#thanks for thinking of me James :’)
aru-art · 9 months
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long time no tma, here's the archival gang in my friends' & i's outfits :]
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mellosghosts · 1 month
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m-magical girl wolverine?!! 😳🍓💝
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nowandforalways · 9 months
Today I'm thinking about how playing Frodo Baggins is a thankless job in much the same way Frodo actually carrying the Ring was.
Like, when people talk about performances in LOTR adaptations, they talk about Sam, they talk about Gollum, they talk about Gandalf and Galadriel. All these characters that have iconic lines and big flashy moments of greatness or bravery or twistedness that let the actor show off. Frodo doesn't have any of those. What Frodo does have is the arguably harder job of making something external that is almost entirely internal, and, in most adaptations, having the most to do, just from a time-on-stage/screen/microphone perspective. But this never seems to get acknowledged and that's always kinda weird/interesting to me. I suppose people just respond to the big heroic/heartwarming/menacing moments, and not so much to littler moments of the same kinds. In the musical, in one of the dialogue breaks in "Now And For Always", Frodo says to Sam "It's not me they'll remember, you know". And that's funny because even if Sam tries to fight that in-universe with the finishing of The Red Book, it consistently ends up being true in a meta sense.
Anyway I suppose what I'm saying is appreciate Christopher Guard, Sir Ian Holm, Elijah Wood, James Loye, James Byng, and Louis Maskell or die by my blade.
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jamesvowles · 3 months
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wet james, austria 2016
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kairennart · 4 months
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For @blacksails-rarepairs
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ryuusea · 5 months
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a new beginning, with you.
sherliam modern au comic
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wikitpowers · 1 month
I think an alternate universe where Kit was a red head would be really funny… because him and Kit would literally be Cordelia and James re-incarnated
WAIT!!! that's a really cute idea,,, and so i have gathered a few pics to show a ginger/copper haired kit (ik it's not cordelia-red, but i think this colour would suit him so well ahhh)
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but i will add that i adore his natural colour (my blonde little baby) so we can have our silly little headcanon that he just has this hair for like a few months in the summer before going natural again :)
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i do love the colour though and the last pic has me convinced his blue eyes would POP with it, ugh he's so gorgeous help me
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sparky-is-spiders · 6 months
S1 Jonsasha AU where Sasha is the Archivist and they start slowly spiraling as they uncover more and more mysteries. Their fascination with The Horrors drives them into each other’s arms. They stay later and later. The storage closet becomes a shared living space for them. Martin hasn’t noticed. Tim doesn’t know what to say to get his friends back. They’re losing themselves in the Archives. They egg each other on. They start becoming more paranoid. Jon is so endlessly, doggedly loyal. This is the only person who can understand him. This is the only person who he has ever understood. They love each other so so much.
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benoits-neckerchieves · 8 months
He is the absolute cutest 😭😭❤️❤️
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Daniel Craig at the “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" premiere, Los Angeles, 11/06/2001. Source: danielovemail on X
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rogueulus · 2 months
rip black brothers you would've loved ethel cain
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thetarttfuldickhead · 5 months
Vague prompt: Rebecca vehemently disagrees with the dad advise that Ted gives Jamie
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Ted, why would you tell him something so stupid – not to mention potentially dangerous! What’s next, are you going to tell me I need to forgive Rupert for the years of lying and cheating and bloody gaslightning, too?”
Ted blinked at her, looking a little stunned, and Rebecca loved him, she did, and respected his opinion hell of a lot more than she did most other people’s, but sometimes he just didn’t get it.   
“Well, no, but to be honest, I kinda thought you might have had already, what with you no longer feeling the need to destroy him and those other things you said.”
“That’s not forgiveness, Ted,” Rebecca said flatly as she reached for the drink she suddenly felt a very strong need for, “that’s just not letting him matter enough to make me do things I otherwise wouldn’t, and that’s not even remotely the same thing.”
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frenchublog · 9 months
happy birthday!!! i hope the cake is intensely chocolate
i'll be eating an opera cake soon and be seated for pirates of the caribbean because it's his time to shine as always
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thank you !!
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aesthetic-uni · 6 months
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I know I’m late to the party but Oh My God™️
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lunarlivs · 1 month
Ohh am I late for Sleepover Saturday? It's technically Saturday in my time again so I hope we're still good haha
Let's see:
FMK the big three, James, Sirius n Remus
3 things you love about Remus that you don't get to see often in fanfic/media representation
you are NEVER late for sleepover saturday!! it’s actually a 24/7 event here ^-^ thanks for asking!
god…. i actually thought of this for so so long and each answer leaves me hurt, but this is the one i feel most good about (and sorry for the long explanations)
marry: remus, because i think about marrying him every day every hour every second, i love that man and i think us living together would work. also i think that means we’d fuck and yes i am very much yes okay yes. james would make a better wife but rems is just my number one
fuck: sirius. i mean, i gotta fuck the hottest and prettiest person to ever have lived right? i think he’d be just a fantastic partner and if me and rem are already married we all can d- *get run over by a car*
which unfortunately means i’d kill: james >_< i love him but games the game sorry baby, next time i’ll marry and impregn- *gets run over by the same car again*
also THANKS FOR ASKING ABOUT REMUS you don’t know how happy it makes me to talk about him <33333 (also idk what you count as not seeing often but these are what popped into my head)
remus being a genuine LOSER. i mean, he’s very much accepted it and is content with it, but he is such a loser and a nerd. yes he’s got that secret charm of a brilliant mind and lovely brown eyes but to most people he is a man with bad posture and star wars stickers on his shitty computer, who wears the same jumper five days in a row and doesn’t remember how to talk to people. he is shy and kind and thoughtful but also the most awkward person you’ll ever meet and not in a good way. his hobbies include reading awful complex books about history, smoking on the parking lot behind his barista job where he is an absolutely bitch, crouching under doorways, saying ”actually” and correcting people who didn’t ask for it, and admiring sirius from afar (they’re still gonna fall in love obvi bc that certain something about his sad dude charm just pierces right through sirius’s though heart)
i love beefy remus. not necessarily muscular but just big, meaning tall and hairy and a soft stomach and thighs like treetrunks… you get the vibe, him and i are new acquaintances but love love love him
remus’s family dynamics can be super super interesting, idk if this is a rare thing but maybe just mostly something i’ve been thinking abour lately. him and hope being each others best friends (again to add to the loser part) and so similar in how they treat other people. she’s shown him how to make a house a home, they bake and cook together a lot, hope read him all the storybooks she could find when he was small. i love lyall being a nerdy funny old man who works with animals (or magical creatures) and loves nothing more than being out in nature with his family. they go on hikes with both of their backpacks filled with books and snack, they look at plants and animals and lyall keeps blabbering on whilest remus is just happy to be with his dad. in a world where remus has lycanthropy i love him teaching remus how to be with the wolf, and how to love himself though it all.
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ashercries23 · 2 months
which marauders character has been chronically online since far too young (in a modern au ofc)? pls tell me your thoughts it’s very important to me. it can be any flavor of chronically online BUT in my head i’m thinking of like YouTube chronically online. Jenna Marbles, Troye Sivan (bonus for troyler/tronner), O2L, SuperFruit, Dan & Phil, etc etc. rb with any specifications
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Avatar fandom on TikTok is scaring me so I am going to teach you all media literacy if it kills me. 
I steadfastly believe that the Neytiri/Quaritch/Spider trio is the most interesting and layered character development JC has going for him rn. Ya’ll not having the basic human empathy to understand Spider or Neytiri’s povs is freaking me out. 
First, Neytiri. Neytiri is someone who has lost half her family, half her clan, and the only home she’s ever known to an oppressive colonizing force. Quaritch is the physical representation of all that pain and loss. He had not only killed countless Na’vi, killed Grace, tried to destroy their connection to all of their ancestors, and is the person who destroyed her home and killed her father, he is also the person who almost killed Jake. He also in a way, represents Jake’s betrayal. We forget, but Jake did betray Neytiri. He stayed with the Omaticaya knowing what Quaritch and Parker Selfridge had planned for them, feeding them information about their home and their strengths, and she forgave him, but Na’vi mate for life and he didn’t disclose that vital information beforehand. Jake was working and spying directly for Quaritch. He represents that hurt. For her, Spider is like a ticking time bomb. He is around her kids and she can’t ever feel safe with this child, this human child of her worst enemy who has caused all of the worst things in her life, in her life and with her family. She tolerates him for her kids but that’s it. I think her mindset totally makes sense, and I really hope she’s able to see past his parentage and accept him! 
Spider is a child. He is not responsible for the actions of his parents, obviously. He has spent his entire life being raised by people that really don’t want anything to do with him. He has been basically a burden his entire life. The scientists were forced to keep him because he was too young to send to Earth, and the Sully’s were not equipped (and did not really try) to take on a human child. They are basically his family, but they don’t treat him as such. Everything that happens with Quaritch is Stockholm syndrome times 10000. And the opposite for Quaritch, which is Lima syndrome. This kid has never had an adult show him care or affection, and now he’s getting it from a weird reanimated clone of his father in a kidapping/hostage situation. Quaritch’s first move is to take Spider from torture. He says you can come with me or you can be tortured. He conditions him from the get go, that’s bad stuff here is good stuff. Even more importantly, in Spider’s eyes he saves his life from Neytiri. I would LOVE to know later if she intended to kill him (pls check out my post on my opinion on the significance of the cut on his chest) but regardless, Spider thinks she did and that Quaritch saved him. Regardless of his motives and how bad of a person he is (irredeemably sorry Quaritch girlies), Spider can’t leave him to die. It’s such a hard decision for him, but he’s a kid and a good person. One who values life like all Na’vi are taught to. And he still leaves him to go back to the Sully’s, who have not bothered to even try to be concerned about him outside of the kids. 
I’m not even gonna get too far into Quaritch, because I know there’s a lot of Quaritch stans out there now which does boggle my mind. But, as awful of a person as he is, he is a super super interesting character in this movie. In the first movie, he is a blatant representation of racism and colonialism in the worst sense, in a way that makes him a great villain but not a very layered character. He is a foil for Jake, showing us the worst of Jake in an outside antagonist. It’s easy to forget by AWOW that Jake used to have a similar mindset to Quaritch. Placing Quaritch in the body of those he fears and hates the most I think is a very fun twist. But what I really loved was his fear of Neytiri and how much that is highlighted in the film. The way he looks at her arrows is just spine chilling, and I can’t wait to see her kill him again because I can’t see it culminating any other way. 
The other thing relating to this is Spider’s fear of Neytiri. Her mistrust and fear of him had been a block in his life basically since birth. Her kids love and accept him as a brother easily, and Jake keeps him at arms length for Neytiri (which is a whole Jake issue but we can get into Jake another time). Neytiri stands between Spider and the family he’s always wanted, and him seeing her fight and just backing up in fear before she grabs him is so good, just a great culmination of all events. What I’d love to see from it is Neytiri and Spider having to come to terms with their fear of the other in order to move on and create a family unit. A son for a son, right, Quaritch gets Neteyam killed so Neytiri, Quaritch’s biggest fear, gets what he wants right now, which is Spider. 
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