#thanks for the ask pookie
s1lly-gh02tz · 6 months
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Xander my pookie pie :3
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anonivap · 4 months
HELLO I have a few questions for kyurie if he can answer. What hair products do you use? Is your hair edible? Are you a top, bottom, or switch?
Sorry for the many questions *giggles and tucks hair behind ear*
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…not even an anonymous ask? where is your shame?
It really does not!
come ON kyurie ANSWER THEM
“hair products”? none. even if i did, why would i tell you? “is your hair edible?” obviously not. and i’d be a mile away from you at all times, so don’t even try.
and as for the last question?
what makes you think i want to engage in that? no nuance whatsoever, it’s disgustingly shameless! ^ ᵕ ^
well i like shameless!! HES A TOP *gets killed*
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[ ·.ೃ࿔°:・ ➳❥ :・゚]
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tianhai03 · 7 months
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hi. did anyone ask for jason voorhees fanart from me in 2023? no? too bad bc im delivering. heres me figuring out how to draw all the different jasons
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heres the same thing but with some silly ramblings..... i just like him a lot💖
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turnipoddity · 5 months
Can’t even if i wanted to
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tigerr-cherry · 16 days
𝙷𝚒, 𝚟𝚊𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 ✏️!!! 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷 𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚆𝚁𝙰𝙷𝙷𝙷𝙶
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UNO REVERSE ‼️‼️💥‼️‼️‼️💥💥‼️
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Ooooo, my favorite blogs? I have a lot but ima just name a few lol:
@iamnmbr3 @meemoop @toorumlk @daddiesdrarryy @peachipies
@littlewinnow @the-colourful-witch @quail-in-red @basiatlu @drarrargh
@draytisms @mzuul and many more!
But ofc I’m not gonna forget about my very special mutuals lol:
@the-wandering-writer4 @kachowblueninja @potterblog @theoverboardgaygirl @sapphos-queer-kid
@rooksrambles @staytotheend @thebookishwallflower @alwayssnilysworld @zombieskae
@drarryshipperandsnover @urstarlitharlot
@that-bisexual @pottistic
@ronsharry @caffeinefics @prettiest-boy-around
@lovethepug @wyked-ao3
I followed you guys for a reason y’know, or maybe I started following you guys first, I dunno
But for very biased reasons, Ima said that @holdenfan7 might be my “favorite” (I definitely don’t have only ONE favorite blog tho)
Her blog may or may not be my favorite blog out there but, she is without a doubt my best friend in the world lol
Thanks for the ask btw!
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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raapija · 1 month
Nando and Lance trying to bake a cake together >:3
Nando ends up smearing flour on Lance's face and idk..cute/ fluffy things happen <33
This was so sweet I had to write a little longer response! So, enjoy this short fic :>
This is set in the future, inside the pookie au, where Fernando and Lance are married and have kids.
Lance and Fernando bake a cake for Lance's birthday. Cutesy stuff ensue... <3
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Lance swiped a stray lock of hair behind his ear as he tapped away on his phone. His hair had gotten quite long in the past couple years and this one gray strand always wriggled itself loose from his bun. The gray had started to push out the second he had decided to stay home when their twins were born. Fernando loved it, though, so he didn't dare cut it off or dye it to match his otherwise dark brown hair.
He heard the front door open and close and Fernando soon emerged into the kitchen with a small shopping bag. He had a gleeful expression, pulling out the carton of eggs and whatever else he had to go get. Fernando had insisted on baking Lance a birthday cake himself but of course they didn't have any of the essential ingredients.
"And, to put on top!" Fernando said triumphantly as he pulled out a small plastic box from the bottom of the bag. He offered it to Lance, who chuckled as he saw the most disgusting looking sugar rose that had probably been sitting on the store shelf for years.
"I'm turning 29, not 60." Lance joked as he carefully set the box down onto the counter next to all the other things. Fernando hummed, ignoring him, and pulled off his jacket to go wash his hands. Lance rounded the counter and sat on one of the barstools to watch Fernando work.
"Bien, aquí vamos!" Fernando clapped his hands together and looked around the counter at all the various ingredients. Lance couldn't help but snicker when Fernando's excitement turned into distress. He clearly had no clue what to do or where to even start.
"Need help, hmm?" Lance cooed and cocked his head at the Spaniard, batting his eyes.
"Please." Fernando said defeatedly, and Lance got up to join him on the other side. He arranged the ingredient again into a more coherent assembly and then pulled out his phone.
"I asked Chloe for a recipe, she sent me this." he showed his husband the picture his sister had sent. He figured they could wing it with whatever Fernando had brought from the store.
"We start with measuring every dry ingredient and mixing them together, yeah?" Lance explained and Fernando nodded along, eager to learn. It wasn't like Fernando was completely useless in the kitchen, but he was just lightyears behind Lance.
Lance had tasked Fernando with measuring out the flour, but as he was pouring it in the big mixing bowl, some of it spilled onto the counter. Fernando was annoyed that he had spilled it, but Lance assured him it was fine.
"No, no.," he rushed to shovel the flour into the bowl with his hands. "It's actually good luck to put it in from the counter. Trust me."
"Right." Fernando huffed and Lance chuckled. He turned to face him and dapped his nose with a flour covered finger. Fernando furrowed his brows.
"You happy now?" the Spaniard asked and made Lance laugh again. He dusted the rest of the flour off his hands and then slid them around Fernando's waist.
"Happy." he said and leaned in to kiss him. Sweet and loving, like countless times before. When they pulled apart, Fernando smiled and gently brushed his fingers over Lance's cheek where his nose had been rubbing against.
"Happy birthday." he said, now with a softer voice. Lance looked into his eyes and found nothing but love and warmth. He kissed him again and then let go.
"Let's bake this cake." Fernando said and they turned back towards the countertop.
"I hoped you were going to say something else." Lance teased. The Spaniard nudged him on the side and grabbed the bowl to start mixing.
"Later, this is important." he said. Lance couldn't help smiling like a kid at that and began to crack eggs into another bowl. He then measured out milk and Fernando gave him the sugar to pour in. They made a pretty good team once Fernando figured out how to read the recipe.
After pushing the cake in the oven and cleaning the kitchen, they both sat next to each other on the barstools and Lance sighed.
"Tired?" Fernando asked and slid a glass of wine towards him. Lance took a sip from it and sighed again, stretching his neck by letting it hang down. He felt Fernando's hand rub on his shoulder to ease the tension.
"Yeah, long day with the kids. Jay woke me up at six." Lance groaned. He loved his kids but sometimes he'd wish they would sleep a full night.
"I take care of them tomorrow. Let you sleep." Fernando said and Lance raised his head. He clinked his wine glass to his husband's and took a big gulp of it.
"Thank you." he croaked after swallowing and felt the gray strand of hair once again flop over his forehead. Fernando smiled and gently tucked it behind his ear.
"You know you're the prettiest?" the Spaniard mused and Lance blushed. They had been together for almost 10 years and he still felt like a teenager every time Fernando said nice things about him.
"Prettiest 29 year old I know, at least." Fernando continued and Lance snorted, threatening to slap him and Fernando quickly moved back, laughing. He almost tipped over with the barstool and Lance had to take a hold of his arm to keep him upright.
"Jesus christ." Lance said and could already see a smirk form on Fernando's mouth.
"Not quite, but almost, mi amor." he jested and now earned a real slap on his back as reward.
"Shut up, idiot." Lance scoffed at him but smiled afterwards. Fernando looked content with making him annoyed with his jokes. He really loved teasing him.
When the cake had cooled down and they had emptied their third glasses of wine, Lance had made some whipped cream and neatly spread it over the cake. Fernando had complimented his skills and got himself a blob of leftover cream.
"Get Jay and Lucy, I want them to decorate it." Lance said as Fernando licked the remnants of cream out the mixing bowl. Lance opened the various bottles of sprinkles and other decorations and spread them on the table around the cake.
Fernando soon returned with the twins, both eager to get their hands on the cake.
"Decoremos el pastel de cumpleaños de papá." Fernando adviced the kids and then gave each of them a sprinkle bottle. Lance followed lovingly as their 2-year-olds covered the cake with sprinkles, chocolate bits and little sugary pearls with Fernando's help. It looked chaotic with all the colors mixed up but it was perfect in Lance's eyes.
"Good job." he said and gave the twins a little high-five each. Fernando scrambled to the kitchen to fetch the rose and plopped it in the middle of it all. It really brought the whole mess together.
"Now we have a taste?" Lance asked the kids and their eyes lit up.
"Yeah!" they shouted in unison with Fernando right behind them. Lance cut each of them a piece and they all settled down around the dinner table, all of them quietly enjoying the cake. Lance was pretty impressed how well it turned out.
"Happy birthday." Fernando kissed Lance on the cheek and the kids did their best to congratulate him aswell, babbling whatever they though sounded similar to their dad. Right now , Lance was probably the happiest he'd ever been. Surrounded by his little weird family and the love of his life on his side. Tomorrow he would lounge around the home the whole day doing nothing, let Fernando tend to the kids for one day.
Oh, heaven... he thought. <3
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sorrinslays · 17 days
What do you think a 5 star Sampo would be like? Both in lore/personality, and in design or even kit! Hell, maybe how he is introduced as his 5 star version would be cool to think of too. I want more opinions on this, and the idea of his 5 star version makes me more and more excited
Hello anon!!! So, I have talked about it a bit while reblogging @feroluce's post about 5* Sampo ideas but I don't mind elaborating on my thoughts a bit more.
In that post, the idea of Sampo having a 'stage hand' inspired abilities/design was presented and I fell in love with it, so a lot of my thoughts are inspired by it.
First and foremost, I think he would have the fire element as a five star. I've seen a lot of people wanting him to be Quantum, but honestly it doesn't speak to me. Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of the Quantum element in general, I don't know.
I think fire suits him for a variety of reasons, but most importantly, it creates contrast. I'd like to start by mentioning that fire is eye catching, going against his theme of the stage hand, a background entity. Can you imagine? Aha creating Sampo to be eye catching, giving him powers that are meant to be viewed, admired. Sampo being created to be the center of attention, yet he goes against all that. Preferring to stay in the shadows and watch everything unfold from a distance.
I like to think that his design is dark, full of cool colours and drenched in black, showing that he himself wants to blend in with the background and his element being the exact opposite. Him going against his 'nature' you could say. Against his purpose.
If we want to look a bit deeper we can go two ways. Firstly, fire represents enlightenment, self-awareness, rebirth, and rebellion which (if we follow my headcannon of Sampo being a Creation of Elation turned Emanator) would suit him a lot. Enlightenment when he understood the real meaning behind Elation. Self-awareness showing that he understands what he is, what he wants to achieve and how. Rebirth as in leaving the Masked Fools and their flawed view of Elation. Rebellion because he goes against his Aeon, his creator.
Furthermore, it's be nice to see how a character like Sampo would respond to having Aha as a "parent"/creator. The struggle of sharing an ideology yet trying to distance himself from his creator. His appearance being the complete opposite of his powers would be a cool way to show how he resists Aha's view of Elation.
As for his playable path... I want to keep him Nihility. The path of IX is very similar to the Elation at it's core. Both believe that the universe has no meaning, THEY just respond to it differently. Where IX does nothing because there's no point in doing anything, Aha acts in a way that would entertain only THEMSELVES.
Alternatively, it'd be nice if Hoyo made the Elation a playable path only for Sampo's 5* design. It'd be mad funny but also on theme with how meme-y hsr really is.
Now, for his clothing. Like mentioned previously cool tones and dark clothing is the way to go. But, to elaborate more on that I think there's specific parts of his original 4* design that I would like to keep, like his jacket that looks like a ring leader's jacket, just in a different colour and with other accessories/details.
The snake symbolism should stay as well, I think. It's be nice that instead of snake bones it would be leather and shit, to show that it's "alive", that he's back to being an active Emanator.
I also really like the idea of him having two sets on hands that at his fingertips end in different colours that was proposed by the original post I linked earlier. The first set fading to white and the second to black showing how one set is pulling the strings in the background while the other is the one everyone sees.
I think his mask should rest on top of his head like Sparkle's, a plain red thing contrasting with his blue hair and dark clothing, another contrast to Aha.
Personality-wise I think he would be pretty much the same, expect less greedy and money-driven. I don't know, I feel like that's a part of Sampo Koski's personality, not his, if that makes sense.
If you want a bit more on how 5* could work in my mind in the story I recommend you read my post on Gepard's role in the story, although it's mostly about Gepard I managed to sneak in a few thoughts on Emanator Sampo because of course I did
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hals-homo-blog · 3 months
what are your thoughts on the other freemans? like gorgeous and feetman ?
I like them all for the most part!! I need to keep researching for some of them, like actually watching Gorgeous Freeman past the first 2 minutes of ep1.
Feetman, I like as a character, but I think I might kick him in the shins if I was in the same room as him, he's kinna loud and fritzy. I really like how, like, caring/paternal he gets what with Joshua and Tommy and even Coomer sometimes. It's just a really charming and endearing character trait.
Gorgeous frightens me, I would hide under the bed from him, I think. I like the fandom interpretations of him a lot, I think he's become such a fun character, but I will still be hiding under the bed thanks. I think everyone who draws him looking kind of like Markiplier is objectively correct.
OG-man is such a funny creature, I love him so much, I think he deserves the world. He deserves to have a good hot meal, and a nice hot bubble bath, and the longest coziest sleep known to God or man. That said, he's very intimidating with that stern, almost angry resting face he has. I think if he looked at me like that I might disintegrate into dust like a Thanos Snap.
There are other Freemans or Freemen too, like the Google Translate one and a speed running one and the one that wants to save all the scientists, and I will eventually learn all about them and form proper opinions on them in time.
For now, all I really know is that everyone thinks the Google Translate one, Cicero, is baby, and as far as fandom absorption of content goes, I agree. He seems like a funny little fella who is very nice. I think we would have a really nice time chatting together and neither of us would know what the hell the other was talking about, but we'd have a nice time regardless. I look at THIS drawing of him in particular from junkbrainz and I'm like:
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I dunno anything about the Speed Running one, I forget his name, probably Speedman or something, but I like to think that in a Freemanverse context that he and I/Hal would be very roadrunner/coyote-esque. Especially considering that Hal operates on cartoon physics, I think it would make a super funny background gag if Hal was just setting up these goofy-ass ACME type traps to try to catch Speedman or make him sit still lol.
I find it funny how intimidated I am by these objectively un-intimidating Freemen (OG mostly and Gorgeous, kind of) when by far the meanest, loudest, angriest and most violent Freeman is my beloved pookie-bookie sweetie pie. lmao. I relate so much to Freemind, I love him, I need to smooch him and hold him close tbh. He's so right about everything and all of his opinions on things are correct. I think most of all I relate to like, this ongoing struggle he has where "Everyone is an incompetent idiot but me, and my life is so much harder than it has to be because everyone is being actively stupid." ESPECIALLY AT WORK LMAO.
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zhongrin · 4 months
cw/tw. gif(s), child neglect, depiction of starvation & frostbite, suicidal thoughts
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𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈
Candour of Light and Shadows
Quest Started
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I still think
Some people were born a shadow.
"ーHappy birthday, sweetheart!"
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"Thanks, mama!"
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"May Lady Tsaritsa bless my little snowflake so he grows up big and healthy... And may She protect you from all dangers and surround you with love and happiness!"
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"..... Mama, what about-"
"Hold on, darling."
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Every year, instead of burning candles, I burn the memories of you.
Every year, instead of huddling in front of a warm fireplace, I relive the memories of the icy grave you call home.
Every year....
I wonder.
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Why didn't you just di̴̖̊ë̷̻͙́̒̿̆ that day?
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Why did the gods pity you when your own blood couldn't care less?
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Why you? Why me? Why us?
I dare not defy the fate bestowed upon me. This is the role we were bestowed with. The second option. The second best. The supporting role.
The shadow.
But maybe....
Just... maybe.
Maybe all this time, I've been tricking myself, thinking I was undeserving. Of the spotlight. Of the warm fireplace. Of..... a home.
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“Happy birthday, Cov!!”
“My my, did we catch you off-guard so much you were about to unsheathe your sword?”
“Ah... I'm..... sorry.......”
“It's fine, it's fine. More importantly, do you like chocolate cakes? I had no idea what kind of cake you'd like but since you love hot chocolate and cookies, I thought you'd like themー”
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“Thank you.”
Maybe one day, I'll be able to feel truly worthy of this.
I guess…. Just for today, I can be the light.
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𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞
Candour of Light and Shadows
Quest Completed
[ To be continued(?) ]
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junkanimate · 5 months
but would Johnny hide from his fans or just deal with it?
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Finishing the round of ask from the "7-hour jorney" Let's be real, of course Johnny would handle his fans like a champ! Straight up no need to hide or anything
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 7 months
Hello wifey!😚 I am hear to ask about Chrsyta and her boys!✨🍒🦇
What was their first “I love yous”??? Where were they when they said it, WHO said it first? Were they all together when said or was it just chrysta alone with one of the guys???👀 ((saying I love you seperated))
GET YALL A GIRL LIKE MJ (Oh wait, you can't caUSE SHES MINE/j)
Babes is a strong one for sticking around this long MWAH 🩷🩷 you have NO idea what the boys being softies so rarely does to me it makes me WEAK
NOW, into questions hehehe... >:]
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First 'I Love You?'
Starting this one off strong with Dwayne! I know, shocker that it isn't (*COUGH* Cherry's favorite *COUGH*) David, but our tall brunette was actually the first one to get a confession of feelings. 👀
It was after Chrysta decided to split off from the rest of the boys to take Laddie off and see some street performers and Dwayne decided he was the only who'd be able to keep his childish coven member and girlfriend in check.
Now, Chrysta had always used silly little excuses to (get spoiled 🙄) get Dwayne wrapped up in something she either wanted to do or wanted to have.
Example: "cause I'm too pretty to say no to?" "Cause I'm your favorite?" And it either made the two giggle or it worked enough Dwayne couldn't say no and was pulled into her mischief making. He doesn't look it, but he can be a pushover. 😉
"Dwayne? Can we please go get matching piercings?" Chrysta hurried over to the tall males side, Laddie tagging along her her hand was interlocked with his much smaller one, the boy looking just as excited, glancing between the two.
"No. Why do you want one anyway? Wanna get caught?" He had asked almost mocking, like a scolding parent, while he hooked a finger around one of Chrysta's hoop earrings, tugging on it gently to emphasize his point.
Chrysta studded put her bottom lip into a pout, giving a small huff turning her head from his hand and craning her neck up enough to look at him, before taking his hand into both her own, bringing it up to her lips to hide the little grin forming on her face.
"...Cause I love you?"
That did the trick. Dwayne fell silent for a second, obviously fighting every fiber of his being, keeping him from making a decision he'd regret.
"... Fuck..." He hissed through his teeth with a smirk he tried so hard to fight from showing. "You know how to get what you want with those big eyes, don't ya, babes?"
Chrysta didn't verbally answer, she just nodded with a small giggle, as her heart raced both relived and nervous about waiting for a reaction from the dark brunette to her silly little proclamation.
"How about we wait till Laddie's a little older for those. Can you do that for me, baby?" Dwayne spoke in a tender voice, getting closer to Chrysta's face, gently setting the pad of his thumb against her bottom lip while he spoke.
"Okay." She replied quietly, giving a little nod in case he hadn't seen her mouth the word, her gaze felt shy but she never looked away from him.
He kissed the tip of her nose in response, his thumb leaving her lip and his pointer finger gently ran down the bridge of her nose, tapping the end of it where his lips still lingered.
"I love you too."
Now David... He's a man who has been in immortality for a long time, and many days, and many years, he's heard 'I love you' from everyone and all. And everytime, that's all it's ever been. Words. Words from people who merely saw him as something he made himself appear to be, and never the thing he was- and I don't mean a vampire thing. But he was a man, for hells sake, a man with feelings.
So after a while, the meaning of such a confession was something he'd never take seriously, and some part of him almost made a promise to stay to that opinion, and stick to it for the rest of his immortality.
That was... Until she showed up.
"I love you."
The words left in a soft whisper against his skin, causing his eyes to open and look at the young woman who had made herself comfortable in what she considered safety, nestled against his side his one arm around her figure, the other resting behind the back of his head against her bedframe, while both of her own pale limbs were folded atop his shoulder, resting her chin atop them, her face so close to the side of his, he could feel her thick lashes brush against his jaw.
Her emerald eyes gleamed in the dim light of the lamp at her beside, sleep heavy on her eyelids as she fought sleeping just yet, the late night hour ticking by on the clock echoing in the empty hallway.
"You don't mean that." He responded simply, no malice or teasing in his voice, no heartbreak or longing, he spoke as though it was passing conversation. He turned his head to look back up at the ceiling, an ache where his heart used to beat strumming low in his bare chest. "None of them do."
It was quiet for a while, but there was no tension or awkward filler in it. It was almost.cknsidered peaceful, if Davud couldn't hear the furious beating of her heart thumping in his ears and the rushing blood deep in the veins on her wrists.
She exhaled a breath he supposed she was holding for a second, before he felt her fingertips brush against cheek gently grazing along the stubble etched down his jaw. "That's fine. You don’t need to believe me."
Her head lolling to the side, going limp against the comfort of pillows as she continued to stare at him while he fought even a single glance at her. "You don't need to love me right now, or ever. Just know that's how I feel."
Her warmth never left his side, even if he was expecting it, and to be left in the cold, hollow husk of his own comfort and body. But it never came, just like a response on the tip of his tongue he felt unable to say. It was only then, he cosidered to look back at her, only to see her eyes had finally closed, her heart slowing as she began to fall asleep, her lips slowly parting as soft breathing followed, rolling down is collarbone. She slept blissfully unaware of how up till this point, how much she'd truly captivated David.
He'd have to leave soon. Before the sun began to show in only a few hours, before he'd have his boys looking for him for running off into the night much longer than he expected. But... He didn't feel like leaving. He didn't want to leave. And he knew why. She'd know why too.
Yet she didn't pry it from his lips or demand him to say it. She'd wait, and she'd wait as long as her life could handle. He wondered if she already knew while he wouldn't be able to vocalize it, something deep down in his lost soul, could tell her, whisper to her in a moment of passion that he did love her. Maybe. Just maybe...
NOW breaking from the sappy and dramatics LMAO were going to Paul who had may or may not have been under the influence of... Um... A very likeable weed. 👁👁 And Chrysta was put on babysitting watching duty of the goofy rocker who was... High off his rocker.
Sort of like Dwayne, Paul's confession was spoken in a playful banter, but the words did the job. It started when Chrysta decided to tease her loopy boyfriend after he had cotinuesly confirmed he 'liked her so much' to which, she challenged him 'What if I like you more?'
So the banter continued and escalated until Paul had finally said "I like you sooooo much that I love you~"
Chrysta had a hard time keeping it together after that, and gladly accepted his offer in a kiss and hugs.
"Are you sure you're not just saying that cause your high, Pauly?" Chrysta asked, her chin perched on top of his head, blowing away a few strands of his crazy hair tickling her nose.
"Mnm, nope. S'all true, Dime-Piece. Knew you had be mine the minute I saw you." Paul responded, sighing content as can be as he inhaled the scent of weed and cherry perfume intoxicating his lungs. A dopey grin spreading across his face when he felt her soft lips press against his forehead.
And finally, Marko... Who was the toughest one to crack when it came to him actually saying the three words. Marko isn't one to get very lovey dovey unless it's very special, rare moments shared between him and one of his significant others. I mean, why waste time on words when he could express or share his love in so many other, better ways?
And much like David, Chrysta never really tried to get him to say it, and it didn't bother her. She knew if her boys loved her or not, and she knew Marko loved her, even if he didn't say it as kuch as she did. She could say it enough for the both of them, LOL.
He didn't actually say it to her for a long time- it was actually very far into their relationship- after the birth of three out of four of the girls (Annie, Jenny, and Tiff.) When he and her were trying to have a baby... But things weren't going as planned.
Marko and her were even supposed to have a baby before she and Paul were going to have one... So you can imagine the salt in the wound when things turned out how they did. It stung a lot.
It had gotten to a point the curly haired vampire was almost nervous that having a kid of his own was going be impossible- or very little chance of happening...
Until one night Chrysta had almost casually slipped in how they should be expecting a new member of the coven really soon.
It took a few seconds of denial as he bolted upright to look at her and ask 'Are you serious?' About twenty times, before he immediately scooped her up into his arms, holding her as tight as he possibly could as though he was terrified it was all dream, while repeatedly saying "I love you" muffled into her shoulder as she excitedly laughed in her lovers embrace.
Now it seems a day doesn't go by she doesn't hear the words from Marko. ❤️❤️❤️
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turnipoddity · 1 month
im in a lecture rn shoutout to the guy behind me who just saw some fresh new saw smut
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seeingivy · 4 months
Do you draw inspiration from.your own life (events, emotions...) to write ?
I think this is something I do specifically for my longer form fics...the one shot tend to be more of the sporadic, cute scenarios I imagine while I go to sleep. but longer form fics are where I really start digging into my own life and putting my own thoughts/feelings into it
a few examples:
roommate eren: actually doesn't really apply, because that was so early into my writing.
method acting eren: (gets bullet points)
eren as a character and y/n as characters I feel have parts of myself that I often feel like are at war with in my own head lol (which is why they have conflict!!)
y/n gets swayed by people around her so quickly and cares about what people think - a little too much. eren is also just deeply self destructive at times and so in his own head that he can't see what's in front of him at all. those two things combined are not a pretty combo, which is why x y and z happens in method acting.
historia's whole being jealous of y/n arc is based of me in real life!!! struggle with real life comparisons so hard and it can be something that is so obsessive for me. when the song lacy came out, it was the first time I really felt seen in the way that wanting to be like someone else so bad can be so all consuming that I wanted to kind of include that in the fic, esp how it pertains to female friendships (will say, all the reception I got about that character and that friendship soothed a lot of rough spots in my heart about that so I appreciate you all)
lana's struggles with love - particulary the part that she has bad relationships of love modeled to her, hence why she originally puts up with ricky in the first place is also based on me (guys this fic is so self indulgent please leave me alone ok) and I haven't reached the whole self actualized love part but i'll get there! (thank you for all the love on the lana character I could cry if I thought about it)
also a bit more deep, but a lot of criticism that I got about the fic (esp after the whole reveal of why eren did what he did) was like "oh he could have just told her" "I don't get why he didn't" was kind of meant to be a more subtle thing of how when you love someone who is struggling with mental illness/bad environments (which at that point he was in a kind of abusive relationship with his producer so), it's often that the way that they cope or react as a byproduct is sometimes something that doesn't make sense/isn't logical - and is no way that something to put up with (which is literally why she doesn't), but it's also why eren is more logical and rational when he gets help. you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped (which at that point he didn't want to) and they need to put their own work in (which eren obv does after everything that happens)
^^ (this is based on relationships that i've had in my own life but also feeling put in that position of doing things that weren't rational and didn't make sense that hurt people and later realizing when I put the work in what a lot of that actually was and trying to have grace with it)
kind of random, but I always imagine method acting sasha as poc. I didn't want to say it explicit so people didn't start beefing with me about x y and z, but that's why she doesn't get the same treatment as y/n or mikasa. (not saying that y/n is white or fits beauty standards, but she's a self insert so I can't exactly assign her a race so the same point can't be made). but for the sasha character, it's kind of those feelings that poc/darker skinned girls get of not being the person anyone is interested in, the girl who is always funny and never pretty, super motherly but never the girl anyone has a crush on. anyways. (sincerely the token mom friend in highschool!!!)
best friends older brother sukuna:
so like. ive never talked to my best friends older brother. he is thirty. and he's also married to a sweetie pie.
a big part of that fic is obviously intimacy - but more the fact that there's a lot of depth to intimacy beyond sex - especially for people who have bad first experiences and how they kind of have to grapple with that afterwards (I will not elaborate on how I relate to this. connect dots.)
AND ALSO. sibling relationships is a big part of that fic. I have two older siblings (and the fic also has two older siblings). the relationships that I have with both of them are so dynamically different - in terms of good sibling/bad sibling (if that's even a thing, which the point is kind of that it's more complicated than that) and also younger/older dynamics
^^I won't elaborate more on that but just know in that fic that i've had my fair share of sammy and my fair share of sukuna - but also had my moments where i'm immature and not fair like y/n and yuuji. so.
thanks for this ask it was so fun!!! so sorry I yapped....and overshared.....
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albwreckt · 7 days
[ Leicester ] - Hilda spotted a familiar face above the parapet of the other partygoers and hastened her way to its owner.
"Baltie!" she trilled. "They're about to play a song from--- what are you wearing? Did you make your shirt?" With an eye for both detail and fashion, the handcraftsmanship had not gone unnoticed. She studied it for a moment before shaking her head. Not now! "Never mind, there's time for that later. They're about to play a song from home! You must know this one, right?"
She tucked a black feather into the brooch displayed on his lapel before dragging him to the dance floor. For a girl a foot-and-a-half smaller than him, she sure could muster a surprising display of strength when she wanted to.
“Oh, this? Bernie made it for me. It rocks, I know. Shows off the puppies while keeping it refined & modest.” He did a once over of… His own body. Real humble. But luckily for Hilda, she cut off his ego-stroking long before it got out of control. In a flash, Balthus found himself tailing his old friend, his ears listening for a familiar tune. 
And while the song was great and all–brought back memories both sour and sweet of his noble days–he frowned. He wasn’t as happy as Hilda might’ve expected him to be, or at all, really. Not when they reached the dance floor, not when he received the feather, not even when chocolate pearls met the gaze of that pair of strawberries. 
Because there was something heavy on his mind. And it wasn’t her. 
“Look, Hilda–” he raised his free hand in protest, digging through his outfit to produce a bell to bribe her with, “I know you like dancing and all, so I won’t put a stop to this,” He swallowed hard. The intro to the Leicster number was coming to a close; soon dancers would whirl about the floor as the first verse kicked in. He had all of fifteen seconds to spit it out. 
“But promise me you won’t tell Holst you’re letting people prance around with you tonight. He’ll do unspeakable things to me if he finds out I didn’t break the arms of anyone who tried.” 
To sweeten the deal, he fixed his ornament to her brooch. An overwhelming burden of fear lifted from his shoulders as he did.
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soleiltm · 5 months
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#SOLEILTM. but i think - if you're going to kill a bunch of people - you might as well have some fun with it. / independent & semi-selective original character, written by anna-belle.
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