this morning, though I doubted it because it's a school day. I hadn't gotten very far from the cabin at all when I saw Suzy heading up the Centaur Ranch road toward me.
"Serren!" Suzy called out, waving.
"Hey, good morning, Suzy!" I replied. "How are you doing this fine day?"
"Not too bad. I'm really glad I ran into you! I was hoping we could talk? There are some things going on that you may want to know about. Can we go someplace more private?"
"Sure thing, the cabin I'm renting for the month is just back here, before you get out to the Centaur Ranch proper, but it's right on this same road."
We walked the few short yards back to the cabin in silence. I unlocked the door and showed Suzy to the little dining table and moved a few things out of the way.
"Can I get you a drink? I've got juice and water, or I could make you an espresso," I offered.
"Just water is great, thanks."
I got out two glasses and poured some water from a big bottle in the fridge, then sat down.
"What's on your mind?"
"I think you've heard that I'm Deacon at the church, right?"
"Yeah, I heard that and maybe more." I stopped before saying, "from Dani." They didn't need any trouble from my loose lips.
"Pastor Mitchelson has been saying some very uncomplimentary things about you. I'm sure he's wrong, though I know he'd be upset with me if he knew I was here at your cabin."
"Uh huh. I have a few uncomplimentary things I could say about Pastor 'Dick', truth be told." Suzy looked startled at the derogatory nickname, then looked down at her cup of water. A blush began to rise across her cheeks. I voiced one of my fears as gently as I could, "Suzy, is he hurting you in any way? Maybe touching you in ways which make you uncomfortable? Doesn't respect your boundaries?"
Suzy sniffled and took a sip of water. Very quietly she said, "Yes."
"It's OK if you're not ready to talk about it, but I am ready to listen without any judgment if you do want to talk."
"I'll try. I just..." Suzy sniffled again so I got up and found my box of tissues. "Thanks," she said when I handed her one. She took a deep breath and then started in on her story.
"Pastor Isaacs was the best, so patient and kind. He told me I would make a good Pastor someday. And then he was gone. And the new Pastor was sent by the Church. He talked down to me all the time. He berated me for showing any grief over Pastor Isaacs. Sometimes it just seemed so *wrong* to see him in that office, at that desk."
Suzy took another sip of water. I sat quietly, remembering my visit to that very office with Dani just last week. After blowing her nose and having another sip of water, Suzy continued.
"One day he took me out to the cemetery and made me look at Pastor Isaacs' grave. He made me sit on the headstone - " Susy sobbed and gasped for air. "He had my vibrator. He must have stolen it from my apartment. I felt so ashamed." She dissolved into tears.
I handed her another three tissues and said, "He had no fucking right."
Suzy sobbed again and then took a few quick deep breaths. "He used it on me. He said, 'You forget that old man. You are mine now.' And then he told me I couldn't have it back, that it was a sin..."
I was angry now. "I've got no judgment on you, but for *this* asshole.... I ought to see if I can maybe direct some local daemon over his way to, um, teach him a lesson."
"You can do that? I talk to Jesus a lot, but He only listens," Susy said.
"No promises. Like I can't promise I won't haul off and punch him in the nose next time I see him, but no, I know that would only make things worse," I said, as a panic spread across Suzy's face. "No, I won't do anything rash. You let me know if there's anything that you DO want me to do, and if you ever need a safe place to stay, I'll help you figure something out, OK?"
"OK," she said quietly.
"Maybe I'll see you tonight at Memaw Parker's award ceremony? In the meantime, can I drop you anyplace? I've got an errand I want to run."
0 notes
dreamiesdotcom · 3 years
you've been fooled! | p.js
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Summary: There's something about coffee, breathless moments, and watching memories of the many April 1st you've shared that makes it so hard to resist.
Word Count: 2.1k
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You've always been fine with being alone. Being alone afforded you silence, and that's all that you need to have the illusion of peace of mind. That's why months before entering this school, you considered it your mission to not get too much attention on you — if possible, none at all.
Only that it fails the moment you step in, an angel-faced boy asking you if God sent you to this school to guide him.
'No, my parents are the one who sent me here and it's so that I can get an education, not babysit kids.' You politely said, and now you can't even count how many people keep on praising you for doing that! How rare is it to see someone tell others to leave them alone? You swore that one more person trying to talk to you when you're trying to have a sandwich and you're —
"New kid?" a voice rings from behind you, and you turn your head back a little so you could see who's speaking. He grimaces a bit. "Oh, Y/N from the rival school, huh. I've heard fun things about you."
...perfect. Now, you can forget your mission and die.
Your day instantly glooms, and you turn back to your meal. All your plans of starting fresh has just been washed away, and you take an angry bite off your sandwich before someone completely ruins lunch for you.
"If it's about that video, leave me alone."
"Donghyuck! Oh God, I'm so sorry..." suddenly comes another boy, slightly panting as he pats the mean one's shoulder a little too harshly. His eye-smile makes it a little better.
"Hyuck's not trying to be mean, he just speaks like that. 'm so sorry!!!"
You squint at him, skeptical.
"Oh, I meant when you told Jaemin to back off when he tried to flirt with you on the hallways." Ah, that. What a fresh start, huh?
Said Donghyuck scratches his nape, looking sheepish as he takes the seat beside you. "Did I sound like I was picking a fight again?"
You chuckle to yourself. That probably explains the cut on his lips pretty well.
"Yeah, you kinda did. Sorry, bro, but I would've slapped you."
"What a way to spend your first day, then." He rolls his eyes, motions for his friends to move tables, who does with little hesitation, "Welcome to this hell hole! It's not the best, but it's as good as Satan's den could be."
You laugh, but you quickly notice curious stares directed at you. The person in front of you smiles shyly and looks away when you meet gazes, and honestly, you don't know how you went from there to a year later, Park Jisung shamelessly holding out a drink at your direction.
"Just drink it, it's iced chocolate! I made it myself!"
"That's nice, Sung... but I only drink coffee." you warily smile, "I don't like sweet things."
The sly smirk Renjun sends you from the other side of the table only encourages your little act, and it takes you all the self-control you could muster to not crack up then and there. Of course, you know what day it is. Of course, you're not gonna fall for his antics, nor the kicked-puppy expression he wears as he insists, "Liar! You live for sweets!"
But, you must admit that it did make you waver.
"No? I like strongly flavored stuff, Sungie," you point out with a grimace. Just for show, you point to Jaemin's cup beside you. "Like this: Nana's coffee, really bitter and strong. This is what I like."
Chenle holds in his laughter. "Since you made it yourself, why don't you just drink it?"
Jisung's eyes widen, "What? No!"
"Drink, Sungie!" comes in chants, alongside multiple repeated versions of 'Jisung! Jisung!' seems to hit something much like his pride, and he lifts it with an expression not suitable for the situation; he looked way too afraid of the chocolate drink. Everyone's holding in their giggles as they watch Jisung grimace and take a gulp out of the cup, trying to play cool even though he chokes not even moments later. Your smile widens.
The salt must be a nice twist.
What a classic, huh? Donghyuck grins, Cheshire and smug, and then he claps.
"Happy April Fool's day, everyone! Park Jisung has fooled himself!"
No way in the world are the only words circulating in your head as you pace around, and it's not at all helping. You heave a big sigh only to hiss at him, "What do you mean 'no pranks this year'?"
He shrugs and flops down his bed, "You know we're running out of ideas since Christmas."
"Oh," you widen your eyes, dropping down next to him with your palms covering your face in disappointment. You peek through your fingers, "This is bad."
The plastic stars you've plastered on his ceiling together with Renjun look sickly green at the moment and everything feels out of place. After all, what is April 1st without pranks? What's gonna happen now? You thrash around the bed. You muffle a scream and just hope that he'd open his mouth and come up with something.
"Hey, what about we go on a date as a prank?"
And as usual, his mouth is better off closed.
"Is this your way of flirting, or is this your way of asking me out?"
Jisung makes a confused sound, "What? It's gonna make them freak out, what do you mean?"
"Are you acting out on your feelings or do you actually think that's a good idea?" you take your hands off your face, sitting up and then shrugging at him, "Lines blurred."
"Err. Could be a prank, I guess..." he follows suit, sitting cross-legged in front of you. He smiles, "Unless... you want it to be a real date?'
"Dude, I don't know. When did you get this confidence? Years ago you were stuttering around me." You huff, not knowing where this conversation is going, but a flush creeps on your cheeks. You look down on your fingers as you mumble out the next words, "But if it is... well, sure. I'll go on a real date with you."
You didn't know what falling in love felt like, but in the middle of his room, something felt way too raw and surreal. What is it that says so much about him? Is it the plastic stars? The globe laying on his desk? The map taped at the side of the room? The way dull blue paints his walls, or the way constellations speckle his eyes? Maybe it's the yellow hoodie he's wearing? You don't know which, but right now, something feels strange — something in the scent of cinnamon and cocoa and shades of yellows and blues just feels unabashedly Jisung, and somehow, you just thought that it must be like this.
It should be legal to feel this good.
"Ha! You're kissing, aren't you— oh..."
You both startle to look at where the door swings open, everyone in your friend group standing behind an accusing Jaemin, each one of them looking at him with the eyes of murder. You crack up a laugh, falling over the bed laughing; alone is slightly less entertaining of a thought when you have friends.
"Aish, Na Jaemin —" Jisung groans, standing up while clapping at the older. "Happy April Fool's,  you've fooled yourself."
Knees pressed together, head down low, eyes closed, mind empty. Anguished and cold.
"But I've tried my best...." you dejectedly whisper, holding the paper in your hands that said 'Second' in silver delicate swirls. You look up to her with hopeful eyes, "All I need is a chance, mom. You see, Renjun's really good at that subject, he could help me—"
"Those friends again! 'You see', this is why you didn't make it as top of your class!"
"It's... it's one subject, mom. If I try harder, I can —"  you scramble to explain, chasing after her as she moves up the stairs. "You're... mom, you're not taking me away, aren't you?"
The despair in your tone doesn't even shake her. "One day. Go have your fun, and then we'll leave. I'll ask your brother to focus on you more."
"Mom, no! We said that if I study well here, I won't have to leave!"  you reason out. "I really like it here, and I have important people here, and I'm trying hard. We agreed that I'd get to stay if I don't cause trouble, and mom— mom, no, listen!"
"That's my choice. It's for the betterment of your academics—"
"But what about the betterment of my life? What about my choice, mom?"  you hate the way you feel so weak and your voice cracks, but through the blur of fears and your unshed tears, you croak out, "What about me?"
Anguished and cold. So cold, freezing. So loved and all on your own.
"Last time you made a choice, you shamed yourself and this family. You don't deserve your freedom, Y/N." She grimaces. The memory fills your gut with guilt, "And look at you, answering back at your own mother! It's those friends, isn't? They've ruined you more than you've already ruined yourself!"
Quickly enough, the remorse is gone and anger floods you. How dare she?! You look up to her in disbelief, "This is about you ruining my trust, mother. Not them."
"The boy, then." she muses, and it's where you decide that there's no changing her mind. "Love, Y/N, will get you nowhere at the moment."
But it's what kept me alive until now.
You inhale sharply at your thoughts. How does one make forever out of a day?
Maybe you can walk every street, every corner. That date you and Jisung never got to go to, you could do that too because heaven knows how much you wanted that. Maybe you can go take them anywhere, somewhere, and waste away. Maybe you could fall asleep staring at the stars, sharing your dreams, and maybe, just maybe, time wouldn't matter. Better yet, maybe you can change your mother's mind.
Maybe if you just try again, this time much fiercer although you've always been the fiercest, it might be possi—it's impossible. You realize it's impossible as you look out the car windows, watching the city change landscapes in blurs.
Maybe it's really just a different kind of heartbreak to be doing all that you could and still not get the results you wanted. More than it proved that now is not your time again, it also made you feel like a failure. Like you're lacking, insufficient. Never enough.
But you really, really thought you could stay. You hoped.
"Happy April Fool's..." you whispered to no one but yourself, meeting your mother's gaze as she smiles at you through the rearview mirror. You lean your head to the glass, eyes closed and mumbling under your breath, smiling on your own, "I've fooled myself."
And just like that, you were alone again.
"Good Morning, may I take your order?"
You press your lips in a thin line as you hear the muffled voice, phone in between your shoulders and ear as you search for your pouch somewhere around your bag. Hurriedly, you muster up your words, "Oh, yes, good Morning too! Just one Iced Americano, please—"
That voice... who?
Looking up, your heartbeat halts, and you try not to look so stunned, something you miserably failed. At least, that's what you read in his amused expression. You stay in silence as you wait for him to finish up your drink, carefully pushing your card towards him as you take your drink from his hold.
"I... I see you're still helping Yongie, huh?" you smile softly, hesitant. "Thank you, Jisung."
Flashbacks, sweet smiles, children at play every day of the year no matter how old — free. When was the last time you've missed such freedom?
He returns the favor, that saccharine expression, and you drag yourself out of the place before you decide to do something stupid. Why is it so easy to see the past years when you're watching it flash by through his eyes?
Standing outside the Cafe wistfully, you look at your cup, tracing over his messy handwriting of your name, basking on the nostalgia of seeing the same hastily written letters that somewhere in time occupied most of your cards, notebooks, and journals. A fond chuckle leaves your lips as you read the post-it note attached.
Happy April Fool's day!
I thought I'd give you hell once you come back for leaving, but well, Park Jisung's fooled himself, huh? My number's still the same. Let's talk sometime soon.
I missed you.
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Frist Kiss. (Jay Halsted)
Summary: You didnt want to date but Jay wore you down
Words: 1303
Requested: yes
Warnings or A/N: Sorry for thr spelling and grammerr errors. I didnt feel like correcting them.
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It had been a very busy day and everyone was running around. Paitent after paitent. It was like everyone collectively decided to go to the E.D today. You had only been working three hours but it felt like you had worked a double. "Yes, you're free to go,"
You walked out of the room and squirted some hand santizer on your hand as Maggie called over to you, "Everyone else is busy, you have any patients right now?"
You shook your head. "No. Mr. Belvins was my last one,"
"Halstead is in Triage one,"
You eyed her. "Which Halstead?"
You nodded and walked over to Triage. You pulled the curtain over and walked into the room. You saw Jay laying down on the bed. "So, Mister Halstead, what can I do for you today?"
He sat up and looked at you. "Oh just got into an inccident at work. Everyone seemed like they wanted to come to the E.D today, huh?"
"Pretty much, now tell me what happened during this inccident,"
"I was wrestling with prep and we both kinda fell from a 2nd story balcony,"
You stopped what you were doing and looked at him. "I know you are a officer and their frist thought is to catch the bad guy and protect the public but just some times, you can look after yourself,"
Jay didn't answer you. "Okay, are you in pain still?"
"Just a little. Voight made me come in and get looked at,"
You had sent Jay up to get x-rays and cat scans and everything you thought he needed to make sure he was gonna be okay.
It had been about an hour after his test came up all negative, you were about to go tell him when Will had stopped you. "So, is my brother finally in serious trouble?"
You shook your head. "No, come with me, I'm about to go tell him,"
Will nodded.
You had pulled the curtain completely over and Jay was sitting straight up. "If you dragged my brother into this, it must be bad news,"
You shook your head no. "Not this time, I just asked him to come because he stopped me before I started walking to tell you but I'm really surprised, you're not paraylized or dead accoeding to your file,"
"What can I say? I'm good at my job,"
"Or you suck at it,"
You said that without realizing it.
"Oh, I like you,"
You rolled your eyes. "Well anyways, you are free to go and please take care of yourself. You might not get a next time,"
You started walking from the room when Jay called after you. "Hey wait,"
You turned around. "Yes?"
"Let me take you out to dinner to celebrate,"
"I'm sorry but no,"
"Why not?"
"I don't date people who don't care about their lives,"
For the next couple of weeks, Jay would come into the hospital to try to win you over but you ingored any attempt. You were filling out paperwork when Will walked up to you and bumpped your arm. "Jay's here. Are you going to finally say yes? You know you want too, You guys would be so cute. You would have him wrapped around your finger,"
You rolled your eyes. Ever since, Will found out that Jay asked you out, he was non-stop teasing you about it. You were about to punch him in the arm when you felt a presence standing next to you, you looked over at who it was and it was Jay. Jay didn't even look at you. You opened your mouth to say no to him again but he beat you to it. "Will, I'm looking for a male about mid-30's white was brought in here about twenty minutes ago, GSW,"
Will nodded. "This way,"
Will then looked at you. "Think about it,"
You watched them go into a room, confused, becuase Jay always made a comment towards you even when he was super busy. This case must be a pretty bad one. You ingored the sting that it caused and went on with your day.
You had walked out of a paitent's room about ten minutes later, when you see Jay walking out of the room and towards the exit. No look at you. No comment. Nothing. "Everything okay, Halstead?"
He turned aorund and nodded. "Yep, we got the shooter in custody, just wanted to see what the victim story was,"
You nodded. "Oh..so why the cold shoulder?"
Jay looked at you. "Becuase, I'm done. I'm done wasiting my time on a girl that doesn't want me,"
Jay said his goodbye and left.
Not gonna lie that kinda hurt.
The next few days, you didn't hear from Jay nor see Jay and it was making your mind go a mile a minute. You weren't going to lie, him coming in every other day to try to convince you was working, you didn't realize it until it was too late. You saw Will walking out of a room. You walked up to him. "Hey, how's your brother?"
"He's good. I guess,"
"Do you know where I could find him?"
"Try Molly's after shift,"
You nodded and started to walk off.
"I feel bad for the way things ended,"
After shift, you had changed into normal clothes and drove to Molly's. You only ever been there once or twice when April held a party there. You opened the door to Molly's and it wasn't really packet. Only a few people. You quickly spotted Jay sitting alone at one of the booths. Your heart broke when you seen that. He didn't notice you until you spoke to him. "Mind if I sit?"
"Go for it,"
You sat down and looked at him. "Look, I'm so-"
"Why are you apoligzing? You didn't do anything wrong?"
"You told me from the get go, you weren't interested in me but I didn't listen and I learned my lesson the hard way. Sometimes, you gotta get your heart broken before you realized,"
"I broke your heart?"
Jay took a sip from his beer. "Yep. My fault though. I should have realized you would like something like my brother,"
You luaghed hard when he said that. "You think I like your brother?"
"I seen the way you two act around each other and the 'think about it' thing,"
You rolled your eyes and made Jay scoot over so you were sitting next to him. "That thing was him talking about how I should give YOU a chance, you dim-wit. I don't like your brother,"
"Look, Jay. The real reason, I didn't want to date you is because I've never had a real relationship, yes I went on a dates but never had a real boyfrined. Hell, I havent even had a first kiss. I've just been to busy with studying medicine and getting top in my class to care, so what I'm saying is that I don't know how to do relationships,"
"But you stop coming to see me for the past week made me realize that I do want to try with you. I know it might be too late, but I'm willing to try if you are,"
You looked over at Jay but he was already look at you. He didn't say anythin but leaned over to you and kissed you.
You just had your first kiss with a guy that you were pretty sure, you could fall in love with.
Before you could even get into the kiss, Jay pulled away. "I'm so sorry, I just took your frist kiss away and I-"
You shook your head and kissed him back.
You didn't care that he took your frist kiss, you were happy that it was him.
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thinking journal for season 12 Prime Empire 😎😎😎 (2/2)
Here we go with the next part! I really hope we get some major big plot twist at some point, because it's all really cool but I need something to really change from good to GREAT
For now, let's focus on the next episodes!
It's the 17th of April and here we go!
I feel like there's little time to really pull up something, I don't know. Like, what plot twist could happen now that there just half season left with only Unagami/Dyer's identity and maybe Scott's past as mysteries? There's little space for more plotlines, that's what I think
Overall fighting scenes, character designs and game backgrounds are AWESOME!!
Let's see how it goes, maybe I'll be surprised. Wouldn't be weird for Ninjago to pull a bomb last episode 😅
Okay, so there is a photo, and there is a friend. As I thought, Dyer might not be Unagami at all, I feel like there's a lot of backstory coming along. I wonder if Scott has a part in this... WHERE IS SCOTT 💙
Ah, of course Kai would spend his credits on an avatar, I should've known, my flame babe can be such a dummie sometimes I mean why would you even do such a thing as buying an avat-
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NEVER MIND I LOVE IT 😍😍🔥🔥 I thought him being blonde was going to bother me, I actually kinda like the change. Still prefer my baby brunette, but it's really cool as well. The best of this season are definitely the characters designs
Was that "let's fight an ogre mission" a hint for next season? I wouldn't be weird, but it's been a while since I've seen forshadowing for new season in this show
HECK YEAH THE DANCING EPISODE!!! I was waiting for this, Jaya is so cute while they are on the dancefloor 😍 They have chemistry 😘😘😘
I like the implication that Nya was really bad at dancing before Jay, like Kai covering his eyes because he cannot handle her sister not being perfect at something 😛
And Cole being the dance expert, that little tango moment with Kai I bet made many lavashippers super happy 🖤❤🖤❤
JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! Nya better say I love you back soon, like Kai and Skylor are a little behind, Zane and Pixal already said it, Jay can't stop doing it, come on girl it's your turn! 😎😎
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Okay, I think my theory won't happen 😅 Feels like there are not enough episodes for a good reveal, and it doesn't seem like Scott is that influenced by Jay. My last idea is that perhaps he has spent so much time in the game like Jay said (POOR BABY 😭) that he doesn't remember. Maybe the moment he will come back, we will find out that it is Jay's brother/twin, I mean he still has those dragon and lightnings drawing on his back... yeah I like this theory a lot, gonna hold on to it!
So Scott is indeed a person trapped in a game, at least that's confirmed 👍
Also he's got some major issues, the poor thing, and I think there is some special reason behind him not wanting to race besides having just one life.
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OH MY GARMADON 😂😂😂 Okay, okay, it's actually better than I expected really. The scarf is cool, and so are the golden tattoos, the suit and the golden sleeve. It's just the mohawk that will take time to get used to, it's not even bad, just weird 🤷‍♀️
Racer Seven is so cool! Always nice seeing a new female character in this show that is not a love interest. I do love Nya, Pix and Sky to death, but I love variety too 💪
Really, really nice the piece of all Racer Seven's crashes! Impactful and sad, a never ending loop that she wants to break through from. That's the heavy stuff I like!
Okay, ready for the race! And I'm... scared? Like, a lot of they guys have one life?? KAI HAS ONE LIFE?? 😱😱 I hope for the best I guess 😅
Might be my favorite episode yet
Seven is SO COOL, it's another reason why I'm sad these episodes are so short! I really would had liked see her more, truly have her bond with the guys
Soooo... I guess since Scott's been in the game for 30 years it's safe to assume he's not Jay's brother/twin. To be fair it's really hard to tell a LEGO person's age😅 At this point I guess he could be either Dyer's friend, even if it sounds unlikely, or... idk, still think he could have a connection with Jay. Maybe he's like... an older brother? Libber had him a long while ago?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY DID SCOTT HAVE TO DIEEEEEEEE??? 😭😭😭 Just when he was getting more involved, come on! He even said he wanted to try that hero stuff, I love him! WE WILL SAVE YOU MY TECH BABY!!!
Cole getting a ride from Kai, this season has some pretty good lava material ❤🖤❤🖤
I've got some major Ninjaball Run vibes from this, that brings me back 😂 Even the no rules thing is there, come on, there has to be a little bit of inspiration from it!
Still don't know what I think of the rats, kinda seems useless and annoying, gonna be honest. But it's a nice race, exciting with nothing big happenin-
Kai and Cole sacrifice for Jay
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I so, so enjoyed how they did it. Like, one look between them to realize that yes, this is it, Jay is the expert and needs to go on. This is the end of our race... AAAHHH!! (Infinite shipping potential too)
Omg Nya screaming her brother's name and Jay his best friend's name, while Lloyd looks so devastated (those masks are actually kinda espressive, I really like them). Wow. This is the angst I needed, finally👌
YES SEVEN WON!!! HECK YEAH GIRL!!! SO HAPPY FOR HER!!! Also Okino in the background being happy, nice touch!
And now they are three... it's gonna end up with only Jay huh. I... I'm not ready actually, my heart 😢 They better all hug when this is all over!!!
The music of the old school section was actually very nice, reminds me of the past, I kinda hoped The Fold were going to release some game themed songs. Been a while since I have one of those 😍
Lol, explaining the side scroll games was actually pretty cool
YES THEY ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED THE AIRJITSU!! Maybe they will remember they can used it, right Cole? The ladder scene? YOU CAN FLY???
OMG NYA ACTUALLY SAID CICLON-DO JUST HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! All the way from my favorite season Possession, Jay's definition of airjitzu that I actually still kept in one of my fanfictions 😂
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Okay the design of the temple of madness is REALLY cool, you can immediately tell it's from an old videogame. Gives me the double vibe the googles for the first 3D movies used to give me 😂
Also look at this
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THIS IS ADORABLE!! 💙💚💦 Really old style videogame 😂
And there we go!! Harumi!! Since I saw her in the set I was wondering what she was going to be, maybe an avatar or an NPC of some sort... THIS HURTS WAY MORE!!! And of course pure heart BABY boy Lloyd doesn't feel good fighting her, he had a crush on her! AND HE FREAKING SAW HER DIE!!! It's really sad that he still hopes for her to be good...
The fighting scenes are really, REALLY good! So fluid and active! This fight was really pleasant to watch, not gonna lie 💜
Okay, down to three members. Remaining Zaptrap and water godess... omg Nya will totally die first and at that point Jay will go completely nuts. I'm both scared and DYING TO HAPPEN!!! ANGST FINALLY!!! THIS IS THE STUFF!!
Got some major Skybound feeling, like when it was only Jay and Nya... will Nya finally say I love you back?? I HOPE SO ❤💙❤💙
With the three keytana now, what will happen? I'm actually curious now, this is the exciting stuff I need! And yes I do realize it's a little weird that for getting hype I need my faves to die 😅
The Weekend Whip with sax, never thought I needed this in my life 😍
Bet Brent had a blast recording this
Okay this is the third Chima reference I see, they better throw some Nexo Knights hits as well next season! Come on, it's about freaking knights!!!
This is not what I expected when they said there was going to be an episode with only Zane and Pixal but I'm sure as HECK not complaining 👌
Oh, seeing Pixal joining in so normally is so beautiful, I really wish we could have her even more often
Dareth's karaoke bar! From Sons of Garmaron! Also him guessing first try because the ninja really do get post in other dimensions very often 😂 Gotta love them indeed
Pff Zane narrating and getting stopped every time because of it, how I missed this naive little nindroid
So the bartender Tony is the friend? That's it? A little easy really, hoped for more... still calling him Milty is cute 💕
Buddy's Pizza from season 2!!! This season is killing me with references and I LOVE IT SO MUCH 💜💜💜
So, the mechanic is free again (the Kryptarium dudes should really learn how to do their job right 😓), Zane is kidnapped, and Pixal has a fedora that makes her possibly even cuter. I have emotions
AH!! KNEW IT!! UNAGAMI IS NOT DYER!! FREAKING CALLED IT!!... kinda expected really, but still called it 😅
So Unagami was the first name of Prime Empire and is also an AI that got crazy and was shut down, but now is back after programming the game itself and wants to get to the real world?... I'm down with it
So I'm guessing we won't get much of a Scott backstory... Eh, let's see how it goes!
I was seriously confused by why those dudes wanted to kidnapped Wu, but it made sense later. Still come on sensei, you're a freaking half god or something, pull yourself together 🤦‍♀️
Very nice that Pixal is the one to bring up the argument about feelings and AI. So very nice to have her in this!!!
Oh finally the backstory of Unagami I'm really curious about what happened in the past and what exactly brought the shut down of Prime Emp-
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So Scott was the first beta tester, Milton asked Unagami to make the experience as exciting as possible, and that ended very badly so the game was shut down and THEY LEFT HIM INSIDE FULLY KNOWING HE WAS THERE??? I HATE DYER NOW!!!
Although it is really interesting knowing a tech genius like him, until now we got Dr. Julien and Cyrus Borg that were plenty open about the idea of AI with feelings as meaningful as humans'. While he doesn't get that, they are only machines for him and that's the reason why he doesn't understand how much Unagami is mad and filled with need for revenge.
This is why I want more than 11 minutes, the themes of this season are really, REALLY cool. I would have loved more introspection and development.
I guess Scott being Jay's brother is officially debunked 😅 Although I am curious about the life he left behind, since he was stuck in that game for 30 years. He still has those lightnings on the jacket I don't understand...
The portal is open, Zane might get destroyed, Unagami wants revenge, Jay and Nya are the only one left and I'm pretty sure Nya will be killed as well leaving only Bluebell so there's THAT. So yeah, this is actually pretty cool!
Two episodes left. Okay Ninjago season 12 Prime Empire, wow me 😎
This felt a little simple if I'm gonna be honest. I felt like the last mission before facing Unagami was a little basic, with nothing really exciting. Still liked it, but this is probably my least favorite episode 🤷‍♀️
Of course, put Jay is a sushi restaurant-themed level and he will kill you with puns 😂 I love this prankster
Again, the fighting scenes are dope. Definitely one of my favorite things since they changed the animation. You lose something you win something 😙
Wooo, Jay saying that he had trained for years just for kick his butt was actually cool! Bluebell is unleashing!
"And that's how we roll!". You rock we roll, am I right 😂
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I wish Nya said that she loves Jay back though! Freaking come on girl, he is your yang!!! ❤💙❤💙
Unagami is not Dyer, he wants to get to the real world, I'm actually kinda curious about the confrontation that is about to happen... ALSO THERE BETTER BE LOTS OF HUGS WHEN THIS IS OVER
I... genuinely forgot about the dragon medallion 😅 Eh, I love dragons so I'm fine with it. Well, let's see how it ends!!!
Wow, I actually love this ending?? A LOT?? After last episode I didn't have much hope, but after seeing it I gotta say, it was really great 👌👌
Thanks for not dying on us again Zane, much appreciated
Jay taking charge is quite rare and when it happens you know things are about to get crazy 😂 It was really nice seeing how sensible he could be, telling that Unagami wasn't evil after all, that he needed closure and answers
I know I miss the animation peak we reached with SoG and Hunted, but I gotta say the atmosphere of the city with the lightnings and the gray sky was really awesome. Very cool.
Pff, that part with the elevator though, reminds me of the one in season 1 that made me start watch Ninjago ✌ Also it's always Borg's Tower indeed 😂
And wow. WOW. I didn't expect Jay to drop the I'm adopted bomb on us, I think I never heard him talk about it since Skybound (that technically never happened so 😅). It was SO good seeing him sympathize with Unagami because he was also left with no explaination. His desire to know, along with the hope that the past is the past, but they had a good reason for. Also he freaking said he didn't have the chance to ask because Cliff is dead and I 😭😭😭😭
And here I melted, because we finally see the situation for what truly is, the way Jay also sees it: Unagami is a kid, a child that doesn't understand how the world works, that just wants to make his father proud but got rejected instead. The confrontation was actually touching, I really wish we had more time for that. Even a little resistance from Unagami, another fight, and a finally reconcilliation with Dyer.
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Could you seriously be cuter than this?? ❤💙❤💙 I wished for more hugs but I'll settle for this I guess 😍
Okay, very nice to see Seven and Okino out there and deciding to live their lives in Ninjago, nice to see some others like the rats going back to Prime Empire. As Unagami said, he gave them a choice, it's up to them at this point
But I'm sorry, WHY ARE WE NOT GOING TO TALK WITH SCOTT??? That guy's been trapped inside the game the longest, not even a "Hey bud, you're alive, cool cool"? I know I've been overbearing about how much I love Scott, especially since I had all those theories about him (still don't know why he has lightnings on his jacket and hat, is it just a style thing? Idk), but come on! Well I guess if he's happy I am 🤷‍♀️
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Is that his girlfriend or something? After 30 years? Or maybe she got trapped with him a while later? Or maybe that's his... mom? Look, we all know determine the age of LEGO characters is hard, give me a break please 😅😅
Overall, very nice ending, it brought everything together quite nicely. I'm satisfied, yes!! 💜💜
As I said, the episodes' lenght I really think gets in the way of making this an excellent season. There is so much that could be explored more, the choice matter, all the amazing characters, and the AI feelings stuff from the latest episodes. There is room for more, I wished we got that
The characters though were really amazing. Between Scott, Okino, Seven and Unagami himself, there were very different personalities with very different dreams and thoughts, that made this ride much more interesting
Fighting animation was 👌👌👌
Comebacks from past seasons were 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Maybe it didn't really focused on Jay as much until the end? Yeah it was about him, but we got to see his sensibility and his past only last episode. He loves Nya, he likes videogames, of course but there's more about him than meets the eye! Wished we saw that, but in general it was nice seeing him first line again 💙
I liked this season. It has flaws, but I enjoyed many parts and at the end I was left satisfied 👍
Just... wasn't Jillian supposed to be in this? Or is it next season? She said a mom was going to come back, I took for granted it was going to be Edna. I'm curious about next season now... FINALLY A COLE SEASON EVERYONE!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Thank you for leaving notes to my last rant, this helps me not jump excitedly every time a new episode comes out 😅 Well then, that's all from me!! Have a nice day everyone!! 💜💜💜
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Being Useful for You
Hello My Friends? Are you enjoying this hiatus and the Holidays???
Here I am with a new meta from this series, this time I'm gonna talk exclusively of episode 9x09 Holy Terror. The Destiel scene here is a classic one, full of flirtation, had been analyzed a hundred of times, so it will be a hundred and one! 🤣🤣
I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder she made all the gifs for this meta and discussed the episode with me, thank you my dear! 😍💕
Now, let's began.
Let it shine
When the episode starts... There's this faction of the angels coming into a bar for a fight with Malaqui's angels.
The nuns were singing...
♪ This little light of mine ♪
♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪
♪ this little light of mine ♪
♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪
♪ this little light of mine ♪
♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪
♪ let it shine, let it shine, let it shine ♪
Which is a prelude to Castiel recovering his angel's powers.
But then, inside the bar... The rebels angels, anarchists, were listening this song...
you got a nasty disposition ♪
♪ no one really knows the reason why ♪
♪ you got a bad, bad reputation ♪
♪ gonna hang your head down and cry ♪
♪ you got bad, bad luck ♪
♪ bad, bad luck ♪
♪ you got bad, bad luck ♪
Again this is talking about Castiel, like that bad one between the angels. The one with the bad reputation.
And is not casualty Cas will take the grace from one of the rebels. Because his rebellious nature.
Flirting in front of Sam
When they arrived to the bar, Dean and Sam found Cas already investigating as an FBI agent.
And because Sam was ignoring the whole "Zeke" situation, he saw Cas working and it was fun for him, feeling all proud, he went with the river.
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But Dean wasn't amused. He knew the whole angels want to kill Cas issue, so he knew Cas won't be safe.
But... There was a really blatant flirty situation between Human Cas and Dean.
Castiel was a little drunk, because it was his first time doing that, I think he repeated that like twice, and a very easy going fluidity of words and second meanings.
Let's see ...
CASTIEL: It is so good being together again. You know, this is my first beer as a human. I hope it's okay, me joining you?
SAM: Why wouldn't it be okay?
DEAN (looks alarmed at this turn of the conversation) You know, Cas, are you sure you're ready to jump back into all this? I mean, it seemed to me like you'd actually found some peace.
CASTIEL: Hey, you once told me that you don't choose what you do. It chooses you.
DEAN: Huh?
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Dear is still his role model, and more now that he's a human.... But the flirtation starts with a suggestive movement coming from Castiel. He had lived a couple of flirty situations with Dean in episode 9x06, even if he's kind of innocent, he is not that innocent when is about seduction, as I said so many times, he knows about seduction, and maybe he could notice some of these in Dean when he came alone to see him in the Gas n sip. And then in the car. So he knows... Now there's not boundaries between them. They're both humans... So... A little of alcohol and he went for it...
Look at Castiel's eyes and head movement, he also caressed his bottle gently, with a seductive gaze, he know perfectly what he is doing.
SAM: All right, well, then, in that case, we have to figure out, uh, who are we up against, what do they want, and how do we stop them.
CASTIEL: Well, Bartholomew wants to reverse Metatron's spell. Presumably to – to retake Heaven once his following is large enough. (...)
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Wow... Here. Castiel had lived the fact that Dean had been jealous about Nora, so, why not try jealousy again? Yeah, let's mention this reaper... So Dean picked up that ball quickly.
The reaper you banged well that was kind of hard, and not with a buddy face of approval there... He looks mad, and jealous. Yeah, the reaper you banged, is like a jilted Lover recriminating a betrayal to his lover.
And Cas responds... Yeah, and you stabbed.
And his face is like YEAH, YOU WAS JEALOUS.
We all know Dean killed her because he killed Cas. But the tone of the conversation takes another context because their faces. Is like they're playing there to change the cause of April's death. You stabbed her because I had sex with her and you was jealous of her.
Tasting very dangerous waters... Dean redirect the chat to how hot she was.
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Dean is the one who replaces the gay tension, to the straight safe place. And Castiel follows him. Because he is not unaware of this. He knows exactly what Dean is trying to do. And when Castiel does that, Dean comes back again to openly flirt with him.
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That's a very suggestive gaze, and line, and everything, he even smiled at him with the tongue between his teeth, looking adorable, he know he looks adorable doing that, and I'm pretty sure he uses to seduce. Even the touch in the shoulder, everything here is pure flirtation my friends... And Sam was there... Pure thrid wheel soul looking at them in awe, how they're doing that at sunlight.
Then he will try to be a good brother, and leave them alone, but my sweet Cas didn't pick up that intention... And he will offer himself to go for more beers.
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SAM (smiling at the exchange)
All right. I'm gonna get us another round.
CASTIEL: Nah. I'll get it.
CASTIEL hops off his bar stool, then returns.
Mm. (swigging the last of his old beer, and setting the bottle on the table.)
You know, I've never done this before.
And that line again, he is too cute. But what Cas, you had never flirted so openly with Dean? 🤣🤣🤣
Cas' prayer
But not everything was fun, because we had right there our official cockblocker, Gadriel.
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So, is goodbye again.
Castiel is by himself and he decided to give a try to the pray.
If you recall in episode 9x03 Castiel went to a Church and he found a woman that talked about what faith meant to humans. Well he tries to use some of that, trying to contact other angels to get some info about the case.
That scene of Castiel praying in different postures was delightful. Trying to use what he learned, being human again. He even asked to himself if he's doing it properly.
When he was captured by Malaqui, he uses his strategy again. Malaqui names him like THE GREAT CASTIEL, and he is indeed. His innate soldier flaws again, and he was able to steal grace and scape from their captures. Not just that, but he killed all the angels in that place.
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Why he decided to take Theo's grace and came back to the game like an angel? Because he heard Ezequiel was dead. And again Sam and Dean were in danger. And he felt he wasn't useful in his shape as a human. He thought maybe Dean was trying to protect him because he thought he wasn't useful like that. So he wanted to be useful.
I did what I had to
I will talk about this quote in another volume because it repeats all over season 9, and twice in this episode, first Theo and then Castiel.
But, let's come back to the fact that Castiel took a stolen grace (in one of the most sexy scenes I ever saw... Well... Is Misha, he makes everything hot) because he wanted to save Sam and Dean, to be useful to the battle. And he felt he would be more useful as an angel.
So, he called Dean by the phone (pointing Cas knows Dean's number) and we had this sad conversation...
CASTIEL (on the phone) Dean, I don't have a lot of time, so listen. The leader of the opposition is an angel named Malachi.
DEAN: How do you know that?
The concern is all over Dean's voice, he needs to know because he knows this case was very dangerous for Castiel, and he feels guilty for leaving him alone. Even if he knows Cas is strong, his protective nature can't handle the fact he failed to his friend in protecting him.
CASTIEL: He had me. I, uh, I was tortured. But I got away.
DEAN: How?
CASTIEL: I... I did what I had to. I became what they've become. A barbarian.
Here is the quote, is the mission, for the mission, he became a barbarian.
DEAN: What are you – Cas, where are you?
Dean is sensing Castiel is making bad decisions again, he thinks because he wants to help angels, but the truly reason why is HIM AND SAM.
CASTIEL: It's better I stay away. They're gonna want me even more now. But I'm gonna be all right. I... I got my Grace back. Well, not mine per se, but it'll do.
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This is it. Cas is an angel again. Dean and Cas know they're in war, but... They had began something... Now the boundaries between them are here again... So is kind of frustrating...
Castiel smiles... The mojo is so Dean, to describe his grace. Yes is sad because they will be separated by that difference, but is necessary...
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When Cas says I'm an angel, Dean asks immediately : And you are okay with that?
Because, what would be nice for Cas being a human? He suffered a lot, he doesn't even had a place, or his own bed. Why on Earth Dean was thinking Cas was feeling great as a human? He is not talking about those things, at all, he knows Cas was not having a great life, or great human experience. Then why Dean is asking this? Because of them. Him and Cas. It was obvious they were free, to do, say or even flirt with each other, and that felt good. The easy going, because they were both humans, not boundaries between them. Because both of them knew this. Even with that cockblocker and being apart, maybe Dean was thinking it wouldn't be for ever and eventually, Cas will be living in the bunker with them and maybe... Just maybe... They could be finally together.
So... Because they felt that thing between them, so real now that Cas was a human, so reachable... Why now to choose to be an angel again? Right. War. Mission. That's the way Cas thinks. Goodbye opportunity...
Then, Dean was about to say something... Something we will never know, because Castiel cut him off, I know this is frustrating, but the way Dean says CAS, it could be something coming from his frustrated and concerned heart.
And Cas ... He needed to be useful for Dean. For his mission.
To Conclude:
Castiel and Dean kept flirting. Cas being a human, without boundaries, knowing Dean had flirted with him in episode 9x03, decides to do the same, Dean doesn't stays back, and flirted with him too in front of Sam.
Castiel decided to get back to the game as an angel when he hears Dean and Sam were in danger. He also felt he wasn't useful for Dean, because he rejected him twice, so maybe for this war, he needed to come back powerful like an angel.
I hope you like this meta, I'll see you in the next one!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @tenshilover20 @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester
If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas from season 9, here are the links...
Vol. XL; Vol. XLI, Vol. XLII
Buenos Aires December 23rd 2019 9:32 PM
154 notes · View notes
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Today is April’s first day at Atwater And Steele, a law firm associated with Jorge Castillo. April exits the elevator, and the room she enters is filled with lawyers. "Dr. Coleman."
Marian makes her way over to April with a smile. "Marian." She shakes the lawyer's hand. "It's good to see you again."
"Likewise. Walk with me." April nods and starts walking next to Marian. "After you accepted the offer, I looked more into your background, and I'm impressed. You've achieved so much academically, which is impressive considering your age."
The two enter Marian's office. "I already knew how smart you were because of the case we worked together." Marian sits by her desk. "I mean, bachelor degrees, masters degrees, PhDs. Fluent in seven languages."
April nods a little, brushing off the impressed look on Marian's face. "I would get bored and learn a new language." She takes a seat opposite Marian.
"Photographic memory?"
"Eidetic," April corrects her. "I remember everything I read, basically."
Marian nods. "That's something that's going to come to use when we work on cases. We have a client, and I'm leaving it to you to do a background check on her. Find out everything you can on this woman- where she likes to hang out, who she is friends with and related to. Everything."
"Yes, ma'am." Marian grabs a file from the desk and hands it to April.
"Your new desk has your name on it, so it's easy to locate. Get started."
"Yes, ma'am." With the file in hand, April walks out of the office. Her desk wasn't far from Marian's office, and she found it almost immediately.
When April sees Marian exit her office, she grabs the piece of paper from her desk and approaches her. "Marian."
"What did you find?"
"Jennifer's parents are Allen and Megan," April starts. "Jennifer took over her father's company after he passed away due to natural causes, and her mother works in law enforcement. She usually hangs out at Shot Tower Coffee with her good friend, Leslie Doyle."
"Good." Marian smiles as she grabs the paper from April- she then proceeds to hand her the folder she was holding. "I want that on my desk at the end of the day." She doesn't give April the chance to respond because she walks away.
April goes back to her desk, sitting down and placing the folder on the table. Before getting started on the assignment, she emails Eddie Tate- Caleb's friend. April writes that she is a law student looking to clear Caleb's name, and she wants to meet.
The email is sent. April grabs the folder but gets a text before she can open it. It's from Mark- he wrote that the plan is in motion.
Michaela opens the door, letting April into Wes' apartment. Michaela called her earlier and told her everything- their plan to leak the files and get Jorge arrested. She told her that Jorge got Wes killed. "I couldn't keep this a secret anymore," Michaela says. She sits on the bed, next to Laurel.
"I had a feeling he was involved," April tells them. "That's why I took the job at Atwal and Steele. They're associates."
"Wait," Michaela speaks up in surprise. "Are you serious?"
"I know I said I would let it go, but my mom is dating this guy. They're both bad people."
"She is right," Laurel tells Michaela, agreeing with April.
"We have the chance to take them both down now. Two birds, one stone." April crosses her arms. "You get the idea. Besides, they can't get married in prison."
Oliver barges in, startling Michaela and Laurel. "Hey, I have good news!" He closes the door.
"God, Oliver, you need to knock!" Laurel exclaims.
"I'm sorry. I-I'm too excited." Oliver looks over at April, who is leaning against the desk now. "H-hi, April."
"She knows."
Oliver seems surprised by Laurel's statement. "You're in?"
"To take down Jorge and my mom? Obviously." April walks up to a confused Oliver. "What were you going to say when you barged in?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, right. I spoke to Lazlo," he tells them.
"You outed us to the ponytail guy?" Michaela asks.
"All I.T. guys are the same. You get them talking about the size of their hard drive, and they can't shut up. The only access to it is completely air-gapped."
April scoffs. "Of course it is."
Michaela glances at her girlfriend before moving her attention back to Oliver. "English, Oliver."
"Air-gapped means it's walled off from the outside world, which means it's totally unhackable. I would need a security badge specially coded for the room, and only four of those are given out in the entire firm- Lazlo and the three senior partners on the Antares case."
Michaela is quick to protest. "No."
"Tegan is our only way in," Laurel tells her.
"Then we need to find another way in. I'm not sabotaging her entire career for this."
"You just met her."
"She could end up dead like that nerdy accountant."
"Well, Wes is already dead!"
"Whose fault is that?!" Michaela immediately regrets her words. "I-I-I didn't mean that. I didn't. I-I'm sorry." Laurel turns away.
Michaela walks around the bed to face Laurel. "I'm- I'm upset. But Tegan has been good to me and generous and nice, supportive. So I'm destroying one of the very few good people in my life."
"But we can't have come this far to just turn away. We have to be strong. We have to stick to the plan. That is what we all owe Wes."
"Laurel is right, Michaela," April speaks up. "Jorge and my mom need to be locked up, and if Tegan is our way to do it then I'm willing to take that risk."
"I don't see another way here," she interrupts Michaela. "If there was another way to get in, we would take it. But there isn't."
Michaela looks at her for a moment, before looking away- not responding. April looks down on her phone and sees that Eddie has responded to her email- he wants to meet.
Eddie sent April his address in the email. He lives in an apartment. She knocks on the door and waits for him to answer, which doesn't take long. "You must be April," is the first thing Eddie says. "Come in."
"Thanks." April walks into the apartment, and Eddie closes the door. "Thank you for agreeing to meet.”
"No problem. Let's sit."
"You've got a nice apartment." They sit in the living room area.
"Thank you. I was surprised to hear from you."
"Really? How's that?"
"Well, you being a law student. And I've seen you on the news."
April gives him a tight smile. "That was a long time ago. As you know, I'm here to talk about Caleb."
Eddie nods. "Right. What's there to say? He was a good man, and, unfortunately, he died. He was way too young."
"You say he was a good man. In what way do you mean?" April tries to stay calm, not wanting to blow her cover.
"Well, Caleb was a cop, and he loved to help people," Eddie says. "He would go out of his way to make sure people were safe. He was good like that."
April nods at his answer, silently disagreeing. "I see."
"A lot of people hated Caleb because he was a cop, but they didn't know him like I did. I'm not just saying this because we were friends. Caleb was always there for people he cared about."
"So, you don't think Caleb would do any harm to anyone?"
Eddie shakes his head, finding the questions ridiculous. "Absolutely not. That's not who he was."
"Okay," April gives him a slight nod. "Then we just have to make people think that too. It's not going to be easy. People already don't trust cops, understandingly."
"How so?"
"History," April shrugs slightly. "Police's treatment of black people and the way they support rapists over rape victim. I mean, it's not that hard to understand."
"Something tells me you're speaking from personal experience."
"I guess I am."
"So, what's the story?"
April lets out a slight chuckle. "This isn't about me."
"I want to hear it."
"Nope. Sorry."
Eddie chuckles slightly. "Fine. I'm going to get us some tea, and then we'll continue." He stands up.
"Oh, you don't have to."
"Of course I do. I will be right back." Eddie makes his way to the kitchen, leaving April alone.
"Tell me about Caleb and Cassandra," April says before taking a sip from her tea.
"They met randomly in some park. I don't remember where," Eddie starts, his cup of tea in his hand. "Caleb called me right after they met. Told me they had this long conversation. It's like they clicked immediately." He smiles at the memory. "He talked about that day a lot. Their relationship was great. I mean, they had their arguments, but what couple doesn't?"
"What did Cassandra think about the rumors that were going around about Caleb?"
"She didn't believe them. She knew Caleb. Loved him."
"Killed him."
Eddie sighs. "I loved Caleb, but if she killed him, then I know she had a reason. Cassandra isn't a violent person, so I believe that she wouldn't have done it unless she thought it was her last option."
April is surprised by his answer. "You're not upset that she killed your friend?" She puts the cup down, feeling a little lightheaded.
"I was upset at first, but I understand now." Eddie tilts his head slightly to the side, observing her.
April is trying to focus on Eddie, her vision getting blurry. "You okay there?" He chuckles.
"Uh," April mumbles, confused. Not knowing what's happening. She rubs her forehead as her vision continues to get worse.
"Don't worry," Eddie tells her. She feels weak and sleepy- and somewhat, it feels familiar. "You're just going to sleep," his voice sounds like a whisper. Slowly, her vision goes dark.
0 notes
tamiddyinyourcity · 4 years
Not feeling so wonderful today.
Sunday, April 19th of 2020.
The year is flying by fast. Seems like just yesterday, I was on my top bunk, crying about not getting invited to my ex's birthday party, or about our relationship ending, and feeling horrible for weeks.
Now fast forward to April, and as I'm on week 3 of room deep cleaning after 4 years of a lack of access to most of my items..... And, guess what I just found?
The earrings he had gave me on Christmas.
Still a sweet sentiment. Despite me owning several pairs that seemed identical to them, seeing them again so closely, they still are unique. Very dainty and small, smoother, realistic texture, and silver backings. Maybe they are real pearls.... huh.
He was still
Aaaaaa I'm in a slightly better mood now. :)
As I was saying, he was still sweet for giving me the earrings. He was a really nice and forgiving guy, and downright charming when he wanted to be. I was happy with him, I just wish he listened more when I tried opening up to him, and took me seriously, you know?
I still state that I would've never left him, if that were the case. Seriously. I really digged the dude, it's not like I stay up until almost 3am on Christmas Eve blowing (way too much) money on pins and painting handmade cards with declarations of joy at us getting back together on the back for ANYBODY, you know?
I still sadly don't see myself wearing the earrings.... I'll feel guilty if I do.
Moreso like sure, the perk of being able to go "Hell yeah, my ex boyfriends love me jewelry! One got me this gold necklace, and another these real pearl earrings? My birthday is coming up, wink wink nudge nudge wonder what youll get me" to some millionaire dude someday would be nice, but doesn't mean I won't think, "Damn, its a shame I never got to give these back to him."
I offered to give them back in exchange for the card.... and he refused.
Long story short, I got my shit back, whether he liked it or not. And I feel bad for that. (But, also not bad, since he was a dipshit, and its hard to feel bad for people that act like dipshits.)
I wonder if any of my exes will ever cross paths with me again? It's happened a handful of times. Some reach out, some are looking to cheat on their girlfriends (Adrian and Marco need to get their shit together, for fucks sake, it breaks my heart knowing you can fly your girlfriend out across the world and still feel the need to hit up your local sex addict for the feeling of my pussy lining some actual company.....)
that last line is a lie, we all know they just wanna clap cheeks, but like, for fucks sake their girls are cute in the face and really bice women, just? niggas annoy me and no wonder i lack a trust in the integrity of a relationship with a man in my life any time soon
I think only once did I run into Lee. He thought I was stalking him when he saw me in his neighborhood, but promptly got knocked off of his high horse when he heard that I was just lost on my way to a date with a man. (He was nice enough to give me directions, then hit me up the next few days after to fake apologize, immediately ask to fuck me raw, aaaaand then a text argument had ensued...)
Plus with Zack #1, the dipshit from high school, we couldn't help but run into eachother if we shared every single class. But amusement came from that time he saw me on a date with someone else...... not to sound sadistic, but yes, lovely to let men know that they're not the only 6 foot prick that I know.
(HAAAAAA GET FUCKED BEANPOLE, oh wait you can't, oh damn......)
I worry for myself, at times.
He's still a piece of shit with the way he handles any of the conflict he started.
But, he at least let me have the earrings.
And if you're reading this, tell your dad I'm sorry for not getting him a Christmas gift. Its tradition to gift the host of the evening, which is usually the mom, and I had low funds, plus thought that the peanut butter cookies would still turn out alright, or to bake some to give to him...
Buuut then I was panicking that morning, and so we made them at hs houuuuse, batched the first batch.... I felt so bad. It was both of our faults for making them so ginormous, but at least they tasted nice!
His dad was a nice guy.... Sorry for walking in on you that one time, Matt, at least it was never awkward afterwards. (Then you walked in on me later that day, I think? Fucking hysterical.)
Just some general life updates:
I kicked my older brother in the ass, since that's sibling bonding when you don't talk to any of your siblings in more than 7 years, despite being around eachother often, due to them being atrocious assholes to you when you were your most vulnerable.
He's buying me a burrito.
I moved my dresser across my bedroom, hung up some hot pink string lights of mine.... the room still feels bad, maybe just since I'm still so alone and haunted by memories of the events in my life.... but it's still getting closer and closer to what I want it to look and be like.
I just feel helpless and on edge, since I didn't expect to take so long with cleaning, and never know when one day my mom may burst in, and the cheery attitide drops, and gets replaced with her usual shouting and yelling at me. It's like, idk, a ticking time bomb where I hear the faint sounds in the back of my head, even if its not guaranteed anything bad will happen at all, you know?
I felt bad about the Rowan thing. He may have absolutely pissed me the fuck off, but mocking him in the way that I did was still a shit thing to do.
I didn't expect much of a response when I message him the other night asking to talk. He was nice enough to still talk anyway. Not sure if he changed his mind, or just didn't feel like it, but he ended up not doing the video call later on... Oh well.
And for now, just taking a break. My older brother and younger bro got me an infant sized super burrito, and its goddamned amazing.... With all the water and tea I've been drinking, and all the rice and steak in my diet these days along with applesauce and mandarins, no wonder my ass got so fat.... DAAAAAAAMN. I was literally in the mirror like, "hold upppppp, damn, i need a vanity soon to start checking myself out more often, son! DAYUM!"
Ass so fat its on Rick Ross, tiddies sitting, ovulation starting..... smh when quarantine ends, im either gonna fuck the first mildly attractive man or woman i meet, or try to actually see how long I can last celibate. (Considering this is the longest I've gone without sex for awhile now, and my cool ass vibrator comes in tomorrow, and quarantine possibly not ending until 2022 unless that experiment they're doing in Chicago succeeds.... then, I like to think that I can survive without sex for awhile now. As sad as it is, its not like any man out there with a pocket pussy, a bottle of lotion on their desk, or ruined socks aren't out there being ashamed with their way of holding out as is.) I really want some dick though, ovulation is no joke.... Seriously, I damn near wanted to hit hella people up, its annoying how horny and overheated and whatever I feel right now. Its despisable. Fucks sake.
I do need to get better about hygiene or whatever, even in quarantine. As nice as laying facedown in bed with a tired left hand and sleeping for several days straight is..... I can still use my fancy body washes, scrubs, and oils without needing to have sex or see anyone else.... Sure, it sucks, and i will inevitably get sad or horny over seemingly wasting smooth skin just to get back in my bed.... but its not a waste if it keeps me fresh, energized, and, well.... clean. Smelling like lemons while lonely at home, is better than smelling like.... whatever I smell like by now, idk man, and being annoyingly sweaty during it while low energy and in bed.
Once my room is clean, its my safe space to light some candles, watch some TV once its brought in here, easily be able to organize my life and dress the way I want, and more.... Waking up, brushing my teeth with whitening paste, drinking two cups of black tea, using honey/aloe/witch hazel on my skin as I please, cocoa butter and olive oil on myself, and tons of rice, pasta, fruit, water, and meat..... Yeah, its gonna be a really awesome glow up for myself soon. Loving it so far already. :)
0 notes