#thats not good! why cant i Keep what i learn! and why does Learning make my art worse when im trying to make it better....
skunkes · 16 days
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old drawings i found and enjoyed while looking for something else
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jellitchi · 2 months
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vat7k designs in my head...
i thought their canon designs were a eensy weensy bit Unpolished so i made these mostly for myself. erm if u rly want it i think varian is 19 here, hugo 19, nuru 18, yong 12.
i also made rhem all playlists and had to draw them a cover so thats what the last img is I linked each of em under my notes for all of em... Under the cut is Like a Huge Infodump of notes i have for each chara,,,,,,
i kept varians design basically the same, i dislike the design w the orange neck thing so i just Nuked it😭... Here's Varians playlist
Hugos design i just wanted to put him in something more Loose. hes a thief, a professional escape artist. i dont think wearing clunky metal is ideal for him. i also gave him a prosthetic arm (blond w no arm design trope!) but u cant see it in the ref so i added another drawing of him in his under layering👍 i vaguely referenced russian(?) clothes for him as well... Yeah not too much changed w him i just tried to make him slippery-er. Here's Hugo's playlist
yong came relatively easy to me, if it wasn't obvious i did rip gaming from g*nshin's hoodie. i thought the lion hood was Adorable and freaking perfect for what i had in mind for hos character. since the og notes said the fire kingdom is loosely Chinese inspired i basically just kept that. i mashed tgt a buncha diff dynasties though sorry for how inconsistent i was... i think he looks Okay. anyways i changed yongs role a bit, ill explain why im adjusting some of their roles later but i kept yong as the Jinx Type character. hes the eldest in his family and has a buncha younger siblings, hes a lion dancer and does performances w his family/siblings. he rly like special effects n keeps tryna incorporate his fireworks into their performances (it flops and he has to sew up the dmg) ill explain more of yongs role in another post maybe shrugs... Here's Yong's Playlist
miss nuru was a bit of a struggle for me i might share my full design process with her coz i did a Bunch of mockups for her😭😭😭... i didnt have a specific country of reference for her but i chose to make her vaguely south asian inspired. i also really wanted to keep the sheer fabric w the star / constellation map. i love that idea its so cute so shes still technically the navigator. but she also wields a sword too, fencing or whatever. (her and varian r Huge Cass fangirls which is probably why she started tryna use a sword (snuck out to watch cass compete) Okay ill talk abt this later) in my head, okay ill Probably make a whole nother post talking abt how im interpreting/writing each chara, but in my head i think nuru is the youngest and her kingdom's archivist. shes mostly in charge of like Her kingdoms history / artifacts / etc. ok im getting too side tracked ill save the lore dump for later but thats Nurus role in the party. Here's Nuru's Playlist
uhm below i made their character stats mostly to help me with planning / role developing. the yellow is their base stats the color behind is their end stats i guess. i was gonna explain my reasoning for their stats but ermm this post is kinda Really long so sorry😭... varian max int for obvious reasons, also max charisma just coz i feel like u kinda learn a thing or two being around a couple manipulators and spending time in jail idk shrugs... (also lets not forget the "ud b surprised what ppl would do for a cookie!") Hugo slippery guy, if a brick is thrown at him as hes running hes gonna try n run faster to shatter it, his mindset is Run Run Run! i think hes relatively agile too but yeah mostly a Speedster. i think he n varian got no Physical strength varian maybe just like A little coz Farm boy but I rly doubt quirin is making him do a Lotta heavy lifting. yong has incredible stamina and agility because hed a performer. nuru is the strongest coz this team would literally Flop without a proper Offense😭... i think varian n hugo r able to outwit plenty of their opponents but i think nuru is pretty good in a fight, same w yong. Yeah Okay Sorry for a Long Long Post thanks hope u guys enjoy
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punkitt-is-here · 9 months
How can I cultivate the same, "just keeping making stuff all the time" kind of energy you have? It's very impressive and something I wish I could do!
well, theres a couple reasons i think! one is that i just found ways to be satisfied with small amounts of work. its in part because of my ADHD, but my parents were always trying new things (motorcycles, leatherwork, acrylic paint, collage art, photography, video editing) so that definitely rubbed off on me; i had a great example of people just wanting to try stuff. i keep making stuff all the time because i love trying out new things; you don't have to be an expert to try something new! you just have to have a desire for it! wanna make a zine? google it! wanna write a comic? give it a shot! wanna get into woodworking? buy a carving knife and find a stick or something! i think theres plenty of ways to find entry points into interesting stuff and you gotta let yourself be okay with making shit that sucks just because its fun. which leads me to my second point!!
im okay with being dogshit at stuff! i try new things, i kind of suck at them, and i think it's either 1. cool that i made it this far or 2. kinda funny that this is what its like at the moment. i know that sucking is never permanent, everything can be improved with time, and rarely does anyone ever magically get good at something first try. i think of myself as a talented artist, but its over the course of 2+ decades of drawing; im always improving, and no matter what im going to find things i want to get better at, so why fault myself now for not being perfect? a couple of months ago i really wanted to try woodcarving, so i made spoon with my dad. did it turn out great? not really! you cant even use it as a spoon! but im glad i tried it, it was fun, i had a great time with my dad, and now i know a little bit more going in next time. the idea that you have to be perfect or make tangible progress every single time you try something new is a recipe for burnout. i promise you, it doesnt matter if something doesn't come out like God's Gift to Humanity! Did you have fun? did you learn something? are you satisfied in some small part? good!
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(pictured: tha spoon)
last, im just really easy to please myself! I'll make a doodle or implement an idle animation in my game or color a piece and go "wow! thats so cool i did that :)" and it really is just a matter of realizing that its fucking COOL to create stuff, no matter how small! whatever you made didn't exist before you, especially in your own unique way, and now it does! doesn't that rule?! i'm obsessed with it! even if its just a stick figure, its a stick figure you made, and it wasn't there before. thats fucking awesome!!! art is so cool!!!! i think that being happy with small goals and victories is a great way of trying out new things and showing off cool stuff u made, no matter what skill level. :) this turned into a whole big thing, but i hope this helps! tl;dr is try things if they seem fun, be okay with not being good at them, and find stuff about it that makes you happy or satisfied!
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sakiblack · 5 months
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Soft yandere Aonung x reader
Aonung x reader
Aonung is a jealous boy so you better be careful what you do.
Human or not he will be obsessed. If you came with the Sully family he will love your strange details. Your tail is thin? He loves to play with it. Your skin is dark blue? He will admire it and say you remind him of the sea.
The first time he would see you he would not think much of it. I mean just cus he cant look away from you means nothing. He might be mean to your siblings when your there but he wont dare say one bad thing about you and if his friends try they will come out looking like an Ikran just attacked them.
»Your spacial« is what he would say when you ask him why he doesent make fun of you.
I could see you not liking him at the start espacialy when he was picking on Kiri but trust me this boy will do anything to get you back.You wanna see the spirit tree? He will take you there. You like the forest? He will take you there. Anything to make you love him again.
If you were a human it would be another story tho. His mother would not like you at all and would make sure to make a big deal when she would see you for the first time. But this guy would just stare. He always thought humans were ugly but you werent even close to ugly. He would not talk to you apart from a good morning when he sees you. It would be hard to even know he likes you but if you look really hard youd see it. How he always stares at you when everyone is learning how to swim since he is scared you will drown. How he only ever said morning to you. Its the small things he does to show you your spacial to him.
The confession would be pretty simple. He would slowly start to touch you since just staring at you is not enough for him anymore. And then one day he would just say it. No romantic things or words just an »I see you« and thats it. But the second you say yes this guy will lose it. He is not big in affection but you loving him back just made him change his mind. Be ready for a lot of touching and kissing. It does not need to be in a sexual way he just wands his hands on your body.
Dating him would be pretty normal apart from him wanting to kill anyone who even looks at you it would be great. He does not like touching when people are around but if they arent watching or if you two are alone hes like a little puppy. He would parcticaly beg you to touch him.
There is not a lot of nicknames he would use for you since he just likes some like : my forest girl/boy , Hì’i ( which if im right means sky) and pretty pet.
He loves to take you swimming just seeing the sea life with you is amazing for him. But when it comes to sexual stuff he is pretty calm. Takes his time getting you in the mood and does not go fast. That is till you say certain things like moan his name or pull his hair. But the one thing that would make him go crazy is pretty simple. All you have to do is whisper an i love you in your human language(For example: ti amo in Italian or if your navi just say i love you in english) and he will lose it.
His favorite places have to be behind his tent ( he might not like people seeing you two but just the thought of you trying to keep quiet not wanting to let others hear is amazing to him) and in one of his caves( and he has a lot of them mostly to take you there and have some alone time)
All in all he is actualy not bad. He might glare at others for staring at you but he wont hurt them unless you want him to. He loves you and what ever you want would be yours even if you wish for someone to die he will do it. Might as well not even think about it as long as your happy.
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ghostbite0 · 24 days
i got a ton of asks in my inbox so im just going to put all of them here so i don't spam u guys with it haha
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this is really the only guy i use. felt pen on clip studio is excellent for the sketchier style i like! when it comes to coloring i just use a basic solid brush !
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i imagine they do, and they each get assigned a baby (tanjiro with giyuu, inosuke with sanemi, and zenitsu with obanai) but it lasts for barely a day. inosuke has no idea what hes doing and obanai cant stand zenitsu
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tengens wives find the situation hysterical but they help out however they can. ofc they all fight over tengen. they love helping out with the kiddies but they especially enjoy taking care of the younger ones-- they think mui, mitsuri, and shinobu are adorable! tengen definitely tries to flirt with them but hes a cringe fail ten year old
kanao, aoi, and the butterfly girls all help out as well. kanao and shinobu are typically glued together
shinjuro and senjuro are shocked to see rengoku (and obanai) and while shinjuro is pissed off at first, he can't Not take in his boys. senjuro and little obanai are super similar in nature so
urokodaki, tengen, and nezuko are worried but excited about giyuu's transformation. they're like lets freaking go. good childhood moment
and of course genya thinks the situation is hilarious and hes happy to get to spend time with his brother, although he's VERRRRY awkward. he's a bit avoidant at times but usually gyomei and tanjiro can talk him
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aw thank you! to answer your question;; shinobu and gyomei basically spend time with him and are attentive to his wants/needs to help him recognize he does matter. rengoku and the others help with this! essentially love language stuff and affirmations and what not
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ill be honest i totally forgot about this. yea! i would say the babies are only put in a very specific area of the manor and they deep clean it constantly. if they have a good amount of sick/wounded i imagine they have gyomei or etc take them in. im not sure! in my mind the hashira all rotate and babysit and etc
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this 100% happens. urokodaki learned the news and had never traveled to the headquarters so fast
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ohh this is a fun question! truthfully im not sure what the answer to this would be... i appreciate all the questions/ideas/etc!! if anything id love to have more questions about general characterization stuff, since thats my favorite favorite favorite to talk about!!! maybe more questions about like... what their relationships are like, do they have nicknames for each other, that sort of thing... idk! either way im glad people are interested :D
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sanemi tries to make them laugh. he remembers his little siblings always cheering up when he would make silly faces and sounds, so he does that here
giyuu awkwardly pats the other baby's back/head and is like "there there" ... he remembers how sabito's hugs would make him feel better so he awkwardly hugs the other. most of the time obanai/sanemi stop crying purely bc they're confused as to why giyuu is hugging them
obanai would usually talk them out of it, but he can't do too much since he's restricted to baby babble. so instead, he will try to find one of their toys and "gift" it to them. ex giyuu was sobbing hysterically until obanai found his fox plushie and gave it to him
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awww shucks... stop it u guys.....!
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im doing ok!!! hanging in! got 3/13 commissions done so busy busy!
also, for future ref, i prefer being called "bite" !!! i know a lot of people call me ghost, so i just wanted to take a moment to correct that :D
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awwwwww this is so sweet!! thank you so much!!!!!!
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defintely one of the rodent pokemon. my favorite pokemon changes constantly but im told i have mimikyu / teddiursa / bunneary vibes. i also like espurr. i have no idea UWEIHRWE
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i think he would be a little awkward at first but he would get the hang of it. most of what he does is just keep them entertained and make sure they arent sick or hurt. though he eventually builds up the courage to ask if he can feed obanai. from that point on whenever muichiro is babysitting he's the one offering to feed him, though someone else has to make the bottle-- he doesn't know how to do that
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this is canon
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Hands down, Obanai. Though I also feel really sad for Gyomei and Muichiro, and I think Tengen's story (what we know of it) is pretty sad. I don't like comparing traumas, though! but yeah. obanai is. wow. poor guy
and to those of you sending art requests; i see them, i promise! commissions come first, so they may take time for me to get done!
thank you guys for all the questions! i always love checking my inbox and getting an excuse to talk about things...
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puppyjune · 10 months
kill her. kill her. kill her.
she looks so beautiful. the bruises. the tears.
but the blood. the blood is holy. divine; the original temptation. once i see scarlet spread across her skin, i can barely stop. the lust, the drive, the carnal desire for brutality.
eyes starting to glaze over, i finally lessen my grip on her neck. so close, edging myself with her life. can i really hold myself back? what if i dont stop?
theres always next time.
why must i be so angry? its all ive known. walking into existence brings me these feelings. part of me wants to grow, but the comfort of that angry impassionate shell is so tempting. i try to step out, brave the new world of emotion. it backfires. over and over, all i know is negativity. oh, but how satisfying that rage is. grab that bat, lay her down whether she wants it or not.
…that may not be "kind", or "empathetic". but what else do i know? its just so easy to do. shes practically begging for it, im actually being nice by abusing her; right?
no no no, i get told that isnt the right way. but if so, why does it feel so good? is this the forbidden fruit? let me bite into her skin and learn what true sin is, carve it into her so she can be enlightened. oh, to be cut. the beauty of those lines, they make shiver with delight.
ah. empathy. that thing. do i really need it? i do? thats fucked. well, lets try a different approach.
brushing away some hair, i kiss her forehead and pull her close. the weight of her head on my body, the way she smiles, it just warms my heart. maybe i can understand what it means to be kind and empathetic. but why does she look at me that way? i must be imagining it. she couldnt possibly want… that. i blush, thinking of how close i came last time; shes probably thinking im blushing from her beauty right now. but all i can think of is the image of her choking herself for my pleasure. the knife on her skin.
i cant stop myself, i need that. violence, god does it make me feel fulfilled. its my one true passion, my vice, the thing that keeps my heart beating and my lust fueled. and why shouldnt i indulge? shes asking for it. obviously. cmon, that was totally what she was thinking, i dont need to ask. its more fun if i dont ask her.
ah, here again. layed out before me, a canvas to play with. i start sweet, checking in after every hit, watching where i hit and how hard, making sure to kiss her marked body.
hit, hit, hit. i look into her eyes, shes starting to squirm, maybe the pain is a bit much? i start to think about asking her if i should tone it down, or maybe just tone it down without asking, play it safe.
oh fuck, shes starting to squirm. this is what i need, the nectar ive been craving. i cant stop myself, i cant hold back. keeping her pinned down, swing after swing of that whip crashes down. my vision blurs, i feel such immense lust i cant think of anything else. how many hits until she fights back, until i have an excuse to really raise the stakes? oh please little pet, try and fight me. i need you to, then i cant be blamed for what happens next. but i get stopped. some part of me pulls me back, telling me to slow down. she gets to live a little longer.
i cant just stop now, i need to get these feelings out. "turn over. now."
good, now i have a fresh canvas to once again paint with pain. over and over, i whip her. its just, not good enough. i already did this, im over it, the rush is gone. i need to kill.
looking over, i see my bat. or specifically, a kendo sword. those bound strips of wood, that slight bend, just adds such a wonderful sprinkle on top of the pain from the swing. shes still down, dazed from the whip.
hit. hit. hit. kill. break her legs. she cant run. she cant resist. one swift hit to the head, bash her face with the bat, then there will be no resistance.
oh, ive done it again. i nearly couldnt stop myself. here i am, having mounted her, bat pressed against her neck, my entire weight and strength being offered for her demise. i need it, i need her to die. i need to kill. the marks on her legs shine against her pale skin. i made sure each leg had a good enough mark to make it difficult to walk, impossible to run. along with every. other. bruise. god, does she look beautiful. i feel true pleasure fill my heart as i look into her eyes. those divine eyes. tears silently rolling down her reddened face, the look of pain only brought by my abuse, the way you can see just how close she came to death. those dull eyes, barely able to comprehend what they see. if i could only have one wish, it would be to watch the life drain from peoples eyes as i use them for my pleasure.
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verboselocket38 · 8 months
I need to make something clear or else the fans might attack me and send me threats, I like this show and was kinda scared to post this but I gotta say it........
.......Anyways, Im just rant about some excuses for Helluva Boss that are just not good excuses when fans defend the wrighting.
1. "If you dont like it dont watch it 🙄"
So this excuse I hear a lot when fans are backed into a corner and cant protect the critisisms from the show (Sorry I am tired, so my spelling might not be that good) And even if people deny it they use this excuse anyways without giving a good argument to why whatever critism the show gets is wrong.
Also I told this to someone before, but by the logic of this excuse, that means anyone who watches and said they openly hate a show like Velma or High Gaurdian Spice secretly likes it.
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(I am gonna bring these shows up a lot to use them as examples. Should probably mention now that I dont like either Velma or HGS, but Helluva Boss has SOME THINGS in common, not ALL THINGS, but SOME)
2. "The Series isnt finished, you should wait for it to be done"
Now to an extent this one is ok. Like for example: If Aang from ATLA were going on a journey to learn how to Waterbend, Earthbend, and Firebend to defeat the Firelord, then obviously its gonna take awhile and shouldnt be like "wHy DoEsNt He BeAt HiM NOW!!!". BUT that does not mean you cant critisize the episodes where Aang might get out of character, Katara does something that will leave a bad taste in your mouth, or anything that might not be good writing.
Yes Helluva Boss isnt finished, but thats still a bad excuse for defending the writing. You should still put effort into the writing. Like the fight between Blitzø and Stolas was resolved in A TEXT MESSAGE AND PEOPLE SAY ITS GOOD WRITING. IT ISNT!!! Like if your most emotion point in your show is going to be resolved in something we dont see happen, then there is no growth to the characters. (Saying this is an easter egg is just another excuse for bad writing.) People say that later on it might get resolved and that we should be patient I call bull crap. In S2E2 Stolas and Blitzø are not even akward around eachother, so I highly doubt future episodes will talk about this.
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Also, I just thought, shouldnt shows like Velma also go for its excuse? Like its getting a Season 2, so we shouldnt judge the show until its finished right? I dont wanna hear "Its because Velma ruined Scooby Doo!" Or "Velma is an acception since it can make my eyes role" Nope!!! We gotta wait till Velma is over to fully critisize it.
2.5 "You shouldnt be comparing VELMA to HELLUVA BOSS!!!"
Gonna bring this up since SOMEONE WILL. But I do NOT like Velma, I think its crap. I like Helluva Boss, not a fan of the stans and a lot of things Viv says and does. They can not take Critisism. She says she can but accually doesnt. And I kinda realize that there are some things Velma does that people role their eyes at, but when Helluva Boss does it, they get praised for it. Again, I 👏DO 👏NOT 👏LIKE 👏 VELMA. Im treating it equal to other shows, when Velma does something everyone hates it. When Helluva Boss does it everyone likes it. For example, the Swearing and Sex jokes. When Velma does it, people say that they swear and do sex jokes for no reason and it ruins the mood. But when Helluva Boss does it (Which keep in mind, 90% of the dialoug is sex and swearing.) It gets praised. Just wanted to point it out.
3. "Its Hell, what do you expect? 🤡"
I saved the best for last. Yall probably heard this one before lol. So, Im just gonna say that yes the characters do live in hell and that can lead to their bad behavior and cruel humor. The issue that I have is that will be used to defend bad writing. Yes they live in hell, but that doesnt mean 90% of the dialoug should be sex, swearing, and angst. Yknow the end of Unhappy Campers where Moxxie and Millie dressed as siblings and had sex on stage infront of minors? "But its hell!" Yes, BUT its out of character for Moxxie and Millie. MOXXIE ESPECIALLY!!!! ITS ALSO GROSS LIKE HOW IS THIS FUNNY?????
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There are also double standards. For example when Stella turns out to be a abusive bish, we are made to suppose to hate her. But when Loona was abusive to her adoptive father who took her in and gave her love, we are suppose to laugh??? Also, dont say "But he threatened to replace her!" No, Loona brought it up AFTER she was attacking Blitzø and he roled along with it.
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"But its Hell!!!" my butt. If Stella is abusive to make Stolas look like a justified character and her unlikeable, then why should I like Loona? And no, trauma is not an excuse. She is 22 and she has control of her own self.
And like??? If I were to write a story of some unlikeable guy in New York City who killed people for no reason, should my excuse be "Its society, what do you expect? This is life, get over it."
In conclusion, if you accually want to defend the writing of your horny demon show, then find accual critisms. Again, I👏 Like👏This👏Show. But when Fans and Viv shield any critisms and just see it as blind hate, it makes me upset. Most people who critisize this show like it. The thing is, if we praise or ignore something that needs to be critiqued, then the writing wont get any better. If we critisize it, then there is a chance that Viv will realize she needs to put effort into her wrighting.
I like this show, it inspired me, but Season 2 is such a downgrade from the previous season.
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sebbianas · 9 months
i am a lesbian lily believer and before you roll your eyes and say “she married james and had a son! she’s not a lesbian” or “you’re just saying that because you ship jegulus” i need you to put on you thinking cap and listen to me
at the tender age of 11 or so i think lily get accepted into hogwarts and her sister, who’s opinion she obviously cares about, called her a freak. here she was getting into a school that was magical and her sister calls her a freak. and then when she got to the said school she was called names and looked down on because she was different.
my personal headcanon for lily is that though her parents didnt reject her for being a witch they also didnt connect well with her after that, she was different and they loved her but they could never truly understand her anymore. she lives in between two world, one world where she was looked down on for being muggleborn and the other where she was just too different and too special and they cant truly understand who she is
lily, who is smart and powerful desperately trying to prove her worth in the magical world but still being sweet and humble to prove she’s still her parents daughter, finding out that there’s a reason her eyes follows the way Mary Macdonald’s hand movements, there’s a reason she blushes and get flustered when Pandora Lovegood smiles at her and joins her table at the library, there’s a reason why Emmeline Vance’s laughter warms her heart and makes her stop what she’s doing so she can stare. she knows deep in her heart what she is but does she really want to give the world more reason to reject her?
and james, sweet wonderful james, who loves her and wants her and he’s the safe choice, he’ll give her a family, one she wont have to prove herself to, and she can learn to love him. she already does anyway but maybe not in the way he deserves but its enough love to keep him happy and warm, its a love that she knows its true. he loves her and maybe its not in the way she wants but its enough.
they could learn to be enough for each other because in this world trying is good enough.
they get married young, started family young. to prove to herself there’s nothing wrong with her, to prove to james that she loves him and that he’s enough for her. because they wanted a family and all they had was each other.
and she holds her son, and she loves him so much. its a love that goes beyond her and goes beyond anything she has ever felt. in that moment she knew she did the right thing. james would never love her the way she wanted. she could never love james the way he deserved. but little harry? they would love him with all theyve got and maybe thats enough for them.
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ranposgirlboss · 10 months
~bsd comfort hcs~
this came about while i was cleaning dishes and scanning my check in from work LMAOAKSIUJSAHb (this is pretty much just a more elaborate ver of my other one)
can also be seen as romantic or platonic!!
charas: sigma, ranpo, poe, chuuya, and nikolai
genre: FLUFF!!!!!!! some mild hurt comfort <3
(it slowly goes more and more downhill)
LESSGOOO ₍₍ ◝( ^∀ ^ )◟ ⁾⁾
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-SIGMAA (my crush on this man grows bigger by the day), so as i mentioned last time he would know when there's something wrong pretty quickly!!
-sigma would probably play a game of cards with you to distract you for a bit tbh (he will hesitantly agree to play uno AJHNMAKBHJS HIM PKAYING UNO WOULD BE SO FUNNY but anyways.)
-may or may not try to lose on purpose in an attempt to make you happier
-seems like a speed typa guy (that card game is so fun its the best one)
-after a bit and once youve calmed down, he'll ask what happened to you
-if you to choose to explain, he would probably gossip about it with you, or tell you its ok and you're doing great <33
-if you choose not to, he totally understands! he'll just keep on playing the card game with you, or yall could go do something else!!
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-lets all be honest with ourselves
-he isnt the BEST at comfort
-however, that doesnt necessarily mean that hes BAD at it
-he will take a bit to notice, as he is pretty absorbed in cases, eating snacks, and being a dense genius that cant tell peoples emotions that well!!
-but, you can always ask him to distract you for a bit if your emotions are very big
-hes very good at distracting you
-probably will say "stop staying cooped up inside!! >:(" and just grab you and take you to some bakery to eat sweets with him, to play video games with you!!
-since he gets that youre not in the best mood, hell try his best not to steal your food. keyword: best.
-playing games with ranpo is so fun don't even
-he probably wouldnt be the best at responding well if you ranted to him, would probably say that he's sorry but that's kinda the best he can do
-if you dont wanna talk about it, perfect!! ranpo is internally scared you might lash out at him due to his lack of actual response ಥ‿ಥ
-pretty good at comfort, mostly just turns to yall hanging out tho!!
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-im never gonna stop writing for him be prepared to see him in every hcs <33
-at first he wouldnt know what to do
-i mean, hes barely even had any FRIENDS to comfort.....sooooooooooooooo
-his version of comfort is like buying a mansion if you feel sad
-i mean thats somehow the ONLY conclusion
-"you dont feel sad anymore right y/n ( ꈍᴗꈍ)"
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-he just doesnt wanna see you sad, BUT HE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO ACTUALLY COMFORT PEOPLE
-so, he will make you laugh. to distract you from the problem.
-he very well knows that this wont help in the long run, but i mean, what is he gonna do?? learn how to ACTUALLY comfort you?? why would he do that when he can be silly instead????? (same)
-if you didnt laugh at his jokes, well, then he'll shock you out of sadness.
-will literally fucking teleport your whole body some place random. (use his silly ability, idfk what its called 😭)
-like im not fucking joking
-so laugh for your own sake
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-i eat my manga chuuya'os everyday (get it??? because cheerios and chuuya, so if you combine the names you get chuuyios/chuuya'os. laugh.)
-he would probably just bluntly ask you what was wrong, and if you don't want to explain, that's alright.
-im not gonna shut up about him taking you on motorcycle rides.
-i never WILL >:(
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RotTMNT Headcanons
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Biology Headcanons
They still have their original turtle eyes! We just cant see them because the art style lol
They're (canonically?) warm blooded
Reptiles take a lot longer to heal than mammals, which is a trait that carried over after the mutation. When they were little they would get a lot of infections (its hard wrangling 4 children under ten, Splinter had a hard time keeping every single cut clean). They own a lot of bandages (specifically fun cartoon band aids) because they have to wear them for much longer periods.
They! Make! Turtle! Sounds! And they picked up some rat sounds from Splinter! Splinter knows what all the turtle sounds mean, but never makes any himself. The first time April heard the turtle sounds she demanded they teach her. She cant make them exactly so she'll make a similar enough sound and they'll joke that she's just got a thick accent
Like most reptiles they will continue to grow throughout their lives! Thats why future!Leo was so big
They've eaten plenty of questionable things growing up. And still will if bribed with enough money. One of the reasons they love Run of the Mill so much is they serve Yokai food aka food with some gross stuff (ex. that pizza with eyes the twins ate when they took April)
Splinter has no idea how old they actually are. Neither does Draxum he didnt exactly care what day his subjects were hatched he just needed them to be juveniles. They were mutated 13 years ago so in reality they are all (mentally?) 13. Splinter needed to put someone in charge while he was gone and the reasoning was because "he's the oldest" because how do you argue with that? And then eventually the kids asked who the second oldest was and Splinter panicked and just went in height order. He randomly picked birthdays and accidentally made Leo 20 days older than Donnie
Splinter's DNA is the reason they're such good ninjas. Somehow. I dont see how thats genetic but yep thats the reason. They pick up moves really fast, so growing up on Lou Jitsu movies and having easy access to youtube allowed them to learn moves visually. Splinter also gave them all a crash course on fighting before he ever let them start going off on their own
Growing up
Splinter named them after colors! Growing up he had to color code everything to avoid "but its mine" disputes. It took him a while to figure that out so they actually didnt have names for that time.
April was the one who started the twin debate. At the time (she was idk 10?) she didnt understand how two siblings born in the same year could not be twins.
Raph and his duty of older brother is essential for the family, but the most substantial role is held by Donnie. Splinter is the father but Donnie is the true provider. Before Donnie got old enough to play around with fixing things the family lived a very different life. Donnie is the reason they have a tv, working kitchen appliances, clean water despite living in a sewer, electric lighting and heating. He's the only one who regularly brings money in and organizes things like online shipping or grocery delivery (thank you internet!). Donnie looks at something and sees something entirely out of the box, and then makes it a reality. Leo found the area that became the lair, but Donnie is the one who made those concrete tubes a functional home. And he did it all just to see if he could. Splinter didnt think he could do it, but it kept the boys entertained all day so he let them have at it. Splinter feels guilty so much has fallen on Donnie's shoulders over the years, but he is so grateful that Donnie turned out to be so smart
All the brothers are really smart, just in different capacities. Donnie prefers engineering and computer science but also picks up other science subjects fast. Leo's is harder to see, it manifests more in quick thinking, puzzles, and people skills. He's also really good at math. Mikey is good at seeing patterns, in both objects and relationships. Raph is in emotional intelligence, particularly internally.
When Cassandra said "my friends call me 'Casey'" she meant that only to Splinter, and the rest still had to earn the right to call her "Casey"
Raph and Casey (Sr) somehow become best friends. No one expected it.
Donnie has scars on his shell, but most of them are from minor everyday things and not true fights. Raph has the most scars due to his tendency to use himself as a shield to protect his brothers
Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all feel like they didnt earn their spot on the team. Leo because he feels he doesnt offer much (canon), Donnie because if he cant make tech he thinks hes useless (canon), and Mikey because he's the youngest and his brothers are therefore forced to include him (headcanon)
At one point Mikey tricked Splinter and Big Mama into going on a date
Draxum and Donnie got stuck in a situation that forced them to bond. They both pretend nothing has changed but it has
Not only does Leo come to Sr Hueso to complain about his life like Hueso's a bartender (canon), but so do all the brothers. Sr Hueso keeps reminding them he's not a therapist
Their s2 finale outfits (gif up top) become everyone's mission outfits
Medic Leo Medic Leo Medic Leo
All the boys love the joey pouch (its basically a incubator and theyre reptiles). April finds it disgusting (its a very hot and tight space made of flaps of skin and you cant move without lots of effort)
At one point the boys all try to get jobs. Raph tries the Hidden City but gets run out by the police again. Mikey somehow talks Sr Hueso into giving him a job. Donnie attempts to work for Big Mama but in disguise. Leo somehow ends up helping Draxum out in the high school kitchen. None of them last the week. Raph doesnt make a day, Mikey gets into a argument with a chef on day four and quits "on principle", Donnie got discovered on day 2 but out of nostalgia's sake (being her exbf's son) Big Mama let him stay on but it got uncomfortable fast so he bailed also on day 4, Leo finds out he's outlasted all his brothers and goes in on day 5 solely to steal some ice cream bars and then told Draxum he quits when he was already on his way out
Theres a running joke that Piebald is always there but the boys keep forgetting about her. They dont know if her and dad are messing with them again or she actually was there and they just dont notice ("i mean... she can turn invisible. She could have been there")
Casey Jr lives with them! April and Casey Sr are at college and living in dorms. Plus, he's not quite ready for full emersion into a society thats never had the apocalypse
Growing up Leo had become a father figure to Casey Jr, a person who could do no wrong. After the movie that illusion is clearly shattered, but he still looks up to Leo and the others. Leo has now taken a role closer to Big Brother (someone who can be flawed) than Parental Figure. Leo on the other hand has fully embraced being a role model for Casey Jr and has basically become Raph whenever Casey Jr is around
Casey Sr takes her job as Casey Jr's mom very seriously. She's not the same as future!Casey Sr, obviously, but Casey Jr enjoys spending time with her anyways. If anyone asks they say they're cousins and as a inside joke Casey Jr calls her "mom"
Casey Sr drilled proper etiquette into her son. The boys are working hard to break that ("Master Michelangelo-" "woah buddy, you can just call me 'Mikey'. 'Master Michelangelo' is way too long and too many syllables")
Raph's got scars from being krangified (from when it ripped into his body and from when he ripped it out of his body). He's got some vision problems in his right eye now
Donnie's also got scars from being forcefully ripped out of the control console
Casey Jr is a avid pupil of Nap When You Can and falls asleep everywhere. Showing him a movie? Asleep. Dinner's gonna take another 15 minutes? He's already drooling on the couch. Leo's taking to long to get his gear on? Catnap on the kitchen table. As the new baby of the family everyone carries him to bed instead of waking him up
Mikey begins spending more time over at Draxum's now, learning about mystic powers
Leo being forced to leave Raph behind really left its mark on him. Watching Leo sacrifice himself really left its mark on everyone else. Its not surprising to wake up in middle of the night because someone came in to check on you after a nightmare
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lloydfrontera · 4 months
I wrote a short retelling of the ending spoilers for a discord server I'm in. And. Oh☹️ they changed how it was portraited. Of course they would☹️
They already changed how Lloyd would view his death– which, by the way, was seriously more tragic when he could FEEL himself die– to it just him being an outsider that can't feel or interact with anything
Novel Javier was holding back tears, trying to comfort Lloyd by telling him to Cheer Up, the doctor will be here soon, he even gave his heart a massage using mana vs Webtoon Javier with tears and sweat rolling down his face trying desperately to prolong Lloyd's life with a mana transfer
Idk the novel scene genuinely made me sad meanwhile the webtoon just made me go 0-0 ohh that cant be good. but. thats it
Like. Just.
Novel Lloyd who arrived at his own conclusion after Javier told him that the hole they dug to throw away all the excreements from the refugees was full even though it wasn't too long ago that they dug it out
Webtoon Lloyd that was literally told to 'Remember Vienna'
Novel Lloyd, who, even in his deathbed, was still trying to comfort Javier by squeezing the hand that was holding him with all the strength he got left vs "Javier... That's enough... It's no use... and you know it... Live on... and burn them..." then promptly passes away
"Cheer up a little. Please. Lloyd-nim. Just hang in there. The doctor will be here soon." vs "You are... the protector of my second home... and a hero to the thousands of refugees you saved. That... is what the world will know you as."
Like. I don't know why this actually irritates me☹️
not only did they completely changed the way lloyd experiences the ending spoilers but y'know what infuriates me the most about this particular spoiler? the way they had lloyd see a good chunk of time after he's already dead. like!! no!!!! one of the most impactful things about the ending spoilers is how fast and abrupt and brutal they are!!
later on lloyd has to carefully time his death to make sure his past self gets to hear and see all the he needs! he can't make it too long lest his word not be included in the spoiler! because the spoilers always end the moment he dies and not a moment later! he gets to experience excruciating death and then the abrupt shock of being thrown back to his own time!
in the webtoon not only does he not get to feel himself die with every spoiler, in episode 70 he even gets to see javier prep his body and burn it along with everyone else's. like. that would've been an insane amount of time compared to the few minutes at best he gets in the novel!
and it's such a cheat to have lloyd leave himself a message at this point of the story! that isn't supposed to happen until the fourth spoiler! you see the progression of lloyd slowly learning to leave more and more clues at the time of his death to the point where by the fifth spoiler he's just outright talking to himself. not like the webtoon that has him leave a message already by the second spoiler :P
and like not to repeat back at you everything but. god. the way they completely changed javier's words,,,, like. not even close to what they were supposed to be...
"You can't... You can't leave me so soon." Javier's voice dripped with sadness and anxiety. Lloyd felt his hand being grabbed. Javier was trembling. This guy. Is he sad because I'm about to die? Lloyd guessed that his teasing friendship with Javier lasted as they grew old together. "Just hold on a little more. Please.” Javier spoke, almost pleading.
the 'you can't leave me so soon' of it all,,,,, why would they completely erase that,,,,,
novel javier is just... softer? the whole scene? instead of the frantic desperation we see in the webtoon, in the novel he's just,,, begging lloyd to hold on just a little longer, just wait for the doctor to arrive, almost keeping lloyd's heart beating himself
Lloyd suddenly felt Javier's grip tighten. At the same time, warm and clean energy flowed into his body. It was mana. Emergency treatment? Lloyd was right about it. Javier was sending his mana to Lloyd, and it traveled from his hand through the elbow to reach his chest, expanding its range at every beat and driving away the murky energy in his system. At the same time, it continuously pressed on his heart. Lloyd realized what Javier was doing. He's massaging my heart. It appeared as though this future Lloyd would draw his last breath anytime soon. Javier was striving hard to extend his life at all costs. Lloyd's heart ached as he noticed how desperate Javier was. "Master Lloyd. Please bear a little more. The physician will be here soon."
it's a different tone, a different kind of desperation if that makes sense
i also really like this chapter's illustration which is not what we get in the webtoon lol
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i won't put a screenshot of javier in this episode to compared them cause i'm not that bitchy but. c'mon.
having said all that. i kinda can't bring myself to completely dislike the webtoon's version aklshdjksfds
like. they kinda did go off with javier almost exploding his own heart to give his mana to lloyd,,, and then that panel of his hands clutching lloyd's shirt,,, cradling lloyd's hand in his own,,,, i am not immune to a little clinging,,,
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but overall i completely get your irritation nonnie i do have a lot of grievances with the webtoon when it comes to how they're choosing to adapt the ending spoilers so. i get you 〒▽〒
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pixiecaps · 4 months
I got back into watching qsmp recently and im confused about foolish and the murder case? what is it and what does it have to do with cellbit?
okay so qfoolish is a detective for the federation. around this time multiple federation workers begin to be murdered daily by an unknown culprit to the federation. i believe like 3 or 4 workers. i vaguely recall the details. the killer leaves behind enigmas in portuguese with encrypted messages and such. and as you may know the killer is qcellbit. he sorta snapped you could say after learning information about his past. qbagi tries to cover his tracks as to not allow him to be caught but heres the thing qcellbit very much wants the federation to know its him but thats another story. cucurucho assigns qfoolish the case of figuring out who was committing the murders because at this point the federation didnt exactly know who was doing it as qbagi did a pretty good job hiding evidence. now qfoolish already sorta had a hunch it was qcellbit based off well. everything about him he was walking around covered in blood (😳) with a sick ass knife. like its not hard to put the pieces together but qfoolish tried to swerve the case to be qbbhs fault because why not and also he didnt really WANT to turn qcellbit in. he does a decent job actually resolving the enigmas himself and has enough evidence to justifiably claim the murderer is cellbit but he doesnt. purgatory happens and i think day one literally while bolas were being team bolas they all like confess secrets and qcellbit straight up admits to being the one who killed the workers and now qfoolish is like FUCK because now he like got confirmation and cant keep ignoring every sign pointing at it being qcellbit. cut to present time the federation really wants qfoolish to wrap up this case and due to the murders stopping while the islanders were away at purgatory it becomes clearer that it is one of the residents. the suspects narrow down gradually and qfoolish in qfoolish fashion decides to do a coin flip to decide who he will blame for the murders. either qbbh or qcellbit. he flips the coin and it lands on qcellbit. he decides he will turn in qcellbit the second he gets the chance. today when agent 18 asks he stalls it a bit but in the end makes it clear that the murderer is Cellbit. so qfoolish probably needs to write his final report closing the case and next time they see cellbit he will likely need to be apprehended. thing is last time they did see qcellbit was in purgatory and none of the islanders know if hes alive right now. so. i think the reunion will very interesting ^_^
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quinnkdev · 2 months
Just wanted to say, I'm looking forward to when you write about why you stopped using RPG Maker 2003! It sounds like a very interesting read to me, as I myself eventually want to write about why I keep crawling back to it, ha! (It's mostly how it comes with the most out of the box compared to later RPGMs, whose scripting capabilities are useless if one doesn't feel up to learning the code... at that point I may as well start coding from scratch, which is exactly the path you seem to have taken, fittingly enough! It's not satisfying to try and master an RPG engine when know I can't do anything remotely cool with it without learning something completely different.. I boil it down to 'you can't make Yume Nikki with newer RPGM default tools', but I definitely want to expand more on the thought) I haven't had the time or energy to try any of your games yet, but I'm p sure we used to be in a Discord server together, and looking over periodically and seeing how much progress you've made has been really cool, so I'm excited to get around to trying them! Someday I too want to learn a proper coding language and move away from RPG Maker, but until then it gets the job done for me (especially with the recent Maniacs Patch mod that greatly expands what it can do).
Wishing you luck on your current project in the meantime!!
hey, i had this lying around in my inbox for entirely too long - and for that i apologise, i wasnt really sure who you were until i followed a context-cue from your blog to your art-stuff just now. good to have heard from you again, and no hard feelings :,)
rm2k3 is decidedly a development space that makes sense. hell, on the side, i am currently making a small game in it again with a friend (no ETA yet). something nice about a path of less resistence towards something neat youve been thinking about.
the maniacs patch is definitely something i took note of out of the corner of my eye (and in watching riggy2k3's streams on occasion), but having released two games in the engine on steam, i kind of dont think that i can take it on board as the future of my commercial game efforts.
as much as it hurts to admit, i cant think of game development as my fun art anymore - i have to sell the things i make in it now, and rm2k3 games arent very well equipped for that. they dont interlock well with steam, meaning you can't give players achievements or even let them take screenshots through the platform (something a lot of them are VERY unhappy about). that, and tons of QOL problems (one time, somebody refunded a game of mine because it was "too small, hard to see" - rather than realising there was a way to fullscreen it).
regarding yume nikki likes in newer rpg maker versions - i mean, id say "swollen to bursting until i am disappearing on purpose" by december 7th does an admirable job of being one made in rpg maker mv! but of course that one uses tons of plug-ins.
bottom line: programming isnt desperately needed if you primarily like making games for the fun of it (and seeing that you predominantly make fanworks, id wager thats your main objective! good! :] ). if you need to earn a living (like... me :( ) then you may have to bite the bullet.
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monstertsunami · 7 months
im so glad to see youre Also handling the finale well!!!!!!!!!!! <- coping
ok official thoughts under cut- spoilers, obviously
im not a big fan of shitting on shows like oh it woudlve been better if it was Like This Instead like. thats kind of dick behavior to me so prefacing with i DID like the finale it was good :3 i liked how most of it was executed ! and overall it was satisfying ! its really uncool to approach a story with hate in your heart and not even give it a chance. HOWEVER. i have devoted the past 2 weeks of my life to going fucking BONKERS about simon/(gol)betty so i do unfortunately have opinions on how they handled thaaat. like . i literally made a post abt this yesterday- moving on just isnt a good solution to their arc !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i get where it comes from and the message its trying to get across but its just . why ! whats with this therapy-ization of modern characters ! Every Slightly Unhealthy Couple MUST Break Up And Theres No Such Thing As Improving Relationships And Talking About Problems Or Rebuilding Together. AFTER EVERYTHING SHE DOES FOR HIM, JUST WHEN THEYRE BOTH FINALLY SANE AND TOGETHER AGAIN AFTER CENTURIES SHE JUST . GIVES UP . SIMON HAS MATURED, AND IS CLEARLY IN A PLACE TO LISTEN TO HER AND REMEDY HIS MISTAKES. BECAUSE HE ACKNOWLEDGES THE ISSUES ! THAT THEY HAD ! HE LITERALLY SEES THE PROBLEM AND IS LIKE OH MAN THAT WAS REALLY FUCKED UP OF ME . BUT THE SHOW DOESNT EVEN GIVE THEM A *CHANCE* TO TRY AND MAKE IT WORK AGAIN . I FULLY BELIEVE THAT THEY DID LOVE EACH OTHER! A LOT! SIMON JUST WASNT PERCEPTIVE THAT SHE WAS DOING SO MUCH FOR HIM AND IT LEAD TO BOTH THEIR DOWNFALLS- THAT IS LITERALLY FIXABLE. im just saying it wouldve taken one conversation MAX to fix this issue, AND GOLBETTY WAS CLEARLY READY TO TALK TO HIM?? LIKE HE ALREADY LEARNED HIS LESSON TOO . SO WHY . AUGH. "THE GOLBETTY BUS IS ABOUT HOW SHES MOVING ON TO A PLACE HE CANT FOLLOW" BITCH SHE IS A GOD OF CHAOS WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE MOVING ON TOO. LIKE HE IS LITERALLY ALL SHE HAS CONNECTING HER TO REALITY. SHES GONNA GO TO CHAOS GOD THERAPY? BITCH? IM NOT SAYING LIKE "IN A REGULAR RELATIONSHIP YOU *CAN* FIX HIM DONT GIVE UP KEEP SACRIFICING GIRL!" BUT NOT ONLY IS THIS IS VERY DIFFERENT BUT SHES NOT SACRIFICING ANYTHING ANY MORE . HES JUST FINALLY READY TO LISTEN. AND *THATS* WHEN SHE LEAVES. FUCK. OFF. AUGH. so overall umm i really liked all the golbetty scenes and . i thought they were really cool episodes :) i liked how a the rest of it was handled actually! and i will be wiping the conclusion of their arc from my mind :3
i will be posting gifsets/hq screencaps of my sexy big nonverbal wife on my sideblog @huge-wife later so keep . an eye out for that!!
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sleepysandy · 6 months
some thoughts on acftl
just finished an hour ago and i need to vent (spoiler heavy and pretty long)
stuff i liked
apollo pov
unpopular opinion but i do like the idea of an apollo pov. i think it makes sense since there are some plot points that can only be revealed through apollo. however i think the execution could be better.
at first i liked hearing about his messed up thought process and daddy issues but at some point it became repetitive. it all became about keeping evangeline captive and killing jacks which made it obvious he was just obsessed, not loved, with evangeline. i can't decide if i like it bcs it was a sorta parallel to jack and donatella but also made the reveal at the end kinda obvious.
i also expected some sibling angst?? like the brother plot was just brushed off when they were pretty close until they had a falling out then when the brother came back he poisoned him?? i cant remember but the brother tortured him too i think?? the whole anti valor arc group was never brought up again too like...
2. evajacks
they didnt have a lot of scenes together but those scenes were *chefs kiss* i also liked their development. evangeline is jaded from everything going on, she did learn to not be so trusting and really think for herself what she wants. i liked how she didnt lose a lot of her hope and optimism too.
i disagree with reviews saying that jacks wasnt good in this book since he was so different. i think that was a testament on how eva's death really affected him. i actually wasnt convinced that jacks had feelings for eva until she died in tbona so seeing how jacks so despondent and serious in acftl cemented his feelings in my mind. i feel like people would buy jacks' characterization if there were flashbacks to his past and more povs.
stuff i didnt like, its mainly about how many plot points from the previous books werent mentioned at all
i wish they used the previous characters more
kristof knightlinger was kinda hyped in the beginning, like where did he go?? i wished he and eva had at least one together that would plant doubt in eva that apollo was this perfect prince. (i kinda had a problem with the whole memories thing in general, more on that later)
i also thought that the old librarian would be important lol
i wished luc was in the book too :((( eva lost a quite a bit of her pre-north memories so luc wouldve been perfect to bring those memories back since eva did say that luc had been there for her when her dad died. also he couldve mentioned something about marisol since he wouldve been the only one in valorfell in tbona i think.
i wish lala's feelings for dane were explained more. like does she have commitment issues, does she not feel real love anymore since shes a fate, is there something going on with chaos/castor??? i wanna see more of her relationships with the other valors too but i do acknowledge that including all that is too much for a side character
chaos/castor and jacks angst!!!!! the eva and castor interactions were good but like jacks said he became a fate for castor (which is a good insight into jacks character) but i wanted to see how they interacted after castor killed eva. like your have a friend who you kinda cursed to be an immortal so you then become immortal then your friend then kills the love of your life like..... i need to see how that went down. but also your friend's crazy sister is obsessed with you??? to the point that she also curses you??? like give me friendship angst!!!!!! (speaking of, why did lala agree to be a fate too...) (also what happened to the real chaos fate??)
3. jacks past
to jump off the last point, like where were the flashbacks???? i think jacks being serious this book would make a lot more sense for more people if scenes of his friends dying in like one day and the first fox dying from the curse were shown in the book. show how much jacks blames himself with the deaths of his loved ones, thats why he was so desperate to keep eva alive.
4. jacks pov
kinda related but i feel like jacks pov was underutilized. his povs were super short and didnt reveal much about what he was doing away from eva. in contrast to apollos pov where it was shown how he was manipulating eva and the public about jacks but also his relationship wtih the valor family. wished we couldve seen how he uses the scar to know where eva is and he follows her around.
i woudve loved to see more pining from his end too
also i dont think it was ever explained how they have the telepathic link???? and why eva was immune to his powers??? was it love at first sight? it was mentioned how he watched her from the start but was it love??
5. evas family
what was evas dad's secret shop??? like are not supposed to find out?? the clothes shop was even featured in caraval but not here?? also did the mom know about the prophecy?? were the fox and key motifs on her clothes supposed to be a coincidence or bcs of how much she liked the story as a kid?? that would explain the foxes but not the keys...
i kinda wish that eva discovered something about her mom's life in the north. give her more connection to her family and maybe reveal more of her prophecy
6. memory stuff
getting majority of the memories all at once was meh for me. i wish that each side character revealed/triggered memories for eva. like luc could trigger memories about her life in valenda, kristoff for coming to north and becoming apollo's fiance then wife, lala for her curses and apollo hunting her, chaos for the stones and arc stuff so that evas letter to herself revealing her and jacks relationship could be a final piece of the puzzle.
i do like the fact that jacks kept the letter for himself and eva reading the letter didnt make her distrust jacks but bring her memories back.
7. breaking the curse
so did evas love break the curse?? i kinda thought it was leaning towards jacks love that could break the curse since it was mentioned in tbona that jacks doesnt know if he actually loved the fox but there was no big declaration of love from him.... im just confused, happy but confused
i did like the fact that the curse was 'wrong' that it was never about jacks true love but someone who could never love him. altho i have no idea how eva broke that curse and if that means donatella survived that bcs she would never love jacks
so when jacks admitted that he loved eva, did he turn human?? was that why the curse broke???
also the bells werent as important i guess?? i totally thought the bell stuff was gonna come back....
also what was all that about how eva was like the first fox??? i thought while reading that aurora misinterpreted the vision "he'll fall in live with a Fox" that jacks will fall in love a fox girl but in reality a capital f Fox but castor said in tbona that she was similar to the first fox and eva said that the little fox nickname was familiar.....
anyway thats it for now, after i reread my notes from the three books i might add to this. overall, i think the book was ok, but definitely not enough to be an finale especially for a 5 book arc for jacks. i think the book shouldve been a whole lot longer but i kinda feel like garber wanted the length to be similar to the previous books so the end felt pretty rushed. i kinda feel bad that i had more dislikes than likes when i rlly loved the first 2 books so this was so..... i think there were a lot of good ideas but the execution was not it i guess
i do get that this is a romance focused trilogy, not a fantasy so you could argue that plot points and lore shouldnt be looked into as much but the relationship and character development of evajacks could be better too... imo it's mostly jacks character that was lacking
also this did feel like a build up for an apollo book but garber said she wont write for this universe for a while so ??? kinda disappointed if there will be an apollo book bcs the amount of apollo chapters screwed jacks over but in the caraval series, the ending focused on the actual main characters at least and not so much on jacks.
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natsmagi · 1 year
tbh maybe this is a hot take but i really dont get why people insist on having one person in natsumugi be this Super Toxic one and the other a victim. the easiest conclusion to draw is natsume being the bad guy and tsumugi the victim due to natsume getting physical and berating him at times but far too commonly do i see people insist that its the other way around and that tsumugi is actually the super toxic one and natsume just lets tsumugi emotionally manipulate him and thats ?? so weird to me ??? both of these are so weird to me ???
i can ofc see where theyre coming from. both natsume and tsumugi have plenty of issues going on in their heads. i feel like natsumes situation is more commonly understood as him simply just being difficult though and not being the best at managing his emotions, and with tsumugi i get it because he doesnt really have much of a moral compass. he doesnt quite understand peoples feelings and it results in him doing pretty fucked up things at times, but to then frame him as someone who would be abusive?? that doesnt sit right with me
tsumugi may not understand peoples emotions and be apathetic to the struggles people are going through, but its clear to anyone that that man has good intentions at the end of the day. at WORST he may get overbearingly controlling, but its never in a "you cant do x y z" way, its in a "i signed us up for this job opportunity because i thought it sounded nice and didnt speak it through with you beforehand and now we have to do it" way. had this been 2nd year tsumugi maybe he wouldve been far more desperate and even manipulative to an extent because he was in such a dark place, but current day tsumugi is actively trying to understand people better. hes trying to learn how to feel. in wonder game he even outright said that natsume taught him pain and everything else. his growth is clear
i cannot see tsumugi taking advantage of natsume in a genuinely destructive way with modern day ntmg. again, maybe during the earlier !-era stuff he could be more destructive, but natsume also does a relatively good job keeping tsumugi in his place during that time too, with him getting physical and all. its only in !!-era where tsumugi doesnt really mind it and can even make playful jokes about it because theyve Had this development in their relationship. theyve moved Past many of their toxic attributes, and theyve finally grown to understand one another. this is also when tsumugi can have a more "dominating" role in their relationship, since natsume has come to trust him to this extent, but tsumugi wouldnt take advantage of that. again; theyve now grown very close and understanding of one another. theyll have banters such as tsumugi wanting natsume to do something like idk. wear a dress. to which natsume will reply with kys but again. in !!-era this is banter and tsumugi wouldnt actually force natsume to do something he doesnt want to. theyre just very comfortable with each other now
i also really hate the position natsume gets put in with all of this. so often he is already hyperfeminized by the fandom for no reason whatsoever (which is especially fucked up considering how much he canonically hates being seen as a girl), and by making tsumugi this manipulative and abusive partner youre stripping natsume of even more autonomy and framing him as powerless. naively in love with a man thats hurting him. and that doesnt sit right with me either!! natsume does have a big heart and he has endured more than he probably should, but to think natsume would just take it ??? natsume has BACKBONE. if tsumugi upsets him he will either 1. get really mad at him or 2. start ignoring tsumugi alltogether. hes not just gonna put up with it. and tsumugi will notice this change in demeanor. ask if hes done something wrong. he may not understand what it was he did but he never intends on hurting natsume and would genuinely want to resolve it. tsumugi isnt stubborn in this regard, if he fucks up he wants to fix it. and natsume isnt a damsel in distress, why do you want him to be a helpless maiden so bad ??
theres alot of nuance to all of this and im obviously not gonna tackle every single element of their relationship and this is just an overview but TL;DR ntmg are both awful and have many faults and their relationship has gotten incredibly unhealthy at times but the point is theyre growing PAST that. maybe sometimes these toxic traits of theirs will resurface, but that does not make one the abuser and the other the victim. theyre just two fucked up people in love, standing as equals and learning to understand one another. stop framing one as evil
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