#that sounds terrifying
Okay okay okay so get this - I'm usually not much of a fan of whumpers, especially if it involves dehumanization, pet whump, humiliation, etc., but my brain supplied me with this little whump concept and I needed to share it with people who would enjoy such a thing.
So, the Whumpee has finally done it. They've escaped. Maybe it was an opportunistic escape or maybe it was carefully planned for weeks or even months. They're running. Perhaps they look horrible, perhaps they managed to scrounge clothes fit for escaping, or perhaps the Whumper liked to dress them in fine things.
They're running and - oh! A person!! A normal person! The Whumpee hurries over to them, no doubt startling the man who was walking his dog or carrying groceries into his house. They stumble over their words or perhaps recite a practiced line that they had drilled into themselves, but the man listens. His forehead wrinkles with concern and his jaw goes taut and soon he's nodding and ushering the near-panicked Whumpee inside his home because "Alright, alright. Everything's going to be fine. Let me make a call, okay?"
And he sits the Whumpee down in a nice, normal living room and gives them a nice, normal blanket before stepping away to do as he had promised. Minutes pass, and the Whumpee can't relax. After their time in captivity, they doubted that they would ever be able to relax again. The man's dog keeps them company, laying on the Whumpee's feet until they hear the front door open.
And - no. The Whumpee recognized that voice. They barely manage to stand before the man enters the living room, leading the Whumper inside and laughing at a shared joke. The Whumper is smiling as they approach, but their eyes are dangerous. The Whumpee instinctively freezes, visibly paling as the betrayal sinks in.
The Whumper takes the Whumpee by the arm and tows them to their feet. "I really am so sorry to inconvenience you. I'm still training them."
"Oh, don't I know that feeling." The man laughs, and that's when the Whumpee spots them. Another person had entered the room, obediently standing next to the man as he pulled them into a side-hug. Silent. Eyes empty. Another one, like the Whumpee.
"I'll see you for dinner on Thursday, same time?"
Oh no.
"Of course! Bring your friend, if you want. And Diane is coming, too."
This was much, much bigger than the Whumpee had realized.
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
the way they made chocolate that manages to be 9 million scoville units is insane (scovilles are used for measuring spiciness). you ever think about that
w.who managed to make that…
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Why did it tell me twice????
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elvhendis · 2 years
I'm sorry but some of the stuff in Crescent City is just so fucking stupid
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i-love-your-father · 16 hours
Why does nobody talk about how scary sex is?
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nil-number · 11 months
It’s never a good time for any app to replicate Twitter but I find it especially mind-boggling that Tumblr and fucking Discord are backpedalling on all of their unique and good features in order to become a clone of a website that is actively losing money and most of their userbase.
Discord is especially egregious considering that it’s NOT EVEN A FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITE. IT’S A GODDAMN MESSAGING APP. It’d be like if whatsapp decided to recommend other family group chats for you via an algorithm
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allo-frouto · 7 months
Like always. But I think it's just too risky. What if not all our atoms manifest at the destination?
Or what if we can't take it and we die?
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mokeonn · 1 year
I am trying to decide what I want to draw today so I think I'm gonna make the Mane 6 in the sims and see where it goes from there
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kissagii · 1 year
i love cw, it sucks that urs wasn't fun :( i probably will, if i do ill def give you the link ♥️
eh it was ok, i had other good classes to balance it out
good luck in your fanfic endeavors haha
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A guy that wants to train me to be a dom just told me he takes cialis EVERY MORNING
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kazscrows · 1 year
Kaz Brekker:
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wickedlittleoz · 7 months
an artist i follow got an ask about whether it was alright to use their art as covers for fanfic bookbinding and i'm. sorry i must have missed this discourse but since when are people outright printing out other people's work and binding them into books? do you contact and get author's permission (sure as fuck hope so)? and how do we writers feel about that, because i certainly feel very uncomfortable with that idea. i mean not to spoil the artistic expression of bookbinding because it's beautiful work that i most certainly could not do, but. you can access them stories any time you want on the websites where they were originally posted. why print them? again i mean i get the pleasure of holding & reading physical books, i much prefer that too, but like. get some books i guess? sorry i come from a place of honesty and tbh surprise and confusion about this whole thing. someone tell me how we're feeling about this. someone explain to me why it's being done. i just wanna understand
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midnightfrappe · 4 months
I'm pretty sure there's a corner in the daycare where toddlers just play with this horrible things for hours
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russilton · 1 month
Oh god I was watching George’s onboard as he just lost the rear into the turn, and he immediately starts screaming “red flag red flag im in the middle of the road fuck!”
I think it’s going to haunt me
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Do you speak spanish?
I have a deep fear of all romance languages.
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arrowmaker15 · 5 months
(Spoiler and Red Hood interrogating an annoying criminal [no, not the Riddler... This time])
Criminal: I'm tellin' ya, no lie!
Spoiler: I don't believe you. Start telling the truth.
Criminal: I'm serious!
Red Hood, pulling a gun out: Tell us!
Spoiler: I'd tell him. My partner here isn't in a very good mood. If I were you, I would talk, because he looks very close to stealing your bones.
Criminal: Stealing my bones!? What the fuck!?
Spoiler: Yeah. I mean, it's the Red Hood. Haven't you heard of him putting heads in a dufflebag? I've seen his bone collection, and I've seen how he gets those bones. Honestly, not pretty.
Criminal: Okay! Jesus fuckin' Christ I'll tell ya everything! Just let me keep my bones!
Spoiler, perking up: Thank you very much!
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