#that movie invented bisexuality btw
azultecnicolor · 1 month
was having trouble drawing for a while and then the first thing i paint is gay shit
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ot3showdown · 1 year
pretty sure the hex girls are meant to be adults, like early 20s, though it might depend on the actual show/movie they are in at the time. btw fun fact, they were invented (in part) by a gay man who really liked Josie and the Pussycats.
i too am a gay person who really likes josie and the pussycats. maybe one day ill create a bisexual/homosexual/sexual awakening girl eco-emo-vampunk band. this is my goal
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maxbernini · 3 years
do you have any avazoe headcanons (or avazoe + finn) :0!
hi sorry for taking so long to answer!! i was already working on an avazoe fic and figured i’d reply to this with a link, but i haven’t finished it yet and thought this ask would help with writer’s block 😅
their canon movie date nights become permanent after they start dating, and they take it very seriously. they create a joint letterboxd account where they argue about scores. ava finds making the movie night schedules soothing, and zoe loves color-coding them. when ava and fatou start releasing music, zoe and kieu my fight over who gets to be the president of the official fanclub. zoe is literally the hype train friend; she makes homemade signs and shirts for their concerts - with nora's help, of course - but is also very supportive when ava starts releasing solo work. their shopping trips are both always wild adventures and always well-documented on insta, even if they're just buying milk and bread. you know that one very cute video? they do that sort of thing all the time; zoe goes to the bathroom and comes back and ava's like "hmm...is someone there? 👀 ", whereas zoe definitely calls out "honey, i'm home!" every afternoon, even when they're walking in together after school (which is almost every day)
avazoe + finn:
remember the blanket onesie thing fatou bought zoe for her bday? she, finn and ava get matching ones: blue, pink, purple. they're all bisexual btw: zoe and finn had one of those "scared to come out to someone bc of their reaction but then they laugh and come out back to you" moments when it was just the two of them; they had a lot of enriching discussions about sexuality, gender, race, expression, politics, etc afterwards that are only further enriched when two became of three. ava comes out to fatou quietly one day, and then the rest of the cashqueens; nora jokes that the flatshare invented bisexuality. fatou and mailin: [smiles in lesbian/asexual solidarity]. the three of them love to cook together, nap together, dance together. finn always brings up when the cashqueens sang for him at his party; to anyone else, it'd come off as a joke gone on for too long to the point of maybe meanness, but zoe and ava know he genuinely loved it and just often thinks of it fondly. they always insist on teaming up at squad karaoke nights. everyone protests that it's an unfair advantage, 3 vs 1, but ismail, trying to team up with kieu my and fatou, supports them. they throw lowkey parties and clean up together in the early morning light. it's nice.
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lildevyl · 5 years
I Came Out To My Family: I’m Bisexual
Tw: Bisexuality, mentions of LGBT+, mentions of the LGBT+ Community, mentions of struggle of identity, coming out.
If any of things bother you, feel free to don’t read.  If you have a problem with me being bisexual then please unfollow me!  I will not have the kinds toxicity on my blog!
To all my readers/followers, if you’re not ready to tell your family or you’re not ready to come out to them.  That’s okay.  You have plenty of time.  I’m 35 years old and I just came to my family.  Don’t rush.  And if you ever need anyone to talk too, rant, scream or just need an ear/soundboard.  My inbox is always open.
Well, like the title says, I came to my family of being bisexual.  Here’s my story!
Yesterday was a very emotional day.  I told my family that I’m bisexual and to amazement they were alright with it.  My brothers, my Mom and my Dad, all were alright with me bisexual.  I can’t tell you how much of a relief it is to tell them that I’m bi and for them to be okay with it.  My Mom told me that she’s alright with it.  That it’s who I am and she supports me wholeheartedly and she also told to be careful because there are going to be people out there that basically think that I’m making the “wrong choice.”  But I’m alright with that.
Growing up, I didn’t really have anything to go by.  All there was for me to see were a Mom, a Dad and the kids.  Whether is was Step Parents or the original parents that’s all I saw and what I grew up believing with my friends and all.  Then I started hearing about GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian [I don’t remember what the rest of the letters stand for sorry]).  So, naturally, I assumed it was either you were gay (same sex couples) or you were straight (opposite sex couples).
I didn’t really have anything for Bisexual which sucked for me!  Because when I hit High School, that’s when I started to notice that I might like girls.  So, obviously I kinda started to freak out a bit.  And started to question what my sexuality was.  Again, didn’t really have anything back then.  I graduated in 2002, YouTube wasn’t even invented yet!  Or Facebook!  Or Twitter any of these cool Social Media where you connect and talk to other people.
Sorry, back to the story.  So, basically I was trying to figure out if I’m straight or if I’m gay, because like I said I didn’t really have anything to go by.  And here’s why I’m saying that.
The Media’s Definition of Bisexuality:
Female:  You’re secretly straight but pretending to be gay because you’re curious of being with another women.  OR.  You’re secretly gay and are pretending to be straight so that you will accepted.
Males:  You’re secretly gay pretending to be straight so that you will be accepted.
You see what I mean?  And this was all I had to go by growing up!  You were straight or gay, because by Society’s and the Media’s (TV, Movies) Definition, that’s it.  And if you bi you were one or the other.  So, you might be able to imagine my struggle.
And it went on for a while.  I even went on a few dates with some girls.  Mostly being a plus one to a dance or movies but yeah.  I’m attracted to girls.  I went out with a few guys and had couple of boyfriends before I met my husband.  Yeah, I’m attracted to guys.  So, what does this mean?  How can I be attracted to both genders? (please don’t comment just yet about genders!).  Then about 2006, YouTube launched and Facebook with MySpace.  So, I had a few places to look things up about my questions.
YouTube I didn’t really get into just yet.  But when Twitter and few others launched.  That’s when I found out what Bisexuality really is!  What the real definition is!  Bisexuality:  You’re attracted and into both male and female.  Finally, I got it!  I was so happy and relieved!  And very scarred at the same time!  How can tell my family this?  I really was scarred to tell my family.  I was more close to my Dad then my Mom but both of them were very overprotective and strict.  Not in a bad way but they strict about somethings.
So, I told my boyfriend (husband now) Rayden that I’m bi.  And he was completely alright with it and supported me 100%  So, that definitely wasn’t a problem.  But I struggled in trying to tell my family.  I kept talking myself outta of it because I kept having these worst case scenarios play through my head and if they didn’t accept me for being bi I didn’t know what I would do!  I couldn’t really stay at a friend’s house if it came to that.
So, I didn’t tell them for the longest time.  It wasn’t until I was financially stable, about to get married and had a place to move out to that.  I decided to come out, at least to my brothers.  BTW, this was 2,013 when I did this.  Both of them were okay with, actually they didn’t really bat an eye.  My youngest brother, actually said that “Yeah, I know.”  Apparently, I didn’t really hide as well as I thought I did.
Fast track to today or yesterday.  I finally, decided to tell my parents.  Trust me, I was ready to burst into tears at just thought of coming out but I did it.  And they’re alright with it.  I can’t tell how much of relief that is!  But yeah, after 17 years of struggling, I came out to my family of being bisexual.
Oh, and before I forget.  The reason why I said don’t comment yet on the gender thing?  That’s because before I joined the JSE and Markiplier Communities I didn’t know what non-binary or genderfluid or what asexual is at the time.  But, if your bisexual and attracted to someone who’s non-binary or genderfluid or ace.  Well, at least for me it still accounts.
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shitthehousessay · 6 years
Ok. Since you all *insist*... (Also I saw this and was like ok cool I’m bored and didn’t realize till I read through some of them that some were references to a series I have yet to read, so excuse me, I just answered these as myself.)
1. Melody is my full name. I’m not giving my last name for privacy reasons and I don’t tell anyone my middle name, but I’ll tell you the first initial is C.
2. I’m a Taurus.
3. I’m a tiny 5′3″ and 100 lb person with curly shoulder length red hair and bangs, hazel eyes, and I’m honestly really pale.
4. I’m 17.
5. I don’t have any set style. It depends on my mood, the weather, and if I’m going anywhere. But my summer aesthetic has been shorts and crop-tops, rompers, and these big golden sun glasses.
6. I have these lined leggings I love and this olive green off the shoulder romper that’s so cute I’m honestly in love with it.
7. Just my ears so far.
8. I have a ring and I usually wear some sort of pendant but my last one’s chain broke and I have yet to get a new one so.
9. Not yet.
10. Same as number 4.
11. I always smell like oranges. I use orange essential oil as perfume. I have for the past like 2 years and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
12. I always have a notebook I carry everywhere and a favorite pen of the moment, so I guess that’s one (I’m just counting them as a pair). Right now I have a Polaroid I’m obsessed with and I guess the last two are the notebook I have our summer bucketlist and movie bucketlist in and my relationship scrapbook type notebook.
13. Ummmmm... literally no clue ?? I don’t even exactly have a favorite animal so like fersona ???
14. Dude. I’ve got all the psychic bullshit down. Seeing ghosts and telling the future and auras and shit? I got it; Looked into it and I guess that would be Divination primarily.
15. I don’t know if it counts as magic but I am like *sooo* unlucky. I would also suck at any sort of spell casting just cause luck/lack of coordination. 
16. Air? I love storms and rain and stuff.
17. Maybe I’m missing a reference here but I have like no clue what this is asking. (Feel free to enlighten me.)
18. Dude. A hedgehog. They’re super cute and I’m thinking about getting an emotional support hedgehog and it’s gonna be a little black one named Shadow so yeah.
19. No comment but if I had the power to do so... Well. There are some people I do not like.
20. Dude. Excedrin is great for migraines. 
21. I couldn’t pick one so Death, The Hermit, or The High Priestess. 
22. I was in Tennessee actually.
23. My favorite color is blue.
24. My least favorite color is yellow.
25. I’m right-handed.
26. I was a little princess who wanted to wear dresses and shit and had a ton of dolls. Hyperactive as hell- as far as I know- too.
27. Can I skip this one? My dad is mean and controlling and my mom is... immature? I don’t know the word for it. Next question.
28. I have a whole brother, two half brothers, a half sister, an adoptive sister, and 3 adoptive brothers.
29. I mean my aunt and uncle who basically adopted me. I wouldn’t use ‘close’ for anyone else.
30. I’m scared of spiders, deep water, clowns, heights (though I’m mostly over it now), and closed spaces.
31. I am bisexual and demisexual.
32. Nope, no allergies. 
33. I have my familial adenomatous polyposis thing I’ve talked about before.
34. Depression and anxiety man.
35. I literally shower everyday, showers are the best.
36. I just like pretty rocks tbh, but I like emeralds (mostly cause they’re my birthstone).
37. I like willows I guess. I’ve always wanted to have one in my yard so I could just sleep under it and just be like hidden by the leaves.
38. Sunny and warm or rainy and stormy. There is no in between and it all depends on my mood.
39. I don’t like the cold just because I am small and have body heat issues.
40. I love summer.
41. I speak English and really broken French.
42. I can sing and I can kinda play piano.
43. Man self-depreciating humor is *everything*.
44. Hot shower and a depression nap. Alternately when I’m staying with my love we cuddle and watch movies.
45. Dude I like what I like, nothing guilty about that.
46. I bite/tug my lip when I’m thinking and spin my ring when I’m nervous. There’s nothing else I can think of really off the top of my head, besides random things I say like double words (”fun fun” or “cool cool”) and so I mean. I also have a thing for pet names/nicknames. All of my close friends have a nickname and I just use pet names generally.
47. Dude I hate people but if you can succeed in making me laugh I’m sure to warm up to you which entails making bad jokes and pocking fun at you but also being there when you need me. It can take a while or like no time at all it all depends on the person and my mood when I meet them.
48. Love, money, knowledge, power, fame.
49. Write, take pictures, cuddle my boyfriend, watch movies.
50. School work, meeting new people, getting up in the morning, and dealing with high school drama.
51. “I’m like a marshmallow that tries to be a cactus and fails repeatedly.” “I’m small but that doesn’t mean I won’t find something to hit you with.” “I’ve never been wrong about anyone.” (Referring to my gaydar.) “I love you, I mean as a sibling. That’s the only time I’ll ever actually say that to you btw.” “I won’t say anything. Then if I’m right I can be like ‘called it bitch!” but if I’m wrong I won’t ever have to live it down.” (About two friends I ship.) “That baby is so cute, I’m actually crying! I just wanna hold that baby, I’m so upset!”
52. Verbal conflict makes me super uncomfortable and as much as I am willing to hit someone, I don’t usually react well to being touched.
53. I suck at  (I know, I know) remembering to brush my teeth.
54. Dude. I have bad self-esteem and I hate conflict so I’m bad at talking to people about things and I’m bad about admitting when I’m wrong because I have a crippling fear of people leaving me and that if I make mistakes or have flaws or whatever they’ll leave me. That’s a start.
55. I’m good at reading people/I can talk to (or make friends) with just about anyone.
56. I have good and bad days. Sometimes I think I’m pretty and others I can’t stand how I look, but it’s gotten/is getting better.
57. I won’t lie, I don’t do well with authority figures.
58. I actually don’t remember if I had any role models or who they were.
59. I love (most) kids. Babies love me- like I am The Baby Whisperer- for no real reason and (most) little kids do too.
60. I do want kids of my own some day. We want 3. We actually want twins and we want to adopt one. 
61. Nope. Not at all religious. 
62. I think as long as you can say you don’t have any regrets at the end of your life- or at least make your peace with them- and you learn to love yourself and hopefully someone else, you’re doing something right.
63. I don’t know. I’d hope it was either meaningful or made someone laugh. If things go how I want, my last words will probably be “I love you.”
64. I want to get married, have kids, and finish a novel before I die.
65. I’d just hope to be remembered fondly by those who knew and loved me.
66. Depends. I send most people memes and things that remind me of them. I occasionally give hugs or lay on people, but physical contact is a weird thing for me so very few people see physical affection as my way of showing I love them and it’s usually when they’re upset/need it. It’s even rarer to hear verbal affection- excluding compliments.
67.  I usually don’t eat breakfast but I have become fond of smoothies.
68. I like spicy occasionally.
69. My favorite fruit is pineapple and my favorite veggie (I count it as a veggie, fight me) is avacado.
70. I love sweets.
71. I’ve had it before, but no I don’t drink.
72. I like herbal tea with honey and coffee that doesn’t taste like coffee. (Ex. white chocolate mocha or frappuccino.) 
73. I refuse to eat seafood besides sushi (makes no sense, I know) and tomatoes. 
74. I like chicken nuggets and grape jelly (also cheIese sticks and jelly) but other than that I can’t think of anything that I eat that makes most people cringe.
75. I need Slim Jims and/or pepperoni and cookies for my plane rides.
76. I don’t know that any foods make me nostalgic, but mozzarella sticks and Chinese food are comfort foods for me.
77. I like to dance and sing and occasionally use hairbrushes as microphones.
78. If anyone stole something important of mine, I’d hunt them down and probably hurt them and get it back.
79. If I won the lottery I’d buy a house and probably a car so I wouldn’t have to get loans.
80. I want to invent a silencer for microwaves so they don’t wake people up- and don’t any of you dare steal that. I want my money.
81. I tend to cling to walls or people I know when in new places or situations. 
82. If someone threatens me I will- depending on the situation- I will either get out of there or threaten them back. But more than likely the latter.
83. Ok, look, I’m no saint. If some rich lady dropped her purse I can’t act like I wouldn't be tempted to give it back a wad or two lighter. At the very least I’d be hoping she’d give me a reward for returning it.
84. Ouch. I’ve had some pretty awful things said to me, but I think the worst was when someone told me it was my fault that they sexually assaulted me.
85. Strangest thing I’ve come across in general? I’ve come across some weird shit man. The internet is strange. There was a video where a guy shoved a glass jar up his ass. That was pretty strange.
86. If someone takes my food what I do depends on who it is. I either just glare or I forcibly take it back and/or smack them. (There are also a few people that I don’t care if they take my food, but they are rare.)
87. If some sketchy-ass person meets me a crossroads and tells me I can have everything I want, I’m not trusting that shit. I’m not selling my soul thanks, not today Satan.
88. When I was younger I wanted to be a singer or an actress when I grew up. 
89. I’m Chaotic Neutral.
90. What’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever done? That’s a long list. Maybe this one time I tried to John Cena (aka running jump) onto a stage. It didn’t end well. 
91. I’ve never been arrested but when I “left” my dad’s it was *technically* “running away” so I was kind of in trouble with the law there for a while.
92. Yes I know how to win a fight. I’ve been in a fair few.
93. I can throw a punch so I’m gonna say yes, I’m good at hand-to-hand combat.
94. Yup, I’ve stolen stuff before. 
95. No, I’ve never killed anyone.
96. Man I find a fair few of things disgusting. Tomatoes are awful for one. 
97. I have a couple triggers, for lack of a better term. I hate conflict, it makes me really uncomfortable. I also hate being touched, that sets me off pretty bad. I don’t know if I have a “worst one” though. 
98. I have no clue what anime character I would be, but feel free to tell me what you think.
99. I have no clue what Disney character I would be either. (I don’t think it’s accurate if I pick myself.) Once again let me know what you think.
100. Dude. Same answer as 99.
101. Same as 99. Again.
102. The only song that comes to mind that I think describes me is Hot Mess by Cobra Starships.
Ok. There you monsters. I did it. Are you happy? That took me like 3+ fucking hours to answer and type out.
-Mel (the Slytherin)
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